NORRISTOWN MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting November 4, 2015
NORRISTOWN MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting November 4, 2015
NORRISTOWN MUNICIPALITY Council Meeting November 4, 2015 -‐ Wednesday 7:30 pm – Council Chambers AGENDA I. II. III. IV. Call to Order, Sonya Sanders, Council President Moment of Silence/Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Appointment to the vacant District 3 Council Seat Motion to approve Resolution 15-‐150 appointing _____________________as District 3 Councilperson V. Oath of Office – Montgomery County Senior Judge, William Nicholas VI. Motion to approve Resolution 15-‐148 appointing Andrew Stiteler as Firefighter VII. Oath of Office VIII. Motion to approve Minutes of the Council Workshop held on October 20, 2015 IX. Executive Session Announcement X. Presentation: PFM XI. Announcements XII. Public Comment XIII. Communication IX. Items for Action Finance Request Municipal Council approve or disapprove the Act 205 deposit into the pension plans. Motion to approve or disapprove Resolution 15-‐151 to fulfill our obligation to the Norristown Paid Firefighter’s Pension Plan and the Norristown Police Pension Plan in compliance with the Act 205 deposit. Request Municipal Council approve or disapprove the advertising of a proposed Ordinance regarding certain capital projects borrowing (Police and Fire radios). Motion to approve or disapprove the advertising of a proposed Ordinance regarding certain capital projects borrowing (Police and Fire radios). Public Safety Request Municipal Council approve or disapprove a request for parking modification. Motion to approve or disapprove Resolution 15-‐149 to establish a handicapped parking space at 915 West Airy Street and XIV. remove a handicapped parking space at 514 Noble Street that is no longer needed. Administration Request Municipal Council ratify or not ratify the Global Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release. Motion to ratify or not ratify the Global Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release between the Municipality of Norristown, collectively with the RDA and County and Charles Gallub. Code In accordance with the HARB rules and regulations request Municipal Council to approve or disapprove all Certificates of Appropriateness. Motion to approve or disapprove HARB Certificates of Appropriateness as recommended by HARB at its meeting of October 28, 2015: 130 Wayne Avenue 706 West Elm Street 205 East Lafayette Street 739 George Street Discussion: Financial Report – Chenora Burkett, Director of Finance Adjournment Any person with a disability requiring a special accommodation desiring to attend Norristown Municipality Public Meetings should call 610.270.0420 as early as possible prior to the meeting. The Municipality of Norristown will make every effort to provide a reasonable accommodation.
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