- Crescendo Music Education
- Crescendo Music Education
ueensload Music Program dries of Weekly- Developmental Lesson Plans Year 7 Departm.ent of Education, Queensland Prepared in the Office of: Senior Adviser (Music Education) Supervised by: Val Layne Writers: Carmel Butler Rhonda Davidson Lois Pagano Revised 1986 Reprinted 1990 ISBN 0 7242 2460 2 Year 7 - 0 7242 2461 0 EXTRACTS FROM: A CURRICULUM GUIDE FOR MUSIC IN THE PR/MARY SCHOOL RATIONALE Music is one part of the total education of the child. The task of the school is to present opportunity for every child to learn to understand the contribution music makes to his life. Music as one of the arts provides opportunity for aesthetic development. It enables the child to develop a sensitivity to the world around him, and a capacity to discriminate not only through his intellectual taste but also through his artistic and cultural tastes. Through music education, the child is led to an awareness of music and an appreciation of the part music plays in his own life and in the lives of others. GENERAL AIM The aim of music education in the primary school is to nourish the artist that is present to some degree in every child. This can be achieved through the development of the child's Awaitenez4 o6 Muzic, Reispon4e to Music, and Capacity to Expnetz Hinoet6 .in Muzic. OBJECTIVES Achieving this aim involves developing: an understanding of and sensitivity to SeL6 an understanding of and sensitivity to the Envi4onment and Society together with relevant Knowtedge and Shit.66, and their UnduE4tandingis. 1. Exttact 64om: A CuitAicutum Guide FOA Muisic In The PAimaAy Schoot. STAGE SEVEN Children should: Continue to build a repertoire of songs, — for enjoyment, — for enrichment, (songs from around the world, songs by prominent world composers including contemporary), — for development in singing abilities. (Such features as intonation, tone quality, intervals, phrasing, interpretation, diction, rhythmic precision, should be observed.) Canon — as for Stage 2 "stinad— as for Stage 1 Descant — as for Stage 3 Obbligato — An optional instrumental or vocal line. Contrapuntal — Involving the weaving of one melody with another. Motif — A distinctive section of melody that recurs throughout the composition. Pentatonic — as for Stage 4 Mode — AS for Siege 2 Atonal — 1-bvin,g no fixed key centre ("Home Note") Continue to develop skill in part•singing — rounds and canons, ostinati, descants, obbligatos, — two and three part songs. Continue to develop skill in interpretation through creative movement, dances, and dramatization. Continue to develop the ability to read music notation. — observe the rhythmic structure of phrases — simple melodies and contrapuntal passages, —observe the form, and develop an understanding of melody, motif, theme, repetition, contrast, — recognize major, minor, and pentatonic modes — aurally as well as visually, — relate time signatures to beat and accent, — recognize musical forms. Continue to develop the ability to play melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic instruments. — melodies could be tonal or atonal patterns, —accompaniments on melodic, harmonic,and rhythmic instruments. Continue to develop an understanding of expression and content in music, and the subsequent evaluation of music pieces both by themselves or by other composers. Continue to expand listening skills. — engage in attentive listening for enjoyment and enrichment, — expand acquaintance with music by prominent composers including contemporary, — build a repertoire of selected instrumental and vocal pieces, — recognize familiar characteristics of folk dances, folk tunes, suite, prelude, and overture. Recognize selected instrument: by sight and sound and in various simple combinations. These work programs provide the opportunity for students to become competent at the following musical activities: * singing * playing * inventing * listening to music The programs suggest that the above activities occur in a range of contexts - for personal, social and ceremonial purposes. 3 The implementation of this music program should result in most students LEARNING SKILLS need for • singing • playing music • inventing music (composing, arranging, improvising) • being an informed listener to music • reading and writing music LEARNING AREPERTOIRE OF MUSIC • different styles and • settings involving UNDERSTANDING MUSICAL CONCEPTS related to • musical elements, structure and style • participating in musical activities DEVELOPING CAPACITIES TO ENJOY AND BE INTERESTED IN A VARIETY OF MUSIC by improving attitudes toward • self (self-esteem, self confidence) • others (co-operation, empathy) • music (appreciating music, deriving personal satisfaction from performing). 