December 2011 - Maverick Region
December 2011 - Maverick Region Upcoming Events • Father’s Day Picnic • Sunday Drive • Rally School Past Events • Wild Wildflowers • May at Mayo’s • Results December 2011 - Published by the Maverick Region June 2007 -Porsche Published byof the Maverick Region Club America Porsche Club of America ©2011 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. ©2011 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times. People from all over the world trust Boardwalk Porsche and our factory certified technicians totrust workBoardwalk on their vehicles. People from all over the world Porsche and our factory certified technicians to work on their vehicles. Dedicated to Porsche vehicles above all else, our staff must complete over 80 hours a year training in the latest diagnostic technology and techniques. 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Volume 49 December 2011, Issue 12 Departments Go Online for Latest Updates on Events Zone 5 Presidents ......................................1 Drifting (President’s Column)....................2 Maverick of the Month ..............................2 List of Officers/Board Chairs ....................4 Windscreen (Editor’s Column)...................5 Maverick Minutes ......................................8 Cliff ’s Ramblings.....................................20 Advertiser of the Month ..........................22 New Member Spotlight............................23 New Wheels & Numbers .........................31 Anniversaries ...........................................31 Unclassifieds............................................32 Advertiser Index ......................................32 December Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 Upcoming Events Calendar of Events ....................................1 Autocross #7 - MW ...................................3 Sunday Drive - Holiday Lights ..................3 Lunches .....................................................5 H.H.H.H. Annual Christmas Party .............9 Board Meeting ...........................................9 AX/TT End of Season Awards .................12 Happy Hour at Bavarian Grill ..................24 All Member Party ....................................30 Day 4 10 14 19 26 28 January Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch AX/TT End of Season Awards Happy Hour - TBD Southlake Lunch All Member Party Past Event Recaps 13 15 17 22 December Holiday Party Board Meeting Autocross #7 - MR Sunday Drive/Christmas Lights Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour - Bavarian Grill Hope House Holiday Party Southlake Lunch Rennsport Reunion IV .............................10 Veterans’ Day Parade ...............................14 San Martino Photo Rally/Sunday Drive ...16 A Martini on Halloween ..........................18 Happy Hour at Blue Mesa .......................24 Time Trial #7 Results...............................25 Day 1 14 16 23 February Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour - TBD Southlake Lunch Day 7 13 15 22 March Board Meeting Lewisville Lunch Happy Hour - Blue Mesa Southlake Lunch Day 2 7 10 11 Miscellaneous Trivia Contest ............................................7 Election Results .........................................8 Porsche Word Finder ................................21 EC - Eagle’s Canyon, Slidell MW - Mineral Wells Airport, Mineral Wells MSR - Motor Sport Ranch, Cresson TMS - Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth TRS - Texas Rangers Stadium, Arlington Penn - Pennington Field Stadium, Bedford Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX. Postmaster: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092. Cover Photo: Rennsport Family Tree © Copyright 2011 Courtesy of PCNA, Inc Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/ artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas. 2011 Porsche Club Zone 5 Presidents ARK-LA-TEX Kenneth A. Chandler (318) 222-4400 [email protected] [email protected] CIMARRON John Shafer (918) 828-2802 HILL COUNTRY Lenny Zwik [email protected] [email protected] COASTAL BEND Russell Adams (956) 592-3468 LONE STAR Lynn Friedman [email protected] LONGHORN Jack Merrell (830) 303-3640 [email protected] MARDI GRAS Richard Martin (504) 861-4175 [email protected] OZARK Chuck Weeks (501) 580-4347 [email protected] MAVERICK John Hamlton C-817-907-7823 [email protected] WAR BONNET Louis Lackey louis.lackey@ WHISKEY BAY Mike Hamza [email protected] ZONE 5 REP James Shoffit C - 972-786-6246 [email protected] December 1 Drifting John Hamilton, President V olunteerism: “The act of selflessly giving your life to something you believe free of pay.” (Wikipedia) On Tuesday, November 8th, an email went out to Maverick Region members asking for support for the Dallas Veterans’ Day Parade. The Parade organizers had contacted us because they were overwhelmed with veterans who wanted to ride in the parade, leaving them 20 cars short. By Friday, Veterans’ Day, we had exactly 20 volunteers with their Porsches who drove Veterans in the parade. That’s Volunteerism. Ironically, our Founders’ Day Celebration was the next day. Founders’ Day is where we celebrate the Founders of our 49-year-old club and the special contributors who have helped the club thrive and grow. Our club’s top recognition is the Selcer Award, the purpose of which is “to acknowledge outstanding contributions to the Maverick Region and to inspire others to do likewise” (sounds like Volunteerism to me). And this year’s recipient is our Slipstream editor, Richard Bradley, who has managed our award-winning publication for the past three years! Our second award, the Gregg Murrell Driving Enthusiast award, was presented to Bill Miller, who has done an incredible job as co-chair of our Club Race event for the past five years, in his own quiet, confident style. Bill “stays under the radar” and just makes the Club Race happen with everything operating so smoothly. Thanks, Bill! Regrettably, both these awardwinners are retiring from their current positions, thus creating new opportunities for some of YOU, our future volunteers! I encourage you 2 to be looking for where you can give back to the club. Sometimes it’s the unexpected, like Veterans’ Day, and sometimes it’s the scheduled, like our Happy Hours (yes: we’re always looking for Happy Hour hosts, who will meet & greet, and submit an article with photos). So please, be thinking about where you could contribute. It’s the act of giving back to something you believe in and support. Mav of the Month This month’s Mav of the Month award (for volunteerism) goes to our retiring V.P. and Happy Hour chair, Chris Christensen. For the past year, Chris has been instrumental in planning the future of the club, ensuring we have insurance coverage for all driving events, and organizing, scheduling and delivering successful monthly Happy Hour events at local restaurants. Chris and his wife, Ann, also hosted many of these Happy Hours themselves, providing Slipstream with a monthly article with many of our names and pictures. So thank you, Chris, for your volunteerism. Enjoy “your just desserts” (and the rest of the meal) at the Silver Fox! John December 3 President John Hamilton C-817-907-7823 [email protected] Vice President Chris Christensen C-817-917-6725 [email protected] Chris has been a Maverick for over ten years and owned a 2000 Boxster S. He recently sold it with tears in his eyes… Welcome, dream car; a 2010 Carrera Cab. Now that the tears have dried up, he’s having a blast! Here’s to sharing the fun in our events with many Mav’s throughout 2011. John enjoys DE’s, Happy Hours, Porsche Parade and other social events. He and wife Chris have owned Porsches since 1996 and joined the Club in 2002. John’s Grandfather in New Jersey owned a 1960 356B Coupe and later a 1965 356SC Cab so that’s how it got in his blood. POSITION Milton, James CHAIRPERSON AX Chair Tannia Dobbins Lewisville Milton, James TT Chair Travis Howard Lewisville AX/TT Registrar Robyn Howard AX/TT Rules Charlie Davis AX/TT Safety Chuck McCoy AX/TT Schools Robyn Howard AX/TT Tech Insp Jeff Herrmann AX/TT Timing Darron Shaffer AX/TT Workers Mike Lockas Charity Chair Chris Hamilton Club Race Co-Chair Joel Nannis Club Race Co-Chair Bill Miller Club Race Ads/PR Lori Mauthe Club Race Registrar Wendy Shoffit Concours Jack Griffin DE Chair Mike Brodigan DE Chief Dvg Instr. John Sandusky DE Equip. Mang. Luke Edson DE Registrar Joel Nannis DE Safety Bob Benson Email List Modr. Bob Benson Goodie Store Pat Friend Happy Hours Chris & Mentors Christensen Monda Hanna & Mike Lockas Membership Lisa Steele Past President James Shoffit Public Relations Andrea Bell Rallies Carey Spreen Slipstream Advertising Pat Friend Editor Richard Bradley Event Ad Design Christy Payne Mailing & Tech. Andy Mears