Course Program Report: Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio
Course Program Report: Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio
José Pinto Duarte Course Program Report: Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio (CAAD Studio) Aggregation Exams March 2008 II Index Preamble ........................................................................................................................... 1 1. Antecedents .................................................................................................................. 2 1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Curricular pertinence of the theme ......................................................................... 2 1.3 Theoretical framework ........................................................................................... 3 2. Program ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 General goals .......................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Specific goals.......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Participants ............................................................................................................. 5 2.4 Design problem ...................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Program .................................................................................................................. 7 2.6 Classes .................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 Assignments ......................................................................................................... 12 2.8 Chronogram .......................................................................................................... 13 2.9 Schedule ............................................................................................................... 14 2.10 Logistics ............................................................................................................. 15 2.11 Grading ............................................................................................................... 15 2.12 Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 16 2.13 Results ................................................................................................................ 18 Annex I – Assignments ..................................................................................................I-1 Annex II – Student work .............................................................................................. II-1 Annex III – Paper presented at the 22nd International eCAADe Conference............. III-1 Annex IV – Summary of the CAAD Studio program on the mass customization of housing ........................................................................................................................IV-1 Annex V – Work developed by TU Lisbon FA students on the design of flexible urban plans and customized mass housing ............................................................................. V-1 Annex VI – Paper presented at the International CAAD Futures Conference 2007...VI-1 Annex VII – Brief description of the ISTAR Labs and the CAD I and CAD II courses ....................................................................................................................................VII-1 Annex VIII – Excerpt from the Catalog of the 2005 Spot on Schools Exhibition ... VIII-1 Annex IX – Paper presented at the 25th International eCAADe Conference .............IX-1 III IV Preamble This report describes the program of a Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio (CAAD Studio). This course is proposed within a context in which one may observe, on the one hand, an increasing complexity of the design and construction processes and a decrease in their execution time, and on the other hand, a shift in Portugal’s economic development paradigm, which is no longer based on low labour costs, but on the production of innovative products with increased added value. The main goal of the course is, thus, to let students develop design and buildings strategies that will enable them to operate in such a context and develop creative work leading to innovative solutions. In order to achieve this goal, the program of the course includes a general theme, which remains constant, and a specific theme, which varies in terms of the complexity of the design problem and the depth of the approach taken to solve it. The general theme is related to the exploration of computational media in architectural and urban design. By computational media, I mean ways of organizing the design process that due to their algorithmic nature may advantageously be aided by or codified into the computer as a tool that supports a systematic, exhaustive, and organized exploration of alternative design solutions. The specific theme is articulated with research projects funded by public institutions or private companies under protocols or contracts, in which context graduate students may use the course as a starting platform for developing the experimental part of their master and doctoral theses. The specific themes addressed so far included the design of building with complex freeform ceramic surfaces and the customization of mass housing. Currently, it is being prepared a project whose theme is related to the production of mass customized wood components and structures. Given the complexity of the designs problems and of the media used to solve them, the course is targeted at mature and knowledgeable students. Namely, it is aimed at senior undergraduate students or at master or doctoral students, that is, students in the 2nd or 3rd cycles of the Bologna agreement. The course is part of a larger effort whose goals are: (1) to develop a set of courses in the field of computation to support the teaching of architecture; (2) to provide students with tools that enable them to undertake professional practice with state of art technology, and (3) to set up a design technology lab that enable the teaching of architecture in articulation with research and professional practice. The CAAD Studio is the third course in a series in which the first two, Computer Aided Design I and II (CAD I and II) aim to provide students with basic knowledge in computation. These courses are articulated with a lab called Computational Architecture Laboratory (LAC, after the Portuguese acronym) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). In order to clarify the pre-requisites in terms of computation for enrolling on the CAAD Studio course, brief descriptions of CAD I, CAD II, and LAC are provided in Annex VI. 1 This report details the program of CAAD Studio as an annual course on the design of buildings with complex ceramic freeforms. The program of CAAD Studio as semester-based course on the customization of mass housing is summarized in Annex III. 1. Antecedents 1.1 Introduction As the field of computer aided design evolved over the last four decades or so, it has witnessed several changes of emphasis in research direction. In the first stage, research addressed the development of computer aided drafting tools, that is, tools that simulated the use of manual drafting tools. The goal was to satisfy designers’ ergonomic needs and the result was the development of peripheral devices to facilitate the interaction with the computer. In the second stage, research was centered on the development of applications to support non-graphical aspects of designing, such as the use of data-base management systems (DBMS) in the quantity survey of buildings. The concern was to satisfy the cognitive needs of designers by focusing on the way information and knowledge were perceived, acquired, stored and processed. In the third stage, the focus shifted to the development of realistic models of buildings to permit the assessment of design alternatives. In the fourth stage, research was concerned with the codification of design knowledge into knowledge-base management systems (KBMS) and the discussion was whether to go towards design automation or design supporting tools. More recently, with the emergence of Internet navigation tools and the development of telecommunications, research became centered on the collaborative and social aspects of design activity. Currently, there is a wide range of technologies that continues to expand. On a first level, one may group such technologies into three big categories. The first is related to geometric modeling software, which ranges from traditional CAD packages to parametric design solutions that emerged in the last few years. The second group encompasses software for simulating and analyzing the performance of buildings from different viewpoints (functional, structural, environmental, etc.). The third group includes computer-aided manufacturing of physical models and buildings. These three groups form what is usually designated by CAD/CAE/CAM. Then, on a second level, there is a series of tools that do not quite fit into these categories, such as remote collaboration and virtual reality. These grouping is mirrored on the programs of CAD I, centered on the use of the computer for geometric modeling, CAD II, focused on the modeling of architectural knowledge and rapid prototyping, and CAAD Studio, which adds remote collaboration and virtual to such techniques and attempts to integrate all of them in solving complex design problems. 1.2 Curricular pertinence of the theme The computer revolution that has occurred over the last forty years made available new theories and techniques for representing architectural knowledge and contributed for the emergence and expansion of a new field that is commonly designated by computer aided design or, simply, CAD. Contrary to what has happened in other areas of scientific knowledge, in which the initial enthusiasm raised enormous expectations that have not materialized into significant practical applications, the CAD field has had, in fact, an important impact on professional practice, particularly, during the last fifteen years. 2 In a way, the impact on professional practice preceded the impact on architectural teaching. Architects started to learn how to use such tools in specialized courses taught by software and hardware companies with the expectation that the computer would lead to increased efficiency in the design process. Later on, their motivation came from advantages in terms of visualization, due to the use of photorealistic techniques, particularly valued by clients. Then, under the pressure of professional practice, architectural schools slowly incorporated in their curricula computer aided design courses; first as specialized training courses, then as optional courses, and finally as mandatory courses. The introduction of such courses took place without a critical reflection on the role of the computer in architectural teaching, which was seen as a mere substitute for rigorous hand drawing. Although the use of the computer did not translate into a significant increase in design efficiency, it raised the expectations regarding design presentation. Only much later, through the continuous use of the computer in architectural practice, did designers and researchers understand that it could radically change the design process and architecture by providing new formal lexica, of which the architecture of Frank Gehry is a well-known paradigm. Thus, there is the opportunity for rethinking the insertion of CAD courses within architectural curricula. The created courses were intended to take advantage of such an opportunity: first by progressively providing students with basic CAD knowledge, and then, by exploring and expanding such knowledge in the design of urban and architectural spaces in the CAAD Studio course, whose program is described herein. In the majority of the programs in architecture, CAD courses are taught from the third year on. The goal is to use the computer when students have already interiorized the traditional design methodology based on hand drawing. The idea is to permit students to learn how “to think with the hand” before being introduced to digital media. In the proposed approach, CAD I is taught in the first year, CAD II in the second year, and CAAD Studio in the fifth year. The goal is to enable the students to interiorize the use of computer tools, so that they might equally learn how “think with the computer.” Recently, this approach was adopted by other architectural programs, namely, by the MIT Undergraduate Program in Architecture, which since the academic year of 2002/03 has offered a course similar to CAD I in the initial years, whereas before it was offered as an optional course in the final years. The pioneer character of the proposed approach was recognized by the inclusion, in an exhibition that took place in Italy in 2005, of the created courses among the programs in architecture considered on the cutting-edge of new technologies in architecture. 1.3 Theoretical framework Almost two decades ago, Akin1 identified two different standpoints regarding the role of computers in architecture. One, supported by early computers enthusiasts and pioneers, argued that it would eventually replace the architect. The other, hold by more conservative designers, defended that it could merely add to existing design capabilities. Akin, however, was in favour of a third view, which considered that the “new technology continues to change the way we design, rather then merely augment or replace human designers.” The belief in this view was the starting point for the design of the courses and laboratories mentioned in this report. 1 Akin, Ö: 1989, Computational Design Instruction: Toward a Pedagogy, in The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era, Proceedings of the CAAD Futures Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 302-316. 3 The work of early pioneers who successfully used the computer in the design of buildings made evident that turning the back to the new technology was not the solution. As a result, some schools introduced CAD courses in the last years of their programs. In Portugal, the Technical University of Lisbon School of Architecture became a pioneer in this respect by creating its Center for Informatics (CIFA) in 1987. Nevertheless, the computer was then used as a drafting tool in the last stages of the design process to produce technical or presentation drawings. As the goal was to give students the opportunity to use the computer as a conception tool, rather than a mere representation device, it was decided to include CAD education in the early years of the program. In setting up the new curricula, two theoretical frameworks were taken into account. The first was Donald Schon’s theory of the reflective practitioner. 2 In his texts, Schon puts forth an approach for educating competent professionals so that they are able to tackle complex and unforeseen problems in their professional practice. He describes designing as a conversation with the materials of a design situation. Working in some visual medium – hand drawing in the experiments reported in the texts – the designers sees what is ‘there’ in some representation of a site, draws in relation to it, and sees what has been drawn, thereby informing further designing. In this see-move-see cycle, the designer not only does s/he register information but also constructs its meaning, that is, identifies patterns and assigns meanings to them. To put it simple, the designer ‘thinks by drawing and draws by thinking.’ Schon elaborates on the conditions that enable this cycle to work effectively, and thus draws some recommendations for design education and for the development of computer environments. In Schon’s theory, to be able to construct visual representations of a design context is a key element of an effective design process. Accordingly, hand drawing is an essential skill in traditional design education. Our goal in setting up the new curricula was to promote the kind of process described by Schon, but with computer media. The second framework was described by Mitchell and McCullough in Digital Design Media,3 which is summarized in the diagram reproduced in Figure 1. The diagram shows the emerging relationships between drawings, digital models, physical models, and built designs, and the possible translations among such representations. The proposed curriculum was set up to ensure that students had the opportunity to learn and experiment with all of these translations. This meant that they had to be given access both to the capabilities found in traditional design studios and those offered by virtual design studios. The digital possibilities offered in the created courses are identified in the diagram. To complete the set up required for the digital design studio, these courses needed to be complemented with a sophisticated infrastructure. Part of this infrastructure was common to the entire university, including wide network access and online course information, whereas other was created on purpose for the program in architecture. This consisted in a set of laboratories called IST Architecture Laboratories (ISTAR Labs), in which the Computational Architecture Laboratory (LAC) is included. Brief descriptions of CAD I, CAD II, and LAC are presented in Annex VII, whereas the CAAD Studio program is presented in following. 2 3 Schon, D: 1987, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, Josey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA, USA. Mitchell, WJ; McCullough, M: 1994, Digital Design Media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, USA. 4 Drawing Surveying Construction Model making Plotting (CAD I) Digitizing (CAD I) Drafting Building Electronic surveying Construction CAD/CAM (CAD II) Scale modeling Physical model Rapid protyping (CAD II) 3D digitizing (PAAC) Digital model Figure 1. Diagram of and architectural office integrating traditional and digital media. Adapted from Mitchell and McCullough 1991. 2. Program 2.1 General goals CAAD Studio is an ongoing course that aims to explore the advance use of computer aided design and fabrication techniques and the link university-industry. The goal is the resolution of complex design problems and the development of innovative solutions. It has the format of a remote collaborative design studio open to senior architecture and engineering students from one or more universities, and it foresees the participation of the industry. 2.2 Specific goals The specific theme described in this report aimed at the design of a technology-oriented cultural center incorporating freeform surfaces built with ceramic elements. The goals were twofold. The first was to enquire into the possibility of designing and building freeform surfaces using ceramic elements. The second goal was to develop a set of procedures and protocols to support the formation of geographically distributed cross-disciplinary teams capable of addressing complex design problems. 2.3 Participants In the year whose program is described in this report, the course had the participation of two universities, the Technical University of Lisbon (TU Lisbon) and the Massachusetts Institute of 5 Technology (MIT), as well as the collaboration of the Portuguese Technological Center for Glass and Ceramics (CTCV), and ceramic factory RECER. The participants included instructors, teaching assistants, and students. The studio included instructors from each of the following specialized fields: architecture, structural engineering, building science, material science, and manufacturing engineering. The architecture instructors’ task was to frame the design problem, to assist the students in the development of the design solutions, and to coordinate the studio. The remaining professors’ task was to assist the students in their particular area of expertise. The studio also included teaching assistants in each of the following areas: remote collaboration, advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, and structural analysis. The teaching assistants had the role of instructing and advising the students regarding technical aspects in their area of expertise, thereby freeing them for more creative design tasks. There was a limited number of places available for students in the studio, namely, 8 at TU Lisbon and 12 at MIT. Students were grouped into four design teams supported by an engineering team. The design teams included two senior undergraduate students in architecture from TU Lisbon and three master students in architecture from MIT. The design teams had the role of analyzing the site and designing the building, including freeform surfaces. The engineering team included senior undergraduate students in civil, mechanical, and computer science engineering. Its role was to evaluate the solutions proposed by the design team in terms of structural, manufacturing, and construction feasibility. 2.4 Design problem The design of a single building, the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao by Frank O. Gehry, was key to trigger a successful revitalization of the whole city. This outcome, here called the “Bilbao effect”, was partially related to the originality of forms and materials used by Gehry in the design of the museum. The Portuguese government in collaboration with city halls is currently promoting major redevelopment and upgrading projects in some cities throughout the country within the context of the Polis program. The main goal of this program is to revitalize cities through urban interventions that contribute for improving the quality of life. In this context, the design teams were asked to design a technology-oriented cultural center for a site in one of such cities, namely Cascais, with the goal of stimulating its revitalization. The idea was to explore the possibility of achieving an effect similar to that of Bilbao,” that is, triggering an urban revitalization process through the design of a building. In the design of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, the architect Frank O. Gehry used nonrepetitive titanium elements to materialize the free complex forms of the buildings. The project enquired into the possibility of developing similar surfaces with ceramic elements, while solving the architectural, structural, manufacturing, and construction problems posed by such a design challenge. Therefore, the project addressed both urban and building design aspects, but it focused on the architectural and engineering aspects raised by the design and construction of freeforms. This meant shapes with non-regular double curvature. 