4 Extutct 6A0M: A CuAiticuturn Guide i=on Mu/sic In The Pkimaty Schoot. STAGE SEVEN Children should: Continue to build a repertoire of songs, — for enjoyment, — for enrichment, (songs from around the world, songs by prominent world composers including contemporary), — for development in singing abilities. (Such features as intonation, tone quality, intervals, phrasing, interpretation, diction, rhythmic precision, should be observed.) Canon - as for Stage 2 %Timid- as for Stage 1 for Stage 3 Obbligato - An optional Instrumental or vocal line. Descant- as the weaving of one melody with another. Motif - A distinctive section of melody that recurs throughout the composition. Pentatonic - as for Stage 4 Mode as for Stage 2 Contrapuntal - Involving Atonal - Having no fixed key centre ("Home Note") Continue to develop skill in part-singing — rounds and canons, —ostinati, descants, obbligatos, — two and three part songs. Continue to develop skill in interpretation through creative movement, dances, and dramatization. Continue to develop the ability to read music notation. —observe the rhythmic structure of phrases — simple melodies and contrapuntal passages, -- observe the form, and develop an understanding of melody, motif, theme, repetition, contrast, — recognize major, minor, and pentatonic modes — aurally as well as visually, — relate time signatures to beat and accent, — recognize musical forms. Continue to develop the ability to play melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic instruments. — melodies could be tonal or atonal patterns, — accompaniments on melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic instruments. Continue to develop an understanding of expression and content in music, and the subsequent evaluation of music pieces both by themselves or by other composers. Continue to expand listening skills. — engage in attentive listening for enjoyment and enrichment, — expand acquaintance with music by prominent composers including contemporary, — build a repertoire of selected instrumental and vocal pieces, — recognize familiar Characteristics of folk dances, folk tunes, suite, prelude, and overture. Recognize selected instruments by sight and sound and in various simple combinations. 5 YEAR SEVEN-- SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES By the end of the seventh year of Music, in which the skills outlined in the following program are practised daily, the child, as a member of a group and individually, should be able to: . perform a repertoire of approximately twenty-five more songs featuring major/minor/modal tonality or accidentals: a) from memory; b) at a steady tempo; c) with clear pronunciation of text; d) in tune (most children); e) in the appropriate style; f) with or without instrumental accompaniment; . provide a higher or lower starting pitch than that previously provided for a known song; . perform known songs in 'legato' style as appropriate; . perform known songs in 'question' and 'answer' phrases with another individual or group; • freely improvise melodic answers to melodic questions; . improvise melodic answers to melodic questions using solfa; . improvise a melody to a known speech rhyme or a given rhythmic pattern; • demonstrate perception of higher and lower sounds through movement, handsigns and visual representation; . accurately read and write melodies containing all solfa notes of the diatonic scale; . correctly apply sharp (,) or flat (b) signs where necessary; . accurately sing and identify the intervals within the diatonic major scale; . demonstrate, through reading and writing activities, an understanding of the conventions of staff notation including the treble clef, key signature, correct stem positions and the leger line; . accurately represent the melodic contour of phrases containing C,D,E,F,FG,A,B,C',D' or E' on treble staff; . perform a variety of melodies on the descant recorder using the notes C,D,E,F,Z,gG,A,Bb,B,C I ,D',E',F . and G' and using correct; a) posture; b) tongueing techniques; c) breathing techniques; d) tone production; . imitate and create simple melodies on the descant recorder using various combinations of the notes C,D,E,F,FAG,A,Blo,b,e,D',E1,E", or G'; . internally hear fragments of known melodies; . internally hear the entire melody of known songs; . recognise known songs when the melody is shown using visual representations including handsigns; . perform partner songs, melodic canons and simple two-part exercises within a group; . perform melodic ostinati (using words or known solfa syllables), while others perform a known song; . perform known songs to simple drone accompaniments played on tuned percussion instruments using 'doh', I nd: and 'soh'; . improvise harmonic accompaniments to known songs using the pentatonic scale; • demonstrate a sense of beat in speech rhymes, songs and instrumental music, in both simple and compound metres using: a) movements; b) body-percussion; c) non-tuned percusssion instruments; dO visual representations; . sing a known song while performing the beat; • perform known songs using the comparatives: faster/slower; softer/ louder; higher/lower; . perform the rhythmic pattern of known rhymes and songs in simple or compound metre, while saying/singing the words or while hearing the words in their aural imagination (inner hearing); . aurally and visually recognise known songs or rhymes from the rhythmic pattern; . improvise new words to the melodies of known songs; . perform the rhythmic pattern of a known song or rhyme while the beat is performed by another; . simultaneously perform the rhythmic pattern and the beat of a known song; . hear how many sounds occur on any one beat in simple time; . accurately read, write and create rhythmic patterns containing the 0, J• it )4). following rhythmic elements: ; . recognise and correctly use 'repeat signs' (1k : 11 ); . differentiate between songs in simple and compound metre; . hear how man' sounds occur on any one beat in compound time and apply J. /. 