July 2013 - St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS
July 2013 - St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS
VOLUME 20 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Upcoming Events The end of the year always brings with it a wonderful sense of relief. The rigors of study and routine are replaced by the sweetness of relaxation and adventure. Of course, the end of the year is always bittersweet in that in order to embrace that adventure we must also embrace change. Jesus tells us not to store up things of this world for they are always impermanent (Matthew 6:19). All things must pass away but what always remains is love – because God is love. As the 2012/2013 school year comes to a close, we must also say a very sad goodbye to our Vice Principal, Rocchina Antunes. Although Ms. Antunes will go on to grace her new school with her infectious laughter, one thing will always remain, and that is the way she loved others. Her love for the SMK community will remain in the hearts of all those that she touched long after she is gone. On Thursday June 26th, 2013 we celebrated the graduating class of 2013 – our pioneer class who started when the school fist opened in September 2009. They have been a class whose energy, creativity, and commitment to our school have left an incredible legacy in many corners of our school. It was a beautiful ceremony held at the Terrace Banquet Hall where our graduates were honoured for their achievements. The honours of this group of 288 graduates included 110 students achieving honour roll, 114 being recognized as Ontario Scholars and several others recognized for various community awards. There were 133 graduates accepted into universities, 88 were accepted into college programmes, and several graduates will be entering apprenticeships or workplace opportunities. I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to the staff of our school for their commitment and dedication in supporting all our students in our school. On May 14th, our grade ten students wrote their rescheduled Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). The test was rescheduled as a result of the ice storm on April 11th which forced the cancellation of the test province-wide. We expect to receive those results sometime in late August. Our grade nine students wrote their EQAO mathematics test at the end of June and we look forward with anticipation those results in August as well. Our students continue to experience success in the classroom with all their courses. This semester our success rate was 98.2% with credits attained. Our staff works at creating engaging and meaningful lessons to support our students with their learning. The staff is engaging our students with 21st Century learning tools and curriculum. I am pleased to welcome our new Vice Principal, Ms. Mary Lee Konnry to our school and she will have responsibility for our grade ten students and part of our grade twelve students. We welcome new staff – teachers Ms. Anton to Math, Ms. Burns and Ms. Demitcheva to Science, Mr. Deocampo and Ms. Giordano to Religion, Ms. Ferrari to English, Ms. Hubbard to Arts, Ms. Mer- July 2013 July 4 - 9 Report Card Pick - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. July 10 Mail Report Cards Not Picked Up July 12 Office Closes for the Summer August 19 School Office Re-opens, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. August 23 Getting Ready for High School - Incoming Gr. 9’s Sept. 2 Labour Day Sept. 3 First Day of School Sept. 16 - 18 Camp White Pine for Grade 9’s Sept. 18 Catholic School Council Sept. 26 Parent Welcome Night Oct. 10 Awards Night Oct. 14 Thanksgiving lino to Math, Ms. Newberry to Arts, Ms. Pizzardi to Moderns, Mr. Vennare to Business, Mr. Woodrow to Religion and Ms. Hofmann , Ms. Rempel and Ms. Wolk to our special education department as educational assistants and Ms. N. Williams as an educational intervenor. Returning from their maternity leaves are Ms. Campbell to math and Ms. Gismondi to religion/chaplaincy. Ms. L. Barbieri will be our new student support worker. We also bid farewell to a number of contract teachers who have served our school so well. I would like to thank Ms. Busca, Ms. Cina, Mr. Fitzpatrick, Ms. Lettieri, Mr. Macri, Ms. Merenda, Ms. Nesci, Mr. Nicholls, Ms. Occhiuto, Ms. Paschakis, Ms. Vittiglio, and Ms. Watt who have all served as teachers in our school. We bid farewell to Ms. Kearns who has been our student support worker for the last four years and Ms. Maira our guidance secretary and Ms. Hancock as one of our Educational Assistants. Also leaving are Ms. Froio in arts and Ms. Cece in Special education who will off on maternity leaves. Finally, Mr. Bobesich will be taking a one semester leave of absence and will return in February. I would like to thank all the support staff, secretaries, custodians, EA’s and EI’s for their support of our students. I pray that we all have a restful, enjoyable and safe summer break and we look forward to seeing everyone on September 3rd for the first day of school. Finally, I want to recognize the Catholic School Council and their executive – Chair Olga Partanen, Vice Chairs Donna Psaila and Richard Mewhinney, Secretary Jo-Anne Coliviras and Treasurer Elizabeth Tesa for their leadership and support of our students and our school. I leave you with blessings and well wishes for a relaxing summer holiday and look forward to seeing you all in September. 