Centennial Report - St. Louis Community Foundation


Centennial Report - St. Louis Community Foundation
Today, the St. Louis Community Foundation
continues to pursue the mission set forth a
century ago and more:
To facilitate philanthropic and community
partnerships that inspire regional good.
It acts as a steward of charitable funds which
support the causes and organizations that
reflect the variety of interests and passions
of the generous St. Louisans who donated
them – yesterday, today, and even tomorrow.
The Foundation also serves as a community
resource and provides a forum for
nonprofits, funders, donors, and civic
leaders to convene and address community
opportunities and challenges.
Through it all, as it has for 100 years, the
St. Louis Community Foundation ensures
that the charitable wishes and the legacies
of its donors are adhered to and continue to
benefit the St. Louis region – for years and
decades to come.
Take the story of Edward Bredell. Although
he died in 1894, he continues to make
contributions to St. Louis institutions,
thanks to a fund he established in 1896,
which is now under the charitable umbrella
of the St. Louis Community Foundation.
Leaving a legacy in your hometown that
spans a century is not only generous …
Y 5%
to Commemorate the 2004 Celebration of the Lewis & Clark Exposition
21 %
The children’s opera, which was seen by FIELD OF %
In 1914, Frederick H. Goff transformed
philanthropy by creating the “community
fund” concept, which enables citizens to leave
a giving legacy by combining their charitablegiving assets to fund meaningful community
projects. A year later, St. Louis followed and
established the second community fund now
known as the St. Louis Community Foundation.
The greatest use of
a life is to spend it
on something that
will outlast it.
for Nonprofits
over 8,000 St. Louis area students, was funded through a two-year grant from the St. Louis Community Foundation totaling $50,000.
Attorneys, like Bo, who specialize in estate
planning, along with area wealth managers
and accountants, are instrumental in
communicating the charitable-giving and
legacy-building benefits of the St. Louis
Community Foundation.
When she died in 1992, Lucille left a gift to the
Community Foundation and asked that it
support arts, culture, education, and other
worthwhile local initiatives. Today, Lucille not
only continues to support the organizations
she cared about most during her lifetime, she
is also helping fund the cultural innovations of
the future.
20 %
GOAL: 60% of adults in the region will have a postsecondary degree by 2025
The St. Louis Community Foundation is a backbone funder and steering committee
member of St. Louis Graduates, which is committed to improving the social and economic
vitality of the St. Louis region by increasing the percentage of area residents with
postsecondary degrees. Key collaborators include nonprofits serving youth, educational
institutions, corporations, regional businesses, and philanthropic groups.
A joint initiative of the St. Louis
Community Foundation, the Scholarship
Foundation and other area funders have
granted over
Who better to explain the many benefits and
services provided by the St. Louis Community
Foundation than a few of our satisfied donors
like Arnold and Hazel Donald? That’s why we
celebrate and feature our donors’ gifts of giving.
City Arch River
Magic House
Did y C O M M
Com ou know U N I T
To establish an educational
museum for children.
St. Louis Conservatory
& School for the Arts
To connect, invigorate, and expand
the park grounds and museums that
surround the Gateway Arch.
Fatherhood Initiative
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of ma orted the grants n’s
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To establish a young
people’s orchestra.
Churchill Center and School
To support 6 local agencies to
re-engage non-custodial fathers
in the lives of their children.
Social Venture Partners
To build long-term sustainability
and capacity in select St. Louis
area nonprofits.
To help establish the region’s first
summer program for students
with dyslexia.
1996 and 1998
Confluence Greenway
Food Crisis Network,
now St. Louis Area Foodbank
To promote the creation of a 200square-mile system of parks and
conservation and recreation areas
at the confluence of the Missouri
and Mississippi Rivers.
To establish a bulk food salvage
program to stock emergency food
distribution centers with nonmarketable, but edible food.
St. Louis Art Works
To create regional youth
opportunities through arts
apprenticeships and
community collaboration.
First Street Forum
now Contemporary Art
Museum St. Louis
To establish an arts center on
Laclede’s Landing. This grant
represented the Foundation’s
$1 millionth dollar granted
since 1974.
Independence Center
To establish a program to
provide services to the
chronically mentally ill.
St. Louis CASA
To help establish a Court
Appointed Special Advocate
(CASA) program in St. Louis.
St. Louis Bicycle Works
To provide youth in the Shaw
neighborhood the opportunity
to earn bicycles by learning to
repair used bikes.
St. Louis Crisis Nursery
To provide startup funds for
24-hour care for children
from birth to age 7 whose
families are in crisis.
To promote the St. Louis
Riverfront Trail, the City’s
longest multi-use
recreational trail.
Our Little Haven
Grandel Theatre
To support the planning
and development of a new
performing arts center.
St. Clair County CASA
To start a Court Appointed
Special Advocate program in
St. Clair County, IL.
To start a residential treatment
facility for HIV-positive
children under 5 years old.
Aim High
To support the personal and
academic success of motivated
middle school students from
under-resourced areas through
a program founded by faculty at
John Burroughs School.
To support the interfaith
organization’s program to
provide housing to people
living with HIV/AIDS.
Serving St. Louis Change Agents
STL Youth Jobs
Donor Initiatives
Community leaders and donors look
to tap the local knowledge of the
Community Foundation as they
implement compelling solutions to
community or social issues. In these
instances, the Community Foundation
acts as a community facilitator, as
well as provides administrative,
strategic, and grant-making services.
With its emphasis on individualized career assessments,
financial literacy, and job-readiness training, St. Louis
Youth Jobs helps local young people prepare for the
jobs of tomorrow, while also providing ongoing career
support. Since its inception in 2013, STL Youth Jobs
has provided paid work experience, job readiness,
financial literacy training, and career and mentoring
services to nearly 1,200 youth. It has become the
largest and most-recognized provider of summer
youth employment in St. Louis.
Donors frequently come to the
Foundation to tap its community
knowledge, expertise, and nonprofit
status, as they set out to make their
own contributionS to the community.
St. Louis Graduates
To boost the number of post-secondary degrees
among low-income, first-generation, and AfricanAmerican students in the region, STL Graduates
initiatives have included a Professional Development
Institute series for counselors, the School to College
Center, education advocacy, and Scholarship Central.
Scholarship Central is our online portal to millions of
dollars in private funding opportunities, which helps
reduce financial barriers.
Invest STL
Invest STL is the St. Louis region’s community
economic development system, which was developed
throughout 2014 and 2015 by the Strengthening
St. Louis Neighborhoods Task Force. Invest STL seeks
to align local and national investment behind 1) an
ecosystem capable of coordinating neighborhood and
regional projects, 2) sustained neighborhood
revitalization initiatives, and 3) established
professional development programs and initiatives.
Reinvest North County Fund
A joint undertaking by the Regional Business Council
in partnership with North County Inc., the Reinvest
North County Fund was established to assist small
businesses and North County school districts with
recovery and relief efforts in the wake of the Ferguson
civil unrest. Initially, the fund provided recovery and
rebuilding support, but is now helping provide
technical assistance and making investments in
capacity-building for schools and small businesses.
Painting for Peace Fund
After months of tension in Ferguson, something
appeared on the streets that hadn’t been seen there
for a long time – HOPE. Local artists, helped by area
residents and volunteers of all races, joined together to
creatively transform the area’s ravaged storefronts into
vibrant murals with messages of unity and reassurance.
Carol Klein, a native of Ferguson, saw these images
and knew they must be preserved. What emerged from
these efforts is a children’s book, Painting for Peace in
Ferguson, which uses photos of the murals to illustrate
a story about community hope and understanding.
While Carol knew how to get the book published, she
needed advice on how to handle the proceeds from its
sales and use them to fund youth and recovery
programs in the Ferguson area. For assistance, she
turned to the Community Foundation after learning
how the organization was helping other donors make
contributions to Ferguson-related causes.
The outcome from Carol’s efforts? Magical. Available
through Amazon and in libraries and bookstores, the
book continues to captivate children and adults alike,
in St. Louis and across the country. It was honored as
an “Outstanding Book of the Year” by Independent
Publishers, and was chosen to represent Missouri at
the Library of Congress National Book Festival.
After her son, Alex, took his own life while battling
depression, St. Louis attorney Sally Barker approached
the St. Louis Community Foundation with her idea
about creating a social network website for young
adults who are suffering from depression and other
mental illnesses. The Community Foundation provided
counsel and assistance with overcoming obstacles so
that her vision could become reality. What emerged
is FeelingKindaBlue.com, a social network with over
4,000 national members, which is now under the
professional, nurturing wing of Provident in St. Louis.
Introduced by the St. Louis Community
Foundation in 2014, Give STL Day is a
community-wide, 24-hour online fundraising event that motivates donors to
support local charities.
On one day, nonprofits across the St. Louis region
mobilize their donor base and work to attract new
ones through social media and other awarenessbuilding platforms. It’s also when the St. Louis
Community Foundation joins with hundreds of
other community foundations across the country for
a national day of giving to the nonprofits that enrich
lives, tackle challenges, and enhance the fabric of
our communities.
Maxine Clark & Bob Fox
1+1 Really Can Equal 10,000
Maxine and Bob approach their philanthropic interests in immigration,
incarceration, and education with the same zeal that characterized
their careers founding and running their own companies.
“When an issue captures our attention, we work with others to study
it, explore solutions, and take action,” says Maxine. “It’s how we
handled our charitable giving plan, and it’s how we discovered the
St. Louis Community Foundation.”
“Philanthropy is contagious,” says Bob. “We wanted to work with the
Community Foundation because it brings together people who are
committed both to giving and to St. Louis.” As they worked on their
giving plan, Maxine and Bob were also in the midst of trying to
creatively address the local challenge of pairing kids with summer camps.
“Camps had space available,” says Bob. “But parents didn’t know
where to look to find a program that met their needs.”
Blueprint4Summer.com emerged from Maxine’s and Bob’s efforts.
It is a smartphone app and an online database of over 3,500 regional
summer camp sessions that parents can use to search by location,
schedule, gender, and other criteria, using a mobile device, tablet, or
desktop computer.
“Awareness among parents, schools, and camps is key to the website’s
success,” says Maxine. “After seeing their promotion of Give STL Day,
I knew the Community Foundation could help with ideas, and they did.”
In its first year, 72,000 searches using Blueprint4Summer were
conducted, with 35 percent of the users calling St. Louis City and
North County home. Both Maxine and Bob hear from parents about
how the website helped connect kids to camps. Today, they are
planning to introduce the initiative to other communities. “We’ve got
the infrastructure, all that is needed is local information,” says Bob.
“Problem, solution, action – it’s what we do best. The Community
Foundation does what they do best – improve charitable outcomes
by applying their experience and knowledge.”
Kids enjoying summer fun at the Carondelet Park Rec Complex Camp Discovery, a camp
listed on Blueprint4Summer.com. In all, the YMCA operates 404 camps that delight over
7,800 kids each summer.
Bertha Black Rhoda
An Educator Gives Back
Even though Bertha Black Rhoda retired from teaching at Vashon
High School in 1975, she still helps educate St. Louis-area young
people. How? A scholarship established in the 1990s at the St. Louis
Community Foundation by her husband William, a retired postal
clerk. Today, it is a gift that truly keeps on giving by helping 20
students to date fund their college degrees.
One beneficiary is Shawn Williams, 25, who is now a schoolteacher
in his own right.
Shawn relied on the scholarship as he earned his Bachelor of Science
degree in Political Science from Missouri State University. “I never
knew Mrs. Rhoda or her family, but her scholarship helped lift a
weight off of my shoulders,” he says. “It gave me a sense of peace as
I worked toward my degree. I stand on her shoulders.”
Born and raised in St. Louis, Shawn graduated from college in 2012
and was accepted by Teach for America. Today, he teaches third and
fourth grade at Pierre Laclede Elementary School in St. Louis. He
earned his master’s degree in Elementary Education and will now be
pursuing his doctorate. Eventually, Shawn would like to move into
educational leadership. “I love teaching,” Shawn says. “Every day is
different – it’s never the same thing.”
He credits two St. Louis Public School educators for his career in
education. “My guidance counselor at Vashon, Ms. Wanda Garner,
kept me on my toes, and gave me something to hope and work for,”
he says. “Ms. Barbara Sharp, my former principal, cultivated my
leadership skills and my passion for education. I owe both of them
so much.”
Even as he pursues his doctorate degree, politics is Shawn’s ultimate
ambition. “I want to be a United States Senator someday, and
believe it is important to have a profession to bring to that role,” he
says. “I chose education. I love making a difference in the lives of my
kids, they are the best in the world!”
What a gift Ms. Bertha Black Rhoda left to the St. Louis community!
Shawn Williams, a teacher and an aspiring legislator, during a recent visit to the newly
renovated Central Library of the St. Louis Public Library.
Bud King
A knowledgeable resource
“They know St. Louis and how to act as a philanthropic fiduciary.”
That’s Bud King, a St. Louis-based financial advisor for UBS Financial
Services, Inc., talking about the St. Louis Community Foundation
and why he selected it to help implement his own charitable-giving
plan. “The alternatives didn’t offer deep, local knowledge or
relationships,” Bud says. “Those elements are essential for me and
my family, as we incorporate a testamentary gift into our estate plan.”
The decision wasn’t made overnight. It was a 10-year process and
involved several meetings with Community Foundation representatives.
His experience with the Foundation was so positive that charitable
planning is now a significant part of his team’s advisory practice.
“The Foundation’s knowledge of charities in St. Louis and in other
communities where we have clients sets them apart and continues to
exceed our expectations,” Bud says. “The Community Foundation’s
personnel are focused on helping the donor – our client – structure
their giving wishes, rather than raising money for certain causes.”
