the ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines


the ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
June 25, 2015
Dear ITAC Talent marketing and communications team:
ITAC Talent was founded in 2007 by a group of visionary organizations seeking
to proactively address the long term talent/skills requirements of Canadian
businesses, government and organizations. The goal of ITAC Talent is to help
increase ICT-related post-secondary enrollments by inspiring young people to
pursue tech and tech-related careers to meet the significant demand for talent
and innovation by Canadian business and help make Canada a global leader in
the 21st century knowledge economy. We are encouraged by our successes and
are eager to continue with our mission.
Since joining ITAC, we have overseen an effort to strengthen our communications
strategy and to develop tools and resources designed to assist us all in conveying
a forward-looking story about our mission and impact. In today’s dynamic
environment, it is increasingly important for us to express a single, compelling
voice in all our branding endeavors.
The combination of the logo, visuals, and words we use to describe ITAC
Talent, will enable us to establish and maintain a clear, unified brand identity
throughout all our marketing and communications activities. Consistent use of
our signature elements will help us tell our story.
This booklet provides guidelines for the visual articulation of the ITAC Talent
brand, as well as sub brands CareerMash and Business Technology Management.
It includes directions and tools for the application of our logo and related
elements. I recommend that you refer to this guide whenever you develop
marketing communications for ITAC Talent.
Chris Drummond
Managing Director, ITAC Talent
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Table of Contents
Master Logo – ITAC Talent
ITAC Talent Sub Brands (continued)
Logo Versions.............................................................................................................4
Business Technology Management (BTM)
Logo Reverse Versions................................................................................................5
Business Technology Management Logo Versions.....................................................26
Logo Placement.........................................................................................................6
Business Technology Management Logo Placement..................................................27
Logo Sizes..................................................................................................................7
Business Technology Management Logo Sizes..........................................................28
Logo Colours.............................................................................................................8
Business Technology Management Logo Colours......................................................29
Logo Dos and Don’ts..................................................................................................9
BTM Logo in combination with Master Logo............................................................30
Business Technology Management Examples............................................................31
Building the Brand
BTM TalentMash Usage............................................................................................32
Secondary Brand Colours.........................................................................................11
Signature Images.....................................................................................................16
Support Images........................................................................................................17
Key Messages..........................................................................................................18
BTM TalentMash Examples.......................................................................................33
BTM program Levels.................................................................................................34
Sub Brands Dos and Don’ts......................................................................................35
List of Resources......................................................................................................37
Available Templates..................................................................................................38
ITAC Talent Sub Brands
CareerMash Logo Versions.......................................................................................20
CareerMash Logo Placement....................................................................................21
CareerMash Logo Sizes............................................................................................22
CareerMash Logo Colours........................................................................................23
CareerMash Logo in combination with Master Logo.................................................24
CareerMash Examples..............................................................................................25
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Table of Contents
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Versions
Master Logo Versions
01 – Master Logo with Tagline
• Master Logo with Tagline
• Master Logo without Tagline
• Master Logo Bilingual
• Master Logo French, with or without Taglines
Inspiring Tech Careers
The ITAC Talent logo can be used with or
without the tagline: Inspiring Tech Careers. The
tagline helps to define the ITAC Talent brand,
but can add confusion if there are multiple
elements on the page and other logos that are
competing for attention. It is best to think of the
tagline as part of a sign off or signature to be
used primarily at the end of a document or after
the main ideas have been presented.
The relative size of the tagline to the logo text
makes it more suitable for instances where the
logo size allows for clear legibility of the tagline.
(See minimum reduction sizes, logo placement.)
The Master Logo Bilingual version should be
used whenever the logo will be seen by Canadawide audiences, or by primarily French speaking
audiences. The Master Logo French version can
also be used when the audience is exclusively
French speaking.
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
02 – Master Logo without Tagline
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
03 – Master Logo Bilingual version, with Taglines
Inspiring Tech Careers
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technologiques inspirantes
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Versions
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Versions
Master Logo Reverse Versions
04 – Master Logo Reverse, without Tagline
• Master Logo Reverse without Tagline
• Master Logo Bilingual Reverse without Taglines
• Master Logo French Reverse without Tagline
The ITAC Talent logo can be reproduced in
reverse in instances where it needs to stand
apart from the background graphics, or to keep
it distinct from other logos or sub brands on
the page. It should always be reversed out of
the solid ITAC blue and not reversed out of any
other colour, graphic, or photograph.
05 – Master Logo Bilingual Reverse without Taglines
It is not recommended to include the Tagline as
part of the Reverse version.
Other Reverse versions include the Master Logo
Bilingual Reverse without Taglines and the Master
Logo French Reverse without Tagline.
06 – Master Logo French Reverse without Tagline
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Versions
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Placement
Give the logo its own space
Master Logo protected space
It is important to give the Master Logo spacing
around it so that it can be seen as a distinct
element and can be clearly read. Other elements
that are placed too closely will diminish the
importance of the logo.
A clear zone of “T” (T = letter T height) around
the logo will give it the room it needs to stand
out from other elements on the page.
letter “T” height
Place the Master Logo on the front cover of all
printed promotional collateral materials in the
lower left corner. In instances where a Sub Brand
is the focus of the content, it is acceptable to use
the Sub Brand logo on the front cover and the
Master Logo on the back cover.
Inspiring Tech Careers
Exceptions to this rule are mastheads such as
website, newsletter or stationery. In these cases the
logo should appear top left.
See examples for logo placement variations.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Placement
Des carrière
technologiques inspirante
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Sizes
Master Logo Minimum and Preferred Sizes
The size of the ITAC Talent logo should be
determined by both its legibility and its
relationship to other elements on the page.
The medium is also an important consideration.
Print collateral has a higher resolution than screen
uses so it is easier to retain fine detail. Screen
versions that include the tagline need to be large
enough so that all type is clear, rather than blurry.
These are recommended sizes for print and screen
uses, but the best use in either medium will
be one where the logo can be clearly read and
distinguishable from other elements.
07 – Master Logo with Tagline Minimum Size
09 – Master Logo without Tagline Minimum Size
Minimum height: 8 mm
Minimum height: 15 mm
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
08 – Master Logo with Tagline Preferred Size
Inspiring Tech Careers
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technologiques inspirantes
10 – Master Logo without Tagline Preferred Size
Preferred height: 22 mm
Inspiring Tech Careers
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technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
There is no maximum size for any version of
the Master Logo, as long as the file type used is
scalable (vector, eps file types).
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Sizes
Preferred height: 17 mm
(width is same as with tagline)
Des carri
technologiques inspira
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Colours
Master Logo and Tagline Colours
The colour specifications of the Master Logo and
Tagline are determined by the specific medium
being used: either print or web (and online
uses). The Master Logo should always appear in
Blue on a solid white background, rather than
on another colour. The reverse version, including
its solid blue background rectangle, can be used
in collateral where a background colour from
one of the Secondary Colours is preferred.
For consistency in all print and online material
use the provided CMYK .ai or .eps files for print,
and RGB jpegs for web and online collateral.
Use the hex colours provided for any web based
colour for supporting text or graphics that need
to match the dark or medium blue colours.
Master Logo with Tagline
Inspiring Tech Careers
Master Logo, dark blue
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Master Logo Tagline, medium blue
For Print
PMS: ???
CMYK: 99, 83, 20, 5
For Print
PMS: x % tint of PMS ???
CMYK: 69, 46, 9, 0
For Web
Hex: #1c4685
RGB: 28, 70, 123
For Web
Hex: #5980b4
RGB: 91, 127, 179
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Colours
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Master Logo Dos and Don’ts
Master Logo Dos and Don’ts
The logo has been designed to depict the ITAC
Talent brand clearly and simply. To use the logo
as a tool in effective brand communication, it is
essential to retain the logo integrity at all times.
In general, you should avoid changing or adding
other elements to the logo.
Using your logo consistently will give it an
opportunity to be recognized and remembered
clearly by your intended audiences.
ý Don’t place the Logo on a coloured background,
or photograph
Do place the Logo
on a white background
Des carrières
Inspiring Tech inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrièr
technologiques inspirant
ý Don’t distort the logo by stretching it or condensing.
