TREASURE COVE GALLERY Manitoulin art, aboriginal carvings, quill boxes, moccasins, music, books, Pendleton blankets and Hawberry preserves. On the way to Spider Bay, Ba on Water St. in Little Current. Open daily, May 15th - Oct. 15th. (705) 368-1205. Page 30 TEN MILE POINT TRADING POST AND GALLERY In the native tradition - intricate stone carvings, Manitoulin Island art, porcupine quill boxes, turquoise jewellery, moccasins. Highway 6, south of Sheguiandah. Open daily, May - October. (705) 368-2377. Page 40 Art & Craft Classes LA CLOCHE COUNTRY ART SCHOOL The La Cloche area has been a mecca for landscape painters since it was popular with the Group of Seven. Our art school is a unique opportunity to learn and improve landscape drawing and painting skills in :KLWH¿VK )DOOV ZKHUH VKRUW KLNHV LQ DQ\ GLUHFWLRQ EULQJ \RX SDQRUDPLF vistas, massive rock formations, forests, Great Lake harbours, wildlife, rivers, streams, waterfalls, lakes and beaches. Your instructor is Richard Edwards, A.O.C.A., who has been painting professionally since 1970 and whose works belong to many private and permanent collections in Canada, the United States and Europe. He shows regularly at a dozen or more galleries throughout Ontario. The school operates out of Bay Villa /RGJHLQ:KLWH¿VK)DOOV-XO\DQG-XO\&RVWIRUWKHVFKRRO is $175.00 per week or $40.00 per day. For more information, please contact Ellen Lewis, 531 3rd Ave. East, Owen Sound, ON N4K 2J9; (519)376-8606; cottage, (705)859-3104; Email: [email protected] WOOL `N` THINGS &UDIW ZRUNVKRSV IRU DGXOWV LQ 6DQG¿HOG DW :DWVRQ¶V *HQHUDO 6WRUH Page 43 EDWARDS STUDIOS 'HPRQVWUDWLRQV ZRUNVKRSV DQG H[KLELWLRQV 6HFRQG ÀRRU RI .DJDZRQJ Old Mill. Page 33 w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 16 17 22/02/11 2:16 PM OUTDOORS On Manitoulin Island there are many activities to occupy leisure hours - year round. Some of the most popular activities are described here. Water Activities Whatever water activities you enMR\¿VKLQJFDQRHLQJZDWHUVNLLQJZLQG VXU¿QJ VZLPPLQJ RU MXVW EHDFKFRPELQJ there’s always the chance to pursue them on Manitoulin Island. As an island, of course, Manitoulin is surrounded by water and the island itself contains perhaps 100 lakes including the three largest ones: Manitou, Kagawong and Mindemoya. On most lakes, the shoreline is easily reached from public roads running to or alongside the water. Many communities have improved their shorelines by providing sandy swimming beaches, boat ramps and picnic spots. There are public docks at all the larger ports, and waterfront resorts maintain beaches and boating facilities for their guests. Boardwalks in Gore Bay and Providence Bay make the waterfront easily accessible for all, including those who use wheelchairs. Little Current boasts the well-developed beach, walking trail and park area, Low Island Park. The Ontario Ministry of Transpor Transportation has provided popular Island y spots includen Mile Point off Highway 6 between Little Current and Manitowaning; two locations on Lake e Mindemoya, east and west of the village; Bridal Veil Falls on Highway 540 in Kaga Kagawong; and Indian Point Bridge on High Highway 540 near Evans Evansville. Each of these spots includes picnic tables, parking spac spaces and privies and are now able to be used by persons in wheelchairs,. Espanola’s swimming beach just south of town on Hwy 6, is at aptly named Clear Lake. 18 TIM 2011 IND.indd 17 7KH H[WHQVLRQ RI D VLGHZDON¿W VLGHZDON¿Wness trail provides safe walking or jogging to the beach. Cycling Manitoulin Island’s picturesque backroads are popular with cyclists. Vehicle WUDI¿F LV JHQHUDOO\ OLJKW DOWKRXJK F\FOLVWV DUHZDUQHGWROHWIHUU\WUDI¿FJHWZHOODKHDG of them on Highway 6, and to watch out for unique features like logging trucks, slowmoving farm vehicles, and the occasional cattle drive. Cycling on Hwy 6 is becoming more comfortable as the Ontario Ministry of Transportation adds paved shoulders as they upgrade this road from South Baymouth to Espanola. Gordon’s Park on Hwy 6, just north of Hwy 542 offers four free self-guiding routes that begin and end at the park. Biking enthusiasts who are starting in Espanola and wish to avoid the Trans Canada Highway can enjoy the pastoral scenery and glimpses of the Spanish River when they travel from Espanola to Sagamok and Massey along the Lee Valley Road. From Massey to Walford, the River Road continues westward in the same fashion, while the Old Webbwood Road will take the cyclist from Espanola to the village of Webbwood along a reasonably quiet and safe path. All of these “backroads” slip through the foothills of the ancient LaCloche Mountain range. w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM Manitoulin Hiking Trails The Lewis Twin Peaks Hiking Trail Manitoulin has many hiking trails which take anywhere from a couple of hours to a full day, requiring various degrees of ¿WQHVV)RUWKHFDVXDOZDONHUWKHUHDUHQDture trails and boardwalks in and around many of the quaint little towns. Brief descriptions follow. Gordon’s Park On Hwy 6, just north of