mitchelstown. - Cork Past and Present
mitchelstown. - Cork Past and Present
SHOPKEEPEBS, Ac — continued. Collins Mary, draper A grocer Connell Daniel, car maker Corry Michael, grocer Crokes Biehard, shoemaker [Point Crowe James, shopkeeper, Spanish Cuffe Patrick, grocer Cummins George, carpenter Cummins James, architect, builder A carpenter Cummins Michael, builder Cummins Bobert, nail maker Curtin Cornelius, butcher & earthenware dealer Curtin James, grocer A cooper Curtin James, butcher Cm-tin Michael, butcher & baker Darcy Thomas, tobacconist, grocer & flour dealer Davidson J. M. gutta perclia shoe dlr Dillon Michl. wheelwright A cartwright Doherty Charles, car owner A grocer Donnellan James, draper A grocer DonneUan Thady, grocer A baker Duggan Michael, stonemason & builder Flynn Michael, draper, grocer, and apothecary Griffin Patrick, cooper Griffin WiUiam, blacksmith Halpin Eliza, dressmaker Hartigan Patrick, shoemaker Hayes Bridget, dressmaker Hayes Micbael, grocer, provision and earthenware dealer, and cooper Heany Kate, dressmaker Heany Michael, livery stables A grocer Henchy Joseph, nail maker Hennessy Andrew, carpenter Honan Martin, stonemason Honan Martin, carpenter, and oU and colour man Honan WiUiam, carpenter, oU, colour, seed A hardware merchant Houlihan Patrick, toy dealer Hynes WiUiam, grocer & flour dealer Jones John, provision dealer Jones Thomas, car owner, fishmonger A potato merchant KeUy Michael, carpenter Kinucan Patrick, shoemaker Lynch John, harness maker Lynch Thomas, grocer A baker M'Carthy John, weaver [car owner M'Donagh Michael, shopkeeper and M'Guire Jolm, blacksmith A car owner M'Guire John Philip, provision merchant, car owner A butcher M'lnerney Michael A Sons, carpenters A wheelwrights M'Mahon John, butcher M'Mahon Kate, milliner A haberdasher M'Mahon Michael, grocer, baker, and confectioner M'Mahon Patrick, grocer, tobacconist, and butter merchant Mahony Mrs. —, dress A mantle mkr Malley Johu, stonemason Malone Michael, grocer, baker, and butter A egg merchant Malone Thomas, grocer Malone Thomas, draper Marriman WUliam, emigration agent Meade Bridget, grocer & earthenware dealer Meade James, grocer A flour dealer Meade Margaret, grocer A flour dealer Molony Andrew, butcher Molony James, blacksmith Molony Thomas, carpenter A buUder Morony Andrew, shoemaker Morony Edmund, joiner A undertaker Morony Francis B. clerk of petty sessions Morony Thomas, grocer Murphy Patrick, grocer, flour ar.d provision dealer, aud butter merchant Mnrrihy Denis, car owner O'Brien James, boot and shoe warehouse, and leather dealer O'Brien John, lodgings, MerviUe Lodge O'Brien John, grocer A flour A meal dealer O'Brien Mary, draper [owner O'Brien Michael, grocer, draper A car O'Donnol John, cooper O'Dwyer Jolm, harness maker O'Dwyer Johu, draper O'Dwyer WUliam, car owner O'Neil James, carpenter O'NeU James, cooper O'Neil Mary, grocer A earthenware dlr Beidy Martin, blacksmith Rocbford Honoria, grocer, stationer A haberdasher Bowlaud Michael, lodging housekeeper Sexton Patrick, taUor Shannon Francis, butcher Shannon Michael, taUor Steele Michael, naU maker Sullivan John, draper SuUivan Patrick, weaver Talty Peter, cooper Tobin J o h r , weaver Tobin Michael, grocer Tobin Patrick, leather seller A weaver Vaughau EUen, grocer Vaughan Michael, grocer A draper PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, Ac PLACES OF WORSHIP AND T H E I R MINISTERS. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH—Rev. Arthur Bonynge ROMAN C A T H O L I C CnuRCH—Rev. Patk. White, P.P.; Rev. Charles Stuart, curate R O M A N C A T H O L I C C H U R C H , KUmui-ry— Rev. James Caber, p.p. ; Rev. John Tonhy A Rev. Lawrence GilUgau, curates Barrack (Constabulary)—Patk. M'DonneU, constable Baths, Spanish Point—Mrs. Eleanor Lucinda Morony, proprietress Coast Guard'Station, Seafield—Lieutenant Claud Hardinge, r. N. commander Court House—Francis R. Morony, clerk of petty sessions Dispensary—Johu HiU, medical officer Market House—Patrick M'Mahon A Johu Hanrahan, weigh masters Stamp Office James M'Clanchy, subdistributor Temperanco HaU—Michael Kenny, president; Joseph O'Brien, secretary ; Michael Keavy, keeper CARS. To ENNIS, the Mail Car, goes through Inagh every afternoon at ten minutes to five A Car also leaves the Atlantic Hotel every morning at eight Cars also leave MUltown, for ENNIS, from 1st May to 1st November, at eight o'clock each morning MITCHELSTOWN. LITCHELSTOWN, or M I C H A E L S T O W N , is a market town, Mi and these are intersected at right angles by four smaller in the parish of B R I G O W N , barony of Condons and Clan streets, the principal thoroughfares are parallel with each gibbon, county of Cork, 130 miles s.w. from Dublin, 5 t other—one, Georgo street, has tho parish church at one