

SK continues to create greater values for all its stakeholders
with “One Mind and One Spirit.”
We carry on our transparent practice and efficient
management so that we can provide our customers with
ongoing satisfaction and trust, help our employees raise their
self-esteem and capabilities, and create shareholder value.
In addition, we will continue with our value-oriented stability
and growth so that we can contribute to the development of
our society.
30 SOCIAL Enterprises
Section 2. SK Profile
SK aims to achieve KRW 300 trillion in enterprise value by
strengthening the autonomous responsible management of
each affiliate and collective intelligence that centers on our
committees. Equally, we will focus on spreading our happy
management policy for all of our stakeholders.
We will try to harmonize our Independent Yet United 3.0 System, which will lead
the stable growth of the SK Group.
SK will continue to cultivate its enterprise value by strengthening the autonomous
responsible management of its affiliates. We establish our portfolios by identifying the
optimal methods that are suitable for their individual characteristics and environments, and
pursue value growth by managing our goals and performances.
Our seven committees of the SUPEX Council are instrumental in sustaining the Group’s
stability and growth. We will invigorate their collective intelligence even more, and will
continue to find growth opportunities to cope with risks and generate synergy effectively.
SK members also strive to rearm themselves with the SUPEX Spirit, which is basis of the
SK Management System (SKMS). The SUPEX Spirit has demonstrated its strength as SK’s
foundation. It has led the growth and development of the Group for sixty-one years. SK
will continue to secure global competitiveness and increase its capabilities for the sake of
its shareholders.
We will also work to spread our happy management policy with society. The happiness of
our stakeholders is the value that we pursue and is necessary for us to achieve in order to
continue to grow. We have contributed to the national economic development under the
motto of “creating wealth for the nation and society through the use of creative corporate
management and technology,” and we will contribute to sustainable corporate growth
with society by promoting corporate partnerships and social enterprises, and will steadily
carry out a broad range of social contribution activities.
We will create greater values by continuously implementing our Independent Yet
United 3.0 System.
In 2013, SK launched its innovative “Independent Yet United 3.0” management system.
Since then, we have done the best to strengthen our affiliates’ autonomous management,
collective intelligence that centers on each committee, and “One Mind and One Spirit”
from the Group level. As a result, we have been able to put the system in place, and take
one step closer toward our new dream and vision to achieve KRW 300 trillion in enterprise value.
Increasing uncertainties and slowing growth continue in the global economy and calls are
increasingly growing for the transparency of corporate management and corporate social
responsibilities, leading stakeholders’ rising expectations of large domestic companies. SK
set its 2014 management policy to be “Value creation through the Independent Yet United
3.0 System,” and intends to continue to find ways to create stability and growth with
stronger-than-ever executive abilities.
SK will remain focused on continuously creating values and solidifying foundations to
achieve an enterprise value of KRW 300 trillion through using the practice of the
Independent Yet United 3.0 System.
I look forward to your interest and support as we keep moving forward to become a
greater and happier SK.
Chang Geun Kim
Chairman of the SUPEX Council
SK remains dedicated to maintaining stakeholder satisfaction
based on the “Independent Yet United” management system.
The SUPEX Council is leading the “Independent Yet United”
management system as the SK Group’s supreme consultation
Through Independent Yet United
SK is achieving its sustainable growth and development through autonomy and collaboration. Each affiliate is reinforcing its business competitiveness and maximizing enterprise
value through autonomous management. At the same time, each affiliate is creating a
synergistic effect through encouraging voluntary cooperation between affiliates.
The SUPEX Council, which is the supreme deliberative body between each affiliate, is
located in the center of SK’s group management system of “Independent Yet United.”
Under the SUPEX Council, specialized committees are being operated such as the Strategy Committee, Global Growth Committee, Communication Committee, Corporate
Ethics Committee, Talent Development Committee, Corporate Partnership Committee,
and ICT Technical Growth Special Committee.
Non-stop Innovation and Challenges
Through comprehensive understanding of the future and leading-edge technology, SK is
playing the leading role in national development with the continuous innovation of technology and management. Ranging from energy, chemicals, and IT, which are the basis of the
national economy, to the semiconductor industry, SK will achieve bigger success in the
world, based on its passion and capability that have successfully actualized South Korea as
an energy exporting country and global IT powerhouse.
Our affiliates participate in the SUPEX Council with the respective committees to discuss
ways to ensure our lasting stability and growth through autonomous management.
We Will Create Happiness for Stakeholders
The ultimate value that SK is pursuing is the happiness of stakeholders. SK is making an
effort to achieve a happier future for all of us. Beyond short-term profit creation, SK will
fulfill its social responsibility and role as an exemplary corporate citizen. SK will continue to
create a future where greater happiness is achieved for all of our stakeholders.
ICT Technical
Growth Special
Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee discusses SK’s growth objective and strategies to achieve this. It also
makes an effort to create a synergistic effect between the affiliates.
Global Growth Committee
The Global Growth Committee seeks for growth opportunities through SK’s global businesses and builds amicable relationships with global business partners.
SK will go its way. With “One Mind and One Spirit,”
we concentrate our efforts on thinking about the best
direction to follow moving forward.
Based on our history and culture of sixty-one years,
we will focus on enhancing our value even more by
developing greater growth opportunities.
Communication Committee
The Communication Committee executes smooth communication activities with SK’s stakeholders at home and abroad, and is doing its best to reinforce the SK Brand.
Corporate Ethics Committee
The Corporate Ethics Committee leads SK’s ethical management and transparent management, and makes an effort to prevent risks in advance.
Talent Development Committee
The Talent Development Committee maintains and develops the SK Management System
(SKMS), which is the basis for SK’s corporate culture. It also fosters the talent of SK’s exceptional members.
Corporate Partnership Committee
In order to pursue happiness for both SK and society, the Corporate Partnership Committee
devotes itself to mutual growth with partners and to the activation of social contributions
and social enterprises.
ICT Technical Growth Special Committee
The ICT Technical Growth Special Committee is promoting collaborations between affiliates
in order to achieve the growth and development of ICT business.
SKMS - People - Brand
The SK Management System, or SKMS, was established in 1979 as a business management
system that all SK members agreed upon and share. It consists of SK’s management philosophy and methodologies that are embodied in our actual management. Based on the
SKMS, all SK members have a proper understanding of the nature of management and
utilize it as the basis for decision making to enhance their business management levels.
Maximizing the happiness of SK stakeholders
SK believes that its mission is to create greater happiness for its numerous stakeholders.
The ultimate value that we pursue is being happy in order to make those around us happy.
Pursuing SUPEX to create greater happiness
In order to be a happier company, SK is pursuing SUPEX, or super excellent levels. We
believe that this is the highest goal that any person can strive to achieve.
Emphasizing people-oriented management
SK puts people first, as they are the focus of our corporate management. We are also
fully aware that our pursuit of SUPEX can only be realized when our members exert their
best skills. We believe that this will be attained through our members engaging in Voluntarily, Willingly, Brain Engagement (VWBE) strategy.
Practicing SKMS-based system management
SK strives to practice SKMS by applying its philosophy and methodologies in its pursuit of
SUPEX and people-oriented management. Each affiliate practices the appropriate form of
autonomous responsible management, based on SKMS.
SK has the talent philosophy of, “People are the company.” By sharing the value of, “A
country where people are the resources and SK is where these people are fostered,” we
secure talented individuals from around the world, and nurture them into becoming managers and professionals with the highest-level of competitiveness.
SK defines the qualifications that all its members must have as “SK-Manship,” and they
strive to practice its four elements, which are listed below:
SK Values
which refers to having an attitude of pursuing SUPEX voluntarily and willingly, based on
having confidence and enthusiasm about SK’s management philosophy.
which refers to having a disposition of working on tasks and striving to be successful. To do
so, members think actively, act progressively, and decisively handle their tasks.
Capabilities to practice SKMS
This means that members constantly try to develop themselves, and be equipped with
management-related knowledge, globality, and the proper business etiquette.
This means that members manage themselves, and also are willing to pursue happiness by
growing and sharing it.
SK Brand signifies SK’s strong will and pledge to create customer happiness. SK has always
improved itself to give greater happiness to all of its customers, and the company is also
growing and developing through this. In addition, we continue to enhance our brand value
even more by operating a strategic brand management system that befits our status as a
global company.
SK provides the world’s top products and services, based on its corporate culture of
“customer-oriented professionalism.” We provide pride to customers who purchase and
use our products and services, and through this, we continue to bring about customer
happiness. We consistently convey the values that the Group pursues and the message of
its target images through the SK Brand. We communicate with our stakeholders through
“Wings of Happiness” in our CI, which represents SK.
Wings of Happiness
These wings have given shape to how SK’s growth points of the Energy/
Chemicals and IT/Semiconductors businesses are soaring “Independent
Yet United.” This reflects SK’s progressive attitude toward globalization,
and its resolve to pursue and contribute to the happiness of others.
SK strives to achieve the best performances
in various areas. Going forward, we will become
a recognized global player in the world market,
by continuously growing, developing, and creating
collaborations through encouraging autonomy and
cooperation with our affiliates.
Globalization - NEW GROWTH ENGINES
SK China in Beijing
Consolidating the foundation for globalization through
Since advancing into China in 1991, SK Group has been promoting
globalization through the localization of SK China, which it launched
in 2010 through SK’s “China Insider” strategy. SK innovation is
engaged in the electric vehicle (EV) battery business through a joint
venture with Beijing Automotive Industries Holding and Beijing
Electronics Holding. SK telecom is promoting solution sales for the
construction of smart classes in the Chinese public education
market by adding ICT and LTE services, while pursuing the business
of health examination in connection with molecular diagnostics and
hospital businesses. SK networks has actively expanded overseas,
focusing on China with its O’2nd fashion brand. It is currently
producing results in 18 countries around the world. SKC secured
a global production base in China, in addition to South Korea and
the USA, by completing SKC Jiangsu Hightech Plastics (a PET film
factory) and SKC Beijing Polyurethane (a polyurethane system
house). SK C&C installed a mobile wallet service for China Unicom.
SK lubricants is accelerating its market expansion in China by
localizing the production and sales of lubricant products through
its subsidiary in Beijing and its factory in Tianjin. A factory of SK
hynix in Wuxi is becoming an important driving force for ensuring
the company’s dominance in the global DRAM market, based on
its cost and production competitiveness. Its memory semiconductor backend assembly factory in Chongqing is primed to begin
full-fledged operations in the second half of 2014. SK E&S is promoting partnerships in the areas of city gas, LPG, and LNG, as the third
largest shareholder of China Gas Holdings. It is also engaged in the
city gas supply and charging station businesses through its joint
venture in Wuhan. The Wuhan Naphtha Cracking Center (NCC)
factory, which SK global chemical built in China with Sinopec, has
begun its full-scale commercial operations. In Japan, SK chemicals
established INITZ to specialize in PPS, with Teijin, a Japanese
chemical and pharmaceutical company.
Producing solid results that exceed growth potential
In Southeast Asia, we carry out our businesses in diverse areas
including information and telecommunication, construction, energy,
and trading. SK innovation is engaged in oil exploration projects in
Vietnam and Indonesia. SK telecom is offering wireless high-speed
Internet service in Malaysia, while promoting an ICT technologybased smart class project by developing smart classes in Indonesia.
SK E&C plans to pursue city gas and power generation projects by
establishing a local subsidiary in Indonesia. SK lubricants built a base
oil plant in Dumai, Indonesia, with Pertamina, which is the country’s
state-run petrochemical company. Doing so allowed the company
to strengthen its dominance: in the world’s premium base oil
marketplace. SK planet launched the Elevenia online open market
in Indonesia with the nation’s second top mobile carrier XL Axiata.
It also offered the Near Field Communication (NFC) service while
launching the NFC Alliance. This is a joint venture with mobile
network operators in Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong. We have been
also active in Singapore. The Jurong Aromatics Complex (JAC), a
huge project with investments totaling USD 2,440 million, is
scheduled for full-fledged commercial production soon. SK E&C
carried out its construction, and a number of SK affiliates, including
SK global chemical and SK gas, have participated in the project as
large shareholders. In addition to successfully completing the JAC,
a Total Solution Provider (TSP) project, SK E&C has produced
significant results in civil works projects, including subway construction, in Singapore. SK innovation also engages in trading, and SK gas
advanced into the LPG import terminal business with Vopak, which
is the world’s largest independent tank storage provider. It also
secured the rights to use the terminal. In Australia, SK networks is
continuously expanding its resource development business with a
focus on coal, by acquiring an almost 25% stake in Cockatoo, a coal
company. SK E&S is also participating in the development of a gas
field there.
C hina _
Jurong Aromatics Complex (JAC), Singapore
·B EIJING EV battery business I SK innovation, Fashion business I SK networks,
Polyurethane core raw material production system house I SKC, Mobile Wallet service I
SK C&C, City gas business I SK E&S, Lubricant products business I SK lubricants
·SHANGHAI Development of smart classes I SK telecom, LPG business I SK gas
·JIANGSU PET film factory I SKC
·WUXI Semiconductor manufacturing I SK hynix
·CHONGQING Memory semiconductor backend process factory I SK hynix
·WUHAN City gas business I SK E&S, NCC factory I SK global chemical
·TIANJIN Lubricant products factory I SK lubricants
TAIWAN _ Fashion business I SK networks, Petrochemical products trading and securing
fixation market I SK energy
JAPAN _ PPS producing company I SK chemicals
VIETNAM _ Oil exploration I SK innovation
INDONESIA _ Oil exploration I SK innovation, Development of smart classes I
SK telecom, Various R&M businesses through alliances I SK energy, City gas and power
generation business I SK E&S, Lubricant factory I SK lubricants, Online open market I SK planet
MALAYSIA _ Wireless high-speed Internet service I SK telecom
SINGAPORE _ Trading business, Jurong Aromatics Complex (JAC) joint venture I
SK innovation, JAC I SK E&C, LPG trading & LPG import terminal business I SK gas
PHILIPPINES _ Petrochemical products trading and market securing I SK energy
AUSTRALIA _ Oil exploration and resources development I SK innovation,
Resources development I SK networks, Gas field development I SK E&S
Oil producing field, USA
Creating new opportunities by diversifying SK’s businesses
In North and Latin America, we are focused on energy and other
resources development and trading, while diversifying our
businesses, including information and communication, chemicals,
and construction. SK innovation secured rights to operate an oil
producing field in the USA while engaging in oil exploration and
operating an LNG plant in Peru. SKC established SKC Inc. in Georgia
with an aim to enter the US PET film market. In addition to PET
films, it is also producing EVA sheets for solar cells, while advancing
into the polyurethane market through its system house. SK E&C
signed an MOU for the construction of an LNG plant in the USA
and won an order for a refinery plant in Ecuador. SK E&S plans to
import 2.2 million tons of liquefied shale gas annually by completing
an agreement to use Freeport LNG’s (based in the USA) natural
gas liquefaction service. SK lubricants has been supplying automatic transmission oil to the GM Group, followed by engine oil,
strengthening its position as a global company that specializes in
lubricants. SK C&C is actively carrying out its mobile commerce
business in North America, while SK telecom signed a Smart Beam
purchase agreement with Brazil’s largest mobile device retail
Developing new growth engines by building a strong network
with local companies
We are expanding our businesses by cooperating with many
countries in Europe in different areas, such as energy/chemicals and
IT. SK chemicals signed an agreement for the joint development
and sales of next-generation pneumococcal vaccines with the
global vaccine company, Sanofi Pasteur. SKC completed a polyurethane system house in the Dzierzoniow subzone of the Walbrzych
Special Economic Zone Invest Park in the southwest of Poland. This
has allowed SKC company to lay the framework for growing into a
global precision chemical company. SK telecom is tapping into the
European market with smartphone accessories, such as the “Atti”
smart robot and the Smart Beam micro projector. In Spain, SK
lubricants is building a lubricant base oil plant with the Spanish
energy company, Repsol. It will begin commercial operations in the
second half of 2014, which will enhance the company’s competitiveness in the European market even more. SK lubricants also
established a subsidiary in Russia. It has expanded the influence of
its ZIC lubricant brand both in Russia and the CIS market.
