Proyectos Cientificos de la Agencia Espacial Europea


Proyectos Cientificos de la Agencia Espacial Europea
Seyfert 1 Galaxies
Santander, June 3-5
M. Santos-Lleó
Why Seyfert 1 Galaxies?
Netzer (2015)
AGN: M(BH) > 105 Mʘ
LAGN/LEdd > 10-5
Seyfert 1: Radiative & efficient: LAGN/LEdd > 0.01
Bright point source at all wavelengths
High ionization gas  broad lines
Nearby  bright, easier to study
X-ray astronomy and AGN
Giacconi et al. 1962
Schmidt 1963
Antonucci, 2013, 2015:
‘’Why still a puzzle after
Urry & Padovani 1995,
Antonucci & Miller 1985
50 years?’’
not a big
the two
Antonucci 2013
X rays may help solving the puzzle
1. Probe spacetime close to the putative BH (can we prove that
the Schwarszchild or Kerr solutions of Einstein´s equation for
the space geometry around a BH are correct?)
2. The ecological role of the quasars´ immense radiation and
mechanical luminosity in the formation of galaxies and stars.
AGN ´feedback´ undeniable when close connections were shown
between BH mass and the stellar content and internal (stellar)
R. Antonucci 2015
A break through
Break through in 1995:
Emission line broadened by rapid motions
and gravity close to the BH (Tanaka et al.)
We need more sensitive X-ray
telescopes to make detailed studies of
the emission lines arising in the
vicinity of the BH
Looking for confirmation; still
But, e.g., Miller & Turner 2013: absorption
from ionized gas can provide alternative
explanation without relativistic effects
Fabian et al 2009
Streblyanska et al 2005
and many others ….
Looking for confirmation and more
break throughs: in high resolution
Is high resolution X-ray
spectroscopy the key?
NGC 1068: plenty of emission
lines for diagnostic! But… this
is a Seyfert 2
Kinkhabwala et al 2002
Kraemer et al 2015
High resolution X-ray spectra of Seyfert 1s,
more complex!…
NGC 3516
Branduardi-Raymont et al. 2001
Mehdipour et al 2010
Huerta et al 2014 and refs.
High resolution X-ray spectra of Seyfert 1s,
NGC 4151
NGC 5548
The RGS Spectral Atlas; Bensch et al 2014
Steenbrugge et al. 2014
Hints from higher X-ray energies?
0.5- 10 keV
NGC 4151, Steenbrugger 2014;
NGC 1365 Walton et al 2014
Combining spectral and temporal
information, 0.5 – 10 keV
NGC 985, as an example
High state, several absorption features,
Krongold et al 2009
Low vs high state,
‘ A partial eclipse of the heart’
Parker et al 2014
(see also refs in both papers)
Go to even higher energies ~ 100 keV
I. continuum shape
Combined 0.5 --100 keV
data  discriminate
between different
models, with different
predictions for spectral
shapes and features
NGC 5548
Kaastra et al 2014
NGC 1365
Risaliti et al 2013
Go to even higher energies ~ 100 keV
II. Spectral features
PDS 456 Nardini et al 2015
What are X-rays telling us
about Seyfert 1 galaxies?
Spectral components:
Primary power law (corona)
Reflected in the disk
Thermal disk emission
 Being probed by high resolution,
0.5–100 keV data and variability
Matt 2014
and more complexity
Outflows (winds)
Ultra fast?
Mildy ionized (warm
… work in progress …
We need more sensitive X-ray telescopes to make detailed
studies of the emission lines arising in the vicinity of the BH
(Antonucci 2015)
True, but still much more to learn with current telescopes!
Thank you