calling all disciples - First Presbyterian Church
calling all disciples - First Presbyterian Church
“CALLING ALL DISCIPLES” Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church My head is so filled with December and Christmas it is hard for me to think ahead to January -- which is actually very close. I almost always think of resolutions in relationship to January. Resolutions -- those things I so want to do differently in the New Year. Unfortunately, many years my resolutions have fallen by the wayside come February 1st. One thing I have learned this year, that I hope will help me in the coming year, is that I need a system of accountability. It helps me to stay on track if I have at least one other person help me remember what it is I have resolved and why that resolution is important to me. It helps me to write out what and why I want to change or do something differently. If I write it out then I think about it a little more and if I can determine the benefits and value of change then I am more likely to work towards that change. I consider this when I think about my spiritual life as well as my physical and mental life. One of the learning opportunities I have been involved in this year encourages me to come up with a “rule of life.” What/Who/Where are the priorities in my life? If I am to become the best person I can be what are the physical, mental and spiritual attributes that I want to develop in myself? That is hard work just thinking about that! The other part is: how do I give myself a little room for “messing up”. I know I will not live up to my expectations perfectly; what if something happens and all of my plans have to change. My encouragement for facing a new year, my encouragement for trying to change my habits and my encouragement for staying on tract when I mess up the day before, come from those that are journeying along with me. They can remind me of why these changes are important to my life. Advent and then Christmas are the beginning of our New Year in our Christian Calendar. Advent reminds us of those things that are important in our lives, those essentials to life – hope, peace, joy and love; then Christmas reminds us that God says “YES!” to all those desires. Jesus lives a life – the same flesh and bone life that we live – a life of people all around him messing up, a life of people befriending and then betraying him, a life of hardships and ultimate death. Jesus called his followers so that he could teach them what it meant to journey together towards hope, peace, joy and love. That is what we are called to do -- to journey together towards fulfilling those God-given desires that lie deep within our hearts, to lean on God for direction and guidance through the scriptures, through the Spirit and through the life and example of the Word of God lived out -- Jesus, the baby in the manger. 2016 January 1 We, too, have to find strength and encouragement in one another but like the example of Jesus we find strength in journeying together. God is a relational God and though God longs to be in relationship to us individually, God also longs for and created us to be in relationship with one another. Not one of us can embody all of God, like Jesus did, but each of us carries the gifts and promises of God given to us to share with one another. We are important to one another! When all people work towards the hope, peace, joy and love of one another, then we will embody the church that Jesus calls us to be. So as you are making your resolutions for the New Year, remember the gifts we received at the manger; God’s assurance that peace, hope, joy and love are for each of us – even when we mess up, even when the folks around us mess up! The good news of the Gospel is that we don’t have to wait for the New Year to make resolutions to change our habits, to change our lives, to change our priorities and to strengthen and encourage those around us. The author of Lamentations tells us that in the midst of our despair there is that hope, peace, joy and love found in Emmanuel, God with us. For those who trust in God each day is a new beginning and a new year. “Because of the LORD’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!” Lamentations 3:22-23 HCB Blessings, Pastor Judy Calling All Disciples First Presbyterian Church 700 Central Avenue Connersville, IN 47331 765-825-4189 PASTOR: Rev. Judy Fitchett Communion Sunday will be January 3, 2016 CLERK OF SESSION: Carla Beard Deacons to prepare the sacrament are: Ann Kirschner and John Fairchild OFFICE HOURS FOR SECRETARY: Tues. and Thurs. 