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a ~ ~WL®v [}{@ru~ ®iifrffiil ~®J ~ ~WW~~®J~ Shri Sharad Pawar, Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture, Govt. of India and President, ICAR inaugurated the New Library Complex of CIFE Mumbai in a gala function held on 2nd November, 2008 in the gracious presence of Dr. Mangla Rai, Secretary, DARE and Director General, ICAR, New Delhi, Dr. S. Ayyappan, Deputy Director General (Fisheries) of ICAR, Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director and Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE Mumbai. The present New Library Complex has fully air conditioned and state of art infrastructure facilities. This Library has been developed as a National Facility catering to the needs of both academia and entrepreneurs in the field of fisheries, aquaculture and allied sciences. The library is fully digitized. At present, it has over 33,000 text books and reference books, 3,250 bound volumes of Indian periodicals, 8,000 International bound journals, 2000 microfilms, 150 Ph.D. Thesis, 2500 Dissertations of D. F.Sc., M. F.Sc., and M.Sc. etc. The Library subscribes 76 Indian journals, 18 foreign journals in print and electronic format and 2 e-journal consortia/ database. It also has 40 computers for inhouse automation and for internet browsing by users. ffl~ ~ ~ 15 ~ 30 Rl Ci kI X 2008 CfCl) ~ q ~ilCll \S I Cf)[ 011 d'l \iF"! fcpm Tf<TT I ~ em 15 RlCiklx 11.00 ~ ffl~ cfi"fl~ ~ Pi~!;!ICf) ~~ cfi ~-~ ~ cfrq Q \J\J1Cl C'1 'i cfi "ffi~ Cf) I<hf) li Cf)[ \3 ~ Ell c 'i ~ Tf<TT I ~ Cf)l1(Yf ~ LR ~ Xlfiifd ~ 3l'Ula1 ~. ~ ~, "I'l"'CTA" ~$1IP1Cf) -2r ~ 'BTt:fUT ~ I xi i5 I£I Cf) Pi ~ !;! ICf) (XT\Jl'lWfT) ~ . . xl\Yl!;!cH \3Pi£lIC'1 -2r ~ q~C1I\S1 ct'r {)q~~1 ~ ct1 I m~ cfi ~ \HIIf1R1ct5 ~ -<>ft ~ ~ -2r "~ $11 Pi Cf) fflfl ~ ~t:r'i"" ~ LR 10b ~ CI11 (.cZll 'i ~ fcpm I ffl~ cfi Pi~!;!ICf)~. ~ ~-2r x:RQlA ~ ~ cfi cpnjf ct'r f1 x Ii5'i I ~ ~ fcn <:rg ~ Q f1"'1 Ci I ct'r 6fTCi" %fcn ~ qt:f 'lft ~ ffl~ ~ <f ~~ cppf ~ LR '~~ XT\Jl~ gx«tilx' ~ ct'r ~ ct'r ~ % I ~ ~ LR ~ P1 ~ !;!1Cf) ~. 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Dr. Nalini Ranjan Kumar Principal Scientist 05.12.2008 PROMOTIONS I Name . . Designation Promoted as/ Grant of Adv. Increments Promotion w.e.f. OPC for Scientific Staff Scier;!i st Sci entist (SS) 10.06.2005 Scientist (SS) Sr. Scientist 23.12.2006 Scient i st Scientist (SS ) 26.06 .2007 Sr. Scientist Principal Scientist 17.10.2007 I ! 1. Dr. Sanjay B. Jadhar; 2. Dr. Parimal San':lar 3. . Dr. Ajl . Kumar Ve rma 4. Dr. Sudhir Raizada Five Yearly Assessment 5. Mr. Ashok Kumar T-4 T-5 01.09 .2007 6. Smt. Shahila Iftekhar T-1 T-2 08.01.2007 7. Dr. M. K. Chouksey T-6 T(7-8) 01.01.2007 8. Mr. Ram Singh T-5 T-6 01.01 .2004 9. Mr. J.P. Patil T-5 2 Adv. increments 17.01.2007 10. Dr. A. K. Reddy T-9 3 Adv. increments 01 .01 .2007 11 . Mr. K.B.S. Murty T-6 T(7-8) 27.12.2005 12. Dr. Musharraf Ali T-7 T-9 01.01 .2006 OPC for Administrative & Supporting Staff 13 . Ms . C.S. Khundol UDC Assistant 01.01.2009 14. Mr. V.K. Sinha UDC Assistant 01.01.2009 15. Mr. N.L. Ghane LDC UDC 01.01.2009 16. Mr. B. P. Chauhan LDC UDC 01.01.2009 17. Mr. R. N. Kamble SSGr.1 LDC 09.01.2009 .. TRANSFERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name Designation From Date Dr. Shyam S.Salim Scientist (5S) (IFE Mumbai (P(RI, Kasargod Mr. A. Sadanandan T-5 T-7 (IFE Mumbai CPCRI, Kasargod (IFE Mumbai PD(R, Modipuram, Meerut, U.P. as Sr. Scientist Mr. B. Kumar Mishra Farm Manager ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Si kki m CIFE Kolkata Centre Dr. S. Pratap Singh Scientist (IFE Kakinada Centre ( IRG,Makhdoom, Mathura (UP) Dr. R. K. Langer (T-6 ) 01.07.2008 01.08.2008 01. 11.2008 13.01.2009 RETIREMENTS / VOLUNTARY RETIREMENTS Name Designation Retired on Place of posting 1. Mr.A.D.Ragabhagat T.O. T(7-8) 31.07.2008 Mumbai 2. Mrs. T. Kuruvilla PS 14.11 .2008 Mumbai 3. Mr. Y. P. Belgaonkar Assistant 31.12.2008 Mumbai 4. Mr. P. V. G. K.Murty Assistant 31.12 .2008 Kakinada 5. Mr.B.N.Tiwari Scientist (SG) 31.12.2008 Kolkata ALLTECH LECTURE TOUR SERIES One day lecture tour series was jointly organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education , Mumbai, and Alltech Asia Pacific Bioscience Centre (Thailand) at CIFE, Mumbai, on 24th July 2008. The guest speakers delivered five invited lectures on emerging areas of aquaculture viz. Nutrigenomics, SSF (Solid State Fermentation Technology) and Natural Products and their role in Aquaculture. Dr. Keith Filer (Alltech Asia Pacific Bioscience Centre, Thailand) , Dr. Chris King (Ge nera l Manager, South Asi a), Dr. Yadunandan and Dr. Shery Kurian made presentations highlighting the student programs offered by Alltech . In his inaugural address, Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director CIFE, emphasized upon a stronger private public sector partnership where scientific institution can join hand with industry to develop novel technologies in pioneering areas of research and development. HONOURS AND AWARDS DR. DILIP KUMAR CONFERRED 'SIR DORAB TATAMEDAL' Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director and Vice Chancellor, Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University), Mumbai has been conferred 'SIR DDRAB TATA MEDAL' (Eighteenth Award) of the Zoological Society of India, for the year 2006-'08, for his outstanding contributions towards Fisheries and Aquaculture Research , Education , Extension , Policy Planning , Formulation & Implementation, and Research Management. The Award was conferred on him during 19 th All India Congress of Zoology held at Guahati University, Guahati during 29 -31 " December, 2008 by His Excellancy Shri Ranjit Shekhar Mooshahary, Hon'ble Governer of Meghalaya . Dr. Dilip Kumar possesses a glittering career record. He has been active in the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development for more than 30 years in India and abroad. During his over 15 years international tenure (as Chief Technical Advisor ITeam Leader in different International Projects) at FAD, UNDP, NACAand other International Agencies like IFAD, UNDPS, Dr. Dilip Kumar played a pivotal role in the development of fisheries and aquaculture in several SAARC, ASEAN , and East African Countries including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. Dr. Kumar has published a large number of research papers in peer reviewed journals of National and International repl te oHe is the celebrated author of 3 internationally acclaimed books on 'Fisheries and Aquaculture Development' published by FAD, Rome . Besides, he has also authored a book on 'Composite Fish Culture' published by ICAR, New Delhi, which has proved to be a classic contribution on the subject, running with several reprints till date. Dr. Kumar is the recipient of several Honours and Awards including 'Edward Souma Award' of FAD, Rome (1997), 'Eminent Indian Zoologist Gold Medal' (2007), 'Professor E.P. Ddum Gold Medal' (2007), and 'Indian Society of Environmental Education and Research Gold Medal' (2007). CIFE 'Pariwar' congratulates Dr. Dilip Kumar for his remarkable achievements and wishes many more years of fruitful and glorious services for the global fisheries fraternity in general and Indian Nation in particular. DR. S.K. MISHRA WINS 'ISEE FELLOW AWARD 200S' Dr. S.K. Mishra, Senior Scientist (Extension) at CIFE Mumbai was conferred with ISEE Fellow Award 2008 by Indian Society of Extension Education (lSEE), IARI, New Delhi, during a National Seminar on "Innovative Extension Strategies for Agricultural Development and Rural Prosperity" held at Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, Bihar during 18-20 December 2008. The Award was presented by