JUNE 2016 colour - Middleton cum Fordley


JUNE 2016 colour - Middleton cum Fordley
JUNE 2016
“It is great to see events taking place on the playing field again” – was said to me recently by Joyce Miller,
resident of Fletcher’s Lane and former Chair of the Community Council in the days when we held the village
fete up there. Judging by the turnout for the past two events many villagers are in agreement. There is a report
from the WI about their tea party later on, but MCC would like to thank Helen Wright and her band of helpers
for organising a successful archery and croquet taster afternoon, with tea and cakes, enjoyed by all ages. (The
front cover photos are courtesy of Helen too.)
Lots of events coming up during June – including the next Bell quiz on Monday 6th in aid of the Newsletter.
Hope to see you there – 7.30 start - I promise not to make it too hard !
Contributions for the next newsletter – not forgetting dates for the diary - to me at
[email protected] or dropped in to 6 Meadowview, Rectory Road. They are due by
Tuesday 21st June but as I am not available that week I am going to change the copy date from Tuesday to
Friday (25th). I will hopefully collect from the printers on Tuesday 28th so deliverers please let me know if you
are unavailable at the beginning of that week.
A big thank you to Middleton Community Council and to all those who gave to the
collection following the Middleton Mummers’ St George’s Day performance at The
Bell. A whopping £52.77 was collected and donated to JAMPOT DRAMA, the Saturday
morning children’s drama club which meets every week in term time at the village
hall. The money will be spent on resources for the club and on the children’s
performance at the Middleton Autumn Fayre. Thank you once again for the very
generous donation and for a very entertaining Mummers’ Play (which starred
JAMPOT’s own Amy Heather).
Simon Bridge
Hopefully the Mummers 2016 is now available to view on youtube by typing :
Middleton Bell Mummers do Shakespeare (abridged) with Bear.
Alternatively try searching Middleton Bell St George’s Day 2016.
(There are 2 video clips.)
BANK DETAILS for anyone wishing to donate to the Newsletter by BACS transfer.
HSBC Middleton Newsletter
Sort code : 40-28-33
Account no: 61054236
Middleton Open Gardens
4th and 5th June
10.30am to 5.30pm
15 Gardens + Gardens in a Wheelbarrow
Adults £4.00 - children free
Refreshments available all day + Cream Teas
Maps available from: Church, Village Hall & Middleton Moor
(B1122) - Post Code IP17 3NN
07717838632 oMajor fundraiser for Holy Trinity Church Middleton
+ supporting St.Elizabeth Hospice Charity No. 723600
Contact: Irene Ralph 01728 648622 and Val Sulch 01728 668145
OPEN GARDENS JUNE 4th and 5th.
Please can you spare an hour or two on either of these days to help in church or the village hall.
The more people we have the less each person needs to do.
In church it is for selling the guides and maps so mainly sitting down and advising on routes around the
In the hall there are also guides and maps to sell but help with serving refreshments is much needed,
especially at lunchtime and early afternoon on both days. As usual we are also hoping for some delicious
Please contact Val or Irene with offers of help (we try to give people 1 or 2 hour sessions)
VAL 668145 ,IRENE 648622.
Enquiries about cakes to Margaret Painter 648627.
Holy Trinity Church,
Middleton cum Fordley
Wednesday, 22nd June
at 7.30pm
Shakespeare’s “Food of Love”
Elizabethan music inspired by the works of the
Bard, performed by lute, recorders, viols and
Performed by Ancestral Voices
Tickets £2.50 at the door
(or contact Mark Mitchels 01728 648465
[email protected])
Raffle during the evening in aid of church
Services for JUNE
June 5th. Benefice Communion for the Queen's Birthday Dunwich 10am
The Bishop of Dunwich will preach at this service.
June 12th Communion with hymns 9.30am.
June26th Holy Communion.
July3rd Benefice Celebration of the Ordination of our Curate Susan Bates.
See June Fisherman for further details.
Holy Dusters
June 3rd.
Rita and Irene.
June 12th Graham and Jonathan.
June 24th Renny and Mike.
July 8th
Margaret T. and Nicola.
July 22nd Diane and Chris.
