Re: Certain Laminated Floor Panels
Re: Certain Laminated Floor Panels
HOWR€Yk A T T O R N E Y S I AT 1299 PENNSYLVANIA AvE., NW DC 20004-2402 WASHINGTON, PHONE202.783.0800 FAX202.383.6610 L A W I A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP MARGARET D. MACDONALD July 1,2005 PARTNER 202.383.6835 macdonaldm@ HAND DELIVER1 Secretary The Hon. Marilyn Abbott Secretary U.S. International Trade Commission 500 E Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20436 Re: Certain Laminated Floor Panels Dear Secretary Abbott: Enclosed for filing on behalf of Unilin Beheer B.V., Flooring Industries Ltd. and Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC (collectively “Unilin”) are the following documents in support of Unilin’s request that the Commission commence an investigation pursuant to section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended. Pursuant to the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, a request for confidential treatment of Confidential Exhibits 94-97 and the license agreements accompany the complaint is concurrently being transmitted with this filing. Accordingly, Unilin submits the following: 1. an original and twelve (1 2) copies of Unilin’s verified Complaint (Rule 2 10.8(a)); 2. an original and six (6) copies of the exhibits to the Complaint with confidential Exhibits (94-97) segregated from the non-confidential Exhibits (original and one copy unbound, without tabs (Rules 201.6(c), 21 0.4(f)(3)(i), and 210.8(a))); 3. thirty (30) additional copies of the Complaint and accompanying exhibits, both confidential and non-confidential, for service upon each of the proposed respondents and three (3) additional copies of the verified Complaint and accompanying non-confidential exhibits for service upon the Embassies of Canada, Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China (Rules 21 0.4(f)(3)(i) and 210.1 l(a)); 4. a certified copy of U.S. Patent No. 6,006.486 (“the ’486 patent”), U.S. Patent No. 6,490,836 (“the ‘836 patent”), and U.S. Patent No. 6,874,292 (“the ‘292 patent”) (legible copies of the patents are included in the Complaint as Exhibits 1-3 (Rule 2 10.12 (a)(9)(i))); AMSTbRDM BRCSSELS CHICAGO DM_US\8206458 vl HOIISTOh IRVlNE LONDON I Ob AN(,ELES MENLOPARK SAh FRANCISCO WMHINGTON, DC The Hon. Marilyn Abbott Julyl, 2005 Page 2 5. a certified copy of the assignment for the ‘486, ‘836 and ‘292 patents (legible copies of the assignment for the ‘486, ‘836 and ‘292 patents are included in the Complaint as Exhibit 4 (Rule 210.12(a)(9)(ii))); 6. three (3) copies of the confidential license agreements relating to the ‘486, ‘836 and ‘292 patents (bearing bates nos. FI 004999-FI 006212) (Rule 2 lO.l2(c)( 1)); 7. certified copies and three (3) additional copies of the prosecution histories for the ‘486 (bearing bates nos. FI 006821-FI 007838), ‘836 (bearing bates Nos. FI 007839-FI 010656) and ‘292 patents (bearing bates nos.FI 0062143-FI 006820) (Rule 210.12(~)(2)); 8. four (4) copies of each reference document mentioned in the prosecution histories of the ‘486, ‘836 and ‘292 patents (bearing bates nos. FI 000001- FI 004998) (Rule 210.12(~)(3));and 9. a letter and certification pursuant to Commission Rules 201.6(b) and 210.5(d) requesting confidential treatment of confidential Exhibits 94-97 and the confidential license agreements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Respectfully submitted, Margaret D. Macdonald Counsel for Complainants Unilin Beheer B.V. Flooring Industries Ltd. Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC Enclosures 1299 PENNSYLVANIA AvE., NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004-2402 PHONE202.783.0800 FAX202.383.6610 A LIMITED LIABIL~TY PARTNERSHIP MARGARET D. MACDONALD July 1,2005 PARTNER 202.383.6835 [email protected] HAND DELIVERY The Hon. Marilyn Abbott Secretary U.S. International Trade Commission 500 E Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20436 Re: Certain Laminated Floor Panels Dear Secretary Abbott: I am counsel for Complainants Unilin Beheer B.V., Flooring Industries Ltd. and Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC (“Unilin”). In accordance with Commission Rules 201.6 and 210.5, Unilin requests confidential treatment of business information contained in Confidential Exhibits 94-97 to the Complaint and the license agreements accompanying the complaint pursuant to Commission Rule 2 10.12(c)(1). The information for which confidential treatment is sought is propriety commercial and technical information not otherwise publicly available. Specifically, the exhibits contain the following: Confidential Exhibit 94 identifies the non-exclusive sub-licensees of Flooring Industries Ltd. the names of which are property business information that is not publicly available; Confidential Exhibit 95 contains propriety business information relating to Unilin’s investment in a factory where Unilin’s laminated floor panels are manufactured; Confidential Exhibit 96 contains propriety business information relating to Unilin’s investment in equipment used to manufacture Unilin’s laminated floor panels; Confidential Exhibit 97 contains propriety business information relating to Unilin’s employment of labor involved in manufacturing Unilin’ s laminated floor panels; and License Agreements, submitted pursuant to Commission Rule 21 0.2 l(c)( l), contain propriety business information that is not publicly available. AMSTERDAM BRUSSELS CHICAGO HOUSTON IRVINE LONDON Los ANCELES MENLOPARK SANFRANCISCO WASHINGTON, DC The Hon. Marilyn Abbott July 1,2005 Page 2 The information described above qualifies as confidential business information pursuant to Rule 201.6(a) in that: a) it is not available to the public; b) unauthorized disclosure of such information could cause substantial harm to the competitive position of Complainants; and c) the disclosure of which could impair the Commission’s ability to obtain information necessary to perform its statutory function. Respectfully submitted, MargarA D. Macdonald Counsel for Complainants Unilin Beheer B.V. Flooring Industries Ltd. Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN before me this lStday of July, 2005 Notary Public Kathleen M. S r n i k Notary Public, District of Columbia My Commission Expires May 14,2010 UNITED STATES 1NTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. COMPLAINT UNDER SECTION 337 O F THE TAFUFF ACT O F 1930, AS AMENDED Complainants: Proposed Respondents: Unilin Beheer B.V. Hoogeveenenweg 28 Postbus 135 2910 AC Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel The Netherlands Telephone: +31 180 317 155 3E Business Enterprises Ltd. 5041 Manor St., Vancouver BC V5R 3Y4, CANADA Telephone: 604-3 15-9583 Flooring Industries Ltd. Westblock I.F.S.C. Dublin 1 Republic of Ireland Telephone: +353 164 185 Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC 3284 Denton Road Thomasville, NC 27360 U.S.A. Telephone: + l 336 472 1066 AMZ (Ghangzhou) Wooden Industrial Co., Ltd. Amazon Industrial Garden Pingbu Road Huadu Guangzhou, Guangdong 5 10800, CHINA Telephone: 86-20-36889007 Changzhou Dongjia Decorative Materials Co., Ltd. South Cuiqiao Industrial Zone Henglin, Changzhou, Jiangsu 2 13103, CHINA Telephone: 86-5 19-8506858 Changzhou Saili Wood Co., Ltd. Furong Town, Changzhou City Jiangsu 2 13118, CHINA Telephone: 86-5 19-8766666 Changzhou Wujin Zhongxin Wood Co., Ltd. #7 11 Building C, AnZhen-Foreign Trade Plaza, Hepingli Chaoyang District, Beijing 100013, CHINA Telephone: 86-10-84285623 Counsel for Complainants: John M. DiMatteo Steven H. Reisberg Art C. Cody David D. Lee Alexander H. Swirnoff WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 Telephone: 212-728-8000 China Floors Co. Ltd No. 188 Bao Yuan 4th Road Huoxian Village JiangQiao Town Jinbao Industrial Park, Jia Ding District, Shanghai 201812, CHINA Telephone: 86 21 6913 6272 Cecilia H. Gonzalez Margaret D. Macdonald HOWREY LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20004 Telephone: 202-783-0800 Dalton Carpet Liquidators, Inc. d/b/a Dalton Flooring Liquidators 804 East Broad Street, Gadsden, AL 35903 Telephone: 256-543-9335 Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Joint Stock Co., Ltd. No 13 Nige, Yongan City, Fujian Province, China 366000 Telephone: 86-598-366-1976 HFC Horizon Flooring Ltd. 305 Holly Ave., Columbus, OH 43212 Telephone: 614-785-0705 Huzhou Yongji Wooden Co., Ltd. No. 18 Nianfeng Road Nanxun, Huzhou, Zhejiang 3 13009, CHINA Telephone: 86-572-3032509 Inter Source Trading Corporation 1OF-N, Hongqiao Shijia Garden, No. 179 Zhongshan Road (W), Shanghai, CHINA Telephone: 86-21-62737928, and 201-3785 Myrtle St., Burnaby, BC, CANADA V5C 4E7 Telephone: 604-45 1- 1090 Jiangsu Lodgi Woods Industry Co. Ltd. 7/F, Furi Building, 169 Wuyi North Road, Fuzhou, China -11.. Telephone: 86-5 19-8505888 Lodgi North America, Inc. 11131 Bird Road, Richmond BC V6X 1N7, CANADA Telephone: 604-726-4728 Pacific Flooring Manufacture, Inc. 391 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404 Telephone: 650-3 12-9999 P.J. Flooring Distributor 1455 Monterey Pass Rd., Suite 105 Monterey Park, CA 9 1754 Telephone: 626-282-9663 Power Dekor Group Co., Ltd. 3/F Byfond Hotel, No. 1587 Zhangyang Rd., Shanghai 200 135, CHINA Telephone: 862 1-6855-3239 Quality Craft, Ltd. #301, 17750-65A Avenue Surrey, BC V3S 5N4, CANADA Telephone: 604-575-5550 R.A.H. Carpet Supplies, Inc. 55 1 Main Avenue, Wallington, NJ 07057 Telephone: 973-778-4759 Salvage Building Material, Inc. 95 1 N Liberty St., Winston Salem NC 27 101 Telephone: 336-724-1739 Shanghai Dekorman Flooring Co., Ltd. No. 198 Zhongxin Road, Tianma, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201600, CHINA Telephone: 86-21-5766-1304 Shanghai Zhengrun Industry Development Co., Ltd. No.7735 Fanghuang Road, ... J1L Shanghai 200000, CHINA Telephone: 86-2 1-63540393 Shengda Flooring Corp. 26-27/F Spectar Building, #42 Donghua Zhengjie Street, Chengdu City, China 6 10016 Tel: 86-28-8678881 8-265 Stalheim Industries Sdn Bhd Lot 2994, Jalan Bukit Badong 45600 Batang Berjuntai Selangor Dam1 Ehsan, MALAYSIA Telephone: 60332717499 Stalheim (USA), Inc. 17360 Colima Rd. #332 Rowland Heights, CA 9 1748 Telephone: 626-274-8977 Tsailin Floorings, Inc. 283, Building 3, #402 Siping Road Hongkou Qu, Shanghai 20008 1, CHINA Telephone: 86-21-56095739 Universal Floor Covering, Inc. 4500 Automall Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 Telephone: 5 10-659-9553 Vegas Laminate Hardwood Floors LLC 4059 Renate Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89103 Telephone: 702-365-1 5 16 Vohringer Wood Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1950 Huhang Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai 201415, CHINA Telephone: 86-21-57109188 Yekalon Industry, Inc. Suite16A, Flat A, Jinxiu Building Wenjin Middle Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 5 18003, CHINA Telephone: 86755-25 1-60926 Yingbin (Shunde-Foshan) Wood Industry Co., Ltd. No. 163, Qichong Rd, Dachong Town Zhongshan, Guangdong 528403, CHINA Telephone: 86-760-7735061 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Complainants and Proposed Respondents i TABLE OF CONTENTS vi TABLE OF EXHIBITS ix I. INTRODUCTION 1 11. COMPLAINANTS 3 111. PROPOSED RESPONDENTS 4 A. Proposed Respondent 3E 4 B. Proposed Respondent AMZ 5 C. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA 5 D. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAIL1 WOOD CO., LTD. 5 E. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN 6 F. Proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS 6 G. Proposed Respondent DALTON CARPET LIQUIDATORS, INC. 7 H. Proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN FORESTRY (GROUP) JOINT STOCK CO. LTD. 7 I. Proposed Respondent HFC 8 J. Proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI 8 K. Proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE TRADING CORPORATION 9 L. Proposed Respondent LODGI NA 9 M. Proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS 10 N. Proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING 10 0. Proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING 11 vi P. Proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR 11 Q- Proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT 12 R. Proposed Respondent R.A.H. CARPET SUPPLIES, INC. 12 S. Proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIAL, INC. 12 T. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN 13 U. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN 13 V. Proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING CORP. 14 W. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES 14 X. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA 15 Y. Proposed Respondent TSAILIN 15 Z. Proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR COVERING, INC. 16 AA. Proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC 16 AB. Proposed Respondent VOHRINGER 17 AC . Proposed Respondent YEKALON 17 AD. Proposed Respondent YINGBIN 18 IV. THE PRODUCTS AT ISSUE 18 V. THE PATENTS-IN-SUIT 19 A. 19 B. The '486 Patent 1. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V 19 2. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention 20 The '836 Patent 20 1. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V 20 2. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention 21 vii C. D. 21 The '292 Patent 1. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V 21 2. