2011 Adler Aphasia Center Annual Report


2011 Adler Aphasia Center Annual Report
Annual Report to the
Community 2011
Aphasia is an isolating diagnosis. Not only does it rob one of the ability to communicate, the very nature of
aphasia is that it cuts people off from their family, friends and everyday life. Our mission is to be a vital resource to anyone
whose life or profession is touched by aphasia.
As one of only a few aphasia-friendly communities in the world, we:
• Provide a therapeutic environment of innovative programs that give people ways to live successfully with aphasia;
• Create opportunities for social connection for anyone who wishes to join us;
• Train health care professionals to improve service delivery to people with aphasia;
• Conduct influential research and partner with aphasia researchers across the country and overseas;
• Strive to make aphasia universally understood.
The Adler Aphasia Center helps give people the skills and strategies they need to communicate through various activities, including:
• Direct services for people with aphasia and their caregivers;
• Education and training to health care professionals and the community about aphasia;
• Applied research demonstrating the effectiveness of our model and expanding the understanding of aphasia rehabilitation;
• Research based individual treatment to those with aphasia.
Evolution….from 2003 to 2011. These eight years have passed
quickly as the Center has developed from a dream of a haven for
people with aphasia to being recognized as the gold standard in
aphasia centers around the world. People have visited from Nova
Scotia, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Israel and Aruba to learn
about our programs and services.
Adler Aphasia Center Staff
We are proud of our members’ progress. When someone speaks
for the first time- even just a word or phrase- everyone here feels the success. Our
caregivers have bonded giving each other comfort and support. Here, they know they
are not alone.
Communication Coaches
Ginette Abbanat, M.A., CCC-SLP
Karen Castka, M.S., CCC-SLP
Janice Dittleman, M.S., CCC-SLP
Abbe Simon, M.S., CCC-SLP
Courtney Caruso, M.S., CCC-SLP
Executive Director
Karen Tucker, M.A.
Director of Development
& Communications
Elissa Goldstein
Come visit us and you will leave with a happy heart.
Education and Training Coordinator
Wendy Greenspan, M.A., CCC-SLP
Mike and Elaine Adler
Since 2003 we have seen the growth of our Center and the
improvement in communication of our members with aphasia.
As our organization grows and we become more reflective of the
needs of people with aphasia and their families, Reconnection,
Rediscovery and Recovery have become part of the culture of
the Center. It motivates and inspires our Board of Directors, staff,
volunteers, donors, members with aphasia and their families to
explore and develop new options for aphasia treatment. Today
we are connecting with others across the globe to achieve our mission.
Our vision is clear, our commitment is hard fast. With your continued support, our
holistic and effective therapeutic approach will change the paradigm of how the
healthcare community views and forecasts the long term recovery and rehabilitation
of people with aphasia.
Karen Tucker, M.A.
Executive Director
Reconnection ................................................................................................ p. 3
Rediscovery .................................................................................................... p. 5
Recovery ........................................................................................................ p. 7
Resources ....................................................................................................... p. 9
Technology Coaches
Chrysa Golashesky, M.B.A.
Maddy Pasternak
Keith Scholz
Director of Research
Audrey Holland, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Research Speech-Language Pathologist
Gretchen Szabo, M.A., CCC-SLP
Research Assistant
Therese Dublin
Volunteer Coach/Development Associate
Ava Coffee-Burks
Life Coach
Sheila Dempsey
Executive Administrative Assistant
Meg Turner
Program Assistants
Robin Straus
Judith Evashko
Linda Sibrian
Marilyn Wiggins
Adler Aphasia Center
Board of Directors
Mike Adler
Elaine Adler
Bill Adler
Jim Adler
David Albalah
Chuck Berkowitz
Angelica Berrie
Linda Bowden
Diana DiGirolamo
Jodi Epstein
Nicholas Felice
Jim Glozzy
Sandra O. Gold
Steven Morey Greenberg
Walter Hecht
Sophie Heymann
Frank Huttle
Anthony Iovino
Ellen Jacobs
Milton Kahn
Bernie Koster
William Murray
Susan Penn
Vicki Sidrow
Jill Tekel
Jeffrey A. Warren
William Zipse
Research and Education
Advisory Committee
Anna M. Barrett, M.D.
Albyn Davis, Ph.D.
Jacqueline J. Hinckley, Ph.D.
Audrey Holland, Ph.D.
Paul S. Jellinek, Ph.D.
Nancy M. King, M.S.W.
Ronald M. Lazar, Ph.D.
Paul R. Rao, Ph.D.
Nina Simmons-Mackie, Ph.D.
Steven L. Small, M.D., Ph.D.
Cynthia K. Thompson, Ph.D.
Speech-Language Pathologist
Advisory Committee
Sharon Antonucci, Ph.D., CCC-SLP.
Venu Balasubramanian, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Mary Boyle, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Carole Gelfer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Wendy Greenspan, M.A., CCC-SLP
Barbara Jastrab, M.S., M.B.A., CCC-SLP
Bernadette LaFond, M.A., CCC-SLP
Andrea Poirier, M.A., CCC-SLP
Mary Jo Santo Pietro, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Barbara Schwerin-Bohus, M.S., CCC-SLP
Ivy Stern, M.A., CCC-SLP
Executive Director
Karen Tucker, M.A.
dler Aphasia Center recognizes and addresses the importance of
caring for the whole person, not just the communication disabilities
of people with aphasia. Restoring our members’ self-esteem, sense of
purpose and hope for the future is a primary goal and our primary
mission. Reconnecting to the world a person with aphasia once knew
is an important part of the recovery process. The Center’s life skills programs have transformed the lives of its members through a unique variety of cognitive exercises, socialization skills, and communication techniques, addressing the whole person in the journey of rehabilitation.