9:00am – 2:00pm Fri. 8:00am – 1:00pm Email and Website: [email protected] Deacon’s Meeting In This Issue: Pastor’s Message, p. 1 Spread the Word, p. 2 Prayer Concerns, p. 2 This Month at FPC, p. 3 Session Notes, p. 4 Deacons Notes, p. 5 Other Church News, p. 6 January Calendar, p. 7 7:15pm January 13, 2016 Session Meeting 7:15pm January 20, 2016 Keep in our Members and Friends Ellen Doty - Health Concerns Molly Fairchild - Health Concerns Dave Hannah – Cancer – (Nancy Bohlander’s uncle) Judy May – Lung cancer – (Aunt of Tina Butcher) Wilma McLean – at Heritage House Fern King – Health Concerns Jane – Brain aneurysm –Improving - (Sister to Lea Ann Robinson) Newsletter Deadline January 22nd Connie Isom – Serious health issues – (Friend of Joyce Bohlander) Nancy Jack – Heart problems and MS (with complications) (Friend of Joyce Bohlander) Betty Mason – Recovering after surgery – (Aunt of Kay Bishop) Bob Merchanthouse – Bacterial infection – Sue Merchanthouse Husband Catherine Blomme l- Lincoln Center- Mother of Linda Howard Nancy Harrell – Liver transplant needed. SueS 2016 January 2 Calling All Disciples Deacon of the Week Visitation Schedule This Month At First Presbyterian January 3 – 9, John Bohlander January 10 – 16, Jill Yaryan Usher/Counter* Teams Schedule January 3 – John* and Joyce Bohlander and Doug*Ross =========================================== Liturgist for the Month of January is: Carla Beard Church and Community Activity Schedule January 1 – Office Closed – HAPPY NEW YEAR January 3 – Worship – 10:30am – Communion Sunday FPC Serve Community Meal – 5:00 – 6:00 pm January 4 - Fellowship Hall Reserved – 6:30 – 8:00pm January 6 – Choir Practice – 6:00pm January 10- Worship – 10:30am Community Meal served – 5:00-6:00pm January 3 – Mary Swope January 11 - Fellowship Hall Reserved – 6:30 – 8:00pm January 10 - Open January 13 – Choir Practice – 6:00pm January 17- Open Deacon’s Meeting – 7:15pm January 17 - Worship – 10:30am January 24 - Open Community Meal – 5:00 – 6:00pm January 31 - Open January 18 – Fellowship Hall Reserved – 6:30 - 8:00pm ************************************* January 19 – Fellowship Hall Reserved – 11:00am The Price for altar January 20 –Fellowship Hall Reserved 4:00-7:00pm Choir Practice – 6:00pm flowers will continue Session Meeting – 7:15pm to be $15.00 this year. January 22 – Newsletter Deadline January 24 – Worship Service – 10:30am Community Meal – 5:00 – 6:00pm January 25 – Fellowship Hall Reserved – 6:30 – 8:00pm January 3 – Nancy Wainwright January 27 – Choir Practice – 6:00pm January 10 - Nancy Wainwright January 31 – Worship – 10:30am ============================================== Coffee Hour January 17 – Open January 24 – Open January 31 - Open After Worship on Sunday, Please let the church office know how you want the flowers to be dedicated. January 3rd ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Per Capita for 2016 is $37.70 and breakdown is listed below: Presbytery: Synod: General Assembly: We will be taking down the Christmas decorations and storing them. Any and all help will be welcome! $26.77 $ 3.81 $ 7.12 Checks may be mailed to the church office starting January 1, 2016. 2016 January 3 Calling All Disciples Session met on Dec. 15. Present and constituting a quorum were Elders Cindy Crispin, Lisa Hazelrigg, Mary Swope, and Carla Beard, clerk. Elder Beard opened the meeting with devotions and prayer. SESSION Total income for the month of November was $49,967.80. Expenses totaled $7685.47. The clerk presented Pastor Judy with flowers on behalf of Session and thanked her for a good year. Pastor Judy shared Advent banners for children to color during Advent Sunday School lessons. We had a capacity crowd for Breakfast with the Christmas Angel on December 5. We had help from 3 National Honor Society students, and the News-Examiner printed a nice picture in the paper the next day. Fayette Regional Health Center donated food. Many thanks to everyone who helped: Kay Bishop, Joyce Bohlander, Robert Bryan, Judy Fitchett, Lisa Hazelrigg, Alex-Michael Hoehne, Cathy Kirk, Don Kirk, Kathie Matney, Sondra Miller, Becky Morris, Jessica Schmidt, Susie Rogers, Bob Swope, Mary Swope, Linda Ward, Jill Yaryan The Mission Committee will distribute Christmas food baskets on Monday, Dec. 21. Next year the committee plans to try to collect foods each month and store them upstairs. We do well at getting things for Thanksgiving but not as well at Christmas. Some funds are available from Breakfast with the Christmas Angel to help pay for December food baskets. At the congregational meeting Dec. 6 we elected new officers Don Kirk, Mary Swope, and Jill Yaryan. There were no nominations from the floor. They will be ordained and installed during worship on January 10, 2016. The Personnel committee and Larry Zumkeller met with Pastor Judy to discuss and formalize her terms of call. Pastor Judy requested that additional funds be dedicated toward the housing allowance. Session approved a resolution required by Presbytery adopting a housing allowance as part of Pastor Judy’s compensation package. The full compensation package will be presented to the congregation during a congregational meeting on Dec. 27 for a vote. We will offer secretary Marilyn Stevens 3 paid days off again next year in lieu of a raise. Fewer pledges have been received to date, and therefore less support has been pledged. Committees need to send budget requests to Treasurer Larry Zumkeller so that he can construct a budget for next year. Elders assisted Reverend Fitchett with serving Communion on Dec. 6. Pastor Judy also conducted 2 Taizé services and will conduct one Blue Christmas service during Advent. Rev. Larry Benson, Executive Director of Mission Encounters International, currently serving in Honduras, filled the pulpit Dec. 13. A Candlelight Christmas Eve service is scheduled, and the service after Christmas will be a service of Lessons and Carols. Elders were asked to sign up to serve as liturgist for 2016. Pastor Judy discussed second line giving and the importance of keeping track of additional donations. Receipts are required. Session