SERVICE AT 11.00am
And in the afternoon
Help with travel: if you have a hospital appointment, GP's appointment, prescription note to be
delivered, prescriptions to be collected, pets needing veterinary treatment or delivery to/collection from e.g.
cattery, or any other little errand that needs to be done, please ask me (Janet McKerron 648205) if you cannot
manage under your own steam. If I am able, I will happily take you or do the errand. I make no charge, but any
donation you might insist on giving will be sent to the British Lung Foundation.
Janet McKerron
New to the village? Daily newspapers are delivered to the church porch for collection. Anyone wishing to join the
"service" should contact Westleton Stores who handle the delivery.
The Sunday papers are delivered to the individual's door by Tony Wiggins - 01986 87565
WI News—May
May again and that means the Resolution Meeting.
This year there were two Resolutions which we were asked to vote
on to give our support for a mandate.
The first was ,”We call upon HM Government and the NHS, to provide facilities to enable carers to
stay with people with Alzheimer`s disease and dementia that have been admitted into hospital”.
Several of us had experience of relations in hospital who had witnessed first-hand the trauma caused
by hospitalisation of elderly people when removed from their familiar surroundings and
family/carers. One third never return to their own homes, over half are less well mentally when they
do return and carers report that hospital stays worsen the symptoms.
While nurses care for the patients, the extra care and time needed by dementia patients, for example
feeding/washing them and explaining the procedures is not available, A carer could help here to
reassure the patient and relieve the nurses to attend to their normal duties.
We ALL voted in favour of this resolution.
The second was “The WI calls on all supermarkets to sign up to a voluntary agreement to avoid food
waste, thereby passing surplus food onto charities thus helping to address the issue of increasing food
poverty in the UK.”
It appears that gradually supermarkets are beginning to do this, (as they do in France) Tesco,
Sainsbury and Asda have already signed up and we felt sure that others will soon follow.
The biggest culprits of food waste are the BOGOF items and the agricultural waste, where farmers
crops are refused because the items are the wrong size/shape for the buyers. Although half of us voted
for this resolution, many felt that it was already on its way to being addressed.
After this discussion we had a wonderful supper which the ever willing and hard working committee
had prepared. Our thanks to them.
Jacket potatoes with a variety of fillings were on offer and greatly enjoyed by us all. AND there was
no waste!!
Lighthouse Tea Picnic. – 11th May.
The WI members had filled 23 toiletry bags for the women who have to abandon their homes in haste
and we had decided to support the worthwhile charity by hosting a tea/picnic.
Although the weather had taken a step backwards from Summer, we went ahead with our plans.
The WI Committee, (and several husbands) worked extremely hard to transport the essentials to the
Pavilion so that refreshments could be served.
We were rewarded by a decent crowd of people whom we thank for supporting our venture.
Those who attended enjoyed, the teddy bear tombola, run by two ladies from the Lighthouse Trust ,
a raffle, among the prizes were those given by Celebration Cards, Emmerdale Farm Shop, Reckford
Roost, The Middleton Bell and The Suffolk Punch Trust. We thank these organisations for their
kindness and generosity.
Time to sit in the marquee and chat to friends not seen for some while, but returning to the Village for
the event, was relaxing whilst eating the delicious cakes and drinking tea.
Later on the games on offer such as croquet were enjoyed. As one visitor said, “It may not have
been hot and sunny, but was just the right temperature to be pleasant.”
On the day, we made almost £400 for this worthwhile cause, and with the contents of the toiletry
bags, this rose to almost £600.
Middleton 100 Club
100 Club
After a long wait our lucky winner of £100 in the May draw is Margaret Taylor, congratulations.
Hurry Hurry Hurry
The first draw of the 2016/17 100 Club is on 14th June so if you want to be included but haven't got around
to it please get in touch
Irene Ralph 648622.
Thank You
To all of you who have subscribed for next year Thank You and Good Luck.
Well, our Summer hanging baskets & window boxes are now on display and they are looking a bit bare, compared with
the Winter ones which were still doing amazingly well!
Let’s all hope with the longer lighter nights now, an amazing summer is on its way.
Forthcoming Events
The next quiz night will be Monday 6th June in aid of the village newsletter and hosted by Barbara. £5 per head to
include supper & prizes. There will probably also be a raffle. Please come along and support this worthwhile event.
The next squit night will be Thursday 2nd June.
Classic cars will be with us on the first Sunday of every month so please watch out for them – some real beauties.
Wishing you all the joys of hopefully a decent Summer, but most of all be safe out there!