Do give the logo
enough space on all sides
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Des carrières
Inspiring Tech Careers
Inspiring Tech Careers
technologiques inspirantes
letter “T” height
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
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ý Don’t add borders or other elements
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
Inspiring Tech Careers
technologiques inspirantes
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Do use the reverse version of
the logo if you need to place it on
a background
ý Don’t add text beside or under the logo
Inspiring Tech Careers
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Master Logo Dos and Don’ts
Des carrières
Tech Careers
the brand
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Secondary Brand Colours
ITAC Talent Secondary Brand Colours
Four secondary colours can be used with the
ITAC Talent brand. They can be used as accent
colours in graphics or text treatments like
headlines or call outs. One colour can also be
used as a background for a cover or a separator
between pages or within a presentation.
Because the colours are bold it is best to use
restraint rather than overdoing it with multiple
colours. Try to limit the number of the secondary
colours used on any one page. See examples for
recommended usage.
Two neutral colours – grey and black – can
be used as accents to compliment the
bold secondary colours. See examples for
recommended usage.
For Print
CMYK: 0, 21, 93, 0
For Print
CMYK: 100, 0, 0, 0
For Web
Hex: #ffc926
RGB: 255, 202, 40
For Web
Hex: #00aeef
RGB: 0, 174, 239
For Print
CMYK: 51, 12, 100, 0
For Print
CMYK: 1, 79, 94, 0
For Web
Hex: #8eb32f
RGB: 142, 179, 48
For Web
Hex: #ef5c2c
RGB: 239, 92, 44
For Print
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 70
For Print
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
For Web
Hex: #6d6e71
RGB: 77, 77, 77
For Web
Hex: #000000
RGB: 35, 31, 32
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Secondary Brand Colours
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
ITAC Talent Font Family
Frutiger Family
Frutiger is the preferred font family for all
marketing collateral. Frutiger Light is preferred
for body text and Frutiger Bold can be used for
Frutiger 45 Light
Frutiger 65 Bold
Frutiger 46 Light Italic
Frutiger 66 Bold Italic
Frutiger 55 Roman
Frutiger 75 Black
Frutiger 56 Italic
Frutiger 76 Black Italic
Display headings should be in Frutiger Light.
If a display heading appears on one of the
Secondary Colours, it should knock out in white,
as long as it is large enough (90-100 points with
6 or fewer words). Black type on the Secondary
Colours is not recommended for display
headings, but can be used as an additional type
treatment in other areas if needed.
On systems where Frutiger is not an available
font, Arial font can be used.
See examples for font treatment options.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Typography
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Examples – Logo Placement and Colour Usage
Inspiring Tech Careers
The Role of Intellectual Property
in the Formation of ICT Ventures
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
go better
with tech
go better
with tech
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9 • phone: 647-203-1285 •
Inspiring Tech Careers
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
13- ITAC Talent Typical PPT Title Page
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
11- ITAC Talent Letterhead
go better
with tech
12- ITAC Talent Typical Cover
About Us
Our Priorities
The BTM addresses the fastest growing,
hardest to fill and perhaps the most strategic
jobs in IT – jobs like business analyst, systems
analyst, project manager, consultant, IT
manager, marketer and entrepreneur. These
jobs exploded in the last decade from 100,000
to 200,000. Yet the few related university
programs had tiny and declining enrolments,
and some faced outright elimination.
The ITAC Talent BTM initiative has turned this
around. Twelve universities from coast to coast
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
now offer undergraduate
BTM programs.
Sum verunditis et, solleni taquam di ut am,
quod essit andae. Et aut exero volorepe
perum nihictius, event ut pro officte vid.
March 2015
Join us for a sponsored dinner where you will learn about
the ITAC Talent BTM initiative and actively participate in consultations that will help
to shape the National Occupational Standards for the BTM sector. The session will be
moderated by Dr. Peter King, the ITAC Talent, BTM Standards
Development Director.
Background. As part of a national initiative aimed at increasing Canada’s
competitiveness in the global economy, the Government of
Canada has provided funding to ITAC Talent to assist with the
ITAC Talent is looking for your help to make this expansion a success.
ITAC Talent and CIPS British Columbia are organizing a meeting in early March that will create
an opportunity for the active engagement of the ICT community in the BTM project. ITAC
Talent is in particular interested in engaging with individuals who are “in the trenches”.
The meeting will focus specifically on the BTM National Occupational Standard (NOS) project.
The outcome of the BTM-NOS project will not only form the foundation of ongoing work
within the BTM project, but will also:
We have now embarked on BTM Phase 2.
With funds from Employment and Skills
Development Canada (ESDC) and working with
leading employers and educators, ITAC Talent
is embarked on a $1.6 million program to take
the BTM talent pool to the next level.
March 2015
Business Technology Management
(BTM) – the fastest growing ICT
Join us for a sponsored dinner where you will learn about
the ITAC Talent BTM initiative and actively participate in consultations that will help
to shape the National Occupational Standards for the BTM sector. The session will be
moderated by Dr. Peter King, the ITAC Talent, BTM Standards
Development Director.
Background. As part of a national initiative aimed at increasing Canada’s
competitiveness in the global economy, the Government of
Canada has provided funding to ITAC Talent to assist with the
expansion of the BTM initiative.
ITAC Talent is looking for your help to make this expansion a success.
ITAC Talent and CIPS British Columbia are organizing a meeting in early March that will create
an opportunity for the active engagement of the ICT community in the BTM project. ITAC
Talent is in particular interested in engaging with individuals who are “in the trenches”.
The meeting will focus specifically on the BTM National Occupational Standard (NOS) project.
The outcome of the BTM-NOS project will not only form the foundation of ongoing work
within the BTM project, but will also:
Why should you consider participating?
Why should you consider participating?
(NOS) work and help to shape them by validating the NOS work.
Find Out More. If you have any questions or would like to pre-register for the event,
please contact: Gina van Dalen at ITAC at 905 602 8345 ext. 2010 or gvandalen@itac.
16- ITAC Talent Sample Website Home Page
tech careers
Business Technology Management
(BTM) – the fastest growing ICT
expansion of the BTM initiative.
Sum verunditis et, solleni taquam di ut am,
quod essit andae. Et aut exero volorepe
perum nihictius, event ut pro officte vid.
Eleven more are set to launch by 2016. Total
enrolments have shot up from under 2,000 in
2010 to nearly 3,500 in 2015.
• Extend BTM beyond undergrad to community
colleges, graduate degree, and – for midcareer professionals – continuing education.
ITAC Talent projects 50 programs up and
running or in active development by 2017.
• Update the BTM core learning outcomes to
meet the needs of today.
• Design and launch specialist BTM
occupational profiles and learning outcomes
for banking/financial services, retail, energy,
gaming/digital media, entrepreneurship, and
big data analytics.
• Promote the BTM brand to attract more and
better students.
• Professionalize the BTM field via student events,
competitions, certification initiatives, and the
formation of a permanent BTM Association.
Join Us
Sum verunditis et, solleni taquam di ut am,
quod essit andae. Et aut exero volorepe
perum nihictius, event ut pro officte vid.
ITAC Talent invites you, as a leading employer, to help shape – and benefit from – the
future of Canada’s business-savvy tech workforce.
BTM Phase 1. In January 2009 the newlyformed Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s
ICT Skills (CCICT - now ITAC Talent) formed
a national committee of leading employers
and universities to design a set of learning
outcomes for a Business Technology
Management (BTM) undergraduate program.
The final draft was done before the end of the
year. In June 2010 over 200 graduates received
Business Technology Management degrees
from the Ted Rogers School of Management at
Ryerson University.
Our Initiatives
Sum verunditis et, solleni taquam di ut am,
quod essit andae. Et aut exero volorepe
perum nihictius, event ut pro officte vid.
Join with ITAC Talent to enhance Canada’s skills in
Business Technology Management
BTM: a genuine success story,
getting even better
14- ITAC Talent Typical Report Cover
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
(NOS) work and help to shape them by validating the NOS work.
