Slavic 401K Brochure
Slavic 401K Brochure
4il[|l] lmploUeo Inrullment Iuide \5*"''**" $lavic Investment Irnup $lavic Integrated fdministratitn [$1fl] SIA servesasa Third ParryAdminisffaror ro qualified retirementplans.SIA was founded in 1995 ro concentrate on PEO, mudtiple employerplan administration and compliance.It containsrhe systems,staffand expertise necessary to meld and deliverthe fully bundled 40lk plan product sponsoredby the Slavicgroup of companies. Using Reliussoftware,along with proprietarytrading and web enabledsystems,completeserviceis provided to both Thesemanagedportfolios comewith an extrachargeof 25 basispoints and provide an alternativeto participants not wishing to self direct their accounts.If the plan sponsor approves, all fund revenue(l2b-l,subTA) commonly paid to brokersand investmenradvisors,is refundedto participant accounts;this featureensuresSMF delivers unbiasedinvestmentrecommendationsand selectsthe bestperforming funds available. sponsorsand participants:this entailsall functions neces- Ieprsiturg $ervices Inc[[$l] saryto administera qualified plan in a competitivemar- DepositoryServices Inc.(DSI),a DBA for Slavic ket place.In conjunction with a bundled serviceplat- IntegratedAdministration, Inc.(SIA), operatesa segregar- form, is S[A's focuson Multiple Employer Plan compli- ed bank accountutilized for processingcontributions and ance,which is unique to the PEO industry participant directedtransactions.Funds remain in this asdictatedby IRS RevenueProcedure2002-21.This accountonly on a short-term basis,as they areforwarded concentrationenablesthe PEO to operarea cost effective to mutual funds for tradesor disbursedto participantsfor plan within the very complex regulationsgoverning distributions,loansand rollovers.No interestis paid on this industry. the float and no feesarechargedto participantsfor useof this account. Slavir Investment Iorpuratiln [$1il SlavicInvestmentCorporation (SIC) is an NASD Broker/Dealerand a memberof SIPC.Foundedin 1988, SIC focuseson providing mutual fund platforms to retirementplans.As an independentbroker dealerutilizing the Sunguard/Fideliryclearingarrangemenr,we can offer any fund for trading, without being tied to one fund family or product. This structureis true open architecture, whereby 12b-l feesand other fund revenuecan be reimburseddirectly to participant accounts.Therefore, SIC providesthe trading link, allowing participantsto exchangemutual funds acrossmultiple fund familiesat no charge. $lavic ilutual funds ffi anagement hrptratitn [$ilt] As an SEC registeredinvesrmentadvisorand plan fiduciary, SMF ana\zes, monitors and recommendsmutual funds asinvesmtmentoptions for retirementplans,subject to the approvalof the sponsor'sinvesrmentcommittee. In addition, SMF offersindividual investmentadvice to participantsat no chargeand managesthree portfolios asextraoptions embeddedin the mutual fund platform. $fl$ tlo70fludited Foundedin 1995, administrates Defined Contribution Plansas third parry administratorworking in conjunction with SlavicMutual FundsManagement Corporation (a registeredinvestmentadvisor)and Slavic InvestmentCorporation (a NASD registered Broker/Dealer).The recordkeepingfunction of the plan is the responsibiliry of The recordkeeping servicesperformedadhereto the guidelinescontained in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Statementon Auditing StandardsNo. 70, enti"Service tled Organizations"asamendedby AICPA "Service Statementon Auditing StandardsNo, 88 entitled Organizationsand Reporting on Consistency." IuturB Building fl $tart TrBuild fl[inanciallu u Iuture $ecure Trdag It is up to eachand everyone ofus to responsiblysave and preparefor retirement.To help you accomplishthis important goal, one of the most innovative401(k) plans is now availableto you aspart of our comprehensivebenefits program.This vehicleis essentialin building a sound and securefinancial future. The funds that comprisethe 401(k) plan aresomeof the bestfunds from someof the bestfund families.Tney havebeencarefullyselectedto crearea broad crosssection of funds from many different investmentsryles. Hopefully, this will provideyou with excellentinvesrment choicesin almost any qpe of market conditions. Your companyis offering you one of the most cost-effective and progressive retirementplansin the country. \With this plan, you can look forward to savingand investingto meet many of your personalfinancial challengesin retirement. You arestrongly urged to participatein this valuable program - a plan that was specificallydesignedto meet your needs. [idllJe tlJhg [hmse slaviclril hctm? Cost-Effectiveness Alongsideyour companyis,the administrative arm of our plan, which seelato provide low-cost administration.In largepart, this is due to the integration of systemsand to the largenumber of plan participants servicedby Slavic.The web site ( a quick, efficient and cost-effectivemeansby which participants can gain valuableaccountinformation. 