dooleys billiards
dooleys billiards
A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 9-BALL POCKET BILLIARDS (201)838-7089 Apr.14-Jun.30, 1985 Vol. 1, No. 4 Sigel Outstanding at Sands Regent RENOMike Sigel posted a 10-1 record while averaging .890 at the Sands Regent Open to secure the $10,000 first prize. In races to nine, he tallied wins over Saunders (3), Golder (4), and Reyes (6) before a Rempe (4) defeat. From the loser's bracket, he toppled Harris (0), Carter (4), Swanson (6), Hall (6), McCready (3), and Rempe twice, 8-7, 8-2. V SANDS REGENT OPEN RENO, NEVADA June 4 - 8,1985 FINAL STANDINGS Men: # NAME AVG. I . M i k e Sigel 2. Jim Rempe J . K e i t h McCready 4 . Buddy Hall 5th-6th Jay Swanson David Howard 7th-8th Efren Reyes Jeff Carter 9th-12th Ed Kelly Mike Massey J r . Harris Pete Lhotka \'.890) I'.869) I'.848) I'.869) 1' 1' PRIZE $10 ,000 6 ,000 4 ,000 3 ,000 .858) .842) 2 ,000 2 ,000 1'.884) i' .870) 1 ,550 1 ,550 (' 1' 1' (' .838) .823) .817) .755) 1.,000 1 ,000 1 ,000 1:,000 ( .855) (' .845) (' .791) (' .778) 550 550 550 550 Howard Vickery ( .848) Earl Strickland (' .846) Dave Bollman 1' .818) D a v i d Nottingham (' .818) G r a d y Mathews ( .807) Lou Butera ('.795) W a r r e n C o s t a n z a 1 .770) M i k e Zimmerman |'.736) 25th-32nd Ernesto Dominguezi .845) Joe Salazar 1' .844) F r e d Guarino 1'.825) L a r r y Nelson 1' .807) Dick Megiveron ( .771) Robert LaSlanc ( .761) Mike Oooley 1' .760) Darrell Nordquisti ' .738) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 IJth-l^th Kim Davenport Jim Mataya Tony Martino C e c i l Tugwell I7th-24t/i Women: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Cr NAME PRIZE Jean Balukas Mary Kenniston Robin Bell Vicki Frechen $4,000 2,400 1,400 720 : 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 # NAME 33rd-48th Paul Brienza Gil Mascareno Rudolfo Luat Roy Futternick Gary Hutchings Dick Renk Gary Golder Dan D'Imperio A n g e l o Dal Porto Richard White Jimmy Rogers Gene Yates Tim Kwong Neal Goodale Jim C a r r o l l Ray Badami 49th-63rd Dan Louie Bob Hunter Brian Hashimoto Danny Medina Wade Crane Ronnie Allen Ted Ito John W r i g h t Rich Geiler Harry Platis Pete McCoy Cole Dickson Roy Bright R. Shreckengaust William Brown 64th-65th Lance Saunders Bill Incardona NAME PRIZE 5th-i Sth Ewa Mataya 400 Jeani VallinciDurt 400 7th-i Sth Kathy Miao 240 Kris i Turner 240 AVG. |' .846) i'.836) i' .810) |' .789) |1 .785) |' .776) |' .772) |' .765) |' .760) 1' .755) |' .754) |' .750) |' .731) |' .704) | .680) |' .605) | .828) (" .824) j .799) | .778) |'.774) |'.759) |' .758) | .752) | .714) I .674) |' .631) |' .627) | .623) |' .594) |' .528) (' .758) | .727) NAME 9th-12th Theresa Wilsc m Kelly Simpsoni Jan LaBlanc Laura Smith PRIZE 80 80 80 80 y • r r ^Captain Hook' Takes Charge After a long dry spell, then two minor tournament wins in the last month, Mike Sigel was tuned in. He outclassed the Sands Regent Open field and deserved the $10,000 first prize. Although he spent most of his time in the loser's bracket, Mike posted a 10-1 record which included five .900's, and the tournament high average of .890. Mike displayed excellence in most statistical £\ categories but exceptionally well in "Run Outs from the Break". This stat reflects a player's ability to break and run out without allowing his opponent to the table. Sigel accomplished this 43* of the time. In fact, if he made a ball on the break, you were in real trouble, for under these circumstances he ran out 60% of the time. How can anyone fade that? Well, it appears "The Captain" is back in form and ready for bear! Welcome back Mike. Notable M a t c h e s The spectators at the Sands were quite fortunate for there were many exciting matches that were notable enough to warrant review. The number in parentheses is the player's TPA for that session. In a most unusual match, Grady Mathews (.683) pocketed only 28 balls while Mike Dooley (.828) pocketed 78. Mathews won 9-5! After trailing 1-4, Darrell Nordquist (.821) held Rich Geiler (.692) to pocketing just three more balls for the rest of the set. Nordquist won 11-4. While leading 7-4, Ronnie Allen (.806) missed an easy nine ball. It was the last object ball Ronnie would hit. Fred Guarino (.864) won 9-7. After defeating Harry Platis (.714) 9-8 in a seesaw match that traded the lead five times, Keith McCready (.810) announced to the crowd, "Never a doubt!" At 7-5, Roy Futternick (.856) and Robert LaBlanc (.745) played "hot potato" with the nine ball six times before Roy pocketed it. Futternick won 9-5. Mike Sigel (.887) ran out from the break five times during his 9-3 victory over Lance Saunders (.833). Tony Martino (.885) shot a 1.000 for the last six racks to win 9-4 over R. Shreckengaust (.629). Bob Hunter 9-0. (.901) shut out Lance Saunders (.654) From a 4-7 deficit, Mike Zimmerman (.809) put it together and upset Jim Mataya (.783) 9-7. While leading 8-7, and shooting an easy eight ball, Dick Renk (.820) miscues and never shoots again. Mike Massey (.798) wins 9-8. Similarly, while leading 8-7 and shooting an easy eight ball, Rudolfo Luat (.719) miscues and never shoots again. Lou Butera (.731) wins 9-8. While trailing 3-6, Dick Megiveron (.786) watched as Gary Hutchings (.756) broke the balls. Dick then ran out, broke and ran out, broke and ran out, and broke and ran out. Dick won the match 9-7. Gil Maacareno (.818) missed an easy seven ball. Cecil Tugwell (.897) then garnered the tournament high run honors by winning that rack and running four more. Cecil won 9-3. Leading 8-7, Gene Yates (.691) miscued on the eight ball. Rich Geiler (.722) then tied the match and at 8-8, ran the rack but scratched on the nine. Leading 8-7, Joe Salazar (.846) is ready to sink the last three balls to defeat Jim Mataya (.881). Joe miscues on the seven but still pockets it! He manicures his tip, chalks up, and miscues on the eight! Jim wins 9-8. (continued on page 17) SHOWCASE BILLIARDS ^ • • H 8x10 Pool Photographs B ^ | by BILLIE BILLING ^ W « V fPPW \ Large Selection Available $5.95 each or 6/S30 lvHL,,£ fl ^^I^HI • • • M Lou Butera ik. Pius S1.50 postages handling Send check or money order to: BILLIE BILLING 311 6th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 CUSTOM CUE REPAIR SERVICE (Repair any cue) Custom Made 2 pc. Hustler Cue: "Over 75 years experience" MADE TO YOUR SPECS ALL WORK GUARANTEED $80.00 Clay Etheridge & Al Albrecht 1028 W. 104th Ave. (303) 457-2501 Northglenn, Colo. 60234 JS (?. ! Pros Share Spotlight With Amateurs RENO, NV ( 6 / 1 - 2 / 8 5 ) - I n addition t o the profess i o n a l s , the Sands played host t o a handicap d i v i s i o n based on Gene S t a r y ' s USPPA handicap system. 