Mr. Nagmani, Hon'ble Agriculture Minister, Govt. of Bihar in the presence of Dr. M.L. Choudhary, Vice-Chancellor of RAU, Dr. V. V. Sadamate, Advisor (Agril.), Planning Commission and Dr. Baldeo Singh, Jt. Dir (Extension), IARI-cum- Secretary, ISEE. II ELECTRON BEAM IRRADIATION TO REDUCE ANTI-NUTRITIONAL FACTORS IN PLANT-BASED AQUAFEED INGREDIENTS Aquafeed industry is struggling to include cheaper plant ingredients to replace the costly animal protein sources so as to prepare cost effective fish feed. But presence of many anti-nutritonal factors limit their use in the aquafeed. Though many traditional methods are available for reducing the anti-nutritonal factors, but most of those are not user-friendly. In this context use of electron beam irradiation for reducing anti-nutritonal factors appears to be a novel approach, user friendly. In one of the MICROTRON exclusive trial at CIFE in collaboration with Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), Dept. of Atomic Energy and Microtron Centre, Mangalore University, it was found that 8/12 MeV microtron delivering energetic electron at the dose of 10 kGy is optimum for reducing the tannin, HCN and phytic acid to maximum level of 60% in soybean, rubber seed cake and cotton seed cake, which translates into higher weight gain and feed efficiency in fish. It is a first endeavor of it's kind which offers a wide opportunity to be used in the aquafeed industry. DEVELOPMENT OF HEAVY METAL BIOSENSOR E. coli - based heavy metal biosensors developed by FG&B Division respond to toxic levels of Zn/Cd, Hg and Pb. They employ specific heavy metal responsive inducible gene promoters derived from heavy metal resistant bacteria to control the expression of GFP reporter protein. Recently, these recombinant sensor-reporter gene cassettes have been transferred to the E. coli genome into the A attB site. They have altered sensitivity ranges compared to the ones containing the plasmid. Thus 2 the detection range of the plasmid-based Hg • biosensor was detection range 10- 100 nM Hg2., while 2 2 that of the integrated Hg • biosensor was detection range 100 - 1000 nM Hg • • Various methods of bacterial immobilization were tested in order to obtain their long term storage, which is important for developing water-testing kits based on these biosensors. Lyophilization and entrapment in sodium alginate beads and sol-gel were tried. Sol-gel encapsulated cells were viable and metabolically active for 105 days at 4°C compared to 45 days by other methods. Efforts are on to use these bacteria for development of user friendly kits. AmpR a ttL GFP MerR/O/P attR Fig. 1a. Promoter derived from Serratia marcesens. Responds mainly to Hg2 ' , but also to Cd 2• and Zn 2• at concentrations several magnitudes higher. WORKSHOP ON IDEA GENERATION IN AQUACULTURE BIOTECHNOLOGY Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai, organized a two-day Workshop on "Idea Generation in Aquaculture Biotechnology" sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India during 28 & 29 th August, 2008. The major objectives of the workshop were (i) To generate innovative ideas with scientific rationale and clearly defined objectives. (ii) To make a prioritized list of researchable ideas and new project concepts and potential network project proposals in the identified priority areas. CTFe. The workshop began with the remarks by Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE, and a brief presentation on idea generation by Dr. George John , Advisor, DBT. The presentation was followed by the remarks from Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, CIFE, Dr. K. V. Rajendran , Principal Scientist and Dr. S. Jahageerdar, Senior Scientist, coordinated the workshop . A total of thirty-nine invitees including Dr. A. K. Rawat, Principal Scientific Officer, DBT participated in the workshop. The invitees were scientists, researchers , teachers from various public and private research organizations, universities and other academic institutions of the Country's western region. Forty scientists from the host institute participated in the workshop . In the workshop , five workgroups on Aquaculture Production, post-harvest and non -food organisms; Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology; Aquatic Environment and Animal Health Management; Aquatic Animal Nutrition and Physiology; and Aquatic Animal Genetics and Breeding were formed and researchable ideas and concepts in the various fields of aquaculture were formulated and discussed. Each workgroup has generated innovative ideas in their respective area and a prioritized list of researchable ideas and concepts was compiled and submitted to the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India. FISHERIES EXECUTIVES CONCLAVE HELD AT GANGTOK, SIKKIM A Conclave of Senior Fisheries Executives from North Eastern States of India was held at Gangtok, Sikkim during 21-23 October 2008. The Conclave was organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai in partnership with Fisheries Directorate, Sikkim & ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Meghalaya. The theme of the Meet was 'Fisheries Sector Management'. The Chief Guest of the Conclave was His Excellency Governor of Sikkim, Shri. B. P. Singh. Shri T. W. Barphungpa, Principal Secretary, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Department, Government of Sikkim; Shri Lanungna Lakher, Commissioner of Fisheries, Manipur were the Guest of Honour. Other dignitaries present in the conclave were: Dr. H. Rahman, Joint Director ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Dr. P. Paul Pandian from Planning Commission, Dr. M. Sinha, Fisheries Advisor, Government of Tripura, Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, CIFE, Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE, Mr. Bhutia, Director, Dept. of Fisheries, Sikkim, Directors of NE States; Shri R.N. Chaudhary, Director of Fisheries, Bihar, other delegates from all the North Eastern States, CIFE faculty and Alumni. The conclave was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by His Excellency Shri B. P. Singh, Governor of Sikkim. Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, CIFE Mumbai welcomed the all the dignitaries and delegates. Mr. T. W. Barphungpa, lAS, Principal Secretary, Govt. of Sikkim, said that the major challenges in fisheries are technologies for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and infrastructure for post harvest handling. Mr. Lanungna Lakher, Commissioner of Fisheries, Manipur, said that fisheries has been neglected in North East States and they are not self sufficient. His Excellency the Governor of Sikkim, Shri B. P. Singh congratulated CIFE for having taken up fine tuning of the Trickle Down System (TDS) of Aquaculture as participatory model of aquaculture extension in 250 blocks in Assam, Tripura, Mizoram and Manipur. Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE, Mumbai, proposed the vote of thanks. NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FISH BEHAVIOUR AND 32 SOCIETY OF INDIAHELDATCIFE, MUMBAI nd ND CONFERENCE OF THE ETHOLOGICAL I The 32 conference of the Ethological Society and National Symposium on fish behaviour was organized at the CIFE, Mumbai, on 16-17th October, 2008 in association with Indian Fisheries Association (IFA) and Ethological Society of India (ESI). Prof. Geetha Bali, Vice Chancellor, Karnataka State Women's University, Bijapur, was the Chief Guest at the Inaugural function. Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE Mumbai welcomed the participants. The participants included academicians and scientists from different Fisheries Institutes of the ICAR, researchers and students from several universities and colleges from various parts of the country. Details of the program were spelt out by Convener of the symposium Dr. Latha Shenoy, Sr. Scientist, CIFE. The book of Abstracts of the Symposium was released by the Chief Guest. The Guests of Honour were Dr. S.N. Dwivedi, former Director of CIFE and Dr. B.N. Desai , former Director of NIO, Goa. Inaugural address was delivered by Prof. Geetha Bali. The Organizing Secretary of the symposium Dr. P.K. Pandey, Sr. Scientist, CIFE, proposed vote of thanks. After the inaugurc..l function , Dr. Unnithan Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr. V. V. Sugunan, ADG (Fisheries), ICAR on the topic "Environmental Flow- How Much Water Should Flow Down the Rivers"? Dr. Shakunthala Sridhara, Emeritus Scientist, Rodent Control (ICAR) University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore, delivered the keynote address on "Behavioural Toxicology of Pesticides in Vertebrates". I?rof. B. N. Pandey, Ex. Professor &: Head, P. G. Department of Zoology, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, enlightened the gathering with special lecture - 'Animal behaviour Vs early warning of ensuing natural disaster: Do animals have developed sixth sense' ? SUBSCRIBE FREE COPY OF YOUR NEWS LETTER To receive CIFE Newsletter regularly, please fil l this subscription form and send it to us by f ax or mail : Surname: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ First Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Middle Name: _ _ _ _ _ __ Designation: Organizat ion: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ad dress: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City: _ _ _ _ _ _ Pin: _ _ _ _ __ Country: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tel. No. _ _ _ _ _ Mobile Fax: _ _ _ _ __ e- mail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please send your comments or suggestion s to: The Editor-in-Chief, CiFE News (Matsya Darpan) Central Institute of Fisheries Educat ion, (Deemed University - ICAR) Seven Bungalows, Versova, Mumbai - 400061 ,India Phone: 022-2636144617/8, Fax: 022 -26361573 E-mail: rpraman@cife .edu.in / rpraman1 @gmail.com • Website: www.cife.edu .in DI ~~MINAR I 5TMP051A I WORK5ltOP (IFE NEWS : July - December 2008 WORKSHOP ON "ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY INTERFACING" Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai, organized a one-day Workshop on . "Academia-Industry Interfacing" on 27thAugust, 2008. The major objectives of the workshop were (i) To identify specific challenges and opportunities for the fishery industry and the academia in the globalised context (ii) To identify specific areas of linkage and collaboration to exploit these opportunities and address the challenges (iii) To evolve terms and strategies for partnership and the implementation mechanism. emia - Ir . ' I Interfacin ~'I\ ~ The Workshop began with the remarks by Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director followed by Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, CIFE. Dr. George John, Advisor, DBT, introduced the Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) concepts of DBT Dr. K.V. Rajendran Principal Scientist and Dr. Jahageerdar, Senior Scientist coordinated the workshop. The design of the workshop was truly interactive and participatory in nature. For an effective outcome towards promoting a fresh and holistic partnership building, the participants had an open mind to exchange new perspectives and experiential wisdom of each other. They also came prepared with requisite materials. The workshop had presentations by the experts from the academia and the representatives from twelve fisheries/aquaculture industries. The presentations were followed by open house discussion . The expectations of industry, academia and students were revealed through the deliberations in the beginning, and finally the workshop discussed about the complementary roles that each partner could play in filling the gaps. WORKSHOP ON "ITK IN FISHERIES SECTOR" AT GUWAHATI An inception workshop on "ITK IN FISHERIES SECTOR" was organized by Central Institute of Fisheries Education at Guwahati (Assam) during 19-20 September, 2008, in recognition of the fact that fishers of India have a rich legacy of indigenous knowledge, traditional practices and customary rules and regulations. This knowledge is developed from experiences and has been enriched over centuries which have been embedded in local cultures and traditions from generations to generations. There is a need to understand, respect and tap these social resources for better governance of fisheries. Careful documentation of this knowledge will provide essential elements to formulate management plans towards ecologically sustainable development. The Chief Guest of the programme was Shri P. K. Barthakurji, lAS, Commissioner and Secretary (Fisheries), Department of Animal Husbandry, Veterinary & Fisheries, Assam. The dignitaries Dr. A. K. Roy, Director (Fisheries), Department of Fisheries, Assam and Mr. Debeshwar Malakar, Managing Director, Assam Fisheries Development Corporation Limited, graced the occasion. Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director CIFE, Mumbai, while addressing the gathering presented an overview of the workshop and en.phasized on documenting of ITKs and recognizing the intellectual property rights of the communities. He also stressed on the importance of sustainability issues. Dr. Kumar stressed that the ownership of a particular ITK rests with the community and credit has to be always given to the community. This was followed by finalizing the thematic areas by participatory discussion. The programme was attended by 43 resource persons. The participants presented the information on various ITKs being practiced by the local communities as per the open ended format which had been sent to all participants before hand. This was followed by interactions. Following thematic areas were identified : fisheries resources and habitat management, aquaculture (including integrated farming), fish products and production processes, crafts and gears, fish baits and attractants, fishing methods, plant piscicides, and therapeutic applications. Guidelines for preparation of presentations were discussed thoroughly and work and responsibilities were assigned. State coordinator and thematic area wise coordinators were identified. The workshop had representation of resource persons from different states of North East. The programme was covered by media and an interview of Director CIFE was telecast on a television channel with a wide coverage. FIRST ALUMNI MEET OF (IFE The first ever Alumni Meet of exCIFE students was held on 25 December, 2008, at the New Campus Auditorium. The Alumni of this premier Flagship Institution of Fisheries Education of ICAR are spread across the globe representing various sectors of Fishery Industries, Universities, Multinational Companies, Financial Institutions etc besides occupying top managerial positions in different states and many Afro-Asian countries. The Alumni Meet was held for the first time to bring together diverse Diaspora of CIFEANS on a common platform to reunite long lost friends, to help each other in exchange of talent and -expertise in the professional work arena and contribute to the overall development of the fisheries sector as a whole. The Alumni Meet aims to strengthen the existing Network of Fisheries Professionals, provide support to the academia and contribute towards employment generation and sector development opportunities. The Event turned out to be a grand success with over 80 CIFEANS attending the event. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Dilip Kumar, Hon'ble Vice Chancellor and Director of CIFE. A series of programmes right from self introduction to panel discussions regarding formation of Mandate, Vision and the General Governing Body of the CIFE Alumni were held through the pre and post lunch sessions under the Chairmanship of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor. On this occasion, several faculty members of the Institute including Joint Director, Dr. S. C. Mukherjee; Registrar, Shri Suresh Kumar; ex General Manager, NABARD Mr. M.A. Upare; and Deputy General Manager NABARD, Mr. M. Mehta, The Dean Academics, Dr. GopalKrishna; Dr. M.P.S. Kohli and Dr. C.S. Purushothaman were present. The present President and Vice President of the PGSSU, CIFE, Mumbai and other ex students also attended the programme. On this occasion, a six member Interim Governing Body was constituted. The office bearers of the Governing Body are: Mr. Sandipan Patnaik (President), Dr. M. Mehta (Vice President), Mrs. Paramita Banerjee Sawant and Mr. Bhawesh Sawant (Jt. Secre-taries), Dr. Naseem Akhtar (Cultural Secretary) and Ms. Yamini Waravdekar (Treasurer). The day was concluded by a gala cultural programme in the evening. NATIONAL EDUCATION DAY CELEBRATED AT CIFE "As per the Ministry of Human Resource Development's announcement on September 11, 2008, the Govt. of India has decided to commemorate the birthday of Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad, a great freedom fighter, an eminent educationist and the first Union Minister of Education of independent India by recalling his contribution to the cause of education in India. As per the G.O., November 11 every year, from 2008 onwards, will be celebrated as the National Education Day, without declaring it a holiday". CIFE Mumbai, India's First and top ranking Fisheries University organized the First National Education Day on 11 November, 2008 in the Conference Hall of Yari Road Campus in which a large number of students and staff members participated with lots of zeal and fervour. Dr. R. P. Raman, Sr. Scientist, worked as a Convener of the event. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Raman reminded the students and staff about the enormouS contributions of this great son of India. Maulana Azad had played a stellar role in establishing the IITs - liT at Kharagpur which was followed by other IITs at Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Kanpur. Maulana Azad oversaw the establishment of a National Education System with free primary education and modern institutions of higher learning. He stood for a common educational structure of 10+2+3 throughout India. Among the new institutions he established were the three National Academies viz the Sangeet Natak Academy (1953), Sahitya Academy (1954) and Lalit Kala Academy (1954), and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (1950). He established the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 1956 by an Act of Parliament for disbursement of grants and maintenance of standards in Indian universities. Maulana Azad was a prolific writer with books in Urdu, Persian and Arabic notably amongst which is 'India Wins Freedom', his political biography, translated from Urdu to English. Maulana's translation of Quran from Arabic into Urdu called "Tarjaman-e-Quran", published in six volumes by the Sahitya Akademy in 1977 is indeed his 'Magnum Opus". His other books include 'Gubar-e-Khatir', 'Hijr-o-Vasal', 'Khatbat-i-Azad', 'Hamari Azadi', and Tazkara'. On this occasion, an Elocution Competition was organized for the Post Graduate and Ph.D. students of this University. Based on the overall performance, the best performing students were declared the winners. CIFEANNUAL DAY CELEBRATIONS CIFE family headed by Hon'ble Director, Dr. Dilip Kumar, decided to celebrate ClFE's Annual Day celebrations as Fish Farmer's Day. Dr. V.S. Somvanshi, Director General, Fishery Survey of India graced the occasion as Chief Guest. On this day CIFE winners of 'Hiralal Chaudhury Fisheries Foundation Award, Jalihal Endowment Award, and various Institutional Awards were presented. Besides, winners of various cultural, and sports competitions of CIFE Deemed University were also awarded with medals and certificates. Dr. Hiralal Chaudhury Fisheries Foundation Award .:. Dr. S. Shabrinath, College of Fisheries, Mangalore (2006-'07), .:. Dr. Jitendra Sundaray, Sr. Scientist, CIBA, Chennai (2007-'08) Dr. Jalihal EndowmentAward .:. Mr. Divu Damodaran, College of Fisheries, Mangalore (2006-'07) .:. Mr. Tapas Chakraborty, CIFE, Mumbai (2006-'07) .:. Mr. C.S. Tejpal, CIFE, Mumbai (2007-'08) CIFE Institutional Awards .:. Best Teacher .:. Best Young Scientist .:. Best Technical Staff .:. Best Administrative Award .:. Best Work in Hindi Best Supporting Staff .:. Best School Children Award .:. .:. Best Fish Farmer Award Dr. Shyam Salim, Scientist (SS) Dr. P.S. Ananthan, Scientist (5S) Dr. P. Srinivasa Rao, Technical Officer (T-6) Shri B. Laxman Rao, UDC, CIFE Kakinada Centre Dr. Archana Sinha, PS, CIFE Kolkata Centre Shri Shaik Vallisha, SSG-II, CIFE Kakainada Centre Master Banisetti Harish (Std. - XII) Son of Shri B. Laxman Rao, CIFE Kakinada Master Syed Nazish Zaidi (Std. - X) Son of Dr. S.G.S. Zaidi, Technical Officer, CIFE Mumbai Shri Bablu Kumar Ghosh, Naihati (West Bengal) Shri Sangaram Singh Rathore, Malola (Rajasthan) * * * * 33RD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT The 33rd Meeting of the Board of Management of the Institute was held on 21 st Nov. 2008 at CI FE Kolkata Centre. Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director, CIFE, Mumbai, welcomed all the distinguished Members of the BOM and informed about various Research, Educational and Extension activities of the Institute. He also informed about completion of New Library Complex of the Institute and various other infrastructural development activities undertaken by the Institute. Dr. S. Ayyappan, Deputy. Director General (Fisheries), ICAR, New Delhi, thanked the Director, CIFE for organizing the BOM Meeting at the Kolkata Centre. He expressed his satisfaction on all round development in academics, trainings, infrastructure development and extension activities. Dr. Vijay B. Mehta thanked ICAR and while expressing his obligation promised maximum contribution from his side as Board Member for the development of the institution. Dr. Nagendra Sharma appreciated his involvement to be associated with such a great Institute like CIFE, Mumbai ever since he was involved in oy.:~rall agricultural education under ICAR and SAUs. Dr. Sharma suggested to give more emphasiz on the development of infrastructure, hostel facilities, equipment and quality research work. He also emphasized that value-addition may be given a priority. Research & education need to be geared up to take up the challenges of ornamental fish culture, GLP & inventory of germ plasm & biosafety need to be considered on top priority. Dr. M. K. R Nair opined that the vibrant activities at different fronts at the Institute are due to dynamic leadership of Dr. Dilip Kumar at the institute level & support from Director General & Deputy Director General (Fisheries). Dr. K. K. Vass appreciated the progress on research & academic fronts & suggested that CIFE can play the lead role in academic sector for State Agricultural Universities & Fisheries Colleges. Dr. W.S Lakra opined that CIFE has emerged as a major Centre of Excellence in Fisheries Education & Research, Policy Planning and Formulation & linkages with national & international organizations. Shri Deepak Gadre suggested to intiatiate specialized course on capture fisheries & deep sea fishing for the fishing community. Shri Damodar Tandel (President's nominee) opined that CIFE needs to organize training in capture fisheries, processing & marketing and, if possible , a group of experts may visit abroad to learnthe marketing strategies & value-added food products. Expressing his views, the World Food Prize Laureate Dr. M.V. Gupta emphasized that research ideas should be generated from the needs of the industry. CIFE must play an important role in impact training to meet this gap. Dr. Gupta opined that although fisheries is a revenue earning sector and the development programmes are run by the State Governments, the social and economic issues are not given due importance across the discipline. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. S.c. Mukherjee, Joint Director, CIFE Mumbai. CIFE IN "KISAN" EXHIBITION AT PUNE INVITED GUEST LECTURES .:. •:. A guest lecture on "Orienting Fisheries Development in Emerging National and International Scenario" was delivered by Professor (Dr.) Gopaljee Trivedi, Former Vice-Chancellor, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, Bihar on 23'd September 2008 . A guest lecture on "e-Aqua Sagu : A Case Study in Andhra Pradesh" was delivered by Dr. Smitha, th In-charge, Fisheries Programmes of MediaAsia, Mumbai on 25 September 2008. IMPORTANT EVENTS (IFE NEWS: July - December 2008 TRAINING PROGRAMMES ATTENDED .:. •:. .:. Dr. S.K. Mishra, Sr. Scientist participated in the training programme on "Training Management" held at Extension Education Institute, Anand, Gujarat during 29 Dec., 2008 to 3 Jan., 2009 . Dr. Swadesh Prakash, Sr. Scientist attended a training programme of Agricultural Policy Research under NAIP project on "Visioning, policy Analysis and Gender (V-PAIGe)" conducted by NCAP, New Delhi and IGIDR, Mumbai during 15th to 20th September, 2008 at Mumbai. Dr. Gayatri Tripathi, Sr. Scientist , CIFE Mumbai attended "XXIV National Training Programme in Electron Microscopy for Scientific Investigators" from 13-11-08 to 18-11-08 at Electron Microscopy facility, department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS .:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. Shri B.P. Sharma, lAS, Principal Secretary, Department of Animal and Fish Resources, Govt. og Bihar st visited CIFE on 21 July, 2008 . Dr. Robert T. Winterbottom, Chief of Party, Intergrated Protected Area Co-management, USA along with Dr. Azaharul H. Mazaumdar, Environmental Team Leader, Dhaka visited CIFE on 23rd July, 2008 . Six Bhutan delegates visited the CIFE , Mumbai, on the 10th September, 2008 . Professor (Dr.) Gopaljee Trivedi , Former Vice -Chancellor, Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa, rd Bihar visited CIFE Mumbai on 23 September 2008 and delivered an invited lecture on 'Orienting Fisheries Development in India' . Mrs. Maya Govind, eminent Hindi poet and writer, visited CIFE Mumbai as Chief Guest of Hindi Fortnight celebrations . Dr. S. Ayyappan , Deputy Director General (Fisheries) , ICAR, New Delhi visited CIFE on 22 October, 2008 . Visit of 4 Tanzanian officials from Ministry of Livestock Development headed by Dr. Sachindra M. Das, Director, Central Veterinary Laboratory, Temeke Veterinary Mandeia Road, P.B. Box 9254 , Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on 5th Nov., 2008 . Dr. C.D. Mayee, Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi visited CIFE Mumbai on 7th Nov., 2008 . Mr. Priydarshi Das, lAS, Principal Secretary, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, visited CIFE Mumbai and held discussion about future plan for fisheries of A.P. on 08.12.2008 . Mr. Ato Lakew Wondimu, Vice-President, Ambo University, Ambo, Ethiopia and Dr. P. Natarajan , Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, Ambo University, Ethiopia visited CIFE Mumbai on 10th Dec., 2008 and discussions about bilateral collaboration on Aquaculture Technology and Fisheries Education between the two countries. FORTHCOMING EVENTS .:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. •:. CAS Training Programme on Seafood Microbiology and Quality Control during 08-29 January 2009 . International Training Programme on Trickle down system of aquaculture extension during 15-28 January, 2009 . Certificate / Diploma Courses under Professional Development Programme (PDP) of CIFE Deemed nd University, starting from 2 February 2009 in the following disciplines: 'Fisheries enterprise Management' and 'Fisheries Development Management' . ICAR sponsored "Winter School on Genome and Protein-based Techniques in Aquatic Animal Health Management" during 2-22 February 2009 . CAS Training Program on "Recombinant DNA Technology: Ideas to Products" during February 23 to March 14, 2009 . CAS Training Programme on "Alternative Aquaculture Technologies in the Context of the Present Aquaculture Scenario" during 17 March to 6 April 2009 . th 20 All India Congress of Zoology during November / December, 2009 at CIFE Mumbai. CIFE TRAINING OF BIHAR FISH FARMER BRINGS LAURELS Dr. Sanjeevanand Thakur A farmer from Araria district of Bihar had undergone training on "Fish and Prawn Culture" has succeeded in increasing productivity per hectare in carp culture. Dr. Sanjeevanand Thakur, a Doctorate, hailing from Balua village of Araria district, Bihar has been cultivating Indian Major Carps since 1996 and used to obtain 500 kg per acre production of carp harvest. He underwent training at Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE) Kakinada Centre during 20-29 November, 2006 on "Fish and Prawn Culture" sponsored by the Government of Bihar. Enthused by seeing and learning carp culture technology adopted in Andhra Pradesh Dr. Thakur after returning to Bihar started raising yearlings of IMe. Adopting pond management techniques learned in trainihg he stocked the yearlings of catla (20%) and rohu (80 ,)~ ) @ 6750 nos. per Ha (2700 nos. per acre) and achieved a record production in the State by producing 5 tons/Ha (2000 kg/Acre) in a period of six months. He repeated the same culture techniques and obtained almost the same production in the next six months in the year 2007 itself. Dr. Thakur who got inspired and motivated has set a target for himself to increase the productivity up to 7500 kg per hectare (3000 kg per acre) in the coming six months of crop period in this season . Dr. Thakur who started with 7 acres has now decided to extend the farm area up to 20 acres. He is in touch with the officer in charge , Dr. G. Venugopal and is obtaining guidance and direction in overcoming the problems he is encountering viz. , control of Argulus infection and algal bloom, etc. A farmer obtaining 1250 kg per hectare in six months before training is now able to produce 5000 kg per hectare in the same period which reflects the potential of production enhancement and positive impact of training given·by the CIFE Kakinada Centre. Impressed with the results achieved, the Government of Bihar conferred Dr. Thakur with "Kisan ShreeAward". FISH FARMERS DAY CELEBRATIONS AT KAKINADACENTRE Centre celebrated Fish Farmers th Day on 10 July 2008 at Kakinada Campus . About 100 farmers along with fish farmer trainees from Bihar, officials of State govt., and staff of the Centre participated in the celebration. On this occasion, two farmers viz. , Shri S. Shyamala Rao of Kaikaluru (Krishna Dist.) and Shri V. Ram Babu of I. Polavaram (East Godavari Dist. ) were felicitated as best farmers. Shri Mootha Gopala Krishna , Hon ' ble MLA of Kakinada Constituency was the Chief Guest of the function while Shri Kumaraswamy, Project Director, DRDA, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and Shri G.P. Singh, AGM, GFCL, Kakinada were Guests of Honour. felicitated the farmers. Shri