A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF 9-BALL POCKET BILLIARDS Vol. 2, No. 3 (201)838-7089 Reyes Hits Jackpot at Sands Regent 4 OIC At t|Y . R E N 0 - An 8-0 record at the Sands Regent Open earned Efren Reyes his first major title of 1986 and the $10,000 grand prize. At the same time, he posted a record breaking TPA tournament average of .923. In races to nine, he breezed through the eighty player double elimination field with wins over Harris (2), Kelly (7), Munson (7), Brown (3), Varner (6), and Strickland three times (7), (6), and (5). (r ^ SANDS REGENT OPEN RENO, NEVADA June 4-8,1986 FINAL STANDINGS NAME 1st Efren Reyes 2nd Earl Strickland 3rd Bill Incardona 4th Ray Martin 5th-6th Allen Hopkins Nick Varner 7th-8th Jose Parica Tom Brown 9th-12th Mike Sigel Dan Louie David Rhodes Mike LeBron 13th-16th Ron Rosas Keith McCready Mike Gulyassy Don Steele 17th-24th Jr. Harris David Howard Willie Munson Dan D'Imperio Roy Futternick Louie Lemke Terry Bell Jim Mataya 25th-32nd Buddy Hall Howard Vickery Steve Shaw Danny Medina Rich Geiler Gary Nolan Gary Golder Bill Igel 33rd-48th Ed Kelly Jay Swanson Pete Lhotka Henry Granas Dave Bollman Audie Perez AVG. PRIZE .923) .882) .870) .858) $10 ,000 6 ,000 4 ,000 3 ,000 .896) .880) 2 ,200 2 ,200 .874) .827) 1 ,700 1,,700 .907) .866) .856) .846) 1 ,200 1 ,200 1 ,200 1 ,200 .838) .838) .810) .784) AVG. NAME Wilson King Dick Megiveron Lenny Loder Pat Schumacher Chris MacDonald Jimmy Rogers Jerry Chappel Richard White Harry Platis Bill Loucks 49th-64rd Grady Mathews Paul Brienza Terry Osborne Carson Wiley Scott 800 800 800 800 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 .853) .845) .816) .815) .806) .801) .799) .772) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 865) 840) 823) 822) 814) 798) Smith Ito Ernest Dominguez Mike Massey j .754) I .754) | .731) Robert Gray |'.718) Rusty |' .694) |' .690) I' .667) Hills Sob Opsahl Pete Quande 65th-80th Danny Jones Toni Annigoni Tom Karabotsos |' .819) |' .810) I'.806) Billy Surge l'.787) Lou Sutera I\ .769) Craig Hauser 1.762) Darrel Nordquist \ \ .753) Gary Hutchings if .746) Mike Dooley |1.746) Sob Hunter \f . 7 3 3 ) Kim Davenport iI.726) Tom Cyr i1.724) 1.633) Ray Badami f.625) Bruce Broomel {.614) Guido Orlandi Charles Cosgriff {.521) ACCU-FACT Reyes has now extended his winning streak at the Sands Regent to 20 K. — 2 .846) .842) .836) .816) I .809) 1 .793) j .778) | .771) j' .765) ( i i i David Nottingham Warren Costanzo Mike Danner Larry Nelson Ted .841) .837) .837) .824) .820) .816) .804) .803) I .786) | .777) I' .777) j .773) j .773) I .757) i .743) I .729) ( .707) ( .689) sessions! = JA Efren Again Efren Reyes continues to play the leading role at the Sands Regent Open and charges $10,000 for his services. The $20,000 added event which attracted eighty professional playera was hosted by the Sands Regent Hotel & Casino and directed by Doug Klisch. Eight Gold Crown Ill's were provided and maintained by Reno's Keystone Cue & Cushion. After the first two rounds of play, it seemed quite apparent that Reyes and Strickland were in a class by themselve8, both averaging around a .960 TPA. Strickland eventually fell victim to Reyes in the two-out-of-three set finals. Reyes1 near flawless play extended his winning streak at the Sanda to twenty sessions in a row. He missed a total of fifteen balls for the entire tournament. Some players missed that many in a single session. Vendors were on hand throughout the week to satisfy the demands of the players and spectators. Rich Benson and Don Doughty displayed cues, Michael Bergman featured cue cases, David Stalmac hawked his custom clothing, Mickey Peel touted his billiard services, end Tom, Paul Quinn and "Grandpa" displayed their assortment of billiard cues and accessories. Gene Stary produced the pro event in conjunction with (continued on page 13) Notable M a t c h e s Earl Strickland (.961) opened up the tournament with an awesome display of talent defeating Mike Massey (.556) 9-1. Strickland made a ball on the break on each of his eight breaks and ran out from the break six times, Grady Mathews (.813) seemed to have a considerable advantage leading Dave Bollnan (.824) 6-0. After the score reached 6-2, the tide turned with Mathews having little more to do than kick, play safe, and attempt a few kisses and banks. Bollman played well to close out the set and won 9-7. Efren Reyes (.977) missed a bank and scratched in the pocket, that's all. Jr. Harris (.667) never had a chance. Reyes won 9-2. Because of a slow start, Ron Rosas (.871) soon trsiled Carson Wiley (.771) 1-6. But from that point on Rosas won the next eight recks, shot a .969, and won the set 9-6. Howard Vickery (.868) pocketed ninety-nine balls while Lenny Loder (.745) pocketed only thirty-eight. Vickery won 9-8. In a hill-hill match, Rich Geiler (.875) made the nine ball on the break against Ed Kelly (.818) and won 9-8. (continued on page 15) frReno # SCORES & AVERAGES Name Score # Avg. OPENING ROUND 1) G. G. 9 8 (.779) (.770) 2) T. Annigoni M. Dooley 9 5 (.889) (.750) J} A. M. 9 4 (.893) (.745) 4) L. Lemke P. Lhotka 9 4 (.867) (.804) 5) Nolan Colder 9 7 (.767) (.600) 6} S. Shaw L. Butera 9 4 (.880) (.783) 7)0. Howard T. Cyr 9 3 (.897) (.694) 8) B. Igel C. Hauser 9 7 (.800) (.833) 9) E. Kelly A. Perez 9 (.920; 3 (.813) Hopkins Gulyassy fl. Martin fl. Broomel 10) T. Brown T. Karabotsos 9 f.904j 3 (.680) 11) 9 8 fl. Futternick D. Jones (.885) (.859) 