Nick & Trish
HELD ON TUESDAY 10th MAY 2016 AT 7.00 p.m.
Present :-
Councillors N Smith (Chairman), R Dowding (Vice Chairman), J Etheridge, J Cusack, J Parsons
District Councillor Tony Cooper
County Councillor Michael Gower
In attendance:- Lisa Leek - Parish Clerk
Welcome by the Chairman.
Members of the public:- 3
Members of the public questions and comments.
Councillor R Perrett, Councillor M Perrett, Councillor G Ingham, District Councillor Ian Pratt.
Councillors' Declarations of Interest
None received.
To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting from Tuesday 12th April 2016
Amendments to 2093 (k) - deletion of “Stage 2 was unveiled recently” and the addition of “the use of the
B1122 and the workers’ campus” after ‘strengthen the case against…’. The minutes were then approved by all.
Report by District Councillor Ian Pratt
Not present
Report by District Councillor Tony Cooper
Councillor Cooper provided a written report covering:
Penalty Charges for Letting Agents
PCC Election – 5 May
You only have to register once for PCC election and EU referendum
New Website
Sale of Melton Hill
Nominate your local heroes
Suffolk Coastal Community Health Workshops 2016
Composting offer
Part Night Street and Footway lighting
Roads number one concern
Report by County Councillor Michael Gower
Councillor Gower covered budget difficulties and the need to convince other councillors of the shortcomings
of the Sizewell C development plan – principally the worker’s campus and the use of the B1122.
Parish Council Matters
Balances: HSBC (statements previously distributed)
The balances as at 31/3/2016 were
HSBC Community Account (61361937)
HSBC Business Money Manager (61361945)
£ 968.34
£ 8,001.95
The balances as at 30/4/16 were
HSBC Community Account (61361937)
HSBC Business Money Manager (61361945)
£ 700.97
To approve cheques for payment
10.5.2016 100241
10.5.2016 100242
10.5.2016 100243
£ 28.80
10.5.2016 100244
Suffolk Anti Pest Services
L Leek - Salary
T G Baynes
Approved by all.
Planning Applications
DC/16/1810/FUL The Gables, Leiston Road, Middleton
All agreed no objection.
Village Hall Car Park
An interim cheque for £250 is being sent to T G Baynes who will handle the conveyance.
Affordable Housing
Hastoe are still proceeding but will further investigate demand. Councillor Smith will write to try to expedite.
Middleton Primary School
There is now a real possibility that the primary school will stay on site and join a group of small rural schools to
comprise an Academy.
Correspondence not dealt with through the agenda
Finance Advisory Group
There was a £700 surplus this year.
Planning Advisory Group
Highways Advisory Group
The work on Mill Street and Rectory Road will now take place during different weeks. The remaining
part of a wrecked car in the spinney along the B1122 has been there for some time and Councillor
Dowding is to try again to get this moved.
There are still some footpath signs to be repaired. Councillor Dowding to follow up.
Tree Warden & Green Issues
Burial Ground and Village Green
Village Hall Management Committee
Middleton Moor
Councillor Etheridge has completed the forms from Natural England for the Moor which have been
signed by the Clerk.
Emergency Planning & Neighbourhood Watch
Councillor Parsons is now being assisted by Councillor Cusack to make further headway.
Sizewell Stakeholders Group
Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group
The AGM is to be held on 26 May with a SPLG forum meeting afterwards.
Webmaster & Media
B1122 Action Group
Nothing more to report at present.
Trustees of Middleton Recreation Ground
Cheques were drawn for £47.84 for materials for the installation of the CCTV and £3.46 for the extractor on
the oven in the pavilion. The swing seats have been replaced and the bearings have been regreased and
checked. A cheque was drawn for £372 in respect of this as agreed. The pavilion is cleaned once every school
term at a cost of £48. The cricket club have been given a key for the main gate. The rabbit fencing is
progressing well with the volunteer labour.