Group interactive sessions include support groups for members as
well as their families. Functional communication activities such
as book discussions, conversation groups, drama, cooking classes,
exercise and wellness programs, jewelry making, art and music programs, skill building and Wii-habilitation groups allow members
to redevelop, practice and improve their
language and communication skills in a
supportive environment. Supporting the
needs of caregivers is an integral and
vital part of this program as well.
Adler Aphasia Center addresses the
challenges of people with aphasia its members - giving them hope and
offering them a more satisfying
quality of life beyond recovery. By collaborating with key healthcare partners and friends, the Adler Aphasia Center continues
to provide a reconnection for those with aphasia and their families.
In 2011:
• 1,400 healthcare providers and students received training in tools and strategies to communicate more effectively
with people with aphasia through our Center’s Education and Training Program, now in its seventh year. Through
on-site education and in-service programs at more than 40 regional medical and rehabilitation centers and
universities, health professionals have learned to reconnect to patients with aphasia and create an aphasia-friendly
environment at the acute and sub-acute care levels.
• For 45 weeks throughout 2011, members with aphasia participated with staff to train more than 1600 visiting
healthcare providers and medical and nursing students in a growing effort to reach key professionals and students
in major medical centers and colleges.
• 12 Computers, 6 iPads and 6 iTouches have been outfitted with specialized software technology and are used as
assistive communication devices, thanks to our partnership with Lingraphica®, the country’s leading technology
provider of communication supports for people with aphasia. By personalizing and customizing members’ smart
phones and iPads, this partnership is allowing those with aphasia to reconnect with their loved ones, their family
and their world. It is having a transformative impact on their lives.
• 25 aphasia service providers from the United States, Israel and Canada came together at the Adler Aphasia Center
to create a national consortium of aphasia programs and to participate in the first ever conference to share best
practices and resources. The goal of this group is to create sustainable community-based centers that address the
needs of people with aphasia and their families to help them reconnect with life.
• The Adler Aphasia Center Volunteer program provides an opportunity for our members to reconnect with the
community. Having meaningful social connections with volunteers can have a positive impact on their health
and healing. 93 volunteers serving more than 5,000 hours at our Center have recognized and embraced these
connections, making a difference in our members’ lives.
• 90 professionally led caregiver support groups were conducted in 2011.
“The Center has become an important part of our
healthcare landscape and the go-to expert in the training
and education of thousands of area healthcare providers
and students who seek to improve access and treatment
for people with aphasia.”
“It’s great to see the progress our members make,
and I am inspired by their courage and strength.
And no one takes care of their volunteers like the
Adler Aphasia Center. We are treated with great
respect and given important continuing education.”
Robert C. Garrett, President and CEO, HackensackUMC
Laura Scanlan, Educator and Volunteer
he journey of rediscovery for people with aphasia is not an easy
one. With the help of the Adler Aphasia Center’s top tier research
and education and speech-language pathology advisory committees
as well as our licensed speech-language pathologists on staff, our
members with aphasia enter our program under the guidance of a
strong team of professionals. The Center has created a positive and
productive environment for those with aphasia to rediscover their
language skills through the application of specific communication
techniques. These communication tools and techniques were designed from
the nationally recognized Life Participation Approach to aphasia, using
group treatments that produce meaningful real life outcomes leading to an
enhanced quality of life.
For their families, rediscovery means knowing their loved one is being
treated by a dedicated group of staff and volunteers who have their best
interests at heart. It means a “home away from home” not only for our
members with aphasia but their loved ones who also benefit
from the Center’s caregiver and family support groups. Facilitated
by our life coach, this group focuses on mutual support and encouragement while building strategies to cope with the challenges of aphasia.
Now in its fourth year, the Center’s on-site research program,
under the guidance of Dr. Audrey Holland, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, our Director of
Research, helps ensure that our services and programs are relevant and effective in providing the opportunity for members with aphasia to rediscover
their skills. This research is yielding important and informative data about
effective long-term treatment for people with aphasia.
Using effective techniques, the latest technology and in house research,
our members’ communication skills have improved, allowing them
to rediscover their use of language. Our research is proving that
members with aphasia have seen positive and sometimes dramatic
changes in their communication and quality of life.
In 2011:
• Our research demonstrated statistically significant improvements in functional language skills and in perceived
quality of life among Center members, after participating in our programs for just one year.
• We provided our members with over 500 individual speech-language therapy sessions where they received
evidence based treatments/therapies to improve their verbal output.
• Using LingraphicaTM ’s technology on an iPad, one of our members addressed more than 250 attendees at the
2011 OktoberfestAphasia, speaking to a large gathering for the very first time since his stroke. Thanks to the
Center’s Research-Based Individual Therapy program that provided this technology, this member was able to rediscover the magic of language, much to his delight and that of those who witnessed it.
• Adler Aphasia Center researchers developed a prototype pocket-sized visual communication tool for bedside use
by health care professionals and their patients with aphasia. The Center has deployed the prototype to several area
institutions with significant feedback regarding its usefulness. This communication toolkit is in the final stages of
production for region-wide distribution. Our next step is to identify funding partners.