12) H. Vickery 8. Hunter 9 (.916; 3 (.727) 13) C. Wiley fl. Geiler 9 4 (.894) (.651) 14) K. McCready M. Danner 9 8 (.899) (.791) 15) P. Brienza 8. Hall 9 5 (.906) (.824) 16) M. Sigel D. Nordquist 9 4 (.892) (.730) WINNERS BRACKET 17) G. Nolan £ . Dominguez 9 4 (.872) (.712) 18) M. LeBron 0. Steele 9 6 (.775) (.779) 19; E. Strickland M. Massey 9 (.961; 1 (.556) 20) D. Louie B. Surge 9 7 Name Score AVQ. Name 23) J. Parica A. Hopkins 9 (.912; 4 (.809) 46) D. Medina D. Rhodes 9 (.928; 24) D. Megiveron S. Smith 9 7 (.814) (.793) 47) M. L. 25) L. Lemke T. Bell 9 5 (.833) (.655) 48) B. Loucks C. Cosgriff 26) J. Rogers T. Osborne 9 6 (.782) (.781) 27) fl. Martin H. Granas 9 5 (.886) (.695) 28) D. Bollman G. Mathews 9 7 (.824) (.813) 29) S. Shaw P. Quande 9 6 (.870) (.761) 30) B. Incardona K. Davenport 9 3 (.893) (.784) 31) D. Howard L. Loder 9 (.916; 4 (.825) 32) P. Schumacher fl. Hills 9 3 (.730) (.613) 33) J. Chappel B. I g e l 9 6 (.704) (.704) 34) W. Munson W. Costanzo 9 (.901i 3 (.655) 35) E. Kelly B. Opsahl 9 5 36) E. Reyes J. Harris 9 (.977; 2 (.667) 37) T. Brown fl. Gray 9 7 (.847) (.790) 38) C. MacDonald J. Swanson 9 2 (.885) (.700) 39) 9 6 (.807) (.743) fl. Futternick T. Ito Platis Orlandi 9 5 (.756) (.600) 41) H. D. Vickery Nottingham 9 8 (.789) (.813) (.714) 9 ( .893) 7 ( 833) 9 (.935J 2 (.711) 75) T. Bell T. Osborne 9 ( 838) 8 ( 857) 9 4 76) A. Hopkins S. Smith 9 ( 857) 6 ( 824) 77) fl. Geiler M. Danner 78) B. Hall M. Massey 9 ( 860) 3 ( 563) 9 ( 888) 4 ( 767) 79) D. Steele E. Dominguez 9 ( 805) 6 ( 782) 2 (.714) (.521) 49) W. King M. Dooley 9 5 (.805) (.742) 50) M. Gulyassy fl. Badami 9 (.775) 6 (.644) 51) P. Lhotka G. Orlandi 9 2 (.867) (.636) 52) J. Swanson B. Broomel 9 2 (.829) (.667) 53) J. L. 9 (.918; Harris Butera Score AVQ, 74) H. Granas G. Mathews LOSERS (64th-80th) (.859) (.673) 40) H. G. Sigel Nelson Name WINNERS BRACKET 80) M. LeBron G. Nolan 9 ( .864) 7 ( .818) 81) E. Strickland 0. Louie 9 ( .962; 2 ( .800) 9 (.826) J ( .640) 3 (.750) 54) W. Costanzo T. Cyr 9 4 (.836) (.745) 82) J. Mataya 55) R. Hills C. Hauser 9 8 (.710) (.713) 83) J. Parica 56) A. Perez K. Davenport 9 3 (.794) (.681) 84; L. Lemke J. Rogers 57) G. Mathews T. Karabotsos 9 6 (.896) (.846) 85) fl. Martin D. Bollman 58) J. Osborne D. Jones 9 7 (.860) (.776) 86) B. Incardona S. Shaw 59) 5. Smith B. Hunter 9 6 (.813) (.739) 87) D. Howard P. Schumacher 60)fl.Geiler 9 (.806) fl. White 0. Megiveron 7 (.742) 88) W. Munson J. Chappel 61) M. Danner T. Annigoni 9 8 (.828) (.795) 89) E. Reyes E. Kelly 62) B. Hall 9 (.923; G. Hutchings fl. Surge 63) 0. Steele D. Nordquist 9 4 9 (.904) 3 (.615) 64) G. Golder L. Nelson 43) fl. flosas C. Wiley 9 6 (.871) (.771) 4 4 ; K. McCready W. King 9 7 45) D. P. 9 8 6 ( .800) 9 ( .802) 7 ( .750) 9 ( .957; 7 ( .864) 90) T. Brown 2 (.806) C. MacDonald 9 ( .788) 5 ( .718) 91) fl. Futternick H. Platis 9 ( .847) 4 ( .778) 92) N. Varner H. Vickery 9 ( .866) 6 ( .906; 93) fl. Rosas K. McCready 9 ( .794; 6 ( .79j; 94) D. D'Imperio D. Medina 9 ( .893) 1 ( .480) 95) M. Sigel fl. Loucks 9 ( .959) 2 ( .622} (.870) (.773) LOSERS (49th-64th) 42) N. Varner R. Badami 9 ( .941; 2 ( .720) 9 ( .835) 4 ( .726) 9 ( .871) 4 ( .750) 9 ( .863) 5 ( .733) 9 ( .732) 65) D. Rhodes P. Brienza (.849) (.797) (.824) (.818) (.822) (.753) 66) W. King C. Wiley 9 6 (.794) (.754) (.735) (.816) 67) M. Gulyassy D. Nottingham 9 8 (.798) (.771) 68) P. Lhotka T. Ito 9 3 (.887) (.773) 96) G. Golder J . Rogers 9 ( .827) 5 ( .756) "Everything forthe Pool Player" 69) J. Swanson fl. Gray 9 3 (.869) (.581) 97) D. Rhodes D. Bollman 9 ( .844) 5 ( .846) TOWNE BlILLIARD 70) J. Harris 8. Opsahl 9 4 (.793) (.708) 98) S. Shaw W. King 9 ( .821) 6 ( .790) 71) B. Igel W. Costanzo 9 3 (.90A) (.767) 99) M. Gulyassy 9 ( .797} P. Schumacher 6 ( .788) 72) L. Loder fl. Hills 9 8 (.773) (.744) 100) G. Nolan P. Lhotka 9 ( .804) 3 ( .729) 73) A. Perez P. Quande 9 1 (.868) (.580) 101) D. Louie J . Swanson 9 ( .885) 7 ( .883) 21) fl. White T. Annigoni (.859) (.778) J 9 6 ^r — Mataya Hutchings ah » • (.761) (.739) * ^ _ —. * _ i 9 (.79j; 7 (.750) D'Imperio Brienza • _ ^~ » 264 E. Black well Street Dover, N.J . 0 7 8 0 1 Billiard Supply Store 201-366-9829 X Avg. Score Sands Regent 9 5 9 8 J- 22) J. G. ' Call or write for consumer Ib r o c h u r e | 1 LOSERS (33rd-48th) (continued on page 16) ^ * THE WINNING ¥ COMBINATION OF YOUR ABILITY & * McDERMOTT QUALITY! McMagic is a reflection of Jim McDermott's years of wizardry in the billiard industry. His magical formula has produced a cue with unexcelled beauty, performance, durability and value. • # * OUR MAGICAL FORMULA CONSISTS OF: -¥• * 26 models to choose from, with a price range to fit any budget. * Many options are available to meet your personal preferences. * W o o d to wood joint, for a solid hit and feel, like a one-piece cue. * Fibre ferrule — hits like ivory, but does not crack or chip. * Finest and most durable finish in the billiard industry. * Choose from 5 different stains at no extra charge. * Choice of wraps — nylon, Irish linen, cork, or calf skin leather. * You specify the weight and shaft diameter on each cue you order. * 100% A m e r i c a n M a d e * GET M c M A G I C F R O M A M c D E R M O T T DEALER N E A R Y O U ! W186 N7137 MARCY ROAD MENOMONEE FALLS, Wl 53051-4998 PHONE 414/251-4090 " e))E CUE MANUFACTURING. INC t? ^v Total Performance Average CTPA) S a n d s Regent Open Rankings # 1. Efren Reyes 2. Mike Sigel 3. Allen Hopkins 4. Earl Strickland 5. Nick Varner 6. Jose Parica 7. Bill 8. Dan Ineardona Louie 9. Ed Kelly 10. Ray Martin 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. David Rhodes Buddy Hall Mike LeBron Grady Mathews Howard Vickery Paul Brienza 17. Jr. Harris 18. 