S.E. from Limerick, 31 N. from Cork, 18 w. from Cahir, and end, and at the other is a handsome square, one side of 10 N. from Fermoy; situated near the northern verge of which is occupied by Kingston College, an institution the county, entering to that of Limerick, and ou the main founded A.D. 1760 by James, Baron Kingston, as an asyroad between Dublin and Cork, and Clonmell, Doneraile, lum for twelve reduced Protestant gentlemen and eighteen and MaUow. This town formed part of the extensive gentlewomen, with jjreference to tenants ou the Kingston possessions of the White Knight, otherwise called Clan- estates in L-eland; each is provided with an cxceUeut gibbon, from whom part of the i barony derived its name. house, out-offices, and £48 per annum ; a chaplain is atHe erected a castle, which was reduced by the insurgents tached to the institution, with a house, offices, and garden, in 1641. Margaret Fitzgerald, who was sole heiress of the 'and £120 per annum. Petty sessions are beid every seknight, married Sir WiUiam Fenton, aud their only cond Friday in the court house, a neat weU-arranged daughter conveyed this portion of the estates by marriage building. to Sir John King, who was created Baron Kingston by The Protestant Episcopal church is a handsome strucCharles H. and was ancestor of the present Earl of Kings- ture, in the Gothic style, with a buttressed tower, and a ton. The town lies pleasantly on the declivity of a hill, spire of octagonal form, tbe whole built of limestone ; tbe whose base is washed by the Gradogue stream, which chancel window is of the pointed style, with stained glass, flows into the river Puncheon within the demesne of executed in London, and presented to the parish by the Mitchelstown Castle. The town consists of two principal late Earl of Kingston. The other places of worship are a streets, respectively caUed George street and Cork street, Roman Cotholic church and a chapel attached to Kingston tween this town and Cahir are the magnificent caverns in the parish of T E M P L E T E N N Y , county of Tipperary, but being generally visited by strangers from this town, have been called the Mitclielstown caverns. The market day is Thursday. There are six fairs in the year, which are well supplied with cattle and merchandise of all kinds ; they Hre held January 10th, March 25th, May 23rd, July 30th, November 12th, aud December 2nd. The parish of Brigown, in 1861. had a population of 5,741 persons, and in 1871, 5,482, Mitclielstown at the latter period possessing 2,743 of this number. P O S T O F F I C E , Lower Cork Street, M I T C H E L S T O W N , William Fan-brother, Post Master.—Liters from all parts arrive at half-past six morning and fifty minutes past five afternoon, aud are despatched at nine morning, and forty-five minutes past five afternoon. Money Order <£ Telegraph Office and Savings Batik. NOBILITY, GENTRY & CLEBGY. M E N S T E H . B A N K I N G COMPANY, L I M I T E D Riordan Patrick, Lower Cork st (Branch), New square—draws on the Roche Thomas, Lower Cork st Burdon Rev. David, Mitchelstown National Provincial Bank of Eng- Sullivan John, King st Bury Miss Anna F. King's sq land, and tho Union Bank, London Sullivan Michael, Lower Cork st Carroll Thomas, Esq. J.p. Ballinvullin —Mr. Tlios. Carroll, manager and Sutherland Sandv, Robert st House local director Cronin Robert Barry, Esq. Baldwin st NATIONAL B A N K (Branch), Cahir st— Eaton Bichard, Esq. J.P. King's sq FARMERS. draws on head office, London—Sir. Fraser Mr. John, Ballinvullin Ahem Thomas, Flemingstown Robert George Maunsell, manager Fraser Mr. Robert, King's sq Ahern Timothy, Flemingstown Geran Mr. James, Broomliill [Glebe Baker Owen, Ballindangan BLACKSMITHS. Johnstone Bev. John W. M.A. Brigown Bailey Francis, junr. Marshalstown Kingston the Couutess of, The Castle Connor Patrick, Mitchelstown Barrett Patrick, Ballyarthen Blackburn AVilliam, Ballindangan Leech Bev. John, D.D. College [town Fox John, Mitchelstown Caliill Thomas, Mitchelstown M'Carthy Rev. Bartholomew, Mitchels- Hamilton James, Mitchelstown Carey John, Derrylahau Maliony Rev, Denis, P.P. Mitchelstown Hamilton Bichard, George st Casey Daniel, Killakane Maudeville Mr. Ambrose, Baldwin st ^Hamilton Robert, Thomas st Casey Daniel, Coolnanave Sheehan Michael, George st Maunsell Mr. Bobert G. Cahir st Casey Johu, Cloglileafin Mayston Rev. Willaini H . Kilbelienny Tobin AVilliam, Thomas st Casey John, junr. Marshalstown Glebe . [Cork st Casey Thomas, Kildrum M'Creath Edward, Esq. M.D. Lower BOOT & SHOE MAKEBS. Casey Thomas, Kilshanny Montgomery George Esq. J.P. Killee Barry John, New square Casey AVilliam, Pollardstown House [Cottage Brien Thomas, Post lane Childs William, Ballybeg O'Brien the Misses —, Mitchelstown Brien AVilliam, Robert st Clancey