4( 4k, fl, .ty; this to: • demonstrate a feeling for metric accent through movement and visual representation; . demonstrate an understanding of metric accent through correct use of accent signs and bar lines in 2 4, 34 , 44 , 68 and 54 time; . accurately conduct well known songs using patterns of 2's,3's,4's or 5's as appropriate; . demonstrate an awareness of the meaning of anacrusis (or upbeat) through movement, including conducting; . demonstrate the duration of a melodic phrase through movement or performance; . perform simple rhythmic canons using the pattern of a well known song; . show, using capital letters or other visual representations, that structures are the same or different; . represent the form of various musical compositions, through movement; . correctly apply the terms "binary" and "ternary" as appropriate; • aurally recognise/identify the timbre of: a) b) c) d) e) environmental sounds; speaking and singing voices of other members of the class; non-tuned percussion instruments; tuned percussion instruments;. orchestral instruments; . respond through movement or other forms of expression to a variety of music: a) from other cultures; b) by composers of past and present_ centuries; c) featuring atonal or experimental styles; . use graphic notation to illustrate stories/poems through sound. 8 YEAR SEVEN TERM 1 1 WEEK WEEK 2 The Flattenned 7th I-- mn Prepare J. 1' i d - t - s, 1 Intervals 1-1 CD LD = w I-- Make Reinforce Lu ›- 1-J 1 m-r-d-l- s i1J Recorder Notes, fingering s -f-m-r- d Down by the Banks Moreton Bay Liza Jane Vive l'amour Telephone Sang Mull of Kintyre Liza Jane Down by the Banks Mull of Kintyre In Amsterdam Liza Jane - tap the Rhythmic Pattern Derive Liza Jane New ew = ..z5 Q1 co Q1 J. Conscious Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT r.ri J-3 J-1 J :..1 .t .4 j-j j-j J-] 11 SJ j Recall/Read/ Write J• I' J. ..h J'..1 J 1 1,1 I' 1 J J .1'.1 Recall: RECORDER = g In-tune - r-d ,i, • s - Z-dm 8 Singing CD -..l UJ Simple Melodies & Notes i Read from the Modulator =,. U2 CD CJ m r d z, b--1 cn , CD Si _J UJ ME PART WORK * Vive l'amour - perform as a Canon * Liza Jane - perform as a Canon * Down by the Banks - perform as a Canon Choral 9th Symphony LISTENING (Beethoven) Create a Movement Canon with Down by the Banks INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 9 YEAR SEVEN TERM = 1-1 o a,. 9 ., = (.7t' LL1 1 Prepare Make Tonality Intervals 4 d'- t - 1 - s d'on the Staff Rubato drms 1 3 time 4 Cdoh d -r-m-f- s, Sol-fa reading Tzena Tzena New a:5 ci) = CD WEEK Conscious = cc co 3 ....:_ Reinforce cn WEEK Known (.7) RHYTHMIC In Dublin's Fair City Moreton Bay The Keeper Mull of Kintyre Row Row Row Your Boat Sunshine Mary Sunshine Ancient Dance Liza Jane Moreton Bay Derive: Rhythmic Memory J- 1J J Jj Mull of Kintyre .1 J 1.1 .1 -I etc J . 1.1 1.1 fri J-3 J J J-7 [J J J=1=]=J ZJ J ?TM J 1 J .1-] .1=TT DEVELOPMENT - .- zm 1# RECORDER Row, Row, Row Your Boat C Doh Liza Jane in C Doh In—tune Row, Row, Row Your Boat s- f- m - r - d Singing Sing whole of Liza Jane in Sol-fa --I UJ uJ CD Sight Reading - FlIF-11 mrmdrm L.) Js CM CD -.7 UJ Fl l mfs "Ancient Dance" 1111 fmrd rim' Ilci frd mrmdrm 11111 . fmrds El l mfs 11 1, frd ME PART WORK LISTENING * Down by the Banks - perform as a Canon * Row, Row, Row Your Boat Choral 9th Symphony (Beethoven) Recall Melody from Theme of 9th Symphony INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 10 Perform Liza Jane - in Canon or recorder - add Melodic Ostinati - use xylophones Recall Melody from Theme of the 9th Symphony and derive Sol-fa Liza Jane may be accompanied by individual children on own orchestral instruments YEAR SEVEN TERM 1 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 d'- t - 1 - s I-= ._. D, = fii Lu d'- t - 1 - s Mixolydian Mode Prepare Make Conscious Staff Notation, 3 time Reinforce J. s-f-m-r-d .1%i Spinning Wheel Strawberry Fair Ancient Dance Tzena Tzena Black Velvet Band Morning is Caine Spinning Wheel Spanish Lady Paddy Works on the Railroad Blow the Wind Southerly Rhythmic Memory/Reading/Writing Recall 5 patterns ew New Lu >,- .4t 101 CD CD Q1 Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT 3J J J J. FJ J-1 11 J . J. J J J J J J-JJ Jil .1 .1 J.I• Read/Write/Memory e.g. j JJJJJJ JJJ J. J 14 j /J. z letc RECORDER Liza Jane in C Doh E letter name + fingering Sunshine Mary Sunshine in G Doh ._ In-tune d -r-m-f-m-r- d Spanish Lady # cn --I Singing Sight Reading - " Ancient Dance" uJ 711-111111 >Lu T11E1111.1 * Learn 1st section of wberry Fair from s the traStaff mrmdrm fmrd mrmdrm frd * Follow teacher's handn Ell 11.11 signs for Spanish Lady ..1 s mfs fmrds mfs frd Place on Staff in G Doh 11111J Li cl CD _J ME PART WORK LISTENING Tzena Tzena - perform as a Canon Renaissance Crumb Horn, Sunshine Mary Sunshine - perform as a Canon Music The Racket Viol, lute Discuss Street Calls and Scenes 1800's INTEGRATED Street ACTIVITIES 11 YEAR SEVEN TERM I WEEK 7 WEEK 8 Mixolydian Mode I-- d -t-l- s Mixolydian Mode Prepare •—i 0 .-. = Make YAM. ... Bb The Key Signature riting Pentatonic Scales Recorder Fingering dConscious LL.1 F letter name I— Reinforce u-) J Skye Boat Song Chairs to Mend Strawberry Fair Hear the Bells Spinning Wheel Blow the Wind Southerly Ancient Dance Strawberry Fair Morning Has Broken Mull of Kintyre Skye Boat Song * Spinning Wheel - tap the Rhythmic Pattern - conduct in S's * Create/imitate/read patterns in 3 time N ew = Ca .75 cr) f_D 2M 0 4./1 3 time Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT Hear the Bells in F doh etc RECORDER i-- In-tune t Singing r1=INIMBINNI1== -=, wiszti Ii: ,... ... . . Ow , ..... In' .. ■_.. . ..., =. . ,1 1J 1 Play "Ancient Dance" in F doh etc Aram. mrrie 4.. - . EMI I■ ■INI MINN^M• .= MINMINIW...M. AI . 