• 2 research articles written by Adler Aphasia Center researchers were published in a professional journal,
focusing on the growing trend of aphasia centers in North America. One article presented the results of a survey of
aphasia centers identifying key features of centers across the country. It documented the dramatic increase in centers in the last 10 years. The second article presented our Center’s findings confirming that our education program
has positive learning outcomes for our Nursing Assistant training program. It also provides psychosocial benefits to
our members with aphasia who helped to train the students.
“I can talk about my day
now...with my wife. I am
more confident than before.”
Bill Grundy, Former Bergen County
Teacher and Coach and member
with aphasia
“Being a caregiver is not easy.
The Center has saved my life
by introducing me to other
caregivers. I have rediscovered
how strong I am.”
“With my mom going to Adler
Aphasia Center, she has become
less frustrated and so have I.
I now see the positive things
happening to her after her stroke.”
Jennifer Swanson, Former Payroll
Administrator, Nabisco and Caregiver
Caitlin Dow, Junior High School student
and daughter of Center member
phasia recovery studies indicate that there can be some recovery
of language skills following insult to the brain. Although
there is no known cure for aphasia, recovery is possible over a
lifetime. Some people continue to improve over a period of years
and even decades. Improvement is a slow process that usually
involves both helping the individual and family understand the nature
of aphasia and learning compensatory strategies for communicating.
The Center’s broad-ranging programs are helping those with aphasia
in their recovery process. Research at the Adler Aphasia Center is
demonstrating that our members with aphasia show improved
communication skills, increased confidence, strengthened social
connections and an enhanced quality of life. Leading productive and
meaningful lives is an important step in recovery.
In 2011:
• The Center saw major growth in member participation and sales of Something Special, a gift and jewelry store
that sells unique items that have been designed and created by members. This very successful venture, established
in 2009, has not only provided more than $72,000 in revenue for the Center’s programs, services and scholarships
since its inception, but it has been a form of occupational therapy for many members. In addition to expanding
into new compassionate marketplaces in the community, Something Special opened a satellite pop-up store
during the winter holidays in a high-traffic shopping center nearby. It provided members the opportunity to
become sales representatives in a retail store, giving them the confidence to greet the public with pride.
• Recovery takes on many forms at the Adler Aphasia Center. In 2011, our drama program performed “Mary
Poppins”, as its annual musical theatre production. Attended by more than 300 families and friends of the Center,
this program offered meaningful opportunities for members to practice their communication skills, feel a sense of
accomplishment, and challenge themselves in ways that go beyond the normal rehabilitation.
• The Center’s Advocacy Group had a highly successful year raising awareness of aphasia through many outlets.
During National Aphasia Awareness month in June, members visited more than 100 libraries, local businesses
and other community centers and acted as field embassadors at PNC Banks, meeting the public and showing
them the face of aphasia. In addition, more than 44 New Jersey town mayors in Bergen County were contacted by
the advocacy group to bring awareness to aphasia during National Aphasia Awareness Month in June. In a letter
writing campaign by the members of this group, more than 15 mayors joined in their efforts by proclaiming the
resolution in their towns. The Adler Aphasia Center Advocacy Group was personally invited to receive many of
these formal town proclamations.
“Something Special program
gives me opportunities to go
out and meet people again.
This place helps me grow in
my recovery.”
Bob Mayer, Former Chef and
member with aphasia
“Here, we are all teachers to
one another; we are all teachers
who help build the strength of
the human spirit.”
Barbara Tillman, Former Educational
Administrator/Consultant, Volunteer and
“As an architect before my
stroke, I was… creating.
The Center helped me recover
with Something Special. I
feel productive.”
Rebecca Iovino, Former Architect
and member with aphasia
ur donors make the difference. They believe in our mission.
As Adler Aphasia Center reflects on its accomplishments in
2011, we want to recognize our partnerships and the contributions made by individuals and families, community organizations,
foundations and corporations. On behalf of our members with
aphasia and their families, we thank you for your kind generosity.
It is because of our community of donors that our members can
reconnect, rediscover and recover from their disabilities in their
own special community, a place called Adler Aphasia Center.
As so many traditional funding sources are shrinking, we must continue to
look for new ways to support our programs, direct services, research and
education and training. Our partnerships present us with countless ways
to assist our members with aphasia and their families as they continue their
quest to improve their speech and ability to communicate. Adler Aphasia
Center’s community of donors helps to ensure our ability to be a vital
resource to anyone whose life or profession is touched by aphasia.
This list reflects donations made to support the services, programs and
scholarships of Adler Aphasia Center in 2011.