Extended weekend hours at Suffolk’s Household Waste Recycling Centres
From Wednesday 1 June 2016, the opening hours at Suffolk’s Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) will be
changing to offer site users extended hours on Sundays, Bank Holidays, and on a Thursday evening during the summer
months, reflecting the times when the sites are most used and needed by residents. The busiest times of the week for
these sites are the weekend and bank holidays. The quietest day of the week is consistently a Wednesday. As a result
of this, all sites will be closed on a Wednesday. The new opening times for Suffolk’s Household Waste Recycling
Centres are as follows:
April – September
Mon /Tues / Fri / Sat /Sun 9am – 5pm
Wednesday Closed
9am – 5pm (late night opening until 7pm during May - August)
October – March
Daily 9 am – 4pm
except Wednesday - CLOSED
Interim Executive Headteacher: Mr A Aalders-Dunthorne
Head of School: Mrs P Wheatley
Extracts from Mrs Wheatley’s newsletter.
Multi Academy Trust meeting – 10th May 2016
Thank you to all those who attended the meeting with Mr Aalders -Dunthorne. It was a good opportunity to hear about the future
plans for the school as well as being able to raise any questions that you may have had.
Working together:
When parents and staff attended the meetings for the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) on 10 th May, Mr Aadlers Dunthorne explained
that there would be some changes that we would be trialling during the summer term.
With this in mind we are working with the children to become more independent and to take more responsibility for their own
actions. We want them to be proud of their work and celebrate the achievements of others. We need the children to respond quickly
to staff instruction. We are encouraging them to be considerate of the needs of others. Staff are working with the children to revise
all these expectations, they have spent time revisiting their classroom rules. When the children revised the ‘Presentation of Work
Guidelines’ those in Class 2 & 3 were given pens for their written work.
Staff are busy engaging the children in exciting learning opportunities; as such we are developing their learning skills so children
make a good response when working as a class, independently or as part of a group.
To sum it all up, we all want the children to become the best that they can be.
Staffing News:
Mrs Rees has worked at the school for almost five years as our School Cook. The staff and children were able to say ‘Goodbye and
thank you’ in a recent Assembly as Mrs Rees has decided to leave her post.
We are currently being support by a relief cook who works for Vertas Catering Team.
Celebrations for the Queens 90th Birthday:
On 11th June it's time for the official birthday celebration and Trooping the Colour, followed by a balcony
appearance at Buckingham Palace from the royal family and an exciting fly-by.
Our School Celebration for the Queen’s 90th:
Friday 10th June
At school we will be celebrating this special occasion by having a special lunch, this will be for those who have school meals. There
will be a ‘Royal Pick and Mix’ style menu – the cook is sending a separate flier about this.
We would like children to come to school in costume – they can choose a King or Queen theme. This could be a full costume or
just a decorated hat/crown.
In the afternoon we are hoping to go up to the field. Each class will be doing a small presentation to the other classes. The PTA are
going to provide cakes which can be purchased and some squash/water. So parents are welcome to join us. We will confirm the
timings after half term.
NEW STYLE SPORTS DAY: (Please note that this event will replace the Middleton Sports
afternoon which was to be held 12thJuly)
Mr Aalders Dunthorne has sent us some news for our next SPORTS DAY. There will be a full
day of sport which will include traditional sports, track and field events and a range of other
sports eg tennis, rounders. The plans include a BBQ lunch and a tea and cake marquee. More
details are to follow but I think you’ll agree that this sounds very exciting.
The date for the new event is 18th July 2016.
Middleton cum Fordley - Annual Parish Meeting - 17 May 2016
The following reports were received at the annual Parish Meeting. In the interests of saving space, longer ones have
been put on the website - http://middletoncumfordley.onesuffolk.net/parish-council/
The highlight of the year must be the completion of the pavilion. Our thanks go to Robert Heather, John Morris, Kevin
Smith and the many others who put the time and effort into producing such a splendid building (though not as grandiose
as some would have liked). Our thanks also go to Robert Heather and his chums for the refurbishment of the village
sign, which is now facing the right way.
We are well on the way to buying the existing car park to the village hall and a small piece of land for its extension. Our
county and district councillors have generously provided the funds for acquisition, but we still need to raise the money to
undertake the works.
Thanks to some generous anonymous donations and some hard labour from Gerry Jackson we have been able to
repair the zip-wire, train, swings and rabbit fences. But more needs to be done to refurbish the play equipment and
repair the churned up car park. We are seeking funds from various charitable donors.
After a few hiccups, we have put a new planning protocol in place to meet the district’s consultation timetable and
improve our accountability and transparency. But we seem totally powerless to oppose anything that the district is
minded to approve.
A landowner is seeking to include an area at the junction of Fletchers Lane and Back Road within the “village envelope”.
