Master File A-Z - 497th Bomb Group


Master File A-Z - 497th Bomb Group
Master File A-Z
Reconstruction of Some Personnel Records
497th Bomb Group
73rd Bomb Wing
Saipan 1944-1945
Includes Some Records of the 3rd Photo Reconnaissance Squadron.
GO = General Order
OO = Operations Order
SO = Special Order
Sq O = Squadron Order.
PM = Personnel Memorandum
KNB = Killed not in Battle.
EUS = Evacuated to United States
KIA = Killed in Action
DNB = Death not in Battle
DED = Death Declared by Court Action
DOW = Died of Wounds
RTD = Returned to Duty
RMC = Returned to Military Control. This would apply, for example, to an individual who was
shot down over enemy territory and managed to work his way to friendly lines or to one who
ditched and spent one or more days in the water before being picked up.
ABMC = American Battle Monuments Commission
GCM = Good Conduct Medal
PH = Purple Heart
DFC = Distinguished Flying Cross
AM = Air Medal
OLC = Oak Leaf Cluster (An additional medal, ex. AM (OLC) = award of two Air Medals.
Same for other medals.
Style: 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-3 (AAF);
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
KIA (Killed in Action), DOI (Died of Injuries), DNB (Died Not in
Baudendistel, John C., 2nd Lt. 0703167. 871st. Nav. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO
51-VIII (497th). FOD,
18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: Montgomery Cty, OH. A-45, Walling, Dixie
Darlin', Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mr. Evangler
Baudendistel., (father), 52 James St., Denver, CO.
Natl Arch 1165352; WWII Memorial 788707; Sam E. Pennartz 2347846; Ms.
Helen Baudendistel,
Sister; 553227.
1. Surname, First Name, Middle Initial.
2. Rank. Usually, the highest attained. Exceptions are enlisted men who have been
reduced for cause.
3. Army Serial Number (ASN).
4. Unit. Can be: Headquarters Detachment, 869th. 870th. or 871st Squadrons. There
are also some records from the 3rd Photo Recon Squadron.
5. Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) and number. AC for pilots indicates Aircraft
6. AM (Air Medal), PH (Purple Heart). Medals award by authority of the ABMC
(American Battle Monuments Commission).
7. Battle Star (BS).
8. Authority for award of Battle Star. In this case it was General Order 51, Section
VIII, issued by the 497th Bomb Group.
9. FOD (Finding of Dead). Determination of death by a court, often after a MIA
(Missing in Action report).
10. Date of Death.
11. Place of Entry into service. In this case, Montgomery County, Ohio.
12. Crew identification. He was on A-Square 45, the Dixie Darling, Aircraft
Commander Walling. Number of the Aircraft that airman was on indicates the
squadron. 869th Squadron were numbered A Square 1 – A Square 17; 870th Squadron,
A Square 21 – A Square 38; 871st Squadron, A Square 41 – A Square 57.
13. Name of Aircraft Commander (A/C). Sometimes referred to as the pilot. Here it is
14. Nickname of aircraft. Here, Dixie Darlin’.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
15. Ditched. Indicates that the airman was lost when the aircraft was ditched.
16. Photo. There is a photo of the crew. It will appear when the GALLERY SECTION
is posted.
17. NOK (Next of Kin). It was the father Mr. Evangler Baudendistel who was notified
when Lt. John Baudendistel was reported lost.
18. Indicates ID number listed in the WWII Memorial for the National Archives entry.
Clicking on the number shown (1165352) and holding down the CONTROL KEY will
bring the viewer to the entry in the National Archives as shown in the example
19. Indicates ID number listed in the WWII Memorial for the WWII Memorial entry.
Clicking on the number shown (788707) and holding down the CONTROL KEY will
bring the viewer to the entry in the WorldWarII Memorial as shown in the example
20. Indicates ID number listed in the WWII Memorial for the memorial entry by Sam
Clicking on the number shown (2347846) and holding down the CONTROL KEY will
bring the viewer to the entry in the WorldWarII Memorial as shown in the example
below by Sam Pennartz Sam Pennartz researched a great many men of the 73rd
Bomb Wing
and provided important details.
21. Indicates ID number listed in the WWII Memorial for the memorial entry by Ms.
Helen Baudendistel, Sister. Clicking on the number shown (553227) and holding
down the
CONTROL KEY will bring the viewer to the entry in the WorldWarII Memorial as
shown in the
example below by Ms. Helen Baudendistel.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
14. Battle Star (BS), General Order 25-I for the Western Pacific Campaign.
15. Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster (equivalent of a fourth Air Medal).
16. Battle Star (BS), General Order 33-I for the Air Offensive Japan Campaign.
17. Airplane Number(s), Name(s), and Pilot(s) flown with.
18. Address in 1946.
19. Birth date.
20. Date of Death and Last Known Address (LKA) from Social Security Death Index.
A46 497BG MACR 11556 “Ghastly Goose”.Master A-Z 497th
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Enlisted MOS
012 Auto Electr
014 Auto Mech
055 Gen Duty
056 Mail Clerk
060 Cook
070 Draftsman
196 Sanitary Tech
237 Teletype Opr
239 Teletype Mech
264 X-Ray Tech
345 Truck Drvr
405 Clrk, Typist
501 Administrative Clerk
502 Chief Clerk
505 Ammo NCO
511 Apl Armr
521 Airman, Basic
555 Apl Metl Wrkr,
573 Apl Welder
580 CFC Gunr
585 First Sergeant
590 Clerk
611 Aer Gunr
612 Armr Gunr
620 Parachute Rigger
631 Intelligence NonCom
650 Telephone Switchbrd Opr
657 Medical Aidman
666 First-Aid Man
673 Med Adm Spec
684 Apl Pwr Plnt Spec
685 Apl Elect Spec
686 Apl Instr Spec
687 Apl Prop Spec
737 Flt Eng
747 Apl & Eng Mech
748 Apl Mech/Gnr
750 Apl Mech/Crew Chief
754 Radio Mech
756 Radio Opr/Mech
757 Radio Opr
821 Qrtrmstr Suppl Tech
805 Cryptographic Tech
835 Supply Clerk
852 Radar Mech, RCM
855 Dental Tech
866 Radar Opr
867 Radar Mech
901 Munitions Wrkr
903 Machine Mech
911 Apl Armr
932 Special Vehicle Opr
941 Lab Tech
945 Photo Lab Tech
960 CFC Mech
964 Apl Pwr Plnt Spec
1685 Apl Elect Mech/Gunr
2756 Radio Opr/Mech
1684 ?
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
0141 Radar O
0142 Radar Obs/Bomb
0224 Gp Crypto O
0600 Sq Mess O
1024 Pilot, Four Engine
1028 Flt Eng
1034 Nav
1035 Bomb
1036 Nav-Bomb
1038 Nav-Bomb, Radar
1042 Pers Equip O
1051 Pilot, Two Engine
1091 Pilot, B-17
1092 Pilot, B-24
1093 Pilot, B-29
2110 Sq Adj
2120 Executive O
2161 Ops O
2554 Aer Gunnery Instr
3100 Medical O
3102 Medical O, Gen Duty
4000 Supply O
4110 Mess O
4113 Supply O
4532 Avn Ord O
4822 Armmt O
4823 Acft Engr O
4823 Acft Maint O
5000 Asst Spec Serv O
6402 Asst Gp Stat O
7888 Radar Obs RCM
8219 Weather O
8502 Aerial Photo O
8503 Photo Interpreter
9301 Intelligence O
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Addresses shown in the entries as:
’46. are from the listing in The Long Haul: The Story of the 497th Bomb Group.
’89. Are from Detailed Business Report for 73rd Bomb Wing as of 3-31-89 on file at the
Pratt Museum.
Abar, Everett P., Capt. 0-661171. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1 (20
AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA, 14 Apr. A-24, Wheel n’Deal, Abar.
Name change fr Everett P. King to Everett P. Abar, PM 22-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). NOK: Mrs. Edith E. Abar (mother),
149 N. State St., Concord, NH. Not in Natl Arch, Not in WWII Memorial, Sam E. Pennartz
2350113. Mr. Leighton E. Way, Brother-in-law. 417898.
Abbott, Orville L., 2nd Lt. 0-771646. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). ). A-11,
Southern Belle, Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Rescued. Add. ‘46: Parma, Idaho.
Add. ‘89: 3625 Ava Way, Carmichael, CA.
Abraham, Paul A., Sgt. 17080699. 869th. Rt Gunr. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst
BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: (address unknown).
Abrams, Roy E., Sgt. 32841422. 869th. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
Acker, Jace E., Add. ‘46: 1308 North Genessee, Los Angeles, CA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ackley, Roger L., Sgt. 37660190. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Adams, Frank H. Jr., Cpl. 33078784. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Transfer, PA.
Adams, Howard S, Sgt. 14149092. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 206 Walhalla Street, Westminster, SC.
Adams, John B., 2nd Lt. 0-863736. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 58-XV (20 AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46: 1026 20th Street, Central City, NE. Box 210,
Decatur, MS.
Adams, Robert E. Jr., 1st Lt. 0-862857. 871st. Flt Eng,1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO
51-VIII (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT:
Marshallville, GA. NOK: Mrs. Mary B. Adams (wife), Marshallville, GA. Not in NatlArch.
Not in WWII Mem. Sam E. Pennartz 2333363.
Adams, Verna G., Add. ‘46: 206 Walhalla Street, Westminster, SC.
Adams, Wavel L., F/O. T5556. 870th. Bomb, 1035. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
Tower Grove Bank & Trust Co. Grand Avenue, St. Louis, MO.
Adamson, David F., Add. ‘46: 215 West Hill Street, Neosho, MO.
Aden, Thomas B. Jr., T/Sgt. 37329330. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing
Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 380 South Franklin Denver, CO. Ghastly
Addis, Howard B., S/Sgt. 14024897. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Agent, Arlie A., Sgt. 14151663. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). DED 28
Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from MS. NOK: Mrs. Mary F.
Agent (mother), Philadelphia, MS. Natl Arch. 1173910 WWII Memorial 787424.
Ahearn, Maurice A., T/Sgt. 31313066. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
(Address unknown).
Aina, Pasquale T., Sgt. 32138406. 871st. Radar Opr, 0141. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er,
Anderson, R. Entered service fr Albion, NY. NOK: Mrs. Josepine Aina (mother), 129
Academy Street, Albion, NY. NatlArch 1313785. WWII Memorial 787447. Sam E.
Pennartz 2333360.
Akin, Willard M., Cpl. 6285053. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
Albertson, Ralph, S/Sgt. 37254347. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 5, Newtown, KS.
Albright, John G., S/Sgt. 33321640. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Schwenksville,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Alcabes, Henry E., Sgt. 32698867. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1560 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY.
Aldrich, M.S., Add. ‘46: Alarka, NC.
Aldrich, Robert G., S/Sgt. 32731366. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per PR 497
GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-45. Dixie Darlin,Lampley. Add. ‘46: 21 Archer Avenue, Buffalo 10 ,
Aldrich, Thomas G. S/Sgt. 19126899. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Aldridge, Rosco W., S/Sgt. 34037578. 871st. Ammo NCO, 505. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Alex, K., Add. ‘46: 1245 50th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
Alexander, Darrell E., Cpl. 15945590. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Alexander, Donald B., 1st Lt. 0-866361. 871st. Flt. Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). DED 28 Jan
1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from Phelps Cty, MO. NOK: Mrs.
Hazel S. Alexander (wife), Box 102, Saint James, MO. NatlArch 1129942 . WWII
Memorial 787513.
Alexander, Joseph B., Sgt. 36876697. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 709 Hazelwood Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Alford, John L., 2nd Lt. 0864467. 869th. Trfd to 246 BU, SO 100-5 (497th).
Allee, Phil R., Add. ‘46: 301 East Mayfield, San Antonio, TX.
Alleman, Charles R., S/Sgt. 13045634. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credit, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 55V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 115 Willow, Schuylkill Haven, PA. Add. ‘89: Route 2, Toccoa, GA.
Allen, Bernard F., Add. ‘46: Green Bay, WI.
Allen, Charles D., Add. ‘46: Van Nuys, CA.
Allen, Charles R., 1st Lt. 0700169. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Aptd “B” Flight Bombardier (Prim duty). (Vice 1st Lt.
Hanson missing in action), SqO 2-11 (497th). Correction to read 1st Lt. PM 36-2 (497th).
Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. Add. ‘46: Box 450 Route 4, Akron, OH. Add. ‘89:
762 Hampton Ridge, Akron, OH.
Allen, Dale L., Sgt. 39234117. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO 1018 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1,
OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address
Allen, Jean H., Sgt. 14178322. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W.
Add. ‘46: Sumter, SC. Add. ‘89: 10005 Debbie Drive, El Paso, TX.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Allen, Milton S. S/Sgt. 18188654. 869th. Lft Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Hanley Crew. AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF).
Allen, Ralph W., Cpl. 37230115. 871st. 1685 Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq
O-9 (871st) 1944.
Allen, Robert L., 2nd Lt. 0-682758. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. APC. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Magnolia, MS.
Allinger, Perry H., Add. ‘46: Sulphur, IN.
Allison, Birt, Jr., 1st Lt 0560279. 870th. Acft Engr O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Allison, Martin S., Add. ‘46: 28220 Wacerly Street, Roseville, MI.
Allison, Robert C., 1st Lt. 06284217. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). DFC,
GO 42-I ( 20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker.
Allison, Robert G., (Address unknown).
Almy, John W., Cpl. 33566278. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Aloia, Earl V., Sgt. 15334418. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 559 Mount Street, Gray,
Alspaugh, William C., S/Sgt. 18132164. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Asgd to
869th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘89: 4976 SE
Princeton, Bartlesville, OK.
Altman, William., 2nd Lt. 0866810. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944. Ditched.
A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: MO. NOK: Mr. Michael Altman, 2620 Chelsea Av.,
Kansas City, MO. NatlArch 1283731. WWII Memorial 787659. Sam Pennartz 2343130.
Alton, Noel S., 1st Lt. 0729594. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Allowed from duty as Asst. Sq Censor (Add duty), SqO
2-22 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 135-VI
(XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. Add. ‘46: 1234 Ulloa
Street, San Francisco, CA.
Alton, William D., 2nd Lt. 0-2060905. 870th. Nav-Bomb. 1036. Aptd Asst. Sq Opns O (Add
duty), SqO 2-8 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 8606
148th Street, Jamaica, Long Island, NY. Bellingham, WA.
Alves, Charles S., Pfc. 31303123. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73 rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 37 Maple Street, Braintree, MA.
Amadon, George F. T/Sgt. 19130195. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Trnfd fr Lincoln to 869th SO 103-1 (497th) [1944]. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, SO 193 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Framingham, MA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ambuske, Richard J., S/Sgt. 32281113. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: Route 3, Cattaraugus, NY.
Ames, Elmund. 869th. Radar. Oregon. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Amorello, Edward V., Pfc. 31387979. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 232 Plantation
Street, Worchester, MA.
Amrine, Richard B., S/Sgt. 35635477. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Amunds, George R., 2nd Lt. 0-809791. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XIX (20th AF). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add.
‘46: 11480 77th Street, Brooklyn, NY. Add. ’89: 199 A Newport Road, Cranbury, NJ.
Amundsen, Veryl A., 1st Lt. 0729789. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Reld fr 871 st and asgd to
246th BU, Pratt.
Anaenos, John, Add. ‘46: 752 Acaica Street, Hawthorne, CA.
Anderson, Arthur C., Pfc. 18097329. 869th. 037. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Anderson, Carey J., Jr. Lt. Col. Director of Operations, 73rd BW.
Anderson, Charles E., S/Sgt. 36699862. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF
BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Anderson, Dorcas I., 11 Park Street, North Warren, PA.
Anderson, Earl R., 2410 South 10th Street, Council Bluffs, IA.
Anderson, Edward C., Sgt. 12147936. Hq. MOS 683. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th)q
Anderson, Einar, Add. ’89: 115 Tobin Ct., Vallejo, CA.
Anderson, Eric T. Jr., Cpl. 17088436. CFC Gunr, 580. Mech, 960. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU).
Anderson, Gordon B., 1956 Edgemont Place, Seattle, WA.
Anderson, James G., Cpl. 31368824. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credit, OO-22-1 (497th).
A-45, 44-63985, Cardone.
Anderson, Marshall C., Cpl. 37478317. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Anderson, Oliver B., T/Sgt. 14173583. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 4, West Point, GA.
Anderson, Robert J., 1st Lt. 0-726731. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1
(497th). PH GO 27-1 (73rd Wing). MIA>FOD, 18 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er,
Anderson. HT: Euclid, OH. NOK: Mr. William J. Anderson (father), 28230 Gilchrist Drive,
Euclid, OH. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Mem. Sam E. Pennartz 2349659. Zell Dellinger
879854. Patricia McCarthy, Sister 257735.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Anderson, Robert L., Sgt. 17165473. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-21, Thumper, Campbell.
Anderson, William R., 2nd Lt. 0-771614. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: Fort Benton,
MT. Add. ’89: 107 Seventh Avenue N W, Ronan, MT.
Andrea, Arthur V., 2nd Lt. 0862456. Hq. Acft Maint O, 4823. Trnfr fr 869th Bomb Sq to
870th Bomb Sq, PM 29-2 (49th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF
BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2112 Linden Avenue, Nashville, TN.
Andrews, George L., Endicott, NY.
Angelbeck, Charles C., 871st. A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: 549 West 9th Avenue,
Rosselie, NJ.
Angell, Robert B., S/Sgt. 36660273. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett; A-16,
Crowe. MIA, 1 June, 1945. Mr. William Angell (father), East Dubuque, IL. Not in
NatlArch. Not in WWIIMem. Note: No confirmation of death.
Arata, Henry J., Sgt. 39035864. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Archackie, Frank J., Cpl. 6664218. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Archer, Oneal J.T., Capt. 0417927. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Placed on Special dy with Hq. 73rd Bomb Wing Lead
Crew School for an indefinite period, and upon completion of this special duty will rtn to
proper orgn for duty, SO 33-5 (73rd). APC. Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Aptd “A” flight CO (Prim duty). (Vice Maj. Baird missing in action), Sq O 2-2 (497th). 6592
Add. ‘46: 1517 3rd Street, Brownwood, TX. Add. ’89: 5700 Cactus Flower NW,
Albuquerque, NM.
Armeen, Mitchell J., Cpl. 34591235. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 420 North
Poplar Street, Charlotte, NC.
Armstrong, Arthur D., Cpl.* 18199-63. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) - ASN
Armstrong, Jack, Add. ‘46: 556th E. 4th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Armstrong, Stanley W., Cpl. 33430700. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Arnoff, Joseph M., Add. ‘46: 11414 Temblett Avenue, Cleveland, OH.
Arnold, Forrest E., Jr., Sgt. 38510829. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Left. Gunr.
Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Arnold, James C., Capt. 0417929. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). DFC,
GO 21 –II (XXI BC). A-27, Texas Doll, Arnold. Add. ‘46: 253 Melrose Avenue, Corpus
Cristi, TX. Add. ’89: HCR 2 Box 420, Beeville, TX.
Arringdale, Leroy B., S/Sgt. 37471551. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt
to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
OO-24-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX
(21st BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-21, Thumper, Campbell;A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Rotate to US, SO 214-14 (73rd BW). Add.‘46: 2517 North 49th
Street, Omaha, NE.
Arrington, James, Cpl. 34709517. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 703 Bradley
Street, Bessemer, AL. Addison, AL.
Arthur, Robert M., Sgt.35728006. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech,747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
110 S.E. 5th Street, Washington, MD.
Ash, Richard M., 1st Lt. 0725399. 869th. DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF).
Ashcraft, Floyd D., F/O. 7033233. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). Add.
‘46: 1210 North Ann Street, Pontiac, IL.
Atchley, Glenn H., 2nd Lt. 0867984. Flt. Engr, 1028. Directed to ferry B-17F fr Lincoln to
Pratt, So 101-5 (497th).
Atherton, Donald C., (Address unknown)
Atwater, Stephen K., 2nd Lt. 0-771650. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 166 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address unknown)
Atwell, Charles D., Add. ‘46: 505 E. Barbee Street, Louisville, KY
Atwell, Elmer K., T/Sgt. 6981634. Reld fr 246th BU & atchd to 869th Bomb Sq, PM 21-1
Atwell, Kenneth E., (Address unknown)
Audinwood, Willis R., Sgt. 33610438. 869th. Radar. AM, PH (ABMC). Sortie credits, OO9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th).
MIA>FOD, 2 April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service fr PA.. NOK: Mrs. Leota E.
Audinwood (mother), Rural Delivery Two, Tioga, PA. NatlArch 1343849. WWII Memorial
788077. Sam Pennartz 2347220.
Auren, Handford L., Capt. 0481906. 870th. Carbine qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-3 [1944]
Austin, Arthur E., 1st Lt. 0675530. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093, A/C. Sortie credit OO-9, (497th).
A-41, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. PH, GO 14-1(497th). PH (OLC), GO 32-1 (497th BG). RTD,
Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. Silver Star, 497th Narr History, Sept 1945. Add. ‘46: Eagle Rock, CA
Austin, Thomas J., S/Sgt. 17159262. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Add. ‘46: Kirkwood, MO
Auten, Kanford L., Add. ‘46: Box 164 Bridgman, MI
Avdevich, Fillmore, Capt. 0-789433. Hq. Nav-Bomb, 1036. A/C. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236 (497 th); Dy asgmt,
Asst. Gp S-3, SO 40 (497th). Sortie credits OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-II (20th AF). Reld fr
special duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237, and will return to proper orgn for dy, SO
31-2 (73rd Wing). Sortie credit OO-23-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Avery, Loyd, 1st Lt., 0726302. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX
(21st BC). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Avon, George E., S/Sgt. 32935478. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas,
OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). MIA>FOD , 9 January,
1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. Entered Service fr Maryland. NOK: Mr. Albert A.
Avon (faher), Rural Free Delivery Number One, Onondaga Hill, NY. NatlArch 1056414.
WWII Memorial 788131. Sam E. Pennartz 2371043.
Aariette, William D., Sgt. 19183306. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Avriette, V., Ad. U.S. Naval Hospital, Dental Clinic, San Diego, CA.
Baar, Joseph F., Sgt. 35097114. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA,
Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown: Marion County, IN.
NOK: Mrs. Georgia Baar (mother), 274 North Bellevue Place, Indianapolis, IN. NatlArch
1057888. Not in WWII Memorial
Babits, William P., S/Sgt. 31417272. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). Sortie credits OO-16-1 (497th). DFC, GO 58-XV (20 AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th
AF). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 54 Pteeyplain Road, Greenfield, MA.
Bach, Edward A., Add. ‘46: 617 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ.
Bachelder, William F. Jr., Sgt. 39462496. 870th. Apl Armr, 511. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1714 South West Emigrant Avenue, Pendleton, OR. Box
569 Burns. OR.
Bachman, Jay G. 2nd Lt. 869th. Pilot. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Bachman, Hiram G., 2nd Lt. 02080623. 870th. DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945.
A-37, Cripps. Hometown: Throckmorton County, TX. NOK: Mrs. Kate M. Bachman
(mother), Throckmorton, TX. NatlArch 1245555. Not in WWII Memorial
Backsiron, Arthur E., 1st Lt. 0-869357. 7th Weather Sq. O. Sortie credit, OO-24-1 (497th).
Bader, Clarence E., Cpl. 16007913. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
Baeza, Hilbert R., Pfc. 39200271. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 3312 Pecan Street, Los Angeles 33, CA.
Bagajski, Joseph A., Add. ‘46: 9044 Plainview, Detroit 23, MI.
Baggett, Gerald L., M/Sgt. 6970961. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1514 Kirkmzan
Street, Lake Charles, LA.
Baguhn, Russel, Sgt. 36222189. Hq. Apl Prop Spec, 687. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Bailey, James O., S/Sgt. 12022403. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
T/Sgt to M/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Bailey, Ralph W., T/Sgt. 19003117. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly.
(Address unknown).
Bailey, Vern C., S/Sgt. 32805316. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 218 Cumberland
Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Commented [J1]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Baird, Joe P., Maj. 0403702. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near
Tokyo on A-14. DFC, AM (OLC), PH (ABMC). DFC, GO 21 –II (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). Entered Service fr AZ. NOK: Mrs. Dorothy G. Baird (wife), 527 West Gurley St.,
Prescott, AZ. NatlArch 996885. WWII Memorial 788263.
Baiste, Bruce G., Pfc. 12188116. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th).
Baker, Merle E., Sgt. 15085645. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Baker, Richard C., Cpl. 31215226. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Baker, Roland, Pfc. 32404948. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Prom to Cpl. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Newburgh, NY.
Bakkum, Leon C., S/Sgt. 17017090. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Baldaszarre, Albert B., Cpl. 32810117. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 283 Mott
Street, New York, NY.
Ball, Donald D., Add. ‘46: Ravenna, NE.
Ball, Theodore B., Jr., S/Sgt. 38518893. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). (Address unkown)
Ballard, Robert C, Jr., 1st Lt. 0-806959. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits OO20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). PH, GO 7-1 (497th). PH, GO 37-I-1 (497th).
BS, SO 155 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad
Brew, McGregor. Rescued.
Balsamo, Robert L., Cpl. 870th. Gunr, 611. CNR, SO 125-1 (497th).
Balzarini, LeRoy B., S/Sgt. 36577778. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr,748. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO13-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). A-14, Pickerel. (Address Unknown).
Banda, Trinidad P., Pfc. 39276524. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Banderdistel, John C., Add. ‘46: 52 Jones Street, Denver, CO.
Bands, Petra, Add. ‘46: General Delivery 2, Torrance, CA.
Banker, William C., S/Sgt. 19163179. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
PH, GO 13-1 (497th). A-21, Thumper, Campbell; A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Rotate to
US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: Cannon Falls, MN.
Banker, William E., S/Sgt. 33696445. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Banovicts, Ralph C. S/Sgt. 16045323. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 24
Nov 1944. Entered Service: Wayne Cty, MI. A-26,Lucky Irish, Wagner,by enemy fighter.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
NOK: Mrs. Frieda T. Banovicts (mother), 3993 Lillybridge St., Detroit, MI. NatlArch
1261364. WWII Memorial 788418. Sam E. Pennartz 2339050.
Banovitz, William J., Cpl. 36658403. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 5428 Henderson Street,
Chicago 4, IL. Add. ‘89: 8108 Prospect Ct., Niles, IL60648.
Barbeaux, John E., Add. ‘46: 3026 O Street, Sacramento, CA.
Bard, Ed. Sgt. 870th. Tail Gunr. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet,
Bardin, Robert M., Sgt. 15364197. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst
BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Barefoot, Armond D., 1st Lt. 02068554. 869th. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
37-XIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 522 West Dorothy, Hollis, OK.
Barnes, Carl R., Maj. 0395107. 870th.Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 66, Los Altos, CA.
Barnes, Harold C., 2nd Lt. 0868625. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A50, Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford. Entered Service: Connecticut. NatlArch 1014724.
WWII Memorial. 788505. Sam E. Pennartz 2353105.
Barnes, Jack S., 1st Lt. 0737704. 871st. A/C. Sortie credit, OO-9 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII
(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A-45,
Barnes. Entered Service fr MO. NOK: Mrs. Helen F. Barnes (wife), Kansas City, MO.
NatlArch 1084974 . WWII Memorial 788508.
Barnes, Marcum W., Sgt. 18039523. 871st. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1, (497th). Add.
‘46: 2606 Michigan Street, Dallas, TX.
Barnes, Robert L., Add. ‘46: C/o S.C. Barnes, Williston, ND.
Barnhart, David L., Cpl. 16111088. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Barquist, John A., Cpl. 39202584. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Barr, Joseph F., Add. ‘46: 274 North Bellview Place, Indianapolis, IN.
Barrera, Ralph A., Jr., M/Sgt. 53010419. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief , 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Passenger. Movement Overseas, OO
6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Barrett, Jesse W., M/Sgt. 6996752. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). – something wrong with ASN
Barriere, Leandor E., Add. ‘46: Leominster, MA.
Barron, Harry C., T/Sgt. 35377500. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add ‘46: 691 Bell Street, Akron, OH.
Barron, James M. Jr., S/Sgt. 13112523. 870th. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO
50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. Add. ‘46: 5630 Miriam
Road, Philadelphia, PA.
Barry, Eugene A., Sgt. 33541300. 871st. Radio Opr, 2756. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1
(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point,
February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Service: Virginia. NOK: Not
shown on MACR. NatlArch 1280852. WWII Memorial 788591.
Bartels, Eugene S., S/Sgt. 39273710. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Trfd fr 500th Bomb Gp,
Walker AAB asgd to 869th Bomb Sq, SO 91-3(497th) [1944]. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO16-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Add. ‘89: 5830 Eastbrook Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90713.
Barthold, Carl H., S/Sgt. 17133162. 870th. Radio OPr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Arnold-Cutler. A21, Thumper, Campbell. Add. ‘46: 3006 Delavan Drive, Belnor, MO.
Bartholomai, John H., Sgt. 33364810. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bartles, Eugene S., (Address unknown)
Bartlett, John D., 1st Lt. 01699570. 869th. Pilot, B29,1093. ATereC. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Aptd Deputy “C” flight CO (Prim duty).
(Vice Capt. Hanley relieved), SqO 2-7 (497th). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. Add. ‘46: 8 West Harrison
Avenue, Bozeman, MT.