6 2.5 Program The course addressed issues related to urban and building design, although the main focus of this program was on building design. The site was located on the waterfront at the entrance of Cascais. Students were asked to design a technology-oriented cultural center incorporating freeforms. In the first semester, there was a collaborative design studio with MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), whose students had the mission of acting as consultants to TU Lisbon students regarding issues related with the design and production of freeforms. From the urban design viewpoint, students had to consider aspects such as: historic development, accessibility, transportation, spatial features, functional uses, and so on. The character of the site, which works as the main gateway to Cascais, had also to inform design options. Students studied how to insert a large-scale public building into the urban fabric, and define the interface town/ocean/building. From the building design viewpoint, students had to think how technology can change the idea of a building devoted to culture. More specifically, students had to consider how technology can impact on traditional forms of art and give origin to new artistic expressions, and how this affects the relationship between architecture and the other arts, as well as the interaction with the public. In addition, students were expected to reflect upon the following aspects: Remote collaboration: as a result of increasing specialization, architectural design and construction are interdisciplinary activities carried out by architects, engineers, and builders. Part of the effort during the design and construction processes is spent on communicating and negotiating ideas. In the past, this effort required participants to be co-located, but the development of communication media, such as telephones and faxes, enabled them to interact remotely. In the last decades, the development of information and computer systems has greatly expanded the opportunities for remote collaboration, but these remain poorly used by architectural firms. One of the goals of the project was to understand how state of art technologies can be integrated into design environments and change the social and professional dynamics of design activity. As such, students were asked to develop procedures and protocols to form cross-disciplinary, geographically distributed design teams. Manufacturing and construction without drawings: Traditionally, architectural projects include plans, sections, elevations, axonometrics, perspectives, and details. In the context of complex forms, such 2D drawings are not appropriate for representing and conveying the design solution to the client, to the manufacturers, and to the builders. The project explored the use of new media such as CAD modelers, animating software, rapid prototyping, and virtual reality, to generate digital, physical, and virtual models. These models were used both in the conceptual design stage to explore design solutions, and in the construction design stage to produce information for fabrication and construction. Mass production without exhaustive repetition: traditional mass production processes rely on the repetition of many identical parts to achieve economies of scale and lower the costs. In the context of freeform complexity, such an approach does not solve the problem because such forms cannot be decomposed into equal parts. The use of computer numerically-controlled techniques might enable the automatic fabrication of different parts while controlling production costs. The project explored the use of algorithmic processes to decompose the free-forms into discrete parts, and the use of CAD/CAM and other fabrication techniques to produce them. 7 Innovation in ceramics: traditional ceramic elements for the construction industry include bricks and tiles. Past research and development undertaken by the industry has mainly addressed either the optimization of the production process to improve product performance or the development of decorative aspects. While such a research has contributed for improving product quality, it is necessary to conduct research to find new uses for ceramic products that might boost the industry. The project intended to explore other aspects, such as the role that ceramic elements might play in the definition of the structure and form of buildings. The idea was to look into existing production processes and adapt them to produce components for creating complex forms. In summary, students worked at a macro scale and at a micro scale, investigated the design and construction of complex buildings, and learnt how to operate with advance design tools with the goal of developing skills oriented towards innovation in architectural design. 2.6 Classes The course encompassed 4h sessions, twice a week, of four types: a) lectures, these sessions were intended for providing students with the theoretical foundations of the design problem, namely regarding mass customization and ceramics, as well as remote collaboration, advanced geometric modeling, virtual reality, and rapid prototyping (max. 2h). b) labs, these sessions included software and hardware tutorials, namely on Netmeeting, Rhino, Eon Reality, SAP 2000, CNC milling and stereolithography (max. 2h); c) work sessions, either local or remote, these sessions were intended for developing the designs (max. 2h); d) presentation sessions, either local or remote, these sessions were destined for presentation of the design proposals (max. 4h). Classes were distributed as follows. 1st Semester Phase 1: Basic concepts and skills Duration: 5 weeks Week 1 September 16 Videoconference with MIT via Picturetel (2h) Initial presentation: Program, goals and methods Lecture: Mass customization and digital design Work session (2h) Reading: Roll Over Euclid by William Mitchell Handed out: Assignment 1: Personal Web page September 18 Lecture: Remote collaboration (2h) Design lab: Netmeeting tutorial (2h) Reading: Paramorph: Anti-accident methodologies by Mark Burry Handed out: Assignment 2: Team formation Assignment 7: Site analysis Week 2 September 23 Lecture: Geometric modeling of surfaces (2h) Design lab: Rhino tutorial (2h) Handed in: Assignment 1: Personal Web page Handed out: Assignment 3: Geometric modeling in Rhino 8 September 25 Lecture: Ceramics as a construction material (2h) Work session (2h) Handed out: Assignment 5: Research on ceramics Week 3 September 30 Lecture: Art and technology (2h) Design lab: SAP 2000 tutorial (2h) Handed in: Assignment 8: Functional program October 2 Handed in: Week 4 Week 5 October 7 Videoconference with MIT via ICOM (2h) Intermediate presentation: freeform concept Work session (2h) Assignment 3: Geometric modeling Handed in: Handed out: Lecture: Virtual reality (2h) Design lab: EON Reality tutorial (2h) Assignment 2: Team formation UTL-MIT Assignment 4: Virtual reality model October 9 Work session (4h) October 14 Videoconference with MIT via ICOM (2h) Intermediate presentation: Program and design concept Work session (2h) Assignment 7: Site analysis Assignment 8: Functional program Handed in: : October 16 Handed in: October 18 Videoconference with MIT via ICOM (2h) Intermediate presentation: Building system concept Work session (2h) Assignment 4: Virtual reality model Assignment 5: Research on ceramics Visit to CTCV to discuss the feasibility of solutions Visit to the Ceramics factory to study production processes Phase 2: Sketch of the proposal Duration: 4 Weeks Week 6 October 21 Handed out: Lecture: Rapid prototyping (2h) Design lab: Milling machine tutorial (2h) Assignment 6: Rapid prototyping Assignment 9: Sketch of the proposal October 23 Design lab: Stereolithography tutorial (2h) Work session (2h) Week 7 October 28 October 30 Work session (4h) Work session (4h) Week 8 November 4 November 6 Work session (4h) Work session (4h) Week 9 November 11 Work session (4h) November 13 Videoconference with MIT via ICOM (2h) 9 Handed in: Intermediate presentation: Sketch of the proposal Work session (2h) Assignment 6: Rapid prototyping Assignment 9: Sketch of the proposal November 15 Visit to CTCV to discuss the feasibility of solutions Fase 3: Preliminary design Duration: 5 Weeks Week 10 November 18 Work session (4h) Handed out: Assignment 10: Preliminary design (1/200) November 20 Work session (4h) Week 11 November 25 Work session (4h) November 27 Work session (4h) Week 12 December 2 Local pre-final presentation (4h) Freeform building system December 4 Videoconference with MIT via Picturetel (4h) Joint final presentation: building system Week 13 December 9 Work session (4h) December 11 Work session (4h) Week 14 December 16 Work session (4h) Handed in: Assignment 10: Preliminary design (1/200) December 18 Local final presentation (4h) Preliminary design Inbetween semesters period Visit to MIT Duration: 1 Week (February 16-22) 2nd Semester Phase 4: Design development Duration: 3 Weeks Week 1 February 24 Handed out: Initial presentation (4h) Assignment 11: Design development (1:100) February 26 Work session (4h) Week 2 March 3 March 5 Work session (4h) Work session (4h) Week 3 March 10 Work session (4h) March 12 Handed in: Intermediate presentation (4h) Assignment 11: Design development 10 Phase 4: Licensing design Duration: 4 Weeks Week 4 March 26 Handed out: Weeks 5-6 Week 7 Work session (4h) Assignment 12: Licensing design (1:100) Work sessions (4h) April 14 Work session (4h) April 16 Handed in: Intermediate presentation (4h) Assignment 12: Licensing design Phase 6: Construction design Duration: 7 Weeks Week 8 April 28 Handed out: Weeks 9-13 Week 14 Work sessions (4h) Assignment 13: Construction design (1:50, 1:20, 1:5, 1:2) Assignment 14: Mock up at 1/1 scale Work sessions (4h) June 2 Work session (4h) June 4 Final presentation (4h) Announcement of the design selected for prototyping Handed in: Assignment 13: Construction design Post-semester period Prototype development Execution: July 25 Handed in: Mock up handed in (to develop at CTCV) Assignment 14: Development of a mock up at the 1/1 scale Exhibition: September Participation in Experimenta Design 11 2.7 Assignments A series of consecutive assignments built up to a final Project. The assignments were grouped into the following three categories: Basic concepts and skills (Phase 1): 1) Assignment 1: Personal Web page. Create a personal Web page and publish it on the Web Software: HTML, FrontPage. 2) Assignment 2: Team formation. Form teams with two members from TU Lisbon and three members from MIT. Software: Picturetel, Netmeeting, ICQ. 3) Assignment 3: Geometric modeling. Model a 3D freefrom surface that you may incorporate in the design of the building. Software: Autocad, 3D Studio, Rhino. 4) Assignment 4: Virtual reality. Develop a virtual model of the surface conceived in the previous assignment, considering constructability and navigation issues. Software: EON Reality. 5) Assignment 5: Research on ceramics: Research and gather information on ceramics, including physical properties and fabrications and construction issues. 6) Assignment 6: Rapid prototyping. Produce a physical model of the surface conceived in Assignment 3. Techniques: CNC milling, stereolithography, and FDM. From urban design to the preliminary design of the building (Phases 2 and 3): 7) Assignment 7: Site analysis. Analyze the site and its surroundings including history, accessibility, transportation, functional uses, and so on. 8) Assignment 8: Functional program. Compile the list of spaces of the building and the corresponding functional requirements, including basic dimensional and environmental needs. 9) Assignment 9: Sketch of the proposal. Sketch a proposal for the design of the building and its insertion in the urban fabric. 10) Assignment 10: Preliminary design. Design the building at the 1/200 scale. From construction design to prototype development (Phases 4 to 6): 11) Assignment 11: Design development. Resume the development of the preliminary design at the 1/100 scale. 12) Assignment 12: Licensing design. Refine the design of the building at the 1/100 scale. 13) Assignment 13: Construction design. Develop the construction design addressing the 1/50, 1/20, 1/5, and 1/2 scales in sucession. 14) Assignment 14: Prototype. Develop a prototype of the freeform building solution in collaboration with the CTCV and the ceramic factory. The chronogram of assignments is presented in following and their descriptions are provided in Annex I. 12 2.8 Chronogram 1st Semester Assignments Phases Weeks 1 Web site 2 Team formation 3 Geometric modelling 4 Virtual reality 5 Research on ceramics 6 Rapid prototyping 7 Site analysis 8 Functional program 9 Sketch of the proposal 10 Preliminary design 2nd Semester Assignments Phases Weeks 11 Design development 12 Licensing design 13 Construction design 14 Prototype 1 2 1 2 Phase 1 3 4 5 6 Phase 2 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 9 10 Phase 4 3 4 11 Phase 3 12 13 14 Phase 5 8 11 12 13 14 13 2.9 Schedule Months September Weeks 1 2 3 October 4 5 6 November 7 8 9 10 11 December 12 13 14 January February 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 March 2 3 4 April 5 6 7 8 May June July 9 10 11 12 13 14 Monday 16 VC, L 23 A1, DL 30 DL 7 A2, DL 14 VC, PS, A7, A8 21 DL 28 4 11 Tuesday 17 Wednesday 18 L, DL 25 Thursday 19 Friday 20 Saturday 21 Sunday 22 26 27 28 29 2 A3 9 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 16 VC, PS, A4, A5 23 DL 30 6 13 VC, PS, A6 20 17 18 219 20 24 25 26 27 31 7 14 1F 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 2 24 3 28 5 29 6 30 7 1 8 12 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 27 4 VC, PS 11 18 PS, A10 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 F 9 16 10 17 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 10 4 11 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 16 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 Phases 1st Phase Basic concepts and skills 2nd Phase Sketch of the proposal 3rd Phase Preliminary design Christmas Exam period Carnival Visit to MIT 4th Phase Design development 17 18 5 12 PS, A11 19 20 21 22 23 Easter 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 14 1 8 15 3 10 17 4 11 18 5 12 19 6 13 20 21 22 2 9 16 PS, A12 23 5th Phase Licensing design 24 25 F 26 27 28 5 12 19 26 2 29 6 13 20 27 3 1F 8 15 22 29 5 2 9 16 23 30 6 3 10 17 24 31 7 4 11 18 25 1 8 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 10 F 17 24 1 8 15 22 30 7 14 21 28 4 PS, A13 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 13 F 20 27 4 11 18 18 A14 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 6th Phase Construction design Exam period Prototype development Legend: L – lecture, DL – design lab, PS – presentation session, VC – videoconference, A1 a A14 – assignments due 14 2.10 Logistics The logistics required for the course were as follows: Communication tools: it required the four participating institutions to enable effective means of synchronous (video and Web conferencing, chat system, whiteboard, application sharing) and asynchronous communication (e-mail and fax). The course foresaw different types of collaborative sessions, each with different communication related requirements. For the joint presentation sessions, at the beginning and at the end of the project, it was used the ISDN based Picturetel system in the videoconference room. For the intermediate presentation sessions, it was used the Internet-based ICOM system developed by MIT and installed in the studio. For the work sessions, it was used the Netmeeting system installed in the studio. Computer aided design and fabrication tools: it required the availability of advance geometric modeling (Rhino), rapid prototyping (milling machine and stereolithography), 2D and 3D digitizing, virtual reality (EON Reality), and structural analysis tools (SAP 2000), as well as the availability of ceramic production processes (mould pressing and extrusion). For rapid prototyping, the project used the Laboratório de Tecnologias de Produção Avançada (Advance Production Technologies Lab) of the IST Department of Mechanical Engineering. For ceramic production, the project used the CTCV and the factory facilities. Facilities: it required the use of videoconference rooms for presentations sessions and studio rooms for work sessions. These were equipped with or had easy access to the tools mentioned above. Travelling: it required two personal meetings of the local coordinators—one at MIT, and another at TU Lisbon, the first at the outset to prepare the ground for the studio and the second at the end to assess and discuss the results. It also required visits of students and instructors to the CTCV and the ceramic factory to learn about the available technologies and discuss the evolving solutions. Finally, students visited their remote colleagues. Portuguese students visited MIT at the end of the first semester to fine-tune their designs before moving on to the design development stage, and MIT students were to visit Portugal at the end of the second semester to follow the final production stages (this visit was cancelled). 2.11 Grading Evaluation will took into account the following weighting factors and evaluation criteria: a) Weighting: 1st semester: 10% remote collaboration (Assignments 1 and 2) 10% geometric modelling 10% virtual reality 10% rapid prototyping 10% site analysis 10% functional program 15% sketch of the proposal 25% preliminary design 2nd semester: 25% design development 30% licensing design 25% construction design 15% final presentation 05% class attendance 15 b) Criteria: Concept: Concept clarity Respect for the original concept across the various scales Sustainability of the concept Spatiality: Quality of the spatial and functional system, Respect for the environmental requirements, Plastic affordances of the spatial solutions. Language: Clarity of the architectural language, Materiality, Plasticity. Constructability: Technical rigor of the building solutions, Clarity of the building system, Articulation with the spatial system, Articulation with the architectural language, Design of infrastructures. Presentation: Clarity of the graphical and written elements, Graphical quality, Capability of the graphical and written elements to describe the solution. c) Penalties: Handing in the work after the deadline carried the following penalties One day later: minus 2 points; From two days to one week later: minus 4 points; More than a week later: minus 50% of the grade. 2.12 Bibliography Virtual studio Duarte, JP; Bento, J; Mitchell, WJ: 1999, Remote Collaborative Design: The Lisbon Charrette, IST Press, Lisbon. Duarte, JP; Heitor, M; Mitchell, WJ: 2002, The Glass Chair: Competence Building for Innovation, in Koszewsky, K. and Wrona, S. (eds), Design e-ducation: Connecting the Real and the Virtual, Proceedings of the 20th eCAADe Conference , Warsaw, Poland. Heitor, M; Duarte, JP: 2001, Collaborative Design of a Glass Chair, IST Press, Lisbon. Mitchell, WJ; McCullough, M: 1991, Digital Design Media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Mitchell, WJ: 2002, Complexity and Composition, in Design Is…Words, Things, People, Buildings and Places at Metropolis, Akiko Busch (ed), Princeton Architectural Press, New York, 182-184. Mitchell, WJ: 2001, Roll Over Euclid: How Frank Gehry Designs and Builds, in Ragheb, JF (ed), Frank Gehry, Architect, Guggenheim Museum Publications, New York, 352-363. Materials, Fabrication and Construction Allen, E; Iano, J: 1990, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Anderson, S: 2004, Eladio Dieste: Innovation in Structural Art, Princeton Architectural Press, NY. 16 Burns, M: 1993, Automated Fabrication, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro: 2003, Manual de Aplicação de Revestimentos Cerâmicos, Associação Portuguesa da Indústria de Cerâmica, Coimbra. Davis, SM: 1987 Future Perfect, Addison-Wesley, New York, NY. Duarte, JP; Wang, Y: 2002, Automatic generation and fabrication of designs, in Automation in Construction, 11 (3), Elsevier Science, 291-302. Groover, M:1996, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Sass, L: 2003, Rule Based Rapid Prototyping of Palladio's Villa Details, in Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Graz, Austria, pp. 649-652. Schodek, D; Bechthold, M.; Griggs, K; Kao, KM; Steinberg, M: 2005, Digital Design and Manufacturing: CAD/CAM Applications in Architecture and Design, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. Urban Design Alexander, C: 1965 The city is not a tree, Architectural Forum, Volume 122, No 1, April 1965, pp 58-62 (Part I), and Volume 122, No 2, May 1965, pp 58-62 (Part II), and was subsequently republished in Design No 206, February 1966, pp 46-55. Alexander, C et al: 1977, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction. New York: Oxford University Press. Alexander, C: 1987, A New Theory of Urban Design, Oxford University Press, New York. Ascher, F: 1998, Metapolis: Acerca do futuro da cidade. 1ª ed., Celta Editora, Oeiras. Benevolo, L.: 1989, Diseño de la ciudad, 5 – El arte y la ciudad contemporánea, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. Cullen, G: 1971, Townscape, Architectural Press, London. Portuguese edition: Paisagem Urbana, Edições 70, Lisboa, 1984. Friedman, A: 1997, Design for change: Flexible planning strategies for the 1990s and beyond, in Journal of Urban Design, 2, 3, pp. 277-295. Koolhas, R: 2000, Mutaciones, Harvard Project on the city, Actar, Barcelona. Krier, R: 1975, El Espacio urbano, Gustavo Gili, 1975, Barcelona. Lynch, K: 1960, , The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Portuguese edition: A imagem da cidade, Edições 70, Lisboa, 1982. Rogers, R; Gumuchdjian, P: 1997, Cities for a Small Planet, Faber and Faber, London. Rossi, A: 1982, The Architecture of the city, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA. Solá-Morales, I: 2002, Territórios, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, Spain. General Bibliography Barreneche, RA: 1996, Gehry's Guggenheim in Architecture 85 (9), September, 177-181. Giovannini, J: 1997, Fred and Ginger Dance in Prague in Architecture, February, 52-62. Giovannini, J: 2000, Building a Better Blob in Architecture, 89 (9), September , 126-128. Gould, LS: 1998, What Makes Automotive CAD/CAM Systems So Special? in Automotive Manufacturing and Production, October. (Online at 109802.html) Gould, LS: 1999: GM's Metal Fabricating Division Stamps its Approval of CAD/CAM in Automotive Manufacturing and Production, July. (Online at LeCuyer, A: 1995, Designs on the Computer in Architectural Review, 197 (1175), January, 7679. LeCuyer, A: 1997, Building Bilbao in Architectural Review, 202 (1210), December , 43-45. Linn, C: 2000, Creating Sleek Metal Skins for Buildings in Architectural Record, October, 173178. 