Find Out More. If you have any questions or would like to pre-register for the event,
please contact: Gina van Dalen at ITAC at 905 602 8345 ext. 2010 or gvandalen@itac.
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
17- ITAC Talent Sample Newsletter Banners with Reverse version of Master Logo in the masthead and bilingual version as
a sign off in the footer.
15- ITAC Talent 2-Pager or
Flyer Masthead
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Examples – Logo Placement and Colour Usage
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Examples – Typography, Covers
The Role of Intellectual Property
in the Formation of ICT Ventures
go better
with tech
Inspiring Tech Careers
Leading the shift
in Business Technology
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
18- ITAC Talent Typical Cover with Display Heading
19- ITAC Talent Typical Cover with Typical Heading
20- ITAC Talent Typical Report Cover
For Display Headings use Frutiger Light lowercase
letters, knocking out in white on one of the solid
secondary colours. Type should be arranged flush
right, touching the bottom and right side of the
background colour.
Typical headings should appear as a design element,
knocking out in white out of one of the Secondary
Colours. Use Frutiger Light, flush left, with the first
word capitalized and the rest lowercase, except with
proper names. Longer headings that do not read well
in white because of the reduced font size should be
placed in the available white space rather than on a
Secondary Colour background.
One word headings like “report” can be uppercase
Frutiger Light, aligning flush right and touching the
bottom and right sides, in the same manner as Display
Headings. Uppercase letters are not recommended for
headings with 2 or more words, and should only be
used in instances where the lowercase version is too
casual for the subject matter. The sub heading should
appear in the white space available, as shown.
Display Headings should be limited to headings with
6 or fewer words and need to be considered a design
feature. Display Headings are used with a large font
size so that they are easily read on all secondary
Colours. Typical headings will not fall into this category
and must be sized according to layout space and
arranged flush left.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Examples – Typography, Covers
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Examples – Typography, Inside Pages
Nonserat Ipsum Dolor
Ribus quas aliquatiis assunt labor seque
moluptium velibusdam fuga. Ro minum
nonsequiam fuga. Tur millessequia dit haris quas
ea aut optatem ducitas dem est que consece
sciaspit eum la conserum res prero dolorum il
molorib usdae. Sed molorem. Nam fuga.
ITAC Talent – Inspiring Tech Careers
Technology is
driving force in a globally competitive economy,
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
underpinning innovation, productivity and long-term prosperity. A vibrant
ibuOlo volent id expelectum sitat es quiasim
workforce is critical for the success of every sector. ITAC Talent works with
visionary business leaders, the public sector and educators to develop and
implement a talent strategy designed to motivate youth to select today’s in
demand technology careers and improve the availability and quality of postsecondary technology-related education. Each year, our programs operate
in dozens of high schools and post-secondary institutions across Canada,
touching the lives of over 13,000 students.
que eum est quiam voluptae nis quatia
Hic tor si voluptatis alit, qui con eosto ommodis etur
“Ovid quis invent qui as diatem faceaquam as sequisit inum quianis exerferumque
de atiae aut vernatiant ut periae. On con con nonsequi nulparu ndessit, cus eume
volecaeperae con parchil lacestiore dollendae.”
Executive Summary
Ribus quas aliquatiis assunt labor seque
moluptium velibusdam fuga. Ro minum
nonsequiam fuga. Tur millessequia dit haris quas
ea aut optatem ducitas dem est que consece
sciaspit eum la conserum res prero dolorum il
molorib usdae. Sed molorem. Nam fuga.
Business Technology Management (BTM) –
A shift in tech education
Demand for high value
tech professionals
exceeds current and
anticipated supply.
Estimates vary, but they
agree that the number
of people employed in
business + technology
related occupations
has grown substantially
– perhaps as much as
doubling from 100,000
to 200,000 over ten
dignis ditibus exeribu saperit issediores.
Nem fugiatate volupis cullorrum fugit volut
dolum id ut rest, oditi as moditas ad mo to ipsam,
ipsa accum sum facipsam ipsam, voloreperis
dolecture porerecae il mo cusae officabo. Itamus
am andia volorer chicia vero is nectotae nienien
duntis parcil ese et volore vel ipsantur mincitaspid
ut autem harum et, ut ea sitat harum doloreritas
assi dolut iur alitasitis corenditium quia coriore
nossimenis sit quam eliquias nis commolorem
et, seditatia cum et et eosam doluptatis et et, as
mosantur sim faccae pro inus.
Why BTM?
Today’s sheer pace of innovation suggests that technology education needs
to change. Modern information technologies enable business practices such
as virtual global teams, networked business models and digital marketing.
These practices demand for tech education to offer a contemporary and
fresh perspective on the role and use of technology. Business Technology
Management programs address these demands.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet
laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo dolesci
delestectium fuga. Nam rehende lentur si incil
eos accus, ius dolenimpore volestrum alitatem
et officto recture rumqui re, te essum alit dolo
omnianda sunt labore earum dolor quatestiam
facia peritaqui resequation et ut molupta
turionse nonsed quiberioria non eaquodi assero
volorem que ipsae. Andae assequaspe labo.
Tibeati quae cum doluptatur audipsum apedit
ea con comni omniende parum harchiciis necae
dolupta eceperum alignam laceptatur, sae. Nem
et officip saperib erepuda ectatin comnime sum
qui te voluptam et alitibus.
Ari ium rempor autenim inctiam aspernatis
as ea nosaept atiur? Magnis et faccus simet
as de eribus as aut optius, etur sit eat parchit
volorit, ipsum harum fuga. Genimet rem et harit
quatistinus et evelit autemque nestrum etur?
Sus sitionsed mo estectur?
Obit, tectur? Cil mo exercidellis as erferib usapid
ut mos atatasp eritisitem id quos explat del et
fugiae cor aut aut laut aspedi nossimus endigen
imusciis dollam, volupti untionsequi di offic
tempore ipiendaero velitio nestrum endundelent
voluptate officia tquatur sum voluptae cullab
ilitiis et libus demquam sequos sa quiaturibus
serro et ab iustiatio. Obis prest as sandias
suntest quias rerum noste quam facia peritaqui
resequation et ut nonsed quiberioria.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo
ibuOlo volent id expelectum sitat es quiasim
que eum est quiam voluptae nis quatia
dignis ditibus exeribu saperit issediores.
Nem fugiatate volupis cullorrum fugit volut
dolum id ut rest, oditi as moditas ad mo to ipsam,
ipsa accum sum facipsam ipsam, voloreperis
dolecture porerecae il mo cusae officabo. Itamus
am andia volorer chicia vero is nectotae nienien
duntis parcil ese et volore vel ipsantur mincitaspid
ut autem harum et, ut ea sitat harum doloreritas
assi dolut iur alitasitis corenditium quia coriore
nossimenis sit quam eliquias nis commolorem
et, seditatia cum et et eosam doluptatis et et, as
mosantur sim faccae pro inus.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet
laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo dolesci
delestectium fuga. Nam rehende lentur si incil
eos accus, ius dolenimpore volestrum alitatem
et officto recture rumqui re, te essum alit dolo
omnianda sunt labore earum dolor quatestiam
facia peritaqui resequation et ut molupta
turionse nonsed quiberioria non eaquodi assero
volorem que ipsae. Andae assequaspe labo.
Tibeati quae cum doluptatur audipsum apedit
ea con comni omniende parum harchiciis necae
dolupta eceperum alignam laceptatur, sae. Nem
et officip saperib erepuda ectatin comnime sum
qui te voluptam et alitibus.
Ari ium rempor autenim inctiam aspernatis
as ea nosaept atiur? Magnis et faccus simet
as de eribus as aut optius, etur sit eat parchit
volorit, ipsum harum fuga. Genimet rem et harit
quatistinus et evelit autemque nestrum etur?
Sus sitionsed mo estectur?
Obit, tectur? Cil mo exercidellis as erferib usapid
ut mos atatasp eritisitem id quos explat del et
fugiae cor aut aut laut aspedi nossimus endigen
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tempore ipiendaero velitio nestrum endundelent
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Ut hiliqui dignisimusda ipsum fuga. Henis mo
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21- ITAC Talent Typical Brochure, inside page
22- ITAC Talent Typical Report, inside page with images
22- ITAC Talent Typical Report, inside page with charts
Frutiger Light is recommended for all brochure body
text. It should be aligned flush left at size 9 points
or higher with a minimum leading of “auto”. This
example shows 11 point size with 17 points leading
for comfortable reading on screen.