19. 20. 21. Jay Swanson Ron Rosas Keith McCready David Howard 22. Willie 23. 24. NAME TPA NAME Munson Terry Osborne Tom Brown 25. Dan D'Imperio 26. Pete Lhotka 27. Henry Granas 923 907 896 882 880 874 870 866 865 858 856 853 846 846 845 842 841 840 838 838 837 837 836 827 824 823 822 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Roy Futternick Danny Jones Steve Shaw Carson Wiley Louie Lemke Danny Medina Dave Bollman Mike Gulyassy Tony Annigoni Scott Smith Tom Karabotsos Rich Geiler Terry Bell Jim Mataya Gary Nolan Gary Golder Audie Perez David Nottingham Billy Surge Wilson King Don Steele Warren Costanzo Dick Megiveron Lenny Loder Pat Schumacher Chris MacDonald Bill Igel NAME TPA .820 .819 .816 .816 .816 .815 .814 .810 .810 .809 .806 .806 .804 .803 .801 .799 .798 .793 .787 .786 .784 .778 .777 .777 .773 .773 .772 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. TPA Mike Danner Lou Butera Larry Nelson Craig Hauser Jimmy Rogers Ted Ito Ernest Dominguez Darrel Nordquist Gary Hutchings Mike Dooley Jerry Chappel Bob Hunter Mike Massey Richard White Kim Davenport Tom Cyr Robert Gray Harry Platis Rusty Hills Bob Opsahl Bill Loucks Pete Quande Ray Badami Bruce Broomel Guido Orlandi Charles Cosgriff ACCU-FACT The Sands Regent Open produced 44 *900's, 20 wire matches, and 4 .771 .769 .765 .762 .757 .754 .754 .753 .746 .746 .743 .733 .731 .729 .726 .724 .718 .707 .694 .690 .689 .667 .633 .625 .614 .521 shutouts. UPCOMING EVENTS Two-piece billiard cues with the features and quality found only in other cues costing much,much more. Write or call for brochures and Information Tho Henry W.T. Mali & C o . Inc. 257 Park Ave. South New York, N.Y., 10010, U.S.A. Phone: (212) 47S4960 Toll Free: (800) 223-6468 TWX: (710) 581-5522 Jul. 8-12: 8usch Open Moline, Illinois Aug. 9-16: PPPA World Open (14.1) Philadelphia, PA Aug.27-31: California 9-Ball Anaheim, California Sep. 1-4 : B.C. Open Binghamton, New York Oct. : Gibbs Shootout Virginia Beach, VA Nov. 4-9 : U.S. Open Norfolk, VA Nov.11-15: Fall Classic Charlotte, N. Carolina Nov.17-22: World 14.1 Championship Niagara Falls, New York Nov-Dec : Sands Regent Open Reno, Nevada Dec. 7-12: Last Call for 9-Ball Atlantic City, NJ JA r /<^V /<^K BUSCH * Heer Heer Midwest Pocket Billiards Association & Busch Beer PRESENT THE 3rd ANNUAL Busch Open 9 Ball Tburnament CONTACT DWAINE AT MILLER TIME BILLIARDS • MOUNE, IL • (309) 764-8008 46 J* BALL July 8th - 12th $32,000.00 Purse $10,000.00 ADDED Entry Fee . $250.00 E n t r y Fee Limit 64 Players Limit 32 Players Women's 9 Ball Race to 9 Double Elimination 9' Gold Crown Players Meeting 11 A.M., July 10th Start Play 1 P.M.. July 10th Men's 9 Ball Race to 11 Double Elimination 9' Gold Crown Players Meeting 1 P.M., July 8th Start Play 7 P.M., July 8th Co-Sponsored By: Miller Time Billiards 5 0 1 0 2 2 n d Ave. Moline. IL. 6 1 2 6 5 McDERMOTT CUES Payout Based o n 64 Players MEN Ist $6,000.00 2nd 3,500.00 2.500.00 3rd 1,800.00 4th $8,000.00 1,300.00 5th 1,300.00 6th Added 1,000.00 7th 1,000.00 8th 800.00 9th-12th bQQ.QO 13th-16th MOTELS Holiday INN Hampton Inn 309-762-8811 309-762-1711 Payout Based o n 32 Players WOMEN $2,500.00 1st 2nd 1.500.00 3rd 1,100.00 4th 800.00 $2,000.00 700.00 5th 700.00 6th Added 550.00 550.00 7th Sch $40.00- $48 00 $3300 PBA Sanctioned And WPBA Sanctioned PBA Rules Will Apply For Both Men And Women .V. $200.00 Dress Code will be: Men, Sport Shirt w/ColIar and Dress Slacks. Women, Dress Slacks and Blouse. (F # Varner and Ledman Lay Claim to Charlotte Titles CHARLOTTE, NC (5/13-17/8*) Thirty-nine men and fourteen women converged on Rob's Roost to compete in the Charlotte Open for over $18,000 in prize money. Promoter Robin Kiker enlisted S c o t t Smith as t o u r n a m e n t director, arranged for the installation of four new Gandy tables, stayed open 24 hours, and added $8,000 to the purses! When it was all over, Nick Varner emerged undefeated (7-0) in the men's division and walked away with the $4,000 grand prize while in the ladies' division, Peg NAME PRIZE 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Nick Varner $4,000 Efren Reyes 2,500 Bob Williams 1,750 Jose Parica 1,200 5th- 6th Willie Munson 650 Earl Strickland 650 7th- 8th Kim Davenport 425 Keith McCready 425 NAME PRIZE 1st Peg Ledman $1,800 2nd Loree Jon Jones 1,000 3rd Mary Kenniston 750 4 th Billie Billing 550 The tables, installed by Jones Billiard Supply of Hickory, had shimmed pockets customized at the factory just for this event. As evidenced by the stats that were kept on the final twelve contestants, the tables were very tough 1 As you can see, these tough conditions reflected low Accu-Stats averages (see right column). and for prize both PRIZE NAME 9th-12th Denny Searcy Pat Fleming Paul Brienza David Howard 13th-16th Mike Gulyassy Mike Sigel Steve Mizerak Larry Schwartz 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 PRIZE NAME 5th-6th Lisa Penrod Laura Smith Score 350 350 1) N. Varner E. Strickland 11 (.764) 8 (.738) 2) W. Munson K. McCready 11 ( .840) 4 ( .714) 3) E. Reyes K. Davenport 11 ( .820) 10 ( .811) 4) B. Williams J. Parica 11 ( .866) 10 ( .832) LOSERS (9th-12th) 5) K. Davenport D. Searcy 11 ( .869) 7 ( .810) 6) J. Parica P. Fleming 11 ( .772) 9 ( .782) 