48 p l a y e r s o f v a r y i n g s k i l l s raced t o s i x f o r the $1,000 f i r s t prize. The Sands added $2,000 and guaranteed money t o h a l f the f i e l d . Nick Cano (two game handicap) emerged champion by b e a t i n g Paul Brienza twice from the loser's bracket. A p a r t i a l i n - t h e - m o n e y breakdown follows, t h e number in parentheses being the handicap r a t i n g . NAME 1st Nick Cano(77) PRIZE $1,000 2nd Paul Brienza(125) 640 3rd Kim Davenport(120) 500 340 4 t h Mike Boyd(85) 5th- -6th 200 Ron Carnpbell(73) 200 Gerry K e l l y ( 5 5 ) 7th- 8 t h 160 Jim Johnson(50) 160 Rod Norton(44) Organized Tournaments For the room owner who finds it difficult to organize tournaments on a weekly basis, this handicap system is the answer. The score sheet is simple to use. At the start of each inning, all that is marked is whether or not the player has an open shot to a pocket. That's it! The scoresheets are then processed and a report listing each player's three years and c o n s i s t e n t l y draws 16-40 p l a y e r s i n each l o c a l event There are s e v e r a l rooms i n h i s area also using the system. More information? Contact: Gene Stary Great American Billiards 5536 Garfield Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841 (916)334-1776 tooiA THE SECOND ANNUAL TAR NEEL NINE BALL OPEN PRESENTS At TOURNAMENT RULES o r One Foul Cue Ball ^ lnHand \ UE I LUBZ I \ $15,000.00 Double Elimination 11 Out of 21 Games \ 7* i V i r - » i - » . - * I VIN PRIZES A The Handicap System Stary developed his system in 1968 although Mike P a s q u a l , a professor, invented the mathematical formula in 1950. The handicap used is "games on the wire". This enables players of all calibres, from amateur to pro, to compete on an equal par. Gene has only been actively promoting his system for the last rating is returned. These ratings are referenced to a chart which determines the proper handicap. So, if you are having problems filling fields for local tournaments, TRY THIS SYSTEM! j ^ PLEASE POST PLEASE POST ^ R j The Best of the Rockies (Domes to Rocky Mount, North Carolina This is the first of several major events featuring Stary's handicap system. All of the players were familiar with the system having established ratings. LV ^ Hwy 64 E Rocky Mount, N.C. Call "Mutt" Faulkner For Details (919)972-9220 **> -^m* - ^ ^ _ „ .^ lu'.jTiM *1ST PRIZE 2ND PRIZE 3RD PRIZE H PRIZE ^. •: $5,000 $2500 $1,500 $ ;:::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $6o^ 7-8 9-12 13-16 $550 $400 $275 'Basedupon32Entries Entry Fees Over 32 Go In Pot HOUSE ADDS $6200 -GUARANTEED Last Year's Prize Payout! $17,400.00 Mon. Aug. 19; Tues. Aug. 20; Wed. Aug. 21; Thurs. Aug. 22; Fri. Aug. 23; Sat. Aug. 24 - . .- *«-*• ^* *-<**zn**-^ *-*. N o Exception Deadline H Entry Fee $275 <^^S§%gP*^ 7 : 0 0 PM Mon. A u g 19 Tournament Directors: "Mutt" Faulkner & Tony Davis *s r/-Reno 5* SCORES & AVERAGES Score AVQ. G. Mascarene 9 .872) B. Hunter 4 .778) G. Golder 9 .753) B. Incardona 7 .727) P. Lhotka 9 .798) G. Yates 8 .795) D. Nordquist 9 .821) R. Geiler 4 .692) Name 1) 2) 3) 4) 21) 22) 23) 24) Name Score Avg. D. Nottingham 9 1.855) B. Hashimoto 7 (.769) C. Tugwell 9 (.776) J. Rogers 6 (.741) M. Massey 9 (.886) D. Medina 6 (.776) 9 (. 766) D. Renk R. White 3 (.700) B. Hall 9 (.889) J. Carroll 1 (.500) W. Costanza 9 (.805) J. Wright 6 (.770) D. D'Imperio 9 (.841) R. Badami 1 (.550) E. Reyes 9 (.881) W. Brown 2 (.469) G. Golder 9 (.818) T. Kwong 3 (.571) M. Sigel 9 (.887) L. Saunders 3 (.833) J. Carter 9 (.878) P. Brienza 8 (.882) T. Martino 9 (.885) R. Shrec'gaust 4 (.629) N. Goodale 9 (.788) H. Vickery 8 (.811) B. Hunter 9 (.901; L. Saunders 0 (.654) G. Mascareno B. Incardona (FORFEIT) 45) A. C. 46) R. H. Dal Porto Dickson LaBlanc Platis 9 6 9 4 47) G. Hutchings R. Bright 9 3 48) G. Mascareno R. Allen 9 5 49) M. Dooley W. Crane 9 6 .678) .571) .808) .629) .840) .712) .820) .746) 50) G. Yates R. Geiler 9 8 .691) .722) 51) P. D. 52) E. G. Lhotka Nordquist Strickland Mathews 9 8 9 3 53) K. Davenport F. Guarino 9 4 .716) .639) .877) .862) .897) .757) 54) J. R. 55) K. R. 9 7 9 2 .883) .567) 56) J. Harris L. Nelson 9 5 .844) .807) 9 ( 908 5 ( 774) 9 (.603) 8 (.545) 57) M. Zimmerman J. Mataya 9 7 58) E. Kelly J. Salazar 9 5 .809) .783) .871) .803) 765) 734) 59) D. Howard D. Megiveron 9 4 .883) .714) (.800) (.779) 60) D. Nottingham C. Tugwell 9 6 .861) .711) 25) .919; .857) 26) .928; 27) .769) .864) .806) 28) .922; 29) .618) .857) .792) 30) K. McCready H. Platis 9 8 .810) .714) 31) 12) R. Futternick R. LaBlanc 9 5 .856) .745) 32) 13) L. Nelson A. Dal Porto 14) J. Harris C. Dickson 15) J. Mataya E. Dominguez 16) M. Zimmerman P. McCoy 17) E. Kelly T. Ito 18) J. Salazar D. Bollman 19) D. Megiveron L. Butera 20) D. Howard D. Louie 9 6 9 6 9 5 .810) .784) 33) .781) .649) 34) .816) .829) 35) 9 8 4 .609) .636) .771) .757) 9 5 .859) .815) 36) H. R. 37) J. B. 38) R. W. 9 6 9 7 .783) .741) 39) J. Carroll J. Wright 9 5 .887) .871) 40) R. White D. Medina 9 6 9 Caesar Morales of "Red's" Any trouble K. 9 8 9 6 9 3 9 2 .683) .828) Vickery Shrec'gaust Kwong Hunter Badami Brown understanding Accu-Stats' Avg. .783) .826) .827) .781) Rogers Hashimoto Butera Louie Bollman Ito Dominguez McCoy 9 5 9 1 9 3 9 7 9 3 9 7 11) Score 41) J. B. 42) L. D. 43) D. T. 44) E. P. Mathews Dooley Strickland Crane Davenport Mascareno Guarino Allen Luat Bright Swanson G. Hutchings 5) G. M. 6) E. W. 7) K. G. 8) F. R. 9) R. R. 10) J. Name 9 1 (.841) (.559) ( ( Swanson Luat McCready Futternick .824) .759) .914; .618) .772) .610) .860) .813) fame now uses Efren Reyes. terms or expressions? See page 19 J fr. Reno S C O R E S & AVERAGES Name Score Name Avg Score Avg± Name Score ^ Avg. 61) M. Massey D. Renk 9 8 (.798) (.820) 83) H. Vickery L. Nelson 9 .816) 7 (.804) 93) K. McCready J. Harris 9 f.906j 5 (.818) 62) B. Hall W. Costanza 63) E. Reyes D . D'Imperio 9 (.920J 84) J. Mataya J. Salazar 9 (.881) 8 (.846) 94) E. Kelly M. Zimmerman 9 8 (.867) (.808) 