2014-2015 Honor Roll - Manhattan Beach Education Foundation
2014-2015 Honor Roll - Manhattan Beach Education Foundation
NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Enrich and Empower MANHATTAN BEACH EDUCATION FOUNDATION Manhattan Beach Education Foundation P.O. Box 1110, Manhattan Beach, CA 90267-1110 2015 MBEF ANNUAL REPORT & HONOR ROLL A SALUTE TO OU R 2014 -2015 DONORS Enrich and Empower Enrich and Empower CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND FACTS MBEF FUNDED PROGRAMS About Our Grants Private Donations / No Parcel Tax 1-2 3 4-8 10 COLLEGE LISTING 11-12 ANNUAL APPEAL 13-42 MATCHING GIFT DONORS 43 BUSINESS SPONSORS 44 MANHATTAN WINE AUCTION 45 STEM Paddle Raise Silent and Live Auction MBEF ENDOWMENT Endowment Honor Roll Class of 2015 Forever Fund 46-47 48 49 50-52 53 MBEF BOARD AND STAFF 54 MISSION STATEMENTS 55 THERE ARE 5,642 DONORS Since MBEF was founded in 1983, we’ve grown from a group of parents who came together to raise $20,000 for “extras”, to a critical partner that provides over 9% of our District’s annual funding. Today MBEF supports or enhances — in small or large part — nearly every academic pursuit and enrichment opportunity across our District’s seven campuses. MBEF has a profound impact because parents, business leaders, educators, and community members invest their time, talents and financial resources to make our children’s school years exceptional. In 2014/15, 5,642 donors supported MBEF by making a gift to strengthen our schools. This is an incredible achievement that speaks volumes about our collective commitment to our schools and excellent educational opportunities. We are proud that our District’s test scores remain high, and continue to attract new families to Manhattan Beach. Beyond the test scores, however, we are a community that places great importance on the benefits of character development, teamwork, collaboration and innovation. MBEF funds and advocates for a well-rounded, hands-on education that sparks creativity and emboldens every student’s enthusiasm for learning. We hope you will take a moment to browse through this booklet and read about the programs MBEF funds — that you have made possible. It is through your support that our District is able to provide programs that inspire learning, enrich teaching and promote innovation and academic excellence. Our work together continues, year after year, as we are always striving to be better and dreaming of what more is possible. Thank you — 5,642 times — for dreaming with us! 1 71 6,000,000 $ MBEF funding to our schools in 2015/16 MBEF pays for 71 educators in grades K-12 9 3 % Percentage of total District budget that is covered by MBEF RD MBUSD is ranked 3rd in California 220 73 % 61% of MBUSD teachers will receive Professional Development funded by MBEF Percentage of donations that comes from parents Impressive as these numbers are, they only begin to convey the sheer magnitude of what our students receive as a result of your investment in MBEF. Many of our District’s programs and positions would be eliminated if not for the generous support of our community. Thank you for your partnership. MBUSD FUNDING SOURCES 2014/15 9% MBEF State: $52,070,000 MBEF: $5,765,000 Leases and Rentals: $2,001,000 Other Donations: $1,642,000 Federal: $1,409,000 PTA: $707,000 MBX: $136,000 Interest: $50,000 2 — MBEF FUNDED PROGRAMS — 2015/16 SCHOOL YEAR — MORE THAN $6M IN GRANTS DISTRICT-WIDE PROGRAMS: $1,012,000 •Data Evaluation and Program Assessment* •Innovation Grants to Teachers* •Music Teachers (44%)** •Professional Development: UCLA Center X Math** •STEM — Project Lead the Way* •Teacher Leaders: 21st Century Teaching and Writing •Teacher of the Year Stipends* ELEMENTARY: $1,940,000 •Class Size Reduction: K-3 •Library Specialists •MindUP Implementation* •Physical Education Teachers** •Reading Specialists •Science Specialists •Technology Teachers MIDDLE SCHOOL: $1,035,000 •Class Size Reduction: English & Humanities •Extra Period Classes •Guidance Counselors •Library Specialist •Professional Development: Science and Math* •STEM — Additional Classes* •Wheel Electives HIGH SCHOOL: $2,013,000 •Class Size Reduction: English •College and Career Counselors •Extra Period Classes •Guidance and Academic Support Counselors** •Librarian •Professional Development: Counseling* •Science Lab Assistant 3 *New grants in 2015/16 **Grant amount increased in 2015/16 — ABOUT OUR GRANTS — DISTRICT-WIDE: $1,012,000 Data Evaluation and Program Assessment: $100,000* How well do our programs work? What shifts could we make in math, counseling and writing to strengthen our academic outcomes? Is our iPad program achieving the intended goals? So many questions we can’t answer because, until now, we have not had an analyst with the capacity to assess our programs and give our educators the data they need to strengthen them. In addition, this position will give MBEF the data we need to make strategic data-backed funding decisions going forward. It’s a small portion of our overall funding (1.6%), but it could have a tremendous impact on our ability to meet goals and strengthen our impact. Innovation Grants to Teachers: $25,000* In 2015/16 MBEF will request proposals from teachers for projects that provide innovation and/ or collaboration in learning. These small grants ($500-$3,500) will give our educators an opportunity to exercise their passion for teaching, develop ideas, partner with colleagues and connect with the wealth of knowledge, expertise and talent within MBUSD. Projects will enhance curriculum and align with school and District goals. Music: $430,000** Music, math and science achievement go hand in hand. MBEF funds 44% of music instruction K-12, and as a result, the music program at MBUSD has experienced phenomenal growth and success. All students in grades 1-5 receive weekly music instruction, which forms the foundation for our award-winning middle and high school programs. In 2015/16 MBEF increased this grant by $30K to strengthen instruction. Professional Development — UCLA Center X Math K-12: $100,000 Recent District-wide data and parent feedback has shown that we need to strengthen our Math program so that it is better aligned with Common Core Standards. Through this grant, UCLA Center X, a leader in Common Core implementation and teacher education, connects our District with teacher leaders who provide best practices and coaching for teachers throughout the District. STEM — Project Lead the Way: $130,000* In the next three years our students will experience a significant shift in the way our District teaches Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). In fall of 2015, we are launching Project Lead the Way (PLTW), the nation’s leading provider of K-12 STEM programs. Their curriculum is hands-on, project-based, and data-backed. We are excited about how this initiative will transform the way our children engage with STEM and innovation. Teacher Leaders — 21st Century Teaching and Writing: $222,000 There have been significant changes in the use of technology and the consistency of writing instruction in schools across our country. In every grade, what is taught is as important as how it’s taught. MBEF funding helps make sure each child’s curriculum keeps pace with the changing world by funding two Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) to lead continuous improvement efforts throughout the District in these important areas of growth. 4 Teacher of the Year Stipends: $5,000* Each year MBUSD recognizes one teacher from each school site as the Teacher of the Year, and one of those teachers is selected as the District-wide Teacher of the Year. MBUSD’s 7 Teachers of the Year have not previously received a monetary reward for this significant honor. This is an exciting opportunity to award the teachers, who do so much for our children every day. ELEMENTARY: $1,940,000 Class Size Reduction- Additional Teachers K-3: $711,000 Our recent survey results show that MBEF’s grant to reduce class size is the one parents and teachers prioritize. MBEF is continuing its commitment to keeping our class sizes low. Our K-3 classrooms throughout the District are set at a maximum of 24:1. Library Specialists: $195,000 Having access to a school library and knowing how to find your way around provides endless discoveries for students. This grant funds five Library Specialists – one for each of our five elementary schools. Library Specialists ensure that our school libraries are open every hour that school is in session. In addition to maintaining the libraries, the Specialists work with all teachers to help our students learn research and media literacy skills. MindUP: $40,000* In 2014/15, MBUSD received a grant from Beach Cities Health District to implement MindUP, a social emotional learning curriculum, in grades K-5. MindUP is a CASEL accredited program that strengthens student outcomes and reduces drug and alcohol use and stress levels. MBEF’s $40K grant will support the complete implementation of this program by funding additional professional development, parent education sessions, and program oversight and assessment. Physical Education: $230,000** MBEF is proud to support credentialed physical education teachers at the elementary schools. PE teachers provide 100 minutes of high quality physical education and sportsmanship each week to all students, grades 1-5. We increased this grant in 2015/16 to improve student to teacher ratios. 5 Reading Specialists: $333,000 From K-3, children learn to read and then they read to learn. This grant funds five credentialed teachers who work with students to increase reading proficiency. The Reading Specialists also work with all elementary teachers to promote high quality reading instruction in all schools. STEM Facilitator (MakerSpace + Science + Technology Teachers): $4,000* This small grant will provide a stipend for a current teacher to help coordinate our efforts in STEM K-5. By facilitating bi-monthly meetings across sites that include STEM teachers, Tech TOSAs, and MakerSpace leads, we will be creating an opportunity for all of our teachers to learn from each other and utilize best practices. STEM Teachers: $297,000 This grant funds five credentialed STEM Teachers who provide all elementary students with hands-on lab experience and project-based learning opportunities that strengthen students’ passion for science. All five STEM Teachers participated in the Project Lead the Way training over the summer and will be infusing the curriculum with more hands-on projects that are better aligned with Next Generation Science Standards. Technology Teachers: $130,000 Our students have access to technology in the classroom in grades 3-8. To ensure that technology is being used effectively, this grant funds two experienced Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) who will implement best practices and support teachers to integrate technology into instruction. MANHATTAN BEACH MIDDLE SCHOOL: $1,035,000 Counselors: $379,000 MBEF funds 100% of Counseling and the Student Academic Support (SAS) Program at MBMS. Counselors play an essential role for all students in academic guidance, personal counseling and life planning. When a child needs help with scheduling, classes or social issues, an advisor is always there, operating on the front lines. When most schools have drastically reduced counselors, our ratios have improved. English Class Size Reduction: $333,000 Through this grant, MBEF provides additional English and Humanities classes to lower overall class size. Smaller classes allow our English and Humanities teachers to provide students with more individualized attention and focused and frequent writing instruction and feedback. Extra Period Classes: $74,000 This grant enables MBMS students to add an additional period so students who are involved in extracurricular activities can fulfill course requirements, and benefit from additional elective courses. 6 Library Specialist: $42,000 Having access to a school library and knowing how to find your way around provides endless discoveries for students. MBEF supports a full-time Library Specialist to ensure that the MBMS Library is open every hour that school is in session. The Specialist maintains the library and works with all teachers to help our students learn research and media literacy skills. Professional Development- Science and Math: $66,000 With changes in curriculum necessitated by Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, as well as shifts in pedagogy, it is essential that we create a “Viable and Guaranteed’ curriculum in our Math and Science Departments. Viable means that we have an adequate amount of time dedicated to each area of study. Guaranteed means that students will be taught, graded and assessed in the same manner, regardless of who their teachers are. Through this funding, MBMS Science will be moving to the Next Generation Science Standards and MBMS Math will conduct curriculum mapping in partnership with elementary schools and MCHS. STEM - Additional Classes to Meet Demand: $60,000* In 2015/16 we will be adding three additional units of STEM at the middle school. In the 2014/15 school year, there were 100 students who were not able to participate in a STEM class. This year, through your support and feedback, every child who applied to take a STEM course has been offered a spot. Wheel Electives: $81,000 One of the hallmarks of an excellent school is its ability to inspire students through a variety of innovative electives. Our enhanced Wheel program offers middle school students a range of electives, including Computer Application, Fab Lab, Visual Arts, Film-making, Journalism and Drama classes. 