17 Mahoney, DP: 1994, Avant-garde Architects Look to CAD in Computer Graphics World, March, 36-42. Mays, P: 1999, Learning from the Product Makers in Architecture, March, 132-134. Mitchell, W: McCullough, M: 1995, Prototyping (Chapter 18) in Digital Design Media, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, NY, USA, 417-440. Novitski, BJ: 1992, Gehry Forges New Computer Links in Architecture, August, 105-110. Novitski, BJ: 2000, Scale Models from Thin Air in Architecture Week, August. 2. (Online at Rotheroe, KC: 2000, Manufacturing Freeform Architecture in Architecture Week, October 18. (Online at Russell, JS: 2000, The Experience Music Project in Architectural Record, August, 126-137. Stacey, M: 2001, Component Design in Architectural Press. Vasilash GS: 1997, Rapid Prototyping at Ford Saves Time & Money in Automotive Manufacturing and Production, April. (Online at articles/049704.html) Vasilash GS: 1999, Making It Real in Automotive Manufacturing and Production, December. (Online at Vasilash GS: 1999, Forward to Holography... and Back to Clay in Automotive Manufacturing and Production, August. (Online at 2.13 Results The main result expected from CAAD Studio were the acquisition of competences by the students to develop innovative architectural and urban design projects using state of art design and building technologies. Other results were to understand how new technologies can be successfully integrated into the design process and to provide technology-oriented consulting services to the construction industry. The practical results of the studio have included direct results, that is, work developed by the students within the context of the course, and indirect results generated from the latter, namely, master and doctoral theses, scientific articles, design awards, scientific awards, patents, and startup companies. Annex II presents the work of a group of students that completed the CAAD Studio on the design and construction of buildings with ceramic freeforms – the theme that corresponds to this detailed program – and some images of the design process. The work of this group was finalist in the national competition for the award of the Secil Prize for Architectural Students in 2004. The work of this and other student group originated the following patents: • Patent PT 103020, Tijolos Cerâmicos Geradores de Paredes Autoportantes com Formas Complexa (Ceramic tiles for generating self-supporting walls with complex forms). Inventors: Tânia Sílvia, Carolina Passos, José P. Duarte, Luísa G. Caldas. • Patent PT 103019, Azulejo Cerâmico Rotativo (Rotated ceramic tile). Inventors: Sílvia Preto, Mitja Novak, José P. Duarte, Luísa G. Caldas. The work of the latter group was described in the following article: • Pombo, J; Antunes, S; Preto, S: Azulejo rotativo (Rotated tile) in Engenharia e vida: engenharia civil, construção e desenvolvimento, year 1, nº 4 (July-August 2004), pp 3842. The work of the various student groups were selected for the following exhibitions: 18 • • • • S*cool, Experimenta Design 2003, Lisbon Art Biennal, Lisbon, September 2003. Fórum Competitividade, Inovação e Qualificação: Estratégias, Políticas e Desafios (Fórum on Competitivity Innovation and Qualification: Strategies, Policies and Challenges), Lisbon Congress Center, October 2003. Reestruturação Urbana da Entrada de Cascais: exposição colectiva dos alunos finalistas da LA / IST (Urban restructuring of the entrance to Cascais: collective exhibition of the graduating IST Architecture students), Gandarinha Cultural Center, Cascais Town Hall, December 2003. Spot on Schools 2005, Spazio Stazione Leopolda, University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture, Florence, Italy. Curator: Paola Giconia. Finally, the analysis of student work served as the basis for the development of the following master thesis by one of the studio’s teaching assistants: Colaboração Remota no Desenvolvimento de Projecto de Arquitectura (Remote Collaboration in the Architectural Design Process) Author: Filipe Coutinho Advisor: José P. Duarte. Co-advisor: Teresa Heitor Program: Master of Science in Building Construction, IST, TU Lisbon Situation: defence completed in June 2004 Annex III includes a paper presented to the 22nd international conference on education and research in computer aided architectural design in Europe (eCAADe), which briefly describes the methodology and the results of the CAAD Studio on the design and construction of buildings with ceramic freeforms. • Duarte, JP; Caldas, LG; Rocha, J (2004): Freeform ceramics: design and production of complex forms with ceramic elements, in Rudiger, B; Tournay, B; Orbaek, H (eds), Architecture in the Network Society, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 174-183. Annex IV includes a summary of the CAAD Studio program on the mass customization of housing. Annex V includes excerpts from the Boletim Municipal da Cidade das Caldas da Rainha (Municipal Bulletin of the city of Caldas da Rainha) with work from CAAD Studio students on the design of flexible urban plans and customized mass housing The work from some of these students was selected to represent TU Lisbon Faculty of Architecture in the national competition for the award of the Secil Prize for Architectural Student in 2006 and 2008. Student work on this specific theme originated a patent: • Patent PT 103150, 22/10/2004, ALFF-Sistema Modular Pré-fabricado do Tipo “Caixa” para Edifícios de Habitação (ALFF-Prefab modular box system for housing buildings). Inventors: Ana Filipe, Fernando Branco, José P. Duarte. This work also originated the following articles: • Benrós D; Duarte, JP; Branco, F: 2007, A System for providing customized housing: Integrating design and construction using a computer tool, in Gero, J; Dong, A (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th CAAD Futures Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp. 153-166. Best paper award. 19 • • • Filipe, AL; Branco, F; Duarte, JP: 2005, O Sistema Modular Pré-fabricado ALFF: Aplicação a Edifícios de Habitação (The ALFF prefab modular system: application to housing buildings), in Arquitectura e Vida, Ano VI, Julho-Agosto, pp. 72-77. Beirão, JN; Duarte, JP: 2005, Urban Grammars: Towards Flexible Urban Design, in Duarte, J; Ducla-Soares, G; Sampaio, Z (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd eCAADe Conference on the Quest for new paradigms, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 491-500. Duarte, JP; Beirão JN: 2004, Unidade na Diversidade: Sistemas Regrados Aplicados ao Desenho Urbano e ao Projecto de Edifícios (Unity in diversity: rule-based systems applied to urban and building design), in Cidade Termal, Boletim de Cultura Urbana, Year III, N. 7, December, pp. 14-37. This work also was selected for the following exhibitions: • Universities Exhibition, Lisbon Architectural Triennial on Urban Voids, Pavilion of Portugal, Lisbon, June 2007. Commissariat: Ricardo Carvalho and José Adrião. • Collective exhibition of graduating students from TU Lisbon Faculty of Architecture on Caldas da Rainha: From the sea to the mountains, Caldas da Rainha Town Hall, 2005. • Collective exhibition of graduating students from TU Lisbon Faculty of Architecture on, Caldas da Rainha: Urban Lab, Caldas da Rainha Town Hall, April 2004. • Spot on Schools 2005, Spazio Stazione Leopolda, University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture, Florence, Italy. Curator: Paola Giconia. The CAAD Studio on this specific theme originated master theses elaborated either by students who took the course: Design and building components system applied to mass customized housing Author: Deborah Benrós Advisor: José P. Duarte. Co-advisor: Fernando Branco Program: Master of Science in Building Construction, IST, TU Lisbon Situation: completed in May 2007 Observation: Best Paper Award, CAAD Futures 2007 Um Sistema Modular Pré-fabricado do Tipo Caixa para Edifícios de Habitação (A prefab modular box system for housing buildings) Author: Ana L. Filipe. Advisor: Fernando Branco, IST. Co-advisor: José P. Duarte Program: Master of Science in Building Construction, IST, TU Lisbon Situation: completed in March 2003 Observation: Patent PT 103150, 22/10/2004, ALFF-Sistema Modular Pré-fabricado do Tipo “Caixa” para Edifícios de Habitação (ALFF-Prefab modular box system for housing buildings). Inventors: Ana Filipe, Fernando Branco, José P. Duarte or by teaching assistants who used the course as a lab for developing their theses: Uso de Gramáticas de Forma em Desenho Urbano (Use of shape grammars in urban design) Author: José Nuno Beirão Advisor: José P. Duarte. Co-advisor: M. Teixeira Program: Master in Urban Design, ISCTE Situation: completed in June 2004 Annex VI includes a paper presented to the 25th International CAAD Futures Conference, which presents the results of one of the master theses referred to above. This thesis was developed within the context of a research project contracted by the firm Ove Arup with the goal of developing a system for customizing mass housing for a British firm: • Benrós D; Duarte, JP; Branco, F: 2007, A System for providing customized housing: Integrating design and construction using a computer tool, in Gero. J., Dong, A. (eds.) 20 Proceedings of the 12th CAAD Futures Conference, Sydney, Australia, pp. 153-166. Best Paper Award. Annex VII includes brief descriptions of the CAD I and CAD II courses, as well as of the Computational Architectural Laboratory. Annex VIII includes excerpts from the catalog of the Spot on Schools exhibition which included work from students in the CAD I, CAD II, and CAAD Studio courses. The participation in the Spot on Schools exhibition, included in the Beyond Media festival (,) which took place in Florence, Italy, on December 1-11th 2005, is particularly significant. The festival is organized on a regular basis and it is dedicated to the use of new technologies in architecture. It includes several events, among which an exhibition on the use of such technologies by 20 architectural schools world wide, considered on the cutting edge in this area. In addition to the patents mentioned above, the student work in these courses originated five other patents, one of which is already being commercialized. Also, in addition to the master theses referred to above, those courses served as the basis for the development of the following doctoral theses: Projectando o Virtual, Construindo o Actual: processos digitais para a produção de Arquitectura (Designing the virtual, building the actual: digital processes for the production of architecture) Author: José P. Sousa Advisor: José P. Duarte, Co-advisor: Branko Kolarevic, University of Pennsylvania Program: Doctoral Program in Engineering Sciences, IST, TU Lisbon Situation: completion foreseen for September 2008 Funding: FCT Observations: Internacional FEIDAD Award 2005, Grant from the NEOTEC Program for creating a startup company from research results. Arquitectura Biónica no século XX (Bionic Architecture in the 20th century) Author: Mauro Couceiro Advisor: Alberto T. Estevez, ESARQ/UIC, Spain Co-advisor: José P. Duarte Program: Doctoral Program in Architecture, ESARQ/UIC, Barcelona, Spain Situation: completion foreseen for January 2008 Funding: FCT Observations: finalist, Internacional FEIDAD Award 2007. Annex IX includes a paper presented to 25th eCAADe Conference, which briefly describes the guiding principles of the curricular structure in which the CAD I, CAD II, and CAAD Studio courses are integrated: • Duarte, JP (2007): Introducing New Technologies in Architecture Undergraduate Curricula: a case study, in Kieferle, J.; Ehlers, K. (eds) Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2007, Wiesbaden/Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 24-254. A significant number of students who took the CAAD Studio course was hired by architectural firms in Portugal and abroad, for which the kind of formation acquired by the students was considered relevant. Among the foreign firms are Norman Foster, Rem Koolhas, Herzog et De Meuron, Renzo Piano, Manuel Gausa, and Bernhard Franken. 21 In summary, the direct and indirect results generated by the courses, and by the CAAD Studio in particular, permitted to confirm that the desired goals have been achieved. 22 23 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex I – Assignments 2 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Exercise 0 Freeform ceramics: a design challenge Hand out: Hand in: September 16 December 18 Goal The goal is to become familiar with the design problem to address this semester, which is the design and construction of free forms in ceramics. Description Read carefully the text below and reflect upon its content. The reading of this text should inform your work during the semester. Text The goal of the research project in which context this course evolves is to enquire into the possibility of building complex curved surfaces using ceramic elements. The curved surfaces can be walls, roofs, or both. Flat surfaces and simple curved surfaces (e.g. a semi-cylindrical dome) can be built by juxtaposing elements with simple shapes such as box-like bricks or tiles. The double-curved regular surfaces (e.g. a semi-sphere dome) can also be built in the same way, or at least, they can be built by elements that while not regular, vary in a regular way. However, the double-curved surfaces (e.g. a free-form surface) can hardly be built in this way. These surfaces require one to juxtapose elements that might very well be different from one another and have an irregular shape. Not being able to use repetition and regular shape raises a difficult production problem. Traditionally, ceramic elements are produced by using the same mould to produce many elements. If the elements are different from one another and have an irregular shape, this strategy is not feasible. Therefore, one needs to develop another production strategy. In other areas of production, computer aided manufacturing permits to produce at about the same cost, similar as well as different elements. For instance, if we decide to use a laser cutter to cut ceramic tiles, it does not matter whether the tiles are the same or different, given that the instructions come from a computer file. The goal of the project is to develop a production process supported on the new technologies that permits the production of different ceramic elements with irregular shapes so that it becomes possible to build freeform complex surfaces. Product development and evolution in Portuguese ceramic factories aimed in the construction sector has mainly been targeted at to the improvement of decorative aspects, such as texture, color, patterns, etc. In some cases, CAD/CAM technologies have already been introduced to innovate in from this viewpoint. However, research aimed at developing the products itself has been lacking. This is exactly what we are trying to accomplish with this project. The desired innovation will allow these factories to acquire a competitive advantage and to expand their market. A similar strategy has already been followed by ceramic factories that produce home products (jars, dishes, etc.). These companies introduced CAD/CAM technologies in the early nineties and they were able to produce objects with a complex geometry, which could have never been produced by the old pottery wheel, and which could hardly be produced by using moulds produced by manually controlled machines. The surfaces that we intend to produce might be self-supporting or simply cladding surfaces. In the first case, we will have bricks, which will not have a box-like shape. In the second, the structural role will be performed by an additional structure, to which the irregular tiles will be fixed by some sophisticated process. Production constraints might determine which process to follow. 3 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 1 Personal Web site Hand out: Hand in: September 16 December 23 Goal The goal of this assignment is to create a personal Web site. Description One of the goals of our course is to learn how to collaborate remotely. With this purpose in mind will be asked to form a remote team later on. Most likely, you know your local colleagues well and they know you as well. However, you do not know your remote colleagues and they do not know you. Personal knowledge is important for teams to work effectively and such knowledge includes personal idiosyncrasies such as preferences, interests, and hobbies, as well as work habits and interests, such as the architect you admire, the type of work that you like to do, the time of the day that you prefer to work, as well as your stronger and weaker skills. The goal of this exercise is to create a personal Web page that describes you from these different viewpoints so that your remote colleagues might get to know you. Once available on the Web, these pages will provide you and your colleagues with basic knowledge about each other that might enable you to start a dialogue and, eventually, to form a team. 4 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 2 Team formation Hand out: Hand in: September 23 October 07 Goal The goal of this Assignment is to forma teams with local and remote students. Description One of the goals of our course is to learn how to collaborate remotely. With this purpose in mind you are asked to form a remote team. First, you should form groups of two students at IST. When forming these teams, please take into account that you need to choose someone that complements you from different viewpoints. For instance, if you think that your 3D modeling skills could be better, but your English is good, then try to team up with someone whose 3D modeling skills are better, but whose English is not that great. Then, publish the personal Web pages that you did for Assignment 1. Then, listen carefully to the presentations by MIT students on October 14. Namely, try to consider which of the proposed systems are closer to what you have in mind for your design, or which you are more willing to explore. If necessary, discuss the proposals with MIT students, using ICOM, Netmeeting, or e-mail. Then post your team final composition on StudioMIT. 5 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 3 Geometric modelling Hand out: Hand in: September 23 October 02 Goal The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with the geometric modelling of complex objects in Rhino and with file import and export between Rhino and other geometric modelling software such as Autocad and 3D Studio, and structural analysis software, such as SAP 2000. At this stage, it is not important to take material aspects into account as the goal is just to acquire skills in the 3D modelling of complex shapes. Results should be shared with the class. Description In this assignment, you are asked to model a 3D complex form in Rhino. Although the assignment is essentially abstract, it is highly recommended that you place it in an architectural context. The idea is for you to explore with forms that you might like to include in your design later on. Therefore, the object should have an architectural meaning, that is, it should constitute a wall, a roof, or both. Think of its function, and how it will be incorporated into the building. How does it connect to rest of the building? Does it have doors and windows punched into it? Is it structural or just a cladding material? If you wish a more grounded approach, you are invited to follow one of the two approaches outlined in the first MIT assignment (see StudioMIT). Basically, the first approach (pre-rational approach) departs from a physical unit to construct a complex form, whereas the second approach (post-rational approach) starts with an overall shape with the goal of finding constructions units. You are asked to model an abstract form, but if you wish to ground your model in the physical world you can follow the MIT challenge. 6 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 4 Virtual reality Hand out: Hand in: October 07 October 16 Goal The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with the creation of virtual reality models using the EON Reality software and with the file import and export between EON Reality and other programs, such as Rhino, Autocad, and 3D Studio. Description Considering that the shapes that you will be manipulating in class are difficult to represent using conventional representation media such as 2D drawings, and 3D digital models, it is important to use other media to represent your design ideas and to present them to other people, including your instructors and local and remote teammates. In class, we will explore virtual reality (VR) and rapid prototyping (RP) for this purpose. Virtual reality has one important advantage over rapid prototyping; that is it can be used to create models that are saved as files and which can either be sent to your teammates on the other side of the Atlantic for them to open on their computer or automatically displayed and accessed on the Web. In this assignment you will get you started with using EON Reality to create VR models of complex shapes. As we have seen in the tutorial sessions, there are different types of VR models in terms of how the model is manipulated by the user, which is determined by the type of interactivity that it allows. There is for instance, the simple walk-through, or the complex interactive model that responds to user actions. Your task is to explore different possibilities to find the one that is most appropriate to your case. Choose the Rhino model that you developed for Assignment 3, or pick up a model from your teammates at MIT, and then develop a corresponding VR model. If you choose your Rhino model, you might consider using the VR model to explain your design concept. If you choose your teammates model, you might use the VR model to explain the design concept, but also the fabrication procedure. In other words, you will use VR to describe the connection between design and fabrication. 