85) G. Mathews D. Nordquist 9 (.750) 3 (.677) 95) D. Howard D. Nottingham 9 8 (.809) (.793) 64 J M. Sigel G. Golder 9 (.912J 4 (.725) 86) L. F. 9 (.891) 7 (.836) 96) M. Massey B. Hall 9 4 (.852) (.655) 65; J. Rempe J. Carter 9 6 (.823) (.800) 87) D. Bollman E. Dominguez 9 (.860) 7 (.782) 97) M. Sigel E. Reyes 9 (.926J 6 (.887) 66) T. Mar Uno N. Goodale 9 8 (.716) (.670) 88) J. Carter R. LaBlanc 9 7 67) H. Vickery R. Futternick 9 5 (.870) (.792) 89) C. D. 9 4 68) L. Nel son P. Brienza 9 8 (.808) (.810) 90) W. Costanza M. Dooley 9 5 J. Mataya T. Kwong 9 3 (.854) (.571) 91) P. E. 70) J. Salazar R. Badami 9 1 (.859) (.676) 92) J. Swanson K. Davenport 71) D. Nordquist J. Carroll 9 3 (.808) (.661) 72) G. Mathews R. White 9 8 (.872) (.746) 73) F. Guarino J. Rogers 9 (.815) 8 9 (.732) (.731) 8 (.719) 75) D. Bollman D. D'Imperio 9 2 (.825) (.660) 76) E. Dominguez G. Golder 9 5 (.873) (.766) 77) J. Carter A. Dal Porto 9 2 (.887) (.690) 78) R. LaBlanc N. Goodale 9 5 (.847) (.619) 79) D. Megiveron G. Hutchings 9 7 (.786) (.756) 80) C. Tugwell G. Mascareno 9 3 (.897) (.818) 81) M. Dooley D. Renk 9 (.711) 7 (.733) 82) W. Costanza G. Yates 9 8 (.743) (.776) 69) 74) L. Butera R. Luat V^ 5 9 5 (.860) (.895) (.767) Butera Guarino Tugwell Megiveron Lhotka Strickland ( ( ( J. Rempe T. Martino 851) 761) 98) 803) 776) 99) B. Hall H. Vickery 9 f.918j 8 (.937J 100) J. Mataya D. Nottingham 9 3 (.890) (.729) 9 (.866) 3 (.696) 101) J. Martino G. Mathews 9 8 (.802) (.825) 9 (.877) 2 (.625) 102) E. Reyes L. Butera 9 6 (.874) (.776) ( 747) 671) 9 f .911; 2 (.810) Blood Test Zone? Some of us perform at our best when ahead, o t h e r s when behind. Some of us play w e l l e a r l y i n the s e t , o t h e r s when i t s down t o the w i r e , but there i s no doubt t h a t we a l l perform d i f f e r e n t l y when the pressure i s on! The r e a l t e s t , as explained by B i l l Incardona, i s the a b i l i t y t o perform when i n the "blood t e s t zone". The " b l o o d t e s t zone" i s t h a t p a r t o f the session when both c o n t e s t a n t s are w i t h i n two games o f winning the s e t . Now t h e r e ' s p r e s s u r e ! Incardona f e e l s t h a t maybe a separate s t a t i s t i c should be kept r e f l e c t i n g a p l a y e r s s k i l l when i n t h i s "zone". This w i l l show who performs best when under extreme pressure. A c c u - S t a t s ' T o t a l Performance Average (TPA) r e f l e c t s a p l a y e r ' s o v e r a l l performance. I f we i s o l a t e the r e s u l t s o f the " b l o o d t e s t zone" from the r e s t of the match, we could then c a l c u l a t e the d i f f e r e n c e i n TPA's between the " b l o o d t e s t zone" and the r e s t of p l a y . Could we then c a l l t h a t d i f f e r e n c e the "dog f a c t o r " ? Mike Ashe Remembered Mike Asch, a prominent leader in promoting tournaments in the mid 70's passed away April 23, 1985. He was an integral part in generating interest for many of the great players of today. He will be sadly missed. r F^ Total Performance Average CTPA) S a n d s Regent Open Rankings If you reviewed any of the scores on the previous pages, you probably noticed a number in parentheses to the right of each score. It was called the Accu-Stats Average. It is actually another name for Total Performance Average. Those numbers reflect the player's ability for a single session. What follows are the overall tournament averages for each contestant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. MIKE SIGEL EFREN REYES JEFF CARTER JIM REMPE BUDDY HALL JAY SWANSON KIM DAVENPORT HOWARD VICKERY KEITH MCCREADY PAUL BRIENZA EARL STRICKLAND ERNEST DOMINGUEZ JIM MATAYA JOE SALAZAR DAVID HOWARD ED KELLY GIL MASCARENO DAN LOUIE FRED GUARINO BOB HUNTER MIKE MASSEY DAVE BOLLMAN Reno # .890 .884 .870 .869 .869 .858 .855 .848 .848 .846 .846 .845 .845 .844 .842 .838 .836 .828 .825 .824 .823 .818 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. DAVID NOTTINGHAM JR . HARRIS RUDOLFO LUAT LARRY NELSON GRADY MATHEWS BRIAN HASHIMOTO LOU BUTERA TONY MARTINO ROY FUTTERNICK GARY HUTCHINGS CECIL TUGWELL DANNY MEDINA DICK RENK WADE CRANE GARY GOLDER DICK MEGIVERON WARREN COSTANZA DAN D'IMPERIO ROBERT LABLANC ANGELO DALPORTO MIKE DOOLEY RONNIE ALLEN .818 .817 .810 .807 .807 .799 .795 .791 .789 .785 .778 .778 .776 .774 .772 .771 .770 .765 .761 .760 .760 .759 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. LANCE SAUNDERS TED ITO PETE LHOTKA RICHARD WHITE JIMMY ROGERS JOHN WRIGHT GENE YATES DARREL NORDQUIST MIKE ZIMMERMAN TIM KWONG BILL INCARDONA RICH GEILER NEAL GOODALE JIM CARROLL HARRY PLATIS PETER MCCOY COLE DICKSON ROY BRIGHT RAY BADAMI RICK SHRECKGAUST WILLIAM BROWN .758 .758 .755 .755 .754 .752 .750 .738 .736 .731 .727 .714 .704 .680 .647 .631 .627 .623 .605 .594 .528 SCORES & AVER,AGIE;S Name Score 103) K. Davenport 0. Bollman Avg. # Name Score AVQ. Name 121) K. McCready J. Swanson 105) C. Tugwell M. Zimmerman 9 (.828) 112) K. McCready 3 (.721) E. Kelly 9 (.910; 113) D. Howard 5 (.848) M. Massey 9 (.787) 114) J. Rempe M. Sigel 5 (.726) 9 (.875) 4 (.696) 123) B. Hall D. Howard 106) J. Harris W. Costanza 9 7 (.827) (.733) 115) B. Hall P. Lhotka 9 (.890) 2 (.700) 124) M. Sigel J. Swanson 107) B. Hall J. Mataya 9 8 (.892) (.859) 108) E. Reyes T. Martino 109) J. Carter K. Davenport 9 3 (.899) (.700) 9 7 (.892) (.862) 110) J. Harris c. Tugwell Ill) J. Swanson p. Lhotka 9 2 9 4 (.840) (.515) (.841) (.667) 116) E. E. 117) J. M. 118) M. J. 119) B. E. 125) M. Sigel B. Hall 126) J. Rempe (.882) K. McCready (.816) (.901) 127) M. Sigel K. McCready (.737) 128) M. Sigel (.863) J. Rempe (.880) 129) M. Sigel 9 (.878) J. Rempe 4 (.830) 104) J. Carter £. Strickland Reyes Kelly Carter Massey Sigel Harris Hall Reyes 120) M. Sigel J. Carter 9 (.851) 8 (.823) 9 (.836) 6 (.722) # 9 8 9 3 9 0 9 8 (.868) (.853) 122) J. Rempe D. Howard Score 9 8 9 8 9 7 9 6 9 6 9 7 9 3 8 7 8 2 Avg. (.886) (.905) (.899) (.853) (.845) (.795) (.867) (.800) (.896) (.880) (.854) (.833) (.937J (.755) (.886) (.902) (.941J (.833) y #r8 Performance Rankings NAME l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BALLS MADE ERRORS GAMES Mike S i g e l 142 734 91 E f r e n Reyes 101 501 66 Jeff Carter 114 494 74 Jim Rempe 97 399 60 Buddy H a l l 130 605 91 J a y Swanson 88 417 69 Kim Davenport 64 271 46 Howard V i c k e r y 74 330 59 K e i t h McCready 104 435 78 Paul Brienza 34 143 26 (Reno Tournament Average = . 