Bash, James L., Cpl. 38398888. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Bastasch, A.E., Add. 3115 N.E. 54th Avenue, Portland, OR.
Bastasch, Richard F., Cpl. 39329987. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Bastin, Earl M., Cpl. 17366583. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). 1116 North 21st Street, Parsons, KS.
Elmdale, KS. Add. ‘46: Elmdale, KS.
Bastress, George A., Sgt. 33875548. Squadron??. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Batehan, Dean M., Sgt. 39835045. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1,
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
Batal, George, Cpl. 31265407. 869th. Medical Aidman, 657. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Bates, Frederick R., Add. ’89: 1731 Rainbow Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Bates, Leonard E., S/Sgt. 11130288. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Bates, Richard J., 2nd Lt. 01546414. 869th Pers Equip O, 1042. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Commented [JP2]: SO 102 lists name as Bateman
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Bathrust, William D., 2nd Lt. 0786880. 869th. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1513
19th Street, Altoona, PA.
Bau, Gerald J., 2nd Lt. 0-2057819. 870th. Nav, 1034. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd).
Baudendistel, John C., 2nd Lt. 0703167. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 18 Dec 1944.
Entered Service: Montgomery Cty, OH. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo,
871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mr. Evangler Baudendistel (father), 52 James St.,
Denver, CO. NatlArch 1165352. WWII Memorial 788707. Sam E. Pennartz 2347846. Ms.
Helen Baudendistel, Sister. 553227.
Baudino, Peter P., Sgt. 36676398. 869th. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
KNB. Crash on Saipan. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Madison County,
IL. NOK: Mrs. Margaret Baudino (mother), 616 Indiana Avenue, Collinsville, IL. In
NatlArch 1205932. Not in WWII Mem.
Baumann, Frederick W. Jr., 1st Lt. 0485209. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). PH, GO 5-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th).
AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA>DED. 28 January, 1945 A-23, Shady Lady,
Dauth. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 788729. Shady Lady Memorial Association
Baumgartner, Eugene H., Cpl. 36453337. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Bauml, Richard C., 2nd Lt. 0866676. 869th. Flt. Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-III (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-9,
Skyscrapper I, II, III, Garvin. Add. ‘46: 162 Delamine Drive, Rochester, NY.
Baxter, J.C., M/Sgt. 34161695. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Baxter, Jay, Jr., M/Sgt. 17032881. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bay, Edwin V., Pfc. 19124387. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 37II-1 (497th).
Bazin, Joseph W., 1st Lt. 02044862. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). (Address unknown)
Beal, Charles W., 10 Faragut Street, Uniontown, PA.
Beale, James C. Jr., S/Sgt. 34612426. 871st. MOS 826. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th).
Beall, Arthur L., 2nd Lt. 0-683387. 869th. Pilot,B29, 1093. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 203
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. Add’46: 432 C Bonita
Avenue, Long Beach, CA.
Bean, Edwin Jr., Add. ‘46: Box 119, Brookfield, IL.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Bean, Robert D., Sgt. 36482014. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Bean, Robert K., Add ’46: Illma, MO.
Beard, Paul, Maj. 0424349. 870th. Pilot, B29, 1093. Capt to Maj, SO 141-1 (20 AF). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). CA. Sortie credits OO-18-1 (497th).
1st Lt to Capt, SO 141-3 (AAF); AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). ). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). (Address
Bearss, Billee C., Sgt. 36405451. Hq. Radar Mech, RCM, 852. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Beasor, John C. S/Sgt. 35036989. 7th Weather Sq. O. Sortie credit, OO-24-1 (497th).
Confirm with another order.
Beatty, Calvin J., M/Sgt. 36501194. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Prom to M/Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 15329
Rolson Avenue, Detroit, MI. Add. ’89: 810 West Elmo Drive, 517 Monroe, MI 48161.
Bechtel, Robert C., Cpl. 19136889. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Beck, George A., Jr., S/Sgt. 37653841. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Left Gunr. Prom to
S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). Reld asgmt 15th Photo Lab Gp and asgd to 869 th, PM 32-2 (497th)
[1944]. AM (OLC), PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). FOD, 1 June,
1945, A-16, Crowe. Entered Service fr Iowa. Mr. George A. Beck, Sr., (father), 1304
Avenue B(?), Fort Madison, IA. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 788830.
Beck, George N., T/Sgt. 19207979. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. CFC Gunr, 580. S/Sgt to T/Sgt,
SO 102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-20-1, OO-24-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Becker, Donald W., Sgt. 39920480. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Radar. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Becker, Howard H., 2nd Lt. 0-702362. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). ). A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. Add. ‘46: 715
South Oakes Street, Tacoma, WA. Add. ‘89: 12555 SW 124th, Tigard, OR 97223. Note:
May be spelled Beckler on some records.
Becker, LaVern H., Add. ‘46: 95 South Washington Street, Oxford, MI.
Beckett, David M., Capt. 0727302. 870th. Bomb, 1035. 69 Rotation Points , SO 160
(497th). Left Saipan 03 Oct 1945. Add. ‘46: Box 903, Boulder City, NV. Add. ‘46: 232 East
Hickory Street, Hinsdale, IL. ,
Bednarczyk, Betha, Add. ‘46: 20 Center Street, Yonkers, NY.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Beecroft, Lawrence W., Sgt. 32069587. 869th. Rt. Gunr, 611. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Soldier’s Medal, AM, PH (OLC), (ABMC). PH, GO 4-1
(497th). Soldier’s Medal, GO 23-IV (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC).
A-2, Cox, Pacific Union, Ditched. 14 Jan 1945. RTD. A-16, Crow. KIA, 1 June 1945.
Entered Service: New Jersey. NOK: Mrs. Hazel Beecroft (mother), Box 145 Trenton
Avenue, Point Pleasant, NJ. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 788880.
Beeh, Edward A. Jr., Add. ‘46: 617 Bergen Street, Newaile, NJ.
Beek, George A., Add. ‘46: 1304 B Avenue, Ft. Madison, IA.
Beeler, Arlie C., Pfc. 34369218. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Beene, Harvey B., S/Sgt. 6284452. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Bees, Mearl, S/Sgt. 33273542. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1
(246 AAF BU).
Beggs, Gordon C., S/Sgt. 17147077. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO28-1 (497th). Reclass Aer Gunr, 611 to Armr Gunr, 612, SO 83-6 (497th BG). GCM, GO 37II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Add. ‘89: 122 Katherine Lane, Santa Cruz, CA 95065.
Begin, Leo E., T/Sgt. 31373560. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-221, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). DFC. A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE.
D. 10-31-12, Plymouth, MA Add. ‘46: 163 Middle Street, Lewiston, ME.
Beitia John L., 2nd Lt. 0779757. 870th. Pilot. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie credits, OO-161, OO-20-1, OO-24-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched
4 March 45, Rescued. A-25, Peace on Earth. Westervelt. Add. ‘46: 1503 North 11th
Street, Boise, ID.Shoshone, ID.
Belanger, Nelson A., Add. ‘46: Marine City, MI.
Bell, Charles L., Cpl. 36621692. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Thompsonville, IL.
Bell, Edwin B., Sgt. 36892128. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl
to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Big Sandy, TN.
Bellanger, Nelson A., T/Sgt. 16044674. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Bellinger, Nathan. 871st. Crew Chief, A-46, Mis Behavin II, Crowder.
Belschner, Eugene W., Sgt. 35337729. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A8, Coral Queen, Mullo (Address unknown). NOTE: May be spelled Belchner on some
Belshaw, Wilbur M., F/O. T223265. M/Sgt. 16028826. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Prom to
F/O 28 July 1945. (Address unknown)
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Belshaw, Morris W., M/Sgt. 16028826. 869th. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Flt Eng. Sortie
credits OO-18-1 (497th).
Bembry, Glen P., Sgt. 34443753. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add.
’89: 119 Williams Terrace, Warner Robins, GA 31093.
Bena, Joseph, Jr., 2nd Lt. O-703593. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell.
Hometown: Beaver County, PA. NatlArch 1293815. Not in WWII Memorial
Benden, Harry *, Cpl. 13041567. Squadron ?? AM, GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).
Beneigh, Harold, Add. ’89: 118 A Villa Drive, Butler, PA 16001.
Bennet, William J., 2nd Lt. 0866551. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. POC authorized, SO 239-1
(246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
Bennett, George W., 2nd Lt. 0-2060184. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th
AF). Sortie credits, O-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC,
GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Benett, James, Cpl. 31143713. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bennett, John J., 1st Lt. 0-702886. 869th. A/C. Nav-Bomb, 1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1
(20 AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, SO 185 (XXIst BC)
per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Camden, NJ. Add. ‘89: 1523, Belle Haven Road,
Alexandria, VA 22307.
Bennett, Vernon E., Pfc. 38536584. 871st. Gen Duty, 055. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: German TX
Bennett, William J., Add. ‘46: 137 Brighton Road, Columbus, OH.
Bensinger, Benjamin F., Pfc. 32488621. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Benton, Norman W., Cpl. 39328216. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: C/o S.H. Wilson, 808
High Street, Eugene, OR.
Benton, Raymond P., Add. ‘46: 132 Ridge Road, J Rochester, NY.
Bentzlin, Bertil V., Add. ‘46: 865 Burr Street, St. Paul, MN.
Beratz, John F., Add. ‘46: Dayton Bluff, Route 4, St. Paul, MN.
Berdy, Morton, S/Sgt. 32272668. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO
56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 125 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie,
Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address unknown)
Berkebile, Edward E., Cpl. 33510795. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Berkowitz, Joseph A., S/Sgt. 32991352. 871st. Radar. Radio Opr/Mech,2756. Sortie
credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). A-45, 44-63985, Cardone. Add. ‘46: 1643 Popham
Avenue, Bronx 53, New York City, NY.
Berkowitz, Martin, S/Sgt. 32821739. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. KIA, 18 April
1945, 42-63519. NatlArch 1298411.
Berman, Jerome S., Pfc. 32489213. 869th. Telephone Switchbrd Opr, 650. Pvt to Pfc, SO
102-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: C/o K8S f and 10 Belmar, NJ.
Berner, Gerald J., Cpl. 36578638. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 15232 Promenade,
Detroit, MI.
Berning, John J., 1st Lt. 0741445. 870th. Nav-Bomb 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF); AM, PH, (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII
(497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). MIA>FOD. 14 January, 1945, 4224087, Schramm. Tail number not known Schramm. Entered Service from Arizona. NOK:
Mrs. Jane P. Berning (wife), 2038 East 6th St. Tucson, Arizona. NatlArch 995902. WWII
Memorial 789141.
Bernzott, Edward G., S/Sgt. 35797109. 869th. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). PH,
GO 36-I-1 (497th). AM, BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-14, Pickerel.
(Address unknown)
Berry, John V., Cpl. 39269427. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 434 Maple Way, Pasadena, CA
Best, Orle R., Add. ‘46: 1125 Harding Avenue, Ames, IA.
Betia, John L., Add. ‘46: Box 175, Shoshone, ID.
Betsold, William J. J., S/Sgt. 31128166. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging , SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). . BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Bety, Oscar A. Jr., (Address unknown)
Betz, Francis C., S/Sgt. 37707105. 870th. Left Gunr. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
173 Eureka Street, San Francisco, CA.
Beuchler, Gerald B., Add. ‘46: 108 west 7th Street, Grand Island, NE.
Beutenauer, Richard E., Pfc. 36647793. 871st. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Apl & Eng
Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Bever, Lawrence N., Capt. 0659230. 870th. Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944]
Beveridge, George J., Cpl. 32607182. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Beverly, John R., Sgt. 13014214. 869th. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina for
one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th),
Bevilacqua, Eugene, T/Sgt. 33688741. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to T/Sgt. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC)
per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address Unknown)
Bianchi-Rossi, Gino J., Sgt. 39131556. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Bianco, Philip J., S/Sgt 15130597. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 417 Cherry Street, Niles,
Biddulph, Norman, Lt. A/C. 869th. A-14. Add. ’89: 1421 N Univ. #S-124, Little Rock, AR
Bienski, Albert, Add. ‘46: Bryan, TX.
Bienski, Leon L., Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Bryan, TX.
Bindi, Aldo J., Pfc. 39128793. 869th. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 27 November, 1944.
Not in Natl.Arch. Not in WWII Memorial
Birchfield, Clifford A., Cpl. 39038218. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Bird, John J. S/Sgt., 32466733. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bisanz, Jack B., 2nd Lt. 0-702365. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Shipment to Marianas, OO 461 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Pistol qual,
Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 2218 Atkins
Avenue, Lakewood, OH.
Bischoff, Hans M., 1st Lt. 0862863. 871st. Flt Eng. 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-3 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 42-I ( 20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III
(20th AF). Silver Star, 497th Narr History, Sept 1945. A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler. Add. ‘46: 4386
Mayfield Road, South Euclid, OH. Add. ‘89: 516 Alvarado Street, Redlands, CA 92373.
Biser, David M., (Address unknown)
Bishop, John W. Jr., Bomb, 1035. 871st. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt.
Rescued. Add. ‘46: 422 East Capital, Little Rock, AR. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial
Bittner, Allen A., Sgt. 36459035. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 815 Ship Street, Joseph, MI. Add. ’89: 1337 Lewis Avenue, St. Joseph, MI
Bittner, Maurice J., 2nd Lt. 0-702887. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). DFC, GO 23-XXV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). Add. ‘46: Solon, IA.
Black, Bernard S., 2nd Lt. 0866285. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246
AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement
Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9
January, 1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. Entered service fr Iowa. NOK: Mrs. Betty
J. Black (wife), 8425 85th Avenue, Woodhaven, NY. NatlArch 1031427. WWII Memorial
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
789367. Sam E. Pennartz 2370967. Betty Jean Frisbie, Wife 1767470. Sister 1719873.
Donald A Potts, Brother-In-law, 2200393.
Black, Donald T., S/Sgt. 37498494. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748, Tail Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
BS, SO 174 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address Unknown).
Black, Frank A., Capt. 0584806. 871st. A/C. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th Ground
Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF
POA). Gp Crypto O, 0224. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld,
Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Reld A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan.
Add. ‘46: 612 Woodland Avenue, Houston, TX.
Black, Frederick W., S/Sgt. 37463115. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon.
(Address unknown).
Black, Valentine D., Pfc. 36815278. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 861 South 12th
Street, Salem OR.
Black, William F. Jr., S/Sgt. 18178427. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr,1685. LG. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Entered
Service fr Texas. Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart (ABMC). A-8, Shillalah.
Bussell. MIA, 18 April, 1945, 42-63519. Add. ‘46: Box 849, Brownsboro, TX. Not in
NatlArch. WWII Memorial 789386.
Blaker, Robert H., Pfc. 31339217. 871st. Radio Opr,757. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
Blair, Lafayette F., Cpl. 15170259. 870th. Cryptographic Tech, 805. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2122 29th Street, Ashland, KY.
Blair, Ray H., Pfc. 35654878. 869th. Truck Drvr, 345. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to Pfc.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Blair, William A., Sgt. 35699681. 870th. DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A-37,
Cripps. Hometown: Jackson County, IN. Mr. John L. Blair (father), Griffith, IN. NatlArch
1043475. Not in WWII Memorial. Mr. Orville Smith, Wife's Cousin 318366. Clytuce B.
Lea, Sister 1549622.
Blake, John E., T/Sgt. 19094169. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Wapota,
Blaun, James H., (Address unknown).
Bleth, Howard P., Sgt. 39193622. 869th. Radio Mech,754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Bleutioan, Jack A., (Address unknown)
Blood, Craig N., Add. ‘46: 1331 41st Street, Sacramento, CA.
Bloomenthal, Harold S., 2nd Lt. 0-928719. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credits OO-221, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). (Address
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Blough, Leo C., M/Sgt. 16010138. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Air Medal, Purple Heart
(ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2 April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service fr Indiana. NOK:
Mrs. Pauline L. Blough (wife), LaGrange, IN. NatlArch 1074575. WWII Memorial
789540. Sam E. Pennartz 2347219.
Blum, Bernard, Sgt. 13151685. 870th. Gen Duty, 055. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 321
South 58th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Blumenfeld, Irving M., 2nd Lt. 02057861. 870th. Nav, 1034. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI BC). BS,
GO 51-VIII (497th). MIA>KIA, 22 December, 1944. A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22
Dec 1944. AM (OLC), PH (ABMC). Entered Service from Kings Cty, NY. NOK: Miss Evelyn
Blumenfeld (sister), c/o William Miller Company, 101 West 37 th St., New York, NY.
NatlArch. 1298457. WWII Memorial 789553. Sam E. Pennartz 2349846.
Bluto, Mary, Add. ‘46: 130 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach, CA.
Boal, Charles W., Jr., S/Sgt. 36577772. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credit, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA, 14 Apr 1945. . A-24,
Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Etta E Boal (mother), 10 Farragut Street, Union Town, PA.
NatlArch 1260972. Not WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2350899. Mr. James L. Boal,
Brother 147819.
Board, John S., Add. ‘46: 530 Maplewood Avenue, Houston, TX.
Board, Paul, Add. ‘46: C/o. Clayton National Bank, Clayton, St. Louis, MO.
Boatright, Paul M., S/Sgt. 37467998. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bobbouine, Louis, Sgt. 6099412. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 14 Park Avenue,
Pillston, PA.
Boberg, Edward H., Add. ‘46: 3174 West 116th Street, Cleveland, OH.
Bobo, Juane W., 1st Lt. 0-703595. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC (OLC), GO 42-VIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 824
Highland, Houston, TX. Add. ‘89: 310 Grammar, Houston, TX 77047.
Boffouine, Louis., Add. ‘46: 14 Park Avenue, Pittston, PA.
Bogan, Joseph V., 2nd Lt. 0808508. 870th. Pilot, four Engine, 1024. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 1818 Robinson Avenue, Portsmouth, OH.
Bogart, Alfred C., Sgt. 32466631. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Bogle, Robert M., Cpl. 33532087. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497t
Bohling, Charles F., Capt. 0741450. Bomb-Nav, 1036. A/C. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1 (20 AF).
Aptd Acting Sq Bombardier (Prim duty). (Vice Capt. Evans transferred) and “A” Flight
Bombardier (Add duty). (Vice Lt. Bolton missing in action) and Asst. Sq Opns O (Add
duty), SqO 2-9 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Boisvert, Joseph A. R., S/Sgt. 11040438. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd).
(Address unknown)
Boisvert, Roger, Radar, A-21, Thumper, Campbell, J. Add. ‘46: 306 Dubuque Street,
Manchester, NH. Add. ‘89: 138 Warrenton Road, Haverhill, MA 01830.
Boland, John R., Add. ’89: 38 Shadow Wood Way, Ballston Lake, NY 12019.
Bolen, William A., Sgt. 36831058. 869th. Aer Gnr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Bolinsky, Samuel J., S/Sgt. 12183916. 871st. All Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler. Add. ‘46: 1511 Sheridan Avenue, Bronx, NY. , Bolin,
Sid J., Add. ’89: 1311 Dickenson Drive, Clearwater, FL 34624.
Bollenbach, Herman C., Sgt. 32765777. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Boltan, Joseph, 1st Lt. 0669965. 869th. Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA Crashed, 9 Jan
1945 near Tokyo on A-14. AM, PH, (ABMC). Entered Service fr Kitsap County, WA. NOK:
Mrs. Edith Boltan (mother), Post Office Box 38, Port Orchard, WA. NatlArch 1291251.
WWII Memorial 789654. Sam E. Pennartz 2357078.
Bolton, Charles F., 1st Lt. 0-742120. 869th. Pilot. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Add. ’89: 6410 Putters Cir.,
Spring Hill, FL 34606.
Bolton, Paul D., 1st Lt. 0794618. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Reld of dy and asgmt 870th Bomb Sq, is asgd Hq. & Hq. Sq, 73rd
Bomb Wing and designated Asst A-3 Officer, SO 33-4 (73rd). Add. ‘46: 1449 Rollins Road,
Toledo, OH.
Boman, Harold S., Cpl. 6151802. 869th. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina for
one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I1 (497th).
Boncivini, Right Gunner A-8. Yon. No other info.
Bond, Richard R. C., ., T/Sgt. 20380732. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Photographer. DED, 21 Nov
1944. Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from Princess Anne
County, VA. NOK: Mrs. Elizabeth W. Scott (Friend), Rudge Heights, Virginia Beach, VA.
NatlArch 1256058. WWII Memorial 789676.
Bones, James C., Major. 0431652. Aptd Gp Nav O vice Major Clarence Winter trfd SO
124-2 (497th). Aptd Gp Maps & Charts O vice Major Clarence Winter trfd SO 125-3.
(497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 1020 North 7th Street, Monroe, LA. Add.
’89: 5709 Highland Hills, Austin, TX 78731.
Bonnecaze, Chester, J., Pfc. 38377805. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bonomo, Raymond, 1st Lt. 0-699115. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-50,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: Box 100, Noark, CT. Add. ’89: P.O. Box
3730, Groton Long Point, Conn. 06340.
Bonvicini, Thomas L., Cpl. 31406855. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Bridgeport, CT.
Boodrookas, Canstantine, Add. ‘46: 237 Paterson, Ogden, UT. Add. ’89: 237 Patterson,
Ogden, UT 84401.
Boorman, Stanley H., S/Sgt. 32432423. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). AM, PH, (ABMC).
MIA, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. Entered Service from New York.
NOK: Mr. Julian Boorman (father), Scotland Road, Spring Valley, NY. Natl Arch 1322640.
WWII Memorial 789731. Pennartz 2371798.
Booth, Arthur S., 2nd Lt. 0691387. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Pilot. DED, 21 Nov 1944. Downed
Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from NJ. NOK: Mrs. Ruth E. Booth (wife),
Box 169, Mountain View, NJ. Natl Arch. 1187216. WWII Memorial 789792. Wayne
Township Historical Commission 2009756.
Booth, Nobert E., Add. ‘46: 417 Garison Street, Fremont, OH.
Bopp, Warren G., 1st Lt. 0-868626. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
BS, SO 209 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-50, Jumbo King of the Show II,
Hornor. Add. ‘46: 4018 Courville, Route 2, Detroit, MI. Add. ‘89: 26338 Hidden Valley
Ct., Farmington, MI 48018.
Borden, Alvin J. C., S/Sgt. 18077412. 869th. TG. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-III (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-9, Skyscrapper I, III, Garvin. (Address
Borden, Herschel W., Cpl. 37460269. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bore, John J., T/ Sgt. 16028136. 330th. HQ&BS. Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (XXI BC).
Borenstein, Nathan B., Add. ‘46: 6824 21st Ave, Brooklyn, NY.
Boring, John S., 1st Lt. 0573983. 869th. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Add.
’89: 961 Carnation Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
Borkowitz, Martin, (nmi)., Cpl. 32821739. Radio Opr, 757. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Borm, Hans C., S/Sgt. 35612579. 871st. All Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU)GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th
AF). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add. ’89: 15110 NE, 195th Woodinville, WA
Borotz, John F., Sgt. 17108870. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Borotz, M., Add. ‘46: Dayton Bluff, Route 4, St. Paul, MN.
Borsheim, James O., Cpl. 17108177. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Prom to Cpl. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Borst, Samuel W., S/Sgt. 15399122. 870th. CFC, 580. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).870th. Sortie
credits OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Radio. Add. ‘46: Bainbridge, OH.
Boskowitz, Irwin S., 2nd Lt. 0-777911. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
Bosse, William A., S/Sgt. 18115989. 869th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Prom
to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). A-14,
Pickerel. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘89: 419 Yorktown, Beaumont,
TX 77707.
Bossley, Harold M., S/Sgt. 18171340. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA, 14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar.
NOK: Mrs. Modest Bossley (mother), 985 9th St., Crowley, Louisiana. Natl Arch 1052999.
Not in WWII Memorial, Sam E. Pennartz 2350888. Mrs. S. A. Bossley 930367.
Bouck, Aubrey J., Maj. 0-423911. Hq. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Reld from Dy as Gp Air Inspector asgnd as Asst. Gp Air
Inspector for Supply & Maint, SO 40 (497 th). Sortie credits, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1863 Smith Street, Muskegon, MI.
Bouges, Merle E., Add. ’89: 1810 North 56, Lincoln, NE 68504.
Bourland, Ralph M., Pfc. 16052524. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 216 ½ North 7th
Street, Springfield, IL.
Bowen, Charles L., 2nd Lt. 0-702889. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). PH, GO 6-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 461 Park Avenue, Collingswood, NJ. Add. ‘89: 606 Mariposa
Street, St Augustine, FL 32084.
Bower, Robert G., Add. ‘46: Creek Road, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Bowerman, Robert C., Add. ‘46: Aberdeen, WA.
Bowers, James B., Add. ‘46: Box 423 Johnson City Hi-way, Kinkscort, TN.
Bowman, Stanley R., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Kirkwood, NY.
Bowry, Donald W., 1st Lt. 0-794620. 871st. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC
(OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add.
‘46: 9 Auburn Street, Brookline, MA. Add. ’89: P. O. Box 322, Walpole, NH 03608.
Bowser, Richard M., Add. ‘46: 130 West Laurel Street, Nryhleham, PA.
Boxter, Jay, Add. ‘46: 508 North State Road, Arlington Heights, IL.
Boyd, James A., T/Sgt. 20349405. 15th Photo Lab. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty,
73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: Tanneytown, MD.
Boyd, Willie B., Sgt. 34623878. 870th. CFC, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4
(246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Jayess, MS.
Boyer, Paul E., Add. ‘46: Dudley, IL.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Boykin, Thomas C. Jr., Sgt. 18009859. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Cottonwood Falls, KS.
Boyles, Robert E., Sgt. 19164545. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
Credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). A-10, A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. (Address unknown)
Brabec, Charles E., T/Sgt. 36331786. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. CFC Mech. 960.
S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging ,
SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Bracken, Lester B., Add. ‘46: 460 North Howard Street, Akron, OH.
Braden, David R., 2nd Lt. 0-2060234. 870th. A/C. Nav-Bomb, 1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO
141-1 (20 AF). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched 4 March 45,
Rescued. A-25, Peace pn Earth. Westervelt. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit.. Add:
46: 4343 Dickson Avenue, Dallas, TX. Add. ‘89: 3310 Fairmont, #17 E, Dallas, TX 75201.
Bradford, Foy E. Jr., Cpl. 38626138. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2603 Loving, Fort Worth, TX.
Brady, Lawrence K., Add. ‘46: 445 West 57th Street, New York City, NY.
Brafec, Charles E., Add. ‘46: 1605 South 61st Avenue, Cicero, IL.
Bragg, Samuel H., Sgt. 39722941. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route, Garolen Grove, CA.
Bragg, Hugh B., Cpl. 32797335. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2317 Barley Street,
Baltimore, MD.
Brakenbury, Arthur W., Sgt. 32729786. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 112 Hail
Street, Buffalo, NY.
Brandt, Arthur M., Add. ‘46: Box 124, Fennimore, WI.
Braswell, Baxter R., Pfc. 34772384. 869th. Munitions Wrkr , 901. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Brauman, Oscar, 2nd Lt. 0708613. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Nav-Radar. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from CT. NOK: Mrs. Esther C.
Brauman (wife), 508 Grove St., Woonsocket, RI. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial
Braumbaugh, Harry D., Sgt. 33250003. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
Braun, James E., Cpl. 35919810. 869th. Aer. Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Braun, James H., S/Sgt. 15127415. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1021 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-III (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-11, Skyscrapper I, III, Add. ‘89: 1085 Dietz Avenue, Akron, OH
Braunseis, Henry, Sgt. 36449912. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-231 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: Witt, IL
Brautigan, Jack A., Sgt. 36814081. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Tail Gunr. Pfc to Cpl, SO
1-1, (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Pvt to
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Pfc, SO 6 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘89: 522 Red Wood Road,
Lemont, IL 60439.
Brawtigan, Jan A., Add. ‘46: 4035 21st Street, Racine, WI.
Breakey, John K., S/Sgt. 12030620. 871st. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). (Address unknown)
Breaux, Douglas N., Sgt. 14017049. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging , SO 236 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1155 Sutton Avenue, Mobile
20, AL.
Breazlale, Edgar B. Jr., Sgt. 34766052. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Townville,
Brebino, Robert G., (Address unknown)
Breckenridge, Eugene R., Pfc. 39279425. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Great Bend, KS.
Breen, John K., S/Sgt. 31308665. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Left Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1,
OO-18-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
(Address unknown).
Brehe, Melvin L., Cpl. 36444059. Hq. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Breininger, Louis H., 2nd Lt. 0760771. 870th.Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Pistol qual,
Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246
AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Ditched, 26 Feb 1945,A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit,
Survived. Add. ‘46: 1317 Clark Avenue, CA. b. June 15, 1921. d. Dec 23, 2013.
Bresseau, Leonard J., (Address unknown)
Breth, Carl F., 2nd Lt. 0865106. 870th.Flt Eng, 1028. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). Pistol qual,
Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246
AAF BU). Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-18-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: Box 237, Emeigh, PA. Add. ‘89: 1265, Lost Nation Road, #12,
Willoughby, OH 44094.
Brewster, John H., Capt. 0-790786. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. APC. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Aptd “C”
flight CO (Prim duty). (Vice Capt. Archer relieved), SqO 2-4 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-161, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, SO 187 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Sunapee, NH. Add. ’89:
7945 S Tropical Tr., Merritt Isl., FL 32952.
Bricking, Raymond A., Add. ‘46: 129 Washington Avenue, Bellevue, KY. Add. ‘89: 3503
Brink Circle SW, Bonita Springs, FL 33923.