USA & CANADA _ Secured rights to operate an oil-producing field I SK innovation,
PET films, EVA sheets for solar cells, system house I SKC, Mobile commerce business I
SK C&C, Automobile transmission fluid and engine oil supply I SK lubricants,
LNG service I SK E&S, LNG plant construction I SK E&C, LPG business I SK gas, Pacific Rim optimization through the import of oil from North America and forming an
alliance with Tesoro I SK energy
PERU _ Oil exploration and LNG project I SK innovation
BRAZIL _ Smart Beam purchase agreement I SK telecom
ECUADOR _ Refinery plant construction I SK E&C
FRANCE _ Joint development of next-generation pneumococcal vaccines I
SK chemicals
POLAND _ System house I SKC
NETHERLANDS _ Crude and petroleum products terminal I SK energy,
Lubricant base oil business I SK lubricants
SPAIN _ Construction of lubricant base oil plant I SK lubricants
RUSSIA _ Lubricant base oil business I SK lubricants
Promoting businesses by developing and strengthening various partnerships
We are seeking out and developing businesses that meet local needs
in emerging markets, from among which we are currently focusing
on the Middle East and Africa as our strategic global market regions.
In addition, we are carrying on our energy, trading, and construction
projects by finding new partners and strengthening our existing
partnerships. SK innovation is focused on oil and gas exploration
projects in Yemen and in other regions. SK E&C is carrying out the
construction of the third grand bridge over the Bosphorus Strait
and the Turkey-Eurasia undersea tunnel in Turkey. The company is
also continuously carrying out plant projects in Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia. SK planet launched the online open market, “n11.com,” in
Turkey through its joint venture, Doğuş Planet, with the Doğuş
Group. SK shipping provides resources for transport services including oil and petroleum products.
Shipping services in the Middle East
Saudi Arabia
YEMEN _ Oil exploration and LNG project I SK innovation
TURKEY _ Construction of third grand bridge over the Bosphorus Strait and Turkey-Eurasia undersea tunnel I SK E&C, Online open market I SK planet
KUWAIT _ Plant construction I SK E&C
SAUDI ARABIA _ Plant construction I SK E&C
GABON _ Grassroots refinery project I SK energy
Electric Vehicle Batteries
Lithium-ion Battery Separators
Film for Photovoltaic Cells
Electric Vehicle Batteries
Lithium-ion Battery Separators
Our EV batteries have the best performance
in the world, in terms of energy and power
density. In 2012, we completed the construction of our Seosan factory, which is capable
of producing batteries for 10,000 automobiles annually. We are also actively expanding
our battery business by establishing joint
ventures with the Continental Automotive
Group, Beijing Automotive Industries
Holding, and Beijing Electronics Holding.
· SK innovation
In 2004, SK innovation was the third in the
world to succeed in developing LiBS with
its own technology. Since then, we have
steadily expanded our market to rank as
the second high-quality LiBS provider in the
world. Our LiBS product is internationally
recognized for its quality. It has low contractibility and electronic resistance, and
high heat resistance, transparency, uniformity, and safety.
· SK innovation
GreenPol is an eco-friendly new polymer
material made from carbon dioxide. SK
innovation completed the carbon dioxide
plastic commercialization technology based
on its catalyst and process technologies.
GreenPol will be employed as a useful
material in our lives, based on its excellent
performances. We are now aiming to commercially produce it in 2016.
· SK innovation
Premium Vaccines
SK global chemical developed Nexlene, a
high-performance polyethylene, with its
own technology. This premium product
provides stronger resistance against shocks
than existing general-purpose polyethylene,
plus enhanced transparency, sanitation, and
workability. In 2014, the company plans to
operate a commercialization factory in
Ulsan with SABIC, which is one of the
world’s major petrochemical companies,
while also pursuing global expansion.
· SK global chemical
ECOZEN is the first bio-copolyester in the
world which uses biomasses that have been
extracted from plants as a raw material. As
a product that rectified the shortcomings
of existing petroleum plastics, such as PC
and acryl, and maximized their strong
points, it is utilized as a material for various
products including electronics and food
containers, due to its excellent transparency and resistance against heat and chemicals. Its range of usage is expanding all the
more to include luxury cosmetics and car
interior materials. · SK chemicals
SK chemicals is developing nine premium
vaccines, including vaccines for pneumonia,
cervical cancer, and shingles, for which phase
three clinical trials are underway. South
Korea has relied on imports for the majority of premium vaccines, and we will contribute to the protection of its vaccine
sovereignty by raising its self-sufficiency for
vaccines. We are also preparing to fight
against pandemic diseases by establishing
our cell culture-based flu vaccine technology that will enable us to cope with crisis
situations quickly. · SK chemicals
Film for Photovoltaic Cells
LPG, reborn as propylene
PPS (Poly Phenylene Sulfide) is a super
engineering plastic, which is rapidly emerging as a material to replace metals. SK
chemicals succeeded in developing PPS
ECOTRAN, which does not contain chlorine, with its own technology, and is building
a large-scale facility in Ulsan with an annual
production capacity of 12,000 tons, after
establishing INITZ, which is a joint venture
that the company is pursuing with Teijin of
Japan. · SK chemicals
SKC is the only company in the world that
is producing all types of films, including
fluoride films, back sheets, polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) films for polyvinyl (PV),
and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) sheets.
We also rank first in the world in the area
of high value-added films for special packaging, optics, and solar cells. · SKC
SK gas signed an agreement for the propane
dehydrogenation (PDH) process technology with Lummus Technology, expediting
its gas chemical business through a PDH
plant that produces propylene with LPG as
a raw material. The PDH plant will be
completed at the end of 2015, and will begin
operations in early 2016. SK gas already has
the world’s largest LPG storage facility in
Ulsan. It expects to achieve an optimal
investment in and operation of the PDH
business by generating collaborations among
SK companies through the utilization of their
resources. · SK gas
Heat Shrink PET Film
SKC was the nation’s first and the world’s
second to develop the heat shrink PET film,
an eco-friendly material that replaces the
harmful PVC. It can be recycled and it does
not emit endocrine disruptors when burnt.
3band LTE-A
T Phone
Following the commercialization of its
Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technology, SK
telecom developed the upgraded 3band
LTE-A mobile communication technology.
It will be commercialized at the maximum
300Mbps data transfer speed at the end
of 2014, by combining three frequencies
and featuring Career Aggregation (CA)
technology. · SK telecom
SK telecom developed an open call platform,
called T Phone, by adding various data
services to existing voice calls. The service
can be used on any smartphone and presents an innovative, spam-free, and convenient communication experience by combining diverse apps and functions.
· SK telecom
The m-Commerce service provides convenience and excellent security by combining
mobile handsets with financial payment
functions. SK C&C developed CorFire, a
mobile commerce solution brand. It consists
of CorTSM, a trust-based service management solution; CorPay, an electronic wallet
solution; and CorMKT, a mobile marketing
solution. By supplying key m-Commerce
technologies to global companies like
Google, Dunkin, Vodafone, and SingTel, it
has been verified for its excellence.
· SK C&C
SK encar
128GB DDR4 module
20nm 6Gb·8Gb LPDDR3
SK C&C mainly engages in dealing with used
cars online and offline, online advertising,
inspection and warranty, and the overseas
exports of used cars. By introducing the
nation’s first automobile inspection and
repair guarantee service, it continues to put
a new and transparent car retail culture into
place. · SK C&C
SK hynix developed the world’s first and
largest-capacity 128GB DDR4 module by
using the Through Silicon Via (TSV) technology. In terms of speed, it is capable of
processing massive data as it can transfer
17GB of data per second. · SK hynix
20nm LPDDR3 (Low Power DDR3) is a
mobile DRAM that is suitable for nextgeneration advanced mobile devices. In
2013, we succeeded in developing the
world’s first 20nm 8Gb LPDDR3 in June,
and 6Gb LPDDR3 in October. · SK hynix
T Phone
20nm 6Gb·8Gb LPDDR3
“syrup,” next commerce service
Giga Internet Service Technology
“syrup” is a new integrated commerce
brand that has combined a range of services, including OK Cashbag (an integrated
mileage service), Smart Wallet (a mobile
wallet), and Gifticon (a mobile gift coupon).
It suppor ts customers’ smar t shopping
habits, and offers integrated marketing
solutions for vendors to create a new
commerce world that will change the
paradigms of offline commerce through
mobile technologies. · SK planet
The commercialization of IPTV UHD (Ultra
High Definition), which has a four times
clearer picture than Full-HD, has been
developed by implementing the HEVC
(High Efficiency Video Coding) standard
data compression technology, which SK
broadband and SK telecom developed
independently. It enables the UHD service
to work without requiring the building of
an additional network. It does so by applying the multicast transmission method to
the UHD technology. This method minimizes the network load through the effective management of traffic. · SK broadband
SK broadband developed a piece of equipment that can provide Giga-level high-speed
Internet services that is a minimum of five
times faster than current ones. All of which
can be achieved without replacing or
increasing existing 100M LAN cables.
· SK broadband
128GB DDR4 module
“syrup,” next commerce service
SK is carrying out long-term, sustainable social contribution
activities with an aim to maximize the happiness of the
entire society. Accordingly, we are practicing not one-time
support but shared growth to strengthen the primary
competitiveness of our business partners.
We also participate in solving social issues and lead in
activating the ecosystem of social enterprises by establishing
and assisting social enterprises in various models.
Global General Trading
Global General Trading
SK networks is carrying out global trading
and investments with a focus on resources
and industrial materials such as chemicals
and steel. Based on its nationwide network,
the company is also able to supply its core
products, including LPG and petroleum to
gas and charging stations. Furthermore, it
provides a prestigious lifestyle to its customers through a total car service, ICT device
retail, fashion, other high-class consumer
goods, and hotel services.
· SK networks
SK E&C carried out the construction of
L HOUSE of SK chemicals. The L HOUSE
vaccine factory in Andong is a green building that applied water and energy-saving
technologies, while observing the Good
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations.
It used cutting-edge green construction
methods and LED lighting with added ecofriendly facilities; this includes sewage and
wastewater recycling in all restrooms. As
a result, the L HOUSE obtained the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED) gold rating, a first among
pharmaceutical factories in the world.
· SK E&C
SK securities’ “JooPaSoo” mobile securities
trading app enables automatic monitoring
of individual and collective stocks for its
users, informing users of breaking news,
abnormal stock market activities and changes in prices and trading volume to userdefined levels, with its patented Catcher
function. It was also the first in the industry
to introduce the Stock Rating System (SRS).
Other unique services provided include
real-time hacking prevention alarm and
remote digital certificate deletion for lost
smartphones. · SK securities
SK continues to practice its happy management policy by systematically carrying out
corporate partnerships and social contribution activities. This is based on our values
for the pursuit of social contributions,
which is called the “creation of greater happiness.”
Nurturing people as nurturing trees, and cultivating
talent as cultivating a forest
SK has been focusing on talent cultivation as a part of its
efforts to contribute to the nation’s development through
corporate activities amidst the post-war ruins since 1953.
Having determined that human resources were the most
essential for achieving national reconstruction and rapid
growth in South Korea, we established a 100-year plan for
cultivating talent. We have also worked to fulfill social contributions by inaugurating a forestation project to cultivate
the land, and have launched and invested profits from our
businesses into scholarship projects.
The ultimate goal of SK is to make its stakeholders
In 2004, SK set its key management philosophy to be providing happiness to all its stakeholders. We specified the
contents of our happy management policy and strengthened our executive abilities further in 2008, by targeting
members of society and our stakeholders. Our donation
activities have evolved from making simple donations to
helping to resolve social issues.
Contributing to the happiness of others through
implementing sustainable solutions for social issues
The world is currently faced with numerous social issues
such as poverty, the environment, water shortages, medicine and healthcare, and education. Accordingly, we have
sought out new directions for corporate partnerships and
social contributions to fulfill our solid management philosophy and to par ticipate in solving these escalating social
issues. To this end, we will remain dedicated to fostering
social enterprises and developing an ecosystem for them to
be able to solve these problems based on sustainable business models, while positively carrying out shared growth
and social contribution activities for the happiness of our
Continuously practicing the happy management policy by growing together with society
SK specifies the Group’s social contribution philosophy and
determination and presents strategic directions, as led by
the Corporate Par tnership Committee of the SUPEX
Council. Furthermore, we promote Group-level corporate
partnerships, social contribution activities, and social enterprise projects, while practicing happy management through
the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies, Happiness
Foundation, and Smile Microcredit Bank.
SK established the Win-Win Management
Committee in 2009 to control its corporate
partnership management activities systematically and create a fair trade culture. It
was renamed as the Corporate Partnership
Committee in 2013. SK is supporting its
business partners by placing a focus on
training, capital, technologies, and overseas
expansion to help enhance their primary
competitiveness, while continuing to
expand coverage further.
Fostering the development of capabilities through
educational support
SK helps its business partners to develop talented individuals through systematic educational programs. The SK
Corporate Partnership Academy contributes to developing their employee capabilities with the Cor por ate
Partnership CEO Seminar, Corporate Partnership MBA,
and Corporate Partnership e-Learning.
·S K corporate par tnership academy _ Cor por ate
Partnership CEO Seminar, Corporate Partnership MBA,
Corporate Partnership e-Learning
·S K job fair with partner companies _ Support recruitment activities of business partners by SK affiliates
·SK planet _ South Korea’s representative mobile military
Providing financial support for management stability
SK provides financial support to its partners to ensure their
stable business operations. Since 2009, we have launched
and operated the SK Corporate Par tnership Fund with
financial institutions at a total worth of KRW 120 billion. By
expanding its volume to KRW 420 billion in 2014, we help
our partners solve their financial problems mainly by offering them low-interest loans.
·S K corporate partnership PEF _ Support direct investments in quality partners
·S K telecom _ Support collaterals through Korea Credit
Guarantee Fund
·SK E&C _ Corporate Partnership Loan Program
Providing technical support to strengthen core competitiveness
SK is increasing various assistance programs to help its
partners strengthen their technological competitiveness.
We offer services such as technical consulting and training,
opening professional technology support centers for their
technology development, operating a Technology Escrow
Program to protect their core technologies, and running
the Sub-License Program to support their patented technologies.
·SK telecom _ Run T Open Lab for new mutually beneficial experiments
·S K global chemical _ Support technology development
for parts localization
·S K hynix _ Share technologies with par tners through
Patent Support System
Increasing support for overseas expansion
SK supports its business partners who are expanding overseas to strengthen their global capabilities. Our affiliates
are successfully carrying out overseas projects by jointly
entering into overseas markets with their experienced
·S K energy _ Transfer overhaul technologies to partners
and local subcontractors
·S K E&C _ Establish a bridgehead for joint advances into
the global market by sending business partners’ employees to overseas projects
·S K E&S _ Support business partners’ advancement into
overseas city gas projects in cooperation with KOTRA
Spreading the corporate partnership culture
SK is spreading the corporate partnership culture by utilizing characteristics and capabilities of every single member
of its affiliates.
·S K innovation _ Social contribution activities with business partners
·SK telecom _ Expand the range of ICT-based corporate
partnerships and merging of ICT technologies into traditional markets
Social Enterprises
SK has conducted experiments to find out
how more social enterprises can take part
in solving social issues through a broad
range of activities. These include establishing social enterprises, converting profit
companies into social enterprises, investing in social enterprises, and fostering talented human resources. Based on their
results, we strive to create an ecosystem
where they can grow independently.