2011 Donors
Elaine and Mike Adler
Dana and James Adler
Myron & Elaine Adler Private
Affiliated Adjustment Group LTD,
Michael Abrams
Benzel-Busch Motor Car Corp,
Jay Agresta
The Russell Berrie Foundation
Betty and Daniel Birnant
CB Richard Ellis, Inc
Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation
Englewood Hospital
& Medical Center
Mae and Marvin Fastenberg
Healthcare Foundation
of New Jersey
Ellen and Michael Jacobs
The Kaplen Foundation
Kessler Foundation
The Randi & Clifford
Lane Foundation, Inc
Mellam Family Foundation
Myron Corporation
New Jersey Office of Faith Based
OritaniBank Charitable
PNC Financial Services Group, Inc
PNC Foundation
Fred C. Rummel Foundation
Lillian Pitkin Schenck Fund
The Norman & Barbara Seiden
The Valley Hospital Foundation
Wallerstein Foundation
BENEFACTOR ($1,000 - $4,999)
Leslie and William Adler
Janet and Bruce Adler
Allen Maxwell & Silver, Inc
Kathi and Peter Arnow Foundation
of the JCF
Ruth Bedford
Jack Benintende
Bergen County Players, Inc
Rachel and Charles Berkowitz
Angelica Berrie
Myrna and Yale Block
Linda Bowden and Buddy Jenssen
The Brook Fund Inc, Julie Eisen
Nancy and Peter Brown
Bustillo Family Charitable Fund
CentiMark Corporation
Children’s Aid and Family Services,
Bob Jones
Steven T. Cirillo, CPA LLC
Carole and Melvin Cohen
Claire Cross
The CSI Group
Betty and Oscar Davis
Delta Building Services
Charlene and Charles Egbert
EisnerAmper LLP
Eleanor and Edward Epstein
Jodi and Mark Epstein
Laurel and Andrew Epstein
Carl Epstein
Ernst & Young US, LLP
I.J. Feldman Foundation,
Phyllis and Gerald LeBoff
Fischbach Family Fund of the Cape
Cod Foundation, Ruth Fischbach
Kareitha and Kenneth Forde
Barry and Florence Friedberg Fund
of the JCF Federation of South
Palm Beach County
Sandra and Arnold Gold
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation
Gralla Family Philanthropic
Fund of the JCF
Erica and Howard Haber
Andrea and Harry Helmstetter
Herrick, Feinstein LLP
High Point Precision Products, Inc
Frances Hoffman
Eva Holzer
Richard H. Holzer Memorial
Friends of Valerie Vainieri Huttle
for Assembly
Inserra Supermarkets, Inc
The Kamson Corporation
The Charles and Lynne Klatskin
Family Charitable Trust
Knip Fund, Deborah and
Donald Aronson
LAMCO Advisory Services, Inc
“Having experienced the impact of aphasia on my dad, I’ve seen
first-hand the comfort that the Center provides for those confronting
it every day. As a board member, it’s tremendously gratifying to be
part of an organization that provides the resources, expertise and
understanding that’s critical to improving the quality of life for
aphasia patients and those around them.”
Linda Bowden, New Jersey Regional President, PNC Bank and
Adler Aphasia Center board member
The Lapkin Foundation
LENFAM Management Company,
Erriette and Constantine Lenas
Mildred and Abner Levine Family
Foundation, Inc
Benjamin S. Levine Foundation
The Samuel and Natalie Lipsett
The Mann Family Foundation, Inc
Norma and Robert Marcalus
Mass Mutual Retirement Services
Merit Direct
Mountain Development Corporation
Multipet International, Inc
Ann Murray
Josephine and Frank Napolitano
Nissan North America, Inc
The Ollendorff Center for Religious
and Human Understanding
Alfiero and Lucia Palestroni
Deane & Susan Penn Art Foundation
Prism Capital Partners LLC
Ramapo College of New Jersey
The River Palm Terrace
Elenore & Maurice Rosenthal
Syril Rubin
The David & Eleanore Rukin
Philanthropic Foundation
Miyako and Edmondo Schwartz
Eva and Hal Schwartz
Pearl Seiden
Karen and Gary Singer
Joan and Murray Socolof
Law offices of Patrick J. Spina PC
Ellen Schwartz and Michael Stein
Isabella and Bob Stevenish
Henry & Marilyn Taub Foundation
United Givers Plan of Packanack
Lake, Inc
Andi and Jeffrey Warren
The Barry and Randi Weiss Family
Foundation of the JCF
Windels Marx Lane &
Mittendorf LLP
WithumSmith+Brown PC
Judy and Norris Wolff
Elaine and William Zipse
PATRON ($500 - $999)
Amy and David Albalah
Alden Leeds, Inc
The American Companies
Arcari & Iovino Architects PC
The Beer Family Foundation Inc,
Lovey and Murray Beer
Rabbi Jack Bemporad
Bergen Community College
Margarita Bustillo
Brenda and Leslie Byrnes
Ricki and David Byrnes
Chavurah Beth Shalom
Shing-I Chou
Ira and Julie Cohen Charitable
Foundation of the Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
“As a board member, it brings “Coming
me great joy
to Adler
to witness
our Center’s
members’ interactions with their
likecommunityhome with family....I
four very
special members who volunteer
their time at
shop, teaching residents and visitors
alike about aphasia. It doesn’t
get any better than that.”
