Cyranose 320 Select QA/QC Applications
Cyranose 320 Select QA/QC Applications
Medical Applications of Nanocomposite Sensor Arrays eNose® - Medical Applications Cyranose® 320 • Handheld Chemical Vapor Detector • Designed for Industrial / Commercial Use • Evaluated as an exempt Research Tool to determine efficacy of sensor arrays for a variety of medical applications eNose® - Medical Applications Vapor passes over the polymer matrix and produces a change in dc resistance for each sensor 32 chemical sensors in standard array Using pattern matching algorithms, the data is converted into a unique response pattern (PCA, CDA, ANN, SVM) eNose® - Medical Applications Premise – Routine Diagnosis and Health Monitoring through Breath Analysis Low cost and low power nanotechnology sensors will enable affordable and reliable devices for home health and point of care products eNose® - Medical Applications product analogy: spirometer on a PC card Hippocrates - treatise on breath aroma and disease Lavoisier and Laplace (1784) - showed that respiration consumes oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide Nebelthau (mid 1800s) - showed that diabetics emit breath acetone Anstie (1874) - isolated ethanol from breath Pauling (1971) - used GC to detect 250 compounds in breath Phillips (1999) - used GC/MS to detect 3000 compounds in breath 2000 - present - new advances in breath analysis each year through laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and eNose analysis eNose® - Medical Applications University of Pennsylvania uses handheld eNose for pneumonia, CSF and sinusitis research in the ER and outpatient clinic Lai, S. et al. Identification of upper respiratory bacterial pathogens with the electronic nose. Laryngoscope. 112(6) 975-9 (2002); Aronzon, A. et al. Differentiation between cerebrospinal fluid and serum with electronic nose. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 133(1) 916 (2005); Thaler, ER, Hanson, CW. Use of an electronic nose to diagnose bacterial sinusitis. American Journal of Rhinology, 20(2) 170-172 (2006) Cleveland Clinic uses handheld eNose for lung cancer research Machado, R. et al Detection of Lung Cancer by Sensor Array Analyses of Exhaled Breath. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 171(11) 1286-1291 (2005) University of Amsterdam uses handheld eNose for COPD, asthma and cancer Dragonieri, S. et al. An electronic nose in the discrimination of patients with asthma and controls. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 120(4): 856-62 (2007); Dragonieri, S. et al. An electronic nose in the discrimination of patients with non-small cell lung cancer and COPD. Lung Cancer 64(2) 166-70 (2009); Lazar, Z. et al. Electronic nose breathprints are independent of acute changes in airway caliber in asthma. Sensors 10(10) 9127-38 (2010); Fens, N. et al. Exhaled air molecular profiling in relation to inflammatory subtype and activity in COPD. Eur Respir. J. 38 1301-1309 (2011). Research teams around the world use the handheld eNose: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Hungary, Italy … Dent, A. et al. Electronic nose distinguishes lung cancer from healthy smoking controls. Supplement to Journal of Thoracic Oncology: (2010); Hattesohl AD, et al. Discrimination between COPD patients with and without alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency using an electronic nose. Respiratory Disease Diagnosis 16(8) 1258-64 (2011); Chapman, EA et al. A breath test for malignant mesothelioma using an electronic nose. Eur Respir J. December 2011. Timms, C. et al. Detection of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) in patients with obstructive lung disease using exhaled breath profiling. J Breath Res. January 2012. eNose® - Medical Applications Com pound as a A n a ly s is D is e a s e d is e a s e m a r k e r In s t r u m e n t A c u te c a r d ia c a llo g r a ft r e je c tio n P e n ta n e G C /F ID M y o c a r d ia l in fa r c tio n ( M I) H y d ro c a rb o n s G C /F ID A s th m a N itr ic O x id e C L a n a ly z e r COPD / ARDS NO, CO C L a n a ly z e r B re a s t C a n c e r P e n ta n e G C /F ID D ia b e te s A c e to n e G C /F ID H e m o ly s is C a r b o n m o n o x id e E C C O a n a ly z e r G C /T C D H . p y lo r i in fe c tio n 13 CO 2 or 14 CO2 Is o to p e R a tio M S Is o to p e R a tio IR A lc o h o lic liv e r d is e a s e P e n ta n e G C /F ID L iv e r c ir r h o s is D im e th y l s u lfid e G C /F P D V o la tile fa tty a c id G C /F ID A c e to n e G C /F ID W e ig h t R e d u c tio n VOCs from bacterial infection acids, alcohols, aldehydes, amines, ketones, hydrocarbons, sulfur compounds eNose® - Medical Applications semivolatiles in breath condensate