Printing Fran Ussery Staff Wendy Shoffit, Matt Platts, Andy Mears, Amanda Bradley Tannia Dobbins Socials Christy Payne Sponsorship Keith Olcha Sunday Drives John Harvey Swap Meets Robyn Howard Tech Sessions Ed Mullenix Trivia Chair Jerry DeFeo Web Site Denny Payne Zone 5 Rep. James Shoffit Secretary Madhu Rao C-214-282-5360 [email protected] Madhu has been a member of the Maverick Region since 2009. He and his wife, Roshni, really enjoy meeting members of the club at various social and driving events. “It’s not the cars... it’s the people” that make this club great. He is currently driving a red 2008 Carrera S and loves it! Jim joined Maverick Region in August, 2008. He drives a 1992 968 cab which is the second Porsche he has owned. Jim has enjoyed several social and driving events. Andrea Bell H-817-270-4132 [email protected] Monda Hanna W-972-450-4341 [email protected] Lisa Steele Bob Benson H-817-457-8833 [email protected] John Harvey C-214-808-1414 [email protected] [email protected] Keith Olcha Richard Bradley C-214-763-5338 [email protected] Jeff Herrmann C-254-338-1758 Christy Payne H-817-909-0966 [email protected] Frank Briggs [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Robyn Howard C-214-991-0873 [email protected] H-214-709-6418 [email protected] W-817-706-7678 H-817-251-6865 [email protected] Denny Payne [email protected] [email protected] Mike Brodigan C-817-233-0068 [email protected] Travis Howard C-214-616-6152 [email protected] [email protected] Matt Platts C-817-919-1253 W-817-440-2090 [email protected] Chris Christensen 817-917-6725 [email protected] Mike Lockas W-972-540-0245 [email protected] John Sandusky W-817-777-0421 [email protected] Jerry DeFeo 972-240-5800 [email protected] Chuck McCoy H-972-956-0776 Darron Shaffer H-972-390-9709 C-972-898-3002 [email protected] Tannia Dobbins C-254-338-9392 [email protected] Andy Mears H-214-394-5857 [email protected] Wendy Shoffit H- 972-506-7449 C- 972-977-9821 [email protected] Bill Miller W-972-830-2676 [email protected] James Shoffit C-972-786-6246 [email protected] Ed Mullenix C-972-231-5356 [email protected] Carey Spreen C-817-422-3480 [email protected] Joel Nannis [email protected] [email protected] Fran Ussery [email protected] Pat Friend C-214-616-2477 [email protected] [email protected] Jack Griffin [email protected] Chris Hamilton [email protected] Please help us to keep growing! 4 Treasurer Jim Falgout W-972-669-2370 C-972-345-3009 [email protected] W-972-438-8344 H-817-481-8342 [email protected] Windscreen Richard Bradley, Managing Editor A s I finish with my 36th issue of Slipstream, I want to thank each and every one of you that has made our newsletter become what it is today. I’ve become very attached to the club and especially the amazing volunteers known as our Board/Chair members. There is so much good going on during our monthly board meetings that I hope you make a point of attending at least one. You need to become involved and get to know this core group of people! As Editor, my eyes have been opened to the enthusiastic, fun loving friendships that are part of our club, even if I had to use this position to push myself into becoming involved. I’ve enjoyed working behind the scenes on Slipstream, and I hope it shows. Well, as we all know, all good things come to an end. I’m overwhelmed to have accomplished what you allowed me to do for you. This year alone; 1st place in the National Newsletter contest and then being awarded the Mavericks prestigious Selcer Award at our Founders’ Day event. I am truly honored to have served as your Editor for the past three years. Thank you all. “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people.” December 5 Like a Personal Trainer for your Porsche! pert maintenance and repair services Trac Day reparation erformance and appearance pgrades from , anthey, F D and ore perior c stomer service and free loaner cars how ality detailing services A Disco nts e ild pec o sters We also Buy and Sell Quality Pre-owned Porsches re-owned sports l ry a to sales ality consignments e cepted e can locate the car yo want The same c stomer service yo e pect from RAC Performance 219 ommander Drive, Dallas, Te as 7 006 21 -269-1 70 © 2011 RAC Performance, Glenn Zanotti Art Director/Photographer. 6 OCTOBER TRIVIA It’s Easy to Play: 1. When the 928GTS was introduced in the early 1990’s, what was the base price? Play here for Fun and Education and find the a. $79,790 b. $80,290 c. $82,695 d. $82,995 Answers below Nov 2011 Excellence, p 23 OR 2. According to a popular magazine, in what year was a Porsche 914Play for Prizes on the Web at 4 2.0L worth the most money on resale in excellent condition? with the a. 2008 b. 2009 c. 2010 d. 2011 Answers and Winners to be posted at the end of the Nov 2011 Excellence, p 23 Month. Thanks to Jerry DeFeo for putting this and the Web 3. The new 2012 Porsche Turbo will now run which brand of tires? a. Pirelli P-Zero’s b. Michelin Super Sport’s Trivia together. c. Michelin Sport PS2’s d. Yokohama Parada Spec-X’s Congratulations to our October Web Winner, PCA’s E-Brake News, Sept 20, 2011 Travis Howard, 4. Peter Gregg’s personal tangerine 1972 Porsche 911 S/R coupe had getting 1 of 5 Correct, but at least he got 1! what kind of transmission? Much tougher than I thought it would be!!! a. Sportomatic b. Prototype Turbo 4-Speed Travis will receive a $25 Gift Certificate to c. 5-Speed d. Prototype 6-Speed Nov 2011 Excellence, p 38, Adv for Sale 5. On the new Panamera Hybrid there is a V-6 that develops pretty good HP; and the electric motor produces ________ HP. a. 47 b. 61 c. 78 d. 87 e. 93 f. 98 Nov 2011 Excellence, p 11 Answers: 1) b 2) a 3) a 4) a 5) a December 7 Maverick Minutes Madhu Rao, Secretary 60 days… 60 degrees, hard to believe how hot it was just two months ago. I hope you are able to drive your Porsche in this wonderful weather. John Hamilton opened the meeting with updates from the membership team. Our Region added 18 new members in October. Our year to date total is 125, great news! John also provided an update regarding the upcoming Founders’ Day event, which will feature a silent auction benefitting the Huffaker-Hughes Hope House (a lot of alliteration there). Should be another great event! Lastly, John mentioned that Richard Bradley, our award winning Slipstream Editor, is interested in receiving any information/photos from the recent Rennsport Reunion. Travis Howard described the recent Time Trial (TT) on October 23, which was well attended. He also updated the group regarding the rescheduled Autocross (AX) event on December 10th in Mineral Wells. Jim Falgout reported that $6,375 still needs to be paid by advertisers. He is looking forward to reviewing the financial situation after the proceeds from our Club Race in late October have been processed. November 2, 2011 provide Brendan any feedback about this program feel free to email him at [email protected]. John Harvey noted that the last Sunday Tour will be the extremely popular Holiday Lights tour on December 11. I you are interested in more information about Sunday Drives and/or to download the tour map to your Garmin GPS type in this webpage link > http:// Mike Brodigan noted that the recent Club Race and Drivers’ Education event worked out well. The weather was perfect! Mike mentioned that Mike Farrar and Pat Heptig would be joining the DE team to promote these events. Excellent! Mike described an idea to reorganize the DE groups into novice, intermediate and advanced for future DE events in 2012. Plans are underway for an introduction to DE event next year as well. Excellent again! Lastly, Mike noted that a one-day combination TT and DE event would be held on June 2, 2012. Wendy Shoffit announced that registration for the October Club Race was 49 and DE was 41. Mark your calendars for the 2012 race, which will be held on October 27, 2012. Pat Friend noted that he would contact the advertisers with outstanding balances. Carey Spreen announced the success of the recent Sunday Driving Tour and Rally to San Martino Winery on Oct. 23rd. He described plans for an upcoming “Hare and Hound” Rally in March 2012. Knowing Carey this will be a lot of fun. Brendan Eagan described plans for a “Westside” Sunday Driving Tour in 2012 encompassing the area West and North of Ft.Worth. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. Brendan also updated the group on the October marketing campaign, which includes providing new Porsche owner’s copies of Slipstream, our Maverick Region brochure, and Panorama. If you are a new Porsche owner and would like to Linda Bambina reported on the 50th Anniversary events and activities. She is seeking a location to stage a photo for the anniversary event. Her requirements are to have a platform about 30 to 40 feet high and a large enough area to position several Porsches for the photo shoot. Knowing Linda this will be a fun event and a great memento for our club. If you know of such a location please contact her at bina42@ 8 If you have any historical articles, memories, or Maverick Region photos to share with the region please contact her at that address as well. Lastly, Linda mentioned she was able to contact 100% of all of the previous Selcer Award winners to introduce herself and gain their feedback/participation as well. Great job! Charlie and Teri Davis presented some concept ideas regarding a new Maverick Region logo. They presented an excellent review of the evolution of the current Maverick Region badge and provided some much needed context regarding this. Those in attendance were treated to a lot of history about the Maverick Region in this discussion. Stay tuned for more information on this subject. Lastly, Chris Christensen informed the group that the Happy Hour dates for 2012 are on the Maverick Region calendar. As many of you know, Chris will be retiring from the Executive Council after the November 2011 election. On behalf of the Board, and the Executive Council, thank you for all your help this past year. Meeting adjourned at 8:31pm. RESULTS: Begining January 1, 2012, the new officers, elected by you will include: John Hamilton as President, Tom Minnella as Vice-President, Madhu Rao as Secretary, and Jim Falgout as Treasurer. December 9 Rennsport Reunion IV By Wendy Shoffit P orsche Rennsport (German for “Race Sport”) Reunion began in 2001, an amazing display of Porsches old and new, held at Lime Rock Park in Lakeville, Connecticut. Porsche had been looking for a way to continue their company’s 50th anniversary celebration. They wanted the people to be able to not only look at the historical cars, but also be able to touch them and meet the drivers who helped make them famous. That first year there were over 100 cars, many of which were in “museum” condition. A few thousand attendees showed up to revel in the greatness. Three years later, RR II was held at Daytona International Speedway, the site of Porsche’s first overall victory in an international 24hour sports car endurance race in 1968 (Rolex 24). The festivities included on track competition, plus a concours d’elegance (entrance by invitation only), and other special activities commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 356 and 550 Spyder and the 40th anniversary of the 911. What a year! Daytona was such a grand success, Porsche decided to do it again three Photos Courtesy of PCNA, Inc. IV and enthusiasts had been eagerly anticipating the start of RR IV. This year, the location was moved to Laguna Seca in Monterey, California. Crowds were estimated to be the biggest yet. They were right. More than 35,000 spectators were on hand for this unforgettable event. Included amongst them were the Shoffit clan... all three of us. Once again there were co-grand marshals at this event, actor Jerry Seinfeld and Norbert Singer, retired Porsche Engineer. Seinfeld has a significant collection of Porsches, including the first production 911 (1964), the last production air-cooled 911 (a 1998 993) that he bought The one and only # 20! from the factory, the 917K that Steve McQueen drove in the movie LeMans, and others. Seinfeld brought a number of his most prized cars to Laguna Seca for display. Norbert Singer is considered one of Porsche’s most brilliant innovators and he was on hand Where else can you follow a 550 Spyder into the track, only to be passed by a 959, avoiding a Carrera GT ... years later, in 2007. Continually rising in popularity, larger crowds than ever were expected. That year’s event highlighted the 917 and celebrated the 25th anniversary of the 956/962. PCA’s own Betty Jo Turner, editor of Panorama, was co-grand marshal along with PCNA’s President and CEO, Peter Schwarzenbauer. Three more years passed since RR 10 to sign autographs, and talk about the inspiration behind his designs and how he was the only Porsche racing engineer to have contributed to each of the brand’s 16 LeMans victories. Never have I seen such a spectacular collection of Porsches. I’ve been to 11 Porsche Parades and the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, Germany. Maybe if you add them all up, it could equal the spectacularness of the one event, but I’ve never been able to get as close to these cars without security being called. Throughout the three day event, nearly every time I turned around I gasped at the next scene. Where else can you follow a 550 Spyder into the track, only to be passed by a 959, avoiding a Carrera GT on the way to looking at a bunch of 917s? It was amazing. There were eight total run groups for the racers to fit into, including two that were specifically for PCA Club Racers. Over 260 racers tried to sign up for Club Racing groups 7 & 8 (90+ in the first MINUTE registration was open), but only 94 total were allowed in, leaving 170+ on the waiting list. Several Maverick members actually made it in, including Jim Buckley, Doug Bielefeld, Billy Stevens, and Chuck Cole. What a thrill it must have been for those guys to drive on such a historic track at such a historic event. This was our first time to Laguna Seca and to Rennsport Reunion, but you can guarantee it won’t be our last. Over the course of the weekend, we watched the racing from several vantage points. Some were closer up with fences in the way, others were farther away, making it tough to see car numbers, but by far the most spectacular viewing spot was waaaaaaay at the top of the hill, watching the famous “corkscrew.” I can tell you now that there is no possible way for you to comprehend the intensity of that turn by watching it on TV or seeing still photos. I’m certain that on track it’s even more amazing with an unmatched “pucker factor.” James and I were almost able to get hot laps on track in a GT3 driven by professional instructors, but sadly it fell through. Just too many people and too little time. Anyway, this event was the definition of sensory overload. Walking through the paddock took hours to even try to take it all in. In the background you could hear and see the racing groups on track. Overlay that sound with the announcers on speaker talking a bit about the history, interviewing the great drivers and personalities there, and giving info about the cars on track. Add to all of that something they call “vendor row,” which was a curving row of one tent after another filled with stuff to buy. Parts, racing gear, shirts, souvenir merchandise (they sold out way too early), food, drinks, artwork, books, vintage posters, and even these fun purses made from seat belt straps. Yeah, I know... crazy! Oh, and did I mention the hot air balloon and helicopter rides? Yeah, they had those, too! The place was enormous and we were lucky they had complimentary shuttle golf cars to help get us to the farther reaches. Of course, donations to the Wounded Veterans Association were graciously accepted. Believe me, we were thrilled to get a ride and happy to contribute. They even had courtesy Cayennes that would take you to the top of the corkscrew where more vendors were to help keep you fed, hydrated, and fully stocked. While the event was primarily hosted by Porsche, PCA had a strong presence. Laguna Seca has an island in the middle of the paddock, normally providing food service to visitors. PCA took over this spot, surrounding it with beautiful Caymans on display, thereby dubbing it “Cayman Island.” It was very impressive, complete with flags, banners, and a great hospitality tent. PCA volunteers were the ones to set up the paddock parking areas. One parking lot for 911s, one for Boxsters, 914s over here... 356es over there... you get the picture. It was impressive. Not only did PCA provide a tent, but they had free water and sodas for PCA members. At $4 a bottle elsewhere, it was a welcome sight. Each day they had set up a schedule of activities, as well. Friday they had a Q&A session with some of the historic drivers who were lucky enough to pilot the 917, including Vic Elford. Saturday they had several sessions: one with key members on the 991 project, another with Dr. Wolfgang Porsche and Hans Hermann, and the last one of the day was more current drivers, including Kees Nierop and Dick Barbour. The final Q&A session was one with legendary Porsche engineers, including Norbert Singer. We were fortunate that PCNA arranged these sessions for PCA members. December 11 Porsche also took this opportunity to unveil their new 991, the sixth generation of the most successful model in its history. The new 911 has the first ever seven-speed manual gearbox. That way you can tell your friends, “Mine goes to seven!” It has a large LCD touchscreen, an obvious influence of the Panamera. Although it’s a larger car, it weighs about 100 pounds less than the 997. It’s 3.9 inches longer, sits lower, and has a wider front track. The base model will include a 350 hp flat six (top speed of 180 mph) and an S version with 400 hp. The PDK transmission will also be offered in this model. It is expected that in the years to come there will be a Cabriolet, C4, Turbo, 4S, GT2, and GT3 version, as well. Rumor has it that there are even plans for a hybrid version. The overall styling is still very much the same and initially the differences are subtle. But isn’t that what we all want? Nothing too dramatic, but still all 911. I’ll have mine in red, please! 