401 fl$ecure luture lhlBuilds For The Employee Savingfor retirementis your responsibiliryand in light of the dim prospectsfor SocialSecuriry the needfor a taxadvantagedlong-term savingsprogram is a necessiryfor almost everyone.It is estimatedthat by the year2010 more than half the population age65 and older will be living below the poverty level.Your company-sponsored 401(k) offersa payroll savingsplan that can help you preparethe financial foundation you needto preparefor a financially securefuture. Slavict 40 1(k) is not only an excellentfinancial vehicle,it is one of the most cost-effectivebenefitsoffered.The plan: . Institutesa vitally important savingsplan. . Keepsyou informed about your investment. . Providesparticipantswith accessto personalaccount information via the Internet at t|iUhlights rf IhePlan t|ighlights 0fIhe4il[h]Plan 1. Low Administration Cost Typically,the high cost of administrationmakesthe 401(k) impracticalfor most small to medium-sizedbusinesses. The economyof scaleachievedby makesthis 401(k) cost-'effective and workablefor your 4. Quality Investment Choices Highly rated noload funds that provide a broad spectrumof diversifiedinvestmentsand management styleshavebeenselectedfor our 401(k). That means you will haveaccessto funds that may achievevarious retirementgoals. company. 5. Specialized Reporting Z.PerconaBzed & Record Keeping The reporting sysremprovides Service The registeredrepresenratives of areavailableto you for your individual needs,either in personor via our toll-freecustomerserviceline. specializedreportsfor companyownersand plan participants.Statementsaremailed to plan participants'homeswithin I 5 daysof the end of eachquarrer. Statementsarealsoavailableonline. 3. Asset Allocation Investment Portfolios SMF offerspre-allocatedinvestmentoptions basedon aggressive, moderateand conservativeportfolios.These portfolios take advantageof the mutual funds that are suitableascore investmentsfor retirementplans like ours and allocateassetsaccordingto risk profiles. 6. Ease OfAccess offersa comprehensive web site that allowsusersto accessand make chansesto their accounrs. T.Erllrail Express Upon request,a unique Email serviceis availablero you. Every Friday afternoonyou can receivevia Email your 401(k) accountbalanceand a brief commentaryof that weekt market activiry. Iheregistered reprEsBntatiues nfslauic4il hcnrn are avarlahle fnrU0rlr tr gnu indirridual need$,0ither in pBrs0tt 0rttia0ttrttll freerr$t0lner line $Etttire fldrrnrtr Iarr The flduantage 4il[]rlTarr years.So, you would pay significantly lesstax overall. However, if you qualify to take money out of your plan **Pre-Tax Contribution beforeage59 ll2, you must not only pay income tax on All contributions to yoru 401(k) plan aremade in it at that time, but dso pay a l0olopenaltyaswell. pre-income-taxdollars.Your contributions are subjectto FICA tax but not to income tax. Depending on how much you contribute, this can mean hundreds - wen thousands- The Power of Long-Term Compounding The chart below illustrates the long-term effect of ofdollars in tax savingseachyear.You are different ratesof return and compound growth. It uses allowedto defer up to $15,500 (subjectto future cost of an initial investmentof $5,000 with annual contribution living increasesby the IRS). In addition, pardcipants age "catch up" contributions to the 50 and over may make a of $2,400.Assumedratesof return arc 4o/o,7o/o,l0o/o and 12o/o. plan in the amount of $5,000. (Highly-Compensated employeesand company owners may have lower limits.) Tax-Deferred Growtl' Like the contributionsyou regularlymake to your 401(k) plan, the growth of your investment is not subject to tax. Long-TermCompoundedGrowth The 15o/oto 39o/otax you pay on your earningseachyear is eliminatedin the 401(k) becauseit is a tax-defened investment. The TaxYou Do Pay You pay tax asyou begin to take money out of your plan when you retire. At retirement, you will probably be in a lower tax bracket than you were during your peak earning :,:,Y-':9ry,,, Thisi a m*l thwiry tlx pw tutu utu , . 