the lucas terrier club the lucas terrier club newsletter newsletter


the lucas terrier club the lucas terrier club newsletter newsletter
Lucy Rodwell with Metcalfe’s Lola, the 2012 BEST IN SHOW winner!
Chairman’s Letter – Jo Rodwell
In This Issue – Editor’s Notes
Focus on…
The 21st Show – 2012
Important Updates & Information
• Updates & General News
• Health & Breeding Issues
Advertisements, Notices
Notices & Recommendations
Lucas Tails
Next Issue
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Thanks to Ann Blyde, Michael & Catherine Bolton, Anita Freter, Rosina Lyon, Sue Rees,
Jo Rodwell, and Simon Rodwell, Kate Spendlove, and Cathy Thomas
Honorary President
Puppy Lists & Registration
Newsletter Editor
Jo Rodwell
Simon Rodwell
Thomas Frost
Sue Rees
Leslee Holderness Rumsey
1st January – Late 2013 Membership Subscription Dues £15
29th September 2013 – the Lucas Terrier Club Show, Pewsey, Wiltshire
Here is the Newsletter schedule:
January – the Winter online edition; April – the Spring online edition; July – the Summer print edition (with Show
information); October – the Autumn online edition (with Show results). IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PRINTED
Please continue to send ideas, questions, pictures or Lucas tails/tales you might have to tell!
[email protected]
By Ursy Burnand, taken at the 2012 Lucas Terrier Club Show
from OURchairman…
Jo Rodwell
Lucas Terrier CLUB Chairman
Jo Rodwell with Jumbo
The 2012 London Olympics, Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
and 21 years of the Lucas Terrier Club Show! Thank you
to everyone who attended the club show this year. We
all appear to have thoroughly enjoyed ourselves (I
hope not too much of that was due the rather strong
I am delighted to have taken over from Annabel as
club Chairman and am extremely lucky to have Simon
helping out with the admin that has been quite a
mountain to cope with over the last three months. We
are sure that with all the input and help we are now
going to have from a number of different members
(details below) the club will be a really interactive and
inclusive one and we can all learn from one another
about how to breed, train, groom and generally be a
good Lucas owner.
Philip Dale has very kindly taken on the job of
developing and launching our new website. Philip
comes from an IT programming background and the
new and improved site will be up very soon. It is going
to be a wonderful place for us to share information and I am sure it will develop into what we,
as a group, really need and want. Lynette Langford has agreed to look after photos and will
be collating suitable pictures and videos for the website. Catharina Hunter is collating a Lucas
Terrier handbook that will be available on the website in the members section and this will be
a really helpful guide with lots of tips that come from being an experienced Lucas Terrier
breeder and owner. We hope to have found someone to write the history of the Lucas Terrier
(that is yet to be confirmed). We also have direct contact with both Norfolk and Sealyham
specialists and are finding suitable new potential Dams and Sires for our Lucas Terriers from
both of these breeds. It is truly an exciting time!
Please do give us any feedback you like, as praise or critical commentary, on the Show or the
website, as we want to make sure we get things right just right for our members. This can only
be done if you let us know what you think.
We now have a record of every dog and bitch ever registered on the database, and can
trace our dogs directly back to Sir Jocelyn Lucas's own Lucas Terrier lines - so we can prove our
ancestry without a shadow of doubt. With this data, and the additional information you’re
hopefully going to provide as a result of the forthcoming census, we stand to be in the best
possible position to make positive breeding recommendations to you. During my time as
Chairman I intend to concentrate on growing the breed responsibly, making sure that the
health and temperament are top priority, and making sure we don’t breed in problems for
future generations to have to breed out again. Your efforts are what will make your Club
flourish – and we will do anything we can to help you. - JO
Leslee Holderness
Well, once again it is truly a case of ‘where does one begin?’! The Lucas Terrier Club has had
such an exciting few months and with wonderful improvements unfolding day-by-day.
The 21st Show was a resounding success by all accounts with a record number of people at
175 and a record number of dogs at 107 (62 bitches, 45 dogs). Annabel Whitehead handed
over the Chairmanship to Jo Rodwell at the Show and Tom Frost presented Annabel with some
stunning roses.
