Kol Anshei shAlom - Temple Anshei Shalom
Kol Anshei shAlom - Temple Anshei Shalom
Kol Anshei Shalom The Voice of Temple Anshei Shalom! February 2016 Issue No. 81 5776 Scholar In Residence Weekend February 12th-14th Dr. David Weinberg Judaic Scholar Professor Emeritus at Wayne State University and a noted scholar of Judaic history. Topics: Fri: Jews and Money: A Historical overview of the Development of a Stereotype. Sat: The Shattering of Taboos: Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism in European Political Life and in the Media. Sun: From Conversion to the Final Solution: The development of Antisemitism in Europe: A Power Point Presentation. Dr. Weinberg will speak during services Friday Night 7:30 PM, Saturday Morning during services and Sunday morning during brunch Friday Night Dinner 5:30pm $35 Sunday Morning Brunch: $15 Friday Night Dinner Choices: Chicken, Brisket, Fish and Veggie Cutletet Deadline for meal reservations: February 8th at 11:30 am 1 Kol Anshei Shalom is published 11 times per year as a monthly bulletin. Celebrating Our Past, Envisioning Our Future! Rabbi Rabbi Raphael Adler Cantor Cantor Efraim Sapir Z”L Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33446 (561) 495-1300 www.templeansheishalom.org [email protected] ����������������������������������� Cantor Shainee Cantor Saul Rubinstein Choir Director Cantor William S Wood Senior Gabbi Yona Alter Baal Koreh Steven Wallach President Emeritus Paul A. Felder President Fran Goldman Executive Vice Presidents Gayle Savitz Paul Erstein Ritual VPs Harriet DeCosta Barbara Kirshner VP Communications Marvin S. Cohen Esther Schwartz Treasurer Dan Goldman Financial Secretary Arlene Lurie VP Operations David Lurie ���������������� ���������������� ������ ���������������� ���!� "��#��"$���%��� &���!� ����������'�# ()�����������%���)�����*��)! ������ +)��������&�# ���,��������! -����� .����,���������$��� ������ /)�����������# ���#(#����#0)��#��� ����� ������������� ��# ������������ ������ ��),�������1�����#���2 ���������� 3�# +�#�,�������������%����� '���!� +��)�������� ��# +�#�,������������� +)�������� 4�# +�#�,���������������)��# ������ /)��������� 5�# +�����#����)�/��!������� ������ ����������33�� ����(,)� 6��� /)���������3��� +�����#���(�������� 6��� +)��������3-�# .����,%����*��)! 3���!� Recording Secretary Sandy Jacobs Sisterhood President Barbara Grau Men's Club President Irving Friedman Immediate Past President Barbara Grau The Monthly Bulletin Editor/Producer Paul S. Erstein Production Design Minuteman Press Graphic Designers ��*70"����/.6*+ �����(,)� � +)�����$�#�����#8���9),����")�)��2 �� +�����#��� :����������$�#�����# ���)�, 0�������������$�#�����# ������� 3������������$�#�����#;�$����#�������������< �������#�! ���/)������$�#�����# �)��������� 4�#����������$�#�����# �� 2 President’s Corner The Rabbi’s Column Fran Goldman Rabbi Raphael Adler My first month as President of Temple Anshei Shalom is just about over, and I’m still standing. It’s been a learning experience, hectic, challenging, interesting, occasionally frustrating but always with the best interests of the Temple in mind and heart. The Gala invitations are now in your hands, celebrate our “36th” Double Chai Anniversary, honoring our Immediate Past President Barbara Grau and Temple member Emily Slosberg by making your reservations. I encourage you to place an ad in honor of our celebrants, our Temple, or anybody and to join with us as we celebrate our lives as members of Delray’s only Conservative Synagogue. Now is a pivotal time in our growth, be part of our future. Perhaps you can make that very special commitment to being a Gala Sponsor, that would include a Diamond/Gold page, two Gala tickets and your picture and biography in the Journal. Please check the carousel for a Sponsor or Personal ad blank. How wonderful it would be to see your picture or name in the Gala Journal. “Let’s Celebrate our Past and Envision our Future” together! To feel that you are part of OUR Kehilla, our community, you have to be a participant. Join us Friday night for an informal Shabbos service. Come meet new friends, bring along your friends and neighbors, and share in the warmth with Rabbi Raphael and the “Friday Nighters”. Enjoy the oneg, sit down at a table and partake in the conversation. What better way to spend a Friday evening. On February 12th -14th our Goldie & Danny Peck Memorial....Scholar In Residence Weekend presents: Dr David Weinberg, Judaic Scholar, Professor Emeritus at Wayne State University and noted scholar of Judaic history. We will have a Friday night dinner and Dr Weinberg will speak at 7:30 services that evening. He will be speaking at Saturday services and also at a Sunday morning brunch. Please make your reservations in the ticket office. Be a sponsor...$90 single sponsorship, $150 for a couple and includes all meals. Thank you for the many kind words of encouragement, optimism and advise I have received. We will work together to make good things happen at TAS...our Temple. L’ Shalom Fran Goldman “They did not see one another, nor did anyone rise from his place” Exodus 10:23. Thus the Torah describes the ninth plague visited upon Egypt, the curse of “choshech” or darkness. Believe it or not, darkness has never lifted. Choshech still exists in many locations. It plagues society incessantly because it is convenient to look away from the pain of another. We are filled with excuses for not engaging with a lonely neighbor, or looking in on a sick friend. To get involved often puts us outside our comfort level, and we rationalize that someone else will do the right thing, if not us. And so, we don’t knock on the door, pick up a phone, send a text, or make eye contact with one who is suffering. Relational Judaism This important book by Rabbi Ron Wolfson, emphasizes that successful synagogues must become caring communities. In a world where connections are fraying, shuls are often the last contemporary institution where people matter. If you miss attending services, someone calls. When you are experiencing a set-back or problem, we care. That is what it means to be a congregation. We sometimes fail, because we are human, but that is the standard we strive to achieve. In a congregation like ours, this imperative is more crucial than in synagogues up north. Family is far, so friends and fellow congregants become family. We are told in in the same verse describing darkness, that the Jewish people had light in (continued on page 10) 3 Temple Anshei Shalom Rosh Chodesh Club cordially invites you to lunch G G Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 12:00 pm — noon Celebrating the Month of Adar I Guest Speaker: Larry Gaum expert on Al Jolson (for Jewish Music Month) Members $15.00 pp / Non-members $17.00 pp Please make your reservations by Friday, February 5th to guarantee a place at the table Make check payable to: Rosh Chodesh Club Sorry, no credit cards accepted G Contact: Fran Adler: 495-1300 or Gayle Savitz: 330-4218 4 TEMPLE MEMBER EDWARD H. SAVITZ First Vice President/Investments Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 1875 North West Corporate Boulevard, Suite 200 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561.368.2599 | 888.955.2622 | [email protected] www.janney.com | NYSE FINRA SIPC Journal Ad Deadline Is Monday, February 15th. Information Is In This Bulletin. 