Anatomi Radiografi


Anatomi Radiografi
Bagian Anatomi FKH UGM
Minggu I
Apa itu Anatomi Radiografi
 Anatomi radiografi adalah pengetahuan
anatomi yang diterapkan dalam bidang
radiologi, baik untuk kepentingan diagnosis
maupun terapi menggunakan energi radiant
 Kepentingan terbesar anatomi untuk dokter
hewan radiologist adalah bagaimana
memposisikan pasien dengan benar untuk
mendapatkan radiografi sebaik mungkin
 Terapi energi radian pada organ dalam
menuntut seorang radiologist untuk paham
posisi organ yang sakit dan prediksi
kedalaman organ dari permukaan tubuh,
sehingga organ dapat menerima efek
maksimum energi x-ray yang ditembakkan
Mengapa Anatomi Penting
 Ilmu tentang morfologi organ normal
merupakan pengetahuan dasar bagi siapa
saja yang berkarier dalam dunia medis
 Kondisi penyakit yang pada awalnya
terdeteksi menggunakan X-ray atau
fluoroscopic penamaannya juga
menggunakan nama anatomi organnya
(nephritis, arthritis, ostitis)
 Dengan begitu, secara axiomatic anatomi
merupakan dasar yang fundamental
terhadap perkembangan, aplikasi, dan
pendalaman semia isu medis dan disiplin ilmu
kesehatan, termasuk radiologi
Apa itu Radiologi
 Cabang ilmu medis yang memanfaatkan
energi radiant untuk diagnosa dan terapi (X-
ray, terapi menggunakan radium, isotope
Apa itu Radiologi Veteriner
 Merupakan cabang radiologi yang berkaitan
dengan prinsip2 penerapan diagnosa dan
terapi energi radiant dalam penyakit2 hewan
yang secara yuridis berada di bawah
kewenenangan dokter hewan, baik pada
hewan domestik, satwa kebun binatang dan
spesies exotic, termasuk hewan lab dan
hewan lain yang digunakan dalam riset
Metode Deteksi Keberadaan X-ray
 Keberadaan X-ray dapat dideteksi dengan
melihat 4 efek yang ada:
1. Efek fotografi
2. Efek fluorescent
Efek biologikal
4. Efek ionisasi
1. Efek fotografi
Gelombang X-ray yang sangat pendek mudah menembus
jaringan yang padat (mis. Tulang)  menghasilkan
gambaran yang radiopaque (lawannya radioluscen)
Antara radiopaque dan radioluscen ada gradasi opacity
yang kemudian menghasilkan rekaman fotografi yang
menunjukkan kemampuan X-ray menembus jaringan
tubuh tertentu
Rekaman tersebut di atas disebut radiogram/radiograph,
skiagram/skiagraph, roentgenogram/roengentnograph,
atau foto X-ray
2. Efek Fluorescent
Ketika gelombang X-ray menabrak lempeng plat
yang sudah di lapisi kristal tertentu, ia akan
menyebabkan kristal berpendar (fuorescene) dan
melepaskan cahaya yang terlihat.
Variasi jumlah X-ray yang mencapai kristal
menghasilkan gambar yang terlihat pada
pekeriksaan fluoroscopic
3. Efek biologikal
X-ray bersifat destruktif pada benda hidup. Jika
kerusakan lebih kecil dari hasil perbaikan yang
dihasilkan, sangat sedikit reaksi negatif jaringan
yang terlihat.
Pada kulit yg tidak berpigmen, reaksi awal yg
tampak adalah erythema; selanjutnya kerontokan
rambut; terakhir kematian jaringan akibat terbakar.
Pengulangan dosis X-ray menyebabkan akumulasi
4. Efek Ionisasi
Metode terakhir untuk melihat keberadaan X-ray
adalah dengan metode ionisasi. Gas tertentu akan
menerima dan mengikat daya elektrikal. Jika “r”
meter diletakkan pada gelombang sinar X,
gelombang elektromagnetik akan menghilangkan
atau menetralisir daya elektrikal, sehingga hilangnya
daya tersebut dapat diukur.