Having the Show at Pewsey seemed to satisfy all. But if you have any constructive comments,
please do pipe up…I know Jo is receptive to commentary. Meanwhile, it’s been decided to
give Pewsey another go for 2013.
Many of Ursy Burnand's show pictures appear in this issue…how lucky we were to have her and
assistant Keith (below, right)! And if you haven’t already ordered up your portraits or pictures
please do so by visiting as
soon as possible. She will need to remove the Lucas site by
Sue Rees remains in charge of homing puppies and rehoming dogs, Lynnette Langford has stepped up as resident
picture editor, Catarina Hunter is onboard for writing up an
all-things-Lucas manual, and I remain with the Newsletter.
Jo’s husband Simon Rodwell has done an amazing job of
getting to grips with some rather haphazard records
received in the aftermath of last summer’s changes and
has painstakingly formulated them into a well-assembled
members database and breeding database. Simon will be
perfecting these databases and then sharing the
Please note Simon’s call for census
Simon gets three cheers for many other initiatives, not least of which was calling every single
Lucas Terrier owner he could find in the recovered database, member or not, and rallying
them to the Show. And securing 20 new memberships in the process! If you are breeding,
please make sure your new puppy’s owners know about the Club.
The other big news which Jo will also outline is the assemblage of a fabulous new website
which will launch before the end of the year.
So this Newsletter focuses much more on the recent and upcoming changes and more than
anything it is your input that will shape the Lucas Terrier Club into a Club of which we can all
proudly be part. – LESLEE - [email protected]
Pewsey was a ways to go for many, the hall was crowded and noisy; there were an
abundance of dogs (and people!); the demonstrations could barely be heard; it was
difficult to cross the room to the food area and not enough green for ‘taking the dogs
out’…but…WHAT A SUCCESS it was! With Bryan Claydon and his team judging, Ursy
Burnand taking photographs, Pam Healy and Kevin Anderson on ‘mating’; groomers
on hand to show us how it’s done; lots of laughter, conversation, participation, and
snuffling, grumbly, talkative dogs…it all came together brilliantly!
For 2013 and with a few alterations, it seemed sensible to give Pewsey another ‘go’.
Your thoughts really count so please, please send Jo or Leslee any constructive
comments about the Show and also let them know if you would like to volunteer as a
steward for next year or to make cakes or cookies for tea.
Many of us were privileged enough to have experienced the Shows
that Jumbo staged. Today’s Shows cannot compete but hopefully
we are on the path to a wonderful new format of which she would
be delighted. Jumbo Frost died three years ago on 11th November.
We miss her still.
Jumbo Frost (right), ready for a dog walk…again!
If case you’ve not already had a look, please remember to see Ursy’s wonderful
pictures of the show on as she will need to take them
down by Christmas. The portraits of the dogs are splendid. Ursy hand painted the red
curtain backdrop especially for our show. Prices are: 6x8 prints of the studio portraits
are £15 or 6x8 prints of any other photo of the show will be £7 each. Ursy is also
available for private commissions. Contact Ursy via her website to order.
Legs and dog…but whose?
Davis family (above, left) and Langford’s Isharini Na Nane,
winner of the Breckland Cup, Junior Dog
Charlotte Miller(above, right) and
Dryburgh’s Rhubard, Best Dog &
Reserve Best in Show 2012
Below is Judge Bryan Claydon’s re-cap of the Show as well as the list of Show winners.
Hello Jo,
Many thanks for the chance to see the photos,very professional and I am sure many of the owners will
love to buy them.
I very much enjoyed my day judging the Lucas Terrier show and my two friends Marisca Brinkmann from
Holland and Phyllis Gregg from west Yorkshire also enjoyed the hospitality and the friendly atmosphere,
it was also so nice to see whole families involved with the showing of their dogs, it was a great family
day out for every one.