7. ■1111M on Im.. 117=raz ..: ME W11 == 01IME Z Hear the Bells ' _J LIJ >. LI—I p. MEI IMMIIMIMOHMEM n C_.) I-4 ir=s D —.I Li.; M Fah in etc * Chairs to Mend - learn from the Staff i fp4memmrimparommaimirAmmmuma7 4010 IINIM NM wilW AMmoma .mmr.mimilm F doh ‘..1=1=•1111111 r=li■ M1112111■ 1 1. * Hear the Bells - sing in Canon PART WORK "Who Will Buy" LISTENING ) from Oliver .. INTEGRATED Discuss Street Calls and Street Scenes 1800's ACTIVITIES 12 Perform Ancient Dance with appropriate Renaissance accompaniments • YEAR SEVEN TERM 1-- = •E:1) 1 WEEK 9 WEEK The Minor Scale The Minor Scale Misolydian Mode Moveable Doh, Pentatonic Scales Pentatonic Scale, Prepare 10 ClCD = .:-d w 1-- Make Conscious .,- - Reinforce J. 4: J Scarborough Fair u-) w ›= N ew Chairs to Mend Greensleeves Ancient Dance Song of Joy cc e..15 Lo = =, V Known Chairs to Mend Greensleeves Scarborough Fair Skye Boat Song Recall/imitate/create patterns in Compound Time RHYTINIC DEVELOPMENT Play "Ancient Dance" in F doh etc I RECORDER -__ = t 4=, _1 ..........r. '--SUS aMIII MO 41•11' MORIN= VIM [..1111.4=1,40111•■ =111111111■ 1■11.111111f AEI a • am mom mom mow i■V =MMUS Song of Joy - in F doh , amg amen•I■•• mni wow, 1•■ ■■• a Xi 7.." MEI MN =11w111/' AMI wit- .■■•••■111 ■ mO vcawilM , 1 .111111 .min 411•111MIM ..10m , .a••=1 11111111.11•1•11Mli NMI MR NI IMEWNININ~OSIM .04 In-tune Singing 111 LLI 1111 mmfs sfmr rr„------, ill I 5T- 777 rr r dd ddrm m Lu a Li I--1 CI (Z) --.1 Sing the pentatonic Scale at different Starting Pitches 4) lai L * Chairs to Mend - perform as a Canon * Chairs to Mend - perform as a Canon PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Fantasia on Greensleeves Vaughan Williams Perform Ancient Dance with appropriate Renaissance accompaniments 13 The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams Discuss the Mood of The Lark Ascending Recognize the Solo Violin YEAR SEVEN TERM I-- zm 2 Pre p are WEEK si - d (Perfect r - t, - s I I WEEK 2 4th) d'- t - l - m lah tonality Mixolydi2n Mode i--4 CD . a- = .W 1.....1 ~-- .6. Make . Conscious Reinforce Q, Soh Pentatonic Scale s, - d, d - r - m - f M 3 time, Sol-fa from staff and handsigns Simple Gifts Johnny Has Stodola Pumpa Skye Boat Song Gypsy Rover I Saw Three Ships Titi-Toria Skye Boat Song Simple Gifts I Saw Three Ships Recall Stodola Pumpa J-J J J-J J 11 1 F1 Imitate/Create/Write/Memorise/ Derive Rhythmic Patterns Gone for a Soldier New LU ZE _ ›MC MC ...z5 cil S2 CD (..n Known DEVELOPMENT M Il .1=17 .17 1-1 J 1-1 .1 ff-] J-] IT] J-J ii J RECORDER flying notes on staff RHYTHMIC Gypsy 1-- mm SV ac In-tune Rover - G Doh following Gypsy Rover Skye Boat Song Singing * Skye Boat Song - follow teacher's handsigns * Gypsy Rover Soh Pentatonic Scale - follow teacher's handsigns . L1.1 uJ cl, CJ 1---, ca CD --1 UJ ME PART WORK * Stodola Pumpa - Left hand maintains beat Right hand taps rhythmic pattern 1.812 Overture by Tschaikowsky Aaron Copland "Appalachian Spring" (exerpts only) LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda 14 The Maori Culture Discuss/view/listen to traditional music and dances > YEAR SEVEN TERM 2 WEEK 3 a- WEEK 4 G s- m interval = .-1 c= Prepare 5 , polymetre, d'- t- 1 4 d- major 6th Z CD .=, = . ,.i w Make . Calypso Rhythm Conscious F-- Reinforce ul = -m = CD U0 Binary Form 6 8 Phrases Anacrusis 6s-d-r-m-f-s-1- d 8 Anacrusis Staff Reading Pokare Kare Ana Try No to Get Worried Simple Gifts Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Titi Toria I Saw Three Ships Pokare Kare Ana I Saw Three Ships Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier New LU >-- CD 3 4 Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT Practise Calpyso Rhythm Accompaniment 1 I I T---i I I I LH Rh Rh Lh Rh hh Rh Rh RECORDER In-tune Saw Three Ships in G doh ••aw...m. ..m.r www=11, Wm ■IM.M..M...MINMR.. ■■•• ■■+ 01■•••■••••••••■ 1■ etc .m. IAINSMIlm• ■■■•■ a I• •IMIWall MII I MNIINIMMMI Saw Three Ships in F doh etc • 1=1■■■NM I=1.• MN 0 ■ IMIN ■■•••■■■••••• do.n.a .1■ 1■1111111M114 .1=1■■■111N118111■ ANNIPMEIR ,:rra ilzwit■ I■p 1■11.■11:■ =imm....■■• I Saw Three Ships Simple Gifts Singing Individual children may create own melodies in Sol-fa. One child may show handsigns I 11-11 I n 1- 1 I-11 I others sing. l ss fm s S i ddrmdm f while Derive Sol-fa of 1st phrase of Simple Gifts _J UJ >. LL., Li .-1 0 0 -J I LU Create appropriate accompaniment on percussion for I Saw Three PART WORK Ships LISTENING Recognise Canonic treatment of Simple Gifts melody Learn lower part with Pokare Kare Ana 1812 Averture by Tschaikovsky Recognise appropriate sections of the orchestra in "Appalachian Spring" INTEGRATED Recall Binary Form in Simple Gifts ACTIVITIES 15 Jesus Christ Superstar YEAR SEVEN TERM 2 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 3, - m Major 6th I-- = I..4 Prepare Intervals, Polymetre d'- t - 1 I=1 c_o ,..7. Make .mr Conscious w I-- Reinforce g Polymetre 8 - d'Phrases The Pentatonic ScaZe 11 J, There's Work to be Done No Need to Hurry Water Come A Me Eye Pokare Kare Ana Try Not to Get Worried Simple Gifts Stodola Pumpa Try No to Get Worried Chicken in the Fencepost Derive Metre of Try Not to Get Worried i Perform Calypsos with hand ' tapping rhythms r - m - Staff5Notation, s - d' f, 4 New 2i Ul LD ,--., n Known Recall RHYTHMIC 11 imple Gifts - G doh, 1st phrase RECORDER 1-- In-tune t Singing 2: CD -J Lu 8 fl Tr.. J-1 . 11 J 1-) 1-1 .1 J-] DEVELOPMENT fraz. on h :-.,.................