8 0 2 ) \1 KICK PERFORMANCE TOTAL PERFORMANCE # Reno (MINIMUM KICKS = 15) TPA .890 .884 .870 .869 .869 .858 .855 .848 .848 .846 # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BREAK PERFORMANCE NAME GAMES KICKS G00Ei KPA Jim Rempe 97 22 21 Ed K e l l y 78 15 14 Mike S i g e l 142 31 27 J r . Harris 79 23 20 Dave Bollman 65 23 20 J a y Swanson 88 30 26 Warren C o s t a n z a 76 21 18 Gary G o l d e r 55 18 15 Dick Renk 45 17 14 P e t e Lhotka 70 27 22 (Reno Tournament Average = . 7 7 4 ) .955 .933 .871 .870 .870 .867 .857 .833 .824 .815 RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES (MINIMUM BREAKS= 20) NAME # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BREAK BALL MADE GAMES SHOTS W/0 SCR:. BPA Joe S a l a z a r 55 32 24 R i c h a r d White 44 20 15 David Howard 94 48 35 Mike S i g e l 142 88 63 E a r l S t r i c k l a n d 48 28 20 Dick Renk 45 23 16 Dave Bollman 65 36 25 Jr- Harris 79 39 27 Mike Massey 72 36 24 Fred G u a r i n o 62 30 20 (Reno Tournament Average = . 5 8 2 ) .750 .750 .729 .716 .714 .696 .694 .692 .667 .667 NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. # 1. 2. • 3. , 4, , 5. , 6., 7., 8. . 9. 10., NAME Bob H u n t e r E f r e n Reyes Kim Davenport Mike S i g e l Jim Mataya Earl Strickland Buddy H a l l J i m Rempe David Nottingham Grady Mathews (Reno Tournament Jeff Carter 89 63 Mike S i g e l 125 88 Buddy H a l l 109 73 E f r e n Reyes 87 58 Jim Rempe 74 49 Kim Davenport 53 35 Earl Strickland 37 24 J a y Swanson 74 47 Jim Mataya 83 51 Howard V i c k e r y 70 43 (Reno Tournament Average = 5 2 . 0 ) PCT. 70.8 70.4 67.0 66.7 66.2 66.0 64.9 63.5 61.4 61.4 (PER 100 BALLS POCKETED) POCKETED) BALLS MADE RUN OUTS POSITION ERRORS MISSES (PER 100 BALLS OPPORTUNITIES SHOTS MISSED 154 7 501 25 271 14 734 41 404 24 192 12 605 39 399 27 233 17 272 22 Average = 1 1 . 1 ) AVG 4.5 5.0 5.2 5.6 5.9 6.3 6.4 6.8 7.3 8.1 # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAME BALLS MADE Jeff Carter Jay Swanson Mike S i g e l Buddy H a l l David Howard E f r e n Reyes Jim Rempe K e i t h McCready Paul Brienza E r n e s t o Dominguez (Reno Tournament POSITION ERRORS 494 417 734 605 442 501 399 435 143 246 Average 15 13 28 28 21 25 21 24 8 14 =7.9) AVG 3.0 3.1 3.8 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.7 Reno Averages Scratch on the break: IOS Scratch while going for position: 1.5% Ball made on the break: 65S Nine ball made on the break: 2.555 V^- Run out from the break: 20% Run out after making a ball on the break: 343 Run out with ball in hand: 59% 1 $ \ Glass City Open TOLEDO, OH ( 5 / 1 7 - 1 9 / 8 5 ) - Mike S i g e l broke the i c e w i t h t h i s win d e f e a t i n g Kim Davenport twice i n the f i n a l s and pocketing $5,000 i n the process. Larry Kahan's Hi-Q B i l l i a r d s hosted the 46 p l a y e r event and added $2,400 t o the purse. The in-the-money r e s u l t s are as f o l l o w s : NAME PRIZE 1st Mike Sigel 2nd Kim Davenport 3rd Jim Mataya 4th Howard Vickery 5th-6th Sammy Jones Mark Maryo $5,000 2,500 1,600 950 550 550 NAME PRIZE 7th-8th Brent Madlinski Earl Strickland 9th-12th Dave Mcllhargey Bob Williams Buddy Hall Romiro Sanchez 350 350 200 200 200 200 East Coast Open MELBOURNE, FL ( 5 / 2 5 - 2 6 / 8 5 ) - Buddy H a l l won t h i s popular event h a n d i l y as he breezed through the f i e l d undefeated. H a l l (.903) defeated Toby Sweet (.803) 11-4 i n the f i n a l s t o capture the $1,600 f i r s t p r i z e . The Golden Cue hosted the 44 p l a y e r event and p l a n another i n September. The in-the-money r e s u l t s are as f o l l o w s : NAME PRIZE 1st Buddy Hall 2nd Toby Sweet 3rd Gary Pinkowski 4th Tommy Kennedy 5th-6th Ralph Curry David Ritter $1,600 800 A80 320 250 250 NAME 7th-8th Morris Dugger Steve Cook 9th-12th Jeff ft dams Jay ftrcher Tom Brown Ronnie Yarbrough Jim Rempe may soon be featured part weekly televised series teaching pool as well as having guests on the show. r PRIZE in 160 160 100 100 100 100 a twenty-six promoting and top players as SUBSCRIPTION FORM National Tavern News Name Please Include Zip Code Annual Subscription -12 Issues $15-00 Foreign Subscription-12 Issues $28.00 Bulk Rate For Your Resale 12 Issues Per Month for $50.00 Per Year Makes Checks Payable To National Tavern News Inc. P.O. Box-3278 Bellflower, CA 90707-3278 JA T Sands Regent FLOW a Once the field surpasses 64 as in Reno, it is neccessary to utilize a 128 player flow chart. Due to space limitations a slightly different technique is used to fit the entire chart. The bold center line separates the winner's bracket from the losers bracket. The names bordering the center line are the results of the first Men 'BYE t VlCKEi BYE SHREC'GAUS SHR'G BYE BRIENZA BRIEN BYE (NO SHOW) (NO 5. HUNTE HUNTER SAUND BYE KWQNG -) KWQNG BYE BROWN BROWN BYE BADAMI BADAM BYE WRIGHT WRIGH VICKERY VICKERY VICKERY FUTTERNICK VICKERY BRIENZA HALL NELSON NELSON HALL KWQNG HALL MATAYA MATAYA MATAYA HALL BADAMI MATAYA SALAZAR NOTTINGHAM LHQTKA SALAZAR i CARROLL NORDQUIST BYE CARRO BYE WHITE CARROLL NORDQUIST WHITE MATHEWS HALL WHITE MARTINQ MA THEWS MARTINO ROGERS REYES HALL MEDINA MATHEWS GUARINO GUARINO BUTERA REYES BUTERA REYES HOWARD BUTERA LUAT REYES KELLY BOLLMAN BOLLMAN D'IMPERIO BOLLMAN MEDIN BYE ROGERS ROGER BYE HASHIMOTO HASHI BYE LOUIE LOUIE BYE BUTERA BUTER BYE BOLLMAN BOLLh ' BYE ITO -: ITO BYE MCCOY -i DOMINGUEZ DAVENPORT DOMINGUEZ DAVENPORT DOMINGUEZ MC coy BYE BYE H DICKS DALPORTO BYE DALPORTO -I DALPC CARTER BYE LABLANC LABLfi LABLANC BYE PLATIS PLAT1 GOODALE BYE HUTCHINGS \ HUTCh HUTCHINGS BYE BRIGHT BRIGh MEGIVERON INCAF MASCARENO MASO MASCARENO BYE ALLEN ALLEt TUGWELL BYE CRANE •{ CRAN DOOLEY BYE DOOLEY D00L£ RENK DICKSON CARTER SIGEL CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER LABLANC STRICKLAND MASSEY MEGIVERON TUGWELL SIGEL SIGEL TUGWELL TUGWELL ZIMMERMAN HARRIS SIGEL DOOLEY SIGEL YATES HARRIS MCCREADY ^ SWANSON GEILER COSTANZA SIGEL COSTANZA HARRIS YATES COSTANZA BYE H GEILL BYE YATEl ^ J CHART Reno round of play although in this particular case there are many byes. For example, Mascareno defeated Hunter. This technique reduces the standard chart's height in half while still displaying the results of the first round. All double elimination flow charts in this