Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
HEI-PLADI Project Higher Education Innovation in PLant Diversity Flexible learning paths for emerging labour market Kick-off meeting January 15th, 2016 Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences as Gene Bank for wild and cultivated plants Jerzy Puchalski, Adam Kapler, Maciej Niedzielski, Maciej Niemczyk, Anna Rucińska, Konrad Woliński, Wiesław Podyma Polish Academy of Sciences Botanical Garden - Center for Biological Diversity Conservation Prawdziwka 2, 02-973 Warsaw, Poland e-mail: [email protected]; www.ogrod-powsin.pl Department of Bioscience and Territory, University of Molise – January 15th, 2016 POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN HISTORY 1970 Department of Crop Germplasm Conservation at the Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Location: Skierniewice 1971 Collection and Seed Bank of Secale genetic resources was established 1974 Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Location: Warsaw – Powsin. ( The research unit of the Department of Biological Sciences of PAS) 1983 The collection of Malus genetic resources was established ( with special emphasis to historical apple cultivars since 1987 ) 1992 The cryogenic Seed Bank of rare and threatened species of Polish vascular flora was organized 1997 Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences 1999 Collection of Rosa cultivars was established ( since 2008 as the National Collection of Roses Cultivars ) 2004-2009 Participations in FP6 EU Project ENSCONET 2010-2013 Participation in EU FLORNATUR project “Environment and Infrastructure” 2013 -2015 Participation in ROBIA-FLORNATUR project 2009-2012 Cryogenic Gene Bank of Historical Apple Cultivars was organized in the framework of the project of the National Center for Research and Development POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN DEPARTMENTS & LABORATORIES I. Department of Plant Diversity Conservation & Evaluation Head: Prof. Jerzy Puchalski Laboratories: 1. Seed Bank Head: Dr. Anna Rucińska 2. Genetics & Crop Genetic Resources Head: Dr. Wiesław Podyma 3. Plant Molecular Biology Head: Prof. Monika Trojanowska-Rakoczy II. Department of Experimental Plant Biology Head: Prof. Jan Rybczyński Laboratories: 1. Plant Biotechnology & Cryobiology Head: Assoc. Prof. Anna Mikuła 2. Plant Ecology Head: Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Dmuchowski POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN DEPARTMENTS & LABORATORIES cont. III. Independent Laboratory of Plant Structure (Location: Silesian Botanical Garden in Mikołów) Head: Dr. Paweł Kojs IV. Department of Botanical and Horticultural Collections Head: Mr. Wiesław Gawryś Collections: 1. Flora of Poland 2. Dendrology (arboretum) 3. Ornamental Plants 4. Horticultural Crops 5. Tropical and subtropical Plants (greenhouses) Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Sciences as Gene Bank for wild and cultivated plants POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN -CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN Area: 40 ha HEI-PLADI kick-off meeting, University of Molise – January 15th, 2016 POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN -CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN Area: 40 ha Education Center Perennial Garden Mountain Plants Arboretum-conifers Rose Garden Tropical House Arboretu-azaleas Bulb Garden Dessert House POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN LIVING PLANTS COLLECTIONS Collection Number of taxa Natural flora of Poland 812 Dendrological 2526 Ornamental plants Including: -Ornamental perennials -Bulbs and irises -Roses 2951 Horticultural crops Including: -Vegetables -Medicinal plants and spices -Pomological 1750 Tropical and subtropical plants (greenhouses) 1898 Total 851 1368 732 205 539 1006 9937 POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN LIVING PLANTS COLLECTIONS POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN Genetic resources collection of the genus Secale Established: 1971 Secale strictum Mt.Etna (Italy) Local landrace of rye Lungauer Tauern (Austria) Field multiplication and evaluation Seed bank POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN Genetic resources collection of the genus Secale Total number of accessions: 2.613 State and strucure of Secale collection 2000 1549 1500 1000 500 0 478 89 61 352 30 54 Origin of rye local landraces Cryogenic seed bank holdings of native Polish vascular plants established 1992 Species category Threatened (Red Data Book & Red List) No. of populations No. of species 74 41 289 69 11 5 EU Habitat Directive 26 12 Endemic and subendemic 11 24 284 68 385 120 Protected by law in Poland Protected in Europe by Bern Convention Other rare plants Total Cleaning Drying Longterm storage Collecting Cultivation Viability tests Stratification + H2 O H2 O GA3 Stratification + GA3 EFFECTS OF ENSCONET PROJECT PAS BG CBDC was the leader of N3 Activity Group Seed Curation of ENSCONET FP6 EU PROJECT (2004-2009) PARTICIPANTS OF ENSCONET PROJECT http://www.maich.gr:9000/PDF FlorNatur project „Ex situ conservation of wild endangered and protected plants in Poland „ Aim: Complex, long-term ex-situ plant conservation through seed banking and living plants collections Methods: • monitoring of natural localities and their documentation (photographic, phytosociological, climatic and soil ) Saxifraga hirculus • seed collecting (according to ENSCONET manual) • viability and freezing tolerance tests • long-term storage in LN2 Project co-financed by European Regional Development Fund FlorNatur project „Ex situ conservation of wild endangered and protected plants in Poland„ PAS BG and FGB Kostrzyca cooperation in seed collecting Natural sites PAS BG (OB) FGB (LBG) National Parks 56 67 Landscape Parks 30 37 Nature Reserves 70 2 Natura 2000 sites 125 110 Bieszczady Mts.NP Agrimonia pilosa Project co-financed by European Regional Development Fund Distribution of seed collecting sites in Poland POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL APPLE CULTIVARS AND WILD MALUS GERMPLASM ca.610 accessions (taxa) POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN COLLECTION OF WILD MALUS SPECIES 113 taxa Malus hupehensis Malus coronaria Malus zumi ’Calocarpa’ Malus sieversii (fruits) POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN COLLECTING EXPEDITIONS TO OLD APPLE ORCHARDS SE Poland Ukraine Lithuania Poland - Pomerania POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN HISTORICAL APPLE CULTIVARS COLECTION ca. 500 accessions - 338 named cultivars Rarytas Śląski Rajewskie Piękna z Rept Bursztówka Szlachetna Kosztela Kandyl Synap POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN CRYOGENIC GENE BANK OF APPLE BUDS STORED IN LN2 Apple culivars cryogenic gene bank: 130 cv. http://www.ogrod-powsin.pl/projekt_rozwojowy.pdf POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BOTANICAL GARDEN-CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CONSERVATION IN WARSAW-POWSIN THE NATIONAL COLLECTION OF ROSE CULTIVARS AND VARIETIES Total number of taxa: 732 (ca.200 historical cultivars) R. gallica ‘Belle Herminie’ R. foetida ‘Persian Yellow’ R.chinensis‘Viridiflora’ R. ×damascena ‘Trigintipetala’ R. ×centifolia ‘Muscosa’ R. ×noisettiana ‘Maréchal Niel’ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
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