Caitlin Dow (member with aphasia)
Charles P. Berkowitz, President and CEO, Jewish Home Family and
Adler Aphasia Center board member
Catherine and Herbert Cook
John Cory
Couristan, Inc
The Crystal Plaza
Betsy Elias and Albyn Davis
Maggie and Tom Devita
Diana Di Girolamo
Gregory Dolin
Drench Family Philanthropic Fund
of the JCF of MetroWest
New Jersey
Barbara and Daniel Drench
Joan and Thomas Dunn
Vivian and Nicholas Felice
Barbara and Joseph Fitzpatrick
Louesa and Richard Foster
Friedberg Properties
Leo and Eva Gans Foundation
G M I Home Loans LLC
Amy and Jeffrey Goldsmith
Elizabeth Gunning
Michael Gutter
Sara and Charles Herbstman
Arleen Weissman and
Stewart Herman
Paul Herman
Philip Hyman
The Irwin Family Charitable Fund
of the Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Joyce Joseph
Peggy and Edwin Kabakow
Deborah King
Nancy and Robert Kossowsky
Kreinces Rollins & Shanker LLC
Sharon and Jeff Kurtz
Sheila Kurtzer
Mitt Libien
William Lippman
Gwen and Henry Mardyks
Marcy and Kenneth Markowitz
Herbert Mayer
Wendy Wernick-Meth and
Richard Meth
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program;
Shing-I Chou
Selma and Stanley Mitchel
Moira McBride Murphy
Sarah and William Murray
New Jersey Legislative District 37;
Senator Loretta Weinberg,
Assemblyman Gordon Johnson,
Assemlywoman Valerie
Vainieri Huttle
New Jersey Monthly
NHA Realty, LLC
Notaro, Michalos & Zaccaria PC
Barbara and Joel Packer
Park Avenue Motor Corp
Park Avenue Acura
Portfolio Evaluations, Inc
Arleen and Gary Post
Marie and Newell Pugh
Pam and David Rodriguez
The Charles I. Rosen Family
Rotary Club of Maywood, NJ
Gail and Jerry Ryan
S. Parker Hardware, Susan and
Charles Silberman
S & S Mitchel Realty
Saril Family Philanthropic Fund of
the JCF Federation of South Palm
Beach County
Sandra and Tadd Schwab
Jill and Ronald Sedley
The Sylvia & Stanley Shirvan
Foundation, Inc
Lillian and Melvin Solomon
Robin and Justin Straus
John Tate
TD Bank
Yvette and Lou Tekel
Marilyn and Myron Toomey
Urban Farms Landscape &
Design LLC
US Safety & Security LLC
Lois and Jack Vitenson
Election Fund of Weinberg
for Senate
Barbara Wild
YCS Foundation
ASSOCIATE ($250 - $499)
Acumen Marketing Research
Linda and Sanford Ader
Arista Leasing LLC, Michael Gutter
Axia Taverna
Sabetay Behar
Elyse Beidner
Bergen Landscaping
Karen Maas and Doug Bern
Mary and William Blanchard
Jacqueline and Joseph Byrnes
California Pizza Kitchen
Clinton D. & Grace A. Carlough
Charitable Foundation
Charles Schwab Foundation
Singer Nelson Charlmers, Inc
Judy and Bob Cook Foundation
of the Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Veronica and James Corby
Cheryl and Edward Dauber
Marianne and Robert Dill
Jeannine Edwards
Merle and Fred Fish
Pamela and Richard Fisk
Carolyn and Alfred Fontanella
Formulation Business Systems,
Mike Randall
Rhoda and Joseph Fried
Gillian and Steven Garrett
Estella and Manus Gass
Vincent Giangrasso
Mary Grace and Robert Dena
Chrysa Golashesky
Gerri and John Golashesky
John Golashesky
Elissa and Laurence Goldstein
Barbara and Matthew Golub
Lawrence B. Goodman & Co PA
Ann and Harlod Guss
Laurie and Gordon Hamm
Walter Hecht
Sophie Heymann
Kimberly Holden
Wendy Holmes
Viviana and Robert Holzer
Judith and Jonathan Holzman
Barbara and Kenneth Ingra
Joan Jones
Janet and Milton Kahn
Bruce Kalter
Daniel Kane
Kearny Lodge of Elks No. 1050
Konica Minolta Business
Solutions USA, Inc
Carol and Steven Kosann
Kathryn Kruckel
Eric Latzer
Michael Lehman
Cynthia and William Lupo
Norine Lyons
Marsh USA, Inc
Maywood American Legion
Post 142
McBride Agency Realtors
Pamela and Peter McBride
Mercer Health & Benefits
Jackie Merrill
Millennium Mechanical LLC
Roberta and Jerome Mittelberg
Melissa Montuori and
Nicholas Eck
Dianne and Vincent Morino
MWW Group
MZM Construction Management
Debbie Nahshon
National Aphasia Association
Neurology Group of Bergen
County PA
Lisa Olsen
David Opper
Organ Stock
Paltrowitz, Goldfarb, Schmidt &
Micale, MD PA
Park Place Technologies
R W Peche & Assiciates, Inc
Eileen and Joseph Phillips
Maryann Phillips
Podvey and Meaner
Robert Pollokoff
Jill and Kenneth Rota
Kathleen and Steven Sak
Myrna Schaffer
Diane and Mark Seiden
Sharp Electronics
Bill Shearer
Debra De Berjeois Shurts
and Wayne Shurts
Victoria Sidrow
Laura Scanlan and Michael Latzer
Matthew Snell
Jeanette and Seymour Spira
Stepan Company
Nancy and Martin Swilling
Steven and Benay Taub Family
Fund of the Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Felicia Taubenfeld
Joan and John Tembeck
Miriam and John Thielke
Barbara Tillman
Joyce Toomey
United Food & Commercial
Urologic Institute of NJ PA