When I accepted this appointment I was unsure about what I would find with regards to type, being a
professional dog groomer I do trim some Lucas and indeed I still trim a dog that was best in show some
years ago. I was very happy with my winners and in my opinion the best class of the day was the
veteran class and I think that you should think about allowing the veteran winner to compete for best in
show, I also found the bitches of better quality than the dogs in the main.
Some of the exhibits were trimmed out like Cesky Terriers and indeed resembled the Cesky with short
legs and long in the back and not as balanced as your standard describes, there were also quite a few
under shot jaws, my motto is not every dog should be bred from, just breed from the best. On the plus
side temperaments on the whole were wonderful and seeing so many Terriers in such a small area
getting on very well for most of the time was a site to behold, many thanks to everyone who
contributed towards making it a special day, and may I wish your club every success in the future, you
deserve it.
Kind regards
Bryan Claydon.
Class 1 (Best Puppy) - Johnny Cup
1st: Langford's Thelathini Na Sita (Ruth Norfolk)
2nd: Langford's Thelathini Na Mbili (Angela Lewis)
3rd: Rodwell's Theodore Whiskers (Susanna Powell)
4th: Adams's Claydon Bertie (Brigit Cree)
5th: Rodwell's Milo (Catharina Hunter)
6th: Langford's Thelathini (Lynette Langford)
Class 2 (Junior Dog) - Breckland Cup
1st: Langford's Isharini Na Nane (Joanna Davis)
2nd: Whitehead's Bingo Little (Kate Hargrave)
3rd: Eliot-Cohen's Wooster (Philippa Herbert)
4th: Whitehead's Rupert Bear (Paul & Jane Rose)
5th: Black's Samson (Crispin & Caroline Black)
6th: Nicholas's Ambrose (Paul & Elsa Nicholas)
Bryan Claydon (above) giving awards
Class 3 (Novice Dog) - St Martin’s Targe
1st: Jeffreys's Juniper (Richard & Marley Higham)
2nd: Rees's Louis (Ruth & Harry Fitzgibbons)
3rd: Metcalfe's Mango (Paul Hawkins)
4th: MacFarlane's Zola (Kim Clark)
5th: Dryburgh’s Peanut (Graham & Alison Carey)
6th: Frost's Galileo (William Egerton)
Class 4 (Open Dog) - Thorne Cup
1st: Dryburgh’s Rhubarb (RBIS 2012) (Charlotte Miller)
2nd: MacFarlane's Basil (Sue Rees)
3rd: Dryburgh's Rupert (Elizabeth & David Jones)
4th: Sallitt's Socks (Camilla Flach)
5th: Inchyra's Satchmo (Fiona Hills)
6th: Peat's Ebony (Leslee Holderness)
Class 5 (Best Dog in Show) - Wicky Trophy
Best Dog: Dryburgh's Rhubarb (RBIS 2012) (Charlotte
Reserve Best Dog: Jeffreys's Juniper (Richard &
Marley Higham)
Catarina Hunter, Black family and dogs
keep their eye on the ring
Class 6 (Junior Bitch) - Enid Plummer Cup
1st: Nicholas's Inca (Fiona MacLean)
2nd: Eliot-Cohen's Polly (Amanda Ward)
3rd: Rolaff's Koko Kidogo (Elizabeth Rolaff)
4th: Black's Milly (Zoe Peto)
5th: Eliot-Cohen's Poppy (Finn Whitehead)
6th: Eliot-Cohen's Rocket (Henny Eliot-Cohen)
Class 7 (Novice Bitch) - Jumbo Frost Cup
1st: Metcalfe's Lola (BIS 2012) (Jo Rodwell)
2nd: Harris's Bunty (BIS 2011) (Lynette Langford)
3rd: Dryburgh's Maisie (Liz Allen)