Thomas, Coolyregan O'Brien Edward, Esq. J.P. The Lodge Cox Daniel Robert st Clifford Michael, Garrane O'Brien Mr. Edward, junr. Baldwin st Delarue Thomas, Upper Cork st Clifford Patrick, Skeheen O'Brien Thomas, Esq. J.P. Mount Hanrahan John, Lower Cork st Coleman AVilliam, Coolnanave Eagle O'Keeffe Michael, George st Condon John, Flemingstown O'Brien Mr. Wm. J. King's sq Ryan Thomas, Thomas st Condon John, Kilgullaue O'Connell Bev. Timothy, Mitchelstown Condon AVilliam, Cloglileafin O'Grady Mr. Standish, Baldwin st Corbett John, Coolyregan BUTCHERS. O'Neil William, Esq. M.D. King's sq Coughlan John, Flemingstown Cahill John, Robert st Webber AVilliam Downes, Esq. J.P. Crotty Andrew, junr. Glenatlucky Cahill AVilliam, Robert st The Castle Doherty Maurice, Cloglileafin Cooney John, Robert st Donohoe John, Pollardstown Coughlan William, Lower Cork st Fan-brother William, Mitchelstown SCHOOLS. Dillon AVilliam, Lower Cork st Fennell AVilliam, Cooluanave NATIONAL S C H O O L , George st—Miss Mahony Bartholomew, Upper Cork st Fenton Michael, Gortnasna Parkinson, mistress O'Keeffe Thomas, Bobert st Finn Patrick, Coolnanave ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS (boys')—The Finn Patrck, Coolyregan Christian Brothers, teachers Finn Patrick, Pollardstown CABPENTERS. ROMAN C A T H O L I C SCHOOLS (girls')—The Finu AVilliam, Mitchelstown Barry Bichard, Thomas st Nuns, teachers Fogarty Mrs. —, Kilphelan Cane John, James st Hanrahan Edward, Mitchelstown Denehy Joseph, Robert st Harrington John, Skeheen Flinn Arthur & John, Lower Cork st ATTORNEYS. Harrington Thomas, Skeheen Healey Patrick, Robert st See Solicitors. Hayes Patrick, Olyroo M'Cuudell James, Thomas st Hayes Robert, Gortroe Macnamara Patrick. Robert st Hayes Timothy, Kilnadrew BAKERS. Hennessy Michael, Killee Condon Patrick, Lower Cork st CHINA, GLASS, &c. DEALERS. Hennessy Michael, Knocknagarry r Cordon AA illiam, Lower Cork st Howard James, Ballindangan Carrollan Catherine, Robert st Lee Edward, Lower Cork st Keeffe Michael, Kilshanny Cusack Richard, Lower Cork st Keily Patrick, Coolyregan Londregan Patrick, Lower Cork st Dillon AVilliam, Lower Cork st Kent Lawrence, Ballyuamona Lyons Thomas, Lower Cork st Lyons Daniel, Lower Cork st Landers Jclin, Ballindangan Mahony Edward, Lower Cork st Landers Maurice, Ballindangan Mahony Patrick, New sq COMMISSIONER. Luddy John, Stag park Noonan Thomas, Lower Cork st Fairbrotlier William (for taking affida- Luddy Patrick, Coolyregan O'Donnell Roger, New sq vits in the superior courts of Ireland, M-Carthy John, Stag park Roche Edmund, Lower Cork st aud master extraordinary in Chan- M'Grath Mrs. —, Knockagarry M'Guire Michael, Carrigauleigh cery), Lower Cork st M'Namara John, New grove BANKS. Mahony Mrs. —, Cloonlogh COOPERS. B A N K OE I R E L A N D (Branch), Baldwin Mahony Michael, Kilnadrow st—draws on head office, Dublin, & Harrington Patrick, Thomas st Mandeville John, Cloonkilla Horsa the Bank of England—Mr. Edward Harrington Thomas, Thomas st Mannix James, Coolnanave Lenergan John, Upper Cork st O'Brien, junr. agent Macnamara Patrick, Robert st College. Mitchelstown Castle, tlie residence of the Kingston family, was erected from a design of Mr. Paine, of Cork, and cost £100,000. The castellated buildings occupy three sides of a quadrangle, a terrace forming the fourth side; the principal entrance is flanked by two towers 160 feet high, and the whole pile is a noble specimen of baronial magnificence. The gardens, conservatories aud fish ponds, together with the plantations, occupy an area comprising 1,300 statute acres. About a mile and a lial from the town, on the estate of John Hyde, Esq. are the ruins of Cahirdriny Castle; and about half way be- FABMER3—ccn'inued. Molan Mary, Knocknamuck Moloney David, Drougli Murphy Daniel, Cloghleafin Murphy John, Cloghleafin Norris Thomas. Ballynahrook O'Brien John, Garrane O'Brien Patrick, Killaclug East O'Brien Timothy, Killaclug East O'Donnell Roger, Carrigane O'Donnell Terence, Marshalstown O'Ketffe Edmund, Ballykearney O'Keefie Thomas, Mitchelstown Quaine John, KiBaclug West Quinlan Patrick, Ardglare Quinlan Thomas, Ballygiblin Bea David, Drough Rea James, Johnstown Rea John, Cloghleafin Rea Patrick, Johnstown Rea Patrick, Killee Regan Thaddeus, Knockagarry Sullivan John. junr. Gortroe Sullivan Michael, Poolakelly Sullivan WilUam, Carriganleigh Tobin William, Cloghleafin Whelan Mrs. —, Mitchelstown FEATHEB A SKIN DEALEBS. Cahill Peter. 