-1:2,—.1.2 °n1Y etc Simple Gifts, 1st Phrase, G doh Chicken in the Fencepost - G doh m -r-d- si, - d s- d' Improvise using the Pentatonic Scale Follow teacher's handsigns for Water Come A Me Eye * Water Come A Me Eye - sing verse with chorus * Experiment with the Pentatonic Scale, combining different melodies Theiw's Work to be DonelPartner No Need to Hurry ...iSongs * Chicken in the Fencepost - Add percussion instruments with suitable accompaniments Try Not to Get Worried from "Jesus Christ Superstar Other excerpts from Jesus Christ , Superstar by Weber and Rue - L) I-4 m CD _J 1_ PART WORK LISTENING Add Calypso instruments to accompany Calypso songs INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 16 _.. .. .. . TERM 2 F-- ZE WEEK 7 WEEK 8 d'-t-l-s-f-m-r-d 5 - d (Perfect 4th) Prepare Jazz d - d'- The Octave 4-1 0 10- = d'-t-l-s-f-m-r- d The Major Scale Make dConscious U-I h- 5 lah tonality, Polymetre 4 Reinforce uo Linstead Market Little Bird New Early One Morning Try Not to Get Worried No Ned to Hurry There's Work to be Done Water Come A Me Eye CG ..zs (A C-D = CD Known uo Syncopation, s - m, s -f-m-r- d Early One Morning Little Fishy Little Bird Conduct in Changing Metres ) RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT Z t RECORDER * Water Come A Me Eye - learn by rote in C doh In-tune s, -d-m- s Singing CO _J Little Bird - C doh Create and play own melodies by Create and play own melodies by using spontaneous sol-fa/or sol-fa using spontaneous sol-fa/or flashcards/or staff notated sol-fa flashcards/or staff flashcards notated flashcards * Recall melodies from Orchestral Imitate Sol-fa syllables of the same Intervals recordings w .>. UJ ci C.-) ~° o _J UJ m PART WORK LISTENING There's Work to be Done ]Partner No Need to Hurry Songs * Chicken in the Fencepost - add percussion instruments with suitable accompaniments The Promenade from Pictures at an Exhibition by Moussorgsky ( ') Tschaikowsky Symphony No. 5 Descant with "Water Come A Me Eye" JJJJ d't lsfmrmfs Jamaican Music _ ( 45 ) INTEGRATED Create movements for There's Work to be Done and No Need to Hurry ACTIVITIES 17 Discuss the trumpet Louis Armstrong (Jazz) * Take 5 by Brubeek YEAR SEVEN TERM 2 I-mm ...i CD 0_ '3E4 , ,I) Lu I-- WEEK 9 WEEK d - d'Octave triads, chords, d - m - s - d° Prepare l Make m s r d 10 The Aeolian Mode I The Major 2nd r- d, d - r, r - m, f - s s - t, Condos oscious The Major Scale Intervals in Sol-fa that sound the same Reinforce l- t F on stsif and recorder The Major Scale, s - m, s - F -m r d, phrase, 3n J . 1°1] J -s -1 - t - d 1 . . An Eriksay Love Lilt New , = Qs vl Lo CD U Known Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Little Fishy Early One Morning Linstead Market Derive Metre RHYTWIC of various songs, Linstead Market Little Bird PO Kare Kare Ana Water Come A Me Eye Recall Polymetre melodies DEVELOPMENT God Save the Queen - F doh RECORDER * The Major Scale Use the flying note to practise all sol-fa from staff -. In-tune d'-t-l-s-f-m-rd Johnny I Hardly Knew You # Singing The Major Scale * Derive Sol-fa of Johnny I Hardly-Knew You * Learn An Eriksay Love Lilt from the Staff = CD --I UJ Lu CI Play and read Triads/Chords Li I-1 CD -J LIJ M PART WORK LISTENING Descant with "Water Come A Me Eye" Create complimentary Rhythmic Patterns, including syncopation cici.I.A 1' I and perform simultaneously d t Zsfmrmfs Water Come A Me Eye Orchestral arrangement of "English Country Garden" INTEGRATED . English Country Garden Song ACTIVITIES 18 YEAR SEVEN TERM 3 I-- Prepare 1--I 0 0- H .., n: WEEK 1 WEEK 2 5 week unit on Jewish and Israeli music ; - m (perfect 5th), Minor 3rd Perfect 5th Recognise Prominent Intervals Major 3rd - Intervals Minor 3rd, Major 3rd Perfect 5th Make (zi Conscious U...1 r—. Reinforce Perfect Tth Major Scale Ma ,714 d't l s, 91,7r7 A Qua Qua Shalom Chaverim Havah Nagila New Tzena Tzena Scarborough Fair Greensleeves CC 40 0 V) Tzena Tzena Havah Nagilah Song of Joy Greensleeves Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT RECORDER In-tune s-d 3 week assignment charts, pictures etc on Israel to be combined with a 5 week unit on Israeli and Jewish Culture and Folk Music 8b -I Rhythmic dictation Compound Time Small group work. Children may work at own levels, playing known and new melodies Song of Joy Scarborough Fair Major Scale, Major 2nd's Minor 3rd, Major 3rd Perfect 5th .M.11-1L1.11.1.1J.I . UJZ Jill- 1.1JJJ•1.1 .J j..Z Play intervals from Staff Singing 00 -4 11 : 4 Recall Major 2nd's L.›.L.1 L.Li -101- C,-.) 4--4 Sing other Intervals in Major Scale, (i.e. d - m, in - s, d - 0 0 F1 i I 1711:11 rinnrill mmm r mddt, 1, 11 , , tl t, ddrd ti c / t ts t, t, ltddrdtdel I , • t , (Folk Melody) 1, s) Scarborough Fair with Canticle as in Simon and Garfunkel version PART WORK 1 1, , a ..mpor M MIMI. . NIMPIII Tzena Tzena LISTENING Scarborough Fair - Simon and Garfunkel version Recall Beethoven's 9th Symphony Recall Vaughan Williams - Greonmleeves INTEGRATED Begin Discussions of Israeli and Jewish culture ACTIVITIES 19 "Havah Nagila" - Dance Watch "Fiddler on the Roof" and learn any other repertoire from the Musical YEAR SE TERM 3 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 m - 1 (Perfect 4th) i-- Z l - m (Perfect 5th) Prepare 1--1 0 C1C_D 1-±-1 = fli u_.i 1— V) Make Natural Minor (Aeolian Scale) - d (Perfect 4th) Conscious .. m - l Perfect 4th Reinforce d' t l s f m r d Hey Ho Nobody Home Hashi Venu Donna Donna New A Qua Qua Hey Ho Nobody Home Hashi Venu Havah Wagila Shalom Chaverim Folk Melody Isi >= CC *.z1 cin C_D = 0 V) Known Havah Nagilah Tzena Tzena Shalom Chaverim Folk Melody Eriskay Love Lilt RHYTHAIC DEVELOPIvENT i: Plri n 1 I 1 11 p1 1-1 z I 1I Fil 1 Z . ), (A Qu Qua) Recall Rhythmic Pattern / RECORDER A Qua Qua on recorder •:". NMI m 111•7 EMPIlmilM m Ind, MM a allar.711 1•11111•1111111111M MOWN MI 1 ■7111111111r owlanIMMIMMO• ■ ••=11•11M11■ 1111511001111.11M=MI. % P.M.:AMIIMIMAIAMANNI =W i■ as IMP ■r ..