Hwy 542, this private park offers a nature interpretive centre with three complimentary hiking WUDLOV WKURXJK ¿YH GLIIHUHQW HFR V\VWHPV (wetland, forest, meadow, pond, escarpment). The Interpretive Centre features mounted animal displays of bears, wolves, hawks and owls plus interpretive information on mushrooms, fossils, edible wilds, DVWURQRP\ ELUGV WUHHV ZLOGÀRZHUV DQG animals. Picnic area, pool, mini putt, campLQJ WLSL WHQWLQJ %% DQG VWRUH 2EVHUYDWLRQ'HFN%LUG%OLQG'DUN6N\6DQFWXDU\ Astronomy Observatory. www.gordonspark. com McLean’s Park This trail is in Sheguiandah and is accessible from the west side of Hwy 6, just across from Paradise Motel. Approximately 2km in length and a relatively easy hike, the trail nevertheless provides two quite spectacular views of Bass Lake and the North Channel. The ORRNRXWV DUH RQ 4XDUW]LWH outcrops. Allow 1 to 1.5 hours. Cup and Saucer Eighteen km west of Little Current, just off Hwy 540 on the Bidwell Road, is the well known Cup and Saucer trail. With its 2km of dramatic 70 metre cliffs and breathtaking views, up to 12km of hiking trails, and the 2km adventure trail, it is one of the most popular trails in Ontario. Anywhere from 1.5 to 4 hours. M’Chigeeng This verdant 100-acre park is located on New England Road, a sideroad off Hwy 6 mid-way between Manitowaning and South Baymouth. The park, about 3km along the New England Rd. features hiking trails based on ancient logging paths. Hardwood bush with some huge trees. The walk takes about 1.5 hours. The entrance to M’Chigeeng Trail is behind the ball park, off Hwy 551 just south of Hwy 540. M’Chigeeng includes two trails, one along the bottom of the bluff and the other going to the very top. The Bear Caves and Fossil Rock Point are two spots of interest. The top of the bluff offers outstanding views of the North Channel. Allow 2 to 3 hours. Wagg’s Woods Right off ya’s main agg’s oods is located almost WKHPXQLFLSDORI¿FH IURPWKHPXQLFLSDORI¿FH Feaand library building. Fea tures maple, basswood, birch and ash. Moss climbs the cliffs which are espart of the Niagara es carpment. Watch for 15 different species of fern. Allow 1 hour. Bridal Veil Falls This trail is located on Hwy 540 at the entrance to Kaga Kagawong. A picnic area at the top of the falls leads down to the base of the falls, and the trail follows both sides of the stream to the bay. While your are there, take a dip in the falls, and take the walking tour of the old town. Allow 1 to 2 hours. Misery Bay Misery Bay Provincial Nature Reserve is a 860 hectare provincial park on the south shore of Manitoulin Island, a ten minute drive west of Evansville. There is a trail network of eight trails totaling approximately 16 km (one way) and ranging in length from 0.2 km to 4.8 km (one way). The trails feature mixed woodland, old beach ridges, and rare alvars. There is a visitor centre/ interpretive centre to educate the public about this unique area. There is an easy loop of 4.1 km from the visitor centre consisting of the Lakeshore and Wolf Den Trails. For more information www.manitoulin.com/misery-bay Sheshegwaning Nimkees Hiking Trail North of Silver Water, off Hwy 540, the Sheshegwaning First Nation is developing a 20km trail, which can be enjoyed in several sections, some offering wonderful views of the North Channel. There are facilities for camping and picnicking, Trail maps DUH DYDLODEOH DW WKH %DQG 2I¿FH RU DW WKH Gas/ Convenience store at the trailhead. Allow 3 to 6 hours. Mississagi Lighthouse Located at the lighthouse near Meldrum Bay are several short trails that IROORZ WKH FUDJJ\ VKRUHOLQH RYHU ÀDW OLPHstone ledges, around enormous boulders DQGWKURXJKURFN¿VVXUHV:LOGÀRZHUVDQG ELUGVDERXQGDQGWKHWUDLOVRIIHU¿QHYLHZV of Lake Huron. Allow 1 to 2 hours. Heaven’s Gate Trail This approx 50 km trail runs from the Willisville turn-off on Hwy 6 through to Fort Lacloche on the Sagamok First Nation, south of Massey. The 3 day hike runs WKURXJKWKHPDJQL¿FHQW/DFORFKH0RXQWDLQV with beautiful views of the North Channel and surrounding lakes. However it is not well marked or maintained and only recommended for very skilled hikers. Guided hiking and canoeing tours of the area, with a native theme, are available from “Trails of The Eagle Clan”, 705-865-2526, or email [email protected] w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 18 19 22/02/11 2:16 PM Fishing Nothing beats the taste of freshFDXJKWIUHVKFRRNHG¿VKSUHSDUHGRQWKH VKRUHRYHUDQRXWGRRU¿UH7KLVH[SHULHQFH FDQEHHQMR\HGE\¿VKHUPHQRIDOODJHVDQG levels of expertise. The family with young children ZKR ¿VK IURP D SLHU WKH NHHQ ¿VKHUPHQ who troll and cast from their boats, the GHHSZDWHU ¿VKHUPHQ RQ FKDUWHU ERDWV DIWHU VDOPRQ DQG WKH LFH ¿VKHUPHQ DIWHU SHUFKDQGODNHWURXWDOOFDQHQMR\¿VKLQJ off the shores and on the inland lakes of this region of Ontario. Manitoulin Island The Island has been attracting VSRUWV ¿VKHUPHQ IRU GHFDGHV 2QH DYLG VSRUWV ¿VKHUPDQ FDOOV 0DQLWRXOLQ ³RQH RI WKH ¿QHVW ¿VKLQJ KROHV LQ WKH SURYLQFH RI 2QWDULR´2IFRXUVH0DQLWRXOLQLVQ¶WD¿VKLQJ KROH ,W¶V PDQ\ ¿VKLQJ KROHV FUHHNV