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Office of the Imperial Throne
First Minister
Chief Nuumo Neb Ka’Ra
African Kingdoms Federation
Contacts: Royal Family Representative
Secretariat TT: + 343 - 1975
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
H.I.M Empress Shebah ‘Ra – Queen Shebah III
The Queen of Nubia -Sheba
Queen of the Sheba Imperial African Kingdoms Descendant Nations
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
The Queen of Nubia and Sheba
Queen of the Sheba Imperial African Kingdoms Descendant Nations
Short biography:
Trinidadian born North-African Royal, Her Imperial Majesty Empress
Shebah ‘Ra – Queen Shebah lll was born in 1963 in Diego Martin, Trinidad,
the 4th generation of migrated Nubian-Kushites of Nubia-Sheba Sudan,
North-African Royals Ancestry. Queen Shebah III, as all of the family, lived
a normal unassuming life in Trinidad and Tobago, and attended the Diego
Martin Girls Roman Catholic School, and later Providence Girls Convent
College in Belmont, Trinidad.
Shebah III was born on September 19th1963 to Asere - Kasambu 'Ra lines
descendants H.R.M Prince Michael I and H.R.M Queen Meryre/Mary
'Ra VII the daughter of the late Nubian Imperial Matriarch Iris Meryre II, in
Trinidad and Tobago, holding in accordance to Imperial Kingdoms tradition
at birth as future Matriarch, the title of Imperial Queen, Shebah lll. Shebah
III is the Sovereign Imperial Empress of the African Nubian Nations’
Imperial Empire Kingdom of Sheba. The Sheba Imperial Empire Kingdoms
is the Matriarchal Empire of Nubian Royal Kingdoms Nation throughout
East, West, North, Southern and Central Africa Sheba/Nubia descendant
Nations Lines of Africa`s over 350 Major Empire Kingdom Nations and
several thousand Royal Kingdom and Chiefdoms Nations on the African
H.I.M. Empress Shebah `Ra – Queen Shebah III is the first born Grand–
daughter of the late Imperial Empire Matriarch Iris Meryre II and a greatdescendant Grand-Daughter of the Royal Throne lines of King Abdul
Shibah III. Shebah III is of the Northern Shibah Lines House of 'Ra - Asere
Kasambu'Ra , 2nd Millennium 7thDynasty Kingdoms Lineage of the Empire
Kingdom Lines Nations of Sheba Imperial Empire of the descendant
Empires and Royal Kingdoms Nations of Africa, of the House of Ra,
Matriarchal Throne Line. The House of Ra is not an Islamic line, though the
Empire Kingdom has both Islamic and non-Islamic Kingdom Nations under
the Matriarchal Throne. It is from origin the Christian and traditional spiritual
practices and beliefs lines. The Imperial Empire lines were a separate
family line/branch of the Thrones’ Islamic Royal lines of the Kingdom of
Nubia descendants of present day Nubia. The lines separated several
centuries ago.
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
Through the rise of Islam in the family ancestral NorthAfrican regions as many Nubians of the Coptic and Roman
Catholic lines, the lines migrated downwards into the lines
Asere - Kasambu 'Ra thrones regions, then outside of
Africa away from the colonial yoke, that yet was dominant
in the regions, in the mid 1900s, with the abolition of
slavery long passed in 1827. Amongst these were the
great-grandparents of Asere - Shiba - Kasambu 'Ra –
Rubeltu Toure’ (Rubeltuthure traditional form) lines, that
after a short time in Guadeloupe and Barbados, finally,
settled in Trinidad and Tobago where a few family
members reside yet today. Some of the lines married into
another old Royal line there; that of the Caribs, re-uniting
that line with those of the ancestral lineage of the oldest
lines from Africa. Some of the family members migrated
from Trinidad back to North, East and West Africa, the
USA and Europe.
Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah `Ra – Queen
Shebah III, the Imperial Empires Matriarch was formally
enthroned in 1995, 2000, and 2007 to the respective
Empire Royal bloodlines or Family Lines thrones in Africa.