Brighton, Amilia, Add. ‘46: 1349 Sanborn, Los Angeles, CA.
Brighton, James R., Cpl. 39266289. 871st. Teletype Opr, 237. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Brill, Owen F., Sgt. 32996824. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Brill, Viola, Add. ‘46: 1885 54th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Brinkmeyer, Milton H., M/Sgt. 17015524. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. BS, GO 46-I-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Britton, Tom. Note in Scrapbook 869th. Not shown otherwise.
Broach, Coit E., Pfc. 34644967. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging , SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Add. ’89: Route
4, Box 334, Darlington, SC 29532.
Broadhurst, Richard B., Maj. 9442120. Hq. Acft Engr O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging (train commander), SO 236-1 (246th AAF BU). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Farmers Branch,
Broitzman, Robert C., F/O. T-129484. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO15-1 (497th). Entered Service fr Illinois. Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. KIA, Midair
collision over assembly point, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. NOK: Not
shown on MACR. NatlArch 1190734. WWII Memorial 790246.
Brombaugh, Durwood D., Add. ‘46: 609 North 7th Street, Fairview, OK.
Bromley, Thomas M., S/Sgt. 12228598. 869th. Rt. Gunr. Aer.Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address
Brookman, Herman J., 2nd Lt. 0-748342. 870th. APC. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent.chri Add. ‘46: 805 North Central
Street, Joliet, IL.
Brooks, Charles J., S/Sgt.. 38430133. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 209 South
Marlobar, Dallas, TX.
Brooks, Gordon C., Sgt. 34707412. 871st. Ammo NCO, 505. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Brooks, Otto R., S/Sgt. 15329980. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 36-II1 (497th). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: 637 Woodridge Avenue, Cleveland, OH.
Brooks, Robert C., Add. ‘46: Pensacola, FL.
Brooks, Robert K., 1st Lt. 0584806. 871st. 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA).
Brooks, Thomas R., Add. ‘89: 508 Faun Street, Metairie, LA 70003.
Brooks, William H., Add. ‘46: Pine Street, Jordan, NY.
Brosseau, Leonard J., S/Sgt. 11085912. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 187 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
Broughton, Arthur L., 1st Lt. 0726565. 871st. Pilot B-29, 1093. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Brouse, Harold A., Cpl. 19201003. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Brown, Clyde Jr., Add. ‘46: Wyalusing, PA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Brown, Daniel A., S/Sgt. 32287789. 870th. Ammo NCO, 505. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 525 Bleeker Street, Utica, NY.
Brown, Dillard O., Add. ‘46: 1204 West 120th Street, Coffeyville,KS.
Brown, E.M., Add. ‘46: 929 Holstein Avenue, Bristol TN
Brown, Ernest A., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Box 181, Corpus Christi, TX.
Brown, Erwin G., Sgt. 19142110. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo
Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: 2673 28th Street, Sacramento, CA.
Brown, Frank M., Cpl. 32714974. 869th. Tail Gunr. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). BS, GO 51VIII (497th). Entered Service fr New York. Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. KIA, Ditched,
23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. NOK: Mrs. Elizabeth J. Brown (mother), P.
O. Box 238, (???), NY. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 790344. Ms. Carol M.Lamont
Brown, Harry L., T/Sgt. 17042099. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-231 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 42-IX (20th AF). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram,
Wheatley. Add. ‘46: 1223 South 7th Street, Keokuk, IA.
Brown, Harry R., Capt. 0-280089. A/C. Avn Ord O, 4532. Apptd. Inquiry Brd, SO 209-1
(497th). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th Ground Echelon), Amended SO 7-3 (497th
Ground Echelon) ref to AC Hq. 497th BG to Ord Hq. 497th BG, SO 8-2 (497th Ground
Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
1223 Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE.
Brown, Herbert L., 1st Lt. 0586562. 870th. Acft Maint O, 4823. 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5
(Hq AAF POA). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Group
Weight and Balance Officer, SO 83-4 (497th BG); aptd Gptd Gp Maintenance Inspection
O, SO 84-4 (500th BG). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 650 Topeka Street, Shreveport, LA.
Brown, James J., Pfc. 36599119. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46II (497th). Add. ‘46: 217707 Gaukler Street, St. Clair Shores, MI.
Brown, James W., Pvt. 36599119. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Brown, Jay J., Capt. 0411929. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1142 Sims
Avenue, San Antonio, TX. Add.’46: Route 2, Little Rock, AR.
Brown, John B., 1st Lt. 0-667240. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 58-XV (20 AF). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Aptd
“A” Flight Navigator (Prim duty). (Vice Lt. Richards missing in action), SqO 2-10 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 210 Bell Street, Sweetwater, TX.
Brown, Joseph E., Cpl. 34351477. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2883 Elliott
Circle, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, Lloyd E., Sgt. 35331322. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground
Crew, A-21, Thumper, Haynes. Add. ‘46: Route 5, Box 738, South Bend, IN.
Brown, Pat E., Sgt. 14133649. 870th. Radio Mech, 754. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Brown, Reuben M., 1st Lt. 0-760773. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Brown, Reuben R., 2nd Lt. 0760780. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Pistol qual, Marksman, SO
102-2 [1944] (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd).
Add. ‘46: Corvallis, MT.
Brown, Walter O., Cpl. 17108177. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Prom to Cpl, SO 85-1
Brown, William D., Cpl. 14149466. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Brown, William T., Add. ‘46: 1204 West 12th Street, Coffeyville, KS.
Brownell, James E., Add. ‘46: Woodland, CA.
Browse, Harold A., Add. ‘46: Valentine, NE.
Bruce, William R., Sgt. 14159524. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Bruks, D., Add. ‘46: 739 Orcas Street, Seattle, WA.
Brumbaugh, Harry D., Add. ‘46: Scalph Level, PA. Add. ’89: 1244 Seanor Road, Windber,
PA 15963.
Brunhammer, Eugene J.,F/O T223256. S/Sgt. 1201270*. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to
T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud,
Voigt. Rescued.
Bruton, Leo R., Pfc. 11104302. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 12 Wallace Place,
Wallingford, CT.
Bryan, Milo C., S/Sgt. 17072008. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas,
OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th
AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 196 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to
US, SO 195-2 (73rd). (Address Unknown).
Buchanan, Marion T., Pfc. 35138132. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Buck, Alvin B., Capt. 0-865395. 869th. 7th Weather Sq.?? O. Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-241 (497th).
Buck, John H., 1st Lt. 0-664961. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Silver Star
(497th Report) Add. ‘46: 271 Wattles Road, Battle Creek, MI
Buckheit, James E., 1st Lt. 0-736097. 870th. APC. Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-221 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Soldier’s Medal, GO 90-IV (XXI BC). A-29, Miss Margaret,
Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, Rescued.
Buckley, John J., Add. ‘46: Hudson, MA.
Budd, A.T., Add. ‘46: 205 Monticello Avenue, Jersey, NJ.
Fletc Ditched, 19 Feb 1945, Survived, RTD.
Buderns, Joseph B., Add. ‘46: 3207 Royton Road, Toledo, OH.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Buderus, Joseph B., T/Sgt. 16039177. MOS 791. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Buechler, Gerald B., Pfc. 17131506. 871st. Clrk, Typist, 405. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). GCM,
GO 37-II-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Buge, Frederick V., Sgt. 19181170. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-23-1, OO24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 290, Saugus, CA.
Buis, William, Cpl. 32450481. 870th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 79 Kenn Street, Paterson, NJ.
Add. ’89: 97 Franklin Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ 07506.
Bukanowski, Sylvester., (Address unknown).
Bulgrin, Vernon C., Add. ‘46: 739 Corice Street, Akron, OH.
Bullock, Richard L. Jr., Cpl. 34822791. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Box 2089, Burmingham, AL.
Bunga, William B., 1st Lt. 0-828946. 869th. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). KIA, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Add. ‘46:
Box 54, Dixonville, PA.
Buran, Wallace P., S/Sgt. 14090642. 871st. Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Tail Gunr. Left Gunr.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st). A-50, Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor.
Burbank, John P., 32 Beaconsfield Road, Worcester, MA.
Burg, Frederick, S/Sgt. 32228814. 869th. Radio Mech, 754. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM,
GO-82-1 (XXI BC).
Burger, Knox B., Cpl. 32935138. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). 869th. Sortie credit, OO-18-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Chappaqua, NY.
Burgess, Lawrence L., Cpl. 39327335. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 604 Sharpe
Avenue, Glenholder, PA.
Burk, James L., Cpl. 39341578. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunner. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). Entered Service from Texas.
MIA>FOD, 27 January 1945, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. NOK: Mr. James A. Burk (father),
Box Five, Parnell, TX. NatlArch 1237002. WWII Memorial 790675. Shady Lady Memorial
Association 2025072.
Burke, Charles O., Jr., S/Sgt. 18232022. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sortie credits,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 86-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). (Address unknown).
Burke, Robert T., Sgt. 38698766. 871st. Aer Gunr , 611. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Burkholder, Arnold C., 2nd Lt. 0-2065330. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1035. Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1
Commented [E3]: SO 236-1 shows him as Burd
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘89: 3764 Argonne Street, Mogadore, OH
Burks, Charles B., S/Sgt. 17013472. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 1, Cabot,
Burks, Luther H., Cpl. 14069950. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging , SO 236 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 6238 Carlton Avenue, Seattle 8,
Burleson, John E., 2nd Lt. 0760722. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). PH, GO
5-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Air Medal, Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, ABMC.
MIA>FOD, 27 January, 1945, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. Entered Service fr Texas. NOK:
Mrs. Baneva G. Burleson (wife), Box 224, Walnut Springs, TX. NatlArch 1150212. WWII
Memorial 790717. Shady Lady Memorial Association 2024158.
Burling, James R., 2nd Lt. 0-703695. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 42-VIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
37-XIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Route 4, Carthage, IL. Add. ’89:
828 Walnut, Carthage, IL 62321.
Burnett, Robert E., Bison Street, Edgemont, Fairmont, WV.
Burns, Richard E., A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. Add. ‘46: Chineek, MT.
Burns, Linus H., S/Sgt. 35046268. 871st. Flt Engr, 737. Sortie credits, OO-9, (497th). A-42,
Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th).
Entered Service fr Mahoning County, OH. NOK: Mrs. Mildred E. Burns (wife), 5698 North
Penn St., Indianapolis, IN. NatlArch 1163597 WWII Memorial 790746
Burns, Richard F., 2nd Lt. 0-867988. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC).
Burton, Leo R., Add. ‘46: 12 Wallace Place, Wallingford, CT.
Burwell, Edward L., S/Sgt. 14163001. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 102 South William Street, Goldsboro, NC.
Bussell, Jack C., 2nd Lt. 0-760564. 869th. Pilot, B29,1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII1(497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. MIA, 18 April, 1945, 43-63519.
Buzzell, Herbert W, Sgt. 31219200. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Clarendon
Street, Biddeford, MA. Add. ’89: P O Box 386, Suffield, CT 06078.
Byers, Billy, 1st Lt. 0929984. 869th. Radar Obs/Bomb, 0142. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: Vernon, TX. Add. ’89: 5726, Ensign Drive E., Fortworth, TX 76119.
Byers, Orthello V. Jr., 1st Lt. 0771291. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
Route 1, Glenwood, IA. Add. ’89: 4516 Mimosa, Bellaire, TX 77401.
Bylander, John E., 2nd Lt. 0-867219. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-14, Pickerel. Add.
‘46: Beresford, SD.
Cable, Carter A., Sgt. 34770752. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
Tuskagee, NC.
Cadwallader, F., Add. ‘46: 147 Summer Street, Cresson, PA.
Cain, Edgar A. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-774523. 871st. Pilot. QT. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Breckenridge, TX.
Cain, Everett E., Pfc. 37236690. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Cain, John A., Braymer, MS.
Cain, Thomas F., Sgt. 12079349. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to Cpl, SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 857 Oakwood,
Schenectady, NY.
Suffro 870th. Radio Opr. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO
41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
Calandra, Tom J., Cpl. 36650991. Gen Duty, 055. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Calbridge, Robert A., 2nd Lt. 0-2060936. 870th. A/C. Nav-Bomb,1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO
141-1 (20 AF). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th) Ditched, 26 May, 1945. 4294050, no known tail code, Swenson. RTD. Add. ‘46: Cranberry Lake, NJ.
Caldwell, David R., S/Sgt. 39411743. 869th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Apl
Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). DFC, GO 130-III (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-9, Skyscrapper I,II,III, Garvin.
(Address unknown).
Caldwell, Ralph E., Sgt. 18195068. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612,
SO 80-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Sortie credit, OO23-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 482, Stonewall, OK.
Callaghan, James A., 2nd Lt. 0699980. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 18 Dec 1944.
Entered Service: IL. A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Walling. Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews,
Walling. NOK: Mrs. Mary A. Callaghan, Locust Court Apartments, New Rochelle, NY.
NatlArch 1305111. WWII Memorial 790970 . Sam E. Pennartz 2347844.
Callaghan, Robert P., S/Sgt. 32040050. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 14 Younglove Avenue,
Cahoes, NY.
Callahan, Joe M., 5436 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia 31, PA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Callaway, Stephen J., 1st Lt. 0-702897. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Movement Overseas, OO
6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Aptd “C” Flight Navigator (Prim duty). (Vice 1 st Lt. Brown relieved),
SqO 2-14 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Mt. Calm, TX. Add. ‘89: Rt 5, Box 375, Waco, TX 76705.
Callender, Earl J., 1st Lt. 0-511679. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246
AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3 -2,
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched,
22 Dec 1944. RTD. KIA, 14 April 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Mrs. Marian E
Callender (wife), 1603 Clark St., Pittsburg, PA. Not in Natl Arch, Not in WWII Memorial,
Sam E. Pennartz 2350885. Mrs. Marion Goodwin, Widow 23140.
Callewaert, Camile C., 2nd Lt. 02078253. Nav, 1034, Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO 162-8 (73rd
BW). DOI. Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. HT: Racine County, WI. NOK: Mrs. Elisa P.
Verborg (mother), Box Number Four, Sturtevant, WI. Natl Arch, 1288327. Not in WWII
Memorial. Albert G. Pulley.
Calligan, James J., (Address unknown).
Callis, Henry M., Add. ‘46: Willow Springs, NC.
Cameron, Ronald N., S/Sgt. 35222777. 871st. MOS 2960. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Sortie credits,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX1 (497th).. A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. Add. ’89: 5027 Belle Isle
Drive, Dayton, OH 45439.
Cammon, Howard F., Add. ‘46: 4414 Rons Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Campbell, David C., 1st Lt. 0730374. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). DED, 3 Dec 1944.
Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: IN. NOK: Mrs. Vivian Campbell (wife), 2801
South Anthony Boulevard, Fort Wayne, Indiana. NatlArch. 1066238. WWII Memorial
791045. Sam E. Pennartz 2343124.
Campbell, Edward R., 1st Lt. 0386026. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-231, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 140-III (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Pistol qual,
Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46: Box
230, Brady, TX. Add. ‘89: P O Box 911, Brady, TX 72825.
Campbell, Francis J., T/Sgt. 35558866. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF).
Campbell, 0702907 B., Add. ‘46: 831 West 51st Street, Seattle, WA.
Campbell James D., 2nd Lt. 0-2073043. 869th. Radar. Sortie credit, OO-28-1 (497th).
Campbell, James F., Sgt. 18119275. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII
(XXI BC). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown: Harris
County, TX. NOK: Mrs. Ester M. Campbell (mother), 446 West 16th Street, Houston, TX.
Natl Arch 1161692. Not in WWII Memorial.
Commented [JP4]: SO 102-1 name listed as Frank.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Campbell, James M., Maj. 0-441831. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI BC).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-21, Thumper,
Campbell. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). Add. ‘46: Route 5, Box 325, Greensboro, NC.
Campbell, Norman J., Lt. Col. 0-325819. Hq. AC, Exec O, 2120; Reld fr PuebloAAF aptd
Exec O, 497th, SO 91-2 (497th)[1944]. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 144 Egbert
Avenue, Staten Island, NY. Add. ‘89: 2923 S Fairway Drive, Burlington, NC 27215.
Campbell, Richard D., Sgt. 32723010. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Campbell, William C., Capt. 0-724517. 869th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). BS, SO 12* (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-11, Southern Belle,
Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Rescued. Add. ‘46: 1424 Bedford Road, Detroit, MI.
Add. ’89: 206 Riviera Drive, St Clair Shores, MI 48080.
Canavan, Anthony, Add. ‘46: Near Water Lane, Norton, CT.
Canavan, John J., Sgt. 11103947. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Cander, John R., (Address unknown)
Canfield, Jack E., Cpl. 37507369. 869th. Telephone Switchbrd Opr, 650. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Cannova, Sabastian J., Sgt. 34394647. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2219 30th
Avenue, Birmingham, AL.
Canzak, Stanley R., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Simonton Lake, Elkhart, IN.
Capron, Joseph R., 2nd Lt. 0703696. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Entered Service fr Washington. AM, PH
(ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. NOK: Mr. Arthur B.
Capron (father), 6037 36th Avenue, Northeast, Seattle, WA. NatlArch 1212683. WWII
Memorial 791150. Sam Pennartz 2351577.
Capron, Sanford D., Add. ‘46: 407 Euclid Street, Santa Monica, CA.
Carabillo, John A., T/Sgt. 12081966. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Add’ 89: 73610 Boxthorn Lane, Palm Desert, CA 92260.
Caradonio, Albert J., Cpl. 32927468. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 69 Plymouth Street, Newark, NJ.
Carandrello, A., Add. ‘46: 102 Christopher Street, New York, NY.
Cardiff, Alfred V., Cpl. 11068718. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 63 Main Street,
Farmingham, MA. Add. ’89: 11 Merriam Road, Framingham, MA.
Cardinali, Febo F., Sgt. 42044088. 869th. Rt Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 2364 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). A-14, Baird. KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo.
Entered Service fr Kings County, NY. NOK: Mr. Joseph Cardinali (father), 131 Saint
Edward St., Brooklyn, NY. NatlArch 1310605. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz
Cardine, Godfrey L., Add. ‘46: Rockford, IL.
Commented [J5]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Cardone, Andrew P., Capt. 0796302. 871st. A/C. Sortie credits OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC).
A-45, 44-63985, Cardone. (Address unknown).
Cardwell, Grover C. Jr., 1st Lt. 0403512. 869th. DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF). A-13, Misti,
Christi, Vetters. Add. ‘46: Madisonville, KY.
Carey, Frederick, Cpl. 32726108. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging , SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Carey, Leonard E., S/Sgt. 39391916. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Carle, Alvin B., Add. ‘46: East Dubuque, IL.
Carlson, Jack K., Add. ‘46: 2751 Maxwell Avenue, Oakland, CA.
Carlson, Lester A., 2nd Lt. 0864033. 869th. Acft Maint O, 4823. POC authorized, SO 2391 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Carlson, Robert J., Add. ‘46: 1436 Thorndale Avenue, Chicago 26, IL.
Carnegie, Corbett L., Sgt. 12214591. 869th . Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5,
Waddy’s Wagon, Young. HT: Jefferson County, NY. NOK: Mr. James C. Carnegie
(father), Grindstone Island, NY. NatlArch 1309203. WWIIMemorial 791244. Sam E.
Pennartz 2371051.
Carney, William, Add. ‘89: 8249 Hatteras Road, Orlando, FL.
Carpenter, John M. 1st. Lt. 0-863751. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 9333 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Add. ‘89: 5845 La Salle St., Lincoln, NE.
Carpenter, Vere D., S/Sgt. 39194527. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). MIA, 27
January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell . POW-EUS
Carrion, Tony. Sgt. 39040141. 871st. All Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS,
GO 51-VIII (497th). DED 28 Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service
from CA. NOK: Mrs. Beverly K. Carrion (wife), 1816 *** Ave., Walnut Creek, CA.
NatlArch 988896. WWII Memorial 791308
Carroll, Daniel J., S/Sgt. 32118508. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Radar. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA>FOD. 27
January 1945, A-23. Shady Lady, Dauth. Entered Service fr New York. NOK: Mrs. Helen
A. Carroll (mother), 109-12 103rd Avenue, NY, NY. NatlArch 1321365. WWII Memorial
791311. Shady Lady Memorial Association 2025029.
Carroll, Frank B. Jr., T/Sgt. 18138231. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). Asgd to 871th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-50, Jumbo
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: Box 153, Slidell, LA. Add. ‘89: 28922 132nd SE,
Auburn, WA 98002.
Carroll, Harry R., Add. ‘46: 2327 North Normandy Avenue, Chicago 35, IL. Add. ’89: 431
Country Club, Slidell, LA.
Carroll, John W., Maj. 0-437927. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). DFC
(OLC), GO 135-VI (XXI BC). Aptd Sq Opn O (Prim duty). (Vice Capt. Cox missing in action),
SqO 2-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Fredericktown, PA.
Carroll, Thomas J. Cpl. 32818064. Sanitary Tech, 196. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO
12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1605 Metropolitan Avenue, Bronx, NY. 190
Nagle Avenue, New York, NY.
Carruth, William J., Cpl. 36861350. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Trnsfd from Lincoln to 871 st,
SO 101-3 (497th).
Carson, James E., 1st Lt. 0702899. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). Add. ’89: 1329
Cody Avenue, Pueblo, CO.
Carter, Allen B., 1st Lt. 0-2060939. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th
AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived.
Carter, Livingston H., Sgt. 32670477. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 361 Hoyt Street, Buffalo, NY.
Carter, Paul W., T/Sgt. 13020102. 870th. Tail Gunr. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal,
Delker. Add. ‘89: 1648 Blue Spruce Way, Milpitas, CA.
Carter, Robert W., 2nd Lt. 0760780. 870th. Co-pilot. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-2 (246 AAF BU).Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-27, Texas Doll,
Arnold-Cutler. Add. ‘46: Route 4, Clinton, NC. Add. ‘46: 742 Endid, Beaumont, TX.
Caruso, Luigi, Sgt. 11100213. 871st. Tail Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII (497th). Entered Service fr Connecticut. Air Medal, Purpose Heart, ABMC. KIA,
Midair collision over assembly point, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith.
NOK: Not shown on MACR. NOK: Not shown on MACR. NatlArch 1015178 . WWII
Memorial 791382.
Carville, Thomas A., Cpl. 18061526. 869th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: El Campo, TX.
Casadaban, Joseph E., Pfc. 38501192. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Casey, Neil C., Cpl. 17070321. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1017 Court Street, Sioux
City 19, IA.
Commented [J6]: SO 202-2 Reuben Brown and Robert -’s ASN
are the same. Pls check.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Cassar, Paul A., Sgt. 12191351. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Left Gunr. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from NY. NOK: Mrs. Gloria Cassar
(wife), 222 Beaumond St., Brooklyn, NY; Mr. Richard N. Cassar, 2204 East 26 th St.,
Brooklyn, NY. NatlArch. 1310653. WWII Memorial 791443.
Casteel, Thomas H., Pfc. 35757206. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Hazelton, WV.
Castle, Robert D., T/Sgt. 15016978. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO
210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add. ’89:
349 Princeton Avenue, Elyria, OH.
Caton, Everette B., Sgt. 19189939. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Deceased, 18 January,
1945. DNB.
Cauagnare, Nicholas J., S/Sgt. 32425192. Hq. Lab Tech, 941. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 76 75th St. Brooklyn, NY.
Cechura, Ernest E., Cpl. 36744011. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ceres, Clarence L., T/Sgt. 36722321. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th
AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). A-8,
Coral Queen, Yon. Add. ‘46: 15014 Leavill Avenue, Harvey, IL. Add. ‘89: 16968 Crane
Avenue, Hazel Crest, IL.
Chace, Donald A., 2nd Lt. 0-702103. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI
BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-14, Pickerel. Add. ‘46: 7415
Russell Road, Hayward, CA. Add. ‘89: 17321 Ehle St, Castro Valley, CA.
Chadwell, James L., Cpl. 35141428. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec,684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Chalk, Sigmund B., M/Sgt. 6076624. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Chalker, Victor H., S/Sgt. 20254511. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech/2756. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-161, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add. ’89: 5318 Serenity
Cove, Bokeelia, FL.
Challs, Sigmund B., Add. ‘46: 132 Linden Avenue, Raleigh, NC.
Champagne, Norman J., Add. ‘46: 193 Union Street, Littleton, NH.
Chandler, Henley C. Jr., Sgt. 31289912. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Chanpagno, Julien J., S/Sgt. 0809050. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Chapla, Robert W., 2nd Lt. 0868099. 869th/870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI
BC). Entered Service fr Indiana. Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. MIA-DED, 27 January
1945, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. NOK: Mrs. Edith M. Chapla (wife), 607 South Jefferson
Street, Sturgis, MI. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 791591. Shady Lady Memorial
Association 2024949.
Chapman, George W., Add. ‘46: 154 Wellington Road, Jenkintown, PA.
Chapman, Wilbur J., Sgt. 38606304. 869th. Aer. Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th).
Entered Service fr Carson County, TX. AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5,
Waddy’s Wagon, Young. NOK: Mrs. Mary Chapman (mother), Box Number 2, Mesilla
Park, NM. NatlArch 1118747. WWII Memorial 791612. Sam E. Pennartz 2371062.
Dorothy Newberry, Niece 472370.
Chartier, Jack G., Pfc. 35544354. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Chartier, Kamaris L., Add. ‘46: 405 Sherry Street, Neenah, WI.
Chase, Leroy B., 2nd Lt. 0698262. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Entered Service fr Ohio. AM, PH, ABMC.
MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. NOK: Mr. Frank Chase (father),
3841 Fisher Road, Box 814, Hilltop Station, Columbus, OH. NatlArch 1129240. WWII
Memorial 791645. Sam E. Pennartz 2351575.
Chavez, Rumaldo, Cpl. 18122093. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Chechura, Ernest E., Add. ‘46: 4208 South Oak Park Avenue, Berwin, IL.
Cheever, Russell E., Add. ‘46: 310 East Courtland Place, San Antonio, TX.
Cheney, Hardin W., 1st Lt. 0724132. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Directed to Salina for purposeof attending instruction
on camera bombing for a period of five days, SO 101-2 (497th). Pistol qual, Marksman,
SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Cherny, Jacob, Sgt. 11053830. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 9 Glenborn Street,
Roxbury, MA.
Chernick, Nathaniel C., Sgt. 32816751. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1432
University Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Cherny, M., Add. ‘46: Glenburne Street, Rocksbury, MA.
Chesshir, Charles N., Add. ‘46: Route 3 Brownfield, TX.
Chester, Gray W., Sgt. 35607218. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Chionchie, Mathew, Add. ‘46: 954 West Street, Kent, OH.
Chocola, Richard U., 2nd Lt. 0-703089. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory,
Sargent. Add. ‘46: 60 Prospect Street, Uniontown, PA. Add. ’89: P O Box 3012, Falls
Church, VA.
Chrgersoll, William S. Jr., Add. ‘46: Sloven, PA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Christ, Oswald J.W., S/Sgt. 16120172. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Christensen, Donald A., 1st Lt. 0-7033701. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1 (497th). Sortie
credits OO-18-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna
Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Kirby, WY. Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E.
Pennartz 2333394.
Christensen, George W., Sgt. 35583119. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Christensen, Louis H., S.Sgt. 12119861. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. DFC, GO 23-VI
(20th AF). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: Ciffside Park, NJ.
Christensen, Reo M., Sgt. 38352917. 871st. Auto Mech, 014. Addl Class, 256? GCM, GO
12-1 (497th).
Christensen, Terrell, Add. ‘46: Box 394, Farmington, NM.
Christenson, William C., Add. ‘46: 44th S. W., Seattle, WA.
Christiansen, Clarence A., 1st Lt. 0-866817. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory,
Sargent. Add. ‘46: 4155 Edenhurst Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. Add. ’89: Seven Lakes Box
2073, West End, NC.
Christmas, Barnie D., Sgt. 870th. 34652224. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 426 State Street, Rock Hill, SC. Add. ‘89: 649 Arch Drive, Rock Hill, SC.
Christoff Samuel J., Add. ‘89: 2061 Montauk Ct., Byron, CA.
Christopher, Hildry H., 2nd Lt. 0-867990. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO
166 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 296 Belle Glade, FL.
Chumbley, Harold P., Cpl. 35465235. 871st. Reclass Special Vehicle Opr, 932 to Auto
Mech, 014, SO 83-6 (497th BG).
Ciapinsky, Peter P., Sgt. 31077967. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr,555. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ciccarelli, Carmen J., Sgt. 35010512. 869th. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School,
Salina for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Conneaut, OH.
Cieply, John M., 1st Lt. 0-864773. 870th. 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA). Soldier’s
Medal, GO 24-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 220 Hannun Avenue, Roosfod,
Ciezarek, John J., S/Sgt. 16140803. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). DFC, GO 130-III (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). BS, SO 196 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-9, Skyscrapper I, II,III, Garvin.
(Address unknown).
Cipullo, Anthony F., Add. ‘46: 8 Boyd Street, Dorchester, MA.
Clabridge, Robert A., Add. ‘46: Cranberry Lake, NJ.
Clancy, George J., Cpl. 36659321. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Clapp, Edgar L., 2nd Lt. 0864215. 871st. Radar Obs RCM, 7888. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Entered Service fr Georgia. Air
Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson.