7 MIRA COSTA HIGH SCHOOL: $2,013,000 Additional Counseling Resources: $100,000* MBEF has earmarked an additional $100,000 to enhance our High School Counseling program. The details of this grant will be determined through the program assessment in September 2015. Assessment and Professional Development- Counseling: $25,000* Our counseling programs in the middle and high school represent more than 40% of MBEF’s funding in both schools. Through a partnership with experts in the counseling field, we hope to strengthen our counseling programs to ensure they have the resources, structure and support they need to guide our children through this often tumultuous phase of their lives. College and Career Counselors: $240,000 MBEF funds 100% of two full-time college and career counselors and one assistant devoted to coaching our high school students and helping them navigate the often overwhelming college application process. This program is essential and will ensure that our students continue to attend inspirational institutions across the globe. English Class Size Reduction: $132,000 Through this grant, MBEF provides additional English and Humanities classes at Mira Costa. These smaller classes allow our English and Humanities teachers to provide students with more individualized attention and focused and frequent writing feedback and instruction. Extra Period Classes: $611,000 This grant enables Mira Costa students to add an additional period so students who are involved in extracurricular activities can fulfill course requirements, participate in AP classes, and take additional elective courses. More than 40% of MCHS students take advantage of an additional period each day. Guidance and Academic Support Counselors: $735,000 MBEF funds the Counseling and Student Academic Support (SAS) Program at Mira Costa. Counselors play an essential role for all students in academic guidance, personal counseling and life planning. When most schools have drastically reduced counselors, our ratios have improved. Librarian: $115,000 MBEF supports a full-time credentialed Librarian at Mira Costa. In addition to overseeing the library’s collection, the Librarian maintains the Technology Research Lab and works with all teachers to help our students learn research and media literacy skills. Science Lab Assistant: $55,000 The Lab Assistant at Mira Costa supports science teachers by making lab instruction organized, efficient and inspired. In our new state-of-the-art Math and Science building, the Lab Assistant helps teachers to strengthen students’ learning through hands-on projects and instruction. *New grants in 2015/16 **Grant amount increased in 2015/16 8 9 PUBLIC SCHOOL: — WHY PRIVATE DONATIONS? — Unlike other states where counties decide how much to allocate to education, in California, per pupil funding is determined at the state level. In the 1980s, Proposition 13 and legal rulings limited a community’s ability to tax its residents to pay for schools. Our property taxes, high as they are, no longer stay in Manhattan Beach. In 2014/15 we received roughly $7,000 per pupil, which puts us at the bottom of the country in funding. With an investment of more than $6M from our community, MBEF is able to increase District spending by 9%. MANHATTAN BEACH HAS — NO PARCEL TAX FOR SCHOOLS — MBUSD is the only top-ranked school district in California without a parcel tax, utility tax, or both, to supplement state funding. Instead, our generous community and MBEF fill the gap. District Parcel Tax Amount Annual Revenue from Parcel Tax % of District Budget API Rank SAN MARINO $1,169 $5,565,219 16.4% 1 LA CANADA $450 $900,000 2.6% 2 $0 $0 0.0% 3 $2,406 $9,633,662 31.5% 4 PALO ALTO $685 $11,922,184 6.9% 5 PALOS VERDES $374 $7,501,869 8.0% 9 MANHATTAN BEACH PIEDMONT Despite the disappointing funding from the state, our outcomes speak for themselves. MBUSD is among the top three K-12 school districts statewide and our students gain access to a rich and diverse curriculum. We host the California Middle School Principal of the Year, two California Teachers of the Year (2014 and 2015), award-winning Model UN and Theater programs, Grammy award-winning Mira Costa Music Program, Gold Ribbon Middle and High Schools, Distinguished Elementary schools…The list goes on. 10 — OH THE PLACES THEY’LL GO! — 2015 Mira Costa grads are attending over 200 colleges and universities in 39 states and 5 countries. Great schools and great matches. MCHS College and Career Counselors are fully funded by donations to the Manhattan Beach Education Foundation. 27 1 2 22 2 2 4 2 31 10 4 5 311 16 14 13 11 15 1 1 1 4 6 4 4 1 6 1 5 CALIFORNIA (311) Art Institute of California, Hollywood Biola University California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo / 12 CSU, Bakersfield CSU, Channel Islands CSU, Dominguez Hills CSU, Fullerton / 4 CSU, Long Beach / 3 CSU, Los Angeles CSU, San Marcos Carpenter’s Apprenticeship Cerritos College Chapman University / 5 Cuesta College Cypress Community College Diablo Valley College El Camino College / 51 Emerson College / 3 Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles Fullerton College Golden West Community College / 2 Humboldt State University / 2 Long Beach City College 5 2 8 ARIZONA (21) Arizona State University / 6 Northern Arizona University / 2 University of Arizona / 12 Yavapai College 6 4 21 ALABAMA (4) Auburn University University of Alabama / 2 University of Montevallo 2 1 4 6 5 Los Angeles City College Los Angeles Harbor College Los Angeles Trade Technical College / 3 Loyola Marymount University / 5 Make-up Designery (MUD) School of Los Angeles Marymount California University Mills College Orange Coast Community College / 3 Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts Pepperdine University Pierce College Pitzer College Rio Hondo Saddleback College San Diego Mesa College / 2 San Diego State University / 8 San Francisco State University / 7 San Jose State University / 2 Santa Ana College Santa Barbara City College / 7 Santa Clara University / 4 Santa Monica College / 52 Scripps College Sonoma State University / 4 UC, Berkeley / 23 UC, Davis / 3 UC, Irvine / 5 UC, Los Angeles / 15 UC, Merced UC, Riverside / 6 UC, San Diego / 3 UC, Santa Barbara / 15 UC, Santa Cruz / 10 University of Southern California / 18 University of the Pacific / 2 West Los Angeles College Westmont College Woodbury University COLORADO (13) The Naropa University United States Air Force Academy / 3 University of Colorado at Boulder / 9 CONNECTICUT (1) Wesleyan University DELAWARE (1) University of Delaware FLORIDA (5) Eckerd College / 2 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach Lynn University GEORGIA (6) Clark Atlanta University / 2 Emory University Georgia Institute of Technology / 2 Savannah College of Art and Design HAWAII (5) Chaminade University of Honolulu University of Hawaii at Hilo University of Hawaii at Manoa / 3 IOWA (4) Cornell College Iowa State University University of Iowa / 2 IDAHO (2) Boise State University University of Idaho ILLINOIS (14) Bradley University DePaul University / 4 Loyola University Chicago / 2 Northeastern University / 4 School of the Art Institute of Chicago University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / 2 INDIANA (6) Indiana University at Bloomington / 3 Purdue University / 3 LOUISIANA (6) Tulane University / 6 MASSACHUSETTS (15) Babson College Berklee College of Music / 2 Boston College / 2 Boston University / 5 Brandeis University Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering New England Conservatory of Music Suffolk University Tufts University MARYLAND (4) Johns Hopkins University / 2 United States Naval Academy University of Maryland, College Park MAINE (2) Bates College Colby College MICHIGAN (10) Michigan State University / 3 University of Michigan / 7 MINNESOTA (1) Macalester College MISSISSIPPI (1) University of Mississippi MISSOURI (4) University of Missouri Columbia / 2 Washington University in St. Louis / 2 MONTANA (2) Montana State University, Bozeman Rocky Mountain College NORTH CAROLINA (6) Elon University / 3 North Carolina State University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Wake Forest University NEW HAMPSHIRE (2) Dartmouth College Great Bay Community College (NHCTC-Portsmouth) NEW JERSEY (1) Rutgers University-New Brunswick NEW YORK (31) Colgate University / 2 College of Mount Saint Vincent Columbia University Cornell University / 2 Fashion Institute of Technology Fordham University - Lincoln Center Campus/ Rose Hill Campus / 2 Ithaca College / 3 Marist College New York University / 4 Pace University, New York City / 3 Pratt Institute Sarah Lawrence College Syracuse University / 5 The Juilliard School University of Rochester Vassar College OHIO (5) Miami University, Oxford / 2 The Ohio State University / 2 University of Cincinnati OREGON (22) Cascade Culinary School Lewis & Clark College Oregon State University / 4 Portland Community College Portland State University University of Oregon / 14 PENNSYLVANIA (16) Bryn Mawr College Dickinson College / 3 Lafayette College / 2 Mercyhurst University Pennsylvania State University, Erie: The Behrend College Pennsylvania State University, Univ. Park / 4 Swarthmore College University of Pennsylvania / 2 Villanova University SOUTH CAROLINA (1) Clemson University TENNESSEE (1) Belmont University / 2 TEXAS (8) Baylor University Richland College Southern Methodist University / 3 Texas Tech University University of Texas, Austin / 2 UTAH (5) Brigham Young University / 3 Dixie College / 2 VERMONT (1) University of Vermont VIRGINIA (4) College of William and Mary Marshall University University of Richmond University of Virginia WASHINGTON (27) Cornish College of the Arts Gonzaga University Seattle University / 2 The Evergreen State College / 2 University of Puget Sound / 2 University of Washington / 15 Washington State University / 3 Western Washington University WASHINGTON DC (4) American University Georgetown University Howard University The George Washington University WISCONSIN (4) Marquette University University of Wisconsin, Madison / 3 WYOMING (2) University of Wyoming / 2 INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES McGill University, Canada University of British Columbia, Canada Sophia University, Japan Tokyo International University, Japan Riga International School of Economics & Business, Latvia King’s College London, UK Newcastle University, UK University of St. Andrews, UK 12 THANK YOU This list represents all donors who contributed to the 2014/15 Annual Appeal and individuals who participated in the STEM Paddle Raise at the 2015 Wine Auction. The donors who contributed to the Paddle Raise have an asterisk after their names. Names in bold represent five or more years of consecutive giving. $400,000+ LEADER: $10,000+ Windsong Trust Anonymous Donors (2) $100,000+ Kami and James Armstrong Allison and Keith Biancamano Chevron* Kim and Craig Blum SKECHERS Dolly and David Boden CHAMPION: $25,000+ Kristi and Rick Buckley Grand View Gator Run Corina and Dave McGovern Northrop Grumman* Yvonne Stevens and Paul Schickler* VALEDICTORIAN: $15,000+ Anonymous Donor (1) Kate and Timothy Bergin* Mary Alice and Tom Davidov Lorin Liesy and Doug Dust* The Keller Family Ellen and Mike Rosenberg Dora and Jon Seiffer* Lan and Desmund Shirazi* Lily Chang and Jeff Konsmo Jennifer and John Cochran Michelle and Dave Cormack* Kristie Daniel-DiGregorio and Gino DiGregorio* Clare and Timothy Flynn* Kim and Jon Friedman* Sandi and Michael Gleason Irina and Marc Goedemans* Cathey and Tim Graves Ellen and Mark Hotchkis Christine Cronin and Mark Hurst Nairi and Michael Jeppson MB Centennial Foundation Laurie and Tom McCarthy Shannon and Bob Nicholson* Robert and Katy Nickell Christine and JD Roth 13 Neeraj and Sam Rotondo Whitney and Jonathan Sargent Fay and Mitch Sklar Amy and Stewart Thompson Lisa Marie Ward and Peter Ward Cynthia Cunniff White and Stephen White Ann Marie and Rich Whitney* Theresa and Will Wood Andrea and Michael Zislis SCHOLAR: $7,500+ Anonymous Donors (2) Peter Barbara & Erin Foster The Bennett Family Amy and Todd Coordt Jennifer and Christopher Fenton* Bethany and Chip Herwegh Trisha and Michael Husson Karen and Ted Iantuono Laurie and Paul James Tracy and Rex Jones Kimberly and Robert Jones Rikki and David Keating Jennifer and Todd Klawin* Joan and Fred Krull Coleen Tajiri and Barry Liu The Livingston Family Ann and Spuds Powell Joni and Duilio Ramallo* Alison and Scott Rosenthal* Regan Scott Peir and Jeffrey Serota* Hilary and Tom Skinner The St. Germain Family Jeri and David Vick* Elaine and Steven Weddell The Weitz Family BENEFACTOR: $5,000+ Anonymous Donors (2) Sarah and Bobby Akin Melinda and Eric Arentsen Joseph Argilagos Argue Family* Lillette and David Ballantine Angela and William Barrick Richard Binder Brandy and Rob Blake Margaret and Mark Blanchard Laura Thiers and Charles Boettcher Sippy and Christopher Brennan Elissa and Bob Brown Sarah and Douglas Brown Diana and Matthew Bui Jennifer and Steven Camacho Antonia and David Carpenter Nadia and Jon Christensen Kristin and Brad Coons Kimberly and Christopher Crisera Tracey and Kevin Daley Taree and Drew Davidoff Lynne and Dave Davis* Lynn Hopton-Davis and Greg Davis Trish and Steven Delk Deborah and Neil Dipprey Monika and Lee Dover Debbi and Curtis Doyle Katherine and Keenan Driscoll Sherolyn and Mike Duckworth* Sherry and Greg Dyer Karyn and Fritz Eilber Jill and Brian Firring Grettel and Bill Fournell Kim and Christopher Fox Jan and Paul Franklin Celeste and Christopher Gebhardt Sarah and Ron Geller Linda and Kyle Geoghegan Kathleen and Bruce Gibbons Lori and Eric Gist Liz and Vitaly Glozman Deborah and Adam Goldberg Sene and Eric Gray Nicole and Jon Hirshberg Cathy and Gary Hobart Janelle Holden Tanner and Joe Tanner Ron Holliday - in memory of Patrice Holliday Christina and Derek Holman 14 (BENEFACTORS