7) E. Strickland P. Brienza 11 ( .897) 4 ( .766) 8) K. McCready D. Howard 11 ( .851) 8 ( .861) LOSERS (7th-8th) 9) J. Parica K. Davenport 11 ( .887) 7 ( .836) 10) E. Strickland K. McCready 11 ( .822) 9 ( .841) WINNERS' BRACKET 11) N. Varner W. Munson CUSTOM CUE REPAIR SERVICE (Repair any cue) Custom Made 2 pc. Hustler Cum -Over 15 years experience" MADE TO YOUR SPECS ALL WORK GUARANTEED $80.00 Clay & Randy Etheridge (303) 4 5 7 - 2 5 0 1 V^; 1028 W. 104th Ave. Northglenn, Colo. 80234 U ( .875) 6 ( .821) LOSERS (5th-6th) 13) J. Parica W. Munson 11 ( .856) 4 ( .770) 14) B. Williams 11 ( .854) E. Strickland 4 ( .797) LOSER (4th) 11 ( .857) 7 ( .866) WINNERS' BRACKET 16) N. Varner E. Reyes 11 ( .920) 7 ( .886) LOSER (3rd) 17) E. Reyes B. Williams 11 ( .853) 9 ( .806) FINALS 18) N. Varner E. Reyes 8 11 ( .804) 6 ( .683) 12) E. Reyes B. Williams 15) B. Williams J. Parica SHOWCASE BILLIARDS Avg. "S WINNERS'BRACKET Ledman (5-1) edged Loree Jon Jones for the $1,800 first prize. The final standings money b r e a k d o w n s divisions follow; Name 11 ( .811) 4 ( .745) 4 "\ IF YOU TAKE YOUR POOL IT'S SERlOUSLy... TIME TO THINK ABOUT A HUEBLER. CUSTOM CUES CUSTOM C&SfcS HU£©L£ft MOTST&I&S, MC. 600 JEWESS ON SfSECT, P.O. ©OX 514 LWN, MISSOURI 65051 f>H. 314-897-3692 r. FLOWC Reno Below is the double elimination flow chart for the Sands Regent Open. The bold center line separates the winner's bracket from the loser's bracket. The names bordering the center line are the results of the first round of play. The small numbers throughout the chart represent the loser's COLDER GOLOER G0LDER__X ^ROGERS RHODES ***** J X JZ ^NELSON RHHOF^ RHODES " AftH0D£S I .HOPES \FUTTERNICK Q | <I>BRIENZA ' ^BOLLMAN KM m KING Bill In cardona * * * * * ( ei SHAW ) 8] 8/ ^ ~*<pSHAW 3rd PARICA GL/iy^ssy CUI MSS V X GULYASSY x ^ T GULYASSY X ^ « A ) I GUL y/assy x ^NOTTINGHAM ^ MUNSON PARKA "^SCHUMACHER LMrKA NOl/W MARTIN ioa/£ o LOUIE MARTIN < ) MARTIN SWANSON ; j?0S/lS MARTIN VARNER fe: ^ ¥ LOU IE -6 HARRIS £ tyOPSAHL W WHITE COSTANZO ica- ^ — 4 X I ODER MCCREADY 1 McCffE/ipy I PEREZ [Mccwg/py , £ 7 ^ I Mflr^y/i B' rnt Hs /7*r, n fl .iSti* LODER vicxEfty -] ra ^GEL__ffi ^MEGIVERON Tft05/15 rr *-Ei SWANSON ^ ,£~ "^-^ HflRRIS__X HARRIS 4 *~% ^29 'NULAN IQ'IMPEfllO LOUIE X 4 R9 " ^ sxtt LHQIKH <JWCE ^Mcc/?£^oy -rr fig & Pi 3£ ^ B3 "MS AWTHa^5_L_^ LeBftON INCARDONA , v <$> BELL BROWN USBRON BELL LeBRON \LeBRt BROWN HOPKINS I HOPKINS STRICKLA NDX HOPKINS -6 HOPKINS SMITH H0PK7N5_XT X ^HOPKINS <|WP£L A, I saa HOWARD X ^8B j-g M* GEILER ^ <&WDAWER m ^KELLY « ^ _£!StL INCARDONA HOPKINS , v WILL 6 k. X ^MASSEY X < ^DOMINGUEZ r g m n s ^ e pg HOPKINS I STEELE STRICKLAND WILL X " INCAROONA SIGEL LEMKE y p ^ CHART Sands Regent score for that session. For example, Nolan defeated Golder 9-8, then defeated Dominguez 9-4, and so on. This technique reduces the standard chart's height in half while still displaying the results and scores for the entire event. N COLDER {flCOSGRIFF' BYE -I N£L SW BYE GOLDER BYE &Yl DOMINGUEZ LAN B ) NOLAN STEELE eBRON LeBRON & STRICKLAND TRICKLAND MASSEY LOUIE GUIE BURGE WHITE WHITE ftpiNNIGUNl ~ g ) HUTCHINGS & TAYA MATAYA PARICA o/iorr/i HOPKINS ( 4 p ^ ^ S^ i¥ eBRON TRICKLAND WE BYE TRICKLAND BYE BYE BYE DOOLEY TAYA BYE BYE ARICA BYE GULYAS: ARICA SMITH BYE -xrfEGIVERON im NGHAM] BYE MEGIVERON NOTTINGHAM BYE BELL EMKE LHOTKA fl LHOTKA [41 LEAKE -(2YIRLANDI EMKE OSBORNE BYE OGERS BYE BYE ROGERS RT IN ITO BYE GRANAS BROOMEL TIN I ft BROOMEL 7 1 MARTIN RT IN {^SWANSON BOLLMAN ^ BYE Dril , unM BYE BYE GRAY QUANDE BYE BUTERA HAW BUTERA 4) SHAW & NCARDONA •J3yiARRIS BYE DAVENPORT TurnonnMti BYE IL INCARDONA ( 3 ^ * °^ ° ^ BYE NCARDONA OPSAHL L0DER RYE -^QWARD CYR \NZQ CYR HOWARD QWARD {4X0STANZ0 BYE TUTUS BYE SCHimCHE^CHUWiCHER BYE IGEL CHAPPEL BYE HAUSER CHAPPEL HAU5ER 71 IGEL UNSON -iSjHILLS BYE COSTANZO NSON BYE MUNSON BYE EYES LODER OPSAHL BYE PEREZ ELLY PEREZ [31 KELLY {3)DAVENPQRT EYES HARRIS BYE EYES BYE BYE REYES & { QUANDE BYE • GRAY KARABQTSQS OWN WS KARABOTSOS (31 BROWN ^ ~fe£R0WN •'-(^MATHEWS BYE MacDONALD CDONALD BYE 15 SWANSON BYE OWN GRANA 5 BYE JONES » yu°TT£RNIC«6p»^CK INE JONES -(7y)SB0RNE UTTERNICK BYE ORLANDI LATIS BYE BYE PLATIS BELL NOTTINGHAM BYE VICKERY HUNTER HUNTER fl) VICKERY ~® VARNER -®SMITH VARNER BYE VARNER BYE * MbAMl (3) [NS BYE .VARNER -\ HOPKINS ~RQSA$ BYE OSAS GEILER » ) WILEY & GEILER OSAS JJJHUTCHINGS BYE RHODES BYE \ZA H BRIENZA POOLEY -&)KING BYE -\ WILEY CULYASSY SSY •Qj)BADAMI Q^ H> s ¥ STRICKLAND Cani ET ¥ ¥ 3& Strickland 2nd TRICKLAND & s^« NCARDONA & ¥ © im EYES 6* &P n£ ¥ :R ;Y \Ff£R STRICKLAND df EYES ¥ {^ANNlGONf HALL jfiBURGE BYE MASSEY NORDQUIST E 4&STEELE BYE iGUEZ \ DOMINGUEZ WE— DANNER BYE HALL D'IMPERIO n, Tt#FRm MEDINA t*-r,r>.« ¥ ffiF- ~BYT NB.SON NORDQUIST BYE BYE 37GgL Tuom CdStMFP - g IGEL J C E L (*± OUCKS ¥ IGEL Cf 6 IMPERIO YES STRICKLAND g^ ©e EYES VARNER EYES • r "N1 ACCU-STATS 204 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, New Jersey 07068 (201)838-7089 1985 Yearbook, For the first time in pocket billiard history, a bona fide yearbook showing the statistical results of its professional players is now available! Listed are the records of the 361 players who have participated in the twelve major 9-ball tournaments of 1985. The 9-ball yearbook, called "The Wire" is housed in a three ring D-binder and is packed with over 400 pages of information. V o l . 