NOK: Mrs. Camille Clapp (mother), 4739 Powers Ferry Road, Atlanta, GA. NatlArch
1023472. WWII Memorial 791840. Sam E. Pennartz 2351423.
Clark, Arthur W., Sgt. 15354574. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 367, Old Main Road, Conneaut,
Clark, Harley W., S/Sgt. 17065566. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. AM (OLC), GO 67-I (XXI BC).
Clark, James M., Cpl. 34705775. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Clark, Kenneth D., Sgt. 37677184. 869th. Aer. Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Add. ‘89: Rt. 1 Box 27, Prairie City, IA.
Clark, Leland J., Cpl. 3818*805. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN?
Clark, Tom B., S/Sgt. 35800816. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 28
Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from CA. NOK: Mrs. Charity
M. Klerk? (mother), Middleshore, KY. Natl Arch. 1041113. WWII Memorial 791898.
Clark, Vernon D., 1st Lt. 0729416. 869th. Bomb, 1035. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Reld fr special duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237, and will
return to proper orgn for dy, SO 31-2 (73rd Wing). Sortie credit, OO-16-1 (497th). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 2116 Lawnview, Cleveland, OH.
Clark, Wesley L., 2nd Lt. 0678685. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI
BC). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. Add. ‘46:
Ponca City, OK. NOTE: ASN may be 0678785.
Clark, William E. Jr., Add. ‘46: Fort Warren, WY.
Classick, James J., 2nd Lt. 0-698662. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. . Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Aptd Asst Sq
Navigator (Prim duty), SqO 2-20 (497th). PH, GO 7-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. Rescued. Add. ‘46: 2719 North
24th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Claybon, Curtis E., Add. ‘46: Bandera, TX.
Clayton, Hubert W., Jr., Pfc. 34708794. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Clees, Donald J., S/Sgt. 36866252. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1021 (497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO 13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
Commented [JP7]: SO 102 lists name as David
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add. ‘46: 805
Lennox Avenue, Detroit, MI. Add. ’89: 2577 Green Valley, Toledo, OH.
Clements, Morris W., M/Sgt. 13032301. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief,750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. Add. ‘46:
Inman, SC.
Clepy, John M., Add. ‘46: 220 Hannum Aveue, Rossford, OH.
Clevenger, William C., 2nd Lt. 0795358. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF).
Clifford, Howard M., Capt. 0-789049. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO I -1, (497th). DFC, GO 22 –I (XXI BC).
Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50, Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford. Add. ‘46: 102 State Street,
Perth Amboy, NJ. Add. ’89: 11069 Sam Snead Drive, El Paso, TX.
Cline, Lawrence H., M/Sgt. 19176205. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: 935 South Rimpan Blvd, Los Angeles, CA.
Cliplof, John B., Cpl. 37569391. 869th. Asgd to 869th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th).
Closner, Pedro. Sgt. Flt Eng. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Clouser, J. A., Sgt. 35364631. 870th. Entered Service fr Indiana. Air Medal, (ABMC). DNB.
Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps. Hometown: Randolph County, IN.
NOK: Mrs. Mary I Clouser (mother), Rural Route Three, Winchester, IN. Natl Arch
1068852. WWII Memorial 746189.
Clowes, Robert W., Capt 0-577153. 871st. Sq Adj, 2110. Apptd. Inquiry Brd, SO 209-1
(497th Sept. 1944). SO 5-1 (497th Ground Echelon) Amended [Apptment rescinded], SO
7-2 (497th Ground Echelon). 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA).
Cobb, Robbie L. Sgt. 14161874. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4
(246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944. Ditched. A-30,
Campbell. Entered Service: KY: NOK: Mrs. Jesse E. Cobb (mother), 1401 Kenton St.,
Bowling Green, KY. NatlArch 1229977. WWII Memorial 792030. Sam Pennartz 2343136.
Marcia Stinson, Niece. 2254262.
Coco, Stephen, S/Sgt. 12198208. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Sgt
to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC) GO 13-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown).
Coffin, Roland T., Add. ‘46: 506 Grand Avenue, Leavenworth, KA.
Cohen, Stanley, Sgt. 32865865. 869th. Clrk, Typist. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Coke, Gerald D., Sgt. 19098439. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Add. ’89: P O Box 25, Sonora, CA.
Colandrello, Salvatore, Pfc. 32786443. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
Coldridge, Robert A., Add. ‘46: Cranberry Lake, NJ.
Cole, James W., Cpl. 35399759. 869th. Aer. Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Coleman, Edward C., Add. ‘46: Coffeyville, KA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Coleman, Jacob J., S/Sgt. 13167932. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). DFC (OLC) GO 135-IV (XXI BC). BS, SO 220 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. Add. ’89: 417 4th, Braddock, PA.
Colesanto, Michael, Pfc. 42030239. 869th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Collingwood, Basil, Cpl. 39137177. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Pfc. to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1245
50th Avenue, Oakland, CA.
Collins, Edward B. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-750948. 869th. Pilot. Sortie Credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
Soldier’s Medal, Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. Entered Service fr Florida. MIA>KIA, 2
April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. NatlArch 1018785. WWII Memorial 792690. Sam
Pennartz 2347178.
Collins, Myron E., Sgt. 17023500. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Colston, Edward M., 1st Lt. 0-867991. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). DFC (OLC) GO
13-VIII (XXI BC). Add. ’89: 106 N Hita Avenue, Louisville, KY.
Colvin, Emmett, 2nd Lt. 0584295. 497th. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Combs, Samuel E., S/Sgt. 39529643. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Comer, Willis J., Sgt. 33750432. 869th. Rt. Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, , OO-15-1, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2
April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service fr District of Columbia.Natl. Arch. NOK:
Mr. John L. Comer (father), Buena Vista, VA. NatlArch 1100386. WWII Memorial 794999.
Charlotte Calfee 857409. Sam Pennartz 2347206.
Common, Howard, Add. ’89: 25291 Kildare, Southfield, MI.
Conlin, Frederick W., Pfc. 32503649. 869th. Clerk, 590. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th).
Connell, John J., S/Sgt. 11082233. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA, 27
January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown: Essex County, MA. NOK:
Mrs. Anna E. Connell (mother), 78 Hawthorne(?) Street, Salem, MA. Natl Arch 1083070.
Not in WWII Mem.
Conners, Francis P., Capt. 0-562755. 871st. 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA).BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 6-L Alsace Avenue, Buffalo, NY. Add. ’89: 100 Moorman Drive
#60, Cheektowaga, NY.
Connor, James B., Add. ‘46: Vernon, AL.
Connor, Timothy A., S/Sgt. 32468068. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 32 Astor Street, Newark, NJ.
Constantien, Anthony S., S/Sgt. 32863760. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 4040
Bronx Blvd, New York, NY.
Contompasis, Peter G., Sgt. 32448244. 871st. Radar Mech RCM, 852. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Contos, Charles C., 1st Lt. 0868100. 869th. Flt. Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA 14 Jan
1945. Entered Service: IL. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. NOK: Mr. Leslie C. Contos
(Brother), 751 East 65th St., Chicago, IL. NatlArch 1048267. WWII Memorial 795141.
Sam Pennartz 2516215
Conway, Robert J., 1st Lt. 0-2044865. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-221, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 59-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 180 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address unknown).
Cook, Elden, E., Cpl. 36736281. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Cook, G., Add. ‘46: Hazelgreen, WI.
Cook, Ken. 870th. Lt. Nav. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Cook, Richard G., Add. ‘46: 7218 Witherspoon, Pittsburgh, PA.
Cook, Richard L., Pvt. 15313658. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. CFC Gunr, 580. Rt Gunr. Prom to
Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-20-1, OO-13-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
(Address unknown).
Cook, Robert E., (Address unknown).
Cook, Robert H., T/Sgt. 35608665. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-201, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen,
Mulloy. (Address unknown).
Cook, Roy C., M/Sgt. R-2133067. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Coone, John J., S/Sgt. 18129219. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Directed to ferry B-17F fr Lincoln to Pratt,
So 101-5 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH,
(ABMC). Entered Service fr Oklahoma. KIA, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell.
NOK: Mrs. Frances Coone (wife), 423 Normal Circle, Edmond, OK. Natl Arch 1027254.
WWII Memorial 795220. Sam E. Pennartz 2371793.
Cooper, Robert E., S/Sgt. 36451976. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 200
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Coppadacia, David F., T/Sgt. 6883618. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Corbett, Kenneth L., Pfc. 17181254. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
Cordes, Edward H., S/Sgt. 39231888. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 101-8
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). A-1, Dauntless Dotty,
Cordua, Theodore H., Cpl. 39128634. MOS 409. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 1433 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Cornejo, Anthony W., Sgt. 35583441. 869th. Left Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2
April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service fr Indiana. NOK: Mrs. Juanita Cornejo
(wife), 114 West 15th Avenue, Gary, IIN. Natl Arch. 1052951. WWII Memorial 795330.
Juanita Gonzales (wife) 331380. Sam Pennartz 2347198.
Cornwell, Dean P., 2nd Lt. 0928779. 870th. Nav - Bomb, 1036. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, Rescued. DNB 6 Oct 1945.
NatlArch 1126474. Not in WWII Memorial.
Corona, Victor Frank, Add. ‘46: Long Island, NY.
Coster, Lloyd H., Sgt. 42023322. 871st Radar Opr, 0141. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-15-1
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. Entered Service fr New
York. KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg,
Keith. NOK: Not shown on MACR. NatlArch 1312945. WWII Memorial 792150.
Cottingham, Dewey R., S/Sgt. 14070262. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Cottingham, Walker H., Cpl. 34652313. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Coulter, Andrew H., S/Sgt. 13032763. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Coulter, David M., 2nd Lt. 0868794. 870th. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA,
14 January, 1945, 42-24087, Schramm. Tail number not known. Entered Service from
Tennessee. NOK: Mr. Earl D. Coulter (father), Gilbert Lane, Knoxville, KY. Not in
NatlArch. WWII Memorial 792187.
Countryman, Marvin, Sgt. 38116798. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Handley, TX.
Courtney, Vincent S., Sgt. 37613714. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 800 North Jackson Street, Little Rock, AR.
Courtois, Normand A., S/Sgt. 11111175. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th
AF). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 68 Darling Street, Central Falls, RI.
Covaleski, Edward J., Pfc. 31278654. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Cover, Dean O., 1st Lt. 0702903. 871st. Hq. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild,
Fowler. Add. ‘46: 2104 Gaylord Street, Denver, CO.
Cowenhoven, Nicholas, Sgt. 12076379. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Lafayette Road, Princeton, NJ.
Cowling, Jim. Sgt. Rt Gunr. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Cox, Carroll E., Add. ‘46: 705 Lincoln Avenue, Woodland, CA.
Cox, Dale L., M/Sgt. 16016319. 869th. Sgt Maj, 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: Geneseu, IL.
Cox, Leonard L., Capt. 0422385. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). DFC, AM (4 OLC), PH, ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
KIA. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union, Ditched. Entered Service: OK. NOK: Mrs. Patricia G. Cox
(wife), Box 830, Duncan, OK. WWII Memorial 792249. NatlArch 1038784.
Cox, Milton H., S/Sgt. 6296425. 869th. Radio Mech, 754. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).– Need ASN correction.
Crafton, Edward B., Sgt. 33921470. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). Add. ’89: 8644 –140 Way N, Seminole, FL.
Craig, Walter J., 1st Lt. 0805770. 871st. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). FOD, 28
Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from New York. NOK: Mrs.
Nella Craig (mother), 229-15 *** Ave., Bellerose, NY. 229-15 88th Avenue, Long Island,
NY. NatlArch. 1315834. WWII Memorial 792298.
Cranbenstein, Hermen J., (Address unknown)
Crane, Frank J., S/Sgt. 16007692. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA 14 Jan 1945. A-2,
Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. NOK: Mrs. Theresa Crane (mother), Ninth St., Oshkosh, WI.
NatlArch 1289647 . WWII Memorial 792319.
Crase, Donald E., T/Sgt 19187819. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Crawford, Frederick L., Add. ‘46: 318 West Edwards Street, Springfield, IL.
Cripps, John M. Jr., 1st Lt. 0809110. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. AM (ABMC). DNB.
Crashed POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps. Hometown: New Haven County,
CT.NOK: Mr. John M. Cripps, Sr. (father), 48 Maple Avenue, Derby, CT. NatlArch
1027511. WWII Memorial 747462.
Crisman, George W., S/Sgt. 32538884. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC),
GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘46: 26 Pratt Street, New Rochelle, NY. Add.
‘46: 904 East End Avenue, Pittsburgh 21, PA.
Crispi, Harold L., 2nd Lt. 0-760794. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Route 4,
Box 148, Kent, WA. Add. ’89: 1949 Bch Pkwy #216, Cape Coral, FL.
Criswell, William H., 1st Lt. 0-760795. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 23-XXV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). ). A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. Add. ‘46: 2135 North
90th Street, Seattle, WA.
Croake, Thomas J., 2nd Lt. 02073304. 871st. Radar Opr. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO
51-VIII (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Helen M. C. Croake
(mother), 416 Summit Avenue, South Orange, NJ. Not in WWIIMem. Not in NatlArch.
Elizabeth Croake, Sister 252370. Laura, Mary Helen & Cathy Frank 639301.
Croke, Harold J., S/Sgt. 11072953. Radio Opr, 757. Trfd fr 500th Bomb Gp, Walker AAB
asgd to 871st Bomb Sq, SO 91-3 (497th) [1944] Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Cromwell, Dean. 1st Lt. 870th. DNB. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
Crouch, George E., T/Sgt. 13109814. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. (Address unknown).
Crouse, George T., Cpl. 36655692. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Crouse, Jimmy L., Add. ‘46: 215 18th Street, Cairo, IL.
Crowder, Jess W., 2nd Lt. 0-761567. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2 Box
202, Auburn, WA.
Crowder, John G., Capt. 0800842. 871st. Pilot,B29,1093. APC. POC authorized, SO 239-1
(246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). APC.
Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). R &R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). BS,
SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Rotated to
US, SO 195-4 (73rd). (Address unknown).
Crowe, Franklin W., 1st Lt. 0760796. 869th. B29 Pilot,1093, A/C. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). DFC, AM (OLC),
PH, (ABMC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. KIA, 1 June 1945, A-16, Crowe. Entered
Service fr Maryland. Add. ‘46: 4416 Marble Hall Road, Baltimore, MD. Not in NatlArch.
WWII Memorial 792452. George Beck, Crew Member 1395564.
Crowell, Benjamin E(akins), Jr., 1st Lt. 0666244. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Directed to ferry B-17F fr Lincoln to Pratt, SO 1015 (497th). Entered Service fr PA. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Air Medal (OLC), PH, ABMC.
MIA>DED, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. NOK: Mr. Benjamin E. Crowell
(father), General Delivery, Avondale, PA. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 792459. Sam
E. Pennartz 2371556.
Crucitti, Joseph D., Cpl. 31406975. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1
(ATC). AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
KIA. Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. Entered Service: Fairfield
County, CT. NOK: Mrs. Marion Crucitti, (wife), 21 Marathon Place, Port Chester, NY. Natl
Arch 1011837. WWII Memorial 792477.
Crump, Everett L., S/Sgt. 39460588. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246
AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). PH, GO 7-1 (497th). PH, GO 37-I-1
(497th). DFC, GO 21-VI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. Ditched, 1-23-45. Rescued.
(Address unknown).
Cullon, George H., Add. ‘46: 636 East Main, Watertown, NY.
Cummings, Charles H., Add. ‘46: Box 246, South, Yarmouth, MA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Cummings, Clayton C., Pvt. 35645609. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).Add. ‘46: 1658
Schomburg, Toledo, OH.
Cummings, Howard A., Sgt. 11039068. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Cummings, Howard S., Add. ‘46: 53 Burough Road, Penacock, NH.
Cummings, Thomas A, Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-702906. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Aptd “C” Flight
Bombardier (Prim duty). (Vice 1st Lt. Bohling relieved), SqO 2-13 (497th). Add. ‘46: 400
North Front Street, Wheeling, WV.
Cunningham, J.R., S/Sgt. 13047614. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Cunningham, John J., T/Sgt. 34881701. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Bomb-Nav,1036. Sortie
credits OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to T/Sgt,
SO 85-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add. ‘46: 166 Second Avenue,
Nashville, TN. Add. ’89: 116 Vossland Drive, Nashville, TN.
Cunningham, William P., Sgt. 11081145. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Special Duty with Hq.
497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 40 Lexington Avenue, Cambridge, MA.
Curland, David B., Cpl. 32823404. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cryptographic Tech, 805.
Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1607
Schenectady Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Curll, Charles H., S/Sgt. 6148062. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ’89: 32 Crescent Avenue, Melrose, MA.
Curtin, Paul T., T/Sgt. 31026352. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 89-A Greer, Lynn, MA.
Curtis, Howard R., Pfc. 35604381. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Curtis, Robert L., Col. 13171929. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-24-1
(497th). Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. Hosp. A-25, Peace on Earth. Westervelt. Add. ‘46:
Box 241 Carmichaels, PA.
Custer, Ernest D., Pfc. 33544379. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1102 Indlesied Road, Norfolk, VA.
Cutler, Edward J., Capt. 12093095. CFC Mech, 960. Asgd to 871st fr Lincoln AAF, SO 1001 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1200 Street, George Avenue, Lindon, NJ
Cutler, Edward W., 1st Lt. 0-26296. 870th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).
Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Carbine qual, Expert, SO 102-3 [1944] (497th). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1,
OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC) GO 140-II (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Crew #9159 EZ-34. A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 121 B Hunting
Commented [JP8]: SO 6 lists ASN as 32823403
Commented [J9]: Check ASN and Name – Curll?
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Terrace, Alexander, VA. Add. ‘46: C/o. Mrs. E. F. Cook, Union Springs, NY. Add. ’89:
2862 Oak Knoll Road, Pebble Beach, CA.
Cutler, Louis, S/Sgt. 34371148. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Sgt
to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
Credit, OO-9, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, SO 199 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated
to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). (Address unknown).
Cutler, Raymond, Sgt. 39283814. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Cuttingham, Dewey R., Add. ‘46: 207 South 5th Street, Monroe, AL.
Cwick, Anthony, Pfc. 36199230. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 744 Sibley Street,
Grand Rapids, MI.
Cyr, Edward V., Sgt. 39038089., 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 536 4th Street,
Richmond, CA
Cyran, Chester C., Sgt. 11108368. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Tail Gunner. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th).
KIA, Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown: Hampden
County, MA. NOK: Mrs. Mary E. Cyran (mother), 94 Chicopee Street, Chicopee, MA. Natl
Arch 1194265 Not in WWII Memorial
Czaplicki, Bruno M., Add. ‘46: 2521 West Thomas Street, Chicago, IL.
D’Amour, Arthur J., Sgt. 31374891. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
D’Annunzio, Frank P., F/O. T223266. M/Sgt. 32509866. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Sortie
credits OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Add. ‘46: 723 East 182nd
Street, New York City, NY.
Daal, George R., Add. ‘46: 110 Filbert Street, Hamden, CT.
Dacko, John, Add. ‘46: 1621 5th Street South, Minneapolis, MN.
Dade, Wilfred J., S/Sgt. 12162697. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 29 S Alward Avenue, Basking Ridge,
Dahl, Odne N. (S). 2nd Lt. 0867992. 870th. Flt. Eng, 1028. 3100. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Expert, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). AM, PH
(ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA, 24 Nov 1944. Entered Service: IL. A-26, Lucky Irish,
Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mr. Axel K. Dahl (father) 2503 North Hamlin
Avenue, Chicago, IL. Natl Arch. 1048650. WWII Memorial 793610. Sam E. Pennartz
Dall, George R., 2nd Lt. 0866821. 871st. Flt. Eng, 1028. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII
(497th). KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: CA. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched.
Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs. Grace M. Dall (mother), 5049 Prospect Way,
La Mesa, CA. Natl Arch. 988649 . WWII Memorial 793639. Sam E. Pennartz 2347850.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Damm, Virgil, T/Sgt., 19016790. 870th. Radio. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). Sortie credits
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram, Wheatley.
Add. ‘46: 533 Dakota, Superior, NE.
Danchik, Harold, Add. ‘46: 3230 East 119th Street, Cleveland, OH.
Daniels, Lawrence E., Cpl. 36886314. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 2237
Phoenix Street, Saginaw, MI.
Danis, George J., Pfc. 36895011. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Danna, Frank, Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-866688. 869th. Flt Eng,1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
Credit, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI
BC). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. Add. ‘46: 633 Crawford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Darrow, Alden T., S/Sgt. 6553576. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Dashuk, Alex P., Cpl. 32695734. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Dauderis, Albert P., S/Sgt. 31082256. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 26 Dupuis Avenue, Worcester, MA.
Daugherty, Gerald P., Add. ‘46: James Street, Newport, DE.
Dauth, Raymond O., Capt. 0421892. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Entered Service fr California. Air Medal,
Purple Heart, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). A-23, Shady Lady,
Dauth. MIA>FOD, 27 January, 1945, A-23, NOK: Mr. Otto E. Dauth (father), 2021 Oak
Street, Paso Robles, CA. Natl. Arch 986599. WWII Memorial 793746. Shady Lady
Memorial Association, Friends 2023601.
Davey, Edward C., Add. ‘46: Brodheadsville, PA.
Davideris, Albert, Add. ‘46: 9 Guston Street, Worcester 4, MA.
Davidson, Lawrence R., S/Sgt. 39250562. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 163 (XXIst
BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway.
(Address unknown)
Davidson, Robert N., 2nd Lt. 0702907. Hq. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
Davis, B. B., Add. ‘46: 5815 North 15th Street, Arlington, VA.
Davis, Charles H., Capt. 01699372. 870th. Ops O, 2161. Train Commander, Shipment by
Rail to Herington, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-2 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 823 North 10th Street, Durant, OK.
Davis, Frank L., Lt. Col. 0-397488. B-29 Pilot, 1093, A/C. POC authorized, SO 236-3 (246
AAF BU) 1944 (train commander). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF
BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-22-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 135-IV (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Aptd Non-Effective Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
Field). A-41, Dragon Lady, Davis. Add. ‘46: 11 Broadway, Cornwall, NY.
Davis, Gilbert W., Sgt. 33634281. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Davis, Heyward F., Add. ‘46: Rembert, SC.
Davis, James D., Add. ‘46: Box 400, Kyle, TX. Add. ‘46: Kyle, TX.
Davis, John A., Cpl. 39282832. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Davis, N. C., 1812 Add. ‘46: South Yakima Avenue, Tacoma, WA.
Davis, Robert A., S/Sgt. 11080230. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Davis, Robert C., Cpl. 19111926. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Davis, William E., Sgt. 38208106. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 215 Ernest Street,
Malvern, AR.
Davis, William J., Jr., Sgt. 6995288. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Davis, Willie V., S/Sgt. 3415 0389. 869th. Mess Sergeant, 824. TD to Flight feeding
School, Salina for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. BS, GO 46-I-1
Davison, Clair C., Sgt. 33421981. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Davison, Robert N., 1st Lt. 0702907. 871st. Bomb-Nav,1036, 1035. Sortie credits, OO-151, OO-18-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). DFC, GO 130-IX
(XXI BC). BS, SO 209 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II,
Crowder. Add. ‘46: 215 Manhattan Avenue, New York City, NY.
Dawson, Melvin D., Pfc. 36477117. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Dawson, Sam B., 1st Lt. 0567853. 871st. Flt Engr, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH
(ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered
Service fr Navarro County, TX. NOK: Earl M. Dawson (father), General Delivery,Frost, TX.
NatlArch 1233388. WWII Memorial 793910.
Day, Charles A., Pfc. 31310259. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 12 Drayton Avenue, MA.
De Silva, Alfred, M/Sgt. 19040006. 869th. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37XIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
De Vollentine, Joil M., Capt. 0433458. Hg. Ops O, 2161. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Deal, Keith M., 2nd Lt. 0872754. 869th. AM, GO 56-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ’89: 101 Barnett
Regency Tower, Jasonville, FL.
DeBartolo, Jimmie Jr., 39122724. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 2160 N Buhach Road,
Merced, CA. – chk ASN
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
DeCaro, Alphonse A., Cpl.. 32938471. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Prom to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 206 Atkinson Street, Rochester, NY.
Deceder, Walter W., Cpl. 35437910. 870th. MOS 683. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2610 Grandview Avenue, Ambridge, PA.
Decker, Lindsey, Cpl. 37665604. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I1 (497th).
Decker, Ralph A., Add. ‘46: 15 Kinsey Street, Montgomery, PA.
Defillippi, Vincent J., S/Sgt. 12181381. 869th. Tail Gunr. Sortie credit, OO-16-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1037 65th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Degraw, William, Sgt. 33598960. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). 117 Davisville Road, Willow Grove, PA.
DeGorio, James G., Sgt. 31368824. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612,
SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credit, OO-23-1 (497th). A-45, 44-63985, Cardone. Add. ‘46: 70
Frankfurt Street, East Boston, MA
DeHaven, Charles R., S/Sgt. 12239915. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Add. ‘46: 2009 Green Street, Harrisburg,
Deitz, John G., Sgt. 35283555. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr,1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union, Baird. BS, GO 51VIII (497th). KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. AM, PH, (ABMC). Entered
Service fr OH. NOK: Mrs. Katherine Deitz (mother), Rural Delivery One, Kingsville, OH.
KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. AM, PH, (ABMC). Entered Service fr OH.
NOK: Mrs. Katherine Deitz (mother), Rural Delivery One, Kingsville, OH. Not in Natl Arch.
WWII Memorial 794083 Sam E. Pennartz 2357050
Delaney, Richard E., 870th. Ground Crew, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. dd. ‘46: Route 2,
Carrollton, OH. Add. ’89: 68239 Meadow Avenue, St. Clairsville, OH.
DeLeon, Subiaco, Pfc. 38539007. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Delgado, Raymendo, Add. ‘46: 1101 Arizona Street, El Paso, TX.
Delgado, Salvadore, Add. ‘46: 265 W. L. Street, Colton, CA.
DelGreen, Armando A., Pfc. 31307659. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
Delker, Warren H., Capt. 0-433655. 870th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). A-24,
Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: Chapman, KS. Add. ’89: 918 Indian Springs Road,
O’Fallon, IL.
Della, Vincent J., Add. ‘46: 65 Chestnut Street, Yonkers, NY.
Delle, Donne Gaetano, Sgt. 32319816. 869th. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: New Brighton, NY.
DeMarco, Gerald M., Pfc. 32843777. 869th. Clrk Typist, 405. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr
March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3.
(CO,March Field). Add. ’89: 2127 Meredith Drive, Spring Hill, FL.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Demartinis, Mario. 869th. A-12: Wallingford. Check spelling of surname.
Demirjian, Albert M. Sr., Add. ‘46: 1534 Sez View Avenue, Bridgeport, CT.
Demirjian, Albert M. Jr., Cpl. 31189049. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Denanore, Bert E., Sgt. 38119447. 870th. MOS 683. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Denault, Donald R., Cpl. 31210987. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. CFC Mech, 960. Pfc to Cpl, SO
102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II
Denault, Eugene, Add. ‘46: 51st Street, Adams, MA.
Dennan, Lawrence J., Pfc. 12181172. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 105 Lewis
Avenue, Brooklyn, NY
Densmore, V., Add. ‘46: 2116 Perdue, Dallas, TX.
Denton, Arthur T., Sgt. 694***** 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground Crew, A-27, Texas Doll,
Denton, Guy, T., Jr., Maj. 0329750. 871st. Medical O, 3100. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Capt. To Maj. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA. Aptd Non-Effective
Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th). Sortie credit, OO-20-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
AM, GO 137-III (XXI BC).
Derico, Roland L., Add. ‘46: Box 172, Healdsburg, CA.
Derkac, Michael. 869th. Rt Gunr. Lansford, PA. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Derrington, William H., S/Sgt. 34503638. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt.
Gunr. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246
AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-OO-13-1, OO-15-, 16-1, (497th). Reclass Aer Gunr, 611 to
Armr Gunr, 612, SO 83-6 (497th BG). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. (Address unknown)
Desimone, Albert, S/Sgt. 12174033. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB, 6
June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Crashed at Kwajalein. HT: Schenectaady, NY.
NOK: Mr. Frank Desimone (father), 2625 Turner Avenue, Schenectady, NY. Natl Arch
1303388. WWII Memorial 794207.
DeSorbo, Angelo, Add. ‘46: 124 4th Avenue, Schenectady, NY. Add. ’89: 430-4th Street,
Schenectady, NY.
Deton, Guy T., Add. ‘46: 2519, Marvin Street, Dallas, TX.
Dety, Charles K., Add. ‘46: 38 North Tacoma Avenue, Indianapolis, IN.
Deutsch, Marshal J. 1st Lt. 870th. Bomb. Appears as crew member of A-21, Thumper,
Haynes in 870th Scrapbook.
DeValentine, Louis J., Sgt. 18169235. 870th. Rt. Gunr. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to
new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
(Address unknown).
Devries, Lawrence, Add. ‘46: 60 Miltkie Street, Medland, NJ.
Dewall, Walter B., Add. ‘46: 609 West 25th Street, Terrace, Higginsville, MO.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
DeWitt, Harry C., Cpl. 37537048. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
di Girolamo, John S., Cpl. 32913565. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dickhaus, Prosper B., Cpl. 35666792. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 3794 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH.