1 VPS’ MESSAGES Graduation News and Farewell from Ms. Antunes St. Maximilian Kolbe High School celebrated its Graduation on June 26th, 2013. The graduation day events began at Our Lady of Grace Parish, in the morning, with a special graduation mass for our graduates. Father Joe Gorman reminded the graduates that, as pioneers, they have left a legacy at St. Maximilian Kolbe High School and have contributed to St. Max’s positive school reputation. The graduates were further reminded that the partnership between school, home and church is a powerful partnership that has guided them along their 4 years of high school. Many thanks to Ms. Tornambe and Mr. McGarrigle for organizing the Liturgy. After the mass, students viewed two special graduation videos under the leadership of Ms. Bulger and Mr. Almeida. The videos were a tribute to the grade 12 students highlighting special messages and reflections by the pioneer staff and students of St. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S. Thank you to all the students who took the time to put together the videos. Many thanks go out to the Catholic School Council for organizing and subsidizing a delicious graduation lunch for the graduates. The souvlaki, rice, potatoes, Greek salad, coffee and cake were delicious! Thank you to the CSC executive and to the parents who volunteered to set up, clean up and serve the lunch to the graduates and staff. The Graduation Commencement Ceremony took place in the evening at the Terrace Banquet Hall. Mr. Scuglia and Ms. Antunes were very honoured to deliver the keynote address. Thank you to the graduation committee for all their hard work behind the scenes and for making the graduation a memorable evening for parents, community partners and the staff and students of St. Maximilian Kolbe High School. A special thank you to Ms. Por for chairing the graduation committee and for the many sub-committees. Thank you to Mr. Kelly for his excellent oratory skills as the Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Lastly, we were honored to share in the celebration with Senior Administration, our school Trustees and our many community partners who provided substantial monetary awards to our graduates. Thank you! To all the grade 12 students, thank you for making us proud and for being such honorable role models to the rest of the student body. We have many memories to cherish. Thank you for four awesome years!! I say farewell to a marvelous school community. As I embark on my new journey as Principal of St. Jean de Brebeuf, I am a better person as a result of being with you over the past four years. Many thanks to the staff, students and parents for your loving kindness and for making a positive difference in my life. “Some folks arrive into our lives and depart footprints on our hearts and we are no way ever the same.” With gratitude, Mrs. Antunes Vice Principal All students registered in grade 10 during the 2012-2013 school year participated in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test on May 14, 2013. This test is a graduation requirement for all students in Ontario. We should be receiving results in the fall. Thanks to all our parents and teachers for supporting the grade 10 students during this stressful time. Congratulations to all the grade ten students! The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) for the 2013-2014 school year is scheduled for Spring of 2014. Once again all students in grade 10 will participate in this test. Please visit www.eqao.com for resources. Mr. D. Allan Vice Principal All grade 10 - 12 students received their tentative timetables in June. The incoming grade 9 students will receive their timetables in August during the orientation day. Grade 10 - 12 students will receive their final timetable with room numbers and teacher names on the first day of school, September 3, 2013. We wish all of you a safe and happy summer. This is a reminder that DGN Kilters will be open at St. Maximilian Kolbe on Thursday, August 22nd from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday, August 23rd from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The in-school store will be open on September 3rd and 4th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Mr. M. Moyo Vice Principal Mr. Scuglia poses with valedictorians Katie Abels and Daniel Gary at the Graduation ceremony 2 ARTS CHAPLAINCY Father Joe Gorman was the celebrant at our final school Mass on June 6 as we celebrated in the gymnasium as an entire school community. It is here where our students heard the sad news that our pioneer Vice Principal, Mrs. Antunes would be leaving us. Students were able to share their fond memories of Mrs. Antunes in a small tribute that highlighted her loving spirit and inclusion of all students. Artists from all disciplines have been busy creating this semester! On May 16th, Mr. Bobesich and his music students presented our annual Spring Concert. Featuring big band numbers (including a version of “We Got the Funk”!), our St. Max Jazz band, guitar soloists and wonderful singers, an amazing time was had by all. And on May 22nd, our Jazz Band performed brilliantly in the Wonderland Music Festival. On June 11th, Grade 11 Drama students presented “Hiccups”, a night of One-Act plays. The audience was packed to see performances of “Check, Please”, “The Subtext of Texting”, “Chocolate” and “2B or not 