The Foundation’s platform is economical and tax-efficient.
“We encourage our clients to be as strategic with their giving as they
are with wealth-building,” he says. “With the Community Foundation,
our clients can also be assured that their heirs in succeeding
generations are involved with giving in a manner consistent with their
original intent.”
The Community Foundation offers insightful solutions tailored to an
individual’s needs, Bud observes. “As a donor, that gives me the
control over my philanthropy that I want. As a wealth manager, it
gives our team an important tool as our clients work through
important estate planning decisions.”
“The Community Foundation always said they made giving easy,”
Bud says. “I didn’t fully grasp the power of that statement until I
started working with them – they’ve allowed my family to do
something special, and they are helping our clients.”
Tom Fleming (left) reviewing his financial affairs with Bud King, CFA, Managing
Director, UBS Financial Services, Inc.
In 1915, a group of civic-minded St. Louisans created the St. Louis Community Trust, which is now the
St. Louis Community Foundation. Since then, we’ve been helping generous St. Louisans implement charitable
giving plans during their lifetimes, while ensuring their philanthropic wishes are adhered to after their deaths.
As a result, worthy causes and initiatives in St. Louis are helped for years to come. These gifts continue to have
a lasting and transformative impact on our region. In fact, 80 percent of our donors’ charitable dollars stay in
the greater St. Louis area. Imagine our community today if the donors of the past and other St. Louis visionaries
had sent their philanthropic dollars elsewhere.
These charitable gifts to local institutions help sustain and brighten our region. Our donors, combined with the
grit and determination of our area’s nonprofits, can help make similar provisions for future generations.
By doing so, we can be assured that local challenges – even those not yet imagined – will be addressed,
community conversations undertaken, and lives enriched.
Already, programs in place today, like our Give STL Day, help showcase many worthwhile nonprofit efforts.
Give STL Day, a day of online giving, is also an event that enables us to do what we do best – bring donors and
nonprofits together.
Professional advisors are another critical component of our long-term success. These wealth advisors,
attorneys, accountants, and others work with the Community Foundation staff to help good donors become
great donors. Advisors share with their clients the knowledge, efficiency, and value the Community Foundation
brings to the table as they work together to map out charitable-giving strategies. Frequently, the advisor can
continue to manage their clients’ charitable assets after the client opens a fund at the Foundation. In the end,
these advisors help strengthen our community’s charitable future and make St. Louis stronger. We are grateful
for their ongoing support.
As our next century of service to the St. Louis region commences, it will be from a new home at #2 Oak Knoll
Park in Clayton. This spacious historic structure is centrally located and offers plenty of attractive meeting and
event space. We sincerely hope it will become known as the region’s center of philanthropy, where
conversations begin and ideas are exchanged to benefit what we all hold dear – St. Louis, our home.
Finally, we would like to thank our board of directors for their wisdom, guidance, and support. They continue
to be a steadfast resource from which we draw often and for which we are grateful. The same holds true for
our Community Foundation staff members, who share our abiding commitment to this organization and our
donors, while also serving our region’s nonprofits with dedication and professionalism. We thank you.
Most sincerely,
Stephen J. Rafferty
Amelia A.J. Bond
Chair, Board of TrusteesPresident and CEO
Financial Report
Mission: To facilitate philanthropic and community partnerships that inspire regional good.
grants by program area
Health 10%
total assets by type
Services 10%
Religion &
Faith Based 9%
Education &
Scholarships 40%
Field of Interest
Environment &
Welfare 8%
Donor Advised
Arts &
Culture 7%
giving 7%
Giving 7%
Jobs & housing
Jobs & Housing
Relief 1%relief 1%
gifts, grants & total assets
Total Assets
2015 $ 104,288,300 $ 2 1 ,752,200 $ 316,039,600
$ 13,262,800 $ 30,164,000 $ 223,599,100
$ 48,931,400 $ 33,339,000 $ 220,408,100
investment performance1-Year
6.42%8.87% 9.09%6.47%
STLCF Blended Benchmark
6.63%8.76% 8.40%5.99%
Total Assets
STLCF Blended
*STLCF’s blended benchmark consists of 13% MSCI ACWI ex-US,
44.6% Dow Jones US Total Stock Index, 28.1% Barclays Capital
Aggregate, 7.7% 91 Day T-Bills, 4.2% HFR Fund of Funds, 1.0% Dow
Jones US Select REIT Index, 1.4% North America Natural Resources
Sector Index.
Lifetime Associates
The following individuals have made
lifetime unrestricted gifts to the
St. Louis Community Foundation.
Les and Connie Buechele
Mr. and Mrs. Parker B. Condie
Mrs. Selma Dennis*
Gretta Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fort
Terry and Marjorie Franc
Mr. Eugene J. Gabianelli
Frank J. Guyol III
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Hanser
Donald E.* and Katherine G. Klingler
Bruce and Kim Olson
Mark and Stephanie Schnuck
Anne T. and John C. Shapleigh
William H.* and Glenn J. Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Streett
Mr. and Mrs.* Albert E. Suter
Josephine C. Throdahl*
Lists of Funds
The St. Louis Community Foundation
is composed of more than 400 individual
charitable funds. The funds are organized
alphabetically by type of fund.
Discretionary Funds
Joseph A. Austin Family Fund
Louis D. Beaumont No. 2
Mary E. Brucker
Administrative Endowment Fund
B. A. Cori Fund
Harry Edison Fund No. 1
E. Emme Family Trust
Giving for Good Community Fund
Emma J. Gowatch & Betty M. Freund Fund
Jane and Milton Greenfield, Jr. Fund
Elizabeth Hays Fund
John H. Lashly Fund
Thomas F. and Elisabeth G. Latzer Fund
Ira M. and Virginia S. Lang Fund
Vivienne Lang Fund
Longmire Fund
Marian S. Lynn Fund
Morton J. and Morton D. May Fund
Stanley C. Pace Fund
Rosborough Fund No. 1
Sale Friends’ Fund
Aurelia Gerhard Schlapp Fund
Richard and June Thompson Fund
F. William Weinheimer Fund
Nancy Wolf Family Fund
designated Funds
Adolph Abbey Fund
Charles F. Knight and Joanne Knight
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Support Fund 1
Robert A. Barnes Fund
Daniel and Blanche Bordley Foundation
Daniel and Blanche Bordley Fund for Bethesda
Daniel and Blanche Bordley Fund for
Father Dunne’s Home
Daniel and Blanche Bordley Fund for
St. Patrick Center
Louis D. Beaumont Fund No. 1
Bergmann and Dill-Bergmann Fund
W. K. Bixby Book Fund
W. K. Bixby Publication Fund
William K. Bixby Fund No. 3
Dana Brown Fund for Hemophiliac Children
Gustavus A. Buder, Jr. & Kathryn M.
Buder Memorial Fund
Campbell House Foundation Fund
George O. Carpenter, Sr. Fund
Anita L.C. and William S. Cassilly
Charitable Fund
Jere W. Clemens Fund
St. Louis Country Day School Class of 1968 Fund
Martin Collins Memorial Fund
Mary Alice Collins Memorial Fund
Donald and Theresa Couch
Charitable Foundation
Ralph and Ruthie Deuser Challenge Fund
Ralph and Ruthie Deuser Endowed Fund
David B. and Blanche B. Earhart Fund
Nan Elliott Memorial Fund
Emerson Hometown Heroes Capital Fund
Joy Waltke Fisher Memorial Fund
David R. Francis Hospital Fund
Esther H. Fox Fund
Harris J. Frank Charitable Fund
Theodore and Clara Fuhr Funck Fund
Ruth Greenberg Memorial Trust
Charlotte W. Hagemann Fund
Charlotte and Paul O. Hagemann Fund
William K. Hall Trust
Gary and Linda Hansen Charitable Fund
Roberta Parks Happel Fund
Gustav L. Harris Scholarship Fund for
students at MICDS
Gustav L. Harris Scholarship Fund for
St. Louis students at Harvard University
Gustav L. Harris Scholarship Fund for
St. Louis students at Yale University
Gustav L. Harris Scholarship Fund
for students at Phillips Academy
Hospital S & S Fund
A. C. Ingersoll, Jr. Memorial Trust
International Institute of Metro St. Louis
-Watkins/Crosslin Educational Endowment
Jabber Fund
Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Designated Fund
Emil and Norma Karches Fund
Ida F. Kittredge Fund
Jack and M. Evelyn Koonce
Education Foundation
Laumeier Sculpture Park Endowment Fund
R. E. and M. A. Lehmkuhl Family Fund
William Levin Fund
John L. Messmore Fund
Rachel Stix Michael Fund
Glenn L. Moller Jr. Memorial Fund
Amy and Keith Murphy Family Fund
Hattie Knox Neal Fund
Rudolph W. Netzeband, Esther Hoener
Netzeband and Ann Netzeband
Wilkinson Memorial Fund
Bernhard W. & Anna Terri Nuessli Fund
Mary Perry-John Perry Fund
Piper Memorial Fund
George R. and Susan R. Powell
Charitable Fund
Doris Banta Pree Fund
Charles F. Rehkoph Fund
Risberg Family Foundation
George K. and Marjorie McCarthy
Robins Fund
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
St. Louis Altenheim
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for Bethesda
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
St. Louis Society for the Blind
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
German Protestant Orphan’s Home
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
the St. Louis Symphony
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
Little Sisters of the Poor
Frank A. and Alpha H. Ruf Fund for
St. Vincent Home for Children
Lohman Rush Charitable Foundation
Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute
Patient Support Fund
Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute Fund
John Taylor Sandison & Edith West Sandison
Memorial Fund
Schlafly Foundation
Henry G. and Edith R. Schwartz Fund
James W. Seeser Charitable Fund
Emma P. Simmons Memorial Fund
for Students Aid
Ella A. Shoemaker Fund for Grace United
Methodist Church
Cliff and Jeanette Sommer Scouting Fund
Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Designated Fund
Lon Stark Fund
George Fox Steedman Fund
Joseph and Mary Stieven
Educational Foundation
Irvin and Georgia Stroud Fund
Julian Stroud Fund for Mt. Pleasant
United Methodist Church
Phyllis R. Tirmenstein Charitable Fund
Patricia Treacy and Pat Ilg Endowment
for Music Education
United Nations Association Mary Hall Seminars
United Way of Greater St. Louis
Designated Fund
Valentine Family Tuition Support Fund
David Matthew Ver Hagen Memorial Fund
Lillian Krapf-Waldstein Foundation
Blanton J. and Margaret S. Whitmire
Charitable Fund
Edward H. and Rosemary Young Fund
Zimmer Fund for Big Brothers/Big Sisters
of SW Illinois
Zimmer Fund for Hospice of Southern Illinois
Zimmer Fund for Radio Information Services
for Blind & Print Handicapped Foundation
Aloe Plaza Fund
Belleville Area CEO Fund
Blueprint 4 Summer Youth Education Fund
Edward Bredell Fund
Jerry T. Brown, Sr. Mentor Fund
Burks Historic Houses Fund
Captains’ Return Fund
Cardinal Ritter CEO Fund
Come Together Ferguson Fund
Mildred Conner Fund
Thomas Dunn Fund
Ferguson-Florissant Foundation for Education
Ferguson Youth Jobs Fund
Fund for Indigent Health Care
Girls Giving Fund
GiveSTLday Fund
Grand Center Arts Academy Fund
Ollie Hinkle Heart Foundation
Hospice Foundation of Greater St. Louis Fund
Innovative Concept Youth Fund
Invest STL Fund
Shut It Down Fund
Krausse - Papendick Fund
Live Forward Fund
Mary Kathleen Bird Fund
Reinvest North County Fund
Maurice Gertrude & Mary Ellen Nelson
Memorial Fund
Painting For Peace Book Fund
Ellen Eisendrath Post Charitable Foundation
Potter’s Field Fund
Pride of St. Louis Redevelopment
Charitable Fund
Margaret C. Schmidt Fund
Amy Simos Memorial Foundation
St. Louis Graduates Fund
St. Louis Regional Medical Center
Foundation Fund
STL Youth Jobs Fund
A and O Family Fund
ABGB Capital Charitable Foundation
Adam Family Fund
H. Douglas and Hilda Chaski Adams
Charitable Fund
Barbara and Ernest Adelman Fund
Anonymous Funds (2)
Anonymous Fund 3
Anonymous Fund 10
Anonymous 16
Anonymous Fund 19
Alameda Charitable Foundation
Amos Fund
Jill and Dan Arbet Charitable Fund
ARCO/Murray Foundation
Douglas R. Armstrong Charitable Fund
Bader Family Foundation
Baker Family Trust
Edward L. Bakewell III Charitable Gift Fund
Barksdale Family Fund
Basinski Family Fund
David A. Bayer and Karen Wernsing Bayer
Charitable Fund
Byrd and Bourne Bean Charitable Fund
Besten Family Charitable Foundation
Blankemeyer Family Foundation
Laura S. and John A. Blumenfeld Fund
Amelia and Art Bond Charitable Fund
Ken and Mary Bower Charitable Fund
Mary Elliott Brandin Charitable Fund
Brentmoor Charitable Foundation
Brentmoor II Charitable Foundation
Michael and Arlue Briggs
Charitable Foundation
Brightman Family Fund
Brockhaus Family Charitable Fund
Barbara O. Browning Charitable Fund
Buechele Family Fund
Burwell Family Fund
Bush Family Fund
Butler Family Fund
Bytnar Family Charitable Foundation
Campbell-Avery Fund
Casey-Entringer Family Charitable Fund
Barry T. Cervantes Connecting and
Caring Foundation
Chadwick Family Fund
Camden Cherbonnier Charitable Fund
Laurie Cherbonnier Charitable Fund
Children’s Christmas Foundation Fund
Clark Family Foundation
Clark-Fox Family Foundation
Cochran Memorial Trust Fund
Thomas R. Collins, Sr. Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Condie
Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Condie, Jr., Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Parker B. Condie, Jr.