rivers and lakes - each with its unique popXODWLRQRIVSRUWV¿VK )RU ¿VKHUPHQ ZLWK WKHLU RZQ HTXLSPHQW WKH OLVW RI JRRG ¿VKLQJ VSRWV would appear to be endless. One veteran ¿VKHUPDQRIIHUV WKLVDGYLFHWKHUHLVXVXDOO\JRRG¿VKLQJQHDUWKHPDQ\JRYHUQPHQW docks and boat launching sites located around the Lake Huron shores and on the larger inland lakes. Boats and motors can be rented across the Island, and supplies are available at general stores in even the smallest communities. North Channel The navigable southern Spanish River from the North Channel at Spanish to WKH SRZHU GDP DW (VSDQROD LV D ¿UVWUDWH SLFNHUHO¿VKHU\ZLWKERDWODXQFKHVDW6SDQish, Massey and Espanola. “Fishing holes” abound in the vast North Channel for every species: salmon, lake trout, bass of every variety, perch, pickerel and muskellunge. Local lore in these communities is WKHDQJOHU¶VEHVWJXLGHWR¿VKing the North Channel. Charters For those who like the royal treatment, almost HYHU\ ORGJH ZLOO VXSSO\ ¿VKing guides and every one of Manitoulin’s and North Shore’s “big water” ports has one or more resident charter ¿VKLQJ ERDW RSHUDWRUV UHDG\ and waiting to take the visitor out for a day or half-day’s adventure. Downrigging for salmon, Rainbow trout and lake trout are the mainstays of these operations, but they FDQSODQRWKHU¿VKLQJDGYHQtures for you. Inquire about ¿VKLQJ FKDUWHUV DW WKH GRFNV of any port town or contact The Manitoulin Tourism Association (705) 368-3021. Limits Manitoulin Island is one of the only areas of the province with a limit on yellow perch: the catch limit is 25 in one day, and the possession limit is 50. Catch and possession limits are combined for salmon and WURXW LQFOXGLQJ 3DFL¿F VDOPRQ ODNH WURXW and brook, brown and rainbow trout. There are different regulations for different areas of Northern Ontario. These UHJXODWLRQV GH¿QH UHJLRQV DQG GHVFULEH size, catch and possession limits for the various species. It is important to know and IROORZWKH2QWDULRVSRUWV¿VKLQJUHJXODWLRQV as there has been a substantial increase in WKHGROODUYDOXHRIWKH¿QHVOHYLHGIRUUHJXlation infractions. Ministry of Natural Resources issues Outdoors Cards to hunters and anglers. The cards are sold to anglers who are residents of Canada, and to hunters who are residents of Ontario. Visitors can purchase a One-Day Fishing Licence at many convenient locations. Detailed information regarding ¿VKLQJLQ2QWDULRLVFRQWDLQHGLQWKH2QWDULR Sports Fishing Regulations Summary available at all licence issuers and 0LQLVWU\ RI 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFHV RI¿FHV DW ZZZPQUJRYRQFD015¿VKLQJRUE\FDOOing (705)869-1330 or 1 800 387-7011 Tennis There are two courts at the Little Current-Howland Recreation Centre on Highway 6 South, just outside Little Current; two courts in Manitowaning beside the arena and near the race track; two courts in Mindemoya behind the Community Centre; two courts on the Gore Bay waterfront; and four courts at Manitoulin Secondary School in M’Chigeeng. The Espanola Golf and Country Club also has tennis courts. 20 TIM 2011 IND.indd 19 w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM Golf Manitoulin Island Golf is a very important holiday pastime on Manitoulin, hosted by three excellent courses. Mindemoya’s Brookwood Brae Golf Course, established in 1964, has WKH GLVWLQFWLRQ RI EHLQJ 0DQLWRXOLQ¶V ¿UVW golf course. It is family owned and operated by the Seabrooks. This challenging 9 hole, par 36 course on Lake Mindemoya’s Ketchankookem Trail boasts a fully licenced course with air conditioned clubhouse. Pro shop. Club and cart rentals. Manitoulin Island Country Club is located in a pastoral setting just 1 km south of Gore Bay on Hwy 542. The 9 hole, par 36 course is set on rolling terrain with treed fairways. There is water, (two ponds), on the course which also features 3 sets of NH\V \HOORZ ZKLWH DQG UHG *RO¿QJ DW Manitoulin Island Country Club is ‘open’. There is a licenced clubhouse, a restaurant and a small pro shop. Power and pull carts and club rentals available. Located mid-way between Manitoulin’s oldest communities, the Rainbow Ridge Golf Course allows you and your family to explore the rich heritage of the Manitowaning and Wikwemikong communities while enjoying a day on this 18 hole championship course. The course features nine challenging water holes as well as large greens and several sand traps. After a game, visitors are invited to relax in the fully licenced, onsite, Ridges Restaurant. Club and cart rentals are available. There is also an 18 hole mini putt at Gordon’s Park, Hwy 6 just north of Hwy 542 in Tehkummah and another challenging mini putt, Rock Island Mini Putt, on Hwy 540 at Kagawong. Espanola In Espanola, the 9 hole, par 36, Espanola Golf and Country Club is laid out in scenic fashion along a half-mile stretch of the Spanish River in the shadow of the LaCloche Mountains that line the river’s opposite shore. The club features a licenced restaurant and pro shop. Carts available. This is an open course. Exploring with Manitoulin’s Magazine Manitoulin’s Magazine is a must for