The Voisey`s Bay Project 2002
The Voisey`s Bay Project 2002
The Voisey’s Bay Project 2002 - 2006 CIM Conference Vancouver, British Columbia May 15, 2006 Dave Stefanuto, P.Eng. – Construction Manager – VBNC Joe Shirley – Project Director – VBNC Voisey’s Bay Project Components Mine/Mill Port In Labrador Mini Plant in Mississauga Demonstration Plant in Argentia Supply Vessel (Umiak 1) Transshipment Facility (Quebec) Concentrate Handling & Transport to Sudbury/Thompson Cobalt Refinery Upgrade (Thompson) Project Setting The Project is on the traditional lands of the Labrador Inuit and the Labrador Innu Canadian courts have held that Aboriginal peoples in Canada possess special rights to traditional Aboriginal lands Those rights can include requiring resource developers to enter into Impacts and Benefits Agreements (IBAs) on traditional lands to set forth how lands can be used and benefits to be received by Aboriginal people Impacts and Benefits Agreements VBNC signed separate IBA’s with the Labrador Inuit Association and the Innu Nation Legally binding agreements Secure economic benefits and maximize Project opportunities for Aboriginal peoples Help to mitigate project impact Three-phased Voisey’s Bay Development Voisey’s Bay Timeline – Phases Phase One, 2002-2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2018 Infrastructure 02-03 R&D, R&D, Concentrate Concentrate Handling Handling Facilities Facilities 02-05 02-05 Phase Two, End of 2008 – end of 2011 Phase Three Subject to completion of underground exploration program Mine Mine & & Concentrator Concentrator mid-03 mid-03 –– late late 05 05 Commitment Commitment to to and and construction of commercial construction of commercial hydrometallurgical hydrometallurgical process process plant beginning with plant beginning with 2007 2007 feasibility feasibility study study Potential underground mining Voisey’s Bay Project Setting Two sites were developed in the province approximately 1,200 kilometres apart • The mine, concentrator & port at Voisey’s Bay • The hydromet demonstration plant at Argentia Voisey’s Bay Labrador Site Open Pit Mine Crushing Building Concentrator Power House Tailings Facility Water Management Ponds Service Complex Accommodations Complex 1525m Airstrip Port Concentrate Storage & Offloading Facility Project Capacity 6,000 tonne-per-day mine & concentrator, to be expanded to 7,200 tonne-per-day at a later stage Annual production • 50,000 tonnes nickel-in-concentrate, containing 2,300 tonnes cobalt and up to 6,800 tonnes copper • 32,000 tonnes copper-in-concentrate • Produces 3 products ¾High grade Ni Concentrate + 23% Ni ¾Middlings Ni Concentrate + 13% Ni ¾Copper Concentrate + 32% Cu Concentrator processes mined ore at a 6,000 tonne-per-day rate 30.4 Mt ORE from Mine Crushing & Grinding Rougher Scavenger Copper Nickel Separation Pyrrhotite Rejection Dewatering Dewatering Dewatering 1.3 Mt Copper Concentrate 2.4 Mt High Grade Nickel Concentrate 1.6 Mt Middlings Nickel Concentrate 23.2 Mt TAILS to Headwater Pond Total 25.1 Mt 1.9 Mt Pyrrhotite Improved Metallurgy = 1.9 Mt Po Rejected to Tails Project Development Camp, Camp Pond, Boardwalk, Dock 1995 Living Quarters, Core Shed, Camp Pond, Runway, 1996 Reaching agreement with the Province, Labrador Inuit Association and Innu Nation allowed us to install temporary infrastructure in 2002. Construction Camp Mine Site Access Road Bridge Construction Temporary Wharf In 2003 our construction effort focused on civil infrastructure and logistics. 900 Person Construction Camp Port Site Materials Resupply Concentrator Construction With the initial civil infrastructure in place, work proceeded on permanent facilities, MEPIC and pre-stripping of the ovoid in 2004. Service Complex Concentrator Port Concentrate Storage Pre-stripping Ovoid – 2005 Preparation for First Blast First Ore Blast - August 19, 2005 Ovoid – 2006 Crusher – First Dump Crusher & Coarse Ore Storage Millsite Millsite and Mine Development Power Plant Grinding – SAG and Ball Mills Flotation Area First concentrate was produced on Sept. 12, 2005 Headwater Pond Headwater Pond – Tailings Dam Shiploader Concentrate Storage Shed Port Concentrate Receiving and Storage First concentrate being loaded on M.V. Arctic at the port site on November 12, 2005 - more than eight months ahead of our original schedule M.V. Arctic Umiak 1 Our construction program made significant progress in just two years. October 2003 One Year Later September 2005 How did we do? Safety Hours to date approximately 7.5 million hours Lost Time Injury Frequency Ranking Comparison LTFR (# injuries/200,000 hrs) 5 3.8 4 3 1.2 2 1.1 0.5 1 0 NL Construction (2004) NL Mining Ontario Mining Voisey's Bay (2004) (2004) Environmental Very close monitoring has taken place and overall good environmental compliance has occurred High standards maintained throughout the construction and operations phases Procurement and Employment High levels of participation by local companies and construction trades • >80% of contracts awarded to NL companies • >90% of construction workforce from Newfoundland and Labrador Aboriginal participation in all aspects of construction program in Labrador • Aboriginal companies awarded procurement/construction contracts in excess of Cdn$500 million • Construction phase used successfully to provide training and workplace experience for aboriginals ¾ More than 1,100 aboriginals employed supporting construction program ¾ At peak nearly 500 aboriginals were working at the construction site - surpassing all expectations Construction Facts Schedule driven around short summer shipping season (late June – mid December) Materials, supply, equipment shipped 113,000 tonnes Concrete 44,600 m³ Steel 8,400 tonnes Earth moved 6.8M m3 Site Piping 40 km Process Piping 28.3 km Cable 157 km I/O Terminations 28,000 Number of Flights 3900 Challenges Short shipping window Construction camp size limitation (900 person) Low productivity from unionized labour force Vendor QA/QC Determining the cost of items not shown on drawings Trade skill availability Successes Excellent safety/environmental record Exceeded IBA targets High local recruitment (men and women) Very smooth and quick ramp-up Shipped concentrate 8 months ahead of schedule Accomplishments EPCM contractor awarded “Environmental Performance Award” by Environmental Industry Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Wharf Design received “Award for Engineering Excellence” by the Consulting Engineers of British Columbia (CEBC) Project Performance Feasibility Performance Since 1980 Western Hemisphere Mining Projects Voisey’s Bay 7 6 4 3 2 1 25 % of Original FS Estimate 35 55 % 50 % 45 % 40 % 35 % 30 % 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% -5 % 0 -1 0% Numbe of Projects 5 Number of Projects (60 Total) Gypton, Chris - Engineering & Mining Journal, Jan 1, 2002 Month 6 Jul-06 Yr. 1 Production Target Achieved AVG Price/LB Apr-06 7 First Concentrate Shipped Planned Production (BFS) Jan-06 First Blast Construction Started Inco Board Approval Tonnes Produced Oct-05 Jul-05 Apr-05 Jan-05 Oct-04 Jul-04 Apr-04 Jan-04 Oct-03 Jul-03 Apr-03 Engineering Started 8 Jan-03 4 Development Agreement Signed 5 Oct-02 US$/LB 9 5 4 3 2 1 3 0 TONNES OF NICKEL IN CONCENTRATE PRODUCED (X1000) Voisey's Bay Project Nickel Prices 2002-2006 and VBNC Nickel Production 6 Questions
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