Charitable Fund
Conrad Family Charitable Fund
Gilles and Marguerite Cottier
Family Foundation
J. William and Ann E. Cunningham
Charitable Fund
Christopher and Molly Danforth Family Fund
Don & Susannah Danforth Family Fund
Das Family Foundation
Dauntless Fund
Richard and Maryanne Davis Family Foundation
Deaf Community Center Fund
George and Mary Rose Desloge Family Fund
Taylor S. and Marian F. Desloge Fund
Robin & Lesley DeTurk Charitable Fund
Dezort Family Fund
Dill Family Foundation
Arnold W. and Hazel A. Donald
Charitable Fund
John L. Donnell Fund
Ruth Latzer Donnell Trust
Driemeyer Fund for Kids in Need
Drury Inns Charitable Foundation
Jerry and Laura Claxton Eader Charitable Fund
EBC Charitable Fund
L. B. & Bonnie Eckelkamp Charitable Fund
Harry Edison Fund No. 2
EHG Charitable Fund
Ellenwood Fund
Engelsmann Charitable Fund
Farrell Family Fund
Feiner Family Charitable Foundation
Finney Charitable Fund
First Serve Fund
Fleming Charitable Foundation
Ford Family Charitable Fund
Gretta Forrester Family Fund
Fort Family Foundation
Jeffrey T. Fort Charitable Fund
Franc Family Fund
FTL Capital Charitable Foundation
Thomas F. and Laura C. George Family
Charitable Fund
Lisa Wood George Foundation
Gloriod Family Charitable Fund
Laurna Godwin and Sam Hutchinson
Charitable Foundation
Greg and Laura Griffin Fund
Frank J. Guyol III Charitable Fund
Leonard D. and Madeline H. Haertter
Charitable Fund
Mark J. and Christine F. Hall Family Foundation
Gregory H. Hampton Charitable Fund
Tom and Kathy Hankins Charitable Fund
Lois Harvey Memorial Fund
Hayes Family Fund
Heagney-Tobin Charitable Foundation
Hecker Family Charitable Foundation
Ella A. Heimburger Fund
Sonya & Harold Helmkampf Fund
Helmsing Family Charitable Fund
Judy and Gordon Herzog Fund
Jeffery and Susan Hewitt Family Foundation
Hillman Family Foundation
Barbara Pidgeon Holley Charitable Fund
Holland Family Charitable Fund
Holman Family Foundation
Holton Foundation
Horton Family Charitable Fund
Brian Houghton Foundation Fund
Charles A. & Mary T. Hunt Family Fund
Al and Denise Hurley Family Foundation
Inman Family Fund
Isle of Capri Community Aces Fund
Marjorie M. Ivey Charitable Fund
Dennis J. Jacknewitz Family Fund
James C. and Donna W. Janning
Charitable Fund
Dean Jarboe Charitable Fund
Ernest and Pauline Jaworski Donor
Advisory Fund
JGJ Foundation
Tony and Jane Jokerst Charitable Fund
Estelle W. & Karen S. Kalish Fund
Simon & Francine Katz Family Trust
Katzen Family Fund
Eleanor Kenneth Fund
Barry Kessler Charitable Fund
King Family Foundation
King Family Charitable Foundation
Kishlar Fund
Ron Kjar Foundation
Kley Family Foundation
Katie & Don Klingler Charitable Fund
Donald W. & Linda S. Kloth Charitable Fund
Knight Fund
Elizabeth Knowles Charitable Fund
Sarah Knowles Charitable Fund
Peter Knowles Charitable Fund
Koebbe Family Fund
Cynthia J. Kohlbry Charitable Fund
Koplar Family Charitable Fund
Gary and Patty Krosch Charitable Fund
Ronald Krueger and Wehrenberg Theatres
Charitable Foundation Fund
Krypciak Family Fund
Kunst Family Charitable Fund
Lalumandier Family Charitable Fund
James A. and Jane E. Lammers
Charitable Fund
Julia M. Lamy Family Fund
Linda B. & Thomas K. Langsdorf Family Fund
Larson Family Foundation
Randy and Ann Lipton Charitable Fund
Living Like A Lady Charitable Fund
J. Maher Family Charitable Fund
Marion B. & Maurice L. Martin Family Fund
Warren Todd McCane Fund
Robert L. McCarthy Fund
McDonald Family Fund
Alicia S. McDonnell Fund
John F. McDonnell Fund
Elizabeth H. & James S. McDonnell III Fund
Lesley McIntire Charitable Fund
S. Lee McMillan Charitable Foundation
McMullin Family Charitable Fund
McNeive Family Charitable Fund
Hugh McPheeters Family Fund
Meyers Family Foundation
Bruce & Renee Michelson Donor Advised Fund
Bette B. Miller Charitable Fund
John C. and Bette B. Miller
Charitable Foundation
Karen and Tom Miller Family Foundation
Robert J. & LaVerne M. Murdick
Charitable Fund
MV 7 Fund
MVK Charitable Fund
Myles Family Fund
Navarre Family Foundation Fund
Lynn A. Neill Charitable Fund
Steve Nelson Memorial Playwright’s Fund
Thomas and Julie Nelson Charitable Fund
Leslie and Charles Nicolais Family Foundation
Richard & Elizabeth Nix Charitable Fund
Robert O’Brien Family Foundation
O’Connell Family Fund
Bryan D. O’Connor Charitable Fund
Kevin and Wendy Oliver Charitable Fund
Olson Family Fund
Osborne/Siegel Family Foundation
Robert & Jennifer Parish Charitable Fund
Paric Corporation Charitable Foundation
Peggs, Peggs, & Peggs Foundation
Alexander Barker Permutt Fund
Peterson Family Foundation
Piening Family Fund
Mary Pillsbury Foundation
Poling Family Charitable Fund
Edward and Cynthia Potter Family Fund
Powell Family Charitable Fund
Frank and Judy Pratl Charitable Fund
John & Georgia Purcell Family Foundation
Roland Quest Memorial Fund
Quinn Family Charitable Fund
Rafferty Family Charitable Fund
Rankeitay Charitable Fund
Derek & Emily Rapp Family Fund
Rava Family Fund
Susan K. Rick Charitable Fund
Rikli Family Fund
Rio Vista Fund
Rogers-Donnell Fund
Joey Rosenblum Memorial Fund
Sarah Ellen Rose Charitable Fund
Einar and Ellie Ross Family Fund
Sandage Family Foundation
J. Sandweiss Family Fund
John & Althea Schiffman Charitable Fund
Robert and Denise Schindler Foundation
Edgar W. Schmidt Charitable Fund
The Schoeninger Family Fund
Irene T. Schulze Charitable Foundation
Kenneth G. Schwab Wildlife Preserve Fund II
Schwendinger Family Charitable Fund
Seed Fund
Seeser Family Fund
John C. and Anne T. Shapleigh Fund
Sheffield Family Fund
Harold F. and Ruth Sher Care Fund
Peter & Marguerite Shinkle Charitable Fund
Dan and Sallie Shipley Charitable Fund
Sindelar Family Charitable Fund
St. Louis Sports Foundation Fund
Burr Smith Family Fund
Smith-Fain Family Foundation
Smith, Moore & Company Charitable Fund
Kathy and Jim Snowden Charitable Fund
Sondov-Gold Family Fund
Special Friends of Children Fund
Spirit of St. Louis Women’s Fund
D. John Srivisal Charitable Fund
St. Louis Gives Fund
Kenneth and Marilyn Steinback
Family Foundation
Joseph & Mary Stieven Charitable Family Fund
Hillory W. and Mavis Ann Still
Charitable Fund
Stokes Family Charitable Fund
John and Leah Stroup Charitable Fund
Suelthaus Family Charitable Fund
Sullivan Family Foundation
Suter Family Charitable Fund
Swain Charitable Fund
John H.K. Sweet Charitable Fund
Sycamore Tree Charitable Fund
Peggy Walter Symes Gifts Fund
Taiclet Charitable Fund
Talley Family Charitable Fund
Jay and Diane Tebbe Charitable Fund
Thiemann Family Fund
Togram Park Charitable Fund
Frank R. Trulaske Family Foundation
Tsunami Waves Foundation
U.S. Bank of St. Louis Advised Fund
John D. and Trudy B. Valentine Family
Charitable Fund
David Matthew Ver Hagen Memorial
Scholarship Foundation
Jack and Suzy Villa Charitable Foundation
Von Deylen Family Charitable Fund
Ed and Joan Wahl Charitable Fund
a public charity
that facilitates
giving within
a particular
Walz Family Charitable Fund
Warwil Charitable Fund
Earle and Rebecca Weaver Charitable Fund
Murray and Phyllis Weidenbaum Fund
Williams Family Charitable Foundation
Helena and Orlie Wilkening Fund
Eugene F. Williams Charitable Fund
Wilson Family Charitable Fund
Wilson Christian Foundation
Richard M. Woltman, Jr. Foundation
Heather Wood Charitable Fund
Nicole Wood Family Charitable Fund
Harriett and Jim Woods Family Fund
Wydrzynski Family Charity Fund
Fred W. Agney Foundation
William J. Beatty Scholarship Fund
Larry Carp Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jordan Chambers Memorial Fund
Andrew B. Craig Family Jasper School
Scholarship Fund
Commander Philip C. Craig ‘59C
Scholarship Fund
George A. Decker Memorial Scholarship Fund
K. Ann Dempsey Honors Scholarship Fund
Toinette M. Eugene Scholarship Fund
Ferguson-Florissant School District
Scholarship Fund
Friends of the St. Louis Municipal School of
Nursing Scholarship Program Fund
Donald Glen Barr Scholarship
Carrie Elligson Gietner Scholarship Fund for
Long Term Care
Dennis G. Glore Memorial Scholarship Fund
St. Louis Graduates Scholarship Fund
Alfred H. Hicks Memorial Music Fund
Hillman Scholars Fund
Fred E. Kiefer and Florence E. Kiefer
Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Richard Krypciak Scholarship
Ron and Christine Lemonds-Edward Jones
René Lerer Community Spirit Scholarship
Michael Lindquist Memorial College
Scholarship Fund
Arthur Lionberger Scholarship Fund
Hazel McGrievy Scholarship Fund
Dr. Ciriaco “Jerry” Memmolo Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Metal Exchange Corporation Morris Lefton
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Norwood Hills Charitable Trust Fund
Ernst and Florence Oltmann
Scholarship Fund
Bobby Orf #17 Foundation
Redbird Rookies Scholars Fund
William C. & Bertha Black Rhoda
Scholarship Fund
Rio Vista Scholarship Fund
St. Anthony’s Medical Center Foundation
Academic Excellence Scholarship
St. Anthony’s Medical Center
Scholarship for Sons & Daughters
of Employees
Virginia E. Stevenson Scholarship Fund
Security Traders Association of
St. Louis Charitable Fund
St. Louis Municipal Bond Club
Clark & Mildred Cox
Scholarship Fund
Evelyn B. Trampe Scholarship Fund
Triple A Ranch Scholarship Fund
Troublemaker of the Best Kind
Scholarship Fund
William Upthegrove Scholarship Fund
Matthew S. Viglione Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Fred Weber, Sr.,
Memorial Scholarship Program
Zimmer Family Scholarship Fund
Alberici Corporate Fund
Alberici Foundation
employee care/
emergency FUNDS
Barry-Wehmiller Companies
Hearts to Hands Relief Fund
Cee Kay Cares Employee Care Fund
Clayton Corporation Short Term
Emergency Program (S.T.E.P.)
CLEANcares Fund
Drury Inns INNTouch Fund
Essex Cares Fund
Isle of Capri Sunshine Fund
Magellan Health eMbrace Emergency
Assistance Program
fiscal sponsorship
- pre-501c3 status
CityArchRiver 2015
Ever Appropriate Fund
Exchange Initiative Fund
Hawthorn Leadership School for
Girls Fund
Home Sweet Home Fund
HOME WORKS! The Teacher
Home Visit Program
L.E.A.D. Promising Youth Fund
Michael O. D. Brown We Love Our
Sons and Daughters Foundation
Sua Sponte Foundation
Charitable Fund
Jessica and Kelli Uhl
Memorial Foundation
Vernare Schools Fund
WreSTL Fund
grant management
Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust
GSK Impact Grant Fund
The Pettus Foundation
The following are the
professional advisors who
have partnered with us in
recent years.
Fred E. Arnold
Barbara Archer
Terri E. Beaty
Rudy D. Beck
Ryan Blackburn
Jim T. Blair
Joshua M. Bledsoe
Donna Botkin
J. Russell Brightman Jr.
Susan E. Brown
Jeff Burds
Tony Caleca
James D. Camp III
Dawn T. Christoffersen
Joseph M. Church
Jayne Corley
Wesley J. Coulson
Stephen B. Daiker
David S. Dankmyer
Gene Diederich
David M. Diener
Laura Duncan
Scott Dolan
JoAnn Dyroff
Melissa Earthman
Brian J. Fernandez
Steven L. Finerty
David Freyman
Patrick Gaffney
Nancy Georgen
Jack M. Gillis
Elizabeth K. Goldenberg
Gregory L. Goltermann
Steve Gorin
Christopher G. Griesedieck
Todd Grizzle
William K. Halliburton
Matt Hall
Kenneth E. Hand
Matthew Harlan
Phillip Hawkey
John F. Hefele
David Heilich
Cindy Hiatt
Rick Hill
Leslie R. Hodges
Paul M. Hoffman
David Hollo
Michelle Horton
Thomas Yearout
John M. Jennings
Donna M. Johnson
Michael V. Johnson
Bob Jordan
Keith J. Kehrer
Whitney M. Kenter
Nicole Kettenbrink
Bernard J. King
Bradford W. Koeneman
Brad C. Kohnen
Gregory D. Kraus
Sally Kriegel
Richard T. Kuehnle
Steve Kuntz
Steven M. Laiderman
J. Eric Lawrence
Larry LeGrand
Kathy Lintz
Michael T. Lissner
David Luckes
Jennifer Lynn
Edward S. Loeb
Roger Lowery
Matthew J. Madsen
James D. Maher
Joan D. Malloy
Carl M. Markus
Joseph McCormick
Lisa D. McLaughlin
Mike McKee
Marian “Bo” Mehan
Patrick Mehan
Jaime Mendez
Michael Moeller
Rick Murphy
Diane Mustain
Don Poling
David Rath
Kelly Richer
Jeffrey P. Renelt
Dawn Ruez
Brian Rull
Albert S. Rose Jr.