Developing, fostering, and investing in innovative
social enterprises
SK has developed over 800 social enterprise models by
hos ting “ Sesang Social Enter pr ise Contes t” and
“Appropriate Technology Social Enterprise Festival” since
2009, while supporting about 80 business start-up models
through prize money. We have been making investments
to support the growth of social enterprises that are currently active. Such investments will contribute to creating
an environment for impact investing, which is almost nonexistent in South Korea.
Nurturing innovative and dedicated social entrepreneurs
Various experiments on social enterprise models
SK has learned about the realities of social enterprises and
has experimented with the required conditions to develop
an ecosystem for social enterprises, by establishing and
operating various social enterprise models.
Our 28 Happy Dosirak (lunchbox) centers are demonstrating the possibility that social enterprises can overcome
their less-sustainable and impoverished realities on their
own. They make and deliver nutritious lunches to the children
of low-income families. We are developing an environment
where more Dosirak centers can grow and innovate themselves independently through the establishment of social
Happy Narae is a maintenance, repair, and operating
(MRO) service provider, which has been converted from a
commercial enterprise with sales of KRW 150 billion into a
social enterprise. With its mission to be, “a social enterprise that helps social enterprises,” Happy Narae provides
markets to over 100 social enterprises, while helping its
par tner social enterprises to autonomously grow by
returning all its profits to them.
·Franchise model _ Happy Dosirak (28 centers)
·Cooperative model _ Happy Dosirak Social Cooperative
·S ocial enterprise model helping social enterprises _
Happy Narae (100 partner social enterprises)
·P ublic-private cooperation model _ Happy School in
Seoul, Busan, Daegu, and Ulsan; Happy Library; Happy
New Life; Happy Future Foundation; and Happy F&C
·A ffiliates’ capabilities utilization models _ Happy ICT,
Happy Farm, Happy Green Recycling, Happy Web &
Media, and Happy Ecophone
·O ther supports for the establishment of social enterprises _ Silver Cinema, Mezzanine I-Pack, Mezzanine
Ecowon, Grateful Hands, CAFE TIMOR, Seoul Resource
Center, and the Village and Children/Agaya
SK has fostered over 1,000 potential social entrepreneurs
since 2009 through the Sesang Social Enterprise School,
which is the nation’s first systematic social enterprise education program. Based on this experience, we created the
world’s f irst MBA program to train and develop social
entrepreneurs with KAIST programs. Par ticipants in the
first and second term of the KAIST Social Enterprise MBA
program, including 20 new students in 2013, are studying to
become the next-generation leaders of the social enterprise ecosystem in 2014.
Global cooperation networks
We carried out a policy research project with some of the
wor ld’s leading organizations, including the Schwab
Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship and Har vard
University, to activate impact investing. The impact investing that was emphasized in our policy report is being dealt
with as a major agenda to solve social issues in summits,
such as the G8.
We are also building a global social enterprise action hub
with the UN Global Compact. This online platform that is
to be completed in the second half of 2014, will provide
social enterprises, non-profit bodies, social investors, and
commercial enterprises from around the world a venue to
share information and resolve social issues.
Continuously conducting experiments to create a
social enterprise ecosystem
Without staying content with our experiments and activities thus far, we are continuously finding measures to activate the social enterprises’ ecosystem fundamentally. In
particular, in order to develop an environment where social
enterprises can concentrate on solving social issues, we are
finding ways to properly measure the social values that they
create, and to provide incentives to them, based on the
correct measurement.
Social Contributions
SK carries out social contribution activities
to spread its happy management policy
with society. Activities include operating
educational and scholarship programs, volunteer services, various campaigns for the
development of local communities and for
environmental conservation, support projects for the development of sports and
culture at home, and global social contribution efforts that target the entire world.
Education, Scholarships, and Research
SK has been leading and continuing with the education
business, scholarship programs, and research projects with
the belief that fostering talents is the most valuable
resource. In order to foster creative individuals who will
bring positive changes to our future society, we are carrying out a broad range of projects such as Scholarship Quiz
Show and SK Happy School.
·F ostering national leaders _ Korea Foundation for
Advanced Studies (supporting scholarships and international arts and sciences), Scholarship Quiz Show
·Fostering social innovation leaders _ KAIST MBA progr am to fos ter social entrepreneur s, Appropr iate
Technology Festival
·Training for the independence of vulnerable teenagers _
SK Happy School (musicals, automobiles, and cooking)
·R esearching and spreading happiness _ Foundation
Academia Platonica, Happy Village, and Center for
Happiness Studies
Volunteer Work
SK is continuously developing a wide array of volunteer
work activities. Employees of our 17 affiliates, including
managers, are voluntarily par ticipating in public service
programs of the SK Volunteer Group, which was launched
in 2004. These include our group-level volunteer work,
such as happiness sharing seasons and emergency relief
activities, social contributions by affiliate, and other activities.
·SK pro bono volunteer club _ Offering advices on management strategies, marketing, laws, financial affairs, and
IT to social enterprises and public organizations
·S K sunny _ A program run by college students to support volunteer work that strives to solve social issues
Local Communities and the Environment
SK operates a wide array of projects to improve the quality
of life of Suwon and Ulsan residents, while participating in
building eco-friendly cities. We are also contributing to the
afforestation of the land and environmental protection
through our tree-planting business.
·Suwon _ Sunkyong Library, SK Cheongsol Senior Citizen
Center, Suwon Artrium, Habitat, Happy Village, etc.
·Ulsan _ Development of Ulsan Grand Park, Handicraft Class,
Park Library, etc.
·E nvironment _ For es t ation projec t s in Chung ju,
Yeongdong, and Cheonan, and the establishment of
Sejong City Funeral Center
Sports and Culture
SK operates various sponsorship projects for the development of spor ts and culture. We offer a wider scope for
domestic sports by supporting less popular sports while
fostering up and coming media ar tists through the Ar t
Center “nabi.”
·H andball _ Building handball exclusive courts, giving full
support for the development of handball as the chairman
company of Korea Handball Federation
·Fencing _ Sponsoring the development of fencing as the
chairman company of Korea Fencing Federation
·Art center “nabi” _ Holding digital media art exhibitions,
operating a library, supporting arts and science, etc.
·S ilver cinema _ Suppor ting the nation’s first theater
exclusively for senior citizens
Global Social Contributions
SK is carrying out social contribution activities for the
development of local communities around the world. We
are helping to create happier societies through diverse
social contribution efforts, such as improving the educational environment, supporting poorer areas, and providing
medical care.
·China _ Sponsoring SK Zhuangyuanbang Youth Program,
operating SK Guanghua Chuangxin Camp, building sandbreak forest belts, establishing SK Happy Primary School,
offering free hear t surgeries, operating Sunny China
College Student Volunteer Group, etc.
·Peru _ Establishing a non-profit organization (NPO),
carrying out school reconstruction projects, rebuilding
medical facilities, helping with the recovery of ear thquake-hit homes, providing agricultural technology
education, developing My School online platform, establishing My Eco-Tech Farm, etc.
·Vietnam _ Providing free corrective surgeries to children
with facial deformities, supporting libraries, constructing
IT centers, carrying out the redevelopment of impoverished areas, etc.
·E cuador _ Carrying out medical volunteer work and
delivering medical supplies, helping with repair and
reconstruction of elementar y schools, supplying IT
terminals, etc.
·Kenya _ SK Happy Well development project
SK is achieving more systematic and professional social contributions through
activities of its foundations in different
areas. They include the Korea Foundation
for Advanced Studies, the Happiness
Foundation, and the Smile Microcredit
Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies
The Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies is a nonprofit
public organization that contributes to academic development. It is producing Ph. D. holder s mainly through
overseas scholarship programs. Its international academic
projects include suppor ting visits and research by Asian
scholars, operating Asia Research Centers abroad, and
hosting the Beijing Forum and Shanghai Forum.
Happiness Foundation
The Happiness Foundation carries out social enterprise
projects and cultural and educational projects. It is contributing to the development of a social enterprise ecosystem,
the cultivation of young talents, and the activation of a
performance culture and creative works.
Smile Microcredit Bank
The Smile Microcredit Bank is a nonprofit public corporation, which offers self-support funds with no collaterals and
no guarantees for business star t-ups and operations. It
targets people who are financially underprivileged. In addition to providing low-interest loans to low-income small
businesses that have credit ratings of 7 or lower, it provides
consulting and support for promotional marketing.
Section 2. SK Profile
Financial Highlights - Affiliates - Business Overview - Global NETWORK - Milestones
Financial Highlights & Affiliates
SK - Profile
Energy & Chemicals
Telecommunication &
54% (KRW 85 trillion)
23% (KRW 36 trillion)
SK’s affiliates continue their sustainable stability and growth
by demonstrating “Independent Yet United” capabilities in
three areas of energy and chemicals, information,
telecommunication and semiconductors, and marketing and
2013 Total Sales
Marketing & Service
Energy &
SK innovation / SK energy /
SK global chemical / SK lubricants /
SK incheon petrochem /
SK trading international / SK chemicals /
SKC / SK E&S / SK gas
& Semiconductor
SK telecom / SK C&C / SK hynix /
SK planet / SK broadband / SK telesys /
SK telink / SK communications
23% (KRW 36 trillion)
Exports by SK Group in 2013: KRW 76.7 trillion
* B ased on 15 listed companies excluding SK holdings,
its holding company
Investment (Unit: KRW trillion)
Total Sales (Unit: KRW trillion)
Net Income (Unit: KRW trillion)
Marketing &
Market Capitalization (Unit: KRW trillion)
SK networks / SK E&C /
SK shipping / SK securities
SK - Profile
Major Businesses and Services
Holding Company
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,062.9 billion
(KRW 111,777.4 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK holdings is leading the
sustainable growth of the SK
Group. Through valueoriented stability and growth,
the company has been focusing
on enhancing its enterprise
value. It is also putting forth a
multilateral effort into
developing the SK Brand and
the SK Management System
(SKMS), the basis of SK
SK holdings owns a number of competitive
subsidiaries in various business areas including energy and chemicals, IT and semiconductors, and marketing and services. In 2014,
under its management policy to “pursue
value-oriented stability and growth,” it will
continue to enhance its portfolio value. This
will be done by executing strategic investments from a long-term perspective, based
on its broad market insights beyond its
management-oriented role of a holding
It will also concentrate on raising its value as
a holding company by investing in new
growth businesses whose future values are
projected to be profitable.
At the same time, it will continue to lay the
foundations for its long-term growth through
a more profit-oriented management.
Going forward, SK holdings will be dedicated to creating values while adjusting to
the rapidly changing global business environment through creativity and innovations.
SK energy
SK holdings strives to practice and develop
the SKMS, which is the corporate culture
unique to the brand. The holding company
will continue with its commitment to systematically manage the value of SK Brand,
which is the key asset and source of the
company’s competitiveness.
SK global chemical
SK innovation
SK incheon petrochem
Energy &
SK lubricants
SK trading international
SK chemicals
SK gas
Section 2. SK Profile
Business Overview - Energy & Chemicals
Energy & Chemicals
SK - Profile
Major Businesses and Services
Petroleum Development, Batteries,
Information and Electronics Materials,
Future Energy
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,493.8 billion
(KRW 66,669.5 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Established as South Korea’s first oil refining
company in 1962, SK innovation engages in
diverse areas of business including petroleum
development, batteries, information and
electronics materials, and future energy.
The petroleum development business has
shown stable growth through production in
overseas mining areas and increased outputs
from existing ones, recording an operating
income of over KRW 500 billion for the past
three years. Since its early advancement into
the overseas resources development sector,
it has carried out projects in such countries
as Vietnam, Peru and Brazil. In December
2013, it successfully made an equity investment in the Foum Assaka Block oil field in
SK innovation created a company-in-company by integrating the areas of batteries and
information and electronics materials into
New Business Development (NBD). This
allows the creation of new synergies among
its businesses by turning cutting-edge technologies into products, including separators,
a core material for batteries.
As for electric vehicle batteries, SK innovation has been recognized for its technologies
and mass production system by signing
supply contracts with global carmakers. The
company is currently building a battery pack
assembly line after successfully launching a
joint venture with Beijing Automotive
Industries Holding and Beijing Electronics
Holding, and is aiming to acquire China’s
largest market share for EV batteries by 2017.
With regard to lithium-ion battery separators (LiBS), SK innovation has been ranked
as the nation’s largest and the world’s third
largest after constructing Lines 8 and 9. It is
dedicated to developing next-generation
technologies such as GreenPol carbon
conversion and utilization and Green-Coal.
SK innovation will grow into a global comprehensive energy company by smoothing
its process operations and optimizing its
marketing value chain, based on innovations
to its technologies and business models, and
by building on the success of projects in such
areas as North American, Southeast Asia
and Africa.
Major Businesses and Services
Refinery (Petroleum, Gas, and Special
Products) & Marketing
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
43,613.0 billion
(KRW 43,746.7 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK energy is a leading energy company in
South Korea that has contributed to the
national economic development through the
production, exports and sales of petroleum
products. Formerly Korea Oil Corporation,
it started as the nation’s first oil refinery in
1962. With first-rate facilities and operations
that deliver premium oil products refined
from over 50 types of crude oil, SK energy
continues to enjoy its top position with its
refining capacity and market share for petroleum products.
It was recognized as the best oil refining
company in the Asia-Pacific region in a
refinery performance analysis conducted by
Solomon Associates, a management consulting company for the global energy industry.
By providing the industry’s first membership
service at more than 4,000 SK gas stations
nationwide, SK energy actively engages in
customer service activities. It is currently
enhancing its brand by making additional
efforts for cause marketing.
SK energy is actively expanding into the
global market by building foundations of
growth while strengthening its current
competitiveness. By exporting more than
50% of its oil products, it is promoting the
nation’s oil industry throughout the world.
It made a significant contribution to the
selection of petroleum products as the
nation’s No. 1 export (Approximately USD
56.1 billion) in 2012.
SK energy will continue to lead by maximizing its values. This will involve enhancing its
competitiveness in CLX energy efficiency
and optimizing its marketing value chain.
Therefore, it will remain the best refining
and marketing company in the Asia-Pacific
Major Businesses and Services
Basic Chemical (Olefins, Aromatics),
Advanced Chemical (Performance
Chemicals, Polymer, EPDM)
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
SK global chemical is seeking to shift its
business portfolio to focus on technologies
and solutions in order to be “The Innovative
Chemical Company, Creating Values with
Technology & Solutions.” Through the
expansion of existing businesses and the
launch of high-value added products, it will
continue to grow into a comprehensive
chemical company that is leading the world
chemical industry.
15,590.7 billion
(KRW 15,903.3 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK global chemical has been leading the
petrochemical industry in South Korea since
it began operating the nation’s first naphtha
cracking center in 1972. It became a subsidiary of SK innovation in 2011. All staff members of SK global chemical are dedicated to
ensuring global growth and securing new
growth engines in the chemical business of
the SK Group.
The Basic Chemicals business division produces olefins that are used as basic materials
for downstream products such as synthetic
resins and rubbers, and aromatics, a raw
material for synthetic f ibers. SK global
chemical is laying the foundation as a global
chemical company through the operation of
Wuhan naphtha cracking center in China
from 2013, and other aromatics manufacturing facilities at home and abroad in 2014.
The Advanced Chemicals business supplies
raw materials for a wide range of industries
including automobiles, electronics and communications. It will continue to maximize its
competitiveness by beginning the commercial sale of Nexlene, a premium polyethylene developed in 2014, and successfully
operating EPDM facilities in China. It is also
advancing into the cutting-edge materials
industry, including carbon fiber and electronic chemicals, by developing new technology-based businesses.