Dickmann, Milton C., S/Sgt. 37407984. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. A-8,
Coral Queen, Yon. (Address unknown)
Didier, Edward P., S/Sgt., 31382515. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1,
OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 12-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-21, Thumper, Campbell; A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback.
Rotate to US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW).
DiDomenico, Lorenzo M., Cpl. 36577697. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 6189 Seminole
Avenue, Detroit 13, MI.
DiDomizio, Gabriele C., Pfc. 31277765. 869th. Apl Prop Spec, 687. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dier, Edward P., Add. ‘46: 433 Litchfield Street, Torrington, CT.
Dietzel, Edwin F. Jr., 1st Lt. 0-663134. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (2 OLC), PH (ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2 April,1945, 4291887, Dietzel. Hometown: Bexar County, TX. NOK: Mrs. Stella F. Dietzel (mother), 1606
West Woodlawn Avenue, Sam Antonio, TX. NatlArch 1109239. WWII Memorial 794336.
Sam E. Pennartz 2346448.
DiFilippi, Vincent J., S/Sgt. 12181381. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. TG. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Brooklyn, NY.
Dilorio, C. G. Rt Gunr. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Dimeo, Joseph, S/Sgt. 19089713. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).Add. ‘46: 827 York Street, San
Francisco, CA. Add. ’89: 440 Chestnut Street, San Carlos, CA.
Dirden, Walter E., Add. ‘46: 620 North 10th Street, East St Louis, IL.
Disbrow, F., Add. ‘46: 173 Danforth Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.
DiSorbo, Angelo., Pfc. 32747136. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Disorbo, R., Add. ‘46: 1241 4th Avenue, Schenectady, NY.
Dittmar, James H., T/Sgt. 36454404. 871st. CFC Gunr , 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 109
Street Joseph Avenue, Niles, MI. Add. ’89: 821 S 15th Street, Niles, MI.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Dlugokencky, Chester C., Sgt. 32657555. 871st. Radar Opr, 866 Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII
(497th).KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: NY. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched.
Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs. Julia M. Dlugokencky, 93 Princeton St.,
Hempstead, NY. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 794424. Sam E. Pennartz 2347864.
Dlugosielski, Alphonse J. Sgt. 15084702. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dock, Frederick W., Add. ‘46: 3609 Patio Place, Los Angeles, CA.
Dodd, Franklin S., Sgt. 18106221. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Dodge, George D., Capt. 871st. A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge.Add. ‘46: Nampa, ID.
Doebling, John H., S/Sgt. 33806908. 870th. Armr Gunner, 612. 46 Rotation Points , SO
160 (497th). Add. ‘46: 30 Chester Avenue, Phoenixville, PA.
Dolaney, Richard E., Cpl. 35608556. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Dolence, Stanley P., Cpl. 37358240. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Box 331, Rock Springs, WY. Add. ’89: 1307 Liberty Drive, Rock Springs, WY.
Dolson, William Frank, 401 North Bond Street, Altamont, IL.
Domberzal, Raymond L., Add. ‘46: 17130 Caldwell Street, Detroit, MI.
Donaldson, Elmer L., 1st Lt. 0-702390. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen,
Yon. Add. ‘46: Route 3 Oxford, IN. Add. ’89: 254 Cromwell Drive, San Antonio, TX.
Donaruma, Arthur C., Pvt. 32875443. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Doney, Edward C., Sgt. 33607483. Teletype Opr, 237. Cryptographic Tech, 805. Reld
asgmt 869th and asgd to Hq., PM 32-1 (497th) [1944]. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Doney, M., Add. ‘46: Box 74, Brodheadsville, PA. Add. ’89: Road #3 Box 120,
Kunkletown, PA.
Donham, Charles C., Jr., 2nd Lt. 0683665. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA 14
January, 1945. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. Entered Service: TX. NOK: Mrs. Ruth K.
Donham, 751 East 65th St., Chicago, IL. Natl Arch 1162409. WWII Memorial 794516.
Donovan, Leroy E., S/Sgt. 37672377. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 98-I (XXI BC). PH (OLC), GO 35-I-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-33, The Shrimper,
Lamback. Add. ‘46: Route 2, Emmetsburg, IA. American Legion 1811341.
Dorbacker, Robert F., Add. ‘46: 301 Hussa Street, Linden, NJ.
Doricco, Rolando F., Sgt. 39328575. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Dossett, Walter B., Maj. 0-912853. 871st. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging , SO 236-1 (246th AAF BU). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
1503 Columbus Avenue, Waco, TX.
Dossey, Ernest, Add. ‘46: Lithia, FL.
Dotson, William F., Cpl. 19201878. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Doty, Charles D., Add. ‘46: 38 North Tacoma Avenue, Indianapolis, IN.
Doty, Charles K., S/Sgt. 15382698. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-29, Special Delivery,
Doty, Oscar A. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0700709. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 210 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address unknown).
Doubetm Edwin H., Sgt. 33777220. Hq. CFC Mech,960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Dougherty, Gerald P., M/Sgt. 6770510. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Douglas A., Sangster, Add. ‘46: 310 McDow Street, Sersanville, CA.
Douglas, Charles, Sgt. 20812159. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 4,
Winnsboro, TX.
Douglas, Haman W., S/Sgt. 39399221. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 880 Mandalay
Avenue, Clearwater, FL.
Douglass, Gerald A., T/Sgt. 39918770. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). 56 Rotation Points , SO 160 (497 th). Add. ‘46: 930 North
Haves Street, Pocatello, ID.
Dove, Elbert R., Add. ‘46: Crides, VA.
Dow, Jack C., Sgt. 39272262. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 130 Pacific
Avenue, Long Beach, CA.
Doyle, James T., 2nd Lt. 0-2060257. 870th. A/C. Nav-Bomb,1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1
(20 AF). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). DFC, GO
21-XI (20th AF), BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Add. ‘46: 256 East 9th
Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Dozier, Wilmer A., 1st Lt. 0747652. 870th. AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 967
Juniper Street, Atlanta, GA.
Drabek, Michael, T/Sgt. 13038544. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 646 Glindwood Avenue, Ambridge,
Dragoo, Earl E., Pfc. 37477432. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Drake, Donald V., 2nd Lt. 0-748596. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 16 Rhodes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA.
Drake, Justin R., Sgt. 15108004. Hq. 871st. CFC Mech,960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Drebing, Robert Q., Sgt. 36689800. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). (A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback.
Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived.
Dreier, Richard C., Sgt. 36661586. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46I-1 (497th)
Drennen, Charles J., Sgt.13045002. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Dreschler, Frank, Add. ‘46: 1438 North Ridgeway, Chicago, IL.
Drew, Mitchell, Jr., T/Sgt. 14038801. 870th. Radio Opr, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add.
‘46: 518 Silver Beach Avenue, Daytona Beach, FL. Add. ’89: 5559 Central Blvd, Mobile,
Drill, Richard J., F/O. T134549. 870th. Radar O, 0141. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). Add.
‘46: 33 Vassar Avenue, Newark, NJ.
Drinnan, John T., Cpl. 33563544. Clrk, Typist, 405. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: 4603 Addison Road, N. E. Kenilworth, MD.
Duden, Walter E., 1st Lt. 0675569. 870th. AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 621 East
Market Street, Sandusky, OH.
Dudley, Robert E., Cpl. 34822493. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1630 Colorado
Blvd., Denver, CO. Add. ‘46: Route 2, Warthen, GA.
Duettgenbach, Max A., Add. ‘46: Lincoln, NE. Add. ’89: 800 Clermont Street, Denver,
Duffield, Keith W., 1st Lt. 0-702345. 871st. Bomb-Nav,1036. O. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 135-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 200 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add.
‘46: Browns Valley, MN. A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. Add. ’89: Box 266, Browns Valley,
Duffy, John P., Cpl. 12083888. 869th. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dugan, Charles R., Sgt. 32981631. 871st. Rt. Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th).
Entered Service fr New York. Air Medal, Purple Heart, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA,
Midair collision over assembly point, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith.
NOK: Not shown on MACR. NatlArch 1314568. WWII Memorial 794799.
Dukes, Robert A., Cpl. 34838220. 871st. Tail Gunr. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 126
2nd Avenue, Decatur, GA.
Dumont, Albert A., Add. ‘46: 107 Bernice Street, Johnson City, NY. Add. ’89: RD 6 Box
144B, Clarks Summit, PA.
Dunckhorst, Ernest M., S/Sgt. 18014947. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Dunholter, John H., 1st Lt. 0863759. 869th. Flt Engr,1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA.
Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. Entered Service fr Hamilton County, OH. NOK:
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Mrs. Ruth C. Dunholter (wife), 316 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, OH. NatlArch. 1127832. Not in
WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2368696. Harry E. Dunholter. 13580.
Dunleavy, Edward F., Pfc. 32604994. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dunn, Claude, Pfc. 34643925. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Reclass 055 from 747 SO
124-3 (497th).BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Reld fr SD with Group Post Exchange, So 229-3
(49th). Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 102 Suffolk Ct., Greer, SC.
Dunning, Miles E., Cpl. 36854071. Hq. Gen Duty, 055. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 16845 Lawton Avenue, Detroit,
MI. Add. ‘46: Add. ‘46: 814 South Oak Street, Pratt, KA.
Dunsmoor, Herbert C., Add. ‘46: Roberts, ID.
Duprey, Donald E., Add. ‘46: 218 South Story Street, Appleton, WI.
Durinski, Arthur M., 2nd Lt. 0670717. 871st. Radar. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Dutschke, William R., Sgt. 35726679. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt
to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson.
Entered Service from Indiana. NOK: Mrs. Laura R. Dutschke (mother),Carrolton, IN.
Natl. Arch. 1049596. WWII Memorial 794924. Sam E. Pennartz 2351955.
Duvall, Walter B Jr., S/Sgt. 37493821. 870th. CFC Mech. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Dvorak, Anthony, Cpl. 36597409. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Dye, Q.P., S/Sgt. 37498273. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 54 Franklin, MO. Add. ’89: 15
Riverside, Boonville, MO.
Eagle, William R., 1st Lt. 02072125. 869th. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37XIII (20th AF).
Eakins, Robert F., Cpl. 39837787. 869th. MOS 238. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 121 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Eargle, A. V., Add. ‘46: Lexington, SC.
Eargle, John M., Sgt. 34849148. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Irom, SC.
Ebbs, John D., Sgt. 36773932. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612, SO
80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI
BC). Add. ‘46: 210 East Park Avenue, Carbondale, IL. A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add.
’89: 1202 Drexex Lane, Greenville, NC.
Eber, Edward J., Cpl. 33697185. 871st. Tail Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO 51VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A45, Barnes. Entered Service fr Allegheny County, PA. NOK: Mrs. Clara M. Eber, 2719
Spring Garden Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA. Natl Arch 1325311. WWII Memorial 795399.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ebert, Rembert A., 2nd Lt. 0743576. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX1 (497th). A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. Add. ’89: 706 Starcrest, New Braunfels, TX.
Edelson, Howard I., Sgt. 12146272. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Edelson, Saul, Add. ‘46: 1475 Grand Course, Bronx, NY.
Edholm, Per A., Pfc. 32713686. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 406, Islip, Long
Island, NY.
Edison, Robert H., Cpl. 38599635. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Sprindale, AK.
Edman, Herbert, 1st Lt. 0868105 . 870th. Flt Eng, 1028 . Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA,
Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. FOD. AM, PH (ABMC). Entered
Service fr New York. NOK: Mrs. Frieda Edman (mother), 62 98 Saunders Street, Forest
Hills, NY. Natl Arch 1301247. WWII Memorial 795449. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Squires
Edmundson, E. S., Add. ‘46: 2120 Woodland Avenue, Raleigh, NC.
Edwards, Lt. 870th. Co-Pilot. Listed on A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell as MIA.
Eggers, Eugene L., Pfc. 36296964. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 707 South Pearl, New London, WI.
Ehrenberg, Jack R., 1st Lt. 0753992. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). SIA 14 Jan 1945. Evacuated to US. A-2, Cox, Pacific
Union Ditched. PH, GO 4-1, (497th). Add. ‘46: 462 Brooks Avenue, Passaic, NJ.
Eichenberger, William H., Sgt. 33698397. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO
80-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie credits OO-23-1
(497th). (Address unknown)
Eilenberger, Fredrick H Jr., Sgt. 18191773. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 513
North John, Palestine, TX.
Eisenberg, Herbert, 1st Lt. 0754731. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 1741
Melville Street, Bronx, NY.
Ela, Howard C., Jr., Sgt. 11034027. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt.
Elchlepp, Robert M., T/Sgt. 6561076. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III
(497th). Add. ’89: P O Box 222, Forbestown, CA. – ASN in question
Elewaut, Alphonse E., Cpl. 36835694. 871st. Radar. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO
51-VIII (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC).
Entered Service fr WI. NOK: Mrs. Emma Elewaut (mother), Route One, Wentworth, WI.
Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 795773.
Ellertson, Erving C., Cpl. 37652928. 870th. Radio Mech, 754. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2509 Mt Vernon Avenue, S. E Cedar Rapids, IA. Add.
’89: 333 22nd Street NW, Cedar Rapids, IA.
Elliot, Duane C., Add. ‘46: 321 E Colorado Avenue, St Joseph, MO.
Elliot, Herman L., M/Sgt. 6832448. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748.Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
20-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker.(Address
Elliott, Jay J., 1st Lt. 0-585487. Hq Sq, 330th ASG. DNB. Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle
Finger of Fate, Fate. NOK: Mrs. Clara Elliott (wife), 708 W. Main Street, Carlsbad, NM.
NatlArch 1180885. WWIIMem 795818.
Elliot, Robert H. Jr., Add. ‘46: North Main Street, Conyers, GA.
Elliot, Robert H., Add. ‘46: Milstead, GA.
Elliot, Sheldon E., Add. ‘46: 1511 East Building, Enid, OK.
Ellis, Donald W., 2nd Lt. 0699102. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1 OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. Add. ‘46: 403 North
Dearborn Street, Indianapolis, IN. Add. ’89: 1513 Frontenac, Wichita, KS.
Ellis, Henry K., Jr., 1st Sgt. 6393685. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Ellis, John F., 2nd Lt. 0685457. Hq. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII1(497th). A-5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5,
Waddy’s Wagon, Young. Entered Service fr Missouri. NOK: Mrs. Florence C. Ellis (wife),
334 East Rollins Street, Moberly, MO. NatlArch 1136219. WWII Memorial 795838. Sam
E. Pennartz 2371377.
Ellison, Robert L., Cpl. 35094970. 871st. MOS 658. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Elmer, Francis E., Jr., 2nd Lt. 0860694. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January,
1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered Service from MI. NOK: Mrs. Charlotte Elmer
(wife), 128 East Chicago Street, Bronson, MI. NatlArch 1074843. WWII Memorial
795855. Charlotte & Elmer Moffett 532449. Sam E. Pennartz 2351573.
Elrod, James L., T/Sgt. 6972986. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 55-V (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-38, 42-43946,
Whitaker. Add. ‘46: Baxter, TN.
Emmett, Leland W., 2nd Lt. 086 . 870th. A/C. Flt Engr, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing/Ditched, 19 Dec 1944.
Survived. RMC. Placed on SD with Group S-4, SO 2-3 (497th). PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). Add.
‘46: Route 1 Box 117, Salem, OR.
Emmons, Odis C., Sgt. 38185832. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Pleasant Hill, LA.
Enders, Anthony J., Add. ‘46: Mazomanie, WI.
England, Kenneth L., Cpl. 18226371. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 309 West 1st Street, Spencer, IA.
Engle, C., Add. ‘46: 223 West Franklin, Winchester, IN.
Engle, Frank R., Cpl. 35097249. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ens, Henry J., Jr., T/Sgt. 12029052. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Ensign, Neal G., S/Sgt. 19136609. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 509 West Willow, Visalis, CA.
Epstein, Jerome L., 2nd Lt. 0-695637. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 736 West 186th Street, New York, New York
Erickson, Stanley O., 2nd Lt. 0-868504. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-27, Texas Doll,
Cutler. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 17, Stanchfield, MN.
Erickson, Victo W., Pfc. 16188981. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 2455 Orchard Street, Blue Island, IL..
Erickson, William N., 2 West Jean Drive, Florissant, MO.
Erlandson, Harold A., 2nd Lt. 0696076. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Aptd ‘B’ Flight Navigator (Prim duty).
(Vice 1st Lt. Ehronberg sk in hosp), SqO 2-12 (869th). Sortie credits OO-20-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-III (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). A-9, Skyscrapper, I, II, Garvin.
Add. ‘46: 1818 West 41st Street, Kansas City, MO.
Erwin, Jonas B., S/Sgt. 34730285. MOS 502. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
Erwin, Jorene B., Pfc. 35629762. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). 1017 Washington Avenue,
Piqua, OH.
Essig, John J., T/Sgt. 35727122. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Ested, James R., 109 Mitchell Street, Rantoul, IL.
Esters, Charles H., T/Sgt. 17027163. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Add.
‘46: 7125 North Montana, Portland 13, OR.
Estes, Charley E., Pfc. 39335471. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Estes, Jack F., Sgt. 38432408. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 3 January, 1945, Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50, Jumbo King of the Show,
Clifford. DED. AM, PH (ABMC). Entered Service fr Texas. NatlArch 1155650. WWII
Memorial 796080. Sam E. Pennartz 2353106.
Estes, James R., S/Sgt. 16032330. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt. Rescued.
Etcheto, Peter J., Capt. 0-581639. 870th. Sq Adj, 2110. A/C. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1 (20
AF). Apptd. Soldier Voting O, SO 5-1 (497th Ground Echelon). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr
March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3.
(CO,March Field).
Etcheto, G. E., Route 1, Box 132, Luka, KS.
Commented [EL10]: I don’t think the ASN is correct either.
That number belongs to a man named Scheckman. It is correct of
Ens, edl.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ettore, George, Cpl. 32915157. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). 19
Jewett Street, Jewell City, NJ.
Evans, Harry L. Jr., S/Sgt. 36725163. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). A1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. MIA, 13
April, 1945, A-19. ? Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Evans, John E., S/Sgt. 32730859. Hq. Apl Instr Spec, 686. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Evans, Ralph J. Jr., Capt. 0-739755. 871st. APC. Pilot B-29, 1093. Sortie credits, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Trfd fr March Fld
Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
Field). (Address unknown).
B., Capt. 0727090.Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246
AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 1545 North Los Palmes, Hollywood, CA.
Evenson, Leland E., Cpl. 37552088. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Ewing, Richard A., 1st Lt. 0666263. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).. A/C. A-29,
Special Delivery, Ewing/ Ditched, 19 Dec 1944. RCM. KIA>DED. 14 Apr 1945. A-24,
Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Mr. James A Ewing (father), 3209 South, 87th St.,
Philadelphia, PA. Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2350179.
Ewing, Richard A., 1st Lt. 0861373. 870th. A/C. A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing/ Ditched, 19
Dec 1944. Survived.
Fair, Richard D., Sgt. 38472123. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. AM, PH, (ABMC). Entered
Service fr OK. NOK: Mr. William M. Fair (father), Dewey, OK. NatlArch 991766. WWII
Memorial 796413. Sam E. Pennartz 2356443.
Fairbanks, Samuel R. Jr., Cpl. 12165130. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Falk, Horace R., Capt. 0427944. 870th. DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A-37,
Cripps.. Hometown: Worcester County, MA. NOK: Mr. Harris Falk (father), Independent
Lock, Fitchburg, MA. NatlArch 1262171. Not in WWII Memorial. Mr.David A Lubin,
Friend 441508.
Falkiewicz, H., Add. ‘46: 3141 6th Street, Jersey City, NJ.
Falkiewicz, John. S/Sgt. 32457480. 870th. Hq. Apl Elect Spec. Ground Crew, A-21,
Thumper, Haynes. 85. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO
46-II (497th).
Farin, Frank J., Add. ‘46: Box 622, Greenville, SC.
Farmer, Vernal R., Pfc. 35635704. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Elkhorn, WV.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Farris, Jone W., 2nd Lt. 0760810. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944.
Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: OK. NOK: Mrs. Marjorie Farris (wife), 1616
Northeast 4th St., Oklahoma City, OK. WWII Memorial 796705. Natl Archives. 1027547.
Farroux, William H., Cpl. 33430657. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Fast, William R., Sgt. 16159860. 871st. Radar Opr. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 2364 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA. Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50, Jumbo King of
the Show, Clifford. DED. NatlArch 1262882. WWII Memorial 796713. Sam E. Pennartz
Fate, Richard, E., Capt. 0433666. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). KNB, 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Entered service
from Jackson County, MO. NOK: Mrs. Ardith N. Fate (wife), 1246 North Broadway,
Wahoo, NB. NatlArch 1088697. Not in WWII Memorial.
Faubion, John J., 1st Lt. 0696077. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on
Saipan runway, 1-27-45.Add. ‘46: 3004 Harris Blvd., Austin, TX. Add. ’89: 208 Oak Glen
Drive, Port Lavaca, TX.
Faucheux, Eugene B., Sgt. 14023713. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Faulkenberry, Ripley A., Jr., Cpl. 34631140. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Faust, Haroll E., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Montgomery, PA.
Fay, Clinton K., M/Sgt. 15044468. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747, Crew Chief. T/Sgt to
M/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Fecci, Louis, S/Sgt. 32795072. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt,
SO 102-1 (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2035 West 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Fedoryszyn, Edward F., Cpl. 32877484. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 992 East 47th
Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Feirstein, Bernard, Add. ‘46: 512 South 19th Street, Newark, NJ.
Feldman, Albert, 1st Lt. 0746872. 870th. AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Enquirer
Avenue, Belle Meade, Nashville, TN.
Felegy, Nicholas. Sgt. 37164327. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Felton, Robert J., Add. ‘46: 615 Quarry Street, Sharpsville, PA.
Fendre, James N., Add. ‘46: Box 104, Mathison, MS.
Fenisey, George D., Cpl. 35234019. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo
Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: 1514 Shehy Street, Youngstown, OH.
Ferguson, James B., S/Sgt. 19207989. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ferguson, L. A., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Box2, Pamona, MO.
Ferguson, Owen J., Pfc. 17159308. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Star Route, Dighton, KS.
Ferrarese, Frank L., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 160, Madero, CA. Add. ’89: 401 Calif Avenue,
Madera, CA.
Fesq, Howell K., 2nd Lt. 0-864732. Hq. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Non-Effective Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th); Reld fr special
duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237, and will return to proper orgn for dy, SO 31-2
(73rd Wing). 869th. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 179 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-11,
Southern Belle, Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Hospitalized. Add. ‘46: 92034 219th
Street, Queens Village, Long Island, NY. Add. ’89: 26 Quaker Path, Huntington, NY.
Fetr, Carl A., Add. ‘46: 84 Manro Road, Springfield, MA.
Fetterof f, Harry E., Capt. 0-460118. 871st. Pers Equip O,1042. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO
7-7 (497th Ground Echelon). 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA).BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Aptd Non-Effective Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th).
Fetz, Carl E., Add. ‘46: 152 Hedeegarten Drive, Rochester, NY.
Fidel Gonzales S., Add. ‘46: Casa Grande, AZ.
Fike, Walter H., Jr., 1st Lt. 0777635. 870th. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss
Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mrs. Mildred Fike (wife), 349 South Hixler Avenue, Hynes, CA. Not in
Natl. Arch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Filler, Francis E., Jr., Sgt. 37244164. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Finch, Charles N., T/Sgt. 38428699. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: Rt. 2 Box 132, Canton,
Finch, William C., Add. ‘46: Broad Street, Lexington, TN.
Findley, Robert A., Sgt. 13021371. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 209 David Street,
Johnstown, PA.
Findley, Rolf A., Add. ‘46: 500 Vickroy Avenue, Johnstown, PA.
Fisher, John W., 2nd Lt. 0865178. 497th. Acft Maint O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Fisher, Martin B., Sgt. 12080797. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. LG. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, SO 295 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 7328 Westwind Drive, Port Richey, FL.
Fisher, Morris NMI, Cpl. 12156482. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon.
Fishman, Harry, 2nd Lt. 0-698685. 869th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
SO 195-3 (73rd). A). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. Add. ‘46: 33-34 116 Street,
Flushing, NY. Not in WWIIMem. Not in NatlArch.
Fissel, Herman L F., Cpl., 36679325. 883rd, 500th Bomb Group. Cook, 060. BS, GO 25-I
(500th); BS, GO 33-I (500th); BS, GO 43-I (500th). Survived crash, Passenger. 10-5-45. A16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Add. ‘46: 105½ E Beaufort St., Normal, IL
Fitch, John A., Jr., T/Sgt. 14189898. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). PH, GO 13-1 (497th).
Fitzpatrick, Richard J., F/O. T-3923. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 5055
Vickroy Avenue, Johnstown, PA.
Fitzsimmons, J., Add. ‘46: Englewood, NJ.
Fitzsimmons, Raymond H., S/Sgt. 12214374. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Flack, Russell, S/Sgt. 36459272. 869th. Tail Gunr. Apl Mech/Gnr,748. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add.
’89: 8820 Sheldon W Drive, Tampa, FL.
Flanagan, Erle P., S/Sgt. 12076389. 871st. FC Gunr, 580. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. POW. Executed
or shot to death, 20 July, 1945. NOK: Mrs. Doris Flanagan (wife), 1024 Merrick Avenue,
Collingswood, NY. johnsonNot in Natl. Arch. WWII Memorial 797235.
Flanigen, John M. Jr., Add. ‘46: 245 3rd Avenue Street, Atlanta, GA.
Flannigan, Erie P., (Address unknown)
Fleischmann, Andrew W., S/Sgt. 13141505. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to
Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: North
Heintzemane’s College, Grove Beach, Pasadena, MD. Add. ’89: 8597 Bay Road,
Pasadena, MD.
Fletcher, Arthur W., Cpl. 19102463. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). A42, Joker's Wild II, Austin. Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. Survived. RTD. PH, GO 14-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 609 West 9th Street, The Dallas, OR.
Flick, Robert C., Sgt. 33698250. 871st. Left Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Am, PH, (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point,
February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Servuice fr Pennsylvania. NOK:
Not shown on MACR. Natl. Arch 1330022. WWII Memorial 7973222.
Floriani, Paul W., Sgt. 13107677. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. CFC Gunr, 580. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from PA. NOK: Mrs. Lillian M.
Floriani, Box #414, Sutersville, PA. Natl Arch. 1344786. WWII Memorial 797343. Paul
William Floriani, Jr., Son 859435.
Floyd, D., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Jeffersonville, GA.
Fltz, Carl E., 1st Lt. 0792976. 870th. AM, GO 57-XXVII (20th AF).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Fly, Hugh G., Capt. 0-793095. 869th. Pilot. APC. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-231 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Ops O. A-17, Coral
Queen, Fly. Add. ‘46: Jackson, TN.
Foerster, Wilbert W., Add. ‘46: 315 North Hutchinson, Houston, TX.
Fogg, Clyde E.,* Cpl. 312*0040. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN?
Foley, Elroy C., Sgt. 20653990. 870th. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF), A-32, Stripped For
Action, Fox. DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 2666 North 22nd Street, Milwaukee, WI.
Foley, Harry J., 2nd Lt. 0-785267. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-22-1 (497th).
AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 5 May, 1945. A-56, McSpadden. .
POW. Executed or shot to death, 20 July, 1945. NOK: Mrs. Myrtle D. Foley (mother),
Highland, KS. Not in WWIIMem. Not in NatlArch.
Foley, Robert L., Add. ‘46: Wabasha, MN.
Folk, Daniel W., Add. ‘46: Harrisburg, PA.
Folk, Horace R., Add. ‘46: Independent Lock, Fitchburg, MA.
Folker, Frank J., Add. ‘46: Begenfield, NJ.
Follett, William J., Cpl. 19111433. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1, (497th).
Fonden, Carl G., 1st Lt. T139149. 869th. AM GO 29-XXIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 21
Cambridge Street, East Orange, NJ.
Fondren, James N. Sgt. 34875752. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. T Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612, SO
80-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-45, 4463985, Cardone. Add. ’89: Rt. 2 Box 329F, Theodore, AL.
Fooskas, James, Sgt. 33784466. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 219 South Street,
Philadelphia 47, PA.
Forness, Carle, Add. ‘46: Fort Niagara, NY.
Forrest, Raymond W., Sgt. 32756977. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credit, OO-22-1
(497th). Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly.
Forrest, Raymond, Add. ‘46: Merchantville, NJ.
Forrest, Weldon J., Add. ‘46: 1418 Youngs Street, Sault Ste, Marie, MI.
Forsberg, Victor G., Cpl. 32887972. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Forster, John L., Add. ‘46: 3207 A, Potomac Street, St. Louis, MO.
Forte, Charles G., Cpl. 32873084. MOS 409. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add. ‘46: 4222
Ketcham Street, Elmhurst, NY.
Forte, Lawrence L., Cpl. 32873984. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Fortino, William R., S/Sgt. 37407984. 869th. Med Adm Spec, 673. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th)..
Foster, Charlie C. S/Sgt. 38159600. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VII-1 (497th). FOD, 28 Jan 1945. A-46,
Ghastly Goose, Petersen. Entered Service from TX. NOK: Mrs. Maria S. Foster (wife), 315
Washington St., Kerrville, TX. Natl Arch. 1220906. WWII Memorial 784666.