John D. Schaperkotter
Carrie S. Schormann
Tyler D. Schwieterman
Natalea Simmons Beaudean
Kimberly Springer
John Steffens
Michael Sullivan
Jerome A. Timmermann
Michael J. Tusing
Eric Verhulst
Geneen M. Von Kloha
Franklin F. Wallis
George Walton Jr.
Dannelle D. Ward
Matthew Wagner
Joel Weeks
Rebecca S. Weaver
Michael C. Weeks
Mark Wilkins
Walter L. Wittenberg
Richard Yawitz
Tim Yeaglin
Kendall Young
Lists of Recipients
grants by program area
Grant recipients were
recommended by donors,
identified by the St. Louis
Community Foundation, or
received a grant from participation
on Give STL Day (*) or BOTH (**).
Grants are alphabetical within
program area.
arts & culture
7th Grade Poetry Foundation**
92nd Street Y
Actors Theatre Company
Aerospace Legacy Foundation
Alliance Française de Saint Louis
Ambassadors of Harmony**
American Academy in Berlin
American Associates of the
National Theatre, Inc.
American Institute of Graphic Arts**
American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog
Association of American Voices**
The Armory Arts Center
Art St. Louis**
Artis Naples Inc.
Arts and Education Council of
Greater St. Louis**
Arts for Life**
Aspen Music Festival and School
Bach Society of St. Louis**
Ballroom Dance Academy of St. Louis**
Bath & Tennis Historic Building
Preservation Foundation, Inc
Bay Pointe Ballet
Belleville Cultural Enrichment Organization
The Big Muddy Dance Company**
St. Louis Black Repertory Company**
Bowery Arts and Science, Ltd.
Campbell House Foundation**
Central Michigan University
Central Visual & Performing Arts**
Chamber Music Society of St. Louis**
Charley’s Body Shoppe CBS
Liturgical Dance Ministry
Chatillon-DeMenil House Foundation
Chesterfield Arts**
Cinema St. Louis**
Circus Arts Foundation of Missouri
(Circus Flora)**
Center of Creative Arts (COCA)**
Coleman Violin Studio
Community Performance Ensemble
Fractured Atlas d/b/a/ Community
Supported Art - St. Louis*
The Community Word Project
Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis**
Cornerstone Chorale and Brass, Inc.
Covenant Network
Craft Alliance**
CSIRKL Teen Arts Collective*
Cultural Festivals**
Dallas County Heritage Society/Dallas
Heritage Village
Dance St. Louis**
DaySpring School of the Arts*
East Bay Center for the Preservation
of Cultural Arts
Edwardsville Arts Center
Eugene Field House & Toy Museum**
Fishtown Preservation Society
Friends of the Palo Alto Jr. Museum and Zoo
Gateway Center for Performing Arts**
Gateway Creative Broadcasting Inc
Gateway Festival Orchestra of St. Louis**
Gateway Spotlight ChorUs*
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Girls Choral Academy
Grand Center, Inc.**
Grand Teton Music Festival
Grandville Avenue Arts and Humanities, Inc.
The Edison Institute, Inc.--The Henry Ford
The Heritage Foundation
Hispanic Arts Council of St. Louis*
Historic Riverboat Preservation Association**
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
HotCity Theatre Co.
Insight Theatre Company**
Interlochen Center for the Arts
International Photography Hall of Fame
and Museum**
Intonation Music Workshop
Jazz St. Louis**
Jewish Publication Society
John R. & Eleanor R. Mitchell Foundation
KDHX Community Media
Kirkwood Historical Society
KUVO Denver Educational Broadcasting
KWMU St. Louis Public Radio**
Landmarks Association of St. Louis, Inc.**
Laumeier Sculpture Park**
Leelanau Community Cultural Center
Leelanau Historical Society
Levine School of Music
Lighthouse Center for the Arts
Little Flower Parish
Lively Foundation
Loxahatchee River Historical Society
Ludington Arts Council
The Magic House**
Maltz Jupiter Theatre, Inc.
Mason County Historical Society
Metro Theater Company
Metropolitan Opera Association Inc.
The Metropolitan Orchestra of Saint Louis**
Miami Conservatory of Music, Inc.
Midwest Artist Project Services*
Mill City Summer Opera
Missouri Historical Society
Missouri Mansion Preservation, Inc.
Model A Ford Foundation, Inc.
MOSAICS Missouri Festival for the Arts*
Mount Vernon Ladies Association of
the Union
Municipal Theatre Association of St. Louis**
Museum of American Finance
Museum of Jackson Hole
Museum of New Mexico Foundation
Nantucket Atheneum
Nantucket Dreamland Foundation
Nantucket Historical Association
National Blues Museum
National Museum of Wildlife Art
National Society of Colonial Dames
of America in the State of Missouri
National Trust for Historic Preservation
New Line Theatre**
New York Historical Society
Nine Network of Public Media**
Off Center Theatre Co.—
Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble**
Old Threshers Foundation, Inc.
Old Vero Ice Age Sites Committee, Inc.
Opera America
Opera Theatre of Saint Louis**
Palm Beach Dramaworks
Pazazz Performers Inc.
Philharmonic Center for the Arts
Philharmonic Society of Belleville**
Playing for the Cause**
Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra, Inc
Prison Performing Arts**
Radio Arts Foundation**
Regional Arts Commission
Repertory Theatre of St. Louis**
River Blenders Chorus*
Robert E. Lee Memorial Association
Roscoe Village Foundation
Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal
Saint Charles Riverfront Arts*
Saint Louis Art Museum Foundation**
Saint Louis Ballet
Saint Louis Black Repertory Company**
Saint Louis City Open Studio & Gallery
Saint Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective*
Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra**
Saratoga Chamber Orchestra
Savannah Philharmonic Corporation
Scottish Partnership for Arts and Education**
Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis**
The Sheldon Arts Foundation**
Silicon Valley BoyChoir
Smithsonian Institution
Society of the Four Arts
South Broadway Art Project*
Springboard to Learning & Young Audiences
of St. Louis**
St Lou Fringe
St. Charles County Arts Council*
St. Louis Actors’ Studio**
St. Louis Art Fair**
St. Louis Artists’ Guild**
St. Louis ArtWorks**
St. Louis Cathedral Concerts*
St. Louis Chamber Chorus**
St. Louis Children’s Choirs**
St. Louis Civic Orchestra/Clayton
Symphony Orchestra
St. Louis Classical Guitar Society**
St. Louis Science Center Foundation**
St. Louis Shakespeare Company*
St. Louis Women’s Chorale
Stages St. Louis**
Strings Attached Project**
Tarnoff Art Center
Tenakee Historical Collection
The Tesseract Theatre Company**
Tipitinas Foundation Inc.
Transport Museum Association**
Turner Center for the Arts**
Turtle Bluff Chamber Orchestra Association
U City in Bloom**
Union Avenue Opera Theatre**
Upstream Theater**
The Vail Jazz Foundation, Inc
Vero Beach Museum of Art
Vivace Chamber Players
Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for
the Arts
Walton Arts Center Council, Inc.
Warren County Fine Arts Council*
Webster Arts*
West End Players Guild**
Whidbey Island Center for the Arts
Wiegand Foundation, Inc
Window to the World Communications, Inc
Winnetka Community House
Winter Opera Saint Louis
World Chess Hall of Fame**
WXEL Public Broadcasting Corporation
Yeyo Arts Collective**
community building
100 Black Men**
1904 World’s Fair Charitable Foundation*
1st Ranger Battalion Sua Sponte Foundation
Abundant Living for All Foundation**
Affton Historical Society*
Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, Inc.
Alpha Place
Alpha Tau Omega Foundation
American Association of the Sovereign
Military Order of Malta
American Civil Liberties Union Foundation**
American Council on Germany
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish World Service
AmeriCares Foundation, Inc.
Angel Moms Over St. Louis Missouri
and Abroad**
Angels in Training, a Mother-Daughter
Service Org.**
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith**
Arch Grants**
Association of Fundraising Professionals,
St. Louis Regional Chapter
Association of the Miraculous Medal
Beechcraft Heritage Museum, Inc
Boy Scout Troop 200*
The Boys & Girls Clubs of
St. Charles County*
The Buddy Program Inc.
Butterfly Dreams Pageants, Inc.*
Camp Kesem Saint Louis University**
Campaign for Equal Justice, Legal Aid
for Washington Fund
Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Caring Ministries, Inc.**
Catholic Answers
Catholic Campus Ministry Advisory Board
Catholic Student Center at
Washington University**
Cato Institute
CBMC of Greater St. Louis
Central Adirondack Partnership
21st Century Inc.
Christian Activity Center**
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Circle of Light Associates**
Citizens for Modern Transit**
City of Town & Country
Clayton Century Foundation
Clinton Global Initiative
Common Counsel Foundation
Community Builders Network of
Metro St. Louis
Community Council of St. Charles County**
Community Foundation of Collier County
Community Foundation Serving
Boulder County
Community Rebuilding Inc.**
Community Renewal & Development Inc.*
Connections to Success, Inc.**
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Consortium for Leadership Development**
Coro Leadership Center at Focus St. Louis
Cultural Leadership, Inc.**
Dare 2 Share Ministries
Democracy Now Productions
Dewight E. Patton Jr. Foundation**
Diversity Awareness Partnership**
Dutchtown South Community Corporation**
Eagle Forum Education and
Legal Defense Fund
Eagle Scout Association of
Greater St. Louis, Inc.
Eisenhower Fellowships
EMC2 The World*
Emerson Park Development Corporation**
The Empowerment Network, Inc.*
Eternal Word Television Network
The Ethics Project*
Fair St. Louis Foundation**
Faith That Works**
Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Fellowship of Reconciliation, Inc.
Fire Truck O’ Toys**
FOCUS St. Louis**
Franklin Neighborhood
Community Association*
Fraternal Order of Police,
Fort Lauderdale Lodge 31
Freedom to Marry, Inc.
Friends of the Atlantik-Bruecke e. V. Inc
Friends of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis
Fusion Pointe Inc.
Gateway Chapter of the Paralyzed
Veterans of America**
Gateway EITC Community Coalition**
Gateway to Dreams*
Giraffe Project
Girls on the Run of St. Louis**
GO Campaign
Good Journey Development Foundation**
Gramercy Park Block Association Inc
Greater St. Louis Honor Flight, Inc**
Habitat for Humanity of St. Charles
Hamilton Heights Neighborhood
Organizations, Inc.
Harambee Youth Training Corporation
Helping Hand Me Downs**
Helping Hands - Changing Lives*
In The City For Good
Inner City Christian Federation (ICCF)
The Institute for Peace and Justice
Integrated Community/Comunidad Integrada
Inter Pares
Intercambio de Comunidades
International Institute, St. Louis**
IPM (International Partners in Mission**
Isaac’s Rays of Hope**
Isaiah 58 Ministries
It’s Your Birthday, Inc.**
Ivy Foundation of St. Louis**
James S. McDonnell U.S.O.**
Janada L. Batchelor Foundation for Children
Jefferson National Parks Association*
Jesuit International Missions
Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province
Jewish Community Center**
Jewish Federation of St. Louis**
Jewish National Fund
(Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Inc)
Joint Neighborhood Ministry**
Jubilee Christian Development Corporation
Judicial Watch
The Junior League of St. Louis
KEEN St. Louis**
Kids Across America Foundation
Kids Community Bible Study, Inc.**
Airwaves for Jesus, Inc.
Kingdom State University**
Kulanu, Inc
Latinos En Axion STL*
LCMS National Housing Support Corporation*
The League of Women Voters
Information Service**
Legal Services of Eastern Missouri**
Lemay Housing Partnership, Inc.*
Leu Civic Center, Inc.**
Lewis Place Historical Preservation*
Lindell Study Center “Opus Dei”
Lost Tree Village Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Media Research Center
Medjugorje in America, Inc.
Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing
and Opportunity Council*
Microfinancing Partners in Africa**
Midwest Assoc. of Farmers Markets*
Midwest Coalition for Responsible Investment*
The Mission Continues**
Mission: American Gratitude*
Mission: St. Louis**
Missouri Bicycle Foundation, Inc.
Missouri Council for a Better Economy
Missouri Credit Union Charitable Foundation**
Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates*
Missouri Military Memorial Foundation**
M-O-M Cares Employee Foundation
The Moses Center, Inc.*
Mount Grace Convent
National Conference for Community and
Justice of Metropolitan St. Louis**
National Council of Jewish Women,
St. Louis Section**
National Council of Jewish
Women-Dallas Section
National Right to Life Committee
Educational Trust Fund
Navy SEAL Foundation
New Horizons of Southwest Florida, Inc.
New Life Evangelistic Center, Inc.
Norfolk Now
North County Regional Development
Association (NCI)**
North Newstead Association*
Old North St. Louis Restoration Group**
One Fund Boston
Operation Understanding of the District
of Columbia
Opportunity International, Inc.