9 oa ilDtdaL 3v i'?ry.le ?3t6'zz5 of conpwndinganddoa wnnzt nwl fuui4L)I.con cliqit bbnry or inply thatctr @ Aplight Slzuic haestmnx 2006 Accumulation Example AfterTax Outsideyour401(k)Plan Taxes2So/o Pre-Tax Insideyour 401(k) plan -280 -0 Save '''.t"t:tt' ' *InvestmentGrowth @ 8olo 58 80 Msre In Your 4ot{t)t Net investmentgain *Hypothetical Return for illustrativepurposesonly. Your actud retum will vary and may be lower. You pay income taxeswhen 1ou withdraw your funds. Exampleassumes a 280loax bracket. @ Copyight Slzaic Inuestmmx 2006 **lfyour enrollmentform includs a Roth 401(k) deferraloption, you may designateall or a portion ofyour contribution asa Roth 401(k) deferral.In a Roth 401(k) account,your investmentswill grow tax-free.You pay uxes on your deferals up fiont and pay no taxs when you baome eligiblefor distribution after age59 ll2.Youmey not defermore than $15,500 bemeenboth the Roth andTiaditional 401(k) accounts.Your financial advisorcan help you determineifit makessensefor you to makeRoth 401(k) contributions to your account. BurldinI Yrur Prrtfolit Building Yuur 401[r] Pnrtftlio a broad crosssectionof funds. Each participanrmay In general,the 401(k) is a long-term investment.How "long-term" dependson the number of yearsyou have selecttheir own funds or one of the SMF pre-allocated left beforeretirement.The rypical401(k)portfoliocon- portfolios; you cannot chooseboth. You may creareyour sistslargelyof stock-orientedfunds becausethey arecon- The investmentchoicesin the 401G) wereselectedfrom own portfolio by selectingavailablefunds and allocating sideredby most expertsto be the bestchoicefor long- varying percentages ofyour contribution to eachone. term growth. However,there is a higher degreeof risk With the asset-allocation option, you can selectone of associated with a stockversusa bond or fixed-income three portfolios:Aggressive,Moderate,or Conservative. investment.Thatt why the aggressive investorshould As a 404(c) designatedplan, the participant, not the weight his or her portfolio more heavilyin rhe stock area, trustee,is responsiblefor investmentreturns basedon while the more conservativeinvestorshould choosemore market performance. bond and fixed-incomeinvestments. \Whileyou cannot allocateone portion of your contribu- If you are20 to 30 yearsawayfrom retiremenr,a more tion directly to individual funds and anotherportion to aggressive portfolio is recommended.The closeryou are the pre-allocatedportfolios, you can changethe alloca- to retirement,the more conservativeyour portfolio tions in your self-directedportfolio asyou choose.You should become. can switch benveenthe self-directedand the pre-allocated portfolios asyou wish. (AIl changesmust be made SMF representatives are availableto assistyou in making through via the web or by faxing or the right investmentchoicesfor your 401(k) portfolio. As mailing a changerequestform to the CustomerService a plan participant,you will receiveimmediatepersonal- Department.) ized assistance simply by dialing the toll-free telephone numbeq1.800.356.3009. lf gou rrBfI tt 3[Usars altraU frum retirernsrt, p0rtfoliu atn0fB ag[rsssitte isrBc0]ntnerded Ihechser flrst0retiretnBrt, themnre U0tt pnrtftlin r0ltsErvative sh0rrld h0r0lns U0ttr ffiutual Iund The mutual funds availablein your plan havebeenselect- Thesetwo factorsare important in determiningthe ed to provide a broad selectionof investmentoprions. performanceand risk characteristics of the funds. The The Morningstar Equiry Fund SryleBox providesan Morningstar Bond Fund StyleBox summarizesrwo instant snapshotofrwo essentialcharacteristics ofthe essentialrisk factor in any bond fund: interestrate funds that make up the investmentline-up: the sizeand exposureand credit exposure. the styleof the companiesin which the fund invests. tquitg $tgle Iorr Equity Style refersto the way companiesarevalued.Some companiesappearto be expen- Equity Size refersto the averagemarket capitalization ValueBlendGroMh of the companiesin which the sivein relation to their currenr fund invests.This is important Large earningpower but provide excellentgrowth opportunities. becausethe behavioroflarge companiesdiffersfrom that of Theseareknown asgrowth Medium smallerones. companies.Conversely,others trade at a low multiple to cur- Small rent earningsbut arenot expected to grow.Thesearecalled valuecompanies. firred Inuums $tUlB Borr Interest Rate Exposure is Credit Quality refersto the risk of default that is an important elementin measuring the risk of fixed income investments.Generally,longer dated instrumentsare riskier rhan shorterones.Changesin inherent in fixed income Short lnt.