= Eriksay Love Lilt etc - In-tune t Singing CD ..../ s, d Eriksay Love Lilt (Perfect 4th) Recall - Folk Melody in Sol-fa L.L.I * Derive Tonality of songs doh or lah centred 4.1 LC) * Sing natural minor scale using handsigns Li 1-1 0 0 —.1 w M PART WORK Shalom Chaverim (Canon) Tzena Tzena (Canon) Folk Melody in Canon English and Israeli words to LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Shalom Chaverim , Pachabel Canon Exerpts from "Havah Nagila"- Dance from "Fiddler on the Roof" Sunrise Sunset Discuss life in a Kabutz. Donna is a very well known Jewish Matchmaker folk song If I Were a Rich Man 20 YEAR r TERM 3 WEEK 5 WEEK Minor Triad 1-mm 6 Harmony Graphic Notation Prepare 1-4 cn o_ Lo , -F, D= Make 'at' Conscious L.Li 1- Reinforce v-) Li4 m ›m: ac -1:5 CD CD New Known vl RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT G Major with key signature 1., - m Perfect 5th fff 4F# reaazder Legato J. j" j p. (#E) G Major lah centred scale Gut Sabat Eich Zum Gall. Cali Donna Donna Hashi Venu (Hashi Venu) Rey Ho Nobody Home Shalom Chaverim Folk Melody Eriskay Love Lilt Derive Rhythmic Pattern of Hashi Venu J . 11 .1 IJ-11 •P J Li . , J . ..PJ J . P..11J•1.J . 1 Gut Sabat Eich Zum Gali Gali Donna Hashi Venu Hey Ho Nobody Home God Save The Queen Children create new words to Hashi Venu e.g. J- .r J cl. sum-mer has past EA:n-tje; ils heck RECORDER Eriksay Love Lilt 1-- In-tune (Perfect t Singing leckes i c;n Ae tries all faifklajn. God Save The Queen 5th) 1, - m God Save The Queen mm {7) ► Lu A 1' __I .■■•LAIMMIIMINOMI ■ W c-.) Sing the Aeolian Scale using handsigns Li ....-1 in CD LU PART WORK LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Folk Melody in Canon add drone bass with I then add 1 - f in together as a drone * Hashi Venu - perform as a Canon Add appropriate accompaniments to God Save The Queen Zum Gali Cali add ostinato Concurrent sounds of intervals and triads - m l - d - m Derive intervals as sung by teacher from minor scale Discuss Jewish customs and traditions from "Fiddler on the Roof 21 rTh =:1=1 1 Li El 11tdtdtIllml I .', e r rt f I / . ing (Hashi Venu) legato YEAR SEVEN TERM 3 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 Unit on Experimental Music Composition Atonality Prepare 0-1 Make Graphic Notation .:c ) Conscious Lu Reinforce #F G Major, Ternary Form New Known God Save The Queen Simple Gifts Hey Ho Nobody Home Talkin Blues Talkin Blues Revision Children tape a collection of sounds from their own environment. Simple percussion instruments and electronic keyboards may also be used. Sounds are to illustrate "Talkin Blues". RHYTHMIC ExPERIMENTAL MUSIC CODE or =FE DEVELOPMENT Sound Re q uired waves crashing RECORDER In-tune fierce wind The Major Scale The Aeolian Scale toning uo long stairs I Sound Origin 5 toilet flushing C 5 1 Pomo lips to bias, frionfully tapping out fade —0— Simple Gifts on recorder Hey Ho Nobody Home - Derive Sol-fa Children perform pieces. Tape performances to play to other classes Add appropriate accompaniment to Simple Gifts Hey Ho Nobody Home Combine sounds in harmony as desired Hoist "Planets" "Hoist" Planets View "Alien I and II" noting electronic music Recall form ABA Hey Ho Nobody Home View "Forbidden Planet" Note use of early synthesized electronic music LISTENING INTEGRATED jg Time (in seconds/ Simple Gifts in G Major Singing PART WORK Symbol ACTIVITIES 22 YEAR SEVEN TERM 3 H— z Prepare WEEK 9 WEEK 10 Augmentation Diminution Music Concrete Atonality Serialisation = 0— LO = w Make Graphic Notation Conscious 1-- Reinforce V) Lu = >= CC New = c) R Children illustrate with sounds, poems or short stories of own choice E Children illustrate with sounds, poems or short stories they have written themselves .1..!5 CD Experimental Music V I Known u-) RHYTHMIC Children tape a collection of sounds from their own environment. Simple percussion instruments and electronic keyboards may also be used. Sounds are to illustrate "Talkin Blues". DEVELOPME NT waves crashing Symbol , la --Ku rime (In seconds) Sound Origin 5 toilet flushing RECORDER fierce wind __ In-tune = t I EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC CODE crSCORE Sound Req uired I S Ig stairs .- 5 Puma Ups bp blow fcxceEully 3 Singing tapping on table with fade out c= —.1 LLI >. Lu Children perform pieces. Tape performances to play to other C) classes cn ___J U_I PART WORK Study works of late 19th and 20th century composers and rock groups. Study comparisons and parallels of orchestral and electronic idioms and progressive rends in these fields. e.g. Stravinsky, Berg, e.g. Pink Floyd, Genesis, Ligetti, Stockhousen Mike Oldfield, Sky, Eurythmics, Depeche Mode Richard Strauss theme from 2001 Orchestral version Synthesized version of Richard Strauss theme from 2010. "Nergest Ridge", Mike Oldfield "Tubular Bells". View 2001 View Alien Read related science fiction material and novels View 2010 Read related science fiction material and novels LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 23 YEAR SEVEN c TERM 4 8 Prepare WEEK WEEK 2 1 5 week experimental music unit ). Z CL v C-0 Make = Si „. Conscious LLJ I-- (A Reinforce Atonality - Experimental Music New Children illustrate with sounds a well known storybook .e.g. Where_ the Wild Things by Maurice Sendak Ld M = CC * Select a favourite storybook to illustrate with sounds. one with scant dialogue and colourful pictures. Choose Ll LD 2= CD V) Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT * Narrate the story so that appropTiate (aural) improvisations can be discussed. * Devise a code of symbols to represent the sounds to convey best the meaning of the words. Your code or symbol could indicate tae duration as wel(l. RECORDER t I— In-tune All diatonic intervals ) Z Singing CZ) __I u..: Create and perform melodies to enhance experimental music unit >. L.L.1 CZ) Ci b--.1 C) _i u...] As desired Encourage spontaneous harmonic improvisation PART WORK Exchange scores between other classes and perform stories . LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES Children write own story and illustrate with sounds 24 YEAR TERM 4 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 5 week experimental music unit .