Orientasi pemotretan dengan X-Ray
Pada hewan hidup, film X-ray tidakmungkin diletakkan di
bidang median atau frontal tubuh, sehingga untuk
menghasilkan gambar, X-ray harus menembus seluruh
struktur tubuh pada area yang di foto.
Untuk mengambarkan arah sinar X-ray, maka penggunaan
istilah arah dirancang sebagai berikut:
Masuk kiri-keluar kanan  left-right lateral atau R lat. Lawannya rightleft lateral atau L lat
Masuk dari punggung keluar sisi ventral  dorsoventral atau DV.
Lawannya VD
3. Pada ekstremitas: masuk anterior – keluar
posterior  anterior-posterior atau AP view.
Lawannya PA view
4. Masuk lateral – keluar medial  lateral – medial
view atau LM view. Lawannya ML view
Untuk muskuloskeletal area, umumnya diterapkan
istilah orientasi Cranio-caudal  CrCa (lawannya
CaCr) dan lateral view
Untuk ekstremitas darah manus (telapak depan) dorsopalmar view dan pedis (telapak belakang) dorso-plantar
Orientasi anatomi
VD view
Lateral view
Lateral position
Dorso Palmar view
Dorso Plantar view
Open mouth VD view
ML view
Minggu II
Positioning of a rabbit for a dorsoventral
radiograph of the head. The
head of the animal is maintained in position by a
bandage placed over its dorsal
cervical region.
Positioning of a rabbit for radiographs of the abdomen in a (A) lateral
and a (B) ventrodorsal projection. When manually positioning a patient,
the holder’s hands must be protected from radiation, both above and
below the animal.
Positioning of a guinea pig for a rostrocaudal
radiograph of the
Radiographic examination of the right foreleg of a
rabbit using a mediolateral projection. The right leg
is pulled craniodistally with a bandage, while
the contralateral limb is pulled caudally out of the xray beam.
Contrast studies of the gastrointestinal tract
Radiographic image of a chinchilla’s thorax, lateral projection, 30 seconds after
swallowing 1 ml barium sulfate suspension. There are fine traces of the
contrast agent (arrowheads) in the folds of the esophageal mucosa.
Radiograph reproduced with kind permission from Jopp, I. P., Stengel, C., Kraft, W. (2004)
1: heart
2: liver
3: stomach
arrowheads: traces of contrast in the esophageal
Radiographic image of a guinea pig’s thorax, lateral
projection. This image shows the placement of a gastric
tube that will allow administration of
contrast suspension into the patient’s stomach
1: heart; 2: liver; 3: kidney; 4: spleen
5: urinary bladder
Radiographic images of a ferret’s abdomen, lateral projection, 20 minutes after administration of a
barium sulfate suspension. The rapid rate of passage of the contrast suspension through the ferret’s
gastrointestinal system allows for a complete examination of this body system within 30 minutes.
Radiographic image of a guinea pig’s abdomen, lateral projection, 30 minutes after the administration of a
barium sulfate suspension. The contrast agent has bound to food in the animal’s stomach thus delaying its
passage into the intestinal tract by approximately 30 minutes. The first trace of contrast material within the
small intestine is evident in this radiographic image
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s abdomen, lateral projection, 60 minutes after administration of a
barium sulfate suspension. The contrast agent defines the whole of the small intestine and is beginning
to fill the cecum. A considerable proportion of the contrast material is still in the stomach
Radiography image of a guinea pig’s abdomen, lateral projection, 3 hours after the administration of a
barium sulfate suspension. Contrast radiographic image of the cecum and the proximal colon. The small
intestine is no longer visible. Contrast material bound to food is still faintly evident in the stomach.
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s abdomen, lateral projection, 6 hours after the administration of a
barium sulfate suspension. After 5 hours, the cecum and colon are the principal structures visible and
excretion of contrast agent via the rectum has started
Urogenital tract
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s abdomen, ventrodorsal projection after the intravenous
injection of an iodine-containing contrast agent. Image showing the renal pelvis
(pylography) and the start of the ureter (arrowheads).
Microfocus radiographic image of a rat’s kidney, ventrodorsal projection (individual
images from a radioscopy series). The ureter is transversed by peristaltic waves which
transport the contrast-centraining urine in small portions.