M. Gopalakrishna, MLA FIELD DEMONSTRATIONS .:. •:. •:. •:. A field demonstration on "Freshwater Fish and Prawn Farming" organized for the students of B. Sc (Zoology) from Layola Academy, Secunderabad th on 09 September, 2008 . A field demonstration on "Freshwater Fish and Prawn Culture" conducted for the students of Railway Degree th College , Secunderabad on 16 September 2008 . A group of 32 fish farmers from Tamil Nadu visited the Freshwater Fish Farm at Balabhadrapuram along with two officers on 19 November 2008. Farmers were given demonstrations on "Magur hatchery and seed production and freshwater prawn culture" . A group of 20 fish entrepreneurs, hatchery owners and farmers were given demonstration on "Shrimple - The Diagnostic Kit for Detecting WSSV" , organized by CIFE Kakinada Centre on 03rd December, 2008 . TRAINING PROGRAMMES A total of eight short term training programmes were conducted during the period under report in which 187 farmers / intrepreneurs / in-service officer / students were trained. PARTICIPATION IN TRAINING/ WORKSHOP/ EXTENSION PROGRAMMES Dr. G. Venugopal, Principal Scientist and OIC participated in the following Workshops / Seminar / Meetings / Events: .!+£ Participated in the Workshop on "Prospects of Murrel farming" at Hyderabad organized by th NFDB, Hyderabad on 6 September 2008 . •:. Participated in the Workshop on "Utilisation Of Water Resources for Fish Culture in North Bihar" at Bettiah held during 31 October to 1 November, 2008 and delivered talks on "Magur farming" and "Common diseases of carps". ·:·E Participated in the "National Consultative Meeting on Marine Fisheries Policy" conducted by World Bank and Ministry of Agriculture During 6-7 November, 2008 at Hyderabad . th •:. Participated in 8 Indian Fisheries Forum held at Kolkata during 22-25 November. 2008. Dr. G .Venugopal, Principal Scientist & OIC was assigned to establish Magur hatchery in Bihar for conducting result demonstration. He identified a farm where the hatchery was proposed to be established and submitted the project proposals with tentative budget estimates. Dr Shiva Pratap Singh , Scientist attended a refresher course training programme on "Concept, Priorities and Methodologies in Research Management" held during 21.08.2008 to 10.09.2008 at Academy of Agriculture Research Management, CCS HAU, Hisar, Haryana. Dr. P. Rami Reddy, Technical Officer (T-7-8) and Dr. J. Krishna Prasad, Technical Officer (T-6) participated in one day national seminar on "Best Management Practices for Sustainable Freshwater Aquaculture" at Bhimavaram, Andhra Pradesh organized by Byrraju Foundation (BFNSA- 2008) on 12.11.2008. NEWS FROM CIFE ROHTAK CENTRE SHRI RAO INDERJEET SINGH, HON'BLE UNION MINISTER OF STATE FOR DEFENSE PRODUCTION VISITS CIFE ROHTAK CENTRE Rao Inderjeet Singh, Hon'ble Union Minister of State for Defense Production visited CIFE Rohtak th Centre on 25 July, 2008. He was shown various activities like milkfish, mullets, pearl spot and tiger prawn culture. Seed production in scampi and magur hatcheries were also shown to the visiting dignitaries. Use of aqua lining in ponds for seepage control was the main interest for the Hon'ble Minister. Dr. Dilip Kumar, Director & Vice Chancellor of CIFE Deemed University, welcomed the Hon'ble Minister and other dignitaries and informed the august audience that the institute started research activities in Haryana way back in 1981-'82 which was inaugurated by Rao Birender Singh, the then Union Minister Agriculture & the father of Shri Rao Indrajeet Singh. He emphasized that the Centre was committed for the welfare of the local farmers and ready to help farmers by training them in various aquaculture technologies. Dr. S. Ayyappan, (DDG) Fisheries, ICAR, New Delhi expressed that with the success of the saline water aquaculture technologies developed by CIFE Rohtak Centre, the marine seafood delicacies which we used to import form coastal states can be produced in the land locked inland states itself. The other dignitaries present on the occasion were: Mr. P. V. Singh, Director of Fisheries, Govt. of Haryana and Dr. D. S. Sayal, Director of Punjab Fisheries. On this occasion, more than 100 fish farmers also attended the programme. COMMERCIAL FARMING OF TIGER SHRIMP IN INLAND GROUND SALINE WATER CIFE has successfully demonstrated commercial farming of "Tiger shrimp" (Penaeus mandan) in inland ground saline water of Haryana through research innovation at its Lahli-Baniyani Fish Farm, Rohtak (Haryana). Tiger shrimp did not survive in raw inland saline waters due to ionic difference with seawater. The scientists of CIFE have however demonstrated that this shrimp can be commercially farmed in inland saline waters with cost effective ionic management. In a recent trial, the seed of tiger shrimp was stocked in two identical ponds of 0.25 ha with seed imported from Kakinada (Andhra Pradesh) @ 44,000/ha (PL-10) for 4-months culture duration in 10 ppt salinity. The results indicated an overall survival of 60% with a net production of 660.0 kg/ha in 115-days culture duration. Since the culture duration for securing the crop of tiger shrimp is only 4-summer months, the farmers can easily take two crops per year between March-November in North Western States of India. The technology developed by CIFE may be highly useful in terms of emerging problems of soil and water salinity. Ell NEWS FROM CIFE ROHTAK CENTRE SHORT-TERM TRAINING PROGRAMMES A short-term training programme was Organized on "scampi hatchery management using under ground sub saline water" from 15 24 September 2008 at CIFE, Rohtak Centre. Nine participants attended the programme, these include seven participants from the state fisheries departments of Punjab, Gujarat and rajasthan, one from ICAR institute (haryana) and one entrepreneur from maharashtra . The trainees were exposed to class- room lectures, practicals and field works on the topics of prawn hatchery management and grow - out practices. The participants also interacted with the prawn farmers of haryana state at three farm sites in Rohtak and karnal districts. The valedictory function of the programme was graced by Dr. B. N. Nanda, Director (Inland Fisheries), Department of A.H . D & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi. Two Short Term Training Programmes under Niche Area Excellency Project on Inland Saline Aquaculture Management and Development were organized during 24 - 29 November, 2008 and 1-6 December, 2008. 22 participants attended the programme, these include seventeen participants from the state Fisheries Department of Haryana and two private fish farmers from Rohtak. The trainees were exposed to class- room lectures, Practicals and field works on the topics of Inland Saline Aquaculture Management and Development. Trainees were also exposed to various aspects of fish and prawn culture and breeding. DR. V. K. SHARMA, TAKES OVERAS NATIONAL PRESIDENT OF ARSSF Dr. V. K. Sharma, Principal Scientist & OIC of the CIFE Rohtak Centre took over as National President of Agriculture Research Service Scientist Forum (ARSSF), which represents the scientific community of the ICAR. VISIT OF SCIENTIST DELIGATION Dr. Bonami, Eminent Shrimp Pathologist, France, Dr. Breijil, Eminent Prawn Pathologist, France, Dr. Arun Ninawe, Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Science University & Dr. Sahul Hameed, OlE expert visited CIFE, Rohtak Centre on 26 October, 2008. They inspected various activities going on at the Centre and expressed happiness over the research activities and pioneering contributions of the Centre in saline water aquaculture in the country. ) l J f FIRST SUCCESSFUL BREEDING AND SEED PRODUCTION OF RARE FISH SPECIES OSTEOBRAMA . BELANGEERI (PENGBA) The breeding of a rare fish species Pengba (Osteobrama be/angeeri) was done on successfully at CIFE Powarkhed Centre on 28.07.2008 under controlled condition in a D-85 hatchery facility of the Centre. A total of 60,000 spawn of pengba were produced out of which 10,000 fingerlings could be raised. The fingerlings are being reared at fish farm of this Centre for further propagation of this species. This achievement is first of its kind in the country for the breeding and seed production of pengba. This effort will further add to the conservation measures of this rare species. Training Programs Training programme 1. STP on 'Fish cu lture' Duration 28-07-2008 to No. of Participant Category of Participation 20 Fish fa rmers from Dist. Dindiri, M. P. 02 /08 / 2008 2. STP on 'Fish culture' 05-08-2008 to 11-08-2008 21 Fish farmers from Dist - Dindiri , M.P. 3. STP on 'Carp hatchery management for maintaining genetic quality' 20-08-2008 to 29-08-2008 5 Participants from diff erent States PARTICIPATION IN IMPORTANT MEETINGS 1 SEMINARS / EVENTS ETC.: Dr.Somdutt, Principal Scientist & OIC attended the follwing Workshopsl Meetings.:. XVI Extension Council Meeting held on 08.11.08 at CIFE,Mumbai. .:. XXXIII Board of Management Meeting held on 21 st.November,2008 at CIFE Centre, Kolkotta . •:. Eighth Indian Fisheries Forum inaugural session held at Kolkata on 22.11.08 . National Workshop (Hindi) on "Uttar Bihar Ke •:. Jalsroton Ke Upyog evam Utpaadan" held at Betia (West Champaran), Biharon 31.10.08 & 01.11.08. Di stinguished Vi sit ors .:. Dr. S.N. Dwivedi visited CIFE Powarkheda Centre on 8th August, 2008 Advisory Committee Meeting of this Centre. to attend the first NEWS FROM CIFE KOLKATA CENTRE DR. HIRALAL CHAUDHURY GRACES FISH FARMER'S DAY CELEBRATIONS AT CIFE, KOLKATA CENTER Kolkata Center of Central Institute of Fisheries Education celebrated Fish Farmer's Day on 10t h July 2008. This special occasion became memorable as Prof. Hiralal Chaudhury; the 'Father of Induced Breeding in India' inaugurated the programme as Chief Guest. Many other dignitaries like Dr. P. Das, former Director, NBFGR, Lucknow; Dr.C. Saha former Director, CIFA, Bhubaneswar; Prof. Kuldip Singh , forme r Principal, CIFE, Kolkata Center; Dr.K.C. Dora, Dean , WBUA&FS , Kolkata and Dr. K.R. Naskar, Officer-in-Charge CIFRI Center, Salt Lake City, Kolkata were also present during the celebrations. On this occasion, a pamphlet in Bengali on "Integrated fish farming '" was released by the Chief Guest. Besides, more than 100 farmers including many progressive fish farmers from Meghalaya participated in the event. Eleven progressive fish farmers of the region including Shri Babloo Ghosh, Shri Ashish Sarkar, Shri Nirmal Biswas were felicitated. Ademonstration session was also organized in which the progressive fish farmers discussed adopted technologies and success with the small fish farmers and visitors. Besides , an Exhibition on Aquaculture Technologies was organized for the benefit of the farmers. SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAMME + + -:. -:. -:- + -:- A total of six training programmes were conducted at CIFE, Kolkata Centre during JulyDecember 2008 which were as follows: A 10 days training programme on "Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture" at CIFE, Kolkata Centre for 21 participants during 16-25 July 2008 . On -job training programme for a group of 25 students of Degree part-II , Industrial Fish & Fisheries, Jawaharlal Nehru College, Dehri-on-Sone (Rohtas) w.e. f . 18.7.08 to 02.08.08 . Training programme on "Ornamental Fish Breeding and Culture" for 27 Fish farmers sponsored by MPEDA, Kolkata during 9-13 September, 2008. Training programme on "Preparation of Value added Fish Products" for 15 women from Bettiah (West Champaran), Bihar during 10-16 October, 2008. On-job training programme on "Fish Microbiology and Parasitology' for 18 students of Industrial Fish & Fisheries Graduates from APC College, Kolkata during 17 -25 October, 2008 . Training programme on " Ornamental Fish Culture and Fish Diseases" for 6 students of Industrial Fish and Fisheries from J. L. N. College, Dehri-on-Sone (Rohtas), Bihar during 10-20 November 2008. FIELD EXPOSURE PROGRAMMES FOR FISH FARMERS Field exposure training programmes for fish farmers of Assam, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu and Sikkim were organized by CIFE Kakinada Centre, during July to December 2008 in which 80 participating farmers were trained. EXHIBITIONS: A total of seven Exhibitions were organized by CIFE Kolkata Centre during the reporting period: .:. 12th National Expo at Central Park, Salt Lake City, Kolkata during 5-10 September 2008 . •:. Agro Protech 2008, Second Green Revolution Summit ft Expo during 24-26 September 2008 at Science City, Kolkata . Exhibition at Bettiah, Bihar during Seminar-cum•:. Training on "Utilization of water resources for fish culture in North Bihar" during 31 st October to 1st November, 2008 . Exhibition during 8th Indian Fisheries Forum, Kolkata •:. during 22-26 November, 2008 . •:. Exhibition at Krishi-Silpa ft Banijya Me:a during 9-15 December 2008 . •:. Exhibition at All India Seminar on "Recent trends in processing and marketing of fishery and horticulture products held at Institution of Engineers during 19-20 December 2008 . •:. Exhibition during National Seminar on "Biodiversity and Human Health" held during 29-31 December, 2008 at Guahati, Assam. WORKSHOP/MEETINGS CONDUCTED .:. •:. •:. Participatory workshop for restructuring the PGDIF Course at CIFE, Kolkata Centre during 2122 July 2008 . 33rd Board of Management Meeting on 21 st November 2008 . Advisory Committee Meeting for the development of CIFE, Kolkata Centre WORKSHOP/MEETINGS ATTENDED Dr. Archana Sinha, Principal Scientist ft OIC CIFE Kolkata Centre attended the following Events/Workshops/ Meetings: .:. Attended the "Workshop on Creation and Dissemination of Knowledge" organized by International Management Institute, New Delhi at NITTTR, Chandigarh during 15-17 October 2008 . Attended meeting of NFDB-NCAP project on "Exploring market opportunities for fisheries •:. sector in India" on 24 October 2008 at CIFRI, Barrackpore . •:. Attended Regional Committee-II meeting during 26-27 September 2008 at OUAT, Bhubaneswar. DISTINGUISHED VISITORS: .:. .:. .:. Dr. Bob Winter bottom, Chief Manager and Dr. Azhar Mazumdar, Team Leader USAID/Dhaka Dr. S. Ayyappan, DDG (Fy) ,ICAR, New Delhi Dr. V.V. SugunanADG (Inland Fy), ICAR, New Delhi. CIFEIANS KEEP INSTITUTE'S FLAG FLYING HIGH ... (ontlnulng wlth the glorloUS tradltlons of yesteryears, thls year also (IFE students have made the Instltutlon proud by their brilllant performance in ARS Examinatlon. Out of a total of 8 posts advertised by the Agrlcultural SClentlsts Recrultment Board ln Flshery Sciences category, (IFE students have bagged 7 posts through All India (ompetltlve Examlnation (ARS). The names of the successful candidates are as follows: Mr. Kundan Kumar, Ph.D. Scholar, Fish pathology and Microblology Divlsion, Mr. Prem Kumar, Ph.D. Scholar, Aquaculture dlvlsion; Miss Bijl Xavier, Ph.D. Scholar, Flsh Nutrltlon and Biochemistry dlvlsion; Mr. Muralidhar, A.P., Ph.D. Scholar, Aquaculture division; Mr. Rajesh, N., Ph.D. Scholar, Aquaculture divlsion and Mr. Ramesh Rathod, Ph.D. Scholar, Aquaculture dlvision. Besides one of the (IFE students Dr. Mrs. Neetu Shahi, M.F.Sc. (FGB) has been selected asARS Sdentist in Animal Biotechnology. The '(IFE Pariwar' wishes them a very bright and successful career ahead. BEST FISHERIES GRADUATE OF INDIAAWARDS .:. -> -> Mr. Antony Jesu Prabhu, M.F.Sc. Scholar, Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry division has bagged 'Dr. H. P. ( Shetty Gold Medal' for securing second position in PFGF Examination to select Best Flsherles Graduate of India. Mr. Blswajit Bal, M.F.Sc. Scholar, Post Harvest Technology division has bagged 'Dr. T.J. Verghese Gold Medal' for securing fourth position in PFGF Examination. Mr. Dhamotharan. K., M. F. Sc. Scholar, Fish Pathology and Microbiology division has won 'Dr. K. V. Devaraj Gold Medal' for securing fifth position in PFGF Examination. IMPORTANT PLACEMENTS -> Mr. Binay Rajan, M. F. Sc. of Fish pathology and Microbiology division has joined as Research Assistant in Bodo University, Norway. •:. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Das, Ph.D. Scholar of Aquaculture division has joined as Agriculture Offlcer ln Punjab National Bank:' .:. Mr. Subrat Sahoo, Ph.D. Scholar of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology divislon has jOlned .' as Probationary Officer in Indian Overseas Bank . •:. Mr. Niladri Bihari Prasad Nanda, Ph.D. Scholar of Aquaculture division has joined as Agriculture Officer in Federal Bank . •:. Miss Nagarathna, R., Ph. D. Scholar of Aquaculture divislon has jOlned as Admlnlstratlve Officer ln Agricultural Insurance (ompany Pvt. Ltd. Bengalooru . •:. Mr. Subodh Kumar, M.F.Sc. Scholar of Aquaculture, Mr. Prem Kumar, M.F.Sc. Scholar of Fish Nutrition and Biochemistry, Mr. Shyam Majhi, M.F.Sc. Scholar of Fish Business Management, Mr. Sunil Kumar Suman, M.F.Sc. Scholar of Flsheries Resource Management and Mr. Subhasri Prasad, M.F.Sc. Scholar of Fisheries Resource Management have joined as Marketing and Recovery Officer in State Bank of India. BLOOD DONOR'S CLUB, CIFE With the creation of Blood Donor's Club in (IFE, a new chapter has been added in students social welfare activities. Many students have voluntarily donated blood to save life of others. A full fledged blood donation camp was organized on the eve of National Human th Rights Day on 10 December 2008 in (IFE in collaboration with Rotary Club of Mumbai and Lilavati Hospital, Bandra (W). A large numbers students number of students donated blood voluntarily in the camp. Name of the Students Date of Viva - voce Thesis Title Nitai Saha 16-01-2008 Pigmen tati on and breedi ng perfo rmance of Swordtail (Xi phophorus helleri, Heckel 1848) by using natural colour additives and essential fatty acids in artificial feed lAC - 167 2002-05 Laxmi Prasad 28-01 -2008 Effect of dietary probiotics on the growth performance and metabolic responses in giants freshwater prawn , Macrobrachium resenbergii (de Man) lAC - 210 2004-06 Dhananjay Kumar Varma 07-02-2008 Study on functiona l ef ficacy of testis and cryogenci preservation of male gametes of mrigal, Cirhinus mrigala (Ham.) FNB - 195 2003-06 Deepesh Debnath 21 -02 -2008 Growth , digestive and metabolic response of Labeo rohita fingerling to different dietary protein levels . FRM - 181 2003-06 Shahnawaz Ali 25-02-2008 Quantitative Biodiversity of Crustaceans and Molluscs of Se lected Intert idal Shores of Mumbai. IAC- 158 2001-04 Haribabu Pu nati 10-03-2008 Aquaculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man. 1879) in Andhra Pradesh: A stress related pathological study. PHT - 139 2001-04 Jyotiranjan Nayak 27-03-2008 Effect on n-3 Polyun satu rated fatty acids f rom fis h on Dalton's lymphoma ascite and liver cancer i n mice MC-1 49 2001-04 A. Chand rasekhar Rao 26 -03-2008 Some studies on reproductive Physiology of the female Grouper. Epinephelus diacanthus (Valenciennes) PHT - 200 2003 -06 Zynudheen A. A. 07-05-2008 Biochemical, Microbiological and Nutri tion al Evaluation of Fermented Fish Silage. "iI~. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PHT-199 FRM-233 FPM-215 IAC-240 PHT-222 FNB-218 FB-193 MC-225 FB-1 92 Name of the student Mr. P. Krishnan Mr. A. Surendraraj Mr. Suriya Narayan Datta Mr. Rajesh Kumar Ms. Vasantha P. Mr. Mohan e.O. Ms. Sona Yengkokpam Ms. Neetu Shahi Ms. G. Annie Selva Sonia Mr. Binod Kumar Choudhary ... 2005-08 2003 -06 2005-08 2004-07 2005-08 2004-07 2004-07 2003 -06 2004-07 2003-06 Viva-voce 15.09.2008 30.09.2008 14.10.2008 14. 10.2008 29.10.2008 18.11.2008 18.11.2008 18. 11 .2008 28.1 1.2008 16.12.2008 8.39 7.70 9.05 8. 19 7.68 7.65 9.04 8.69 8. 31 8.11 EI FROM THE DIRECTORIS DESK 1 Dear CoUeagues & Friends Innovations and innovative approaches are the essential ingredients for the life line of any knowledge generating institution, striving for harnessing new opportunities and addressing emerging challenges. These require cross fertilization of ideas, sharing of experiences and dialogue between various institutions and stakeholders on continuing basis. Infrastructure and knowledge sharing facilities boost such initiatives to move much further. Readers will be pleased to note that during the period covered by this newsletter a number of such initiatives have been taken up by this Institute. CIFE organized a 'Conclave of Senior Fisheries Executives' from North Eastern States at Gangtok, Sikkim to gather feedback on the policy elements identified through a series of five 'Zonal Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy' workshops across the country, as well as to identify various internal and external issues impinging on development of fisheries sector in North Eastern States and evolve appropriate policy interventions. The 'Idea Generation Workshop' sponsored by DBT offered excellent opportunity for scientists of several R&D organizations, both in public and private sector, to share their experiences and generate ideas for upstream research projects under partnership mode. The 'Academia-Industry Interface' workshop further added impetus to our initiatives in this direction. The area of "fish behavior" though bears high potential for its application in bio-resource conservation and management and even promotion of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, remained ignored for quite some time. CIFE has taken initiative in this direction by hosting the 32nd Conference of Ethological Society of India and organizing "National Symposium on Fish Behavior". The Library which is a critical need for advancement of knowledge was further strengthened during this period. The state-of-the-art New Library Complex of CIFE which was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Union Minister of Agriculture Shri Sharad Pawar jee in the gracious presence of Dr. Mangla Rai jee, Secretary, DARE and Director General of ICAR and Dr. S. Ayyappan, Deputy Director General (Fisheries) of ICAR, is going to further support CIFE in playing its important role as an 'Institutions of Excellence' in fisheries higher education in the country. This Library has been developed as a National Facility catering to the needs of both academia and entrepreneurs in the field of fisheries, aquaculture and allied sciences. I am sure, various institutions and stakeholders of fisheries sector will immensely benefit from this facility. P4(t..., ( Dilip Kumar) 2 5 Hindi Pakhwada 1 Honours & Awards 8 Research Highlights 9 Seminar / Symposia / Workshop 14 15 First Alumni Meet of CIFE 16 11 19 21 23 24 26 28 Personalia National Education Day Celebrations CIFE Annual Day Celebrations Board of Management Meet News from CIFE Kakinada Centre News from CIFE Rohtak Centre News from (I FE Powarkheda (entre News from CIFE Kolkata Centre CIFE Students' News From the Director's Desk Credits Published by: Dr. Dilip Kumar Director Guidance: Dr. S. C. Mukherjee Joint Director Editor-in-Chief Dr. R. P. Raman Editorial Committee: Dr. K. V. Rajendran Dr. G. Venugopal Dr. K. K. Jain Dr. S. N. Ojha Dr. A. Vennila Dr. Gayatri Tri pathi Hindi Editing: Shri P. K. Das Dr. R. P. Uniyal Design: Dr. R. P. Raman Shri D. Bhoomaiah Secretarial