continued) Greta and Michael Horowitz Avigal and Michael Horrow Justine and Andrew Hunter Leasa and John Ireland Birgitta and Steven Istock Rose and Henry Johnson Kathleen and Jody Johnson Anastasia Egorova and Raj Kamachee Cindy and Michael Kaplan Kelly Baek and Dixon Karmindro Jodie and George Kase Kristine and Jean Claude Kawalec Lori and Jeff Keenan* Kelly and Garrett Kelley* Michael Kelly Emily and John Kennedy Helen and Oleg Khaykin Cory and Brian Kingston Linda and Kraig Kupiec Miti Patel and Donald Kwak Kisu and Nolan Lam Janet and Stephen Laver Jane and Michael Lebbin Amy and Howard Lee Jennie and Erik Linthorst Karin and Scott Longhurst Pamela and Matthew Luce Ann Lundy The Lynch Family Debbi Tippett Mahr and Tom Mahr Patty and Paul Major Stephanie and Mark Maruyama* Susan and Steve Matt Cambria and Alex McCulloch Hilary and Doug McDonald Valerie and Paul Mellinger* Anicia Mendez and Adam Krikorian Marissa and Ben Messer 15 Sandra and Timothy Meyer Stephanie Flores and Thomas Molter Steve and Deanne Moore Aaron and Monika Mugg Mitzi Minamide and Hans Naepflin Charlyn and Scott Naylor Nancy and Kevin Neal Marianne Ryan and Alan Nitzberg Laurel and Patrick O’Grady Minna and Duncan Orrell-Jones Nicole and Eric Pagel Claudia and Barry Poznick Beth and Brian Rivera Carolyn and Neal Robb* Holly and Bryon Rockwell David Rone Suzy and Mike Sadilek* Donne and James Segil Lisa Valde and Paul Severin Janet and Patrick Severo Paulina and Samir Shahin Azita and Soheil Shams* Jennifer Lamb and Chris Sharp Kay and Sam Sheth Mae and Deren Sinkowitz Anne and Davis Smith Luan and Rick Smith Shawne and Jon Spelke April and Roger Spencer Tracy and Ken Stickney Nicole and Andrew Stoddard Sarah and David Stoker Catherine and Adam Stone Tina and Jeffrey Stout Kelly and Keith Sultemeier Sheryl and Jeffrey Thue Susan and Louie Tomaro Jane and Tom Tournat Amy and David Traughber Nancy Traylor Susan and Craig Underwood Mariel and Remco Waller Linda and Tom Warren Wedbush Family Cami and Eric Wedbush Kelly and Gary Wedbush Virginia Sogomonian and Rich Weiss Jennifer and Peter Wilhelm Beth and Erik Wood PATRON: $2,500+ Anonymous Donors (18) Sarah and Robin Abraham Brian Ackman Lisa and Kyle Acquistapace Lena and David G. Adishian* Reshma and Rahul Aggarwal Rachel and Christopher Alexander Chris and John Alexiades Michele and Henry Alfano Nina and Anthony Allen Elisa and Gary Amaral Carol and Michael Amir Janet and Scott Anderson Tammy and Stephen Anderson Jennifer and Lowell Anger Lorraine and Michael Anuszewski Karen and John Arensdorf Mina and Joe Arnao Janice and Todd Arnson Lorrie and John Arvin Michelle and Eldon Asp Kendi and Darryl Atwater Mirelle and Craig Averch Shauna and Charles Avrith Edie and David Babbe Marcie and Corey Baim Brigitte and William Baker Lee and Mike Bakos Jamie and Edward Balazs Kelly and Richard Balue Cathy and Sean Banchik* Timmah Allen and Craig Barbaccia Anthony Barberi Andrea and Jeffrey Barker Jill and Dan Barrett Lisa and Alfredo Barrios Jamie and Eric Bauer Carrie Geiben-Beasley and Chad Beasley Jamie and Misha Bedner Camela Ott and Mark Bell Leslie and Mike Bell Molly and George Benz Jennifer and Jason Berlinger Danielle and Robert Berman Carol and Bob Bernstein Kim and Tim Bixler Courtney and Michael Black Nanda and John Blaney Lillian and Mike Bohannon* Kari and John Boiler Catherine and Steven Boll Darcy and Daniel Bondurant Amanda Luftman and Stephen Boren Richard Borsini and Lisa Storms Monique and Alberto Bottene Salini and John Bowen Shannon and Terrence Boyle Katie and Philip Brodkin Lisa Bourque and Sean Bronson Debra and Larry Bross Nicole and Dustin Brown Juliet and Mark Brown Kristine and Shane Brown Stephanie and Brad Brutocao Paula and Michael Buckley Christine and Randy Bucklin Victoria Billit and Matthew Budoff* 16 (PATRON continued) Stephanie and Quang Bui Lili and Robert Bunnell Lydia and David Burstein Dawn and Ken Bush* Kristy Jones and Robert Caldwell Tanja and Ralph Canada* Melissa Capin-Lewis and David Lewis Annette and Glenn Caplin Kari and John Carpino Christine and James Carreon Siobhan and Tim Carroll Jennifer and Dave Caskey Zita and Richard Cassizzi Rose Ann and Jason Cerofeci Leah DeLancey and Ken Chang Lilly Chang and Phil Jeffrey Lorelei and Jason Chao Melina Chao Larissa and Christopher Chapin Tiffany and Andy Chen Michelle Murdocca and Jerome Chen Julie Chen Shubha and Stephen Chick Yuri and Gary Chien Michelle and Mark Childs Sue Iko Childs and Randy Childs Camille and David Chittenden Joesphine and Terence Chiu Elizabeth and Steven Cho Nicole and Gary Chon Donna and David Choromanski Michelle and Isaac Chu Alice and Mark Chu Lisa and Yee-Ping Chu Marcelle Chauvet and Dennis Chwat Laura and Kevin Clark Stacey and Brian Clarke Christine and Harrison Clay Cobb Family Michelle and Jason Cobb Dina Mayzlin and Aaron Cohen Jenny Wang-Cohn and Hillel Cohn Jennifer Tanaka-Cohon and Jason Cohon Christa and Steve Colvin Ellen and Thomas Connor Carrie and Allan Cook Lisa and Stuart Coppedge Chris & JJ Corr Susan and John Corrales 17 Janiece and Conan Cotrell Susan and Barry Cottle Madeleine and Damian Court Janelle and John Courts Kathryn and Christopher Crawford Jennifer and Bryan Croft Gayle and Craig Crowder Marcie and Brian Cullen Beth-Jana and John Dahl The Dale Family Sunnie and Larry Daniels Bonnie and Michael Darrow* Mika and Ilan David Jennifer and Kevin Davis Melissa and Seth Davis Cheryl and Jim DeSisto Chris Di Mauro Darcey and Roger Diaz Beth and John DiFiori Rachel and Brian Disser Kim and David Doami Mui and Anthony Dolim Dina and Gregory Doll Mary and Jeff Donlevy Natalie and Kevin Donnelley Jessica and Matthew Doran Susan and Matt Douglas Stephanie and Brian Dubinsky Katherine and Robert Dugdale Louise and Richard DuMont Kimberly and Brian Dunne Kristina and Kevin Durkin Michelle Eddins Laurie and Ian Eddleston Kelly and John Entz Julie and Steven Erich Illene and Phil Eskenazi Sheliza Lalji-Esmail and Aaftab Esmail Kari and Zack Estrin Sharda and Kirk Fabrizio Debera and Winston Fan Wendy Farber Katie Gunther and Alistair Farquharson Farris Family Shannon and Moshe Faynsod Jules Kim and Greg Feng Ronda and Anthony Ferguson Laura Burson and Dennis Fernandes Lisa and Daniel Fetters Julie and Stacey Fields Marina and Mickey Fine Keri and Dan Finnerty Erin and Stan Fiorito Fischer Family Stacey and Howard Fishman MJ and Timothy Flake Nadine and Gary Flam Farnaz and Lawrence Flechner* Erin and Matthew Fleming Lara and Blake Flynn Ashley and Michael Ford Debra and Steven Forman The Fox-Rogen Family Diana Echeverry-Franck and Christopher Franck Frank Family Michelle and Alan Franz Jeanne and David Fratello Erin and James Freeman Lee and Nicole Freestone J Bennett Friedman Andree and Scott Friedman Nicole and Kurtis Fry Michele and Troy Fukumoto Theresa and Jan Gable The Vargas-Gable Family Christina Schlank and Steve Gaffney Lisa and Richard Gallien Mariel and Nomar Garciaparra Katherine and James Garrison Terrilyn and Rodney Gauer Alexandra and Sean Gauss Kelly Frazier and Scott Gautier Theresa and David Gendron Sarah and Michael Gerhardt Christopher Gerwin Susan and Judd Gilefsky Meghan and Matt Glidden* Glunts Family Susan and Jeff Goldman Jennifer and Jeffrey Goldman Rita Moorman and Adam Goldston* Elsie and David Gordon Karen and Anil Goud Erin Gordon Grady and Michael Grady Mandy and Christopher Graham Stephanie and Michael Graham Nancy and Vincent Green Brandi and Bruce Greenberg Caren Greenhouse Amanda and Heath Gregory Colette and James Griffin* Lysa Grigorian Nancy and Matt Grimes Yaira and Jeff Gurman Tracie and Damon Haber Abby and Ron Hacohen Artine and Marc Haimsohn Lisa and Chris Hall Courtney and Sam Halle Kathleen and Sean Hannaway Marni and Erik Harp Choel and Tim Harris Diana and Jackson Harvey Shirley Ritter and Cameron Hatton Julie and Daniel Hawkins Anne and Brice Head Tracey and Richard Hefter Anne and Dan Hellie Kirsten and Zachary Helvey Jen and Craig Hendrickson Sascha and Michael Henry Kara and David Henschel Keri and Jason Herczeg Laura and Brett Hodges Susan and Paul Hoffman Melissa and Scott Holcomb Jami Muhle-Hopkins and Michael Hopkins Ana and William Hory* 18 (PATRON continued) Laura Howard Amy and Mark Howorth Wencho Wu and Winnie Huang Sylvia and Glenn Huber Leanne and Kyle Huebner Donna and David Hughes Cathy and Graham Hughes Karen and Jim Hunt Alissa and Jeffrey Hurok Andrea and Lee Hutter Andrea and Patrick Hynes Melissa and Sal Iacono Shannon and Stanton Ibara Gianna and Rick Ingram Ann and Steve Inouye Heather and West Interian Tammy and Tom Irvin Tricia and Mark Jackson Maria and Andre Jacquemetton Lisa and Mike Jadon Nancy Hesterberg and Chris James* Colleen and Christian Jester Lisa and James Jewell Kavita and Manish Jha Jane Deng and Bernard Jiang Tina and Eric Johnson* Jill Johnson Maile and Colin Kaiser Christine and Alexander Kalamaros Kristy and Luke Kallis Lorri and Roberto Kampfner Taeko and Scott Kanai Yusun Chung and Young Tae Kang Shivani and Anurag Kapur Jo-Ellen and John Karambelas Jeannie and Kevin Kaseff Kimberly and Jay Katsuyama* Laura and John Keating Anne Kelly Megan and Brian Kelly Karla and Peter Kelly Jennifer Annick and Geoffrey Kelsch Leslie Vanderveer-Keneipp and David Keneipp Peter Kennedy Kathy and Jeff Kernochan Robin and Lance Kessler Sarah and Keith Khorey Christine and Kip Kiefer Jemy and Brian Kim 19 Luella Hill-Kim and Chong Kim Leslie and Gary Kim Caitlin and Grant Kim Ella and Raymond Kim Kristy and Donald Kinsey Chiaki and Aaron Klapper Kimberly and David Kluth Sandy Rathbun and Matt Knight Joelle and Eric Knudson Aeran and Stephen Koch Karen and Greg Kodama Nicole Parker and Boris Kodjoe Kathleen and Fred Koerber Jill and John Kohler Karen and Chris Komatinsky Loren and Larry Kosmont* Stephanie and Dominic Kracht Trisha and Andrew Kramer Sandra and Jon Kramer Ashleigh and Ryan Krauch Johanna and Joseph Kraus Lisa and Marc Krigsman Joyce Kashiwagi and Pierre Kruh Zena and Bryan Krupin Christy and Andy Kubitz Elizabeth and David Kunkee Mari and Kyle Kupiec Monica and Murray Kwon Monica Brudenell and Christopher Lachance Liz and Chris Laffoon Cori and Max Lagao Jojo and Brian Lamb Jill and Joe Lamkin Michelle and Ray Landes Kristal and Martin Lane Christine and Thomas Lane Amy and Bill Lange Marina Russman and Joseph Lange Leila and Shawn Langlois Paula and Mitch Langstein Letitia and Steve Lau Natalie and Jeffrey Laufenberg Katie and Jason Leach Johanna and Davin Lee Ginny Wong and Christopher Leman Valerie and Frank Lemmon Anne Marie and Jim Leonard Lisa and Daniel Levin Tiffany and Thomas Levy Sharon and Steve Lewis Karla and Todd Lewis Alice Peng and Leonard Liang Brennan Libbey Dana and David Lindley Debbi and Tobin Lippert De-Ling and Simon Liu Rowena Ong and Chris Loh Aaron Lowenberg and Lily Fong Rose and Robert Ludricks Kristen and Erik Lukas Amy and Joe Lunzer Linda and Eric Luthro Onnalee and David MacDonald Emily and George Macias Jennifer and Dan Mackechnie Loren Macklem Donna and James Maertz* Hilary and Rob Mahan Dana and Jeff Mahony Julie and David Mainzer Malik Family Maria and Patrick Maloney Gregory Andersen and Stephanie Maloney* Miho and Goshi Manabe Hava and Jason Manasse* Ashley and Roberto Mangiarano Angelica and Stephen Marer Paula and Pluria Marshall Danielle and Bradley Martin Ami and Jack Martin Lisa and Paul Martinez Vickie and Howard Matsuoka Becki and Joel May Rebecca and Kit McCalla Catherine and Chris McComb Heather McDaniel Julie and Jon McElvain Jennifer and John McMillan Cynthia and Greg Meidroth Kelley and Steve Meidroth Anchalee Thuaythiang and Glenn Melnick Kristen and Pete Meyers Shaomei Yu and Jianwei Miao Stephanie and Scott Mibu Jim Micali Julie and Jeff Michael Deanne and Jeff Miller Richard Miller Gema and Bill Miller Muira and Rajeev Mishra Jessica and Marty Moffett Peggy and Damian Mooney Caroline Moreaux Sasha and Sean Moriarty Julie Muer Carolyn and Chris Mukai Hannah and Harold Mulderink Angela and Chris Mullins Hilarie Murad and Gerald Murphy Teresa Cho and Scott Murch Stacy and Darryl Myrose Rachael and Chad Nammack Stephen Nash Tara and Jim Negus Peggy and James Nelson Angela and Todd Nelson Pamela and Zach Nemzer Belynda and Earle Newman Mary Ruth and Jeff Newman Christie and Michael Newman Katja and Sam Newman Pamela Kunath and Michael Niborski Dara Weintraub and Theodore Nicols Leah and David Niehaus Karen and Shane Nolan Kristen and Orlando Novoa Britney and Gino Nucci Viktoria and Christopher O’Brien Cathy and James Oh Lisa and Chad O’Hara Jennifer and David Oliak Kirsten and Ian Olsen Alison and David Orkin Brenda and Robert Osborne Kitano - Ostboe Family Verena and John Ottinger Colleen Soulis and Christoph Pachler Lisa Laky Palmer and Brock Palmer Caroline Keller and Daniel Palumbo 20 (PATRON continued) Sarah and Avner Papouchado Rupal and Ashish Parekh Nita and Kevin Parikh Ann and Dan Parsons Kerry and Mark Partin Rosalie and Chirag Patel Nina and Jayesh Patel Mini Mehra and Tejas Patel Jane and Davis Payne Sandra Weiss-Pean and Jean-Christophe Pean Lora and Timothy Penczar Pennekamp PTA Geraldine and Mazhar Pepemehmetoglu Lauren and Jacques Perrone Fleur and Adam Perry Lang Misayo and Brad Peterman Robin Gohlke and Shawn Peterson Amelia and Peter Pham Daya and T.K. Pillan Courtney and Christopher Pogson Carre and Brad Porter The Potdevin Family Tenley and Ben Prince Lisa Steen-Proctor and Jeff Proctor Michelle and Edmund Purcell Sandy and Kevin Quigley El and Charles Raker Brenda and David Randall Melanie and Kyle Ransford Michelle and Paul Rappoport Christine and Andrew Rawson Carol and Jim Reach Ellen and Mitchell Regenstreif Nikki and Jack Reinholtz Wendy and Jon Resin Nancy and Greg Reynolds* Sylvia Kohn-Rich and Eran Rich Elizabeth and Cameron Riddell Lisa and Gunter Rieg April Florentino and David Ring