A: Collection of urine in front of the ureter (arrowhead).
B: A wave of contraction (arrowhead) pushes the urine through the ureter .
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s spine, lateral projection, myelography after
lumbar punction between L5 and L6. Calcification of the vertebral disc between
T13 and L1 (arrowhead).
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s head, lateral projection. With optimal positioning,
the ventral contours of both tympanic bullae (1) and the hemimandibles (2) are
superimposed. The occlusal table of the molars is serrated in the rabbit (arrowheads).
For assessing the length of the upper molars, a guide line is drawn from the rostral
end of the nasal bone to the external occipital protuberance.
1: contours of both tympanic bullae
2: contours of the hemimandibles
arrowheads: serrated molars
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s head,
dorsoventral projection.
1: upper incisors
2: peg teeth
3: 1st premolar in the upper jaw (the only back tooth shown without any superimposition in this
4: superimposed projections of the molars in the upper and lower jaws
5: tympanic bulla
6: atlas
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s head, rostrocaudal projection. This projection
emphasizes the wider spacing between the molars in the upper jaw (1) in
comparison to that found between the molars in the lower jaw (2). This projection
also provides a clean image of the temporomandibular joint (arrowhead).
1: upper molars
2: lower molars
arrowhead: temporomandibular joint
Radiographic image of a guinea pig’s pelvis, ventrodorsal projection.
A: Nonpregnant female with a narrow pelvic symphysis.
B: 50th day of pregnancy, slight distention of the pelvic symphysis.
C: Last day of pregnancy with widely opened pelvic symphysis.
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s hindleg,
(A) dorsoventral and (B) mediolateral
1: femur
2: patella
3: tibia
4: fibula (conjoined distally with the tibia)
5: calcaneus
6: tarsal bones
7: metatarsals
8–11: 2nd to 5th toes (the proximal phalanges
of the
3rd and 4th toes are broken)
Cervical and soft tissue
 Sebagian besar jaringan lunak leher agak
sulit dideteksi dengan radiografi. Akan tetapi,
visualisasi esophagus dapat dilakukan
dengan bantuan bahan kontras positif
 Larynx dan trachea akan tampak radiopaque
 Pulmo: gambaran pulmo ketika mengempis dan
mengembang sangat berbeda. Sangat
disarankan radiografi pulmo dilakukan ketika
pulmo dalam kondisi mengembang maksimal
 Radiografi pulmo yang baik akan menampakkan
pola yg samar-samar dari pembuluh darah dan
percabangannya yang muncul dari basis cordis
dan percabangan brochial
 Jika pulmo tampak hitam pekat, harus dicurigai
adanya pulmonary emphysema, hypovolemia
atau akibat overexposed X-ray
Radiographic images of a ferret’s larynx, lateral projection.
1: epiglottis
2: thyroid cartilage
3: cricoid cartilage
4: arytenoid cartilage
5: trachea
6: basihyoid
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s thorax, lateral projection
1: trachea
2: heart
3: caudal vena cava
4: liver
5: stomach
Radiographic image of a ferret’s thorax, lateral projection with patient
in (A) right lateral recumbency and (B) dorsoventral projections.