- = Prepare I-I .,Make = (. t) LI I- Reinforce cn Perform stories Conscious New Atonality - Experimental Music Children illustrate with sounds a ',Jell known storybook e.g. Where the Wild Things Are by MauriCe Sendak * Select a favourite storybook to illustrate with sounds. 2E Choose one with scant dialogue and cola4rful pictures. (f) CO E Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT * Narrate the story so that appropriate (aural) improvisations can be discussed. ** Devise code system so that the s o und chosen to convey best the of the words can be quickly identified. Your code or symbol could indicate the durati2n as well. RECORDER In-tune Favourite songs Singing 0 1-1-1 8 0 PART WORK Favourite Canons Exchange scores between other classes and perform stories. LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 25 YEAR TERM 4 Z .... WEEK 5 WEEK 6 Preparation for concerts, Christmas and musical productions Prepare 1--1 CD Cl_ LD = fz2 I— LLJ Make i. Conscious Reinforce Atonality - Experimental Music ) Children illustrate with sounds a weZZ known storybook e.g. Where The cr) New Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak LLJ 7,- = CC .45 vl LD 2M CD in Known RHYTHMIC DEVELOPMENT * Select a favourite storybook to illustrate with sounds. Choose one with scant dialogue and colourful pictures Performances of soundscapes - * Narrate the story so that appropriate (aural) improvisations can be discussed * Devise code system so that the sound chosen to convey best the meaning of the words can be quickly identified. Your code of symbol could indicate the duration as well RECORDER - In-tune t Singing Z 0 LLJ LLJ M U I-I 1:=1 = -.I UJ ME PART WORK Revise favourite Canons Exchange scores between other classes and perform stories LISTENING INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 26 ) Performances of stories „ . YEAR SEVEN r TERM 4 I-2M Prepare 1-1 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 Preparation for concerts, Christmas and musical productions Music of other cultures e.g. Africa, China, India etc. Revision All concepts CD 0— CD = .(Et) ur 1- Make Conscious Reinforce in New uJ M _ D= Of Revise favourite songs Revise favourite songs Consolidate Evaluate RECORDER Evaluate Consolidate In-tune Consolidate Reinforce Consolidate PART WORK Utilise part work skills in productions LISTENING Revise e45 Ul ca = o Known V) RHYTI-MIC DEVELOPMENT 1--- 2r # Singing o LLJ u.1 C21 C—) 1-4 CO 4.1...1 M INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 27 YEAR e TERM I— = = a_ co = c, t) .J 1— 4 Prepare WEEK 10 Music of other cultures e.g. Africa, China, India etc. d__ Make Conscious Reinforce _,..i WEEK 9 All concepts New F Q0 CD A Consolidate Known RHYTHMIC Reinforce > DEVELOPMENT RECORDER Consolidate In-tune Singing Lbw e=, ci , cp 4.1 PART WORK LISTENING Evaluate Evaluate Consolidate INTEGRATED ACTIVITIES 28 YEifift 7 SONGLIST A QUA QUA CHAIRS TO MEND Beat passing game 4rs See Appendix The Book of Rounds p 30 s f m DONNA DONNA Aeolian The Joan Baez Songbook DOWN BY THE BANKS The flattenned 7th Canon See Appendix ERISKAY LOVE LILT 3 time, staff reading The Jolly Herring No 69 .0 j1 .r.0 16% See Appendix GUT ZABAT EICH HASHI VEND Canon, 1,-t,-d,-r See Appendix HAVAH NAGILAH Jewish Dance See Appendix HEY HO NOBODY HOME Aeolian, Partner song with "Shalom Chaverim" The Book of Rounds, p 8 LINSTEAD MARKET Calypso Making Music Your Own, Book 5 p 400 JOHNNY HAS GONE FOR A Aeolian, War theme SOLDIER 150 American Folksongs p 86 LITTLE BIRD Polymetre sum, s-fmmp-r-d See Appendix MORETON BAY Australian Folksong The Penguin Australain Song book p 16 NO NEED TO HURRY Partner Song with "There's Work to be Done" Experiences in Music p 68 ADOKARE KARE ANA s,-m, 2 part song Rolf Harris Collection Maori Song Collection. SCARBOROUGH FAIR Dorian Mode Jolly Herrriog_No 75 SHALOKCHAVERIM Making Music Your OW Jewish, Canon Partner Song with "Hey Ho .Book 5, p 91 Nobody Home". SIMPLE GIFTS (Lord of the Dance) s,-d Appalachian Melody 29 Aaron Copland folksong arrangements (A.B.C.) SKYE BOAT SONG Mixolydian Mode Strawberry Fair, p 20 STRAWBERRY FAIR s,-d; Street calling song. Staff reading Strawberry Fair, p 4 Partner Song with "No Need to Hurry", Calypso Style Experiences in Music p 67 _ATHERE'S WORK TO BE DONE TRY NOT TO GET WORRIED 5 4 Jesus Christ Superstar Collection TZENA TZENA Israeli Canon d' -t -1-s ABC 1986 Making Music Your Own, Book 5 p 158 ZUM CALI GALI Israeli, l,t,d Melodic Ostinato accompaniment Experiences in Music p 76 REFERENCES A.B.C., Songbooks produced annually by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. THE BOOK OF ROUNDS., Taylor and Dyk, A Sunrise Book, New York, 1977. EXPERIENCES IN MUSIC., R. Phyllis Gelineau, McGraw mHill Inc., 1970 JOAN BAEZ SONGBOOK., Ryerson Music Publishers Inc., 1964. MAKING MUSIC YOUR OWN., Silver burdett Company, 1971. THE JOLLY HERRING., Roger Bush, A & C Black Ltd, 1980. 