Jennifer and Steve Robin Kathryn and Jeff Robinson Jocelyn McBride Rocco and Robert Rocco Mary and Dan Rodrigues Tanya and David Rodriguez Robyn and Daniel Rogoff* Monique and Derek Roth The Rotheram Family Jennifer and Peter Royea 21 Sheryl and John Rudow Diep Nguyen and Juan Ruiz Rachel Henderson and Douglas Rusnack Shannon and Christopher Ryan Lisa and Afshin Safa Myles Spar and Daniel Salles Deborah and Anthony Salvaggio Jenny Dongo Sampson and Kevin Sampson Brandi and Al Samuelian Janelle and Vincent Sanchez Ashley and James Savela Jenifer Eslami and Gary Scalabrini Anne-Marie Schaffer Susie and Tom Schilling Kirstie and Eric Schipper Lisa and Jim Schlager Heather and Patrick Schlehuber Angela and Ronald Schmidt Kristina and David Schrader Susan Goland and Russell Schwartz Ellen Fraser-Scott and Brad Scott Denise and Deny Sepaher Nicole and Brad Sevier Kristin and Tim Sharif Caren and Rick Sheckter Summer and Tom Sheets Liz and Brant Shelor Sindu and Pulin Sheth Cathy and James Shevlet Tamara and Mark Siegel Michelle Minier and Frank Sillman Krista and Jim Skinner Allison and Greg Snider Holly and James Socrates Jill and Clark Soderlund Cathy and Matt Sodl Tara and Scott Sorensen Kristin and Charles Southey Jonna Jerome and Andy Spilsbury Helen and Gregg Spiridellis Cory and Mark Sprague Kelli and Ted Spriggs Tricia and Darin St. Ivany Franca and Michael Stadvec Christy and Jeff Stargardter Pennie and Frank Stepczyk Dina and Kevin Stephens Hildy and Jeremy Stern Lynn and Rob Stone Kelley and John Storer Stephanie and Jeffery Streader Dr. and Mrs. Patrick and Glenna Stroh Richard Strom Katrina and Matthew Strotton Anne Stuart Janet Soliman-Suard and Steven Suard Patricia and Eric Sugden Kristine and Brian Suh Pat and John Sullivan Kim and Jeff Sussman Steve Sutherland Michael and Amanda Swanson Nicole and Scott Swenson Karni and Bobby Syed Tomoko and Michael Taddiken Nicole and Joseph Tang Tina Ponce and Mel Tang Julie and Ron Tani Nina and Mike Tarnay Lisa and Josh Taub Serena and Brandon Taylor Shari Bartz-Taylor and Chet Taylor Lisa and Finley Taylor Valerie and Nick Tell Jennifer and Simon Temperley Julie and Randy ten Doesschate Patricia and Nick Terry Sheryl Rooker and Jeff Thaler* Heidi and Justin Thompson Lisa and Thomas Thompson Nicole and Clifton Tibbetts Susan and Keith Tibbles* Erin and Erik Toppenberg Setareh and Tom Torabi Kelly Ho and Timothy Tran Cynthia and Christian Tregillis Kelly and Alex Trejo Alyssa and Joe Trenkamp Lenie and Rob Trent Stephanie and Sean Tretiak Laura and Ben Trodd Susan and Scott Trout Caroline and John Tsuang Jenni and Todd Tucker Joy Higa and Chris Tuffli Lee and Randy Tunila Marianne and Ryan Turner Vicki and Dan Tyler The Ungar Family John Uriostegui Robert Vargas The Vaughan Family - Zachary, Melanie, Savannah and Scarlett Jennifer and Greg Vena Heather and Marc Venegas Nathalie and Yves Vergnolle Terrie Murray and Johan Wahlstedt R. Coleman & Susan Walker Maria Tirabassi and Jeff Warner Terri and Jeff Warren Sloan Hall-Wasden and Russ Wasden Wendy and David Watson Tiffanee and Michael Watts Jane and Matt Waxman Sandra Strassner-Weisberg and Michael Weisberg Kimberly and Scott Weller Doris Chang and James Whalen Elizabeth and Scott Whitehead 22 (PATRON continued) Suzanne and Greg Whitney Leslie and David Whittet Caroline and Mark Wilhelm Sonia and John Wilmarth Mary Wilson Livia and William Wippich Nancy and Anthony Wisniewski Lynda and Christopher Woicik Ian and Lori Wolfman Tivy and Abe Wong Eva and Chris Wong Worch-Saltzman-Miller Family Cara and Eric Worley Jessica and Cameron Wright Anna Yu and Bing Wu Lori and Bob Wymbs Janet and Joseph Wyse Seth Yakatan Katherine Austin and Jeffrey Yakubik Marlene and Chris Yamada Mary Helen Immordino-Yang and Kyle Yang Carrie and Craig Yasuda Katy and Jeff Yeh Marla and Sheldon Zaslansky Zaumeyer and Brian Zaumeyer Melissa and Tom Zawacki Joanna and Alexander Zdziarski Min Fang and Jason Zhang Bea and Larry Zimbalist* Cynthia Zielinski and Edward Zobrist Tammy and Thomas Zwicki 23 SPONSOR: $1,500+ Anonymous Donors (26) Wenjue Shi and Maroun Aboutanos Leah and Chirs Adams Amin Aguero Malia and Colin Aita Nicole and Yusef Alexander The Allen Family Cintia and Mark Alonso Lucia La Rosa Ames and Greg Ames Shana Schoales and Michael Amiri Sue Crain and Walter Anderson Sarah and John Armato Jennifer and Michael Armstrong Diane and Joseph Aronesty Sharmila Khanolkar and Bhupesh Arora Kiran Pandey and Rajeev Attam Kerry and Brad Avrit Kaci Bacher Melissa Graf and Eric Bacura Elizabeth Bailey Garrett and Melissa Bailey Laurie and Mark Baker Allison and Tome Baldocchi Lori and Thomas Barber Adrienne and David Barksdale Christy and David Barnes LaDonna and Mike Barrett Catherine and Kevin Barry Kim and Edward Bassett Nina and David Bate John Bathurst Carrie and Steven Baum Selale Tuzel and Murat Bayiz Cathy and Taylor Beaupain Lisa and Ralph Beers Suzanne Destefano and Andrew Beggs Scott Bell Sanaz and Eli Bendavid Kelly and Spencer Bendell Melissa and Craig Benner Lorena Marmolejo and Ronald Bergum Krishna and Alan Berkes Carleen and Rob Beste Beyond Blue Holdings, Inc. Catherine and David Bigler Susan and Ron Blake Toni and John Blakeman Michelle McDonald and Dan Blakey Kelly and Bill Bloodgood Susan and Richard Boettner Richard Bohannon Kristen and Scott Borland Laura and Frank Boroch Corey and James Bouvet Clodagh Bowyer-Greene Leah and Kit Boyer The Bradford Family Dawn Hunkin and Sam Bradley Scott Braunstein Andrea and Cory Brennan Karen and Daniel Brenneman Aarti and Kyle Brinkman Tejs Broberg Catherine and Todd Brooks Daneilee de Vela and Adam Brown Suzanne and Ray Brown Lindell and Scott Brownsberger Elizabeth and Mars Brownsen Samantha and John Buchanan Lisbeth Armentano and Robert Buchi Jamie and Ken Buckstaff The Bullock Family Su Fei Koo and Edwin Burgos Larry Burks Loren Newman & Scott and Sydney Bushman Jessica and Brett Butler Lisa and Rick Cabanes Janeen Caleo Erika Sandoval and David Camel Mr. and Mrs. Scott Canales Anna and Gustavo Cardenas Julie Iko and Anthony Caruso John and Gillian Cato Todd and Freilani Kay Cavanaugh Elizabeth and Bryan Cebula Lori and Eric Cedergreen Jin and Kyung Cha Leslie and Scott Chalmers Cissy Chandler Tracy and Sean Chaney David Chang Schuyler and Dennis Chang Rosemary and John Chang Alice Kuo and John Chang Madhu and Ravi Chatwani Lynette and Rodney Chiabai Jeanette and Sung Chun Rochelle and William Cistone Nancy and Eric Clapp Joni Clark Harriet and Simon Clark Kathy and Robert Clarke Maya and John Clem Ryan and Betsey Clements Malissia and Ronald Clinton Wendy and Charles Coate Portia and Andrew Cohen* Michelle and Brett Cohen Kristin and Henry Coia Jason Cole Jenny and Aaron Coleman Mandi and Justin Collins Monica and Patrick Conner Rebecca and Justin Cooper Lalita Koehler and Fabio Costa Philippa and John Coyne Jennifer and William Cram Sheri Crandall Tasha and Rocco Cretacci Melanie and Marc Crosby Melissa and Bryan Crowley Nicolle and Jose Cuello Cristina Sampaio and Marcus Cunha Kim and Jeff Cunningham David and Maria Curry Jaime McNulty and Peter Cutler Pam and Winston Damarillo Seana and Christopher Daniel Julie and Michael Daniels Susan and Shawn Darcy Janet and John Dargan Beatrice and Keith Dartley Joclene and John Davey Katie and Brad David Angela and Malcolm Davies The Davila Family Paula and Steve Davis 24 (SPONSOR continued) Heather and Dirk De Roos Kelly and Christian de Virgilio Judith Ackers- de Waart and Dirk de Waart Sue and Steve Demarest Anne and Mike DeMartini Alice and Michael DeMartino Tom and Faith Derbyshire Gail and Timothy Di Prizito Ilia and Scott Dickey Rebecca and James Dillavou DirecTV Matching Gift Center Cathleen and Victor Dominguez Joanne and Harrison Dossick Audrey Judson and Jeff Drandell Holly and Jon Drawbaugh Karen and Gordon Dressler Stephanie and Steve Dunlap Kristen and Jeffrey Dykstra Natalia Dzhurinskaya and Evgeny Dzhurinskiy Chris and John Edmonds Debby and Irv Edwards Dana Devorzon and Vincent Elhaik The Elias Family Denise and Mike Ellis June and Nelson Emerson Anna and Brian Engleman Mariana and Eric Enson Stephanie and Matthew Ertman Angelina Chang and Ronald Escopete Noemi Donoso and David Esselman Mike and Manjiri Evans Lan and Greg Faber Juliet Lee and Roger Fan Tracee and Michael Farrell Lyca and Lyndon Faulkner Sarah and Michael Feakins Vanessa and James Feidler Frances Hong and Derek Feng Raquel and Jose Fiallos Cheryl and Tony Fire Kathy and Barry Fisher Jessica and Lucio Flores Julie McMahon and Greg Fontana Kathy Carolus-Ford and Dexter Ford April Marano-Ford and John Ford Randi Elasowich and Stewart Fournier Lindsey and Andrew Fox Marnie and John Foy Matthew and Carrie Frankel 25 Brigette and Steve Fredriksz Daniel Freedman Heather and Jason Freelin Tracy and Todd French Sue and Bill Freund Shan and Michael Friedrich C.L. and Bill Frishette Haruko and Gordon Froeb Stacie and Jason Fromm Lindsey and Andrew Frumovitz Denise Kwok and Roy Fu Susan and Robb Fujioka Tara and Scott Fusco Lisa and Michael Gaines The Galbreaths Lynda and Joseph Galins Dolores and David Gamble Peter, Anne & Will Garrell Melinda and Tom Garvey Karen and Carl Gebert Michele Gentille Kristin and David Gentry Patricia and Brian George Richard Gervais Beth and Tom Gessner Antoinette Gill Joi and Greg Gillam Carrie and Greg Gilmer Amy and Mike Glasman Alison and Jeffery Goad Maureen and Robert Gold Camille and Peter Goldstein Joan Wolff and Tony Gonzales Marcy Levin-Gordon and David Gordon Wendy and Keith Gordon Michele and David Graeler Lauren and Daniel Graham Amanda and Larry Grantham Julie and Scott Greenwald Karen and Steven Gregan Elizabeth and Andrew Greskovics Jill and Thomas Griffith Lee Ann Wong and Robert Grzesek Anne and Robert Gumm Priya and Prakash Gupta Deirdre and Scott Gurney Elise and James Gustafson Suzanne and David Hadley Kathy Swanson and Warren Hagstrom Jill and Theodore Halkias Evelyn Rollins and Dennis Hall Teri and Wayne Hampton Annie and Ed Han Cortney and Bill Hannan Stephanie Collins and Jim Hant Lisa and James Hardimon Charlene and Bill Harding Jane and Garry Harrod Michael and Susan Harry Shauna and Ryan Hartley* Holly Hartman Noreen Oswell and Carl Hartzel Joy and Jay Hasler Heide and Kendall Hays Justine and Aaron Hazelrigg Heather Hach Hearne and Jason Hearne Cynthia and Barney Hedges Erin and Carter Hedrick Sue and Rick Hefner Sue and Bob Heinemann Tracie and Brian Held Daisy and Michael Henn Sandy Irons and Stephen Hershkowitz Tina and Michael Hertlein Alicia and Sam Hill Monica and David Hirsch Jennifer Morrow and Daniel Hoffer Susan and Ron Hofmeister Nimia Del Rosario and Ronald Hohauser Susan and Michael Holton Lynn Nakawatase and Steve Honda Elizabeth and Andy Hoover Nikki Horgan Jeff Horn Barbra Fontana and Gil Horta Scott Houck Jenny Au-Hsieh and Min-Kwei Hsieh Ya-Shin Shih and Jethro Hu Wendy and Brian Huang Danielle Rudolph and David Huang Shelly and Brad Huber Duffy and Dan Humbert Jennifer and Craig Hummer Karen and Gary Hunt Lisa Feury-Ibrahim and Kim Ibrahim Kim and Victor Idrovo Jan and Tracey Inoue Christina and Justin Ip Eoy and Clay Irving Tawnya and Kent Jackson Debbie Gezon and Doug Jacobs Kathleen Paralusz and Brad Jacobson Davina Kent and Chris Jacobson Friedl and Bijan Jalili Andre and Laura James Lily Lee and Brian Jeffords Ginger and Ted Jenkins Laura and Christopher Jenks Katherine and Matt Johnson Gabriela Rios and Richard Johnson Elisa and Steve Johnson Stuart Johnson of Carico Johnson Toomey LLP Angela and Christopher Jones Stephanie and Stephen Jones The Jordan Family Kathy Kwon and Timothy Jun Jennifer Hodulik and Andrew Jurkowski Bill Kalra and Seema Gupta Amy and Michael Karr Debra and Gary Kawahara Melissa Camouse and Malcolm Ke Rebecca and Chris Kelley Ivon and Robert Kellogg Kimberlee and Tim Kelly Meghan and Joseph Kendall Anne and Bill Kennedy* Kristi Fuhrmann-Kerr and David Kerr Eman and Khalifeh Nicole Wong-Chong and Brian Khoddam Laura and Michael Kiely Dan and Jeong Kim Susie and Scott Kim Hyosoon and Yung Kim Dennis King and Mary Larkin Corinne and Edward King Quynhvan Vuong and Kevin King Holly and Ryan King Mickie and Brad Kingston April and Michael Kinninger 26 (SPONSOR continued) Ellesha Kirby and Jason Braddy The Klein Family Wendy Barbour and Larry Kleinberg Iris Lee Knell and Paul Knell Edward Knizewski Kristi and Rob Knowles Kimberly Koffler and Tim Mackie Lisa and Larry Kohorn Greg Koltun Michael and Heather Koopman Yolanda and Len Kortekaas Melissa and Jeff Koskinen Suzanne and Hugh Kretschmer Anne and Joseph Kritzer Mary Jo Mastro and Christopher Kuhr Debra and Wally Kurth Elizabeth and Mark Lahive Elina and Ryan Larsen Eric Lastition Julie and Ronald Launsbach Tisha and Derrick Lee Yujung and Edward Lee Jina Kim and Myung-Moo Lee Jessica Tsai and Tonny Lee Joyce and Bruce Lennon Kathryn and John LeRosen Cornelia Pechmann and Robert Leventhal Jill and Brett Levine Susan and Andrew Levitt Jeanie and Geoff Lewin Laura and James Lewis Jennifer Liberson Jennifer and Brett Lightner Birgit and Tim Lilligren Julie and Mark Linnecke Meredith and Gary Lipsky Jamie and Matthew Lipson Gloria and Edward Lo June and Steven LoCascio Lizzy and Todd Locicero Laura and Angelo Lombardo Jayme and Geoff Long Liv and Steve Long Sandra Loo Candice and Culbert Lu Sofia Rodriguez Luis and Giovanni Luis Endra and Willard Lundstrom Leigh Anne and Eric Lynch 27 Faith and Tom Lyons Kathleen Waters and Stu MacFarlane Eve and DJ MacHale Naomi and Joshua Mack Ashley and Brian Magovern Karen and Norman Mah Tommi and Perry Mann Andrea and Robert Marckel* Lisa Benacquista and Paolo Marescalchi Cynthia and Jaime Marian Sylvia and Brian Mark Lilia and Jorge Marmolejo Nancy Kwan and James Marsden Cecile and Bill Marsh Cherylanne Martin Joyce Lew and John Martinez Brandee Marvin Donna and