235 Clonmel st Casey WUUam, Baldwin st FIBE, Ac. OFFICE AGENTS. ALLIANCE—Robert George MaunseU, Cahir st [Bank C R O W N (life) Denis Wade, Munster GUARDIAN—Edward O'Brien, junior, Baldwin st LIVERPOOL A LONDON A GLOBE—Robt. Barry Cronin, Baldwin st P H I E N I X (fire)—Ambrose MandevUle, Baldwin st S C O T T I S H ACCIDENT—Edward O'Brien, junr. Baldwin st S C O T T I S H W I D O W S ' F U N D — Standish O'Grady, Baldwin st GLASS DEALEBS. See China, Glass, SfC. Dealers GROCERS A SPIRIT" DEALEBS. CahiU Michael, Baldwin st CahUl Michael, Lower Cork st Coghlan WilUam, Lower Cork st Condon Edmund, Lower Cork st Couche Biehard, Baldwin st Cusack Michael, Lower Cork st Fitzgerald Patrick, New sq Hennessy Michael, Baldwin st Laffan A Casey, Lower Cork st Magnier Catherine, New sq Malior Edward, Lower Cork st Mahony Edward, Lower Cork st Moher Michael, New sq Moriarty Andrew, New sq Murphy John, Lower Cork st Murphy Michael A Jas. Lower Cork st O'Brien Margaret, New sq [st O'Biordan John A Sons, Lower Cork O'SuUivan Maurice, Up. Cork st Roche WUliam, Lower Cork st Skinner James G. Lower Cork st LINEN A WOOLLEN DRAPERS A HABEBDASHEBS. Fail-brother William, Lower Cork st Fennessy Andrew, Lower Cork st [st Hanrahan Edmund A Co. Lower Cork Lyons Catherine, Lowe Cork st Mahony Edward, Lower Cork st O'Connor A Norris, Lower Cork st O'Loughlin EUen, Lower Cork st Powell Michael, Lower Cork st Boche Thomas, Lower Cork st PHYSICIANS A SUBGEONS. M'Craith Edward, Lower Cork st O'NeiU WiUiam, Kiug's sq PLASTEBEBS A SLATEBS. O'Neill James, Upper Cork st O'Neill John, Robert st PUBLIC HOUSES. Beary Thomas, King st Boyle Thomas, Lower Cork at Casey Michael, Upper Cork st Casey William, Baldwin st Condon Patrick, Lower Cerk st Condon Redmond, Lower Cork st Coughlan William, Lower Corn st Crotty Julia, Upper Cork st Daly Patrick, Lower Cork st DUlon James, Upper Cork st Evans Catherine, New sq Finn William, Lower Cork st Fitzgerald Patrick (hotel), New sq Hyland Johanna, Lowei Cork st Kiely John, King st Lyons Daniel, King st Lyons Thomas, Lower Cork st M'Craith Margaret, Lower Cork st M'Grath Maurice, New sq [st Magnier Catherine (hotel). Lower Cork Mahoney Patrick, George st Meade John, King st Moher Michael, Lower Cork st Moher Thomas, Lower Cork st Molan Edmund, Baldwin st O'Brien Alice, Lower Cork st O'Brien Margaret, Lower Cork st O'Riordan John A Sous, Lower Cork st Quaine Michael, Lower Cork st Slieely EUen, Lower Cork st Skinner James G. Lower Cork st SuUivan Michael, Lower Cork st Walsh Michael, New sq SADDLERS. Dononghe John, Baldwin st Roche John, Lower Cork st Walsh Michael, New sq SOLICITORS. Cronin Robert Barry, Baldwin st Mandeville Ambrose, Baldwin st O'Grady Standish, Baldwin st SURGEONS. See Physicians aud Surgeons. IBONMONGEBS A HARDWAREMEN. Crotty William, Lower Cork st Judge Francis C. Lower Cork st TAILORS. Connors Patrick, King st Connors Thomas, James st Horrigan Michael, Baldwin st O'Riordan John, Baldwin st Sullivan Maurice, Bobert st LEATHER SELLERS. Fitzgerald Patrick, New sq Hanrahan John, Lower Cork st Murphy John, Lower Cork st TIMBER DEALERS. Cusack Michael, Lower Cork st Finn WiUiam, Lower Cork st Judge Francis C. Lower Cork st TINSMITHS. Lawton John, sen. New sq Lawton John, Upper Cork st WHEELWRIGHTS. Connors Edward, Thomas st Kane Johu, James st Lyons William, Robert st M'Conuell John, Thomas st WOOLLEN DRAPERS. See Linen and Woollen Drapers. MISCELLANEOUS. Browne Wm. clerk of petty sessions, Baldwin st [New sq Fitzgerald Patrick, tallow chandler, Lyons David, painter, Lower Cork st Mahony Edmund, pawnbroker, Lower Cork st Murray Edmund, builder, King's sq O'Brien Jas. auctioneer, Lower Cork st Roche Thomas, woollen manufacturer, Lower Cork st [Baldwin st Therry John J. barony cess coUector, White John, car owner, Baldwin st PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OFFICES, Ac. PLACES OF WORSHIP AND T H E I R M I N I S T E R S . PARISH CHURCH OP BRIGOWN, top of George st—Rev. Johu W. Johnstone, M.A. prebendary and rector PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Kil- beheuuy—Rev. Wm. H. Mayston K I N G S T O N C O L L E G E C H A P E L , King's sq —Rev. John Leech, D.D. chaplain, CoUege ROMAN C A T H O L I C CHURCH—Rev. Denis Mahouy, p.p. dean ; the Revs. David Burdon, Timothy O'Connell, and Bartholomew M'Carthy, D.D. curates POOR LAW UNION. Workhouse, Clogheen Road. Master—Jeremiah Desmond Matron—Catherine Desmond Clerk of Union—Richd. Fitzgibbon Protestant Chaplain—Rev. John W. Johnstone, M.A. Roman Catholic Chaplain—Rev. Denis Mahony, p.p. dean Medical Attendant—AVm. O'Neill, M.D. Schoolmaster—Maurice Spillane Schoolmistress—Bridget Mahony Relieving Officers—James Keane aud Thos. Ryan REGISTRARS, OF B I R T H S , D E A T H S AND MABEIAGES. Superintendert Registrar—Richd. Fitzgibbon Deputy Registrar—Jeremiah Desmond District of GalbaUy—Michael P. O'Connor, M.D. [M.D. District of Kildorrery—Thos. Reordau, District of Mitchelstown—Ed.M'Craith, M.D. Registrar of Marriages—AVm. Fairbrother, Lower Cork st Deputy Registrar—Joseph L. F. Fairbrother, Lower Cork st Barrack (Constabulary), Upper