2, No. 3 - Sands Regent Open Publisher-Editor Circulation Manager Advertising Manager Scorekeepers Patrick Fleming Fran McKee Guido Orlandi Wea Bailey Robin Bowen Randy Chronister Martin Courtois Richard Felix John Galloway Robert Glendon George Hayes Scott MacLeod Dave Olson Allen Richards Bob Russell Joe Spinelli 1. TOURNAMENT RESULTS - Displays results of every major 9-ball tournament listing names, money winnings, won/lost record, and columns showing how each player placed in each tournament. It's similar to page 20 of this iasue. (approx. 15 pages) 2. LINE HISTORY REPORTS - At leaat one page for each player, listed alphabetically, shows the results of each session played. Each line includes date, opponent, event, score, break avg., kick avg., TPA, and opponent'a TPA. (approx. 375 pages) PERFORMANCE AVERAGES Displays fifteen statistical categories ranking the top 100 players in each category, (approx. 30 pages) 4. SESSIONS - WON/LOST - This section sorts players according to their won/lost record and "sessions decided by one game." (approx. 10 pages) 5. WOMEN'S STATS - Displays major tournament results in money winning order, alphabetical order, and won/lost record order, (approx. 7 pages) 6. 1984 RESULTS - Displayed the same as section 1, with complete results of the 388 tournament players of 1984. (approx. 15 pages) 7. SCORESHEETS Accu-Stats scoresheets and instructions, (approx. 7 pages) Bill Stock Dave Swyden Sands Regent Open Tournament Staff: Host Site Co-Proraoter8 Tournament Director Asst. Director Flow Chart Manager Flow Chart Spotter Public Relations The Sands Regent Hotel Gene Stary Mickey Peel Doug Kliach , Geri Klisch Hank Pericle Carolyn Bowman Barbara Woodward Copyright ° 1986, by Accu-Stats. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the publisher. This one-of-a-kind volume is just $99.00 and is only available through Accu-Stats. To order, send check, money order, Master Card, or Visa to: Accu-Stats, 204 Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland, NJ 07068. Subscription Form YES!! E n t e r my n a m e a s an A c c u - S t a t s SUBSCRIPTION subscriber R A T E : One Year For Only $ 1 5 . 0 0 Exp. Date Card * Signature. Name Address. City W e ' l l S w e a t Your State Match • Master Card D Visa • Zip Shirts C o l l a r e d (white) s,m,l,xl Please specify quantity and size Accu-Stats 204 Eagle Rock Avenue • Roseland. New Jersey 07068 v^ Check - m/o 13 $19.50 • 201 -838-7089 ^ (FReno Performance Rankings TOTAL NAME PERFORMANCE GAMES Efren Reyes Mike Sigel Allen Hopkins Earl Strickland Nick Varner Jose Parica Bill Incardona Dan Louie Ed Kelly Ray Martin (Sands Regent 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BREAK KICK BALLS MADE ERRORS TFA 115 619 52 79 351 36 71 129 614 123 596 80 90 438 60 83 369 53 115 510 76 94 407 63 59 244 38 137 610 101 Ave rage = .818) NAME i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .923 1. .907 2. .896 3. .882 4. .880 5. .874 6. .870 7. .866 8. .865 9. .858 10. PERFORMANCE # .780 .774 .765 .745 .733 .733 .730 .710 .700 .696 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MISSES (PER 100 BALLS NAME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PERFORMANCE NAME OPPORTUNITIES BALLS MADE Efren Reyes 619 614 Allen Hopkins 351 Mike Sigel 510 Bill Incardona 596 Earl Strickland 610 Ray Martin 369 Jose Parica 362 Mike LeBron 407 Dan Louie 438 Nick Varner (Sands Regent Average SHOTS MISSED 15 20 15 24 30 32 22 22 26 30 9.5) NAME 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 7 5 0 5 2 6 0 6 1 6 4 6.8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 46 72 47 79 48 49 48 21 69 36 53.4) PCT. 78.0 76.6 70.1 69.9 68.6 68.1 66.7 65.6 64.5 64.3 ERRORS (PER 100 BALLS AVG KPA » RUN OUTS Mike Sigel 59 Efren Reyes 94 Jose Parica 67 Allen Hopkins 113 Dan Louie 70 Nick Varner 72 Mike LeBron 72 32 Lenny Loder Earl Strickland 107 Ron Rosas 56 (Sands Regent Average = POSITION POCKETED) GOOD Tora Brown 87 20 20 1.000 Pat Schumacher 42 24 23 .958 Mike Sigel 21 20 .952 79 Kim Davenport 18 17 .944 24 Keith McCready 28 .933 101 30 14 .933 Scott Smith 46 15 46 31 28 .903 Rusty Hills Nick Varner 90 17 .895 19 Dan Louie 28 94 25 .893 115 37 33 .892 Efren Reyes (Sands Regent Aver age = .800) RUN OUT OPPORTUNITIES BREAK BALL MADE GAMES SHOTS W/0 SCR. BPA Nick Varner 90 50 39 Wilson King 60 31 24 93 David Rhodes 51 39 Dan Louie 94 51 38 Tom Brown 87 45 33 Jr. Harris 79 45 33 David Howard 68 37 27 Dan D'Imperio 59 31 22 Earl Strickland 123 70 49 Jose Parica 83 46 32 (Sands Regent: Average = .570) Sands Regent (MINIMUM KICKS = 15) NAME GAMES RICKS (MINIMUM BREAKS = 20) # ^ POCKETED) BALLS MADE Efren Reyes 619 438 Nick Varner 351 Mike Sigel 297 David Howard 369 Jose Parica 258 Ron Rosas 407 Dan Louie 244 Ed Kelly 596 Earl Strickland 614 Allen Hopkins Average (Sands Regent POSITION ERRORS 20 17 14 12 15 11 18 11 27 29 7.2) AVG 3 2 3 9 4 0 4 0 4 1 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 5 4.7 S a n d s Regent Averages Scratch while going for position: 1.1% Run out from the break: 19 Run out after making a ball on the break: 34% Ball made on the break: 63% Nine ball made on the break: 2.4% Scratch on the break: 9.0% ^ 14 rr ^ Notable Matches STYIE e With Double Cue Carrying Cases from PROTECT»A*CUE (continued from page 3) Terry Bell (.920) dominated the game against Danny Hedins (.364) allowing Medina to pocket only four balls during the 9-0 victory. The Ama/ing Breakthrough m Pool Cue Protection DOUBlE-UP Can Take the Heat and the Cold t o o ' Revolutionary