Our Lady of Victory Homes of Charity
Town of Palm Beach
Park Central Development Corporation
Peace Economy Project*
Penuel, Inc.
Personal Freedom Outreach
Priests For Life
Prosper Women Entrepreneurs**
Prosperity Connection**
The Center for Racial Harmony
Raising Hope: Water for Panama*
Rally St. Louis**
RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and
Environmental Needs)
Ready and Willing Inc.*
Rebuilding Together St. Louis**
The Regional Business Council
Rise Community Development**
Riverbend Family Ministries*
Riverview West Florissant
Development Corporation**
Rung, Ltd.*
Rural Parish Workers of Christ the King
SCOPE Science & Citizens Organized for
Purpose and Exploration**
Servants of the Paraclete
Shaw Neighborhood Improvement Association
Shine Like the Son, A Father-Son Service Org.**
Shoes & Hope**
Show-Me Institute
Community building
Social Venture Partners International
Southern Poverty Law Center
St. Bernard Project
St. Charles City-County Library*
St. Louis Association of
Community Organizations**
St. Louis Green**
St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on
Latin America**
St. Louis Jewish Light
St. Louis Metro Round Table
Representatives on Deafness, Inc.**
St. Louis Volunteer Lawyers and
Accountants for the Arts**
State of St. Louis Foundation
Stepping Into The Light Ministry*
STL250, Incorporated**
Teens of America USA*
Top Teens of America*
Tower Grove Neighborhoods CDC**
Troop 314
TSL, Inc**
Tuscarora Township
United Nations Association
Urban Strategies, Inc.
Vail Valley Motorcycle Foundation, Inc.
Veiled Prophet Foundation
Veterans for Peace*
Vision of Peace Ministries, Inc.
Waco Foundation
Warrensburg Cemetery
Washington Public Interest
Research Foundation
Watch Hill Chapel Society
Women’s Collective Giving
Grantmakers Network
White House Retreat
Women for Women International
Women on Mission St. Louis
YMCA of Edwardsville*
Young America’s Foundation
YWCA of Seattle - King - Snohomish
charitable giving
and volunteerism
American Friends of Magen David Adom
Cash Scanlon Phillips Foundation
Clear Fund—GiveWell
Community Foundation of Central Missouri
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
Community Foundation for Mason County
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
Community Service
Public Relations Council**
Eighteen Sixty-Seven Foundation, Inc
Foothills United Way, Inc.
Foundation For The Carolinas
Friends of the Dominican Sisters Sparkhill -STL
Gateway Center for Giving
Gateway Children’s Charity
Grand Traverse Regional
Community Foundation
Heron Creek Community Foundation
Incarnate Word Foundation
Jupiter Hills Community Foundation, Inc.
Kyle Busch Foundation
Les Dames d’Aspen Ltd
National Scholarship Providers Association
Community Funds, Inc. New York
Community Trust
Nonprofit Services Center
Pan Massachusetts Challenge Trust
Petoskey - Harbor Springs Area
Community Foundation
Roman Catholic Foundation of
Eastern Missouri
Russell Westbrook Why Not Foundation Inc
San Antonio Area Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Share Our Spare
Southeastern Illinois Community Foundation
St. Louis American Foundation
St. Louis Sports Foundation
Tides Foundation
United Way of Collier County, Inc.
United Way of Forsyth County
United Way of Greater St. Louis, Inc.**
United Way of Northwest Arkansas
Vail Valley Foundation, Inc.
Winston-Salem Foundation
Women of Achievement
The Women’s Foundation of Greater St. Louis**
YouthBridge Community Foundation
Aspen Prep Academy
Attendance Works
Auburn University Foundation
Ava’s Grace Scholarship Foundation*
The Baldwin School
Bank Street College of Education
Barat Academy**
Bard College
Barnes-Jewish College Goldfarb School
of Nursing
Baylor University
Bellarmine University
Better Love Yourself Foundation NFP, Inc.**
Bing Nursery School
The Biome
Bishop DuBourg High School**
Blossom Wood Day School**
Bob Ebert LIFE Scholarship Fund**
Boston College
Bowling Green State University Foundation
Bradley University
Brandeis University
Bridgewater State University
Broader Vision for Schools in Africa
disaster relief,
Bronxville School Foundation
public safety &
Brooks School
emergency assistance
Brown University
Aguayuda, Inc
Bryant College
Catholic Relief Services
Bryn Mawr College
Farmington Police and Fire Department
Butler University
Keane Group Foundation
Campbell Montessori School**
Partnership for Youth, Inc.
Canary Research Institute for Mining,
Shield of Hope
Environment, and Health
Canterbury Enterprises, Inc.*
St. Louis Police Foundation
Cardinal Ritter College Preparatory
World Vision
High School**
In addition, 28 individuals
Carleton College
Carlinville Public Schools Foundation
received emergency assistance
from Employee Care Programs. Case Western Reserve University
Cathedral Preparatory School
Center for Educational Equity
Central Catholic High School
& scholarships
Central Institute for the Deaf**
1:1 Fund (Corporation for Enterprise
Central Methodist University
Challenger Learning Center St. Louis**
2nd Ranger Battalion of St. Louis Inc.*
Chaminade College Preparatory School**
40 Days for Life
Charles W. Gamm III Memorial
Academy of Science of St. Louis**
Scholarship Fund
Academy of St. Louis
Charleston Collegiate School
Academy of the Sacred Heart**
Chess Club and Scholastic Center
ACCESS Academies
of Saint Louis**
Achievement First - Amistad High School
Chesterfield Montessori School
Aim High St. Louis
Child of God Lutheran School**
Alabama A&M University
Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri**
Alfred University
The Children’s Scholarship Fund
Alliance for School Choice
PTA California Congress of Parents
Alma College
Teachers & Students, Inc
Alpha Chi Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta
Christ The King Jesuit College
Educational Foundation Inc
Preparatory School
Althoff Catholic High School**
The Christian Academy
American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Christian Brothers College High School
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Christian Brothers University
Churchill Center and School**
American Society for Technion - Israel Institute of Circus Harmony**
Citizens United Foundation
American University
City Academy, Inc.**
Annunciation Orthodox School
City Garden Montessori School**
Antioch College
City of St. Louis Municipal Library District
Antonio V. Glassberg Educational Foundation Civitas Associates*
Aquinas Institute of Theology
Claflin University
Archdiocese of St. Louis Department of
Clayton Early Childhood Center
Special Education*
Colgate University
Arrupe Jesuit High School
College Bound St. Louis**
Art Institute of Chicago
College Foundation, Inc.
Ashford University
College of the Holy Cross
The College School of Webster Groves**
College Summit**
Collegiate School Inc
Colorado College
Columbia University
Community School Association
Compass for Lifelong Discovery
Concordia Lutheran High School
Concordia Seminary**
The Consortium for Graduate Study
in Management**
The Constitutional Coalition
Convent of the Sacred Heart
EducationPlus - Cooperating School Districts
Cope24 - Changing Our Parenting Experience**
Cor Jesu Academy**
Cornerstone Center for Early Learning**
Corps Member Education Foundation
Court Reporting Institute of Dallas
Covenant College
Covenant Theological Seminary
Crossroads School**
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center
Culver-Stockton College
Cushing Academy Trustees
Dartmouth College
The David School
De La Salle Middle School, Inc.**
De Smet Jesuit High School
Delta Gamma Center for Children with
Visual Impairments**
Denver Montclair International School
(Montclair Academy)
DePaul University
DePauw University
Discovering Options**
Disruption Department**
Dominican University
Drake University
DREAMS Orgs. Inc**
Drury University
E3 Africa, EENU USA Inc.
East Central College*
Eastern Illinois University
Eboni Eyes Educational Opportunity
Eden Theological Seminary**
Educational Freedom Foundation
Edwardsville Children’s Museum*
Emerson College
Endicott College
English Tutoring Project**
Essential Playzone-Tutorial Resource Center*
Evans Scholars Foundation
Father McGivney High School**
FCNL Education Fund
Ferguson Municipal Public Library District
PTA Texas Congress, Ferguson
Ferguson-Florissant School District
Floor Layer’s Local #1310
Scholarship Fund, Inc.**
Fontbonne University
Forest Park Montessori School**
Forsyth School
Fort Zumwalt School District
Foundation for Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics*
Francis W. Parker School
Free the Children
Freedom Arts and Education Center**
The Friedman Foundation for
Educational Choice
Friends of CharacterPlus**
Friends of Normandy Foundation**
Fulton Missouri Phi Delta Theta Alumni
Educational Foundation
To increase
the impact
of charitable
giving now
and forever.
The Fund for American Studies
Gateway Hemophilia Association**
Gateway Michael School
Gateway to Peace Museum**
Georgetown University
German School Association*
Get the WORD Out, Inc.**
Gifted Support Network*
Giving Tree School
Global Learning Exchange Initiative**
Good Shepherd School for Children**
Gordon College
Grace Chapel Lutheran School*
Grand Canyon University
Greenhill School
Grove City College
Guadalupe Center, Inc.
Gustavus Adolphus College
Harvard University
Hawken School
The Hawthorn Leadership School for Girls**
Hawthorn Leadership School Foundation
Hayim Fischel Epstein Hebrew Academy
Hazelwood School District Foundation
Hillsdale College
Hispanic Educational, Cultural and
Scholarship Fund*
Holy Cross Academy*
Holy Redeemer Parochial School
Holy Savior Catholic Academy
Home School Foundation
Home Works! THVP**
The Hope Academy
Houghton College
Howard University
I Have a Dream Foundation of Boulder County
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University Foundation
Illinois State University
Incarnate Word Academy**
Indiana University
Indiana University Foundation
Innovate St. Louis
Institute for Justice
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Insyght Institute
International Council of Shopping Centers
Foundation Inc
Iowa State University
The Island School, Inc
It’s Not Too Late Scholarship*
Jackson State University
Jefferson College
Jennings School District
John Burroughs School
John F. Kennedy Catholic High School**
John Paul II Catholic School
John Weldon Elementary PTO**
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Wales University
Junior Achievement of Mississippi Valley, Inc.**
Junior Achievement of Greater St. Louis, Inc.**
Kalamazoo College
Kansas City Art Institute
Kansas State University
Kansas University Endowment
KAPAL Foundation, Inc. (Kappa Alpha Psi
Scholarship Fund)
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary**
Kenya Education Fund
Kenyon College
Kieve-Wavus Education, Inc.
King and Low-Heywood Thomas Schools, Inc.
KIPP: St. Louis**
Kirk Day School
Kirkwood School District Foundation
Kutztown University
L.E.A.D. Promising Youth, Inc.
Ladue Education Foundation**
Lafayette Preparatory Academy**
Laguna College of Art and Design
Landmark Legal Foundation
Lawrence University
Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America
The Learning Alliance Inc.
LearnServe International
L’Ecole Culinaire
Lee University
Leelanau Summinars
Lehigh University
The LIFE Foundation*
Lincoln University
Lindenwood University
Literacy Council of Bonita Springs
Logos, Inc.**
Louisiana State University
Loyola Academy of St. Louis**
Loyola University
Lutheran Association for Special Education**
Lutheran Elementary School Association**
Lutheran High School Association of
St. Louis**
Lutheran High School Association of
St. Charles County**
Lyon Academy @ Blow Elementary
Manlius Pebble Hill School
Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
Marian Middle School**
Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Mariposa Men’s Wellness Institute*
Marquette University
Mary Institute &
St. Louis Country Day School**
The Mary Meyer School
Maryville University**
McKendree University**
Miami University
Miami University Foundation
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Charter Public School Association**
Missouri College Advising Corps*
Missouri Eating Disorders Association**
Missouri State University
Missouri University of Science
and Technology
Missouri Veterans History Project**
Missouri Western University
The Moog Center for Deaf Education**
Morehouse College
Most Holy Trinity Catholic School
and Academy**
Mount Holyoke College
Mt. Vernon Township High School Foundation
Nantucket Yacht Club Foundation
Naples Yacht Club Blue Gavel
Scholarship Fund, Inc.
National Academies
National Academy of Sciences
Nazareth College
Nerinx Hall High School**
New City School**
New Creation International*
The New School
The New School, Graduate Program in
International Affairs
No Labels Foundation
Norfolk Library, Inc.
Normandy Schools Collaborative
North Carolina State University
North County Christian School*
North Park Elementary School
North Side Community School**
Northeastern University
Northwest Language Academy
Northwestern University
Norwood Hills Charitable Trust
Notre Dame High School**
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Ohio State University Foundation
Oklahoma City University
Oklahoma State University Foundation
One Million Degrees
ORT America, Inc.
Osher Marin Jewish Community Center
Our Lady of Guadalupe School**
Our Lady of Sorrows School**
Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic School**
Palo Alto Library Foundation
Parents As Teachers National Center, Inc.**
Parkway Alumni Association**
Parkway Area Adult Education*
Parkway West High School
The Philadelphia School
Philander Smith College
Phillips Academy
Phillips Exeter Academy
Pike School
Pipeline, Inc.
Pitzer College
Pomona College
Primates Peru—Field Projects International**
Princeton University
Project MEGSSS, Inc.**
Promise Christian Academy**
PROMO Fund**
Purcell Marian High School
Purdue Foundation
Purdue University
Queretaro Institute for the Empowerment
of Children**
Quincy University
Quinnipiac University
Ranken Technical College
Razorback Foundation, Inc.
Reach Out and Read, Inc.
