BRICK-BY-BRICK Part 2 - Center of Praise Ministries
BRICK-BY-BRICK Part 2 - Center of Praise Ministries
WEEKLY BRICK-BY-BRICK Part 2 Center of Praise Ministries, Sacramento, CA Week of December 27, 2015 Issue No. 34 W e are concluding The Joy of Generosity series this week. This teaching series has challenged us by shedding new light on JOY, and how its origins are found in the presence of the Lord. Even when you face challenges you can give God praise and receive His JOY. Your thinking pertaining generosity and JOY together have been expanded. The JOY is truly found when you give to God in the things of God. There exists an opportunity to be not just consumer/receivers, but radical investors in what God is doing both here and around the world. A RADICAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Based Upon the Teachings of Dr. Ronn Elmore THE INVESTMENT PRINCIPLE In Manhattan in the 1600’s, the people came together to see how they could multiply their monies. They called the place “Wall Street”. Originally, a marketplace for Africans and Native Americans to be sold or rented as slaves, Wall Street later became the central bargaining place for financial securities and formed the Buttonwood Agreement (the original NY Stock Exchange), into which people would invest their monies in order to gain a return. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. The Investment Principle 2. The Investment Return 3. Opposing Mentalities: Consumer vs. Investor 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 (NET Bible) 6 My point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. 7 Each one of you should give just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, because God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in every good work. 9 Just as it is written, “He has scattered widely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness remains forever.” The church, the people of God, are not supposed to gather together to see what it can get or gain from God in order to consume it; NO. We, the church, gather in order to pull together with one another (our gifts, talents, resources and finances) in order to impact and affect others near and far. We gather as disciples to make more disciples both here and abroad. We do this as individuals and in partnership with one another, saying: “If I cannot go, I can partner with others in sending someone who DISCUSSION POINT 1: can go.” As we sow into the Kingdom of God, know We are called to INVEST into the Kingdom of God by sowing. that there should be equal sacrifice, not equal amounts. The heart of the investor is Your seed along with that of others can produce much more. linked with others to get more accomplished. BIBLICAL DEFINITION Discuss how your time, talent and treasure Sow: v [Greek: speirō] to scatter, to extend seed links up with that of others in order to produce Reap: [Greek: therizō] to harvest, to gather; Reaping: n. the more. reward of doing well THE RETURN ON INVESTMENT What is the Return on Your Investment? (Vs. 6-7) The Bible is clear: the person who invests little will gain little. It is a Kingdom principle for which there is no flexibility. On the other hand, the Bible also states that the person who invests generously will also receive bountifully. Therefore, the believer is to invest with good heart, good intention, good motive and with a good attitude, and expect a healthy return. (Vs. 8) God provides everything you need. “Needs” differ from “wants”. This is inclusive of God’s progressive plan to expand the Kingdom of God by investing in the needs of the poor in zip codes outside of our own. The church today has the opportunity to be a blessing exponentially. We quote this statement every weekend: “…and the needs of this ministry are already met”. Our needs are met, and it is now time for us to impact other communities and other countries. This is the return: to be used by God to impact the lives of others. OPPOSING MENTALITIES: CONSUMER VS. INVESTOR The truth is that we are all consumers and recipients. In the advanced levels of the things of God, however, we become investors into the Kingdom of God. But, what is the mentality we are to take on? How do we differentiate this level of spiritual maturation: between being a consumer and an investor? Isaiah 58:2; 6-12 (CEV) 2 Day after day, you worship the Lord and seem eager to learn his teachings. You act like a people that wants to do right by obeying God’s laws… But let me tell you the kind of self-sacrificing worship that God desires. It is the kind that loosens the chains of injustice Consumer Mentality vs. Investor Mentality – There are distinctions between the two mentalities: Consumer and breaks the yokes of oppression, freeing those who are in bondage. and Investor. 6 It is to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless into your house; when you see the naked, to clothe him, When going to purchase something as a consumer or going to and not to hide yourself from your own flesh and blood? Consumers: Short-term focus (right now) vs. Investors: Long-term focus (Kingdom of God) 7 make an investment you do the same thing in either case: take your money, go and give it to the store or to the investment firm. 8 Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, The difference is this: you will never ever see the money you have and your own healing shall spring forth speedily; deposited into the store; whereas, the money invested has the your righteousness shall go before you; potential for a return back to you. This is long term thinking. the glory of the LORD shall guard you from behind. Consumers focus on the risk vs. Investors focus on the Opportunity Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, ‘Here I am...’ 9 A prospectus informs the investor of the risks involved when investing. “This, that and the other may happen to your money”… BUT, the Word of God says, “Test me in this” (Malachi 3:10). God established His Kingdom principle of sowing and reaping, which He does not forsake. His instructions to the investor: “Sow Generously” (2Cor 9:6). There is the surety of a return. Consumers focus on maintaining their money vs. Investors focus on multiplying their money The Lord will always lead you. He will meet the needs of your soul in the dry times and give strength to your body. You will be like a garden that always has abundant water and never dries up. 11 You will rebuild cities that are now in ruins; and be known as the people who can fix anything, restoring, rebuilding and making communities livable again. 12 Could your house, income, ministry, assets, family and your life stand to be blessed? Do not focus on what’s presently in your pocket. Focus on the multiplying in order to build, reach, grow, DISCUSSION POINT 2: Are you doing enough? Is God asking or and secure beyond your own abilities as an individual. The Lord says, “Give… I’ll hook you up either generously or sparingly depending upon your generosity.” 2 leading me to extend my faith through giving (sowing) into the Kingdom of God even more? In what ways can you partner with the church? FACTORPOINTS HE’S HERE...WORSHIP - Incorporate this prayer into your daily prayers this week: Dear Lord, We thank You for creating in us the desire to fix, restore, rebuild and make communities around the globe livable once more. Build in us the spirit of the investor as the mentality of the consumer diminishes from within. You have atoned us for Your glory and saved us from our sins; but also You have saved us FOR Your plan and purpose to be accomplished on the earth. We understand that our investment is eternal, not temporary. Thank You for extending the opportunity to us today. You have given to us the ANSWER for all of the world problems; that is the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST. Choose us, train us, use us, and send us. AMEN HE KNOWS... LEARN - Get connected in the New Year. If you haven’t gone through the Member Orientation known as Starting Point, or if you went through an earlier presentation (New Partners Orientation), we encourage you to enroll in the new Starting Point Member Orientation beginning January 10, 2016, 8:30AM at the Cathedral. The four-session orientation focuses on Vision & Mission, Strategy, Stewardship and Service at COP. Enroll online: CENTEROFPRAISE.NET/EVENTS HE’S ABLE... SERVE - There are a few things you can do right NOW: 1. Serve by sowing your End of Year Gift. You have a few more days before the end of the year. Go to CENTEROFPRAISE.NET and click on “The Joy of Generosity - GIVE NOW” graphic. 2. CONNECT to both learning and serving opportunities in the New Year. Get plugged in through our Connect Conference: January 7-8, 7PM at the Cathedral. Mark Your Calendar CENTEROFPRAISE.NET To view the complete teaching, please go to our website and click on the Media tab and select Centered Life TV. Scripture taken from the The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. 3