2B”. Drama students also attended performances of the musicals “Cats” and “The Wizard of Oz”. They also saw Jason Priestly performing in the David Mamet play, “Race”, at Canstage. Ms. van Loenen is looking forward to seeing all of our actors and aspiring actors next year! And in the Visual Arts Department, Mr. Viaes and Ms. Froio are very proud of the amazing art work lining the hallways and offices of our school – including 3D Photo compositions. In collaboration with Mr. Almeida in the Technology Department, our latest innovation is Vinyl Stencil Cutouts! (look for them around the school, in quotations and illustrations). We also hope you’ll check out St. Maximilian’s entry in the Aurora 2013 Art for the Park competition, where students from our Visual Arts Club (with help from Mr. Viaes, Ms. Froio and Ms. Ierullo), put their own creative stamp on a picnic table. Check out our entry at: http://www.town.aurora.on.ca/app/wa/mediaEntry?mediaEntryId=61493. Chaplaincy is always proud of the numerous student leaders that faithfully contribute their time and energy as KLAW leaders. In May we trained 40 new junior leaders at Mount Alverno Retreat Centre and we look forward to the great ideas and enthusiasm that they will bring to the group in September. The leaders, old and new planned an initiative together at the end of May where they made sandwiches for the homeless and distributed them downtown. The sandwich walk is a yearly event planned by our KLAW leaders, and it always proves to be a very humbling experience. Chaplaincy is very thankful for all the support from our staff and students this year. Thank you KLAW leaders for all your work this year! A special thank you is in order to Mr. McGarrigle, who served as an instrumental member of our Chaplaincy team this year as he filled in for Ms.Gismondi who will be joining us again in September from maternity leave. Thank you Mr. McGarrigle. Lastly, we sadly say goodbye to the 2012/2013 school year. We pray for our graduates and that they continue to live lives inspired by Christ as they venture off into the amazing experiences that await them. We pray that they take all that they have learned in their many years in the Separate School System and that they continue to nourish and deepen their Catholic faith. God Bless you Graduates! Ms. N. Tornambe & Mr. R. McGarrigle Chaplains Finally, we say goodbye to Ms. Froio, who entered her maternity leave this June. We wish her all the best in her adventures in motherhood! Thanks for supporting the Arts here at St. Max – we wish all a blessed, restful and inspiring summer. Looking forward to September! Ms. T. van Loenen Department Head of Arts 3 CO-OP Our co-op students put what they’ve learned into action. They have been in placements that have given them the chance to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real work experience. They have sampled a career path, gained experience of workplace culture, developed interpersonal and team skills but best of all they have identified contacts and references for future job searches. Through their dedication and commitment to their placements they have reached milestones and learned life lessons along the way. Many of our co-op students have proven themselves and were hired as part-time and full-time employees at their placements. Congratulations to all our co-op students for a job well done! Ms. F. Martini Department Head of Co-op Students at their co-op placements....... 4 ENGLISH It is hard to believe that we are already at the end of our third school year. 2011-2012 has been a wonderful year in the English Department as we welcomed a number of new department members, and we had the opportunity to implement five new grade 12 courses. April was a busy month as students participated in National Poetry Month activities as well as a number of experiential learning opportunities. Students in Mrs. Por’s grade 12 English classes attended William Shakespeare’s 449th birthday celebration on April 23rd. Dressed as Shakespeare’s family members, friends, and rivals, students presented the Bard with anecdotes and personalized gifts. On April 30th students enrolled in Ms. Gerwlivch’s Writer’s Craft class participated in a digital storytelling workshop at Harbourfront Centre. They wrote original scripts and used digital cameras to capture their stories. Following the workshop students explored Harbourfront and collected ideas for their Poetry Portfolio assignments. What Do You Do? By Kara Waites What do you do when you don’t know what to do? When you don’t know what to say When words aren’t enough But actions are too much. When you know something that should be locked up in a closet But that closet Is your mind. What do you do? When it’s killing you inside Like a house burning to the ground Like a lion clawing to get out Like a wave ready to take you under. But… you keep smiling And try not to make a sound You keep listening to the cries and pleas for better lives But your listening, it can’t save lives. I’m not some Dr. Phil or Oprah Winfrey I don’t have an “all knowing power” I wish I could solve your problems and save the day. But I’m not some super hero, I have no powers, I have ears to listen and a heart to feel But I know that’s not enough for you to heal. At the end of May Ms. Howlings’ grade 10 Academic English class took over the English hallway and performed different scenes from Macbeth in an immersive format. The students were assigned scenes which they brought to life with costumes, props, and sound effects. Invited guests wore masks and walked amongst the actors as the scenes were being performed. It was a unique theatrical experience! Bravo to Ms. Howlings and her students for an outstanding performance. This year several SMK writers submitted their work to the OECTA Young Authors/Jeunes Ecrivains awards. A special congratulations goes to Kara Waites who won the OECTA Young Authors/Jeunes Ecrivains award for her poem titled, “What Do You Do?”