The District’s Site Allocation Document suggests we should have consents for eight units in the plan period 2010 to
2027. We have 12 so far – and are looking for affordable housing on an exception site. So we are opposing the
Fletchers Lane scheme and supporting the Site Allocation Document.
We are working with Hastoe to secure up to four affordable and two open market units on a site outside the envelope
where consent would not normally be granted. The homes will be for people with close connections to the village.
Hastoe need to do more work on demand, design and location but hope to make a start next year. I urge anyone who
needs such an affordable unit or has friends or relatives who do, to register with Gateway to Homechoice.
We continue to oppose the use of the B1122 as the principal access for Sizewell construction traffic, though our voices
seem to be falling on deaf ears in the district and county councils. Our best hope is probably that EDF pull out!
Rectory Road is due to be resurfaced in the week after the late Spring Bank Holiday. Fingers crossed that something
will happen this time. We have not always been well served by our Highways Agency.
And last but not least, with the co-option of Graham Ingham, Bob Perrett and Jenny Parsons, our Parish Council is now
up to full complement.
Nigel Smith
Suffolk County Council – Michael Gower – see website
Suffolk Coastal District Council – Tony Cooper – see website
Therese Coffey MP – see website
The Women’s Institute
We have 34 members in our WI, who continue to enjoy the varied speakers we have during the year, which have again
covered a wide range of subjects.
Our many clubs continue to thrive which include book reading followed by a good, often lively, discussion on the
content! We also have luncheon, dinner, & cinema groups. 8 members have also joined Line Dancing lessons!
There were several visits made including the unusual’ Dragon House’, very quirky but highly interesting & Bawdsey
Aviation Museum which we found very thought provoking and we were delighted when they were successful in obtaining
a lottery grant which will enable them to upgrade and continue.
Of course the highlight of the year was twofold, firstly it was the Centenary year of the WI with a trip to Buckingham
Palace Garden Party for one of our members followed a few weeks later with a special AGM in the Albert Hall attended
by the Queen and again one of our members attended. Then our own WI’s 95th birthday which we marked with the
presentation to the village of a bench – ‘The WI Friendship Bench’ sited in the churchyard for all to enjoy. There were
the usual celebrations to mark these important events and it was a most enjoyable time.
We continue to support events held in the village and our ladies are always glad to bake the many cakes asked of them.
As always we thank everyone in Middleton for their support of our WI and thanks also go to our members and the
committee for all that they do to make our WI such a friendly supportive group it is.
Rita Pateman
Sizewell Stakeholder Group
The PC has asked Theberton and Eastbridge to take over joint representation.
Sizewell Parishes Liaison Group
Chair attended SALC meeting 15th June 2015 where EDF gave a presentation and confirmed a decision on HPC would
be made this year. Cllr. John Walford questioned the viability of a roundabout at Yoxford to solve construction traffic
congestion at the A12/B1122 junction.
Chair gave a presentation, with the aid of slides, on the aims of SPLG to Leiston Town Council on the 7th July 2015.
Steering Group meeting 8th July 2015 where it was reaffirmed that SPLG, on behalf of the members, is not for or
against Sizewell C. The aim is to: “Maximise community benefit and challenge and change any inappropriate
infrastructure proposals from EDF”. An update on EDF & SZC noted faults in the steel pressure vessel under
construction in France. Draft paper on Training & Education of Young People to be circulated to members to seek
views on needs.
SPLG General Meeting held in Leiston Community Centre on the 23rd September 2015. This meeting was open to the
public, and many spoke or raised questions. Members of the SPLG Steering Group spoke on individual issues. Others
who were present and spoke included Cllrs. Guy McGregor and Geoff Holdcroft, Katherine Potts and John Pitchford
from SCC, and Tom McGarry from EDF.
Steering Group meeting 25th November 2015 where it was noted that China had agreed with the British Government to
invest 33% of the cost of Hinkley C and 20% at Sizewell C, subject to them being given Bradwell to develop their own
design nuclear power station. The Secretary had sent out to all members of SPLG a statement, urging them to review
their concerns regarding the impact of the construction of Sizewell C on their communities, following their Stage 1
Consultation responses, and to forward their updated comments back to him, so that they could be incorporated in
SPLG’s formal responses at Stage 2.
