VOLUME 3, NUMBER 5 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 maumelle L I V I N G FISHING THE SPRING RIVER on the fly A MAJOR EXPERIENCE WITH TIGER WOODS UP IN SMOKE: RICKY’S BBQ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 W/3.0 hp Mercury Water Ready with Trailer $12,999 W/5.0 hp Mercury Water Ready with Trailer $16,999 w/ 4.3 L MerCruiser (190 hp) Includes Swim Platform & Bimini Top $18,999 W/50 hp Elpto Mercury Water Ready with Trailer W/90 hp Elpto Mercury Water Ready with Trailer $15,999 $18,999 W/150 hp Optimax Water Ready with Trailer W/50 Mercury ElPTO $23,999 Water Ready with Trailer TR-186 $12,995 TS17 #1 TRITON DEALERSHIP IN THE NATION www.tritonboats.com • www.glastron.com H&W MARINE FULL SERVICE MARINE DEALER GUARANTEED TO BEAT ANY DEAL UNIVERSITY H ACME BRICK FORBING RD. COUNTS MASSEY I-30 7314MASSIE GEYER SPRINGS ROAD LITTLE • 501-565-4545 COUNTS AT MAUMELLE BOULEVARD BEHIND ACME• BRICK • NORTHROCK LITTLE ROCK • 791-2628 • 791-BOAT BLVD. MAUMELLE MAUMELLE MAUMELLE LIVING LIVING GEYER SPRINGS RD. • WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING • PRICED TO SELL AT LOW...LOW...LOW BOTTOM DOLLAR • MANY TO CHOOSE FROM We’ve moved! COME SEE OUR NEW HOME AT THE CORNER OF MAUMELLE BOULEVARD & COUNTS MASSEY BEHIND ACME BRICK SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER MARCH/APRIL 2007 007 IN THIS ISSUE: 10 ON THE FLY 14 FAMILY FEST 18 JAMES & WALKER WEDDING 24 SPANISH WINES 28 AGING TO PERFECTION 32 THE FURNITURE MALL on the cover MAUMELLE LIVING 38 RICKY’S BBQ 44 START SPREADING THE NEWS 48 TALK OF THE TOWN 52 A MAJOR EXPERIENCE 56 TREES & TULIPS 60 ALL STRUNG OUT The Spring River at Mommoth Spring. Photo courtesy of Arkansas Parks & Tourism. John “The Furniture Man” Santoro Furniture Mall 7114 MacArthur Dr. • North Little Rock, AR 753-5754 Mon-Fri 9:00am - 5:30pm • Sat 9:00am - 5:00pm SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 P.O. Box 13433 Maumelle, AR 72113 501-851-0001 fax 501-851-0096 [email protected] maumellelivingmagazine.com EDITORIA L Publisher Terry H. Carpenter Gay Carpenter COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL Editor Gay Carpenter Copy Editor Donna Bean Contributors Most residential yards in Maumelle only $34.99. Lorraine Hensley Kristy Weiner Chuck Dovish Clark Trim Cimarron Grubb Samantha Snyder Irma Harbour Distribution Scott Kimbell SPECIAL PRICING FOR SENIOR CITIZENS & VETERANS Mowing - Trimming - Edging MAUMELLE 501-626-3047 Kevin M. Carpenter, Owner MAUMELLE LIVING ADVERTISIN G Account Executives Terry H. Carpenter Ernie Medlin Kathy Griffin Abbie Caldwell Misty Sullivent Editorial Layout & Ad Design by Maumelle Living is published by Dolphin Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 13433, Maumelle, AR 72113, 501-851-0001. The contents of Maumelle Living are copyrighted, and material contained herein may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. Articles in Maumelle Living should not be considered specific advice, as individual circumstances vary. Products and services advertised are not necessarily endorsed by Maumelle Living. CONTRIBUTORS Cimarron Grubb Cimarron Grubb has been the Head Golf Professional at the Maumelle Country Club since 2001. Raised in Edmond, OK he became interested in golf at a young age. He was a starter on the high school varsity team and the Univ. of Central OK varsity team. He became an assistant at Quail Creek Golf & CC. Later, he was named the Head Golf Professional at Shangri-La Resort on Grand Lake. Cimarron serves as Secretary for the South Central Section PGA, which includes AR, OK & S. KS and is a Jr. Tour Dir. for the AR Chapter PGA Jr. Tour. He was named to the PGA President’s Council on Growing the Game. He was awarded the 2004 AR. Chapter PGA Golf Professional and Private Merchandiser of the Year. He is an avid supporter of junior golf and an effective instructor for all age groups and skill levels. To reach Cimarron call 501-851-3700. KRISTY WEINER Kristy Weiner was raised in Missouri and attended Arkansas State University. She is the owner of Kristy’s Design, located in Maumelle and has lived in the area since 1995. She began her business in 2002 and since then, has been involved in numerous commercial and residential projects around the state. She was the lead designer in the first Arkansas Seniors Benefit House and was recently awarded “People’s Choice” award in the Spirit of Maumelle Designer Home. Kristy prides herself on making clients feel comfortable and “at home” with her work. Her philosophy on designing, “Designs for the way you live,” speaks straight to the heart of how she uses cutting edge ideas but never waivers from the personality and true feelings of each individual client. Kristy can be contacted at Kristy’s Design 501-680-0924. LORRAINE HENSLEY Lorraine Hensley in currently using her M.A. in the Behavioral Sciences to “talk to the flowers” in Maumelle where she lives and gardens. As a master gardener and freelance writer, plants keep her coming back for just a little more conversation. CHUCK DOVISH Chuck began his broadcasting career in 1976 after graduation from Columbia College in Chicago. He began almost immediately working at KHTV-TV, Channel 11 in Little Rock, first as a general assignment reporter and then doing his “Traveling Arkansas” segments which the station aired until May 2002. After 25 years of being on-the-road all over Arkansas, chuck then began producing and hosting a new show entitled, “Exploring Arkansas” in January 2003. It currently airs on AETN Mondays at 6:30pm and Sundays at 4:30pm. Modeled after National Geographic Explorer, the show concentrates on all the high adventure the Natural State has to offer. Clark Trim Clark attended Conrad Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management at the University of Houston, and studied food and wine extensively in the US, Germany, Holland, France, Spain, and Italy. Same Day Service (in by 9 - out by 5) Easy Parking We Clean: Leather Garments Comforters Curtains and Drapes Wedding Gown Preservation Proudly serving Maumelle residents for 10 years Fitz’s Fine Dry Cleaning & Laundry (behind Harvest Foods in Stone River Plaza) 851-8889 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 *!.5!29&%"25!29 <CC< D8L DD 8LD<C D8 C< LD s <C ""DODPNQMeJTIxFtEacte of it 6/,5-%.5-"%2 E > C @ M @ C @ M @ E > 6/,5-% .5" %2 6/, 5- % .5" %2 -!2 #(!02 C @ M @ E > FROM RI ARKAN VER RAFTING SAS IS T A CON O ROMANC E, STANT &YJU 0VUHPJOH.BZPS #VSDI+PIOTPO 4-!3 5,#(2)3 !4 "%!54)& 3)'.34( (% .4 42%%$% 93%!3/ ,, 5! 6)3 (/-% (/,)$!9 C @ M @ E emen t )$%!3 '2%!4')&4 % &4'5)$ DESI G THEN O N GR O W (/,)$!9') +9 )3).4(%3 4(%,)-)4 3$5#+(5.4 290%94/. ! $#%-"%2 2+!.3!&2-"%%2$% 4('%! #+4/4(%#/--5.)49 )6).'"!./6% KID SR /6%24(% ' . ) 4 4 % ' OO I N S I D E MS 0/34(T/H,)E$!F9IR",5%3 M WAITUM*E!.5!29&%"25!S29TANN UA H A LLE FAM ILY FE L DES ST IGN NU ECRU’S BLE ISFINLE IN DOW SS UPSCA A: AD NTOING OP WNS LIT LE DININGIR TED FRTLE R OCK -! M CH O ), ILD 2#(!T02H AT REN EO RIB UTE OF RIENT CH : T O INA SO N, MAUM DO UG ELLE OD ’S OM -!9 *5. % ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS HAVE YOUR MESSAGE MAILED TO: • Every home and business in Maumelle and surrounding areas (over 8100). • Also distributed in Chenal, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Conway, Hot Springs, Heber Springs and Sherwood in Central Arkansas. CALL OR EMAIL TODAY FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION. 501-851-0001 [email protected] maumellelivingmagazine.com MAUMELLE LIVING > FROM THE PUBLISHERS Butch Stone, Maumelle resident and Arkansas’ Mr. Concert has done it again. As you know, Butch teamed up with the City of Maumelle in April to give us our first Maumelle Family Fest. This event was scheduled to be an annual event but the response from the community so outstanding that Butch and city officials have decided this event should be held twice a year instead. We now have a Spring Family Fest and a Fall Family Fest. In addition to having Family Fest twice a year, the Fall event will be a two day event, September 28-29 at Lake Willastein. We strongly encourage each of you to take time out from your busy schedule and take your family and support this festival. Butch has planned a variety of activities for the entire family. We want to personally thank Butch for his time and energy in organizing the programming and entertainment for this wholesome family event. Read more about Family Fest in this issue. Baby boomers (those of us born between 1946 and 1964) are coming of age. The first ones in this group turned 60 years old in 2006. Maumelle is so fortunate to have Nicole Heaps serving as Director of our Senior Wellness Center. She does an outstanding job and you’ll read about the center in this issue. Also, we want to mention the center is hosting a western round up dinner and entertainment. Our friend, singer songwriter, Jim Wallis will provide live entertainment. If you can make it to see Jim you’re in for a real treat, he is a wonderful person and so talented. Proceeds from the event and live auction will help low income seniors with much needed dental care. If you can’t make it to this event, we personally ask you to purchase a ticket and give it to someone who can attend or just make a contribution to the center for this great cause. Thank you for supporting Maumelle Living Magazine and as usual keep the story ideas coming. We love hearing from you. TOLL FREE 866-262-9908 wilsonshomeimprovementco.com Financing Available The Soft Sell hen homeowners call us for an estimate, we understand that they just simply want an estimate. Unlike other companies, we don’t go to their home expecting them to make a decision at that time. We believe that after comparing estimates and researching other prospective companies that they will choose us. If you have had a bad experience with other companies, call Wilson’s Home Improvement Co. for a free estimate and experience our soft sell approach. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 SPRING FOR FALL FLY-FISHING Article and Photos by Chuck Dovish If less crowds, along with excellent fishing is your idea of a great time in the Natural State, then the Spring River in north Arkansas just south of Mammoth Spring near the Missouri state line, is the place to head out 10 MAUMELLE LIVING this autumn. To make sure you’re guided to all those tucked away “honey holes” along the river, allow me to recommend hooking up with Jeff Kleine of “3 Rivers Outfitters” in Hardy, where he’ll even put you up for the night in one of his spacious river cabins. The heart of the Spring’s trout waters lies in the three-mile stretch below the dam. Now, the Spring River may not be known for lunker, trophy size fish, but it makes up for that in the numbers of trout in the nine to twelve inch range. Also, these fish can put up quite a fight in the relatively calm water. Believe me, some of these trout will get your adrenaline flowing! Fly-fishing for trout adds a whole different perspective, excitement and challenge to the sport – more so than just fishing from a boat. Getting the hang of it, really is not all that difficult – you might say that it’s all in the wrist, or the grip and positioning of the rod during the cast. Jeff Kleine is one of the best I know who can turn a novice into a master fly-fisherman. According to Jeff, if you can grip a golf club, you can fly-fish. The grip is similar to a golf club grip, where the thumb is pointed out. The cast itself is the “10 and 2 position” – taking the rod back to the ten o’clock position and then whipping it forward and stopping at the two o’clock position. The whole idea is to cast the line instead of the lure. In other words, you let the line do the work for you in carrying the lure to that certain spot on the water. Of course, as with anything else, practice makes perfect and after about two to three hours of casting, it actually becomes second nature during which your wrist and arm then just go with the flow. Before you know it, you’re having fun and catching fish. In addition to trout, the Spring River also offers excellent smallmouth bass fishing and seasonal walleye fishing. But there’s more here than just the fishing. With nine million gallons of water being added to the stream flow every hour, Mammoth Spring is actually the ninth largest spring in the world. It also makes the Spring River a year round float stream. In fact, Jeff offers fall foliage floats during which spectacular autumn colors can be experienced. There’s also Mammoth Spring State Park, where an 1886 Frisco depot takes you back in time to the early railroad days. Parked outside the train station is also a Frisco caboose that you can enjoy – since cabooses on trains are now a thing of the past. There’s also the Mammoth Spring National Fish Hatchery, which happens to be the nation’s leading producer of smallmouth bass. It’s also a source for largemouth, striped bass, walleye, channel catfish and redband trout. Visitors to the hatchery can take a self-guided tour and also check out one of the nicest public aquariums in the region. Another place definitely worth visiting is the town of Hardy itself, located fourteen miles south of Mammoth Spring at the junction of highways 63 and 62. Hardy is one of those towns which has managed to escape modern times and has retained a good deal of its original character. Attractive old buildings still stand (dodging the wrecking ball) with many of them housing shops featuring antiques, local arts and crafts. Or, you can just sit out on the back deck of one of Jeff’s cabins and take in the rolling river for a perfect ending to a fun day of fly-fishing. For more information and to get outfitted for your fly-fishing adventure on the Spring River, visit – www.3riversoutfitters.com or call 870-856-4945. JOHN DAVIS Fly Fishing Guide Specializing in full service guided trips on all Arkansas rivers and streams. 110 Cannes Court, Maumelle, AR 72113 501.993.4584 email [email protected] Watch “Exploring Arkansas with Chuck Dovish” Mondays at 6:30pm or Sundays at 4:30pm on AETN. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 11 AABSTRACT STUDIOS PHOTOGRAPHY Best of the Best 2006 Readers Choice Award Turn To The Experts Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing, & Electrical Free Estimates Certified Duct Diagnostics and Sealing 8&%%*/(4t10353"*54t'*/&"35 501.374.3736 www.jasonfrizzell.com All brands repaired Authorized Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh and Murray Service Center Pickup & Delivery available in maumelle local family owned & operated serving maumelle residents for over 28 years major credit cards accepted Quality small engine repair Monday - Friday 8:00-5:00 • saturday 8:00-12:00 1010 Macauthur drive ~ north little rock 851-3675 12 MAUMELLE LIVING 758-2404 We’re not satisfied until you are. • Portable Mini's delivered to your door • 12’, 16’ and 20’ Mini’s available • Load at your leisure, then call us to pick it up • New home not ready? Use our central storage while you wait. • Owned by Maumelle resident • Complete moving services available at your fingertips 621 W. 8th Street • Little Rock, AR 72201 501-374-1052 Eden Falls, Lost Valley Trail “What an easy way to move a residence or business” The Maumelle Senior Wellness Center Invites You What: Western Roundup, dinner and entertainment When: Friday, October 12th starts at 5:00 p.m. Why: To raise funds for low-income senior dental care Cost: Adults - $10 Seniors aged 65 & up - $8 Children up to 12 - $5 Joan Osborne 517-3566 Don’t settle for just any lot to build your dream home. Find your river view lifestyle at Mountain Crest working with someone who knows and lives it. Roller Funeral Homes has partnered with Entertainment Dr. John Canine Live Music with Jim Wallis, Ok Corral-Children’s Pumpkin Patch, Live Auction, Silent Auction for Baked Goods, Professional Photos and Maumelle Gymnastics Performers. of Maximum Living Bereavement Aftercare Services to provide education and counseling support for the families of our community. Families may attend a monthly support group meeting led by a licensed counselor ~ at no charge. Please contact us for complete details. Tickets may be pre-purchased at Maumelle Gymnastics (inside Community Center) and Maumelle Senior Wellness Center (lower level of city hall). All proceeds raised will benefit senior dental care. For more information please call the senior wellness center at 851-4344. With All Our Respect 501.224.8300 • www.RollerFuneralHomes.com Riverwood Memorial Gardens ~ Located in Maumelle SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 13 AT&T Presents Maumelle Fall Family Fest Come one Come all ~ Fun for the entire family Lake Willastein • September 28-29 14 MAUMELLE LIVING Maumelle Fall Family Fest at Lake Willastein on 9/28 from 5 p.m.-10 p.m. and 9/29 from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the gate and can be purchased at ticket outlets below. The festival will have: • The States Largest Animal Petting Zoo • Pony Rides • Carnival Rides And Games • Magic Shows By Randell Eller • Jamal The Clown • Fishing Contest • Bongo Willies Drums • U.S. Air Force • Marines And Army Presentations • Screening Of The Wizard Of OZ On A Large Screen With Concert Sound • Golf Games • Boat Show • Moon Walks • Face Painting • Great Foods • An Appearance of The 501st Legion Of Storm Troopers From STAR WARS LIVE MUSIC ON STAGE FEATURING: • Latture • Olive And Iron • Tony Witt/ Elvis Impersonator • Parker Branch • Josef Hedinger • Cara Martin • Heather Bennette • Patrick Hall / American Idol • Abbie George • Joel Winters • Jennifer Trafford • Performances by the Maumelle Stars, Gymnastics Team, Dance Academy • A special showcase of the winners of the Little Rock Star Search by Windsong Performing Arts Center. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday September 28 6:00 pm Olive and Iron 7:00 pm Randell Eller, Magician 8:15 pm The Wizard of Oz Jamal the clown Bongo Willie’s Drums Saturday September 29 11:15 a.m. Jennifer Trafford 12:00 p.m. Joel Winters 1:00 p.m. Wishtribe 2:00 p.m. Olive & Iron 3:00 p.m. Abbie George 3:30 p.m. Heather Bennette 4:15 p.m. Cara Martin 5:00 p.m. Parker Branch 5:45 p.m. Josef 7:00 p.m. Randell Eller / magic 8:15 p.m. Patrick Hall 9:00 p.m. Tony Witt/ Elvis SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 15 TICKET OUTLETS VENDORS Summit Church Kierre’s Kountry Kitchen First Methodist Church Subway Cedar Heights Baptist Church Mi Burrito Maumelle Community Center Maxzine Brown Maumelle City Hall Summit Church Cheers Chicago Style Windsong Church Of Christ Pepsi Jump Zone Mi Burrito Curves SPONSORS AT&T ~ Title Sponsor Maumelle Living Magazine Alltel American Pie Pizza Austin Family Dentistry Baptist Health Medical Center Cedar Heights Baptist Church Cricket Communications Curves Deb Cook/ Mary Kay Direct TV First Methodist Church Grace Health Care Jump Zone KATV Kierre’s Kountry Kitchen Little Rock Family Maumelle Chamber Of Commerce Maumelle Fitness Maumelle Gymnastics, Cheer And Dance Mi Burrito Moe's Knows Burritos 12312 Chenal Pkwy. • LR • 223-3378 4834 North Hills Blvd. • NLR • 812-5577 7409 Alcoa Rd. • Bryant • 778-3111 Mountain Terrace Estates Pepsi Summit Church Terminix Peabody Hotel The Point 94.1 Radio United States Air Force United States Marines Wal-Mart Windsong Performing Arts Center Yakety Yak Front Porches, Maintenance Free Exteriors & Lawn Maintenance For A Care Free Lifestyle. Come Home To The Village Of New Bedford… Maumelle’s Newest Patio Home Subdivision Lots and Home Plans Available Gary Washam – 351-3299 A River Crossing Partners, LLC Development Fast, Fresh & Fun 16 MAUMELLE LIVING T ry g e t t i n g s ’ m o re s from room ser vi c e. There are many benefits to staying in an Arkansas State Park: food tastes better, you sleep more soundly, you don’t spend a wad of cash. But maybe the best benefit is simply the feeling you get when you share something this special with someone who’s special to you. Check out our 52 Arkansas State Parks today. 1-888-AT-PARKS • ArkansasStateParks.com ASP 2999 Maumelle Living.indd 1 6/8/07 3:27:14 PM Permanent Makeup If You Have Trouble Keeping Your Makeup On... You Absolutely Need A Permanent Makeup Solution. Enhance your natural beauty 501-221- 0868 www.graysonsloan.com Eyes Lips Brows Full Face Photos are actual clients. Referrals upon request. Grayson Sloan, Permanent Makeup Practitioner Licensed by the Arkansas Dept. of Health Pavilion Woods • 2300 Andover Court, Suite 520 • Little Rock Member Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals Member Better Business Bureau “I love the time I save in the morning and all through the day not having to worry about my makeup!” Lori Dailey SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 17 James and Walker Wedding By Irma Harbour • Photos by LeMay Photography 18 MAUMELLE LIVING Cristye Lynne James and Danny Ray Walker were united in marriage at 2 p.m. Saturday, September 1st, at Chenal Country Club in Little Rock, AR. The Reverend Randy James officiated. While attending Little Rock Central High School in the early 1990’s Cristye and Danny were introduced by a mutual friend, Valtez “VT” Gaddy. It would be almost 14-years later before they actually had their first date. Danny was smitten the first time he saw Cristye and he never forgot about her. One evening many years later, he saw her driving through his neighborhood in a “little red car”. As luck would have it, Danny discovered that they lived about 5-minutes apart. Danny was determined not to let her get away this time. Consulting his acquaintances, he discovered they had another mutual friend, Casonia. Through his persistent efforts and Casonia’s willingness, he managed to have his phone number delivered to Cristye. On May 22, 2005 Cristye finally agreed to meet for a dinner date at Gaucho’s Grill in West Little Rock. Since that dinner date a little over 2 years ago, the two have been inseparable. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon James of Little Rock are Cristye’s parents. Her grandparents are Mrs. Vennie J. Mitchell, the late Mr. A. Lonnie Mitchell, the late Mr. Arto Horton, of Arkadelphia and the late Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gulley of Malvern. Godparents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chambers of Morrilton. Danny is the son of Ms. Virginia McDonald and Mr. Lee Freeman of Little Rock. His grandparents are Ms. Rosie Hinton and Mr. Lester Booth of Little Rock. Vows were exchanged in the St. Andrews Ballroom with music provided by disc jockey, James Horton, uncle of the bride, and soloist Vanessa Parker. Pedestals with arrangements of pink roses, stargazer lilies, snap dragons and tulips flanked each side of the wedding arch covered with fresh greenery. Assisting with the programs and guest book were Sonya Bush, Erika Lester, and Desira Walker of Little Rock. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a strapless organza a-line gown with an apron back accented by a satin azalea colored edging and matching pleated waist band. The skirt extended to chapel length with coordinating trim. She carried a Princess Style bouquet of Anna, Rossini, Princess, and Attaché roses studded with pink crystals, Becky & Wes Johnson Spouses Selling Houses 529-1720 ~ Continued on page 21 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 19 One stop shipping and receiving store. Copies • Fax Notary • Mail Boxes Office Supplies Now locally owned by Penny & Oran Hardcastle 127 Audubon Drive • Maumelle, AR 72113 • 501-803-3600 • FAX 501-803-3601 20 MAUMELLE LIVING ~ Continued from page 19 Italian Ruscus and eucalyptus. Ms. Crystal Bivens-Leman of Ashburn, Virginia served as matron of honor. Honorary matron of honor was Stephanie Adams. Bridesmaids were Rosezetta Lambert, LaQuisha Lindsey, Casonia Simmons, and Lisa Smith of Little Rock. The bridesmaids wore satin strapless azalea colored ball gowns. Their bouquets were filled with hot pink Princess roses, light Anna pinks, and two-tone Rossini roses. Kayla James, niece of the bride, served as flower girl. Dewayne Lindsey Jr., nephew of the groom was ring bearer. Best man was Rodney Moton of Little Rock. Honorary best man was Valtez “V.T.” Gaddy. Groomsmen were Damon Horton of Atlanta, Georgia, Vernon E. James, Christopher Portwood, and Mikal Walker of Little Rock. Guests were seated by W. Charles Horton Jr. of Arkadelphia and Marcus Lewis of Little Rock. A reception followed the ceremony. Tables were covered with Imperial striped table linens in shades of fuchsia, pink, and white. Tall arrangements of roses, lilies, larkspur, asters and snapdragons were placed atop clear glass vases that held pink tinted water and floating flowers. Tea lights surrounded the vases. Music was provided by “Wine and Roses” a local band from Little Rock. The bride’s cake was a round, four-tiered, yellow cake with butter cream frosting. In keeping with the wedding theme, the cake was decorated with fresh flowers and fuchsia piping. The groom’s cake was custom designed to match his favorite antique car – a 1985 Olds. The bride graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She also holds a master’s degree in health services management from Webster University. She is employed as a Senior Business Test Analyst for Pinnacle Business Solutions (Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield). The bridegroom graduated from Central High School and is employed by Home Depot Supply as a driver. After a honeymoon in Saint Martin the couple will reside in Little Rock. A special thanks to the vendors that made this day so special: Photography: Lemay Photography, Little Rock, AR Floral Designer: Cabbage Rose Florist, Little Rock, AR Cake Designer: Mickey’s Special Affairs, Little Rock, AR Caterer: Chenal Country Club, Little Rock, AR LIVE FREE EAT PIZZA Pizza • Salad • Sandwiches Party Room Available Family Friendly Dine In & Carry Out Open 7 Days A Week www.americanpiepizza.net 1 Mile Off I-430 9709 Maumelle Blvd. NOW OPEN - NORTH HILLS & McCAIN - 753-0081 501-758-8800 SONY • MITSUBISHI • LG • POLK AUDIO Relax. Enjoy the view. No Interest or Payments until 2008 Experience design excellence & installation Over 30 Models of Plasma, LCD and DLP in Our Remodeled Showroom 501-329-6308 Toll Free 877-289-8670 415 Oak St. • Conway www.deboards.com SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 21 Marilyn Henderson Real Estate Consultant • Award for Excellence Recipient Rooms 2 Decorate Florance Barnes Formerly Maumelle Interiors 501-912- 676 4 See our displays at Austin’s 801 S. Bowman Rd., Ste 3 Little Rock, AR 72211 Decorating in Maumelle area for over 15 years Interior Decorating Interior Redesign Faux Painting Floral Arrangements Lifelong Maumelle Area Resident Direct 501-975-6401 Cell 501-580-0656 o-PPL*EPOnUIBWF IPVSTGPSMVODIp Call 217-5900 or 217-4500 today or apply online at fsbank.com. 22 MAUMELLE LIVING Buying or refinancing a home shouldn’t mean spending more time in the bank than at work. At First Security Mortgage, we’ve streamlined the process by simplifying the paperwork. So, come see us on your lunch break. We promise to have you back with time to spare. Member FDIC Riverpointe Office Park Three individual office buildings • Gross Square Feet ~ 36,000 • Rentable Square Feet ~ 2,000-12,000 Riverpointe Plaza Coming Soon 100,000 SQ FT Retail Center Now Leasing next to the Future Wal-Mart SuperCenter on Maumelle Blvd For leasing information, please contact Steve Tracy @ 501-758-2441 or [email protected]. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 23 The Wines of Spain By Clark Trim When you think of Spain, wine is probably compliment her plentiful regional cuisines. Osborne Sherry Fino Pale Dry – Around not the first thing that comes to mind. More There are literally hundreds of recognized $11.00 likely, you think of miles upon miles of grape varietals grown in Spain, and From the D.O. of Jerez on the southwest sun drenched coastline, colorful villages interestingly, most are native. It would be Atlantic coast just above Gibraltar, Fino and towns that dot the Mediterranean, crazy to try to list them all, but here are some has a pale straw color, with a delicate crisp breathtaking sunsets, friendly, smiling of the most common. Red: Tempranillo, aroma (nutty), dry and light on the palate, faces, and all the things of which memorable Granacha, Monstrell, Cencibel, and Tinto and aged under “flor”, a veil of yeast that vacations are made. Fino. White: Albarino, Viura, Garnacha forms at the top of the cask. Ideal with But did you know that Spain is the Blanca, Moscatel, and Palomino. “tapas” and to accompany soups, seafood, second largest wine producing nation in the Spanish Wine is produced from more fish, ham and mild cheese, it must be served world? Only France produces more. Italy than 50 recognized regions know as enjoyed young and chilled. It’s also great produces almost as much as Spain, but the Denominación de Origen, or D.O. Like the as an aperitif. fact remains; Spain is the second largest American Viticulture Area, or AVA system, wine producer in the world. The D.O. system is a quality control system Campo Viejo Rioja Tempranillo Reserva Just about the size of Texas, Spain’s that protects or guarantees the origin and 2001 – Around $15.00 geography is varied, yet perfect for the class of grapes, as well as the methods From the North Central part of Spain along cultivation of wine grapes. First there is the used to produce a wine. Some best known the banks of the Ebro River this D.O. is noted near 4,300 miles of coastline. Then, about D.O. are Rioja, Penedes, Ribero del Duero, for quality red wines. Reserva on the label 24% of the entire country has an average Reuda, Jerez, Almansa, and Rias Baixas. indicates that this wine has aged for at least altitude of around 3,300 feet. On the entire Cava is a special Denominación given to three years in casks with additional aging in European Continent, only Switzerland has a Spain’s Sparkling Wines. the bottle before release. The blend is 75% higher average altitude. These high slopes I would like to introduce five wines Tempranillo, with Graciano and Mazuelo and the valleys, plus the cool breezes from produced from some of the most popular making up the remainder. It is full and miles of coastline, combine with limestone, Spanish grape varietals and from some of rounded with a soft, generous finish. Enjoy rocky, well drained soil. Spain’s many hours the most noted D.O. Two are white, two this balanced wine with pork, lamb chops, of annual sunshine provides the warm days are red, and there is one Sparkling Wine. game, grilled meats, and dried cheeses. andArkansas’s cool nights necessary to produce wines are eight very “user friendly” andArkadelphia on only resort statequality park is These located about miles north of wine grapes and finally quality wines;formed wines when affordable, and should be was available at yourin 1972. Martin Códax 2006 Rias Baixas Albarino 13,800-acre DeGray Lake, the Caddo River dammed that reflect Spain’s “terroir” and perfectly favorite wine store. – Around $15.00 24 MAUMELLE LIVING From the D.O. of Rias Baixas on the Northwest Atlantic just above Portugal, the region is famed for its young, fruity white wines. This wine is very pale straw in color, with a complex, well-integrated nose of apricot, honey, nuts, wet slate, and apple. Light to medium bodied, it offers dry, subtle flavors of tart lemon and green apples. The flavors linger on the tongue. Well balanced, it has plenty of crisp acidity and a good citrus finish. This is great food wine. Try it with broiled fish or seafood, salads, fruit, and light pasta dishes. Legaris Ribera Del Duero Crianza 2003 – Around $19.00 From the D.O. of Ribera Del Duero, located in Northwest Central Spain on the banks of the Duero River, the region is also known for quality red wine. This one is aged a minimum of two years in cask prior to release. In the most prestigious wine competition in Spain, the Bacchus World International Wine Competition, this wine was awarded the Golden Bacchus award. Wine Spectator rated the wine 90. This Crianza is made with a small percentage of Cabernet Sauvignon, which makes it more robust, gives it greater natural acidity and ensures longevity and quality in the ageing process. The dominant variety continues to be Tempranillo, which is known as Tinta Fina in Ribera del Duero. It’s big and bold and perfect with grilled or roasted meats. Freixenet Brut Nature Cava – Around $14.00 This Cava is a true méthode champenoise wine comparable to the driest Brut Champagnes. Brut Nature is a Reserve Cava produced only in years of exceptional quality. It is recognized by a complex nose with distinct notes of hazelnut and fruit, particularly apple, Freixenet Brut Nature features a mature, fruit-dominant palate, crowned by an elegant finish. With its dry and supple flavors, it’s perfect as an aperitif or served with aged cheddar or Spanish Manchego. Its intense flavors are a versatile match with grilled fish, especially wild salmon and halibut, as well as creamy mushroom or pumpkin bisque and perfect with strawberries and a splash of thick cream! u u u u It’s time to market your company. You need professionally-designed materials. But design agencies can cost a fortune. And freelancers can be unpredictable. GET AGENCY DESIGN WITHOUT THE OVERHEAD WLR Creative’s independent professional designers with extensive agency experience provide true professional graphic, print, and web design service without the extra overhead. Call 501-542-0019 or visit www.wlrcreative.com today. A D S • B R A N D I N G • B R O C H U R E S • D I R E C T M A I L • L O G O S • P R E S E N TAT I O N S • W E B S I T E S • M O R E Ready for a new you? Before Whether you're considering cosmetic surgery, need help toning target areas or are unhappy with the shape of your body... Transformations has a procedure for you. Our procedures are non-surgical and non-invasive. No scars, no needles, no downtime! After Skeptical? We will prove to you that it works! We are offering one free session to all of our new clients There are many gimmicks in today's market of beauty enhancements - Transformations is truly a non-surgical cosmetic solution! Results after 12 sessions If you would like to tone, lift, or reshape your stomach, thighs, hips, buttock, breasts, arms, neck or face... We can help you achieve your goals. Call to schedule a FREE session 4560 JFK Blvd. North Little Rock, AR 501-753-0550 Transforming Appearances...Transforming Lives Mon.