Rodney Mathis Jean and William Matoska Marilyn Moberg and Gregg Matson Shauna and Mark Mattis Romana and William May Chris and Julie Mays Ricardo Mazry Evelyn and Len Mazzocco Vanessa and Anthony McBride Sophie and Gerard McCaughey Andrea and Mark McCracken Tracy and Jim McDonald Jennie and Mark McDonald Melanie and Jeff McFarland Jessica and Chris McGee Laura and Ron McIntire Amy and Ed McKeegan Vikki and Frank McMahon Kelly Meade Kate and George Meeker Jennifer Song and Gerry Mei Leslie Rhodes-Melton and Kirk Melton Andrea and Paul Mendoza Anne-Marie Thibiant and Xavier Menendez Lisa and John Meyer Stacy and Patrick Michela Sebel and Michael Miller Nikki Tolt and Van Miller Kathy Cappelletti and Sasa Milosevic Cynthia and Mark Milstein Julie and David Misch Joanie and Doug Misley Happy Mizutani Allison and Bart Montgomery Shannon Whaley and John Moraytis Melanie Shim and Warren Mori Laura and Rick Mueller Jodi Clark and Jeff Muhle Erin Murphy and Leland Smith Sandy and John Murphy Nancy and Kevin Murray Melanie and Peter Murray Kat and Ken Myszkowski Launi and Ross Nathan Stephanie Martin and Mike Navarette Susan and Jonathan Neal Stacy and Beau Nellor Michelle and Jesse Nelson Linda and Kenneth Nelson Ilene Ziff and Reed Nelson Sandi and Jack Nerad Kim Congdon and Laurence Ng Kelly and Jack Nick Sue and Matt Niemann Daraporn Tanpattana and Paul Nimitsilpa Molly and Eric Norberg Sarah Chian and Donald Nose Eve Ahlers and Bill Nunan Heidi and Mark O’Brien Lynn and Kevin O’Connell Monika and Nicholas ODeegan Paige and Stephen O’Gorman Brenda O’Leary Bobbie Ferraro-Olsen and Paul Olsen Raymond and Karin Olsen Gail Enderwood and Jeff Ornstein Colleen Calkins and Gary Osterhout Ostrick Family Carolyn and Ronald Oudiz Lata and Nick Owen Ann and Mitchell Ozawa Nicole and Kevin Pacourek Ellen and Benjamin Padnos Ishita Sharma and Hemant Pande Tamara Walker-Panzarella and Patrick Panzarella Lynsey Mitchel and Lazaros Papademetropoulos Anne and Bill Parducci Kavita and Ajay Patel Tristy Patterson Iris Kaganovich and Sagi Paul Jennifer and Gian Pazzia Nicholas and Kate Pennino Nicole and Robert Peters Monica and Lance Pherson Lily and James Phillips Kevin Pickett Jill and Adam Pierce Jessica and Brian Pink Victoria Zal and Dmitriy Podlubnyy Dianna and Michael Poh Cindy and John Poirier Lani Pollock and Eric Richardson Serena and Lee Polonis Christine and Sri Prakash Jennifer and Stephen Price-Hughes Becky and Rod Prince Deborah and Charles Protell Barret Pulver Annie Qian and Kevin Qi Cinzia and Federico Quevedo Luanne and Dan Quiggle Annette and Rolando Ramirez Marina and Jerry Randolph Caryn Wiley-Rapoport and Cary Rapoport Sormeh and Arash Rastegar-Panah Ritu and Milan Rawal Ellyn and Alan Reback Julie Kaufer and Cleveland Reddick Gillian and Carter Reese Sandy and Scott Reiff Anne and Craig Rethmeyer Susan and Michael Revell Yvonne and Alex Riethmiller Johanna and Derek Rigaud Meghan and Kevin Ring Lisa Ristani Ashley and Kevin Ritter Francisca Rodriguez Elisa and Richard Roe Elizabeth and Matthew Rohde Bhavna Rohera Krystal and Mike Romagnoli 28 (SPONSOR continued) Thomas Rose The Rosen Family Jan Rosenfeld Donna and Gary Rosenthal* Susan and Robert Rosenthal Jennifer and Marc Roskin Lauren and Brett Rossmann Olivia and Mike Roth Camille Soriano and Dave Rubenstein Jennifer Paquette and George Rudkin Raquel and Rick Runnels Valerie and Mike Ruppert Deborah and Christian Salceda Mark Saltzman Helga and Sam Samimi Hilke and Stephen Sanchez Sanders’ Family Carla Solinger and Paul Sapienza Diane and Bob Saunders Alexia Kolokotrones and Bryan Sawlsville Kathy and Peter Schankowitz Mary and Thomas Schelly Jill and Joe Schleifer Laine Sutten and Jonathan Schleyer Claudia and Patrick Schloss Kenna and William Schnorr Stephanie and David Schroeder Lauren and Henry Schwake Heather and Mike Schwarz Christine and Tony Sciarrino Christina and Santiago Sciupac Jessica and Bryan Scordamaglia Stephanie and Thomas Scott Karla and Michael Seidner Andrea Polizzi and Daniel Seivert Michelle Johnston Sellers and Dylan Sellers May and Luis Serrano 29 Beth Sestanovich Mojgan Vakili and Paul Shaheen Tami and Mark Shalvarjian Jason and Jennifer Shamaly Chandra Shaw Mary Doost-Shehata and Michael Shehata Carla Shobu Laura and Sergio Silva Susan and Steven Silvestri Julie and Marc Sinai Gale and David Slay Jessica and Jonathan Slusser Ailey Smith Jennifer and Cameron Smith Nancy Garcia and Cristofer Smith Cindy and Michael Smith Pam and Paul Smith Alicia and Mike Solis Rachel and Steven Spieczny Ruta Andrasiunaite and Richard Sprenkle Diane Sprouse Daisy and Bryan Stall Rhonda and Steve Staver Julie Keese and Glenn Stebbings Mia and Mark Steburg Michelle Steele Amy and Chris Steinbacher Tara and Daniel Stepper Tiffany and Garrett Steuerwald Wendy and Michael Stillman Katherine and Michael Stone Tricia and Chris Strickfaden Virginia Yee and James Stringer Karen and Tom Sturges Shelly and Pete Stutz Patricia Valdes and Paul Sulaiman Jill and Gareth Sullivan Sandra Stewart and Mark Sullivan Loretta and Bruce Summers Christen and David Sussin Jennifer and Erik Svensson Liz Jemielita and Craig Sweeny Tiffany and Jonathan Sweet Lauren and Ted Swick Lisa and Michael Tan Jean Tanner Maria Nazarian-Taylor and Jason Taylor Sangeetha Parthasarathy and Divya Thai Marlene McNeill and Chris Thomas Ellie and Kirk Thompson Kelly and Tad Thormodsgaard Lori Medicus and Steven Todd Michelle and Lance Tong Nuri Topbas Jhoanna and Gerald Torres Eve and Fred Towns Denise and Gregg Towsley* Ngan-Thuy Pham and Dai Tran Anne and John Truscott Cecilia and Steve Tsoflias Matt Tullio Mandy and Jag Tung Brooke and Chris Tuppan Reiko and Chris Uchida Flora and Vincent Valdez Kristin and Stephen Vale Theresa Healy and Earle Vaughan Angie and Tony Velleca Christopher Verbin Lisa Morita and Scott Vila Bonnie and Paul Vogel Cherie and David Voss Kathy and James Wagner Maria and Mark Wald Judi and Larry Walley Heidi and Michael Walter Janelle and Jonathan Wang Amy and Steve Wang Nicole and Jason Weber Kelly and Jeremy Weber Heidi and Ross Weber Ruthie and Jamie Weissenborn Mike Welch & Candace Ford Christine and Alex Wergeles Renee Whitcombe Ian White Lisa and Todd Whitman Carissa Saffon and Matt Wilkinson Michele and Brett Willberg Jennifer Williams and Kurt Williams Nancy and Scott Witlin Samantha and Todd Wohl Lorie McDonald and Bernard Wong Lillian Kontorovsky and Orlando Wong Seema and Richard Wong Jamie and Brett Wood Kwang and Gordon Wood Laurel and George Wright Ronald Yamada Ruby Morimoto and Norman Yamamoto Zisha and Scott Yamano Jennifer Lin and Robert Yap Sumei and Gene Yee Arita Wong and Jonas Yip Marian Kim and Max Yoffe Hidehiko Yoshizawa Joanne and Christopher Young Alexa and Matt Young Jean and Eddy Yuan Yan Luo and Zhenwei Zhou Chelsea and Derek Zielin Megan and John Zimmer Annette and Danny Zuker SUPPORTER: $500+ Anonymous Donors (75) Victoria and Erwin Abad Chris and Donald Abbe Jennifer and Joseph Agliozzo Jill Hoffman and Khaja Ahmed Susan Kim and Kenneth Ahn Rose and Bill Ahrens Susan Akens Sally and Jeff Alder Arwa Alghalayini and Hamed Alhuwaimani Rebecca and DJ Allen Amy Carter and Richard Allen The Allocca Family Anne Marie and Matt Anderson Sally and Miguel Andrade Mirna Puma and Paul Andrade Vanessa Kohler and Simone Angiolini Lisa Angstreich Gloria and Gene Anselmo Tammy and Paul Anthony Elizabeth and Gregg Apirian Giselle Mackie-Appert and Richard Appert Jennifer and Scott Arak BJ Arnold 30 (SUPPORTER continued) Monique and Carter Atkins Jenn and Mark Auville Karen and John Avery Cindy Lang-Ayoub and John Ayoub Rumi and Joe Baca Shosannah Bacura Dana Bagdasarian Cindy and Jesse Baker Tonya and Raed Barghash Laura Rich and John Barile John Barnes Qurratalain and Mark Barrera Claudia and Carlos Barrios Siew Kim Ong and Nicholas Barton Lori and Dan Bath Jennifer and Mike Baudendistel Ginger Bauer Matthew and Kathy Bauer Melissa and Stefan Beeli Marianne and Marc Benhamou Lisa and Heflin Bennett The Bertings Kathy and Alastair Binks Jessica and Chris Black Lisa and Eric Blake Marra and Robert Boada The Bohan Family Cynthia Bond Penny and George Bordokas* Dana and Tim Borowsky Elizabeth and Jonathan Botts Lisa and Dante Boutell Sandra and Kevin Boyle Svetlana Novikova and Alexander Bozhko Cindy and Jason Bradfield Shirley Carpenter-Bridwell and Donald Bridwell Jill and Steve Brown Leigh and Brad Bryan Joy Huffman and Bradley Buchanan The Buchta Family Aparna Voleti and Joe Burghardt Kathleen and Scott Burns Mary Ann and Tony Burns Lori and Webster Burns Dickie and Mark Burton Tatiana and Vincent Calderone Phyllis and Oliver Calza Melissa McCollum and Chris Campbell Margie and Doug Campbell 31 Lisa and Mike Caputo Kim and Rick Carey Kendra and Douglas Carman Heather Carter Karen and Nick Cavallo Elizabeth and Jose Luis Cervantes Julia Birkel and Tim Chaikovsky Sonali and Jitendra Chandurkar Melissa and Michael Chapman Gary Charlton Diane and Jeff Charvat DeAnn and Bruce Chase Nancy Santiago and Manus Chavakespongse Terry Huang and Jeng-Hong Chen Sheri Ungar and John Cherry Gina Chodler Riscilla and Nick Christensen Li Kong and Chung-Di Chu Tiffany and Andrew Chuang Danamaye and Harrison Chuang Sun Young Lee and J Chun Kathryn and Perry Colligan Jeanie Sauder and Jerald Colmery Bryn and Dean Colvin Heather and Chris Conaway Kristy and Robert Connolly Analyn and Christopher Coppersmith Miquel Corelli Julie and Eric Cortez Jasmin Cortez and Allan Caditz Susan and Wiliam Crain Cheryl Craven Kimberly Crawford Robert Cronyn Monika and David Crook Debra and Jack Cummings Ann and Jon Curry June and Ben Curtis Andrea and Eric Custer Anna and Joe Dabney Rebecca and Jacques daCosta Julie and Karl D’Adamo Dr. Ben and Colonel Michelle Dale* Brigitte and Bradford Davis Mindy and Danny Dayton Kathy Oh and Timothy DeBaets Jennifer Sharpe and Jeffrey Decker Julie and Rick Deckert Jane Kim DeFrance and John DeFrance Amy Childress and Brian Dela Barre Adriana and Edward Delaney Kathleen and Donald Delino Sherri and Tom DeLuca Erika Denton Laura and Thomas Desmond Madhuri and Puneet Dhawan Jeannie and Greg Dickinson Mary and Scott Dinsdale Stephanie and Joe Dixon Stacey and Michael Dobak Liz Donahue Lisa Chynoweth and Ugene Dozier John Drinker Laurel Hartman and Dennis Dufau Christina and Dwight Duggan Sandy and Brian Dunlap Patti Perkins-Duong and Duc Duong Jone and Alan El Faye Melina and Darren Elliott Kim and Kevin Ellis Suzanne and Daniel Ennis Lori and Jamie Enomoto Teresa Zauner and Alexander Evangelista Sara and Greg Everhard Amy and Jason Eynon Elif and Mete Fanuscu Susan and Nico Fasano Pam McKniff and Jack Feinberg Heather and Gregory Fermanian Jennifer and Michael Ferris Lori and Glen Fichman Wendy and Paul Finster Alice and Gef Fluker Lilla and Paul Foster Elizabeth and Andrew Fouch Holly and Sean Fowler Margie and Arthur Fox Kirsten Fraunces Talia and Paul Frederick Jennifer and Michael Friedlander Jamie and David Friedrich Anne Fulmer Tracy and Trace Gallagher Sheila Wenzel and Chris Ganny Nicole and Joe Gasperov Heidi and Ron Gaudiano Katie and Tracy Geller Jenn and Scott Gemmell Carol and David Gerken Rachel and Jon Gerrans Reshmi Dutta and Pushkar Ghosh Choudhuri Steven Giacoma Shawn and Joseph Giaconi Wendy and Brad Gilbert Becka and James Gill Cathy and Scott Gilliam Krystine Belmont-Ginsburg and Gregory Ginsburg Christine and Ramy Gobran Lisa Mundt and James Goldin Cailin and Paul Goncalves Lisa and George Gonzales Deyi and Jorge Gonzalez Goode Family Jennifer and Aaron Gopen Tatiana and Barry Gore Anna and Maciek Gorzkowski Julie Grasso Linda and Mark Griffiths Dawn and Stuart Gulland Victoria and David Gustafson Annette and Stanley Gustafson Muriel Hach LeAnne and Sven Hackmann Amy and Timothy Hageman Heidi and Ethan Haim Erin Ruane and Geoff Hale Kelley and Troy Haley Jeanette and Jon Halvorsen Dawn and Matt Hamilton Hilari Hanamaikai and Jeffrey Isaacs Jennifer Cho and Gary Hankamer Timothy Biggs and Richard Hankus Jill and Glen Hansen Karen and Bart Harns Nichole and David Harris Forouzan Faridian and Kamyab Hashemi-Nejad Patricia and Geoffrey Hawkins Mary Grace and James Hawkins Mary Lynn and Thomas Hecht 32 (SUPPORTER continued) Jorge Delgado and Amy Heinz Delgado Erika and Edward Helmers Stephen Henry Jennifer and Michael Hernandez Heather and John Heroux Gabriela Herrera and Jason Guillory Jennifer and Yanick Herrouin Dana and Derek Hess Lang and James Hoch Carla and Brian Hoffman Julie Hoheb Kay and John Holliday Cari and Christopher Hong Jada and Joe Hong Karyn Filek Horasz and Edward Horasz Kristi and Brent Horstman Lori Ross and Andrew Hoye Patricia and John Hoying Grace Lou and Andy Huang Angela and John Hudson Mikki and Robert Hunt Ruth and Michael Ibaraki Hiroko Fukuda and Ken Ikuta Tamra and Bill Inman Mercedes Lizcano de vega and Raffaele Invrea Cyndi and Michael Isgrig Darlene Sasaki-Ito and Wesley Ito John Jackson Kristina and Jon Jackson Megan and David Jina Michelle Johnsen Anna and Brad Johnson Theresa and Brewster Johnson Barbara and Darrell Johnson Shelly and Glenn Johnson Kim and Mark B. Johnson Amabelle and Michael Johnson Meline and Glen Jonas 33 Brad Jones* Joanna and Douglas Jones Stacie Joseph Taulene and Richard Kagan Laura and Kurt Kainsinger Linda Schack and Kevin Kaiserman Debra and Michael Kalan Michele and Dennis Kane Craig and Madeline Kaplan Cathy Karnes Pam and Todd Kawai Sheri and Peter Kay Miriam and John Keaney Deanna and Richard Keefer Kacha and Mark Keever Carlene and Paul Kerker Victoria Lim and Terry Keyzer Deepali and Varun Khanna Ziba Jalali and Ali Khoynezhad Linda and Frank Kilpatrick Melissa and Bernard Kim Matthew and Heather Kim Lizette and Darryl Kim Valarie and Kris Kimble Paige Farias and Wayne Kimi Kinecta Federal Credit Union Tanya Forsheit and Reginald King Robin and Jay Kirby