2006 Black and Brown Unity-An Alliance for Justice and Human Rights
2006 Black and Brown Unity-An Alliance for Justice and Human Rights
LN Black and Brown Unity: An Alliance for Justice nnf, f,uman Rights HurricaneKatrinawas a 2lst Centurysnapshotof the genocldaldirectionof the US government,It exposed the nealityof US democracyfor worklng classAfrican AmerlcansanHpeoplesof color.flhere has yet to be a massiveupsurgethat expressesthe deep outrageof the Afrlcan AmBrican masses agalnst the US governmentfor this crime againsthumanlty. The US governmentcut funding for the upgradingof GulfCoastleveesthat could havepreventedhundreds of majority African Americandeaths nnd the massive 'property damageand destructionfrom the flooding causedby HurricanesKatrina and Rita. YBt it almost immediatelygrantedfundingfor the consffuctionof a 700 mile long wall along the US-Mexican border to prevent lmmigrant Mexicanand Latino workers from entering into the US to search for work. In otherwordsnno moneyfor leveesto act as "wallsfor life" but multi millionsfor the buildingof a "wallof death." The upsurgeamongLatinosthroughoutthe USagainst the criminalizationand attacks on undocumentedLatino immlgrantsandthe politicaltoneof resistanceit is setting,must be seenas a direct challengeto the Bush @ led government and corporate agenda that left thousands of African Americans to die in the Gulf Coast. The Reconstructionmovement developingin the GulfCoastand amongAfricanAmerlcansnationally must embraceand unite with thls growingmovement as a call to action for all o[ the oppressedto boldly resistrepressionand genocide. The effortsby the USgovernmentand corporatemedia to dividp African Americans and Latinos are no acciHent, The system recognizes that African American-Latino unity would bring about a powerful working class challengeto the corporate rulers who super-exploitBlack anH Brpwn labor while denying both full Hemocratlcrlghts. arethe mostneOur wagesarethe lowost;our conrmunities gleotedby local, statoand federalgovernment, The regions wherethe majorityof our peoploshavelivodsinoethe founding of the US - in the Southand Southwest, is whereour peoples a^re most politically subjugated;systematically disenfranchised andsufferedthe mostbrutalracisttroatment. Theuriity of thesetwo oommunities wouldconstitutea major political force in this oountryfor humanrights and global justice, When Mexico won its independencefrom Spain in 1821, it banned slavery throughout its country. Thousandsof runaway slavss from the UB went into Mexico. This set it at odds with the Southern plantation owners and the US government who declaredthat white supremacyshould be the law of the land-promoting "Manifest Destiny" as its imperialist slogan. Its opposition to slavery was a factor leading to the US government'sannexaltionof l/2 of Mexico'scountry. o MexicoailowedBlacksto crosstheir border to escape slavery;African Americansmust support the right of Mexicanand Latinos to cross the US borHer without repressionand criminalizationin searchof work and socialneedsto supporttheir families. US corporationshave moved hundreHsof companies to Mexico to exploit cheap labor and. to impose economic policies on the Mexican governmentlike NAFIA that has caused massive unemploymentfor many Mexicanagriculturalworkers and small farmers. Unemploymentin the North and Miflwest especially AfricanAmericanworkers due to corporategreed hns also createda reversemignationback to the South since 1970.Both migrationsresult from US economic oppressionof African Americanworkers in the USand Mexicanworkersin Mexico" The dispersal of thousands of mainly African Americansthroughoutthe USfrom the Gulf Coastwas a racist act using the disasterto carry out a form of ethnic cleansing-reducinglthe Black majority ln New Orleansand the Gulf Coast in the interest of white politlcalrule and corporateproflts. The evacueesatre experiencinggovernment abuses*forced evictions, votingrights denieHand racist treatmentfrom FEMA. The meHia has crimlnalized Hurricane Survivors, labeling[hem as "rapists", "drug dealers"anH "con artists" lnvading other people's communities.This criminalizationis done to hide the abuses of the government and to try and justify government repressionagainstpeople insteaHof addressingtheir poverty and suffering that their corporate policies helpedto create. African Americanevacueeshave become internal US migrantswith an uncertainfuture. g largest and super-exploited As lthe [wo nationally oppressed populatflons tnside the US, the fait of,African Arnericans and Latinos are connected. They will be manipulated by corporate Hriven policies that force both jobs" to conepete for low wage making concessions to eitl-er grou.p to win their political allegiance; or they can becorne allies in a common struggle. Black and. Brorwn unity would. help to expose the Heep racist nature Df US democracy and raise the bar of the stru.ggle against racism among those who really want radical change. The struggle against the US systenr of oppression is not a competition between the oppressed to declare themselves as ttre leaders of the struggle. The initiative from any sector of the oppressed must be seen as an opening for all of the oppressed to come forward and .intetsify their struggles. The May 1, 2006 national political strike eind boycott of jobs and bu.sinesses was a major and historic protest against US policies of xenophobfia that seek to rnake Latino irnmigrants a scapegoat for the economic crises facing US workers, including attempts to exploit fears caused by 9/ll promoting by undocu.mented immigratflon as a possible avenu.e for "terrorist" and thus- a threat to US national security, It was a call to action for people to boldly challengp a government that crirninalizes people .for trying to work to support their farniliesl that would leave its people to die in the Gulf Coast, and that spends billioni fof wars to kill and dominate the world. May lst, a day celebrated by millions of workers throughout the world to express the need for worker solidarity in the struggles for workers rights and human rights. It rnu,st also become a mobilization that launches for building Black and Brown .a directlon unity as a core foundation for the unity of people of color and workers. End Afrlcan Reronstruction Aitrerlcan and Latlno National oppression: in the US Gulf Coast and Immigrant Rights Now! By Saladin Muhammal 4/la/O6 BWFII P. O- Box 1863 Rocky Mount, NC 27AOz