Chair, along with others, on the 8th December 2015, had a meeting at Westminster, with Andrea Leadsom, Minister of
State at DECC, and Therese Coffey, and presented concerns regarding the impact on our communities from the current
location of the campus for SZC. She was sympathetic and agreed to talk to EDF. Later, Cllr. Roy Dowding and Sir
David Madel, met with Andrew Jones, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, to discuss concerns
regarding transport issues connected with SZC, and in particular, the use of the B1122, as the only means of access.
This was immediately followed by a transport survey regarding the B1122, sent out on behalf of Suffolk County Council,
to residents in Theberton, Eastbridge, Middleton and Yoxford.
Chair attended on February 4th, an informal meeting of the Community Forum at Snape Maltings, hosted by EDF.
Both the project director at HPC, and EDF’s Chief Finance Director resigned.
Following a report submitted by Cllr. Michael Taylor to their March 2016 meeting, Leiston Town Council decided to
withdraw membership from SPLG. Aldeburgh Town Council are now members.
FID for HPC delayed until September 2016. This will delay even further Stage 2 Consultation for Sizewell C.
It appears from a meeting on 31st March 2016, that both SCC and SCDC have their minds made up, and will not
engage with EDF to persuade them to move the location of the workers campus, nor consider an alternative road
access direct from the A12 to Sizewell, in spite of the many factual arguments put to them.
Jon Swallow - Chair
B1122 Action Group
The B1122 Action Group has continued to press its case with our MP, EDF, Suffolk County Council and Suffolk Coastal
DC regarding the need for a direct supply route to Sizewell. The East Anglian Daily Times and the Ipswich Star have
featured the Group’s activities on many occasions during the last 12 months.
A fresh batch of more permanent posters are ready to replace and augment the existing survivors erected earlier,
ahead of Consultation Stage 2 which, after several false dawns, may now possibly be in September.
Last December, we attended Westminster, to meet the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, Andrew
Jones. While sympathetic to our grave concerns regarding the use of the B1122, he offered no solutions to the current
government legislation and planning procedures that are stacked heavily against us.
December also saw the launch of a survey by SCDC to determine the perceived impact on our area of the projected
construction traffic for Sizewell C. We immediately released a brochure setting out the facts that should be considered by
residents in advance of completing the survey. We have since had ongoing dialogue with SCDC, strongly criticising the
methodology employed for this research and that it was confusing, as well as missing out a large number of houseowners,
all of which will have affected the results and limited the number of respondents.
At a meeting on March 31st with the Chair and Vice Chair of JLAG (the joint local authorities group), the Head of
SCDC/Waveney Planning and the Assistant Director of SCC Infrastructure, we were left in no doubt that, in their eyes,
there is no case for a new direct access route to Sizewell. Cost/benefit ratios carried out by SCC that even go to the extent
of putting a notional cost on road accidents and deaths, failed to make it appear ‘financially viable’.
That 547 households within 300 metres of the A12/B1122 route will suffer disturbance compared to only 39 if the new
road were built is not considered a justifiable reason. Within 50 metres of the roads, those figures become 178 on the
A12/B1122 and just 1 on the direct route. And Yoxford will become another place in Suffolk where NO2 and other
pollutants from road traffic will knowingly be allowed to exceed the current Air Quality regulatory limits.
EDF has to build Sizewell C on time and within budget – for them, Hinkley and Sizewell are about far more than just
helping Britain keep the lights on. Their very credibility as a nuclear player is at stake as is their viability as a company.
The last thing they need is an unreliable transport infrastructure. So we have to convince EDF that the B1122 via a junction
at Yoxford, is not fit for their purpose. It will be subject to too many disruptions through accidents, vehicle breakdown,
level crossing closures, slow agricultural traffic, congestion and the constant need for repairs.
Roy Dowding
Finance Group
With yet another year without an increase to the Annual Precept, we have again shown a surplus at year-end of £705,
mostly from not having an election last May, and thus saving the provision made.
The “Summer Winers” have provided their traditional voluntary skills on tree, hedge, ditch and verge maintenance,
which helped so much to avoid increasing the Precept.
In addition to the normal duties of the Parish Council, authorisation was given for the restoration of the Village Sign on
the Green, a task spearheaded and largely accomplished by village resident Robert Heather. The finished result is
superb and a real credit to those who carried out the work and to the village itself.
With rising costs in several quarters, the Councillors reluctantly agreed to a small increase in the Annual Precept for the
year April 2016 to March 2017.