7 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 5 Research on ceramics Hand out: Hand in: September 25 October 16 Goal The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with ceramic materials for construction. Description It is scheduled a visit to RECER, the ceramic company that will join the project. Before the visit, you should do some research in the library, or on the Web. It is important that you gather information about the different types of ceramic materials, their properties, and their production processes. You will use this information to inform your visit to the factory, and the rest of your work. During the visit to the factory, you should collect as much information as possible. Take pictures, make a movie, and take notes. Ask as many questions as you like. The important thing is that you understand their production process, what is done now, what can be done with some simple twists in their process, and what cannot be done at all. After the visit, you should summarize the information and pass it on to your teammates at MIT by posting it on StudioMIT. They will do some research on their side and the idea is that you exchange information. 8 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 6 Rapid prototyping Hand out: Hand in: October 21 November 13 Goal The goal of this assignment is to create a physical model based on the properties of a ceramic product selected during the research undertaken for Assignment 5. Description Your task is to develop a ½ physical model of a curved or geometrically complex shape in collaboration with your remote teammates. In this assignment, you should make an effort to start merging the functional program of your building with the building system proposed by your remote teammates to forge a single common proposal. Be prepared to present your ideas both locally and remotely using physical and virtual media. In this assignment you should become closer to the final goal of the course. Elements to hand in: 1) Physical or virtual model that demonstrates your system, the materials, and the methods used for manufacturing and assembly; 2) Fabrication trails, including photos and a description of the process followed in the fabrication of the model; 3) DXF file describing the fabrication process. Context The goal of the project is to enquire into the possibility of building complex curved surfaces using ceramic elements. The curved surfaces can be walls, roofs, or both. Flat surfaces and simple curved surfaces (e.g. a semi-cylindrical dome) can be built by juxtaposing elements with simple shapes such as box-like bricks or tiles. The double-curved regular surfaces (e.g. a semi-sphere dome) can also be built in the same way, or at least, they can be built by elements that while not regular, vary in a regular way. However, the double-curved surfaces (e.g. a free-form surface) can hardly be built in this way. These surfaces require one to juxtapose elements that might very well be different from one another and have an irregular shape. Not being able to use repetition and regular shape raise a difficult production problem. Traditionally, ceramic elements are produced by using the same mould to produce many elements. If the elements are different from one another and have an irregular shape, this strategy is not feasible. Therefore, one needs to develop a new one. In other areas of production, computer aided manufacturing permits to produce, at about the same cost, similar as well as different elements. For instance, if we decide to use a laser cutter to cut marble tiles, it does not matter whether the tiles are the same or different, given that the instructions come from a computer file. The goal of the project is to develop a production process supported on the new technologies that permits the production of different ceramic elements with irregular shapes so that it becomes possible to build a free-form complex surface. Product development and evolution in Portuguese ceramic factories aimed in the construction sector has mainly been targeted at to the improvement of decorative aspects, such as texture, color, patterns, etc. In some cases, CAD/CAM technologies have already been introduced to innovate from this viewpoint. However, research aimed at innovating in the products themselves remains undone. This is exactly what we are trying to accomplish with this project. 9 Innovation will allow these factories to acquire a competitive advantage and to expand their market. A similar strategy has already been followed by ceramic factories working in the area of home products (jars, dishes, etc.). These companies introduced CAD/CAM technologies in the early nineties and they were able to produce objects with a complex geometry, which could have never been produced by the old pottery wheel, and which could hardly be produced by using moulds produced by manually controlled machines. The surfaces that we intend to produce might be self-supporting or simply cladding surfaces. In the first case, we will have bricks that will not have a box-like shape. In the second, the structural role will be performed by an additional structure, to which the irregular tiles will be fixed by some sophisticated process. Production constraints might determine which process to follow. 10 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 7 Site analysis Hand out: Hand in: October 14 October 02 Goal The goal of this assignment is to make a detailed analysis of the town of Cascais, in order to define an intervention strategy and select a site for locating the building to design. Description In order to make work at this stage more objective and unify the approaches taken by the different teams, the following elements should be handed in: At the city level and its immediate surroundings (1/5000 scale): • • • • • functional uses (existing and proposed uses after analysis critical revision); general distribution of activities; density and other urban indexes; road network and transportation; strategic definition of the development vision proposed for the city. Quantification should be generic but precise and integrated to clarify the proposed development strategy. At the level of the selected area (1/2000 scale): • • • • functional uses (existing and proposed uses after analysis critical revision); general distribution of activities; road network and main development axes; strategic definition of the development vision proposed for the site. The elements listed above for both scales should be clearly supported and justified, namely, in terms of the qualitative criteria considered in the development vision. The presentation material should include: • • multimedia presentation; synthetic poster in A1 format. 11 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 8 Functional program of the building Hand out: Hand in: September 18 October 14 Goal The goal of this assignment is to define the functional program of the building. Description You are asked to design a technology-oriented cultural center. A traditional cultural center includes auditoria, exhibition spaces, workshops, archives, and subsidiary spaces such as lobbies, restrooms, and offices. Your mission is to define the type and number of spaces that your cultural technology-oriented center will include. First, consider the type of art forms and performances that you would like your building to host. Do some research on existing technology-based art. To help you with this task, we have invited some specialists to give a lecture on the topic. Your building does not have to host all of the currently existing technology-oriented arts. Instead, choose only a few important ones. Then think whether traditional spaces are suited to those art forms, and if not, think which spaces are ideal. Your program should include a list of spaces, their capacity—measured in terms of users or area—and other relevant functional requirements—adjacencies, articulation among spaces, and so on. Your program will be binding but flexible. This means that it will guide your subsequent work, but that you can introduce changes, if necessary. References Start your work by visiting the following site: 12 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 9 Sketch of the design proposal Hand out: Hand in: October 21 November 13 Goal The goal of this assignment is to sketch the proposal of your technology-oriented cultural center building. Description In previous assignments you acquired the basic skills required for designing a technology-oriented building with incorporating free forms. In this assignment you will apply such skills in an integrated manner to the design of a building with such features. The elements to hand in are: Site plan at the 1/1000 scale: This plan should show the local of the intervention with the goal of clarifying the urban strategy, including roads and pedestrian pathways, squares and green areas, and the identification of the local where the build will be placed Sketch of the proposal at the 1/500 scale: a) floor plans showing the functional organization; b) sections showing the relation of the building with its immediate surroundings; c) elevations showing the insertion of the building into the existing urban volumes; d) 3D model of the proposal. 13 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 10 Preliminary design Hand out: Hand in: November 18 December 04 (joint final presentation) December 18 (local final presentation) January 29 (you may continue to develop your proposal until the start of the 2nd semester) Goal The goal of this assignment is to develop the proposal that you presented for the previous assignment to the level of a preliminary design proposal. Description In the previous assignment you develop a proposal for a technology-oriented cultural center incorporating free forms. In this assignment, you will develop this proposal to clarify the functional organization and the building systems that will permit to materialize it. The elements to hand in are: Drawings: a) floor plans; b) sections; c) elevations; d) 3D digital model; e) physical model illustrating the building system. Multimedia presentation: This presentation will close the semester and the remote collaboration with MIT and it will use videoconference. Each team will present its proposal and should organize itself so that local team members will present the design of the building and remote team members will present the building system. 14 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Instructions for the presentation on December 4th SCHEDULE: December 3rd 11:00 am EST (16h00 GMT) - PDFs on Desktop at MIT and IST. (At IST, these files should be on the desktop of the computer in room 4.24, and of the computer in the VC room.) 11:30 am EST (16h30 GMT) - Videoconference practice. (In the VC room at IST.) 17:00 am EST (17h00 GMT) – Rehearsal at IST. (In room 4.24.) December 4th 11:30 am EST (16h30 GMT) - SET UP TIME 12:30 am EST (17h30 GMT) - START. Greetings. 12:32 am EST (17h32 GMT) - IST instructors' presentation: site, program, and ceramics. 12:36 am EST (17h36 GMT) - MIT instructors' presentation: building system and ceramics. 12:40 am EST (17h40 GMT) - TEAM CW Free Form surfaces 01:05 pm EST (18h05 GMT) - TEAM DY Tunnel Project 01:30 pm EST (18h30 GMT) - TEAM BX Metal and Tile 01:55 pm EST (18h55 GMT) - TEAM AZ Structural Tiles 02:20 pm EST (19h20 GMT) - WRAP UP. Final comments GUIDELINES: Each team has 25 minutes for the presentation divided up in the following way: 7/8 min for IST members 7/8 min for MIT members 10 minutes for comments by reviewers Each team should have no more than 30 slides with 10-15 for each school. Each presentation should look like one team’s not as two schools’. Therefore, it should not necessarily start with a 7/8 min (10-15 slides) presentation by IST members, followed by a 7/8 min (10-15 slides) presentation by MIT ones, but it can move back and forth between the two sites. Suggested format: 1-Introduction 2-Problem (Site, Program, and Freeform production system) 3-Hypothesis (concept of the work, the main idea, project goal) 4-Fabrication (How you do it, building/working process) 5-Collaboration (tools used, obstacles, and advantages to their creativity, including a reflection about the collaborative part with remote and on-site partners) 6-Results (achieved goals and emerging problems) 15 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 11 Design development Handed ou: Handed in: February 24 March 14 Goal The goal of this assignment is to develop the design of the building proposed in the previous semester. Description The idea is to simulate the presentation of the design to the client before proceeding to the licensing design stage. The elements to hand in are: a) Updated urban plan; b) Brief text describing and supporting: i. the program; ii. the proposed architectural and building solutions iii. the freeform building system; iv. diagrams explaining the freeform building system. c) Drawings: a. Plans, sections, and elevation at the 1/100 scale; b. Axonometrics or animation explaining the solutions; 16 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 12 Licensing design Handed out: Handed in: March 26 April 16 Goal The goal of this exercise is to develop the licensing design of the proposed building. Description The idea is to simulate the presentation of a design for approval by the town hall using the fundamental elements that a licensing project usually includes and adapt them to the particular design context. The elements to hand in are: a) Urban Plan – drawings and other elements describing the urban design. b) Licensing brief including: c. Site plan locating the building; d. Descriptive memory addressing: i. the program; ii. the proposed architectural and building solutions iii. the freeform building system; iv. diagrams explaining the freeform building system. d) Drawings: a. Plans, sections, and elevation at the 1/100 scale; b. Axonometrics or animation explaining the solutions; Some elements that are usually part of a licensing brief were not included in this list because they were considered non-relevant and disturbing for the development of your work. For your reference, a complete list of such elements will be available for consulting. 17 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 13 Construction design Handed out: Handed in: April 28 July 04 (hand in, final presentation) July 26 (exam) Goal The goal of this assignment is to develop a part of your design at the level of construction design. Description In the previous assignment, you have developed the licensing design of your building. In this assignment, you will select a part of the building to proceed with its development to the construction design stage. The elements to hand in are: 1. Design brief a) Descriptive memory addressing: i. the program; ii. the proposed architectural and building solutions iii. the freeform building system; b) Updated site plan at the 1/1000 scale; c) Updated plans, section, and elevations of the building(s) and surroundings at the 1/500 scale; d) Updated plans, sections, and elevations of the whole building or buildings at the 1/200 scale; e) Updated plans, sections, and elevations of a significant part of the building at the 1/100 scale; f) Plans, sections, and elevations of a part of the building that includes free forms at the1/50 or 1/20 scale; g) Construction details at the 1/10 or 1/5 scale; h) Construction details at the 1/2 or 1/1 scale; i) Partial map of the openings included in the part of the building to detail; j) Partial map of the finishings, coatings, and claddings foreseen for the part of the building to detail; k) Construction brief of the part of the building to detail explaining the freeform building system; l) 3D digital, virtual, or physical model of the whole building or part of the building that includes free forms. 2. Posters 4 to 8 posters summarizing the proposal for including in an exhibition to organize next academic year. 3. Multimedia presentation Multimedia presentation with 30 to 40 slides summarizing the proposal for including in the final presentation with guest critics. 18 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Assignment 14 Prototype Handed out: Handed in: April 28 July 04 (scaled physical model – all teams) July 26 (final prototype – only for the selected team) Goal The goal of this assignment is to develop a prototype of the system proposed for building free forms out of ceramic elements. Description In previous assignments, each group developed a building system for materializing freeform ceramic surfaces. This assignment is aimed at creating a prototype of such system to present at the Experimenta Design 03 exhibition. The assignment encompasses two phases: a) The 1st phase, which will evolve until the end of the academic year, aims at selecting the prototype to present in the exhibition. In this phase, a scaled physical model will be developed using materials and fabrication technologies selected by each team. The selection committee will include instructors, CTCV technical staff, and factory representatives. b) The 2nd phase, which will evolve from the end of the academic year until the summer vacation, aims at creating the final prototype. This will be developed in ceramics with the collaboration of the CTCV technical staff. The elements to hand in are: a) in the 1st phase: a. a scaled physical model, b. a description of the final prototype clarifying: i. materials; ii. fabrication process; iii. budget. b) in the 2nd phase: ceramic prototype. 19 20 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex II – Student work 2 Cascais Cultural Center – Team CW TAXI TAXI 14.1 BUS TAXI BUS 12.3 12.7 TAXI T AXI T AXI BUS 13.8 12.5 12.3 ENTERTAINMENT FACILITIES 12.5 ANPHITHEATRE 11.0 T AXI TAXI 11.0 BUS BUS BUS TAXI T AXI 10.3 10.2 p Site plan 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 Transversal section through the terrain 3 Multi-digital pavilion B A A' B' 1st Floor B A A' B' 2nd Floor B A A' B' 3rd Floor Longitudinal section South façade 4 Exhibition pavilion B' A B C C' A' 1st Floor B' A B C C' A' 2nd Floor Longitudinal section South façade 5 Holography pavilion B 1st Floor 2nd Floor Longitudinal section 6 Construction details Freeform glazing – upper detail Freeform glazing – lower detail 7 Building system Structural system: ceramic tile and self-supporting external wall with an inner steel frame structure. 3D model of the multi-digital pavilion external wall showing the part selected for detailing the building system (left) and perspective of the same part (right). 3d prints Prototype at the 1/20 scale of the initial solution proposed for the external wall produced using FDM rapid prototyping. 8 Ceramic masonry building system proposed for constructing the freeform external walls. Stress diagrams developed in SAP 2000 for verifying the structural performance of the ceramic masonry building system proposed for constructing the freeform external walls. Rendered images showing the interior of the multi-digital pavilion. 9 Production of the physical models of the buildings at the 1/500 scale using stereolithography. Mockup at the ½ scale of an intermediate solution for the external wall produced in ceramics at MIT with the goal of testing the feasibility of the proposed building system. Mockup at the ½ scale of an intermediate solution for the external wall produced in wood at IST with the goal of testing the feasibility of the proposed building system. 10 Physical model at the 1/100 scale produced in cardboard and wood with the goal of studying the spatial organization of the proposed architectural solution. Physical model of the final solution proposed for the Multi-digital pavilion, including a model of the external wall produced in acrylic and wood using a CNC milling machine. 11 Remote collaborative process Initial visit to the factory (left) and visit to the Technological Center for Glass and Ceramics (Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro) (right) with the goal of assessing the feasibility of the solutions. Remote collaborative work session from home via the Internet using videoconference (audio and video), a chat system, and a whiteboard. Remote collaborative work session from school using a videoconference system (audio and video) and a lipstick camera. Remote collaborative intermediate presentation session via the Internet using a videoconference system, application sharing, and several room cameras. 12 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex III – Paper presented at the 22nd International eCAADe Conference 2 Free-form Ceramics Design and Production of Complex Architectural Forms with Ceramic Elements José P. Duarte1, Luisa G. Caldas1, João Rocha2 1 Instiuto Superior Técnico, Portugal; 2Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, now at Universidade do Minho, Portugal This paper describes a studio experiment developed with the aim of exploring the design and fabrication of complex architectural forms using ceramic elements. History has examples of double-sided curved forms built in ceramics. Such examples would not fulfill contemporary functional and aesthetic principles, neither would they be feasible or cost-effective considering current construction standards. There are recent examples of such forms built in other materials. These examples are difficult to emulate when ceramics is concerned, as they imply the fabrication of unique parts and sophisticated assembly techniques. Creating a double-curved surface in ceramics thus seems a difficult task. There are, however, advantages to such a formulation of design problems. They prompt the questioning of traditional wisdom, the rejection of accepted types, and the raising of interesting questions. What are the design strategies that should be followed when creating ceramic free-forms? What is the design media required to design them? And what are the techniques needed to fabricate and construct them? These are the questions investigated in the design project pursued jointly by students at an American and a Portuguese school, in collaboration with a professional research center and a ceramics factory. The students tested various possibilities, and in the process learned about state-of-art design and production techniques. The final projects are very expressive of their investigations and include a twisted glass tunnel, large-scale ceramic ‘bubbles,’ a rotated-tile wall, and a load-bearing wall system. Keywords: Design education: rapid prototyping; remote collaboration; ceramics; innovation; free-form architecture. 