12 If you couldn’t tell before, Rennsport Reunion IV was simply an awesome event. It’s going to be hard to wait another three years for the next one, but you can bet that the Shoffit clan will be there once again! Well done, Porsche and PCA! Well done. A red 991 along with a host of Porschephiles YOU DON’T HAVE TO PAY A PREMIUM FOR PREMIUM PORSCHE SERVICE. GIVE US A CHANCE TO MEET OR BEAT YOUR SERVICE ESTIMATE, AND GET A MASTER-CERTIFIED PORSCHE EXPERIENCE. 6113 Lemmon Avenue Dallas, TX 75209 214.525.5400 2 0 1 1 At Park Place Porsche, you’ll find high-performance service at competitive prices. Our Master-Certified technicians and advisors work exclusively on Porsche vehicles, giving them a focus and passion that can’t be matched. We also have the only on-site Porsche body shop in the area, giving you comprehensive service, all in one place. Best of all, we’ll try to meet or beat any service estimate from another shop. So you can enjoy all of the exceptional Park Place service and amenities—like complimentary Porsche loaner cars and hand car washes—and spend less than you’d think. December 13 Veterans’ Day Parade By John Hamilton O n Tuesday, November 8th an email went out to Maverick Region members asking for support for the Dallas Veterans’ Day Parade. The Parade organizers had contacted us because they were overwhelmed with veterans who wanted to ride in the parade, leaving them 20 cars short. By Friday, Veterans’ Day, we had exactly 20 volunteers with their Porsches who drove Veterans in the parade. One of the parade organizers, Don Munson, wrote to us: The only thing more heartwarming than the sight of 180 WW II veterans “Passing in Review,” was the smile on their faces as they received the admiration and applause of 30,000 spectators, who cheered them as they passed. It was a beautiful sight. “On behalf of the Board of Directors and the members of the Dallas Veterans Day Parade committee, allow me to extend my deepest and most sincere Richard Schrader and Norris Rogers a navigator on B29 missions in the South Pacific. Words are inadequate to express our heartfelt appreciation, so I will simply say: Thank You, - one and all.” Robby Campbell WWII veteran Okinawa with Glen Gatlin. appreciation for volunteering to provide your vehicles to support our 2011 Parade. More than one hundred and eighty (180) World War II veterans were able to be honored due to your generosity and kind support. 14 I drove a WWII Vet who had served in the 8th AF. For those who don’t have strong knowledge of the 8th, they were the guys who flew mainly from England in bombing raids over Germany. Casualty rates were pretty high in the 8th. One of the Master of Ceremonies commented on the irony of WWII Veterans riding in Porsches and BMWs. One interesting side note, next to us in the parade through town was a late 1950s Cadillac that made it almost to City Hall then stalled. Initially two bystanders came out and started pushing the beast. By the time we made it to the reviewing stand there were seven folks pushing it. Don B. Munson Lt Colonel, US Army (Ret) Past Chairman Dallas Veterans Day Parade One of the responses from one of our drivers, David Nelson was: “The honor was mine. It was a proud moment to spend a few hours with an American hero! Thanks for the opportunity.” Bill Gross’s comments on the Veterans’ Day Parade: Our Veterans Day Parade Volunteers: Glen Gatlin Wes Kenney Jim Piot R. Brian Teal George Walker Bart Gaines Mike Howell I changed some scheduling for Friday, after the request for support to the Veteran’s Day Parade. Got there around 9AM lots of Corvettes, one parade official said 180 of them. No number on the Porsches or BMWs. Scott Clifford Vance Debo Jonathan Haywood Andrew Gillin Steve Kent Steven Salazar David Nelson Richard Schrader David Burkett Dax Richard Galen Caraveau Bill Gross Roy Weese Cmdr. James L. Brown, USNR (r) “What a great privilege it was to drive this humble hero in the parade.” Wes Kenney Performance Maintenance & Repair Sales • Track Set-up • Exhaust Upgrades • Performance Alignments • Suspension Modifications • Performance Maintenance • 6 In House Technicians • 100+ Years of Technician Experience • 11,000 sq Feet of the Top Technology • Comfortable Waiting Area with WIFI • Fully Air Conditioned Shop • Green Building, Eco Friendly • Trade your old Porsche in for a newer model! • Consignment Sales • Accessories • And More Specializing in Porsche We service all models 972-317-4005 1975 Archer Way • Lewisville TX, 75077 • 972-317-4005 1 mile West of I-35 behind Sonic! December 15 The San Martino Photo Rally & Sunday Drive By George Luxbacher M emorize a large group of thirty pictures, go for beautiful drive in the countryside and then add an element of stress – put the pictures in order as you see them during the drive, earning points, at the same time following cryptic directions designed to complicate life. Sound like fun? It is!!! Dee and I did a few TSD rallies back in Kentucky – time, speed, and distance with those cryptic directions thrown in. We established a routine (after the first disaster) to keep us out of divorce court – Dee drives and I’m the navigator. Since coming to Texas and joining the Mavericks, I have become a big fan of Rally Meister Carey Spreen’s gimmick rallies – Dee has always been “unavailable” so the grandchildren and friends have stepped to the plate and served as navigators. With the gimmick being the photos, instead of the time/speed/distance complication, you have to find the scenes John Harvey’s popular Sunday Drives staging out at 2 minute intervals. for the second time this year. Both So what happened? The two groups the Photo Rally and the Sunday drive never crossed paths until the very end, started at the Interurban Railway more Porsches drove through Nevada Museum in Plano, routed through (TX that is) than ever before, and the Nevada (Nevada, TX that is) and rally group tried to keep from getting wound up at the scenic San Martino too lost. As the 5 cars in the Rally Winery in Rockwall. You could group straggled into the winery one choose which way to get there: John’s by one well before the tour group well planned route, following the (60 miles vs. 90 miles or so), it was leader with map in hand (even GPS programmed), or Carey’s “challenge.” While there were some storms in the area the night before (and hail under the trees at the assembly point), the day quickly turned Let’s round them up and head them out for another fabulous into a “cabriolet Rally/Sunday Drive combo... day” (OK, maybe a little cloudy and overcast, but it is obvious that our Rally Meister had easier to look for the picture subjects succeeded in putting together a great with the top down – 360 degree view). Rally that challenged us all! After At least that one had ice cream at the end, although I do admit I favor wine. that correspond to the pictures and number them correctly in order and did I mention the cryptic direction? The October Gimmick Rally was combined with one of Tour Meister On the back deck at San Martino with good friends and a little wine. 16 the Tour group arrived we quickly took over the entire winery property by, assembling for a picnic lunch and a sampling of the “big, bold, fullbodied” wines that San Martino is As the group divided for pre-drive instructions, John was surrounded by his typical crowd while Carey didn’t have to raise his voice: only five brave driver/ navigator pairs were willing to take the “Spreen Challenge!” While John passed out maps, Carey handed our sealed Carey Spreen, Christy Payne, Tom Froehlich & Lisa Steele brown envelopes with enjoying their picnic! “cryptic directions” justifiably proud of. Then came the and “obscure photos.” The Tour Photo Rally awards ceremony: 1st, departed first in a massive traffic jam, 2nd and 3rd place medals for driver while the Rally participants huddled and navigator (individual medals on in their cars and tried to memorize all ribbons just in case they are no longer 30 photos in the 15 minutes before speaking to each other, that is Rally planning!) and a last place award “to do better next time.” First place went to Greg and Robin Himebauch, who found 28 pictures. They were the only rally