A copy of the Accounts will be available for inspection upon request to the Parish Clerk.
Roy Dowding
Middleton Moor
The Summer Wine has done a great job of tidying the Moor and clearing the ditch from the B1122 to Moor House with
the assistance of Mr Jeakins.
We are still in the stewardship of Natural England where we get an annual payment of £800 but are restricted on what
we can do to maintain the wild flowers and wildlife. The grass cannot be cut until after the beginning of July – thank you
to Kevin Smith for doing this and taking it for hay.
Thank you to Bob Perrett and Ashley Brown for organising the Queens 90th Birthday celebrations on the Moor, this was
well attended and thank you to John Marshall for his assistance in building the beacon.
Jane Etheridge
Highways Group
The past year has been one of continuing frustrations in our dealings with Suffolk County Council Highways
Department. Whilst on one occasion recently in Mill Street, a very large pothole was repaired extremely quickly, in
general the response to requests for patchwork repairs to the roads in the village has been at best fairly tardy and
sometimes far from effective. This is exacerbated by the amount of heavy traffic now using Mill Street and Title Road,
for which they were never designed. It is understood there are no current plans for SCC to resurface these roads.
Likewise The Street, where the break-up of the surface and standing water due to poor drainage are real problems.
Our desire to have some additional form of advance warning for vehicles approaching the Yew Tree Farm corner on the
B1125 continue to be dismissed, and accidents thus continue to occur.
The long-promised resurfacing work to Rectory Road did not happen in March, as originally programmed, and the
rescheduled date was then cancelled without prior warning. It is now slated to take place at the end of May……………!
Meanwhile, road and footpath signs at various locations either rotted or rusted through, with long delays before being
replaced or re-erected. Indeed, some are still outstanding.
Roy Dowding
In spite of all the bad publicity, the ambulance service has been slow but adequate as far as I know. The G.P. surgeries
also appear to be surviving but the local building boom will not make things easier.
Bob Perrett
Footpaths, Conservation and Green Matters
Many footpath signs have collapsed this year. The County have been using posts which had a poor rot treatment. They
have replaced most of them and we will keep nagging them.
We have carried out a lot of tree planting this year: on the Playing Field with our school, on the Moor at the roadside and
several elsewhere.
The Moor has been maintained to the Higher Level Stewardship standards by the Summer Winers, with valuable help
from Nobby Jeakins, Kevin Smith and John Marshall.
A beacon for the 90th birthday of our Queen was lit. Further work on the Moor pond is planned.
Tree clearing on the river was again carried out by the Summer Wine. The Environmental Agency regards the state of
the watercourses as satisfactory - we do not.
Bob Perrett
Burial Ground and Village Green
Another year goes by with little to report a big thank you to Mr David Boden for keeping the burial ground hedges so
neat and tidy.
Thank you also to the residents around the green for keeping it always clean and tidy, and for cutting the grass.
The Parish Council are making progress for the telephone box to become the housing for the village deliberator (similar
to that in Kelsale).
Thank you to Robert Heather for organising the removal of the Village Sign and its restoration work. Hopefully this
lovely mosaic will last for many more years.
Jane Etheridge
Recreation Ground and Pavilion
The milestone event of the year was the completion of the Pavilion which was officially opened on August 19 2015 after
a tremendous fund raising and practical effort by many Middleton residents. It has been well used by the School and we
have a few bookings for the summer season. It is available for private use by local residents free of charge although
donations towards upkeep are welcome. A start has also been made on repairing and upgrading the play equipment
with the zip wire and play train being the first projects to be completed. Finally we are pleased to report that the war on
rabbits has been resumed with extensive repairs to the perimeter fencing. We look forward to a successful cricket
Julian Cusack
Middleton-cum-Fordley Newsletter
The Newsletter seems to be as popular as ever judging by the number of compliments received, and the increase in
voluntary contributions, many through the BACS transfer system. Many thanks for both of these, thanks to all who
contribute items and the organisations who support it. The ability to publish photographs decently has also enhanced
each edition. We currently have 220 printed each month at Leiston Press at 54p per copy, approx. £5 per household
per annum.
Margaret Painter has retired from delivering to the Street and Val Bethell has kindly switched from Rectory Road to take
over. Thank you Margaret for being a stalwart of the team for many years and thank you to all the deliverers including
the ‘reserves’.