-Sat. 9am-5pm • Closed Sunday SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 25 -Fast Knowledeable Customer Service -Live Demo Phones -Free Bill Review and Customized Assistance with Plan Selection -Latest 3G Handsets -High Speed Wireless Cards -Wide Selection of Phones -Residential DSL Come See James, Twilla or Ashley Call Shane Lester at (501) 690-7283 and let me show you the service that you've been missing. APEX COMMUNICATIONS 123 Audubon, Ste. 600 • Conveinient in the heart of Maumelle (Next to Crye-Leike Realtors) 851-3900 26 MAUMELLE LIVING Little Rock • Conway Russellville Call me today to see how you can save with our new car discount. DONNA SHELTON-MONKUS (501) 771-9947 9879 MAUMELLE BLVD MAUMELLE [email protected] Call for a free quote Discount and insurance only offered through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Discount amount my be lower and applies to most major coveragesAllstate Insurance Company, Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL @2006 Allstate Insurance Company SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 27 Aging to Perfection By Samantha Snyder • Photos by Draper Photographers 28 MAUMELLE LIVING Looking for a New Home... “A little birdie told me that Linda will get you the right NEST!” Great Service is standard... not an option you pay for! Call me today for your Real Estate needs. Linda Bird 501-258 - 3234 Many baby boomers are turning or have turned 60 years of age. In 2006, the census bureau estimated that 7,917 U.S. citizens were turning 60 each day. As these baby boomers look at retiring and growing older, many need to consider ways that will make living independently easier, for themselves or their aging parents. This concept of living independently is also referred to as aging in place, and the Journal of Housing for the Elderly defines aging in place as: “It is not having to move from one’s present residence in order to secure necessary support services in response to a changing need.” Two important areas when considering aging in place are transportation and your home environment. Nicole Heaps is the manager of senior services at the Senior Wellness Center in Maumelle and says these two areas are at the very center of what the wellness center is about. “Our main focus in Maumelle for our older adults is to provide wellness—to keep our seniors independent in their homes and also to provide transportation,” Heaps says. Pick Me Up Heaps believes that transportation offerings in the area need to be strengthened. “We (Maumelle) are within Central Arkansas Transit and I think they ~ Continued on page 30 3ENIORSAND"ABY "OOMERS 7(%.$).).'/23(/00).',//+&/24()3 3)'.&/2$)3#/5.4330%#)!,/&&%23 -%2#(!.43#ALLTOJOINTHE3ENIORS&IRST .ETWORKANDENCOURAGESENIORS TOPATRONIZEYOURBUSINESS 3%.)/23#ALLFOR&2%%LIFETIMEDISCOUNTCARDS SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 29 ~ Continued from page 29 do a great job with the resources they have. (I’m not trying to knock them),” Heaps says. “But we are considered a rural area (12 minutes outside of North Little Rock.) If you have an appointment and you need to shop, and have no transportation and you live in your home or apartment complex without transportation, you are going to have limited mobility.” She explains that having limited mobility can decrease a senior’s chance of socializing, which can lead to depression and further medical problems. Documentary-style wedding photography by DRAPERPHOTOGRAPHERS www.draperweddings.com / 501.803.9111 Change this House Another area that can lead to depression and medical problems is if a senior cannot get around his or her home efficiently. The NAHB Remodelers of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) in collaboration with the NAHB Research Center, NAHB 50+ Housing Council and AARP have developed the Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist program to address the growing number of consumers that will require modifications to their homes. The collaborative realizes that many baby boomers and seniors want to continue living in a familiar environment throughout their maturing years. But what would you have to modify? To age in place, the collaborative says you will need to retrofit your home to increase access and maneuverability. These changes can range from installing bath and shower grab bars and adjusting countertop heights, to the extent of creating a multifunctional first floor master suite and installing elevators. Heaps agrees that people are retrofitting their homes in the Maumelle area. “As we see our boomers age, we will begin to see more of a demand for the countertops and appliances that are easier to use,” Heaps says. “We are seeing an increase in retrofitting the home. Sometimes we’ll see it for the senior, and sometimes for the baby boomers that are caring for their parents.” The Whole Package Just as important as transportation and home needs is the mental and physical wellbeing of baby boomers and seniors. There are many baby boomers who have recently retired and are volunteering at the Senior Wellness Center Maumelle. 753-6960 Daily 5:00 am – 6:00 pm 30 MAUMELLE LIVING Nicole Heaps Proudly Serving Maumelle Residents For Over 20 Years “We have a dynamic which I think is pretty interesting,” Heaps says. “We have started to see some of our residents who have retired from technical careers, teach computer classes. We have a number of individuals who have retired from Alltel or Systematics Corporation … We are very grateful for their knowledge and their ability to pass it on.” Before she retired, Marion Scott was vice president of operations for CenturyTel. She is a volunteer member at the wellness center. “I started as a volunteer and I like to take advantage of the things they offered there,” Scott says. “One day a week I work in the kitchen, I do dishes and serve and another day a week I work in the office.” Scott says the center’s kitchen is top notch. “They serve hearty meals everyday for only $2.50, and the center has a cooking club, so they propose the meals,” she says. “A meal is also catered in one day a week.” Heaps explains that wellbeing isn’t just in the mind or one’s physical fitness; it’s the whole package. “I think wellness is important. We have a workout room with exercise equipment. We have Yoga classes. We have a nutrition program and we help with the Meals on Wheels program in the Maumelle area,” Heaps says. “It’s not going out to run a mile, but it’s the wellness that an individual can get in and out of a chair and that they can socialize with their friends.” Whether its transportation needs, home improvement changes that need to be made or the mental or physical wellbeing of seniors, these are areas that baby boomers, and Maumelle’s community at large, should be addressing. Holiday Arrangements • Poinsettias • Fresh & Silk Flowers Weddings • Funerals • Wire Service...and more Triple D Florist 3101 Club Manor, Suite A • Maumelle, AR Next to Splash Car Wash behind Harvest Foods 851-4722 www.tripledflorist.com Dianne P. Cathey Vice President Family Owned & Operated • 21 Years Experience Standard Abstract & Title Co. of Maumelle 10808 Maumelle Blvd. • Maumelle (501) 753-8880 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 31 The Furniture Mall By Samantha Snyder • Photos by Draper Photographers After 30 years, this family owned and operated business at 7114 MacArthur Drive in North Little Rock is under the ownership of John Santoro and continues to compete with major retail chains. John says “taking over this business was natural to me since I’ve been involved in it my entire life.” John grew up in the area and worked there as a 32 MAUMELLE LIVING young boy. He continued working there through high school; loading, unloading and delivering furniture. His first job was to pick up nails around the construction site when the building was under construction. As one of the largest mom and pop stores left in Arkansas, The Furniture Mall continues the legacy of a friendly and comfortable shopping experience. Upon first glance, this building resembles an old general store, but once you enter the doors you will be amazed at what you find. This 22,000 square foot building is full of fine furniture from over 40 major dealers. They carry bedroom, dining room, and living ~ Continued on page 34 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 33 A+ Smiles by Dr. Keith W. Smith “Your smart choice for a healthy smile!” Maumelle Family Dental Care Dr. Keith W. Smith, D.D.S. • General Dentist 301 Millwood Circle, Suite 107 • Maumelle 851-SMILE 851-7645 www.maumellefamilydentalcare.com Bringing Good Neighbors To Great Neighborhoods Since 1972. Judy Glover Multi-Million Dollar Producer 804-9692 Maumelle Office - 851-8282 Specializing in New Construction and Existing Homes General shoppinG General Admission Shopping, Nov. 2–3 Friday, 10am–8pm or Saturday, 10am–4pm Tickets $5 Adults; $4 Seniors; Children under 12 Free Photos with Santa & Mrs. Claus at North Pole Friday evening & Saturday, $5 per Photo November 1-3 Don owen sports complex i-40 & highway 65 in conway Presented by special events Girl’s Nite Out preview party, Nov. 1 Sponsored by AY Magazine 6pm–9pm; Jewelry Drawing 8:45pm Entertainment by Rodney Block Trio (jazz) Tickets $20 in advance; $25 at door Lunch with Outback Steakhouse, Nov. 2 11am Seating or Noon Seating Tickets $10 in advance; $15 at door Breakfast with the Clauses, Nov. 3 8:30am–10am, Tickets $10 in advance only. Includes photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus, breakfast and General Admission. Early Shopping starting at 9:30am. To Purchase Tickets: call (501) 513-5778 or visit www.dazzledaze.com 34 MAUMELLE LIVING NEW for 2007—Raffle! Grand Prize: NEW Ford Mustang Convertible from Smith Ford-Mercury; 2nd Prize: LG 42” High Definition Plasma