Multiple page documents or reports that are text heavy
should be Frutiger Light, either flush left or justified, in
1 or 2 columns for comfortable reading.
A 2 column layout allows room for graphics or charts
in the left margin. Charts, call outs or other graphics
can make use of one of the Secondary Colours,
but minimizing the number of colours used in each
application is preferred. Avoid the “rainbow” effect.
Sub headings should appear in Frutiger Bold.
Secondary Colour Blue is the preferred colour for
Subheadings should appear in Secondary Colour Blue,
Frutiger Bold.
Call outs can be used as a design element in one of
the Secondary Colours.
For documents that are created in house, where
Frutiger font is not available, Arial font may be used.
Arial font is not suitable for Display Headings.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Examples – Typography, Inside Pages
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Signature Images
ITAC Talent Signature Images
Signature Images are images that are primarily
associated with the ITAC Talent brand. They
should be used as often as possible for
consistency and impact, so that they become
recognizable as part of the ITAC Talent brand
At its core, ITAC Talent’s mission is: Inspiring
Tech Careers. Signature Images should strive to
support that mission by being inspirational in
nature. Visually compelling, informal portraits of
a young person(s) in a tech career, or studying
for a tech career, are used to evoke a positive
emotional response and portray tech careers as
interesting, desirable and attainable.
It is not always necessary to show technology
(computers or tech equipment) in the signature
image as long as the context makes it clear that
this person has or aspires to have a tech related
career. Formal portraits, or posed shots should
be avoided because they appear more contrived
and less authentic.
Signature Images can be used alone or together
with other support visuals to convey the central
ITAC Talent mission. Images that show diversity
are preferred.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Signature Images
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Support Images
ITAC Talent Support Images
Support Images are those that help to describe
either a particular initiative or priority of ITAC
Talent. For example, Business Technology
Management may need business, education, or
tech industry subject matter to better convey its
specific program.
Informal portrait shots can be used as support
images as long as they fit within the context of
the specific brand message. Technology concept
images may also be used, as long as they are
combined with one or more portrait style
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Support Images
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Key Messages
ITAC Talent Key Messages
Core Message: ITAC Talent inspires tech careers.
Key Messages are short, standard phrases that
describe what ITAC Talent is and what it does as
an organization. It is not necessary to use them
exactly as worded, but the same central ideas
should be repeated whenever ITAC Talent is
describing itself.
Messages about why:
Key Messages should articulate the brand
promise and core values in a consistent, clear
and simple manner.
Messages about who and what:
• Talent is in short supply: Demand for high value tech professionals exceeds current and anticipated
• Today’s sheer pace of innovation suggests that technology education needs to change to meet the
evolving needs of technology employers.
• ITAC Talent is a not-for-profit organization that works with business leaders, the public sector and
educators to expand Canada’s pool of technology professionals.
• ITAC Talent seeks to improve the availability and quality of post-secondary technology-related
education to help meet future skills.
• ITAC Talent is changing the conversation about tech careers to rebrand the image of tech in the minds
of students. Tech careers are not boring and poorly paid, they are fun, in demand and well paying.
• ITAC Talent has adopted a range of programs and initiatives designed to help young people, educators
and parents make informed decisions about technology–related careers.
Messages about impact:
• Together with its partners, ITAC Talent is making an impact.
• E ach year, our programs operate in dozens of high schools and post-secondary institutions across
Canada, touching the lives of over 13,000 students.
• In our BTM programs applications are rising by an average of 25% and graduate placement rates
are well over 90%.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Key Messages
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash Logo Versions
23 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline
The CareerMash logo is comprised of the
4-coloured “swirl” and the “CareerMash” logo
type. The 2 components must always appear
together as shown.
26 – CareerMash French Logo with Tagline
Acceptable versions of the logo:
• CareerMash Logo with Tagline
Use this version when it is being used alone, or
when alongside the version of the ITAC Talent
Master Logo that does not include its Tagline.
Because the 2 logos share the same Tagline, it
will add confusion if they appear together.
24 – CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
• CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
Use this version when it is important to establish
the relationship between the sub brand and the
master brand.
• CareerMash Logo without Tagline or
ITAC Talent identifier
Use this version when the ITAC Talent Master
Logo and Tagline will appear alongside.
27 – CareerMash French Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
ITAC Talent
25 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline or ITAC Talent identifier
French versions of the CareerMash Logo are
available for French speaking audiences or
Canada-wide collateral.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
ITAC Talent
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash Logo Placement
It is important to give the CareerMash Logo
spacing around it so that it can be seen as
a distinct element and can be clearly read.
Other elements that are placed too closely will
diminish the importance of the logo.
CareerMash Logo protected space
letter “C” height
A clear zone of “C” (C = letter C height) around
the logo will give it the room it needs to stand
out from other elements on the page.
See examples for logo placement variations.
letter “C” height
letter “C” height
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash Logo Sizes
28 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline Minimum Size
The size of the CareerMash logo should
be determined by both its legibility and its
relationship to other elements on the page.
The medium is also an important consideration.
Print collateral has a higher resolution than screen
uses so it is easier to retain fine detail. Screen
versions that include the tagline or ITAC Talent
identifier need to be large enough so that all type
is clear, rather than blurry.
Minimum height: 8 mm
Minimum height:
15 mm
29 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline Preferred Size
32 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline Preferred Size
Preferred height:
22 mm
These are recommended sizes for print and screen
uses, but the best use in either medium will
be one where the logo can be clearly read and
distinguishable from other elements.
There is no maximum size for any version of the
CareerMash Logo, as long as the file type used is
scalable (vector, eps file types).
31 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline Minimum Size
30 – CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier Minimum
and Preferred Size
Minimum/Preferred height:
24 mm
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
Preferred height:
17 mm
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash Logo Colours
CareerMash Logo with Tagline
The CareerMash logo is comprised of the
4-coloured “swirl” and the “CareerMash” logo
type. The “swirl” symbol is made up of gradient
blends of colours and black. There is no colour
breakdown available for the “swirl” symbol
and should always be reproduced in 4 colours
as shown. The CareerMash Logo should always
appear on a solid white background.
CareerMash Logo Type, black
CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
The CareerMash Logo Type and Tagline is 100%
black. The CareerMash ITAC Talent identifier is dark
blue (the same dark blue as the Master Logo).
ITAC Talent identifier
CareerMash Logo Reverse Version
Because the “swirl” symbol is made up of
gradient blends there is no reverse version of
the CareerMash Logo. Changing the Logo Type
to white and keeping the “swirl” in colour is not
For Web
Hex: #000000
RGB: 35, 31, 32
CareerMash Logo, ITAC Talent identifier, dark blue
For consistency in all print and online material
use the provided CMYK .ai or .eps files for print,
and RGB jpegs for web and online collateral.
The CareerMash sub brand should use the ITAC
Talent Secondary Colours in all collateral where
other colours are used.
For Print
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
For Print
PMS: ???
CMYK: 99, 83, 20, 5
For Web
Hex: #1c4685
RGB: 28, 70, 123
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash in Combination with Master Logo
Because CareerMash is a sub brand of ITAC
Talent there will be uses where both the Master
Logo and the CareerMash logo will appear
together. It will be important to establish the
relationship clearly to avoid confusion between
the brands.
Because both Logos share the same Tagline,
the Master Logo use of the Tagline is preferred
when both logos appear together.
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
33 - ITAC Talent and CareerMash Combination
A fine rule separates the 2 logos, ITAC Talent uses the tagline
Inspiring Tech Careers
CareerMash is an
ITAC Talent initiative
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
34 - CareerMash Letterhead version 1
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
35 - CareerMash Letterhead version 2
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
CareerMash is an
ITAC Talent initiative
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
36 - CareerMash Letterhead version 3
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – CareerMash – Examples
Endorsed by:
go better
with tech
The CareerMash
Tech Career Resource Kit
for Guidance Counsellors
and Teachers
CareerMash Website Home Page
go better
with tech
38 – CareerMash Typical PPT Title Page
CareerMash Resource Kit for Guidance
Counsellors, Cover
37 – CareerMash Typical Cover
CareerMash logo on the front cover,
ITAC Talent logo on the back cover.