Barbara Barker
The Village Hall
The Village hall has been well used again this year supported mainly by a core of regular users including Pilates,
Zumba, Samba, Bowls and meetings of the WI, Community Council and Parish Council.
New acquisitions include new chairs and carpet tiling to the front and rear entrances.
A new concrete entrance apron and wall extension have helped stop the erosion problems and a process was started
by the Parish Council to acquire an extension to and purchase of the car park.
Many thanks to everyone who has supported by attending events.
Richard Turner
Middleton School
I am pleased to advise that Middleton School will be remaining open and has started the process of converting to a
Primary Academy and will be joining The Consortium Multi-Academy Trust. Work has started to redesign the school so
that it is fit for the challenges ahead - we are convinced it has a bright future. We are still at the beginning of the
process and will be releasing further information in due course.
Andrew Aalders-Dunthorne – Principal - Consortium Multi-Academy Trust
Community Council
Another successful and busy year which included regular annual events, the Summer Fete, Autumn Fair, Community
Christmas meal, Mummer’s Play and a Quiz.
A bursary of £100 was awarded to a young person in the village to go on an International Adventure.
Two new events were organised, a boules taster session and an all -day MidWatch which included birdwatching, plant
recognition, moth and insect catching and river and pond dipping. MCC also sponsored the setting up of the croquet.
Many thanks to all who organised, helped and gave their support by attending the above activities.
MCC Committee
Holy Trinity Church
The parish is one of eight in the Yoxmere Benefice. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is responsible for cooperating with the clergy and, as trustee, for maintaining the building and churchyard. The PCC also works to ensure
the church continues to be an important part of the community.
Services were held on 27 Sundays, plus a Harvest Festival, a Remembrance Sunday service and a Carol Service.
Other services included two funerals, a Diamond Wedding Holy Communion and a Midnight Communion on Christmas
Eve. Services have also been held monthly at Norwood House, and the school has come to church for its own Harvest
Festival, Carol Service and its end-of-term services.
Susan Bates joined the ministry team as curate in the summer. She will be ordained priest at the end of June. There
will be a big party to celebrate this on 3 July. The PCC has been very pleased to welcome Susan and her family to the
Benefice and is grateful for all she has already done, whilst looking forward to the coming months.
The heating system was replaced in time for Christmas, with minimal disruption to the work of the church. Open
Gardens weekend once more showed the village at its very best to residents and visitors alike, and a popular Christmas
Miscellany entertainment was held in the church in December. Holy Trinity participated in the summer fete and the
autumn food festival, again hosting the Scintillo Quartet.
Income was down and expenditure was up, but the Fabric Fund benefitted from a number of generous donations,
including the proceeds of sale of a shepherd’s hut built by a group in the village. This donation is a reminder that Holy
Trinity depends entirely on others’ generosity, not only financial, but also of time, skills, materials and kindness. The
PCC remains grateful to all who support the church in whatever way.
A full version of this report is on the church noticeboard.
Janet McKerron
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd
Sat/Sun 4th /5th
Saturday 11th
Tuesday 14th
Wednesday 15th
Wed 22nd
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Open gardens
Midwatch 2016
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
WI – Genevieve Christie – Keepsake Books and publishing
Ancestral Voices concert in church. Shakespeare's England
Friday 1st
Thursday 7th
Tuesday 12th
Wednesday 20th
Friday 29th
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
WI Garden Party
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Thursday 4th
Friday 26th
Saturday 27th
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Annual Village Fete
Thursday 1st
Tuesday 13h
Wednesday 21st
Friday 23rd
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
WI – Val Sulch – more on volcanoes and glaciers
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Thursday 6th
Saturday 8th
Tuesday 11h
Wednesday 16th
Friday 21st
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
WI – Julian Cusack – climate change
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50pm
Thursday 3rd
Tuesday 8th
Friday 18th
Wednesday 21st
Thursday 1st
Saturday 10th
Tuesday 13th
Friday 16th
Wednesday 21st
Squit night – Bell Inn – music from around 8.30pm
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15 – 3.50
WI – Annual meeting & more from Roy
Dowding’s travels.
Squit night – Bell Inn
MCC Christmas Party
Parish Council Meeting – 7pm
Mobile Library on the Green 3.15
WI – Christmas party
Cricket Fixtures 2016
Southwold Rugby
Southwold Rugby