174 Digital Design Tools 2 Introduction This paper describes work developed within the context of an architectural design studio with the aim of exploring the design and fabrication of complex forms using ceramic elements. The studio is aimed at the exploration of advanced computer aided design and production techniques within a university-industry collaboration context. The goal of the studio is to solve complex design problems and to develop innovative construction and production solutions. It has the format of a remote collaborative project open to senior students in architecture and structural, mechanical, and computer engineering from at least two universities, and it foresees the participation of industry consultants. One of the participating universities is the university where the studio is held, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), and the other can be a national or a foreign university. In the academic year in which the research described in this paper evolved, the foreign university was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), U.S.A., and the industry participants where the Portuguese Center for Ceramics and Glass Technology (CTCV) and the RECER ceramics factory. The described project is the third project undertaken between IST and MIT. The first, The Lisbon Charrette, was undertaken in the fall of 1997 and it addressed the design of housing for teleworkers in an old section of Lisbon. (Duarte et al 1999) The second, The Glass Chair, took place in the spring of 1999 and it addressed the design and fabrication of a glass chair. (Heitor and Duarte 2001, and Duarte et al 2002) The latter was the first project to involve industry participants as a way of providing students with a design problem within a „real world“ context. The Free-form Ceramics project evolved in the academic year of 2002/03 and it was the first to evolve within the new IST Program in Architecture, as the previous took place within engineering programs. IST is the engineering school of the Technical University of Lisbon and the new Program in Architecture was created within the school in 1998 with the aim of forming architects with technologyoriented profiles, in sharp contrast with the beauxart tradition prevalent at the school of architecture. The studio was offered in the 5th and final year of the program as a synthesis class in which they could integrate and expand the expertise acquired during the program while designing a building. Students in the class became the first architects to get the diploma through the new program. Problem The studio evolved during two semesters. In the first, it took the format of a research collaborative studio between IST and MIT, whose students were in charge of acting as consultants to IST students in issues concerning the design and production of free-forms. During the second semester, the studio was devoted to the development of ceramic prototypes in collaboration with CTCV and RECER. The studio addressed both urban and building design problems, although the focus was mainly on the latter. The task was to design a technology-based cultural center that included free-forms built with ceramic elements on a site in Cascais, a town in the neighborhood of Lisbon, near the Atlantic Ocean. From the urban design viewpoint, design teams were asked to consider the historical development of the site, as well as urban accessibilities and transportation, morphology, and functional uses. The character of the site, located near the main town entrance should also inform the design process. It required the insertion of a large-scale public building into the urban fabric, and the study of its relationship with the town and the ocean. From the building design viewpoint, students were asked to think of the way technology could change the concept of a building devoted to culture. Namely, they had to consider how technology could influence traditional art forms or originate new ones, affect the relationship of architecture with the other arts, and change the patterns of interaction with the public. Digital Design Tools 2 175 From the production viewpoint, students had to test the possibility of designing and building complex forms with ceramic elements, solving the architectural, structural, and production issues involved. Moreover, they explored the use of tools such as advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, and virtual reality in the generation of digital, virtual, and physical models. These models would later be used in the conceptual design stage to explore design solutions, and in the construction detailing stage, to produce the information required for fabricating the components and constructing the building. From the design process viewpoint, students had to develop a set of procedures and protocols that permitted the formation of geographically distributed, multidisciplinary design teams. Despite the fact that in the last decades, information systems greatly expanded the opportunities for remote collaboration, they remain scarcely applied by architectural firms, in part because they are not well understood. Design teams had to think of ways in which existing technologies could be integrated into design studios and contribute to change the social and professional dynamics of design activity. The program thus included parallel explorations at the urban fabric macro-scale, and at the building components micro-scale, focusing on the process – both of design and construction – as a means to bring together those two dimensions. A series of exercises led to the final design: 1. Tool learning: a) Remote collaboration: form teams with two elements from IST and three elements from MIT. Software: Picturetel, Netmeeting, ICQ; b) Geometric modeling: model a 3D free-form surface that you might include in the design of the building. Software: Autocad, 3D Studio, Rhino, and Catia; c) Virtual reality: model the surface conceived in the previous exercise considering constructability and navegability aspects. Software: EON Studio; d) Rapid prototyping: make a physical model of the 176 Digital Design Tools 2 surface conceived in b). Processes: milling, stereolithography, FDM. 2. From urban design to the conceptual design of the building: a) Site: analyze the site considering aspects such as history, accessibilities, transportation, and functional uses; b) Program: develop the program for the building indicating the spaces and its areas; c) Concept: sketch the building and its insertion into the urban fabric; d) Preliminary design: design the building at the 1/200 scale. 3. From the prototype to the construction design: a) Development of a prototype in collaboration with CTCV and RECER; b) Development of the licensing and construction design projects, considering the 1/100, 1/50, 1/20, 1/5 e 1/2 scales. Due to space limitations, this paper is focused on the description of the free-form aspects of the project. Participants As mentioned above, two schools, a research center, and a factory participated in the problem. Students were organized in four teams of five students each, being two from IST and three from MIT. In the first semester, students at IST were in charge of setting the architectural program, defining the urban design, and designing the building. They also had to provide the specifications of the free-form building system and to collaborate with their MIT colleagues in its development. Students at MIT concentrated on the development of the building system according to the specifications provided by IST students. In the second semester, IST team members had to refine the building system in collaboration with CTCV and RECER. The role of CTCV was to assist the students in the product development process while mediating their dialogue with RECER, which had to build mockups of the projects. IST students were assisted by a team of research assistants in charge of helping them in issues such as advanced geometric modeling, collaborative technologies, rapid prototyping, virtual reality, and structural analysis. In addition they benefited from the support of teachers in structures and construction who became part of the project’s team. Architects from the professional practice were asked to participate in the reviews to comment on the urban and architectural quality of the design work. The fact that design teams had both to respond to manufacturing, structural and construction constraints while being judged on the architectural quality, put pressure on them not to compromise such a quality to solve the technical aspects. Communication tools The remote collaborative process encompassed presentation sessions involving all the participants, and informal working sessions among team members. The five presentation sessions were scheduled at the outset and they occurred at the beginning of the project, and at the end of each working phase. The working sessions were booked at the pace and convenience of the design teams. ICOM, an Internet-based videoconference system under development at MIT was used for most of the sessions. ICOM functioned 24 hours a day, allowing permanent visual and sound contact between the classrooms at IST and MIT, and it was crucial for developing a virtual shared space including the two schools. However, because sound and image quality were not the best at the peaks of Internet usage, ICOM was coupled with Netmeeting—a Web-based videoconference application with camera, voice, chat, whiteboard, and application sharing features. When video and audio transmission was bad students used a combination of whiteboard and chat. E-mails were used extensively for summarizing live sessions and for asynchronous communication when teams could not afford synchronous communication. Some teams used an Internet connection at home to work with their teammates, to avoid going to school after hours as sometimes required by the time difference or by the extensive usage of ICOM during the day. Tools and Processes Parallel to the traditional studio design work and to the acquisition of knowledge concerning ceramic manufacturing techniques, students were engaged in learning various tools for drawing, modeling, and rapid prototyping. Combining solid modeling with rapid prototyping had a significant impact on the students working method and it proved to be an important tool for design investigation. In addition to traditional design media for sketching, students used Autocad 2000 for accurate 2D and 3D modeling, 3D studio for producing photo-realistic images, Rhino for modeling complex forms, and SAP 2000 for structural analysis at IST. Catia was also used for parametric form modeling at MIT. The idea was to create a parametric modeling system for designing ceramic surfaces. Once a parametric system encoded a given free-form concept, it could be used to manipulate the form and easily adapt it to new aesthetic or functional needs. EON Reality, a virtual reality desktop package, was used for visualizing and assessing complex forms at IST. The rapid prototyping facilities were different on both sides. A three-dimensional printer (FDM by Stratasys), a laser-cutter (X-Class by universal), and a water-jet cutter were available at the MIT Department of Architecture. A 5-axes milling machine and a stereolithography machine were available at the IST Laboratory for Advanced Production Technologies. Physical models were often exchanged across the Atlantic, and when IST students and teachers went on a field trip to MIT. Students also developed large-scale partial mockups of their designs using ceramics when they Digital Design Tools 2 177 wanted to test the process, or substitute materials when they wanted to test the discrete parts and their assemblage into the final shape. Various ceramics production processes were available at the factory and at CTCV, including tile pressing and brick extrusion processes, and students were asked to work within the constraints of the available systems. Collaboration with industry partners allowed for the development of a truly research environment between students, faculty, and industrial partners, and fostered a continuous process throughout the project that culminated with the fabrication of a few ceramic prototypes. Within this research environment, it was soon discovered that one of the main difficulties in linking students’ projects to available manufacture techniques was the mismatch between these technologies and free-form designs. Many of the current ceramic production processes are geared towards a standardized production line that mainly produces construction elements, such as wall and slab bricks, tiles, and cladding elements. Despite the quality of these products and the sophistication of their production technology, there is room for investment in systems that could permit the fabrication of innovative free-form architectural ceramic elements. At the end, a real prototype of one of the students’ designs was developed at the ceramics factory in collaboration with CTCV, using wet clay pressing and double firing processes. However, it was determined that industrial production of that specific part should proceed using ceramics powder pressing and single firing processes. bring increased formal freedom. However, such a freedom implies a renewed discussion about the role of form in architectural design. Thus, while developing the four studio projects briefly described in this section, the students engaged in a discussion on the feasibility and validity of developing free-forms in architecture. Their projects differ in the extent to which free-form elements were incorporated in the architectural solution, and in the scale of their application. Project #1 emphasizes design research by proposing a double skin twisted tunnel, which would be produced with translucent ceramics. (Fig. 1) The form of the tunnel was produced by translating a rectangle along a curved path while rotating it at the same time so that it was vertical at the beginning and horizontal at the end. This process of generating the form was conceptually tied to a decrease in the speed of public transportation between the start and ending points of the path. In the process of developing their project, the students realized that it was not feasible to use translucent ceramics because the amount of lighting required would originate extremely high temperatures. As a result, they decided to use glass, which technically is still a ceramic material. The problem then became one of decomposing the tunnel into discrete elements by a process of unfolding. Initial attempts showed that such an unfolding resulted in too many different Results: studio projects Free-form is not a new concept and architecture history is rich in examples of its use, particularly during the Baroque period. The term free-form refers to use of double curved surfaces and to architecture in which issues of form-making play a major role in the design of buildings. Nowadays, with the possibility of using high-end software tools, the opportunity for manipulating form is greater as these new tools 178 Digital Design Tools 2 Figure 1 Project #1 by Joana Couto, Mariana Pedroso, Jen Seely, Gonçalo Soares, and Eric Orozco. Figure 2 Project #2 by Inês Pinto, PaulaSilva, Xin Tian, Eddie Can, and Keneth Namkung. parts, making fabrication and assembly cumbersome. The observation that the dimensional differences among many of the parts were very small, led students to classify the parts into classes of almost identical parts. The idea was that such differences could be absorbed by the joints among them. The parts were held together in place by a connective part attached to a steel frame. Budget restrictions prevented students from building the final mockup. Project #2 explores the idea of a flexible skin consisting of simple flat ceramic triangles that adapt to the shape of various free-form ‘bubbles.’ The building was to be devoted to art based on high performance sports and the form of the bubbles was inspired on human organs. The bubbles were exhibition rooms that would acquire different shapes in different parts of the building in response to different functional needs. (Fig. 2) This ambitious project went through several stages of development. In the beginning, all the bubbles had different shapes that were generated by manipulating a parametric model. Soon, students realized that having too many different shapes made design and construction too complicated and they decided to have only one bubble shape that was positioned in different ways inside the building causing it to look different. Then they changed the shape of the bubble so that it could be generated by the intersection of three spheres. Using ruled primitive shapes, made it easier to triangulate the compound shape. The structure of the bubbles consisted of vertical and horizontal steel profiles obtained by intersecting the bubble shape with parallel planes. The resulting cage was supported on three tripods, one for each sphere. A mesh was attached to this cage to bridge the spans among the profiles. A textile was then at- tached to the mesh and the ceramic triangles were glued to the textile. While these two projects focus on interior architectural aspects, the following two focus more on the structural aspects of building form. The work of the Uruguayan engineer and architect Eladio Dieste (Anderson, 2004) was a major source of inspiration in these projects due to his innovative use of ceramics as structural material. Project #3 proposes an integrated building system where free-form ceramics act both as structural façade elements and as interior cladding panels. (Fig. 3) Such a system uses a single structural ceramic element that acquires a variety of additional functions (ventilation, lighting, flower pot) to create a membrane that mediates between the interior and the exterior of the building while function as a landscape element. The problem the students had to face was how to support such elements. The initial idea was that they would function as large, hollow bricks put together using mortar to form self-supported surfaces. Structural analysis, however, revealed that the surfaces needed reinforcement with concrete nervures like a two-way waffle slab. The students disliked the solution and considered another concept that consisted in using three-dimensional tiles placed in different positions to create an optical illusion, as in Vasarelli paintings, so that the observer perceived a flat surface as a free-form. The tiles had the shape of a bent volcano placed in rotated positions on a flat, square base. The challenge was how to make the different tiles in an economic way. The solution was to use a single mold to produce a tile with a round base, which would be rotated and cut into a square base before being fired to produce the different tiles. The volcanoes were hollow and could be used for light- Digital Design Tools 2 179 ing and ventilation. This project was selected for developing a full mockup because of its economic attractiveness and aesthetic appealing. Project #4 applied ceramics as a structural element for exterior façades. A wavy ceramic form constitutes the wall. It was generated by offsetting a surface to create a volume with ducts that are used to insert tension reinforcement. (Fig. 4) The deformation of the wavy wall volume was parametrically controlled in Rhino, and mock-ups of different variations were developed using clay, Rockite and ceramics. The design team followed a post-rational approach to the free-form problem by first exploring the architectural solution and developing the free-form, and then decomposing it into manufacturable ceramic components. The solution was to build the curved walls exclusively out of flat ceramic elements, as they are easier to produce in a stan- dard ceramics industrial facility. In the architecture project developed, the free-form walls were curved only in the vertical direction, as they were rectilinear between the wavy vertical guidelines that marked the inflexion points in the layout. Wall sections were thus formed by ‘rule-based’ surfaces generated by superimposing, offsetting, and rotating strait lines. The system also had the possibility of creating surfaces curved in the horizontal direction, but the students opted for not exploring that capacity in their architectural design. The final system was constituted by six different pieces. The curved interlocking endings of two of the pieces allow for the rotations in plan. The vertical curves are made possible by slightly offsetting and rotating the pieces within limits set by the structural analysis in SAP 2000. Structural analysis also showed that the walls needed to be reinforced Figure 3 Project #3 by Silvia Preto, Mitjia Novak, Christine Gaspar, Andrew Marcus, and Rori Dajao. 