CareerMash Print Ad
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – CareerMash
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
Business Technology Management
BTM Logo Versions
39 – BTM Logo
42 – BTM French Logo
The Business Technology Management logo
is comprised of the blue orbit symbol, the 3
yellow squares with BTM letters, and the words
“Business Technology Management”. The 3
components must always appear together as
shown, except in the case of an avatar or profile
image, used on social media sites.
Acceptable versions of the logo:
40 – BTM Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
• BTM Logo
This version can be used alone or together with
the Master Logo.
43 – BTM French Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
• BTM Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
Use this version when it is important to establish
the relationship between the sub brand and the
master brand.
• BTM Logo Avatar or Profile Image
Use this version for social media sites.
ITAC Talent
ITAC Talent
41– BTM Logo Avatar or Profile Image
44– BTM French Logo Avatar or Profile Image
French versions of the BTM (GTA) Logo are
available for French speaking audiences or
Canada-wide collateral.
Note that as of 2016, The BTM Logo is
trademarked and the TM should appear
beside the “M” symbol as shown. The French
equivalent is the MC, which appears beside the
“A” symbol as shown.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
Business Technology Management
BTM Logo Placement
It is important to give the BTM Logo spacing
around it so that it can be seen as a distinct
element and can be clearly read. Other elements
that are placed too closely will diminish the
importance of the logo.
BTM Logo protected space
square height
A clear zone of one “square” (yellow square
height) around the logo will give it the room
it needs to stand out from other elements on
the page.
See examples for logo placement variations.
square height
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
Business Technology Management
BTM Logo Sizes
45 – BTM Logo without ITAC Talent Identifier Minimum Size
The size of the BTM Logo should be determined
by both its legibility and its relationship to other
elements on the page.
The medium is also an important consideration.
Print collateral has a higher resolution than screen
uses so it is easier to retain fine detail. Screen
versions that include the ITAC Talent identifier need
to be large enough so that all type is clear, rather
than blurry.
These are recommended sizes for print and screen
uses, but the best use in either medium will
be one where the logo can be clearly read and
distinguishable from other elements.
Minimum height: 12 mm
46 – BTM Logo with ITAC Talent Identifier Minimum Size
Minimum height: 25 mm
46 – BTM Logo with ITAC Talent Identifier Preferred Size
There is no maximum size for any version of the
BTM Logo, as long as the file type used is scalable
(vector, eps file types).
Preferred height: 37 mm
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
Business Technology Management
BTM Logo Colours
BTM Logo with ITAC Talent Identifier Minimum Size
The BTM logo is comprised of the blue orbit
symbol, the 3 yellow squares with BTM
letters, and the words “Business Technology
Management”. It can be used with or without
the ITAC Talent Identifier line. For almost all
purposes, the BTM Logo should appear in full
colour on a solid white background.
The BTM blue orbit symbol is a gradient of blue
and the BTM Logo Type is 100% black. The BTM
ITAC Talent identifier is dark blue (the same dark
blue as the Master Logo). Note: the BTM yellow
used for the squares is different than the Secondary
Colour yellow. Do not substitute.
For consistency in all print and online material
use the provided CMYK .ai or .eps files for print,
and RGB jpegs for web and online collateral.
The BTM sub brand can use the ITAC Talent
Secondary Colours in all collateral.
47 – BTM Logo Reverse Version
ITAC Talent identifier
BTM Logo, Blue Orbit Symbol
For Print
CMYK: 67, 26, 0, 10
For Print
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
For Web
Hex: #458fc4
RGB: 69, 143, 196
For Web
Hex: #000000
RGB: 35, 31, 32
BTM Logo, Yellow Squares
For Print
CMYK: 4, 29, 86, 0
BTM Logo Reverse Version
For Web
Hex: #F2B73F
RGB: 242, 183, 63
A reverse version of the BTM Logo is available
for instances where the full colour version will
not render properly or where it is not possible
to place it on a solid white background. The
reverse version should be used without the ITAC
Talent identifier.
BTM Logo Type, black
BTM Logo, ITAC Talent identifier, dark blue
For Print
PMS: ???
CMYK: 99, 83, 20, 5
For Web
Hex: #1c4685
RGB: 28, 70, 123
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
Business Technology Management
BTM in Combination with Master Logo
Because BTM is a sub brand of ITAC Talent,
there will be uses where both the Master Logo
and the BTM logo will appear together. It will be
important to establish the relationship clearly to
avoid confusion between the brands.
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
48 - ITAC Talent and BTM Combination
A rule separates the 2 logos, ITAC Talent uses the tagline
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Business Technology Management is an
ITAC Talent initiative
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
Business Technology Management is an
ITAC Talent initiative
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
49 - BTM Letterhead version 1
50 - BTM Letterhead version 2
51 - BTM Letterhead version 3
BTM Logo together with Master Logo
at top.
Master Logo with Tagline at bottom,
BTM Logo uses ITAC Talent identifier
at top.
BTM Logo without Master Logo.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – BTM – Examples
go better
with tech
Join with ITAC Talent to enhance Canada’s skills in
Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent invites you, as a leading employer, to help shape – and benefit from – the
future of Canada’s business-savvy tech workforce.
BTM: a genuine success story,
getting even better
The field of Business Technology Management
(BTM) addresses the fastest growing, hardest
to fill and perhaps the most strategic jobs in
IT – jobs like business analyst, systems analyst,
project manager, consultant, IT manager,
marketer and entrepreneur. These jobs
exploded in the last decade from 100,000
to 200,000. Yet the few related university
programs had small and declining enrolments,
and some faced outright elimination.
BTM Phase 1. In January 2009 the newlyformed Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s
ICT Skills (CCICT - now ITAC Talent) formed a
national committee of leading employers and
universities to design a set of learning outcomes
for a Business Technology Management (BTM)
undergraduate program. The final draft was
done before the end of the year.
The ITAC Talent BTM initiative has become a
true success story. Eighteen post-secondary
educational institutions from coast to coast
now offer undergraduate BTM programs.
Eleven more are set to launch by 2016. Total
enrolments have shot up from under 2,000 in
2010 to nearly 3,500 in 2015.
BTM Phase 2. We have now embarked on BTM
Phase 2. With funds from Employment and Skills
go better
with tech
Leading the shift
in Business Technology
Development Canada (ESDC) and working with
leading employers and educators, ITAC Talent
is rolling out a $1.6 million program to take the
BTM talent pool to the next level through the
following initiatives:
• Extend BTM beyond undergrad to community
colleges, graduate degree, and – for midcareer professionals – continuing education.
ITAC Talent projects 50 programs up and
running or in active development by 2017.
• Update the BTM core learning outcomes to
meet the needs of today.
• Design and launch specialist BTM
occupational profiles and learning outcomes
for banking/financial services, retail, energy,
gaming/digital media, entrepreneurship, and
big data analytics.
• Promote the BTM brand to attract more and
better students.
• Professionalize the BTM field via student events,
competitions, certification initiatives, and the
formation of a permanent BTM Association.
Business Technology
Leading the Shift in
Business Technology Education
What is Business Technology Management (BTM)?
The BTM is a post-secondary program that was introduced in
February 2009 and focuses on producing graduates that have the
capability profile that has become the new norm for employers
and includes technical skills, soft skills, context skills, and provides a
key industry involvement component that manages the transition
from graduation to employment.
The BTM is a post-secondary program that was introduced in
February 2009 and focuses on producing graduates that have the
capability profile that has become the new norm for employers
and includes technical skills, soft skills, context skills, and provides a
key industry involvement component that manages the transition
from graduation to employment.