YUBASE, where the high-quality ZIC lubricants are loaded into the vehicles of global
carmakers when they are released. Having
obtained quality certificates from renowned
car brands, including Mercedes-Benz,
Porsche, BMW and Volkswagen, ZIC is used
by drivers in over 40 countries in varying
climates around the world including Russia
and the Middle East. Going forward, SK
lubricants will continue with its innovations
and growth to achieve the vision to be a
“Global Lubricants Top-Tier Player,” based
on its specialized technological competitiveness and global networking capabilities.
Major Businesses and Services
Lubricants and Base Oil
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
2,663.1 billion
(KRW 3,022.7 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK lubricants has been the leader in South
Korea’s lubricants market since 1968, and
became a subsidiary of SK innovation in 2009.
It succeeded in developing and commercializing Group III base oil manufacturing process
with independent technologies in 1995 by
predicting the growth of high fuel efficiency
lubricant products. Ranked first in the world
in the high-quality base oil market with its
YUBASE brand, SK lubricants built and
operated a base oil factory in Indonesia in
2008. It is also building a base oil factory in
Spain in cooperation with Repsol, the nation’s
largest refinery. When it begins full-fledged
operation in the second half of 2014,
YUBASE will have a greater control over the
global market.
The company also developed ZIC by using
Major Businesses and Services
Production of Petroleum and
Petrochemical Products
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
2,842.8 billion
As of the second half of 2013 since its
launch on July 1, 2013
Established as the nation’s third refinery in
1969, SK incheon petrochem has grown into
a global company that specializes in the
production of petroleum and petrochemical
products. It is now capable of processing
275,000 barrels of crude oil daily, and producing 1,000,000 tons of Benzene, Xylene,
Toluen (BTX) annually.
The company, which started as Kyung-in
Ener g y Development Company, was
acquired by SK holdings in 2006 and became
a subsidiary of SK innovation in July 2013.
The goal is to grow into a global oil refining
and petrochemical company with world-class
Energy & Chemicals
SK - Profile
productivity by continuously developing new
corporate values. This will be done by
diversifying its businesses to include the
production of such high-value added products as polyester, which is a synthetic fiber,
and Paraxylene (PX), which becomes a raw
material for PET bottles, while increasing the
productivity of its existing oil refinery. It will
also advance into the domestic market in
the capital area and utilize its geographical
advantage to engage in exports to Southeast
SK incheon petrochem excels in safety
management; it obtained the highest P grade
in the Process Safety Management (PSM)
evaluation by the Korea Occupational Safety
and Health Agency (KOSHA) in 2013, and
achieved 5,000,000 zero-accident man-hours
in 2014. The company is fully committed to
sustainable practices as it continuously
invests in the environmental sector.
it became the first in the country to begin
the trading of crude oil and petroleum
products in 1984. It had been responsible
for the stable economical imports of petroleum, a key energy source for the national
economy, while exporting more than 50%
of petroleum products by continuously
developing overseas markets.
SK trading international aims to become a
global trading company through business
model innovation, market intelligence and
the expansion of its global network through
its pioneering, creative, and positive corporate culture.
Major Businesses and Services
Green Chemicals (Chemicals and Energy),
Life Science (Pharmaceuticals and
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
Major Businesses and Services
Trading of Crude Oil and Petroleum
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
3,530.9 billion
As of the second half of 2013 since its
launch on July 1, 2013
(KRW 20,647.5 billion / Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK energy’s trading business, which had been
in charge of crude oil imports and petroleum
products exports, was reborn as SK trading
international in July 2013. The division led
the economic growth of South Korea since
1,484.6 billion
(KRW 8,256.6 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK chemicals, launched as Sunkyong Fibers
in 1969, has been leading South Korea’s
chemical and life science sectors. With the
mission to “promote human health and
protect global environment,” SK chemicals
reorganized its business structure into the
Green Chemicals Biz to manage chemical
and energy operations, and the Life Science
Biz to oversee healthcare, including pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals.
The Green Chemicals Biz is growing into a
global leader in the eco-friendly materials
sector, based on its top-tier technologies,
expertise and production facilities. It is also
pursuing new undertakings such as super
engineering plastics and bio diesel, while
advancing its existing ones like high-performance copolyester and biodiesel.
In 2013, SK chemicals established the INITZ
joint venture with Teijin, a Japan-based
global chemical and pharmaceutical company, for the full-fledged launch of super
engineering plastic Poly Phenylene Sulfide
(PPS) that had been in the spotlight as a
lightweight automotive material. SK chemicals
also succeeded in commercializing South
Korea’s first poly cyclohexylene dimethylene
terephthalate (PCT), which was included in
the Top 10 New Technologies at the Korea
Technology Awards in 2013. Its eco-friendly
ECOZEN and SK YGREEN resins also
obtained the highest Gold Level certification
from the Cr adle-to- Cr adle Produc ts
Innovation Institute (C2CPII).
The Life Science Biz provides integrated
solutions for healthcare, from disease prevention to diagnoses and treatments, while
making steady effor ts to develop new
medicines and enter the global markets. In
March 2014, SK chemicals signed an agreement for the joint development and sales of
premium pneumococcal vaccines with Sanofi
Pasteur, the largest company in the world
devoted entirely to vaccines, a first among
domestic companies. It also completed
L HOUSE in Andong, the nation’s first and
the world’s largest eco-friendly cell culturebased vaccine factory.
Going for ward, SK chemicals plans to
strengthen its marketing for high-performance eco-friendly materials. It intends to
continuously expand its bio energy business
with a focus on bio diesel and bio fuel oil. It
will also develop mid- to long-term growth
engines by carrying out its preparations for
the super engineering plastic PPS and premium vaccine businesses in accordance with
its pre-established plan.
Major Businesses and Services
Chemicals, Films, Photovoltaics, New Materials, Future Materials
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,851.1 billion
(KRW 2,641.4 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Founded in 1976, SKC has boasted technologies that have been advancing for more
than 30 years, beginning with the development of the nation’s first polyester films. SKC
has converted its focus from storage media
to the manufacturing of cutting-edge materials, including core materials for polyurethane and optical films. It continuously
broadens its business territories to include
photovoltaics, new and renewable energy,
IT and other eco-friendly materials.
SKC supplied PO and PO derivatives by
constructing the nation’s first state-of-the-art
PO/SM production plant in 1990. It was the
first in the world to commercialize the
eco-friendly HPPO method, which produces PO by using hydrogen peroxide, in
SKC developed polyester film with its own
technologies in 1977, and has been enhancing its global competencies from its Suwon
plant, which is the world’s largest production
facility, and a large-scale polyester plant in
Georgia, USA.
In addition, SKC is the only company in the
world that produces all types of films for
solar cells, ranging from photovoltaic polyester films and back sheets, to fluoride films
and EVA sheets. SKC plays the role of a total
solutions provider, equipped with an inte-
grated production system for key photovoltaic materials, along with the photovoltaic
wafer business of its subsidiary, SKC solmics.
A separate subsidiary, SKC lighting is accelerating the development of overseas LED
lighting markets.
SKC is primed to expand by achieving
qualitative growth in its core chemical and
film businesses, and carrying out new undertakings in electronic and inorganic materials,
as well as composite polyurethane materials.
SKC will evolve into a global green company
in the areas of new and renewable energy
and IT materials, while enriching the quality
of life with its superior human resources and
ropylene Oxide (PO): A highly responsive
liquid chemical product and a core material of
* S tyrene Monomer (SM): A raw material for
Styrofoam and plastics
Major Businesses and Services
LNG, Power Generation, Community
Energy, Domestic and Overseas City Gas,
New and Renewable Energy
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
999.5 billion
(KRW 6,317.8 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK E&S is a comprehensive energy service
provider engaging in a broad range of
energy businesses including liquefied natural
gas (LNG), power generation, community
energy, domestic and overseas city gas, and
new and renewable energy.
SK E&S enhanced its LNG sourcing competitiveness by directly importing low-priced
LNG from Indonesia in 2006, and participating in Australia’s Barossa-Caldita marine gas
field development in 2012. In 2013, it successfully laid the foundation to import lowpriced shale gas by signing a contract for the
use of LNG liquefaction facilities with
Freeport LNG in the USA. It is also building
infrastructures to integrate an LNG value
chain through its regasification terminal in
Boryeong, South Korea.
The power generation business operates
LNG combined cycle power plants in
Gwangyang and Oseong, generating 2.2%
of the nation’s total electricity supply. In
preparation for a rise in power demand, it
is speeding up the construction of new
power plants including Jangmun LNG CCPP
and Yeoju LNG CCPP.
As a high-efficiency energy business that
produces and supplies both heat and electricity, it is contributing to the development of
regional industries by offering district heating
and cooling in six districts, and supplying
low-priced heat to the Ochang Industrial
Complex, which aims to begin commercial
operations in 2016.
The city gas business division supplies about
21% of the nation’s city gas demand, recording the largest market share, backed by its
seven subsidiaries. SK E&S is also devoted to
overseas city gas operations; it established
a local subsidiary in Indonesia, and the
Wuhan SK E&S-SINO Gas Holdings in
Wuhan, China, as a major shareholder of
one of the country’s top 3 city gas companies,
China Gas Holdings.
In the meantime, in order to prepare for
paradigm shifts in future energy, SK E&S
strives for the supply of eco-friendly new
and renewable energy. This includes the
construction of 11.4 MW solar power plants
in Changwon and four other areas, and the
commercial operation of a 3 MW Oseong
fuel cell plant in 2013. It also plans to build
the 17.5 MW Godeok fuel cell plant in 2014.
SK - Profile
To achieve its vision to be a “Global Gas &
Power Company” by 2020, SK E&S is accelerating the integration of its LNG value chain
through creative innovations.
Major Businesses and Services
LPG Marketing, Global LPG Trading, LPG
Import Base Operation, Tank Terminal,
PDH (Propane De-Hydrogenation)
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
4,196.8 billion
(KRW 6,672.2 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Established in 1985, SK gas is an LPG provider that enjoys the largest LPG market share
in South Korea. With 470,000 tons of LPG
storage facilities in Pyeongtaek and Ulsan, and
a nationwide distribution network, it supplies
LPG for household, commercial, industrial and
automobile use, while enhancing competitiveness in the existing LPG business and diversifying its business interests.
SK gas reinforces its competitiveness in the
domestic LPG business mainly by developing
new LPG demand for petrochemicals,
increasing demand for LPG for automobiles,
and tapping the small bulk market. Overseas,
it is dedicated to securing local operations
by carrying out its global trading business
through network branches in Singapore,
Dubai, Houston, Calgary and Shanghai.
SK gas is seeking to enter the propane
dehydrogenation (PDH) business, using
propane (LPG) as a raw material. By utilizing
its Ulsan LPG storage facilities and LPG
trading capabilities, it is raising its cost com-
petitiveness in the PDH business. A PDH
factory with the APC of Saudi Arabia is in
construction, and its commercial operations
will begin in early 2016. SK gas is also successfully leading the lubricant tank terminal
project by establishing the G. Hub in 2013,
while pursuing coal power generation and
other new areas.
SK gas plans to enhance its enterprise value
by strengthening its competencies and
moving forward with new undertakings as
No. 1 in the domestic LPG market. Through
overseas LPG business expansion, product
portfolio diversification, and value chain
extension, it will grow into a “Global Leading
Gas Value Integrator.”
SK telecom
SK hynix
SK communications
Telecommunication &
SK telink
SK telesys
SK planet
SK broadband
Section 2. SK Profile
Business Overview - Information, Telecommunication & Semiconductor
Information, Telecommunication & Semiconductor
SK - Profile
Major Businesses and Services
Mobile Communications,
Mobile Communications Network,
B2B Solutions, Smart Health/Education
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
12,860.4 billion
the Korean Standard Service Quality Index
(KS-SQI) for 14 years.
2014 will be the first year in which SK telecom will be implementing its new 30-year
plan. It will continue to practice change and
innovation with its vision to be a “Partner
for New Possibilities.” SK telecom’s goal is
to be the best ICT company that creates
new values and transcends boundaries in the
industry. As a partner of both people and
companies, SK telecom will commit to
gaining greater support and respect from its
customers and society.
(KRW 16,602.1 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Mobile carrier SK telecom has led the
information and communication technology
(ICT) industry in South Korea, with backing
from the SK Group. The business began as
the nation’s first to introduce the first-generation (1G) analog cellular communications
in 1984. With the world’s first commercialization of Code Division Multiple Access
(CDMA) in 1996, the company commercialized CDMA2000 1X in 2000, HSDPA and
HSUPA in 2006, the LTE-A technology in
2013, and succeeded in developing the 3band
LTE-A technology in 2014. It has continued
to grow through the world’s first technologies and brand.
Based on its ICT capabilities, SK telecom
provides a wide array of services for users
and industries that center around healthcare,
B2B solutions and IPTV, in addition to the
world’s highest-level communications services. SK telecom continues to increase
customer value by strengthening its marketing and networks, while concentrating on
frontline management.
SK telecom has been focused on generating
outcomes and developing next-generation
growth engines. As a result, SK telecom
ranked f irst in the National Customer
Satisfaction Index (NCSI) for the 17th consecutive year, the Korean Cus tomer
Satisfaction Index (KCSI) for 16 years and
Major Businesses and Services
System Integration, Outsourcing,
Consulting, M-Commerce, Smart Card,
Mobile, Used Car Sales (SK encar),
Device Retail, Security
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,805.7 billion
(KRW 2,301.8 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Since its establishment in 1991, SK C&C has
been contributing to enhancing national
competitiveness by providing world-class
services in such areas as outsourcing, finance,
communications, services and manufacturing,
and security, from over 50 offices around
the world including the USA and China.
SK C&C’s range of high-caliber solutions and
services include system integration, which
offers optimal solutions and services to its
customers; outsourcing that is based on
service level agreement (SLA), where it has
implemented the nation’s first IT outsourc-
ing system, and consulting to help customers
enhance their competitiveness. SK C&C also
boasts differentiated competitiveness in
m-commerce and smart card sectors.
In the mobile sector, SK C&C is steadily
expanding its customer base and business
territories by securing global customers like
Google, Vodafone and Dunkin, and installing
a mobile wallet service for China Unicom
and SingTel of Singapore.
SK C&C’s subsidiary and the nation’s leading
used car and parts company, SK encar is
working to strengthen its business models
and expand overseas by establishing a joint
venture with a leading global player in 2014.
It is also focused on its device retail operations, including the exports of smart devices
and “ecophones.” SK C&C also provides
security services, offering consultations on
information security, and developing solutions and systems. Its subsidiary, Inforsec,
supports customers to stably carry out their
businesses by protecting their information
As a result, SK C&C was the first domestic
IT company to be listed in the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index World for two consecutive years (2012, 2013) and was selected as
an Industry Leader in 2013. It also obtained
the Best Family-Friendly Management
Certification from the Ministry of Gender
Equality & Family and was recognized as
an outstanding company for Win-Win
partnership on the Win-Win Index for its
sustainability management and stakeholder
engagement efforts.
SK C&C will challenge the global market
through creative innovations, while boosting
the customers’ success through its business
insights and technologies. It will remain
committed to achieving its vision to “Create
Value for Customers, Challenge the Future.”
Major Businesses and Services
DRAM, NAND Flash, CIS (CMOS image
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
13,896.3 billion
Semiconductors are core to the IT industry.
As the integration of IT devices with smart
and mobile technologies is requiring more
sophisticated solutions, SK hynix will continue to bolster its products while leading in
technology. The company will focus on the
full-scale mass production of 2y NANO
DRAM and 10 NANO NAND Flash solutions, and the development of next-generation memory chips and system semiconductors. With profit-oriented management,
pursuit of qualitative growth and efforts to
secure future competitiveness, it will lead as
the world’s best semiconductor company.