. Kara’s poem has been published in the Young Authors/Jeunes Ecrivains anthology that is distributed to all Catholic schools in the province. As the semester draws to a close I would like to thank the members of the English Department for sharing their passion with our students. A special thank you to Ms. M. Cina for her dedication to our department and her classes this semester. On behalf of the English Department, best wishes for a safe and fun-filled summer. Ms. J. Gerwlivch Department Head of English It’s gonna be okay, That’s all I can say. But it’s something I don’t know for sure. It’s something I hope Something I pray That one day you’ll be the one to tell me you’re okay. But until that day comes, I’ll be here. Waiting for you like the last stop on the bus Like a kid waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve Like a tulip waiting for the sun to shine Like waiting for the last ten seconds until the microwave beeps. I’ll be there, I mean here. I mean wherever you need me. I’ll see whatever you want me to see. I’ll be whatever you need me to be. I’ll be your guide dog Your locked up diary Your voice when you’re lost for words. Because I don’t know what to do, I’m just hoping I can help you through. “When I look back, I am so impressed again with the life-giving power of literature. If I were a young person today, trying to gain a sense of myself in the world, I would do that again by reading, just as I did when I was young.” - Maya Angelou 5 LIBRARY GUIDANCE Career Studies – Thanks again to all of our guest speakers for grade 10 Career Studies classes. These included : CMHA, York University, Seneca College and Allan for Workplace Safety. Summer School – Reminder to all parents & students that any student who has failed a compulsory course should attend summer school. Students can still register at http://coned.ycdsb.ca. You will need your OEN (found on your report card). Summer school marks will be forwarded to SMK Guidance by the summer school office in August. It’s always a good idea to follow up with us in August to ensure we have your son’s/daughter’s summer school marks. Upon completion of summer school courses, 2013-14 schedules will be adjusted. On occasion, this will require a Guidance appointment in late August, we will let you know. The Guidance Office will be open with secretarial staff on Monday, August 19th. Counsellors will be in the office starting on Monday, August 26. Course Changes for 2013-14: This is a reminder to all parents and students that there will be NO ELECTIVE CHANGES for grade 9 & 10 students as of August 2013. Only stream changes will be considered ( ie. Academic to Applied, Applied to Academic etc). Stream changes will be made subject to availability in the first 2 weeks of classes only. For grade 11 and 12 students, elective changes will only be considered for changes that affect a student’s program pathway (ie. Apprenticeship, College or University requirements). Stream changes will also be permitted, subject to availability & scheduling constraints, in the first 2 weeks of classes for grade 11 & 12 students. I would like to start by saying how happy I am to be the New Teacher Librarian here at St. Maximilian Kolbe CHS. The Administration, Teaching Staff and Students have made my transition here almost seamless. I am so lucky to be part of this teaching community. There is much going on here in the Library Resource Centre, and even more to come in the fall. The iPad Lab has been up and running for 10 months now and with the help of Brian Arruda our Technology Consultant we have been able to inservice almost of all of the Grade 10’s with iMovie. I hope to have even more classes and staff trained to use the iPads come September. We have been able to purchase some more Apple Adaptors and iPad accessories that will be available to both students and staff to loan out with a student card. We have been constantly updating both our Fiction and Non-Fiction resources with books, databases, and ebooks. Make sure to check out the Library webpage http://smkh. ycdsb.ca/library for a slightly different format to showcase our Databases and ebooks. Passwords are available from Library Staff. Finally I would like to wish all of those students graduating a long and happy life, you will be missed. Everyone enjoy the summer and do not forget to get lost in a book! Ms. J. Hartfield Department Head of Library Important Dates September 27 - 29 – Ontario University Fair at Metro Toronto Convention Centre October 21-22 – Direct Energy Centre – College Fair October 24 - Post Secondary Evening for grade 11 & 12 students/parents co-hosted with Cardinal Carter @ St. Maximilian Kolbe C.H.S. Guidance Counsellor Alpha Listing 2013 – 2014 A to C Mr. Stevens D to H Ms. Wieser I to L Ms. Jordan M to Q Ms. Quinn R to Z Ms. King Farewells We would like to wish our guidance