Cork st —Andrew Harper, sub-inspector Barrack (Infantry), Fermoy rd—James Coyle, head constable [keeper Jridi well, Upper Cork st—Luke Kelly, on House, New sq —Mrs. Whelan, c rt keeper PUBLIC BUILDINGS, Ac,—contd. i CABS. Fever Hospital & Dispensary, Brigown To FERMOY, a mail car,from the Post —Wm. O'Neill, Surgeon j office, at forty-five minutes past five Stamp Office, Lower Cork st—AVilliam i afternoon Laffan, distributor j To KILMALLOCK, a mail car, from AA'eigh House, Market place—John i the Post office, at nine morning Whelan, master CONVEYANCE B Y R A I L W A Y . The nearest Station is F E B M O T , on the Great Southern A Western line. There is no mode of conveyance thereto except by special ear NENAGH, W I T H SILVEEMINES, BALLYNACLOGH AND NEIGHBOUBHOODS. ENAGH is a market and assize town and parish, partly the North Biding of the county. The union workhouse in the barony of Upper Ormond, but chiefly in that of will accommodate one thousand paupers. A small infautry Lower Ormond, county of Tipperary. 95 miles s.w. from barrack, on Summerhill, can receive four hundred men ; Dublin, '24 N.E. from Limerick, 20 w.s.w. from Roscrea, 19 there are also two barracks for constabulary. Petty sess. by E. from Portumna, 11 E . N . E . from Killaloe, and about sions are held every Saturday, also quarter sessions, aud 4^ S.E. from Youghal bay, in Lough Derg. The town is the general assizes twice a year. Nenagh is not aided by situated on the main road between Dublin and Limerick, the presence of manufactures, but it enjoys a good domesand near the Nenagh river. It was formerly defended by tic trade, sustained by its own respectabla inhabitants aud a strong castle, called Ninagh Round, the ruins of which a larger portion of resident gentry than perhaps are still d''stinguished in Castle st. In 1200 a hospital for any other inlaud town of its size in Ireland. Augustinian canons was founded, which was constantly j The National Bank, the Munster Bank and the Proopen to the sick and infirm ; this establishment was liberally vincial Bank each i ossess a branch in this place. There endowed by Theobald AValter, the first of the - Butlers i n . are two newspapers published in Nenagh, the Nenagh Ireland. In the year 1550, the friary and the town were j Guardian (Conservative), and the Tipperary Advocate destroyed by O'CarroU, but the castle was preserved by the : (Liberal), both being ably conducted, garrison. The friary lands, once so rieli, were transferred The Protestant Episcopal church is a handsome ston* by lease to Robert Callum for a trifling rent, by Queen I edifice, with spire, aud the Roman Catholic church is a Elizabeth. The town consists of four streets crossing each ; neat building. There is also a place of worship for AVesother, the market place forming a centre. It is supplied leyan Methodists. There are schools for the gratuitous with water from wells ; and on the Dublin road is an ex- instruction of either sex, both Protestant and Catholic, cellent spring of water, enclosed by masonry, bearing this j The market days are Monday, Thursday aud Saturday, incription :—" Erected by voluntary subscription, to com 'Fairs: April 24th, May 29th, July 4th, August 1st, Sepmemorate the benevolence of the English nation to the j temler 4th, October 10th, November 1st and first Mondays poor of Ireland, at a season of extreme distress, A.D. 1822." | in January, February, March and December for horaes and Tho North Tipperary Club, in Castle street, is supported cattle. The parish of Nenagh, which has an acreage of by the gentry of the town and neighbourhood, and is ! 3,881, contained in 1861, 7,172 inhabitants, and the town liberally supplied with journals and periodicals. There is 6,284 of that number, and in 1871, 5,984, of which 5,696 also a library and reading room in the Lecture Hall, a belonged to the town. handsome building erected by subscription. A court house S I L V E E M I N E S is a small, neat village, in the parish of and gaol were built under the direction of a committee K I L M O E E , barony of Upper Ormond, iituated about six named by the grand jury; the architect was J. B. Keane, miles s.w. from Nenagh. The village eontaim places of Esq. The gaol is constructed upon the modern plan ; the worship for Protestants and Boman Catholics, and a governor's house forms the centre, and the seven sections National school. The General Mining Company for Iraof the prison are connected with it by iron bridges. There land, Limited, have works here,which are at;present closed, is a neat chapel, in which the Protestant and Catholic Acreage of the parish, 13,535. Population in 1861, 2,793 chaplains officiate alternately ; also an under-ground com-; and in 1871, 2,166, of which the village contained 294. munication