* Long securities.An averagerating High inreresrrateswill affectrhe price of longer-termbonds more than portfolio by specialistcredit rating agencies. An overall Medium that of shorter-termbonds. scoredeterminesthe levelof credit risk in the Low *Intermediate is assignedto bonds in the portfolio. Any fund that investsin governmentsecuritieswill havea high credit rating. Source: Morningstaxcom Pntential flish-flerlrard Purtfnlin $electinn In the Self-DirectedPortfolio, the participant selects the limits of the plan. SMF representatives will assistpar- his/her choiceof invesrmenrsfrom the Specialry ticipantsregarding theirinvestment options. Investment,International,LargeCapitalization, It is recommendedthat you allocateyour assetsamong Small/Medium Capitalization,Bond and Money Market severalfunds. As the value ofyour portfolio increases, fur- fund categories. Thesefund selectionscan changewithin ther diversificationshould be considered. Funds fall into different ranges of risk/reward and catagories. Lower S€lect an allocation of funds TY upon your risk profile. Specialty Investments Htgber International Funds SmalVMedium Capitalization Funds Iarge Capitalizatton Funds Bond/Money Market Funds* Potential Risk/Reward A CopyrightSkuicInuestments 2006 Specialit7inuestmentsarec0nCentratedinCertainsectionsofthemarleetsthatgeneralfhaueahigherrishthantheouerallmdrbet'Theseinuestm portionof7ourouera/lportfo/io'D0notexceed]0%oof7ourtotalnsetsinan7oneofthesefundsor30o/oinan1combination,Conseruatiueinustorsclosertoretirementsh not inuestin speciahy funds without profesiona/ guidance. T\br1obalancingtherisb/rewardrektionshipof7ourouerallporfolioisawel/diuersifedstrateg'Theinuevorqua/if'cationworbsheetonpage risbprofle. Youma1alsospeakwith your registered inuestmentadrisor, uisit slauic4) or call 800.356.3009to speakwith a representatiue. A/l Jund shares arenot insuredor guaranteetl by the U.S. Goumment. *Bondorfxedincomefundshauediferentishcharacteristicsthanxockfands.Rishisdeterminedb1thequalit7anddurationofthebondsheldinthefxedincomefu rpaofJund:a/soCan7interestrdterish,Thereisaninuerserektionshipbetueeninterestratesandbonds'wheninterestratesrise,theualueofbonf/landuhen fall the ualueofbonds rise. Tbe ualueofsomebondsissuedb7 corporationscan uarydependingon the ualueofthe companys stockand ouerallf.nancialhealth. gtur Itisrer0lrrnrended thatg0rr rlhcate ns$Bt$ altt0rtg $etterrl ftrnds flsthevalue tf er dive rsificatin n U0rrr pnrtfrlir inrfBases,ftrrth ifrnull nerortsidered $tntelnB Investment Prlicg g$tatement Investment Prlic The retirementplans investmentoptions are designedto follow modern portfolio theory,wherebydiversification through assetallocationallowsplan participantsto better achieveretirementgoals.The plan document specifies that it must follow ENSA section 404(c),which means participantscan investtheir accountbalancesas they wish, and the trustee(s)and sponsorwill not be liable for the consequences of the participantt investmentdecisions.To allow for a wide rangeof investmentalternatives,approximately25 highly rated mutual funds have beenselectedthat reflectdifferent managemenrsrylesand assetclasses, in order for accountbalancesto be properly diversified.In addition, investmentadviceis offered through a registeredinvestmentadvisor,not only to the plan fiduciaries,but alsoto participants. The InvestmentCommittee selectsthe investment options after consideringrecommendationsfrom the advisor.The committeeis appointedby the plan sponsor and is responsiblefor assessing the ongoing performance ofthe plan, for analJzingthe reasonableness offees chargedto participants,and for approvingthe communication materialprovided to employeesconcerningdisclosureand investmenteducation.Specificsof the plan fees To contact any of the plan fiduciariesfor information concerninginvestmentof