publication employ this technique. Men BYE BYE VICKERY BYE BYE GAUS BYE SHR'GAUST BYE ! BYE BYE BRIENZA BYE BYE (NO SHOW) BYE HUNTER HUNTER SAUNDERS BYE BYE BYE KWONG BYE BYE BYE BROWN BYE BYE BYE BADAMI BYE BYE BYE WRIGHT BYE BYE \~BYT CARROLL BYE BYE WHITE BYE BYE BYE MEDINA BYE BYE BYE ROGERS BYE BYE BYE HASHIMOTO BYE BYE BYE LOUIE BYE BYE WE~ BUTERA BYE BYE BYE BOLLMAN WE "BYE BYE BYE BYE BYE MCCOY BYE BYE BYE DOMINGUEZ BYE BYE BYE DICKSON BYE BYE ~BYE DALPORTO BYE BYE BYE LABLANC BYE BYE BYE PLATIS BYE BYE BYE HUTCHINGS BYE BYE BYE BRIGHT BYE INCARDONA | INCARDONA MASCARENO BYE BYE ALLEN BYE BYE BYE CRANE BYE BYE BYE DQOLEY BYE BYE GEILER BYE BYE BYE YATES H i LHOTKA YATES NORDQUIST GEILER MA THEWS DQOLEY CRANE STRICKLAND DAVENPORT MASCARENO GUARINO ALLEN LUAT BRIGHT HUTCHINGS SWAN50N MCCREADY PLATIS LABLANC FUTTERNICK DALPORTO NELSON HARRIS DICKSON DOMINGUEZ MATAYA MCCOY ZIMMERMAN ITO KELLY SALAZAR BOLLMAN BUTERA MEGIVERON LOUIE HOWARD NOTTINGHAM HASHIMOTO TUGWELL ROGERS MEDINA MASSEY RENK WHITE CARROLL HALL CO STANZA WRIGHT D'IMPERIO BADAMI REYES BROWN KWONG COLDER SAUNDERS SIGEL (NO SHOW) REMPE BRIENZA CARTER SHREC'GAUS MARTINO VICKERY GOODALE LHOTKA LHOTKA NORDQUIST LHOTKA MATHEWS STRICKLAND STRICKLAND SWANSON DAVENPORT DAVENPORT GUARINO SWANSON LUAT SWANSON SWANSON MCCREADY MCCREADY MCCREADY ICK | FUTTERNICK MCCREADY NELSON HARRIS HARRIS MCCREADY MATAYA ZIWERMAN ZIMMERMAN KELLY KELLY KELLY SALAZAR REMPE MEGIVERON SIGEL HOWARD HOWARD HOWARD SIGEL NOTTINGHAM NOTTINGHAM REMPE TUGWELL HOWARD MASSEY MASSEY RENK MASSEY HALL HALL COSTANZA REMPE D'IMPERIO REYES REYES SIGEL COLDER SIGEL SIGEL REMPE REMPE REMPE CARTER REMPE MARTINO MARTINO GOODALE J> /£12 A Crane, Johnson and Bell share J $50,000 A T L A N T I C C I T Y , NJ ( 6 / 1 7 - 2 1 / 8 5 ) Resorts I n t e r n a t i o n a l Casino-Hotel hosted the y e a r ' s b i g g e s t event i n grand s t y l e w h i l e sweetening the pot by $50,000. I n an extremely well orchestrated event, three divis i o n s shared i n over $130,000. Even before the tournament began, qualifiers were held allowing p l a y e r s t o win free e n t r y i n t o the main e v e n t . These m i n i ' s were w e l l Men NAME PRIZE 1st Wade Crane $30,000 2nd Buddy Hall 15,000 3rd- 4th Earl Strickland 5,000 Joe Frady 5,000 5th- 8 th Steve Mizerak 2,052 Bob Vanover 2,052 Bob Williams 2,052 Toby Sweet 2,052 9th- 16th Steve Dobrowoski 1,026 Rudolfo Luat 1,026 Nick Varner 1,026 Mark Maryo 1,026 Dick Lane 1,026 Joe DiPietro 1,026 Mike Sigel 1,026 Danny DiLiberto 1,026 Seniors NAME 1st Larry Johnson 2nd Bob Vanover 3rd-4th Roy Trivett Edgar White 5th-8th Jack Colovita Danny DiLiberto Luther Lassiter Mike LeBron V. PRIZE NAME 17th-32nd Jim Mataya Rich Geiler Ernesto Dominguez Efren Reyes Larry Johnson Michael Xiarhos Keith McCready Jim Rempe Dallas West Darryl Osborne Gary Pinkowski Allen Hopkins Marty Ciccia Bob Hunter Jay Swanson Jack Ford 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 616 Women PRIZE $10,000 5,500 2,387 2,387 1,432 1,432 1,432 1,432 NAME PRIZE 1st Robin Bell $10,000 2nd Billie Billing 3,750 3rd-4th Peg Ledman 1,250 L.J. Ogonowski 1,250 5th-8th Belinda Beardon 313 Sheryl Cohen 313 Gerri Titcomb 313 Jean Vallencourt 313 supported i n l i g h t of the main e v e n t ' s $500.00 entrance f e e . The tournament arena d i s p l a y e d twelve Gaudy's w h i l e o n l y e i g h t matches were scheduled each round. The e x t r a t a b l e s e l i m i n a t e d delays and a l l matches were on schedule. A p r a c t i c e room was f u r n i s h e d w i t h s i x more Gandy's, another pleasant surprise. Men'8 D i v i s i o n Wade Crane posted a 14-2 record while besting Howard, Mathews, F o r d , D i L i b e r t o , Bob Vanover, and Frady. S t a t s were kept d u r i n g the f i n a l s as Crane toppled Buddy H a l l 7 - 3 , 7-0 f o r the $30,000 f i r s t p r i z e . During the l a s t s e t , Crane broke and ran out s i x o f the seven racks w h i l e s c o r i n g an i n c r e d i b l e TPA o f 1.000. This means t h a t he never missed a s h o t , never missed a k i c k , never scratched on the break, never played a bad s a f e t y and was never out of p o s i t i o n ! Senior'3 Division " F i f t y " was the magic age t o enter this division. Of the t h i r t y - o n e e n t r a n t s , s e v e r a l were capable of winning both d i v i s i o n s , two of which were i n the f i n a l s . Larry "Boston S h o r t y " Johnson edged Bob Vanover 7 - 6 , 7-6 f o r the $10,000 first prize. Earlier, Larry d e f e a t e d Amadeo, D i L i b e r t o , and White. Flowers, Women's D i v i s i o n With t h i s victory, Robin Bell added $10,000 t o her y e a r - t o - d a t e w i n n i n g s . In a t w e n t y - f i v e p l a y e r field, Bell defeated Crimi, D a v i t t , V a l l e n c o u r t , Ledman and f i n a l l y B i l l i n g 7-4, 6-7, 7 - 1 . JA Atlantic City 13 SCORES Name 1 2 7 6 21) J. Brown J. Meyer 7 5 7 3 41) D. Polo M. Kingsley 7 3 7 2 7 2 7 4 22) D. E. 7 1 7 0 42) S. Dobrowolski E. Costa 7 6 7 5 3) D. Egdahl B. McGarrett 7 4 7 6 23) G. Mathews N. Weathers 7 5 7 2 43) fl. Daniels 0. Ascolese 3 7 7 7 3 5 4) T. Ruocco B. Incardona 7 4 4 7 7 4 24) W. Crane D. Howard 7 2 7 5 44) ft. Casanzio A. Kiehle 7 5 7 3 5) A. Hopkins P. Fusco 6 7 7 0 25) J. J. 3 7 7 6 7 5 45) D. Osborne M. Zowner 6 7 7 7 3 6 6) J. Frady T. Kwong 7 2 7 6 26) J. Ford E. Sheahan 4 7 7 4 7 6 46) 7 3 7 6 7) J. Swanson J. Marino 7 1 4 7 27) L. Johnson V. Gatto 7 7 4 3 47) 8. Surge M. Nicoloro 7 0 7 1 8) B. McCoy C. DeValliere 7 7 0 4 28) H. J. 7 4 9) S. Mizerak E. White 7 1 Name 1 2 D. Nordquist K. Davenport 7 6 2) ft. Geiler T. Squadroni # 1) 3 7 6 7 5 7 2 # DiLiberto DellaFerra Cattrano Kozlowski 3 # Name 12 fl. Hall C. MacDonald 3 6 7 7 3 48) ft. Pasqual CM. Lee 7 0 5 7 7 2 29) M. Maryo J. Garcia 7 5 1 7 7 5 49) E. Dominguez G. Fix 7 0 7 3 Vickery Colovita 10) P. Tascarella T. Golly 7 7 3 4 30) D. West J. Fusco 7 7 6 4 50) ft. Luat T. McGonagle 7 4 7 4 11) N. Varner J. McCrary 7 3 7 4 31) D. Daya D. Medina 7 6 51) J. DiPietro D. Nordquist 7 4 5 7 7 2 12) M. Xiarhos W. Stephen 7 6 7 5 32) 5. Jones J. Rocha 7 4 7 4 7 5 52) ft. Geiler D. Egdahl 7 4 7 3 13) D. Bollman C. Savino 7 3 7 2 33) E. Reyes G. Darr 7 3 7 0 53) A. Hopkins T. Ruocco 7 2 7 4 14) B. Vanover ft. Durante 7 1 7 2 34) ft. LaRussa P. Wirta 7 5 7 3 54) J. Frady