(KRW 14,165.0 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK hynix, established in 1983, is a global
semiconductor company that manufactures
DRAM, NAND Flash and other memory
chips that are essential for digital devices
including smartphones, tablet PCs and smart
TVs. The company also produces system
semiconductors like CMOS image sensors.
Having secured the industry’s top-level micro
processing technologies and a high valueadded product portfolio through continual
R&D efforts, SK hynix has repeated growth
by responding to market changes and introducing the world’s first smallest, fastest and
lowest-voltage innovative solutions. In addition, it is contributing to the nation’s economic development by achieving over 90%
of its sales through exports using its global
networks established in 15 countries around
the world.
Celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2013, SK
hynix posted the largest-ever earnings with
KRW 14,165 billion in revenue, KRW 3,380
billion in operating profit and KRW 2,873
billion in net income, based on consolidated
financial statements. Boosting SK Group’s
growth within the two years since its inclusion in the Group, SK hynix has proven
strong business capabilities through ongoing
technological innovations and profit-oriented product operations management.
Major Businesses and Services
NEXT Commerce, Digital Content,
Marketing Communication
and syrup, which is a new commerce brand
and by combining a range of services, including the flagship mobile Smart Wallet; OK
Cashbag (the nation’s leading mileage service); and Gifticon (the nation’s first mobile
gift exchange service). It is also enhancing
customer satisfaction in the mobile platform
and digital content area with services such
as “T map” mobile navigation, “T store” app
market, and “hoppin” mobile VOD service.
In addition, SK planet is successfully unfolding its global operations by uniting the
capabilities of its subsidiaries, including
Commerceplanet (a leading e-commerce
company), and M&SERVICE that is helping
customers improve their marketing performances. It is also concentrating on the
development of integrated platform services by securing successful models in the
USA, Turkey, Indonesia and Japan. With the
development of products for its NEXT
Commerce strategy through the creation of
paradigm innovations in the commerce
market, SK planet will offer integrated platform services that can compete with key
players in the global market.
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,378.2 billion
Launched in 2011, SK planet merged with SK
marketing & company in 2013, where businesses include NEXT Commerce, digital
contents, advertising and marketing. It is
dedicated to developing globally competitive
products by combining mobile-oriented
creative thinking and technologies that meet
the needs of society. By doing so, it is leading
the creation of smart consumption values,
the development of sharing venues, and
communication innovations.
Its NEXT Commerce business in the integrated online and offline areas is offering
new values to both venders and consumers.
It is doing so by providing various services,
such as 11st (an open market); Shocking Deal;
Information, Telecommunication & Semiconductor
SK - Profile
Major Businesses and Services
High-Speed Internet, Telephone, IPTV,
Corporate Data Service
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
2,539.4 billion
SK broadband provides high-speed Internet,
telephone, IPTV, and corporate data services, based on its leading technologies. As
the end of 2013, it had a solid customer base,
with 4.57 million subscribers to its high-speed
Internet service, and 2.1 million subscribers
to its IPTV service (unit: households).
In 2013, SK broadband focused on enhancing
its product distribution, expanding its network infrastructures and differentiating its
B2B services. As a result, it produced remarkable achievements, posting the largest-ever
net income for the eighth consecutive
quar ter. Its aggregate market value also
exceeded KRW 1 trillion. In addition, it
ranked first for its high-speed Internet and
IPTV services in the NCSI survey, in recognition for its excellent network quality and
customer-oriented management.
content on UHD TVs that do not have
set-top boxes (March 2014).
In addition, SK broadband practices its
corporate mission to grow with its stakeholders through a broad range of social contribution activities. These include obtaining the
Best Family Friendly Management Certificate,
building a win-win growth system with its
business partners, operating a company-wide
volunteer group and suppor ting social
In 2014, SK broadband will continue to grow
and develop by strengthening its integrated
wire and wireless competitiveness, while
consolidating its status as the wire communications market leader through innovation from its “BIKING spirit.”
IKING spirit: Breaking through Innovation ICT
Major Businesses and Services
Repeaters, Customer Premises Equipment
(including Giga-WiFi and AP), Transmission
Equipment, LTE, Smartphone R&D, HighEfficiency Machinery
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
Particularly, the number of its fee-based “B
tv Mobile” subscribers exceeded 1 million
(March 2014), in addition to its already 2.1
million fee-paying “B tv” IPTV (VOD) service
subscribers. This was led by its strengthened
content competitiveness. SK broadband
consolidated its technology leadership in the
premium-level communications and media
service market and in the Giga Internet field.
The IPTV’s Ultra High Definition (UHD)
service is four times clearer and more vivid
than the full-HD service. It also developed
UHD set-top boxes and commercialized the
UHD set-top free that allows access to UHD
450.8 billion
SK telesys is the nation’s top telecommunication equipment company, supplying 4G
LTE-based repeaters, transmission equipment, Wireless Broadband ( WiBro),
Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), FemtoCell and
smar tphones. The company began con-
structing basic communications infrastructures in 1997, and established an R&D center
in the Pangyo Techno Valley in 2010 to
develop such new technologies as the 5G
telecommunications network. It developed
Giga-WiFi and commercialized the Home
Femto Cell for the world’s first. SK telesys
is also evolving into a one-stop solution
provider by successfully operating industrial
equipment and facilities for semiconductor
plants and solar power generation, in addition to electric communication facilities such
as Internet data centers (IDCs) and base
In addition, the company is expanding into
the global market with its communication
network manufacturing and engineering
technologies. It launched 4” and 5” smartphones with competitive pricing in the
overseas market by combining its original
design with the production technologies of
China. It is also participating in the Home
Femto Cell development project launched
by a European telecommunications company. Also in pursuit is cooperative development in the Fiber to the Home (FTTH)
business in Indonesia.
As the nation’s leading communications
equipment manufacturer, SK telesys is
dedicated to building a stable business
portfolio and maximizing its enterprise value,
while winning recognition for its quality
technologies in the new business areas. It
will also fulfill its role as “The Most Reliable
Network Partner,” providing the most reliable services in the market.
Major Businesses and Services
International Calls, Internet Phones,
Mobile Virtual Network Operator
(MVNO), Supplementary Telephone
Services (including universal area code
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
433.3 billion
SK telink began its resale business by providing an international phone call service with
the number 00700 in 1998. It is the nation’s
major mobile carrier, offering a wide range
of wire and wireless communication services including supplementar y call and
Internet call services, and MVNO.
SK telink has been recognized for its value
as the nation’s best international call service
provider, having differentiated capabilities
with an excellent call quality, varied rate plans
and systematic customer management. In
2014, it was ranked first in the NCSI survey.
Its B2B communication service business is
helping corporate customers enhance their
competitiveness by providing a universal area
code service and the exclusive Express
Service voice line.
and Biz Brand Call, the nation’s first caller
ID service. SK telink will solidify its revenue
bases from existing businesses, while securing its solid market leadership in MVNO
service and developing new businesses for
the future.
Major Businesses and Services
Integrated Portal, Integrated
Communication Messenger, Mobile Service
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
128.3 billion
Launched in 2002, SK communications
operates a wide range of user Internet
services. They include the “nate.com” web
portal, which delivers content and bulletin
board services from both online and mobile
platforms, NateOn, a quick and convenient
integrated communications messenger, and
Cymera, a self-portrait camera app.
Launched in 2012, the “7mobile” MVNO
service is leading the market. As of March
2014, it ranked first in sales through a variety
of marketing initiatives. These included
selling budget phones at convenience stores
(a f irst in the industr y), and launching
insurance-affiliated products and corporateaffiliated international calling plans.
Nate.com tailors to the user experience by
providing Nate News, Nate Pann, Nate
Search, Nate Video, enter tainment and
sports content, and other information channels on automobiles, shopping and real
estate. By offering users informative and
updated content through services such as
“Issue UP,” which shows the latest issues in
image or video formats, it continues to
strengthen its competitiveness as a web
portal service.
SK telink is also consolidating its position as
a total ICT service company by launching the
cloud-based video conference service, VaaS,
Launched in 2003, NateOn is the nation’s
leading messenger service with 35 million
members. In addition to wire and wireless
messaging services, it offers a wide range of
supplementary features such as large file
transfers, remote PC control and voice
chatting. With the changing Internet environment marked by blurring boundaries
between wire and wireless Internet services
and dominance by mobile messenger services, NateOn aims to become a smar t
communications platform with enhanced
user convenience.
Launched in 2012, Cymera is the most
convenient and popular camera app that
enables users to take self-por traits and
stylize them using the integrated photo
editing features. As of May 2014, the number
of downloads exceeded 90 million, of which
over 3 million and 20 million users in about
220 countries around the world use it on a
daily and monthly average basis, respectively. The camera application is presenting
its possibilities and values as a mobile platform that offers a new culture in the global
market, while enabling users to recreate and
share their captured self-moments with
friends and families.
SK communications will grow into a global
force for Internet services by providing
innovative solutions, continually exploring
global markets and expanding its top-level
Marketing & Service
SK networks
Major Businesses and Services
Trading, ICT Marketing, Petroleum
Products, Car-Life, Fashion, Consumer
Goods, Walkerhill
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
23,739.6 billion
(KRW 25,975.4 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Marketing &
SK shipping
SK securities
Section 2. SK Profile
Business Overview - Marketing & Service
SK networks was founded in 1953 as
Sunkyong Textiles, a forerunner to the SK
Group. With domestic and overseas networks and excellent logistics, it carries out
a broad range of businesses to 22 countries.
Its energy and car business mainly supplies
petroleum and LPG products to more than
3,100 gas stations and over 70 charging
stations domestically. SK networks has also
been successfully carrying out new businesses in the “Car-Life” area, including light
maintenance, rental cars and new car sales.
facilities business by operating the Shenyang
SK Bus Terminal.
The hotel service business is operating the
Sheraton Grande Walkerhill, the W SeoulWalkerhill, Incheon Airport Transit Hotel,
Walkerhill Duty Free, and the SK pinx resort
in Jeju-do. As a trendsetter in domestic hotel
services, it is committed to change and
innovation while catering to the lifestyles of
its premium customers.
SK networks will continue to offer its customers the best products and services
anytime and anywhere, by strengthening its
primary competitiveness in its existing core
businesses, and by continuously developing
new growth engines for its Car-Life service,
consumer materials, and hotel service businesses.
As for the chemical and power plant business,
SK E&C is leading the industry by having won
a series of orders for large-scale power and
petrochemical facilities in overseas markets.
It is also continuously expanding its business
portfolio by successfully entering into the
arena of power and gas plant projects.
The infrastructure business is creating substantial outcomes from various projects, such
as complex development and reclamation,
and new port construction, as well as social
overhead capital (SOC) construction, which
includes high-speed railways and roads. It is
doing so based on its outstanding design,
construction, and maintenance capabilities.
SK VIEW apartments are very popular by
people. This business is committed to identifying customers’ needs in advance, and
presenting new and smart residential spaces.
The u-Business provides total communication solutions, such as Home Network and
Major Businesses and Services
Infrastructures, Housing & Architecture,
Chemical Plants, Power Plants,
The ICT marketing business is efficiently
delivering a variety of industr y-related
devices, solutions and services based on its
domestic mobile terminal distribution, aftersales service and logistics. The trading business enjoys stable growth with a focus on
high value-added products including chemicals, steel and coal, while securing profitability by establishing par tnerships with
global major suppliers.
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
The fashion business operates its own
brands, such as Obzee, O’2nd and Rouge &
Lounge, as well as licensed brands, including
Tommy Hilfiger, DKNY, Club Monaco and
Calvin Klein, while expanding overseas in
China and the USA . In addition, it is
actively pursuing real estate development
and logistics. In China, it became the first
foreign player to enter the Chinese public
Since its establishment in 1977, SK E&C has
engaged in the construction business in
diverse areas including infrastructures,
architecture and housing, chemical and
power plants, and u-Businesses, based on its
excellent EPC capabilities. Currently, it is
carrying out 53 projects in 20 countries with
17 overseas subsidiaries and 16 overseas
SK E&C is working to expand overseas and
develop new products. By reinforcing its
competitiveness further and accelerating
globalization, it will move forward with the
goal of being a global top-tier company for
city development and infrastructure construction.
7,505.3 billion
(KRW 7,784.1 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
SK - Profile
Major Businesses and Services
Tanker, Gas Carrier, Bulk Carrier,
high-quality fuel oil and other various supplementary services. It mainly targets deep-sea
fishing, merchant, and special vessels.
SK shipping will evolve into a top resources
transportation company that meets customers’ needs. It will have a fleet of over 70
vessels with a combined capacity of 13 million
DWT by 2015.
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
1,425.8 billion
(KRW 2,569.5 billion, Based on
consolidated financial statements)
Beginning with the tanker business in 1982,
SK shipping has provided a wide range of
marine resource transpor tation services
including gas and bulk carriers and bunkering.
Based on its accumulated marine transportation experience and capabilities, it is
winning international recognition for its
value in the resource transportation field.
The tanker business is transporting crude oil
for major shippers around the world through
its global top 8-scale fleet. It has positioned
itself as a reliable shipping partner through
its record of running safe operations.
SK shipping is the world’s first shipping
company to own and operate three types
of LNG carriers including Moss, Membrane
Mark III, and Membrane No. 96. The gas
carrier business offers world-class LNG
transportation services and has signed a
long-term international LNG transportation
contract, which is a first in the country.
SK shipping carries out more than 500
voyages annually, as it has the experience
and abilities for handling all types of cargo
and bulk carriers. It continues to build
global networks, secure optimal vessels, and
leverage its acumen for the operation and
navigation of vessels.
Its subsidiary in Singapore, SK B&T, offers
Major Businesses and Services
Wealth Management, Securities Brokerage
and Underwriting
2013 Sales (Unit: KRW)
547.8 billion
Established in 1955, SK securities is devoted
to contributing to the development of South
Korea’s capital market and securities industry by pioneering financial innovations and
providing differentiated financial solutions
for its stakeholders.
In order to secure a competitive edge for its
wealth management-oriented business, the
company reorganized its branch system into
Private Investment Banking (PIB) centers, in
which the finest financial specialists reside
and provide a total WM service package to
its individual and institutional customers, via
a nationwide network of 13 PIB centers and
27 branches.
SK securities was the first in its industry to
introduce the “Quant” Stock Recommendation Service and the Stock Rating System
(SRS), which are offered through its awardwinning mobile securities trading application,
“JooPaSoo.” Some of the accolades it has
won include the Grand Prize in the Finance
Category at the Smart App Award of the
Korea Smart App Assessment Index for two
consecutive years, ranking first in the 2013
and 2014 Korea Customer Surprise Brand
Index (K-CSBI) surveys, and receiving The
2013 Master Consumer Confidence of Korea
Brand Awards.
Based on ceaseless efforts in improving its
financial consulting competencies, SK securities is also attaining a higher brand value
among IB market competitors. In 2013, it
ranked first in the private equity fund (PEF)
market, and third in bond underwriting, while
recording KRW 1.6 trillion in assets under
SK securities’ foremost commitment is to
build a robust and sustainable earnings basis
for its stakeholders, by implementing
WM-oriented innovations for the retail
business, revamping its principal investment
(PI) and private equity (PE) investment
capabilities, and increasing the profitability
of its institutional sales and IB operations.
SK - Profile
SK energy
USA / New York
SK USA, Inc.
55 East 59th Street, 11F, New York, NY 10022, USA
T. 1-212-583-2456 / F. 1-212-583-2439
China / Hong Kong
SK energy Road Investment (HK) Co., Ltd.