150 AMERICAN FOLKSONGS., Erdei & Komlos, Boosey & Hawkes, 1974. THE PENGUIN AUSTRALIAN SONGBOOK, Comp. J.S. Manifold, Penguin Books Ltd., 1964 STRAWBERRY FAIR., 51 Traditional songs, A & C Black Ltd, 1985 30 Appendix — Year 7 AQUAQUA ORIGIN: Israeli children's game song (nonsense syllables) SOURCE: Collected in Jerusalem Israel Sept. 1979 from the singing of first graders of Givat Mordecai. • dal VO - Sua- so"- au* tri- -s. vo-lo Al • a CO •4 fri. 0-mar suo- 4414 co tr.; - to f ro io vo to va io vo to .) t. 5 DIRECTIONS FOR GAME Children stand in circle, left hand facing upwards, right hand placed downwards on the left hand of the person on the right. As the song is sung the beat is passed around the circle from right hand to left hand. At the end of the song the children count to five while passing the beat. On five, the person passing the beat tries to tip the hand of. the person on her left. If she succeeds the person on her left must go into the centre of the circle, but if the person on her left manages to pull her hand away in time the person passing the beat must go into the centre and the game begins again. GUT ZABAT EICH I Z I I t/ s Li md r Gut Sa-bat Each r L Gut rIr m d l. Gut Sa-bat Eich n 1 r d 1 I t Sa-bat Sa-but Sa-bat Sa - 1 Z L , , bat Eich it r-1 1-7 f m s Hey Hey Hey Hey L Gut Sa-bat Sa-bat Eic 7tnn I IL L m d rir r Gut Sa-bat r 1 z Lmdr Gut Sa-bat Eich r I i md r f d I m Gut Sa-bat Sa-bat Eich Gut Sa-bat Eich I` f m s L Hey Hey Hey Hey r r f 11 t d Sa-bat Sa-ba 32 1 L, Sa-bat Each Dow Sy rim mii merms.• ■pm orrom. ■•■ •■ ► No.:. room Dawn 1i4e. 1311Lis S . by the banks of the MUM 111.■ ral•IMMINNEMI Mb • AMMM is 4 , Where the MMI 1.1=■I MIN NIUP.1■111•• MI=1/■■lillIONMEINOMPR !IMP ■ ilf - rENO/i=" AIM ■.■11=11.-.011•11=■in■MAIMI o5 lumps bull Han - bank +o 1404-1 an MOVEMENT SEQUENCE Circle Formation: Phrase T - 4 walks backwards on the accent Phrase 2 - jump right, front,left, front on accent Phrase 3 - 4 walks in, arms high, fingers clicking on accent Phrase 4 - Jump on right foot, Rhythmic pattern an hands, and 'ker plop' left heel on floor, arms held wide. 1-IASHI VENU Y. IlMia,MMINNINE IN MI= MNIMIN 11111 MUM M1111 . M NUMMI Min =MIN VA MIE.WANIMMIM MMIMMO■ MIMMMMIIMMII 1,MUM IMMMINIMMIIMM IMMPIVEMIM MI MIIIMMIPMENIMMWIIIMI ■Lawi'21IMNP Nna! " ML.iiMOMMINEP•WANIMMidierwmPar-mraisir_miimmos. ■i 2. I I MION1■111•1•MMIIII 11111■ MINIMMIIMIN roi■Nomminrur2INPNWLMMINE IIII:MMINIM111011•MMONOPI fai■ NMI MMMNIM:11111 1M•MliMEMAIIM ■ IMMIMEMIM■1111 VAIMMIlirre4=MiliMlnikr''M■rOAMMIN I INIMMEIMI NUM NM MIIM Mir ME■MM IMMEMINI i■sommommaimmummassm ■lie IM■ Me■1 3. N. ■wee♦-- rid SIM= Ell■Mll MIMI MI MI MIMMMINII 11.4 tummisiasst ■immxi IIMMININII =MAI= IM 33 1eeeeeie I IMMMMIseerMrreeeeeeMMreeeeeii 1-14V4 A.M . GILA /I . 7 7 mit milMI■11 Wm•ME MINI*MEM IM.= IMMIPM■IMMINIirm■iinom i•■••• ■••■•••••Mr•MMMIIIIN■MMINIMPMEE•MINIM Thi -ii rimm4=ommmimaimmm ■ MIME lm••■ 411011•NNE ANON RmmilIC.M.11 MmIMMI.a=lr AM! EP WI■E- A■r /W..1•0■••■••mi rur.1■ M=MMOrr•Ilar .M••• MEP MP WuNIrl■ROM, A■IIIMMONF, m•kalm Out in fire mea-dos rent-sic arc darte-;:fg, isplay-iny, ,.■...,. SM■•••■• ,,• •.•s ■ •=1IMI mM ■■• ■-.1•MOMM ••■•■...NMF■Ilvmr.■■•■■■ IMMI■.1=0•■•li •• ■10MMEMI MEM MIM■1 s Mim ■IMM MIMI un■INImm i■laM∎• lea M••I .MMONI•I■1•1■11 ■ 11MR!JIPM=• ■•1 1..AP INPMML..•■• .■••11.1•MI , J■ NM' IMON•-■MIft•MM•11• ■• ftft• ■=:aa..■ Alm = =v ..11■_Aml.■■■••roN■11 ■ they tire& 0-boat; Arrnt Atka 7 omai■•1■14 ■11VM enh one an- •■•• oth-e, They dance 01.■• ■=1•MNI=M ■t■ i•MM* ml•MMINIMMIMMUNINWIIMINNIM■11■OM-MIMMPI■ MII■E MI■111•1 ■IMMIIINNEMIr JI•dmr•••■1 11=1•••■11 MMIMMEN ■Mi ; =1M■INN il■=01 e■EM wl■IN 1110•=1■10mt 1MI ■P7ANP•AmmemlI■asolmg ■ragoi 11 .71.1/ r.10■1^,M11. .M■i.mmr ■1■1•r:=11Mr.-M■Mnii- JIMmr. ■■• =Mr MN ha -ra And While, they dance mer-ri-Iy Sgadt: Cwne, do the, wand, and we'll sAew you haw: 7 •■•••■■•••■■MMI I wiW■I Sfep,kop and og ee a-gain Se. . how ii :s done •Im• Non MM. ••■•■•iail le• ■ Mw.1■1•••■■11 M•I•rJ4 laimpami S•••Imee ■11 ∎Idp,AMMI.MMIMEMIN• Jal■- AMMO. IMMO Sea 1:ozj we. keep the heat; Stap-png with .1•11 he-ta neui feet: Gaelic join our ea•de noW -atlk •1.11••••1 .••■ ...: EMEMIIIIi=1.A111111MIN NM MI 1•1101MI■I•IIIII IM■1. .....■■■■• w •■••=r•■■• MOM 11•101mm immopp=11101 ■1MIMIIII Insm•I ■11•11■11M ■MIIIMIsliIIIIIIMMF .7MVER EVN. MIR I 11011•1•1 nirimililirl =M114111M.1/■,■,1111011■1" aNN=" ■01,1, .,1W-,M Nor ay mar iniI=MIM..1•,..■•-■••-1 hillIM,-.W IMPMENSI MIMIMMII■11111111•111M■MMIIIMMININIMMI■MIN■111MM ■1 1•040"..1PL.■ J■11. M101%■111."-• Come dance wins yofw fr;endsi /kw that we're ovefh-er Er-'ry-one steps a Id-iteAst-q -.NM 11111 Mil =MI MIIIM.01!_3:1=0.0M1 ■1" 411MINE.MmilMMEN iiiMlimp...1■1PREMENNO.A JIMEMMIRMaama.!--MMENI. •■1 kfao■• Allor mir- .11M■lall•Mr■• JMNISIammLaW ANI ■•••■ =///MONN■i.i•11 ■MMI ■••••=r■11111■1 ■•1 == NII ■11■•=1•■p imil i IMMIIMIM/NiB N■REI■t=MINP1 ■111Milll -.... --•••■• norOrii=1 i Er-Isy-one heitIl a 1,1-He fast-er, See- hew ih& eir•eks Tarn- e;19 cast—erl, -.ormr.s- A ■-..raw—.100%.■ ....1,== .■:•■•■■•......". rsommair-:m•ar•-■ Milm t•■•••■0=1 . Imml •■■•=111.,■041•MUNI l..lang•IFINONI.dall ■ rmu ..1■41m•-■.w.m r.g■iil ■■•■1 EN.■11■r.■ N•■■ .■ Mimmi l■ ow. le■INOMM., IMMIWWWIEN=IMIMP•NINIMMSMINIMMANNIMIIIIINIMIM= NN=0 oiwfflimmiormim ■111IMMI -....1•M IN.- cc.. hard A6 cir-del lion-my faSt-er; Now' .t si duce.: &St; ev4y-orla. IVe'vg. Ac.•I Awe danced Ae ha- rzt jay- Ea- 34 LrrrLE areb. bird, fly thirouin rn 5 Lain -claw, bird, f Arczath ra j u;in- dim), b;rd 1.4-11-e bm 1, f:}-41eb;rd, f t 134,3 ritj ma - fra tii k Th y wih-c" -ses rn, Loin -ciao , my swiar lumb. witri -dew nny s iyar lam!) -F- 1 h10 - Ses 35 car) — dy .