Foster, John L., Sgt. 17035037. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46II (497th).
Commented [JP11]: SO 6 lists ASN as 364154596. Pls chk
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Foster, Pell III., Add. ‘46: 171 Chestnut Street, Englewood, NJ.
Foster, Robert E., Sgt. 18163541. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-23-1, OO-24-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1224
South College, Tulsa, OK. Add. ’89: 119 Auriga Avenue, Lompoc, CA.
Foust, Harold E., Cpl. 33511511. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Fowler, Clarence C., Maj. 0-397375. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). Dy asgmt, Gp Air
Inspector, SO 40 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-42, Joker’s
Wild, Fowler.
Fowler, Edgar C., 1st Lt. 0726360. Hq. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Fox, Bill L., Add. ‘46: 1935 Thornton Court, Alexandria, LA.
Fox, Charles W. Jr., Add. ‘46: Stanton, VA.
Fox, Daniel W., 1st Lt. 0-2056371. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). A-47,
Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Add. ‘46: Middletown, PA.
Fox, John C., Add. ‘46: 819 Grand Avenue, North Gergen, NJ.
Fox, Ken. Lt. Co-pilot. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley
Fox, Leonard C., 2nd Lt. 0768819. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 2364 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed
on Saipan runway, 1-27-45. Add. ‘46: Emmet, NE. Add. ’89: 40444 Roya Ci, Hemet, CA.
Fox, Morris, Add. ‘46: 6219 12th Street, Washington, DC.
Fox, Robert F., Sgt. 33236486. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Fox, Robert W., Capt. 0-434096. 870th. B-29,Pilot, 1093. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC, GO
21-V (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. 15 Fountain Street, Long
Beach, CA. Add. ’89: 2847 NW Miller Pl, Albany, OR.
Fox, Walter A., Pfc. 13082048. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Pfc to Cpl,
SO 1-1, (497th).
Fox, William H., 1st Lt. 0760820. 871st. Pilot,B29,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1).
DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. (Address unknown).
Frafel, Clifford A., S/Sgt. 12097538. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 47244
West 34th Avenue, Denver, CO.
Frame, Loren A., Add. ‘46: 4335 Warner Road, Cleveland, OH.
Framhein, Majorie, Add. ‘46: 243 Fisher Avenue, Westerleigh, NY.
Framhein, Paul T., Sgt. 32408525. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to
Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Framo, Loren A., S/Sgt. 35311778. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
France, Elbert H., S/Sgt. 6977992. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1621 Christler
Avenue, Schenectady 3, NY.
Francher, Frank W., Sgt. 39545345. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Francher, W. M., Add. ‘46:
24708 Marboone Avenue, Lomita, CA.
Francis, Charles B., 1st Lt. 0-865181. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-21, Thumper, Campbell. Add.
‘46: 260 Maple Avenue, Hamburg, NY.
Francis, Jarield B., 1st Lt. 0-733864. 871st. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM, GO-82-1
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-21, Thumper,
Campbell; A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46: Brewick, LA.
Francis, Martin G. S/Sgt. 13109607. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 590 Mongtomery
Avenue, Washington, PA.
Frang, Carol N., 2nd Lt. 0-865302. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Frank, Carol N., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Parma, MI.
Frank, Victor, Add. ‘46: 108 17th Street, Coroma, Long Island, NY.
Franklin, Jack, 1st Lt. 0868108. 870th. FE, 1028. A-31, New Glory, Add. ’89: 9801 Xerxes
Avenue S, Bloomington, MN.
Franklin, Willard J., 1st Lt. 0-868108. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46:
7546 Milan Avenue, St Louis, MO.
Franks, John C., S/Sgt. 33829929. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1021 (497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-161, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry.
Franson, Leroy E., T/Sgt. 17004403. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Radio. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII -1(497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51,
Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Ithaca, NE. NOK: Mrs. Mary A. Franson (wife), 1320 E.
30th Street, Kansas City, MO. NatlArch 1104592. Not in WWII Memorial. Richard
Franson, Son 2203536.
Frantz, Leslie M., Cpl. 37517948. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). 3207 Highland Avenue,
Kansas City, MO.
Franz, Roger E., T/Sgt. 12044459. 869th. Radio. AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO
90-I (XXI BC). 869th. Radio. Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th).
A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. Add. ’89: 9575 Ernwood Street, San Ramon, CA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Fraser, Roy E., Sgt. 37397329. 870th. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 3947 A Cleveland Avenue, St Louis, MO.
Frazier, Ellis D., S/Sgt. 36884132. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt Gunr. Prom to
S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO
16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Frazier, Robert C., 1nd Lt. 0696081. 870th. Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA, Shot
down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. NOK: Mr. Frank Frazier, (father), 429
Main Street, Wheeling, WV. NatlArch 1166092. Not in WWII Mem. Frances Emley,
Sister 215249. Thomas A. Frazier, Brother 1599461.
Frederick, Cecil E., Cpl. 19195160. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, (497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. A-26,
Lucky Irish, Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. Entered Service: King Cty, WA. NOK:
Mrs. Mae Frederick (mother), 17042-33 ** Avenue South, Seattle, WA. Natl Arch
1213662. WWII Memorial 807992. Sam E. Pennartz 2339051.
Free, Ebo F., Add. ‘46: 2041 Cary Avenue, Cheyenne, WY.
Freed, Herbert J., Cpl. 14100261. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 160 Strathmore Road, Brighton, MA.
Freeman, James L., 2nd Lt. 0698690. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. . Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). MIA>KIA. Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. AM, PH (ABMC).
HT: De Kalb County, GA. NOK: Mrs. Virginia L. Freeman (wife), 302 Sycamore Drive,
Decatur, GA. NatlArch 1020953. WWII Memorial 808017.
Freeman, James W., Pfc. 39290583. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box
45 –A, Riverside, CA.
Freeman, N. N., Add. ‘46: Box 292, CA.
Freeman, Norman R., Sgt. 19110667. 870th. Gen Duty, 055. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Florence, AZ.
Freeman, William V., 1st Lt. 0857404. 870th. MOS 200. A/C. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1 (20
AF). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: Treton, GA.
Freeze, Jack N., 1st Lt. 0- 2048300. 871st. MAC. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 ( Asst.
Defense Counsel) (497th Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). 2nd
Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1468 South 3rd E.,
Salt Lake City, UT.
French, Charles A., Cpl. 34730148. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Frens, John R., Add. ‘46: 842 Prince Street, Grand Rapids, MI.
Frey, Dewey E., S/sgt. 12207969. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 323 Crossfield Drive, Rochester 5, NY
Friant, Franklin D., Sgt., 33320283. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 211 Hodden Avenue,
Collingswood, NJ.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Friedman, Herbert. Sgt.1229532. 869th. Armr Gunner, Martin 612. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Friedman, Raymond, Sgt. 37394887. 869th. Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel,
SO 80-2 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Frink, Hurlburt R.,* Cpl. 32389473. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN? error in number(s)
Fritzshall, Sherwood, S/Sgt. 36349085. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. (Address unknown).
Frizzle, Richard M., Sgt. 16039236. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Frorillo, Gerard F., Sgt. 11121339. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (2 OLC), PK (OLC), (ABMC).
Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace pn Earth. Westervelt. MIA to KIA,
Ditched, 26 May, 1945. 42-94050, no known tail code, Swenson. NOK: Mrs. Anna Frorillo
(mother), Seven Lambert Street, Cambridge, MA. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial
808093. Michael Frorillo, Brother 334456.
Frost, David H., Pfc. 33582672. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 811 South 5th Street,
Philadelphia, PA.
Frost, Stevens L., Sgt. 31398819. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
Fulks, Lawrence R., Sgt. 16075997. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Furman, William E., S/Sgt. 15340487. 871st . Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). R & R, SO
69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43,
Thunderhead, Morgan. Add. ‘46: 3469 45th Street, Cleveland, OH. Add. ’89: 605
Whippoorwill Lane, Largo, FL.
Furst, Virgil E., T/Sgt. 17181412. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th).
AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). (Address unknown).
Gyssels, Alfred R., Cpl. 36877816. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Gabriel, Robert S., Sgt. 37537363. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Gage, Carrol R., 2nd Lt. 0698693. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on Saipan runway, 1-27-45.
Add. ’89: 2970 Santa Barbara, Brookfield, WI.
Gaillard, Mervin, A., S/Sgt. 42102856 AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie credits OO-23-1,
(497th). 45 Rotation Points, SO 160 (497 th). Add. ‘46: Woodland Road, Brookside, NJ.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Gaines, Floyd C. Jr., 871st. Nav. A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: 5226 Monticello,
Dallas, TX.
Gaines, Thomas L., Cpl. 34656464. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: P O Box 421083, Del Rio, TX.
Galante, James V., Cpl. 12228720. (squadron ??). AM GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).
Galigher. David J., Cpl. 19090380. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Prom to Cpl, SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 15111 Pipeline #198, Chino, CA.
Gallagher, Austin B., Sgt. 35608577. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
staging, SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Gallagher, Lawrence W., S/Sgt. 11121021. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO
57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-32, Stripped For Action,
Fox. DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Kerhonkson, NY.
Gallaway, Russell B., 2nd Lt. 0-863541. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-161, OO-20-14 (497th).
Gallego, Armando F., Sgt. 19106701. 870th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 627, Route 3,
Tucson, AZ.
Galli, Arne J., Cpl. 36998133. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Galligan, James J., S/Sgt. 42034640. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 86-IV (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Gallion, Milton H., Sgt. 38398035. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ground Crew (?), A-21, Thumper. Add. ‘46: Box 64, Mickoma Park, OK.
Gallion, Walton G., Pfc. 18193574. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2997 Thorn,
San Diego, CA.
Galloway, Russell B., 1st Lt. 0863841. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 140-III (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker. Add. ‘46: 2nd Street, Mississippi City, MS.
Galloway, Stephen J., 2nd Lt. 0702897. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). (Address unknown)
Gamboa, Richard M., Pfc. 38556858. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 218 Calima
Street, San Antonio, TX.
Ganczak, Stanley R., Cpl. 36719593. 870th. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School,
Salina for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: Route 2, Simonton Lake, Elkhart, IN. Add. ’89: 26521 Roseland Road, Elkhart, IN.
Gander, John R., S/Sgt. 36648227. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). Sortie
credits OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC).
AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). A-45, 44-63985, Cardone.
Gansberg, Clarence F., 2nd Lt. 0-771376. 870th. B-17 Pilot, 1091 Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46: East Standwood, WA. Add. ’89:
12132 Ironwood Drive, Yuma, AR.
Gant, Leroy A., S/Sgt. 39203819. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: Mali, OR.
Gant, William J., S/Sgt. 14095867. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Garavel, George R., Sgt. 11103780. 870th. Rt Gunr. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3
Dec 1944. Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: CT. NOK: Mrs. Frances M. Garavel
(mother), 47 Spring St., Danbury, CT. Natl Arch. 1012341. WWII Memorial 808364. Sam
Pennartz 2343131.
Garber, Alvin J., 1st Lt. 0857805. 869th. Flt Eng,1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI
BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
404 Segourney Street, Hartford, CT.
Garcia, Catornio, Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 22, Lockhart, TX.
Garcia, Guadalupe M., Cpl. 37346460. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Sgt
to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa
Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Garcia, Virgil V., Pfc. 38461269. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Gardikas, B. P., Add. ‘46: 817 Foothill Blvd., Oakland, CA.
Gardineli, Febo F., Add. ‘46: Brooklyn, NY.
Gardner, Christopher R., Add. ‘46: 555 Plymouth Street, Witmen, MA.
Gardner, Robert R., T/Sgt. 18017959. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Gareen, James E., (Address unknown)
Garnica, Rodolfo S., Pfc. 39263259. 870th. Cook, 060. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 203 4th Street, Chino, CA.
Garratt, Arnold F., Cpl. 39562886. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: North K Street, Fairburg,
Garrick, Norman J., Cpl. 12221404. 871st. Radio. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). A-42,
Joker's Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. Survived. RTD. PH, GO 14-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 6030 Shisler Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
Garrison, Paul R. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0698695. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Movement Overseas, OO 6-1
(1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. Entered Service from Pennsylvania. NOK: ??? A. Garrison
(wife), 945 Grand View Boulevard, Lancaster, PA. NatlArch 1346400. WWII Memorial
808462. Sam E. Pennartz 2371397. W. G. Garrison 12854.
Garrison, Richard J., 2256 Haviland Avenue, New York 61, NY.
Garrison, Willliam A., Sgt. 16006300. 870th. Ammo NCO, 505. Asgd to 870th Bomb Sq,
SO 83-5 (497th BG).
Garson, Ferdinand F., Pfc. 33787180. 869th. Clerk, 590. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2215 North 7th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Garst, Benjamin F., III., Add. ‘46: 1868 Chester Street, Little Rock, AR.
Garvin, John T., 1st Lt. 0523519. 869th. Pilot,B29,1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC, GO
135-III (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 202 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-9, Skyscrapper, Garvin. Add. ‘46: 520 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, NV. Add. ’89:
32 Towler Drive, Hampton, VA.
Gatto, Joseph A., S/Sgt.
Gatto, Joseph J., S/Sgt. 12024315. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (3 OLC), PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945,
A-5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. HT: Chautauqua County, NY. NOK: Mrs. Sara Gatto (wife),
Thirteen Lindsey Avenue, Falconer, NY. NatlArch 1303711. WWIIMemorial 808512.
Sam E. Pennartz 2371066.
Gavagnaro, V., Add. ‘46: 76 75th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Gawron, Edward F., Sgt. 32855468. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap,
Merrill. Hometown: Amsterdam, NY. NOK: Mrs. Julia Gawron (mother), 7 Catherine
Street, Amsterdam, NY. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial. Jennifer Noyes, Niece
Gay, William F. FE. Appears in 870 Scrapbook as a member of A-27 Merrill Crew. p. 215.
Geib, Robert L., Add. ‘46: Route 6, North Canton, OH.
Gentry, Duard D., Sgt. 35725450. 870th. Rt. Gunr. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Monroe City, IN.
George, Guy H., T/Sgt. 19012209. 871st. Ap. Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to M/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Gerber, Harold R., Sgt. 35550990. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Gerlad, John R., Route 1, River Road, Chatham, NJ.
Germain, Fernand L., Sgt. 31278858. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. AM, GO 90-I
(XXI BC). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. Add. ‘46: Fairfield, CT. Add. ’89: 442
Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, CT.
Gervertzman, Gilbert, 2nd Lt. 0698427. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 1654 East 13th Street, Brookly, NY.
Geyer, Walter L., Capt. 0-360049. 871st. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 187 (XXIst
BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Mena, AR. Add. ’89: 6304 Klamath Road,
Fort Worth, TX.
Gibbs, Herbert O., Sgt. 33675500. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Ground Crew, A-9, Skyscrapper I, III, Garvin.
Gibson, Harold L., S/Sgt. 34771889. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Walnut Cove, NC. Add. ’89: 10 Benbrook Cir, Roanoke, VA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Gibson, Walter E., S/Sgt. 34710316. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1,
OO-20-1 , OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I
(XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address unknown).
Giffen, Dick, 1st Lt. 0-6751494. (0774724) 870th. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XIX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI B A-31, New Glory, Sargent. C). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
142-XX (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Gigliotti, Joseph, M/Sgt. 39304527. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (497th).
(Address unknown).
Gilbart, ***** E.,* Cpl. 19095179. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). ASN incorrect
Gilbert, Charles P., Add. ‘46: Dorset, VA.
Gilbert, Leonel E., Cpl. 19090179. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Gillette, Robert M., Add. ‘46: Route 4, Coffeyville, KS.
Gillies, Leroy B., Add. ‘46: 519 Nichols Street, Springfield, MO.
Gillies, Leroy E., S/Sgt. 37491618. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. 2685. Left. Gunr.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV,
No.1). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt
Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd).
Add. ’89: 1416 Parkview, Longview, TX.
Gillin, Thomas F., S/Sgt. 31335179. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to
Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 402 Huntington Street, New Haven,
Gilmore, E., Add. ‘46: Add. ‘46: 5227 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
Gilmore, James Jr., Sgt. 13113420. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Gilmour, Hugh B., Maj. 0-412938. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb
(train commander), SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). O. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Sortie credits,
OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 27-1 (73rd
BW). Ditched, 1 June 1945, Rescued. Add. ‘46: 159 Fitzhugh Street, Paris, TX.
Ginsburg, Saul, 1st Lt. 0863088. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits OO-131, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, SO 166 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 932 Oklahoma
Avenue, Milwaukee, WI.
Ginsburg, Herman, S/Sgt. 36874471. 869th. Gen Duty. 055. Supply Clerk, 835. Sgt to
S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Giss, Ralph E., Sgt. 36734148. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 209 Newbertty,
Libertyville, IL.
Givens, Add. ‘46: 436 Elm Street, C. Aillicotne, OH.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Givens, Noel St. Clair, M/Sgt. 18007533. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 18, Electra, TX.
Glance, Carl, Sgt. 36720730. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1157 Grace Street,
Chicago, IL. Add. ’89: 4710 Bay St. NE, St Petersburg, FL.
Glazebrook, Otis A., 2nd Lt. 0-695902. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 153 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Lake Placid, NY.
Glerum, John F., Pfc. 33787821. Lab Tec, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: Bristol Pike, Route 1, Morrisville, PA.
Glubke, Howard T., Add. ‘46: 601, 13th Avenue, N.E., Minneapolis, MN.
Glynn, Charles F., Pfc. 3141492. 870th. Parachute Rigger, 620. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). DNB. Crashed POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945.
A-37, Cripps. Hometown: Henry County, IN. NOK: Mrs. Mary A. Glynn (mother), 201
North 19th Street, New Castle, IN. NatlArch 991690. Not in WWIMem.
Goebel, Alvin R., 1st Lt. 0-685152. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: 27 Hartsdale Road, Elmsford,
NY. Add. ’89: 53 Hunting Lane, Stamford, CT.
Gold, Albert H., Sgt. 13186478. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
Goldie, Edward, Pfc. 32453678. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Goldman, Jerome N., Add. ‘46: 652 Randolph Street, Camden, NJ.
Goldstein, Edward R., Sgt. 11120888. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC).
A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944, KIA. AM, PH (ABMC). Entered Service
from Cumberland Cty, ME. NOK: Mrs. Elinor Goldstein (mother), 399 Dearing Ave.,
Portland, ME. Natl Arch 1020753. WWII Memorial 809463. Sam E. Pennartz 2349848.
Good, Wayne M., Sgt. 13009933. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Goodin, John Jr., Cpl. 37726342. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Trnsfd from Hq. 73rd Wing to
870th. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 1014 South Broadway, Wichita, KS.
Goodling, John R., M/Sgt. 20522525. Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (497th). GCM, GO
12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 912 West Church Street, Champion, IL.
Goodman, Hart T., Add. ‘46: 732 South Mansfield, Los Angeles, CA.
Goodman, Lawrence L., Sgt. 37469321. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Ground Crew, electrician, A-9, Skyscrapper I, III, Garvin. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Goodman, V. D., Add. ‘46: 2755 Forester Drive, Los Angeles, CA.
Goodrich, John D., Sgt. 38222652. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM,
GO 37-II-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Goodrich, Kenneth D., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Williamsport, IN.
Goodrich, Lovelle, Add. ‘46: 5020 Holland Street, Dallas, TX.
Goodridge, William H., Cpl. 34707279. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Goodvillie, James, T/Sgt. 36802979. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-131, OO-15-1, OO-16-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 12045 Sorrento,
Detroit, MI.
Gordon, Benton R., Cpl. 34631086. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 3310 Washington Avenue #1317,
Pascagoula, MS.
Gordon, Cecil D., Cpl. 37668915. 871st. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina for
one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944].
Gordon, L. R., Add. ‘46: Seymour, IA.
Goreski, Paul H., S/Sgt. 18001469. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 3140 W 40th Avenue,
Denver, CO.
Goslin, Russell F., Pfc. 32754293. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Quintan
Road, Salem, NJ.
Gostomczik, John F., M/Sgt. 6858921. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
Montgomery, MN.
Gottesman, Abraham A., Cpl. 12156818. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Gottesman, B., Add. ‘46: 326 Madison Street, New York, NY.
Gouvis, Angelo, Add. ‘46: 11220 Street, Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Goyette, Donald F., Cpl. 16029476. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Grabenstein, Herman J., 1st Lt. 0863988. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236, (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1).
DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 209 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Add. ’89: 604 Greene, Cumberland, MD.
Grabowy, Frank A. Jr., S/Sgt. 11104268. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 16-IV, (20th AF). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 255 West Main Street, Norwich,
Graddy, Elmer H., Cpl. 38509720. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Grady, John A., S/Sgt. 37187014. Hq. MOS 502. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). POC authorized,
SO 239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Add.
‘46: 5654 Bartmer Avenue, St. Louis, MO.
Graf, Howard C., Cpl. 33719334. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2327 Harlem Avenue,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Graf, Oscar S., Capt. 0402424. 870th. Nav,1034. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie Credit, OO9, (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb
1945, Rescued. Add A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit. PH, GO 16-1 (497th). ‘46: Route
4, Greensboro, NC.
Graf, Charles J., 1st Lt. 0563147. 871st Apptd. Soldier Voting O, SO 7-2 (497th Ground
Graham, George A., Add. ‘46: 1700 Hanfield Street, Cincinnati, OH.
Graham, William J., S/Sgt. 32708319. 869th. Radar Mech, 867. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Grandjean, Howard A., S/Sgt. 32594659. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 353 Grand Paterson, NJ.
Grannen, William J., 2nd Lt. 0827642. 869th. Pilot. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie credit,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. Add. ‘46: 1335
Rigland Avenue, Cincinnati, OH. Add. ’89: 868 N Bend Road, Cincinnati, OH.
Grant, Edward F., Capt. 0797519. 869th. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246
AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Belmont, MA.
Grant, Robert D., Add. ‘46: 18418 Cherrylawn, Detroit, MI.
Grant, Robert P., 2nd Lt. 0-2047671. 869th. Pers Equip O, 1042. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 1010
Knollwood Court, Midland, MI.
Grantham, Donald W., Cpl. 17150392. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 198 Ann Street, Chardon, NE. Add. ’89: 424 Chapin Street, Chadron,
Grantham, Jasper E., W/O. W2150379. 870th. Weather Obs. A-29, Miss Margaret,
Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, Rescued.
Grassman, Abraham, Add. ‘46: 1027 ½, Sewell Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ.
Graves, Charles A., Add. ‘46: Latta, SC.
Gray, Bob G., S/Sgt. 38464986. 870th. TG. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie Credit, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
Gray, Dale G., Capt. 0-726589. 871st. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: Route 3, Jerome, ID. Add. ’89: 2506 Fremont
Avenue, Modesto, CA.
Gray, Drewery G., Sgt. 33360221. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Gray, G. H., Add. ‘46: Axton, VA.
Gray, George A., Pfc. 34282356. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 205 Spring Street,
Jonesboro, TN.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Gray, Hugh A., Add. ‘46: Lamar, SC.
Gray, Joshua F., Cpl. 32265475. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Dogsboro. DE.
Gray, K., Add. ‘46: 20-31 Fourth Avenue, Baltimore, MD.
Gray, Robert G., A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 1607 East Jasper, Tulsa, OK.
Gray, William H., Sgt. 39264208. 869th. TG. Sortie credits, OO-9, , OO-15-1, OO-16-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 2 April,1945, 4291887, Dietzel. Entered Service from California. NOK: Mrs. Mary E, Gray (mother),
21039 Gresham, Canoga Park, CA. Natl Arch 976350. WWII Memorial 809740.
Gray, Woodrow W., S/Sgt. 13018880. 870th. MOS 791. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Route 2, Randleman, NC.
Grayson, Jim W., M/Sgt. 34163237. 870th. 737 Flt Eng, 737. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to M/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). 72 Rotation Points , SO 160
(497th). Add. ‘46: 1507 Ward Avenue, Huntsville, AL.
Green, Leon, Add. ‘46: 803 Lindley Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
Green, Robert L., Jr., 1st. 0-696086. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25
March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: Quitman County, MS. NOK: Mrs.
Jamie G. Tatom (mother), Marks, MS. Natl Arch 1188800. Not in WWII Mem.
Green, Roy M., Add. ‘46: 94-11 209 Street, Queen Village, NY.
Greenberg, Harry, Sgt. 32527438. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th)
Greene, Adaline, Add. ‘46: Exeter, NE.
Greene, Robert E., 1st Lt. 0-702418. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-18-1,
OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 180 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add.
‘46: 455 East Barmer Street, Frankfurt, IN.
Greene, Roy M., 2nd Lt. 0-866408. Hq. Armmt O, 4822. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Greer, Ervin L., Pfc. 33704437. 869th. Clerk, 590. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to Pfc, SO
85-1 (497th).
Gregg, William, S/Sgt. 19182112. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Rotate to US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker.
Add. ‘46: 125 Pacific, Santa Monica, CA.
Gregory, Glenn F., Sgt. 35094886. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Crashed 7 June 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley.
Survived. Add. ‘46: Burt, IA. Add. ’89: 4937 Diana Drive, Indianapolis, IN.
Greiser, Guy, Sgt. 33509434. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech,747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Grider, Arthur D., Sgt. 39566612. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 304 North Travis, Wichita Falls, TX.
Griff, Ray W., Cpl. 36481252. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: 4005 18th Avenue, Rock Island, IL.
Griffen, Dick, 2nd Lt. 0-6759494. 870th Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 27-XIX (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1139 Culebra Avenue, San Antonio, TX.
Griffith, Albert M., Sgt. 38433166. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1138 Clara Street, Fort Worth. TX.
Griffith, Howard B., Cpl. 12089873. Squadron?? AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Griffith, John H., Lt. Col. 0-21365. 870th. Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO
140-II (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).MIA , 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill.
Hometown: Plymouth, PA. NOK: Mrs. Lorraine C. Griffith (wife), 10 Gaylord Avenue,
Plymouth, PA. Not in Natl. Arch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Griffith, Melvin L., S/Sgt. 15342793. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA 14 Jan
1945. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. NOK: Mr. Lee E. Griffith (father), 1320 Eastover
St, University City, MO. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). WWII Memorial 809902. Natl
Arch 1153030.
Grim, James B., Add. ‘46: 598 East Everly Street, Pontiac, MI. Add. ’89: 7797 Wildwood
Road, Athens, OH.
Grinclon, Warner C., Add. ‘46: 15861 Norhtlawn, Detroit, MI.
Grindem, Warner C., S/Sgt. 36587801. 871st . Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-24-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). BS, SO 198(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). R
& R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Grindon, Robert G., (Address unknown).
Grissom, Paul D., M/Sgt. 18015099. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). A-9, Skyscrapper I, II, III, Garvin. (Address unknown).
Grobe, William D., Pfc. 15017107. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th).
Groff, Theodore H., Cpl. 35216139. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Grogan, M., Add. ‘46: 1543 Cross Island Blvd. Whitestone, NY.
Goodman, Hart T., Sgt. 39278036. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Grossman, Abram, 2nd Lt. 0-857851. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 , OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched,, 26 May, 1945. A-38, Swenson. Survived, RTD. Add. ‘46:
1027 ½ Sewell Avenue Asbury Park, NJ.
Grote, Ralph L., S/Sgt. 17090260. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC).
Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1
Commented [E12]: Check for possibility these are “Grindium”
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). A-27,
Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: Mina, SD.
Grothusen, James F., Add. ‘46: 2526 23rd Avenue, Molin, IL.
Guartler, Robert J., Cpl. 36477291. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Gully, Regis J., Pfc. 33567444. 870th. Cook, 060. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 11, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 133 Jones Street, Lilly, PA.
Gump, Everett L., Add. ‘46: Lexington OR.
Gunther, Fred M., 2nd Lt. 0583810. 871st. 15th Photo Lab BG. Aerial Photo O, 8502.
Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground
Echelon). 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA). Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: Port Washington, WA.
Gus, Ralph E., Add. ‘46: 209 Newberry Avenue, Libertyville, IL.
Guy, William F., 1st Lt. 0-698702. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Nav- Bomb,1036. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO-20-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). Silver Star, 497th Narr
History, Sept 1945A-27, Texas Doll, Arnold. Add. ‘46: 946 Lantana Avenue, Clearwater
Beach, FL.
Gwarek, Edward T., M/Sgt. 6981924. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Haagenstad, Lloyd C, Pfc. 37567493. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Perham, MN. –ASN?
Hackler, John B., Add. ‘46: 502 South 6th Street, Perkin, IL.
Hagan, John L., Sgt. 39282932. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 363 North
Thormpson Street, Hemmett, CA.
Haggerty, Rose, Add. ‘46: 701 West 198th Street New York, NY.
Haggerty, William T., Cpl. 42957176. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Hahn, Elmer G., Capt. 0-478847. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC).
KIA, Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. POW. KIA>Executed by
Japanese, 26 May 1945. Entered Service from California. Hometown: Bonneville
County, ID. NOK: Mrs. Helen D. Hahn, (wife), 387 East 16 and Vigbie Avenue, Idaho Falls,
ID. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 792826.
Hahn, Frederick J., Add. ‘46: 112 East 8th Street, Michawka IN. Add. ’89: 7119 Starbrook,
Portage, MI.
Haiste, Albert, Add. ‘46: 134 Emerson Place, Brooklyn, NY.
Hake, Herman A., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Flat Rock, IL.
Hale, Frank L., Sgt. 33682343. 870th. TG. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Venus, PA.