new visitors to Manitoulin and is available, free, from the Manitoulin Tourism Association, from information centres, on the ferry, and at most Island businesses. It is full of information to help you make the most of your Island vacation. Farmers’ Markets There is a weekly market spring, summer and fall in each of Mindemoya, Little Current, Gore Bay, Kagawong and South %D\PRXWK ZKHUH VKRSSHUV FDQ ¿QG ORFDO produce, baking, crafts and gifts. w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 20 21 22/02/11 2:16 PM Canoe Tripping If you would like to do some canoeing or kayaking on Manitoulin’s lakes, the North Channel, the Spanish River or Killarney Provincial Park but do not have \RXU RZQ JHDU WKHUH DUH VHYHUDO RXW¿WWHUV who will rent you the necessary equipment. Several experienced canoe guides RIIHUVHUYLFHVWKDWRXW¿WDQGJXLGHWKHDGventurer on water excursions, including into Killarney Provincial Park. Inquire at the Manitoulin Gateway Information Centre in Little Current, (705)368-3021; Saulteaux Enterprises in Sagamok, (705)865-1134 or contact Killarney Provincial Park at (705)2872900. Trail Rides Everybody loves a horse and there are several businesses on Manitoulin that cater to this fancy. Gentle horses and experienced trail guides will help you and your party spend a memorable hour or afternoon seeing lovely vistas from the advantage of horseheight. For information on Manitoulin’s trail riding adventures, contact Honora Bay Riding Stable or Kicking Mule Ranch. Archery Gordon’s Park, on Hwy 6 just north of Hwy 542, has an archery shooting lane with bow and arrow rentals for all ages. As well, the Manitoulin Archers Club has periodic meets and shoots at their range near Mindemoya. For details on upcoming competitions you may contact Jim Smith at (705)377-4013. Birdwatching Manitoulin Island is the Pelee Island of the north with over 314 species of migrating birds during the spring and fall. Join the Friends of Misery Bay and the Manitoulin Nature Club for their annual bird counts and on their Sandhill Crane watch every October. Gordon’s Park on Hwy. 6 just north of Hwy 542 22 TIM 2011 IND.indd 21 provides overnight guests with a self guided birding map and tour of the NorthSouthWest hotspots of the island. Astronomy Gordon’s Park on Hwy 6, just north of Hwy 542 hosts Astronomy Nights on Thursdays during July and August. Other astronomy events and activities at Gordon’s Park this summer include Moongazing: A Taste of Manitoulin Skies, June 10, Stargazing Manitoulin, July 1 - 4, and the Manitoulin Star Party, August 5 - 8. www. gordonspark.com w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM Hunting Skiing Manitoulin has always been a favourite spot for the sportsman. Each year hunters take about 3,000 deer during the annual hunt, held Monday through Sunday of the third week in November. The bow VHDVRQ EHJLQV WKH ¿UVW 6DWXUGD\ LQ 2FWRber and continues to the Friday before the gun hunt. Early in December, there is now a three-day black powder season and an extended archery hunt. As Manitoulin Island consists of private land, hunters need consent from landowners before they can hunt. Landowner consent forms are available from the Ministry of Natural Resources or from outside licence issuers. Manitoulin has good hunting for small game and waterfowl. There is no moose season. For more information on hunting on Manitoulin Island or in the LaCloche region, contact the local Conservation Of¿FHUVRUWKH0LQLVWU\RI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV FDOOWKH(VSDQRODRI¿FHDW toll free: 1(800)461-0125). The Nordic ski club on Manitoulin boasts two separarte and unique trail networks, one close to the North Channel and the other in Central Manitoulin near Mindemoya. The North Channel trail is located just off Highway 540 some six miles west of Little Current. Hilly terrain. Beautiful chalet. The Gibraltar trails are developed on a milder landscape through a hardwood forest so the challenge is to go farther. For snow conditions call the Manitoulin Gateway Welcome Centre at (705)368-3021 In the LaCloche area there are groomed nordic trails just east of Nairn Centre in the Beaver Lake area near the Finnish Hall off Hwy 17. In Espanola, alpine skiing is available, snow permitting, at the Espanola Ski Club’s Boogie Mountain where there is a small equipment and repair shop. (705)869-1740 All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Tourism Manitoulin’s snowmobile club, The Manitoulin Snowdusters, works diligently throughout the whole year to make sure that snowmobilers who visit the Island can enjoy 500km of well marked, well groomed trails that traverse the length and breadth of Manitoulin, tying in with the provincial trail plan. The Manitoulin Snowdusters proGXFHVD¿QHPDSRIWKH0DQLWRXOLQVQRZPRbile trails that is available for a nominal fee throughout the Island. Some of the 49,000km of groomed snowmobile trails in Ontario can be found on the North Shore of Lake Huron. The so Many Northerners are viewing ATV tourism as a natural activity to draw outdoor riders of all persuasions. North Shore communities and Wikwemikong First Nation on Manitoulin are getting in on the ground ÀRRU RI WKLV EXUJHRQLQJ QHZ UHFUHDWLRQDO pursuit. ATV fans revel in a riding experience that can take place eight months of the year. Snowmobiling called D trail runs parallel to the Highway 17 corridor. A trail from Espanola to White¿VK)DOOVFRQQHFWVZLWKWKHWUDLOQHWZRUNRQ Manitoulin Island. If you are planning a winter Island holiday contact the Manitoulin Snowdusters, c/o Betty Heis, R.R.