4th: Langford's Kumi Na Sita (Leon & Katie Gobourn)
5th: Langford's Kumi Na Nne (Helen Whittow)
6th: Jeffreys's Lavender (Mary Claire Troughton)
Class 8 (Open Bitch) - Chairman’s Cup
1st: Peat's Camellia (Leon & Katie Gobourn)
2nd: Frost's Pebbles (BIS 2008) (Thomas Frost)
3rd: Peat's Periwinkle (Scilla Chester-Master)
4th: Mainds's Annie-Rose (Liz Allen)
5th: Peat's Hyacinth (Lynette Langford)
6th: Eliot-Cohen's Figgy Pudding (Philippa Herbert)
Class 9 (Best Bitch in Show) - Bimbi Bullshot
Best Bitch: Metcalfe's Lola (BIS 2012) (Jo Rodwell)
Reserve Best Bitch: Peat's Camellia (Leon & Katie
Class 10 (Veteran) - Mtoto Cup
1st: Colville's Luca (RBIS 2008) (Lynette Langford)
2nd: Frost's Faithful (RBIS 2007) (Sue Rees)
3rd: Chillingworth's Bella (BIS 2006) (Annabelle Lucas)
4th: Frost's Samuel Whiskers (RBIS 2011) (Catharina
5th: Rodwell's Tiggy (Jo Rodwell)
6th: Thomas's A Stitch In Time (Ian Stewart)
Class 11 (Best Head) - Busy Bowl
1st: Colville's Luca (RBIS 2008) (Lynette Langford)
2nd: Frost's Faithful (RBIS 2007) (Sue Rees)
3rd: Nicholas's Inca (Fiona MacLean)
4th: (not recorded)
5th: Langford's Tatu (Tudor Davies)
6th: Mainds's Annie-Rose (Liz Allen)
Michelle with Sealyham, Jumbeeden
Class 12 (Best Coat) - Cucrodh Cup
1st: Eliot-Cohen's Polly (Amanda Ward)
2nd: Peat's Periwinkle (Scilla Chester-Master)
3rd: Whitehead's Pussy Galore (Annabel Whitehead)
4th: Langford's Tilly (Paul & Elsa Nicholas)
5th: Frost's Galileo (William Egerton)
6th: Frost's Samuel Whiskers (RBIS 2011) (Catharina Hunter)
Class 13 (Best Movement) - TBC Cup
1st: Dryburgh's Maisie (Liz Allen)
2nd: Peat's Periwinkle (Scilla Chester-Master)
3rd: Metcalfe's Lola (BIS 2012) (Jo Rodwell)
Class 14 (Best Handler) - Thomas Cup
1st: Harris's Bunty (BIS 2011) (Lynette Langford)
2nd: Langford's Kumi Na Nne (Helen Whittow)
3rd: Frost's Maxim's Gizmo (John Townsend)
4th: Eliot-Cohen's Figgy Pudding (Philippa Herbert)
5th: Townsend's Magic Lantern (John Townsend)
6th: Rodwell's Lucky Fortune Cookie (Caroline Fosbury-Hill)
Class 15 (Best in Show) - President’s Cup
Best in Show: Metcalfe's Lola (BIS 2012) (Jo Rodwell)
Reserve Best in Show: Dryburgh's Rhubarb (RBIS 2012) (Charlotte Miller)
more shots from THE SHOW…
This is perhaps our most im
portant section as it pertains to the health, well
and continuation of the Lucas Terrier breed. Please do your best to help our
dogs have optimum health and…be it one litter or many…to keep on breeding
Simon Rodwell writes that he has ‘put together a Census (or perhaps ‘Growing the
Breed’)’ and reports that:
Since taking over the members’ and breeding databases it has become very
apparent that there are huge gaps in information about our dogs. Without further
information, giving advice on possible matings and working to secure the future of the
Lucas Terrier breed could become almost pure guesswork. A casual glance to the
past and the many ancestral lines which have ended abruptly will show anyone with
half a grasp on the situation that this cannot continue.