Unit 602C, 6/F, Tower 1 Admiralty Centre, 18
Harcourt Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong
T. 852-2865-0114
SK China
China / Beijing
Beijing HQ
26F, SK Tower, No. 6 jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Beijing 100022, China
T. 86-10-5928-0000 / F. 86-10-5928-0060
SK innovation
Vietnam / Hanoi
SK innovation Hanoi Office
Room 1302B, 12 Fl. Handiresco Building, 521 Kim Ma,
Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
T. 84-4-3724-5211~2 / F. 84-4-3724-5213
Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh City
SK innovation HCMC Office
Unit 601(6F), Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan Ben Nghe
ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam
T. 84-8-3827-0861 / F. 84-8-3827-0864
USA / Houston
SK E&P Company
1300 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 910 Houston, TX 77056, USA
T. 1-713-341-5822 / F. 1-713-871-1580
SK E&P America, Inc.
1300 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 910 Houston, TX 77056, USA
T. 1-713-341-5822 / F. 1-713-871-1580
Colombia / Bogota
SK innovation Bogota Office
Cra. 9 No. 113-52 Oficina 1605, Bogota, Colombia
T. 57-1-612-4591 / F. 57-1-612-4596(Ext.118)
Peru / Lima
SK innovation Sucursal Peruana
Avenue Amador Merino Reyna No. 267 Of. 702,
Edificio ‘Parque Plaza’ San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru
T. 511-719-1110 / F. 511-719-1115
China / Shanghai
SK Asphalt (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
1104, Dawning Centre Tower B, No. 500, Hongbaoshi
Road, Shanghai 201103, P.R. China
T. 86-21-6197-0508 / F. 86-21-6197-0567
Indonesia / Jakarta
Representative Office of SK energy in Indonesia
#2602, 26F, Tower 2, Indonesia Stock Exchange
Building, JI, Jend, Sudirman Kav.52-53, Jakarta Selatan
12190, Indonesia
T. 62-21-5140-0100 / F. 62-21-5140-0200
Japan / Tokyo
SK energy Tokyo Branch
NBF Hibiya Bldg., 25F 1-1-7, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
T. 65-6220-1266 / F. 65-6221-1225
Taiwan / Taipei
SK energy Taiwan Branch
5F Room A-1 No. 287, Nan-King East Road, Sec.3,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C
T. 886-2-2718-3949 / F. 886-2-2514-0377
USA / Houston
SK energy Houston Company
1401 Enclave Parkway Suite 100, Houston, TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-496-8558
SK global chemical
China / Beijing
SK global chemical (China) Holdings Co., Ltd.
35F, SK Tower, No. 6 Jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Beijing 100022, China
T. 86-10-5920-5550
China / Guangzhou
SK global chemical (Guangzhou) International
Trading Co., Ltd.
Room 2504, HNA Building, No. 8 Linhe Zhong Road,
Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province
510610, China
T. 86-20-8510-0301
China / Shandong
SK global chemical SK-Golden Tide Plastics
(Yantai) Co., Ltd.
No. 88, Jinlong Road, Zhaoyuan District, Shandong
265408, China
T. 86-535-811-8633
Shengyuan Hongda Chemical Co., Ltd.
Chaili Industry Park Xigang County Tengzhou City
Shandong Province, China
T. 86-632-405-7528
China / Shanghai
SK global chemical International Trading (Shanghai)
Co., Ltd.
15F, Gubei International Fortune Center Ⅱ, No. 1438,
Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6197-0100
SK global chemical (China) Holdings Co., Ltd.
15F, Gubei International Fortune Center Ⅱ, No.1438,
Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6197-0100
Shanghai Gaoqiao-SK Solvent Co., Ltd.
No. 1563-16, North Pudong Road, Pudong New Area,
Shanghai 200137, China
T. 86-21-5861-6688
Shanghai Huayou International Freight Forwarding
Co., Ltd.
15F, Gubei International Fortune Center Ⅱ, No. 1438,
Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6197-0100
China / Zhejiang
SK global chemical Zhejiang Shenxin SK Packaging
Co., Ltd.
Shengzhong Village, Xinjie, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang 311217, China
T. 86-571-8261-5097
China / Ningbo
Ningbo SK Performance Rubber Co., Ltd.
No.266, Beihai Road, Ningbo PetroChemical
Economic & Technological Development Zone,
Zhenhai District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province,
315200, China
T. 86-574-8665-7896
China / Wuhan
Sinopec-SK (Wuhan) Petrochemical Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Chemical and Industrial Zone, Wuhan City,
Hubei Province, 430082, China
T. 86-27-8663-0093
Japan / Tokyo
SK global chemical Japan
NBF Hibiya Bldg. 8F, 1-1-7, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
T. 81-3-3591-3041
Indonesia / Jakarta
PT Patra SK
The Plaza Office Tower Level 28 Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav.
28-30 Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
T. 62-21-2992-2633 / F. 62-21-2992-8636
Netherlands / Rotterdam
SK energy Europe Rotterdam Office
Beursplein 37, Beurs WTC, 4th Floor, 3011AA
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
T. 31-10-205-2570
Singapore / Singapore City
SK global chemical Singapore Pte. Ltd.
23 Church Street Units #10-05/06 Capital Square,
Singapore 049481
T. 65-6671-1577
Japan / Tokyo
SK lubricants Japan Co., Ltd.
NBF Hibiya Bldg., 8F, 1-1-7, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyodaku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
T. 81-3-3591-3044 / F. 81-3-3591-0108
USA / Los Angeles
SK energy Americas Inc. (Los Angeles)
4F, 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 465 Torrance,
California 90503, USA
T. 1-424-903-4009
Germany / Frankfurt
SK global chemical Frankfurt Office
3.0 Lyonerstrasse 36 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
T. 49-15205775765
Netherlands / Amsterdam
SK lubricants Europe B.V.
Strawinskylaan 733, WTC Building B7, 1077 XX,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T. 31-020-714-7813 / F. 31-020-714-7819
UAE / Dubai
SK global chemical Dubai Branch
#1003, Al Nouf Tower, P.O. Box 126494, Dubai, UAE
T. 971-4-252-5277 / F. 971-4-252-5477
USA / Houston
SKGC Americas Inc.
1300 Post Oak Blvd Suite 425, Houston, TX 77056, USA
T. 1-713-850-0005
Colombia / Bogota
SK global chemical Bogota Branch
Cra. 9 No. 113-52 Suite 501, Bogota, Colombia
T. 57-1-610-6010
Russia / Moscow
SK lubricants RUS LLC
Office 1317, Entrance 1, 10 Testovskaya Street,
Moscow, 123317, Russia
T. 7-495-989-4757 / F. 7-495-989-4758
Spain / Madrid
Calle de la Retama 7, Planta 14, 28045 Madrid, Spain
T. 34-91-467-4400 / F. 34-91-530-9947
USA / Houston
SK lubricants Americas Inc.
1300 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 450 Houston, TX 77056,
T. 1-713-341-5851 / F. 1-713-341-5825
SK lubricants
SK trading international
China / Beijing
SK lubricants China Co., Ltd.
Unit 901-903, Office Tower D, Vantone Center, No. 6
Chaoyangmen Wai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100020, China
T. 86-10-5671-2000 / F. 86-10-5671-2121
Singapore / Singapore City
SK energy International Pte. Ltd.
4 Shenton Way, #11-02/04 SGX Center Two,
Singapore 068807
T. 65-6220-1266
India / Haryana
SK lubricants & Oils India Pvt. Ltd.
Unit No. 309, Sewa Corporate Park, M.G Road,
Gurgaon 122002, Haryana, India
T. 91-124-493-2888 / F. 91-124-493-2886
United Kingdom / London
SK energy Europe Limited
3F, 175-179 Oxford Street, London W1D 2JS, UK
T. 44-20-7437-0211
USA / Houston
SK energy Americas Inc. (Houston)
1300 Post Oak Boulevard 4th Floor Ste. 1660
Houston, Texas 77056, USA
T. 1-713-871-1186
UAE / Dubai
SK energy Middle East Office
Suite No. 1702, Festival City Office Tower P.O. Box
9389, Dubai, UAE
T. 971-4-232-9371
SK chemicals
China / Beijing
SK Pharma Beijing Co., Ltd.
23F, SK Tower, No. 6 Jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, China
T. 86-10-5924-0909 / F. 86-10-5924-0924
China / Guangzhou
SK chemicals Guangzhou Office
Room No. 1005, 10F, Guangdong International
Building, No. 339 Huan Shi Dong Road, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province 510098, China
T. 86-134-3020-6584
China / Shanghai
SK chemicals Shanghai Office
Room No. 1505, Shanghaimart, 2299 YanAn
Road(W), Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6295-7070 / F. 86-21-6270-1606
China / Suzhou
SK chemicals Suzhou Co., Ltd.
#188, Jiangxingdonglu, Wujiang Economic
Development Zone, Jiangsu Province 215217, China
T. 86-512-8516-2002 / F. 86-512-8516-2007
SK - Profile
China / Shandong
SK chemicals Qingdao Co., Ltd.
12, Jiangshan Middle Road, Qingdao Economic &
Technical Development Zone, Shandong 266000,
T. 86-532-8676-3281~3 / F. 86-532-8676-3190
Japan / Tokyo
SK chemicals Tokyo Office
Toranomon Roots 21 Bldg., 7-5, Toranomon 3-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan
T. 81-3-5733-6095/6 / F. 81-3-5733-6097
Singapore / Singapore City
ST Green Energy Pte Ltd.
22 North Canal Road #03-03, Singapore 048834
T. 65-6602-6366 / F. 65-6533-3023
Germany / Eschborn
SK chemicals GmbH
Topas 1, Mergenthalerallee 77, Eschborn 65760,
T. 49-6196-90206-11 / F. 49-6196-90206-29
SK chemicals Frankfurt Office
Topas 1, Mergenthalerallee 77, Eschborn 65760,
T. 49-6196-90206-11 / F. 49-6196-90206-29
USA / California
SK chemicals America, Inc.
2 Park Plaza, Suite 1250, Irvine, CA 92614, USA
T. 1-949-336-8088 / F. 1-949-336-8089
USA / New York
SK chemicals New York Office
55E 59th Street 11F, New York, NY 10022, USA
T. 1-212-583-2430 / F. 1-212-583-2461
China / Shanghai
SKC (Shanghai) International Trading Co., Ltd.
Room No.1408, International Trade Center, 2201,
West Yan’an Road, Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6270-2866(Ext. 301) / F. 86-21-6270-2377
Singapore / Singapore City
SK LNG Trading Pte., Ltd.
50 Raffles Place #27-01 & 06 Singapore Land Tower,
Singapore 048623
T. 65-6220-0758 / F. 65-6220-0217
China / Jiangsu
SKC (Jiangsu) Hightech Plastics Co., Ltd.
No.5, JiangHe Road, NETDA, NanTong, Jiangsu,
226009, China
T. 86-0513-8916-9735 / F. 86-513-5108-8996
Indonesia / Jakarta
PT. SK ENS Nusantara
26F, Stock Exchange Building 2, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.
52-53, Jakarta, Indonesia
Japan / Tokyo
SKC Japan Office
CJ Building 8F, 2-7-4, Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
T. 81-3-3591-6325 / F. 81-3-3591-6350
Taiwan / Taipei
SKC Taiwan Office
13F, No. 337, Fusing N. Road, Songshan District, Taipei
City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
T. 886-2-2712-2266 / F. 886-2-2547-4763
Germany / Frankfurt
SKC Europe GmbH.
Hahnstrasse 70, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
T. 49-69-6690-130 / F. 49-69-6661-071
Poland / Dzierzoniow
SKC Europe pu sp. z o.o
UL. Strefowa 16, 58-200, Dzierzoniow, Poland
T. 48-71-734-53-96 / F. 48-71-734-57-62
USA / Atlanta
SKC Inc.
SKC Drive, Covington, GA 30014, USA
T. 1-678-342-1000 / F. 1-678-342-1800
China / Beijing
SKC (Beijing) Polyurethane Co., Ltd.
No.169 of Zhaoquanying-duan, Changjin-lu, Zhaofeng-chanyejidi, Zhaoquanying-zhen, Shunyi-qu,
Beijing, China
T. 86-10-6044-4005(8003) / F. 86-10-6044-3476
China / Beijing
SK E&S Co., Ltd. Beijing Representative Office
27F, SK Tower, No. 6 Jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Beijing 100022, P.R. China
China / Guangzhou
SKC International Trading (Guangzhou Office)
Room 1911, CITIC PLAZA, 233 Tianhe N. Road,
Guangzhou City 510613, China
T. 86-20-3877-1140 / F. 86-20-3877-1540
China / Wuhan
Wuhan SK E&S-SINO Gas Holdings Co., Ltd.
9F Publisher Building, 277 Qingnian Road, Wuhan,
T. 86-27-8362-0232 / F. 86-27-8362-0203
Australia / Perth
SK E&S Australia Pty., Ltd.
Level 39 108 ST, George Terrace, Perth, WA 6000,
USA / Houston
SK E&S Americas Inc.
1401 Enclave Parkway, STE 100 Houston,
TX 77077, USA
SK gas
China / Shanghai
SKG China
Floor 2902B, Building No. 1, Gubei International
Fortune Center, Hongqiao Street 1438, Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-5419-3602/3603 / F. 86-21-5419-3609
Singapore / Singapore City
SK gas International
50 Raffles Place #27-01 & #27-06 Singapore Land
Tower, Singapore 048623
T. 65-6631-9309 / F. 65-6223-8231
USA / Houston
SK gas Houston Office
1401 Enclave Pkwy # 100, Houston, TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-496-8345 / F. 1-281-258-2860
Canada / Calgary
Suite 204, 5 Richard Way SW, Calgary, AB T3E 7M8,
T. 1-587-779-2674
UAE / Dubai
SK gas Dubai Office
Suite No. 1702, Festival City Office, Tower Marsa Al
Khor, P.O. BOX 9389, Dubai, UAE
T. 971-4-232-8763 / F. 971-4-232-8762
SK telecom
China / Beijing
SK telecom (China) Holding Co., Ltd.
25F, SK Tower, No. 6 Jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022, China
T. 86-10-5928-0153 / F. 86-10-5928-0060
China / Beijing
SK C&C Beijing
21F, Fosun International Center, No. 237, Chaoyangbei
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China
T. 86-10-5977-0900 / F. 86-10-5977-0800
Japan / Tokyo
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
8F, NBF Hibiya Bldg. 1-1-7 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, Japan
T. 81-3-3591-3800 / F. 81-3-3591-3807
China / Shenyang
SK C&C Shenyang
7F, SK Building, No. 61 Shenglinan Street, Heping
District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China
T. 86-24-3187-8500 / F. 86-24-3187-8482
Singapore / Singapore City
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
4 Shenton Way, #15-04 SGX Center Two, Singapore
T. 65-6232-9746 / F. 65-6536-9716
Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur
SK C&C Malaysia Office
53A, Vista Tower, The Intermark, 182 Jalan TunRazak,
50400, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T. 603-2166-4011 / F. 603-2166-9011
Indonesia / Jakarta
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
#2602 Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower II 26F, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190,
T. 6221-2926-1811 / F. 6221-2926-1815
Azerbaijan / Baku
SK C&C Azerbaijan Office
12F, Caspian Plaza 1, Index AZ1065, 44 J.Jabarli Street,
Baku, Azerbaijan
T. 994-12-437-3811
Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh City
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
Unit 1212A, 12F, Diamond Plaza, 34 Le Duan Street,
Ben Ngha Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City,
T. 84-8-3822-9145 / F. 84-8-3822-9153
UAE / Dubai
SK C&C Dubai Office
Office #501, Indigo Icon Tower, Jumeirah Lake Towers,
Dubai, UAE
T. 971-4-447-8914 / F. 971-4-447-8913
Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
53A, Vista Tower, The Intermak, 182, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T. 603-2164-8011 / F. 603-2166-9011
USA / Atlanta
12600 Deerfield Parkway STE 425, Alpharetta, GA
30004, USA
T. 1-770-670-4700 / F. 1-770-670-4660
India / Bangalore
SK hynix Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd.