participants who actually read the Rally Meister instructions as well as trying to memorize photos. When the general instructions tell you to prioritize Business Route 78 N, that is the way you were supposed to go when the opportunity arises. Greg & Robin figured that out, but the rest of us? We didn’t have a clue! They still managed to get lost though along the way and were off the official route mileage by 6.44 miles. Second place went to Arthur and Jennifer Salmon, 3rd to Dee and me and yes, Dee did go along and was still somewhat speaking to me at the end. Last place to a father/ son team, Clark & Bob Terrill, while the 4th place finishers, Jeff and Kim van Sicklen, did not get medals, but still had a significant accomplishment; they were only 0.82 miles off the official mileage. The rest of us ranged from 1.66 to 12.17 miles off! How many photos was the group able to identify? The count ranged from 23 (4th and 5th place) to the previously mentioned 28 1st place, not bad when you realize that 4 out of 5 cars Wine tasting after a wonderful drive through Nevada, TX. missed a critical part of the trip down Business Rt. 78 N! Whether you went on the Rally or Sunday Drive, this was a great event. I was surprised at the quality of the San Martino wine, had a great tour of the facility by the proprietor, Emilio Ramos, and wound up joining their Wine Club. Judging by the number of bottles of wine that were purchased and the line at the tasting counter, my fellow Mavericks enjoyed it as much as I did. If you haven’t been on a Sunday Drive, you really should highlight it on your calendar and as to Carey’s gimmick Rallies, you have to do a walk on the wild side occasionally! I know he has another “Hare and Hound” Rally upcoming – the last one got real interesting when a bunch of local high school students followed the “hare,” picking up light sticks that were used to mark the correct night time route. Guess how easy it is to get lost when the critical road markings are gone! At least that one had ice cream at the end, although I do admit I favor wine. December 17 A Martini on Halloween By Pat Heptig Photos by John Sandusky T he annual Maverick Region Club Race was held on Halloween weekend this year at Eagles Canyon Raceway. In years past, the race has been held on Memorial Day weekend, but was moved to the cooler days of October in order to escape the brutal summer heat that is even more oppressive in full race gear. In view of the killer heat wave this past summer – smart move. As the incoming co-chair for the Maverick Club Race for next year, I was given access to the inner workings of the local Club Race “star chamber.” It was impressive to see the teamwork and commitment by the entire club race committee, including Co-Chairs Bill Miller and Joel Nannis, and all of the other committee members, Wendy Shoffit, Bob Benson, Lisa Steele, Phil Hallenbeck, Keith Olcha, Michael Wingfield, Travis Howard, and the many other dedicated volunteers and sponsors who made the race a smooth and successful event. Don’t kid yourself, this race would not happen without them. My hat’s off to everyone for a great event. I look forward to working with the team next year on the Club Race, which will be at MotorSport Ranch next fall. We have two great race tracks in our region. To take advantage of this, we are alternating race venues each year going forward. 18 The ECR Club Race was the last race of 2011 in our neck of the woods. A time to burn up the last of your tires and claim bragging rights for the winter. The weather was great. My E-Class 911 Euro SC, sporting “Martini” colors, was running well. Fellow E-Class racers Jeff Wiggins, Bill Miller, Toby Pennycuff, and Mark Steele were also in the field and running strong. During the warmup sessions on Saturday, I ran a 2:01.6 lap time, which was just 0.1 seconds off of Jim Buckley’s E-Class track record. So, I was feeling pretty good (especially since Buckley was running his Spec Boxster this weekend.) Well, that feeling didn’t last long because Wiggins laid down a smoking 2:00.2 lap time during qualifying, setting a new track record! Wiggins gridded first in E-Class and I gridded second with a 2:01.6. Again, the stage was set for a great race and I had my work cut out for me. In Sprint 1 on Saturday, the E-Class 911s were gridded in the middle of Cup Cars, Spec 996s, and other high-powered race machines. The start was hectic and the Spec 996s and G and H class cars got a jump on me, but we all converged at the quick right-hand turn at the end of the starting straight. Cars were side-by-side through the next 3 to 4 turns, but I was able to work my way up to Wiggins in the crowd. I stayed on his bumper from there on. I was a bit quicker than Wiggins, but Wiggins drove a defensive line making his car “very wide,” negating my speed advantage. I kept on him, pressuring him to make a mistake, but he never did. I had a couple of opportunities to get by Wiggins, but I made some strategic mistakes and was not able to take advantage of them. Little did I realize that I was being schooled by Wiggins. He did a great job fending me off. I learned from this race and had a blast at the same time. Wiggins finished first in E-class and I took second, just 0.2 seconds behind. “Oh well,” I thought, I can get him on Sunday. {Wiggins published a video showing his success in fending me off in Sprint 1, (http:// I will have to figure out how to return the favor.} After the race, Wiggins and I shared a beer and swapped stories about Spec 996s and particular turns and moves. Others who had watched the race came by to congratulate us both and to say how much fun it was to watch. While everyone was telling stories, Bryan Henderson, (PCA Club Race Chairman) made the comment that PCA Club Racing is the only club where racers are fierce competitors on the track, but are friends who share stories and a beer after the race. I think that’s what makes PCA Club Racing unique and fun. While I thought I would have a chance to get even with Wiggins on Sunday, my car said otherwise. I developed a wheel bearing problem in the Sunday morning warm-up session that took me out of the races. I had a backup plan though, my old race car, a 1987 911 Carrera. (And yes, I am still married.) I brought my old race car to the track to run an experiment to test a proposed rule change for the E-Class Carreras, namely taking 200 lbs out to make it competitive with the faster Euro SC’s. I was going to run it in the very last race of the day, but plans changed. With a lot of help from fellow racers, Bill Miller, Jim Buckley, and Wiggins, we took parts off the Carrera to drop 200 lbs. and swapped in parts from the Martini car to make the Carrera race worthy, all in less than an hour. It looked like 4 big kids working on a giant Lego set. Parts and tools everywhere. After clearing things with the race stewards, I was ready to run the featured sprint race on Sunday. Since I had not qualified in the car, I was gridded at the rear of the pack as a “GT4S” car since I was too light for E-class. It felt great to be back in the Carrera. To make the experiment genuine, Wiggins, who races a Euro SC, gridded in the back with me. Miller was going to grid his Carrera as well, but his car developed lastminute problems and could not run. At the start of the sprint, I made my way to the front of the pack, with Wiggins close on my tail; he could not hang with me for long. Mark one up for the Carreras! The experiment was a success – a lightened Carrera is in fact competitive with the Euro SC. I took first in GT4S class and Wiggins took first in E-class. There is no doubt that a weight reduction for the Carreras will breathe new life into the E-class race series next year. The next race was the one-hour Enduro, with all 50 race cars in one race. This time Wiggins gridded up front with the Cup Cars and I was gridded in the very back of the pack. (I had no official lap times in the sprint because we forgot to swap the timing transponder from the Martini. D’oh!) The race was a blast from the green flag. I was on a mission to catch Wiggins. After 30 minutes, I had him in sight, but then he pitted for his mandatory 5-minute pit stop. I powered on and pitted about 10 minutes later. When I came out of the pits, I entered the track less than 30 yards ahead of Wiggins. The race was on again! But he could not catch me. At the checkered flag, I took first in GT4S and Wiggins took first in E-class. Another proverbial win for the Carreras! Apparently, it was obvious I was having fun out there. I received the coveted “Corner Workers Award” for the Enduro. Many thanks to all the corner workers for the award. It’s definitely going up on my wall. ECR was a great race to end the season. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. See you at the track next year. I still need a martini. Who’s with me? December 19 Cliff ’s Ramblings By Cliff Blackshear One Moment In Time That Somehow You Never Forget Y ou know how sometimes things that happen in your life etch into the memory bank and ya never really know why something that now seems insignificant stays with you for life? Here is one of those memories I have… Boulder Colorado. Test driving a 1981 928 for some reason. Do not remember what I was checking on. It was a near brand new car. Had a 3 speed automatic transmission. It was the first automatic 928 I had driven. Back in that era almost no one bought a car with an automatic and lived in or near the mountains. Any car would constantly shift up and down in the mountain terrain. Be on the throttle up hills and revs were up, lower gear automatically selected. Let off the throttle prior to a turn and it up shifted to the next gear. Exit the corner and get back in the throttle demanding torque for the upward climb and it downshifted. Up shift, down shift, up shift, down shift, it was annoying and very much no fun to drive any automatic in the mountains. The computer monitored systems of today are probably much better in that arena. I honestly do not know as I have not driven a PDK car there. The PDK car of today would be looking at steering angles, braking g forces, angle of car etc. Plus you could easily put it in manual mode and enjoy the 250 millisecond shifts. Manual mode in the older slush shift cars was very limited in performance levels it could achieve. So I’m driving this 928 automatic near my dealer on the road that leads to Denver. Highway 36. 20 Leaving Boulder on this road starts out with multiple red lights and ultimately becomes a 4 lane divided highway. So I’m cruising towards a red light and a pick-up with 454 CID decals on the side pulls up next to me, slows down and then accelerates away hard. Slows down and does it again. To that point in time I had not planted my foot into the injection system to see how a 928 automatic would accelerate. Normally I would just ignore such a challenge. After all I was doing my job in someone else’s car and should only drive as long as needed to either verify a repair or verify a symptom of irregular performance. We stop at the light and I just had to see what was gonna happen. Light turns green and I pin the throttle. 454 jumps out 3-4 car lengths ahead coming off the line. 928 comes off idle and finally gets in the cams bout 3500 R’s. 454 stops pulling away. Near redline in first gear I pull next to him and when automatic shifted to second started pulling away. Next light turns red. I waited to last minute and jumped into the binders. Had to wait about 2-3 seconds for him to come to a stop next to me. Light turns green and we repeat the whole thing. Hit the last light and wait. I know that after this light there are no more stops and above 80 mph I’m gonna suck out his headlights. Off we go and he has to slow for a car in his lane. I slow and wait for him. He pulls up along side and about that time an unmarked CHP comes down the entrance lane next to me. 454 has just come alongside and buried the throttle. Quickly I hit the button to roll down my window and stick my arm out. Gave him a push back motion. He hit the brakes and saw the Highway Patrol unmarked car. We both slowed to about 20 mph below speed limit and watched patrol car move away. 454 driver then smiled and waved a gratitude of thanks for my warning. Next I get back to what I’m supposed to be doing. These things happen. It is interesting to me that little moments in time stay with you so vividly. I think this event stayed burned into my brain because it was the first automatic 928 I had driven. I had become the 928 gearbox guy in our shop because the original 1978 manual trans cars were so fraught with problems. I repaired a ton of them. Made my own Z1 distance tool for that trans. Z1 is an important measurement in that gearbox. I fell in love with the 928 as a Porsche tech simply because I always felt it absolutely met the design goals laid out for it. The S model, S4 model, GT model and GTS models were fun to receive and prep when new. Course I could say the same for the 944, 968, etc. Someday I would like to share 911 experiences here. Like entering wide sweepers in mid 70’s cars with 185 tires and triple digits. Tail trying to come around, throttle planted and knowing this is not the time to make a mistake. Scared myself many times and look back; what the hell was I thinking? It happens. Havin fun still, but uuhhhh toned it down as I’ve matured! Cliff Porsche Word Finder Submitted by Dave Frick A G F U K D S R V S P H D P O Z B P A N O R A M A A S F S W C N A O V E S V B O X S T E R P Y N F R M I C H E L I N R T I I A H O S E T U N D O Z Y H R O M J P S C H J O T E C U F E P E H T O R H K S D A J F E MICHELIN L S R E U C O L E N Y E B V Q PANAMERA L Q A P R O F G W E D R A E W PANORAMA I W E L B W D L N B U W L E V PIRELLI K C D F O I G N C M A Z Y O B PORSCHE M V A J R G E C O U P E N A N R P S B H E T S P Y D E R X M L C A R R E R A T Q X Z N F Y U X N Y T C A Y M A N P L G O BOXSTER BRIDGESTONE BRUMOS CARRERA CAYMAN COUPE SPYDER TURBO December 21 Advertiser of the Month: Ussery Printing, Carl & Fran Ussery U ssery Printing began printing the Slipstream in 1984, but our history goes back to 1954 when Cecil Ussery (Carl’s dad) purchased a tiny, two-operator print shop near Baylor Hospital. Since that time we have grown and retooled as our industry has changed. Today Ussery Printing, with its team of 65, produces award winning printed materials for Fortune 500 companies as well as entrepreneurs and small businesses. Our capabilities include up to 40” full color offset printing as well as short-run four color digital, and variable data printing for one to one marketing programs. Ussery is a one-stop shop. We produce everything from your business card to your annual report as well as provide promotional materials, kitting, fulfillment and mailing. Ussery Printing has historically been environmentally conscious, and as an FSC Certified printer, our clients qualifying products can display the FSC logo. As long time Autocrossers and Rallyists, we understand the importance of precision execution and meeting your critical deadline. Ussery has been a sponsor of the Ronald McDonald Trains at Northpark for 15 years, and continues this year as a Silver Express Sponsor, as well as working with Irving Cares, The Dallas Wind Symphony and the Dream Fund. Carl and Fran have two children, Erin 23 and Adam 21, born into the Porsche Club and continuing to participate in Autocross locally and at the national Parade. CRUISE EXPERTS Owned and operated by Jay Walker, II, maverick region member since 1997. 940-565-8111 800-441-2431 1021 W. Prairie at UNT | 22 Member Spotlight: Stormy Boudreaux Andrea Bell, Public Relations Chair his month our new member spotlight is on Stormy Boudreaux. Stormy just recently acquired a 2011 Guards Red Boxster S from Autobahn. While this car is new to him, he is definitely not new to Porsches. He has over 40 years experience in owning and maintaining his own Porches. T In chronological order, Stormy has owned a white 1958 Speedster 1600 Normal, Conga Green 1971 911T Coupe, Ruby Red 1961 Roadster 1600 Super, and a Quartz Grey 1983 911SC Targa. He sold the Roadster in 2001 to purchase a house in California. However, he said he realized he has been without a Porsche for too long. 944 while I had the ‘61 Roadster and ‘83 911. We were quite a team in the air and driving around town!” Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Stormy and our own Maverick Region family. If you are a new member and would like to be considered for our monthly “SPOTLIGHT” feature, please contact me at [email protected]. Stormy works at the Lockheed Martin plant in Fort Worth as an aircraft cockpit design engineer and simulator instructor pilot for the latest fighter, the F-35. He added that he has flown jets for 24 years in the USAF. Again, he reminisced, “When I was a SR-71 Pilot, my Stormy and his Roadster D 1600 Super in front of a U-2C back-seater owned a Stormy added that he first joined PCA in 1968. He was in Enid, OK for the USAF Pilot Training program and had just purchased a new dark green 1969 912/5 in Oklahoma City. He said it was a wonderful car! As he reminisced, he shared, “Once while crossing Nevada on I-80, (before the current speed limits were instituted), I averaged 100 MPH and 20 MPG from Salt Lake to Reno.” It’s never too late for a second opinion The financial advice you’ll receive comes with: • Personalized financial strategies with a broad range The losschoices of a loved one is of investment • A Financial Advisor who takes the time to listen devastating enough andsure understand your needs Make your family’s lossindividual doesn’t adversely affect their incomefrom as well. to us. We’ll you determine • Support a Talk talented forcehelp of market analysts, the amount of life insurance you’ll need – and the most investment and portfolio managers appropriate typeplanning of policy forspecialists your circumstances. For a complimentary consultation, please call or visit today. Insurance products are offered through Wachovia Insurance Agency (WIA) and are underwritten by unaffiliated insurance companies. Wells Fargo Advisors and WIA are separate non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company. u NO Bank Guarantee Helping business owners make profitable decisions Mike Doherty Financial Advisor Denton, TX 76201 800-727-1819 [email protected] Investment and Insurance Products: u NOT FDIC Insured and giving people peace of mind about their taxes. u MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2010 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0910-3527 [74020-v2] A1286 Main Office: 2929 N. Central Expressway, Suite 235, Richardson, TX 75080 McKinney Office: 114 1/2 East Louisiana St., Suite 203,McKinney, TX 75069 Main Phone (972) 669-2370 ̶ Fax (972) 669-9202 1992 968 Cabriolet December 23 Happy Hour - Blue Mesa Grill Article and photo by Mike Farrar Highland Park, as well as some Autocross talk. That reminds me, don’t forget the re-scheduled AX/ TT Celebration & Awards dinner on January 14th. You can view the There’s nothing like Tex-Mex and Mavericks! details in this month’s Slipstream e had 30 members make or on our website. A couple their way to Blue Mesa’s other members were discussing signature restaurant in better ways of cleaning for one the Northpark area. Once there, of our Concours events. The we were brought free appetizers win is in the details when it along with cold cervezas and comes to a concours. We followed blue margaritas. What a way to up with a great dinner, got start the evening! There were to make new friends as well lively discussions on driving in as build on our relationships DE events, the upcoming Sunday with some of the regulars. Drive to view Christmas lights in W Your Porsche deserves a new home! Let me help you find one… . Laurie Wirth REALTOR Serving North Dallas Suburbs Phone: 214-223-7488 Email: [email protected] Website: 24 I’d like to personally thank several new members that joined us this month, including Paul and Victoria Ramos who drove in their 1999 911, Bill and Lois Langhenry also owning a 1999 911, as well as, Amber Wagenknecht in her 2004 911 turbo. Being the new Happy Hour chair, I would like to invite you to share any ideas or suggestions you might have for our happy hour socials. I have already been told I cannot have all the happy hours at Ruggeri’s Italian Kitchen, so I would love recommendations for other sites that you think would be a great location for us. Our next Happy Hour will be at the Bavarian Grill in December and then on to Southlake at the Wildwood Grill for January’s HH. Two fun places so plan to come join your fellow Mavericks and me for a good night out and some good food. Time Trial #7 Results By Tannia Dobbins T ime Trial #7 was a fun event and for the first time, was run at Motor Sport Ranch on the 1.3 mile track. We had a great time and a good turnout. Thanks to all who showed up to race and to those who came out to help support the club working corners, timing, grid, etc. While I was recovering from a broken foot and couldn’t drive, that Class Best Time didn’t stop me and Betty Perrine from taking the Prius out for a few parade laps. Yes, a Prius! Class Name Car Best Time 2x Bobby Nordin ‘90 Miata 75.829 2x Mick Harrison ‘94 Miata 78.299 2x Gabby Garner ‘90 Miata 78.75 2x Bryan Carlson ‘88 MR2 78.934 2x Michael Stroker ‘99 Miata 80.568 Name Car 4 Oleg Perelet ‘90 C2 80.688 2x Doug Covington ‘94 Miata 81.262 5 Matt Platts ‘86 944T 75.336 2x Greg Walsh ‘91 Miata 81.559 5 Rick Burnham ‘87 944 76.554 2x Travis Howard ‘96 Miata 84.368 5 Roy Clingman ‘74 914-6 81.64 2x Allen Stauffer ‘92 Miata 84.764 5 Robyn Howard ‘03 Boxster 82.327 3x Chad Wemyss ‘09 Mazda3 79.506 5 Joel Nannis ‘75 911S 82.372 4x Mitch Williams ‘95 Miata 77.36 5 Gary Vincent ‘87 944S 87.602 5x Mike McShane ‘06 Miata 70.869 6 Gary Kelley ‘85 Carrera 69.135 5x Marty Lumpkin ‘01 330 77.851 6 Michael Pelletier ‘98 Boxster 72.103 5x Alicia Lumpkin ‘01 330 85.124 6 Juan Singleterry ‘99 Boxster 79.272 6x Tim Bergin ‘04 WRX 73.418 7 Jim Hedderick ‘01 Boxster S 71.923 6x Jerrett Jan ‘93 Miata 75.387 7 Ray Nannis ‘99 996 73.184 6x Robert Jones ‘00 S2000 75.977 9 Ken Finch ‘996 68.298 7x David Whitener ‘88 CRX 72.018 9 Rick Gonzales ‘74 914-6 70.054 8x Jake Chun ‘93 RX7 70.248 10 Richard Diller ‘72 911S 80.808 9x Mark Wortham ‘04 C5Z06 65.728 Evolve your 944 Porsche®® into the 21st Century road grabbing sports machine it is meant to be! 1987 944 Turbo with GM® LS1 Transplant Replace that aging, expensive, under performing 1980’s engine with 260 to +350HP of high performance fun. Don’t compromise your 944 experience, call us today. We specializing in tranplanting GM® engines into the 944 platform. * Complete Engine Transplant Services for GM® LS1, LT1, and V6 Gen III motors. * Transplant Kits and components for the DIY’r * Fiberglass Body Panels, accessories and other upgrades For more information call us at either 817-657-6608 or 214-679-6346 or visit our web sites at: and or December 25 Experience Your Porsche in a New Way! By driving on a real North Texas racetrack Eagles Canyon Raceway is the beautiful culmination of years worth of research, planning & design into the rolling hills of North Texas near DFW. Eagles Canyon Raceway features 2.55 miles, 4 straights over 1,300 feet long, 11 turns, and 340 feet of overall elevation change. Eagles Canyon is a true driver's track, and is planned to host all classes of events from the top level racing series to club racing and private HPDE days. We are proud to receive PCA events including Club Racing and look forward to each and every event! With an EC Membership you can enjoy driving on a track that is quickly becoming history in the making. We offer all that you need including a challenging track, high octane fuel & a grill for lunch. Join us by signing up at or call for information at 940-466-9775. 26 940-466-9775 2700 B WEST PIONEER PKWY (125 FEET S. OF PIONEER, ON THE W. SIDE OF CORZINE ST.) ARLINGTON, TEXAS 76013 817-366-1678 Parts or Service, We Deliver Excellence. Over 300,000 parts in stock. Expert service and repair. Parts and Service for: Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Mini, and Smart Car. 817-267-4451 Visit us online at: 1-800-356-2964 [email protected] 1804 Reliance Pkwy. Bedford, TX 76021 M-F 8am to 5:30pm Zims Autotechnik is not affiliated with Porsche AG or PCNA Registered Trademark of Dr. Ing h.c.F. Porsche A.G. December 27 German Engineering With Southern Hospitality Personal Service. At Nine-Eleven, we’ve built a reputation for understanding our customers’ needs — quality service, convenient location, state-of-the-art diagnostics, and personalized service that is unmatched in the Metroplex. When you trust your car to us, you will have the peace of mind that it will be serviced correctly the first time. Every time. Access. We strongly believe in access to those who will actually work on your car. Our technicians are available in person, by phone, and even by pager if you have questions or need timely information about your car. Facility. Our clean shop, well-stocked parts department, and comfortable waiting room ensure that you and your car will get the kind of service you deserve. Maintained tools and equipment. Clean cars. We are meticulous about details. Parts. IXXI Royal Lane Royal Lane JoeJoeField Rd. Field Rd. 28 I-35 I-35 Crown Rd. Crown Rd. Cindy Lane Cindy Lane Emerald Emerald Newkirk Newkirk Our parts department is also second to none. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in finding that necessary part or after-market option you require. We are an authorized dealer for high-performance Recaro seating, Yokohama Tires, Bilstein Shocks, Bosch, and many others. This ensures that whether you are a casual driver or an enthusiast who needs race prep assistance, Nine-Eleven has the experience and knowledge to keep your car running at peak performance. Nine-Eleven Enterprises, Inc. Service, Accessories & Parts for BMW, Mercedes & Porsche 2120 Cindy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75229 972-241-2002 Convenience. We are conveniently located near the intersection of Stemmons and LBJ Freeways in Dallas. We offer emergency towing service 24 hours a day and have arranged for special rental car rates with area rental agencies. Come by for a visit between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, or call for a service appointment. December 29 30 New Wheels If you have any changes that you would like to make to the MRPCA membership guide, call Lisa Steele 214-709-6418. Lisa Steele, Membership Chair Almeida, Victor (Lucy Jager) Dallas, TX 75248 2011 GT3 RS Jennings, Jamie (George Lee) Dallas, TX 75230 2012 Panamera S Smith, Joe (Debbie) Tyler, TX 75710 2011 911 GTS Degan, Chris Plano, TX 75093 2010 Boxster Johnston, Al (Adrienne) Fort Worth, TX 76140 2009 997 Walker, Mark (Linda) Plano, TX 75023 2006 Cayman S Dunn, Mark (Joshua) Dallas, TX 75229 2005 Carrera GT Kirch, Tony (Susan) Carrollton, TX 75007 1996 911 Farinella, Renee Dallas, TX 75230 2008 Boxster Kresse, Brian (Nikki) Flower Mound, TX 75022 1988 911 Farren, Michael Longview, TX 75601 1980 911 SC Lahiri, Demetrios (Maria) Highland Park, TX 75205 2012 911 Finch, Ken Burleson, TX 76028 2007 911 Turbo Lord, Mychele Dallas, TX 75214 2009 Carrera Fournier, David Sunset, TX 76270 2008 Cayenne Mann, Michael Garland, TX 75044 1987 911 Harper, Robert (Marsha Evans) Dallas, TX 75211 1987 911 Schmidt, Raymond (Max) Fort Worth, TX 76126 1973 911 Maverick Member Totals Members ~ 1,231 Affiliate Members ~ 825 Total Membership ~ 2,056 Specializing in all years and models of Porsche exclusively for more than 30 years Complete and Meticulous Maintenance and Repair Tuning and Diagnostics (Carbs, MFI, CIS, OBD I & II) Custom Engine and Transmission Rebuilds Competition Car Preparation (Track or Autocross) Holden, Tom Rowlett, TX 75088 2010 Panamera S Save the flash! Owning a Porsche is a unique experience. Do your part to preserve the experience... keep the flash alive! 1521 Baccarac Ct Euless, TX 76040 817 540 4939 email: [email protected] Anniversaries 20 Years Pohlman, Jeff Lewisville 10 Years Graidage, Colin Hoffman, Hans Schott, Ronald J. Wyatt, Clarence E. Huntersville Plano Dallas Dallas 5 Years Bennett, Virgil M. Harmon, Jason Igarashi, Peter Moreau, Robert Morgan, Gerald W. Tollefson, John C. Zeh, Kim M. Heartland Dallas Plano Coppell Roanoke Dallas Plano December 31 Unclassifieds Unclassifieds are available free to Maverick Region members and are $5 to all others (contact editor for payment details). Please limit size to no more than 6 lines. Ads will run for 3 issues, then removed unless you request that it be run for an additional 3 issues. E-mail your ad to [email protected] by the 10th to have your ad run in the following month’s Slipstream. Be sure to include car year, make and model, its mileage and asking price, as well as a contact name, phone number and /or e-mail address. All parts will be advertised on our website. Check your ad for accuracy the first time it runs. Contact the editor to have your ad pulled sooner. Due to space constraints, photos may or may not be included. Looking for: 2003-04 911 C4S, manual For Sale: 1986 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe, For Sale: 1994 911 Carrera 2 Speedster, transmission, Coupe or Cabriolet. Please contact [email protected] (1) For Sale: 1986 Carrera Targa, Rare 1986 Porsche Carrera Targa with 75,000 original miles. Excellent condition Targa with white exterior and blue leather. 3.2 liter flat 6 air cooled engine. Five speed manual transmission. Targa top recently recovered. Blaupunkt stereo with power amp. Headlight washers, cruise control, 6-way power seats on both seats and power windows. Leather interior in excellent condition. Excellent mechanical condition with current service on engine. Air conditioner recently serviced and works great. 10,000 miles on 17” continental tires. No damage history. Original paint. No door dings. Priced at $22,900. Call pat at (214) 616-2477 for more info (1) For Sale: 1988 944, $5,000, 3-speed automatic transmission; 217,000 miles; garage kept, 2.5 liter, electrically retractable and removable moon roof, electrically adjustable drivers seat, heatable rear window, electrically adjustable outside side mirrors, perfect operating condition with all maintenance records (catalytic converter needed). I am the only owner of the car except for the first 2,500 miles. It has never been in an accident except for someone who backed into it while it was parked (minor body damage that has been repaired). Contact Fred Di Orio (972) 850 - 4518 work or (972) 416 - 2473 home. (1) For Sale: 1980 911SC Targa, Classic light blue exterior with dark blue leather interior. Weekend driver with only 39,000 miles. Runs great! Asking $19,911. Contact Mike at 903-746-1898 or farren. [email protected] (1) 3.2l 5-speed manual transmission. This car is all original, finshed in guards red with beige leather interior. 42,400 miles . Always garaged driven only on weekends. Clutch was replace about 8000 miles ago. New oil seals, new bushing installed in gear shift 2-29-2011. Tires are new with only about 1000 miles on them. This Porsche runs fantastic and is reliable. Mechanically perfect needing nothing. All service done have receipt for service work. email: wayne. [email protected]. Call me at 1-800-643-9017. 8am to 4pm central time. or 972-978-9010 any time. (1) For Sale: 1986 Porsche 944, Good condition only 84K miles. $5700. Contact Dave Garner 817-7738949. [email protected] (1) For Sale: 2008 GT3, Guards Red with black interior. Options include full leather with red deviated stitching, red seat belts, heated seats, Bi Xenon headlights, PCCB brakes, Sound Package Plus, Sport Chrono, Self-Dimming Mirrors, Rain Sensor Wipers, and black wheels. Upgrades include 3M clear shield, tinted windows, GT3RS lightweight flywheel and clutch, and lightweight battery. Original delivery and all service through Boardwalk Porsche. Fresh brakes, tires, and recent service. Very good condition. 19,000 miles. Asking $82,000. For additional information, please contact Mike at 214-202-9555 or via e-mail at langfordmg@yahoo. com (1) For Sale: 2002 Boxster S, Roock RSB 340, Seal Grey Metallic/Metropole blue leather, heated sport seats, complete Aero kit, Roock competition 18” wheels with new rubber. 996 Carrera 3.6L Engine, Power: Est. 340 bhp Torque: Est. 273 ft lb. 0-60 mph: Est. 4.9 sec Top speed: 180 mph, Suspension: Roock Sportsystem/H&R coilovers, 996 Brakes. Hard wired for a V1, 28,000 + miles. $29,800. Contact Pat at 214-616-2477 (1) WPOCB2964RS465232 white/black, 5 speed, 68,500 mi. original power black leather seats, AC, LSD, always garaged, Pirelli P Zero tires on 17” painted wheels, spare sport muffler, new battery, all records, very original, well maintained and cared for. I’d love to see this car stay a Maverick! $58,000, Alan Bambina, Dallas, TX 972-241-7556, bambinaa@, mailto:[email protected]. (2) Wanted: 993 Series 911, 993 Series 911, years 1996-1998 only, either C2 or C2S. MUST have varioram engine, 6-spd manual, & complete service and repair records to view. (No black exterior) Email information and pictures to Glenn: gcweber1@ (2) For Sale: 2001 Boxster, Tiptronic Transmission, AM/FM CD player, Heated leather seats, Trip computer, All stock. Gray Metallic with Black top and interior. Looks and runs good with 82,000 miles. $13,500 OBO. Contact: Steve in Richardson. (214)578-5047 or [email protected] (3) For Sale: 2008 Carrera, blk/blk, sunroof, 14,500mi, Excellent condition, $53,500. Contact Phil at 817-925-1470 or [email protected] (3) Slipstream Advertiser Index For advertising rates and information contact Pat Friend at [email protected] These advertisers support the Maverick Region... the Mavericks support these advertisers! Autobahn Motorcar Group Autoscope Boardwalk Porsche Boss Garage Buckley Racing Eagles Canyon Raceway Fifth Gear Motorsports Invisibra Istook’s MotorSport Svcs Dallas Karting Complex Falgout & Associates, P. C. Laurie Wirth Realtor Louden Motorcar Svcs Maverick Region Goodie Store Mayo Performance 32 (800) 433-5602 (972) 670-2483 (972) 867-7467 (214) 576-1911 (214) 735-9025 (817) 239-7969 (940) 466-9775 (972) 317-4005 (214) 704-9299 (817) 332-6547 (903) 527-5278 (972) 669-2370 (214) 223-7488 (972) 241-6326 (817) 540-4939 B.C. Page 29 Page 30 I.F.C. Page 7 Page 19 Page 26 Page 15 Page 28 Page 21 Page 9 Page 23 Page 254 I.B.C. Page 5 Page 31 Mean Green Travel Mullenix Motorsport Mustard Racing 911 Enterprises Park Place Porsche RAC Performance RetroAir Silver Fox Soundwerk State Farm Insurance Texas Performance Concepts Texas World Speedway UPS Store Ussery Printing Wells Fargo Zims Autotechnik (940) 565-8111 (972) 231-5356 (817) 366-1678 (972) 241-2002 (800) 553-3196 (214) 269-1571 (972) 960-6899 (817) 329-6995 (817) 281-9381 (214) 387-0003 (817) 657-6608 (979) 690-2500 (972) 420-1250 (972) 438-8344 (800) 727-1819 (817) 267-4451 Page 22 Page 22 Page 27 Page 28 Page 13 Page 6 Page 26 Page 2 Page 26 B.C. Page 25 Page 29 Page 27 Page 19 Page 23 Page 27 Hiram Saunders, Slipstream 155 Jellico Southlake, TX 76092 Periodical Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX
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