Over the years, even several of our Best in Show dogs and bitches have not been used
for breeding. Less than 13% of Lucas Terriers have had either the PLL test or IVDD test
carried out on them. Only ten dogs out of more than 650 have had both tests done –
and only four of those are clear of both conditions. Our most prolific stud dog was
affected by IVDD; another is a PLL carrier. Between just these two that has cast a
shadow on 16% of living Lucas Terriers. The judge at the 2012 Show remarked about
how many dogs he had seen that day with mis-aligned jaws (malocclusion), and we
have no comprehensive records of this. Other medical notes on many of our dogs are
desultory, to say the least, so how can we
possibly know how healthy we are as a breed
and whether we’re getting better or worse over
All members will shortly receive a short ‘Census’
document with key questions to help us establish
the current position. It will arrive by email, for
those who have it, and can be completed online
there and then. If we ask the same questions, no
more than once every year, we will soon be able
to see how we are doing as a breed. More
immediately, we will be able to give sensible
information to members trying to breed. Please
take the trouble to answer all the questions as
completely and as accurately as you can. Any
errors or omissions may lead to the wrong
decisions being made by future breeders, and
this can cause defects which will last for at least
Simon Rodwell
six dog generations and will cause considerable extra work and expense for the
people involved.
Of course owners are perfectly entitled to do what they like concerning the health,
breeding and welfare of their dogs, and the needs of the Lucas Terrier Club are
secondary, but underlying the above statistics are two essential truths: firstly, as many
as possible should really strive to breed from suitable dogs and bitches at least once
before they are neutered; and secondly, everyone should have their dogs tested for
PLL (any age) and IVDD (age 12-24 months). Because of the timeframe in this latter
test, it will still be several years before we know the full extent of the health of our Lucas
Terrier breed, but it is essential that we start now. Your full support in this would be very
much appreciated. - Simon
Following the article in the last issue from Kate Bolsover on her Lucas George, Kate
Spendlove has written about her dog Benji and thoughts on the PLL condition which
can afflict our dogs.
Lucas Terriers and PLL - It was with great interest and some sadness that I read the Kate Bolsover’s article
about George and his diagnosis of PLL.
I have a 3 year old Lucas called Benji ; his sire is Guinness and having read an article in the Newsletter I
decided to get him tested for the gene. This was done in November 2011 and the results concluded
that he is a carrier of the gene. The chances of him developing the condition are somewhere between
2 – 20%. Low but it could happen.
There is information available on the internet but it left me feeling concerned and confused. My vet
was sympathetic but was unable to offer advice other than to keep an eye on the situation (excuse the
pun) and should anything occur that he would have to be referred to a specialist. Having read Kate’s
article I now have a plan of action and a much better idea of how the condition might develop.
I would like to get another dog so that Benji has a buddy. My previous dog died 2 years ago age 20.
He is greatly missed and both Benji and I are ready for another friend. Life goes on as normal with Benji
being as lovable and scatty as ever and I feel more reassured. And as for George I wish him continued
good health and I love the haircut, it’s really cool.
Finally thank you Kate for sharing your experiences. – Kate Spendlove
Kate Spendlove’s Benji expressing lots of interest in…what
else? A TREAT!
Just In…
Well done all for a good batch June to September and especially to Lynette Langford
who did double-duty with two litters in July!
For Charlotte Miller on 9th June 2012 - 4 dogs & 1 bitch
For Elizabeth Rolaff on10th June 2012 - 3 dogs
For Jo Rodwell on 11th June 2012 - 2 bitches
For Lynette Langford on 6th July 2012 - 2 bitches
For Lynette Langford on 10th July 2012 - 3 dogs & 2 bitches
For Nigel Lindsay on 1st September 2012 - 2 dogs & 1 bitch.
Fond Farewells…
Alison Leeland wrote that their Lucas Basil (Frost’s Basil) had to be put down in
October. He was 14 and had a good life and we miss him terribly. We will hopefully be
looking out for a puppy when I retire in a few years’ time, however if there was an
older dog which needed re-homing in the meantime - we would be very interested so please keep us in mind.
Amanda Ward said that Millie Ward (Ward’s Millie) died last month (Sep 12, aged
13), the last of my line so very sad.
And an especially sad occurrence for this editor was the letter received from Anita
Freter in South Africa that Leo had died. Leo contributed a number of lively missives
from his new home in Cape Town and all were entertained by his hunting antics,
saddened by the earlier loss of his mother Lillie, and delighted to hear about his new
companion, a rescue dog. Leo’s leaving us is especially poignant as it underscores
the importance of having all Lucases tested for IVDD. Below is the letter I received
from Anita and a lovely eulogy from her husband.