Unit 10, Level 8, Innovator Building, ITPB (International
Technology Park Bangalore), White Field Road,
Bangalore 560066, India
T. 91-80-4126-5271~2 / F. 91-80-4126-5273
Colombia / Bogota
SK C&C Colombia Office
Avda. Calle 116 No. 7-15 Torre Cusezar, Oficina 1002,
Bogota, Colombia
T. 57-1-744-4441
Japan / Tokyo
SK hynix Japan Inc.
23F, Shiroyama Trust Tower, 4-3-1 Toranomon,
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
T. 81-3-6403-5500 / F. 81-3-6403-5590/5591
USA / Sunnyvale
SK telecom Americas, Inc.
310 De Guigne Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA
T. 1-408-328-2900 / F. 1-408-328-2931
USA / New York
SK telecom Co., Ltd.
55 East 59th Street, 10F, New York, NY 10022, USA
T. 1-212-583-2467 / F. 1-212-583-2461
SK hynix
China / Beijing
SK hynix Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room. 1401, Landmark Building, 8 North
Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100004, China
T. 86-10-6590-6546 / F. 86-10-6590-0908
China / Chongqing
SK hynix Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 5-7, Caifu Building A, Caifu Road No. 2, Yubei
District, Chongqing, China
T. 86-023-8819-7951
China / Hong Kong
SK hynix Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd.
Suite 1707-08 17F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
T. 852-2791-1600 / F. 852-2971-1622
China / Shanghai
SK hynix Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 2702-2705, Maxdo Center, No. 8, Xing Yi RD,
Changning Zone, Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-5208-0505 / F. 86-21-5208-0802
China / Shenzhen
SK hynix Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
18F, B tower Donghai International Center, Futian
District, Shenzhen, China
T. 86-755-8257-1591 / F. 86-755-8257-1584
China / Wuxi
SK hynix Semiconductor (China) Ltd.
Lot K7, Wuxi Export Processing Zone in Wuxi New
District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China
T. 86-510-8520-8888 / F. 86-510-8520-8298
SK hynix (Wuxi) Semiconductor Sales Ltd.
K-7 plot. Export Processing Zone Wuxi, Jiangsu
Province, China
T. 86-510-8520-8779 / F. 86-510-8520-8789
Japan / Osaka
SK hynix Japan Inc.
10F, Sumitomo Seimei Shin-Osaka Higashiguchi Bldg.,
1-19-4 Higashinakajima, Higashiyodogawa-ku, Osaka
533-0033, Japan
T. 81-6-4809-8851 / F. 81-6-4809-8966
SK - Profile
Malaysia / Penang
SK hynix North-East ASIA Pte. Ltd.
Unit 17 lower level 5 Hotel Equatorial Penang 1 Jalan
Bukit Jambul Banyan Lepas, Malaysia
T. 60-04-643-2428 / F. 60-04-643-2432
United Kingdom / Weybridge
SK hynix UK Limited
243 Brooklands Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13, 0RH,
United Kingdom
T. 44-1932-827-700 / F. 44-1932-827-745~7
Singapore / Singapore City
SK hynix North-East ASIA Pte. Ltd.
8 Temasek Boulevard #11-03, Suntec City Tower 3,
Singapore 038988
T. 65-6338-5966 / F. 65-6336-5911/5922
USA / Austin
SK hynix America Inc.
4201 West Parmer Lane Bldg. B, Suite 280 Austin,
TX 78727, USA
T. 1-512-339-5731 / F. 1-512-821-3730
Taiwan / Taipei
SK hynix Semiconductor Taiwan Inc.
11F, Lite-On Technology Building, No. 392, Ruey Kuang
Road, Neihu, Taipei 11492, Taiwan, R.O.C
T. 886-2-8752-2300 / F. 886-2-8752-2366
Taiwan / Zhubei City
SK hynix flash solutions Taiwan Ltd.
6F-1, No.6, Taiyuen 1st.(Taiyuen Hi-Tech Industrial
Park), Zhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan
T. 886-3-543-2300 / F. 886-3-543-2322
France / Paris
SK hynix Deutschland GmbH
Bureaux de sevres-2 rue Troyon 92316 SEVRES,
Cedex, Paris, France
T. 33-141-14-83-42 / F. 33-141-14-83-40
Finland / Helsinki
SK hynix Deutschland GmbH
Technopolis, Innopoli 2, Tekniikantie 14, 02150, Espoo,
T. 358-46-712-1081 / F. 358-46-712-1080
Germany / Raunheim
SK hynix Deutschland GmbH
Am Prime Parc 13, Kelsterbacher Street 16 D-65479
Raunheim, Germany
T. 49-6142-921-100/205 / F. 49-6142-921-290/214
Ireland / Dublin
SK hynix UK Limited
1F, Block 10-3, Blanchardstown Corporate Park,
Dublin 15. Ireland
T. 353-1-882-9600 / F. 353-1-882-9600
Italy / Agrate Brianza
SK hynix Italy S.r.l.
Viale Colleoni, 15 20864 Agrate Brianza(MB), Italy
T. 39-039-5968-500 / F. 39-039-5968-501
Russia / Moscow
SK hynix Deutschland GmbH
Leninsky Prospect 158, Hotel Salyout Office, 0225,
Moscow, Russia
T. 7-495-232-56-71 / F. 7-495-232-56-71
USA / Chicago
SK hynix America Inc.
1920 North Thoreau Drive Suite 170 Schaumburg,
IL 60173, USA
T. 1-841-925-0190 / F. 1-847-825-0196
USA / Dallas
SK hynix America Inc.
1701 Gateway Blvd. Suite 357 Richardson, TX 75081,
T. 1-972-690-4969 / F. 1-972-690-1065
USA / Fishkill
SK hynix America Inc.
10 Lafayette Court Suite 10A Fishkill, NY 12524, USA
T. 1-845-896-0353 / F. 1-845-896-0577
USA / Houston
SK hynix America Inc. Houston Office
2033 Tomball Parkway #480 Houston, TX 77070,
T. 1-281-205-4917 / F. 1-281-251-4292
USA / Raleigh
SK hynix America Inc.
5511 Capital Center Drive, Suite 330 Raleigh,
NC 27606, USA
T. 1-919-436-1244 / F. 1-919-859-3137
USA / San Jose
SK hynix America Inc.
3101 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
T. 1-408-232-8000 / F. 1-408-232-8110
SK hynix memory solutions Inc.
3103 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134, USA
T. 1-408-987-2400 / F. 1-408-987-2401
SK planet
Indonesia / Jakarta
PT. MelOn Indonesia
Gedung Telkom Datel Jakarta Selatan 7F, Jl.
Sisingamangaraja Kav. 4-6 Selong, Kebayoran Baru,
Jakarta Selatan 12110, Indonesia
T. 62-21-7279-0259
PT. XL Planet
Plaza 89, 2F, Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X7 No. 6 Jakarta
12940, Indonesia
T. 62-21-2952-1793 / F. 62-21-2952-1794
Japan / Tokyo
SK planet Japan
NES Bldg. N-5F, 22-14 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0031, Japan
T. 81-3-6416-5181 / F. 81-3-6416-5184
Singapore / Singapore City
SK planet Global Holdings Pte. Ltd.
4 Shenton Way #14-02, SGX Centre 2, Singapore
T. 65-6597-4403
Turkey / Istanbul
Doğuş Planet Elektronik Ticaret ve Bilişim
Hizmetleri A.Ş.
Reşitpaşa Mah. İ.T.Ü. Teknokent ARI 3 No: 4/A-3 Kat
No :8-9 Sarıyer, İstanbul, Turkey
T. 90-212-999-6670 / F. 90-212-999-6769
USA / San Francisco
SK planet Global holdings Pte. Ltd.
SK planet, Inc. / TicToc Planet, Inc.
475 Brannan Street, Suite 420 San Francisco, CA
94107, USA
SK telesys
Indonesia / Jakarta
SK telesys Jakarta
Menara Prima Lantai 24 unit A Jalan Lingkar Mega
Kuningan blok 6.2 Jakarta Selatan 12950, Indonesia
T. 62-21-5794-7968 / F. 62-21-5794-7969
SK networks
China / Beijing
SK networks Co., Ltd. Beijing Office
2302B, SK Tower, No. 6 jia, Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Beijing 100022, China
T. 86-10-5924-0827(38)
China / Qingdao
SK networks Co., Ltd. Qingdao Office
Room No. 1902, Huayin Tower, 5 Donghai Xi Road,
Qingdao, China
T. 86-532-8387-4333
China / Wuhan
SK networks Co., Ltd. Wuhan Office
#1817 Tower 1, New World International Trade
Center No. 568 Jianshe Avenue, Wuhan, China
T. 86-27-8577-5842
China / Dalian
SK networks Co., Ltd. Dalian Office
14F, Senmao Bldg. No. 147 Zhong Shan Road Xiigang
District, Dalian 116011, China
T. 86-411-8369-3300
SK networks (Qingdao) Auto Service
No. 298 South Road Chongqing, Disirci Sifang,
Qingdao, China
T. 86-532-8496-7577
China / Yuanqu
Northern Copper Industrial Co., Ltd.
Dongfengshan, Yuanqu, Yuncheng, Shanxi, China
T. 86-359-603-1978
China / Dandong
Dandong SK networks Energy Co., Ltd.
No. 8 Riverside Backstreet, Zhen’an District, Dandong
118000, China
T. 86-415-398-1111
China / Shanghai
SK networks Co., Ltd. Shanghai Office
Room No. 801, Building A, Dawning Center, 500
HongBaoShi Road, Post Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-6295-0088
India / Mumbai
SK networks Co., Ltd. Mumbai Office
404, 5F, 36 Turner Road, Bandra(W), Mumbai,
400-050, India
T. 91-22-2645-4344
Dandong SK networks Logistics Co., Ltd.
Room 210, Multiple Building, Jinquan Road 3, Langtou
Zone, Zhenxing District, Dandong, China
T. 86-24-2281-4330
SK networks (China) Fashion Co., Ltd.
Room 1001, No. 1033 Changning Road, Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-3209-3338
Indonesia / Jakarta
PT. SK networks (Indonesia)
Indonesia Stock Exchange Bldg., Tower I 26th, Suite
2603A Sudirman Central Business District Jl. Jend.
Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
T. 62-21-515-5688
SK networks (Beijing) Auto Service
122, Wangjing NanHuDongYuan, Bo Tai Guo Ji, Blk B,
unit 1201, Beijing, China
T. 86-024-3131-0777
Liaoning SK networks Real Estate Development
Co., Ltd.
The 4F, SK Bldg., No. 8 Binjiang West Road, Zhenxing
District, Dandong, Liaoning Prov, China
T. 86-415-386-9999
Dandong Lijiang Estate Management Co., Ltd.
The 4F, SK Bldg., No. 9 Binjiang West Road, Zhenxing
District, Dandong, Liaoning Prov, China
T. 86-415-318-5555
Dandong SK networks Construction Co., Ltd.
No. 8 Riverside Backstreet, Zhen’an District, Dandong
118000, China
T. 86-415-398-1111
China / Guangzhou
SK (Guangzhou) Metal Co., Ltd.
DongLe Road, the Eastern of Guangzhou
Development District(next to Lezhu new village),
T. 86-20-3229-0726
SK networks (Guangzhou) Auto Service
Room 2501, Skyfame Tower, No. 8 Linhezhong Road,
Tianhe District, Guangzhou Guangdong, China
T. 86-20-3848-1740
China / Pinghu
POSK (Pinghu) Steel Processing Center Co., Ltd.
2222, Xingming Road, Economic Development Zone,
Pinghu City, Zhejiang Province, China 314200
T. 86-573-8522-3333
SK networks (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room No. 801, Building A, Dawning Center, 500
HongBaoShi Road, Post Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-6295-0088
China / Shenyang
SK networks (China) Holdings Co., Ltd.
No. 61 Shenglinan Street, Heping District, Shenyang
City, Liaoning Province, P.R. China
T. 86-24-3137-0777
Shenyang SK networks Bus Terminal Co., Ltd.
No. 63 Shenglinan Street, Heping District, Shenyang
City, Liaoning Province, P.R. China (Post Code:
T. 86-24-3187-7988
Indonesia / Jambi
PT. Karya Bumi Baratama
UOB Plaza-Thamrin Nine 38F, JI.M.H. Thamrin Kav.
8-10 / Mining Area: JI. Lintas Sumatra km 04
Sarolangun, Jambi, Indonesia
T. 62-21-5290-0907
Japan / Tokyo
SK networks Japan Co., Ltd.
Orix Shimbashi Bldg., 10F, 5-8-11 Shimbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo 105-0004, Japan
T. 81-3-5403-7791
SK networks Shenyang Office
No. 61 Shenglinan Street, Heping District, Shenyang
City, Liaoning Province, P.R. China
T. 86-24-2281-4330
Kazakhstan / Almaty
Keregetas LLP
Office No. 620, 64/47 Bldg., Zhibek Zholy Street,
Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
T. 7-727-234-79-00
Shenyang SK networks Energy Co., Ltd.
No. 61 Shenglinan Street, Heping District, Shenyang
City, Liaoning Province, P.R. China
T. 86-24-3137-0707
Novoko B. V.
Teleportboulevard 140, 1043 EJ Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
T. 31-20-540-5886
SK (Shenyang) Auto Rental Co., Ltd.
No. 63 Shenglinan Street, Heping District, Shenyang
City, Liaoning Province, P.R. China (Post Code:
T. 86-24-3187-7893
Malaysia / Kuala Lumpur
SK networks Trading (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
Suite No. 1409, Kenanga International, Jalan Sultan
Ismail, 50250, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T. 60-3-2161-0911
China / Suzhou
Suzhou SK Auto Rental Co., Ltd.
#88 Jinjilake Road SIP Suzhou, Jiang Su Province, P.R.
T. 86-512-6280-0360
Singapore / Singapore City
Gemini Partners Pte. Ltd.
30 Cecil Street #10-05, Prudential Tower, Singapore
SK - Profile
Taiwan / Taipei
SK networks Co., Ltd. Taiwan Office
Nanking East Road, Sec 3, 287, 5F, Room A-1, Taipei,
T. 886-2-2718-3949
Vietnam / Ho Chi Minh City
SK networks Co., Ltd. Hochiminh Office
6/F, Diamond Plaza 34 Le Duan Street, Sist. 1,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
T. 84-8-3823-1397
Czech / Praha
SK networks Deutschland GmbH, Praha Office
V.Celnici 4 /1031, 110 00 Praha, Czech Republic
T. 420-226-209-010
Germany / Frankfurt
SK networks Deutschland GmbH
Lyoner Street 34, 60528 Frankfurt / Main, Germany
T. 49-69-669-00124
Iran / Teheran
SK networks Co., Ltd. Teheran Liaison Office
3F, #215, Vahid Dastgerdi (Zafar East) Street,
Modarres Highway, Teheran, Iran
T. 98-21-2202-8482
Saudi Arabia / Jiddah
SK networks Co., Ltd. Jiddah Office
Room 703, Al Shuheili Bldg., P.O. Box 1077, Jiddah
21431, Saudi Arabia
T. 966-1-460-0356(7)
Saudi Arabia / Riyadh
SK networks Co., Ltd. Riyadh Office
Al-Akariyah Bldg 3 (Room 426) P.O. Box 19490,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
T. 996-1-460-0356
UAE / Dubai
SK networks Co., Ltd. Dubai Office
Suite No. 703~704, P.O. Box 50680, Nouf Tower,
Deira, Dubai, UAE
T. 971-4-295-4184
Canada / Vancouver
SK networks Resources (Canada) Co., Ltd.
