Informational Brochure - Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast
Informational Brochure - Warwick Valley Bed and Breakfast
|roo*l Tour de St-u" 1,1""b 'f r'' \)'ear *+$ Rrd. w ith a Lorr%r t*l-'rn &./ezhz'mt / ry Carl La Cascia, Entertainer Sunday, August 2l,20ll For more information call: 845 341-3648 Sponsored By: Joe Fix Its & Goshen Rotary Club Proceeds Benefit: M6r THE:TAPEU?IE CSNTEIT "f{eal ing w,ith F{ors e'i (845)e86-66s6 " S&*ff*rgmd*& (84s) e86Incorporated in 1974, ri7inslow Therapeutic Center is a NARHA accredited, non-profit organization who continues on its mission to provide therapeutic horseback riding to children and adults with special needs.'$7'jnslowt programs focus on using the horse as a rherapeuric tool in helping our clients to reach their goals. Our programs combine the many wonderful aspdcts of the horse with physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and psychotherapy, all taking place in a natural farm environment. [n addition to ou. p.ogr"-r, rVinslow offers continuing education tife have worked seminars to professionals in the 6eld. with ridinginstructors and therapists from more than 400 NARHA programs around the world. programs serve people with disabilities that include : vision impaired, hearirigimpaired, head ffauma, srroke (CVA), learning disabled, cerebral palsy, muldple sclerosis, amention deficit, autistic, multi-handicapped and youth at risk. Research shows that the movement of the horse stimulates, develops and corrects the following symptoms: Proprioceptor, Vesdbular and Tactile. Children with learning disabilities, aggressive behavior, and attendon deficit have shown major improvements and continue to make life long strides. \linslowt Thankyafor ruaking a d.iference! You C.o.N RaiseMonelt $10-0.0s $150.@ M.r.xr I DrrrEnENcn! Help People GetFree SEuf Pledges - $10 Joe Fix Its Gift Certificate Pledges' - Cannondale Bike Gloves Value $19.99 $250.04 Pledges - Cannondale Bike Shorts Yalue $49.99 $500.0s Pledges - Specialized Shorts 6r Jersey Value $l19.99 , Hybrid Bike Pledges Giant $1000.00 Yahe$299.99 Free Stuf Geqeroasfi Provided byJoe'Fix Ix Items rnay be tradedfor equal ualuefornJoe Fix Ix Prnocp Forur Make checkpayable to: Goshen RoiaryClub Winslou Theraputic Center Center is a non-proft organization under Section 501@(3) of tbe Internal Reuenue Code. Donation is tax deducible. Pledged Submitted by: Name: Address: Telephone: By Amount We're very proud of our Annual TDG 'Charles Lawrence Swezey lh: "=Jo{Fo#r/rs - Goshen & Monroe - LANC & TULLY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, P.C. Bill Lindberg & Family . AStar Heating &Air Conditioning Flenry C. Alders.Wholesale Florist Blaser Swiss Lube Blackbume Farm . Cliff Prodricts Architects. Degraw & DeHaan l . Dinsmore Family Donolan Funeral Home G & T Auto Parts, Gosh€n/Chester Griffit} Realtors Hamptonburgh Cabinet Hardenburgh Abstract Company of Orange. lnc. Howell's Deli Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, LLC JGS -Judelson, Ciordano & Siegel, CPA, P.C. - L,P Tiansipoitation Masterwork Home Minolta Advanced Technology, Inc. NAS Security Royal Pools & Spas S & So Produce Farms, Goshen Warren Gindersleeve. Inc. The Smile Place - Bruce Weiner, DDS $bnnual'%, l {Great&deszith"t Featured in Sports , ' oo*s Illustrated . W!rPt!, Sunday, August 2l,20ll Come early for coffee & bagels. Joint Recreation Park of the Village and Town of Goshen, Craigville Road, Gosheq New'York; , (Route LT,Exit \24& Follow Signs) Youn Cnorcr or RroBs: . 6lMile 8:00 a.m. departure (if you want, leave early), Metric :Century Countyviews you will with beaudful Orangq remernbgr,, , . 45 Mile 9:00 a.m. departute, a route .for a condirioned ridbr. ' ' Oit these rides, lloa will experience the wonderful peoplc of Cra;guilh Ch;urch who show'encoardgettent b1 singing to yu . as ltou stopfor water/ride by. 25Mile: 10:00 a-m, departure, A routg with hills and vallevs and beaudful scenic views. r l lMile: 10:30 a.m.'departure, A route perfect for families; seirilr citizens, the casual rider. : .. RurBsortlr,sTovRi Hehne* are requiredand riding safely is a must as alw.ays::All riders under age 18 mugt'have parent"or legal guardian signature. Thls is atour, ngt a race.'No prizes will be awarded. SagService is provided by our Volunteers and Tiaffic Conrol with help from OC Sherifft Dept . /l ,ocal& Scate Police Departments. SpoNsonro Bv: ffi 6FFx*;- Frs G oshen Rotary Club. for children under 10 years of agg. 10,20 years of age are $20.00, Adults $30.00 if paid and registered before Rider' donatibn, August is: $10.00 l6th. AfterAugust l6th includingthe day of the event reglstration add $3,00, Ar,r. # ffi ffi # Rrorns Rrcuvr FnEr: Tour de Goghen 24th Annual 1007o Corron T-Shirt. Following the ride, Pasta, Pizza, Salads, Hotdogs & more (starting around noon). Cool bike stu6, ClifBars, GU,bananas and other swag. Lots of support along the whole roure. If you cant ride, you can still come and show your support & enjoy the day. Lunch is available for d $7.00 donatiot and shirts are also available for $10.00 for non-riders. For Tour Information Call: (845) 34t-3648 Dr.John.Carey Tour Director nn**"u'""2 Registratibn , Fonn , Photocopies a1e Acceptable ' Send One'fo a Frie-nd!,ane form'per rider Name Address City zip,, State Hbme Phone E-rnail Address I hereby waive for myself, my h-eirs, executor, administrator qnd.; assign alt rights,foi damages I may have against Goshen Rotary Winslow Therapeutic Center, The Town of 6hest91 VillageoJ Ftorida, Town bf Goshen, Village oJ Goshen, Town of Hamptonburgh, Town'of Blooming Grove, Town of Warwick, Village of Chester, Hamletof Sugar Loaf and any agents, repre- l sentatives, volunteers or.anyone acting on their behalf, including,, sponsors, from any and all claims for death or liability' persdnal injury-or property damage of any kind whatsoever arising out: o1 my participatioh in'the event of August 21, 2011. I accept. all r,esponsibility for.the condition and adequacy of my.riding equipment. ,. , I underStand that cycling is a poteniially hazardous acilvity : t should.not enter this.tour unless I am medically able, and propconditioned. i erdy This release and waiver'extends to all claims of every kind soever, foreseen or unforeseen. signature lf under ithat- I 18 years of age, parent or guardian must sign below. 1 i I Signature ' Age lr4ake check payable to: Goshen Rotary Send P.O. Box sGt to: Goshen, t{ew York 10924 iJ id. :.. :. .