DOUBLE-UP is virtually Indestructible. This sturdy, lire resistant, light-weight case is the only one of its kind o n the market" DOUBLE-UP is molded from ^n incredible space age substance that can take extremes o l both hot and cold After a poor start and trailing Mike LeBron (.926) 4-7, Earl Strickland (.851) allowed LeBron to the table twice...to kick. Strickland won 9-7. In a twenty-four minute session against Roy Futternick (.692), Toe Brown (.944) pocketed a record low thirty-four balls (Average is seventyfive) and won 9-0. In fact, with the score 8-0, Brown had only pocketed twenty-five balls. Handsome imitation leather in Tan. Btown. Black. White & Dark & Light Blur Special colors available upon request Also available rn original one cue scyle Pocket optional Dan Louie (.955) made a ball on the break each of his nine breaks and ran out from the break six times. He allowed Ron Rosas (.286) to pocket only two balls. Final score: 9-1. Allen Hopkine (.974) shut out Don Steele (.272) 9-0 forcing Steele to merely kick, play safe, and attempt a few combinations. Creative Inventions 18181360-7233 18783 Los Alimos / (continued from page 3) his very successful USPPA Pro-Am handicap division. Chris MacDonald outpointed Jr. Harris in the Pro-Am for the $2,000 first prize. The field for the $3,000 added event has grown from 48 to 96 and now to 118. The next Pro-Am will cut off at 128. Incidentally, when in Reno, don't miss Mickey Peel's fabulous "Pasta Fresca" featuring Italian cuisine and specializing in pastas and sauces. After controlling the match to a 6-4 lead, Bill Incardona (.833) scratched on the break. Earl Strickland (.887) ran the next thirty-six balls, forced Incardona to kick, then ran nine more. Strickland won 9-6. victory over Earl Strickland (.839), Efren Reyee (.939) never missed a ball. PAUL MOTTEY MOTTEY CUSTOM CUES 2852 Broadway Avenue Pittsburgh. Pa 15216 (412) 531-3500 V^; Northridge. California 91326 Efren After failing to pocket a ball on the break while leading 8-5, Rey Mertin (.939) could have unscrewed. Bill Incardons (.918) ran out the set to win 9-8. 9-6 »119*> Spwrfy fo* w f In a forty-five minute session, TOM Brown's (.000) opponent never missed a ball, never scratched on the break, never missed a kick, never played a bad safety, and never missed position. His opponent Allen Hopkins shot 1.000. his lined slotted interior design insure* agaimt warping 2 butt, 4 shaft capacity, handy pooch pocket. removable shoulder strap) $79« What a match! While trailing 3-5, Nick Varner (.943) watched as Mike Sigel (.950) failed to make a ball on the break. Varner then stepped to the table and ran out the entire set to win 9-5! During Felt The Pro-Am in-the-money results follow: NAME PRIZE NAME 1st Chris MacDonald $2,000 13th-16th 2nd 3rd Jr. Harris Keith McCready 4th Danny D'Imperio 5th-6th Vern Steinke Kim Davenport 7th-8th Eli Robertson Nick Cano 9th-12th Dave Bollman Jim Hughes Danny Medina Jeff Hill 1,260 1,000 700 500 500 350 350 240 240 240 240 Randy Bast Paul Brienza Rick White Freddy Kent 17th-24th Dave Favor Gerry Kelly Mike Sweeny Darrell Nordquist Tony Annigoni Don Steele Pete Quande Tom Sorenson PRIZE 175 175 175 175 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 J 15 T ^ Mike Sigel Rakes in the Shekels in Toledo. . . TOLEDO, OH (5/8-11/86) - Mike Sigel showed incredible form as he swept away the $5,000 grand prize and the 1986 Glass City Open title. In the race to eleven event, Sigel went undefeated (7-0) posting victories over Thompson (0), McCready (3), Mougey (4), Mizerak (9), Bollman (8), Burge (4), and finally last year's adversary Kim Davenport (3). Davenport lost his opening match to Steve Dobrowolski and then won his next ten matches! Promoter Larry Kahan added $5,000 to the prize fund and attracted fifty-seven top flight professionals each competing for a piece of the $16,000 purse. Kahan also held a "Monte Hall" type raffle which awarded (1) a $350 cue, (2) a $615 cue & case, and (3) $50 a week for one year! The in-the-money results follow: NAME PRIZE NAME PRIZE 1st Mike Sigel $5,000 13th-16th 2nd Kim Davenport 2,400 Jim Marino 3rd Billy Burge 1,650 Allen Hopkins 4th Dave Bollman 1,150 Jack Hynes 5th-6th Gary Spaeth Jose Parica 830 17th-24th Mike Bandy 830 Scott Kitto 7th-8th Freddie Hess Wade Crane 530 Javier Franco Efren Reyes 530 Bob Hunter 9th-12th Tony Mougey Keith McCready 350 Ken Cross Mike Gulyassy 350 Howard Vickery Steve Dobrowolski 350 Mike LeBron Steve Mizerak 35Q 250 250 250 250 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 and Then in Norfolk NORFOLK, VA ( 5 / 2 0 - 2 4 / 8 6 ) - S i g e l , S t r i c k l a n d , Reyes, Hopkins, Mizerak, P a r i c a , McCready, LeBron, V i c k e r y , Bollman, G u l y a s s y . . . s i x t y - f o u r p l a y e r w o r l d event? No, j u s t Barry Behrman's 5th Annual Spring Open. Q-Master B i l l i a r d s hosted the t h i r t y - t h r e e p l a y e r event and c o n t r i b u t e d $4,000 t o the purse. Each p l a y e r anted up a $195 e n t r y fee w i t h the hope of being one of the twelve f i n a l i s t s t o share i n the $10,000 p u r s e . The f i e l d o f a c t i o n f e a t u r e d t h r e e Gold Crown I l l ' s , bleacher s e a t i n g and c a p a c i t y crowds. Mike S i g e l was never threatened as he disposed of He won $3,000 and p a i d e n t r y i n t o the 11th Annual U.S. Open scheduled f o r November. The in-the-money results follow: PRIZE NAME 