Voisey`s Bay Project
Voisey`s Bay Project
Voisey’s Bay Project inco PDAC Convention, Toronto, March 2003 inco Voisey’s Bay Environmental Assessment Challenges and Successes Les Hulett and Earl Dwyer March 2003 inco Inco Limited and Voisey’s Bay Nickel Company wish to acknowledge the contribution to this presentation, and the 2002 site environmental monitoring activities made by: Ernie Ford, Donald Lamp and Corey Cooney, Labrador Inuit Association Don Blake and Ray Rich, Innu Nation Perry Blanchard and Lela Evans, VBNC inco VOISEY’S VOISEY’S BAY BAY -- GENERAL GENERAL SITE SITE PLAN PLAN Anaktalak Anaktalak Bay Bay inco CONSTRUCTIONTION CONSTRUCTIONTION CAMP CAMP Anaktalak Anaktalak PORT Bay PORT CONCENTRATE STORAGEBay CONCENTRATE STORAGE FUEL STORAGE FUEL STORAGE Port Access Road Port Access Road CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION CAMP CAMP MILL COMPLEX MILL COMPLEX CAMP CAMP POND POND Airstrip/Waste Rock Airstrip/Waste Rock Haul Road Haul Road OPEN PIT OPEN PIT HEADWATER POND HEADWATER POND TAILINGS AREA TAILINGS AREA LEGEND LEGEND ROADS ROADS Voisey’s PIPE LINES Voisey’s PIPE LINES Bay Bay OPEN PIT OPEN PIT OVER-BURDEN STORAGE OVER-BURDEN STORAGE NON-ACID GENERATING WASTE ROCK STORAGE NON-ACID GENERATING WASTE ROCK STORAGE PEAT STORAGE PEAT STORAGE WATER MANAGEMENT POND WATER MANAGEMENT POND AIRSTRIP AIRSTRIP Voisey’s Voisey’s Bay Bay Mine Mine & & Concentrator Concentrator Project Project inco PORT PORT –– ANAKTALAK ANAKTALAK BAY BAY inco inco Innu and Inuit Concerns q Both Innu and Inuit have unresolved land claims that include Voisey’s Bay. q Both aboriginal groups have historically used area for travel, hunting, fishing and gathering of country foods. q Both Innu and Inuit have concerns for the environment. inco Voisey’s Bay Environmental Assessment q Required a four party MOU Ø Federal government Ø Provincial governmnet Ø Innu Nation Ø Labrador Inuit Association q Four Party MOU signed in January 1997 setting up EA process and requiring Panel Hearings inco q No EA – Aboriginal Issues development to start before EA process complete q Land claims settled first q Negotiated Impact and Benefit Agreements (IBAs) in place q Wanted traditional knowledge to be considered in EA process EA – Aboriginal Issues inco q No development impacts on Reid Brook and Voisey’s Bay Ø Arctic charr Ø Migratory birds (Gooselands) q Landfast Ice/Shipping interactions Ø Travel Ø Caribou and seals inco EA Panel Findings Project could proceed without Land Claims settlement, but required IBA resolution q Shipping Agreement required q Panel recommended establishment of Environment Management Board q Ø Mechanism for four parties to monitor project and advise governments on environmental actions, project permitting inco Environmental Management Board q Mandate to review all permit applications, environmentally-related plans q EMB structure includes Ø 8 member Board (2 from each party), plus independent Chair Ø Technical Environmental Review Committee Impact and Benefit Agreements inco q Establish consultative environment boards Ø Monitoring Partnership Ø Environment and Reclamation Monitoring Board Harvesting loss compensation q Aboriginal historic resources q Closure and Reclamation q Ø Progressive reclamation Ø Financial assurance for reclamation q Monitoring of project for life of project Ø Provision for aboriginal environmental monitors on site at all times inco 2002 Construction Season q All permit applications reviewed by aboriginal groups, EMB q Both Innu and Inuit had monitors on site q Five EHS monitors on site at all times Ø VBNC, SNC, IKCB, Innu Nation, Labrador Inuit Association q Monitors worked cooperatively inco 2002 Construction Season q Initial workshop before construction to set up cooperative structure q Daily site monitoring meetings to review issues, plan next day’s activities q Workshop at end of construction season to review the season’s activities, note successes, required refinements, plans for 2003 inco q The Future Ongoing discussions with all parties on issues such as: Ø Environmental protection planning Ø Historic resources management Ø Compliance and effects monitoring Ø Rehabilitation and closure q Cooperative ventures in ecosystem studies inco Thank You
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