secretary, Ms. A. Maira, success as she moves on to become Senior Secretary at Our Lady of Good Council Elementary School in Sharon. Students Enjoy some music at the Special Olympics at St. Max Mr. J. Stevens Department Head of Guidance 6 MATHEMATICS Congratulations to all math students on their successes in mathematics this year. In particular, the math department would like to congratulate our first full cohort pioneer graduating class on all their successes and accomplishments in mathematics. It has been our privilege to work with you over the past four years and we wish you all the best as you move forward to continue to pursue your dreams and goals. I would like to congratulate all the members of our math team that competed in the Waterloo Mathematics Competitions in this semester. The top scorers in our school, placing first in their competition, were: Grade 9 – Pascal Contest: JEREMY CRESTA Grade 10 – Cayley Contest: JUSTIN KASKOW Grade 11 – Fermat Contest: ALEXANDER STEWART Grade 12 – Euclid Contest: CAMERON BUTTAZZONI Thank you to all the members of the department that assisted in preparing all the students for this competition. This year we had 62 students who wrote in one of the four competitions. Students in grade 9 who wrote the EQAO Assessment of Mathematics will receive their mark in the fall. Our students worked hard to prepare with their teachers and we are confident that this hard work will result in a successful result. On behalf of all of the math teachers at St. Maximilian Kolbe, we wish all the best to our students and their families for a restful and safe summer. We look forward to working with you again in the fall. Ms. M.E. Griffiths Department Head of Mathematics MODERNS As the school year is winding down we the Moderns Department are looking back fondly on an exciting year where students had the opportunity to explore the beauty, the presence, the art, and at times, somewhat complex nature of the French language and culture. In April, a group of our grade 9 students had the opportunity to explore the Hockey Hall of Fame and acquired a more in-depth knowledge of this popular sport by way of a French scavenger hunt. At the end of this activity, the students had the opportunity to take a photo with the impressive Stanley Cup. Most recently, our grade 12 French class capped off the year with a wonderful “pique-nique de class”. The class had been planning this event as a way to acknowledge and celebrate the end of the year and their achievement in being the first graduating French class at SMK. Each student contributed to the picnic with food, drink, and most importantly with discussion of their fondest high school memories. Congratulations and we wish you all good luck in your future endeavours. We would also like to give a special thank you to RK publishing and Glendon College for their contribution to our graduating Grade 12 French awards. The Moderns department consistently tries to encourage students to participate in experiential learning opportunities as a means of further developing their language skills in a capacity other than the traditional classroom. This year we are very excited to recognize that we have numerous grade 11 and 12 students who are participating in the Explore program as well as the Summer Credit course in Paris. These students will be living in a French community for a period of four-five weeks, being completely immersed in the language and the culture. Bon courage and we look forward to hearing about your experiences! Lastly, we would like to extend a warm welcome to Mrs. Pizzardi who will be joining us in the Moderns Department in September. We are all energized for what promises to be another exciting school year with many new and stimulating ways of bringing French alive both within the classroom as well as the school community. Nous vous souhaitons de bonnes vacances et nous vous reverrons en Septembre bien reposés. Ms. A. Posner Department Head of French and International Languages 7 PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS As we begin to wind down our 4th year at St. Maximilian Kolbe, we look back at the year as a time of transformation. Gone are the piles of dirt and endless amounts of Canadian Geese as we unveiled our new state of the art Turf Field facility with an eight lane rubberized track. Our students benefited tremendously from this advancement as were able to provide a full breadth of fun, engaging curricular activities, on joint friendly surfaces. Do not forget to continue your journey towards a Healthy, Active Living lifestyle by exercising daily, getting the nutrients, vitamins and minerals through proper nutrition, and proper decision making in social settings. Have a great summer! Varsity Girls Slo-Pitch Our Girl's Slo-Pitch team started off the season with a nail biter by beating Sacred Heart by a score of 5-4. The rest of the season was just as close as our team trailed by no more than 5 runs in almost every other game. It's a huge improvement from last year and we believe that will set the stage for an even better season next year! A fond farewell to our Grade 12s as well - in particular our breakout player - 3rd baseman Alannah Damp! Congratulations on a great season ladies! Bantam Boys Rugby The Bantam Boys Rugby Team had a very successful season as they contributed immensely to the efforts of the Junior Boys Rugby team through their support on and off the field. They