5 Thank You, My Dear Temple Family! Thank you for the cards, calls, emails, and the contributions made in my honor. Since falling, I’ve had time to contemplate my blessings. Your good wishes are part of my blessings and I cannot express to you how these acts of kindness have affected me. Many thanks for a happy and a healthy 2016. With Love, Harriet DeCosta DO TAKE A CHANCE! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT THE TEMPLE ANSHEI SHALOM "REVERSE RAFFLE" DRAWING ON EREV APRIL FOOL'S NIGHTTHURSDAY, MARCH 31ST AT 7 PM. On Sunday, February 7th at 8:30 am we will participate in the “World Wide Wrap” where the putting on Teffilin is strongly encouraged. ONLY 100 TICKETS HAVE BEEN PRINTED. EACH TICKET COSTS $100. THE PROJECTED GRAND PRIZE IS $1800 IF ALL TICKETS ARE SOLD. LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. TWO PERSONS CAN SHARE A TICKET PURCHASE. Come Wrap With US! YOUR ODDS OF WINNING ARE MUCH BETTER THAN THE LOTTERY… SO DO TAKE A CHANCE! BUY YOUR TICKET NOW IN THE TEMPLE TICKET OFFICE. YOU MIGHT WIN! 6 Gala Journal Personal Ads Gold $400 Silver $300 Full $200 Half $125 Quarter $100 Card $75 Booster $36 Please submit hard copy of your ad, or email a pdf or word document to [email protected] We are happy to lay out your ad for best presentation. Booster Ads are name only. 7 Journal Ad Form 2015-16 Date:_________________________ Name:________________________ SLS:_________________________ Attach Biz Card If applicable Address:______________________ Receiving: PDF: City:_________________________ Contact:______________________ Accounting: Layout: Proofing: Inserted: Zip:____________ ST:__________ Phone:_______________________ COMMERCIAL PERSONAL AD SIZE: Attach ad copy or email pdf or word doc to: [email protected] Same as last year Emailed 8 Check Enclosed Exclusive Diamond & Gold Page with your picture in the journal Poster with your picture and names in ballroom during event Two settings for the dinner at a special table Donation: $1,000 Call Fran Goldman at (561) 495-1300 9 Sisterhood RABBI’S COLUMN (continued from page 3) their dwellings . I believe that light too has never diminished, it simply needs to be stoked. At Temple Anshei Shalom, when we greet a stranger at services, we are increasing light. Each time we introduce ourselves to a new face, call a fellow congregant who we have not seen in some time and make the effort to care about the well-being Sisterhood Sisterhood held its first fundraiser this year, our Annual Luncheon of another, we are striking a blow against the plague Corner Come look us over, see what Koach we are about. Come for coffee Hele Card Party. It was a huge success, Yasher to our chairpersons of darkness. and______________. Try it-you may like it. Meet some Mendelson Selma Aiso Let us together radiate light and strengthen ourand Mildred Grant, their terrific ticket sales person, new people, spend anHarriet hour. Have an idea for a program? a project? their committee of Ida Brass, DeCosta and Bope Kraemer. caring community day by day, week by week. Our Something to bring to the table? We would love to hear from Our November 18th meeting, Ron Dagan, singer and guitarist, ente congregation is a wonderful warm beacon of smiles you. Don’t like what you see? By all means, share your ideas-if at the well-attended breakfast meeting and put us in a pre-Chanukah m you just walk away, no changes would be made because you and activity. It is this way because of us your efforts. th Please put the following dates on youriscalendar: Monday, December did not share. Sisterhood many things but we are not mind 16 , B Let us continue to lift the torch for tomorrow. Grau will speakreaders. to us about “The Naughty Ladies of theby Bible” and Sisterho During a recent Kiddush, sponsored Sisterhood, Shalom, Sabbath will be IDecember 21st are andmany the Sisterhood Board will be participants learned there women in our congregation who Rabbi Raphael Adler of Women’s League. Come share your service, so comewere/are and joinmembers us. experiences us and in convince us Renata why we should or should The following waswith written 1983 by Eckstein, the first Pr not join. Changes cannot happen without input from you. Sisterhood. Its message is just as prevalent today and bears repeating. I th To Our Temple Anshei Shalom Friends, Sisterhood is the place to give voice to the women of the for letting this: Stella and I would like to thank you for us print Congregation. The many voices provide depth and greater IS SISTERHOOD? knowledge and WHAT understanding to all. It is a place to speak your calls, cards and visits during my S - Sincerity –about Be sincere in whatever you Both do. this year and next, we issues important to women. recent bereavement. Your thoughts they all about go together. I - Ideas – Interest, will hearinvolvement, from various candidates issues that will impact have made it a little easier to endure. all of us and many pertaining women’s issues. Be part of the – Getting to knowtoone another. Satisfaction of a job w S - Social Activities conversation. We need all our women’s voices to add depth to What a wonderful feeling! understanding of Jewish values and issues. Many of our the mos Thank you again T –Time - Ourour most precious commodity – irreplaceable, so make women are part of various women’s organizations. There is a E – Effort – A good ingredient to be put in whatever we are doing. different dynamic when women get together and work toward R – Religion –a Attend participate in services. Stella & Moric Jusovic common and cause. Come and share your expertise with us and H – Hospitality – Making everyone feel perhaps, working together, we canwelcome. make a significant difference Getting your committees O – Organization in both– of our organizations. Let’s talk.organized – working togeth The Unveiling of O – Obligation – To the best you knowwill how. For do February, Paul Erstein take us on a fabulous trip throughto Alaska, through pictures (Feb.Determinat 15). do what youhis are doingand fornarrative. Sisterhood. Beverly “Bayla bas” Beck, D–Devote yourself For those who have been there, relive the adventure and for make project a success. of blessed memory, those who have not, get a vicarious thrill through his always great pictures of the frontier.and myself. I hope it means the sa is what Sisterhood means tolast Renata Our Founding Mother and DearThis friend, We do Card Parties really well. Get your games together you. am, is Friday, March 11, 2016 at 10:00 for February 23. A fabulous lunch, good company and you will Shalom, also earn mitzvah credits by supporting Sisterhood. Watch the Eternal Light Gerry Berg calendar for the date of another of Millie’s fabulous bus trips. As grave side service you know, these trips sell out even before a date is announced. Call the office and make your reservations. Don’t be shut out. Yours in Sisterhood, th Barbara Join us for Sisterhood Shabbat on Saturday, Decemb FOR SALE Mark your calendars for Sunday January 19 for a Sisterhood/Men’s Club “Night Of Music” The ticket of Complete package of two side by tickets. Don’t miss this exciting evening. side cemetery plots in an excellent location at “ETERNAL LIGHT” Memorial Gardens - Rt441 Priced for quick sale: $10,000 Call 561 716 3632 10 As I See It by any means available. Our Founding Fathers, those same white slave owners, fearful of tyranny in any form, were very conscious of that and both the Declaration of Independence and Constitution reflect that philosophy. By today’s standards, they were flawed people. Many had actually failed in business at one point but were able to get up and start over. Failure is a great incentive and one with which