MYTH: Tech jobs are only at tech companies
Canada’s most
innovative and
fastest-growing postsecondary degree
BTM is one of
graduates since it
was introduced in 2009
Canada’s most
innovative and
fastest-growing postsecondary degree
graduates since it
was introduced in 2009
53 – BTM Typical PPT Title Page
What is Business Technology Management (BTM)?
REALITY: Canada’s digital economy employs over one million people
in all sectors and industries
BTM is one of
of post-secondary
institutions across
Canada and growing
to over
Taken together, these initiatives will lead to
broader recognition of BTM-type careers as
a distinctive, attractive and prestigious family
of professions for Canadian students, career
changers, educators, employers, and families.
This, in turn, will result in better availability of
these high leverage skill sets to employers and
the Canadian economy.
Business Technology
Leading the Shift in
Business Technology Education
200,000 BTM type jobs
BTM Applications are
rising by an average
per year
across all sectors and growing
of post-secondary
institutions across
Canada and growing
to over
BTM Applications are
rising by an average
per year
BTM type jobs
across all sectors and growing
52 – BTM 2-Page Flyer
BTM Typical Cover
SPECIALTY PROGRAMS combine the learning outcomes
of the standard BTM with function specific skills, knowledge
and competencies.
SPECIALTY PROGRAMS combine the learning outcomes of the standard
BTM with function specific skills, knowledge and competencies.
[Learn More]
[Reserve Your
JUNE 13, 2015
Complimentary Ticket]
Dozens of BTM programs
across Canada
Dozens of BTM programs
across Canada
Visit: for
participating schools
Visit: for
participating schools
A Strategy for Expansion
- Rolling out a $1.6 million
program to take the BTM
talent pool to the next level
Creating a Profession for BTM
- Development of a BTM
- Development of a BTM
professional association
Fostering a culture
of engagement,
innovation and expansion
Fostering a culture of engagement,
innovation and expansion
A real understanding of organizations and the world
of business
The techniques – like business design and project
management – to make change happen
Excellent interpersonal, communications, and
leadership skills
Industry Engagement
A keen understanding of how best to use technology
The BTM program teaches interpersonal
communications, collaboration, and leadership
Graduates are in demand for jobs in business analysis,
project management, sales, consulting, customer and
supplier management, and marketing support
BTM has an average placement rate of 90%
Practical skills to put it all together in projects
Employers are a big part of the BTM – helping
graduates find jobs
Presented by:by:
BTM workers have an average starting salary
of $60,000
funded in part by The Government of Canada
in partnership with:
BTM Event Brochure Cover
BTM Event Newsletter
Employers define the learning outcomes and competency standards
in line with the skills and abilities they need in their businesses now,
so graduating students have a greater chance of meeting these needs
and gaining employment.
Employers define the learning outcomes and competency standards
in line with the skills and abilities they need in their businesses now,
so graduating students have a greater chance of meeting these needs
and gaining employment.
Connecting over 1,000 BTM students with employers
[email protected]
[email protected]
BTM Infographics
Funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Initiatives Program.
BTM Event Banner
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – Business Technology Management
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
BTM TalentMash
BTM TalentMash Logo Versions
The BTM TalentMash Logo was created as a way
to brand the BTM recurring event “TalentMash”.
The BTM TalentMash logo includes the same
components as the main BTM logo, with the
addition of the “TalentMash” descriptor type.
It is comprised of the blue orbit symbol, the 3
yellow squares with BTM letters, and the words
“TalentMash”. For almost all purposes, the BTM
TalentMash Logo should appear in full colour on
a solid white background.
54 – BTM TalentMash Logo with Year
55 – BTM TalentMash Logo with Year and Event Location
The year appears below the TalentMash Logo
in most cases, and should be updated to reflect
the current year, though it is acceptable to
use the Logo portion only if the event is being
represented in a general way.
A third option is to add the event location in text
under the TalentMash Logo and year as shown.
It is not recommended to rearrange the Logo
components, or add any other text or elements
other than as shown.
56 – GTA TalentMash Logo with Year
57 – GTA TalentMash Logo with Year and Event Location
Event Location
French versions of the BTM (GTA) TalentMash
Logo are available for French speaking audiences
or Canada-wide collateral.
A reverse version of the BTM TalentMash Logo
is available for instances where the full colour
version will not render properly or where it is not
possible to place it on a solid white background.
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – BTM TalentMash
Event Location
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands – BTM TalentMash – Examples
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Proudly present:
TalentMash GTA Québec
BTM TalentMash British Columbia
BTM – The New Breed of IT Worker
BTMThe New
Breed of
IT Worker
ITAC Talent would like to invite you to attend the first annual
BTM TalentMash British Columbia
Date: October 31, 2015
Location: Harbour Centre,
Vancouver, B.C.
In this first-of-its kind event, ITAC Talent is partnering with Simon Fraser University
to bring together Business Technology Management (BTM) students from the
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), Simon Fraser University, Kwantlen
Polytechnic University, University of Victoria and University of British Columbia for a
day of learning and relationship building.
Date: October 31, 2015
10 am – 4:30 pm
Location: Harbour Centre
Open to all students in a
BTM type program
Free Event
Sponsorship and
Exhibitor Opportunities
Reserve Your Spot Now!
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Space is Limited.
As a student in a BTM program, you will join over 250 fellow BTM students from
across British Columbia for a day of:
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
sont fiers de présenter :
GTA : les nouveaux spécialistes des TI
les nouveaux
des TI
ACTI Talent vous invite à assister au premier congrès annuel TalentMash
GTA Québec 2015.
Date : le 3 octobre 2015
Dans ce premier événement du genre, ACTI Talent s’associe à l’Université
Concordia pour réunir les étudiants en GTA de l’Université Concordia, l’Université
Laval, l’Université du Québec à Montréal, l’Université du Québec à Rimouski,
l’Université du Québec en Outaouais et l’Université de Sherbrooke pour une
journée d’apprentissage et de réseautage.
Lieu : Université Concordia,
École de gestion John-Molson
• Seminars and Keynote Speakers – hear inspirational presentations by business and
ICT leaders
• Fun and exciting competitions – great prizes including the “A Day With the CTO”.
Contest information will be sent to you prior to the event.
• Networking and information booths – connect with representatives from dozens of
major organizations
Date : Le 3 octobre 2015
de 10 h à 16 h 30
Lieu : Université Concordia –
École de gestion John-Molson
Connect with us:
Ouvert à tous les étudiants
des programmes de GTA
@BTMTalentMash #BTMTalentMash15
Faites partie de nos
commanditaires et de
nos exposants
For more information contact: Jan Hall at (416) 840 6224 or [email protected]
ITAC Talent Members:
Événement gratuit
Réservez votre place!
À titre d’étudiante ou étudiant inscrit à un programme de GTA, vous participerez,
avec plus de 250 de vos pairs de partout au Québec, à une journée comprenant :
• des ateliers et des conférences-programmes où des leaders du milieu des
affaires et des TCI présenteront des exposés éclairants;
• des concours amusants et stimulants et des prix formidables, dont « Une
journée à la direction technique ». Des renseignements supplémentaires vous
parviendront avant l’événement;
• des kiosques de réseautage et d’information où vous pourrez rencontrer des
représentants de dizaines de grandes organisations.
Pour nous joindre :
@BTMTalentMash #BTMTalentMash15
Renseignements : Jan Hall, 416-840-6224 ou [email protected]
Membres d’ACTI Talent :
Le nombre de participants
est limité.
BTM TalentMash Typical Cover
BTM TalentMash Typical Flyer
GTA TalentMash Typical Cover
GTA TalentMash Typical Flyer
BTM TalentMash British Columbia
“BTM - The New Breed of IT Worker“
October 31, 2015
BTM TalentMash Event Homepage
58 – BTM TalentMash Letterhead
53 – BTM Event Banner
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – BTM TalentMash – Examples
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands –
BTM Program Levels
BTM Program Levels
BTM Program – Baccalaureate
The BTM Logo is used to identify the various
Program Levels available in participating BTM
schools. The levels are: Baccalaureate, Masters,
Diploma and Certificate.