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention 22 Foreign Counterparts to the '486, '836, and '292 Patents 22 VI. UNFAIR ACTS OF THE RESPONDENTS - PATENT INFRINGEMENT 22 VII. SPECIFIC INSTANCES OF UNFAIR IMPORTATION AND SALE 34 VIII. LICENSES 53 IX. THE DOMESTIC INDUSTRY 54 X. RELATED LITIGATION 55 XI. RELIEF REQUESTED 58 viii TABLE OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT NO. 1 I DESCRIPTION OF EXHIBIT Certified copy of United States Patent No. 6,006,486. 2 Certified copy of United States Patent No. 6,490,836. 3 Certified copy of United States Patent No. 6,874,292. 4 Certified copy of the assignment in the ’486 patent. 5 List of foreign counterparts corresponding to the ’486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 6 Photographs of 3E’s laminated floor panels. 7 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating 3E’s infringement of claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 8 Photographs of AMZ’s laminated floor panel. 9 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating AMZ’ infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 10 1 Photographs of CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s laminated floor panel. 11 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 12 Photographs of CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD’s and HFC’s laminated floor panel. 13 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD’s and HFC’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 14 Photographs of CHANGZHOU WUJIN’s accused laminated floor panels. 15 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating CHANGZHOU WUJIN’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 16 Photographs of CHINA FLOOR’Slaminated floor panel. 17 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating CHINA FLOORS’ infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. -lx- I 18 Photographs of HUZHOU YONGJI’s laminated floor panel. 19 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating HUZHOU YONGJI’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 20 Photographs of LODGI WOODS’, LODGI NA’s, and UNIVERSAL FLOOR’Slaminated floor panels and/or packaging. 21 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating LODGI WOODS’, LODGI NA’s, and UNIVERSAL FLOOR’Sinfringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 22 Photographs of PACIFIC FLOORING’Slaminated floor panel. 23 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating PACIFIC FLOORING’S infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 24 Photographs of P.J. FLOORING’Slaminated floor panel. 25 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating P.J. FLOORING’Sinfringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 26 Photographs of POWER DEKOR’s laminated floor panels. ~~ ~ 27 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating POWER DEKOR’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 28 Photographs of SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s laminated floor panel. 29 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 30 Photographs of SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s laminated floor panel. 31 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 32 Photographs of STALHEIM INDUSTRIES’Sand STALHEIM USA’s laminated floor panels. 33 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating STALHEIM INDUSTRIES’ and STALHEIM U.S.A.’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. _ _ _ _ ~ ~~~~~~~ 34 ~ ~ Photographs of TSAILIN’s laminated floor panel. X 35 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating TSAILIN’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 36 Photographs of QUALITY CRAFT’S and VOHRINGER’s laminated floor panels. 37 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating VOHRINGER’ s and QUALITY CRAFT’S infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 38 Photographs of YEKALON’s and INTER SOURCE’S laminated floor panel. 39 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating YEKALON’s and INTER SOURCE’S infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 40 Photographs of YINGBIN’s laminated floor panel. 41 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating YINGBIN’ s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 42 Photographs of SALVAGE BUILDING’S,DALTON’S, and FUJIAN YONGAN’s laminated floor panels and/or packaging. 43 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating SALVAGE BUILDING’S, DALTON’S, and FUJIAN YONGAN’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 44 Photographs of the packaging for VEGAS LAMINATE’S laminated floor panels. 45 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating VEGAS LAMINATE’S infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 46 Photographs of SHENGDA FLOORING’S and R.A.H.’s laminated floor panels. 47 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating SHENGDA FLOORING’S and R.A.H.’s infringement of claim 1 of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. 48 Declaration of Jose L. Couto. 49 3E brochure and business card. 50 Pages from 3E website: Home page: xi Product: 51 Declaration of Christopher Gilio. 52 AMZ business card and brochure. Pages from AMZ website: 53 54 Introduction: Branches: Certification: Contact: Products: Golden Sunlight Product: 1%2B.htm CHANGZHOU DONGJIA business card and brochure. Pages from CHANGZHOU DONGJIA website: 55 56 Profile: Product features: http://www.dongjiacn.codenglish/product2.asp?s 1=5&s2= 1 8 Product structure: 1 =5 &s2=20 Sales: Con tact: http ://www.dongj HFC business card. Pages from HFC and CHANGZHOU SAIL1 websites: Home page: Installation: Introduction: 1.htm Layers: Products: 57 English home page: About us: .htm Market: Contact us: Semi-finished product: Finished product warehouse: Finished product container: Production process: Products: s-1 .asp?TypeID=5 xii CHANGZHOU WUJIN business card and brochure. Invoice for CHINA FLOORS laminated floor panels called “Art Plus,” dated February 22,2005. Pages from CHINA FLOORS website: Home page: Company: Laminate products: Contact us: Pages from HUZHOU YONGJI website: Home page: About us: http ://yon& .html Laminate products: Flooring.htm1 Company profile: Trust profile: http://yongji.en. alibaba. com/trustpro file.html?oid=cnzj yongji Management: http :// 10693.html Quality: http://yongji. 00 10694 .html LODGI NA business card and brochure. Pages from LODGI NA website: Home page: http ://www.lgfloors .com/index .htm Silk Road Product: Contact us: [nvoice from UNIVERSAL FLOOR for LODGI WOODS laminated floor panels, dated April 12, 2005. Pages from LODGI WOODS website: Home page: http://www. 6j.comcn/enweb/Default. asp About us: http://www.6j.comcn/enweb/about.asp Honors: http://www.6j.comcn/enweb/honor.asp Contact us: http://www.6j .comcn/enweb/Contact.asp Products: http ://www.6j.comcn/enweb/Product .asp PACIFIC FLOORING brochures. Pages from PACIFIC FLOORING website: xiii Home: Products: 68 P.J. FLOORING business card. 69 POWER DEKOR business card and brochure. Pages from POWER DEKOR website: 70 71 About us: Danyang factory: Shenzhen factory: Contact: SHANGHAI DEKORMAN business card and brochure. Pages from SHANGHAI DEKORMAN website: 72 Company: Products: 73 SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN business card and brochure. 74 STALHEIM USA business card and STALHEIM INDUSTRIES brochures. Pages from STALHEIM INDUSTRIES and website: 75 76 Welcome: Company overview: htm Worldwide distribution: TSAILIN business card and brochure. Pages from QUALITY CRAFT website: 77 78 Contact information: About Quality Craft: -1.html Services: Quality Craft History: Laminate Selector: Pages from VOHRINGER website: About/Germany, Asia: xiv About/Globalization: http://www.vohringer. com/main-en.php?page=about&id=2 About/Technology : http :// About/Laminate flooring: http://www.vohringer. com/main-en.php?page=about&id=3 79 YEKALON brochure. Pages from YEKALON website: 80 81 About us: http://www. Feedback: http://www. INTER SOURCE business card. Pages from YINGBIN website: 82 83 About Natrue [sic]: Contact us: 166&ColumnId= 167 Declaration of Shane Burton. Pages from DALTON website: 84 Home page: About us: Forest shade laminate: -style.cfm?prod -id=174 85 Pages printed from Hoover’s website. 86 FUJIAN YONGAN brochure. Pages from FUJIAN YONGAN website: 87 Home: [ntroduction/President address: [ntroduction/Company introduction: -jianjie.asp [nroduction/Resource: [ntroduction/Forestry management: ittp ://www.yonglinlanbao .com/ENGLISH/jj-senlin. asp [ntroduction/Forestry industry: 1inchan.asp IntroductionNonglin Blue Leopard: http://www. Introduction/Company honor: Products: http ://www.yonglinlanbao. com/english/cp-chanpin. asp Products/Wealth and glory: asp Products/Auspciousness: Products/Good fortune: Products/Happiness: Products/New product layout: Products/Production honor: asp Sales network: Contact us: http://www. yonglinlanbao. com/ENGLISH/lx-lianxi.asp 88 Invoice from VEGAS LAMINATE for laminated floor panels, dated April 13, 2005. 89 Declaration of John Ardizzone. 90 SHENGDA FLOORING brochure. Pages from SHENGDA FLOORING website: 91 Chinese home page: English home page: About us: Products: Laminate products: Contact us: 92 Photographs of STEPS@and Harmonics@laminated floor panels. 93 Claim charts and illustrations demonstrating Unilin's practice of claim 1 from each of the '486, '836, and '292 patents. ~ Confidential Confidential list of licensees under the '486, '836, and '292 patents. Exhibit 94 Confidential Square footage and cost of the factory where Unilin's laminated floor panels are xvi I Exhibit 95 manufactured. Confidential Equipment used to manufacture Unilin’ s laminated floor panels. Exhibit 96 I Confidential Employees involved in manufacturing Unilin’s laminated floor panels. Exhibit 97 98 99 Summary chart. Public version of exclusive license agreement between Unilin Beheer, B.V. and Flooring Industries Ltd. I(( Public version of sublicense agreement between Flooring Industries Ltd. and Unilin Decor N.C. LLC xvii I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Complainants Unilin Beheer B.V. (“Unilin Beheer”), Flooring Industries Ltd. (“Flooring Industries”) and Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC (“Unilin Flooring”) (collectively, “Complainants” or “Unilin”), respectfully request that the United States International Trade Commission commence an investigation pursuant to Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. 0 1337, and remedy the unlawful importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and/or the sale within the United States after importation, by the owner, importer or consignee of articles covered by valid and enforceable United States patents owned by Unilin Beheer, exclusively licensed to Flooring Industries, and nonexclusively sublicensed to Unilin Flooring. 1.2. The proposed Respondents, 3E Business Enterprises Ltd., AMZ (Ghangzhou) Wooden Industrial Co., Ltd., Changzhou Dongjia Decorative Materials Co., Ltd., Changzhou Saili Wood Co., Ltd., Changzhou Wujin Zhongxin Wood Co., Ltd., China Floors Co. Ltd, Dalton Carpet Liquidators, Inc., Fujian Yongan Forestry (Group) Joint Stock Co., Ltd., HFC Horizon Flooring Ltd., Huzhou Yongji Wooden Co., Ltd., Inter Source Trading Corporation, Lodgi North America, Inc., Pacific Flooring Manufacture, Inc., P.J.Flooring Distributor, Power Dekor Group Co., Ltd., R.A.H. Carpet Supplies, Inc., Quality Craft, Ltd., Salvage Building Material, Inc., Shanghai Dekorman Flooring Co., Ltd., Shanghai Zhengrun Industry Development Co., Ltd., Shengda Flooring Corp., Stalheim Industries Sdn Bhd, Stalheim (USA), Inc., Tsailin Floorings, Inc., Universal Floor Covering, Inc., Vegas Laminate Hardwood Floors LLC, Vohringer Wood Product (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Yekalon Industry, Inc., and Yingbin (Shunde-Foshan) Wood Industry Co., Ltd. (collectively “Respondents”), have engaged in unfair acts in violation of Section 337 through the unlicensed importation into the United States, sale for importation and/or sale after importation into the United States of certain laminated floor panels, and each of the Respondents thereby infringe one or more claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,006,486 (“the ’486 patent”), U.S. Patent No. 6,490,836 (“the ’836 patent”), and U.S. Patent No. 6,874,292 (“the ’292 patent”). 1.3. Certified copies of the ’486, ’836, and ’292 patents accompany this Complaint as Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3 respectively. Unilin Beheer owns by assignment the entire right, title and interest in, and to, the ’486, ’836, and ’292 patents. Certified copies of the recorded assignment of these patents also accompany the complaint at Exhibit 4l. 1.4. A domestic industry as required by Section 337(a)(2) and (3) exists in the United States relating to certain laminated floor panels manufactured by Unilin Flooring, all of which feature interlocking tongue and groove profiles that allow glueless assembly of adjacent floor panels. These profiles, named “Uniclic@,”are covered by claims of each of the ’486 patent, the ’836 patent, and the ’292 patent. The domestic industry for the ’486, ’836, and ’292 patents includes Unilin Flooring’s substantial United States investments and expenditures in the manufacture of laminated floor panels that use Uniclic@. 1.5. Complainants seek an order, pursuant to Section 337(d), excluding from entry into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe the ’486 and/or ’836 and/or ’292 patents for the lives of the ’486 and/or ’836 patents and/or ’292 patents. Complainants further seek cease and desist orders pursuant to Section 337(f) directing Respondents to cease the ’ The application that matured into the ’836 patent was filed as a continuation of the ’486 patent, and the application that matured into the ’292 patent was filed as a continuation of the ’836 patent. “In the case of a division or continuation application, a prior assignment recorded against the original application is applied to the division or continuation application because the assignment recorded against the original application gives the assignee rights to the subject matter common to both applications.” M.P.E.P. 5 306. Thus, the assignment in the ’486 patent applies with equal effect to the ’836 and ’292 patents. 