plan assets,refer to the SummaryPlan Description (SPD) or contact Slavic Mutual FundsManagementCorporation, SEC registered investmentadvisordba slavic40I Investment Iducatirn Controlling Risk Risk is the chancethat investmentswill fall in value and not be sufficientto fund the participant'sretirement. Diversificationand portfolio rebalancingaremethods usedto control risk. Allocating the portfolio among mutual funds that arecomprisedof different coreasset holdings such as domesticstocks,internationalstocla, RealEstateInvestmentTiusts (REITs), commodities, bonds and money market will yield greaterstabiliry of returns.Often, theseassetclasses rise and fall in value 'When independently. severalare down, the money market will hold its value,therebylesseningthe affectof a "To downturn in the market. diversify" is the prudent way to invest,accordingto most financial experts.The rise in the S&P 500 stock index over the last 75 yearshas averagedI I o/0,meaninginvestorsshould expectmarket volatiliry, but over the long term, the averages usually revert to the mean. and investmentoptions areexplainedin the Summary Plan Description and the enrollment booklet. In order to diversi$r,participantsshould investin at least three different typesof mutual funds, and the portfolio The trusteeof the plan is responsiblefor safeguardingthe assetsof the plan held in trust at the variousmutual fund companiescomprisingthe investmentplatform. Participantscan exchangefunds at will and at no cost by executingtradesover the Internet or by contactingslavic40I at 800-356-3009. should not be traded unlesstheir risk profile haschanged. In fact, constantportfolio juggling is the worst thing a participant can do. The odds areagainstanyonesuccessfully timing the market. In that regard,buying and holding index funds is an excellentstrategrto participatein the market at the lowestcost. On the other hand, rebalancing on a yearlybasisto bring the portfolio in line with The InvestmentCommittee hasappointeda co-fiduciary investmentadvisorto renderspecificinvestmentadviceto participants.The advisoralsooffersthree managedportfolio options that you may qualify for by taking a suitabiliry test that characterizes investorsas aggressive, moderateor conservative. An explanationofthese portfolios and the test is containedin the enrollment booklet or found on the web site at the desiredrisk levelis recommended.For example,a moderaterisk portfolio for someoneage50 would be 35% bonds,4070 domesticlargecap mutual funds and 25o/oin foreign largecap funds. If at the end of the year bond priceshaverisen so that bonds represent45o/oof the portfolio, thosebond funds should be sold down to the 35o/oleveland the proceedsinvestedin the other funds proportionately.This procedurewill help control risk, Hish - Investment [actor Iducatitn Iock in gains,and force the investorto allocateinto under Asset Ailocation performingfundswithout imposingthe elementof emo- How much risk one can afford to take is dependenton tion, which tendsto causeinvestorsto do the oppositeof the length of time until retirement,overallnet worth and what they should during market turmoil. toleranceof marketdeclines. The most important element in achievingretirementgoalsis not the portfoliot If the participant electsto usea Slavic(SMF) managed reurn but the rate of saving.To chasehigh returnsby portfolio for rebalancingand risk profiling, realizethe taking on more risk to make up for the lack of savingis managert objectiveis not to achievea market return but not prudent.Once the commitmenthasbeenmadeto a risk-relatedreturn, and there is no guaranteethat any participatein the plan, it is advisableto continue saving targetswill actuallybe achieved.SinceSMF rypicallywill consistentlythroughout up and down marketsand not to not be activelytrading your accounrbut passivelyrebal- reallocatethe portfoiio without consultinga financial ancing once per year,eachparticipant should assess per- advisor.For someonethat is investingeverymonth and formancefrom their statemenrsand prospectuses to hasa long-term horizon, a fall in the market can be an determinewhether or not the servicesuitstheir needs. opportuniryto acquiremore sharesat a lowerprice.It is The plan sponsordoesnot endorsethe useofthe when the participant is closeto retirementthat greatrisk Advisort portfolios, but realizingthat participantsmay develops.If