Ready Readers**
Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma
Regis Jesuit High School
Research College of Nursing
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodes College
Richard Stockton College of NJ Foundation
Riverview Gardens School District
Rockhurst University
Rockwood School District
Rohan Woods School**
Rosati-Kain High School**
Ross School Foundation
Rossman School**
Roycemore School
Ruffing Montessori School—
Fairmont Montessori Association
Sacred Heart Griffin High School
Sacred Heart Villa**
Saint Ann School Foundation, Inc.
Saint Louis University High School
Saint Louis University Library Associates
Saint Louis University**
Saint Mary’s College
Salem Lutheran Church and School*
SALT Corporation*
& scholarships
Samuel K. Buchanon Educational
Assistance Fund**
San Diego Public Library Foundation
Santa Clara University
Scholarship America, Inc.
The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis**
School Sisters of Notre Dame**
The Seven Hills School
The Skeptical Society of St. Louis**
Smith College
Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation, Inc.
The Soulard School**
South City Community School
South City Preparatory Academy**
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Methodist University
Southwest Baptist University
Southwestern Illinois College
Special Education Enrichment
Foundation, Inc.**
Special School District
SPP Production**
Spring Hill College Foundation
Springfield R-12 School District
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
St. Augustine High School
St. Bridget of Kildare
St. Cecilia School and Academy**
St. Dominic High School**
St. Ferdinand Catholic School**
St. Frances Cabrini Academy**
St. Francis Borgia Regional High School
St. Gabriel School
St. Jerome Catholic School
St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf**
St. Joseph’s Academy
St. Joseph’s Indian School and Mission
St. Lawrence University
St. Louis Catholic Academy*
St. Louis College of Pharmacy**
St. Louis Community College Foundation**
St. Louis Community College-Forest Park
St. Louis Community College at
Florissant Valley
St. Louis Community College - Meramec
St. Louis County Library Foundation**
St. Louis Internship Program**
St. Louis Language Immersion Schools**
St. Louis Learning Disabilities Association**
St. Louis Mercantile Library Association**
St. Louis Public Library Foundation**
St. Louis Public Schools Board of Education
St. Louis Public Schools Foundation**
St. Louis Teachers Recycle Center**
St. Louis the King School at the Cathedral**
St. Louis Wave*
St. Margaret of Scotland School**
St. Martin’s Child Center*
St. Mary’s Academy for the Sisters of Loretto
St. Mary’s High School
St. Mary’s PreSchools*
The St. Michael School
Stanford University
Stephens College
Storm King School
Strive for College
Sts. Joachim & Ann School**
Student Sponsor Partnership, Inc.
State University of New York - Buffalo
State University of New York Polytechnic Institute
Surge Narrows Community Association
Sustainable Therapy**
Sweat Equity Enterprises
Sweet Briar Institute
Teach for America**
Tennessee State University
Texas Southern University
Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc
Thomas Jefferson School**
Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation**
Torah Prep (Torah Center - Midwest Inc)
Trails Regional Library
Trinity Catholic High School**
Trinity School
Truman State University
Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania
Tufts University
U. S. Department of Education
Union R-XI School District
Uni-Pres Kindercottage**
United 4 Children**
United Negro College Fund, Inc.*
United Services for Children**
Unity Lutheran School**
University City Education Foundation**
University Club of Palo Alto
Scholarship Fund
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
University of California San Francisco
University of Central Missouri
University of Connecticut
University of Dayton
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Foundation
University of Illinois - Springfield
University of Iowa
University of Kansas
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Foundation
University of Missouri Extension*
University of Missouri
University of Missouri - Kansas City
University of Missouri - Law School Foundation
University of Missouri - St. Louis**
University of Nebraska
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
University of Rhode Island
University of San Diego
University of Southern California
University of South Florida
University of South Carolina
University of the Pacific
University of Virginia Alumni Association
(U.Va. Fund)
University of Vermont
University of Virginia, McIntire School
of Commerce Foundation
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Foundation
Ursuline Academy
Vail Mountain School
Valle Catholic Schools
Vanderbilt University
Vassar College
Vatterott College
Vernare Learning
St. John Vianney High School
Villa Duchesne/Oak Hill School**
Village School of Naples, Inc.
Vincent Gray Academy*
Visitation Academy**
VMI Foundation, Inc.
Wake Forest University
Washington and Lee University
Washington University in St. Louis
Webster Child Care Center**
Webster University**
Wellesley College
Wellesley Montessori School
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Western Illinois University
Western Reserve Academy
Westminster Christian Academy**
Westminster College
Whitfield School, Inc.
William Jewell College
Wilson School Corporation**
Wingate University
Winston Churchill Memorial and Library
Women in Charge
World Affairs Council of St. Louis, Inc.**
Xavier High School
Xavier University
Xavier University of Louisiana
Yale University
Yeshiva High School of St. Louis**
Youth Learning Center**
environment &
animal welfare
Act NOW! Rescue**
African Wildlife Foundation
Alaska Discovery Foundation
Alley Cat Allies
Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound
Alton Parks and Recreation
American Farmland Trust
American Forests
American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals
Animal Friends of the Valley
Animal Health Foundation
Animal House Fund**
Animal Protective Association of Missouri**
Archbold Expeditions
Audubon Society of Missouri
Backes Animal Rescue Charity
(Athletes for Animals)**
BARC (Benefitting Animals Through
Responsibility & Compassion)**
Bat Conservation International
Bellefontaine Cemetery**
Belleville Area Humane Society**
Best Friends Animal Society
Bi-State Pet Food Pantry**
Bi-State Wildlife Hotline Inc.**
Caruthersville Humane Society
Cave Conservancy of Hawaii
The Center for Birds of Prey
The Center for Plant Conservation
CityArchRiver 2015 Foundation**
Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Clowder House Foundation**
Coalition for Animal Rescue and Education**
Coalition for Sound Growth
Conservancy of Southwest Florida
Conservation Federation of Missouri
Crown Ridge Tiger Sanctuary**
Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch
Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage**
Denver Dumb Friends League
Dirk’s Fund**
Dogs on Duty**
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center**
East Hampton Beach Preservation Society
Ecohealth Alliance
Ecojustice Canada
Felines, Inc.—Felines & Canines
Five Acres Animal Shelter**
Forest Park Forever**
Forest ReLeaf of Missouri**
Forest Trust for the Children
of Cortes Island Society
Franklin County Humane Society**
Frenchtown Dog Park Association*
Friends of Cortes Island Society
Friends of the Children’s Eternal Rainforest*
The Friends of the Green Center**
Friends of the Peace Parks, Inc
Friends of Tower Grove Park**
Galapagos Conservancy
Garden Club of St. Louis
Gateway Greening**
Gateway Pet Guardians**
Gateway Search Dogs, Inc.**
The Gorilla Foundation
Great Mountain Forest
Great Rivers Environmental Law Center**
Great Rivers Habitat Alliance
Greenpeace Fund, Inc.
Halo for Animals**
Hawaii Island Humane Society
HeartLands Conservancy*
Hope Animal Rescues**
Humane Society of Central Illinois
Humane Society of Missouri**
Humane Society of Monroe County IL**
Humane Society of Northeast Iowa
Humane Society of Southeast Missouri
Jamestown New Horizons**
Judy’s Forgotten Jewells**
Katy Land Trust, Inc.
Lake Leelanau Lake Association
The Land Conservancy of BC
Les Cheneaux Foundation
Little Traverse Conservancy
Love a Golden Rescue**
Magnificent Missouri**
Marine Stewardship Council Limited
The MaxFund, Inc.
Mercy for Animals
Metro East Humane Society**
Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Education Fund
Mid America Horse Rescue
Missouri Botanical Garden**
Missouri Coalition for the
Environment Foundation**
Missouri Department of Revenue for
Bridge Lighting
Missouri Forget-Me-Not Horse Rescue
and Sanctuary
Missouri Parks Association
Missouri Prairie Foundation**
The Mountaineers
Nantucket Conservation Foundation, Inc.
Nantucket Land Council, Inc.
Naples Botanical Garden, Inc.
National Audubon Society
National Parks Conservation Association
National Resources Defense Council
National Speleological Society
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources Defense Council
The Nature Conservancy, Missouri Chapter**
Nature Conservancy
Needy Paws Rescue**
Norfolk Land Trust
North Country Animal League
Ocean Conservancy, Inc
One of a Kind Pet Rescue
Open Door Animal Sanctuary**
Open Space Council St. Louis Region**
Operation Brightside, Inc.**
Operation SPOT
(Stop Pet Overpopulation Today)**
Ozark Regional Land Trust
Parelli Foundation Inc
Partners for Pets**
Pound Pals**
Pug Nation Rescue of Los Angeles
Reach for Unbleached Foundation
Renewable Resources Foundation
Retrievers & Friends of St. Louis**
Riley Equine Center
Roaring Fork Conservancy
Saint Louis Zoo Association**
Santa Rosa Plateau Foundation
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Sierra Club Canada Foundation
The Sierra Club Foundation
Sierra Club of British Columbia Foundation
Sitka Conservation Society
Sitka Whalefest
South Carolina Aquarium
SNIP Alliance**
South Yuba River Citizen’s League
Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, Inc
St. Louis Aquacenter, Inc.
(World Aquarium)*
St. Louis County Parks Foundation
St. Louis Earth Day**
St. Louis English Bulldog Rescue**
St. Louis Feral Cat Outreach, Inc.**
St. Louis National Charity Horse Show*
St. Louis Senior Dog Project**
Stray Haven Rescue**
Stray Rescue of St. Louis**
Northern New Mexico Street Homeless
Animal Project Inc
Supporters of Agricultural Research
Sustainable Nantucket
Tenth Life Cat Rescue**
Trailnet, Inc.**
Trees, Water and People
U.S. Green Building Council Missouri Gateway Chapter**
Union of Concerned Scientists
USC Canada
Village Preservation Society
Walking Mountains Science Center
The Watch Hill Conservancy
Watch Hill Lighthouse Keepers Association
Watershed Watch Salmon Society
West Coast Environmental Law
Research Foundation
Western Canada Wilderness Committee
Wild Bird Rehabilitation**
Wild Canid Survival & Research Center
Wildlands Network
Wildlife Conservation Society
Wildlife in Need Center, Ltd.
Wildlife Rescue Center—
Wildlife Center of Missouri**
WildlifeDirect, Inc.
World Bird Sanctuary**
World Wildlife Fund
24 Hours of Booty
Agape Christian Counseling Services**
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation
The Alliance for Children’s Rights
ALS Association, Inc.**
Alzheimer’s Association, St. Louis Chapter**
Alzheimer’s Association
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation
Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama
Alzheimer’s Support Network
AMC Cancer Research Center AMC Cancer Fund
American Action Fund for Blind Children
and Adults
American Cancer Society**
American Diabetes Association**
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention**
American Heart Association - St. Louis
American Heart Association Northwest Arkansas
American Life League
American Lung Association of
Eastern Missouri**
American Lung Association of the Northeast
American Parkinson Disease Association**
Arthritis Foundation
(Eastern Missouri Chapter)**
Aspen Valley Hospital Foundation
Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America**
Autism Speaks**
Barnes-Jewish Hospital Foundation**
Bethesda Health Group Foundation of
St. Louis, Inc.**
BHR Behavioral Health Response, Inc.**
Bialecki Kidney Cancer Foundation**
BJC Hospice
Blackout Melanoma
Blue Ridge Mountains Health Project Inc.
Boca Grande Health Clinic, Inc.
Boston MedFlight
Boulder County AIDS Project
The Brain Injury Association of Missouri**
BreakDown STL
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Camp Hickory Hill**
Cancer Support Community of
Greater St. Louis**
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation**
Care Net
The Center for Head Injury Services**
Center for Hearing and Speech**
CHADS Coalition for Mental Health**
The Children’s Mercy Hospital
Children’s Miracle Network of
Greater St. Louis**
Children’s Organ Transplant Association
CHOC Foundation
Church Health Center of Memphis
City of Saint Louis Medical Examiner
Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton
Colorado Mission of Mercy
Community Health in Partnership Services CHIPS**
Conner’s Cause for Children
Copley Health Systems, Inc.
County of Franklin
County of Pike
Covenant Place Foundation**
Crider Health Center, Inc.**
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America**
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America,
Rocky Mountain Chapter
CRUDEM Foundation
CureSearch for Children’s Cancer*
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Gateway Chapter**
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
David Lawrence Foundation Mental Health, Inc
Deaconess Faith Community Nurse Ministries**
DEAF Inc.**
Delta Dental Health Theatre**
Doctors Without Borders USA, Inc.
Dominican Sisters Home Health Agency
of Denver, Inc.
The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc
Down Syndrome Association of
Greater St. Louis**
Epilepsy Foundation of
Greater Southern Illinois*
Equine Assisted Therapy**
Eye Care Charity of Mid-America*
Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Family Hospice of Belleville Area*
The Fistula Foundation
Flying Horse Farms
Fontebella Maternity Home*
Friends of the Saint Louis University
Liver Center**
Gateway to Hope**
Giant Steps**
Give Kids a Smile*
GlobeMed at Washington University in St.Louis*
Go! St. Louis**
Harris House Foundation
Health Care for All Colorado Foundation
Health Protection and Education Service**
Heartland Home Healthcare & Hospice
Hippocrates Health Institute of Florida, Inc
Hope for Young Adults with Cancer**
Hope Happens**
Hospice of Southern Illinois**
Hospital for Special Surgery Fund Inc.
Hunting for Heroes*
Huntington’s Disease Society of America
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Indian River Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Institute for Family Medicine**
International Rett Syndrome Association
JDRF Greater Missouri and
Southern Illinois Chapter**
JDRF Metro Detroit
JDRF, Rocky Mountain Chapter
JDRF-NYC Chapter
JEH Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Jessie Rees Foundation: Never Ever Give Up
Judevine Center for Autism
Jupiter Medical Center Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation,
San Diego Chapter
JDRF Fairfield/Westchester County Chapter
The Karen Weidinger Foundation*
Karla Smith Foundation**
Kids Under Twenty One (KUTO)**
Kirk Care Inc.