also participated in three tournaments this season, becoming the 2013 St. Joan of Arc Bantam Invitational Rugby Champs. The boys worked hard all season and it is evident that there is much promise going forward with these young men. They have continued to build upon the great Rugby culture that St. Max exemplifies. Great Season Gentlemen! Varsity Co-Ed Ultimate The 2013 season was a spectacular one for the SMK Ultimate Team. The Mustangs finished the regular season in first place in York Region (ahead of 25 teams), with an 8-0 record. These victories were the result of the hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship of all players. Congratulations to the Mustang Players of the Game for 2013: Lucas, Bailey, Katerina, and Aaron. The Mustangs played in a number of tournaments this season. The team won the Husky Huck indoor tournament in April and finished second in the Disco Flyer outdoor invitational in May. At the YRAA Championships on June 5th, the team played well against some outstanding teams and finished in third place. Ms. Ball, Ms. Gerwlivch, and Maximus would like to congratulate the whole team for an amazing season. They would also like to say thank-you to the graduating players who have built the Ultimate legacy at SMK. Congratulations go to Jenn, Drew, JS, Sammy, Gavin, Bailey, Kienan, and to the Original Eight: Meg, Bianca, Duffy, Josh, Tyler, Alex, Aaron, and Kara, for their outstanding effort over the years. Junior Girls Soccer The Junior Girls Soccer Team had an excellent 2013 season. The team finished first in their division after an undefeated regular season. The team triumphed through the playoffs, making it to the YRAA Tier 1 Championship game and winning a silver medal after a very hard fought game. A special thanks to Angelica Galluzzo, Victoria Galluzzo and Julia Steiner for your leadership and commitment on and off the field. Congratulations to all the girls for a tremendous season. We look forward to next year! Varsity Girls Rugby The St. Max Varsity Girls Rugby team finished their most successful season so far. Throughout a challenging season, the girls’ spirit and determination never wavered, which resulted in them making the playoffs for the first time in the program’s history. The season finished on a high note with the team winning their playoff game 27-5 and placing 9th overall. At the athletic banquet, Lyndsay Wallace won the award for most improved player while Sofie Kiatipis won the most valuable player award, as well as the Junior Female Athlete of the year award. The coaches are very proud of them and are looking forward to continued success next year. Senior Girls Soccer The senior girl’s soccer team had a very successful season this year, representing St. Max for the second year in a row at OFSAA! Over the course of the season, each player showed huge improvements on the field, but more importantly, the girls grew as a team, eventually earning the opportunity to represent York Region at the ‘AAA’ OFSAA championships in Windsor. With one win, two ties, and only one loss during the OFSAA tournament, the girls put forth an amazing effort, and should be very proud of their accomplishments this year. Big congratulations to Rachel Cristofoli who earned the Most Improved Player award for her undying effort and consistent dedication to improving herself as a soccer player, and to Valerie Kolarich who earned the Most Valuable Player award following an incredible season of dedication, hard work, and leadership, as a solid defender for the team. Great work girls! Junior and Senior Track & Field St. Max had its most successful season to date, this year! While enjoying our first season on our new track, our 50 athletes continued to improve throughout the season. The team began its success placing 2nd in York Region with 4 individual champions: Julian Antonini - 100m, Ross Benn - polevault and javelin, Matina Zagas - 80m hurdles and Sasha Dajia - shotput. At this point, 16 athletes qualified for the Central Ontario Championships where we had two champions: Ross Benn - polevault and Sasha Dajia - shotput. Following this meet, we qualified 10 athletes to OFSAA where the top 24 in the province competed in Oshawa. Amidst fluctuating weather and tough competition, our athletes continued to surpass coaches’ expectations. We are proud to congratulate Ross Benn on his BRONZE MEDAL in polevault, Sasha Dajia for his 6th in shotput and 9th in discus, Adam Newell for his 8th in highjump, Tim Pare for his 12th in the 800m, Matina Zagas for her 16th in hurdles, our 4 X 400m relay team (Tim Pare, Josh Bell, Michael Solomon, Ovie Emakpor and Matthew Dicks) for their 21st finish and Michael Solomon for his 22nd in the 800m. We also want to wish our 8 PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS (con’t) graduating students all the best in their future athletic careers - Nicole Fiorini and Clarissa DiGioacchino. Great season everyone! Mr. S. Carraretto Department Head of Physical & Health Education FALL EVENTS MVP MIP BASKETBALL - JR GIRLS BASKETBALL - SR GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY FOOTBALL - JR GOLF - GIRLS GOLF-BOYS SOCCER - JR BOYS SOCCER - SR BOYS TENNIS TEAM VOLLEYBALL - JR BOYS VOLLEYBALL - SR BOYS Brittney McKay Lyndsay McKerracher Nicole Fiorini Michael Buttazzoni Sonia Nagindas Jimmy Abels Ryan Kenny Erik Balkovec Maria Beltran Nick Trewern Ryan St. Germain Brianna Gibbons