T. Furney 7 1 7 0 15) L. Loder M. Zuglan 7 4 7 5 35) E. Strickland D. Clausen 7 0 7 2 55) J. Swanson M. Gulyassy 7 5 2 7 16) J. Rempe S. Cook 5 7 7 5 7 2 36) J. 5. Carter Kitto 7 6 2 7 7 5 56) 5. Mizerak fl. McCoy 7 4 7 6 17) M. Sigel S. Lillis 5 7 7 0 7 2 37) B. Hunter C. Murphy 7 4 5 7 7 4 57) N. Varner P. Tascarella 7 5 7 0 18) P. Fleming M. Sica 7 3 7 4 38) D. Lane D. Gibson 7 4 7 2 58) M. Xiarhos P. Gavenonis 7 3 7 2 19) J. Ma taya ft. Hansen 7 2 7 4 39) M. Massey P. Brienza 7 6 7 3 59) M. Ciccia 8. Hunt 7 4 3 7 7 6 20) M. LeBron J. DiToro 7 6 7 6 40) G. Pinkowski J. Nacovsky 5 7 7 5 60) B. Vanover 0 . Bollman 7 4 6 7 7 2 7 6 7 6 1 l 7 5 ACCU-FACT RENO: Howard VV Vicki ; r y shot a .937 a gainst St jddy and los t. Ji — r Resorts International ^ Atlantic City Men BYE NOfiDQUI ST i DIPIETRO HnornuTCT N0RDt \ H>iST DAVENPORT DIPIETRO StjUADRdNl \GEILI* MCGARRETT EGDAHL EGDAHL RUOCCO RUOCCO INCARDQNA P. FUSCO HOPKINS HOPKINS GEILER 3 MtblNA DAYA ROCHA JONES FRADY WILLIAMS BYE FRADY SWANSON MIZERAK MCCOY MIZERAK J MIZERAK MIZERAK TASCARELLA MURPHY HUNTER GIBSON VARNER VARNER XIARHQS ~TA~NE XIARHOS MARTIN CRANE CICCIA ClCClA HUNT MARYO VICKERY MARYO MARYO WILLIAMS WEST DAYA WILLIAMS JONES WILLIAMS WILLIAMS STRICKLAND REYES STRICKLAND STRICKLAND STRICKLAND TTfW VARNER GAVENONIS w BYE JOHNSON T, VANOVER T. VANOVER ~REYEl REYES DARR WIRTA LARUSSA LARUSSA 1 SmtKLANb STRICKLAND CLAUSEN CARTER CARTER SWANSON } JOHNSON "BVF GULYASSY DEVALLIERE MCCOY MIZERAK WHITE GOLLY TASCARELLA VARNER MCtRARY X1ARH0S STEPHEN -m— HUNTER HUNTER LANE UVf LANE MARTIN HALL SWEET SWEET CICCIA HUNT MASSEY NACOVSKY B. VANOVER smNb~ BOLLMAN BOLLMAN B. VANO w bURAHTE B. VANOVER B. VANOVER B. VANOVER SIGEL SIGEL SIGEL FLEMING $1£A MATAYA CRANE MATAYA HANSEN DITORO MATAYA LEBRQN > MEYER BROWN BROWN ~> DELLAFERRA DILIBERTO MLIBERTO DILIBERTO DILIBERTO h MATHEWS WEATHERS "> MATHEWS HOWARD CRANE CRANE J CATTRANQ } SHEAHAN 1 LODER R&fE FLEMING LEMON -pimmkr REMPE LlLLlS TlGEL it HOPKINS FURNEY GULYASSY SWANSON COLEMAN J. FUSCO WEST FRADY SYT TcW GARtlA FRADY FRADY KWONG FURNEY ZUGl.AN LODER -REWF BYE COLEMAN JOHNSON GAT TO COLOVlTA VICKERY MARYO DIPIETRO CRANE CRANE CATTRANO FORD FORD PINKOWSKI PINKOWSKI POLO POLO KINCLSEY SWEET COSTA D0BROW0LSKI DOBROWOLSKI} DOBROWOLSKI DANIELS DANIELS 7i5C0L_ DOBROWOLSKI CASANZ. CASANZIO KIEHLE MCCREADY MCCREADY MCCREADY 'BYE ' •gyg— BRIAND BRIAND OSBORNE ZOWNER MACDONALD HALL NIC0L0RO BURGE OSBORNE TET PASQUAl DOMINGUEZ CRANE MASSEY -TTx LUAT MCGONAGLE AMBROSE STE HALL OSBORNE HALL HALL HALL BURGE HALL PASQUAL DOMINGUEZ u DOMINGUEZ LUAT AMBROSE CRANE LUAT LUAT FINALS: CRANE HALL • JA SCORES o Atl;antii li H # ^ 62 J J . Rempe L. Loder 7 7 1 5 62) M. Sigel P. Fleming 7 7 4 6 L _ j ^ -J -J CO Uj 113 Name fl/J. 12 Mafaya M. LeSron £ i i o en ^ O K- J 2 U j * 0 Q C J C D S H 3 E » - - 2 2 J O M C C t Q U H o :n :* U jjj • t j . 64) D. | CD S | g | y Z | OHEN ,0 2 § ILLING I 1 J ? = <J^; J . Ford J . Cattrano 0 7 7 7 3 6 67) L. Johnson R. Coleman 7 7 1 3 eg ca > £ | 2: K- s 1 i 1 d 2 d § 3 13 2 1 £ § * § § ^ ^ £ * * ^ S z h D CD -O j 2U j */> ^ 2 Q : » - H O O t -OK -Hu oi > <C£ 2 i ^ c* h ^ ^ S ^ lu J ^ Q H 1 - Uj Uj X 2 55 2 I Q O J 2 0 U J J ? ^) UJ 2 OCjQlK- UjUj-J>-Uj3:*t-<UjUj-j S ^ ^ C L C C . j 3; ^ > - - J o u _ >- U l • C3 2 <T H > - > - H U j C i : O C t U j > - > - ^ ia uc 3e - JH ^ U UJ >J- UJ J H c ^c <^ ^^q J; q 2 ;U H. o U > J CDiCQOUlS|>-ffJtDa3CCLutjQ_Za3CDCD 8 J M# Maryo H. Vickery 69 J D. ktest 0. Oaya | ^ 70) / u ' jKj^cDmScjQoi-^tiD 5 ' t « Williams " i• * -A ^* ~ a ' ' 0 7 7 4 5 4 7 7 7 3 3 7 7 6 6 T. Vanover 7 7 6 5 72) E. Strickland R. LaRussa 7 7 2 2 73) B. Hunter J . Carter 5 7 7 7 3 3 § 1 74) D. Lane R. Martin 7 5 0 7 7 2 " 75) T. Sweet M. Massey 76) G. Pinkowski 0. Polo 5 7 7 7 1 2 1 s ^ R Dr 5. Jones g 1 7 7 4 2 5 7 7 1 j o 5 7 7 6 8 ^ o 7 7 6 1 6-5/ Wm Lrsne G. Mathews ^ uj <: 3 •cn g § 2 O U j C T . 0 2 C f i io T. Sro*n J J 5 ? DiLiberto 5 _ 03 w u 0 is 1 1 ce £ ca ^ § & UJ KH «x h- >*: :* Q c h - J H W 3 S ^ 2 ntei natio t- >-i ^ J ^ f C U J p » - Q O < a : UJ QUJ tO (fl i • A H nr N >- o CQ jo J S U j S Z - j c c C CC «T UJ >• S i • y 3 | o | tj : -J "-> O WUTTC P? flj / / / J. K LEBRON <0 1 § TRIVETT 0 (/) •*# 1 fttf c | 1 ta Q I i ft Uj ^ (E^ J J H 2 Q L y O ; i o 2 2 2 S L u ^ i U j ^ H t j Q : ^ > o ^ : u j Q ? s ^ | ^ j£ 2 2 § § 3 l! 5 j? ! 1 ^ 5 % 2 I ^ R 3 o 2 H j ^ Q Q : c j U ( i < T ^ 2 j o c Q Q : c Q N c i u B nnfinn°nsi Q: 3: 5 _ ^ z 5 7 7 3 2 79; 8. Hall S. Surge 8 0 J E . Dominguez ft. Pasqual 7 7 3 4 8ijR Luat * R. Ambrose U i *r* t q k i ^ ^ K k ^ Z Q H 2 o ^ v > i o o : ^ Q ^ i : s - J i u i I i Daniels 7 7 1 2 78j K. McCready fl. Casanzio 3 H H O U J ^ V I U J Q J . UODrOWOlSKl: 7 7 3 4 0 9 } 0 ^ / 1 *-'• D l P i p f r n UXrlcLiU 7 5 7 4 7 1 7 2 7 7 4 5 J /£16 Spring Open SCORES Atlantic City yy 3 NORFOLK, YA ( 5 / 2 8 - 6 / 1 / 8 5 ) - A f t e r a week's r e s t , Mike S i g e l snapped o f f Barry Behrman's annual Spring Open. S i g e l beat David Howard t w i c e 11-5, and 11-4 from the l o s e r ' s side t o win the $3,000 f i r s t p r i z e . Q-Master B i l l i a r d s generously c o n t r i b u t e d $3,500 t o the $9,000 purse. The in-the-money r e s u l t s are as f o l l o w s : Name 1 2 83) J. Frady A. Hopkins 7 7 2 2 84) 5. Mizerak J . Swanson 7 7 2 2 85) N. Varner M. Xiarhos 7 7 0 3 86) B. Vanover M. Ciccia 7 7 4 3 87) M. Sigel J. Rempe 7 6 7 5 7 6 88) D. DiLiberto J. Mataya 2 7 89) W. Crane J. Ford 7 7 1 5 90) M. Maryo L. Johnson 7 7 2 1 91) B. Williams D. West 5 7 7 7 5 6 92) E. Strickland E. Reyes 7 7 1 6 93) D. Lane B. Hunter 7 7 4 2 94) T. Sweet G. Pinkowski 7 7 4 4 95) S. Dobrowolski K. McCready 7 7 5 6 96) B. Hall D. Osborne 7 7 4 4 97) R. Luat E. Dominguez 7 7 3 5 98) J. Frady J. DiPietro 7 5 7 17 4 103) E. Strickland D. Lane 99) S. Mizerak N. Varner 7 7 4 3 100) B. Vanover M. Sigel 7 7 5 6 NAME PRIZE $3,000 2,000 1,000 1st Mike Sigel 2nd David Howard 3rd Dave Bollman 4th Wade Crane 800 NAME 1st Buddy Hall $4,000 2nd Earl Strickland 2,000 3rd Dave Bollman 1,500 4th Chris MacDonald 1,000 5th-6th Kim Davenport 650 Rudolfo Luat 650 600 600 500 500 NAME PRIZE 7th-8th David Howard Denny Searcy 9th-12th Charlie Brinson James McCrary Efren Reyes Toby Sweet 525 525 100 100 100 100 How To Shoot 1.000 At Resorts, Wade Crane defeated Buddy Hall 7-0 for the $30,000 