Haley, Albert Lloyd., Maj. 0-399624. 871st. Hq. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). CA. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 42- XI (20th AF). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Duty asgmt to
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Group S-3, SO 2-5 (497th). Aptd Inquiry Brd, SO 209-1 (497th). Aptd Asst Group S-3, SO
229-2 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley. Add. ‘46: 317 West
Division, Arlington, TX. Add. ‘46: 4108 Travis Street, Dallas, TX.
Hall, Edward W., Sgt. 33611468. 870th. Lft Gunr. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). KIA, 8 August, 1945.
Hall, Francis M., Sgt. 34795013. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Radar Opr, 866.
Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
Hall, Henry C., 2nd Lt. 0837314. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 235 North
Lakeview Avenue, Winter Garden, FL.
Hall, Robert M., Cpl. 33506865. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1707 Putnam Street,
Harrisburg, PA. Add. ’89: 28 Scarsdale Drive, Camp Hill, PA.
Hall, Robert P., Add. ‘46: Rocky Mountain, NC.
Hall, Walter E., Cpl. 31145606. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Lincoln Avenue,
Seville, Long Island, NY.
Halladay, William J., 2nd Lt. 0932049. 869th. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 701
Asheborrow Street, Greensboro, NC.
Hallasey, John E., Add. ‘46: Bailey Street, 8 Manhattan Avenue, North Babylon, NY.
Hallasey, John W., Sgt. 12228858. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass Aer Gunr, 611 to Armr
Gunr, 612, SO 83-6 (497th BG). Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49,
Jumping Stud, Voigt. Rescued.
Hallin, George C., Sgt. 39022424. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 4621 Del Monte Street,
San Diego, CA.
Halpern, Seymour, 1st Lt. 0-698704. 871st.. Nav-Bomb,1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1 (20
AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th).
2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-3 (AAF). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Add. ‘46: 928 Avenue R,
Brooklyn, NY. Add. ’89: 2406 Harmon Cove Turs, Secaucus, NJ.
Halpin, Charles R., Cpl. 31311039. 869th. Asgd to 869th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th).
Halry, Albert L., Maj. 0-399524. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
Halstead, Clifford J., Sgt. 42034146. 869th. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Hamilton, Joseph L., 1st Lt. 0225516. 870th. Pilot, B29, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Reld fr duty and asgmt 870th Bomb Sq, 497th Bomb
Gp, asgd to Hq. & Hq. Sq, 73rd Bomb Wing and designated Asst-A-3 ), SO 31-9 (73rd
Wing). Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). PH, GO 3 -2, (497th). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton.
Ditched, 22 Dec 1944. EUS. Add. ‘46: 24 Hannon Avenue, Mobile, AL.
Hammond, Eugene W., S/Sgt. 39403824. 869th. MOS 683. Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Hammond, Harry C., S/Sgt. 34646201. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Hammontree, John L., Pfc. 34734105. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 110 West 5th Street, Knoxville, TN.
Hamon, D. M., Add. ‘46: West 907 3rd Street, Spokane, WA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hamon, Willis N, Cpl. 39467098. 870th.GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 907 West 3rd, Spokane, WA.
Hanchenko, Henry D., Pfc. 32830858. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hanley, Edward J., 2nd Lt. 0739428. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII -1 (497th). MIA, 9 January, 1945, A-46. DED.
Handley, Jack C., 2nd Lt. O761934. 871st. Pilot, 1093. CoPilot. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa
Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Hanley, Thomas J., III., Maj. O24810. Hq. Operations O, 2161. Aptd Asst Gp S-3 O.
(Address unknown)
Hanebury, James A.I., S/Sgt. 33472119. 869th. Apl Welder, 573. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Add. ’89: RD 1 Box 173, Glenmoore, PA.
Hanebury, Joseph A. L., Add. ‘46: Spring City, PA.
Haney, Leseer, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Excello, MO.
Haney, Lester, Add. ’89: Route 1 Box 88, Huntsville, MO.
Hangse, E. B., Add. ‘46: 1037 South 31st Street, Omaha, NE.
Hanigman, Charles S., Cpl. 33803569. 869th. Rt. Gnr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1
(497th). (Address unknown).
Hankovich, Joseph, S/Sgt. 36291973. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Hanks, Maurice E., T/Sgt. 38548824. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). A-30, Star Duster, Lind. (Address
Hanley, Edward J., Jr. 2nd Lt. 0739428. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1035. AM, PH (ABMC). DED, 9
January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. NOK: Mr. Edward J. Hanley (father), 6
Elberta Road, Maplewood, NJ; Mrs. Ruth H. Hanley (wife), 1366 Clinton Avenue,
Irvington, NJ. Natl Arch 1222512. WWII Memorial 793068.
Hanley, Thomas J. III, Capt. 0-24810. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093, A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aptd “B” flight CO (Prim duty). (Vice Major Carroll
relieved), SqO 2-3 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-20-1., OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Sortie
credits OO-28-1 (497th). Reclass B-29 Pilot, 1093 to Ops O, 2161, SO 83-6 (497th BG). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). Add. ’89: 5838 Northgap, San Antonio, TX.
Hannah, Ralph C., Cpl. 38468016. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: C/o. Hannah Drug Company, Mangum, OK.
Hanmon, John V., 2nd Lt. 0-256388. 871st. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th).
Hanochok, Michael P., Sgt. 36777063. 870th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to
Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Hansard, Albert, Add. ‘46: 3810 Broadway, New York 32, NY.
Hansard, Charles A., Sgt. 32695464. 870th. MOS 275. Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit
Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ’89: 442
Cumberland Avenue,Teaneck, NJ.
Hansen, Elvin E., 1st Lt. 0739093. 869th. Nav. Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). AM, PH
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA . Entered Service: IA. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union.
Ditched. NOK: Mrs. Charlotte Hansen (mother), 417 N.6th St., Missouri Valley, IA. WWII
Memorial 793108. Natl Arch 1052141.
Hansen, John A., Sgt. 16132455. 870th. Radar Mech, RCM, 852. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ’89: 2360 Libal Street, Green Bay, WI.
Hanson, Elvin E., Add. ‘46: 3984 South Hoover, Los Angeles, CA.
Hanson, George, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Williamsburg, IA.
Hanson, John A., Add. ‘46: 864 James Street, Green Bay, WI.
Hanson, Richard H., Cpl. 31375224. 871st. Left Gunr. Sortie credit, OO-9 (497th). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH,
(ABMC). Entered Service fr Strafford County, NH. NOK: Mrs. Natley L. Hanson (wife), Box
167, Milton, NH. Natl Arch 1239954. WWII Memorial 793140.
Hanson, Zenas E., S/Sgt. 39411845. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 653 South Lake Avenue, Pasadena, CA.
Harayda, Steven, Add. ‘46: 16 Fouriner, Chestnut Street, East, Paterson, NJ.
Hardy, Graydon V., 2nd Lt. 0864485. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell.
Hometown: Scottsburg, IN. NOK: Mrs. Mildred Hardy (wife), 90 North Gardner Street,
Scottsburg, IN. Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Mem. Mrs. Mildred B Pearsey 80534.
Hardy, William L., Capt. 025859. Hq. Pilot B-17, 1091. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU).
Hargett, Wilson A., Add. ‘46: Box 84, Melissa, TX
Harman, James C., Add. ‘46: 624 East Front Street, Monroe, MI
Harman, Richard T., S/Sgt. 33898984. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Radar. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 142-XX (21st BC). A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: Montgomery Road, Elkridge, MD.
Harmon, Fred W., Cpl. 13145220. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 3735 22 Avenue
South, Minneapolis, MN. Add. ’89: Star Route, Sandstone, MN. Add. ’89: Star Route,
Sandstone, MN.
Harmon, James N., Jr.,* Cpl. 14*99367. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN
Harper, James M., Pfc. 18098679. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Harper, Wiley H., Add.‘46: 2120 Capers Avenue, Nashville, TN.
Harper, Wiley V., Sgt. 14153610. 869th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Harrington, Thomas B., 2nd Lt. 0-2060796. 869th. Nav-Bomb. Sortie credits, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII -1(497th). A-8,
Shillalah. Bussell. MIA, 18 April, 1945, 42-63519. AM (OLC), PH (ABMC). Entered Service
from Colorado. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 793275.
Harris, Benjamin L., 2nd Lt. 0-868010. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25
March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: Queens County, NY. NOK: Mr. Aaron
T. Harris (father), 2157 – 78th Street, Jackson Heights, NY. Natl Arch 1321889. Not in
WWII Mem. Grace Bland Clifford 941361.
Harris, Irving, Cpl. 32884368. 870th. Gen Duty, 055. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 77 Avenue C, New York, NY.
Harris, John M., S/Sgt. 34211296. Hq. MOS 502. 871st. Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit
Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th). Add. ‘46: 229 West Franklin Street, Anderson, NC.
Harris, Robert F., 2nd Lt. 0870495. 870th. Armmt O, 4822. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Harris, Rolland A., 871st. Pilot. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt. Rescued..
Add. ‘46: 2631 Erving Avenue, Minneapolis, MN.
Harrison, Edward O., Add. ‘46: Box 223, Cleveland, WV.
Harrison, Richard D., Add. ‘46: 11127 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT.
Harry, Earl A., T/Sgt. 39171898. Chief Clerk, 502. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Mullan, ID. Add. ‘46: 1317 Cascade Avenue, Chehalis, WA.
Hart, Alvin K., T/Sgt. 20947973. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1
(1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett; A-16, Crowe. MIA, 1
June, 1945. NOK: Mrs. Carol N. Hart (wife), 2406 West Dean Street, Spokane, WA. Not in
Natl. Arch. Not in WWII Memorial. Note: No confirmation of death.
Hart, Harry D., S/Sgt. 38424985. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 2513 Jefferson Street, Dallas, TX.
Hartmann, Louis J., Maj. 0477389. Hq, US Air Force, Western Pacific. Probably a
passenger on flight. Braonze Star, (ABMC). DNB. 7 June 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty,
Kelley. Hometown: Suffolk County, NY. NOK: Veronica M. Hartman (wife), 302 Fishel
Avenue, Riverhead, NY. Natl Arch 1305332. WWII Memorial 793422.
Harvey, John F., Capt. 0661212. A/C. Prom to Maj, SO 44-1 (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 2348
Alki, Seattle, WA
Harvey, Marvin M., Add. ‘46: St. John’s, KS.
Haskin, A., Add. ‘46: 1530 18th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Haskin, Nathan, Sgt. 32346560. 871st. Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel, SO
80-2 (497th).
Hassell, Cecil V., S/Sgt. 18047805. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Trfd fr 500th Bomb Gp, Walker AAB asgd to 870th
Bomb Sq, SO 91-3 (497th) [1944]. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC).
MIA>FOD. 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown:
Westmoreland County, PA. NOK: Mrs. Lois M. Hassell (wife), 3702 Shell Road, Corpus
Christi, TX. Natl Arch 1211352. Not in WWII Mem.
Hastings, William D., Pfc. 17045750.. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Box 775,
Sikestown, MO.
Hatalsky, Alex, Add. ‘46: 297 Beach Street, Muse, PA.
Hatley, Humbert M., Add. ‘46: Ambernade, NC.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hatmaker, Herbert B., Sgt. 34729554. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Add. ‘46: Lake City, TN.
Hatthorn, Dallas M., T/Sgt. 39678479. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Add. ’89: 900 E 53 ½ St., Austin, TX.
Hatton, Leon C., Cpl. 39854156. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: Route 7, Box 663, Phoenix, AZ.
Hauger, William G. Jr., Pfc. 33763475. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Haugse, Ernest N., Capt. 0-510063. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 38 North, 17th
Street, Omaha, NE. Add. ’89: 4512 22nd Avenue S E, Lacey, WA.
Hauser, Louis J., T/Sgt. 6990471. 871st. Tail Gunr. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII1(497th). MIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Evelyn L. Hauser (wife), 3802
Lafayette Street, Fort Wayne, IN. Not in Natl. Arch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Havens, Earl R., Add. ‘46: 202 West 6th Street, Dallas 8, TX.
Hawkins, Coke G., Sgt. 14150630. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing/ Ditched, 19 Dec 1944. Survived.
RMC. PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Court House, Golfport, MS.
Hawkins, Raymond A., S/Sgt. 34605262. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO16-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-18-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-28-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy,
Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), PH
(ABMC). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Lincolnton, NC.
NOK: Mr. James L. Hawkins (father), Route Three, Lincolnton, NC. NatlArch. 1150947.
WWII Memorial 793546. Sam E. Pennartz 2333337.
Hawley, James P, Add. ‘46: 414 Belmont Avenue, Newark, NJ.
Hawley, Maynard S., Pfc. 37355958. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Hayes, Eugene L., Add. ‘46: Box 98, Archer City, TX.
Hayes, Frederick L., 1st Lt. 0-865124. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1760 East
89th Street, Cleveland, OH. A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. Add. ‘46: 8831 237th Street,
Bellerose, Long Island, NY.
Hayes, John S., Pfc. 33720197. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hayes, Robert F., 1st Lt. 02068381. 869th. AM (OLC) (ABMC). KNB. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle
Finger of Fate, Fate. Entered Service from Connecticut. NOK: Mrs. Helen M. Hayes
(mother), 1235 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, CT. NatlArch 1016550. WWII Memorial
793587. Jean Loomer 535443. John Fitch High School 544619. Mary S. Peachman
Haynes, Donald E., Cpl. 31327291. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 32, Beecher Falls, VT. Add.
’89: 8 Easton Court, Greenacres, FL.
Haynes, Robert E., 1st Lt. 0-2068381. 869th. Radar Obs/Bomb, 0142. Add. ‘46: 410 11th
Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT.
Haynes, Robert E., Lt. Col. 0169911. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). DFC (OLC), GO 26-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
BC). Reld 870th Bomb Sq Asmt tp Hq & Hq Sq, 73rd Bomb Wing, SO 27-6 (73rd BW). A-21,
Thumper, Haynes.
Hays, Millard T., Add. ‘46: 903 North 14th Street, Nashville, TN.
Hayton, Fred E., Cpl. 18134461. Hq. Radar Mech, RCM, 852. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Haywood, Edward J., Pfc. 16137637. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Haywood, Harold H., Add. ‘46: Abilene, KS.
Hazell, Manvell W., M/Sgt. 18048458. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add.
‘46: 1016 Blanco Road, San Antonio, TX.
Heald, William A. Left Gunr. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Heald, William L., Add. ‘46: 416 Indiana Avenue, Holton, KS.
Healey, John T., 1st Lt. 0703240. (Sq ). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Healy, George R., Pfc. 15140730. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Heaton, Robert R., Add. ‘46: 42 Walter Street, S. E. Grand Rapids, MI.
Hebert, John C., Pfc. 38418240. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Heddens, Earl E. Sgt. 39286341. 870th. AM, (ABMC). DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29
Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps. Hometown: Orange, CA. NOK: Mr. Robert Otto Heddens
(father), 333 Occidental Street, Santa Anna, CA. NatlArch 983145. WWII Memorial
Hedman, Vernon C., Sgt. 37309694. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 372, Nevis, MN.
Heeney, Charles J., Add. ‘46: Hubbard, NE.
Heffine, Robert W.,* Cpl. 13046*18. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Hoyersford, PA. –
Hegi, Delores, Add. ‘46: 1701 North 5th Street, Minneapolis, MN.
Hegi, William A., Sgt. 37659203. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Heiden, Robert L., 2nd Lt. 0761938. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA, Ditched 3 Jan
1945, A-50, Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford. FOD, January 3 1945. Entered Service from
Oklahoma. NOK: Mrs. Mary Heiden (mother), 1629 N. W. 22nd, Oklahoma City, OK.
NatlArch 1027661. WWII Memorial 795575. Sam E. Pennartz 2353102.
Helems, Winfred S., (Address unknown)
Helfand, Bernard, T/Sgt. 32823073. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Heller, Howard A. Jr., Sgt. 32743042. 871st . GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Heller, Louis D., Pvt. 35537708. 869th. Truck Drvr, 345. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). Add.
‘46: 1715 West State Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN.
Heller, M., Add. ‘46: Box 91, Wantagh, NY.
Hellings, Augustus M.,* Cpl. 33*81360. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN
Helmke, Lawrence D., T/Sgt. 15060249. 871st. Flt. Eng, 1028. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-151 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly
point, February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Service from Indiana.
NOK: Not shown on MACR. Natl Arch 1045305. WWII Memorial 795616.
Helms, C. M., Add. ‘46: 439 South 23rd, Bellwood, IL.
Helms, Winfield S. 869th. Lft Gunr. A-17, Coral Queen, Fly.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Helmes, Thomas J., Sgt. 36658619. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 3908 Byron Street, Chicago, IL. 408 Sheldon, S.E., Grand Rapids, MI.
Heman, George M., Add. ‘46: 1326 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL.
Hembrecht, George H., Add. ‘46: 411 West 7th Street, Mishawake, IN.
Hendeneen, Emory C., Add. ‘46: Proctor, MN
drew, 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie Credit, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 4,
Fairmont, WV.[This one is a puzzle. Watch List. edl]
Hendershot, Elmer G., T/Sgt. 15171334. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler.
Henderson, Emil A., Jr., Sgt. 12022030. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1
(ATC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad
Brew, McGregor. Entered Service from New York. NOK: Mr. Emil A. Henderson, Sr.,
(father), 30 Dennis Street, Manhasset, Long Island, NY. NatlArch 1321926. WWII
Memorial 795647. Mrs. Max Swoboda, Sister 515079.
Henderson, John H., Add. ‘46: 1522 “F” Street, Napa, CA.
Henderson, John W., 1st Lt. 0-864984. 871st. Acft Engr O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Awarded additional MOS, 4902, SO 2-4 (497th). Add.
‘46: 1607 Vte Avenue, S. E., Massilon, OH.
Henderson, William T., Add. ‘46: Bo 282, MT. Iron, MN.
Hendrickson, Robert D., Pfc. 37564718. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Henley, Chandler C. Jr., Sgt. 31289912. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-35, Mariana
Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: 232 Washington Street, Providence, RI.
Henrich, Vincent C. Jr., Cpl. 13045476. Photo Lab Tec, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing
Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW).
Henry, Pelham H., Capt. O-397140. 870th. Bomb, 1035. Placed on SD Hq 497 th Hq, SO
125-3 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1302 Selma Avenue, Selma, AL.
Hensel, Leroy C., Cpl. 39420494. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 127, Lodi, CA.
Hensell, Ervin A., 2nd Lt. 0696091. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Directed to ferry B-17F fr
Lincoln to Pratt, So 101-5 (497th).Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). DED, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’,
Crowell. Entered Service from PA. MIA, 9 January, 1945, A-46. NOK: Mr. and Mrs.
James E. Hensell (parents), 2905 4th Avenue, Beaver Falls, PA; Mrs. Ervin A. Hensell
(wife), 618 West 39th Terrace, Kansas City, MO. Not in NatlArch. WWII Mem. 795744.
Henze, Henry L., Sgt. 11121643. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground Crew, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth.
Add. ‘46: 264 Ridgewood Avenue, Ridgewood, CA.
Herbert, John C., Add. ‘46: 2238, 16th Street, Port Arthur, TX.
Herendeon, Emory C., S/Sgt. 19066558. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Herman, Albert, Add. ‘46: 584 East 8th Street, South Boston, MA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Herman, George M., Cpl. 36745024. 871st. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Hermann, Kurt J. II, T/Sgt. 12128248. 870th. TG. Sortie credits, OO-18-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). PH, GO 111 (497th). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. Hometown: Babylon, NY. NOK: Mr.
Kurt J. Hermann, Sr., (father), 24 Wyandanch Avenue, Babylon, NY. Not in NatlArch. Not
in WWII Memorial. Mr. Ronald Macklin, Friend 382151.
Hernandez, Baldomero, Add. ‘46: 1139 Sullivan Street, Miami, AZ.
Herrioti, William C., Pfc. 36636325. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944.
Hertley, John L., Add. ‘46: 914 Pennsylvania Avenue, Richmond, CA.
Hertzog, Henry C., Sgt. 13026744. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 9280 East Nassau
Avenue, Denver, CO.
Hervey F Francis, 1st Lt. 0685277. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
Hess, Louis C., Pvt. 33582432. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Hesser, Jack R., F/O. T-129147. 871st. M. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credits OO-18-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56,
McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Sarah M. Hesser (mother), 416 Summit Avenue, South Orange,
NJ. Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Mem.
Hester, Wilfred H., 2nd Lt. 0-866832. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 106 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Mathiston, MS.
Hetzel, Harold W., S/Sgt. 35112113. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Sortie credits,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 163
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish
Lassie,Conway. (Address unknown).
Heywood, Edward J., Add. ‘46: 1742 West 66th Street, Chicago, IL.
Hibler, Homer W., T/Sgt. 15113414. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1
(1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-281 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. MIA
Hickey, Donald J., Pfc. 36457478. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 969 Deep Pointe,
Route 5, Kalamazoo, MI.
Hicklin, Ronald F., Sgt. 35257645. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Hicks, Howard K., Pfc. 36886162. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Higby, John W., Cpl. 17181303. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 110 North Main Street, Madrid, IA.
High, Robert R., S/Sgt. 39288533. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Hild, Ray C. Add. ‘46: Brady, NE.
Commented [J13]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hill, Harry R., S/Sgt. 16122677. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). PH, AM (OLC) (ABMC). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A22, Miss Hap, Merrill. Hometown: Peoria, IL: NOK: Mrs. Mary K. Hill (wife), 523 California
Avenue, Peoria, IL. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial. Mary Duncan, Wife
Hill, John J., CWO. 02116266. 330th ASG. Survived crash, Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16,
Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Note: In 330th ASG. Note: Entry also in 330th.
Hill, Jack V., Add. ‘46: Box 294, Medford, OR. Add. ’89: 8855 SW O’Mara, Tigard, OR.
Hill, Robert B., T/Sgt. 17132507. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). A-53, Lumpkin. Add. ’89: 1016 N Huson,
Tacoma, WA.
Hill, Wade P., 2nd Lt. 0-865824. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 8328 West 4th Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Hilling, Thomas L., Sgt. 36576318. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hillman, Joseph J., Add. ‘46: 2030 North Camert Street, Baltimore, MD.
Hink, Harry D., Add. ‘46: Weatherford, OK.
Hinkle, Albert J., S/Sgt. 7th Weather Sq. O. Sortie credits OO-24-1 (497th).
Hinson, Robert B., S/Sgt. 14100967. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. (Address unknown).
Hiop, Julius M., Pfc. 36559915. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Add. ‘46: 20044 Omira Street, Detroit, MI.
Hiser, Homer W., (Address unknown)
Hisey, Eugene H., Sgt. 33632836. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hisler, Homer W., T/Sgt. 15113414. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits OO-20-1 (497th).
Hocker, Glen R., 2nd Lt. 0700003. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3 -2, (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46:
Route 2, Monte Vista, CO. Bomb. A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944. EUS.
Hodges, Charles G., 2nd Lt. 0-864986. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM,
GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, SO 194 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1237 West
State Street, Box 452, Archbold, PA. Add. ‘46: 18 Broad Street, Seymour, CT.
Hodges, Paul C., S/Sgt. 37448524. 869th. Apl Eng Mech, 747. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to
new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Hodgson, John E. Jr., S/Sgt. 33705872. 870th. Rt Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
46-II (497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46: Box 232 Crescent Heights,
Daisytown, PA. Add. ‘46: 32 River Street, West Brownsville, PA.
Hoefert, Vernon H., Add. ‘46: 3612 West Center Street, Milwaukee, WI.
Hoeft, Buford M., S/Sgt. 19095662. 870th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-201, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘46: 3307 West 75th Street, Seattle, WA. Add.
’89: 9227 32nd S W, Seattle, WA.
Hoffman, Alvin R., (M). 2nd Lt. 0696095. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Nav 1034. b.1921. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII1(497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. Entered Service: Renville Cty, ND. A-26, Lucky Irish,
Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mrs. Virginia E. Hoffman (wife) Mohall, North
Dakota. Natl Arch 1219734. WWII Memorial 796617. Sam E. Pennartz 2338902.
Hoffman, Edward Jr., 1st Lt. 0862415. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Hoffman, Harold S. 1st Lt. 0741176. 870th.Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Reld fr special duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237,
and will return to proper orgn for dy, SO 31-2 (73rd Wing). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker.
Add. ‘46: Box 252, Carrizozo, NM.
Hoffman, Peter J., S/Sgt 32001622. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. GCM, GO
12-1 (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler. Add. ’89: 3114 Renker, San Antonio, TX.
Hogan, Thomas E., Add. ‘46: National Bakery, Albuquerque, NM.
Holcomb, Robert H., (Address unknown)
Holden, Robert W., (Address unknown)
Holder, Robert W., S/Sgt. 33607421. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘46: Box 4, Lindley, NY . Add. ‘46: Church
Street, Westfield, PA. Add. ’89: 12 E Third Avenue, Warren, PA.
Holland, Robert B., Pfc. 12177204. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Holland, Russell S., S/Sgt. 38412243. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Conroe, TX.
Hollasey, John W., Add. ‘46: Bailey Street and Manhattan Avenue, N. Babylon, NY.
Holley, Carroll V.,* Cpl. 32667834. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – Last name? ASN?
Hollien, Warren A., 1st Lt. 0-2057758. 871st. A/C. Nav-Bomb, 1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO
141-1 (20 AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). Sortie credits
OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Woodhaven, Long Island, NY.
Hollinger, Lawrence E., Pfc. 35601217. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Holloman, James D., 2nd Lt. 0698713. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 14 November, 1944. A-27, Texas Doll, Arnold-Cutler. Natl Arch 1148590.
Not in WWII Memorial.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Holmes, Robert E., 1st Lt. 0863349. 73rd. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
Holmes, Winfred S., Sgt. 33658289. 869th. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
Holsclaw, John R., Sgt. 35895957. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. AM, PH (ABMC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: Marion Cty, IN. A-45, Dixie
Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs. Vera M. Holsclaw,
**** Douglas Boulevard, Apt. 7, c/o G. N. Meredith, Louisville, KY. Natl Arch. 1061507.
WWII Memorial 797030. Sam E. Pennartz 2347870.
Holton, Charles B., Sgt. 42028305. 869th. Tail Gunr. TG. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1,
OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). (Address
Honigman, Charles S.,Cpl. 33803569. 869th. Rt Gunr. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th).
Hoo, Henry Soo, 1st Lt. 02061070. 869th. Sortie credits OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 56-XVIII
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
Hoodak, William, Cpl. 32546540. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ’46 & ’89:: 218 Sharidian Avenue, Elmira Heights, NY.
Hoover, Glenn J., Sgt. 35544636. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. . Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Prom to
Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA>KIA, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad
Brew, McGregor. HT: Maumee, OH. NOK: Mrs. Marie T. Hoover (wife), Whitehouse, OK.
NatlArch 1150464. WWIIMemorial 797200. Jean Myers, Sister 38869.
Hoover, John C., Add. ‘46: 1022 Dreyfus, Columbus, SC.
Hoover, William F., Add. ‘46: 415 West Fairview Avenue, Dayton 5, OH.
Hoover, William G., 1st Lt. 0-761947. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
142-XX (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).Add. ‘46: 4419
Saugus Avenue, Sherman Oake, CA.
Hopkins, Russell L., S/Sgt. 38268899. Hq. Radar Mech, 867. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hopper, Roy J., Capt. 0724315. Hq. Radar Obs/Bomb, 0142. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to
new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Hopwood, Harold H., Sgt. 18078191. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Horkley, John N., Add. ‘46: Idaho Falls, ID.
Horn, C., Add. ‘46: Mastic Park, Box 301, Long Island, NY.
Hornor, Carroll G., Capt. 0-793110. 871st. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-50, Jumbo King of the Show
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: 353 Ridgewood Avenue, Glendridge, NJ. Add. ’89: 1925 Gough #22,
San Francisco, CA.
Horwitz, Richard L., Pfc. 32709896. MOS 275. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add. 242 West
76th Street, New York, NY.
Horowitz, Norman S., F/O. T126766. 870th. Nav, 1034. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF). Add.
‘46: 9002 180th Street, Jamaica, NY.
Horowski, Walter J., Sgt. 32427396. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1
(1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII -1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH (ABMC).
MIA>FOD, 27 January , 1945, A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. Entered Service from
Pannsylvania. NOK: Mr. Charles Horowski, 729 East Ridge Street, Lansford, PA. Natl.
Arch 1329714. WWII Memorial 797427. Shady Lady Memorial Association 2024982.
Hotchkiss, Edwin L., Lt. Col. O-904316. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th).
Houghton, Paul W., S/Sgt. 18122647. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). 111 Furrester Street, Albuquerque,
NM. Add. ’89: 1413 Guaymas P1 N E, Albuquerque, NM.
Houlikan, Charles W., 47 North Main Street, Massina, NY. Add. ’89: 12 Washington
Street, Massena, NY.
Houser, Louis J., T/Sgt. MIA
Houseward, Bernard J., Add. ‘46: 85 Passaic Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ.
Houseward, John A., Cpl. 12205101. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Houtchens, Lawrence A., Pvt. 39621239. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. 1636 Phillips
Street, Missoula, MT.
Howard, Arnold S., Add. ‘46: 5117 Nokomis Avenue, Minneapolis, MN.
Howard, Elmet E., 2nd Lt. 0931031. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Howard, William J., Add. ‘46: 714 Nevado, Chickasha, OK.