La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology
La Leche League of Greater St. Louis**
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society**
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Illinois Chapter
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Rocky Mountain Chapter
LifeBridge Partnership**
Lighthouse for the Blind**
Living Well Village
Lung Cancer Connection, Inc.
Lupus Foundation of America,
Heartland Chapter**
Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital
Lynne F. Solon Foundation*
Make A Wish Foundation of Northern Illinois
The Marfan Foundation, Inc.
Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital
Masterpeace Studios*
Maternal Child and Family Health Coalition**
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Medecins Sans Frontieres Canada
Meds and Food for Kids**
Megan Foundation
Memorial Medical Center Foundation
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Memory Care Home Solutions**
Mental Health America of Eastern Missouri**
Mercy Health Foundation St. Louis**
Mid-America Transplant Services**
Missouri Baptist Healthcare Foundation
Missouri Baptist Medical Center
Missouri Cures Education Foundation
MO-FEAT (Missouri Families for Effective
Autism Treatment)**
Mosaic Pregnancy & Health Centers*
The MS Center of Saint Louis**
Multicultural Counseling and Research Center*
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Myelin Repair Foundation
Myrtle Hilliard Davis Comprehensive
Health Centers, Inc.*
NAMI of Collier County
NAMI Southwestern Illinois*
NAMI St. Louis Alliance for the Mentally Ill**
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Naples Community Hospital, Inc.
National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
National Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Abuse**
National Kidney Fdtn.
of Eastern MO/Metro East Inc.**
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
(Gateway Area Chapter)**
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
New Mt. Sinai Cemetery Association
No Senior Left Behind*
North Carolina Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.
Nurses for Newborns Foundation**
Olean General Hospital Foundation
Our MOM, Inc.
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
Partners in Health
Pathfinder International
Pedal the Cause**
PKD Foundation
Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region**
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest
Population Action International
Provident Inc.**
Pujols Family Foundation**
Queen of Peace Center**
Recreation Unlimited Foundation
Re-evaluation Foundation
Ride On St. Louis**
The Rose Foundation**
Rx Outreach, Inc.*
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Salud Family Health Centers
Saving Sight**
Scotland County
Sean Glanvill Traumatic Brain Injury
Research Fund
Senior Dental Healthcare
Services By Design—Caring Solutions**
ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness*
Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis**
Signature Healthcare Foundation**
Smile Train, Inc.
The Snow Foundation*
Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation*
Southwestern Illinois Visiting Nurse
SSM DePaul Health Center Foundation
SSM Hospice and Home Care Foundation**
St. Anthony’s Charitable Foundation**
St. Anthony’s Medical Center Foundation
St. Anthony’s Medical Center
St. Francis Hospital Foundation
St. John’s Medical Center Foundation
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
St. Louis Children’s Hospital Foundation**
St. Louis County Medical Examiner
St. Louis Effort For AIDS, Inc.**
St. Louis Health Equipment Lending
Program, Inc.**
St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness**
St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute**
St. Luke’s Hospital**
St. Mary’s Health Center Jefferson City
Missouri Foundation
St. Paul’s Home Foundation**
STL Village, Inc.**
Sunday Night Lights**
Surgical Outreach for the Americas**
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.**
TaTa Sisterhood Foundation
Therapeutic Horsemanship**
The Thomas Nanci Foundation
Thompson Foundation for Autism*
Touchette Regional Hospital**
Turner Syndrome Society
The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center
Urban Harvest STL**
Vail Health Services Foundation
Valeda’s Hope**
Visiting Nurse Association of
Greater St. Louis
Volunteers in Medicine, Inc.**
Walker Scottish Rite Clinic at
Maryville University**
Walter’s Walk**
Washington Regional Medical Foundation
Water for People
WellSpring Resources*
Whole Kids Outreach*
Wills Eye Hospital Society Trust
World Pediatric Project**
The World Soy Foundation**
Wright Care Dentistry**
human services
3 Little Birds 4 Life*
A Bridge for Kids
A Place to Turn To*
A Woman’s Place Inc.**
Achievements Unlimited**
ACS Community LIFT
The Adoption Exchange**
Affton Christian Food Pantry**
AGAPE Ministry of Warren County, Inc.**
ALIVE, Inc.**
Almost Home**
America SCORES St. Louis
American Camping Association, Inc.
American Center for Law & Justice
The American Legion Child Welfare
Foundation, Inc.
American Red Cross, St. Louis
Area Chapter**
American Youth Foundation**
Amnesty International, USA
Amnesty International Canada
And Then There Were None
The Angel Band Project**
Angels’ Arms**
Annie Malone Children &
Family Service Center**
Annie’s Hope -The Bereavement Center
for Kids**
ArchCity Defenders, Inc.**
Area Resources for Community and
Human Services (ARCHS)*
Arks Foundation Inc
ASANTE Ministries International
Assistance League of St. Louis**
Back at You*
The Backstoppers**
Belle Children’s Services of St. Louis ARC
Better Family Life, Inc.**
Beverly Farm Foundation**
Big Brothers & Big Sisters of
Eastern Missouri**
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of
Southwestern Illinois**
Big Oak Ranch
Bilingual International Assistant Services**
Birthright Counseling**
Birthright of Wentzville*
Birthright of St. Charles, Inc.**
Blessings To Others, Inc.*
Boulder Shelter for the Homeless
Boy Scouts of America,
Lewis and Clark Council**
Boy Scouts of America,
Greater St. Louis Area Council
Boys & Girls Club of Collier County
Boys & Girls Club of
Greater St. Louis, Inc.**
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River County
Boys & Girls Town of Missouri,
a Great Circle Agency
Boys and Girls Harbor, Inc.
Gene Slays Boys’ Club of St. Louis, Inc.**
Boys Hope Girls Hope of St. Louis**
Boys Hope Girls Hope International
Boys Town
The Bridge Outreach**
Brooklawn, Inc. (Uspiritus)
Brooklyn Community Services, BCS
Buddies Not Bullies**
Burns Recovered Support Group, Inc.**
C.H.A.M.P. Assistance Dogs, Inc.**
Call For Help, Inc.**
Camp for All Kids
Camp Rainbow Foundation**
Canine Companions for Independence
Cardinal Ritter Senior Services**
Care and Counseling**
Caring and Sharing Program, Inc.
Caring for Kids, Inc.**
Caritas Connections Inc.
Caritas Family Solutions**
Carondelet Community Betterment
Casa de Salud**
CASA of Franklin County
Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Denver
Catholic Charities of St. Louis**
Catholic Charities of Collier County
Catholic Charities of West Michigan
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Urban Programs**
Center for Autism Education**
Center for Survivors of Torture and
War Trauma**
Center for Women in Transition**
Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center NFP**
Challenge Aspen
Chariti Home**
Child Center - Marygrove**
The Child Center, Inc.**
Children International
Children’s Home and Aid Society of Illinois*
Children’s Home Society of Missouri**
Christian Family Services, Inc.*
Circle of Concern**
City Harvest
CJ’s Journey Foundation**
Committed Caring Faith Communities**
Community Link, Inc.*
Community Living, Inc.**
Compassion and Choices of Washington
Compassion International, Inc.
Congregation of the Mission,
Midwest Province
Cornerstone Corporation**
The Covering House**
Creating Hope International
Crime Victims Advocacy Center
Criminal Justice Ministry**
Crown Center for Senior Living**
Denver Children’s Home
Denver Rescue Mission
Depaul USA Inc.**
Dignity Period**
Disability Resource Association, Inc.*
Disabled American Veterans Charitable
Service Trust
Disabled Athlete Sports Association*
Down Syndrome Guild of Greater
Kansas City, Inc.
Eagle’s Landing Youth Center**
Easter Seals Midwest**
ECH Every Child’s Hope**
Edgewood Children’s Center,
a Great Circle Agency
Elisha’s Cove RECspite Center*
Emmaus Homes, Inc.**
Employment Connection**
Energy Care, Inc.**
Epilepsy Foundation of Missouri and Kansas**
Episcopal City Mission**
Episcopal Relief and Development
Epworth Children and Family Services**
Esperanca Inc.
Family Resource Center**
Family Resources & Community Connections*
Father Tolton Center
Fathers’ Support Center, St. Louis**
Feed My People**
Ferguson Youth Initiative**
First Step Back Home**
Fisher House in St. Louis
FOCUS Gateway City*
Focus Marines Foundation
Focus on the Family
Folds of Honor
Food Bank for New York City
Food for the Hungry, Inc.
Food For The Poor, Inc.
Food Outreach, Inc.**
Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition
of Greater St. Louis**
Franciscan Connection
Friends of Kathy J. Weinman Shelter for
Victims of Domestic Violence*
Friends of Kids with Cancer, Inc.
Furry Friends Recovery**
Gateway Homeless Services, Inc
(Gateway180:Homelessness Reversed)**
George C. Marshall Foundation
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri**
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois**
Girls in the Know**
Girls, Inc. of St. Louis**
Give a Child Life
Give Direct, Inc (GiveDirectly)
Giving is a Family Tradition**
Global Exchange
Global Hunger Project—The Hunger Project
Good Samaritan House of Granite City, Inc*
Good Shepherd Children & Family Services**
Grace Hill Settlement House**
Grandparents as Parents Support Project*
Grassroots International
Great Circle**
Greater East St. Louis Community Fund**
Griffin Center**
Guardian Angel Settlement Assoc.**
Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity
The Half Fund**
Harlem Heights Improvement Association
Harvest House Inc.
The Haven of Grace**
HavenHouse St. Louis**
Heart of Illinois United Way
Heat Up St. Louis
Heifer Project International
Help Hospitalized Veterans
Hitz Memorial Home*
Hogar Infantil Texas Inc
Holy Angels Shelter*
HomeFirst STL, Inc.**
Homeless Solutions, Inc
Hope for Haiti, Inc.
Horizon Housing Development Company**
Horizon North Housing Inc**
Hoyleton Youth and Family Services**
Human Support Services*
If Americans Knew
Illinois Center for Autism**
Immigrant & Refugee Women’s Program**
Independence Center**
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
Innocence Project, Inc.
InnVision Shelter Network
Insight for the Blind
We meet
donors where
they are.
Inspire STL**
Interfaith Legal Services for Immigrants*
International Campaign for Tibet
International Crisis Aid**
International Justice Mission
International Neighborhood Collaborative
The International Rescue Committee
Jackie Joyner-Kersee Foundation**
Jane Doe Advocacy Center*
Jesuit Refugee Service USA
Jewish Family & Children’s Service**
Jewish Family Service of Dallas, Inc.
Joe’s Place**
Johns Island Community Service League
Join Hands ESL, Inc.
Joshua Chamberlain Society
The Kaufman Fund*
The Kids Clubhouse
Kids in the Middle**
KIND Inc., Kids in Need of Defense
King Baudouin Foundation United States
Kingdom House**
Lafayette Industries North Inc.*
Land of Lincoln Legal Assistance
Foundation, Inc.*
Landmine Relief Fund
Latino Taskforce of Boulder County
The LaunchCode Foundation*
Leaps of Love**
Lemay Child & Family Center*
Lessie Bates Davis Neighborhood House**
Let’s Start**
Lifelong Vision Foundation*
Lift for Life Academy**
Lift for Life Gym, Inc.**
The Light Bringer Foundation*
LINC, Inc.*
Lincoln County Council on Aging*
Little Bit Foundation**
Little Patriots Embraced**
Little Sisters of the Poor**
Loaves & Fishes, Inc.
Love, Inc. of Southeast Missouri
Lutheran Child & Family Services
of Illinois**
Lutheran Family and Children’s Services
Lutheran Senior Services**
Lydia’s House, Inc.**
Magdalene St. Louis**
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Missouri**
Manasseh Ministry*
March of Dimes-Greater Missouri Chapter**
Mary Queen of Peace Church
Mary Ryder Home**
Mathews-Dickey Boys’ & Girls’ Club**
Mediators Beyond Borders International
Megan Meier Foundation**
Mid-East Area Agency on Aging**
Migrant and Immigrant Community
Action Project**
Miriam Foundation**
Mission Gate Christian Center**
Mission Possible - Dominican Republic Inc
Missouri Child Care Resource and
Referral Network**
Missouri Energycare Inc.**
Mother of Good Counsel Home
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Gateway Chapter**
Nantucket S.T.A.R.