1st Mike Sigel 2nd Efren Reyes 3rd Pat Fleming 4th Allen Hopkins 5th- 6th Keith McCready Jose Parica Boggs, McCready, P a r i c a , Reyes, Fleming, and Reyes. NAME PRIZE $3,000 7th-8th Dave Bollman 2,000 Mike Gulyassy 1,200 800 9th-12th Mike LeBron Tony Blankenship 600 Don Polo 600 Steve Mizerak 400 400 250 250 250 250 What's Next? The next issue of Accu-Stats will feature The 3rd Annual Busch Open scheduled for July 8-12 from Moline, Illinois hosted by Miller Time Billiards. cua&m, cAM&kuL UWA> <M+ Reno SCORES Name U17 G&wObit 713-524-1426 (continued from page 4) Name Score Score Avo 102) J. Harris R. White 9 7 (.603) (.750) 106) D. Medina H. Granas 9 8 (.878) (.848) 103) fl. Igel D. Megiveron 9 8 (.761) (.750) 107) 7". Bell B. Loucks 9 6 (.824) (.681) 1 0 4 ; H. Vickery L. Lotfer 9 8 (.868) (.745) 108) A. Hopkins J. Chappel 9 7 (.882) (.779) 105) K. McCready A. Perez 9 3 (.789) (.700) ( c o n t i n u e d on page 17) j . r SCORES Reno Name # (continued 1rrom page 16) # Name Score Avq. 109) R. Geilec E. Kelly no) e. c. Ill) Hall MacDonald 0. Steele H. Platis 9 8 (.875) (.818) 9 7 (.867) (.747) 9 8 (.692) (.618) LOSERS (25th-32nd) 112) D. Rhodes G. Colder 9 (.935) 1 (.625) 113) M. Gulyassy 5. Shaw 9 2 114) D. Louie G. Nolan 9 (.915; 2 (.636) 115; J . Harris 8. Igel 9 (.904; 2 (.657) ii*; McCready H. Vickery 9 4 r. Bell 0. Medina 9 (.920; 0 (.364j Hopkins fi. Geiler 9 3 (.896) (.676) 9 7 (.846) (.754) ii7j K. ns; A. 119) D. Steele 8. Hall *•-' * * V* ^ ^ (.896) (.618) (.841) (.708) w * -^ r WINNERS' BRACKET 120) E. S t r i c k l a n d M. LeBron 9 (.851) 7 (.926j 121) J. Parica J . Mataya 9 (.905; 4 (.786) 123) 8. D. 124) E. W. Martin Lemke Incardona Howard Reyes Munson 9 (.882) 6 (.800) 9 (.903/ 6 (.846) 9 (.895) 7 (.848) 125) r. R. 126) N. R. Brown Futternick Varner Rosas 9 (.944J 0 (.692) 9 (.840) 8 (.831) 122) ft. L. •^ 127) M. Sigel o. D'lmoerio J 9 7 .ft ^ B • (.831) (.841) •^ • ^ k ^ » ^m. % 9 (.926; 3 (.742J 129) M. Gulyassy W. Munson 9 4 130) D. Louie D. D'Imperio ft. Rosas j . Harris 9 7 (.831) (.776) (.815) (.803) 9 (.90Q> 7 (.815) AVQ. 1 \ 9 (.891) 1 4 (.829; 1 9 (.955; 1 136) D. Rhodes M. Gulyassy 137) D. Louie R. Rosas 9 (.888;! 5 (.782;! 139) A. Hopkins D. Steele 9 (.974; 1 0 Strickland Parica 9 (.849) 1 5 (.787; 1 141) B. R. Incardona Martin 9 (.87i;l 6 (.825; 1 9 3 9 5 142) E. Reyes T. Brown 143) N. Varner M. Sigel ^r j _ *. — • 145) R. Martin D. Louie 9 (.789; 1 5 (.746; 1 146) T. Brown M. LeBron 9 (.800; 1 6 (.805)i 147) A. Hopkins M. Sigel 9 (.893) 1 5 (.922J LOSERS (7th-8th) H H V •. "HHH HM MB MMML X 149) A. Hopkins 7*. 8ro*n L MM& " • L K MMHi K 11 • 2 0 Forced Q Ball Curves Some of these shots will amaze you • 5 0 One Pocket Shots 10 Kicks 10 Kisses 10 Banks 10 Safeties 10 Outs • 10 Trick Bank Shots SEND CHECK S > I O Q S INCLUDES POSTAGE AND HANDLING HANDLING OR MONEY ORDER ^ " f j f w** AND WILLIE JOPLING TAPE P.O. Box 2 2 1 5 - L y n c h b u r g , VA 2 4 5 0 1 VHS MM 152) R. Martin N. Varner trjffi/ use dm? a*//ffle Fl? iMf mse fim mm am sent? past tmz. Mi ML V Mi ^ B ^ ^ I 9 (.942J I 8 (.892; 1 9 (.845; 1 153} B. Incardona fl. Hopkins MM1 MM 6 ^^ (.867) * ^ ^ ^ ^ %_ * ™ > » * \ * ^^. 154; 8. R. Incardona Martin - ^—^ TOP HANDLE NAME AND DESJ6N PANEL, FRpNT AND BA01 LOSER (4th) *_ COM* O& ozse ^<&&<e6ve 9 (.898; I 6 (.824) 1 LOSERS (5th-6th) M The&r&m 1/a? J~ffi'Q 1 Ml 151) E. Reyes N. Varner MM BETA 9(1.000 I 0 (.000; 150; £. S t r i c k l a n d 9 (.900; I B. Incardona 3 (.765;! Mi ALL THIS AND MORE ON ONE TAPE OVER 2 0 0 SHOTS FOR ONLY | WINNERS' BRACKET •Mi How some of the shots were contrived 9 (.854;! 7 (.857; 1 Martin Parica HL • 2 0 Original Trick Shots 1 9 (.848; 7 (.8ii;l -Mi A unique exhibition in four parts | 144; J . Parica D. Rhodes •^^H. • 6 0 Shots in 6 0 Minutes (.921; J (.780; J (.943; 1 (.950) 1 LOSERS (9th-12th) •k A table is loaded with 4 racks of balls | 140; E. J. 148; R. J- • 6 0 Balls in 2 0 Shots (.272)1 WINNERS'BRACKET The Ultimate Trick Shot Tape by Willie Jopling 1 (.286; 1 138) M. LeBron K. McCready M iM i 128) D. Rhodes R. Futternick Score LOSERS (13th-16th) 1 LOSERS (17th-24th) ui; • ^ ^51 DE 1 9 (.918; HANDLE 8 (.939; 1 • WINNERS' BRACKET * — | 9 (.855; 155; E. Reyes E. S t r i c k l a n d 7 (.808; 1 LOSER ( 3 r d ; | 132) K. McCready J . Mataya 9 (.917; 5 (.795; 1JJJ M. LeBron T. Bell 9 2 (.827) (.657) i 5 $ ; E. S t r i c k l a n d 9 (.887; 1 8. Incardona 6 (.833; 1 FINALS 1J4J / I . Hopkins 0. Howard 9 4 (.859) (.766) 9 (.939; 1 157) E. Reyes (.839)1 E. Strickland 6 135) 0. Steele Lemke 9 8 (.818) (.750) 158) E. Reyes E. Strickland 9 (.933; 1 5 (.860;l fyffizippLf^ £?9f$r 2IPPE^ RIVERS OR LACE ?s $n$p 2014 Phyllis Place, Tampa, Florida 33619 813-623-6004 r r ^ IN THE MONEY Fieldston Greenville Open GREENVILLE, SC (4/15-19/86) - Mr. T's Billiards, 25 players, $2,000 added, $125 entry fee. NAME PRIZE NAME PRIZE 25 Brunswick Gold Crowns 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Nine Handicap Single Ball Tournaments Elimination o Maximum Field of 16 $15 Entry Fee 300 300 125 125 New York State Open BINGHAMTON, NY (5/3-4/86) - The Pocket Billiard Lounge, 44 players, $1,000 added, $50 entry fee. NAME PRIZE NAME PRIZE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Jackpot Chris MacDonald $2,000 5th-6th David Howard 1,000 Bob Johnson Jay Swanson 750 Wade Crane Bob Dickerson 525 7th-8th Dennis Searcy Bob King lat Jim Rempe $1,000 9th-12th 2nd Jack Colovita Joe Kozlowski 500 3rd Mac McQuillen Bob Brundage 