Barry Waldorf
Sandra and Robert Warren
Lassus Wherley
Emily and Bob Wilkins
Richard Ziegelasch
FRIEND ($100 - $249)
Adler Aphasia Center Members
Roberta and Michael Abrams
Roni and James Ackerman
Jason Ader
Judith and Alan Adler
Ken Albrecht
Linda Armstrong
Paul Artale
Kurt Baker
Venu Balasubramanian
Roz Goldberg and Alan Bandler
Ronald Bartke
Marilyn and Milton Bell
Eileen Erickson and Paul Benson
Eleanor Berg
Bernstein Assiciates
Gail and Gene Bokor
Doris Bowden
Mary Boyle
Mary Brennan
Debra and Richard Brigliadoro
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Matching Gift, Ira Ross
Rebecca and Shalom Bronstein
Jennifer Burns
Anna Burris
Ann Marie Bushell
Christine Byrnes
Tracy and Christopher Byrnes
Kevin Byrnes
Leslie Byrnes
Connie and Gus Campbell
JoAnn and Peter Campilango
Michael Carter
Cedar Grove Elks No. 2237
Eric Chang
Anne Cioppa
Marshall and Patricia Clapp
Constance Clery
Beverly and Arthur Cohen
Barbara and Michael Cohen
Julie and Ira Cohen
Susan and Harvey Cohen
Filomena and Agastino Coldebella
Ellen and James Compesi
Patricia and Harold Cook
A. Curts Cooke
Josie Mancuso and John Cooper
Arlene Danziger
Martha De Young
Theresa and Anthony Del Gatto
Judy and Charles Del Rosso
Sheila and Jack Dempsey
Deborah Deutsch
Joyce and Morris Dworkin
Rose and Gary Dworkowitz
Vivian and David Edelberg
Helene and Paul Emanuel
Patricia and Robert Felice
Leslie Nagy and Damon Fellman
Hattie and Steven Finkel
Carla and Robert Fishbein
Virginia Flaherty
Nancy and Eric Fremed
Sharon and Kenneth Fried
Frost King Thermwell
Products Co, Inc
Eva and Leo Gans
Eileen and John Peter Gargon
Suzanne and Max Gerchick
Jo Ann and Richard Gerstman
Gift Box Corporation of America
Jean and Mark Gilbert
Jackie Glanz
Ken and Karen Glotzer
Frederick Goldman, Inc
Our Volunteers
Angela Gong
Linda and Phil Gould
Alexander Gourley
GT’s Painting
Frances Guido
Robert Gurmankin
Frances Hackett
Harwood Lloyd LLC
Carla and John Healy
Joan Herring
Susan and Lawrence Holzman
Janice and Charles Honig
Craig Kaplan
Katherine and John Karpovich
Shon Keesling
Thomas King
Knights of Columbus No. 6574
Amelia and Randall Kotuby
Pam and Jim Langell
Cheri and Joel Larson
Jeanne Leavitt
Jay Lefkowitz
John Leidner
Myrna Levine
Susan Shlanger and Avi Lewinson
Judith & Lester Lieberman
Angela Bombardi and John
Attorney Cynthia B. Lupo
Toby Mamis
Barbara and Dan Martin
Barbara and William Martin
Robert Mays
Maywood Memorial Post
7408 VFW
Linda and Mark McNerney
Dana and Peter Mencel
Anita Digiulio and Ira
Susan Milnes
Elaine and Thomas Mostello
Liz and Keith Mulhare
New Jersey Bankers Association
Naomi Nieuzytek
Debby and John Nordyk
James Nouss
Sandra and Eric Olesky
Jaclyn Osolinski
Diana and Steven Pasquariello
Amy and Louis Pellegrini
Carmen and Paul Platek
Judith Pott
Elissa Powell
Sherry and Lloyd Putter
The Repair Pro’s Limited LLC
Debra and Chris Ricciardi
Rhoda and Raymond Ring
Alma Rodriguez
Edward Rogan & Associates LLC
Barbara and Gary Rosenthal
James Ross
Francine Roth
Faye and Donald Samuels
Andrea and Lester Samuels
Patricia and Vincent Savino
David Schafran
Marcia Schiffman
Roberta Abrams
Myrna Levine
Andrea Alcocer
C. Justin Lewis
Jose Almeida
Jerry Lieberman
Alyson Angstreich
Katherine Lowrey
Rose Aybar
Kamilah Mantle
Daphna Blatt
Chani Markel
Beatrice Ann Buda
Stephanie Martinez
Amoria G. Burks
Carol Mascolo
Charles A. Burks
Barbara Merker
Anna Burris
Debra Mitten
*Eunice Bustillo
Michael Modoski
*Christine Byrnes
Roberta Mulkowsky
Emma Carrillo
David Parker
Shing-I Chou
Bhavi Patel
Marissa Cirrilla
Alexandra Pellegrini
Beverly Cohen
Arlene Piazza
Ann Conway
Jen Posner
Martha De Young
Elissa Powell
Jean Decker
Stanley Radziszewski
Kristine Deer
Kalpita Ramani
*Dolores Donatello
Diane Rhodes
Gail Feinbloom
Loubelle Rivera
Betty Feuer
Hayley Rivlin
Rebecca Fishner
Alma Rodriguez
Stephanie Fleming
Lisa Rosenfeld
Dorothy Flynn
Ira M. Ross
Janet Forer
Robert Sarokin
Christina Foster
Laura Scanlan
Michelle Geiser
Myrna Schaffer
Cynthia Giordano
Robin Straus
Mario Giordano
Miriam Thielke
Nicholas Giordano
Barbara Tillman
Linda E. Gould
Marilyn Toomey
Kathleen Hajjar
Sidney Tucker
Jennifer Hamer
Alejandra Velez
Renee Hanna
Fred Wagner
Christine Harriman
Jenniffer Wahler
Julie Harris
Kristen Walters
Tamara Heimlich
Iris Weinstein
Andrea Helmstetter
Nicole Weinstein
Kisaira Henriquez
Karen Wenstrom
Hodes to Adler Aphasia
Annesia Wills
Malika Zlatkin
like home with family....I
Adele Jacobs
comfortable and notice my speech
Joan Jones
*denotes member as well
Dow (member with aphasia)
Brian Kopec
Linda Kostrinsky
Krista LaGuardia
Photo courtesy of Laves Photos.