Please refer to the BTM Program Level Guide for
specific usage requirements for each of these
BTM Program – Masters
BTM Program – Diploma
BTM Program –Certificate
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brands – BTM Program Levels
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Sub Brands Dos and Don’ts
Sub Brand Dos Tech
and Don’ts Careers
Sub brands are created to either target a
market segment more precisely than the Master
Logo can do on its own, or to showcase an
initiative or product of the Master Brand.
Careful consideration as to the specific audience
being addressed and the objectives of the
communication project, will determine wether
the sub brand appears by itself or together
with the Master Logo. Indiscriminate layering
of all the logos without regard to prioritization
will add confusion and weaken both the
Master brand and the Sub Brand(s). Specific
recommendations on logo usage are included in
each of the Sub Brand sections.
Do place the Master Logo with
a Sub Brand in a way that shows
relationship between brands.
ý Don’t place all the logos together without
clarifying the relationship between brands.
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Example 1: Primary and secondary brand
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Proud ITAC Talent Initiatives:
ý Don’t add borders or other elements
Example 2: Both sub brands together, and
named as ITAC Talent initiatives
ý Don’t place the sub brands on a coloured
background, or photograph.
Example 3: A sub brand uses the
ITAC Talent identifier
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Sub Brand Dos and Don’ts
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
List of Resources – Logos
Logo Files
This is a list of logos pictured in this guide and
available in jpeg and eps file formats. The files
can be identified by their numerical prefix. The
file names may be shortened from the version
here but will include the logo name and file type
extension (.jpeg, .eps).
In general, use the jpeg format files for web,
Word and PowerPoint templates, being careful
not to scale them up in size. Jpegs should be
used at their optimum size for the medium
used: print requires 300ppi at 100% size, and
web requires 96 ppi at 100% size. You may
scale jpegs down but not smaller than the
minimum size recommended, unless you are
prepared to sacrifice the quality of the logo
reproduction and legibility.
EPS files can be used to scale up or down and
will always retain resolution. When printing in
CMYK colour, please use the eps file versions.
01 – Master Logo with Tagline
02 – Master Logo without Tagline
03 – Master Logo Bilingual version, with Taglines
04 – Master Logo Reverse, without Tagline
05 – Master Logo Bilingual Reverse without Taglines
06 – Master Logo French Reverse without Tagline
07 – Master Logo with Tagline Minimum Size
08 – Master Logo with Tagline Preferred Size
09 – Master Logo without Tagline Minimum Size
10 – Master Logo without Tagline Preferred Size
23 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline
24 – CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
25 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline or ITAC Talent identifier
26 – CareerMash French Logo with Tagline
27 – CareerMash French Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
28 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline Minimum Size
29 – CareerMash Logo with Tagline Preferred Size
30 – CareerMash Logo with ITAC Talent identifier Minimum and Preferred Size
31 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline Minimum Size
32 – CareerMash Logo without Tagline Preferred Size
33 - ITAC Talent and CareerMash Combination
39 – BTM Logo
40 – BTM Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
41 – BTM Logo Avatar or Profile Image
42 – BTM French Logo
43 – BTM French Logo with ITAC Talent identifier
44 – BTM French Logo Avatar or Profile Image
45 – BTM Logo without ITAC Talent Identifier Minimum Size
46 – BTM Logo with ITAC Talent Identifier Preferred Size
47 – BTM Logo Reverse Version
54 – BTM TalentMash Logo with Year
56 – GTA TalentMash Logo with Year
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Logo Usage
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Template Files
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
These templates are available in Word and/
or PowerPoint file formats, except for the
Newsletter which is in .html file format. The files
be identified by their numerical prefix.
Where display type is used, it is imported as
a graphic and cannot be edited. The photos
included in each layout can be used as is or
replaced with other photos, but the size and
layout should be retained. It is recommended to
use the layout rather than altering the elements
or configuration. Logos and text can be replaced
but retain the size and formatting as closely as
possible for best results.
go better
with tech
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9 • phone: 647-203-1285 •
11- ITAC Talent Letterhead
Inspiring Tech Careers
go better
with tech
ITAC Talent invites you, as a leading employer, to help shape – and benefit from – the
future of Canada’s business-savvy tech workforce.
BTM: a genuine success story,
getting even better
BTM Phase 1. In January 2009 the newlyformed Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s
ICT Skills (CCICT - now ITAC Talent) formed
a national committee of leading employers
and universities to design a set of learning
outcomes for a Business Technology
Management (BTM) undergraduate program.
The final draft was done before the end of the
year. In June 2010 over 200 graduates received
Business Technology Management degrees
from the Ted Rogers School of Management at
Ryerson University.
The BTM addresses the fastest growing,
hardest to fill and perhaps the most strategic
jobs in IT – jobs like business analyst, systems
analyst, project manager, consultant, IT
manager, marketer and entrepreneur. These
jobs exploded in the last decade from 100,000
to 200,000. Yet the few related university
programs had tiny and declining enrolments,
and some faced outright elimination.
The ITAC Talent BTM initiative has turned this
around. Twelve universities from coast to coast
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
now offer undergraduate
BTM programs.
Eleven more are set to launch by 2016. Total
enrolments have shot up from under 2,000 in
2010 to nearly 3,500 in 2015.
We have now embarked on BTM Phase 2.
With funds from Employment and Skills
Development Canada (ESDC) and working with
leading employers and educators, ITAC Talent
is embarked on a $1.6 million program to take
the BTM talent pool to the next level.
• Extend BTM beyond undergrad to community
colleges, graduate degree, and – for midcareer professionals – continuing education.
ITAC Talent projects 50 programs up and
running or in active development by 2017.
• Update the BTM core learning outcomes to
meet the needs of today.
• Design and launch specialist BTM
occupational profiles and learning outcomes
for banking/financial services, retail, energy,
gaming/digital media, entrepreneurship, and
big data analytics.
• Promote the BTM brand to attract more and
better students.
• Professionalize the BTM field via student events,
competitions, certification initiatives, and the
formation of a permanent BTM Association.
March 2015
Business Technology Management
(BTM) – the fastest growing ICT
Join us for a sponsored dinner where you will learn about
the ITAC Talent BTM initiative and actively participate in consultations that will help
to shape the National Occupational Standards for the BTM sector. The session will be
moderated by Dr. Peter King, the ITAC Talent, BTM Standards
Development Director.
Background. As part of a national initiative aimed at increasing Canada’s
competitiveness in the global economy, the Government of
Canada has provided funding to ITAC Talent to assist with the
expansion of the BTM initiative.
ITAC Talent is looking for your help to make this expansion a success.
ITAC Talent and CIPS British Columbia are organizing a meeting in early March that will create
an opportunity for the active engagement of the ICT community in the BTM project. ITAC
Talent is in particular interested in engaging with individuals who are “in the trenches”.
The meeting will focus specifically on the BTM National Occupational Standard (NOS) project.
The outcome of the BTM-NOS project will not only form the foundation of ongoing work
within the BTM project, but will also:
Why should you consider participating?
(NOS) work and help to shape them by validating the NOS work.
Find Out More. If you have any questions or would like to pre-register for the event,
please contact: Gina van Dalen at ITAC at 905 602 8345 ext. 2010 or gvandalen@itac.
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
14- ITAC Talent Typical Report Covers
13- ITAC Talent Typical PPT Title Pages
12- ITAC Talent Typical Covers
Join with ITAC Talent to enhance Canada’s skills in
Business Technology Management
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
The Role of Intellectual Property
in the Formation of ICT Ventures
Note that Frutiger OpenType font is not
supported in Microsoft software. Substitute Arial
font when Frutiger font is not available.
go better
with tech
15- ITAC Talent 2-Pager or
Flyer Masthead
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Templates
17- ITAC Talent Sample Newsletter Banners
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines
Nonserat Ipsum Dolor
Ribus quas aliquatiis assunt labor seque
moluptium velibusdam fuga. Ro minum
nonsequiam fuga. Tur millessequia dit haris quas
ea aut optatem ducitas dem est que consece
sciaspit eum la conserum res prero dolorum il
molorib usdae. Sed molorem. Nam fuga.
ibuOlo volent id expelectum sitat es quiasim
que eum est quiam voluptae nis quatia
Hic tor si voluptatis alit, qui con eosto ommodis etur
dignis ditibus exeribu saperit issediores.