National Children’s Cancer Society**
Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution
Near Southside Employment Coalition*
Neighborhood Houses**
Neighborhood Law Office**
New Alternatives for Children
The Next Step
NextStep for Life**
The Night Ministry
Norfolk Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
North Area Community Development
Northside Youth And Senior Service
Center, Inc.**
Northwest Children’s Fund
Friends of the Orphans—NPH USA
The OASIS Institute**
Oasis International Ministries
Old Newsboy Day
One Heart Family Ministries, Inc.**
One Hope United - Hudelson Region**
Operation Food Search**
Operation Homefront Missouri H.E.R.O.E.S. Care
Our Lady’s Inn**
Our Little Haven**
Oxfam America
PAKT Community Resource Center**
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)
Paraquad, Inc.**
Pathways to Independence**
PayBack, Inc.**
Peter & Paul Community Services**
Pony Bird, Inc.**
Presbyterian Children’s Homes and
Services of Missouri**
Project Angel Heart
Project COPE
ProLife Across America
Providing Light Inc*
Rainbow Village, Inc.**
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital**
The Recreation Council of Greater St. Louis**
Redevelopment Opportunities for Women**
Relevant Expeditions**
Reprieve Spiritual Wellness Center for Women*
Responder Rescue**
Rhode Island Community Food Bank
Ripley County Family Resource Center Ozark Family Resource Agency
Rocky Mountain Human Services
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of Baltimore, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
of Metro St. Louis**
Room At The Inn**
Roundup River Ranch
Sacred Heart House of Denver
Safe Connections**
SAGE Metro St. Louis**
Saint Louis Crisis Nursery**
Salvation Army**
Salvation Army of Lee County
Samaritans Purse
Save the Children Federation, Inc
Second Ranger Battalion Assistance Foundation
Self Help International
Senior Services Plus, Inc.*
Seven Hills Homeless Center
Shakti Rising
Shalom House**
SHARE Pregnancy and Infant Loss
Support, Inc.**
Shepherd’s Center of Webster/Kirkwood, Inc.**
Sherwood Forest Camp, Inc.**
Shoeman Water Projects*
SIDS Resources, Inc.**
Sisters of Divine Providence
Skills to Succeed
Society of St. Vincent DePaul**
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Belleville, IL Council**
Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council*
Sole to Soul**
Soulfisher Ministries**
SouthSide Early Childhood Center**
The Sparrow’s Nest Maternity Home**
Special Olympics Missouri**
St. Agnes Home
St. Andrew’s Charitable Foundation**
St. Anthony’s Alliance
St. Francis Community Services**
St. John’s Community Care**
St. Louis Altenheim
St. Louis Arc**
St. Louis Area Agency on Aging*
St. Louis Area Foodbank**
St. Louis Life**
St. Louis Mennonite Peace Center**
St. Louis Men’s Group Against Cancer**
St. Louis Society for the Blind
& Visually Impaired**
St. Louis Transitional Hope House, Inc.*
St. Louis Wheelchair Athletic Association*
St. Louis World Food Day Inc**
St. Martha’s Hall**
St. Matthew’s House, Inc.
St. Patrick Center**
St. Vincent Home for Children**
The Starkloff Disability Institute**
Strong Tower Ranch
Sufficient Grace Ministries for Women Inc.
Sunnyhill, Inc.**
Sunshine Ministries, Inc.
Support Dogs, Inc.**
Sweet Babies
Team Activities for Special Kids**
Team River Runner Inc.
Teen Challenge of St. Louis**
Teen Pregnancy & Prevention Partnership**
Thomas Dunn Memorials Trust**
ThriVe St. Louis**
Turning Point*
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Union Communion Ministries*
United Cerebral Palsy Heartland*
United Methodist Children’s Home of
Illinois, Inc.
United Methodist Village Retirement
Communities, Inc.**
United Nations Foundation
United Way of Lee, Hendry & Glades
University City Children’s Center**
Unlimited Play**
The Urban League of Metropolitan
St. Louis, Inc.**
USO World Headquarters
USVets Missouri
Vail Veterans Foundation
Variety The Children’s Charity of St. Louis**
Veterans Business Resource Center**
Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation
Veterans Resource Foundation
Victory Living Programs
Vision for Children at Risk**
human services
Voices for Children**
Warriors Heart Foundation*
Washington Adoption Reunion Movement
Wesley House**
Willows Way, Inc.**
Wings of Hope, Inc.**
The Woman’s Exchange of St. Louis
Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland
The Women’s Safe House**
World Neighbors, Inc.
Worldserve International
Wounded Warrior Project, Inc.
Wyman Center, Inc.**
YMCA of Greater St. Louis**
YMCA of Southwest Illinois**
Young Life Foundation
The Youth and Family Center**
Youth Haven, Inc
Youth In Need**
Youth with a Mission
YWCA of Metropolitan St. Louis**
jobs & Housing
Beyond Housing**
Covenant House Missouri**
Create Common Good
DeSales Housing Corporation**
East Side Heart and Home Family Center
Gateway Housing First, Inc.**
Habitat for Humanity St. Louis**
Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver
Habitat for Humanity of Collier County
Justine Petersen Housing & Reinvestment Corp.
Lazarus House, Inc.
MERS/Missouri Goodwill Industries
More Than Carpentry Christian Ministries**
Places For People, Inc.**
Project Inc.**
Regional Housing and Community
Development Alliance
West End Redevelopment Corporation
religion & faith Based
The Abbey of Saint Mary and Saint Louis
All Souls’ Episcopal Church
American Bible Society
Archdiocese of Miami
Archdiocese of St. Louis
Ascension Catholic Church
Basilica of the National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception
Bet Am Shalom Synagogue
Biblical Business Training (BBT)*
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Bonhomme Presbyterian Church
Carmelite Monastery
Caseyville United Methodist Church
Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis
Cathedral of Christ the King
Cathedral of Saint Andrew
Catholic Charities Community Services**
Catholic Family and Human Rights
Institute, Inc.
Catholic Mobilizing Network
Catholic Newman Center UMSL
Center for Counseling & Pastoral Care
Center for Spiritual Living**
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Reform Congregation**
Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
Christ Church of Bronxville
Christ Community United Methodist Church
Church Association of the Epworth
Assembly, Inc.
Church of St. Michael and St. George
Church of the Annunziata
Church of the Good Shepherd
Church of the Risen Savior
Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord
The City of Saint Jude
CLAL - The National Jewish Center for
Learning and Leadership
Coalition for Christian Outreach
Coalition for Life St. Louis - 40 Days for Life
St. Louis
Community Church of Vero Beach
Congregation Temple Israel**
Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons
Cross International Catholic Outreach, Inc.
Crossings Community Church, Inc
Diocese of Belleville
Diocese of Grand Rapids
Diocese of Palm Beach
Diocese of Venice
Dominican Development Group
Eagle Bible Church
Eliot Unitarian Chapel
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Ethical Society of St. Louis
Every Heart Matters*
Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest
First Baptist Church of St. Louis City
First Baptist Church of Naples
First Congregational Church of St. Louis
First Presbyterian Church
First United Methodist Church of Sikeston
For His Glory Evangelistic Ministries
For His Glory Ministries of St. Louis**
Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help**
Friends of Old St. Ferdinand Inc.
The Gathering**
Grace United Methodist Church
Greater St. Louis Church
Greentree Community Church
Harbor Light Fellowship
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute
of Religion
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Redeemer Parish
Immacolata Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church**
Immaculate Conception Parish
In Touch Ministries
International Students, Inc.*
Joni and Friends-Greater St. Louis**
Josh McDowell Ministry
The Journey Fellowship
The Kirk of the Hills
Kirkwood United Church of Christ
Kol Rinah
La Croix Methodist Church
Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church
Legacy Church of Naples
Lifepoint Church
Living Well of Bethel**
Lost Tree Chapel, Inc
Louisiana Hibernian Charity
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd*
Manhattan Beach Community Church
Mercy Conference and Retreat Center**
Mercy Ministries**
Missionaries of the Holy Family**
Monastery of Saint Clare of the
Immaculate Conception
Morningstar Church
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church**
Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church
National Shrine of Blessed Francis
Xavier Seelos
New City Fellowship
New York Province of the Society of Jesus
Newpointe Community Church
North Naples United Methodist Church
Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy
Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy**
Rebirth East St. Louis*
Red Road to Wellness Center**
Saint Ann Catholic Church
Saint Cecilia Parish Catholic Church and School
Saint Francis de Sales Parish
Saint Francis Xavier College Church
Saint Vincent de Paul
Salem in Ladue United Methodist Church
San Pedro Catholic Church
Shrine of St. Joseph Church
Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne
Sisters of Charity of New York
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet**
Sisters of the Most Precious Blood**
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
Society of the Sacred Heart**
Society of the Sacred Heart,
Uganda Kenyan Mission
South County Christian CenterCrosspoint Church
SSND, Province of Africa**
St. Anselm Catholic Church
St. Clement Catholic ChurchSt. Cronan’s Catholic Church
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church
St. Elizabeth, Mother of John the Baptist
Catholic Church
St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Gerard Majella Catholic Church
St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church
and School
St. James the Greater Catholic Church
St. John Cantius
St. John Lutheran Church
St. John the Apostle and Evangelist
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Bonne Terre, MO
St. Joseph Catholic Church - Clayton, MO
St. Joseph Parish
St. Jude Catholic Church
St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Justin the Martyr Church
St. Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Mary of Victories Catholic Church**
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
St. Nicholas Catholic Church
St. Patrick’s of Armagh, The Old Rock Church
St. Peter United Church of Christ
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
St. Roch Parish**
St. Sebastian Catholic Church
St. Simon Catholic Church
St. Stephen Protomartyr Catholic Church
and School
St. Stephen’s Protestant Episcopal Church**
St. Trinity Lutheran Church**
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, St. Louis
Sts. Teresa and Bridget Church
Student Mobilization
Temple Emanuel
Temple Sholom of Chicago
Third Baptist Church
Tree House Healing Ministry
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity United Methodist Church
United Hebrew Congregation**
Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis
Vitae Caring Foundation
Westminster Presbyterian Church
When the Saints*
Windsor Crossing Community Church
World Mission
Zion Lutheran Church - Lincoln, IL
Zion Lutheran Church - Dallas, TX
Zion Lutheran Church - Weldon Spring, MO
Sports & recreation
Affton Youth Hockey - Fenton Division
Belle Clair Soccer League*
Buddy Fund
Camping and Education Foundation
Coaching Coaches, LLC
Emmet Sportsmens Foundation, Inc.
Fayetteville Athletic Booster Club
Gateway PGA Foundation**
Houston Hoops, Inc.
Illusions Softball Association
Isaac Bruce Foundation
Junior Golf Foundation of Greater St. Louis**
Little Traverse Sailors
MAC Sports Foundation
Missouri 22 Lacrosse
Missouri Youth Soccer Association, Inc.
New Dimensions Soccer Corporation
New York Road Runners, Inc.
O’Fallon Junior Renegades
Prairie Valley Family YMCA
Queen of All Saints Activities Association
St. Louis Scott Gallagher Foundation**
Shining Stars Foundation
Southwest Florida Fellowship of
Christian Athletes
Spirit of America Foundation, Inc.
Traverse Area Recreation and
Transportation Trails, Inc
Teton Valley Ranch Camp (TVRC)
Educational Foundation
*received Give STL Day funding only
**received Community Foundation grants and
Give STL Day funding
Board of Directors
and Staff
BOARD OFficers
BOARD of directorS
Marvin D. Anderson
Stephen J. Rafferty
President, Summit Consulting Group
Vice President
J.P. Morgan
Hon. Christopher S. Bond
Vice Chair & Secretary
Former U.S. Senator, and Partner,
Thomas R. Collins
Thompson Coburn
President & CEO,
L.B. Eckelkamp Jr.
Northern Trust – Missouri
Mara “Mitch” Meyers
Partner, The Proof Agency
General Counsel
Matthew J. Madsen
Lewis Rice
President & CEO
Amelia A.J. Bond
Chairs Emeritus
Chairman & CEO,
Laurna C. Godwin
Bank of Washington
Milton Greensfield Jr. (deceased)
Matthew W. Geekie
Senior Vice President,
Secretary & General Counsel,
Amelia A.J. Bond
President & CEO
Maurice Brown
Accounting Manager
Christine G. Burghoff
Director of Gift Planning
Dwight D. Canning
CFO & Vice President,
Finance & Administration
Neosha S. Franklin
Community Engagement Associate
Tameka R. Herrion
Scholarship Manager
Mary McMurtrey
Director of Community Engagement
Amy Basore Murphy
Dennis J. Jacknewitz
Jacknewitz Law Office
John M. Jennings
Executive Vice President &
Chief Strategist,
The St. Louis Trust Company
Cynthia J. Kohlbry
Managing Partner,
Executive Bridge/Conley Search
Gary E. Krosch
Senior Vice President,
Private Client Advisor,
U.S. Trust
Michael P. McMillan
President & CEO,
Urban League of St. Louis
Director of Scholarships &
Kimball R. McMullin
Donor Services
Retired Member,
Jenny S. Praytor
Donor Services Coordinator
Marilyn J. Trauner
Executive Assistant
Wendy F. Witte
Donor Services Manager
Lewis Rice
Donald B. Poling
Moneta Group
Winthrop B. Reed III
Lewis Rice
James M. Snowden Jr.
Executive Vice President,
Huntleigh Securities
Susan P. Sullivan
Community Volunteer
Rebecca S. Weaver
Important Legal Disclosures
The St. Louis Community Foundation works with an
independent public accounting firm to perform an annual
audit of the Foundation’s records and financial statements.
As a part of the review, the public accounting firm also
conducts a review of the Foundation’s internal controls and
reviews the findings with the independent Audit Committee,
Investment Committee, and two other accounting and
financial experts.
As a public charity, the St. Louis Community Foundation
takes its obligation to operate in the public view and the
public interest very seriously. Accordingly, we make
available our federal tax return (IRS Form 990 and Form
990-T, if applicable) and our audited financial statements.
IRS Form 990 (and Form 990-T, if applicable) are available
for public inspection at the St. Louis Community
Foundation. The Foundation’s IRS Form 990 may also be
viewed at www.guidestar.org.
You may download a copy of the audited financial
statements from our website, www.stlgives.org.
The information provided is general and educational in
nature. It is not intended to be, and should not be
construed as legal or tax advice. The St. Louis Community
Foundation does not provide legal or tax advice. Your
particular circumstances may alter the general information
provided herein, resulting in a different outcome for you.
Consequently, you should consult your tax advisor to
properly determine the tax consequences of making a
charitable gift to the St. Louis Community Foundation.
Contributions to the St. Louis Community Foundation
represent irrevocable gifts subject to the legal and fiduciary
control of the Foundation’s Governing Committee.
Copyright © 2015 St. Louis Community Foundation
Editorial by MGW Communications
Design by Bliss Collaborative, LLC
Photography © 2015 Gregg Goldman Photography