Jozefine and Stanley Schiffman
Elaine Scurtis
Sherman Shapiro
Gary Shiffman
Barbara Katz and Irwin Shulkin
Rosa Linda Sibrian
Laraine and Richard Silvestri
Steven Small
Carolyn Smith
Kathleen and Jesse Snell
Ethan Snyder
Ellen and Bruce Stevenson
Nicole and Kenneth Stier
Viola Stratchko
Joshua Straus
Roslyn Swire
Carole and Abraham Tager
Brenda and Frederick Torre
Tri-Color, Inc
Karen Tucker
Carole and Albert Ulis
Sherry Van Dyk
Linda and Cliff Van Treuren
Verisk Matching Gifts Program,
James Langell
Judith Vernon and Edward Fleischman
Joan Verplanck
Anna-Marie Voorthuis
Lola and Henry Webber
George Webster
Karen Wenstrom
Patricia White
Viktoria Bombardi and Bryan Wilson
Gloria and John Wittig
Edythe and Sam Zaro
Lauryn Zipse
SUPPORTER (up to $99)
Pam and Dale Abeling
Karen and Harold Albenberg
Anne Allen
Ambler Growth Strategy
Consultants, Inc
Janet and John Ames
Cheryl Anthony
Edie and Josef Arbus
Leah Arroyo
Helen and Wayne Baller
Anita and Sergio Baranovsky
Raymond Barnitt
Lisa Barowski
Maureen Bay
Lee Beck
Rita and Peter Bedrick
Risa and Ira Bellach
Janet and Michael Bennett
Harold Binenstock
Joseph Binetti
Barbara and James Blasie
Maryanne Bonventre
Anita and James Bordone
Mary and Robert Bordone
Diane Bowden and James Pricola
Howard Bowden
Leslie and Fred Brancato
Amy and Michael Browne
Ellen and Michael Brustein
Rosemary Buchner
Beatrice Ann Buda
Virginia and Raymond Buonomo
Sandra and John Burgio
Susan and Jim Burgio
Eunice and John Bustillo
Edward Byrnes
Mary Jane Cannizzaro
Lenore and Ray Cassetta
Martha and Michael Ceppetelli
Ilene Cheek
Maureen Clark
Stephen Codispodo
Estelle Cohen and Jack Portner
Gloria and Irwin Cohen
Marcy Cohen
Fran Cohen and Deborah Martin
Risa and Ira Cohen
Linda and Ronald Coll
Robert Colville
Angela Constantine
Ann Conway
Diane and Stephen Coopersmith
Jean and Frank Crommelin
Margaret and Frank Cuozzo
Patricia and Arthur Dacko
Barbara and Richard Daly
Maria and Howard Danziger
Joanne D’Aurizio
Karen D’Aurizio
Patricia and Frank D’Aurizio
Vivian Davis
Dean Decker
Ellen and Jean Deer
Joyce Del Duca
Rosemary Del Rey
Carrie Delorme
Frank DeSanto
Judith and Harvey Deutsch
William Dunphy
East Rutherford Fire Department
Ladies Auxiliary
Roseanne and Robert Ebert
Education Association of South
Sharon and Harvey Einstein
Karen and Kevin Eldridge
Susan and Emanuel Elfenbein
Jean Ellis
Charlotte and Daniel Eth
Ellen and Reid Fader
Lucille and Ronald Faso
Joyce and Richard Feder
Mildred and Gerald Feig
Gail Feinbloom
Francine and Leon Feinerman
Betty Feuer
Glen and Drew Fiertl
Walter Fiertl, Sr.
Walter Fiertl, Jr.