volatiles excreted in breath eNose® - Medical Applications acetone RT: 0.00 - 56.99 3.06 7.43 8.60 23.28 NL: 4.19E5 30.95 TIC MS test216 4.5 4.0 3.5 CO2 phenol Relative Abundance 3.47 3.0 isoprene 2.5 29.36 2.0 1.5 11.75 24.95 18.08 1.0 28.87 16.15 14.61 4.65 20.43 11.52 2.58 54.42 35.38 13.33 0.5 33.45 27.67 36.16 36.41 21.43 5.04 56.77 38.94 40.20 46.85 42.96 44.81 54.06 53.89 51.80 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (min) 35 40 45 50 55 GC/MS can identify many but not all breath constituents eNose® - Medical Applications CO2 sensor NRBV P CO2 air supply 1L sample can Elaborate means for collection of breath constituents for analysis eNose® - Medical Applications Measure the entire breath profile Simplicity of sample measurement An eNose received FDA approval in 2002 for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) eNose® - Medical Applications Bacteria Identification • ENT bacteria, infant Otitis Media, adult Urinary Tract Infection Univ. Pennsylvania Hospital (HUP) • Ventilator Associated Pneumonia • Sinusitis • Cerebrospinal fluid in the ER Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) • Lung Cancer • ARDS, COPD, asthma • CF, PPH Univ. of Amsterdam (AMC) • Asthma • Small cell cancer and COPD eNose® - Medical Applications Canonical Discriminant Analysis 2 Week Prediction Success tests ID 66 e 5 H. influenzae 4 e 3 Function 2 e e 2 1 0 0 -1 -2 a a a ca c ab c ac cb a b bb c bc b -3 ee f f f f f e e e f f f d Staph. aureus Strept. pneumoniae Strept. pyogenes c -4 strep A+B Staph H. flu B. catarrh. B. catarrhalis f -4 -10 20 eNose® - Medical Applications 0 0 10 Function 1 PC 1 10 d d d d d d d 20 28/28 13/13 15/15 15/15 100% 100% 100% 100% Lai SY et al, Identification of Upper Respiratory Bacterial Pathogens with the Electronic Nose. Laryngoscope 112, 975-9 (2002). eNose® - Medical Applications Bacteria classification using Cyranose 320 electronic nose. Biomed Eng Online. 2002; 1 (1): 4 Ritaban Dutta, 1 Evor L. Hines,1 Julian W. Gardner,1 and Pascal Boilot1 eNose® - Medical Applications VOCs from bacterial metabolism alcohols ketones aldehydes eNose® - Medical Applications organic acids hydrocarbons sulfides, thiols amines Compounds from immune system response to infection Inflammation: NOx CO VOCs Enterotoxin stimulus: VOCs ? Bacteria Metabolites S. aureus 2-methylbutanol 3-methylbutanol Strept. pneumoniae 2-butanol lactic acid H. influenzae acetic acid indole Sample taken from exhaled gases. Cyranose 320 eNose® - Medical Applications 70 infected 60 William Hanson, MD Erica Thaler, MD P r e d ic te d S c o r e 50 40 R O C based on C D A 30 1 .0 0 .9 20 0 .8 normal 10 0 .7 0 20 40 60 80 100 TP 0 .6 0 0 .5 0 .4 A c tu a l S c o re 0 .3 eNose measurements on exhaled breath compare favorably to the combined pulmonary infection score (CPIS) used to confirm ventilator associated pneumonia in the ICU 0 .2 ROC 86% 0 .1 0 .0 0 .0 Amer. Thoracic Society 2002 eNose® - Medical Applications 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 FP 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9 1 .0 c = 1 0 0 , w = 0 .5 M odel % c o rre c t # c o rre c t % c o rre c t SVM 1 2 3 /1 2 3 100 1 1 8 /1 2 3 9 5 .9 S V M + P C A (2 ) 1 2 3 /1 2 3 100 1 1 3 /1 2 3 9 1 .9 S V M + P C A (3 ) 1 2 3 /1 2 3 100 1 2 1 /1 2 3 9 8 .4 Methods Nasal swabs - sampling of infection hotspot with calgiswab Nasal breathing cup eNose® - Medical Applications # c o rre c t c=10, w=5 Serpil Erzurum, MD Raed Dweik, MD Roberto Machado, MD eNose® - Medical Applications 10 5 • Detection of lung cancer in non-smokers is feasible Control Lung Cancer • Discrimination from several disease controls: COPD, ARDS, PPH, asthma,a-1, CBE PC2 0 -5 -10 • Goal: early detection of small tumors -15 -20 -20 -10 0 PC1 10 20 Machado RF et al (CCF) Detection of Lung Cancer by Sensor Array Analyses of Exhaled Breath. Amer. Jour. Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine v171 1286-1291 (2005). eNose® - Medical Applications 30 DiNatale, et al (Univ Rome) Lung cancer identification by the analysis of breath by means of an array of nonselective gas sensors. Biosensors & Bioelectronics v18 1209-1218 (2003) eNose® - Medical Applications Many diseases produce a measurable pattern of volatile chemicals in breath, urine and blood Non-invasive breath measurement will provide rapid diagnosis and treatment monitoring capability for physicians in emergency and point-of-care applications Low cost and low power intelligent sensor array devices will enable home health diagnosis and monitoring capability for many individuals eNose® - Medical Applications For application or product information, please contact: Sensigent [email protected] 626-768-2626 eNose® - Medical Applications