180 Digital Design Tools 2 Figure 4 Project #4 by Carolina Passos, Tânia Silva, Min Cho, Michael Lehner, and Georgi Petrov. Digital Design Tools 2 181 by running a series of cables through voids created in the pieces. Other voids are carved out to reduce the weight of the pieces. As the ceramic walls only support their own weight, the buildings required an independent structure to support the remaining vertical loads. The external ceramic skin formed by the free-form walls is attached to the building by means of joints with neoprene springs due to the need to support horizontal loads. The project involved the construction of a number of rapid prototyping models, together with some more conventional ones, such as a 1:500 stereolithography model of the buildings, 1:50 FDM models of different solutions for the wall, 1:10 cardboard models of the system’s pieces and their possible combinations, a 1:2 wooden model of the wall system, and a 1:2 ceramic prototype developed at CTCV using a handcrafted process. Rapid prototyping techniques where also used to construct a 1:50 scale partial model of one building to study daylight issues, in the context of an Environmental Design course taught by one of the studio professors. The final ceramic elements were design to be produced using extrusion techniques, since the overall dimensions of the elements required presses that were too large to be economically viable in the Portuguese ceramics factory scenario. Conclusions This paper reports a collaborative teaching experiment by two universities, a professional research center and a factory with the goal of designing and making free forms out of ceramic elements using state-of-art design, production, and communication technologies to show how they can foster innovation through design. Results revealed two different approaches to the problem. The first approach, starts by conceiving discrete pieces and then explores ways in which they can be combined to create free-forms. In the second approach, the free-forms are first created and then the task becomes one of decomposing it 182 Digital Design Tools 2 into parts that can be manufactured and assembled. Results also show two other categories of solutions. In the first, ceramics is used as a structural material to develop self-supporting volumes, whereas in the second it is used as a non-structural material to form cladding surfaces that are attached to an independent structure. The final designs emerged in response to aesthetic and functional requirements as much as to production and structural constraints. Students had to balance formal freedom with 3D modeling and fabrication constraints due to the need to work within the available technology. The final designs are particularly elegant outcomes of this process. The fact they led to two patent requests also shows that they have commercial value. In the end, it shows that innovation pays-off and that it could help ceramics factories to expand their business. Acknowledgements We thank William Mitchell and Manuel Heitor for helping to define the scope of the project, and Teresa Heitor and António Lamas for providing the institutional context. We thank Sousa Correia and Alain Thibault for the support of CTCV and RECER, respectively. We also thank Larry Sass, Axel Killian, and Carlos Barrios, the teaching team at MIT, and Filipe Coutinho, Rodrigo Correia, and Pedro Studer, the teaching assistants at IST, for their valuable contributions. We thank our colleagues Jorge Brito and Francisco Virtuoso for their support in the construction and structural aspects, and Pedro Rosa from the IST Laboratory for Advanced Production Technologies. Special thanks are due to all the students whose work is referred to in this paper, as well as to the architects who participated as critics in the various stages of the project, namely: José Beirão, Diogo Burnay, Pedro Gadanho, Manuel Mateus, Pedro Ravara, Manuel Salgado, Frederico Valsassina, and Manuel Vicente. The project was partially funded by a grant from the Luso-American Foundation (FLAD). We would like to express our gratitude to ExperimentaDesign for including the final projects in the S-Cool exhibition, as part of the Lisbon Biennial 2003, and to the Cascais Town Hall showing the projects in the Gandarinha Cultural Center. References Anderson, S.: 2004, Innovation in Structural Art, Princeton Architectural Press, NY. Duarte, J. P.; Bento, J.; and Mitchell, W. J.: 1999, Remote Collaborative Design: The Lisbon Charrette, IST Press, Lisbon. Duarte, J. P.; Heitor, M.; and Mitchell, W. J.: 2002, The Glass Chair: Competence Building for Innovation. In Koszewsky, K. and Wrona, S. (eds) Design e-dication: Connecting the Real and the Virtual. Proceedings of the 20th eCAADe Conference , Warsaw, Poland. Heitor, M. and Duarte, J. S.: 2001, Collaborative Design of a Glass Chair, IST Press, Lisbon. Digital Design Tools 2 183 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex IV – Summary of the CAAD Studio program on the mass customization of housing 2 Chronogram Goal Assignments Phases Weeks I 0 Readings and theoretical classes F 1.1 Study abstract grammars 1.2 Apply grammars 1.3 Change grammars 1.4 Infer grammars 2.1 Study Malagueira grammar 2.2 Derivation of existing house 2.3 Derivation of a new house respecting the grammar 2.4 Derivation of new house changing the grammar 2.5 3D Model of the house P 3 Precedents DDBS 4.1 Archetype 4.2 Rules 4.3 Derivation 4.4 Catalog 4.5 Preliminary Design Solution 5.1 Batch program 5.2 Parametric program Rule-based program A DCS 5.3 DeCS DeDDBS 5.4 Interface* 5.5 Generate information for production* 6 Design development* 7 Construction design* 1 1 2 3 4 5 PS GF GM PT SC 2 6 7 8 9 3 10 11 12 4 13 14 3 Legend: Theoretical classes and mandatory readings: PS – Customizing Mass Housing Texts: Duarte, JP, 2007, Personalização em série da habitação, FAUTL. Habraken, NJ, 1988, Type as a Social Agreement. Asian Congress of Architects, Seoul. GF – Introduction to shape grammars Text: Stiny G, 1980, Introduction to shape and shape grammars in EPB 7, 343-351. GM – Siza’s Malagueira shape grammar Text: Duarte, JP, 2005, Towards the mass customization of housing: the grammar of Siza’s houses at Malagueira, in EPB 32 (3), 347-380. PT – Precedents and transformations Texts: Knight, T, 1994, Transformations in design, Cambridge University Press, UK. Colakoglu, B, 2005, Design by grammar: an interpretation and generation of vernacular Hayat houses in a contemporary context, in EPB 32, 141-149. SC - Industrialized building systems Texts: Dluhosch, E., Design Constraints of Conventional Prefabrication Systems in Housing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991 Bender, R. Una Vision de la Construcción Industrializada, GG, 1976. Goals: I – Introduction F – Fundamentals A – Applications P – Housing precedents DDBS – Design the design and the building systems DCS – Design the computer system DeCS – Develop the computer system (* optional) DeDBS – Develop the design and the computer systems (* optional) Phases: Assignment development period Possible assignment extension period 4 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex V – Work developed by TU Lisbon FA students on the design of flexible urban plans and customized mass housing 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex VI – Paper presented at the International CAAD Futures Conference 2007 2 A SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING CUSTOMIZED HOUSING Integrating design and construction using a computer tool DEBORAH BENRÓS, JOSÉ P DUARTE AND FERNANDO BRANCO Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal Abstract. This paper describes a system for generating customized mass housing. The aim is to provide dwellings at an affordable cost with recourse to mass production and yet guarantee that they are tailored to their users. It combines two systems, a rule-based design system and a prefabricated building system. The integration of both systems is achieved through the development of a computer tool to assist designers in the various stages of the housing design process. This tool produces three kinds of outputs: three dimensional models, construction drawings, and a list of construction elements, including their cost and information for manufacturing. 1. Introduction A considerable amount of studies was developed over the last decades to improve housing conditions, diminish final costs, and customize dwellings. Professionals from different fields presented different approaches. While architects are interested in functionality, aesthetics and ergonomics, engineers are more concerned with structural systems, ease of construction, and overall costs. The role of the client in the housing provision process is increasingly smaller. The great majority buy ready-to-use dwellings, hoping for a greater level of versatility that could allow them to personalize their homes. In the recent past, efforts have been made to integrate all these different, and sometimes conflicting, interests and still provide for a doable, affordable and customized dwelling. During the second quarter of the twentieth century architects like Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and other modernist architects proposed housing designs that employed prefabricated elements in an effort to accelerate construction and diminish costs in large scale mass housing. A Dong, A Vande Moere & JS Gero (eds), CAADFutures’07, 153-166. © 2007 Springer. Printed in the Netherlands. 154 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO These approaches were put in practice in the devastated post second world war Europe. In the 1960’s, Habraken developed the theory of supports (2000). This theory proposed a matrix system that included a tartan grid based on which modular elements were created and combined to generate dwellings. Functional spaces were considered as design elements and manipulated like building elements. Designers were supposed to developed specific rule systems that they could manipulate to design different housing solutions, thereby promoting diversity and customization. The theory also foresaw the recourse to prefabrication, using standard elements, to permit greater efficiency in the construction process and controlled final costs. However, the system implementation depended on the rigorous establishment of design rules and on the correct and efficient manipulation of such rules. In the 1990’s, Duarte proposed a framework to overcome limitations in the implementation of design and building systems (1995), which foresaw the use of computers systems to assist in the design and construction processes. He illustrated this framework with the development of a computer program for exploring housing solutions within Siza’s Malagueira style, whose compositional rules were inferred after careful analysis (2001; 2005). This program first helped the user to establish a housing program based on user and site data, and then generated a solution that matched the program, which took the form of a three-dimensional model. The subsequent logical step was to facilitate the construction process. A great amount of the designer’s effort and time is invested in drawing, detailing, and organizing construction data. Another share of time is spent in expensive and long on-site construction tasks. The goal of the present work is to contribute for diminishing the time and labour spent in such tasks. This is achieved by automatically generating construction drawings, once the design is settled, and by producing files that compile the data required for automated production, including bills of construction elements. The motivation for developing the current work was the difficulty faced by designers in the use of a sophisticated light-weight prefabricated system produced by the British firm Kingspan. The richness of this system permits to construct a great variety of buildings, but its complexity jeopardizes its use in practice, thereby diminishing its commercial potential. The strategy to overcome this limitation was twofold. First, it was to develop a housing design system that permitted to design mass customized housing based on the Kingspan building system. And second, it consisted in creating a computer system that allowed the easy exploration of the universe of solutions and the automatic generation of information for fabrication. From the commercial viewpoint, the idea was to provide the firm with a new business model that enabled it to sell its product and gain market share. A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING 155 Due to time constraints, however, it was not feasible to develop a new design system. Therefore, the solution was to look for an existing system that fulfilled the intended goals—the generation various dwellings—and was compatible with the Kingspan building system, thereby enabling to demonstrate the proposed model to the client. This system was the ABC system conceived by the Spanish architect Manuel Gausa. 2. Methodology The development of this project can be divided into three stages: first, the establishment of the rule system; second, the coding of such a system into a computer program; and, third the assessment of the program. The first work stage combined the selection, study, and adjustment of the design system to the construction system. The design system was adapted from the conceptual idea of the ABC design system conceived by the Manuel Gausa, the leader of Actar. This design was never materialized since it was created for the Ceuta competition in 1994, but it was object of analysis by leading architectural publications. It stands out due to its innovative approach that applies prefabricated systems to mass housing while giving the final user the opportunity to customize the dwelling with serial elements without the risk of overpricing the final result. The system borrows its name from the acronym of the functional units used in the design of dwellings: Armario, Baño and Coziña (storage, bathroom, and kitchen.) The design of dwellings is not imposed by the architect, but suggested according to a set of conceptual rules. These rules predefine possible relations between functional spaces and control geometrical proportions. In addition, they define the external building envelope by reflecting the design of the interior layout. The original system yielded apartments with one or two bedrooms, whose spectrum of possible configurations was demonstrated in the form of a combination grid (Figure 1). Figure 1. Compositional grid designed by Manuel Gausa to illustrate how layouts can result from the different placement of functional units; the top row shows layouts in plan and the one bellow shows the corresponding section (Gausa 1998) 156 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO The construction system is based on the Kingspan building system developed by the British firm Kingspan. It is a prefabricated building solution that presents two features, a steel cold formed structure and an envelope constructed with standard finishing elements. It is a complete system that can become too complex, hence the difficulties of penetration in the architectural market. Nevertheless, it is a versatile building scheme with high dimensional tolerances. It can be adapted to different geometries and its modular characteristics also permit the use of other standard finishing materials and envelope solutions. It presents some conditionings in terms of number of floors, maximum length, height, and thickness. For instance, the maximum number of floors is 6, and the pillar and beam grid cannot overtake 12 x 4.5 x 3.5 m. The rules of both the design and the construction systems were identified and systematized, and then encoded into the computer program. This was developed in AutoLISP, a dialect of common LISP, using VisualLISP, an editor that runs within Autodesk’s AutoCAD since the 2000 version. The computer program is composed of a number of functions, each being responsible for a specific task (for instance, the layout of a certain functional unit) or for the representation and geometrical construction of a particular building element (like a window frame, for example.) The program operates in three stages. The first is targeted at the development the three dimensional model of the housing units and the building; the second stage aims at creating bi-dimensional representations; and the third stage consists in the quantification and listing of all the construction elements required to erect the building. 3. Design and Constructive system: The final design system is an upgrade from the one proposed by Gausa (1998, 1999), since it was necessary to increase the flexibility of the system concerning the number of rooms, the total area of each housing unit, and the number of floors. After these alterations, the universe of solutions was enlarged to encompass the design of studio flats up to four-bedroom apartments, with areas ranging from 50 to 150 m2, and the design of buildings with one up to six floors (the maximum number allowed by the structural system.) Despite the alterations, the basic compositional and spatial relationships remained untouched, thereby preserving the underlying architectural concept. Namely, the altered system retained major conceptual ideas from the original one, such as the spatial distribution principles, the functional units placement scheme, and the façade design rules. The adaptation of the construction system did not require the need to perform any major changes and it was directly applied and coded into the computer program. This could be explained by the already mentioned A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING 157 versatile features of the system, which possesses a modular and orthogonal geometry with high dimensional tolerances that makes a wide variety designs feasible. The structural layout follows simple rules that rely on major spatial vertexes to free the interior from structural constrains and keep it fluid as required by the design system. The secondary framing occupies the inner spaces of external walls and partitions, thereby diminishing their visual impact on the internal space. The functioning of the design system can be illustrated by a set of rules that determine the internal layout of the dwelling, depicted in Figure 2, and a set of spatial confinement and wall placement rules, shown in Figure 3. M M B B B B B B B B M M M A A A Ø B B B B C C B A M M A A Ø C Ø Figure 2. Spatial system: matrix after Gausa’s original drawings illustrating several possibilities for placing functional units and used to infer their placement rules. Legend: A-storage, B-bathroom, C-kitchen, Ø-open-space M M M M M zona 1/2 M B Ø B B B Ø Ø Ø Ø B B B zona 4 zona 3/4 zona 2/3 B Figure 3. Spatial system: matrix after Gausa’s original drawings illustrating several possibilities for creating spaces by placing partitions and doors and used to infer the delimitation rules. 158 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO The spatial distribution is defined by the designer according to the following premises: every dwelling has to include at least one functional unit of each kind (storage, bathroom, or kitchen); living or sleeping spaces are adjacent to the façade to ensure natural lighting and ventilation, while circulation and services are located in the inner core of the dwelling. With this in mind, the designer can create different dwellings by placing the three functional units on different locations. Spaces are defined by the position of such units. The spectrum of possible placements are described in the scheme and coded into the program, which does not allow any other combination. The internal layout is established based on two aspects: first, the predefined housing program or design brief and second, the preferences of the designer in terms of spatial distribution. The design brief is input during the initial steps of operating the computer program. The program assists the designer and enquiries about the number of bedrooms and overall area of the dwelling. Based on this information, the internal distribution is defined step by step from the so called zone 1 or sleeping area, to zones 2 and 3, corresponding to access, circulation and services, and finally, to zone 4 or the living area. The same sequence is followed during the generation of the dwelling when the computer program asks the user to place different units on different locations and assists him in this task to guarantee an acceptable final result. Success is guaranteed by a well established set of rules that define all the acceptable relationships among adjacent spaces. For instance, in zone 1 or the sleeping area, three types of spaces may be placed: a bathroom, a storage unit, or a simple sleeping space. In addition, there are three different locations for the chosen unit, each resulting on a different spatial arrangement. In a similar fashion, zone 2 can host a bathroom, a storage unit, or an open space. However, the placement options are constrained by the presence of the entrance, which does not allow the creation of a small space close to the entrance door. Other rules can be extracted from the table in Figure 2; some address aesthetical aspects and others functional matters, such as circulation, environmental aspects, or hygiene. Once the basic spatial layout is defined by the user, the computer program completes the interior design with the placement of walls and doors as shown in Figure 3. In this task, the program takes into account the use of a particular space, but also those of adjacent spaces. Sleeping spaces are always confined by walls, except in studio apartments where space is completely fluid. Similarly, services like washing spaces are limited and enclosed by walls to guarantee water proofing and privacy. Kitchens are delimited by walls and doors according to the house typology and the corresponding required area. Other rules can be inferred from the table in Figure 3, like those for placing a door to a given space when the most A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING 159 immediate location is occluded by an adjacent space. All these rules are encoded into the program and illustrated in the table. The design of the façade is a reflection of the layout of inner spaces. This means that the placement of the functional units predetermine the placement of opaque façade panels and a colour code associated with the unit type is used to colour the panel. The remaining façade panels consist of transparent glass windows to provide for natural lighting and ventilation. Figure 4. Structural and framing system from the Kingspan building system. Typical prefabricated grid with maximum dimensions. The Kingspan building system is a complete construction system composed by three subsystems: a structural system, a framing system, and a lining system. The structural system is composed of galvanized steel elements that form a pillar and beam orthogonal supporting frame. These elements are manufactured by cold forming or simply by hot rollers and transformed into linear elements with diverse standard sections. These vertical and horizontal elements form a three-dimensional grid that frames each portion of interior space called a zone in the design system. The maximum grid dimensions are 4,5 m x 16 m x 3,5 m for the width, length, and height, respectively, as shown in Figure 4. The structural system can support up to six storeys, but structural reinforcement is recommended for more than three levels. 160 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO The framing system acts as a secondary reinforcement to the structural system and occupies the gaps between main structural elements, both in external walls and slabs. Cold-rolled galvanized C and I sections are used repeatedly to conceive the framing. I sections are used as main support, in beams and pillars, while C sections are used as wall and façade studs and slab supporting elements. The lining system depends on the choices of the designer and the materiality of a specific housing design. The internal lining and ceiling systems are prepared to adapt to various layouts and introduce most of the standard manufactured finishing products available on the market. However, for this particular project it was chosen coloured glass-fibre reinforced concrete panels and aluminium window frames for the façade, and concrete prefabricated panels for the side walls. The interior walls and ceilings are finished with plaster boards, and the floor is levelled with a light concrete layer finished with wooden boards in living and circulation spaces and with tiles in wet spaces. 