Dear Leslee
I thought that you would like to know that Leo was put to sleep this morning. On Saturday he was fit and well and
on Sunday he could not get out of his crate very easily and it was obvious that he was in terrible pain. It transpired
that there were several areas of calcification in his spine but our vet was hopeful that he could be made
comfortable and eventually return to a reasonable life. However, he did not improve with the pain relief and the
anti-inflammatories and this morning we came to the sad decision that he deserved to be saved from further
suffering. He is buried next to Lillie - not quite "A far corner of a foreign field" but the next best thing. When I
feel a bit better I will send you a little note for your newsletter
Kind regards
A tribute to Leo…
There was once a gecko that dropped from heaven. It was caught by our living room
curtains and there it grew, chasing the cracks in the ceiling, with its sharp flickering
tongue feeding off the spiders and midges and gnats that lurked there and licking the
condensation from off the walls.
Leo came from heaven also, flown in by British Airways. He had chased the gecko
down through the stars and he too ended up in our living room. Now the gecko,
being lost and having fallen from the sky looked for ways to return. He was sad and
lonely and his spirit needed to return to that land of eternal life above the
stars. And so it was that he spied Leo, the chief and only officer of Gecko Hunters
And Leo spied him...
For the gecko, the drop from the curtains
was less daunting and far more rewarding
than his fall from the skies. For Leo, his life’s
work devoted to the ruthless seeking and
out and destroying of such creatures, he
could not believe his luck. With one savage
bite he made his first and only kill, severing
the gecko in two. Gratefully its spirit rose up
and passing Leo’s nose waved goodbye as
it floated on the gossamer of angels up to its
God above.
Being a creature more of habit than brain, Leo never really understood the
importance of his actions – releasing the tortured soul of a lonely and abandoned
creature searching for a way back to its home – but flushed with the success of his first
real mission, he spent many hours idly searching for the next lost gecko. Each evening
he would scan the living room curtains for any other strays that might have come to
rest there, and outside by the back door his last action of the day would be to look up
at the wall (where his brain told him he might earlier have seen the faintest glimmer of
a gecko’s tail disappearing into the roofing) to check for the likelihood of further
So it was, some years later, as he lay on his sleeping bag, crippled with pain and
almost unable to walk that Leo looked up at his mistress with those big black eyes
pleading for an end to his distress. And, in answering his plea, the image of the gecko
Leo is in heaven now, a new star in the night sky, where you can be sure that there are
new curtains and new walls to allow his life’s work to continue unabated.
We are looking to assemble a guide to caring for our dogs so if you have any helpers you
VETS, ETC in your area…to [email protected]
Miranda Goodman, Toathill House, Slinfold, West Sussex RH12 0RL – Tel 01403 790 264
Dog/House Sitter Di Magner Mobile 07952837731
(recommended by Lynette Langford)
Mellow Yellow in Woodstock – Sandie Philpott M: 07968 335 913
(recommended by Leslee Holderness)
Gill White. Nose to Tail, in Wootton, nr Woodstock, Oxfordshire - Telephone 01993 811 991
(recommended by Leslee Holderness)
Carol Ann Johnson, Humblebee House, West Felton, OSWESTRY SY11 4EN - Tel/Fax 01691 610906
E - mail: [email protected] -
Chris Wilkinson, 3 Malvern Court, 33 Mapperley Road, NOTTINGHAM NG3 5AG
Tel 0115 985 6459 - Mobile 07974 382443 - E – mail: [email protected]
Henrietta Abel-Smith, email [email protected]
(recommended by Jenny Hopkirk)
Tony Hinchliffe – T: 01295 690 862 M: 07884 365 896 E: [email protected] W:
Charles Fox – M: 07929 217 701 E: [email protected]. W:
Whelping Box
Coach House Veterinanry Clinic, Wroslyn Road, Freeland, nr Witney, Oxfordshire OX29 8AQ
01993 880 551 - J Digby Hodgins (recommended by Leslee Holdernes – this is the best vet in the world!)