#1, Mindemoya, Ontario P0P 1S0 w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 22 23 22/02/11 2:16 PM . f Sault Ste Marie Hwy 17 Sudbury Span North Chan nel Zhiibaahaasing Cockburn Island 21 21 Meldrum Bay 540 Silver Water Bayfie 10 540 nd 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Lake 19 540 Wolsey 20 Evansville ry Mise 542 Lake Kagawo Bay 33 Spring B Great Duck Island 32 y n Ba inio Dom 31 3 MAP GUIDE TO ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS *4;;;211976:+;!8,65926;80/: *4; ,63:5;.9+;-:3875 '4 '4;;;.720/:9+;!85:1 *4;870863;80/: )4 "7820:6$:;.9+;&&;"97( )4;;;9/86;%::1;!85:1 *4;87:;.9+;:762/%5;975#:65;85:1 )*4 6;&%:;.9+;.. 4;;;9:77+;!85:1 *4;&%:;,::63;66;.. )'4 :55#966; 5,028 4;;;6$%87;66;85:1 *4;&212/%5;31:;-:3875 ))4;":7291:;911:7+ 4;;; ,63:5;!85:1;960;8559/:3 '4;9(:;813:+;::,6/;"97( )4;:097;78:;8559/:;-:3875 4;;;6099996/;&8,723# '*4;!:107,#;.9+;66 )4;31960; 726/;8559/:3 4;;; 21:7;.27$%:3;-:3875 ''4 8%6;.,00;!:#87291;"97( )4;9#;!97+;66:;-:3875 4;;;20:;9+;80/: ')4 )4;&2#:7196:;-,352$;80/: 8,5%;.9+;-:3875 Gore Bay ld Sou Burnt Island %:/,29609%;.9+; 2119/: *4;09703; 5,0283 '4 2$(26/;!,1:;-96$% )4;953863;9# **4;9(:2:;-:3875 '4 870863;"97(;$8;-:3875 )4;!96258,126;-:3875 *'4;87#3;&&;"97( '4 .19$(;-8$(;-:3875 4;6$1:; 5::3;"97(;;9263 *)4; 29; 2119;-:3875 '4 .95#963;8559/:3;&&;"97( *4;-:0;80/:;-:3875 *4;9(:;9/986/;9#21+;9263 '4 7::6;$7:3;&&;"97( TIM 2011 Centre spread.indd 2-3 16, 17, 18 Sheshegwaning Barrie Island Espanola wy 17 Sudbury Walford Spanish Massey Sagamok F.N. Bay of Island McGregor Bay 540 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 540 Lake Kagawong 6 Little Current Honora 540 8 Kagawong 6 41 M’Chigeeng 32 Bay inion Hur on Dom 542 37 Mindemoya Lake 40 Manitou 39 Manitowaning 38 Sandfield 31 Providence Bay 30 Tehkummah 6 : y a l’s B ae Mich 22 Wikwemikong Ma . 551 Lake 33 Mindemoya 36 Spring Bay 34 35 1 Killarney 29 Sheguiandah 28 27 Ten Mile Pt. West Bay 10 7 Aundeck Omni Kaning Birch Island nito wa Bay ning 9 Gore Bay 542 s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 16, 17, 18 Lake Wolsey 20 Willisville Whitefish Falls annel ( r 25 26 24 th Sou Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Bay 23 Georgian Bay South Baymouth :3875 5 : Fitzwilliam Island 263 22/02/11 12:05 PM FESTIVALS Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation Traditional Pow Wow June 4-5 The Great Spirit Circle Trail 2011 Pow Wow Schedule Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve South Bay Traditional Pow Wow June 18-19 Sheshegwaning First Nation Traditional Pow Wow June 18-19 Sheguiandah First Nation Traditional Pow Wow July 2-3 Sagamok Anishnawbek Traditional Pow Wow July 16-17 Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Cultural Festival and Pow Wow July 30 – August 1 :KLWH¿VK5LYHU)LUVW1DWLRQ Traditional Pow Wow August 20-21 Zhiibaahaasing First Nation Traditional Pow Wow August 27-28 M’Chigeeng First Nation Traditional Pow Wow September 3-4 For more information see page 47. Tourism Information Centre Our Services: Wikwemikong Historical Experiences The Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve and the Wikwemikong Heritage Organization proudly presents... Wikwemikong 51st Annual Cultural Festival Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada July 31, August 1 & 2, 2011 ȈEmbark on a Guided Tour and enjoy the rich history and natural beauty of our Unceded Territory Guided Nature Hikes and Medicine Walks ȈTake part in our Guided Historic Nature Hikes and Medicine walks through Manitoulins newest Interpretive hiking trail Ȉ ϐ witness spectacular views of the Lacloche Mountains. Ȉ Cultural Gathering & Artisans Market Ȉ Ȉ Gift Center 1-877-859-2385 Admission Adult (daily) Child Daily(6 - 12 yrs of age) Adult Weekend Pass $10.00 $ 2.00 $20.00 Elders (65+) and Children (under 6) - FREE Ȉ ǡ “One of Eastern Canada’s largest and longest running jewellery Cultural Events with over 50 years of building relationships” 705-859-3477 www.wikwemikong.ca 26 TIM 2011 IND.indd 23 www.wikwemikongheritage.org w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM Espanola High School Reunion – an Celebrating the 60th anniversary reunion of the Espanola High School on the Canada Day longweekend with many othoth HUIXQ¿OOHGDFWLYLWLHV LaCloche Country Art Show – This ju- ried art show, held an anQXDOO\ GXULQJ WKH ¿UVW full week of July in the :KLWH¿VK)DOOVFRPPXQL :KLWH¿VK)DOOVFRPPXQLty centre, is a testament to the natural inspira inspiration provided by the sur surrounding area. Summerfest – This Manitowaning event takes place during the third weekend in July each year and boasts a parade, quad races, children’s activities, ball tournament, dance and everyone’s favourite, the smash-up derby. Festivals Being an island in north Georgian Bay, once considered remote, we Haweaters have had to rely on each other to entertain ourselves and our guests. We have, over the years, originated any number of community celebrations and festivals. Here is a sample. Wikwemikong Ice Fishing Derby – annually held the second Saturday in February on Manitowaning Bay. Great cash prizes and lots of fun. Visit www. wikwemikong.ca for more information. Perch Derby – For perch caught in the inland lakes or territorial waters of Manitoulin Island, held in May on Victoria Day ZHHNHQG:HLJKLQDQG¿VKGLQQHUDWSP on Sunday at the Kagawong Park Centre. Massey’s Friendly Marathon – This event, held annually the third weekend in July (July 16-17, 2011), includes a full marathon beside the beautiful Spanish River, a half-marathon and various fun runs. (This is a qualifying event for the Boston Marathon). Spanish River Friendly Marathon – Half-Marathon and Fun Run held on July 16-17, 2011. Manitoulin Art Tour – Over 30 galleries and studios situated across the towns, highways and byways of Manitoulin open their doors to the traveling public for a self-guided tour during the third weekend in July. Gore Bay Summer Festival – Held the last weekend in July, this event includes music concerts, a street festival, sidewalk VDOHVDQGDFRPPXQLW\¿VKGLQQHU Killarney Summer Festival Weekend – This event is held the fourth weekend in July (July 23-24, 2011) and is RUJDQL]HG E\ WKH WRZQ¶V YROXQWHHU ¿UH GHpartment. This weekend is all about fun and serves as both a homecoming event and an introduction for newcomers to this unique and historic community. Ride Manitoulin 2011 - Celebrate our diversity and unique nature as you ride your motorcycle over the highways and biways of Manitoulin Island. All classes of motorcycles and riders are welcome. Providence Bay Fair Grounds, July 23-24 Macman Yacht Race – Join the fun and excitement of this race between Mackinac Island, Michigan and Little Current/ Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island for the North Channel Cup, held in late July. Visit www. lcyc.ca for more information. Haweater Weekend – Held during the August civic holiday in Little Current, this annual extravaganza is not to be missed, with a weekend of activity including concerts, dances, sports, craft shows, markets, reunions, parades, children’s activities DQGDODYLVK¿UHZRUNVGLVSOD\ Manitoulin Country Fest – The second weekend in August, this event is growing in popularity each year. Sponsored by 100.7 FM The Island, this outdoor country concert extravaganza brings thousands to Low Island Park in Little Current to see their favourite stars in action. Visit www. manitoulincountryfest.com for more information. Manitoulin Trade Fair – This major event happens every second year. Catch the latest in the Manitoulin business and service sector at this three-day extravaganza held at the Little Current Recreation Complex on Hwy. 6, June 3-5, 2011. A Taste of Manitoulin – This 10 day festival, to be held June 3-12, will pay homage to Manitoulin food. It will also highlight the art, music, culture and heritage that makes Manitoulin such a unique and special place. Visit www.atasteofmanitoulin.ca for more information. Homecoming Weekend – Held annually in Mindemoya on the July 1 weekend. Includes a parade, dance, antique car show, EDVHEDOO WRXUQDPHQW WULDWKDORQ ¿UHZRUNV and much more. w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 24 27 22/02/11 2:16 PM Providence Bay Fair – Held on the Au third weekend in August, the Prov Fair is one of the longest running and largest agricultural fairs in Northern Ontario and includes a midway, live musical enterenter tainment, parade, fair ambassador concon test, horse shows and much more. Massey Fair – This traditional fall fair, held in the North Shore town of Massey’s centrally located fairgrounds, bills itself as “Some “Something to crow about.” Indeed, the threeday fair lives up to this motto with a huge midway, agri agricultural exhibits, all manner of events involving horses and motocross events. end in Au AuThird weekend gust (August 26-28, 2011). Heritage Festival – Held on Labour Day weekend in Tehkummah. MiMi chael’s Bay Historical Society offers three days of pioneer inin spired fun and farming activities. 