between the gaol and the dock of the court I BALI.YNACLOGH is a parish, in the barony of Upper house, by means of a tunnel, through which prisoners pass! Ormond, situated on tho river Arra, about 3 miles B . S . E . of to their trials. The court house is very tasteful: itsporti- Nenagh. Acreage, 3,869; population in 1861, 5S8, and in co cost £1,000, and the two structures £25,000, defrayed by 1871, 420. P O S T O F F I C E , 22 Castle Street, N E N A G H , Richard Lewis, Post Master. —Letters from Dublin, Englanp, and all parts arrive at five morning (delivery commences at seven), and from Dublin, England, Roscrea, Cloughjordau, Ac. at half past twelve noon (delivery commences at one.) ' Letters are despatched to Dublin, England, Roscrea, Ao. at a quarter before one afternoon, and to Dublin, England, Templemore, North aud South, Ac. at seven evening. Money Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. P o s t Office, B A L L Y N A C L O G H , Mary Patrick, Post Mistress.—Letters arrive from all parts (from Nenagh, per foot post) at fifteen minutes past seven morning, and are despatched thereto at thirty-fiva minutes past fire afternoon. The nearest Money Order c£ Telegraph Office is at N E N A G H . P o s t Office, S I L V E E M I N E S , Jeremiah Byan, Post Master.—Letters arrive from all parts (from Nenagh, per foot post) at nine morning, and are despatched thereto at forty-five minutes past three afternoon. The nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office is at N E N A G H . NOBILITY, GENTRY A CLERGY. Bolton George, Esq. Benedine Cashed George, Esq. Shalle, SilverAndrews J. Hull, Esq. Silvermines Bouchier Mr. Herbert, 23 Summer mines Atkinson George G. Esq. J.P. Ashley hill [mer hill Chippindale Captain John A. The Park Bowles Bev. John Wright,A.M.18 SumGaol ; Battcook Mr. Henrv, Ballinwra Brindley Mr. Samuel, Mount Island, Cleary Patrick H. Esq. 42 Queen st Bayly Mrs. L. WiRington i Dolla Crawford A. H. Esq. Church st Bayly Captain John P. B.N. Ballyna- Buck Bev. -, Summerhill Cruise Mr. AVilliam V. Silver st ologh House i Burn Mr. Frank, 56 Barrack st D'Alton Jeremiah, Esq. Tiennoyle Bayly John, Esq. J.P. A D.L. Debs-' Calialan Francis, Esq. 21 Summer hill Dennis Bev. Joseph Morley, A.M. Ballyborough, Ballynaclogh i Carney Mrs. Mary Ann, Summer hill naclogh [Silvermines Biggs Samuel D. Esq. Bellevue j Carroll Captain W. H. J.P. Lishnaesll Dunally the Bight Hon. Lord, Kilboy, Birney Adam, Esq. 10 Castle st ' House Dundas Mrs. Mary, Summerville NEWMARKET, I \ MARKET town, in tlie parish of C L O N F E B T , barony of DuhaUow, county of Cork, is 155 miles s.w. from Dublin, 38 N.W. from Cork, and about five N.W. from Kanturk; situated near the north-western boundary of the county, ou a small stream which falls into the river Dallua, a little below the town, and which propels a corn mill, the property of James L. O'Keeffe, Esq. The ancient name of this place was Ahahasne, or " the place of the ford," from its situation near a ford, now superseded by a neat bridge, at the entrance of the town. Its present name is derived from the establishment of its market, granted to the Aldwortli family by James I. It consists principally of two streets intersecting each other, aud contiguous to the town is its principal ornament, Newmarket House, the elegant mansion of Richard OUver Aldworth, Esq., tbe lord of the manor. The trade of the place is almost limited to sbopkeeping. Petty sessions are POST OFFICE, held fortnightly! on Tuesday, in the court house, a stona building, beneath which the market i« held. The Protestant Episcopal church, a neat structure, possesses little to attract notice, and its lofty tower and spire alone render it conspicuous. The Roman Catholic church is of considerable dimensions ; the site of it was a gift of tlie late Richard Aldworth, Esq., who also contributed towards the expense of its erection. The altar, ivliieh is much admired, is a copy from that of the ancient abbey of Quin. Schools under the National Education Board have been established by Lady Mary Aldworth and the Rev. Canon O'Mahony. Newmarket was the birthplace of the celebrated John Philpot Curran. Fairs are held on 31st January, l l t h February, 6tli March, 21st April, l l t h May, 8tli Juue, 16th July, 15th August, 29th September, l l t h October, 21st November and 19th December. Population of Clonfert .'parish in 1861 was 11,055, and in 1871, 10,572, of which 765 belonged to Newmarket. Miss Pbilpott, Post Mistress.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Kauturk six morning, and are despatched thereto at twenty minutes past seven evening. Order and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. Kearney Daniel CAR OWNERS—FOR HIRE. KenneaUy Miss— Callaghan Thomas Kenneally John Carroll Jeremiah D. M'Carthy John Collins WiUiam M'Swiney Mrs.