the market suddenlydeclinesat that time, the not be familiar with investingand assessing risk, this servicewas addedasan option for an additional 25 basis Allocation point (.25o/o)assetfee chargedto the participant choos- 1007" 90"h SOYo 700h 60"/0 500h 40"k 30"h 200k 10"h ing it. SlavicMutual Fund ManagementCorporation is an SEC-registered investmentadvisorand is a fiduciary to the plan employedto renderinvestmentadviceto participants.Call on Slavic'srepresentatives for any invesrment questionyou may haveat 800-356-3009. Risk Allocation Based UponTimeTo Retirement 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 Years To Retirement 1 0 5 2006 A CopyightSlaaicInuestments participant'sretirementwould suddenlybe in jeopardy. The Down Market Advantaee To avoid this risk as retirementnears,investorsshould reallocatemore to short-term,fixed income investments Exarnple:Participantallocates $100 per month to XYZ Fund $10.00 $s.00 $8.00 $7.00 Price $6.00 per $5.00 $4.00 Share g3.00 that are usuallymore stable.Nevertheless, bond and money market funds yieid lessthan stock-relatedfunds over the longer term. By becomingmore conseryative with age,one givesup return potential for a portfolio bearinglessrisk. For example,a participantwith 25 years to retire should be aggressive and allocatemost of their $2.00 $1'00 $0.00 money to diversifiedstock funds; whereas,an individual 1 2 3 4 5 7 6 I Months Participation 9 10 11t12 If a participant selectsa stoch-orientedmutual fund aspart of his 401 (k) accountallocation and cammitsa f.xed dollar amountper month to thepurchaseof thatfund the number of sharesaccumukted ui.ll be much greater in dnwn marhetsthat in up markets. Therefore,down marhetsactually beneft most401(k) participants uho haaea bng time until retirement. @ CopyightSkuicIweshnentr2006 age50 shouldinvesthalfin high grade,short-termbond funds. With this analogyin mind, the following table representsan estimateof potential declineversusreturn. Investment Id[|[fltinn c,ntin lfllll$T0fi t0ll$[fil|flilllt Retire in 5 Yearsor Less Target Return: 5o/o- 7o/o Risk of Decline: -I5o/o ffianrftnltr$ron RfifiHr$$ilrr illllr$T0R Retirein 6 to 15 Years Target Return: 7o/o- 9o/o Risk of Decline: -25o/o Retirein 15 Yearsor More Target Return: 9o/o- I2o/o Risk of Decline: -35o/o tI|0[il $r0[t| r0|l[flrr0[Ril[t|$ 60% Bonds& MoneyMarket 25o/oDomesticStocks 1570ForeignStocks 350loBonds 40o/oDomestic Stocks 25o/oForetgn Stocks 200loBonds 50% Domestic Stocks 30% ForeignStocks A Copyright Slaui Inuestments2006 Each participant should allocateaccordingto the risk- tradedthe sameday,but only the next businessday is guaranteed. relatedreturn that fits their objectivesdetailedin a risk No verbalorderswill be accepted.The next businessday policy is profile test provided on the investmentadvisort web site, guaranteedonly if the mutual fi-rndcompaniesand clearingbro-, or seeyour enrollmentbooklet. ker involvedsettlethe trade by the next businessday (T+1) or if Each participant is advisedto re-takethe risk profile test lessthan wo billion sharesaretradedon the NASDAQ exchange everyfive yearsto determineif his/her risk profile has on the day you placeyour order or on the day after.Iftrading changed. volume on the NASDAQ exceedsthe limit or the outsideparties cannot settlethe tradeasspecified,your order will be processed Annually, the InvestmentCommittee will comparerhe on a best-effortsbasis,and Slavicwill not be responsiblefor the performanceof the fund options againstmarket indexes timing, only the accuracyofyour trade.The abovepolicy is sub- and reviewthe servicesof the Advisor to anaJyze whether ject to a l4-day errornotification policy following the mailing of the objectivesof the investmentpolicy are being met. your quarterlystatementor confirmation statemenrof trade.To receiverestorationfor any trading error attributableto Slavrc, -Ilading Funds your notification must be recievedwithin the 14 day policy. If a Exchange orderswill betradedno laterthanthenextbusiness correctionis needed,contactSlavicto avoid and/or minimize day.In mostcases, exchange ordersreceived before2PM will be damages,if any. I t PrB-fl llrrate d Prrtfrlir In addition to the variousmutual funds available,Slavic appropriateallocationof funds to reachtheir investment Mutual FundsManagementhasdesignedthree optional goals.They are rebalancedannually to maintain the tar- pre-allocatedportfolios to make investmentdecisionseas- getedrisk profile in a rapidly changingmarket and the ier.The Aggressive, Moderate,and Conservativeportfo- advisormay alsochangethe allocation. lios havebeendesignedto provide investorswith an Aggressive Portfolio T Domestic Stocks 40o/o : Foreign/GlobalStocla 30o/o I Bonds 20o/o RealEstateInvestmentTiusts 10o/o T Domestic Stocks 20o/o T Foreign/GlobalStocks 25o/o I Natural ResourceStocla l0o/o Bonds 35o/o RealEstateInvestmentTiusts 10o/o Conserwative Portfolio I Domestic Stocla 20o/o I Foreign/GlobalStocla 15o/o Bonds 40o/o I RealEstateInvestmentTiusts ffi Money Market 7o/o l8o/o PortfolioSamples:Actualallocationsare subject to changeby rhe Advisor. 'We advisethat you completethe There is an additional assetmanagementfeeof 0.25o/otf your investorprofile. you choosethis service.The Stock Market is inherently InvestorQualification worksheetin this booklet. Or visit risky and carefulattention should be madewhen selecting slavic40lk.comand takeone ofthe testsunderthe head"investor profile." ing the appropriaterisk relatedinvestmentallocationthat fits @ Copyrigbt Skuic Inuesments 2006 lfl Investrr 0ualificatitn ilJurlr$hE Choosing An Investment Mix That's Right For You What Type Of Investor Decidingwhereto invest overallscore.Remember,there is no right or wrong answer;eachresponsedependson your your retirementdollarscan own personalsituation. Are You? Circle the answerthat bestfits your current situation.Add your points to determineyour be a challenge. Understanding somebasicsabout investingwill help.The key is to choosean investmentthat bestfits your retirementinvestmentgoals.This worksheethelpsyou identiS'your "Investment Profile". DeterminingYour Investment Profile Do you know what type of retirement investoryou are?Factors such aswhen you needyour money,your ability to accept Answer the following questions to determine what type of investor you are. 1. !?hat is your age? O O O O influence the investmentoptions you select.This questionnaire will help you determineyour own 5 Subtotal: - 2. \(hat is your liquid net worth?(Totalof stocks,bondsand cashyou own) O Under$200,000 o $200,001- $500,000 - $1 million O $500,001 O over$1 million 3. \,Vhatis your annualincome? O Under$75,000 - $15o,ooo o $7t,oo1 - $250,000 o $1t0,001 O over $250,000 investmentfluctuations and your investmentobjectiveswill all Points 25 1' 10 20 to 35years 36 to 49years 50 to 62years over 62 years 11 t2 18 20 Subtotai:t2 r3 r4 I6 Sub total: _ 4. How stable is your Employment Income over the next 10 years? O Very likely I will be continuously employed. O Probable that I will be employed most of the next 10 years. O My prospect of employment is uncertain. O I do not intend to work. investmentprofile. r6 u 8 5 Subtotal:- 5. How much lile insurance do you have? O Lessthan $200,000 Note: The questionnaire and the analysisreflect broad generalizations and are not intended to result in an exact determination of any of these - $500,000 o $200,001 O over$500,000 representsone possible assetallocation strategy based on specific assumedfacrorssuch as age. investment objective and personal goals. 3 Subtotal:- 6. lVhat is your primary investmentgoal? characteristics for any specific person. Each of the hypotheticai examples 1 2 O O O O O Rishoflos associated with goal -15o/o Incometo liveon. -30o/o Growth. -20o/o Balancebetweengrowth and income -20o/o To fund my retirement. -70o/o Capitalpreservation. S i n c et h e r e i s n ' ro n e p o r r f o l i o m i x that is right for every investor, you and your financial representative will 7 25 I6 r4 5 Subtotal:TOTALPOINTS: want to carefully consider your own situation. See next page to waluate your results. 1_l InvE$tnr - crntinued lificatirn IJJ rthsheet 0ua lnvestment Prnfile "aggressive If you scoredover80, you tend to be an growth'retirementinvestor.You seekthe maximum return on your retirementmoneyand arewilling to acceptthe risk that goesalongwith it. Your investmentwill placea significantemphasison growthorientedinvestment. Aggressive Investor Over 80 Points Single " I hauea longtime beforeI raire, soI canliue with upsand downs to achieue a higherpotentialreturn.I in my retirement inuesttnents that thereare want m! monryt0gr\w at a highrate I understand nogudrantees, but it mayreallypay of in 35 years." K ' e rk "moderate growth' retirement If you scoredbeween 61 and 80, you tend to be a investor.You recognizethe needto protectyour retirementmoneyfrom inflation and arewilling to acceptsomerisk in orderto obtain a potentiallyhigherrisk of return.A diversifiedapproachwhich includesboth growth and incomeinvestmentsmay make senseand help you achieveyour goals. 