elected Carla Beard clerk of Session for 2016 and Larry Zumkeller treasurer for 2016. Pastor Judy submitted a report of her professional activities, including special services, thank-you notes, participating in the community meal and the ministerial association, work with the Barnabas Group, and some upcoming vacation days. She mentioned working with the Crosspointe Biker Church at the last community meal. Additional community groups are becoming involved with the community meal. Elder Larry Zumkeller has traditionally ended each Session meeting with the motion to adjourn. He was unable to attend this meeting, so his motion to adjourn was recorded in absentia. Since he is going off the board, Session expressed thanks for his service and concern that future meetings may last indefinitely. 2016 January 4 Calling All Disciples Deacons Meeting December 9, 2015 PRESENT: John Bohlander, John Fairchild, Ann Kirschner, Art Fitchett, Pastor Judy, Cathy Kirk, Doug Ross Devotionals: John F. did the devotion. From Daily Food in the Bread of Life. Cathy will do the January devotion. Business: Doug will be going off Deacons and Jill Yaryan will be coming on. Welcome Jill. Communion: Christmas Eve service 7:00 pm team C (Doug and John B.) January 3rd team A (John F. and Ann) February 7th team B (Art and Cathy) March 6th team C (Jill and John B.). Deacon of the Week: Dec. 13-19 Cathy, Dec. 20-26 Ann, Dec. 27-Jan. 2nd John F., Jan. 3-9 John B., Jan 10—16 Jill. Prayer Concerns: Karen Armstrong, Sharon Gaines, Art, Pastor Judy’s Aunt Joyce, Nancy Harrell, Don’s mother, Elenar Kirk, and others in the church family. Art discussed the SAW (servants at work) building projects. The group designs and builds handicap ramps for individuals. Ramps for people in Fayette County are ready to be built by the group. Christmas baskets will be distributed 3-5pm on December 21st. Pastor Judy talked about taking communion to church members who can’t make it to church. John F. closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Doug Ross Secretary Next meeting: January 13th 2016, 7:15 p.m. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Twenty-five children from Indiana Child Services were blessed with Christmas gifts from our congregation. “Thanks to all who purchased these gifts.” Cathy and Jill 2016 January 5 Calling All Disciples Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets Thank you to everyone who helped with the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets. Some donated food items. Some helped distribute food. Some found boxes to hold all the goodies. Some filled the baskets. Thanks to you all! Because of your efforts, we were able to help 25 families on each of our distribution days so they could have a happier, food-laden holiday. They were truly thankful for our assistance. Stay tuned for more information from the Mission Committee on the Dorcas baskets. We will be assembling the Bible School materials again in late January-Early February. We are also going to try something new to help alleviate the over lapping of projects -Food baskets, Giving Tree, Christmas Angel- in December by collecting some items throughout the year. Thanks again for everyone’s help. The Mission Committee. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear First Presbyterian Family, You saw me through my first two battles with cancer, and I cannot tell you how comforting it is to have your prayers and support as I fight my current battle. Your cards, kind emails, texts, and positive thoughts have bolstered my spirits many days. I continually miss seeing you all on a regular basis, but I know I am in the right place here in Rochester. As I write this, I am scheduled for fifteen appointments at Mayo during the next two weeks! Of course, it is a tremendous comfort to have Laura nearby. I have been conditionally approved for a liver transplant. The next two weeks entail tests and consults to determine whether I can begin the chemo and radiation to prepare me for the transplant. One of my precious children will likely be the donor. I ask that you keep my entire family in your prayers and thoughts. It will be a long winter, but we are optimistic that we will once again beat my nemesis, cancer. Love and warm wishes for a healthy, happy 2016. Nancy Harrell Update on Nancy as of Dec. 27th: I think I have passed all the initial tests. I still meet with a counselor and psychiatrist this week, so hopefully they'll pass me, too. I have a Caring Bridge site, if you'd like to keep track of my progress. I have entered only a couple of journal entries so far. I meet with the oncologist and radiologist on the 7th, so I suspect I will begin chemo/radiation shortly afterwards. Both David and Laura have contacted the transplant people to start their screening process as possible donors. I know I'm in the right place, with my daughter Laura and Mayo nearby, but I still miss my Connersville friends. I have really appreciated the prayers and support you all have offered me and my family. With love and appreciation, Nancy ################################################################################################################# If anyone has a change of address, phone number, or email address, please contact the church office with the correct detail. Thanks. 2016 January 6 Calling All Disciples