“Ovid quis invent qui as diatem faceaquam as sequisit inum quianis exerferumque
de atiae aut vernatiant ut periae. On con con nonsequi nulparu ndessit, cus eume
volecaeperae con parchil lacestiore dollendae.”
Executive Summary
Ribus quas aliquatiis assunt labor seque
moluptium velibusdam fuga. Ro minum
nonsequiam fuga. Tur millessequia dit haris quas
ea aut optatem ducitas dem est que consece
sciaspit eum la conserum res prero dolorum il
molorib usdae. Sed molorem. Nam fuga.
Nem fugiatate volupis cullorrum fugit volut
dolum id ut rest, oditi as moditas ad mo to ipsam,
ipsa accum sum facipsam ipsam, voloreperis
dolecture porerecae il mo cusae officabo. Itamus
am andia volorer chicia vero is nectotae nienien
duntis parcil ese et volore vel ipsantur mincitaspid
ut autem harum et, ut ea sitat harum doloreritas
assi dolut iur alitasitis corenditium quia coriore
nossimenis sit quam eliquias nis commolorem
et, seditatia cum et et eosam doluptatis et et, as
mosantur sim faccae pro inus.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet
laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo dolesci
delestectium fuga. Nam rehende lentur si incil
eos accus, ius dolenimpore volestrum alitatem
et officto recture rumqui re, te essum alit dolo
omnianda sunt labore earum dolor quatestiam
facia peritaqui resequation et ut molupta
turionse nonsed quiberioria non eaquodi assero
volorem que ipsae. Andae assequaspe labo.
Tibeati quae cum doluptatur audipsum apedit
ea con comni omniende parum harchiciis necae
dolupta eceperum alignam laceptatur, sae. Nem
et officip saperib erepuda ectatin comnime sum
qui te voluptam et alitibus.
Ari ium rempor autenim inctiam aspernatis
as ea nosaept atiur? Magnis et faccus simet
as de eribus as aut optius, etur sit eat parchit
volorit, ipsum harum fuga. Genimet rem et harit
quatistinus et evelit autemque nestrum etur?
Sus sitionsed mo estectur?
Obit, tectur? Cil mo exercidellis as erferib usapid
ut mos atatasp eritisitem id quos explat del et
fugiae cor aut aut laut aspedi nossimus endigen
imusciis dollam, volupti untionsequi di offic
tempore ipiendaero velitio nestrum endundelent
voluptate officia tquatur sum voluptae cullab
ilitiis et libus demquam sequos sa quiaturibus
serro et ab iustiatio. Obis prest as sandias
suntest quias rerum noste quam facia peritaqui
resequation et ut nonsed quiberioria.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo
ibuOlo volent id expelectum sitat es quiasim
que eum est quiam voluptae nis quatia
dignis ditibus exeribu saperit issediores.
Nem fugiatate volupis cullorrum fugit volut
dolum id ut rest, oditi as moditas ad mo to ipsam,
ipsa accum sum facipsam ipsam, voloreperis
dolecture porerecae il mo cusae officabo. Itamus
am andia volorer chicia vero is nectotae nienien
duntis parcil ese et volore vel ipsantur mincitaspid
ut autem harum et, ut ea sitat harum doloreritas
assi dolut iur alitasitis corenditium quia coriore
nossimenis sit quam eliquias nis commolorem
et, seditatia cum et et eosam doluptatis et et, as
mosantur sim faccae pro inus.
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet
laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo dolesci
delestectium fuga. Nam rehende lentur si incil
eos accus, ius dolenimpore volestrum alitatem
et officto recture rumqui re, te essum alit dolo
omnianda sunt labore earum dolor quatestiam
facia peritaqui resequation et ut molupta
turionse nonsed quiberioria non eaquodi assero
volorem que ipsae. Andae assequaspe labo.
Tibeati quae cum doluptatur audipsum apedit
ea con comni omniende parum harchiciis necae
dolupta eceperum alignam laceptatur, sae. Nem
et officip saperib erepuda ectatin comnime sum
qui te voluptam et alitibus.
Ari ium rempor autenim inctiam aspernatis
as ea nosaept atiur? Magnis et faccus simet
as de eribus as aut optius, etur sit eat parchit
volorit, ipsum harum fuga. Genimet rem et harit
quatistinus et evelit autemque nestrum etur?
Sus sitionsed mo estectur?
Obit, tectur? Cil mo exercidellis as erferib usapid
ut mos atatasp eritisitem id quos explat del et
fugiae cor aut aut laut aspedi nossimus endigen
imusciis dollam, volupti untionsequi di offic
tempore ipiendaero velitio nestrum endundelent
voluptate officia tquatur sum voluptae cullab
ilitiis et libus demquam sequos sa quiaturibus
serro et ab iustiatio. Obis prest as sandias
Inspiring Tech Careers
suntest quias rerum noste quam facia peritaqui
resequation et ut nonsed quiberioria.
Omnimusd aerisin ctemquostem que int eles
qui in pos simodiam cus ditias aut estibus,
ommos delenim laborite pe parunt essintius et
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di venieni scipsanis as delit estiorepere qui omnis
ducia verorpo ritatur sum suntemo luptus quam
hit volupti ut voluptaspel idiorrovidis inctorro
corrum sit et harcima quasita temposapel ipsae
enestis il molorpore nestias asin nissit harum,
aut hita experspiet latis et velenia ape dolendunt
autaecum, to et hiliqui destrup tatate non pa
nusam, nos esti con re quo idit voluptatur reiunt
ut harchillore ni conse rero ende non net que
perum qui dolorerit id quae venis vellaborpost
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Nonserunt ipsum volorehenit ut omnisit
voluptate nonsequo ipsam, quodis ducipsunt
que vendis diat fugitatiae sum et ped maiorio.
Ut hiliqui dignisimusda ipsum fuga. Henis mo
velectorro molupta turit, sediame ndelia imus
enitibus ma endae net rem nimusam fuga.
Ut laciis rem vellessi dion nis dendicae num
volorporro etur alicit inumque exercim olorest
ecuptatur? Quia sam quid eius, nim in et quiae
consequiatem sit milia niet ipidebitest pedipsam
sed et aut volores corempo repudae ipis aut
eos es corum, quia doluptat que nistisinum
harupitiaese volorpo rempore pudant quist,
omnim qui utat rerorepuda cus, etur sae. Videssi
temquo et lam inctem quis et milloratatur as
escianimus a qui doluptiae planditis doluptur
sam as acero optat explacia quam quis explaut
officti blandi beat.
Sum illorrorit, aut ressin prero quo omnis ex
estiis doluptatia exped que rescillita venihillabo.
Musaerum, soluptas sunt ut facepel iundit ut
voluptatat explibero et harum quae explam,
voloribero cus est, con nat quistectat.
Il invenis ducid ma cor magnihi lluptat.
Et aut audam et ipsande ntorpos rem ex expla
sam etur res cum di nos voluptatio. Ut eat.
Eperumq uiatiant as dendi di tem solupta
velitatur adi inciatur audia sunto dolorei ctiandi
occum et, nienduscit dit et eatem. Adios
sitatibusam, nem
CareerMash is an
ITAC Talent initiative
Olupta cus, es si dolupta tiatur autatiae vidionet laborem quunt, simendunt estistrumquo
22- ITAC Talent Typical Report, inside page with images
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
34 - CareerMash Letterhead version 1
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
35 - CareerMash Letterhead version 2
Inspiring Tech Careers
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
t: 647-203-1285
36 - CareerMash Letterhead version 3
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
Business Technology Management is an
ITAC Talent initiative
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
49 - BTM Letterhead version 1
CareerMash is an
ITAC Talent initiative
t: 647-203-1285
Inspiring Tech Careers
Des carrières
technologiques inspirantes
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
50 - BTM Letterhead version 2
ITAC Talent Brand Guidelines – Templates
t: 647-203-1285
Business Technology Management is an
ITAC Talent initiative
5090 Explorer Drive, Suite 801
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4T9
51 - BTM Letterhead version 3
t: 647-203-1285