Melinda Marghetis Michael Solomon Brett Diamond Jordan Holmes Tanner Thiessen Michael Rusu Benjamin Kiberu Michelle Minchella Erick Bortolotti Kienan Osborne Cole Thiessen Braden Casselden Claudia Black Jordan Chalmers Michael Finik Jake McGann Christian Arcuri Eliot Harkin Alyssa Thibeault Elizabeth Whyte Daniel Duran Gabrielle Faoro BASKETBALL - JR BOYS BASKETBALL - SR BOYS VOLLEYBALL - JR GIRLS VOLLEYBALL - SR GIRLS SKIING/SNOWBOARDING CURLING INDOOR TRACK & FIELD BADMINTON - CO-ED JR BADMINTON - CO-ED SR SPRING EVENTS Michael Rusu Joey Undys Alexandra Curran Kendall Mannella None Jeffrey Wanless Julian Antonini Skye von Schwerin Lauren Ballantyne Sean Kelly John-Salvatore Falcone Jessica Portilla Katerina Thomas None Aaron Mete Shakira Spence Alicia Junmany Shakur Johnson BASEBALL RUGBY - JR BOYS RUGBY - SR BOYS RUGBY - VARSITY GIRLS SOCCER - JR GIRLS SOCCER - SR GIRLS SLO-PITCH TRACK AND FIELD - GIRLS TRACK AND FIELD - BOYS ULTIMATE Eliot Harkin Michael Rusu Joseph Barrotta Sofia Kiatipis Victoria Galluzzo Valerie Kolarich Julia Leonetti Matina Zagas Sasha Dajia Aaron Mete Alexander MacKinnon Frank Macri Gianluca Perfetti Lindsay Wallace MID-SEASON EVENTS HOCKEY - JR BOYS HOCKEY - SR BOYS HOCKEY - VARSITY GIRLS SWIM TEAM - Female SWIM TEAM - Male WRESTLING WINTER EVENTS 9 Rachel Cristofoli Shannon McCormick Maxine Edos Ross Benn Sammy Fanone PHYS-ED & ATHLETICS (con’t) Other Awards Female Athlete of the Year Lianna Collins Male Athlete of the Year Sasha Dajia Female Junior Athlete of the Year Sofia Kiatipis Male Junior Athlete of the Year Michael Rusu Male MAX C.A.R.E. Award Matthew Dicks Female MAX C.A.R.E. Award Katerina Thomas YRAA Champions - Junior Swim Team YRAA Champions - Curling - Tier 1 Co-ed OFSAA - Participants OFSAA Participant - Girls Hockey - AAA/AAAA Girls Hockey OFSAA Participant - Girls Volleyball - AAA OFSAA Participant OFSAA Participant - Girls Soccer - AAA OFSAA Participant Individual Accomplishments Tennis YRAA CHAMPIONS - Girls Junior Doubles - Maria Beltran & Michelle Minchella Golf Sonia Nagindas - Qualified for OFSAA Girls Golf Swimming Michael Finik - Junior Boys 100m freestyle Female Athlete of the Year Jordan Chalmers - Junior Girls 50m butterfly Lianna Collins Jordan Chalmers - Junior Girls 50m backstroke Emma Martini - Girls Open - 100m Individual Medley 200m Junior Boys Medley Relay - Michael Finik, Sebastian Warchol, Brian Ho, Daniel Duran 200m Junior Girls Medley Relay - Victoria Iaboni, Teya Tidd, Molly Johnson, Jordan Chalmers Indoor Track & Field YRAA Champions Julian Antonini- 60m Ross Benn-polevault and shotput 4 X 200 midget boys relay - Julian Antonini, Andrew Daniell, Riley Walsh & Brian Suominen *St. Max placed 2nd out of 15 teams! Outdoor Track & Field YRAA Champions Julian Antonini- 100m Ross Benn- polevault & javelin Matina Zagas- 80m hurdles Sasha Dajia- shotput *2nd place team out of 38! *16 qualifiers for Central Ontarios Ross Benn- polevault champion Sasha Dajia- shotput champion *10 qualifiers to OFSAA -TOP 24 IN PROVINCE! Ross Benn- Bronze Medal in polevault, 20th in javelin Sasha Dajia- 6th in shotput & 9th in discus Adam Newell- 8th in highjump Tim Pare- 12th in 800m Matina Zagas- 16th in hurdles 4 X 400 boys relay (Tim, Michael, Josh, Ovie and Matt) - 21st Michael Solomon- 22nd in 800m Male Athlete of the Year Sasha Dajia 10 SCIENCE Science has been a busy department this semester and as we close out our year I would like to take the time to highlight some of the events we have participated in. Checkingoutthewhite lionsatthezoo. To start off, we have taken our students on several engaging field trips. The grade 9s went to the zoo to explore ecosystems and sustainability. The Ontario Science Centre got a lot of business from St Max this semester as the grade 11 and 12 Chemistry classes did environmental water testing and the grade 12 Biology classes genetically engineered bacteria to glow by inserting genes from jellyfish. “WaytoGlow” grade12s! Gettingwetinthe nameofscience. Our students also participated in several contests. Chemistry students tried their hand in the Avogadro and Chem 13 tests. While we’re still awaiting the Avogadro results, our top students in the Chem 13 are Daniel Jones, Nikita Pekin, Margaret Ho and Gregory Milligan. The Biology students had the opportunity to write the University of Toronto National Biology Competition. Congratulations go out to our top 5 students: Nikita Pekin, Chandler Podhorodeski, Michael Tanel, Andy Zhou and placing in the 87th percentile, our top student, Antonius El Khoury. Congratulations to all contest participants! On May 31st, in honour of Chris Hadfield and his amazing job commanding the International Space Station (watching his Space Oddity cover on YouTube is a must), students in science built balloon rockets for this semester’s Science Olympics. Thinking outside the box, grade 11 students Erik Balkovec, Michael Tanel and Andrew Foresi (from Mr Hayward, Ms Imgrund and Mrs Bianco’s classes, respectively) created a sling shot out of their balloon and propelled their rocket so high it hit the ceiling. Finally, there is also a Costa Rica trip that will be taking off this coming March Break. We wish luck to Ms Gatto and Mr Crupi as they go zip-lining, white water rafting, visiting hot springs and go hiking at an active volcano with 32 of our science students! Grade10doing adissection ScienceTeachersattheScience Olympicssportingtheirsnazzy