In 2000, after coronation, the Imperial Matriarch decreed in
accordance to traditional rights of the Matriarch, that the
Imperial and Royal titles of all the family and extended
families of the Royal Lines, both within and outside of
Africa, be henceforth recognised within the Empire Court
in respect to the most ancient throne. This, in order to
strengthen the Royal House lines, with a unification of the
Royal Lines within Africa, and that of the Diaspora as a
United Throne, and a permanent symbol of the African
Kingdoms’ recognition of the African Diaspora Nations as
One with Africa. By Nubian Royal Tradition throne
ascension is through the maternal lines, though bloodlines
recognition is through both parentage.
Previously married and divorce, Shebah III in accordance
to Nubian Royal Tradition, married by unification thronerites in early 2000, Imperial House related thrones of East
African Ruler H.R.M King Adam Thabit Sheik Kasambu
'Ra equally of the Asere - Kasambu 'Ra Imperial Royal
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
lineage. Thus uniting by Royal marriage with Shebah III
of the migrated North-African Throne family lines and
West African Asere-Kpakpatsewe Royal family lines, all
the Royal Family lines and thrones. An important start
of the process towards Unification of Rule by a
traditional unification of Eastern and Western Imperial
Thrones Kasambu 'Ra Family Houses of the Nubian
Sheba House of 'Ra thrones. This, through Trinidad
born Shebah III, the eldest Grand-daughter of Imperial
Matriarch Empress Iris Meryre II.
In further accordance to ancient tradition both the
thrones of the King and Queen of the Kingdoms Tribal
lines must be upon ascension unified by throne
marriage, as one throne and line, and it must be
proclaimed or what is called today Gazetted. Shebah
'Ra lll and Adam 'Ra II completed in 2000 all the throne
traditional strict requirements which includes that of
publication in the National Gazette/Newspaper.
This final protocol with both Royals being active at the
African Kingdoms Nubian Secretariats within Europe,
the Trinidad
Express Newspapers, title: DEBRA AMELIA GEORGE
DYNASTY page-25 2000 -Subject: People. As well as in
the Government of Trinidad and Tobago’s National
Library - Nalis, under National Icons, People: GHI, to be
found and at present, under Newspapers Clipping
Database. Further coverage and publications of the
unification out-dooring ceremony was carried within
Europe and Africa press, fulfilling the final protocols, by
public announcement of formal throne marriage
unification and enthronement confirmation. Shebah III
was later further officially recognised and confirmed by
the United Nations Mission of TT in Geneva,
Switzerland, March 18th, 2004.
As tradition demands the Throne Royal names though
already revealed at birth based on circumstances at
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
birth, cannot be used or publicly revealed until
ascension as well as with the throne unions must be
spoken out by, and confirmed to be indeed the choice
of the ancestors as revealed by birth and held, under
custodian guardianship by the family Elders, and as
well a throne name must be given by ascending throne
King to the ascending throne Queen.
In what must be the most unique union, both spoke out
the same name, which was then formally confirmed by
Royal Elders as indeed the ordained ancestral name at
Birth, SHEBAH, now twice, since the Throne Name,
chosen name and ordained birth name was all the
same, only one is used, the royal birth name. The
throne marriage was unique and of important
significance for it re-united the Islamic family lines with
the Coptic and Catholic lines, and as well united the
Diaspora Nations with the Ancestral lines in Africa. The
royal family related Nubian King being born within
Africa and of Islamic ancestry and the Queen and
Imperial Lines Matriarch being Roman Catholic born of
direct North-African Royal ancestry outside of Africa,
amongst, and within, the Diaspora on the islands of
Trinidad and Tobago!
Shebah III is as well the Matriarchal Head of
the Nubian Kushite Eastern and Western lines Kushite
(Ga) Nations H.R.M Yoomo Guatele Quartey I, and
through Thrones Matriarchal ancestral lineage of
Kassa Amen II of the Matriarch Amprofi formed Nations
of the Akan Nation, Empress and Queen of the
Pinango and Abron cross-border Empire Royal
Kingdoms in West Africa under throne name H.R.M.