28 TIM 2011 IND.indd 25 Manitowaning Fall Fair – Manitowaning hosts the longest running agricultural fair in Northern Ontario. This fall fair is usually held the second weekend of September. Wikwemikong Fall Fair – Lots of school participation and displays, contests and entertainment at Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve on the last weekend of September. When on Manitoulin Island consult the local papers for a list of coming events. Entertainment This island abounds with musical and theatrical talent. Gore Bay Summer Theatre – A hugely successful theatre company operating in July and August out of the downtown’s historic community hall. De-ba-jeh-mu-jig (Storytellers in Cree and Ojibway) – Canada’s foremost touring native theatre group invites you to enjoy their much anticipated summer mainstage performance at the ’ruins’ of the Holy Cross Mission in Wikwemikong. The De-baMHKPXMLJ&UHDWLRQ&HQWUHDW4XHHQ6W in Manitowaning also hosts theatre productions and workshops and provides gallery space for art exhibitions. Call (705)8592317 or consult www.debaj.ca for detailed activity listings/information. Burns Wharf Theatre Players – To date this talented group of folk have applied their talents to the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. Their colourful productions are held in the charming waterfront warehouse conversion by the Manitowaning harbour in mid-June. Call (705)859-3808 for more information. w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM COMMUNITIES ON THE NORTH CHANNEL LITTLE CURRENT Although located on its eastern fringe, Little Current, the Island’s gateway community, is in many ways a centre for Manitoulin. First settled in the late 1860s, Little Current grew into a major *UHDW /DNHV SRUW ZLWK GRFNV ¿OOHG ZLWK SDVVHQJHU IUHLJKWHUV VDZmills on the western waterfront employing hundreds of workers, and visitors crowding into the towns three hotels. Today visitors cross the town’s most famous landmark, the swing bridge, to discover a lovely town where they can enjoy shopping along the downtown streets, strolling along the docks, and relaxing in the waterfront parks. In the summer the harbour is again crowded with boats, but now mostly pleasure craft. Each year some 3,000 boats, both power and sailboats, tie up at the new town docks or at one of three marinas. POINTS OF INTEREST Heritage Swing Bridge &RQVWUXFWHGLQIRUUDLOWUDI¿FRQO\ the bridge rested in the open position to allow for the frequent passage of coal freighters through the North Channel. Today the railway is gone, DQGWKHWRQQHEULGJHSURYLGHVDOLQNIRUDXWRPRELOHWUDI¿FEHWZHHQ Manitoulin and the mainland, excepting 15 minutes on the hour, when it QRZVZLQJVIRUWKH&KDQQHO¶VSOHQWLIXOFUXLVHERDWWUDI¿F Manitoulin Information Centre 7KH ¿UVW EXLOGLQJ RQ \RXU right after crossing the bridge onto Manitoulin, this aptly-situated build building is home to the Island’s best selection of information on what to see and where to stay during your visit. Low Island and Sisson Park - Within walking distance of down- town, Low Island is home to Little Current’s best beach as well as a walk walking trail, playground, picnic area, change rooms, softball, volleyball and soccer grounds and a skateboard park. Farmers’ Markets )LQGWKHPDUNHWGRZQWRZQRQ:DWHU6W¿UVW thing Saturday morning or at the arena on Hwy 6 on Tuesday afternoon. Killarney, long considered a paradise for North Channel and Georgian Bay yachters, has been a European settlement for over 175 years. In keeping with its history, Killarney remains an important centre of comPHUFLDO¿VKLQJDQGLVKRPHWR¿QHDFFRPPRGDWLRQDQGGLQLQJDVZHOODVDQ KLVWRULFFKXUFKJHQHUDOVWRUHDQGSRVWRI¿FH Killarney Provincial Park - This “jewel of Ontario’s park system” contains a stunning mixture of forest, lakes and quartzite mountains. w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 26 29 22/02/11 2:16 PM POINT OF INTEREST McLean’s Mountain Lookout - Located just outside Little Cur Current, the lookout on McLean’s Mountain provides one of the most spectacular views of the North and Wabuno Channels with the LaCloche Mountains on the horizon. The lookout includes picnic tables, barbecues and washrooms. SHOPS AND SERVICES TREASURE COVE GALLERY <RXZLOO¿QGXVRQWKHZDWHUIURQWQH[WWRWKHVKLSV:HIHDWXUH Manitoulin art, aboriginal carvings, moccasins, music, books, Pendleton blankets and Hawberry preserves. We also present the most exquisite porcupine quill boxes available. Also visit us at Ten Mile Point Gallery Open daily, May 15th - Oct. 15th. *HRUJH&KDUORWWH:LJOH HARBOR VUE MARINA A full service marine center located on the North Channel east of the Little Current swing bridge. By road, off Highway 6 south of Little Current town limits. 40 ton hydraulic travelift. Protected harbour with 8’ depth. Full service mechanical and boat repair VKRSV,QVLGHDQGRXWVLGHVWRUDJH$XWKRUL]HG(YLQUXGH-RKQVRQ9ROYR0HUFXU\0HUcruiser/Yamaha sales and service. Factory trained technicians. Monitors VHF 68. Telephone (705)368-3212. TURNERS OF LITTLE CURRENT LTD. The Shop Across From the Ships... Take time to visit Turners upstairs for a delightful selection of gifts and clothing from Canadian Artisans and people around the world. Also upstairs is a Gallery showing originals and prints of local scenes by very talented Artists. Eskimo carvings and a fascinating collection of native quill baskets and moccasins. Canada’s oldest chart room awaits you for all your special charts and maps of the North Channel and Georgian Bay waters...and adjacent areas. Downstairs is Little Current’s department store carrying a variety of merchandise. Beach