TV donated by DeBoard Electronics; 3rd Prize: $500 gift certificate donated by Cajun Brothers Furniture. $100 Donation per ticket, limited to only 500 tickets sold. Drawing to be held Nov. 3 at 3:45pm. All proceeds benefit Conway Regional Health Foundation. ~ Continued from page 32 room suits, as well as mattresses, recliners, lamps, and rugs. More important than the furniture you find here is the service you will receive while shopping. On most days you will find the owner himself unloading trucks, greeting you at the door, and delivering your purchase to your house! “I’m involved in every aspect of this business and you won’t find a pushy commission based salesman in this store”, says John. This store has a warm friendly feeling of being right at home and you are free to shop at your own leisure, if you don’t see something on the floor that you like, chances are they can order it for you and your furniture may be available the same business week. On most occasions they provide same day delivery and deliveries are always free of charge! When your furniture is delivered, they will set it up and even remove your old furniture upon request. John says, “Our hope is that when we leave your house, your whole shopping experience has been a pleasure and that your opinion of our store is what sends us additional customers.” They have some 3rd and 4th generation customers that continue to use them because their prices are always reasonable and they strive for customer satisfaction. Keeping prices reasonable sets The Furniture Mall apart from its competition, but so does its sales philosophy. “We’re honest whether everyone that comes in buys or not. We want to make customers welcome,” Santoro says. “If you don’t buy this time, we realize you might buy next time.” Amy Smith of Little Rock is a repeat customer of The Furniture Mall and she can attest to what Santoro says. “I’ve bought all of my furniture in the last few months. I shopped around in Little Rock, and I think John offers the best price but he’s also a genuine person,” Smith says. “Honestly, it came down to the fact that he had the same quality of furniture as other companies, but I wanted to give my business to him rather than a big corporation.” Smith adds that it’s a plus that The Furniture Mall delivers for free and on the same day. Smith, who is the mother of four and a foster mom, says Santoro was there to work with her. She has called him up and told him that she didn’t have a lot of time, but that she was looking for a certain type of furniture. Santoro would call her back and say, “I have five for you to look at.” Then Smith would come in and pick one item out of the catalog, and he would order it. “He can order anything,” Smith says. The Furniture Mall provides financing, 90 day layaway and can also hold furniture once it arrives if you are not ready for it. They plan to add a children’s room, more accessories and floral arrangements in the near future. He also says he would love to see this business become all that it has the potential to be but his most important priority is serving one customer at a time. “If I can continue to provide excellent service time and time again until my children take this over, then I’ve done my job”, says Santoro. The quality furniture and relaxed shopping atmosphere is what makes many people call this store “a hidden treasure!” Come see for yourself. Furniture Mall Facts Location: 7114 McArthur Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118 Store Size: 22,000 Square Feet Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday-Friday; 9 a.m. -5: p.m. Saturday Owner: John Santoro Phone Number: 501/753-5754 Photo by Photos by Anette Overlooking Library and Lake Come and See our new dining room, party room and game room. We’ve doubled our dining room space and added a game room for the kids. Monday and Tuesday night beer specials 650 Edgewood, Suite 2 • Maumelle 851-0880 Hunter McClellan - Manager SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 35 36 MAUMELLE LIVING “St. Vincent has always been a huge part of my family. I practically grew up in the shadow of St. Vincent Infirmary. Now, as a St. Vincent Foundation board member, I’m working to give that building a brand-new profile. I’m proud to be part of that. I’m also proud that St. Vincent’s sphere of influence has spread beyond my childhood home to my new home of North Little Rock and far beyond, as well.” – Charley Foster Since 1888, the physicians, nurses and other health care professionals of St. Vincent have cared deeply for the families of central Arkansas. Through your gift to St. Vincent Foundation, you will be supporting this historic mission of caring, compassion and medical expertise. Gifts to St. Vincent Foundation are gifts dedicated to saving lives. That’s our inspiration. Contact the foundation today at 501-552-2380 or visit StVincentHealth.com/Foundation to be part of the next generation of generosity. 501-552-2380 l StVincentHealth.com/Foundation Scott Davis 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE Maumelle resident specializing in Maumelle Home Loans Mention this ad for a $200 discount on closing costs. 517-5439 • Chiropractic Care • Spinal Decompression • Acupuncture • Spinal Rehab • Nutrition GOT PAIN? Call Today to Schedule a FREE Consultation www.skinnerchiropractic.com 123 Audubon Drive, Suite 700 • Maumelle, AR 72113 501-851-6685 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 37 RICKY’S PIT BAR-B-QUE By Chuck Dovish • Photos by Samantha Snyder 38 MAUMELLE LIVING The sign does say pit barbecue, but that’s actually only half the story. Ricky Smith needs to add on to it somewhere – Best soul food in Arkansas! Because, that’s really what this restaurant is all about – the soul food. The barbecue just happens to be an extra added attraction. But it’s the soul food that makes it stand above the rest! Even before we get into the soul food though, what you need to do when first walking into this place is to try the award winning chili! Because I’m here to tell you – I’ve tried many a different chili up and down, sideways and every which way all across this state, but THIS chili is the crème de la crème! As it states in the menu – “Yeah it’s hot…but not too hot!” Ricky’s chili – simply put – has just the right amount of everything – a superb balance of all the right spices. I even enjoyed eating it on a hot day when the temperature was at 102 degrees!! So did a few other folks during the time of my visit. So, enough said about the chili – well, actually not enough – but I need to move on. First, let me tell you a little about Ricky. Originally from Greenbrier, Ricky used to help out his mother with the cooking at what used to be called the Arkansas State Teachers College in Conway –known today as the University of Central Arkansas. It was during that time, Ricky says he acquired his soul food cooking know-how. The barbecue side of it, came from his father. Later, upon moving to Kansas City, Ricky worked as a police officer for a few years before finally opening up not one, not two – but three restaurants in the area during a 23–year period. It was during that time that Ricky’s first cousin became a bodyguard for then Governor Bill Clinton. Of course, after getting a taste of Ricky’s food, that started a long-time friendship between Clinton and Ricky that continued all the way to the White House. Beginning with the inaugural ball, Ricky wound up catering all sorts of events throughout the Clinton Presidency. After coming back, as Ricky puts it –“to my heritage” here in Arkansas, he now has his current restaurant along Highway 365 (old Conway highway) ½ mile north of Maumelle Boulevard. So, just in case you didn’t know where it is, now you know and now you have no excuse not to stop in and sample all the great food for yourself! Saying that the rub makes the meat and the sauce enhances it – Ricky sells both at the restaurant. Ricky has brought back something else from Kansas City, and that’s something called “Burnt Ends” – slightly charred, oh-so succulent side edges trimmed from beef brisket – served with fries, Texas toast and your choice of side dish, such as Ricky’s famous barbecue beans, and friend…I’m ~ Continued on page 40 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 39 ~ Continued from page 39 here to tell you, you’ve got yourself one heck of a meal! But, let’s get back to that soul food! In fact, Ricky has one day set aside especially for that! Ricky’s Soul Food Sunday consists of chicken and dressing, served with seasoned green beans, sweet potatoes, macaroni & cheese and hot rolls. There are also daily specials of such delicacies as meatloaf (the BEST you ever tasted it says on the menu-- and I whole-heartedly agree). Besides fried catfish, there’s also smoked catfish served Fridays and Saturdays, which is farmraised, pit-smoked, seasoned to perfection and served with one side. Then, there are homemade deserts, Ricky’s sweet potato pie and his wife Bonnie’s peach or apple cobbler and her greatly sought-after caramel-iced pound cake! When it’s all said and done -- it’s no wonder Ricky’s palatepleasing morsels have been written up in Bon Appetite magazine, catered at the White House, and now catering to hungry folks in central Arkansas. Take time to pay a visit – you won’t be disappointed! Give Ricky or Bonnie a call at 501851-4449. 40 MAUMELLE LIVING H i Ê o a _Y HOME OF RICKY’S FAMOUS CHILI PIT BARBECUE WEDNESDAY RIB SPECIAL FOR 2 1599 $ WE’VE MOVED HWY. 365 1/3 MILE FROM MAUMELLE BLVD. (HWY. 100) 851-4449 Sunday 12:00 am – 6 pm Monday CLOSED • Tuesday CLOSED • Wednesday 11:00 am – 8 pm Thursday 11:00 am – 8 pm • Friday 11:00 am – 9 pm • Saturday 11:00 am – 9 pm NEW LOCATION! • 6105 JOHN HARDIN DRIVE • JACKSONVILLE • NEW LOCATION! LOW PAYMENTS for 24 Months at 7.99% APR w.a.c. WE'RE BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOU AND SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU! Family Owned and Operated Since 1964 501-982-7504 • www.jacksonvillekawasaki.com ©2007 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. *”7.99% APR for 24 months” offer good on all new, not previously registered Kawasaki motorcycles, ATVs, JET SKI ® watercraft and MULE ™ utility vehicles on your Kawasaki Good Times ™ credit card, subject to credit approval. Offer ends 08/31/07. Restrictions may apply. See store for details. (VV) 7.99% APR for 24 months-$0 Down, Low Payments for 24 Months followed by Minimum Payments at 12.99% APR - 7.99% APR for 24 months if your Account is kept current. $79 payment for purchase up to $10,000; $149 payment for purchase between $10,000.01 and $20,000. The payment may increase due to any insurance charges, debt cancellation fees or any late fees, if applicable. Paying only this amount will not pay off the purchase during this period. At the end of the 24 months and if your Account remains current, the APR will be 12.99% and regular Minimum Monthly Payments apply. Standard Rate 17.8% APR. For Accounts not kept current, the promotion is cancelled, and the Default Rate 21.8% APR and the Regular Minimum Monthly Payments apply. Minimum Finance Charge $2.00. Certain rules apply to the allocation of payments and Finance Charges on your promotional purchase if you make more than one purchase on your Kawasaki Good Times Credit Card. Call 1-888-367-4310 or review your cardholder agreement for information. KAWASAKI CARES: Always wear a helmet, eye protection and proper apparel. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Adhere to the maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual. Professional rider shown on a closed course. ©2006 Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. 50cc and 90cc plus adult model(s)*: Kawasaki’s KFX®50 ATV is recommended for use only by persons 6 or older, and the KFX®90 is recommended for use only by persons 12 and older. All children under 16 riding ATVs should always have direct adult supervision. Kawasaki ATVs with engines over 90cc are recommended for use only by persons 16 years of age or older. Kawasaki also recommends that all ATV riders take a training course. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 41 Kathleen Branton Arkansas’ sleek and sophisticated new original art and custom framing gallery! [email protected] Just over the bridge in West Little Rock’s new Pleasant Ridge Town Center, 11525 Cantrell Road www.m2lr.com • [email protected] • (501) 225-M2LR Office 851-2000 Mobile 519-4574 42 Come see what you’ve been missing! MAUMELLE LIVING PAckAGES THAT INcLUDE ALL SITTING & SESSION FEES AND A GREAT SET OF PRINTS STARTING AT $150 one STUDIO P H O T O G R A P H Y PORTRAIT • WEDDING • MATERNITY • EVENT • FASHION 501.650.1806 [email protected] SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 43 Start Spreading the News Article and Photos by Kristy Weiner 44 MAUMELLE LIVING Yeah! It is finally close to the end of summer. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the fall season to arrive. The smell of foliage and football is in the air, for which I am most thankful. I have recently been working on a project which has taken me out of the “Good Ole South” and put me in “The Big Apple” where all of the smells have nothing to do with foliage but everything to do with steam and hot dogs. I began working with a delightful client about a year ago in Manhattan. She sold her apartment and was looking to purchase something bigger and nicer. After all, she had worked hard and was ready to invest in something new. Things are done a little bit different there than they are here so here is my short rendition of this wonderful renovation… First things first, Lisa (my client) flew me to New York and had me look at her old apartment to show me what she was leaving behind, and then took me to her new co-op. Co-ops require that every detail be approved by a board of the building owners before any work can begin. This is a process that can take a very long time and there is no room for mistakes, so I had to make sure every question could be answered when we presented our ideas to the board. We met with a very reputable architect and discussed all of our concerns ~ Continued on page 46 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 45 Vinyl Windows • Gutter Systems 771-0687 * Mention thiS ad for a 5% diScount. :med 9OUARECORDIALLYINVITED -AUMELLE FIFTHANNUAL %SPECIALLYFOR RESIDENTSOF -AUMELLEAND SURROUNDINGAREAS EXHIBITSFROM-AUMELLEAREABUSINESSES #HILDRENUNDERMUSTBEACCOMPANIEDBYANADULT &REE!DMISSION &OOD6ENDORS $OOR0RIZES &REE'IFTS 4HURSDAY/CTOBER *ESS/DOM#OMMUNITY#ENTER AMTOPM 46 MAUMELLE LIVING ~ Continued from page 45 as well as my client’s needs for her new home. The new building contained a very small kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, and a very small maid’s room, which in this case, would be used for Lisa’s livein nanny. It was important to give her a nice space so she would feel comfortable after a long day of work, but it was also important to create a space that can be used as a third bedroom in the event Lisa decides to move again. The architect, as well as Lisa and I, had some major concerns with the kitchen and the potential third bedroom, so we decided to knock out a few walls, shorten the dining room, and create a beautiful gourmet chef’s kitchen with top of the line appliances and plenty of cabinet space. We created a beautiful peninsula with Silestone countertops and added custom made barstools to give the homeowner and her daughter a place to eat dinner and do homework. We added marble floors and backsplash to satisfy the clean look that this client was going for. Shortening the dining room also added much needed space in the maid’s room. Lighting for this renovation played a major role in the transformation of these spaces. Every light in this apartment was placed on a dimmer, making this very efficient for tasks as well as creating a beautiful setting for guests. The dining room was also kept clean and simple with a dramatic chandelier to add some wonderful sparkle. The dining room chairs were little gems that this client had her eye on for three years and now was the time to order. They were quite an extravagance but we felt they were definitely worth it. The chairs were hand made in Paris, out of mahogany ebonized wood with beautiful white leather. They were spectacular. Only a large mirror was added to this room to emphasize the beautiful table, chairs and chandelier. The main living space in this Manhattan high-rise was the living room. Lisa told me several times that she wanted a beautiful, elegant living room with very minimal accessories. This look was achieved by purchasing a lovely chocolate velvet sofa, powder blue armchairs with the same mahogany ebonized wood that echoed the look of her dining room chairs, and a one-of-a-kind cocktail table that was sophisticated and timeless. A daring, royal blue Persian rug with Tiffany blue accents certainly added a nice pop of color. Lighting sconces, also made in Paris, helped light this fabulous room and showcase photographs that a friend of Lisa’s had taken and given to her as a gift. I finished the room off with custom-made pale blue and white silk drapery, hung from stainless steel rods. The drapes did not distract from her amazing view of the Museum of Natural History, but instead added softness and depth to this space. The overall look that was achieved is very much what you would expect to see in New York City. The communication between the architect, Lisa, and myself was crucial for its success and we all feel very pleased with the result. Most of the work is complete, but there are still a few pieces of furniture out there that are destined to have a home in this apartment. For right now, there is no rush. Just like watching the leaves change into the most vibrant of colors, good things come to those who wait. ;]ka_fkÛ^gjÛl`]ÛoYqÛqgmÛdan] ~¤ ¤ SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 47 A Family Attitude Telecommunications Provider Connects with All Customers By Samantha Snyder • Photos By Draper Photographers 48 MAUMELLE LIVING When you walk into the telecommunications carrier YaketyYak on Maumelle Boulevard in North Little Rock, you might not only see its owners, Mike and Mary Lawrence, but you may also catch a glimpse of one of their daughters, Morgan, 13, Mason, 8, and Maggie 5. “It works out great because with three girls, we sometimes have to use it as a makeshift daycare, but that is part of the family-type business we always wanted. ”The Lawrences believe that family is important and this philosophy is carried over into their business. They treat customers like family, too. One time the Lawrences had a truck driver who was driving through Arkansas come into YaketyYak. He had broken his cell phone and needed a replacement and fast. “While my wife was doing his activation I was trying leather cases on a dummy phone like the one he was purchasing,” Mike says. “After the activation, we sacked up his phone, leather case and paperwork for him and sent him on his way. Fortunately, he stopped by Senior Tequila to eat before he hit the road and went to make a call [on his cell phone].” It was then that the truck driver discovered that the new cell phone wasn’t working, and he realized that he had taken the dummy phone instead of the newly activated one. “He came back in, and we all got a good laugh out of it. I’m just glad he caught it when he did,” Mike says. It’s a telecommunications provider like YaketyYak that makes it easy for someone like a truck driver to come in and get the type of service that he or she wants. The company doesn’t just offer one wireless provider; it offers Alltel, T-Mobile and Cricket, as well as the satellite television provider, DIRECTV. Mike says YaketyYak sells their customers exactly what they need. “After we question each customer about how and when they will be using their phones and find out who they will be talking to and find out if they want to be on a month-by-month plan or a contract, then we can guide them to the service that will be best for them,” he says. “It’s all about the customers’ choices instead of forcing them to just one provider as the exclusive stores do.” Yakety Yak sells some really cool ~ Continued on page 51 ATTENTION MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Sunday Brunch! all you care to eat Buffet 10:30-3:00: Eggs Benedict, roasted Veal, Blackened Talapia , Bacon and Sausage potatoes, chicken marsala, fresh omelet Station, fresh danish and muffins, Salads, fresh fruit and much more. • $17.95 per person and includes coffee or tea. Shrimp For Lunch! 10 Shrimp Combo! Choose from the following: 2 shrimp scampi with a garlic butter 2 shrimp and pineapple skewer with a teriyaki sauce 2 fried shrimp with a caper remoulade sauce 2 blackened shrimp with a chipotle aioli 2 shrimp cocktail with cocktail sauce served with buttered angel hair and a side salad for $ 13.00 Wednesday through Saturday Early Bird dinnEr SpEcial TuES-Thur $20 comE Enjoy ThrEE courSES By chEf dalE filSon 5524 JFK Blvd. • North little rocK • (501) 975-5524 While Aydelotte’s is a private club, memberships are free. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 49 UÊiÊÊÀÊ1ÃiÊ"ÕÀÊÀÛi/ ÀÕÊ7`Ü UÊ>À}>ÀÌ>ÃÊ>`iÊ7Ì Ê/«Ê- iv]Ê >iÊÀ>`Ê/iµÕ> UÊ>««ÞÊÕÀÊ`>ÞÊÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊ{Ç« UÊ iÜÊà iÃÊUÊ"ÕÌÃÌ>`}Ê-iÀÛVi £äÇÊ , Ê/7 Ê1Ê88" ÊEÊ-" ®ÊUÊnx£nÓ£ä 50 MAUMELLE LIVING ~ Continued from page 49 products, too. Mike says the T-Mobile Sidekick III is a cool data phone for e-mail, real-time web browsing and has a full keyboard for texting and for using Bluetooth. Alltel offers My Circle plans that let customers select the ten phone numbers that he or she can call for free, in addition to the mobile-to-mobile numbers the customer already gets for free and the nights and weekends the customer receives free of charge. Mike says that Cricket now offers better phones from Motorola, Kyocera, Samsung and Nokia, and this provider doesn’t require a contract, plus offers unlimited minutes, unlimited text and unlimited picture messaging. As for DIRECTV, Mike says the provider will soon have 150 channels in high definition, which far surpasses what cable and Dish have to offer. The Lawrences don’t just sell one of these products to a customer and then send them on their way. “We take our time explaining to customers the ins and outs of their phones before they leave the store,” Mike says. “Our customers also know that we are only human ourselves and sometimes we might not have an immediate answer, but we will take their number and find out the answers for them. Customer service is the only way for a business like ours to make it today and word of mouth is by far the best advertising.” The owners of YaketyYak also believe in taking part in their community, both as a family and as a business. “We try to participate in all of the community events that take place, such as FamilyFest and FourthFest,” Mike says. Chris Plante, an elevenyear resident of Maumelle who just finished 5 ½ years on the city council says that the Lawrences are a real benefit to the community. “I helped introduce them to the community,” Plante says. “They started attending church with us, and I have the honor of teaching one of their daughters Sunday school. They are a great group of people and a valuable asset to our community. I’ve always seen them work to get the job done.” Go to YaketyYak, if you need to talk with someone about your current cell phone plan or satellite service.“If [residents] want a choice of services instead of being pushed toward one product, or if they just want to come in and talk about their service and see if they are on the best possible plan for them [they should come visit us],” Mike says. YaketyYak Facts Location: 9871 Maumelle Blvd, N Little Rock, AR 72113 Building Size: 1800-square-foot facility Owners: Mike and Mary Lawrence Hours of Operation: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday-Friday; 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday Services Offered: Alltel, T-Mobile, Cricket and DIRECTV Business Phone Number: 501/771-7666 IMMEDIATE CARE Most Insurance Accepted X-Ray and Lab Services MAuMELLE MEDICAL CLInIC Monday-Thursday 501 Millwood, Suite E • 501-803-9990 <h_[dZiZedjb[j\h_[dZimWjY^ W I R E L E S S is now your local DirecTV Dealer Authorized Dealer 9 8 7 1 M a u M e l l e B lv d . • 7 7 1 - 7 6 6 6 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 51 A “Major” Experience By Cimarron Grubb • Photos by Maumelle Country Club The 89th PGA Championship was held August 6th – 12th, 2007 at Southern Hills CC in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This Perry Maxwell designed jewel of a golf course was the first-ever site to host four PGA Championships. As defending Champion Tiger Woods and the rest of the top 100 players in the world battled the formidable opponent, I had the opportunity to go behind the scenes and witness this Championship first-hand. I would like to share with you my experiences as a PGA Officer during this thrilling week of golf. Monday, August 6th – “Play Golf America” Day The day began at 8:00 in the morning 52 MAUMELLE LIVING when more than 250 junior golfers from 16 area charitable agencies enjoyed a special day at LaFortune Golf Course, sponsored by the PGA of America. More than 30 golf professionals from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas provided instruction, concentrating on the fundamentals of golf and how much fun the game can be. It was truly exciting to meet these youngsters and witness the fun that they were having. After the morning junior instruction and junior skills challenge was completed, the public was allowed to participate in the day. Three clinics were provided by Divot The Clown, PGA Teacher of the Year – Michael Boyd and PGA Director of Instruction, Rick Martino. Several club manufacturers were on hand to allow the public to demo all the hot new products on the market. Wrapping-up the day was the free “10minute” lesson program. More than 200 free lessons were given to the public. It was a very long day, but a very rewarding experience. Tuesday, August 7th The day started at 8:00 in the morning with a special breakfast at Southern Hills Country Club. During this event, PGA President, Brian Whitcomb and CEO, Joe Steranka, presented information to a special group of attendees about the economic impact the PGA Championship had on the City of Tulsa and the State of Oklahoma. They also shared the rich history and tradition of the PGA Championship. Among the guests was the Governor of Oklahoma, Brad Henry, who proclaimed August 6th – 12th PGA Championship Week in Oklahoma. Immediately following the breakfast, we were led on a behind the scenes tour of the Championship grounds.The day only got better! It was a great pleasure to be invited to the Past Champions Dinner. This event is rich in PGA tradition. The dinner was hosted by defending Champion, Tiger Woods. Past champions on hand for the celebration were Phil Mickelson, Vijay Singh, David Toms and Bob Tway, just to name a few. I had the privilege of sitting with Davis Love III, Jeff Sluman and Shaun Micheel. This was the third time Tiger hosted the event, but the first time as a father. He was very grateful as the Master of Ceremonies and explained that his wife, Elin and daughter, Sam were unable to attend, but that he hoped we enjoyed the menu that his wife put together. Appetizers Crispy Tri-Colored Tortilla Chips w/ red tomato-cilantro salsa and southwest guacamole Griddled Maryland Lump Crabcakes on grilled jumbo asparagus with summer tomato, mango, orange, caper & scallion salsa Entrée Fajita Sampler - served family style Grilled Chicken, Steak and Blackened Shrimp w/ homemade tortillas, sundried tomato & cilantro guacamole, baby pico de gallo, refried black beans and pinto beans & green chili-tomatillo rice The Showroom 2313 Cantrell Road Little Rock, AR 501-372-7373 Hours M-F 7:30-4:00 For all your art, framing and mirror needs. Mention this ad and receive 20% off custom framing www.sandyhublerfineart.com Office: 851-8282 Home Office: 851-6043 Mobile: 580-0855 E-mail: [email protected] Visit www.DonnaDail.com for a detailed report of Maumelle homes sold in 2006! Arkansas Hearing Aid Service • Free Hearing Test • We Honor All Hearing Aid Warranties • Hearing Aid Sales, Service and Repair • 100% Fully Digital Dessert Warm Fallen Chocolate Souffle w/ caramelized bananas, cashews and brown sugar-rum syrup What a wonderful meal it was! Not to mention the Pomegranate Mojitos, Lemon and Mango Margaritas and the Blood Orange-Habanera Martinis. I slept very ~ Continued on page 54 406 West 26th Street, Suite A North Little Rock, AR 72114 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 758-1017 • 1-800-632-7624 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 53 ~ Continued from page 53 well that evening. Front Denise Peterson, GloriaPipkins Rand backleft (L to to right: R) Linda Peterson, Lynette to right: Linda Peterson, Lynette and Pipkins front (Lback to R)left Denise Peterson, Darren Benson Gloria Rand 4 Country Club Circle. Suite 103 Maumelle Wednesday, August 8th We were treated to a day of golf at nearby Cherokee Hills Golf Club by Amstel Light, the official beer of the PGA. Some of Amstel Light’s best customers from the region were paired with 20 golf professionals. It was a great day of golf that allowed Amstel Light and Heineken USA to entertain clients and communicate the valuable relationship it shares with the PGA of America. I slept very well that evening too! Thursday, August 9th – First Round of the 89th PGA Championship It was time to get down to work! Over 30,000 people made their way to the opening round of the Championship. My day began early as I volunteered to give free 10-minute lessons at the “Play Golf America” learning center, constructed just inside the main entrance. After an hour of instruction, I made my way to the putting green to work my next shift. It was a very enjoyable shift to watch the world’s best players try to tame the fast, undulating greens of Southern Hills. After my shift, I made my way to the first tee and spoke with Ken Duke and John Daly before their rounds, wishing them luck and letting them know that Arkansas was pulling for them! That evening, I entertained several of my members from Maumelle Country Club who made the short drive to witness some of the best golf they would ever see. Family Owned & Operated • Best Food In Maumelle Happy Hour 4-7 Both Locations Live Music Sunday Maumelle Location Friday, August 10th I actually had nothing scheduled on this day, except to sit back in the air conditioned clubhouse and enjoy the perks of my “ALL ACCESS” pass. I spent the day watching golf and touring all the corporate tents. I made my way into the locker room to visit with players and to find my personal locker, which was assigned to each PGA officer. It was a very neat experience to see first-hand how the players spend their day. Saturday, August 11th The fun was over…back to work. My shifts that day included working the lower driving range and transporting players to and from the practice facilities. It was 54 MAUMELLE LIVING quite an experience to stand so close to the players as they prepared for their round. They all have very unique practice habits and are very methodical in their ways. For the most part, they were all very personable and approachable. The fun part was as I was transporting the players and the caddies, I would listen in on their conversations about the difficulty of the golf course and how they would approach the last round. SAFE DOESN’T JUST HAPPEN XC 90 Starting at $36,830 Visit us at volvocars.us Volvo. for life. North Point Volvo 866-836-5511 1500 N. Shackleford in West Little Rock N. Shackleford on credit. Plus Tax, Title & License and S&H Fee. ! ENT GEM E! A D N MA TTITU NEW EW A N N. R odn ey P arh am NORTH POINT VOLVO I-430 Sunday, August 12th – Final Round Probably was the best day of the entire week. My shift that day was player transportation from 10:00 – 2:00pm. The final groups made their way to the practice area and I had the opportunity to transport several of the top players in the world… but the fun was just about to begin. I was called to the upper putting green, where I was approached by the Tulsa police officers. They informed me that I would be transporting Tiger Woods to and from the practice area. A small grin came across my face as I listened to their instructions. Minutes later, Tiger, his caddie Steve Williams, and the two officers approached my shuttle cart and off we went. Not much was said as we made our way to the driving range. I waited in the shade with the officers until Tiger was finished warming up. As we made our way to the 1st tee, I asked Tiger & Steve how the final round preparations went? Steve responded with, “We feel good and are ready to go”. As I let them off, Tiger turned to me and said, “Thanks for the lift”! As he approached the 18th tee box, we were approached by a PGA of America employee and were told it was time to put on our jackets and make our way to the 18th green. As the crowd roared and Tiger has won his 13th major, we were escorted to the edge of the 18th green for a photo with Tiger. Following the picture, all