4. Computer program The integration of the design and the construction systems into a single platform is possible thanks to a computer program that assists the designer in the conception of dwellings. As mentioned in Section 1, some of the major shortcomings and drawbacks of past design systems stemmed from difficulties in applying their rule sets, often extensive and complex, in an accurate and efficient manner. In the current case, many of the design aspects valued by designers, such as harmony of spatial proportions, functionality, salubriousness, structural stability, or even building codes1 are encoded into the computer program, which assists in and evaluates each design move. CREATEFLOOR (5) a=height STAIRCASE (6) LAYOUTN (7) KITCHENUNIT (13) b=module (0 8m) WCTUB (14) c=space length WCSHOWER2 (15) l=length WCSHOWER3 (16) n=unit multiple CLOSETUNIT (17) area numrooms 1 The current design system encodes the principles defined in the Portuguese building regulations, called REGEU – “Regulamento de Edificações Urbanas”. A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING DESIGNSPACEN (8) 161 DESIGNSPACE1 (18) DESIGNSPACE7 (19) INTERNALWALLN (9) CREATE (2) INTERNALWALL0 (20) … INTERNALWALL4 (21) ABC (1) MODIFY (3) KS-STRUCTURE (10) I_SHAPE (22) C_SHAPE (23) LEAVE (4) l_i l_c t_i t_c DESIGNRIGHTAP (11) lm_i lm_c ROOF (12) r1_i r1_c FAÇADE (13) C_FACADE (24) a1=a + l_i WINDOW (25) bi=b x ni , GLASS (26) i [1 2] b3=2l_i2t c-a FAÇADE_STUD (27) aroof=a/2 a w=a – Figure 5. Computer program structure – functional diagram The structure of the computer program is diagrammed in Figure 5. The main function, called ABC, is responsible for activating the program and initiating the Create, Modify and Leave cycle. The Create function generates the housing building design. This function starts by enquiring about basic building features such as the number of floors and floor height. This is followed by the activation of the function Createfloor, which will repeatedly run until the specified number of floors is designed. This function is responsible for the design of common spaces, including stairs, lifts, and circulations, as well as for the design of each housing unit, starting with left side one. For each dwelling, the interior design will evolve from zone 1, the sleeping area, to zone 2, the access area, to zone 3, the service area, and finally, to zone 4, the living area. Design at this stage is assisted by the functions LayoutN and DesignspaceN (with N < 7). The former is responsible for the placement of the perimeter wall, and the latter for the assignment of functions to spaces. DesignspaceN depends directly on the functions Kitchenunit, WCunit, and Closetunit, which generate different types of functional units to equip each 162 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO dwelling with the basic services, namely, kitchen, bathroom, and closet. It also prompts the user to select functional units and to specify their correct location within zones. Once the available dwelling area is packed with the selected spaces, the computer completes the design by assessing the resulting spatial distribution and then by placing appropriate boundaries among spaces – doors, walls, or partitions – according to the rule system illustrated in Figure 3. The function Designrightap performs a cycle where the functions just described are recalled and mirrored in order to design the right side dwelling. Once the floor is completed, the KStructure is responsible for the erection of the Kingspan building system dimensionally adapted to the generated design. This function will call sub-functions like I-beam, C-stud, and other sub-functions that are responsible for modelling particular elements. I and C sections are placed both horizontally and vertically to form frames that are parametrically defined in the function and then adjusted to specific spans. The façade is designed according to the inner placement of functional units. Opaque panels are aligned with the units and placed by the function Façade. Façade is also responsible for designing and modelling window frames, glass panels, and structural studs calling upon the sub-functions Cstud, Window and Glass. The process is repeated for each floor until it ends with the placement of the roof above the top floor by the function Roof. The design process can be monitored by the designer and client in real time with great precision since a three-dimensional model of the design is created in parallel to the decision making process (Figure 6). This allows the modification of undesired solutions or the comparison among different ones, which are enabled by activating the Modify function or the Create function, respectively. Once the user and the client are satisfied with the design, they can exit the program by activating the Leave function. Previously saved solutions can be later retrieved and modified as well. Figure 6. A 3-dimensional model of the evolving design is displayed to facilitate assessment and decision-making. A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING 163 There are three different outputs of the computer program: the threedimensional model just mentioned, but also bi-dimensional drawings and bills of quantities (Figure 7, top). The main purpose of the three-dimensional model is to facilitate visualization and assessment of the design by the designer and the client, which can take several forms with increasing levels of sophistication. It can be used for immediate visualization within AutoCAD, it can be exported into rendering software to obtain photorealistic views (Figure 7, bottom), or into a virtual reality system for virtual walks-through. It also can be utilized to generate a physical model using a rapid prototyping machine. The bi-dimensional drawings can be used as licensing drawings for approval of the design by the town hall, or as construction drawings to guide the construction of the building, following standard procedures. Figure 7. The output of the program includes a bill of construction elements (top), and a 3D model that can be exported to rendering software to create photorealistic views (bottom). The bill of construction elements is used to facilitate budgeting and manufacturing. For each element modelled by the computer, a record is 164 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO inserted in a list that compiles every element, its numerical reference, and its dimensional features. This list is converted by the function Record and saved as an .xls extension file, the standard EXCEL file format, which can be opened with MS Office to assess and control the overall budget. The same list can be used for automated production of prefabricated elements with the specified dimensions in the right quantity. 5. Conclusion The aim of this study was the creation of a system to explore tailored housing solutions and to produce documentation for mass-producing them using prefabrication as a way of rationalizing construction and controlling costs. The way chosen to guarantee the efficient application of the underlying design and construction systems was the development of a computer program that encodes both systems. This program can assist the designer and help to minimize the time and effort spent in conceiving, drawing, detailing, and budgeting solutions. The program also facilitates the participation of the client in the design of his or her own dwelling as a decision maker. Customization and diversity in mass-housing become goals that can be achieved without overpricing the final result since design and fabrication are partially automated. The proposed system is in line with previous approaches, but it goes one step further. In a paper called Design Machines, George Stiny and Lionel March (1981) proposed a theoretical model for the automated production of artefacts. The model foresaw the automation of both design and fabrication. This model was implemented by Wang and Duarte (2002) who developed a program that permitted the generation of 3-dimensional abstract objects using shape grammars (Stiny 1980) and the fabrication of the corresponding physical models using rapid prototyping. Later on, Duarte (2001; 2005) proposed a theoretical model for the automated production of dwellings called discursive grammar. This model foresaw the automated generation of housing designs that matched given criteria within a given design language. The model’s validity was illustrated with an implementation developed for the case of houses designed by the architect Alvaro Siza at Malagueira. The model also foresaw the use of computer aided-manufacturing to produce houses, but the link between design generation and fabrication was yet to be implemented. The current system establishes such a connection. In addition, there are three important differences between the two implementations. First, in the previous implementation, the rules of the design system were codified using a shape grammar, whereas the current one relies on parametric design. Shape grammars constitute a well-defined formalism that facilitates the process of devising, structuring, and applying rules systems that define languages of designs. A grammar permits to A SYSTEM TO GENERATE CUSTOMIZED HOUSING 165 explain the features of designs in a language, to say whether an unknown design in that language, and how to generate new designs in the same language. However, shape grammars are difficult to implement in the computer because they require one to solve difficult technical problems, linked to shape recognition and rule application. On the other hand, there is no clear formalism to develop parametric systems of designs and one has to rely on his or her intuition to do it. Moreover, parametric design does not offer a rational explanation of how designs are categorized and generated. Nevertheless, once a parametric model is devised, it is much easier to implement and apply in the computer. Because the design system was purposefully devised by the architect and thus its rules were very clear, and because the current research had very practical goals, it was decided to develop a parametric model, instead of a shape grammar. The second difference is that in the previous implementation there was a clear separation between the generation of the housing program and the generation of the corresponding solution, whereas is the current one there is not. Such a separation permitted greater flexibility and interaction in the definition of housing specifications, but implied that the user only visualized the impact of his choices at the end of the specification process, after making all the decisions and the program generating the solution. By evolving the 3D model while the user made choices, it was possible to visualize the result and correct it immediately, thereby making it easier and faster to tailor the design to the family needs The third difference is that in the previous implementation the generation of designs was fully automated and the user could be the architect or the client, whereas the current one was targeted at the architect right from the beginning. As a result, it was developed as a design support tool and the degree of automation is considerably lower. This avoided complex technical problems such as shape recognition and optimization and made programming easier. Because the role of the architect is more apparent, the use of the tool is likely to be more accepted by the architectural community. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the support and interest of the Foresight and Innovation Department of the Ove Arup office in London and, particularly, Chris Luebkeman, Alvise Simondetti and Kristina Shea. This project was developed partially at Ove Arup in London and at Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon. References Duarte, JP: 1995, Tipo e módulo. Abordagem ao processo de produção de habitação, LNEC, Lisboa. 166 D. BENRÓS, J. P. DUARTE AND F. BRANCO Duarte JP: 2001, Customizing Mass Housing: A Discursive Grammar for Siza´s Malagueira Houses, Ph.D. Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Duarte, JP: 2005, A discursive grammar for customizing mass housing; the case of Siza’s houses at Malagueira, Automation in Construction 14: 265-275. Gausa; M: 1998, Housing new alternatives, new systems, ACTAR and Birkhäuser, Barcelona. Gausa; M. and Salazar, J: 1999, Singular housing, the private domain, ACTAR and Birkhäuser, Barcelona. Habraken; N.J: 2000, El Diseño de soportes, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. Stiny G: 1980, Introduction to shape and shape grammars, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 7: 343-351. Stiny, G; March, L: 1981, Design machines, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 8: 245-255. Wang, Y; Duarte, JP: 2002, Automatic Generation and Fabrication of Designs, Automation in Construction 11(3): 291-302. Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex VII – Brief description of the ISTAR Labs and the CAD I and CAD II courses 2 ISTAR Labs– Architecture Research Laboratories Traditionally, the formation in architecture in Portugal tends to be dominated by an art-oriented approach, instead of a science and technology-oriented one. The goal of the proposed approach is to enable a new kind of formation in which the artistic component is balanced by a strong technological component including two main aspects: (1) the use of computational media for modelling, prototyping, and simulating design solutions and (2) the study and application of the principles that regulate the physical and environmental behaviour of buildings. The goal of the ISTAR Labs is to contribute for enriching architectural teaching through the use of new technologies. The idea is to use these technologies to build upon the established strength of the traditional studio method. The strength of the studio method is its problem-oriented focus by engaging students in complex ill-defined problems that require creativity and crossdisciplinary work. The proposed strategy is to create a robust research environment that complements the physical studio environment. The goal is to investigate how new technologies can be integrated in the design process and stimulate innovative teaching and the emergence of creative spatial and building solutions. The ISTAR Labs encompasses two laboratories: the Computational Architecture Laboratory (LAC, after the Portuguese acronym), and the Bioclimatic Architecture Laboratory (LAB). The former is articulated with the concept of virtual campus, which has progressively been implemented at TU Lisbon by stimulating students to acquire laptops and use the wireless network. The second supports experimental and practical teaching in the environmental performance of buildings, thereby offering a formation that is crucial for the professional activity of future architects. The ISTAR Labs are the Portuguese counterpart of an international effort that includes StudioMIT, a research project under development at the MIT Department of Architecture. Both projects explore a new approach to teaching technologies, one that favours the creation of learning communities. As the traditional university campus gathers and supports an academic community, the ISTAR Labs and StudioMIT aim to achieve the same goal using information technology. The Computational Architecture Laboratory – the most important of the two ISTAR Labs for the teaching of CAD I, CAD II, and the CAAD Studio – is briefly described below. Computacional Architecture Laboratory The Computational Architecture Laboratory includes four modules: rapid prototyping, virtual reality, remote collaboration, and advance geometric modelling. The rapid prototyping module includes both rapid prototyping and 3D digitizing facilities. Rapid prototyping enables the production of physical models from digital ones, whereas 3D digitizing accomplishes the opposite. Both techniques can be used in the study of design and construction solutions that cannot be accomplished with traditional media due to shape complexity. These solutions afford new aesthetic opportunities, but also better technical performance. The virtual reality permits the creation of virtual models from digital ones, with different degrees of immersion and interaction. Virtual models can be used for conveying solutions to clients, for studying the impact of large-scale architectural and urban interventions, for testing and experimenting with innovative construction techniques in a degree not allowed by physical 3 and digital objects. The major advantage of virtual reality is that the user can experience the built environment in a way that is closer to reality without actually having to build it. The remote collaboration module provides the means for enabling distance teaching, learning, and working. An important part of the work involved in the design of a building is done in collaboration. Traditionally, such a collaboration required participants to be co-located. Later, technological would introduce synchronous and asynchronous means of communication, such as fax machines, telex, and phone. More recently, other forms of communication emerged such as e-mail, videoconferencing, and Web-based applications. The goal of this lab is to study how such new forms of communication affect and should be used for effective design collaboration. The advanced geometric modelling possesses the tools for the development and manipulation of digital models for analysis and visualization purposes. Some of the available tools include wide spread software such as Architectural Desktop, Photoshop, 3D Studio, but also more sophisticated software such as Mechanical Desktop, Autodesk Revit, Rhino, and Catia. Figure V-1: ISTAR Labs, Architecture Research Laboratories, Computational Architecture Laboratory: views of the advanced geometric modelling, rapid prototyping, remote collaboration, and virtual reality modules. Computer Aided Design I (CAD I): modelling and visualization This course is the first in the series of three devised for providing students with state-of-art design and representation skills. It introduces the fundamentals of geometric modelling and visualization techniques while presenting students with the most common hardware and software solutions. In the proposed approach, the computer is not understood as a mere electronic version of traditional drafting media, but as a tool that creates new opportunities for architectural and urban design. Students are asked to select a building, to construct its virtual model and then to manipulate it creatively from analyzing and describing its architectural qualities. The goal is to teach students about architectural qualities and in doing so get them to learn how to model with the computer. Work proceeds through a series of five small exercises that build up to a final Project: 2D and 3D modelling, image processing, realistic rendering, and Web design. (Figure V-2) In previous years, students selected buildings from World famous architects or local city landmarks. In the latter case, the work in the class is articulated with a research project that is being developed in collaboration with a firm, which aims at developing a 3D model of the city for research and practice purposes. Figure V-2. CAD I: Geometric Modelling and Visualization. Central Tejo, Lisboa (Eduardo Costa, 2001/02): from 2D drawings to the photorealistic model. Computer Aided Design II (CAD II): programming and fabrication This course introduces the theoretical and practical Fundamentals for the exploration of computational aspects of architectural form and knowledge. The basic concepts of computer 4 programming are addressed using Autolisp, the scripting language of Autocad. Students are expected to acquire the basic skills required for developing their own design tools. As such, students are introduced to various paradigms for encoding and computing with architectural forms – parametric design, shape grammars, genetic algorithms, and cellular automata – as well as to different techniques for producing through rapid prototyping – cutting, additive, and subtractive processes. Students are asked to select a class of forms and encode them into a computer program. Work proceeds through a series of 5 small exercises that build up to a final project: batch, parametric, and rule-based program, Web design, and rapid prototyping. In previous years, students’ work addressed both historical themes, for instance, a program for generating Roman theatres based on Vitruvius’ “Ten Books of Architecture, and contemporary themes, for instance, a program for generating double-curved towers and decomposing them into discrete parts for fabrication. (Figure V-4) Figure V-3: CAD II: programming and fabrication. Program for generating Romanesque churches (Ricardo Mesquita, 2003/04): from the digital model to the 3D physical model produced by FDM. Figure V-4: CAD II: programming and fabrication. Program for generating 3D complex tower buildings through the manipulation of polygons and for producing the information required for making the physical model using a lasercutter (Júlio Luta e Luís Marques, 2005/06). 