2 importation, promotion, marketing, advertisement, demonstration, warehousing of inventory for distribution, sale and use of such imported laminated floor panels in the United States. 11. COMPLAINANTS 2.1. Complainant Unilin Beheer is a Dutch corporation, headquartered at Hoogeveenenweg 28, Postbus 135,2910 AC, Nieuwerkerk aan den Ijssel, The Netherlands. Unilin Beheer is the assignee of the '486, '836, and '292 patents, and the owner of all right, title and interest in those patents. The Unilin Group, of which Unilin Beheer and the other complainants are members, is a specialist manufacturer of such products as medium density fiberboard and chipboard, roofing elements, shelving systems and laminated flooring. 2.2. Complainant Flooring Industries is an Irish corporation with its principal place of business at Westblock I.F.S.C., Dublin 1, Republic of Ireland. Flooring Industries is the exclusive licensee of the '486, '836, and '292 patents, with full rights to grant sublicenses, and to enforce and sue for injunctive relief and damages for infringement of the '486, '836, and '292 patents. 2.3. Complainant Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC is a North Carolina limited liability company with its principal place of business at 3286 Denton Road, Thomasville, North Carolina 27360. Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC manufactures laminated floor panels in the United States. Pursuant to a license from Flooring Industries, Unilin Flooring is a non-exclusive sublicensee of the '486, '836, and '292 patents2. Unilin Flooring's business in the United States has grown The non-exclusive sublicense from Flooring Industries to practice the inventions of the '486, '836, and '292 patents was granted to an entity called Unilin Decor N.C. LLC. Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC acquired these licenses before Unilin DCcor N.C. LLC merged out of existence on July 3 1,2004. A copy of the operating agreement transferring the sublicense accompanies the Complaint pursuant to Commission Rule 2 10.21(c)( 1). along with the public’s interest in home improvement and renovation. This trend has been driven by a number of factors including the increasing affluence of home owners, increasing home prices, and shifts in home buying trends towards purchase of older structures in urban areas. 111. PROPOSED RESPONDENTS A. Proposed Respondent 3E 3.1. Proposed Respondent 3E BUSINESS ENTERPRISES LTD. (“3,”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of Canada, having its principal place of business located at 5041 Manor St., Vancouver, BC V5R 3Y4, Canada. 3.2. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent 3E is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 6,48-50. B. Proposed Respondent AMZ 3.3. Proposed Respondent AMZ (GHANGZHOU) WOODEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (“AMZ”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at Amazon Industrial Garden, Pingbu Road, Huadu, Guangzhou, Guangdong 5 10800 China. 3.4. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent AMZ is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 8,51-53. 4 C. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA 3.5. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA DECORATIVE MATERIALS CO., LTD. (“CHANGZHOU DONGJIA”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at South Cuiqiao Industrial Zone, Henglin, Changzhou, Jiangsu 2 13103 China. 3.6. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 10,51,54,55. D. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD CO., LTD. 3.7. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD CO., LTD. (“CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at Furong Town, Changzhou City, Jiangsu 2 13118, China. 3.8. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold within United States after importation by Respondent HFC. On information and belief, Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD and Respondent HFC are related companies. See Exhibits 12,48,56,57. 5 E. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN 3.9. Proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN ZHONGXIN WOOD CO., LTD. (“CHANGZHOU WUJI”’) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at #711 Building C, AnZhen-Foreign Trade Plaza, Hepingli, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100013 China. 3.10. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 14,51,58. F. Proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS 3.11. Proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS CO. LTD (“CHINA FLOORS”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business at No. 188 Bao Yuan 4th Road, Huoxian Village JiangQiao Town, Jinbao Industrial Park, Jia Ding District, Shanghai 201 812, China. 3.12. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 16,59,60. G. Proposed Respondent DALTON CARPET LIQUIDATORS 3.13. Proposed Respondent DALTON CARPET LIQUIDATORS, INC. (“DALTON”) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Alabama, having its principal place of 6 business located at 804 East Broad Street, Gadsden, Alabama 35903. Upon information and belief, DALTON CARPET LIQUIDATORS, INC. is doing business as DALTON FLOORING LIQUIDATORS. See Exhibit 85. 3.14. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent DALTON is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including laminated floor panels manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company. See Exhibits 42 (photos 1-3), 83-85. H. Proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN FORESTRY (GROUP) JOINT STOCK CO. LTD. 3.15. Proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN FORESTRY (GROUP) JOINT STOCK CO. LTD. (“FUJIAN YONGAN”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, with its principal place of business located at No 13 Nige, Yongan City, Fujian Province, China 366000. 3.16. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING. See Exhibits 42 (photos 4-8), 83,86,87. I. Proposed Respondent HFC 3.17. Proposed Respondent HFC HORIZON FLOORING LTD., also known as “HORIZON FLOORING COMPANY” (“HFC”), is a limited liability company organized and 7 existing under the laws of Ohio, having its principal place of business located at 1305 Holly Ave., Columbus, OH 43212. 3.18. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent HFC is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD. On information and belief, Respondent HFC and Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD are related companies. See Exhibits 12,48, 56,57. J. Proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI 3.19. Proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI WOODEN CO., LTD. (“HUZHOU YONGJI”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at No. 18 Nianfeng Road, Nanxun, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313009 China. 3.20. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 18,51,61. K. Proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE TRADING CORPORATION 3.21. Proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE TRADING CORPORATION (“INTER SOURCE”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at IOF-N, Hongqiao Shijia Garden, No. 179, Zhongshan Road (W), Shanghai, China. INTER SOURCE also has a Canadian office located at a located at 201-3785 Myrtle St., Burnaby, BC, Canada V5C 4E7. 3.22. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE is in the business of selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent YEKALON. See Exhibits 38,48,81. L. Proposed Respondent LODGI NA 3.23. Proposed Respondent LODGI NORTH AMERICA, INC. (“LODGI NA”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of Canada, having its principal place of business located at 11131 Bird Road, Richmond, BC V6XlN7 Canada. 3.24. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent LODGI NA is in the business of selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS, and including infringing laminated floor panels sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. On information and belief, 9 Respondents LODGI NA and LODGI WOODS are related companies See Exhibits 20 (photos 1-3), 48,62,63. M. Proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS 3.25. Proposed Respondent JIANGSU LODGI WOODS INDUSTRY CO. LTD. (“LODGI WOODS”), also called LG WOODS, is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at 7/F, Furi Building, 169 Wuyi North Road, Fuzhou, China. 3.26. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI NA and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. See Exhibits 20,62-65. N. Proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING 3.27. Proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING MANUFACTURE, INC. (“PACIFIC FLOORING”) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California, having its principal place of business located at 391 Foster City Blvd., Foster City, CA 94404. 3.28. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 22,48, 66, 67. 10 0. Proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING 3.29. Proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING DISTRIBUTOR (“P.J. FLOORING”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of California, having its principal place of business at 1455 Monterey Pass Rd., Suite 105, Monterey Park, CA 91754. 3.30. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company. See Exhibits 24,48,68. P. Proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR 3.31. Proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR GROUP CO., LTD. (“POWER DEKOR’) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at 3/F Byfond Hotel, No. 1587, Zhangyang Rd., Shanghai 200135 China. 3.32. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 26,51,69,70. 11 Q. Proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT 3.33. Proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT, LTD. (“QUALITY CRAFT”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of Canada, having its principal place of business located at #301, 17750-65A Ave., Surrey, BC V3S 5N4 Canada. 3.34. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT is in the business of selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent VOHRINGER and an unknown company. See Exhibits 36 (photos 1-3), 48,77. R. Proposed Respondent R.A.H. CARPET SUPPLIES, INC. 3.35. Proposed Respondent R.A.H. CARPET SUPPLIES, INC. (“R.A.H.”) is corporation organized and existing under the laws of New Jersey, having its principal place of business located at 551 Main Avenue, Wallington, New Jersey 07057. 3.36. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent R.A.H. is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING C O W . See Exhibits 46,89. S. Proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIAL, INC. 3.37. Proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING MATERIAL, INC. (“SALVAGE BUILDING”) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of North Carolina, having 12 its principal place of business located at 95 1 N Liberty St., Winston Salem, North Carolina 27101. 3.38. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN, and an unknown company. See Exhibits 42,83-87. T. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN 3.39. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN FLOORING CO., LTD. (“SHANGHAI DEKORMAN”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at No. 198 Zhongxin Road, Tianma, Songjiang District, Shanghai 201600 China. 3.40. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 28,48,71,72. U. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN 3.41. Proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. (“SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at No.7735 Fanghuang Road, Shanghai 200000 China. 13 3.42. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 30,51, 73. V. Proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING CORP. 3.43. Proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING CORP. (“SHENGDA FLOORING’), also known as SICHUAN SHENGDA WOODEN PRODUCTS CO. LTD., is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, with its principal place of business located at 26-27/F Spectar Building, #42 Donghua Zhengjie Street, Chengdu City, China 610016. 3.44. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent R.A.H. See Exhibits 46,89-91. W. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES 3.45. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES SDN BHD (“STALHEIM INDUSTRIES”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of Malaysia, having its principal place of business located at Lot 2994, Jalan Bukit Badong, 45600 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor Dam1 Ehsan, Malaysia. 14 3.46. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES is in the business of manufacturing in Malaysia, and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold within the United States after importation by Respondent STALHEIM USA. On information and belief, Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES and Respondent STALHEIM USA are related companies. See Exhibits 32,51, 74,75. X. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA 3.47. Proposed Respondent STALHEIM (USA), INC. (“STALHEIM USA”) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California, having its principal place of business located at 17360 Colima Rd. #332, Rowland Heights, California 91748. 3.48. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in Malaysia, and sold for importation into the United States by STALHEIM INDUSTRIES. On information and belief, Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES and Respondent STALHEIM USA are related companies. See Exhibits 32,51. Y. Proposed Respondent TSAILIN 3.49. Proposed Respondent TSAILIN FLOORINGS, INC. (“TSAILIN”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at 283, Building 3, #402 Siping Road, Hongkou Qu, Shanghai 200081 China. 15 3.50. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent TSAILIN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 34,48,76. Z. Proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR COVERING, INC. 3.51. Proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR COVERING, INC. (“UNIVERSAL FLOOR’) is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of California, having its principal place of business located at 4500 Automall Parkway, Fremont, California 94538. 3.52. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS, and including infringing laminated floor panels sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI NA. See Exhibits 20 (photos 4-11), 62,64. AA. Proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC 3.53. Proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE HARDWOOD FLOORS LLC (“VEGAS LAMINATE”) is a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of Nevada, having its principal place of business located at 4059 Renate Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada 89103. 3.54. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE is in the business of selling within the United States after importation laminated floor panels that 16 infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China, and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company. See Exhibits 44,88. AB. Proposed Respondent VOHRINGER 3.55. Proposed Respondent VOHRINGER WOOD PRODUCT (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD. (“VOHRINGER’) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at 1950 Huhang Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai 201415 China. 3.56. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent VOHRINGER is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing laminated floor panels sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT. See Exhibits 36 (photos 4-5), 48,78. AC. Proposed Respondent YEKALON 3.57. Proposed Respondent YEKALON INDUSTRY, INC. (“YEKALON”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located Suite16A, Flat A, Jinxiu Building, Wenjin Middle Road, Shenzhen, Guangdong 5 18003 China. 3.58. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent YEKALON is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, including infringing 17 laminated floor panels sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE. See Exhibits 38,48,79-81. AD. Proposed Respondent YINGBIN 3.59. Proposed Respondent YINGBIN (SHUNDE-FOSHAN) WOOD INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (“YINGBIN”) is a company organized and existing under the laws of China, having its principal place of business located at No. 163, Qichong Rd, Dachong Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528403 China. 3.60. Upon information and belief, proposed Respondent YINGBIN is in the business of manufacturing in China and selling for importation into the United States laminated floor panels that infringe one or more claims of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. See Exhibits 40,48, 82. IV. THE PRODUCTS AT ISSUE 4.1. In the past, floor panels, including laminated floor panels, were generally assembled by using glue to permanently connect simple tongue and groove joints. This assembly process, which often required specialized tools, was time-consuming and messy. Several floor panels having glueless joints were developed, but they required that the tongue and groove be made of a material, such as rubber, plastic, or aluminum, that was different from the core material of the panel. This necessitated more complex and costly manufacturing. 4.2. Unilin discovered that it was possible to create novel tongue and groove configurations comprising complex compound curves, which it named Uniclic’. Using high precision milling equipment, such curves can be formed at the edges of floor panels. In the case of laminated floor panels, the curves are milled into the wood-based medium density fiberboard 18 or high density fiberboard making up the core of the panel. When viewed from the side, the joined tongue and groove form a characteristic pattern called a profile. 4.3. Depending on the precise configuration, Unilin’s novel tongue and groove configurations can be joined to each other in one of two ways without use of glue. After being coupled together, the unique configuration of the tongue and groove profile keeps the panels tightly joined by storing stress imparted into the lip of the groove during joining. This tight joint is beneficial because it helps prevents water and dirt from penetrating into the gap, and is considered more visually appealing. Because the tongue and groove are not glued, and not harmed during the joining process, joined panels can be disassembled if one is damaged. 4.4. Upon information and belief, the infringing laminated floor panels are all manufactured in China or Malaysia, and then imported into the United States. Certain of the infringing laminated floor boards are known by the following trade names: ART PLUS, CLICKSEALED, DESAI, FOREST SHADE, GIRAFFE, NATURE, NOVARLOC, RAINBOW, REGAL, and SAPPHIRE3. V. THE PATENTS-IN-SUIT A. The ’486 Patent 1. 5.1. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V. U.S. Patent No. 6,006,486 (“the ’486 patent”) (Exhibit 1) issued to Unilin Beheer B.V. as assignee on December 28, 1999 in the names of Stefan S.G. Moriau, Mark G.M. Cappelle, and Bernard P.J. Thiers, and is entitled “Floor Panel With Edge Connectors.” The Submitted herewith as Exhibit 98 is a summary chart that identifies each respondent, related respondents, if any, name of accused product, if known, and how the sample of the accused product was obtained. 19 entire right, title and interest of the inventors in the ’486 patent were assigned to Unilin Beheer (see copy of assignment submitted herewith as Exhibit 4). 5.2. Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.12(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by a certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the ’486 patent (Bates Nos. FI 006821-007838). Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.12(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by four copies of each reference document mentioned in the ’486 patent prosecution history (Bates Nos. FI 002356-002949). 2. 5.3. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention The invention disclosed and claimed in the ’486 patent is directed to laminated floor panels having a tongue and a groove with locking elements for mechanically coupling panels together. The panels are a wood product having a composite core and an upper decorative surface, and the tongue and groove are integrally formed with the core. The locking elements are a protrusion on the tongue and a recess on the groove, each with a contact surface that cooperates with the other contact surface. When coupled, the contact surfaces meet each other on a common plane of tangency that is angled (with respect to the lower lip of the groove) inwardly and downwardly from a distal outer location to a proximal inner location. The invention is also directed to a method of manufacturing the panels by using rotary mills to form the coupling parts. B. The ’836 Patent 1. 5.4. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V. U.S. Patent No. 6,490,836 (“the ’836 patent”) (Exhibit 2) issued to Unilin Beheer B.V. as assignee on December 10, 2002, in the names of Stefan S.G. Moriau, Mark G.M. Cappelle, and Bernard P.J.Thiers, and is entitled “Floor Panel With Edge Connectors.” This 20 patent is subject to a terminal disclaimer and is a continuation of application Serial No. 08/872,044, filed June 10, 1997, which application issued as U.S. Patent No. 6,006,486, also at issue in this requested investigation. 5.5. Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.12(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by a certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the ’836 patent (Bates Nos. FI 007839-FI 010656). Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.12(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by four copies of each reference document mentioned in the ’836 patent prosecution history (Bates No. FI 002950-004998). 2. 5.6. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention Like the ’486 patent, the ’836 patent is directed to laminated floor panels and methods for installation. The invention is directed to a laminated floor panel having a tongue and a groove with locking elements for mechanically coupling panels together. The tongue and groove are integrally formed with the core of the panel, which is composed of high or medium density fiberboard. The groove has an elastically bendable lower lip that is bent downwardly when coupled to a tongue from another panel, causing the lower lip to provide a biasing force that tends to urge the panels towards each other. The invention is also directed to various methods of coupling two boards or more boards together by angling and rotating them together and/or joining them in a co-planar fashion. C. The ’292 Patent 1. 5.7. Identification of the Patent and Ownership by Unilin Beheer B.V. U.S. Patent No. 6,874,292 (“the ’292 patent”) (Exhibit 3) issued to Unilin Beheer B.V. as assignee on April 5,2005, in the names of Stefan S.G. Moriau, Mark G.M. Cappelle, and Bernard P.J.Thiers, and is entitled “Floor Panels With Edge Connectors.” This patent is a 21 continuation of application Serial No. 09/471,014, filed December 23, 1999, which application issued as U.S. Patent No. 6,490,836, also at issue in this requested investigation. 5.8. Pursuant to Commission Rules 2 lO.l2(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by a certified copy and three additional copies of the prosecution history of the '292 patent (Bates Nos. FI 006213-FI 006820). Pursuant to Commission Rules 210.12(c), the original of this Complaint is accompanied by four copies of each reference document mentioned in the '292 patent prosecution history (Bates Nos. FI 000001-FI 002355). 2. 5.9. Non-Technical Description of the Patented Invention The '292 patent is directed to floor covering panels having cooperative coupling parts that prevent coupled panels from drifting apart. The coupling parts comprise a tongue and a groove that are formed in one piece with the rest of the panel. One of the coupling parts has an elastically bendable portion that is slightly bent when two panels are coupled, causing the panels to be urged together. D. Foreign Counterparts to the '486, '836, and '292 Patents 5.10. Submitted herewith as Exhibit 5 is a list of each issued foreign patent and pending foreign patent application corresponding to the '486, '836, and '292 patents. Other than the items listed in Exhibit 5, there are no foreign patents or patent applications corresponding to the '486, '836, or '292 patents that have been issued, abandoned, denied, or remain pending. VI. UNFAIR ACTS OF THE RESPONDENTS - PATENT INFRINGEMENT 6.1. Upon information and belief, the accused laminated floor panels that have been imported, sold for importation, and/or sold after importation into the United States by certain of the proposed Respondents infringe directly claims 1, 14, 17, 19, 20,21, 37, 52, 65 and 66 of the 22 ’486 patent, infringe directly claims 1,2, 10, 13, 18, 19,22,23,24 and 27 of the ’836 patent, and infringe directly claim 1 - 6 of the ’292 patent. 6.2. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent 3E are submitted herewith as Exhibit 6 (sample A, photos 1-4; sample B, photos 5-7). Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Printed on the back of sample A is a logo with the name “Green LSHB,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. Printed on the back of sample B is a logo with the name “YIJIAZHUANGSHICAILIAO Co., Ltd.,” as well as what appear to be Chinese characters. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 7 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, short and long side; sample B, long side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent 3E’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.3. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent AMZ are submitted herewith as Exhibit 8. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “AMZ” and what appear to be Chinese characters. On the front is affixed a label printed with the name “AMZ LAMINATED FLOORING,” and other information about the product. The label also includes the name of the manufacturer “AMZ (GUANGZHOU) WOODEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.” and what appear to be Chinese telephone numbers. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 9 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the 23 photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent AMZ’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.4. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA are submitted herewith as Exhibit 10. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the word “Giraffe,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 11 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.5. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China by proposed Respondent HFC and/or a related company, proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD, sold for importation into the United States by Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD, and sold within the United States after importation by Respondent HFC are submitted herewith as Exhibit 12. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Printed on the back of the sample is the name “HFC-HORIZON.” On information and belief, Respondent HFC sells within the United States after importation infringing laminated floor panels that it manufactures in China, as well as infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by a related company, proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD. See Exhibits 48,56,57. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 13 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how 24 exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to Respondent HFC’s and Respondent CHANGZHOU SAIL1 WOOD’S accused laminated floor panel. 6.6. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN are submitted herewith as Exhibit 14 (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B, photos 4-7; sample C, not pictured). Samples A, B and C were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of sample A is a logo and the name “DESAI.” Affixed to the back of sample B is a label printed with the same logo, under which are what appear to be Chinese characters, and other information about the product. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 15 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A long side; sample B, long side; sample C, long and short sides) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.7. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel called “Art Plus” being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS are submitted herewith as Exhibit 16, as well as photographs of the product packaging. This sample was purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 59). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 17 are photographs of the joined profiles (long side and short side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent CHINA FLOOR’S accused laminated floor panel. 25 6.8. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI are submitted herewith as Exhibit 18. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “Yong Ji,” under which are Chinese characters. Upon information and belief, the English translation of some of these characters means “Zhejiang province,” indicating the place of origin. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 19 are photographs of the joined profiles (long side and short side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim I from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.9. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels, and accompanying packaging, being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS, sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI NA, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR are submitted herewith as Exhibit 20. Sample A (photos 13) was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48) and sample B (photos 4-1 1) was purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 64). On information and belief, sample A and sample B were both manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by Respondent LODGI WOODS. See Exhibits 48,62-65. On information and belief, LODGI WOODS and LODGI NA are related companies. Id. On information and belief, sample A was sold for importation into the United States by Respondent LODGI NA, and sample B was sold within the United States after importation by Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. Id. Sample A, in the color style Crimson Oak, is embossed on its back surface with a honeycomb pattern and 26 the word “FLOOR.” Sample B, which is 12 mm thick and of a product named “Regal” was purchased from Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. The back face of sample B is printed with a square-shaped logo containing the letters “Q LG,” under which appear the words, “Q LG WOODS HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS.” This logo is similar to one that appears on the LODGI NA business card obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 62). The box in which sample B was purchased from Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR, and accompanying installation instructions, each are printed with the name “LG North America” as well as the same web address for LODGI NA ( (see Exhibit 63). A sticker attached to the box states “Made in China.” Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 21 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, long side; sample B, long and short sides) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondents LODGI WOODS’, LODGI NA’s and UNIVERSAL FLOORING’S accused laminated floor panels. 6.10. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING are submitted herewith as Exhibit 22. See Exhibits 48,66,67. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 23 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING’S accused laminated floor panel. 27 6.1 1. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING, and manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company are submitted herewith as Exhibit 24. See Exhibits 48,68. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 25 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING’S accused laminated floor panel. 6.12. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR are submitted herewith as Exhibit 26 (sample A, photos 1-4; sample B, photos 5-7). Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Affixed to the back of the samples is a label printed with the name “Power Dekor,” a barcode, and other information about the products. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 27 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, long side; sample A joined to sample B, short sides) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.13. Photographs of accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN are submitted herewith as Exhibit 28 (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B, photos 4-6). Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Affixed to the front of sample B is a label printed with the name “Dekorman.” Additionally, submitted herewith as 28 Exhibit 29 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, long side; sample B, long side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.14. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN are submitted herewith as Exhibit 30. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 31 are photographs of the joined profiles (long side and short side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.15. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels being manufactured in Malaysia and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA, are submitted herewith as Exhibit 32 (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B, photos 4-6) (sample A and B are identical, but for their color). Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). On the front of each sample is a printed label with the name “CLICK-SEALED,” and other product information, including model number and name. The label also identifies the manufacturer as STALHEIM INDUSTRIES, located in Malaysia. See Exhibits 51,74, 75. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 33 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of 29 the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES’ and proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA’s accused laminated floor panels (only one sample is shown, the other being identical). 6.16. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent TSAILIN are submitted herewith as Exhibit 34. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Affixed to the back of the sample is a large label which shows a picture of a lion, the name “SHENGWANG FLOOR,” and what appear to be printed and handwritten Chinese characters. Also printed on the back are portions of a logo and what appear to be Chinese characters. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 35 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent TSAILIN’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.17. Photographs of accused laminated floor panels being sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent VOHRINGER and an unknown company, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT, are submitted herewith as Exhibit 36. On information and belief, sample A (photos 1-3) was manufactured abroad and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold for importation into the United States by Respondent QUALITY CRAFT. See Exhibits 48,77,78. On information and belief, sample B (photos 4-5) was manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent VOHRINGER, and sold for importation into the United States by Respondent QUALITY CRAFT. Id. On the back of sample B is printed the name “Vohringer.” Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 30 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 37 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, long side; sample B, long side) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT’S and proposed Respondent VOHRINGER’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.18. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent YEKALON, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE, are submitted herewith as Exhibit 38. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Affixed to the back of the sample is a yellow label printed with the name, “YEKALON SAPPHIRE,” and other information about the product. See Exhibits 48,79-81. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 39 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to the infringing laminated floor panels imported into the United States and/or sold after importation by proposed Respondent YEKALON and proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE. 6.19. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent YINGBIN are submitted herewith as Exhibit 40. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “NATURE,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 41 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the 31 photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent YINGBIN’s accused laminated floor panel. 6.20. Photographs of the accused laminated floor panels, and accompanying packaging, being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN and an unknown company, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondents SALVAGE BUILDING and DALTON, are submitted herewith as Exhibit 42. Samples A and B each were purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 83). On information and belief, sample A (photo l), of a product named “Forest Shade,” was manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold within the United States after importation by Respondents SALVAGE BUILDING and DALTON. See Exhibits 83-87. The box in which sample A was purchased (photos 2-3) from Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING is marked “Made in China.” The box is additionally marked with the telephone number for DALTON FLOORING LIQUIDATORS, which, on information and belief, is a fictitious name for Respondent DALTON. On information and belief, sample B (photos 4-8) was manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING. Id. Embossed on the back sample B is a cartoon image of leopard standing and pointing, a square-shaped logo, the name “YONGAN INDUSTRY,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 43 are photographs of the joined profiles (sample A, long and short sides; sample B, long and short sides) with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed 32 Respondents SALVAGE BUILDING’S,DALTON’S,and FUJIAN YONGAN’s accused laminated floor panels. 6.21. Photographs of the packaging for accused laminated floor panels being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE are submitted herewith as Exhibit 44. On information and belief, the samples, of a product named “Rainbow,” were manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company and sold within the United States after importation by Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE. See Exhibit 88. Sample A (photos 1-2) is 8 mm thick, and sample B (photos 3-5) is 12 mm thick, and each was purchased in the United States from Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE (see Exhibit 88). The boxes in which the samples were purchased are marked “Made in China.” Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 45 are photographs (sample A, long and short sides; sample B, long and short sides) of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE’S accused laminated floor panels. 6.22. Photographs of an accused laminated floor panel being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent R.A.H. are submitted herewith as Exhibit 46. This sample was obtained in the United States from a sales representative of Respondent R.A.H. (see Exhibit 89). On information and belief, the samples, which represent different color styles of the same product, were manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING, 33 and sold within the United States after importation by Respondent R.A.H. See Exhibit 89. Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 47 is a photograph of the joined profile with parts of the tongue and groove labeled, and claim charts referencing the photograph and demonstrating how exemplary independent claim 1 from each of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents applies to proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING and Respondent R.A.H. ’s accused laminated floor panels. VII. SPECIFIC INSTANCES OF UNFAIR IMPORTATION AND SALE 7.1. As stated above, on information and belief, certain proposed Respondents manufacture and/or have manufactured outside of the United States, import into the United States and/or sell for importation into the United States accused laminated floor panels shown in photographs submitted herewith herewith. Additionally, certain other proposed Respondents import into the United States and/or sell after importation into the United States accused laminated floor panels shown in photographs submitted herewith herewith. 7.2. Exhibit 6 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-4; sample B, photos 5-7), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Printed on the back of sample A is a logo with the name “Green LSHB,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. Printed on the back of sample B is a logo with the name “YIJIAZHUANGSHICAILIAO Co., Ltd.,” as well as what appear to be Chinese characters. On information and belief, this product is being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent 3E. 34 7.3. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent 3E’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 3). 7.4. Exhibit 49 includes photocopies of pages from 3E’s sales brochure and a business card from 3E’s sales representative obtained by the declarant evidencing that 3E is located in Vancouver, Canada. 7.5. Exhibit 50 includes pages printed from the 3E web site evidencing that 3E has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.6. Exhibit 8 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “AMZ” and what appear to be Chinese characters. On the front is affixed a label printed with the name “AMZ LAMINATED FLOORING,” and other information about the product. The label also includes the name of the manufacturer “AMZ (GUANGZHOU) WOODEN INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.” and what appear to be Chinese telephone numbers. On information and belief, this product is being manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent AMZ. 7.7. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent AMZ’ accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 3). 35 7.8. Exhibit 52 includes photocopies of pages from AMZ’ sales brochure obtained by the declarant evidencing that AMZ has a factory located in Guangzhou, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.9. Exhibit 53 includes pages printed from Respondent AMZ’ web site evidencing that AMZ has a factory located in Guangzhou, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.10. Exhibit 10 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the word “Giraffe,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA. 7.11. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’ s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 4). 7.12. Exhibit 54 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’ s sales representative evidencing that CHANGZHOU DONGJIA is located in China, and photocopies of pages from CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s sales brochure providing additional information about CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s infringing laminated floor panels. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 7.13. Exhibit 55 includes pages printed from Respondent CHANGZHOU DONGJIA’s web site evidencing that CHANGZHOU DONGJIA has a factory located in Jiangsu, China for 36 manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and that it imports and/or sells for importation its infringing laminated floor panels into the United States. 7.14. Exhibit 12 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). Printed on the back of the sample is the name “HFCHORIZON.” On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China by proposed Respondent HFC and/or proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD, and is sold within the United States after importation by Respondent HFC. On information and belief, CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD and HFC are related companies. 7.15. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondents HFC’s and CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD’s accused laminated floor panels, and that similar laminated floor panels could be purchased from Respondent HFC FOB (free on board) Shanghai, China (see Paragraph 4). 7.16. Exhibit 56 is a photocopy of a business card obtained by the declarant from HFC’s sales representative evidencing that HFC is affiliated with a company called CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD CO, LTD., located in Jiangsu, China. 7.17. Exhibit 57 includes pages printed from the HFC web site evidencing that HFC has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. The exhibit further includes pages printed from Respondent CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD’s web site evidencing that HFC and CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD are affiliated companies, that CHANGZHOU SAILI WOOD is located in Jiangsu, China, and that CHANGZHOU SAILI 37 WOOD imports and/or sells for importation its infringing laminated floor panels into the United States. 7.18. Exhibit 14 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B, photos 4-7; sample C, not pictured), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A, B and C were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of sample A is a logo and the name “DESAI.” Affixed to the back of sample B is a label printed with the same logo, under which are what appear to be Chinese characters, and other information about the product. On information and belief, these products are manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN. 7.19. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent CHANGZHOU WUJIN’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 5). 7.20. Exhibit 58 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from CHANGZHOU WUJI” s sales representative evidencing that CHANGZHOU WUJIN is located in Jiangsu, China, and photocopies of pages from CHANGZHOU WUJN’s sales brochure evidencing that CHANGZHOU WUJIN is located in China, and that its infringing laminated floor panels are imported and/or sold for importation into the United States. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 7.21. Exhibit 16 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel called “Art Plus,” wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was 38 purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 59). The exhibit also includes photographs of the packaging in which the accused laminated floor panels were purchased. On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent CHINA FLOORS. 7.22. Exhibit 59 is a photocopy of an invoice dated February 22,2005 evidencing the purchase in the United States of a box of CHINA FLOORS’ accused laminated floor panels called “Art Plus.” 7.23. Exhibit 60 includes pages printed from the CHINA FLOORS web site evidencing that CHINA FLOORS has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and that CHINA FLOORS manufactures infringing laminated floor panels called “Art Plus.” 7.24. Exhibit 18 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “Yong Ji,” under which appear Chinese characters. Upon information and belief, the English translation of some of these characters means “Zhej iang province,” indicating the place of origin. On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI. 7.25. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 6). 39 7.26. Exhibit 61 includes pages printed from Respondent HUZHOU YONGJI’s web site evidencing that HUZHOU YONGJI has a factory located in Huzhou, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and imports and/or sells for importation its infringing laminated floor panels into the United States. 7.27. Exhibit 20 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels, and accompanying packaging, wherein the accused laminated floor panels and packaging are shown in different views. On information and belief, sample A (photos 1-3) and sample B (photos 411) were both manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI WOODS. On information and belief, sample A was sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent LODGI NA, and sample B was sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. On information and belief, LODGI WOODS and LODGI NA are related companies. Sample A was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48) and sample B was purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 64). Sample A, in the color style Crimson Oak, is embossed on its back surface with a honeycomb pattern and the word “FLOOR.” Sample B, which is 12 mm thick and of a product named “Regal” was purchased from Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR. The back face of sample B is printed with a square-shaped logo containing the letters “Q LG,” under which appear the words, “Q LG WOODS HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS.” This logo is similar to one that appears on the LODGI NA business card obtained at the Sur€aces 2005 trade show (see Exhibit 62). The box in which sample B was purchased from Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR, and accompanying installation instructions, each are printed with the name “LG North 40 America” as well as the same web address for LODGI NA ( (see Exhibit 63). A sticker attached to the box states “Made in China” (photo 11). 7.28. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent LODGI NA’s accused laminated floor panels (sample A) (see Paragraph 5). 7.29. Exhibit 62 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from Respondent LODGI NA’s sales representative showing the Respondent’s logo. Also included are photocopies of pages from Respondent LODGI NA’s sales brochure providing information about the Respondent’s infringing laminated floor panels. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 7.30. Exhibit 63 includes pages printed from Respondent LODGI NA’s web site evidencing that a related company, LODGI WOODS, has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, evidencing that an abbreviation for LODGI NA is “Lg Floors,” and providing other information about the Respondent and its infringing laminated floor panels. 7.31. Exhibit 64 is a photocopy of an invoice dated April 12,2005 evidencing the purchase in the United States from Respondent UNIVERSAL FLOOR of one box of infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China by Respondent LODGI WOODS (sample B). 7.32. Exhibit 65 includes pages printed from Respondent LODGI WOOD’S web site evidencing that Respondent LODGI WOODS has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and providing other information about the Respondent and its infringing laminated floor panels. 41 7.33. Exhibit 22 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING. 7.34. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING’S accused laminated floor panels, and that similar laminated floor panels could be purchased from Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING FOB (free on board) China (see Paragraph 7). 7.35. Exhibit 66 includes photocopies of pages from Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING’S sales brochure obtained by the declarant evidencing that PACIFIC FLOORING has a factory located in Guangdong, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.36. Exhibit 67 includes pages printed from Respondent PACIFIC FLOORING’S web site evidencing that PACIFIC FLOORING has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, as well as facilities located in the United States for warehousing and distributing infringing laminated floor panels after importation into the United States. 7.37. Exhibit 24 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, this product is 42 manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent P.J. FLOORING. 7.38. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent P.J. FLOORING’Saccused laminated floor panels, and that similar laminated floor panels could be purchased from Respondent P.J. FLOORING FOB (free on board) Shanghai, China (see Paragraph 6). 7.39. Exhibit 68 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained by the declarant from Respondent P.J. FLOORING’S sales representative at the Surfaces 2005 trade show. 7.40. Exhibit 26 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-4; sample B, photos 5-7), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). On information and belief, these products are manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent POWER DEKOR. Affixed to the back of the samples is a label printed with the name “Power Dekor,” a barcode, and other information about the products. 7.41. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent POWER DEKOR’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 7). 7.42. Exhibit 69 includes photocopies of pages from Respondent POWER DEKOR’s sales brochure obtained by the declarant evidencing that POWER DEKOR has factories located in Shenzhen, China and Jiangsu, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and 43 a copy of a POWER DEKOR business card evidencing that POWER DEKOR is located in China. 