Monika and Zygimantas Kiznis Sarah and Eric Kjellberg Alicia and Michael Kling Todd Klingler* Suzanne and Paul Kobel Terri and Brian Koch Sonia Gaur and Sanjai Kohli Bobbie and Paul Kokorowski* Elizabeth and Adrian Korol Chiaki and Hajime Kosai Marija Kosanovich Martice and Robert Kouwenhoven LeiLani Johnson Kowal and Eric Kowal Christine and Bill Krauch Michelle and Grant Kreft Kristin and Ryan Kresser Holly and Frank Kropschot Ann and Christopher Kuhns Marichi and Donald Kula Dana and Warren Kushner Lori and Steve LaBrie Amber and Vincent Laforet Helen and Tim Lai Samantha Lamberg Nikki and Jim Lambert Devon and Al Langella Amy and Anthony Lanza Karolyn and Wayne LaVassar Jessica Lucas -Leckner and Eric Leckner Sunny and James Lee Angela and Sam Lee Kathy and Wayne Lee Liya Wang and Will Lee Nancy and Patrick Lemm Caroline McKenzie and Michael Leo Carey and Gregory Lesser Claudia and Norm Levin Carol and Paul Levin Jean Guerin Levy and Ian Levy Annette and Chris Lewis Wendy Fletcher and Matthew Lewis Glenda and William Light Jennifer and James Lindberg Lisa Clarity and Steve Linn Janine and Sergio Lizarde Cecilia and Adrian Llano Lisa and Chris Locke Amy and Anthony Lombardo Larisa and Lynn Long Chandra and Neil Macleod Andrea and Jim Maginn Krissy and Brian Magraudy Katherine Lynch and Rob Malave Shelly and James Malone Erika Mamber Tracie and Jeff Manick Sam and Ai Mannan Suzy and Jonah Manning Jen and Richard Marcinkowski Eunice and Robert Marsh Karissa and Todd Marsh Kathy and Dan Martens Amber and Gregory Martin Jennifer and Michael Martin Karen and Chad Marting Margaret Nesbitt and Christopher Mason Mary and Brian Massey Jamie and Luke Matthews Jill and Mike Matthews* Kim and Matt May Annette and Bob McCauley Anne and Dennis McCormick Maria and Mike McCoy Kathleen and George McDonald Tawna and John McDonald Nancy and Dana McFarland Lianne and Michael McGinley Raschell McGinty Nam and Steve McGrail Gloria and Brian McInerney Stephanie and Michael McKeever Holly and Patrick McLaughlin Gianna and Daniel McMillan Cynthia and Peter McPhee Michele Flurer and Jerry McPherson Megan and Robert McPhie Riko and Richard McQuillin Mary and Devin McRae Maria Carreira and Bartlett Mel Rebecca and Kevin Mendelson Jorge and Ivette Mendez* Mireille Dermer and Shane Mengel* Jon Mesko Nicole and Darren Meyer Carol Ann and Steve Michalski Nicole Tenpas and Brian Miller Robyn and Casey Miner Tina Schmucki and Francois Mitelberg Xiaoling Mo and John Sun Keli and Dennis Moloney Anna and Jim Moore Tricia and Robert Morphew Jennifer and Matt Morris Samantha and Harvey Moss Rodina Vatanparast and Reza Mostofi Jane and Alden Munson Frank Murphy Marie and Paul Murphy Polly and Sam Nakawatase Heidi and Erik Nelson Atsuko Fukuda and David New 34 (SUPPORTER continued) Mary and Jonathan Nguyen Joanne Le and Minh Nguyen Delilah and Nhan Nguyen Madeline Dovale-Noddings and Chad Noddings Hei Ri and Kevin Noh Judy Stepan-Norris and Rick Norris Ann and Michael O’Brien Marlene and Brendan O’Connor Kim and Darrin O’Hanlon Colleen and Roy Okida Gita and Adam O’Neill Collette and Louie Ornelas Sonja and Nino Orquiola Trent Overholt Lisa and John Owen Denise and Michael Padden Joanna and Jose Padilla Nanik and Frank Pagola Linda and Robert Pahl Papera and Scott Papera Nancy and Michael Pappas Jamie and David Paquin Kelly Park and Paul Marchini Amanda and Roy Park Deborah and Chris Parks Soma Family Nirali Patel and Bhavesh Patel Leena and Jig Patel Jennifer Garrett and Ashwin Patil Ethel Pattison Michelle and Jim Patton Amanda Garner and Don Paul Rebecca and Dale Pearman Alisa and David Pedersen Pat and Steven Pedrotti Sally and Jason Peel Vidya Edupuganti and Rama Penumarti Lisa and Greg Perlot Rose and Allen Peters Garrick Peters Jennifer and Mike Petrusis Michelle and Winston Phan Jessica and Don Pickard Susannah Hall and Matt Pielert Sharon and Brad Pinkerton Victoria and Duncan Plexico Janice and Daniel Polizzotto Leslie and Joe Ponciano 35 Kiran and Jateen Prema Chrysta and Robert Proano Lara and Kevin Protiva Heidi Scheid and Pete Pugnale Susan and Todd Purdy* Monica and Greg Quan Patrice and Andrew Radden Damaris and Dan Radut Kenneth Raguse Andrea and Steve Ramey Sherryl Ray and David Kohn Deborah Downs and Rami Razouk Jeanne and James Reed Lisa and Simon Rees Encarnita and Jack Reinart Stewart Rembert Tian and John Renner Ruth and Amir Rizkalla Milena and Jeff Robertson Jenn Robertson Grace and Bill Todd Robinson Sara and Jim Robinson Hei Ja Kim Roble and Ken Roble Jennifer Imparato and Leonardo Rodriguez Patricia Rodriguez Teresita Rodriguez Cynthia and Kirk Rogers Ann and Andrew Rogerson Raquel and Robert Rokosky Susan and Steven Rossow Stephanie and Paul Rudy Stacy and Scott Rusher Jennifer and John Russell Coreen and Mischa Junghwa Lee and Soontae Ryu Izabel Duval-Sablock and Paul Sablock Katherine Saffell Colleen and Chuck Saftler Natalie and Romesh Sagadevan Pauline and Derk Saltzmann Sandy and John Sang Kalpana and Prakash Sarathy Adis Sardinas Ali and Nick Saros Kathryn and Ron Satow Tara and Larry Scanlan Chana and Warren Schaffer Joanne and Brian Schnuckel Puntip and Eric Schwab Lisa and Gregg Scott Frank Semancik* Elizabeth and Paresh Shah Erica Shankle Jennifer Shannon Geri and John Shapiro Sandra and Drew Shearer Shannon and Jeremy Shelton Simine and Andrew Shevin Jeffrey and Stephanie Shieh Beverly and Peter Shintaku Shirley and Heihachiro Shoda Deanna and Greg Short Sylvia and Roger Shuler Noemi Silagan Nikki and Keith Simpson Karen and Thomas Sims Lindsay and Peter Sirmon Emmy and Ed Skebe Susan and Edward Skolarus Rainy and Gregory Smith Melanie West and Robert Smith Kristin and Jeff Snyder Tisha and Kyle Soladay Kathlene and David Solomon Ghadah Akleh-Soof and Albert Soof Laura and Matt Spencer Randi and Christopher Stanley Angie Rho and Travis Stansbury Amy and Willis Staszkow Jane and William Stavropoulos Heather and John Steggell Laurie and Benjamin Stern Caroline and Colin Stewart Kari and Jim Stewartson Shaun Stiles Carrie and Todd Storey Debbie and Jim Strock Letty and David Stuard Margaret and Ralph Suarez Joanne and Imad Succari Joanna Sun and Glenn Shadrake Vesta and Eric Sung June and Ken Susilo Michelle and Mike Syverson Anne Lam and David Tam Christine and Bruce Tanigawa Hillary and Christian Taylor Patti and Fred Taylor Diane Maiden and Larry Thomas Tracey and Chris Thomasson Anne and Bruce Timmer Robin Bouse and Henry Titzler Anne and Jesse Torres Skylar and Peter Tourigny Marta and Arya Towfighi Joni and Mark Toyooka Michelle and John Tree Karine Perset Tricot and Roland Tricot Kathryn and Stephens Troeger Suzanne and Ian Tynan Laurel and Vance Ulrich Maria Dolores Usandizaga and Alvaro Undurraga Jennifer Ure Gina and Gabriele Varieschi Rasa and Eric Vasiliauskas Helen and Christopher Velvin Cecilia and Paul Verket Caryn Virtue Kathleen and Bill von Behren Leah Vriesman Carol and Ed Wagner* Karyn and Greg Walker Wendy and Jeff Walker Heidi and Jim Walsh Maureen and Mark Walters Denise and Stephane Wandel Lilian Lin and Ethan Wang Sig and John Ward Mika and Takeshi Watanabe Lisa and John Weaver Shelby Phillips and Jim Weinstein Susan and Bill Weintraub* Ava and Andrew Werhane Susy and Greg Werre Robin and Craig Wesser Gillian and Willard Weston Anne and Marty Westreich Kelly and Brad Wetmore Irene and Dennis White 36 (SUPPORTER continued) Stefani White and Damian Stevens Carol Wianecki Jill and Mark Willard Christina and Rodney Wilson Sabrina Wind Janet Wisialowski Rachael and Tim Wixom Irina and Michael Wong Lisa and Brad Woomer Lourdes and Jose Yanez Aimee and Roger Yap MaryAnn and Peter Yaskowitz Winnie and Johnny Yip Nancy and Scott Young Zandria Sia and Eric Yuan Kim and Larry Yujiri Danijela and Dragan Zaric WeiWei Xia and Yiteng Zhang CONTRIBUTOR: $499 AND UNDER Anonymous Donors (116) Melika Abdelmalak and Nevine Milad Michelle and Cyrous Adami Agnes and Bernard Aguas Angela Aguilar Tessa Burwood and Raymond Akau Micaela Zitske and Daniel Alexander Kathleen and Tom Altobelli Laura Ames Yejin and Jong An Teri and Joe Anderson Nikki Stapakis and James Andrews Mary and Phil Anthony Elena and Philip Aquino Margit and Andrew Archer Aida and Steve Ashkarian 37 Alison and Jeff Atkinson Silvia and Jose Audero Alisha and Tim Auringer Karen Drotar and Cedrick Ayadi Michelle and Stephen Babbitt Lisa and Marco Bacich Jill and Thomas Bacon Audra and Jay Bado Susan Shapiro-Baker and Trent Baker Dave Barakat Connie and Peter Barks Eric Barnett Dawnya and Duane Bartsch Carol and Kirk Beasley Amanda and Emil Beheshti Sandy Behroozi Diana Bell Andrea Hevener and Joseph Bell Maria and Eric Beller Claire Ho and Oren Benami Suzanne and Norman Berens Maggie Berman Laurel Bernard Sidonie and Christophe Billerey Debbie Tran and Brent Blackman Tamra and Robert Blair Susan and Clayton Blakney Theresa and Stephen Blandino Lisa Blumberg Naomi and Blaine Bolin Margaret and Glenn Bonner Lyndi and Chris Bowman Amy and David Brantly Meg and Eddie Braun Doris Bravo Dawn and Walter Britton Taryn Brochard Dennis Brown Diane and Doug Brown April and Raymond Brown Diana and John Burge Ruby and Glen Bush Keiko and Todd Bynon Laurie and Andy Caine Tamara and Jean Philippe Cajuste Kaye and Jim Caldwell Karla Cameron Asya and Michael Campbell Lori and Todd Campbell Jonae Camper Maria Carbajal Anne Carlin and Kevin Civale Steve Carroll Kathryn and Matt Cavallero Lisa and Ronny Chan Karen and Yu-Keung Chan Linda Chen and Paul Chance Tracy and Tim Chaplin Jessica and Eric Chase Qi Wang and Ying Chen Hilary and William Cherry Sean Chisholm Sikhan and Fernando Chong Cortney and Brandon Chrisman Lori and Larry Christian Emmy and T.Y. Chu Jennifer and Ron Chung Yuen and Albert Chute Lora Cohn Lisa Cooney Naomi Kotani and Ricardo Crespo Crisostomo Family Corazon and Rodrigo Cruz Julia Cyr and John Smart Mia and Leonard Dalsemer Shubhada Gokam-Dave and Jubin Dave Luciana and Chris Davidson Annette and Christopher Davis Milana Davis Claudia De Fries Vesna Radisic and William Deal Cheryl DeFonce Sandra and Dario Delgado Annette and Henry Derovanessian Greta and Scott Dever Michele and Steve Diamond Anthony DiBiase John Dietz Tracey DiLeva Christine Dillon Shuntell Dixon Suzie and Stephen Doran Traci and John Dougher Dariel and Bill Doyle Debbie Dreiling Nancy Drinker Vita and Boris Droutman Perla Druilhet Irene and Duke Dulgarian Melinda Ealy Lori and John Eastman Juliana and Steven Edwards Michelle and Ronald Ehrhard Anat Ehrlich Jennifer and George Elias The Elwell Family Regina and Daniel Eudy Daniel Faccini Lorin and Michael Fairchild Debbie and Simon Fermanian Glen and Naomi Ferrand Linda and Luis Figueroa Leanna Humphreys and Robert Fischer Yolanda and Anthony Fleming Margaret Mead and Mathew Fleming Fogel family Margaret and Jeffrey Forer Tom Franco Anna and Darrin Frankel Laura and Jack Franklin Tami and Mike Freeman James Freitag Lisa and Jeff Frye Jun Zhang and Lizhi Fu Lori and Hugo Furth Mary Ellen Fusselman Catherine Gaillard Diana Gallo Elvia Garcia Queenie Garcia Lori and Dan Gense Marian Guirguis and Emad Georgy Sheila and Parviz Gerami Elssa and Marc Gerard Lisa and Peter Geroch Jane and Justin Gervais Galen and Lisa Giebler Laurie and Ron Giery Adriane and Jeremy Giffin Karen Haas-Goldberg and Robert Goldberg Mark Goldman Alissa and Dean Gould Liz and Dan Grampp GV Room 27 Parent Volunteers 2014/15 Lynn and Mike Griffith Alison and Scott Guerrero Allison and Peter Halvorsen Laurie and Kelly Hamm Kim and Kip Hammond Scott Harris Denise and Mark Haslop Megan Hastings 38 (CONTRIBUTOR continued) Michael Hayden* Tracy and Lars Hazen Shelly and Steve Heavrin Tania and Ryan Heise Liz and Keith Herbert Lisa Herman Stephanie and Manuel Herrera Daniel and Ganbat Hertzog Laura and Brian Herzberger Sherry Hess Tikneshea Hicks Lauren and Will Higgins Carole and Scott Hoesterey Jeffrey Hoffmeister Jayne and Steven Horowitz Larstene and Hondo Houston Suzanne Howard Nina Huckabay Miyoung Namkoong and Yong Woong Hwang Christina and Iehab Ibrahim Jiyeon and Charles Im Katsumi and Joseph Innes Sara Magers-Isip and Jimmy Isip Susan Sumarno and Thomas Iskandar Davina and Michael Jaboury Peter Jacobs Gretchen and Rich Janson Troy and Jennifer Jappel Wendy and Jeff Johnson Lisa and Edward Jones Julie Limbach Jones and Michael Jones Lauryn Burnett and Timothy Jones Geraldine Greiner and Shawn Jorenby Stanley Justice Debra and Kenneth Kalenik Superna and Nandan Kalle Myra Karas William Kavan and Thomas McMahon Sharon and Ross Kay Lauren and Meric Keskinel Roseli and Alexander Kim Christine and Benjamin Kim Janet and Don Kim Anward and Peter Kim Michelle and Sean Kim Micki and Benjamin King Lydia and Michael King Jeannie and Patrick King Arlene and Terrence King 39 Kathryn Kinnier Gina Mausner and Greg Kloes Jane Lee and Jason Knight Lori and Andreas Koch Jennifer Matsler-Koch and Kregg Koch Patricia and Axel Koester Chayanit and Pojpong Kojohnjaratkul Lori and Roland Kotero Laurie and Paul Krinsky Heather Pecoroni Krueger and Brian Krueger Betty and Melvin Kuo Kim and Chad Lagerwey Peilin Guo and Rumi Lakha Tuyet Tran and Salvatore Laudicina Jacqueline and Bruce Lautzenhiser Pamela Lawson Phuong Ly and Leon Le Dung Thai and Phuoc Le Leslie and Dennis Lee Alice and Griffith Lee So He Park and Jin Hyuck Lee Mo Lee Lynn and Derek Lemon Winda Johnson and Tim Lesser Denise and Joseph Leung Jeffrey LeVee Catherine Cheng and Scott Li Aiping Wan and Xiaochun Li Nancy and Chris Lim Stacy Mayeda and Hsin-Kai Lin Wen Lin Jhona Linton Kim and David Linz Wei Liu Michelle and Dylan Llorin Jane and Clovis Lofton Michelle and James Lohuis Aida Lopez Tammy and Brian Loudermilk Denise and Thomas Loversky Jin-Ping Lai and Po-Haong Lu Lisa and Jim Luck Katherine and Yann Luppo Nancy and Daniel Madden Rose Medina and Larry Madden Laura and Barry Magnus Khuloud and