61-80 Points " I haueachieuedbalancein my life - and would lihe to achieue account.I wouldlike to main' that samebalance for m! retirement tain a mix of inuestments that includesbothgrowthand income to obtainthis balance." producingobjectiues Consenrative Investor "conservative grow*i' retirementinvestor. Ifyou scoredbelow61, you tend to be a You'remore comfortablewith lower-riskinvestmentsknowing that you may be giving up a potentiallyhigher return. Investmentsthat focusprimarily on providingincome You should your objectives. and capitalpreservationmay be appropriatefor addressing to help protect considera growth-orientedinvestmentfor a portion ofyour assets your retirementnesteggfrom inflation. " I'ueworkedmanyyars puxing a litth bit awayeachyearfor retirement.Thatlixle bit hasaddedup nlw - s0Im naturallyconcernedaboutheepingthemalorityof thuefunds intact.At thesame againstinflationerodingthepurchasing time,Im seehingprotexion powerof my monry." l4 rc ) Married with three grown children 6o Points or Less A CopyrightSlauicInuesments2006 nfBenefit $umlnrrU Eligibility: "ffi;, 12 monthsof service and 1,000hours.Eligibilityrequirements maybelessif soadoptedby your ilfn Contributions: Compensationis all gross'W-2earningsbeforedeferrals. The minimum deferralis 170of comoensation. You candeferup to $15,500or the plant deferralpercentage limit asspecifiedin the SPD,whicheveris less. Owners,their linealrelativesand certainhighly compensated may be limited. employees "catch-up" Participants age50 or overcantakeadvantage ofthe provision. Change Investments: Exchange orderswill be tradedno laterthan the nextbusiness day.In mostcases, exchange ordersreceivedbefore2PM will be tradedthesameday,subjectto Slavicttradingpolicyaspostedon thewebsite. Reporting: aresentto yourhomeon a quarterlybasis Statements Matching Discretionary employercontributionto eachemployeetaccount,if adoptedby yourwork siteemployer. The matchingcontribu- Loan Provision: Up to 500/oof the vestedamounrin participanttaccounr Minimum$1,000- Maximum$50,000 - l-5-yearamortization Repayment schedule 4 to 5 weekprocessing time paybackschedule, Distributions: Distribucions canbe madeout of theplan:at retirementor age59ll2,inthe eventof long-termdisabilirydeath,or uponterminationof employment from yourPEOandyourwork site.Hardshipwithdrawals canbemadeaftertheloanprovisionhas beenutilizedif oneof the followingcriteriais met:to avoidevictionor foreclosure, purchase of primaryhome,qualifiingmedicalexpenses, funeralexpenses educationfor you,your andpaymentof tuition or relatededucationfeesfor post-secondary spouse or yourchildren.Thesewithdrawals anddocumentation. Distributionsmaytakeup to aresubjectto taxandpenalties 60 daysfrom receiptofpaperworkto process. To expedite a distribution,you cansubmityourrequestonJine. Plan Expenses: To coverassetmanagement andplanadministrative costs,a feeschedule will be assigned to your account. The feescoverIRS contributions' ::i:in:'fi::iffitr;:T:."ffi;::'lm:::ffi',1;?:l;ti:;l*:$;l'j;ffiril:::fi:::*'"'rves' #HirlT:[il'+Hf ***fui'*rm:xfu i t't[:##*:+.l]i'n:fr ;*[h',:ffi "Class A" shares at NAV (NetAssetValue). Fund Charges: The planutilizeseitherno-loadmutualfundsor Retirement Age: of theirvestedaccountbalance The plandocumentrecognizes 65 yearsof age.Participants maytakein-service distributions at age59 ll2. Immediate Valuation and Questions: SMF \fleb Site (800)356-3009 (AccountQuestions andInformation) lX For up-to-date fund and performance .^:, -':; "". -"T sl.Auc M|TUAt,FINDS MANACEMEmcoRmHTIoN SlavicInvestmentCorporation (SIC) Member SIPC & NASD SlavicMutual Funds ManagementCorporation (SMF) RegisteredInvestmentAdvisor N\7, Suite 100 1075 Broken Sound Parlorzay, BocaRaton,FL33487 561.24r.9244or 800.356.3009 Fax 561.241..1070 information, as well as details on your 401(k) plan administration by Slavic Integrated Administration, log on to our web site at umil shttb{0lk .(ocfl All matoial and information witbin this domment is @Copyrigbt Skuic Iwettmentt 2006. Reproduction of any of its content is forbiddcn bt law.