many of today’s college age crowd are not familiar. How many awards are given for second best, for trying, for just showing up? In the same vein of not frustrating these fragile souls, grammar and spelling has not been taught in at least fifteen years, so as not to stiffly their creativity. We are well past that stage of child-rearing so why care? A very different world is bequeathed to the current school age population and not necessarily a better one. We should care because our age gives us a perspective they lack. The current gurus have thrown the baby out with the dirty bath water and the world they will inhabit will be significantly poorer and harsher than ours. Tyranny, from either Left or Right, is still tyranny. The greatest changes and progress have taken place by fighting against tyranny. Perhaps, if the current crop of school age children were truly taught to appreciate the Foundational narrative of our country they would begin to appreciate our uniqueness, our genius in government and the contributions we have made to the world. No other country can replicate what we have done-taken in people from all over the world and created a new people-a unique American. De Tocquville, a Frenchman of the early 19th century (another white man) recognized it, wrote about it, about us, with all our pimples and warts and still recognized our uniqueness. It is just too bad that this generation of school aged and college aged students are being brainwashed into Identity Politics and warped history to either understand or appreciate it. Talk to your children, grandchildren. Don’t abrogate your responsibility. For sure you’ll get the eye-roll, the Look, the Oh Grandma (pa). So What!? Keep us the dialogue, maybe something will get through. At the very least, it will be a change from Who are you dating? Did you join Hillel? Did you March in the Israeli Day parade? Keep at it. Our very future depends on it. By Barbara Grau In today’s very open society, individuals have more choices than ever. If you have difficulty in deciding what to make for dinner, how would you react to the choices that faced those in the ghettoes or camps? What should we do about or with the children? Hide? Give them away,? Take them with you? Speaking of making Sophie’s choice!. In today’s very open society, our grandchildren are confronted with many choices, many of them bad. How have we, how do we prepare them to make “the right choice”? Better, what is the right choice? If you have to stop to think, it is perhaps already too late. On many news channels, we hear of reporters asking college students questions about our government, foundational documents, current leadership. We laugh and/or cry at the responses and wonder what has their expensive college tuition paid for? Wonder no more. It has paid to teach them that if you are white, you are automatically privileged, read oppressor. If you are of the under class, automatically you are right, you are oppressed and you should be entitled. Of the Founding Fathers, leaders of the Revolution, white slave owners, you have nothing to say to us today. Welcome to the world of Identity politics. Nothing is in context, no shades of gray, no individuality, no excuses. These entitled adult children feel they have the right to displace, fire, condemn the Deans and Presidents of various universities, leaving me to wonder if I was so sure of myself at that age, that I would be so presumptuous. Moreover it looks like the inmates are in charge of the asylum. It must be quite satisfying to live in such a rarified atmosphere. What’s even more amazing is that faculty and Deans capitulate. It is truly a new world. They, today, form the core of the “new Left” and , if I may add, the new tyrannical Left. Tyranny is the imposition of ideas of one group on another, be they a majority or a minority. Tyranny does not demand a majority, only that one accept their ideas exclusively. The tyranny of the Nazis or the early Communists was imposed by a minority group through intimidation and fear. He Nazis were actually a minority party who, through force and intimidation, forced their will upon the majority. Communist Russia used the same technique earlier where a minority cabal forced compliance upon the majority 11 February 2016 TAS Men’s Club Bulletin Breakfast Meeting Speaker: Charity Brennan, R.D. Topic: Aging Nutrition Sunday, February 21st 10:00 a.m. $8.00 per person ABSOLUTELY TICKETS will be sold– at the door. Sam Perlowitz – Editor NO (Z.L.) Sam Wasserman Co-Editor (Z.L.) th Leslie Leon-Kennedy – Publisher Feb. 17 Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, President’s s Message: The installation of our Board was very well attended, and we all enjoyed the entertainment. Thank you to Rabbi Adler for officiating and thank you to all the incoming Board members. Hope our cruising members are having a great time. A very interesting speaker will be at our next Breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 21, 2016 at 10 a.m. Charity Brennan, R.D., will speak about a very important topic to all of us," Aging Nutrition." Please make your reservations early. You are welcome to bring guests, but please include them in your reservation so we have enough food for everyone. We look forward to a very successful year for us and for Temple Anshei Shalom. Irving Friedman,President 12 BETH ISRAEL ETERNAL LIGHT MEMORIAL CHAPEL MEMORIAL GARDENS Your Local Pre-Planning Experts Irwin M. Schultz, Pre-Need Counselor (member of Temple Anshei Shalom) Cell 561-414-9535 CHAPELS: 5808 W. Atlantic Ave.,Delray Beach, FL (561) 499-8000 11115 Jog Rd., Boynton Beach, FL (561) 732-3000 PRE-NEED OFFICE: Kings Point Shopping Center 6578 W. Atlantic Ave.,Delray Beach, FL (561) 498-5700 Barbara Kirshner, Monument Specialist (member of Temple Anshei Shalom) CEMETERY: 11520 State Road 7 (US 441-3 miles north of Atlantic Ave) Boynton Beach, FL (561) 737-7411 www.BethIsraelChapel.com www.EternalLightMemorialGardens.com 13 Ritual Need Someone To Talk To? We wish to thank our 2015 Ritual Committee for a job well done! From the weekly Shabbat services to the culmination of our High Holiday services, we congratulate all our volunteers for the responsible and professional handling of these vital activities in the synagogue. We are looking at many changes in 2016. This includes new members of the Ritual Committee. Please welcome David Didner, Andrew Greenberg, Ruth Morwitz, Michael Silverman and Sydell Sklar. They will assist and support the Ritual Committee and help shape the future of our Temple. With the guidance of Rabbi Adler we will have a wonderful season. Our mission is to assist our religious leader and we hope to fulfill all our goals. If you have a suggestion that you think will enhance our services, please contact us. Your recommendation is always appreciated and your suggestion will be acknowledged. Call us if you wish an aliyah or honor. If you are a new member and not sure what to do, just give us a call and we will ease your concern. We want you to be comfortable and take part in Shabbat services. We wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful 2016. Shalom, Harriet DeCosta and Barbara Kirshner I Can Help! Individual, Marriage & Family Therapy Judeo/Christian Issues Loss & Separation Bereavement Depression & Anxiety Health Issues Intimacy Addictions Retirement PATRICIA FITZMAURICE, L.C.S.W., P.A. Psychotherapist Board Certified Diplomate Clinical Social Work 38 Years of Experience (561) 994-0310 Associate - Sheila Fitzmaurice, L.C.S.W. Child & Adolescent Therapy Medicare Accepted with most Supplemental Plans 950 Peninsula Corporate Circle, Suite 1006, Boca Raton, FL 33487 Serving the Broward, Palm Beach and New York Areas Companions Plus Home Care Services 954.255.6787 B R O WA R D 561.495.4771 PA L M B E AC H www.CompanionsPlus.com Companions Plus takes the worry and concern out of hiring a care giver. Our home health aides provide assistance with the activities of daily living such as: t Bathing / Dressing t Doctor’s Appointments t Light Housekeeping t Medication Reminders t Laundry t Transportation (Interstate) t Meal Preparation t Care at Home or in Facility Audrey Berkowitz & Arlene Marder “Owned & Operated by Our Family for You and Your Family” 7431 W. Atlantic Avenue, Ste. 52 Delray Beach, FL 33446 10191 W. Sample Road, Ste. 100 Coral Springs, FL 33065 Licensed & Insured - FL Lic. #30211152, #30211285, #299993331 - Medwaiver Provider #68703296 14 Meeting the Needs of the Community 8177 GLADES ROAD • SUITE 218 • BOCA RATON, FL 33434 TEL: 561-465-5148 FAX 561-465-5997 • LIC# NR30211798 WWW.CAREPARTNERSNURSING.COM 15 16 Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue Of The Future Active Singles Embracing the active single lifestyle! Sunday, February 7th at Noon Tour of “Whitehall”Stately Home in Palm Beach $18 pp, but if the group numbers more than 20, the price goes down to $14 pp Sunday, March 20th at 10am Hike in Loxahatchee with a park ranger. Car pooling is suggested. Active walking is required. Questions and Suggestions? Email Sandra Didner at [email protected] or call (561) 433-2155 17 SHEVAT/ADAR I 5776 Sunday Monday 1 7 28 Shevat 8:30am World Wide Wrap 10 am Israel Bond Breakfast 5 Adar I 14 22 Shevat Tuesday Wedne 2 23 Shevat 3 10am Sisterhood Board 11am Hebrew Class 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 1pm Rabbi's Class 1:30pm Purim Rehearsal 9:30am TAS Exec 10:30am Folk Da 1:30pm Movie of 7:30pm Anshei Af 8 9 10 29 Shevat 30 Shevat 11am Hebrew Class 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 9:30am Men's Club Board Meeting 11:30am Rosh Chodesh Luncheon 1pm Rabbi's Class 1:30pm Purim Rehearsal 15 16 6 Adar I 7 Adar I 9:30am TAS Boar 10:30am Folk Da 11:30am Finance 1:30pm Movie of 17 10am Scholar in Residence Brunch Journal Ad Deadline 9:30am Sisterhood Meeting 11am Hebrew Class Noon Book Club 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 9 am Sisterhood Bus Trip 9:30am Membershipmeeting 10:30am LifeLong Learning 1 pm Rabbi's Class 1:30pm Purim Rehearsal 9:30am Ritual Co 10:30am Folk Da 1:30pm Movie of 21 22 23 24 12 Adar I 13 Adar I 10 am Men's Club Breakfast 10:30am Beth Israel Pre-Need Luncheon 11am Hebrew Class 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 3:45pm Talmud Class 28 29 2 pm 19 Adar I Israeli Dancers 20 Adar I 11am Hebrew Class 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 3:30pm Sociable Singles 18 14 Adar I 12 pm Sisterhood Card Party 1 pm Rabbi's Class 1:30pm Purim Rehearsal 10 am Fundraisin 10:30am Folk Da 1:30pm Movie of FEBRUARY 2016 esday Thursday 24 Shevat c Bd ancing the Week fter Dark 1 Adar I rd ancing e Committee the Week 8 Adar I ommittee ancing the Week 15 Adar I ng Mtg ancing the Week 4 25 Shevat Friday 5 26 Shevat 10:30am choir 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 10 am Current Events 5 pm Mincha Light Candles at: 5:48 pm 7:30pm Friday Evening Services 11 12 2 Adar I 10:30am choir 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 18 9 Adar I 3 Adar I 5 pm Mincha 5:30pm Scholar in Residence Dinner Light Candles at: 5:53 pm 7:30pm Friday Evening Services With Scholar 10 Adar I 19 Saturday 6 27 Shevat 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services 12:30pm Mincha Shabbat Ends: 6:42 pm 13 4 Adar I 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services w/Choir Scholar in Residence 12:30pm Mincha Shabbat Ends: 6:47 pm 20 11 Adar I 10:30am choir 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 5 pm Mincha Light Candles at: 5:58 pm 7:30pm Friday Evening Services 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services 12:30pm Mincha Shabbat Ends: 6:51 pm 25 26 27 16 Adar I 10:30am choir 10:30am Conversational Hebrew (Ritzner) 1:30pm LifeLong Learning 2 pm Chug Ivrit 17 Adar I 5pm Mincha Light Candles at: 6:02 pm 7:30pm Friday Evening Services 19 18 Adar I 8:45am Shabbat Morning Services w/Choir 12:30pm Mincha Shabbat Ends: 6:55 pm Celebrating Our Past, Envisioning Our Future! Lifelong Learning Center Rabbi Adler’s Movie Picks February 3rd at 1:30 PM “Marital Games” Yossi Banai plays Gamliel, an elderly faith healer with a host of problems on his hands, in Joel Silberg's charming Israeli romantic comedy Marital Games (AKA Hacham Gamliel). Gamliel wishes to marry off his only daughter, yet she resists his attempts - and remains taciturn, utterly unreadable, frustrating and confounding her father as Gamliel's hilarious machinations unfold around her. March 2nd at 1:30 PM “Mrs. Delafield Wants To Marry” Katharine Hepburn as Mrs. Delafield, a widow who falls in love with her Jewish doctor - to her and his children's objection. Temple Anshei Shalom, Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue Of The Future, welcomes the entire community to attend our Lifelong Learning Center programs at NO CHARGE - Except Rosh Chodesh Luncheons. However, donations are always appreciated. 20 Tzedakah KEY: IMO In Memory of IHO In Honor of HB Happy Birthday HA Happy Anniversary GW Get Well December 19th-January 19th Inclusive Donations Harold & May Ehrenman IMO Irving Hecht Harold & May Ehrenman IHO May Ehrenman Gerald & Jane Finger Dr. Milton & Marilyn Ozar MT Selma Jacobs on your new additions Ann Pinzer Aliyah Jerome Subkow & Carol Pollock Lilyan Wien Abraham & Alitta Irwin Harold Pressman Kol Nidre Pledges Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen Barbara Kirshner Gladys Morse Carl Shapiro Samuel & Roslyn Stein Gala Sponsors 2016 Irving Edwards Irving Slosberg See Fran Goldman if you want to participate! Reverse Raffle Lorin & Sharon Duckman Paul Erstein Renee Gere Ed Gurewitz Lester & Joan Schwartz Winning Tickets Available In The Office! Bricks Gold/Silver Jannette Abejean IHO Irving Friedman, My very special man Gerald Beigel w/Genia Kutner IHO Irving Friedman on his 90th BD Vincent & Kahla Caldovino IMO Bernard Cooper Jerry & Judith Epstein IMO Bernard Cooper Daniel & Frances Goldman IHO Linda & Larry Feinberg on their 50th anniversary David & Arlene Lurie HA Dan & Fran Goldman Irene Marks HA Linda & Larry Feinberg Ken & Barbara Rimer IHO Irving Friedman Hazzan Max & Caroline Rubin-Tilles IHO Linda & Larry Feinberg Bernard Saklad IHO Irving Friedman on his 90th birthday Lester & Joan Schwartz IHO President Fran Goldman Florence Ull IHO Rita Roslin, special birthday, special lady Florence Ull In loving memory of my brother, Solomon Max Lang Harvey & Bonita Werbell IHO Paulette Ballin on her birthday Legacy Donation Irving Slosberg IMO Dori Slosberg Memorial Plaques Sharon Barrett Irving Edwards Norma Edwards Steven Sanders Renee Sanders Harvey Stein IMO Fay Stein Shalosh Seudot Paul Felder Daniel & Frances Goldman IHO their 56th wedding anniversary Nathan & Beatrice Taubenfeld Florence Ull IMO Solomon Max Lang Bertha Weisz Kiddush Donations Mark & Jaclyn Saltzman Oneg Shabbat Roberta Grainer Sumner Greenberg Na’Amat USA Harold Pressman IHO Rita Roslin Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg Rabbi Tobias & Ethel Rothenberg IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Gerald Sacks IMO Elaine Sacks Kaddish Pearl Perlman Gilda Tanne Jack & Pauline Sabith Schol in Res/Sponsor Rabbi Donald & Sandra Crain Paul Erstein Rita Erstein David & Arlene Lurie Cantor Saul Rubinstein SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE IN THE TICKET OFFICE Simcha Shabbat Paul Felder IHO g-grandson Reuven, HB Judy Koles Daniel & Frances Goldman IHO their 56th wedding anniversary Selma Jacobs MT on her families Simchas Janette Kanfer at 90, I’ve come a long way, thankful to be here celebrating Genia Kutner IHO Jerry Beigel, a very special man, MT on your birthday Morris & Marilyn Liebman IHO our granddaughter Tori Krause Bernard Dov & Elaine Troy IHO their 61st wedding anniversary 21 General Donations Selma Ackerman Condolence to Charlotte Kaufman Kurt Altman Nancy Black GW Harriet DeCosta Ida Brass Condolence to Miriam Behar Terry Brinberg IMO Irving Kaufman Jack & Nancy Bushinsky HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull Jack & Nancy Bushinsky TY Hella Reitman for the Challah David & Jackie Cohen HA Larry & Linda Feinberg, GW Harriet DeCosta David & Jackie Cohen IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir, IMO Regina Wang David & Jackie Cohen MT Paul Felder & Judy Koles on birth of g-grandson Reuben Marvin & Dorothy Cohen IHO Morton & Lenore Jaye Morton & Linda Cooper GW Harriet DeCosta, MT Barbara Grau Morton & Linda Cooper IMO Marilyn Rosenberg Irving Edwards Lorraine Epstien GW Harriet DeCosta Lorraine Epstien HA Linda & Larry Feinberg Paul Felder HA Jerome & Barbara Cohen, HA Dan & Fran Goldman Paul Felder HA Linda & Larry Feinberg, HA Len & Dorothy Feigenbaum Paul Felder HA Sam & Ceil Reich, HB Bernard Labush Paul Felder HA Sheldon Goldsmith, HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull Paul Felder HB Emanuel Heller, HB Janette Kanfer Paul Felder HB Morris Epstein, HB Renate Eckstein, HB Jack Feder Irving Friedman GW Harriet DeCosta, GW Rabbi Barush Goldstein Irving Friedman HA Dan & Fran Goldman, HA Sam & Ceil Reich Irving Friedman HB Nathan Taubenfeld, HB Arista Salzstein Irving Friedman HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull, HB Morris Epstein Irving Friedman IMO Leon Nahmias Irving Friedman IMO Zvi Jusovic, IMO Regina Wang Dennis & Arlene Gertzer HB Florence Ull, HA Dan & Fran Goldman Dennis & Arlene Gertzer IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Robert & Rosalyn Gibson IMO Lee Goldschmidt Robert & Rosalyn Gibson IMO Regina Wang Herman & Marianna Gluck GW Moric Jusovic, GW Harriet DeCosta Herman & Marianna Gluck IMO Zvi Jusovic Herman & Marianna Gluck MT Phyllis Eisen on birth of your g-grandson Yosef Daniel & Frances Goldman HA Dr Edward & Beatrice Walvick Daniel & Frances Goldman HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull, HB Morris Epstein Daniel & Frances Goldman HB Sid Larowitz, HB Nathan Taubenfeld, HB Arista Salzstein Daniel & Frances Goldman IMO Zvi Jusovic Rabbi Baruch Goldstein HB Florence Ull Rabbi Baruch Goldstein IHO Hella Reitman’s new grandchild Mildred Grant GW Harriet DeCosta, GW Marilyn Mishkin Mildred Grant IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Mildred Grant MT Paul Felder Gilbert & Barbara Grau IMO Regina Wang, IMO Zvi Jusovic Arthur H. Greenwald GW Harriet DeCosta Arthur H. Greenwald HA Fran & Dan Goldman Arthur H. Greenwald HB Florence Ull, HB Rita Roslin, HB Morris Epstein Arthur H. Greenwald HB Robert Gibson, HB Emanuel Heller Arthur H. Greenwald IMO Renate Eckstein Arthur H. Greenwald IMO Zvi Jusovic Michael & Celie Halzel IMO Regina Wang, IMO Zvi Jusovic Rabbi Lester & Doris Hering HB Florence Ull, GW Harriet Decosta Selma Jacobs GW Harriet DeCosta Gloria Kaplan IMO Solomon Lang Linda Kaplan HB Florence Ull Linda Kaplan IMO Zvi Jusovic Fania Keck HB Florence Ull Claire Kessel IMO Zvi Jusovic General Donations Tzedakah Lowell & Deborah Kirschner Ruth Kurtz GW Doris Hering, MT Hella Reitman on your new grandson Ruth Kurtz HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull, HA Dan & Fran Goldman Ruth Kurtz IMO Zvi Jusovic Genia Kutner GW Harriet Decosta Genia Kutner HB Florence Ull, HB Laura Preizler Marion Levine IMO Irving Kaufman Bertram & Lee Lieberman IHO Fran & Dan Goldman David & Arlene Lurie GW Sidney Lenowitz, GW Harriet Decosta Samuel & Linda March HB Florence Ull Irene Marks IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Stephen & Isolde Medow GW Harriet DeCosta Abe Milechman & Marilyn Kaner HB Rita Roslin Harvey Miller HA Dan & Fran Goldman, HA Dr Edward & Beatrice Walvick Harvey Miller HB Florence Ull, HB Irving Stiel, HB Rabbi Samuel Glaser Harvey Miller HB Sidney Lenowitz Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller GW Harriet DeCosta, MT Paul Felder & Judy Koles Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller IMO Zvi Jusovic, IMO Regina Wang Ber & Hana Mlawski HB Florence Ull, HA Dan & Fran Goldman Gladys Morse GW Harriet DeCosta Bernard & Ruth Morwitz GW Harriet DeCosta Bernard & Ruth Morwitz HB Florence Ull Bernard & Ruth Morwitz IMO Zvi Jusovic Manfred & Margot Nussbaum MT Paul Felder on birth of your g-grandson Joseph & Sheila Pressman Ayne R Rauch HA Linda & Larry Feinberg, HA Dan & Fran Goldman Ayne R Rauch HB Florence Ull, MT Hella Reitman Ayne R Rauch MT Margot & Manny Nussbaum on birth of g-grandson Aiden Hella Reitman MT Judy Koles & Paul Felder Janice Riolo Arlene Ritholtz GW Harriet DeCosta, MT Paul Felder & Judy Koles Arlene Ritholtz HA Larry & Linda Feinberg, MT Hella Reitman Arlene Ritholtz HB Florence Ull Arlene Ritholtz IHO Florence Ull Julius Rosenberg HB Rita Roslin Bernard Saklad HB Irving Friedman, GW Harriet DeCosta, GW Barbara Kirshner Bernard Saklad IMO Zvi Jusovic, IMO Regina Wang Bernard Saklad MT Paul Felder on birth of your g-grandson Reuben Samuel & Sandree Savitz HB Florence Ull, HA Fran & Dan Goldman Roslyn Schor HB Nathan Taubenfeld,, HA Fran & Dan Goldman Roslyn Schor HB Rita Roslin, HB Florence Ull, HB Allen Spector Roslyn Schor HB Steve Medow, HB Tilda Spector, HB Sheldon Goldsmith Lester & Joan Schwartz HA Dan & Fran Goldman Lester & Joan Schwartz IMO Regina Wang Lois Sherman IMO Irving Kaufman Stuart & Harriet Sherman IMO Regina Wang Michael & Lillian Silberstein In appreciation of TAS Nathan & Lola Silverman GW Harriet DeCosta, GW Marilyn Mishkin Peter Sobel & Paulette Ballin IHO Janette & Marilyn for their service to the Temple Manny Stern IMO Bernard Cooper William & Lee Tannenbaum GW David Applebaum Nathan & Beatrice Taubenfeld IHO his birthday Florence Ull HA Elaine & Bernard Dov Troy Florence Ull HA Fran & Dan Goldman, HA Sam & Ceil Reich Florence Ull HB Herbert Levine, HB Irving Friedman Florence Ull MT Paul Felder on becoming a g-grandfather Phyllis Walsh HB Florence Ull Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang GW Harriet DeCosta, GW Barbara Kirshner Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang HA Larry & Linda Feinberg, MT Paul Felder on your g-grandson Ruth Wasserman HB Florence Ull Jerome Weinstein Barbara Weissman IMO Bernard Cooper Bertha Weisz IMO Zvi Jusovic Benjamin & Gerda Weltman HB Florence Ull Benjamin & Gerda Weltman MT Paul Felder on becoming a g-grandfather Yahrzeit Shirley Aidekman IMO Alex Aidekman/Husband Mamie Allen IMO Max Manning/Brother Howard & Marlene Appelbaum Helene Aronoff IMO Milton J Aronoff/Husband Zita Bell IMO Dr Melvin Jacobs/Friend Lawrence Berenson IMO Bessie Berenson/Mother Beatrice Berman IMO David Berman/Husband Dr Stanley Bernsteen IMO Edwin Bernsteen/Father Gary Black & Janet McCarthy IMO Beatrice Barbara/Aunt Neil Blumenson & Nancy Posnock IMO Beverly Blumenson/Wife Richard & Tina Brogadir IMO Selma & Nathaniel Scott Charles & Eileen Cerniglia IMO Mollie Post/Mother Irene Clayman IMO Lawrence Clayman/Brother-in-law 22 Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen IMO Maurice Gelfman/Father, IMO Bertha Gelfman/Mother Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen IMO Paul Gelfman/Brother, IMO Dr Harvey Redford/Friend Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen IMO Philip Cohen/Father, IMO Frances Cohen/Mother Melvyn & Lorna Cohen IMO Dorothy Cohen/Mother Morris & Ina-Lou Cohen IMO Dorothy Cohen/Mother Norma Cohen IMO Aaron London/Uncle Philip & Danielle Cohen IMO Edward Davidow/Father Rubin Cohen IMO sam Cohen/Father Lawrence & Leslie Cooper IMO Belle Cooper/Mother Morton & Linda Cooper IMO Helen Moidel/Mother Irene Cossin IMO Judge Morton Perry/Husband Florence Drobenare IMO Leo Drobenare/Husband, IMO George Levitan/Father Stephen Edelman IMO Anne Seger Edelman Lubliner Sylvia Eisner IMO Isadore Eisner/Father-in-law Sylvia Eisner IMO Murray Eisner/Brother-in-law Rita Erstein IMO Bertha Naroff/Mother Leonard Fane & Shirley Greenfield IMO Elaine Carol Fane/Wife Harold & Rosalind Farber IMO Yetta Farber/Mother Philip Fein IMO Lois Fein/Wife Elise Feinberg IMO Nathan Drezner/Father Paul Felder IMO Fanny Felder/Mother Beverly Fine IMO dr Leonard Fine/Husband Beverly Fine IMO Sydney Garelick Marvin Flam IMO Morris Flam/Father Floyd & Ellen Fried IMO Ann Fried/Mother Robert & Rosalyn Gibson IMO Bella Heilbrunn/Mother Joan Goldberg IMO Louis Dorman/Father Daniel & Frances Goldman IMO Elisabeth Last/Mother Charles & Rhonnie Goldstein IMO Toby Schatzberg/Mother Phyllis Gorowsky IMO Murray Gorowsky/Husband Mildred Grant IMO Sol Sagursky/Father Edward & Barbara Grayson IMO Mildred Gershbein/Mother George & Donna Greenberg IMO Irving Weisbrod/Father Harold & Barbara Greenberg IMO Helen Greenberg/Sister Harold & Barbara Greenberg IMO James Jay Pechenik/Brother Arthur H. Greenwald IMO Susan Greenwald/Sister Judy Heber Cantor Josh Hilsenrath IMO Adrienne Hilsenrath/Wife Cantor Josh Hilsenrath IMO Joseph Hilsenrath/Father Howard & Sandy Jacobs IMO Helen Jacobs/Mother Joseph & Evelyn Kanner IMO Alan Kanner/Husband Linda Kaplan IMO Elaine Sussman/Sister Edith Klein IMO Murray Kuntz/Father, IMO Oscar Klein/Father-in-law Joseph & Frances Klein IMO Albert Klein/Father Selma Kleinman IMO Bernard Kleinman/Husband Ernestine Kraemer IMO Meta Kraemer/Mother-in-law Lillian Kramer IMO Eli Garelick/Father Al & Sheila Krauser IMO Esther Schnee/Mother Morris & Doris Kushner IMO Pauline Mason/Mother Bernard & Greta Labush IMO Evelyn Labush/Mother Pearl Lander IMO Bernice Breslow Moses & Elizabeth Laub Bennett Leichman IMO Irving Leichman Edith Leichman IMO Irving Leichman/Husband Emily Levin IMO Benjamin Beck/Father Emily Levin IMO Dora Slonimsky/Grandmother Janet Lichtenfeld IMO Albert Lichtenfeld/Father-in-law Roseann Lindquist IMO Anna Gordon/Grandmother David & Arlene Lurie IMO Miriam Lurie/Mother David & Arlene Lurie IMO Morton Jacobson/Brother Irving & Sue Mandel IMO Joseph Cohan/Father Herbert & Karan Marvin IMO Renee Krim/Mother Stephen & Isolde Medow IMO Lea Rubel/Mother Rosalie Meltzer IMO Alex Lazear/Father Rosalie Meltzer IMO Mike Meltzer/Husband, IMO Rose Meltzer/Mother-in-law Abe Milechman & Marilyn Kaner IMO Martin Kaner/Husband Lewis & Denise Missuk IMO David Gross/Uncle Bernard & Ruth Morwitz IMO Albert Morwitz/Father Bernard & Ruth Morwitz IMO anna Morwitz/Mother Irwin & Laura Nable IMO Doris Gilbort/Mother Gary & Rhea Nakash IMO Bernice Nakash/Mother Edith Oppenheimer Florence Oshins IMO Bernard D Plotkin/First Husband Pearl Perlman IMO Carin Marchfeld/Daughter Phyllis Platt IMO Stephen Platt/Husband Joseph Plonsky IMO Minnie Plonsky/Wife Rhonda Post IMO Bertha Simons Samuel Press IMO David Press/Father, IMO Elsie Press/Mother Scott & Katja Pressman IMO Harry & Miriam Pressman Louis & Jacqueline Reisman IMO Isadore Reisman/Brother Elaine Romm IMO Judie Hartman/Sister Elaine Romm IMO Lilliam Goodman/Mother Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen IMO Benjamin Feldman/Grandfather, IMO Sarah Dvora Rabstein/G Tzedakah Yahrzeit Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen Roberta Rosenzweig Herm & Lynne Rosh Rita Roslin Norman & Rhoda Ross Murray & Phyllis Rubin Florence Schiff Martin & Elaine Schiller Barry & Patricia Schneider Norman Schneider Stanley & Claire Schneider Sally Schor Jeffrey & Linda Schultz Lester & Joan Schwartz Melvin & Marilyn Schwartz Zelda Schwartz Laura Shafritz Florence Siegel Betty Simons Betty Simons Vivian Sloves Rebecca Summers Louis & Barbara Tobasky Nathan Vogel David Wasserman Ruth Wasserman Sandra Weiss Evelyn Wilcon Jay & Lynn Wofchuck Albert & Gladys Youberg Joel Zimmerman Joel Zimmerman Joel Zimmerman Michael & Leslie Zimring Michael & Leslie Zimring Raena Zucker IMO Golda Feldman/Grandmother IMO Sam Zuckerberg/Grandfather IMO Max Rosh IMO Norman Roslin/Husband IMO Shirley Auslander/Mother IMO Irving Rubin/Brother IMO Anna Danenberg/Mother IMO Roslyn Marion Samuels/Sister David & Arlene Lurie William & Janet Schwartz William & Janet Schwartz William & Janet Schwartz William & Janet Schwartz William & Janet Schwartz William & Janet Schwartz Edward & Mildred Wall MT Sheila & Mauricio Arenzon on your new home HA Fran & Dan Goldman HB Florence Ull HB Gayle Savitz HB Larry Feinberg HB Morris Epstein HB Paul Erstein HA Linda & Larry Feinberg Rabbi’s Discr. Fund Leonard & Linda Cohen Manfred & Margot Nussbaum Flower Fund Fania Keck Louise Kurtz IHO President Fran Goldman Rhoda Scharf Choir Fund Harold & Lois Deutsch IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Robert & Sheila Fellman IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Irving Friedman IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Dr Burton & Nora Gerson IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Rita Holtz IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Peter Levine IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Irene Marks GW Marilyn Mishkin Irene Marks IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Solomon Z. & Ray Rosen IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Lester & Joan Schwartz IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Marlene Siegel IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Sanford & Judy Smith IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Linda Solomon IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Judith Weinberg IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Sema Weinberg IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Cantor William & Susan Wood IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Joel & Charna Yellin IHO Irving Friedman IMO Rose Reiss/Mother IMO Hinda Cohen/Mother, MO Yaakov Elazer Cohen/Brother IMO Sam Zuckerberg/Grandfather IMO Gussie Greenberg/Mother IMO Wolf Schwartz/Father IMO Isidor Cohen/Father, IMO Pearl Shatz/Mother IMO George Cooperstein/Father IMO Aaron Siegel/Husband IMO Murray Simons/Husband IMO Yetta Applebaum/Mother IMO Joseph Sloves/Father-in-law IMO Louis Summers/Husband IMO Sarah Tobasky IMO Philip Joseph Vogel IMO Idel Wasserman/Father IMO Todd Wasserman/Son IMO Herbert Siegel IMO Sarah Delugin/Mother IMO Paul Wofchuck/Father IMO Bessie Gindes/Mother IMO Florence Zimmerman/Mother IMO Gertrude Perlman/Sister IMO Rhoda Zimmerman/Wife IMO Evelyn Zimring Hinckley/Aunt IMO Robert Zimring/Uncle IMO Benjamin Zucker/Father-in-law Prayer Book Fund Stanley Kaplan IMO Barbara Kaplan Louise Kurtz IMO Cantor Efraim Sapir Carolyn Vainder Efraim Sapir Memorial Fund Mitchel & Linda Abramowitz Beverly Berman Dr Stanley Bernsteen Gilbert & Hana Bogen Jeanette Chiel Morris & Ina-Lou Cohen Harold & Rosalind Farber Lawrence & Linda Feinberg Bernard & Eileen Finegold Jules & Marilyn Finkel Myer & Nella Glick Rabbi Baruch Goldstein Jean Havelin Bernard & Miriam Herbst Howard & Sandy Jacobs Jerry & Marcia Jaeger Fania Keck Ira Lorber & Sandra Falck Aida Makower Rosalie Meltzer Harvey Miller Rabbi Raphael & Jeannette Miller Deborah Morgenstern Gladys Morse Irwin & Laura Nable Libby Newman Edith Oppenheimer Laura Preizler Norma Rosenfeld Jay & Sandra Rothschild Hazzan Max & Caroline Rubin-Tilles Gerald Sacks Bernard Saklad Samuel & Sandree Savitz Rabbi Sidney Shanken Irwin & Frieda Shear Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr Jerome Subkow & Carol Pollock Ted Thau Bernard Dov & Elaine Troy Dr Howard & Hadassah Wang David & Joan Zimmer Yiskor Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen Gerson & Myrna Goodman Sonia Lowenbraun Nathan & Elena Orgel Aliyahs David & Barbara Abramowitz Aliyah Nancy Black Aliyah Jerome T. & Barbara J. Cohen Aliyah Philip & Danielle Cohen Aliyah Irving Edwards Aliyah Sheldon & Carol Goldsmith Aliyah Mildred Grant Aliyah Arthur H. Greenwald Aliyah B. Robert Hiller Aliyah Ruth Kurtz Aliyah Stephen & Isolde Medow Aliyah Abe Milechman & Marilyn Kaner Bernard & Ruth Morwitz Aliyah Manfred & Margot Nussbaum Aliyah Rita Roslin Aliyah Joseph & Myrna Salzman Aliyah Ernest & Arista Salzstein Aliyah Michael Scheinzeit Aliyah Roslyn Schor Aliyah Irwin M Schultz Aliyah Lester & Joan Schwartz Aliyah Walter & Eunice Spielman Dr. Joseph & Selma Starr Aliyah Arnold & Roz Steinberg Aliyah Benjamin & Gerda Weltman Aliyah David & Joan Zimmer Aliyah It is customary to make a donation when you receive an Aliyah Mishaberah Rhoda Sklar Moishe Aaron Simcha Chai Club Gerald Beigel MT Hella Reitman on becoming a grandmother Gerald Beigel MT Jannette Abejean on your birthday Gerald Beigel MT Paul Felder & family on becoming a g-grandfather Mickie Corsun MT Paul Felder & Judy Koles on birth of Reuben Paul Felder MT Margot & Manny Nussbaum on birth of your g-grandson Ronald & Rosalind Glickman HA Dan & Fran Goldman Gilbert & Barbara Grau MT Paul Felder on birth of your g-grandson Shoshana Krol IHO Florence Ull David & Arlene Lurie HA Linda & Larry Feinberg 23 24 25 Want to honor or memorialize someone? The perfect place to do this is to dedicate a “Book Plate” in either the front of the new Chumash or in the new Machzor. It’s easy! Just come to the front office. Lifelong Learning Center Thursday Afternoon Lecture Series 1:30 pm: Sanctuary Temple Anshei Shalom Art Forum Presented by Dr. Kenneth Green “Stolen Art, Stolen Lives” In this four-part series, Dr. Green will explore the historical, cultural and artistic collisions that permeated the rise and fall of the Nazi era February 4th The Artistic Climate of World War I Europe February 11th Art in the World of Cabaret February 18th Stolen Art of World War II Including The Woman in Gold February 25th Restitution and Restoration: Monument Men Dr. Kenneth A. Green is a noted art educator who has received degrees from Columbia University, New York University and the University of Sedona. 26 Temple Anshei Shalom WEDNESDAY MOVIE 1:30 pm February 3rd “Marital Games” Hosted by Rabbi Raphael Adler February 10th “Zero Motivation” 2014 NR 101 mins Serving out their required term in the military, a collection of young Israeli soldiers are posted to a desolate base in the middle of the desert. As their collective boredom mounts, personal frictions begin to surface among the all-female company. February 17th “Kabbalah Me” Special guest: Steven Bram filmmaker Throughout history, Kabbalah was studied by only the most holy Talmud scholars. The misinformation, innuendo and prohibition surrounding Kabbalah kept its wisdom from most Jews; many were even unaware of its existence. In KABBALAH ME, co-director Steven Bram embarks on a spiritual investigation that leads him to reunite with the Hasidic branch of his family and connect to the community of Judaic scholarship. February 24th “Closer to the Moon “ 2015 NR Rated NR 112 mins Set in postwar Romania, a group of Jewish friends lose their prominent positions within the Communist party and retaliate by robbing a bank, even though their act of political provocation will likely result in their conviction and a death sentence. 27 Lifelong Learning Center Please Join Us! Please Come and Learn! Please Be Active! Larry Feinberg Lifelong Learning Center Coordinator Mondays 10:00 am ̶ Chapel Holidays And Festivals. “What’s It All About” ̶ Steve Wallach 11:00 am ̶ Herbert Langmeyer Library and Conference Room Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class (Open to both men and women who have never had a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or are about 83 years old and want to have a second Bar/Bat Mitzvah.) Instructors; Genia Kutner and Rabbi Raphael Adler Monday Afternoon Lecture Series 1:30 pm ̶ Chapel/Sanctuary February 1st Jewish Nobel Prize Winners ̶ Leah Polin Leah Polin, a noted lecturer from Chicago, speaks on the topics of Jewish History, Jewish Women and Israel to Hadassah and senior groups both in the Midwest and Florida. February 8th If Disaster Strikes, How Can You Help? ̶ Harvey Tatelman Harvey Tatelman is the Branch Director of the Palm Beach County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) February 15th President Washington and the Founding of the Nation ̶ Alvin Schwartz Al Schwartz is a retired New York teacher with a law degree who is an expert on the American Presidency. February 22nd SPECIAL PROGRAM: Special Time 10:30 AM (Annex) Pre-Need Luncheon Seminar from Beth Israel Chapel (Open to the community...reservations required...call the office)Monday February 29th The Birth of Jewish Classical Music in St. Petersburg, Russia, 1908 – Dr. Eliot Kahn Dr. Eliott Kahn was the music archivist at the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary for 20 years. He has presented and published scholarly papers on Jewish music as well as conducted and composed music for the Synagogue. Eliott holds a doctorate in choral conducting from the University of Iowa. 28 Mondays, 3:45 pm ̶ Annex 1 Talmud Study ̶ Rabbi Raphael Miller Rabbi Raphael Miller is a distinguished, retired Rabbi and a member of our congregation. Tuesdays World Of Our Rabbis and Cantors 10:30 am ̶ Chapel/Sanctuary During this open-ended series of lectures, the Rabbis and Cantors of Temple Anshei Shalom will speak about topics for which they have passion. February 2nd Understanding The Shabbat Service: Its Structure and Content Rabbi Lester Hering In addition to numerous honors and accolades, Rabbi Hering is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Emeth of Delray Beach, Florida. February 9th Rosh Chodesh Luncheon – noon - There is a charge for lunch) Guest Speaker: Larry Gaum Topic: Al Jolson (Jewish Music Month) February 16th Ten Jewish Ideas To Live By ̶ Rabbi Baruch Goldstein In addition to numerous honors and accolades, Rabbi Goldstein is Rabbi Emeritus of Beth Israel Congregation of Worcester, Massachusetts. February 23rdJudaism in Islam ̶ Rabbi Donald Crain In addition to numerous honors and accolades, Rabbi Crain is Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Beth Shalom of Boca Raton. Tuesdays ̶ 1:00 pm – Chapel Parshat Ha Shavua: Studies of the Portion of the Week Rabbi Raphael Adler Thursdays 10:30 am: Hebrew Conversation – Sara Ritzner Lifelong Learning Center's offerings are open to all members and the community at no charge. Please tell your friends and bring them to learn with us. 29 Delray’s Vibrant Synagogue Of The Future NOW LED BY: Sandy Didner February 22nd at Noon In The Signature of All Things, Elizabeth Gilbert returns to fiction, inserting her inimitable voice into an enthralling story of love, adventure and discovery . Exquisitely researched and told at a galloping pace, The Signature of All Things soars across the globe—from London to Peru to Philadelphia to Tahiti to Amsterdam, and beyond. Along the way, the story is peopled with unforgettable characters: missionaries, abolitionists, adventurers, astronomers, sea captains, geniuses, and the quite mad. 30 ANSHEI AFTER DARK Our monthly entertainment series. Just or the fun of it. Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00 Pink Slip Duo Our monthly entertainment series. Just or the fun of it. Named 2015 “Best Folk Band” in Palm Beach & Broward by New Times Pink Slip Duo’s amazing harmonies pay tribute to nostalgic and upbeat songs of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, The Beatles, Peter Paul & Mary, Simon & Garfunkel, The Beachboys, The Everly Brothers, Jimmy Buffet, The Eagles, Dylan, Sedaka, Joan, Joni, Janis, Carly, Carole and more. With thumbs-ups reviews from the Palm Beach Post, Atlantic Avenue Magazine and audiences at FAU and throughout Florida, Pink Slip will having you humming your old favorites all the way home! Sing-along, dance in the aisles and feel groovy like you did in the ‘60s! Complimentary coffee house & sweets at intermission Tickets: $10 TAS Ticket Office, Mon-Thurs, 9:30 to 11:30 am or call 561- 495-1300 TEMPLE ANSHEI SHALOM 7099 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach. West of Jog Rd. templeansheishalom.org Visit us on Facebook! 31 ISRAEL BONDS INVITES YOU TO THE Temple Anshei Shalom Tribute Breakfast HONORING Nora & Burton Gerson and Janette Kanfer Sunday, February 7, 2016 · 10:00 A.M. Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 W Atlantic Ave. · Delray Beach, FL Event Chairs Dorothy & Al Zaretsky Event Co-Chairs Sue & Irving Mandel CONTACT EFFIE REGEV FOR BOND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES: 561.939.1363 · [email protected] Couvert: $5.00 per person* *not tax deductible DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR ISRAEL This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in State of Israel bonds. Issues subject to availability. Member FINRA. 32 Membership listen to them and wish them happy birthday or happy anniversary. What a great and satisfying job done by all those that worked with the committee chairman, Sylvia Engel. Thank you for a job well done. My appreciation to new member, Paulette Ballin and her committee, for stepping up to make " Anshei After Dark" a fun and successful happening. What began as an experiment, to see if our members and potential members would enjoy an evening at the Temple, became a huge success.. Spend a fun evening,the first Wednesday of the month, with your friends at TAS. I enjoyed working with you all over the many years: Arlene Gertzer, Arista Salzstein, Bernie Saklad, Bob Rothman, Helene Mendelson, Irving Mandel, Jerry Finger, Joan Schwartz, Les Schwartz, Judy Frank, Lenore Jaye, Nora Gerson, Roz Glickman, Sharon Levine ( my left hand), Sheila Arenzon, Nancy Bushinsky, Paul Felder, Rochelle Goldsmith, Arnie Plotzky,Marshall Engel, Linda Feinberg, Harriet Sherman. Thank you for always supporting all our endeavors. Yasher Koach to Barbara Abramowitz L'Shalom Fran Goldman I want to welcome into our Temple family those members who joined in December of 2015: Marilyn Tepper, Gerald Sacks, Evelyn Rubin, Stanley & Lillian Bernstein, Abraham & Alitta Irwin and Morton & Muriel Levine. We hope that all our members will partake in the many Life Long Learning lectures, book club, Rabbi Adler's movie of the month, Anshei After Dark, as well as the many dinners, and entertaining events. This is my last column as Membership VP as I move on to representing you as TAS President. I leave the committee in the capable hands of Barbara Abramowitz. Barbara and the hardworking, dedicated committee members will continue the warm and friendly atmosphere that our Temple members and prospective members have come to appreciate. I want to thank the members of the committee for their support and tireless efforts. Your enthusiasm and efforts have increased our Temple membership. The "Sunshine" committee, started as a way to connect with our members, to speak with them, 33 February Birthdays & Anniversaries 1st Paul Erstein 10th David Zimmer 16th Zenia Roth 22nd Beatrice Garland 2nd Beverly Fine 10th Gerald Beigel 18th Thelma Briskin 23rd Phyllis Nardone 3rd Eliott Kahn 10th Carole Greenberg 18th Gertrude Hochman23rd Joan Cohen 4th Morris Cohen 11th Sandy Jacobs 18th Sheila Krauser 25th Miriam Frank 4th Ruth Hochberg 11th Rose Gelber 19th Trudy Broude 26th Donald Lerman 4th Harold Pressman 12th Edith Kott 19th Miriam Herbst 26th Renee Pollack 4th Karan Marvin Cantor Saul David Cohen 5th Rabbi David Lucille Kall 5th Silverman Marge Felder 6th Rosalyn Kaplan Gayle Savitz 13th David Jankelovitz 26th Rubinstein 19th John Korn 26th 13th Jack Weinberg 19th Marvin Flam 27th David Broude 14th Adrienne Schwartz20th Roberta Grainer 27th 6th Morton Jaye 14th Celie Halzel 21st Sidney Rosen Walter Spielman 6th Leo Kraimer 14th Roza Tesliar 21st Barbara J. Cohen 28th Margaret Vesely 6th Murray Rubin 14th Danielle Cohen 22nd Charles Laufer 7th Jeffrey Schultz 16th Sharon Levine Bernice Lubatkin 7th 22nd Max & Jean Kushner 1st 69th anniversary Donald & Rochelle Lefkowitz 4th 48th anniversary Sidney Rosen & Esther Geizhals 10th 13th anniversary Stanley & Pauline Grossel 14th 7th anniversary Max & Ilse Botie 16th Herman & Meryle Meinster 16th 42nd anniversary Edward & Myrna Phillips 17th 53rd anniversary Gerald & Barbara Goldman 19th 55th anniversary Ronald & Rosalind Glickman 22nd 56th anniversary 34 Sol Lepson 27th 28th s y a d h t r i B y r a s r e v i Ann Î Î Î ANSHEI AFTER DARK Our monthly Wednesday evening entertainment series. Just for the fun of it. Wednesday, Feb. 3, at 7 pm Laugh your head off with the “Magical Comedy of Avi” Anshei After Dark is delighted to present comedian & magician Avi Frier whose performances have won rave reviews from audiences across the country and around the world. Here’s what others have said about Avi Frier: "The audience was riveted... from start to finish." —The Miami Herald "Avi is giving David Copperfield a run for his money." —WFOR CBS-4, Miami "Avi's show moves from rip-roaring-funny, to edge-of-your-seat-dangerous, to you'llbe-awake-all-night-trying-to-figure-outhow-he-did-that, and back again, in nothing flat." —The Hollywood Gazette "BRAVO! The show was superb and provided a very entertaining evening." —Boca Raton Resort & Club "Not your typical magician." — BizBash Magazine Tickets: $10 Sweets & Coffee after Performance Ticket Office, Mon-Thurs, 9:30-11:30 am or call 561-495-1300 TEMPLE ANSHEI SHALOM 7099 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach West of Jog Rd. templeansheishalom.org 35 Temple Anshei Shalom 7099 W. Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33446-1601 (561) 495-1300 DATED MAIL 36 Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 1991 Boca Raton, FL