first prize. Here is the rack by rack replay. #1: Crane broke and ran out. #6: Crane made a ball on the break, then kicked. Hall #2: Crane broke and ran out. missed an easy one ball. #3: Crane broke and ran out. #4: Crane broke in the nine. Crane ran out. #5: Crane broke and ran out. #7: Crane broke and ran out. Name 104) T. Sweet 4 S. Dobrowolski 7 7 0 7 6 7 7 6 4 105) B. Hall R. Luat 4 7 7 1 101) W. Crane D. DiLiberto 7 7 5 5 106) J. Frady S. Mizerak 7 5 7 4 102) B. Williams M. Maryo 4 7 107) W. Crane B. Vanover 7 6 7 3 7 4 Call: 5th-6th Don Polo Earl Strickland 7th-8th Allen Hopkins Joe Root PRIZE 7 2 (2) 10' (5) 9' (201)838-2754 PRIZE CHARLOTTE, NC ( 6 / 1 1 - 1 5 / 8 5 ) - Rob's Roost played host t o the s t e l l a r f i e l d as Buddy H a l l defeated E a r l S t r i c k l a n d t w i c e from the l o s e r ' s side to win the $4,000 p r i z e . The in-the-money r e s u l t s are as f o l l o w s : 2 7 7 15 NAME Charlotte Open 1 FOR SALE: ^ Gold Crown II billiard National pocket billiard 3 1 2 Name 108) E. Strickland B. Williams 7 7 3 4 7 4 109) B. Hall J. Sweet 7 7 1 5 7 4 110) W. Crane J. Frady 7 7 6 4 111) B. Hall E. Strickland 7 7 3 3 112) W. Crane B. Hall 7 7 3 0 tables tables $1,000 $700 3 each each JA ?\ 17 Notable Matches ACCU-STATS 204 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 (201)838-7089 (continued In the best from played match o f page 3) the tournament, Buddy H a l l (.918) defeated Howard Vickery (.937) 9 - 8 . Vol. 1. No. 4 - Sands Regent Open Mike Sigel (.901) zaps J r . Harria (.737) 9 - 0 . Patrick Fleming Julie Hunter Fran McKee Sam Jasper Lynn Maddox Dianne Mathews Publisher-Editor Field Coordinator Circulation Manager Scorekeepers T r a i l i n g 4 - 8 , K e i t h McCready (.886) turned i t on to defeat Jay Swanson (.905) 9 - 8 . For " a l l the cheese", Mike S i g e l (.941) puts together the best played session o f the tournament w h i l e d e f e a t i n g Jin Rempe (.833) 8 - 2 . Sands Regent Open Tournament Staff: Host The Sands Regent Hotel Co-Promoters Gene Stary Tournament Director Asst. Tournament Director Flow Chart Manager Asst. Flow Chart Manager Mickey Peel Doug Klisch Geri Klisch Joe Murphy Hank Pericle Balukas Shoots .956 G e n e r a l l y , we l i m i t our tournament men's d i v i s i o n . However, we have had women's tournaments i n the past so idea o f how w e l l lady nine b a i l e r s cases a good woman's score i s i n o c c a s i o n a l l y we witness an .800. coverage to occasion t o we have a play. In the .700's the stat good most and I n the two out o f three set f i n a l s at the Sands Regent Open, Jean Balukas beat Mary Kenniston 7 - 1 , 7 - 1 and posted a .911 and a .956. The .956 i n c i d e n t a l l y was the h i g h s i n g l e session TPA o f both the women's and men's d i v i s i o n s . I f we combine the two s e t s f o r a race t o 14, Jean averages . 9 2 3 . Quite an accomplishment, and documented! A c c u - S t a t s ' present p o l i c y f o r s t a t i s t i c a l coverage o f a 9 - b a l l event has these minimums: 4 i f x 9' Table $20,000 Purse $5,000 1st P r i z e 32 Player F i e l d Copyright • 1985, by A c c u - S t a t s . A l l rights res e r v e d . Except as p e r m i t t e d under the United States Copyright Act o f 1976, no p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n may be reproduced i n any form or by any means, without the p r i o r written permission o f the publisher. What's Next? The next Accu-Stats issue w i l l f e a t u r e M i l l e r Time Billiards' "World Open 9 - B a l l " tournament from Moline, I l l i n o i s . The $12,500 added event i s s l a t e d f o r July 16-20, 1985. Subscription Form YES!! Enter my n a m e as an A c c u - S t a t s SUBSCRIPTION W e l l S w e a t Your Match" Regular (tan) Card * Signalure. Name Address. CHy T-Shirts $8.50 subscriber R A T E i One Year For Only $ 1 5 . 0 0 Please specify quantity Q C o l l a r e d (white) Exp. Dale Stale. Zip $17.00 204 Eagle Rock Avenue • Roseland. New Jersey 07068 Q Check - m/o • Master Card Q Visa D Please send me free scoresheet instructions Accu-Stats s.mj.xl and size • 201-838-7089 V "!*) Y E A R T O DATE S ess ions W o n - L o s t (MINIMUM # NAME j. Strickland, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. ^ | Earl Reyes, Efren Hall, Buddy Fiady, Joe Vanover, Bob Crane, Wade Dobrowolski, S. Mizerak, Steve Reid, Jimmy Sigel, Mike Varner, Nick Hopkins, Allen Luat, Rudolfo Sweet, Toby Williams, Bob Carter, Jeff Lane, Dick Maryo, Mark Rempe, Jim Harris, Jr. Hubbart, Larry McCready, Keith DiLiberto, Danny Howard, David Davenport, Kim If SESSIONS = WON LOST PCT # 3 6 - 7 1 6 - 4 39 - 11 10 3 9 - 3 29-10 11 - 4 1 0 - 4 1 0 - 4 27 - 11 9 - 4 1 1 - 5 8 - 4 1 5 - 8 18 - 10 9 - 5 9 - 5 9 - 5 1 6 - 9 7 - 4 7 - 4 1 3 - 8 16 - 10 16 - 10 15 - 10 .837 .800 .780 .769 .750 . 744 .733 .714 .714 .711 .692 .688 .667 .652 .643 .643 .643 .643 .640 .636 .636 .619 .615 .615 .600 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37: 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 9) LOST WON NAME Massey, Mike Gulyassy, Mike Mataya, Jim Coleman, Tony Dominguez, Ernes to Garrison, Rick Hodges, Jimmy Johnson, Bob Swanson, Jay Bollman, Dave Mathews, Grady Brown, Tom Favor, Dave Flores, Romero LaBlanc, Robert Nelson, Larry Nordquist, Vickery, Howard Hunter, Bob Geiler, Rich Martin, Ray Jones, Sammy Pinkowski, Gary Medina, Danny Brienza, Paul 15 12 12 6 - 10 8 8 4 6 6 6 6 17 14 13 5 5 5 5 7 7 12 12 6 7 4 4 5 4 - PCT .