Jobs-Housing Fit in the Bay Area
Jobs-Housing Fit in the Bay Area
Jobs-Housing Fit in the Bay Area By Chris Benner and Bidita Tithi, Center for Regional Change, UC Davis [email protected] (530)754-8799, Abstract Developing the right fit between available housing types and the income level of residents is an important part of regional planning and development. This report examines patterns of jobs and housing in the Bay Area, using a low-wage jobs to affordable housing ratio calculated from publicly available data sources. This analysis shows clearly that there is a substantial shortage of affordable housing in relation to the number of low-wage jobs in many of the suburban areas of the Bay Area region, most strikingly in the East Bay Suburbs, along the San Francisco Peninsula, and in southern Alameda County. This imbalance in jobs and !"#$%&'(&)*#+&",-&.*/+0,1&0,&23%&&'4&5020%+&",-&2*6,+&6023&23%&3013%+2&$*676"1%&8*#+93*/+0,1&:02&;"20*&0,&23%&<"=&>;%"&?%10*, 2"3/6"#47$1'9*%7" 2"34 6"#47$1'G$7%4 housing is of concern not :;;"<=*3),' 9,$%*)'>,;7+7%' only for those low-wage -"./0*1,' ?%"'<,*+@' 2"3456"#47$1' 268AB'9*%7"'";' :))'2"345:))' :;;"<=*3),' :))'6"#47$1' workers who face challenges !"#$%&' ()*+, 87%'9*%7" CDEEF 6"#47$1 :)) -"./0*1, 9,$%*)' G$7%4 in finding affordable home !"$%<*'!"4%* -*;*&,%%,'+7%& CHDIH ?JKCLHF JDJE ''''''''MKLNL '''''''''CKLLO '''''''''''''JJO '''''''''''''PKMJC S#<)7$1*T,'+7%& CCDCJ ?CKIHLF CDPI ''''''OIKNEM '''''''''IKIMP '''''''''''''CIC '''''''''''JCKIEH and apartments near work, Q*$'R*%," :)*T,=* (),*4*$%"$'+7%& CJDEP ?HKLNEF CDJC ''''''ICKOIP '''''''JEKIJP '''''''''''''HMM '''''''''''CHKLEO Q*$'9*T"$'+7%& JNDEH ?CKNLNF JDNN ''''''HJKENL '''''''''NKJJO '''''''''''''OPJ '''''''''''CHKLNH but is of concern for the !"$%<*'!"4%* Q*$'R*%," Q*$'!*<)"4'+7%& JIDNH ?JKJNEF JDJH ''''''JOKJHO '''''''''CKNIM '''''''''''''JLE '''''''''''JJKIEJ JHDMO ?JKMCNF JDJJ ''''''JNKHCJ '''''''''HKHHP '''''''''''''CMP '''''''''''JHKLPN region as a whole since it :)*T,=* >#3)7$'+7%& Q*$%*'!)*<* R"<1*$'67))'+7%& JODEP ?JKIHNF JDEN ''''''JOKJEP '''''''''OKNIE '''''''''''''CLM '''''''''''JCKONC makes it more difficult to R*<7$ !"<%,'R*=,<*'%".$ JCDML ?NMLF JDNE ''''''''NKHON '''''''''JKNHL '''''''''''''JCL '''''''''''''HKEJI (7,=T"$%'+7%& JCDJI ?COHF EDHI ''''''''JKNIP ''''''''''''IIM '''''''''''''''HN '''''''''''''OKNPH reduce overall vehicle miles :)*T,=* Q*$%*'!)*<* -"4':)%"4'+7%& JCDJC ?PCIF EDPN ''''''''MKCNH '''''''''JKMLN '''''''''''''JNO '''''''''''JEKPEP Q*$%*'!)*<* !#U,<%7$"'+7%& JJDPM ?CKENPF JDIN ''''''OCKINP '''''''''HKMLJ '''''''''''''HJP '''''''''''CEKPIC travelled (VMT) in the R*<7$ -*<V4U#<'+7%& JJDLM ?IJHF EDMP ''''''''IKPML '''''''''JKCOP '''''''''''''JEI '''''''''''''NKEOO JEDNC ?JKILOF JDCN ''''''JIKILN '''''''''OKPLI '''''''''''''ONI '''''''''''JCKOPP region and potentially Q*$%*'!)*<* -"4'W*%"4'%".$ !"$%<*'!"4%* >*$X7)),'%".$ JEDHM ?JKJMLF EDNP ''''''JEKOLO '''''''''CKMIP '''''''''''''CPC '''''''''''JIKCCE contributes to an excess !"$%<*'!"4%* 0*)$#%'!<,,V'+7%& JEDON ?OKLCMF JDLN ''''''IHKIJC '''''''''MKCHJ '''''''''''''PMC '''''''''''OEKMMI Q"$"T* Q"$"T*'+7%& JEDJN ?JKCHJF JDMH ''''''''MKPEI '''''''''OKEPM '''''''''''''OEH '''''''''''''IKEHI fiscal burden on those Q*$'R*%," S<743*$,'+7%& JEDEM ?CNOF ODIH ''''''''NKOIN ''''''''''''NIN '''''''''''''''NI '''''''''''''JKLMI R7)U7%*4'+7%& MDPI ?OKJEMF CDJP ''''''HJKPJL '''''''''LKPEJ '''''''''''''LMC '''''''''''JMKCCH jurisdictions with higher Q*$%*'!)*<* Q*$'R*%," R7))3<*,'+7%& MDIE ?IIIF EDIM ''''''''HKMIN '''''''''JKHEN '''''''''''''JHP '''''''''''''PKHJN MDHE ?JKNHEF JDCE ''''''JIKMCH '''''''''HKJNI '''''''''''''HHO '''''''''''JOKCJL proportions of affordable :)*T,=* Y,.*<V'+7%& :)*T,=* 8<,T"$%'+7%& PDNL ?IKNIMF JDCJ ''''''PLKONP '''''''JHKLJJ ''''''''''JKNML '''''''''''LJKMON apartments and houses. Q"#<+,Z':#%@"<4[':$*)&474'";'-\6>'*$=':!Q'=*%* For full report see: