H EL LW I G H EL PER SPR I N GS Even the best drivers need help every now and then. H EL LW I G H EL PER SPR I N GS Hellwig is the most recognized name in helper springs. Few Class C competitors equip their motorhomes with them. 1 Fluctuating loads impact alignment, reduce traction and diminish handling. Hellwig helper springs correct this, compressing under loads to level out your RV. Put a little extra spring in your drive. Jayco equips Class C models with Hellwig helper springs. These springs work with the chassis’ existing springs to give the RV more support, improving sway control under heavy loads. And when your gross vehicle weight rating changes, these Load Pro springs self regulate, making them easier to maintain than a manual airbag suspension system. 1 Available on: Melbourne (standard); Greyhawk (optional) RU B B ER I SOL AT I O N M OU N T S Who knew something so small could make such a big difference. RU B B ER I SOL AT I O N M OU N T S metal Creates an interface between metal components, helping minimize vibrations. metal Rubber mounts 1 allow for movement, enabling suspension parts to move fluidly over bumps. Take the bounce out of the road. Select Jayco Class C motorhomes are equipped with a total of four rubber isolation mounts positioned near the tires. These mounts, only available on Jayco Class Cs, create an interface between metal components, helping minimize vibration throughout your Jayco motorhome. 1 Available on: Melbourne (standard); Greyhawk (optional) B I L S T EI N S H OCK A B SO R B ER S A smoother ride is right around the next corner. B I L S T EI N S H OCK A B SO R B ER S The Bilstein piston has 228% larger surface area than conventional twin-tube pistons, offering greater control for the ultimate in handling. Bilstein shock absorbers 1 feature a unique monotube gas-pressure design. Unlike twin-tube designs, Bilstein’s single tube won’t trap heat, decreasing shock failure. Now, this is a ride you can handle. You won’t find these high-end shock absorbers on any other Class C. Featuring a unique piston system, Bilstein shocks reduce bouncing on uneven roads and eliminate excessive sway when cornering. On Precept’s Class A Ford F53 chassis, Bilstein shocks are standard equipment for an extraordinary ride. 1 Available on: Precept (standard); Melbourne (standard); Greyhawk (optional) JOU NC E BU M PER S Smooth out life’s little bumps. And the big ones, too. JOU NC E BU M PER S e fram iliz er ba r k Bilstein shoc absorbers sta b Positioned under the frame, jounce bumpers 1 act as an insulator to dampen vibrations. Compliments the other components of the JRide package for a superior ride. A smooth ride is our standard. A standard feature on the Ford F53 chassis, front and rear variable-rate jounce bumpers are positioned under the frame to absorb vibration. These bumpers compliment the Bilstein shock absorbers, dual stabilizer bars and standard multi-leaf spring system, completing Precept’s smooth ride. 1 Available on: Precept (standard Ford F53 feature) S TA B I L I Z I N G SWAY BA R Only boats should sway. S TA B I L I Z I N G SWAY BA R A sway bar 1 keeps the RV flatter in turns by transferring the pressure on the outboard wheel and applying it to the inboard tire, distributing the weight more evenly on all four wheels for a road-hugging ride. A sway bar also eliminates excessive sway on bumpy roads, raising and lowering each side of the unit to similar heights. 1 Setting the bar in handling. Unlike other Class Cs, Jayco adds a sway bar. Connecting opposite wheels together, a sway bar raises and lowers each side of the unit to similar heights, reducing sideways tilting when cornering. On Precept, we added a second stabilizing bar to the Ford F53 chassis. Other Class As are equipped with just one bar. 1 Available on: Precept (standard) ; Melbourne (standard); Greyhawk (optional) BA L A NC ED D R I V ES H A F T We shudder to think about an unbalanced driveshaft. BA L A NC ED D R I V ES H A F T Welded-on weights help balance the driveshaft. 1 A well-balanced drive starts with Jayco. Every Jayco motorhome driveshaft is balanced. This extra step, overlooked by many competitors, ensures the driveshaft is properly tuned to reduce shudder and vibrations, while ensuring power is efficiently transmitted to the wheels. 1 Standard on: Melbourne and Greyhawk
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* See warranty policy for front cap details.
** The JRide package is optional on Greyhawk.