Registration Form -


Registration Form -
Registered and paid participants are entitled to the opportunity to receive one of the many
awards available including the “Mayor’s Pick Awards” and a goodie bag while supplies last.
This is a “Rain or Shine” event and will be held on August 13th, 2016.
Trophies are awarded on a Sponsor’s Personal Pick system. Viewing will take place in the
Car Show location (11700 Gravois Rd., Sunset Hills, MO 63127) between 3 and 5 p.m.
Check-in will be between 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. at the Registration Table in the same lot.
Please have vehicle in place and ready for viewing by 2:45 p.m.
Go to for more info.
Official Use Only
Parking Space #
Registration - $10
Participant Information:
Please Print Clearly
First name:
Last name:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Club Affiliation:
Will you be the contact for your club?
Car Information: Year:
Competition Category & # (see web site for options):
Payment Information: (Check all that apply)
___Registration ($10 per vehicle).............................................................................................................................................................................................$_____
___ T-shirts ($15 each)—circle size S M L XL ............................................................................................................................................................... $_____
___ T-shirts ($18 each)—circle size XXL XXXL ............................................................................................................................................................... $_____
___Total amount enclosed (payable to Crestwood-Sunset Hills Chamber/Route 66)..........................................................................................$_____
___Please charge my credit card #__________________________________________ Expiration:_______
Address statement sent to_____________________________________ Zip Code__________
Please complete one form for each car entered and return to: Mary Ann McWilliams, c/o Crestwood-Sunset Hills Area Chamber of
Commerce, 9058 A Watson Rd., Crestwood MO, 63126, or Fax to: 314-843-8526.
Upon submitting a signed Participation form, all participants hereby waive all rights against the Route 66 Car Cruise Organizers, The CrestwoodSunset Hills Area Chamber of Commerce, The City of Crestwood, The City of Sunset Hills and all Organizers, Officials, Sponsors, and Participating
Organizations for any loss, damage and injury. The Route 66 Car Cruise Organizers, The Crestwood-Sunset Hills Area Chamber of Commerce, The City
of Crestwood, The City of Sunset Hills, Officials, Sponsors, and Participating Organizations shall not be liable or responsible for any loss, damage or
injury in part or whole to any participant or to any participant’s display and/or vehicles or property. I/we hereby do consent and authorize the Route
66 Car Cruise Organizers to reproduce photographs or videos taken of myself and/or child(ren) for education, advertising and publicity purposes of
every description.
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Registration Form
2016 Trophy Categories and Sponsors
Class #, Category
1 = Model A's & T's - Stock
2 = Stock 1900 - 1959
3 = Stock 1960 - 1972
4 = Stock 1973 - present
5 = 4 Door Cars (1940 - 1970)
6 = Street Machines & Custom Classics; Pro Street (Tubbed)
7 = Street Rods 1900 - 1948
8 = Rat Rods & Unfinished
9 = Stock Trucks
10 = Custom Trucks
11 = Chevrolets 55-56-57
12 = Corvettes 54 - 72
13 = Corvettes 73 - present
14 = Mustangs 65 - 72
15 = Mustangs 73 - present
16 = American Muscle 65 - 72
17 = Pontiac/Oakland/GMC
18 = MOPAR
19 = Thunderbirds
20 = Foreign
21 = Special Interest