Ismaeel Makdisi Pachara Mungmool and Javid Mansouri Consuelo Martinez and Alvaro Marcucci Kim and Steve Martin Naila Martinez Zoya and John Matich Jeanne and Richard Mayer Loli Ramezani and Karim Mazhar Amy McAvin Elizabeth and Collin McDonald Jennifer and Kevin McDonald Karen and James McGory Elizabeth and Douglas McGregor Heather McLaughlin Cathy and John McLaughlin Damien Stafford and Sharon McNeil Neil and Jennifer McTernan Sheila Medina Lori Meepos Karen and Norm Meidl Leslie Len Meis and Michael Meis Cindy De Garceau and David Messenger Amy and Norman Meyer Ana Mickle Sheri and Cas Milewski Denise and Timothy Miley Brendi and James Miller Barbara and Phil Miller Cara and Ryan Miller Laura and Steve Miller Jan and Rich Mills Michelle and Kurt Moeller Karina and Vincent Moneymaker Meredith Montoya Hilarie and Michael Moran Tracey and George Morris Isabel and Paul Mullin Katharine Munson and Cynthia McNaughton Alex and Jon Murphy Leslie Murphy Kelly and Kevin Navarro Neptunian Woman’s Club of Manhattan Beach Adriana and Henry Nguyen Ana and Dan Niehoff Charmaine and Hugh Nielsen Scholar and Louis Nwoke Junko and Hiroshi Okamoto Darlene and Stephen Okita Amy and CJ Olivares Fern Orenstein Karen Orquiola Patti and Chris Ortega Alexandra and Michael Osborn Shiela and Alberto Osongco Carol and Richard Paden Theresa and Gino Panaro Jeanne Dempsey and Michael Pardon Christine Park Bhavisha and Sirju Patel Vicki and Patrick Patman Rebecca and Gary Pavlick Jazmine and James Peetz Janell and John Perez Lin Chen and Jeff Pesis Donna Peter Stephanie and William Peterman Valerie and Jeff Petty Valerie Pickard Anthony Pignatello Cheryl and Victor Pimentel Robin and Mark Pittman Lynne and Robert Pope Desiree Powell Kimberley and Bill Power Danielle and Stephen Radl Mayra Jimenez-Ramirez and Hugo Ramirez Tressa Ranalli Susan Ranaudo Preeya and Sanjeev Rao Laurie and William Reiter Jennifer and Jeff Remillard Rosa and Alvaro Renteria Esther and Juan Reyes Heather and Bob Rich 40 (CONTRIBUTOR continued) Charlotte Richard and Dan Zamsky Amy and Ray Riddle Kathleen Kennedy-Riggle and Dennis Riggle Alyea and George Riker Joy and Scott Roberts Kim Robinson and Randy Kowata Ee Lean Oh and Eric Rochelson Kim and Andy Rohm Jennifer and Robert Rosenfeld Andrea and David Ross Anita Rossell Lanping and Albert Roth Hortencia and Bryan Rowland Kirsten Figge-Ruiz and Michael Ruiz Adrienne and Erik Russell Jennifer and Lou Saliba Karina and Jason Sam Suzanne and Steve Sammons Vicki and Gregory Sandberg Ai and Johan Sandblom Mai and Louis Scaduto Shannon Scanlan and Robert Sansone Tia and Michael Schiller Jessica Scholtz and Darren Scholtz Donna and Dominique Scott Sara Sedlik Joy and Rick Seo Denise and John Serene Milena Sergieva and Nelosn Serge Courtney and Daniel Shabani Felise and Lawrence Shapiro Benita and Jim Shaw Carolyn Woodson and William Shepler Celeste and Sidney Sheres Tricia and Jay Sherman Thelma Fong and Nigel Sherry Bharti and Harshad Sheth Rachelle Wirth and Michael Shields Christina and Vivek Shivpuri Lindsay and Anthony Shukosky Bridget and Erin Sibley Michelle Sidney Chrys and Sinan Simsir Swati Agrawal and Balraj Singh Manette Alforo and Stephen Sinkus Ronna Silverman-Smekal and Martin Smekal Thou and Guy Smith Angela and Jared Smith 41 Cheri Kaplan-Smith and Jimmy Smith Heidi and Steve Snively Cynthia Loh and Thomas Solan Allyson and Veeder South Donna and Dana Southwood Rod Spackman* Shauna and Michael Spenley Lisa Stanton Darcy and Tim Staples Betty Steib Rhonda and Eric Steinberg Mylan Stepanovich Dona Stevens Mitchell Stever Patricia and Thorton Stone Laura and Bill Stout Sara and Jon Strizzi Kelly Stroman Janna Styskal Danielle and Simon Swart Christine Constable and David Swartzlander Jacob Holloway and Laura Symon Gail and Fred Szkolnik The Taggart Family Lisa Tanita Liz and Ray Tanner Margo Thole Tessia and Brad Thomas Pamela and George Thomas Eun Yeong Kim and Robert Thomas KellyAnn Thompson Ellie and Rhett Thompson Marian and Gonzo Tiscareno Stacy and Taylor Titoni Scott Tobis Lisa Tomsick Moji and Al Tondravi Constance Chen and Richard Treger Staci and Robert Trief Shawn and Steve Truitt Jessica and Thomas Truong Li Ye and Victor Tseng John Turman The Ung Family Maria and Walter Urizar Toni and Paul Van Buskirk Cheryl and Art Vanick Noell and Jesse Varner Matt Vasgerdsian — In memory of Joann Paeck Scott Vicki and Kenneth Vaughan Gina Duong and Son Vo Jay Wakefield Kimberly Wakefield Brita and Ryan Wald* Annie and Michael Walker Amber and Randy Wallace Shavonda Waller Kate Walsh Betty Wan* Cynthia Mickschl and Shane Ward Sonia Warfield and Jonathan Tomlinson Sheila and Stewart Warner Shwetha Reddy and Suresh Warrier Vanessa Watson Shawn Webb Olia Weihermuller Kirstin Weller Heather Whalley Jacquelyn White Laura and Scott White Cindy and Ashley Wilde Shelley and Gene Williams Melanie and Jack Williams Jody and Sean Williams Karen Williamson Keron Magness and Matthew Williamson Catherine and Paul Wilson Becki and Jeff Winckler Kim and Phil Winterson Laura Wise Julie Lucero and Daniel Witkowsky Denise and Paul Wolf Monica Wood Wendy and David Wrigley Ting-Yi Lin and Ming-Yi Xia May Tang and Johnson Yang Megan and Ke Yang Melinda Yaras Erica and T.J. Yerke Anna and Jim Yi Kasi and Garrett Yokoyama Mary and Peter Yollin Natalie Pujo and Ron Yuch Patricia and Andrew Yun Yan Guo and Chunbo Zhang Helen Shi and Li Zhang Ping Gu and Xu Zhang Toska Zomorodian and Keyvan Eghbali Brandie and Michael Zouain Jenifer and Bart Zygmond We have done our best to ensure accuracy, however we sincerely apologize if we have made an error or omission. We kindly ask that you bring any errors to our attention so we can update our database. 42 MATCHING GIFT PROGRAM RAISES — $318K FOR MBEF — We are truly grateful for the generosity of the following businesses and corporations for donating to MBEF through their Employee Matching Gift Program. Many companies, big and small, provide matching gift programs through which they support the organizations and causes their employees believe in. Thanks to you for believing in MBEF, and to these employers for standing with you! AEGON Transamerica Foundation Agron, Inc. AllianceBernstein LP American Century Investments Foundation American Honda Motor Co., Inc. American Realty Advisors Ameriprise Financial Amgen Foundation Athene ATK Bank of America Barlean’s Organic Oils, LLC BNY Mellon Boeing CA Technologies California Resources Corporation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Chevron Cisco Systems Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers Deutsche Bank DirecTV Dolby Laboratories, Inc Edison International Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Farmers Group, Inc Ford Foundation The GE Foundation Goldman, Sachs & Co. Google Guggenheim Partners Hewlett-Packard Home Box Office, Inc. Hotchkis and Wiley Capital Management, LLC HSBC 43 ITG Inc. Janus Capital JLL Community Connections JPMorgan Chase Foundation LinQuest Corporation Marsh & McLennan Companies Mattel Children’s Foundation MDU Resources Foundation Microsoft Northrop Grumman Foundation Nuveen Investments Payden & Rygel Raytheon RBC Foundation RollGiving Rovi Salesforce.com Samsung Electronics North America Sempra Energy Foundation Silicon Valley Bank Sony Pictures Entertainment Thomson Reuters TIMEX Group USA Inc. Toyota Motor Sales USA Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. UBS Foundation Union Bank of California Foundation Unum Verizon The Walt Disney Company Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Western Asset Management WME Foundation Zynga, Inc. Questions about matching gifts? Please call MBEF at 310-303-3342. Business Sponsors! — 2014-2015 BUSINESS SPONSORS — When businesses support our schools through MBEF, they help make our community better for everyone. When they support MBEF year after year — as most of the businesses listed here have done — they aren’t simply generous. They are amazing! Show them you agree, and support them too. PATRON: $2,500+ Dealer.com Grow The Produce Shop pages; {a bookstore} SPONSOR: $1,000+ DREAM TEAM $50,000+ Chevron SKECHERS EP Wealth Advisors Fresh Brothers Janelle Holden, DDS Barney M. Hom, DDS Kinecta Federal Credit Union Jeff Nicosia, Industrious Films Patricia Panucci, Beach Braces Ralphs Summer Orthodontics Thomas Ying, DDS Dunham Stewart, South Bay Brokers Falcon Window Washing Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP Infineco Manhattan Beach Creamery Manhattan Beach Dermatology Manhattan Bread & Bagel Manhattan Dermatology OB’s Pub & Grill One Pacific Real Estate Co. Pacific Perinatal Center PS2, Inc. SBH Marketing Barret Pulver, Shorewood Realtors, Inc Trilogy Spa Two Guns Espresso & Coffee Yusen Terminals DREAM TEAM: $100,000+ HONOR ROLL $25,000+ Murad Family Foundation Northrop Grumman Waste Management Chevron SKECHERS LEADERSHIP $10,000+ Downtown MB Business Assoc./ MB Farmers Market nrg - El Segundo Power Tin Roof Bistro Zislis Group VALEDICTORIAN: $25,000+ BENEFACTOR $5,000+ Bank of the West Beach Broker Brett/ Brett Zebrowski Body Glove Caliber Home Loans CandyWarehouse.com Continental Development Corporation PATRON $2,500+ Grow The Produce Shop {pages}: a bookstore SPONSOR $1,000+ 310 Nutrition Northrop Grumman 5B Artist Management Waste Management Allison and Greg Snider Chase Law Group/South Bay Business Lawyers Computer Smarts Dan Deutsch Optical Outlook LEADERSHIP: $10,000+ mbef.org Murad Family Foundation nrg - El Segundo Power Tin Roof Bistro- Mike Simms Zislis Group- Mike and Andrea Zislis BENEFACTOR: $5,000+ Bank of the West Barney M. Hom, DDS Beach Broker Brett Body Glove CandyWarehouse.com Continental Development Corporation Downtown Manhattan Beach Business & Professional Association Dr. Thomas Ying EP Wealth Advisors Fresh Brothers Janelle Holden D.D.S. Jeff Nicosia, Industrious Films Kinecta Federal Credit Union Ralphs Ryder Communications Group Summer Orthodontics 23rd Street Jewelers 5B Artist Management Balios Capital, LLC Chase Law Group, P.C. dba South Bay Business Lawyers Computer Smarts Dan Deutsch Optical Outlook Dunham Stewart, South Bay Brokers Infineco Look! Optometry Manhattan Beach Creamery Manhattan Beach Dermatology Manhattan Bread & Bagel Manhattan Dermatology OB’s Pub & Grill Patricia Panucci, Beach Braces SBH Marketing, Inc. Shorewood Realtors, Inc Greg Snider Trilogy Spa Two Guns Espresso & Coffee Yusen Terminals DONATIONS UNDER $1,000 Angels and Arches Bancorp Choura Events Envision Falcon Window Washing Gimlen Orthodontics iRun MB jules.losangeles Pacific Perinatal Rami Elminoufi, Beach City Brokers Sports Clips Village Runner 44 MANHATTAN WINE AUCTION We would like to thank the following sponsors for their incredibly generous support of the 2015 Manhattan Wine Auction. The Wine Auction is MBEF’s only annual fundraising event and this year raised over $1.1M to support MBEF. We are also truly grateful to all of the wine donors, auction donors, and in-kind donors who contributed to the success of the event. For a complete listing, please visit the website at www.manhattanwineauction.com. SPONSORS Belkin and the Pipkin Family Chevron CABERNET SUPPORTERS Armory Group, LLC Kinecta Federal Credit Union Wells Fargo Bank Brett Barker & Ashley McCarthy, Renata & Phil Guidry, Shannon & Bob Nicholson, Alison & Cris Santa Ana, Jeri & Dave Vick Wells Fargo Capital Finance Caliber Home Loans Manhattan Village California Ethanol & Power, LLC Marlin Equity Partners Lily Chang & Jeff Konsmo Richard Montgomery and Friends Manhattan Country Club Northrop Grumman MAJOR IN-KIND SPONSORS Chef’d 23rd Street Jewelers City National Bank Choura Events City of Manhattan Beach Delta Air Lines Columbia Threadneedle Investments Rolling Hills Flower Mart South Bay Ford CULT CABERNET SUPPORTERS The Bay Club Caltius Capital Management James Maertz MainStay Investments Merrill Lynch Private Banking and Investment Group SKECHERS Trace3 45 Cormack, Kline, Harrington & Amaral Families LA Kings LGP Manhattan Dermatology Moss Adams OB’s Pub & Grill Rogoff Family Sadilek Family The Search Agency Dust Family Spencer Family, Ferguson Family & Friends Elkin Family Tenser/Boyle Families Ellis Law Corporation Union Bank, Downtown Manhattan Beach & Union Bank, Manhattan Village FILD Inc. The Glamorous Housewife.com Grandpoint Bank Houlihan Lokey Jan Rhees/Partners Trust & Lilly Chang/VNSM The Van Zanten Group Weiss Family THANK YOU FOR RAISING — YOUR PADDLES FOR STEM — At the 2015 Wine Auction, our community stepped up to support the expansion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs in our District. In just ten minutes we raised $228,000 from 70 donors, led by our two corporate sponsors, Chevron and Northrop Grumman. As a result of your tremendous generosity, in fall of 2015, our District will launch Project Lead the Way (PLTW), the nation’s leading provider of K-12 STEM programs. Their innovative curriculum is hands-on, project-based, and data-backed. Thank you for raising your paddles! We are truly excited about how this initiative will transform the way our children experience STEM education. $75,000 $1,500+ Chevron Lorin Liesy and Doug Dust Donna and James Maertz Donna and Gary Rosenthal $35,000 Northrop Grumman $500+ $10,000+ Lena and David G. Adishian Argue Family Cathy and Sean Banchik Christy and David Barnes Lillian and Mike Bohannon Penny and George Bordokas Victoria Billit and Matthew Budoff Tanja and Ralph Canada Portia and Andrew Cohen Dr. Ben and Colonel Michelle Dale Bonnie and Michael Darrow Sherolyn and Mike Duckworth Farnaz and Lawrence Flechner Kim and Jon Friedman Irina and Marc Goedemans Rita Moorman and Adam Goldston Colette and James Griffin Tina and Eric Johnson Brad Jones Lori and Jeff Keenan Kelly and Garrett Kelley Todd Klingler Loren and Larry Kosmont Gregory