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .600 .586 .583 .565 .556 .556 .556 .556 .538 .538 .522 .500 .500 .467 4 4 4 4 12 10 10 4 4 4 4 6 6 11 12 6 8 5 5 8 8 .444 .444 .385 .333 Sessions Decided By One G a.m* (MINIMUM * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. NAME Hall, Buddy Rhodes, David DiLiberto, Danny Massey, Mike Williams, Bob Strickland, Earl Crane, Wade Dobrowolski, Steve Nordquist, Darrell McCready, Keith Hopkins, Allen LeBron, Mike Reid, Jimmy Sweet, Toby WON LOST 5 4 3 3 3 5 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 2 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 SESSIONS = PCT # 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 .833 .800 .750 .750 .667 .667 .667 .667 .667 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 3) NAME WON LOST 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 Vanover, Bob Rempe, Jim Sigel, Mike Bollman, Dave Mataya, Jim Reyes, Efren Howard, David Kelly, Ed Swanson, Jay Yates, Gene Davenport, Kim Vickery, Howard Mathews, Grady Brienza, Paul - 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 - 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 5 PCT .667 .500 .500 .500 .500 .500 .333 .333 .333 .333 .286 .200 .000 .000 ACCU-FACT RENO: Of the 129 sessions, and there were 19 ATLANTIC CITY: Of th e 259 were shutouts. L 28 were .900's. sessions, decided 42 were by one decided game, 2 were by one shutouts, game, an d 16 J r 19^ DEFINITIONS ABBREVIATIONS BPA - Break Performance Average KPA - Kick Performance Average SPA - Safety Performance Average TPA - Total Performance Average TERMS & EXPRESSIONS ACCU-STATS AVERAGE - Same as TPA or TOTAL PERFORMANCE AVERAGE BALLS MADE - Total balls pocketed BREAK - The 9-ball break shot ERROR - Any miss, scratch on the break, bad kick, bad safety, or bad position (see ERROR category) GAME - One completed 9-ball rack GOOD BREAK - A break shot in which a ball is made without scratching GOOD KICK - A kick which results in a "good hit" (even if the cue ball scratches afterwards) GOOD SAFETY - A safety after which the opponent fails to pocket a ball (excluding kick-ins) KICK - A shot in which a player attempts to hit a ball that cannot be "seen" and requires either a rail first, masse1 or jump shot to complete MAKEABLE SHOT - A shot that is as easy or easier than a spot shot OPPORTUNITY - Exists when a player makes an attempt to run out by pocketing at least one ball or approaching the table with a makeable shot POINTS - Number of balls pocketed POSITION ERROR - Same as BAD POSITION RUN OUT - Occurs any time the 9-ball is pocketed SAFETY - A shot in which a player's primary concern is defense SESSION - A race to a specified number of games SHOTS MISSED - See MISS SNOOKERED - A condition that exists when a player is unable to "see" the lowest ball on the table BAD KICK - Occurs when a player attempts, but fails to make a good hit after being snookered BAD SAFETY - Occurs when a player's opponent pockets a ball immediately after a safety (excluding kick-ins) BAD POSITION - Occurs when inadequate position causes a player to leave the table (excluding immediately after the break shot) STATISTICAL RANKINGS BREAK PERFORMANCE AVERAGE - Reflects a player's ability to make a ball on the break without scratching KICK PERFORMANCE AVERAGE - Reflects a player's ability to make a good hit when snookered RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES - Reflects a player's ability to run out the rack after pocketing at least one ball or approaching the table with a makeable shot SAFETY PERFORMANCE AVERAGE - Reflects a player's ability to play a safety which prevents his opponent from pocketing a ball TOTAL PERFORMANCE AVERAGE - A player's "batting average", considered are balls pocketed and errors CALCULATIONS BREAK PERFORMANCE AVERAGE OR BPA: Good breaks/Total breaks KICK PERFORMANCE AVERAGE OR KPA: Good kicks/Total kicks MISSES PER 100 BALLS POCKETED: (Misses x 100)/Balls pocketed POSITION ERRORS PER 100 BALLS (Position Pocketed RUN OUT errors x POCKETED: 100)/Balls OPPORTUNITIES: Run outs/Opportunities RUN OUTS FROM THE BREAK: Run outs from break/Breaks ERRORS MISS - Occurs when a player's primary concern is to pocket a ball that can be "seen", but fails to do so and is forced to leave the table SCRATCH ON THE BREAK - Occurs when a player scratches on the break, regardless of whether a ball is pocketed or not .v SAFETY PERFORMANCE AVERAGE OR SPA: Good safeties/Total safeties SCRATCH ON THE BREAK: (Scratches on break x 100)/Breaks TOT/IL PERFORMANCE AVERAGE OR TPA: Balls pocketed/(Balls Errors) pocketed + J. ACCU-STATS Bulk Rate U.S. Postage 204 EAGLE ROCK AVENUE ROSELAND, NJ 07068 PAID Roseland, NJ Permit #42 Address Correction Requested MAJOR TOURNAMENT RESULTS In Name Crane, Wade Strickland, Earl Hall, Buddy Reyes, Efren Sigel, Mike McCready, Keith Rempe, Jim Howard, David Williams, Bob Frady, Joe Swanson, Jay Gulyassy, Mike Hopkins, Allen Reid, Jimmy Sweet, Toby DiLiberto, Danny Massey, Mike Davenport, Kim Mizerak, Steve Vanover, Bob Dobrowolski, 5. Carter, Jeff Varner, Nick Hubbart, Larry Hunter, Bob Lane, Dick Hodges, Jimmy Bollman, Dave Vickery, Howard Lemke, Louie Hensen, David Mataya, Jim Maryo, Mark Luat, Rudolfo DiPietro, Joseph Rhodes, Dave Weaver, Dick Sell, Blaine Harris, Jr. Kelly, Ed Lhotka, Pete Mathews, Grady Martin, Ray Coleman, Tony Garrison, Rick Events 5 5 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 2 5 4 2 2 3 4 5 5 2 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 5 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 2 2 (MINIMUM = $750 WINNINGS) YTD$ Sessions Money Winnings Won Lost 4 5 5 J 4 J J 4 J 1 4 J 2 2 J 4 4 J 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 38500.00 25300.00 23250.00 12666.00 11976.00 10616.00 7816.00 6950.00 5952.00 5000.00 4566.00 3680.00 3616.00 3400.00 3002.00 2976.00 2430.00 2350.00 2052.00 2052.00 1776.00 1730.00 1726.00 1700.00 1616.00 1526.00 1500.00 1480.00 1230.00 1200.00 1200.00 1166.00 1026.00 1026.00 1026.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 980.00 880.00 800.00 750.00 29 36 39 16 27 13 16 16 18 10 17 12 11 10 15 16 15 15 10 9 11 9 9 7 12 9 6 14 12 4 3 12 9 8 5 6 5 3 7 4 3 13 7 6 6 2 2 2 - 10 7 11 4 11 8 9 10 10 3 12 8 5 4 8 10 10 10 4 3 4 5 4 4 12 5 4 10 11 2 2 8 5 4 3 2 2 2 4 4 2 10 8 4 4 HOUSTON OHIO RHMD KY 2 J 7-8 1 25-32 97-108 9-12 25-32 5-6 • 65-96 4 5-6 1 2 7-8 1 9-12 • m 9-12 • • 9-12 3 • 9-12 5-6 17-24 2 17-24 3 49-57 • • • • 5-6 • • 9-12 25-32 7-8 9-12 17-24 7-8 13-16 • • 33-48 65-96 9-12 9-12 65-96 5-6 • 9-12 13-16 7-8 • 25-32 7-8 33-48 • * 4 17-24 33-48 33-48 9-12 9-12 A.C, 2 3-4 2 17-32 9-16 17-32 17-32 65-114 5-8 3-4 17-32 33-64 17-32 • 9-12 * 17-24 17-24 13-16 25-32 49-64 17-24 4 7-8 1 3 2 5-6 • 5-6 25-32 4 5-6 13-16 13-16 25-32 49-57 17-24 i RENO 5-8 9-16 33-64 65-114 5-8 5-8 9-16 33-64 9-16 • 49-64 17-J2 9-16 • 17-24 17-24 33-64 33-64 • • • • • 25-32 25-32 • • • • 17-32 9-16 9-16 9-16 • • • • • m 13-16 13-16 13-16 33-48 13-16 33-48 • • • 33-48 • 1 • 25-32 17-24 25-32 33-48 13-16 7-8 17-24 33-48 13-16 25--32 • • 9-12 9-12 9-12 17-24 • • • m 33-64 33-64 • • • •
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