and camping supplies, newspapers, magazines, candy, cards, kitchen supplies, sport shoes, souvenirs and much more along with a fully stocked electronic facility. Open 7 days a week. Serving visitors from near and far for over 131 years. Manitoulin Island’s oldest business. (705)368-2150. Website: www.turners.ca. “Turners...a piece of Island history.” THE MANITOULIN EXPOSITOR Northern Ontario’s oldest continually published newspaper established in 1879. A tabloid newspaper with a broad range of features, bright editorial content. ABC audited. Keep up to date with what’s happening on Manitoulin. Excellent real estate section. R.L. McCutcheon, publisher. P.O. Box 369, Little Current, Ontario, P0P 1K0. Phone (705)368-2744, Fax (705)368-3822. Email: [email protected]. Annual subscription rates: On Manitoulin $36.75; to addresses without letter carrier service in Ontario, 0DQLWREDDQG4XHEHFWR&DQDGLDQDGGUHVVHVZLWKOHWWHUFDUrier service and non letter carrier services in all provinces other than 2QWDULR0DQLWREDDQG4XHEHF7R86DGGUHVVHV3ULFHV include G.S.T. where applicable. Website: www.manitoulin.ca 30 TIM 2011 IND.indd 27 w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:16 PM AUNDECK OMNI KANING Aundeck Omni Kaning, which means “where the crows live”, was in the past known as Sucker Creek. This First Nation is on Hwy. 540 just a little west of Little Current. This community is part of the Great Spirit Circle Trail and has a tourism initiative known as Endaa-aang, which is an eco-resort development. Aundeck Omni Kaning Traditional Pow Wow - The Pow Wow welcomes visitors and is usually held WKH¿UVWZHHNHQGLQ-XQHDWDEHDXWLIXOODNHside campground and beach area. Be sure to try such pow wow fare as ‘scone dogs,’ corn soup and ‘Nish’ (Anishinaabe) tacos. HONORA This picturesque settlement of permanent and seasonal residents lies around Honora Bay. THE BIDWELL ROAD Besides being a convenient shortcut from Hwy 540 on the north shore to Hwy 6 near Manitowaning, the Bidwell road is a scenic backroad which offers a nice sampling of rural Island scenery. Cup and Saucer - The Cup and Saucer is one of the Island’s favourite hiking trails. The entrance to the trail is located on the Bidwell Road, a short distance south of the Bidwell - Hwy 540 intersection. w ww.manitoulin.ca TIM 2011 IND.indd 28 31 22/02/11 2:17 PM SHOPS AND SERVICES BLAIR’S CASH ‘N CARRY A convenience shop, located on the M’Chigeeng First Nation, half-way between M’Chigeeng (West Bay) and Mindemoya. Groceries, sundries. Lotto 649 centre. Modern Laundromat. Ojibwe moccasins. Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m, 7 days a week. Loretta Debassige and staff, M’Chigeeng (West Bay), Ontario, P0P 1G0. Phone (705)377-4937 NEON RAVEN ART GALLERY “The Heart of the Art,” Neon Raven features the artwork of Carl Beam, Ann Beam, Anong Beam and Mark Larochelle. This is contemporary art at its best. Local M’Chigeeng artists are featured as well as Netherland’s artist Miranda Vissers. Stop by for an espresso and some inspiration. Open 7 days a week from 10 am to 5 pm. Paintings, pottery, books, cards, CDs and the home of CHYF Radio 88.9 FM. Neon Raven Art Gallery, 53 Corbiere Road, M’Chigeeng, Ontario. Phone (705) 377-6088. See display ad page 17. M’CHIGEENG To reach the front entrance of the fascinating home of the Ojibwe Cultural FounGDWLRQLQ0¶&KLJHHQJWKHYLVLWRUPXVW¿UVWSDVVWKURXJKDODUJHSLHFHRIVWRQHDUWZRUN The carving, entitled ‘Bringing the Family Together’, was created by the late Carl Beam. There are two ‘halves’ to the carving, with each side depicting three members of the “Shaman family” standing side by side, arms outstretched and hands joined. Dividing the family is the space provided for the walkway leading up to the building front. As the visitor walks ‘in between’ the two halves of the family towards the entrance, the chain is completed and he or she becomes part of the ‘family’. It is a unique welcome to a special place. M’Chigeeng, as the second-largest and most central of Manitoulin’s First Nation FRPPXQLWLHVLVD¿WWLQJKRPHWRWKH2MLEZH&XOWXUDO)RXQGDWLRQ,WDOVRIRUPVDSDUWRI the Great Spirit Circle Trail. M’Chigeeng is home to a number of galleries, craft shops and restaurants. It was initially settled in the early nineteenth-century by Minnesotans who moved on from Wikwemikong after hearing of a long bay (now known as West Bay) with JRRG¿VKLQJLQDQHDUE\ODNH0LQGHPR\D/DNH Ojibwe Cultural Foundation - A mixture of gallery (displaying the work of local artists who work in a variety of media), educational, resource and meeting space. The Foundation also includes a traditional healing lodge, elders room and gift shop. Lillian’s Museum - A wonderful permanent collection of First Nation art and crafts, especially porcupine quill work, augmented by education videos on aspects of First Nation culture. Immaculate Conception Church - An architecturally interesting Roman Catholic Church which incorporates elements of native tradition in both design and content. 32 TIM 2011 IND.indd 29 w ww.manitoulin.ca 22/02/11 2:17 PM