7.43. Exhibit 70 includes pages printed from Respondent POWER DEKOR’s web site evidencing that POWER DEKOR has factories located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.44. Exhibit 28 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B; photos 4-6), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, these products are manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN. Affixed to the front of sample B is a label printed with the name “Dekorman.” 7.45. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’ s accused laminated floor panels, and that similar laminated floor panels could be purchased from Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN FOB (free on board) Shanghai, China (see Paragraph 9). 7.46. Exhibit 71 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s sales representative, and photocopies of pages from Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s sales brochure evidencing that SHANGHAI DEKORMAN has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 44 7.47. Exhibit 72 includes a page printed from Respondent SHANGHAI DEKORMAN’s web site evidencing that SHANGHAI DEKORMAN has a factory located in Shanghai, China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.48. Exhibit 30 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN. 7.49. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 8). 7.50. Exhibit 73 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s sales representative, and photocopies of pages from Respondent SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN’s sales brochure evidencing that SHANGHAI ZHENGRUN is located in Shanghai China. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 7.51. Exhibit 32 includes photographs of similar accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B, photos 4-6), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 51). On information and belief, these products are manufactured in Malaysia and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES, 45 and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent STALHEIM USA. On the front of each sample is a printed label with the name “CLICK-SEALED,” and other product information, including model number and name. The label also identifies the manufacturer as STALHEIM INDUSTRIES, located in Malaysia. 7.52. Exhibit 51 is a declaration in which the declarant Christopher Gilio states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondents STALHEIM USA’s and STALHEIM INDUSTRIES’ accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 9). 7.53. Exhibit 74 includes photocopies of pages from Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES’ sales brochure obtained by the declarant evidencing that STALHEIM INDUSTRIES has a factory located in Malaysia for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.54. Exhibit 75 includes pages printed from Respondent STALHEIM INDUSTRIES web site evidencing that STALHEIM INDUSTRIES has a factory located in Malaysia for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and that STALHEIM INDUSTRIES imports and/or sells for importation its infringing laminated floor panels into the United States. 7.55. Exhibit 34 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent TSAILIN. Affixed to the back of the sample is a large label which shows a picture of a lion, the name “SHENGWANG FLOOR,” and what appear to be printed and handwritten Chinese 46 characters. Also printed directly on the back of the panel are portions of a logo and what appear to be Chinese characters. 7.56. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent TSAILIN’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 10). 7.57. Exhibit 76 includes a photocopy of a business card obtained from Respondent TSAILIN’s sales representative evidencing that TSAILIN is located in Shanghai China, and photocopies of pages from Respondent TSAILI” s sales brochure evidencing that TSAILIN has a factory located in Shanghai China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. Both the business card and sales brochure were obtained by the declarant. 7.58. Exhibit 36 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels (sample A (photos 1-3); sample B (photos 4-5)), wherein the accused laminated floor panels are shown in different views. Samples A and B were each obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, the product represented by sample A is manufactured abroad and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent QUALITY CRAFT. On information and belief, the product represented by sample B is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent VOHRINGER, and is sold for importation into the United States by Respondent QUALITY CRAFT. On the back of sample B is printed the name “Vohringer.” 47 7.59. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondents VOHRINGER’s and QUALITY CRAFT’S accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 8). 7.60. Exhibit 77 includes pages printed from Respondent QUALITY CRAFT’Sweb site evidencing that the headquarters of QUALITY CRAFT is located in Vancouver, Canada, and that QUALITY CRAFT also has offices located in Guangdong and Shanghai China. The web pages also show that QUALITY CRAFT sells laminated floor panels under a variety of names. On information and belief, QUALITY CRAFT obtains from foreign manufacturers (including VOHRINGER) infringing laminated floor panels manufactured in China and other foreign countries, packages them under its own names, and sells them for importation into the United States. 7.61. Exhibit 78 includes pages printed from Respondent VOHRINGER’s web site evidencing that VOHRINGER has a factory located in Shanghai China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and imports and/or sells for importation infringing laminated floor panels into the United States. 7.62. Exhibit 38 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent YEKALON, and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent INTER SOURCE. Affixed to the back of the sample is a yellow label printed with the name, “YEKALON SAPPHIRE,” and other information about the product. 48 7.63. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondents YEKALON’s and INTER SOURCE’S accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 11). 7.64. Exhibit 79 includes photocopies of pages from YEKALON’s sales brochure obtained by the declarant evidencing that YEKALON is located in Shen Zhen, China. 7.65. Exhibit 80 includes pages printed from YEKALON’s web site evidencing that YEKALON has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, that YEKALON’s production quality is guaranteed by a Chinese insurance company, and that YEKALON imports and/or sells for importation its infringing laminated floor panels into North America by ship. 7.66. Exhibit 81 is a photocopy of a business card obtained by the declarant from INTER SOURCE’S sales representative evidencing that INTER SOURCE has locations in Shanghai, China and Vancouver, Canada. 7.67. Exhibit 40 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow (see Exhibit 48). On information and belief, this product is manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent YINGBIN. Printed on the back of the sample is a logo with the name “NATURE,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. 7.68. Exhibit 48 is a declaration in which the declarant Jose L. Couto states that he obtained in the United States, at the Surfaces 2005 tradeshow, physical samples of Respondent YINGBIN’s accused laminated floor panels (see Paragraph 12). 49 7.69. Exhibit 82 includes pages printed from Respondent YINGBIN’s web site evidencing that YINGBIN has factories located throughout China, including the cities of Shunde, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels. 7.70. Exhibit 42 includes photographs of accused laminated floor panels, and accompanying packaging, (sample A, photos 1-3; sample B photos 4-8) wherein the accused laminated floor panels and packaging are shown in different views. Samples A and B each were purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 83). On information and belief, sample A (photo l), of a product named “Forest Shade,” was manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondents SALVAGE BUILDING and DALTON. The box in which sample A was purchased (photos 2-3) from Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING is marked “Made in China.” The box is additionally marked with the telephone number for DALTON FLOORING LIQUIDATORS (see photo 2), which, on information and belief, is a fictitious name for Respondent DALTON. On information and belief, sample B (photos 4-8) was manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN, and sold within the United States after importation by Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING. Embossed on the back sample B is a cartoon image of leopard standing and pointing, a square-shaped logo, the name “YONGAN INDUSTRY,” and what appear to be Chinese characters. 7.71. Exhibit 83 is a declaration in which the declarant Shane Burton states that he purchased in the United States from Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING physical samples of the 50 accused Forest Shade laminated floor panels (sample A), and physical samples of Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN’s accused laminated floor panels (sample B). 7.72. Exhibit 84 includes pages printed from Respondent DALTON’S web site evidencing that Respondent DALTON imports various products from China, sells Forest Shade laminated floor panels wholesale and retail, and has the same toll-free telephone number (866279-8998) as printed on the Forest Shade box purchased from Respondent SALVAGE BUILDING (see photo 2). 7.73. Exhibit 85 includes pages printed from the Hoover’s web site evidencing that DALTON CARPET LIQUIDATORS, INC. does business as DALTON FLOORING LIQUIDATORS. 7.74. Exhibit 86 includes photocopies of pages from Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN’s brochure evidencing that Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and providing additional information about Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN’s infringing laminated floor panels. 7.75. Exhibit 87 includes pages printed from Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN’s web site evidencing that Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and providing additional information about Respondent FUJIAN YONGAN’s infringing laminated floor panels. 7.76. Exhibit 44 includes photographs of packaging for accused laminated floor panels (sample A, photos 1-2; sample B photos 3-5) wherein the packaging for accused laminated floor panels is shown in different views. Samples A and B each were purchased in the United States (see Exhibit 88). On information and belief, the samples, of a product named “Rainbow,” were 51 manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by an unknown company, and sold within the United States after importation by proposed Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE. Sample A (photos 1-2) is 8 mm thick, and sample B (photos 3-5) is 12 mm thick, and have different short side profiles. The boxes in which the samples were purchased from Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE are each marked “Made in China” (see photos 1,2,5). 7.77. Exhibit 88 is a photocopy of an invoice dated April 13, 2005 evidencing the purchase in the United States from Respondent VEGAS LAMINATE of two boxes of infringing laminated floor panels. 7.78. Exhibit 46 includes photographs of an accused laminated floor panel, wherein an accused laminated floor panel is shown in different views. This sample was obtained in the United States from a sales representative of proposed Respondent R.A.H. (see Exhibit 89). On information and belief, the samples, which represent different color styles of the same laminated floor panel, were manufactured in China and sold for importation into the United States by proposed Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING, and sold within the United States after importation by Respondent R.A.H. 7.79. Exhibit 89 is a declaration in which the declarant John Ardizzone states that she obtained in the United States from Respondent R.A.H. physical samples of Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING’S accused laminated floor panels, and a price quote from Respondent R.A.H. listing the prices of different quantities of the accused laminated floor panels. 7.80. Exhibit 90 includes photocopies of pages from Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING’Sbrochure evidencing that Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING has a factory 52 located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and providing additional information about Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING’Sinfringing laminated floor panels. 7.81. Exhibit 91 includes pages printed from Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING’S web site evidencing that Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING has a factory located in China for manufacturing infringing laminated floor panels, and providing additional information about Respondent SHENGDA FLOORING’Sinfringing laminated floor panels. 