5 6 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex VIII – Excerpt from the Catalog of the 2005 Spot on Schools Exhibition 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio Annex IX – Paper presented at the 25th International eCAADe Conference 2 Inserting New Technologies in Undergraduate Architectural Curricula A Case Study José Duarte Technical University of Lisbon [email protected] This paper describes a set of curricular tools devised to insert new technologies in an undergraduate architectural curriculum. These tools encompass three courses and laboratories with advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, virtual reality, and remote collaboration facilities. The immediate goal was to set up the virtual design studio and enable creative design thinking. The ultimate goal was to fulfill the criteria of intellectual satisfaction, acquisition of specialized professional skills, and contribution for the economic development of society that should underlie university education. Keywords: Architecture; education; fabrication; digital media. Introduction The insertion of “new technologies” in architectural teaching and practice has been everything but smooth. The meaning of the term itself is ambiguous and tends to be reduced in a very simplistic manner to the computer or even more simplistically, to CAD software. Not surprisingly, the issue divides educators and professionals alike and prompts them to take extreme positions. On one side, one finds those who tend to assign the computer to a central role; on the other, one encounters those who refuse to admit that it can have any role at all. Reality, nevertheless, demonstrates that the role of the computer can facilitate the resolution of certain design problems but may jeopardize the solving of others. Time and experience permit to categorize problems and so the contact of architectural students with new technologies in the early stages of their learning and training process is important. This article describes a set of curricular tools that were devised to accomplish this goal within a new undergraduate program in architecture. The new program was created within Instituto Superior Técnico, the Technical University of Lisbon School of Engineering, with the aim of providing a technology oriented education in architecture. This sort of orientation was inexistent in other architectural schools in the country, which have inherited the beaux arts tradition. The devised tools also were expected to contribute for this goal and they encompass three courses and a laboratory. Almost two decades ago, Akin (1989) identified two different approaches to the role of computers Session 05: Digital Design Education - eCAADe 25 247 in architecture. One, supported by early computer enthusiasts and pioneers argued that it would eventually replace the architect. The other, hold by more conservative designers defended that it could merely add to existing design capabilities. Akin, however, was in favor of a third view, which considered that the “new technology continues to change the way we design, rather than merely augment or replace human designers.” The belief of this view was the starting point for the design of the curricular tools described in this paper. The work of early pioneers who used the computer in the design of buildings with success made evident that turning the back to the new technology was not the solution. As a result, some schools introduced CAD courses in the last years of their programs. The computer was then used as a drafting tool in the last stages of the design process to produce accurate or presentation drawings. As our goal was to give students the opportunity to use the computer as a conception tool, rather than a mere representation device, it was decided to include CAD education in the early years of the program. This program was initially set up as a five-year professional degree to guarantee accreditation by the architectural association. Courses were organized into five categories: basic sciences, design support systems, building technology, history and theory, and architectural design, and classes started in 1998. When the program was set up, it included two computer related courses: Programming and CAD. The first was required in all the degrees offered by the school, and it consisted of a C language programming class. The second course consisted mainly in a 2D Autocad course. It did not take long for problems to emerge. The contents and exercises of the programming course were the same across all the degrees and had no architectural content. Architecture students complained that they did not perceive how programming skills could be applied in designing and they saw no point in taking the class. As a result, many dropped and failed. The CAD course was offered in the second year. In this course, 248 eCAADe 25 - Session 05: Digital Design Education Autocad was taught in the same manner in which it was taught to civil engineering students. Significant Autocad commands were listed and shown how they worked. Then students were given 2D drawings and asked to use Autocad to copy them. Students saw little motivation in copying drawings and some dropped the class. Those who finished it used the acquired skills to develop accurate drawings in their studios, but the computer was not used in a creative way. When it became clear that things were not going in the desired direction, it was decided to change the curricula. This happened only two years after the program was initiated and led to the strategy described herein. Theoretical framework and the virtual design studio In setting up the new curricula, two theoretical frameworks were taken into account. The first was Schon’s theory of the reflective practitioner. (Schon 1987; 1988). In his texts, Schon puts forth an approach for educating competent professionals so that they are able to tackle complex and unforeseen problems in their practice. He describes designing as a conversation with the materials of a design situation. Working in some visual medium -- drawing, in the experiments reported in the texts -- the designer sees what is ‘there’ in some representation of a site, draws in relation to it, and sees what has been drawn, thereby informing further designing. In this see-move-see cycle, the designer not only visually registers information but also constructs its meaning, that is, identifies patterns and assigns meanings to them. Schon elaborates on the conditions that enable this cycle to work effectively, and thus draws some recommendations for design education and for the development of computer environments. In Schon’s approach, to be able to construct visual representations of a design context is a key element of an effective designing process. Accordingly, hand drawing is an essential skill in traditional design education. Our goal in setting up the CAD curricula of the new program was to promote the kind of process described by Schon, but with computer-based media. The second framework was the one provided by Mitchell and McCullough in Digital Design Media (1994), which is summarized in the diagram reproduced in Figure 1. The diagram shows the emerging relationships between drawings, digital models, physical models, and built designs and illustrates the possible translations among the various representations. The new curricula were set up to ensure that students had the opportunity to learn and experiment with all of these translations. This meant that they had to be given access both to the capabilities found in traditional design studios and those offered by virtual design studios. The specific courses in which students had the first contact with the translation mechanisms involving digital media are identified in the diagram. To complete the set up required for the digital design studio, these courses needed to be complemented with a sophisticated infrastructure. Part of it was common to the entire school, including wide network access and online course information. In fact, the school is connected Figure 1 A design studio fully integrating traditional and digital media (Adapted from Mitchell and McCullough, 1994). to the e-U, a country-wide wireless network that links all the country’s universities and permits anyone to log-in from any campus, regardless of the institution of origin. In addition, the school has implemented and turned mandatory to place the contents of all courses on line using a system developed locally called Phoenix. The remaining infrastructure was specific to the Program in Architecture and included advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, virtual reality and video-conferencing laboratories. The courses and the labs are briefly described below. CAD I: Geometric Modeling and Visualization, 1st year. This course is the first in the series of three devised for the new undergraduate Program in Architecture with the intention of proving students with state of art designing and representation skills. It introduces the fundamentals of geometric modeling and visualization techniques while presenting students with the most common hardware and software solutions. In the proposed approach, the computer is not understood as a mere electronic version of traditional drafting media, but as a tool that creates new opportunities to architectural and urban design. Students are asked to select a building, to construct its virtual model and then to manipulate it creatively for analyzing and describing its architectural qualities. The goal is to teach students about architectural qualities and in doing so get them to learn how to model with the computer. Work proceeds through a series of 5 small exercises that build up to a final project: 2D and 3D modeling, image processing, realistic rendering and web design. (Figure 2) In previous years, students selected buildings from World famous architects or local city landmarks. In the latter case, the work in the class is articulated with a research project that is being developed in collaboration with a firm, which aims at developing a 3D model of the city for research and practice purposes. The goal is to make the city model available from interactive TV. Session 05: Digital Design Education - eCAADe 25 249 Figure 2 CAD I: Geometric Modeling and visualization. Central Tejo, Lisboa (Eduardo Costa, 2001/02): from the 2d to the photorealistic model. CAD II: Programming and Digital Fabrication, 2nd year This course introduces the theoretical and practical fundamentals for the exploration of computational aspects of architectural form and knowledge. The basic concepts of computer programming are addressed using Autolisp, the scripting language of Autocad. Students are expected to acquire the basic skills required for developing their own design tools. As such, students are introduced to various paradigms for encoding and computing with architectural forms – parametric design, shape grammars, genetic algorithms, and cellular automata – as well to different techniques for producing them through rapid prototyping – cutting, additive, and subtractive processes. Students are asked to select a class of forms and encode them into a computer program. Work proceeds through a series of 5 small exercises that build up to a final project: batch, parametric and rule-based programs, web design, and rapid proto- typing. In previous years, students work addressed both historical themes, for instance a program for generating Romanesque churches (Figure 3), and contemporary themes, for instance, a program for generating double-curved towers and decomposed them into discrete parts for fabrication. (Figure 4) CAAD: Computer Aided Architectural Design Studio, 5th year This course integrates the skills acquired in the previous two courses while introducing new tools, such as advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, virtual reality, remote collaboration and structural analysis. It aims at exploring the use of advanced computer aided design and production techniques to address complex problems and develop innovative solutions in collaboration with the industry. It has the format of a remote collaborative design studio open to senior students in Architecture and Engineering of at least two universities. For instance Figure 3 CAD II: programming and fabrication. Program for generating Romanesque churches (Ricardo Mesquita, 2003/04): from the digital model to the 3d physical model produced by FDM. 250 eCAADe 25 - Session 05: Digital Design Education Figura 4 CAD II: programming and fabrication. Program for generating3D complex tower buildings through the manipulation of polygons and producing the information required for making the physical model using a laser-cutter (Júlio Luta e Luís Marques, 2005/06). in one academic year, the problem was to design a technology-oriented cultural centre that included non-regular double-curved surfaces made of ceramic elements. In another year, it aimed at conceiving innovative ceramic roof coverings. For detailed accounts of these studios see Duarte et al. (2004) and Caldas and Duarte (2005), respectively. More recently, the studio addressed the customization of mass housing. This studio built on previous research aimed at devising a methodology for designing housing systems. (Duarte 2005; Benrós et al. 2007) This methodology encompasses a design system, a building system, and a computer system. The design system encodes the rules for generating solutions tailored to specific design contexts. It determines the formal structure and the functional organization of the house. The building system specifies how to construct such solutions in accordance with a particular technology that is suitable for the context. Finally, the computer system enables the easy exploration of solutions and the automatic generation of information for fabricating and building the houses. It was the first time that this methodology was used in its full extent. In the CAD II, students had already developed programs for exploring solutions within housing design systems conceived by students in a more traditional. However, in the CAAD Studio the conceptual and temporal separa- tion between conceiving the design system and developing the program were blurred, and students conceived the design system by developing a computer program. (Figure 5) This was exactly the sort of approach that was sought when these classes were devised. Computer-based media has become a way of stimulating creative design thinking and engaging students in a reflective practice as proposed by Schon. The detailed account of the housing design methodology just mentioned will be the theme of a future publication. Regardless the specific themes, the key ideas in the studio are to use advanced media both for designing and exploring solutions at the conceptual design stage and for producing the information needed to build them at the construction detailing stage. In addition, students are asked to develop the protocols required for geographically distributed, multidisciplinary design teams to operate effectively. In short, students are expected to operate within the context of a virtual design studio. ISTAR: Architecture Research Laboratories The goal of the IST Architecture Research Laboratories (ISTAR) is to enrich architectural higher education through information technology and research. Session 05: Digital Design Education - eCAADe 25 251 Figure 5 CAAD: Computer Aided Architectural Design. Design system for customized housing conceived by programming it in Autolisp. (Luís Rasteiro, Joana Pimenta, and Pedro Barroso 2005/06). Explanation of how rules are applied in the generation a solution, partial universe of design solutions, view of a street generated using the program, and FDM models of solutions. The ISTAR labs will investigate how such information technologies can be integrated in the design process. These labs represent a fundamentally new strategy for professional education in general and architectural design programs in particular – a strategy that employs educational technology to build upon the established strength of the studio method, and the design community experience with it. The strengths of the studio method are its problem-oriented focus by engaging students 252 eCAADe 25 - Session 05: Digital Design Education in complex ill-defined problems that require creativity and cross-disciplinary work. The proposed strategy is to create a robust research environment and a rich online environment that complement the physical studio environment. The ISTAR Labs encompasses two main labs: the Bioclimatic Architecture Lab (LAB, after the Portuguese acronym) and the Computational Architecture Lab (LAC), addressed in his article. LAC includes four modules briefly described below. Figure 6 ISTAR, IST Architecture Research Laboratories: views of the advanced geometric modeling, rapid prototyping, remote collaboration, and virtual reality facilities included in the computational architecture laboratory. Advanced Geometric Modeling Lab The advanced geometric modeling module possesses the tools for the development and manipulation of digital models for analysis and visualization purposes. Some of the available tools include wide spread software such as Architectural Desktop, Photoshop, 3D Studio, but also more sophisticated software such Mechanical Desktop, Autodesk Revit, Rhino and Catia. Rapid Prototyping Lab The rapid prototyping module includes both rapid prototyping and 3D digitizing facilities. Rapid prototyping enables the production of physical models from digital ones, whereas 3D digitizing accomplishes the opposite. Both techniques can be used in the study of design and construction solutions that cannot be accomplished with the traditional means due to shape complexity. These solutions include new building forms for aesthetic innovation and pleasure, but also for better technical performance. The solutions rapid prototyping and 3d digitizing solutions available are those considered appropriate for a teaching environment for being cleaner, for not demanding special security measures, for possessing easy maintenance. The available solutions can be complemented by more sophisticated solutions that exist in other IST laboratories. Virtual Reality Lab The virtual reality module enables the creation of virtual models from digital ones, with different degrees of immersion and interaction. Virtual models can be used for conveying solutions to clients, for studying the impact of large-scale architectural and urban interventions, for testing and experiment with innovative constructions techniques in a degree not allowed by physical and digital models. The big advantage of virtual reality is that the user can experience the built environment in a way that is closer to reality without actually having to build it. The lab includes a desktop solution, and a room unit. The desktop solution can be used by a single user, and it allows only a small degree of immersion and user interaction with the environment, whereas the room unit can be used by several users at once and allows a higher degree of immersion. Remote Collaboration Lab The remote collaboration module provides the means for enabling distance teaching, learning, and working. An important part of the work involved in the design of a building is done in collaboration. Traditionally, such a collaboration required participants to be co-located. Later, technological evolution would then introduce synchronous and asynchronous means of communication, such as fax machines, telex, and phone. More recently, other forms of communication emerged such as e-mail, videoconferencing, and Web-based applications. The goal of this lab is to study how such new forms of communication affect and should be used for effective design collaboration. It includes several wide spread desktop solutions for videoconference through IP, and one mobile larger unit that enables both IP and ISDN communication. Conclusion This paper describes a set of courses and labs created to materialize the virtual design studio within a new program in architecture. The goal was to provide stu- Session 05: Digital Design Education - eCAADe 25 253 dents with state of art technology and prompt the use of such a technology in a natural way in the design process. When the courses and labs were created the expected results were: (1) to support architectural teaching and research; (2) to investigate how computers and information technology can be integrated in the design process; (3) to create a research environment that supports creative and innovative design teaching and practice; (4) to develop new expertise oriented towards new architectural and building solutions; (5) to provide technology-oriented consulting services to the AEC industry. These results were achieved to a certain extent. The technology was successfully integrated in the architecture program and use of the skills that students acquired in the described courses has extended to other courses. The courses and the labs have served as the basis for developing several master and doctorate theses. The work of students has led to innovative and creative approaches with recognized results. For instance, one student won the FEIDAD Award in 2005. In addition, several patents were obtained, some of which have yielded new products for the construction industry that are now being commercialized. This, in turn, has prompted the industry to take the initiative to commission new projects. Finally, the courses and the labs have contributed for increasing the students’ employability. In summary, the described curricular tools, we believe, satisfy the three criteria that should be at the core of university education: intellectual satisfaction, acquisition of specialized professional skills, and contribution for the economic development of society. More information on the courses and the lab can be found at Acknowledgements The author thanks the students, the teaching assistants, and the colleagues who participated in the classes described in this paper for their enthusiasm, commitment, and hard work. Special thanks are due to Deborah Benrós, Gonçalo Ducla-Soares, José Pedro Sousa, José Beirão, João Rocha, and Luísa Caldas. 254 eCAADe 25 - Session 05: Digital Design Education References Akin, Ö.: 1990, Computational Design Instruction: Toward a Pedagogy, The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era, CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), 1989, pp. 302-316. Benrós D.; Duarte, J.P.; Branco, F.: 2007, A System for providing customized housing: Integrating design and construction using a computer tool, in Gero. J., Dong, A. (eds.) Proceedings of the12th CAAD Futures Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 2007, pp. 153-166. Breen, J.: 2004, Changing Roles for (Multi)Media Tools in Design - Assessing Developments and Applications of (Multi)Media Techniques in Design Education, Practice and Research, Architecture in the Network Society, 22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings. Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 530-539. Caldas, L.G.; Duarte, J.P.: 2005, Fabricating Innovative Ceramic Covers: Re-thinking Roof Tiles in a Contemporary Context, in Duarte; J. Ducla-Soares, G.; Sampaio, Z. (eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2005, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 269276. Duarte, J.P.; L.G. Caldas; J. Rocha: 2004, Freeform ceramics: design and production of complex forms with ceramic elements. In B. Rudiger, B. Tournay, and H. Orbaek (eds.), Architecture in the Network Society, Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, eCAADe 2004, Copehagen, Denmark, pp. 174-183. Duarte, J.P.: 2005, Towards the Mass Customization of Housing: the grammar of Siza’s houses at Malagueira, in Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, volume 32 (3), pp 347-380. Mitchell, W. J. and McCullough, M.: 1994, Digital Design Media, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. Schon, D.: 1987, Educating the Reflective Practitioner, Josey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco. Schon, D. A. and Wigging, G.: 1988, Kinds of Seeing and Their Functions in Designing, 1988.