1200 Waterfront Centre, 200 Burrard Street,
Vancouver, B.C, Canada
T. 604-687-5744
USA / Los Angeles
SKC Inc.
12750 Center Court Dr, Suite 400 Cerritos,
CA 90703, USA
T. 1-562-207-1192
USA / New York
Obzee N.Y Inc.
632 West 28 Street, 4F, New York, NY 10012, USA
T. 1-212-477-7778
Australia / Sydney
SK networks Steel Australia Pty Ltd.
15 Wonderland Dr Easter Creek NSW 2766, Australia
T. 61-2-8882-1012
Wyong Areas Coal Joint Venture
25 Bryant Drive Tuggerah, NSW 2259, Australia
T. 61-2-4352-7500
SK networks Resources Australia Pty Ltd.
Suite 2404, Level 24, 44 Market Street, Sydney
NSW 2000, Australia
T. 61-2-9248-1401
SK networks Resources Australia (Wyong) Pty Ltd.
Suite 2404, Level 24, 44 Market Street, Sydney
NSW 2000, Australia
T. 61-2-9248-1401
Brazil / Rio de Janeiro
MMX Mineracao e Metalicos S/A
Praia do Flamingo 154 10 Andar, Parte Flamengo Rio
de Janeiro, 22210-030, Brazil
T. 55-21-2555-5557
Mexico / Santa Rosalia
Korean Boleo Corporation, Sociedad
Anonima de Capital Variable Luz Savinon No. 205
Colonia del Valle Mexico, D.F. C.P. 03100, Mexico /
Mining Area: Av. De Las Floes #13 Col. Mesa Mexico
2390, Santa Rosalia. B.C.S 615-1522-190
T. 52-604-685-2323
China / Nanjing
Nanjing Co., Ltd.
No. F,G,H 16F. International Financial Center,
Hanzhong Road No. 1, Nanjing 210005, China
T. 86-25-8470-1223 / F. 86-25-8470-1809
China / Shanghai
SK E&C Shanghai Office
No. 2312, 23F, International Trade Center, 2201 Yan
An Road(W) Shanghai, China
T. 86-21-6278-1772 / F. 86-21-6278-1774
China / Shanxi
Shanxi SK Guolin Hi-Tech Road Material Co., Ltd.
Dongfu#1, Baqiaozhenzheng Road, Baqiao District,
Xian City, Shanxi Province, China
T. 86-29-8361-0790 / F. 86-29-8361-0796
Vietnam / Hanoi
SK E&C Hanoi Branch
Unit 2507 Keangnam Landmark 72 Tower Pham Hung
Road, Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
T. 84-4-3768-9305~7 / F. 84-4-3768-9308
China / Hong Kong
Hong Kong Branch
Rm 1403, 14F, Jubilee Center, 18 Fenwick Street/46
Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR
T. 852-3583-0650, 0542 / F. 852-3583-1347
Germany / Frankfurt
Frankfurt Office
T.O.P. A.S 1, Mergenthaler Allee 77, 65760, Eschborn,
T. 49-(0)6196-470741~42 / F. 49-(0)6196-470740
India / Haryana
SK E&C India
6F, Tower A, Building No-6, DLF Cyber City, Phase-3,
Sector-24&25A, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana, India
T. 91-124-423-9000 / F. 91-124-423-9001
Indonesia / Jakarta
SK E&C Jakarta Branch
Mayapada Tower 7F Unit 05, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28,
Jakarta 12920, Indonesia
T. 62-21-521-1883/1884 / F. 62-21-521-1867
Laos / Vientiane
Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy Power Company Limited.
6F Capital Tower, 23 Singha Road, Nongbone Village,
Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
T. 856-021-455-025 / F. 856-021-455-025
Singapore / Singapore City
SK E&C Singapore Branch
20 Maxwell Road, Maxwell House 12-01A, Singapore
T. 65-6294-7177 / F. 65-6294-7178
SK E&C Jurong Investment
50 Raffles Place #22-03A, Singapore Land Tower,
Singapore 048623
T. 65-6532-6085
Thailand / Bangkok
SK E&C Bangkok Branch
Unit 2702, 27F, Two Pacific Place, 142, Skhumvit Road,
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
T. 66-2-254-7211~4 / F. 66-2-254-7215
SK E&C Thai
Unit 2702, 27F, Two Pacific Place, 142, Sukhumvit
Road, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
T. 66-2-254-7211~4 / F. 66-2-254-7215
Thailand / Rayong
Thai Woo Ree Engineering Co., Ltd.
23/3 Nongha Road, Tambon Huaypong, Amphur
Muang Rayong, Rayong 21150, Thailand
T. 66-38-606-234 / F. 66-38-606-164~5
Kuwait / Mubarak Al-Kabeer
SK E&C Kuwait Branch
Bldg. #13, Street #12, Block #7, Abu Fatira, Mubarak
Al-Kabeer, Kuwait
T. 965-2543-4709 / F. 965-2543-4710
Kuwait / Fahaheel
SBC General Trading & Construction Co., Ltd.
Office No. C5, 3F, Ajial Mall, Fahaheel, Kuwait
T. 965-2392-5934~5 / F. 965-2392-5936
Turkey / Istanbul
Eurasia Tunnel
Kisikli Cad. Tekin-Ak Is Merkezi No:3 K:1 D:534662
Altunizade, Istanbul, Turkey
T. 90-216-474-0520~23
SK E&C Turkey Branch
Dereboyu Cad. Meydan Sok. No. 1 Beybi Giz Plaza
Kat 21, D. 7934398 Maslak, Istanbul, Turkey
T. 90-212-290-26-60
Turkey / Cankaya / Ankara
SK E&C Anadolu LLC.
718. Sokak 13/5, Yildizevler Mah. Yildiz, Cankaya/
Ankara, Turkey
T. 90-312-442-3307
Qatar / Doha
SK E&C Doha Branch
Suite G-8, Al-Emadi Business Center, C-Ring Road,
P.O. Box 24162, Doha, Qatar
T. 974-4477-2664 / F. 974-4465-7200
Saudi Arabia / Jubail
SK E&C Jubail Branch
Office No. 14, Al Naba Commercial Complex, Beside
Fanateer Mall Royal Commission, Jubail P.O. Box
10334, Jubail Industrial City 31961, Saudi Arabia
T. 966-3-347-7023 / F. 966-3-347-5715
Saudi Arabia / Al-Khobar
SK E&C SCADO Company
5F, Sadat Tower, Golden Belt Area, Khobar-Dammam
Highway P.O. Box 2017, Al-Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia
T. 966-(0)3-887-2333 Ext. 608 / F. 966-(0)3-882-8029
Mexico / Mexico City
SK E&C Mexico City Branch
Paseo de la Reforma 404, Piso 3, Col. Juarez 06600
Mexico, D.F.
T. 52-55-5241-1120 / F. 52-55-5525-7536
UAE / Abu Dhabi
SK E&C Abu Dhabi Branch
5F, Unit 501-502, Dhafir Tower Building, Najda Street,
P.O. Box 45828, Abu Dhabi, UAE
T. 971-2-674-7227 / F. 971-2-674-7228
SK shipping
UAE Shaw Emirates Pipes Manufacturing LLC.
Industrial City of Abu Dhabi III, 29WR7, ICAD III,
Abu Dhabi, UAE
T. 971-50-44-33-515
Canada / Calgary
No. 3211&3212, #3300, 205 5th Avenue S.W., AB T2P
2V7, Canada
T. 1-587-779-2688
USA / California
2 Park Plaza Suite 1250 Irvine, CA 92614, USA
T. 1-949-336-5100 / F. 1-949-336-5107
USA / Houston
SK E&C, Houston, 1401 Enclave Parkway, Suite 100,
Houston, TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-496-8330
SK E&C USA (Houston)
1401 Enclave Parkway, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-258-2600 / F. 1-281-258-2860
N-Compass Development LLC.
1401 Enclave Parkway, Suite 100. Houston, TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-496-8505
Ecuador / Quito
SK E&C Consultores
Av. Naciones Unidas # 1014 y Av. Amazonas, Edificio
La Previsora, Torre A, Piso 11, Oficina 1102, Ecuador
T. 593-2-226-0500 / F. 593-2-245-7066
SK E&C Consultores
Av. Amazonas #E13-131 y Pasage Guayas, Barrio
Batan, Edificio Ruminahui Piso 11, Quito, Pichincha,
T. 593-2-245-7053
China / Shanghai
HBNG Logistics Co., Ltd.
#6-J, HongQiao Business Center, No. 2272 HongQiao
Road, Shanghai 200336, China
T. 86-21-6237-6379 / F. 86-21-6237-6957
Japan / Tokyo
SK shipping Japan Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Sakurada Bldg., 8F, 1-3, 1-Chome,
Nishishimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
T. 81-3-3591-7871 / F. 81-3-3591-7870
Philippines / Manila
SK shipping Representative Office
4F, Magsaysay Bldg., 520 T.M. Kalaw Street
Ermita(1000), Manila, Philippines
T. 82-5-1605-0845, 63-2526-9386
Singapore / Singapore City
9 Raffles Place #53-02 Republic Plaza, Singapore
T. 65-6438-3539 / F. 65-6227-5117
SK shipping (Singapore) Pte., Ltd.
9 Raffles Place #53-03 Republic Plaza, Singapore
T. 65-6227-5277 / F. 65-6227-5117
Taiwan / Kaohsiung
SK B&T Kaohsiung Office
25F-9, No. 3, Tzuchiang 3rd, Lingya District, Kaohsiung
City 802, Taiwan
T. 866-7-566-5515 / F. 866-7-566-5525
U.K / London
SK shipping Europe Plc.
6F, Capital Tower, 91 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8RT, United Kingdom
T. 44-20-3170-0909
USA / Houston
SK shipping Houston Office
1401 Enclave Parkway Suite 100, Houston TX 77077, USA
T. 1-281-474-1429 / F. 1-281-809-6210
SK - Profile
SK started from a small textile company sixty-one years ago.
Our dreams became a part of the vibrant history of South
Korean industries and are accelerating our becoming a global
leading player. While pursuing constant changes and
innovation, based on our “Independent Yet United 3.0”
management system, we are working towards accomplishing
our mid- to long-term management goal of achieving
KRW 300 trillion in enterprise value.
2000 2009
Began the first commercial synchronous
3G (CDMA 1x EV-DO) service in the
SK added another world’s first service, following its world’s first CDMA2000 1x service in October 2000.
Launched SK China
SK launched SK China by integrating individual businesses that it has pursued in
China on a group level.
Launched “Independent Yet United 3.0”
SK pursued balance in growth and stability
through the autonomous management of
its affiliates (Independent), and their voluntary participation in the SUPEX Council
(Yet United), which is the supreme consultation body of the SK Group.
1953 1979
1980 1989
1990 1999
Established Sunkyong Textiles
SK’s history began with the establishment
of Sunkyong Textiles amidst the ruins of the
Korean War.
Acquired Korea Oil Corporation
SK became South Korea’s fifth-largest business by acquiring Korea Oil Corporation
(now SK innovation).
Completed vertical integration from oil
to textiles
SK completed vertical integration from oil
to textiles by building nine new factories in
Ulsan Complex.
Exported textiles to Hong Kong, a first
for South Korea
SK enhanced South Korea’s position as a
textile exporting country by becoming the
first in the country to export rayon textiles
to Hong Kong.
Established Yukong Gas
SK expanded its energy business territory
by establishing Yukong Gas (now SK gas)
and commencing with the construction of
an LPG storage terminal in Ulsan.
Participated in the management of Korea
Mobile Telecom
SK launched a full-scale entry into the
cutting-edge IT industry by participating in
the management of Korea Mobile Telecom
(now SK telecom) as the largest shareholder.
Completed a polyester factory and began
SK realized its long-cherished dream to
produce filament yarn by establishing and
operating Sunkyong Synthetic Textiles.
Succeeded in developing an overseas oil
field and producing crude oil
SK was the first in the country to succeed
in producing oil from the Marib oil field in
Yemen. This allowed South Korea to become an oil producing country without any
natural oil resources.
Founded SUPEX System
SK founded the SUPEX system with the
goal of executing SKMS efficiently and
growing into a top global company.
Adopted a new corporate identity
SK completed the change of its CI in line
with the global era and transformed into
the current “SK” company.
Developed the nation’s first polyester film
Sunkyong chemical (now SKC) succeeded
in developing South Korea’s first polyester
Founded SKMS
SK laid the groundwork for its management
by systemically establishing its unique SKMS
management system.
Commercialized the world’s first CDMA
mobile phone
SK rose as a global CDMA leader as Korea
Mobile Telecom (now SK telecom) and succeeded in commercializing the first CDMA
mobile phone in the world.
2010 2014
Adopted “Wings of Happiness” as the
new CI
SK adopted, “Wings of Happiness,” as its
new CI. This embodies its management
philosophy and desire to become a global
Launched a holding company system
SK enhanced its management efficiency
and financial soundness by converting into
an advanced holding company management system.
Established SK innovation, SK energy, and
SK global chemical
SK provided foundations to strengthen its
competitiveness in each business by renaming SK energy to SK innovation and by
establishing SK energy, SK global chemical,
and SK lubricants (2009) through a split-off.
Launched SK hynix
SK welcomed Hynix as its member to
launch SK hynix. This allowed SK to construct a third growth axis, followed by energy and chemicals, and information and
Exports reached USD 60 billion and
accounted for 74% of the nations’ total
SK’s total annual exports exceeded USD
60 billion, accounting for more than 10% of
the nation’s total annual exports.
SK innovation reorganized into a five
subsidiary system
SK innovation was reorganized from three
subsidiaries into five through the launching
of SK incheon petrochem and SK trading
Reorganized business structure to focus
on exports
SK evolved into an exports-oriented company. Its exports exceeded domestic sales
for the first time since its founding, based
on the 2013 results of its 15 listed affiliates
(excluding SK holdings).
SK innovation secured right to operate a
US oil producing field
SK innovation signed a contract to secure
the right for operating an oil producing field
in the USA, making South Korea a “no-resources oil producing country.”
SK telecom developed the world’s first
3band LTE-A technology
SK telecom developed and succeeded in
demonstrating world’s first 3band LTE-A
technology, which is four times faster than
the existing LTE technology.
SK hynix developed world’s first and
largest-capacity 128GB DDR4 module
SK hynix was the first in the world to develop the 128GB module, the largest that
was based on 20nm 8Gb DDR4.
LNG combined cycle power plant,
Gwangyang, South Korea
LNG combined cycle power plant,
Oseong, South Korea
Jurong Aromatics Complex (JAC),
SK planet’s company building,
Pangyo, South Korea
Ulsan CLX of SK energy, South Korea
Wuhan Naphtha Cracking Center (NCC)
factory, China
SK China, China
Iberia North oil mining field, USA
Sheraton Grande Walkerhill,
Seoul, South Korea
undersea tunnel, Turkey
SK - Profile
SK’s “Independent Yet United” management system has been a road that
no one has ever travelled.
We have demonstrated collective intelligence that is led by the
committees and autonomous responsibilities of our affiliates with
“One Mind and One Spirit” philosophy. Soon, we will have the
confidence that this is the road to follow in order to move ahead of our
competitors and lead the way.
We have implemented changes and innovation in the areas of
energy, chemicals, cutting-edge information and telecommunication,
semiconductors, marketing, and services, based on our “Independent
Yet United 3.0” management system. Please continue to follow us, as we move toward our goal to achieve
KRW 300 trillion in enterprise value and build a society where we grow
and share together. 66