Andersen and Stephanie Maloney Andrea and Robert Marckel Clare and Timothy Flynn Alison Foote-Santa Ana and Cris Santa Ana Yvonne Stevens and Paul Schickler $5,000+ Kate and Timothy Bergin Michelle and Dave Cormack Jennifer and Todd Klawin Alison and Scott Rosenthal Dora and Jon Seiffer Lan and Desmund Shirazi Jeri and David Vick $3,000+ Jennifer and Christopher Fenton Joni and Duilio Ramallo Peir and Jeffrey Serota Sheryl Rooker and Jeff Thaler Susan and Keith Tibbles 46 ($500+ continued) Stephanie and Mark Maruyama Jill and Mike Matthews Valerie and Paul Mellinger Jorge and Ivette Mendez Mireille Dermer and Shane Mengel Shannon and Bob Nicholson Susan and Todd Purdy Carolyn and Neal Robb Suzy and Mike Sadilek Frank Semancik Carol and Ed Wagner Susan and Bill Weintraub Ann Marie and Rich Whitney 47 $499 AND UNDER Anonymous Dawn and Ken Bush Lynne and Dave Davis Kristie Daniel-DiGregorio and Gino DiGregorio Meghan and Matt Glidden Shauna and Ryan Hartley Michael Hayden Ana and William Hory Nancy Hesterberg and Chris James Kimberly and Jay Katsuyama Anne and Bill Kennedy Bobbie and Paul Kokorowski Hava and Jason Manasse Nancy and Greg Reynolds Robyn and Daniel Rogoff Azita and Soheil Shams Rod Spackman Denise and Gregg Towsley Brita and Ryan Wald Betty Wan Bea and Larry Zimbalist — SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION — At this year’s Wine Auction, our Live and Silent Auctions raised $625,000. We would like to thank all the generous bidders who participated. While we know you are taking home some treasures, we also know that your generosity stems from your passion for our schools and our community. Thank you! Below we’ve listed the names of individuals whose Manhattan Wine Auction winnings exceed $1,000. Reshma and Rahul Aggarwal Anthony Barberi Ashley McCarthy and Bret Barker Beth and Doug Bayerd Diane and Danny Benjamin Steve Bradbury Jenny and Christopher Brearton Lilly Chang and Phil Jeffrey Lily Chang and Jeff Konsmo Joe Chiewphasa Christine and Harrison Clay Michelle and Dave Cormack Jenine and Brett Cravatt Tom and Faith Derbyshire Jeff Domal Sherolyn and Mike Duckworth Robin and John Curren Erin and Rodney Faragalla Clare and Timothy Flynn Karen Gabriel Ernie Gehre Rita Moorman and Adam Goldston Michael Greenberg Colette and James Griffin Liz and John Griggs Elise and James Gustafson Robert Harder Shirley Ritter and Cameron Hatton Adam Hime Justine and Andrew Hunter David James Lily Lee and Brian Jeffords Anne and Bill Kennedy Ryan and Deanne Kim Jennifer and Todd Klawin Heather and Rick Kline Mark Koesterer Penny Linge Gregory Andersen and Stephanie Maloney Robert and Andrea Marriott Corina and Dave McGovern Mireille Dermer and Shane Mengel Andy Milder Gema and Bill Miller Roxanne and Ramin Mirhashemi Aaron and Monika Mugg Kathryn and Sam Naficy Sara Neilson Francie Nelson and Steve Napolitano Laurel and Patrick O’Grady Nina and Jayesh Patel Susan and Todd Purdy Tiffany and Dave Quick Ellen and Mitchell Regenstreif Marcus Rieb Ellen and Mike Rosenberg Alison and Scott Rosenthal Lauren and Henry Schwake Lisa and Gregg Scott Dora and Jon Seiffer Frank Semancik Peir and Jeffrey Serota Lan and Desmund Shirazi Christine and Mark Shuken Roxanne and Jeffrey Siegel Tara and Scott Sorensen April and Roger Spencer Rhonda and Steve Staver Stephanie and Jeffery Streader David Weinberg Susan and Bill Weintraub Shannon and Michael Williams Brady Yeager Robert Young Tammy and Thomas Zwicki 48 THE MBEF ENDOWMENT: GREAT SCHOOLS TODAY, GREAT SCHOOLS FOREVER. MBEF was founded to enrich the quality of public education in Manhattan Beach — year after year. But the need goes well beyond the immediate future. The Endowment was created to protect our schools from the erratic fluctuation of state funding and ensure that our students will benefit from high quality educational programs — now and for generations to come. Patterned after successful university and private school endowments, monies are placed in a fund and invested to generate income on an ongoing basis, while the original investment (principal) remains untouched. In this way, our Endowment continues to generate secure and sustainable gains for longer-term growth. Through ongoing contributions and prudent fiscal management, the Endowment has grown to more than $13M and continues to climb. In 2015, the Endowment disbursed $250K to fund MBEF programs for the 2015/16 school year. With continued support from our community, the annual disbursement to our schools will continue to increase. We are grateful to the donors who have supported the Endowment, and to our current and former volunteer Board and Investment Committee members whose expertise and guidance have helped us reach this important and exciting milestone. To learn more about the MBEF Endowment, please visit www.endowment.mbef.org or call us at 310.303.3342. 49 — ENDOWMENT HONOR ROLL — Donors listed in the $1,000+ giving levels have made contributions from the Endowment’s inception, and this list represents cumulative giving and pledges during this time frame. $1,000,000 Plaza El Segundo Partners $250,000+ Joan Jones Ellen and Mike Rosenberg $100,000+ Nancy Dodson-Geiser and Gregory Geiser Brad Jones Charlotte and Russ Lesser Ann Marie and Rich Whitney Jan and Chet Pipkin $50,000+ Keith Brackpool Chevron Peggy and Peter Johnston Laurie and Tom McCarthy Yvonne Stevens and Paul Schickler Sheryl Rooker and Jeff Thaler Jim and Jean Van Zanten Virginia Sogomonian and Rich Weiss Erika and Paul White $20,000+ Melinda and Eric Arentsen Kami and James Armstrong Chris and Geoffrey Bremer Martha and Ronald Doornink Joanne and James Hunter Michelle and Greg Rosen Dora and Jon Seiffer Jeri and David Vick Julie and Jeff Watts $10,000+ Kate and Timothy Bergin Penny and George Bordokas Lily Chang and Jeff Konsmo Sherolyn and Mike Duckworth Clare and Timothy Flynn Nicole and Jon Hirshberg Laura and John Keating Sheri and Rob Lietzow Corina and Dave McGovern Minna and Duncan Orrell-Jones Peir and Jeffrey Serota Amanda and Brian Zaumeyer $5,000+ Becky and Brad Allen Kim and Jon Friedman Lisa and Jim Givens Louis Laraway Teal Foundation Jennifer Annick and Geoffrey Kelsch Evelyn and John Lapham Carolyn and Rick Leserman Aaron and Monika Mugg Shannon and Bob Nicholson Judith and John Peetz Daya and T.K. Pillan Robin and Burt Siegelman Susan Stelter and Sam Fernandez Valerie and Nick Tell The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Jennifer and Peter Wilhelm Cara and Eric Worley $2,500+ Anonymous Donors (2) Mindy Bath-Schmidt and David Schmidt Joyce Klein and Gerald Breslauer Michelle and Dave Cormack Jennifer and Christopher Fenton Jan and Paul Franklin Christine Cronin and Mark Hurst 50 Tina and Eric Johnson Julie and Mark Linnecke Stephanie and Mark Maruyama Peggy and James Nelson Maryanne and Robert Petersen Susannah Hall and Matt Pielert Shirley and Barry Pulliam Patty Gibson and Jon Ralph Eva and Michael Rutman Sarah Clark and Timothy Thomas Ida VanderPoorte and Brian Murphy Alicia Villarreal and Phil Friedl $1,000+ Chris and John Alexiades Linda and Major Avignon Lillette and David Ballantine Cathy and Sean Banchik Beth Levy and Lloyd Bookman Cindy Quane and Gregory Breen Kim and Jim Brooks Lauren and Kent Burton Dawn and Ken Bush Tanja and Ralph Canada Mary Ann Chory and John Kelley Lynn Hopton-Davis and Greg Davis Heather and Dirk De Roos Valerie and Victor Diaz Laurie and Ian Eddleston Pam McKniff and Jack Feinberg Grettel and Bill Fournell J Bennett Friedman Rita Moorman and Adam Goldston Bridgette and Sandy Goodman Kathryn and Jonathan Goulding Liz and John Griggs Lani and Tim Harris Ana and William Hory Priscilla and Donald Hunt Susan and Stan Jordan Wanda and Chuck Kaminski Jodie and George Kase Kelly and Garrett Kelley Kimberlee and Tim Kelly Ellen Kubo and Allen Kirschenbaum Loren and Larry Kosmont Jill and Joe Lamkin Amy and Bill Lange Anne Marie and Jim Leonard 51 Elisabeth and David Lesser Susan and Andrew Levitt Sharon and Steve Lewis Andrea and Jim Maginn Jill and Mike Matthews Stacy and Patrick Michela Gema and Bill Miller Jane and Alden Munson Heidi and Mark O’Brien Jeanne and John Oshiro Ethel Pattison Nikki and Jack Reinholtz Wendy and Jon Resin Helen Ristani Suzy and Mike Sadilek Elaine and David Scott Susan and Chris Warshaw April and Gary Wayland Susan and Bill Weintraub Miriam and Michael Weiss Tivy and Abe Wong Please note donors listed below made a contribution to the Endowment in 2014/15. For the complete list of donors from inception to date, please see our website: www.mbef/endowment.org $500+ Stacy Wood-Adler and Greg Adler Janet Blaschke Susan Bowen and Richard Doyle Sylvia and Jonathan Hastanan Libby and Craig Moyer Michelle and John Weiner Debbie and Tony Zoppi $499 AND UNDER Anonymous Donors (4) Judy Regotti-Alexander and Stephen Alexander Cindy and Steve Bandel Michael Lindsey and Wendy Carson Linda Chen and Paul Chance Robert B. Clark and Evangeline H Clark Cravello Family Barbara and Walton Dougher Laurie and Dennis Draper Andrea and Jeffrey Eisen Mary Lou and Karl Enockson Rosemary and Octavio Girbau Amy Hanrahan Jonathan Hendrickson Paula and John Holland Sharon and Thomas Kelly Jennie and Albert Kim Lynn Kleiner’s Music Rhapsody Jessica Lucas -Leckner and Eric Leckner Liz and Dave Liebman Dan Luthringer Anne and John Martin Joan and Turk Maturko LeRoy and Anita Nelson Katie and Conor Neu Frances and Barry Paxson Brigitte and Kevin Pratt Charlotte Richard and Dan Zamsky Melita and Stuart Riddle Susan and Mark Sampson Pam and John Sebourn Tom Silk Patti and Bill Sinclair Mylan Stepanovich Tracey and David Windes Susan Walker and Andre Wyss 2007 2008 $5,543,116 $3,409,920 $2 M $1,736,659 $3M $1,629,769 $5M $ 4M $2,600,207 $7M $6M $3,727,236 $8M $4,646,173 $9 M $13,165,819 $11M $10M $7,252,527 $ 12 M $12,609,665 $ 13 M $8,946,009 $ 14M $11,603,427 ENDOWMENT FUND ASSET GROWTH 2014 2015 $1M $0 05-Apr 2005 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 52 CLASS OF 2015 FOREVER In 2013, the MBEF Endowment launched the Mira Costa Forever Fund — a special fund to honor graduating seniors. This year, our generous parents donated $3,865 to the Class of 2015 Forever Fund. Thanks to all who made a gift in honor of their graduating seniors! Renata and Gonen Abrahami on behalf of Samantha Abrahami Lisa and Marco Bacich on behalf of Rebecca Bacich Penny and George Bordokas on behalf of Blake Bordokas Jamie and Ken Buckstaff on behalf of Logan Buckstaff Beth Church and Les Di Leva on behalf of Megan Di Leva Rita and Marco Dutra on behalf of Rebeca Dutra Debby and Irv Edwards on behalf of Steven Edwards Kathy and Dexter Ford on behalf of Tiffany Ford Catherine Gaillard on behalf of Hannah Perch Amy and Mark Howorth on behalf of Jack Howorth Emily and John Kennedy on behalf of Sarah Kennedy Iris Lee Knell and Paul Knell on behalf of Tamara Knell Holly and Frank Kropschot on behalf of Quinn Kropschot Faith and Tom Lyons on behalf of Phoebe Lyons Dana and Jeff Mahony on behalf of Sawyer Mahony Susan and Steve Matt on behalf of Mackenzie Rose Matt The Millea Family on behalf of James Millea Linda and Robert Pahl on behalf of Adam Pahl Katherine Robak Ellen and Mike Rosenberg on behalf of Joseph Rosenberg Jennifer and John Russell on behalf of Derek Russell Frances and Steven Schiff on behalf of Catherine Schiff Caren and Rick Sheckter in honor of Dana’s Graduation Lan and Desmund Shirazi on behalf of Brandon Shirazi Loretta and Bruce Summers on behalf of Tyler Summers Tiffanee and Michael Watts on behalf of Katelyn Watts Anna Yu and Bing Wu on behalf of John Wu 53 In spite of our best efforts, errors and omissions may occur. To inform us of any inaccuracies, please contact us at 310.303.3342. — 2015-2016 — MBEF BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Michelle Cormack Vice President: Remco Waller Secretary: Dan Rogoff Treasurer: Joni Ramallo David Adishian Jennifer Fenton Emily Macias Pennie Stepczyk Peter Barbara Sandi Gleason Hilary Mahan Jenni Tucker Kate Bergin Adam Goldston Bill Miller Jeri Vick Ken Bush Leanne Huebner Mitchell Ozawa Rich Weiss Bonnie Darrow Michael Husson Nina Patel Ann Marie Whitney Heather De Roos Lori Keenan Carolyn Robb Jennifer Williams Rachel Disser Marija Kosanovich Jeff Serota Marla Zaslansky OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS Thank you for your service! Becky McCalla, Shannon Nicholson, Dora Seiffer, Leslie Whittet ENDOWMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Mike Duckworth Secretary: Jeff Serota Chief Investment Officer: Rich Weiss Treasurer: Jim Armstrong Geoff Bremer OUTGOING BOARD MEMBERS Thank you for your service! Joan Jones , Sheri Lietzow, Jeff Thaler MBEF AND ENDOWMENT TEAM Executive Director: Farnaz Golshani Flechner Director of Development and Strategic Partnerships: Hava Manasse Director of Annual Appeal and Operations: Carolyn Leserman Database and Website Manager: Yusun Lee 54 MBEF MISSION STATEMENT The Manhattan Beach Education Foundation is a community driven fund raising organization, which supplements state funding for programs that inspire learning, enrich teaching, and promote innovation and academic excellence in the public schools of Manhattan Beach. MBEF ENDOWMENT MISSION STATEMENT MBEF Endowment provides MBEF with a continuing and sustainable funding source that will expand and enhance the quality of public education in Manhattan Beach, now and for generations to come. All donations to MBEF and MBEF Endowment are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. For more information, please visit www.mbef.org or contact our team at 310-303-3342 / [email protected]. MBEF is among a leading group of organizations that have attained a 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. Enrich and Empower
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