400 4th Mike Zuglan Gary Empey 300 5th- 6th Jerry Fiehls Pat Fleming 250 13th-16th Danny DiLiberto 250 Fred Charette 7th- 8th Beau McGarrett Ron Casanzio 100 Charles Dirisio Guy Carney 100 Fran Brewer 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 Memorial Day Open MELBOURNE, FL (5/24-25/86) - Golden Cue Billiards, 36 players, $100 entry fee, NAME PRIZE NAME PRIZE (several hundred in jackpot growing every dollars and 1st 2nd 3rd 4th weekl) Buddy Hall Bob Williams Dan Christian Dave Favor $1,440 5th-6th 720 David Howard 432 Dick Weaver 288 7th-8th Mike Ives Ron Sypher 216 216 144 144 Father's Day Open SACRAMENTO, CA (6/14-15/86) - Jointed Cue Billiards, 85 players, $500 added, $50 entry fee. NAME PRIZE NAME PRIZE For further information: FIELDSTON BILLIARDS 5905 Broadway (240 St.) Riverdale, Bronx, NY 212-884-9800 "Plenty Free Parking lat Nick Varner $1,000 7th-8th 2nd Kim Davenport 500 Vern Steinke Al Winchenbaugh 3rd Chris MacDonald 400 4th Lee Gaudette 300 9th-12th Tim Kwong 5th-6th Paul Martinez J. Henderson 200 T. Ryan Ted Ito 200 Ed Clark LV 18 150 150 100 100 100 100 JA Y ^ YEAR T O DATE Sessions Won - Lost * 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. (MINIMUM NAME WON LOST Reyes, Efren 8 32 Fusco, Pete 2 7 Jones, Sammy 2 7 Parica, Jose 7 24 Sigel, Mike 4 13 Varner, Nick 8 23 Hopkins, Allen 10 22 Hall, Buddy 6 Howard, David 13 8 Davenport, Kim 17 10 Medina, Danny 20 8 Gulyassy, Mike 16 6 Brown, Tom 4 Strickland, Earl 12 9 8 Swanson, Jay 8 17 Incardona, Bill 6 15 Rhodes, David 4 Weaver, Dick 11 4 Bollman, Dave 7 10 McCready, Keith 7 6 Mizerak, Steve 17 6 Harris, Jr. 10 6 10 SESSIONS = PCT .800 .778 .778 .774 .765 .742 .688 .684 .680 .667 .667 .667 .667 .654 .652 .647 .636 .636 .630 .625 .625 .600 9) WON LOST # NAME Martin, Ray 9 23. Bob 9 24. Williams, Ste ve 6 25. Dobrowolski, Louie 6 26. Roberts, 11 27. Crane, Wade Danny 8 28. DiLiberto, Henry 8 29. Granas, Scott 8 30. Kitto, Mike 13 31. LeBron, Dick 10 32. Lane, Howard 10 33. Vickery, Mike 5 34. Bandy, Jack 5 35. Hynes, Larry 5 36. Schwartz, Don 5 37. Steele, Rich 7 38. Geiler, Jim 7 39. Mataya, Danny 9 40. Jones, Larry 6 41. Hubbart, Bob 6 42. Hunter, Jim 6 43. Marino, Mike 6 44. Massey, 6 6 4 4 8 6 6 6 10 8 8 4 4 4 4 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 PCT .600 .600 .600 .600 .579 .571 .571 .571 .565 .556 .556 .556 .556 .556 .556 .538 .538 .529 .500 .500 .500 .500 9 Handicap 9-Ball Tournaments Every Thursday! RECENT WINNERS 5/29 - Ed Hodan 6/5 - Kevin Poffenberger 6/12-Jack Colovita 6/19 - Jimmy Conn Starts 7:30 PM $15 Entry Fee Cash Paid 4 Places Trophy for 1st SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE RATES Mon.-Fri.. 2PM-7PM LADIES' NIGHT Monday & Tuesday Ladies Free with Escort (17) 9 It. Gold Crown Pool Tables (/) 10 ft. Cold Crown Billiard Table 353 Rt. 46, Rockaway, N J 07866 201-625-9847 V. 19 ACCU-STATS Bulk Rate U.S. Postage 204 EAGLE ROCK AVENUE ROSELAND, NJ 07068 PAID Roseland, NJ Permit #42 Address Correction Requested MAJOR TOURNAMENT RESULTS (MINIMUM WINNINGS = Name Events Rempe, Jim Reyes, Efren Parica, Jose Varner, Nick Strickland, Earl Swanson, Jay Davenport, Kim Sigel, Mike Hopkins, Allen Bollman, Dave Incardona, Bill Howard, David Martin, Ray DiLiberto, Danny Williams, Bob Medina, Danny LeBron, Mike Jones, Sammy Weaver, Dick Gulyassy, Mike Brown, Tom Burge, Billy Brunt, George Fusco, Pete Jones, Danny Lane, Dick Hall, Buddy Rhodes, David Kitto, Scott Hunter, Bob Mizerak, Steve Mataya, Jim Massey, Mike Roberts, Louie Louie, Dan Harris, Jr. McCready, Keith Geiler, Rich Crane, Wade MacDonald, Chris DiToro, John Riley, Joe Metushneck, Ed Vanover, Tom Lerraan, Bell, Terry Ray 1 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 4 1 1 4 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 3 1 In Money YTD$ Winnings Sessions Won Lost 1 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 2 4 1 2 2 4 4 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 35000.00 27642.00 12870.00 11664.00 11411.00 9286.60 6626.00 6530.00 6204.00 4696.80 4494.00 3429.00 3000.00 2822.80 2822.80 2801.40 2688.00 2634.00 2634.00 2467.00 2342.40 2088.00 1976.00 1976.00 1793.00 1755.00 1693.00 1530.00 1417.00 1417.00 1343.00 1269.00 1263.00 1249.00 1200.00 1159.00 1150.00 1138.00 1135.00 1109.60 1097.00 988.00 988.00 988.00 988.00 938.00 7 - 0 32-8 24-7 23-8 17-9 15-8 20 - 10 13-4 22 - 10 17 - 10 11-6 17-8 9-6 8-6 9-6 16-8 13 - 10 7-2 7-4 12-6 8 - 4 6-8 4 - 2 7-2 9-8 10-8 13-6 7-4 8-6 6-6 10-6 7-6 6-6 6-4 5 - 2 9-6 10-6 7 - 6 11-8 6-8 4 - 4 3 - 2 3 - 2 3 - 2 4 5- 2 6 $938.00) AURORA LEX'TON 3 1 2 5-6 7-8 33-48 . 5-6 9-12 . 4 . 9-12 9-12 13-16 25-32 . . . 13-16 17-24 . . 17-24 17-24 . . . . 17-24 . . . . 25-32 . 33-48 33-48 7-8 17-24 . . . 17-24 . TOLEDO A.C. . 5-6 1 13-16 33-48 25-32 25-32 . 3 2 33-48 9-12 . 49-64 49-64 4 13-16 . 33-48 . . . . . 5-6 49-64 9-12 . 33-48 . 9-12 25-32 25-32 7-8 . . . . 25-32 33-48 . . . . 33-48 . 1 2 65-96 4 5-6 3 5-6 49-64 33-48 97-128 33-48 49-64 97-128 9-12 9-12 25-32 17-24 7-8 7-8 13-16 97-128 9-12 9-12 49-64 13-16 17-24 49-64 13-16 13-16 . 33-48 17-24 33-48 . 25-32 65-96 17-24 49-64 97-128 25-32 17-24 17-24 17-24 17-24 . RENO 7-8 5-6 . . . 2 1 13-16 4 . . 25-32 1 7-8 5-6 2 33-48 65-80 9-12 5-6 33-48 3 17-24 4 . 17-24 25-32 9-12 9-12 13-16 . 7 - 8 3 65-80 . 33-48 . . 17-24 17-24 9-12 . . 65-80 25-32 9-12 65-80 17-24 49-64 . . 9-12 . 7-8 . 9-12 17-24 13-16 25-32 . 17-24 33-48
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