— Curtin C. Mahony R. D. Nunau Jeremiah Murphy J. F. Sullivan Jeremiah Murphy Jeremiah Murphy John D. CARPENTERS A WHEELMurphy Kate WRIGHTS. Murphy P. J. Brennan Daniel Murphy Timothy Daly Thomas Nunau Jeremiah Moylan Daniel & Brothers O'Brien William O'Keeffe Andrew (A undertaker) O'Keeffe Miss— O'SuUivan the Misses— COOPERS. O'SuUivan Benjamin Ccllins John O'SuUivan Thomas Green John O'SuUivan WiUiam Lane John Reardon Henry Murpby Timothy Reardon Thomas Shine Timothy Ryng James Shea Arthur GROCERS, SPIRIT DEALERS A Shea Florence SCHOOLS. DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Shognaughty Timothy NATIONAL SCHOOL—Thomas Edward Ahern Patrick Walsh Mrs.— Kenny, master; Miss Footte, mistress AHen Richard Williams George NATIONAL SCHOOL (Lady Mary Aid- Barry Jeremiah worth's) — Miss Magee, mistress Begley Mrs — Bennett Ellen LINEN A WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Brennan Rose BAKERS. CarroU Denis Bunworth Peter Cm-teen Mrs— Healy Daniel Burke Miss— Nunan Jeremiah KeUeher J. D. Burton — Quirk Patrick PhUpott Ruth CarroU Jeremiah D. Reardon Henry Renehan A Murphy Casey John A Co. WiUiam s George Shea Arthur Cashen Ellen ColUns A Co. BLACKSMITHS. Collins Maggie F. AUen Richard NAIL MAKERS. Cronin Daniel Allen WiUiam | Hubbard CorneUus Curran Miss — Brennan Michael Leahy Thomas Curteen Mrs.— Fitzgerald John Dodd William Drisland Hannah BOOT A SHOE MAKERS. PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS. Enwright Mrs.— Bunvort WiUiam Finnigan Cornelius Burnworth Peter Clancy W. W. M.D. Main st Fitzgibbon David (Si ironmonger) ConneU John O'Keeffe Charles, Mount Keeffe Fitzpatrick Mary Daly Godfrey Verling W. K. M.D. Oxclose • Fitzpatrick Timothy Hayslip Daniel 1 Gardner Miss— Horgan John j Guiana Timothy TAILORS. Nunan Thomas 1 Healy Daniel Smith Henry Herliby WiUiam 1 Herliby Bridget M'Cauliffe Thomas, Searteen st ! Holiday Thomas BUTCHERS. Reardon John, New st ; Horgan Margrret Collins Eugene Hubbart Cornelius Oronin Daniel 22S NEWHAEXET, and MaUow) at thirty-five minutes past Money GENTRY A CLERGY. Aldworth Richard OUver, Esq. Newmarket House Cogan Mr. Robert, Lisnure Cottage Goggin Mr. C. A. Newmarket Greene Rev. J. D. B.A. Main st Langley Ion, Esq. j.p. Newmarket M'Cartie Denis, Esq. J.P. "Wood View O'Keeffe Charles, Esq. M.D. Mount Keeffe O'Keeffe James L. Esq. Mount Pleasant [Cottage O'Mahony Rev. John, P.P. Kilowen Pbilpott Mr. Gregory, Main st Pbilpott Mr. Luke, Glenview Cottage Pbilpott Mr. Philip G. Searteen Lodge Philpott Mr. Richard L. Glenview Cottage Philpott Mr. Robert, Searteen Cottage PhUpott Mr. WUliam, Searteen Cottage Verling Bartholomew, Esq. Oxclose Wakeham Rev. Thomas, The Rectory Williams Patrick, mason I ROMAN C A T H O L I C C H U R C H , Chapel la— MISCELLANEOUS. ! Rev. John O'Mahony, P.P. Kev. J. Wolfe Isaac, clerk of petty sessions Fitzpatrick Matthew, slater D. Greene, curate Husi:ey & Townsend, agents [hill j Wolfe Thomas, land steward to Col. I?. Kenny Frederick, nurseryman, Pound ; W. Aldworth Lynch John W. clerk of loan fund CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Mulcahy John, saddler & collar maker,"; The nearest Stations are at B A N T E E R Scarteen st & K A N T U R K , on the Killarney line, PLACES OF WORSHIP O'Keeffe James L. veterinaiy surgeon, each about eight miles distant. There Mount pleasant is no mode of conveyance except by AND T H E I R M I N I S T E R S . special Car O'Keeffe John, mason P R O T E S T A N T E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H , Main Scanlan Daniel, feather dealer st—Rev. Thomas Wakeham, rector NEWMARKET-ON-FERGUS, CRATLOE, QUIN, SIX-MILE BRIDGE, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. N EWMARKET-ON-FERGUS is a post town in the parish of T O M F I N L O U G H , barony of Lower Bunratty, county of Clare, seven miles S.E. from Ennis, fourteen N.W. from Limerick, ten s. from Tulla, aud five W . N . W . from Six-mile Bridge, situated on the main road from Ennis to Limerick. The town contains a Protestant and a Boman Catholic church, a National school, a dispensary, constabulary barracks, and court house, in which petty sessions are held every alternate Thursday. Dromorland, the seat of the Right Hon. Lucius Lord Baron Iuchiquin ; Knoppogue Castle, the seat of the Bight Hon. Lord Dnnboyne, and many other gentlemen's seats are in the immediate neighbourhood. Fairs are held on Easter Monday, May 2nd, August 27th, November 6th, and December 20th. Population, in 1861, 1,137, aud in 1871, 750. Q U I N is a small village and parish in the barony of Upper Bunratty, county of Clare, about five miles S.E. from Ennis, fifteen N.w. from Limerick, seven s.w. from Tulla, and four N.E, from Newmarket-on-Fergus. It