Patricia and Robert Fire
Deborah and Glenn Fitzgerald
Patricia and Marc Flaherty
Marilyn Flanzman
Stephanie Fleming
Lena Florkevicz
Dorothy and Michael Flynn
Paula Flynn
Margie Forbes
Janet Forer
Julie Fraenkel and Joshua Mamis
Aurelie Frey
Mary Ann and Danilo
Marion Gelewski
Richard Gertler
Richard Gervase
Luke Gervase
Mary Gervase
Wanda Giambrone
Larry Gingold
Carlean and Clarence Godwin
Avi Golden
Rosalyn and Larry Goodman
Hope Schlossberg Goodman
David Goodman
Wendy and Rob Goralnick
Diane and Steve Greenlick
Beth and Harvey Gross
Lori Grow
Barbara and Bill Grundy
Sheila and Leonard Gursky
Sonia Hairabedian
Larry Hale
Julie and Howard Harris
Dorothea Harth
Roberta and Alex Haselkorn
Minna and Jeffrey Heilpern
Hillary and Stuart Heit
Fran Henderson
Jane Herchenroder
Fabiane Hirsch Kruse
Ruth and Peter Hirschel
Marilyn Hopper
Katherine and Don Ingersoll
Deborah Iozza
Nighat and Javed Ispahany
Jill and David Jablow
Adele Jacobs
Jacoba and Henry Jasionek
Linda and Louis Jasmine
Margaret Joines
Theresa and Tom Joyce
Lee and Jack Kelly
James Kelly
Josephine and Robert Kickey
Deborah and Lowell Kirschner
Arlene and Stuart Kopp
Maria and Michael Kowgios
Karen Kreckel
Arlene Landzettel
Diane and Dennis Larson
Judith Laubersheimer
Valerie and Marvin Leibowitz
Estelle and Nick Leno
Rocco Lepore
Audrey and Robert Leventhal
Joanne and Dennis Paduch
Nancy and Louis Paolillo
Maddy Pasternak
Frank Pellicci
Joan Pettinato
Arlene Piazza
Carol Pietz
Judi and Jerry Pitkowsky
Vineela Poddatoori
Denise Powlis-Lighty
Debra and Joseph Puccio
Lynne Pulitano
Victoria and James Purpura
Minna and Frank Ramson
Phyllis Rand and
Seymour Whynman
Evelyn Reiser
Diane Rhodes
Deborah Rivosa
Dorothy Romaine
Cheryl and Alan Ross
RVH Holdings Corporation
Beatrice Sabin
Ann and Richard Sampson
Marilyn and Hyman Saposh
Claire and Bob Savino
Diane and Frank Schindelheim
Evelyn and Bob Schroeder
Marcia and Fred Schulman
Herva and Jerold Schwartz
Secaucus Golden Age
Iris and Floyd Shapiro
Kay and Vin Shea
Mary and James Sheridan
Jonathon Shlens
Paulyne and Louis Lever
Jeannie and Jerry Lieberman
Rhoda Liebowitz
Anne and Leonard Liu
Patricia and Kevin Lord
Dara Lovitz
Elizabeth and William Macowski
Isabel and William Macowski
Lisa Mamis and Jurg Obrist
Ann and Robert Marrone
Carol Ann and Michael Mascarini
Anna Marie Mascolo and Marj Kuhn
Carlotta Mayer
Theresa McHugh
William McLaughlin
Barbara Merker
Carol Merle
Robert Meth
Jed Metzger
Harry Meyer
Loretta Mikita
Linda Miller
MMC Group
Laura Moore
Marsha and Martin Morgenstern
Inta and Kai Mortensen
Roberta and Norman Mulkowsky
Naomi Chapter 28 OES,
Ridgefield Park
Barbara Neumann
Cynthia and Milton Oakes
Violet O’Halloran
Patricia O’Herlihy
Shirley Osen
Marlene Osen and Neil Mauer
Janet and Peter Sigalos
Cheryl Sigman
Annice and Seymour Silberberg
Aurora Silva
Lynda and Alan Slepp
Vivian Smith
JoAnne Snyder
Miriam Stiefel
Rosalie Stutz
Kathleen Sullivan
Ronna and Ira Sutow
Cheryl and Gregory Swanson
Kristine and Steve Swanson
Kathy Tahan
Leda and Barry Tepp
Carol Thielke
Carol and Raymond Tillman
Maxine and Allen Tishman
John Tomasulo
Norma Turner
Valley National Bank
Stephen Van Osten
Penelope Vance and
William Hobbie
John Vaughan
Michael Viola
Annette and Fred Wagner
Liza and Sergie Waisman
James Walier
Melinda and Brian Wallach
Florence Ward
John Webster
Gerda Weis
Ida Weisleder
Mildred and Murray Weiss
Sheila Welish
Amanda White
Henrietta and Edward Wieting
Rosemarie and Richard Wilke
Christine Wohltmann
Myra and Charles Wrubel
Esther Yepez
Robert Yusem
Maria Zeralli
Diane and Arnold Zettler
Marie Adler-Kravecas
Bergen County Players, Inc
Bergen PAC
Linda Bowden and
Buddy Jenssen
Jerry Boyarsky
Callahan Jewelry
Brian Castka
Erika Deer Photographer
Rose and Gary Dworkowitz
E & M Holdings, Elaine
and Mike Adler
EisnerAmper LLP
Jimmy Fallon
Wendy and Robert Federman
Michael Feuerstein
Fuel Fitness
Garage Theatre Group
Hekemian & Co.
David Hirshman
Ho-Ho-Kus Inn and Tavern
Joan Jones
Tobi Kahn
Where the money comes from...
...and where it goes
Technology Program
Individual donations
Member Fees
Something Special
Special Events
Something Special
Education, Training & Outreach
Government Grants
Life Skills Program
Training, Research & Program Fees
Konica Minolta Business
Solutions USA
David Letterman
Madeleine’s Petit Paris Restaurant
Maggiano’s Restaurant
Magical Nights, Inc
Mary Meehan
Montclair Art Museum
Myron Corporation
Nanni Restaurant
New Jersey Devils
Lisa Olsen
P. Pascal Coffee
PC Connection
Susan and Deane Penn
Roundabout Theatre Company
Sear House Restaurant
Sessions Bistro
Sharp Electronics
Lillian and Melvin Solomon
Patrick Spina
James M. Straut Construction
& Painting
Studio LC
Marilyn Taffet
The Beauty Spa
United Airlines
Well Staged Home
Norma Wellington
Wellington Transportation
Barbara Wild
Elaine and Bill Zipse
Management and Administration
Marketing and Development
a•pha•sia (uh-fay’-zhuh) n. A language disorder
that impairs the expression and understanding of
spoken language, reading, and writing. It occurs
most often from a stroke or brain injury. This
frustrating condition affects a person’s ability
to communicate, but does not affect his or her
60 W. Hunter Avenue, Maywood, NJ 07607 • 201-368-8585 • www.adleraphasiacenter.org