newscienceshirts!Wantone? Askyourscienceteacher! $10foratͲshirt $15forlongsleeve Up,upandaway! As another year closes out we just want to wish everyone a safe and happy summer - we will see you all here in the fall St Max! Dr. E. Guobadia Department Head of Science 11 TECHNOLOGY Students in the TGJ4O1 Communications Technology course embarked on a very ambitious project. They were assigned to photograph athletes in their SMK sport attire in a studio. This would in turn be digital composed in a collage. The idea was to create a 6 foot high by 17 foot wide digital printed mural that would be mounted on the athletic (south) wing of the school. (See image below for a super imposed rendering of the mural) The mural is still work in progress and should be printed next semester with the assistance of the School Council for funding for the printing and installation. It is a pretty big piece and you can imagine how much paper and ink will be used. On the background of the mural is a collection of sporting events through out the pass year at SMK. I like to thank Idanna Sortino for volunteering her time to sort through the images. Student Artwork at St. Maximilian Kolbe I would like to thank the following students for their hard work in photographing and photoshoping Anna,Agostino Jimena,Aguilar Marissa,Bastarache Ezechiel,Ekra Marisa,Fisher Matthew,Goodison Trevor,Gough Laura,Katergos Gavin,Matheson Darren,McAdam Michael,Molina Benjamin,Potter Tomas,Slapsys Ashton,Spencer Mr. P. Karl Department Head of Technology 12 MUCH MUSIC TRIP STUDENT COUNCIL Student Council plays an avid role in the St. Max school community as it encourages school spirit and student participation. In the 2012-2013 year, Student Council has planned various events including Semi, The 12 Days of Christmas, Student Appreciation Week and many more. Each event was successful and allowed students to create memories at school. Our goal as Student Council is to put emphasis on the importance in having students participate in the school community, and create an inclusive environment. For the following school year, Student Council hopes to keep that vision in mind with new events, and old favourites! Anna Cotarla and Silvia Stanica 2013-2014 Student Council Co-Presidents Students Enjoy the outdoors at St. Maximilian Kolbe 13 INTERNATIONAL NIGHT On May 30th, 2013, the cafeteria of Saint Maximilian Kolbe was transformed by culture and full of life as countries and food from all over the world were displayed and shared during the school’s second annual International Night. As a celebration of diversity, the evening entailed traditional food, drink, dress and music from each of the countries represented. Through the tireless efforts and cooperation of Ms. Ferrari’s Challenge and Change class, Ms. Villeneuve’s Fashion class and Ms. Menard’s Culinary Arts class, the night was a huge success. In addition to this event being an opportunity for students to express and represent the heritage and cuisine of a variety of people, International Night was also an occasion that allowed students to take advantage of education away from the habitual pen and paper style of learning that students have become accustomed to. International Night, however, would not have been possible if it was not for the generous contributions from the Catholic Parent Council and the local community food vendors who kindly donated to funding the event. Altogether, International Night at Saint Maximilian Kolbe was yet another successful school function that was well received by students, teachers, their families and members of the community. The night allowed the talent and hard work of all students involved to be exhibited and appreciated through an educational and interactive style of learning true to the standards set out by Saint Maximilian Kolbe and the events sponsors. Written by Dina Peel 14 TRADE SHOW SMK’s Market Fair & Summer Rush Trade Show In support of SickKids Hospital This semester, students in Ms. Occhiuto’s grade ten business and marketing classes participated in a market fair and trade show in order to raise money for the Hospital for Sick Children. SickKids is recognized as one of the world’s foremost paediatric health‐care institutions and is Canada’s leading centre dedicated to advancing children’s health through the integration of patient care, research and education. The three day events were a great success thanks to the tireless efforts of students who utilized their business skills to negotiate deals on consignment, network in order to find donations and sell their products and services to staff and students. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of the following donors, our students gained real life business experience and raised awareness and funds for a great cause. • • • • • • • • • • • Adidas Golf Department Air Canada Centre (The Parks Family) Aurora Real Canadian Superstore Bestbuy Boston Pizza Cineplex Odeon Delicious Greek Forever Young Hair Studio & Day Spa (141 King Road, Unit 13, Oakridges) HMS Host Longos McDonalds • • • • • • • • • • Metro Pita Land Popeye’s Chicken Biscuits The Ridd Shultz Advisory Group from Bank of Montreal Sanctuary International Day Spa Spuds Skateshop Mrs. Sim’s Sobey’s Swiss Chalet Walmart Myla, two, treated for a brain tumour, 15 her life was saved twice by SickKids HAIR & ESTHETICS COMPETITION 16
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