1: right atrium
2: left atrium
3: right ventricle
4: left ventricle
5: pulmonary trunk
6: thoracic aorta
7: caudal vena cava
8: lung with blood vessels
9: trachea
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s
thorax, lateral projections with
patient in (A) right lateral
recumbency and (B) left lateral
recumbency; (C) dorsoventral,
and (D) ventrodorsal projections
1: right atrium
2: left atrium
3: right ventricle
4: left ventricle
5: pulmonary trunk
6: thoracic aorta
7: caudal vena cava
8: lung with
 Semua abdominal organ memiliki derajat
radiopacitas yang hampir sama
 Karena lemak memiliki radiodensitas yang
lebih rendah dibanding parenkim dan banyak
deposit lemak dalam mesenterika dan ruang
retroperitoneal, maka diferensiasi berbagai
organ dalam abdomen dapat dilakukan
 Cavitas abdominalis terutama hewan eksotik
kecil dibagi menjadi 3 kompartemen,
abdomen cranial berisi hepar dan gastrium,
medial berisi pancreas, ren, adrenal, ovarium,
intestinum tenue, intestinum crassum, dan
cecum, sedang bagian caudal terdiri dari
vesica urin, uterus (pada ♀) atau vesica urin,
prostat, dan vesicula seminalis (pada ♂),
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s abdomen, lateral projection. This animal has
an extensive sublumbar fat body that extends into the gastrointestinal tract
located in the cranial part of the abdomen. This fat body can lead to problems
with gastrointestinal function
1: right kidney
2: left kidney
3: stomach
4: cecum and intestines
5: rectum
6: liver
7: uterus
Radiographic images of a ferret’s abdomen, lateral projection. The different
sections of the ferret’s gastrointestinal tract are difficult to delineate
1: stomach
2: loop of intestines
3: rectum
4: liver
5: right kidney
6: left kidney
7: urinary bladder
8: sublumbar fat
Radiographic images of a rabbit’s abdomen, lateral projection. The stomach (1) and
cecum (2) in the rabbit are usually well defined radiographically due to their
nonhomogeneous ingesta intermingled with small gas bubbles.
1: stomach
2: cecum
3: loop of intestine
4: liver
5: right kidney
6: left kidney
7: urinary bladder
Radiographic images of a chinchilla’s abdomen, lateral projection. The
voluminous cecum in Caviomorpha is not usually distinguishable from the
adjacent intestinal tract. The stomach is partially superimposed
by loops of intestines on the right and cannot be differentiated with any certainty
1: stomach
2: intestines
3: liver
Radiographic images of a ferret’s abdomen, ventrodorsal projection. The stomach
(1) always lies to the left of center in the intrathoracic part of the abdomen. It can
usually be identified by the gas bubble in its fundus.
1: stomach
2: intestines
3: liver
4: spleen
5: urinary bladder
1: stomach
2: small intestines
3: cecum
4: liver
5: ovarian cysts
6: urinary bladder
Radiographic images of a guinea pig’s abdomen, ventrodorsal projection. Typical of
the guinea pig is its asymmetrical liver (4) that lies more to the right, while its
stomach (1) lies mainly to the left. Nearly all of the intestinal tract (2) is situated on
the right side of the abdomen. The voluminous ovarian cysts (5) are almost
completely superimposed by the gastrointestinal tract. These cysts have caused the
right and left abdominal walls to obviously protrude
Radiographic images of a rat’s abdomen, lateral projection. The liver (4) of the
rat extends beyond the costal arch in the normal animal.
1: stomach
2: cecum
3: intestines
4: liver
Radiographic images of a ferret’s abdomen, lateral projection. The spleen (1) in
the ferret is usually very prominent. The differentiation from clinically relevant
splenomegaly cannot be determined with any certainty.
1: spleen
2: liver
3: right kidney
4: left kidney
5: urinary bladder
6: stomach
7: rectum
8: sublumbar fat pad
Radiographic images of a rat’s abdomen, lateral projection. The kidneys (1) can only
be differentiated in obese rats with sublumbar fat pads (6).
1: kidneys
2: liver
3: stomach
4: cecum
5: urinary bladder
6: sublumbar fat pad
Radiographic image of a guinea pig’s abdomen, lateral projection. Fetuses can be observed
radiographically in the last third of pregnancy in Caviomorpha due to their long gestation
period and associated mineralization of the fetal skeleton.
Radiographic image of a rabbit’s abdomen, lateral projection. Due to their short gestation
period, the fetuses in the rabbit are only observed radiographically at the end of pregnancy
 Maria, Elisabeth K, Junghanns MP, Sven R, · Thomas T.,
2011. Diagnostic Imaging of Exotic Pets, Werbedruck
Aug. Lönneker GmbH & Co. KG, Stadtoldendorf,
 Dyce KM., Sack WO., Wensing CJG., 1987. Textbook of
Veterinary Anatomy, WB. Saunders Cp., Philadelphia
 Getty R., 1975. Sisson and Grossman’s The Anatomy of
the Domestic Animals, WB. Saunders, Philadelphia.