contains places of worship for Protestants and Roman Catholics, a National school, dispensary, constabulary barracks, and the ruins of Quinn Abbey, the outside of which is completely covered with ivy. There is a station at A R D S U L L U S , ono Ennis line. Petty mile distant on the and Wednesday. sessions are held hereLimerick every fourth Fairs, July 7th and November 1st. Population of the parish in 1861, 2,020, and in 1871,1,501; and of the village, 136. S I X - M I L E B R I D G E is a small post town in the parish of K I L F I N A G H T A , barony of Lower Bunratty, county of Clare, situated nine miles N . N . W . by road aud 13J by rail from Limerick, 13 J byroad and 11 by rail from Ennis, 9 s. from Tulla, 5 S.E. from Newmarket-on-Fergus, and 8 S.E. from Quin, and is a station on the Limerick and Ennis line. The town, or village, contains places of worship for Protestants and Roman Catholics, a National school, constabulary barracks, and a court house, in which petty sessions are held every alternate Tuesday. Fairs are held January 6th, March 4th, and December 5th. Population in 1861, 5 29, and in 1871, 517. C R A T L O E , or Cratloe Gross, is a hamlet in the parish of K I L L E E L Y , barony of Bunratty Lower, county of Clare, 6 miles W . N . W . from Limerick, 15 S . E . from Ennis, and 5i E . S . E . from Newmarket-on-Fergus. It is a station on the Limerick and Ennis line, and contains a Boman Catholio church, a constabulaiy barracks, and a National school. Population of the parish in 1861, 3,108, aud in 1871, 2,373. P O S T O F F I C E , N E W M A R K E T - O N - F E R G U S , William Morris, Post Master.—Letters from Dublin, England, Scotland, &c. arrive at forty-two minutes past three morning, and from Limerick aud Dublin at four afternoon; and are despatched thereto at twelve noon and eight evening. Letters from Ennis, Ennistymon, Milltown Malbay, Kilrush, Kilkee, &c. arrive at eight minutes past eight morning, and are despatched thereto at forty-two minutes past three afternoon. Money Onler and Telegraph Office and Savings Bank. P o s t O f f i c e , Q U I N , Susan O'Hallaran, Post Mistress.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Newmarket-onFergus) at eight morning, and are despatched thereto at twenty minutes past five evening. P o s t Office, S I X - M I L E B R I D G E , Wiliiam Scarlett, Post Master.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Limerick) at six morning, and are despatched thereto at half-past six evening. The nearest Money Order Office is at N E W M A R K E T . P o s t O f f i c e , C R A T L O E , James Hewitt, Post Master.—Letters from all parts arrive (from Limerick) about three morning, and are despatched thereto at nine evening. SCHOOLS. Hewitt Robert, Esq. J.P. Granagoan NOBILITY, GENTRY & CLERGY. Iuchiquin the Right Hon. Lucius Lord N A T I O N A L S C H O O L S : — Blood John, Esq. Ballykilty Ballycar — Stephen M'Namara, Baron, Dromorland Butler William, Esq. Mount Cashel Kelly Fitziames, Esq. j.p.Six-mileBdge master Clune Rev. Michael, P.P. Rosmanagher M'Donnell Patrick Esq. M.D. Quiu Clonraoney—Thos. Hacket, master Coffey James, Esq. Waverley Malone Rev. Sylvester, Six-mile Bridge Cratloe—Thomas Egan, master Coffey John, Esq. Crow hill Morrice Francis Esq. Springfield Newmarket-on-Fergus—Patk.Greene Coffey Patrick, Esq. Waverley Nesbitt Bev. R. W. Newmarket-onmaster Corbett Rev. Daniel, P.P. Ballyliickey Fergus [Cratloe Woods Quin—John Brew, master; Adela Courtenay David, Esq. Newmarket-on- O'Brien Horace Do Stafford, Esq. J.P. Crowe, mistress [ter Fergus O'Farrell Rev. Henry, P.P. Cratloe Six-mile Bridge — J. Conuell, masCreagh Simon P. Esq. J.P. Quin Singleton Edward, Esq. J.P. HazleDawson Bichard, Esq, j.p. Bunratty wood, Quin D'Eeterre Henry V. Esq. J.P. Bosman- Singletou Majcr-GeneralJohn, j.p.Quin AGENTS AND PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. agher [pogue Castle Stackpoole George T. M. Esq. J.P. Dunboyne the Right Hon. Lord, KnopCoffey Patrick Joseph, estate agent, Corbally, Quin Fitzgerald Lieut-Col. Sir Augustine, Studdert Capt.— , Dunratty Waverley House Bart. Carrigoran House [risk Studdert Major Chas. F. J.P. New- Frost John, coroner for Upper & Lower Fitzgerald James F. V. Esq. J.P. Moymarket House Bunratty, & Upper & Lower Tulla, Frost James, Esq. J.P. Cratloe Studdert Robert O'Brien, Esq. J.P. Clonmouey House Frost John, Esq. Clonmouey House Six-mile Bridge [House Gabbett John Esq. J.P. Castleleake Studdert Thomas, Esq. Ballyhannau FARMERS. Going Marcus, Esq. J.P. Bock Cottage, Walton Major Robert B. J.P. Bally- Bennett Edward, Ballycar Mount levers sheenbeg. Six-mile Bridge Brassell Michael, Latoon Halpin William, Esq. Bathlahine Wills Rev. Samuel R. Bunratty (Slebe Brennan Cornelius, Smithstown