the PGA Officers and staff made our way into the clubhouse for a champagne toast with Tiger. He was very gracious as we raised our champagne flutes congratulating him as our 89th PGA Champion. What a great week and what a great privilege it is to be a PGA member and be associated with such a great game. By the way, I slept really well that evening! W. Markham St. Chen al Pa rkway I-630 www.littlerockvolvo.com SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 55 Photo provided by Les & Judy Steen Trees and Tulips By Lorraine Hensley 56 MAUMELLE LIVING This garden is appreciated and cared for by two people who love it. Les and Judy Steen, 16 Club Manor Drive, Maumelle, are pretty emphatic in refusing credit for designing their landscape. They will tell you that Scott Connerly, of Landscape Associates, designed their landscaping in addition to determining the lot location of the home they were building on that property. They will also tell you of the pleasure they share as they continue to add their individual imprint upon that basic structure. Les fell in love during the many runs he made as an engineer for the Union Pacific Railroad from North Little Rock to Van Buren. He fell in love with the tree-covered mountains and rolling hills that comprised the terrain he saw every time he made his daily run through some of the most spectacular regions in Arkansas. Beauty was everywhere he looked and he knew that wherever he lived when he retired, trees would remain part of his life. Judy retired from working as a registered X-ray and vascular technologist and truly appreciates every aspect of gardening. Although she and Les share their Photo by Misty Sullivent ~ Continued on page 58 Pottery Plants Mexican Talavera Hand Painted Ceramics Pumpkins Jerry’s Pottery& Plants McCain Mall 580-7774 Mums Straw Bales & Corn Stalks Great selection and best prices around SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 57 ~ Continued from page 57 State of the art Hydro Spa bathing facility Bathing & grooming for all breeds of dogs Pet supplies • Specialty Treats Clothing • Grooming Supplies 7659 Counts Massie Rd. 58 MAUMELLE LIVING gardening chores, her predilection is container planting. Using the same decorating techniques as an interior designer she puts her creativity to work and constructs beautiful designs with plants in containers. Judy said their garden and home are one entity and have become a part of them. The view of their front landscaping is heart-stopping for it personifies our general concepts of the “Old South” with graceful symmetrical planting beds under towering trees which provide some shade in a primarily sunny front yard. Many Post Oaks, one Southern Red Oak and one White Oak were all ready on their lot and they have planted other oaks, maples, hollies and pines. The front beds are planted with colorful annuals that change from year to year. Currently, they are primarily planting petunias and a few coreopsis for summer color. Brick steps lead to walks laid in a herringbone patterned brick that is wide enough to accommodate two people walking abreast. Plantings of a wide range of azaleas also bring months of soft color to the landscape and as blooms fade on some cultivars, others are just beginning their blooming cycle. Tulips, Les’s favorite plant, combine with the azaleas to present a spectacular color display during the blooming season. He researches blooming times and plant needs of the various cultivars to get the “perfect flower” out of each bulb. Every year, in addition to old favorites, a new variety is introduced. Beautiful trees provide a shady retreat for both plants and people ANIMAL HOSPITAL Kenneth R. Smith, D.V.M. 5900 Ranch Dr. Little Rock, AR 72223 Ph: 501-868-5350 Hours: M-F 7:30am - 5:30pm Sat 8:00am - noon www.theranchanimalhospital.com Photo by Misty Sullivent in the back yard. Their patio and comfortable patio table and chairs tempt visitors and give the gardener a quiet space to enjoy and relax a bit. Begonias and impatiens provide color contrast and visual pleasure in the back garden. There is also a low brick retaining wall covered with English Ivy. Judy said the ivy blanketing the wall was propagated from two small potted ivy plants she picked up on one of their “looking at plants” excursions. Home and garden form one complete living space for this couple which they enjoy immensely. Both say the most important tip they could give their fellow gardeners is to have a plan for the garden just as you have a blueprint for your home, your garden also needs one. You must also love your garden since it requires much of your attention and time, although the rewards more than compensate for the efforts extended. With all this planning, one more instance of prior planning is apparent. Knowing what you want from your retirement and planning with specific goals in mind brought the Steens a wonderful retirement with time to enjoy the trees and tulips they had in mind. Professional Residential Lawn Care Oek=hem"M[Cem Mottco Lawn Care 834-0015 Cell: 744-5855 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 59 Left Jamie Sneed, Right Lee Tallents Not Your Average Artists Local Guitar Builders Hone Hobby, Give Guitar to Music Star By Samantha Snyder • Photos by Draper Photographers 60 MAUMELLE LIVING Jamie Sneed isn’t just your average lover of music. He loves music so much that about two years ago he began making a guitar. It all started when Sneed saw a TV show where a man was building a guitar, and he thought to himself, “I can do that.” And that’s what he and his friend, Lee Tallents, did. Sneed and Tallents soaked in everything about making guitars they could, which included reading books, surfing the Internet and watching TV. “We studied other guitars and guitar makers to be sure we were doing things right,” Sneed says. “The first couple of guitars were built mostly with the primitive tools we have, such as a table saw. Hand Crafted “The first couple of guitars were built mostly with the primitive tools we have, such as a table saw. Frets were cut with a hand saw and all inlays were done by hand,” Sneed says. “Many of the things we do are still done by hand. This is what gives the guitar an authentic sound.” Working with his hands is not foreign to Sneed. He works on aircraft and has to build them to tight tolerances. “When we started doing guitars, we were used to doing the small things correctly and not leaving anything out,” Sneed says. “We want everything we do to be right—on down to the smallest detail.” Whether it's somthing to go with a meal or to celebrate a big deal, we'll help you uncork this year’s memorable moments. MAUMELLE WINE & SPIRITS 1900 CLUB MANOR MAUMELLE, AR 851-4400 Good Enough for Chesney Sneed and Tallents recently felt so good about their guitar making skills that they decided to give one of their guitars to one of Country Music’s hottest stars—Kenny Chesney. “A relative of mine works for a local hotel that Kenny Chesney was coming into before his concert on May 19, 2007,” Sneed says. “We were asked if we would consider giving him a guitar.” Sneed and Tallents didn’t think twice about it. “We thought it was a great idea to get our guitar into such influential hands, and we jumped on the chance to do so,” Sneed says. While neither Sneed nor Tallents met Chesney in person, they were told he was happy to receive the guitar and was very thankful. The Sound of Music Naturally, inspiration to make guitars is borne out Sneed’s and Tallents’ love of music. Sneed has played guitar for about ten years. “I’m just a strummer, but I enjoy it when I get the time to play,” Sneed says. “Lee [Tallents] doesn’t play yet, but he can’t resist much longer.” But Sneed hasn’t been strumming his whole life. “A friend I worked with in the past showed me a couple of chords, and since then, I’ve just kept watching others and playing.” Sneed has other relatives that play the guitar, but none of them build them. He says he and Tallents were looking for something new to do, and this was the perfect hobby to delve into. Sneed says he doesn’t have a favorite type of music. “I like lots of different artists from Jimmy Buffet to Tom Petty to Korn,” Sneed says. “Lee [Tallents] being from the United Kingdom turned ~ Continued on page 62 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 61 ~ Continued from page 61 me on to a lot of different [types of music also.] Sometimes we’ll listen to something completely different, like Godsmack or the Pogues or even Simon and Garfunkel.” The Next Step Sneed says he and Tallents hope to market their guitars and grow their business to a fulltime operation. “We think nothing would be better than having people playing our guitars all over the world,” he says. What makes Sneed and Tallents dream most interesting is some obstacles they have faced. Several years ago after Sneed had played guitar for a few years, he had an accident at work and lost three fingers on his left hand. “It messed up my whole guitar playing,” Sneed says. “I waited a few months and started looking for a left-handed guitar.” He says one store tried to convince him to play a steel guitar, but that wasn’t for him. “I decided that if I couldn’t play like I could before, I didn’t want to play at all,” Sneed says. “So I bought a left-handed guitar and started learning all over again. The more I played, the more I wanted a better guitar, and the rest is history.” Greers Ferry Lake Marine & ATV 8500 Edgemont Road • Greers Ferry, Arkansas 72067 Choctaw Marina ~ Shiloh Marina ~ Damsite Marina ~ Pontoon and Ski Boat Rentals 501-825-8330 • www.greersferryboats.com 62 MAUMELLE LIVING Home Furnishings BEDROOM AND DINING ROOM INFANT AND YOUTH UPHOLSTERY ACCENT FURNITURE LAMPS AND LIGHTING WINDOW TREATMENTS TABLE TOP Home Improvement CABINETRY PLUMBING AND FIXTURES LARGE APPLIANCES SMALL APPLIANCES WINDOWS AND DOORS Entertainment & Outdoor GAME TABLES SPORTING GOODS FITNESS EQUIPMENT HOME THEATRE AUDIO AND SPEAKERS GRILLS AND ACCESSORIES OUTDOOR FURNITURE Flooring AREA RUGS CARPET TILE HARDWOOD LAMINATE Accessories APPAREL Build the dream. Just don’t pay the markup. LUGGAGE GIFTWARE JEWELRY WATCHES STATIONERY Discover how easy it is to decorate or remodel virtually every room in your home just the way you like it. Choose among thousands of brand-name products from over 700 top manufacturers and their authorized suppliers — without paying retail markup.* Little Rock No dealers please Daily Open Houses by appointment only Call 1-888-242-0157 today or visit directbuy.com for your FREE Insider’s Guide to Buying Direct and Visitor’s Pass to the DirectBuy showroom near you. *Shipping and handling fees may apply. V32 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 63 Want Results? Call the Peyton Team! D D L LDyour realSestate Opersonally Owith OLneeds! Sus Syou Let help SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Allison Peyton Winningham Mary Peyton 912-9809 Fred Peyton 993-5810 64 993-3400 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD D OLD SO S SOLD MAUMELLE LIVING
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