Empress/Queen Abena Nyamtché/Nyamekye I.
(Note well the Abena title was based on enthronement
day, the correct traditional name is H.R.M Queen Yaa
Nyamekye I of the related Adako-Dakon lines. In 2008
H.I.M Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen Shebah III the
Imperial Matriarch of the African Kingdoms Nations
was further enthroned as Akyemfoman Nkosohemba
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
H.R.M Queen Bondziba V of Gomoa - Akyemfo.
In 2000 all the family lines Royals names and titles was
formally obligated to be used, creating a line of one
Throne of Royalty within and of Trinidadian heritage and
the African Continent, covering and including all related
family lines, within Trinidad and the Caricom. The Royal
Family local unassuming residence is in Arouca Trinidad,
of H.R.M Queen Mother Meryre/Mary VII and husband
H.R.H Prince Donatius, where the Imperial Matriarch
visits discreetly when opportunity allows. Always
combined with Federation work efforts within Caricom,
ever focussed and determined with the support of the
Royal family members, both in Trinidad and in Africa, to
united the Caricom region closer than ever before to the
African Continent.
Certificate of Honour
In 2009 H.I.M. Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen Shebah III
received a Certificate of HONOUR Award from
the Republic of Liberia’s National Traditional Council in
recognition of H.I.M. Empress Shebah 'Ra - Queen
Shebah III efforts for the African Continent Kingdoms
and protection of the Kingdoms’ true History as
Custodian of the Thrones historical archives. The Award
was on behalf of the Nations and Royal Chiefs, and was
signed by the Traditional Queen of Liberia and H.R.H.
Chief Zanzan Kawa of the Republic of Liberia, Chairman
of the
Government of Liberia National Traditional
Council The President of Liberia, H.E. President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf also received a Certificate of Honour for
efforts for Liberia.
Most Notable Throne Change under Rule:
In 2008 in accordance to 2000 coronation decree
pertaining to the African Diaspora Nations and
September 2007 decrees of Empire Federation, in the
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
Empire Matriarch expanded and is still expanding the
Kingdoms Empire Court and Cabinet with Africans from
within the Diaspora Nations, and any Nation that can
support the agenda of Eradication of the Poverty and
Suffering of the African Nations.
This in accordance to the wishes, needs and desires of
the African People, on the Imperial Matriarchs Unity
Agenda. This, to strengthen the Thrones agenda for the
Development of the African Continent and CARICOM
Nations towards the eradication of Poverty in all its facets
from, the Nubian/Black Nation, and its Eradication
duplication throughout all Third World Nations, towards
Global Unity and Peace. An agenda that has left the
Matriarch open to attacks in all forms over the past
decade in particular, but which has only but strengthen
the Imperial Matriarch resolve, to fight for the human
rights of the People and Nations of and from Africa,
regardless of attacks in or outside of Africa or design for
the purpose of execution on African soil, to harm this
Information Sources: (For reasons of privacy and security
only Official Formal Royal Names and titles are here given of
family members within Trinidad and Tobago)
Trinidad and Tobago Government National Library
- Nalis
Trinidad and Tobago UN Mission Geneva
Documents - 2004
Trinidad and Tobago Government Registrar of
Births, and Marriages
Trinidad and Tobago lines of Asere - Kasambu‘Ra
Royal House Family Private Archives
African Official Websites
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
In His Imperial Majesty’s Service
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation
of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Nuumo Kwadwo Nebkara
First Minister
H.I.M Empress Shebah ‘Ra – Queen Shebah III
Asere-DakonRa - Kasambu’Ra- Kpakpatsewe Royal Family Official Site:
Asere – Kpakpatsewe Kasambu’Ra Royal House - ( )
Akan DakonRa Kasambu’Ra Imperial House - ( )
Gomoa-Afyemfo Royal Kingdoms – ( )
Femme Magazine Africa:
In the Service of Her Imperial Majesty
H.M First Minister Chief Nuumo Neb Ka’Ra
Office of The First Minister
African Continent Kingdoms Federation of the ECOWAS and African Union Kingdoms Nations
Aruka Palace - –