NewDog Ltd, 18 Lodge Hill Industrial Park, Station Road, Westbury sub, Mendip, WELLS BA5 1EY
• Dogs with disabilities – Dogs for disabilities
• New News about the Club, Membership, the Website
And remember…send any questions, comments, contributions, images and
suggestions you might have to [email protected]
From Ann Blyde and Wicky II in the sunny state of Hawaii…
Aloha One and All,
Just groomed yesterday within an inch of my life...nails/ears etc., etc. and ready for The Show on
Sunday in compete with my Mama / Papa Langford and the Langford clan, et al. I intend
to give them a “run for their money”!
Now, just how am I supposed to get there from the middle of the Pacific?
We usually walk on Saturday in the grounds of the
NASA facility at the end of our road, maybe I’ll have
a little chat later on and see if they are willing to loan
us one of their spare ex-space shuttles?
Here I am all dressed up in Wicky 1 ‘s old show collar/
lead....... all set to go.....’Take Off’ anyone? If I don’t
make it, it isn’t for want of trying on my part. Oh! I
know, I know…the ‘underpinnings’ are a bit short per
UK grooming guidelines but a ‘lifestyle adjustment’ is
required out here, is how I view it. Plus lava rocks are
a poor substitute for the Show ring. However, there is
a definite need to demonstrate to these exrevolutionaries here just how things are done properly
in the Lucas world. Hear you all in the excolonies…important traditions have been established!
Just in case the shuttle is late or misses, have fun, Good Luck and Very Best Wishes to all.........please put
a Bloody Mary in my illustrious forbear’s Wicky cup to toast everyone!
- Wicky ll
Sue & Howell Rees’s MacFarlane’s Basil on his
Rosina Lyon sent the Lucas Terrier Club Newsletter this sweet story…
A letter from the Post Office
We don’t know who replied, but there is a beautiful soul working in the dead letter office
Our 14-year-old dog Abbey died last month. The day after she passed away my 4-year-old
daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey.
She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would
recognize her. I told her that I thought we could so, and she dictated these words:
Dear God,
Will you please take care of my dog?
She died yesterday and is with you in heaven.
I miss her very much. I’m happy that you let me have her as my
dog even though she got sick. I hope you will play with her.
She likes to swim and play with balls.
I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog.
I really miss her.
Love, Meredith
We put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey and Meredith addressed it to
God/Heaven. We put our return address on it. Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of
the envelope because she said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to
heaven. That afternoon she dropped it into the letter box at the post office. A few days later,
she asked if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday, there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch addressed, ‘To
Meredith’ in an unfamiliar hand. Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called,
‘When a Pet Dies.’ Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God in its
opened envelope. On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey and Meredith and this
Dear Meredith,
Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I recognized her right away.
Abbey isn’t sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart. Abbey loved being your
dog. Since we don’t need our bodies in heaven, I don’t have any pockets to keep your picture in so I m
sending it back to you in this little book for you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.
Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you write it and sending it to me.
What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you. I send my blessings every day and
remember that I love you very much.
By the way, I’m easy to find.
I am wherever there is love.
From Michael and Catherine Bolton, a delightful day was reported when …‘a few weeks ago, our
local church decided to have an animal blessing day and the pupils of Derry Hill school were invited to
bring their pets in for the service. Our daughter Jessica wanted to bring JoJo (Whitehead's Challenger)
in and he was very well behaved and sat next to her on a pew for most of the service. Towards the end
he got a little bored and so decided to check out some of the other animals which included other
dogs, cats, gerbils, hamsters and even ponies! I have included a few pictures (including one to prove
their were ponies in the church!)’
Cathy Thomas in Wales reports that now…’My only Lucas terrier is Poppy - Thomas's Mary
Poppins – (below) and she has just reached the wonderful age of 12. She is a litter sister to
Thomas's Buster Keaton who is owned by Douglas Findlay Shirras and who has sired quite a few
Who said it was easy being a SHOW DOG!?!