7.82. Upon information and belief, the accused infringing laminated floor panels of which Complainants are currently aware may be classified and imported under at least the following Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States heading/subheading numbers: 441 1.19.3000, 441 1.19.4000, 441 1.29.2000 and 441 1.29.3000. VIII. LICENSES 8.1. Unilin Beheer, the assignee of the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, granted Flooring Industries a license under the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents, which includes exclusive rights and the right to sublicense. Flooring Industries granted a non-exclusive sublicense to Unilin Flooring under the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents. Public versions of these licenses are attached as Exhibits 99 and 100. 8.2. Flooring Industries has additionally granted non-exclusive sublicenses under the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents to the entities listed in Confidential Exhibit 94, submitted herewith (Bates Nos. FI 004999-FI 006212). 8.3. Pursuant to Commission Rule 21 0.21(c)( l), three copies of the license agreements pertaining to the ‘486, ’836, and ’292 patents are submitted confidentially with this Complaint. 53 IX. THE DOMESTIC INDUSTRY 9.1. Unilin Flooring manufactures within the United States a variety of laminated floor panels, all of which feature the interlocking tongue and groove profiles that allow glueless assembly of adjacent floor panels. These profiles, named "Uniclic@," are covered directly by claims 14, 17,21, 52 and 66 of the '486 patent, claims 1, 10,23 and 27 of the '836 patent, and claims 4 and 5 of the '292 patent. 9.2. Among the laminated floor panels manufactured by Unilin Flooring in the United States that use Uniclic', and are covered by claims of the '486, '836, and '292 patents, are two brands named STEPS@and Harmonics'. Exhibit 92 submitted herewith includes photographs of the front and rear faces of STEPS@and Harmonics' floor panels (truncated lengthwise). Additionally, submitted herewith as Exhibit 93 are photographs of the joined profiles of STEPS@and Harmonics' floor panels with parts of the tongue and groove labeled. Also included are claim charts referencing the photographs and demonstrating how the joined profiles of STEPS@and Harmonics@floor panels are covered by exemplary claim 14 of the '486 patent, exemplary claim 1 of the '836 patent, and exemplary claim 4 of the '292 patent. 9.3. Unilin Flooring has made substantial investments in its plant located in Thomasville, North Carolina where it manufactures the STEPS@and Harmonics@laminated floor panels that use Uniclic@,and are covered by one or more claims of the '486, '836, and '292 patents. Confidential Exhibit 95 sets forth information regarding square footage of the plant, and monies expended related to land and buildings. 9.4. Unilin Flooring has made substantial investments in equipment at its plant located in Thomasville, North Carolina where it manufactures the STEPS@and Harmonics' laminated floor panels that use Uniclic@,and are covered by one or more claims of the '486, '836, and '292 54 patents. Confidential Exhibit 96 sets forth information regarding types of capital equipment in use at the plant and monies invested in this and other equipment. 9.5. Unilin Flooring employs substantial number of employees at its plant located in Thomasville, North Carolina where it manufactures the STEPS' and Harmonics' laminated floor panels that use Uniclic', and are covered by one or more claims of the '486, '836, and '292 patents. Confidential Exhibit 97 sets forth information regarding the number employees employed by Unilin Flooring, and payroll. X. RELATED LITIGATION 10.1. The U.S. patents that are the subject of this Complaint are the subject of litigation in the following actions: (a) The following three cases were consolidated after transfer of the first two from the District for the District of Columbia, with the third case, case no. 2:02-cv01266, as the lead case. Pending before Judge Randa is a motion to realign the cases making Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Dicor N.V. plaintiff in all the cases. Pending as well is a motion to amend the complaint to assert the '836 patent against Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Fact discovery is ongoing and is scheduled to conclude on July 29, 2005. A status conference is scheduled for May 26,2005. (0 Unilin Beheer B.V., Unilin Decor N.V. and BHK of America. Inc. v. Valinge Aluminium AB, Alloc. Inc., Berry Floor N.V. Case No. 2:03-cv00342-RTR (E.D. Wis.), filed April 21,2003 for infringement of '486 patent. Prior to transfer, this action was known as case no. 1:OO-cv-01823, filed on July 28, 2000 (J. Kessler). (ii) Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Decor N.V. v. Berry Floor N.V.. Valinge Aluminium AB, Alloc, Inc., Berry Finance N.V. and Armstrong- World Industries, Inc. Case No. 2:04-cv-00121-RTR (E.D. Wis.), filed February 3,2004 for infringement of the '486 patent. Prior to transfer, this action was known as case no. 1:01-cv-01571, filed on July 19,2001 (J. Kessler). (iii) Alloc, Inc. v. Unilin Decor N.V., Unilin Beheer B.V., Case No. 2:02-cv01266-RTR (E.D. Wis.), filed December 30,2002 for declaratory judgment regarding the '836 patent. 55 (b) Unilin Beheer B.V. and Flooring Industries Limited v. Ken Voss International, Inc. Case No. 2:04-cv-00571-JES-DNF (M.D. Fla.), filed November 23,2004 for infringement of the '486 and '836 patents. Fact discovery recently commenced and is ongoing. 10.2. The foreign patents that are counterpart to the U.S. patents that are the subject of this Complaint are the subject of litigation in the following actions: Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Norske Skog Flooring in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. The court ruled against the defendant on infringement on March 29,2001. An appeal is pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Alloc and Berry Floor in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 24 428 U. The court ruled against defendants on infringement on July 5,2002. An appeal is pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Akzenta, Wiparquet and Dr. Hannig in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U and European Patent No. EP 0 843 763. The court ruled against defendants on infringement on July 12, 2002. An appeal is pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kronotex in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U and European Patent No. EP 0 843 763. The court ruled against defendant on infringement on August 15,2002. An appeal is pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Hangzhou Singular Wood Industry Manufactory in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. Court issued Jan. 18,2005 a preliminary injunction and seizure order for samples appearing at a tradeshow in Hanover, Germany. Defendant has not replied to a request to accept preliminary decision as final. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Naniinp Rolland Flooring Product Co Ltd in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. Court issued Jan. 18,2005 a preliminary injunction and seizure order for samples appearing at a tradeshow in Hanover, Germany. Defendant has not replied to a request to accept preliminary decision as final. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Zheiiiang Shaoxing Fudeli Timber Industry Co. Ltd in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. Court issued Jan. 17,2005 a preliminary injunction and seizure order for samples appearing at a tradeshow in Hanover, Germany. Defendant has not accepted preliminary decision as final. 56 Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Oceanic Company Ltd in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. Court issued Jan. 18,2005 a preliminary injunction and seizure order for samples appearing at a tradeshow in Hanover, Germany. Defendant has not replied to a request to accept preliminary decision as final. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Yekalon Industry Inc. in the Hamburg Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of German Utility Model No. DE 297 10 175 U. Court issued Jan. 18,2005 a preliminary injunction and seizure order for samples appearing at a tradeshow in Hanover, Germany. Defendant has not accepted preliminary decision as final. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kronoflooring in the Dusseldorf Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kaindl in the Dusseldorf Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kronotex in the Dusseldorf Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Hamberger in the Dusseldorf Landgerichte (Germany) for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Berry Floor, B&O and IMC in the Patents Court, London UK for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1024 234. The court ruled against defendants on infringement on September 26,2003. Affirmed by the Court of Appeal and House of Lords. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kronotex in the Patents Court, London UK for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. (P) Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kronoflooring in the Patents Court, London UK for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Kaindl in the Patents Court, London UK for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. v. Sonae in the Patents Court, London UK for infringement of European Patent No. EP 1 024 234. The case is currently pending. 57 Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Flooring N.V. v. EPI in the Tribunaux de Grande Instance, Paris, France for infringement of European Patent No. EP 0 843 763. The court ruled the patent invalid and not infringed on September 28,2004. An appeal is pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Flooring N.V. v. Kronotex in Antwerp District Court (Belgium) for infringement of Belgian Patent Nos. BE 1 010 339 and BE 1 010 487, and European Patent No. EP 0 843 763. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Flooring N.V. v. Trinterio, Dekaply and T & G Decor in Ghent District Court (Belgium) for infringement of European Patent Nos. EP 0 843 763 and EP 1 026 341. The case is currently pending. Unilin Beheer B.V. and Unilin Flooring N.V. v. Berry Floor in Ghent District Court (Belgium) for infringement of Belgian Patent Nos. BE 1 010 339 and BE 1 010 487, and European Patent Nos. EP 0 843 763, EP 1 024 234 and EP 1 026 341. The case is currently pending. Pursuant to Commission Rule 210.12(a)(5), there has been no other court or agency litigation, foreign or domestic, involving the unfair acts or the subject matter of this Complaint. XI. RELIEF REQUESTED 11.1. WHEREFORE, by reason of the foregoing, Complainants Unilin request that the United States International Trade Commission: (a) institute an immediate investigation pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 8 1337 into the violations of that section based on Respondents’ unlawful importation into the United States, sale for importation into the United States, and/or sale in the United States after importation of certain floor panels, including laminated floor panels, that infringe one or more claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,006,486 and/or 6,490,836 and/or 6,874,292; (b) issue an exclusion order pursuant to 19 U.S.C. §1337(d), prohibiting from entry into the United States laminated floor panels that are imported into the United 58 States, sold for importation into the United States, or sold within the United States after importation that infringe one or more claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,006,486 and/or 6,490,836 and/or 6,874,292; (c) issue a permanent order pursuant to 19 U.S.C. §1337(f) directing Respondents to cease and desist from importing, promoting, marketing, advertising, demonstrating, warehousing of inventory for distribution, selling, and using floor panels, including laminated floor panels, that infringe one or more claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,006,486 and/or 6,490,836 and/or 6,874,292; and (d) grant such other and further relief as the Commission deems appropriate and just under the law, based on the facts complained of herein and determined by the investigation. Dated: July 1,2005 Respectfully submitted, Margaret-D. Macdonald HOWREY LLP 1299 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20004 Telephone: 202-783-0800 John M. DiMatteo Steven H. Reisberg Art C. Cody David D. Lee Alexander H. Swimoff WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER LLP 787 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10019 Telephone: 212-728-8000 Counsel for Unilin Beheer B.V., Flooring Industries Ltd. and Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC 59 VEFUFICATION OF COMPLAINT I, Bernard P.J.Thiers, declare, in accordance with 19 C.F.R. 210.4 and 210.12(a), under penalty of perjury, that the following statements are true: 1. I am the Chief Executive Officer of Unilin Flooring N.C. LLC, and I am duly authorized to sign this Complaint on behalf of all of the Complainants; 2. I have read the foregoing Complaint; 3. To the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, based upon reasonable inquiry, the foregoing Complaint is well-founded in fact and is warranted by existing law or by a non-frivolous argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, or the establishment of new law; 4. The allegations and other factual contentions have evidentiary support or are likely to have evidentiary support after a reasonable opportunity for further investigation or discovery; and 5. The foregoing Complaint is not being fi harass or cause unnecessary delay or needless increase Executed this L3% day of May, 2005.