Howe, Robert C., Capt. 0904273. 871st. A/C. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th
Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO
7-5 (497th Ground Echelon). Capt. To Maj. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA).
Howell, Odis, Jr., Cpl. 39041059. 870th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing. Ditched, 19 Dec 1944. Survived. RMC. Entered Service
from CA. Add. ‘46: 3600 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, CA. Add. ‘46: 2769 Garden
Street, Oakland, CA.
Howell, Winfred A., T/Sgt. 18038435. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 4031 Avenue
H, Fort Worth, TX.
Howley, James P., Cpl. 32590293. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Howley, Patrick, Add. ‘46: 444 Belmont Avenue, Newark, NJ.
Hoyer, John G., 2nd Lt. 0815907. 871st. Pilot, B29,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. Add. ’89: 10618 Lakeside Avenue NE, Seattle, WA.
Hubbard, Alvin O., Capt. 0789911. 869th. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Hubko, M. J., Add. ‘46: 848 East 47th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hudgins, Kandred M., Cpl. 14155062. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Hudgins, Kem M., Add. ‘46: 3715 Redding Road, Chattanooga, TN.
Hudson, Andrew H., Pfc. 34645094. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Blenheim, SC.
Hudson, Elby W Jr., 1st Lt. 0-1057471. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-18-1,
OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC).
AM (2 OLC), PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Ditched, 26 May, 1945. 42-94050,
no known tail code, Swenson. Buried at Sea. NOK: Mrs. Anna L. Hudson (wife), 623
Mission Street, San Antonio, TX. Natl Arch 1110037. WWII Memorial. 797627. Elby
Wade Hudson, Son 2395313.
Hudson, John W., Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Winfield, IL
Huffman, Joseph E., Jr., Pfc. 35543483. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)s
Huffman, M. A., Add. ‘46: 24 Ohio Avenue, Fietin, OH.
Huffstickler, Earl J., Sgt. 34175104. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Cramerton, NC.
Hugh, Edwards P., Pfc.. 34801544. 871st Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Hughes, Clarke J., Sgt. 38381256. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO
94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ’87: 12262
Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70815. Add. ’89: 12262 Goodwood Blvd., Baton
Rouge, LA.
Hughes, I., Add. ‘46: 832 Pine Street, Gainesville, GA.
Hughes, Wilbur, Pfc. 33631338. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 3216-A Hanover Avenue, Richmond, VA.
Huling, Henry H., Add. ‘46: 34 P Street, South Boston, MA.
Hull, Francis M., Sgt. 33579082. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46I-1 (497th).
Human, Robert E., Add. ‘46: 3014 North Marsfield Avenue, Chicago 13, IL.
Humbert, Jack D., Pvt. 13018029. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Prom to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Humphrey, James W., Maj. 0399529. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). A-48, Hump’s Honey, Humphrey.
Humy, Steven M., Sgt. 16087333. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Radio. Left Gunr.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE.
Add. ‘46: 804 Howden Street, Muskegon Heights, MI.
Hunt, John L., Add. ‘46: 3434 73rd Street, Jackson Heights, NY.
Hunt, John P., Pfc. 12119864. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Hunt, William A. Sgt. 18225765. 870th. Tail Gunr. Sortie credits OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). (Address unknown)
Commented [JP14]: SO 1 lists ASN as 33579081
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hunter, Gerald R., 1st Lt. 0668586. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie credit, OO-23-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 90 Bergen Avenue, Ridgefield Park, NJ. Add. ’89: 421 Dakota Way, Fort Pierce,
Hunter, Russell D., Add. ‘46: 13 West Jefferson Avenue, Shelby, OH.
Huntington, Warren F., Sgt. 11108315. 870th. Radar. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). BS, GO 46II (497th). Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. A-25, Peace pn Earth. Westervelt. RTD. A-32,
Stripped for Action, Buckheit. Add. ‘46: 16 London Street, Worcester, MA.
Huntley, Ellsworth G., Pfc. 33604337. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Hurst, Harvey, Sgt. 38530067. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Pfc to
Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1012 Oak
Street, McKinney, TX.
Hussey, Theodore N., Maj. 0906996. AC, 497th reld fr dy this Hq. and trfd to 499th Bomb
Gp at Salina, SO 91-1 (497th)[1944]. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Reld from Hq & Hq Sq, 73rd
Bomb Wing Asgmt to Hq 497th Bomb Go, SO 27-6 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 717 Merriam,
Topeka, KA.
Husson, Peter Jr., Add. ‘46: 2111 60th Street, Kenosha, WI.
Hussy, Bruce C., Cpl. 39286664. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 1832 E Campbell Avenue, Phoenix, AZ. NoteMay be Hussey
Hutton, Mason P., M/Sgt. 6363121. 870th . Apl Mech/Crew Chief , 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 3231 Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL. Note: One order spells surname as
Huxman, Frederick W., 1st Lt. 01553847. 871st. Avn Ord O, 4532. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Hyate, Glennie Curran, Add. ‘46: Route 2 Polkton, NC.
Hyatt, C. B., Add. ’89: Route 2, Marshville, NC.
Hyink, Lawrence B., S/Sgt. 39379737. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – Check sp. last name ASN
Hyman, Robert E., 2nd Lt. 0835650. 869th. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Hysell, Charles M., Pfc. 35628638. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Illman, Robert L., 2nd Lt. 0-702923. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 230-III (20th AF). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). Rotated to US, SO 195-2
(73rd). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Maline, IL.
Inachmund, Charles A., (Address unknown)
Ingersoll, William S., Jr., Cpl. 33393671. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Inglash, William S., Add. ‘46: 255 Donnerway, Sacramento, CA.
Irish, Robert R., Capt. 0439789. 869th. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 524
Gladstone Avenue, Grand Rapids, MI. Add. ’89: 5680 Halifx Drive, Sarasota, FL.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Isles, Richard D., S/Sgt. 36339199. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech 2756. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). R & R, SO 69-2
(Prov AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan. (Address
Isley, William H., Cpl. 14148665. 869th. Rt Gunr. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, A-16,
Crowe. 1 June, 1945. NOK: Mr. William Isley (father), Walkerton, NC. Not in NatlArch.
Not in WWIIMemorial. Note: No confirmation of death.
Jackness, Jack., 1st Lt. 0676063. 870th. Nav- Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). Nav. A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing/ Ditched,
19 Dec 1944. Survived. RMC. Entered Service from MO. Add. ‘46: 2120 73rd Street,
Brooklyn, NY.
Jackson, Joe B., T/Sgt. 17035523. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Jackson, Robert E., Cpl. 34831364. 871st. Tail Gunr, A-42, Joker's Wild II, Austin. KIA,
Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Sortie Credit, OO-9,
(497th). Entered Service fr Habersham County, GA: NOK: Mrs. Beulah F. Jackson
(mother), Post Office Box 386, Clarkesville, GA. NatlArch 1032297. WWII Memorial
Jacobs, Sidney, Add. ‘46: 804 West 44st Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Jacobson, Donald H, Cpl. 39011462. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 9, Box 529, Fresno, CA.
Jacobson, Joseph M., Sgt. 18163242. 871st . GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 127
South 2nd Street, Muskogee, OK.
Jacobson, Samuel D., Add. ‘46: 127 South 2nd Street, Muskogee, OK.
Jacoby, Robert M., T/Sgt. 15099433. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. AM, PH (ABMC). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: IN. A-45, Dixie Darliin’,
Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. NOK:
Mrs. Martha J. Jacoby (wife), 5139 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, IN. Natl Arch 1061648.
WWII Memorial 798112. Sam E. Pennartz 2347868.
James, Don W., Sgt. 15354710. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-I1 (497th)
James, John,* Cpl. 110***68. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN?
James, Thomas H., Sgt. 35635242. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1092 East 20th Avenue,
Columbus 3, OH.
James, Thomas J., Add. ’89: 2704 N Cassady Avenue, Columbus, OH.
Jamgochian, B. H., Add. ‘46: 13 12th Street, Niagara Falls, NY.
Jamison, Arite M., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Wister, OK.
Jancicik, Paul S., Pfc. 36724820. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 4333 West
Roscocht, Chicago, IL.
Commented [JP15]: GO 46-II (497th) name listed as Jandick?Pls
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Janowsky, G., Add. ‘46: 409 10th Avenue, Paterson, NJ.
Janowsky, Sidney R., Sgt. 32609282. 871st . GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Jansen, Clarence G., 2nd Lt. 0702440. 870th. Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944]
Janson, Leon J., 2nd Lt. 02081989. 871st. A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Jasochko, Goerge, Add. ‘46: Morann, PA.
Jefferies, A, Add. ‘46: 1317 Broadridge Avenue, Straford, CT.
Jefferies, Harry, Add. ’89: P O Box 2592, Nyssa, OR.
Jefferies, Henry A., Sgt. 19195111. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 507 N. E.
Holaday Street, Portland, OR.
Jefferies, Ernest W. D., Sgt. 31278171. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Jeiger, Oskar C., Add. ‘46: Iowa Fields, IA.
Jenkins, John T., Sgt. 33696149. 870th. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits OO-20-1 (497th). DFC, GO
130-V (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss
Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mrs. Anna Jenkins (mother), 511 North Seventh Street, Clair
ton, PA. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Jenkins, Walden D., Add. ’89: P O Box 1377, Lucerne Valley, CA.
Jensel, Everrett H., Add. ‘46: Route 6, Box 702, Fresno, CA.
Jensen, Everett H., Cpl. 39239163. Cook, 060. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Pfc to Cpl, SO 1021 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Northrop, MN.
Jensen, Robert H., Add. ‘46: 1357 Pacific Street, Brookly 16, NY.
Jeska, Alfred S., Cpl. 39108688. 871st. Reclass Special Vehicle Opr, 932 to Auto Mech,
014, SO 83-6 (497th BG).
Jeska, E., Add. ‘46: 416 Williams Road, Salinas, CA.
Jessick, A. D., Add. ‘46: 848 East 47th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Jessick, Michael, Pvt. 12142500. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Joeeley, M. M., Add. ‘46: Lockhart 5, TX.
Johannes, John M., Add. ‘46: 1227 East A Street, Ontario, CA.
Johnson, A., Add. ‘46: Doad West College Avenue, State College, PA.
Johnson, Arnold T., Col. 0-19989. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Duty asgmt as directed, SO 2-5 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XI
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). Aptd Non-Effective Aircraft
Board, SO 229-1 (497th). Asumption of Command, 497th, GO 15-1 (497th). Sortie credits,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 367, Gilbertville, MA.
Johnson, Buford P., 1st Lt. 0-438244. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker. MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mrs.
Gladys P. Johnson, (mother), 5200 Second Avenue,South, Minneapolis, MN. Not in
NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial. Mr. Elton J. Jacobson, Brother-in-law 310104. Mrs.
Myrna F. Garrard, Daughter 1362807.
Johnson, Deward N., Cpl. 36419208. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Johnson, Earl F., Pfc. 16031204. 869th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Johnson, Elmer W., Cpl. 37434591. 870th. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina
for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944]. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
20 House Street, Cheyenne, WY.
Johnson, Francis C., Capt. 0-519441. 870th. Medical O, 3100. AM, GO 137-III (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa
Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 515 McLindoe Street, Wausau, WI.
Add. ’89: 613 McIndoe Street, Wausau, WI.
Johnson, Gerald E., Add. ‘46: Box 1061, Lakeview, OR.
Johnson, Harry W., M/Sgt. 6483165. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Box 1494, Wichita, KS.
Johnson, Hollis E., Add. ’89: 4156 E Shan Drive, Mobile, AL.
Johnson, Howard R., Sgt. 35903294. 871st. Right Gunr. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Christina Johnson, 8
Westen Street, Valparaiso, IN. Not in WWIIMem. Not in NatlArch.
Johnson, James R., Cpl. 33650583. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: Box 686, Trinity, TX.
Johnson, Jordon B. Jr., Sgt. 14147587. 870th. Apl Armr,911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Johnson, Justin, Sgt. 16086975. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Johnson, Melvin K., Sgt. 33568905. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Johnson, Melvin V. Sgt. 36347271. Radio Mech, 754. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
1009 West College Avenue, State College, PA.
Johnson, Paul, Add. ‘46: Redfield, IA.
Johnson, William M., Jr., Pfc. 36758880. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Johnston, Hollis E., Sgt. 34813022. 870th. Tail Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1,
OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1353 Van Dorn Street, Mobile 19, AL.
Johnston, Reuben C.K., 1st Lt. 0827659. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th
AF). Add. ‘46: St. George, SC.
Jolley, Floyd Jr., Sgt. 18154051. Hq. CFC Mech,960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Route 7, Lockhart, TX.
Jones, Edward L., Add. ‘46: 322 Topping Street, St. Paul, MN. Add. ’89: RD Box 24 A
Evans Road, Remsen, NY.
Jones, Elmer C., Add. ‘46: 1115 Gregory Street, Galensboro, NC.
Jones, Glenn W., T/Sgt. 19172637. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-201, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), AM (OLC),
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(ABMC). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB, 6 June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley.
Entered Service from Utah. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 798600.
Jones, H. Sam, Add. ‘46: Chilton, TX.
Jones, Harry J. Jr., Add. ‘46: 121 North Lynwood Avenue, Baltimore, MD.
Jones, Harry L., Add. ‘46: San Quentin, CA.
Jones, Henry J. Jr., Pfc. 33563944. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1
Jones, Herman S., 1st Lt. 0572188. 870th. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Asst S-2 Officer, SO 124-1 (497th BG). Reld from
asgmt 870th & asgd to 497th Hq PM37 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Chilton, TX.
Jones, James R. Jr., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Woodstock, IL.
Jones, Jesse C., Jr., 1st Lt. 07292838. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA.
Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. Entered Service fr Ohio County, IN. NOK: Mrs.
Lucy A. Jones (mother), 12 Dunlop St., Kentland, IN. Natl Arch 1067378. Not in WWII
Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2368684.
Jones, John C., Add. ‘46: Box 42 Beeville, TX.
Jones, John R., Pfc. 32604691. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
43 North Ashby Avenue, Livingston, NJ.
Jones, Moulton R. Jr., S/Sgt. 31219619. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Jones, Paul V., Add. ‘46: 29 Garrett Avenue, Rosemont, PA.
Jones, Richard B., 1st Lt. 0-702926. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 294 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-50,
Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: 205 West Market Street, Seguin, TX.
Jones, Robert W., Sgt. 33791593. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF).
Jones, Warren L., S/Sgt. 31340448. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF).
Jones, William J., S/Sgt. 33101224. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Jones, William O., 871st. Radar, 866. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt.
Rescued. Add. ‘46: Waukesha, WI. Add. ’89: Rt 4 Box 645, Rhinelander, WI.
Jones, William W., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Greensfield, IL.
Jordan, Henry J., S/Sgt. 31309591. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 39 Pinkert
Street, Medford 55, MA. Add. ’89: P O Box 10254, Pompano Beach, FL.
Jorgensen, William N., Pfc. 37432038. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box
10, Kimballton, IA.
Jorstad, Oswald J., 1st Lt. 0-864947. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. POC authorized, SO 239-1
(246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
PH (OLC) (ABMC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. MIA, 1 June, 1945, A-15, Crowe. NOK:
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Mrs. Justine R. Jorstad (mother), Zahl, ND. Not in WWII Mem. Not in Natl Arch. Diane
Gronfur, Niece 1802758. Note: No confirmation of death.
Jorstall, Robert H., Sgt. 15307376. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 786
Lexington Avenue, Zanesville, OH
Joseph, William, S/Sgt. 31351746. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF).
Add. ’89: 20 Elm, Fairfield, ME.
Jouler, Richard H., Add. ‘46: Duarte, CA.
Joyce, John, Add. ‘46: 1706 Oakgrove Avenue, Swissvale, PA.
Judd, Allen W., Add. ‘46: 37 Lake Avenue, White Bear Lake, MN.
Judge, George C., S/Sgt. 35874680. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 176
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ’89: 2215
Spyglass Lane, El Cerrito, CA.
Judge, Lloyd F., S/Sgt. 18012875. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
Judoe, George G., (Address unknown)
Julin, Donald D., 2nd Lt. 0-699183. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 1922 Meadow Street, Mckeesport, PA. Add. ’89: 4397
Green Valley Road, Suisun City, CA.
Junker, John H., Sgt. 33302365. 871st. Apl Welder, 573. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 1109 15th Street, Mckees
Rock, PA.
Jupperstrom, George J., Sgt. 36460585. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Justice, Jack, Sgt. 34435321. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Candler, NC.
Kaid, William J., Add. ‘46: 3722, South Union Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Kaja, George V., S/Sgt. 16021734. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Wisconsin
Rapids, WI.
Kamenicky, Thomas R., Sgt. 11138763. 870th. Rt Gunr. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-161, OO-20-1, OO-24-1 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace
pn Earth. Westervelt. Add. ‘46: 414 Thompson Street, Stratford, CT.
Kamerman, Sam L., S/Sgt. 12188240. 871st. 757 Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Trfd fr 500th Bomb Gp, Walker
AAB asgd to 871st Bomb Sq, SO 91-3 (497th) [1944]. Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO
175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-45,
Dixie Darlin’, Lampley.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Kamgochian, Hampartzoom B., Cpl. 12131703. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)- Chk name for sp.
Kaminsky, Paul W., Sgt. 19113887. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: oute 2, Box 53-A,
Ellensburg, WA. Add. ’89: Pocket Road, Ellensburg, WA.
Kammerman, Sam L., Add. ‘46: 341 East Houston Street, New York City, NY.
Kanachek, Michael P., Add. ‘46: 52 East 102nd Street, Chicago, IL.
Kania, Makardy A., Sgt. 31193694. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Kantor, Michael P., Sgt. 31341700. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground Crew, A-21, Thumper. Add.
‘46: 13 Pythian Avenue, Watertown, CT. Add. ’89: 39 Taft Circle, Watertown, CT.
Kapanjie, George, 1st Lt. 0931070. DFC, GO 58-XV (20 AF). Add. ’89: 111 Rutgers Pl.,
Clifton, NJ.
Kaplan, Herbert R., 1st Lt. 0-699186. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 191
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 301 West 108th Street, New York, NY.
Kapple, John W., Sgt. 33293173. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 2, Sharpsbugh, PA.
Karcher, Monroe L., S/Sgt. 38420745. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE.
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Giddings, TX.
Kareiva, Frank D., 2nd Lt. 0699187. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 20 Green Ridge Street, Scranton, PA. Add. ’89: 1603 Edgerton Pl., Odenton,
Karel, Russell L., Cpl. 36458447. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 835 Hasen South E, Grand Rapids, MI.
Karger, Frank R., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Pine Hollow Road, McKees, Rock, PA.
Karstens, Vernon L., 2nd Lt. 02061001. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th
AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ’89: Rt. 2 Box 81, Avoca, IA.
Kaselasukas, Leo R., Add. ‘46: 713 North Main Street, Nuckland, CT.
Kasti, Francis. Add. ‘46: Kincaid, KS.
Kastl, Melvin R., Cpl. 37350078. 871st. Asgd to 871st. fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th).
Kaszuk, William D., S/Sgt. 35597414. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Katchmir, Wassil, 2nd Lt. 0805486. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point,
February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. NOK: Not shown on MACR. Not in NatlArch.
WWIIMemorial 798951.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Katsidras, H. M., Elder Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Katzbeck, Adolph C., Add. ‘46: 727 Aldine Street, Chicago, IL.
Kear, Clifford R., 305 Oneida Street, Pittsburg, PA.
Keck, Rufus W., Add. ‘46: 1724 Forrestdale Avenue, Knoxville, TN.
Keegan, George. 869th. FE. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Keeler, John S., 2nd Lt. 0-864949. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address unknown)
Keenan, James E., S/Sgt. 31431859. 870th. Radar. Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th
AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). Add.
‘46: 22 Willard S., West Quincy, MA. MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK:
Mrs. Mary A. Keenan (mother), 22 Willard Street, Quincy, MA. Not in NatlArch. Not in
WWII Memorial. Mr. Philip Strandal, Cousin 191454.
Keenan, Robert M., Cpl. 39116926. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Add. ‘46: 311 27th Street, San Francisco, CA.
Keepple, John W., Add. ‘46: Sharpsberg, PA.
Keeton, Joseph, Pfc. 32824867. 869th. Truck Drvr, 345. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th).
Keith, Austin R., 1st Lt. 0-733909. 871st. APC. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point,
February 25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Service from Maine. NOK: Not
shown on MACR. Natl. Arch. 1026991. WWII Memorial. 799069.
Kellam, James L., 2nd Lt. 0771722. 871st. Pilot, four Engine, 1024. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-49, Jumpin Stud. Add. ‘46: 9209 Duferin Avenue,
Riverside, CA. Add. ’89: Box 1298, Riverside, CA. Add. ’96. P.O. Box 1298, Riverside, Calif.
Keller, Abraham, Cpl. 33599765. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Fl 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment
to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, , OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Asgd to 870th fr
Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: 92 Chelsea Street,
Charlestown, Boston, MA. NOTE: Check spelling of surname Kelly, or Kelley.
Kelley, John E., Sgt. 33090141. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 102 Virginia Avenue,
Vinton, VA.
Kelley, John J., Sgt. 11140822. Rt. Gunr. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). AM, PH (ABMC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, A-32,
Stripped for Action, Buckheit.. KIA. NOK not shown on MACR. Natl Arch 1257526. WWII
Memorial 799121.
Kelley, Lloyd E., S/Sgt. 39131098. 870th. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched
4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace pn Earth. Westervelt. A-32, Stripped for Action,
Commented [JP16]: SO236-4 lists ASN as 0864948
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Kelley, William A., Capt. 0-792995. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1
(20 AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter,
SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th) DFC (OLC), AM (3 OLC), (ABMC). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB. 6
June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Hometown: Tift County, GA. NOK: Jane J.
Kelley (wife), Evarts, KY. Natl Arch 1047541. WWII Memorial 799131.
Kelly, Gerald, Add. ‘46: Fort George, Meade, MD.
Kelly, Lloyd E., Add. ‘46: Box 251, Sunnyvale, CA.
Kemp, Fred S., Sgt. 18057865. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 3007 North Water, Corpus Christi, TX.
Kemph, Donald R., Add. ‘46: 229 Fitch Street, Syracuse, NY.
Kendrick, Harry E., Sgt. 35609206. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Kendrick, Yvonne, Add. ‘46: Route 1, Salem, OR.
Kenna, William S., Pfc. 37569308. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Jamestown, ND.
Kennedy, Clinton L., Sgt. 19080159. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1129 Pascual
Street, Santa Barbara, CA.
Kennedy, Maurice E., 2nd Lt. 0-702929. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Sterling,
OK. NOK: Mr. Floyd W. Kennedy (father), Sterling, OK. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII
Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2333368.
Kennedy, William J., Jr, S/Sgt. 31361062. 870th. CFC Gunner, 580. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Asgd to 870th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA, Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28,
Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown: Middlesex County, MA. NOK: Mr. William J. Kennedy, Sr.
(father), 15 Revere Street, Malden, MA. NatlArch 1257540. Not in WWII Mem.
Kenney, Charles J. L., S/Sgt. 13152161. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Radio. Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: 154 East Catowissa Street,
Nesquchoning, PA. Add. ’89: 2185 Aster Road, Bethlehem, PA.
Kenny, Francis V., S/Sgt.33704241. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Brownsville, PA.
Kent Robert C., Capt, 0-482815. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1144 Hoez Avenue,
Iowa City, IA. Add. ’89: 413 N Neptune, Indian Harbour Bch, FL.
Kent, Everett L., Add. ‘46: 609 3rd Street, S. E. Crosby, MN.
Keosaian, John, Cpl. 33339387. Hq. Truck Drvr, 345. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 515 West 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Kepple, John W., Add. ’89: 623 Saxonburg Blvd., Blawnox, PA.
Kerekos, G., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Trump Road, Canton, OH.
Kern, Paul E., Cpl. 35699233. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Kern, Richard P., Sgt. 16051872. Hq. Lab Tech, 941. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 118 South Illinois Street, Belleville, IL.
Add. ‘46: 5014 Lindell Blvd., St. Louis, MO.
Kerr, James E., 1st Lt. 0-580833. Hq. Apptd. PX O in addition to his other duties, SO 5-3
(497th Ground Echelon). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1985 Forest Avenue, Hayward,
CA. Add. ’89: 19061 Gliddon Street, Castro Valley, CA.
Kerver, John K., Add. ‘46: 1281 Brockley Avenue, Lakewood, OH.
Kessler, Frederick F., Add. ‘46: 347 North New Jersey Avenue, Atlantic City, IL.
Kessler, Raymond L., Jr., Cpl. 33638600. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 4507 Oakdale Drive,
Lynchburg, VA.
Kessler, Wilbur A., 1st Lt. 0-2060891. 869th. Nav, 1034. KNB. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger
of Fate, Fate. HT: Delaware County, PA. NOK: Mr. Wilbur Kessler (father), Brookthorp
Hills, Newtown Square, PA. NatlArch 1332477. Not in WWII Memorial.
Kester, Donald E., Sgt. 33488486. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ketchersid, D. E., Add. ‘46: 11 944 Gorman Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
Ketchersid, Paul F., Cpl. 19163482. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ketterer, Harry L., Cpl. 33801542. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1021 (497th). Sortie credit, OO-23-1 (497th). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. (Address unknown)
Ketzle, Henry W., S/Sgt. 36330683. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Radio. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from IL. NOK: Mrs. Florence M.
Ketzle (wife), RR #3 Box #76, Princeton, IN. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 799329.
Khile, Deryl D., Pfc. 17152540. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Knoll, Charles A., Sgt. 33695792. 870th. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 36II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Kibbish, Rayne R., Add. ‘46: 6385 Hillegas Street, Oakland, CA.
Kidd, Theron E., Add. ‘46: 524 Eaton Road, Hamilton, OH.
Kidder, Lynn R., S/Sgt. 13088412. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). A-42, Simonds. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Fairview, PA. Add. ’89: 1840 South Dr., York,
Kiefer, Robert J., Cpl. 33135358. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2934 Cedar Street,
Philadelphia, PA.
Kiejewski, John J., Pfc. 33344967. Telephone Switchbrd Opr, 650. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Kiek, Irving D., Add. ‘46: 2547 North 33rd Street, Philadelphia 32, PA.
Kiem, William, Add. ‘46: 2511, North Belleflower, CA.
Kiernan, Peter D. Jr., T/Sgt. 32746823. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. MOS 2960. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Trfd fr
March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
(Address unknown).
Kilmer, Joe C., Cpl. 36579668. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech,747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 393 20th Avenue East, Columbus, OH.
Add. ‘46: 9202, Sorrento, Detroit, MI. Add. ’89: 32255 W 12 Mi Road, Farmington, MI.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Kilmer, Roy W., Add. ‘46: 121 South Dodge, Wichita, KS.
Kilmury, James F., Sgt. 36865438. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl
to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Box 60, Traverse City, MI. Add. ’89: 11136 Penns Dr., Traverse City, MI.
Kimball, A., Add. ‘46: 75 Clinton Street, Maplewood, NJ.
Kimball, Robert N., Pfc. 13080266. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 53 Lindeon
Street, Maplewood, NJ.
Kimbell, Earl S., Maj. 0-726253. 871. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif
to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Add. ‘46: 423 13th Street, National City, CA.
Kimberlin, William J., Add. ‘46: 957 West 32nd Street, Indianapolis, IN.
Kimberlin, William P., 2nd Lt. 0-868018. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
King, Charles G., Jr., Cpl. 33503827. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
King, George W., 1st Lt. 0856065. Radar Obs RCM, 7888. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS).
King, Ronald H., 2nd Lt. 0699192. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII
(XXI BC). Hometown: State At Large, IL. MIA-FOD, 27 January, 1945, A-23, Shady Lady,
Dauth. NOK: Mrs. Wanda J. King, (wife), Kelley Avenue, Joliet, IL. NatlArch 1104617.
Not in WWII Mem. Britney Smith, Granddaughter 2304499. Elizabeth King Ford 925258.
King, Samuel G., S/Sgt. 10168036. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Cedarville, AR.
King, Wilson K., 2nd Lt. 0830069. 871st. Pilot. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945
A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Cora M. King (mother), 600 Fayetteville Avenue,
Bennetsville, SC. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Mem.
Kirby, Elgin B., Pfc. 33631049. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ground Crew, A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 1837 Herndon Street, Arlington, VA.
Add. ’89: 4332 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, VA.
Kirchner, Marvin J., 1st Lt. 0-767831. 871st. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill
Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). (Address unknown)
Kirk, Irving D., S/Sgt. 13186531. 870th. Radar. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 769 East
Hilltons, Philadelphia, PA.
Kirk, J., Demsey, Add. ‘46: Route 1, Marietta, GA. Add. ’89: 862 Kennesaw Ave N.W.,
Marietta, GA.
Kirk, James O., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Gorman, TX.
Kirk, Ocran E., S/Sgt. 18007638. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Commented [E17]: MATC shows ASN as 30869
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Kirkpatrick, Alfred R., Sgt. 36904146. 870th. TG. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-22-1 (497th).
AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched, 26 Feb
1945, A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit, Survived. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
Add. ‘46: 1900 North 25th Street, East St. Louis, IL.
Kirshner, Mervin J., 1st Lt. 871st. Pilot. A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning.
Kishkunas, Joseph A., 36663339. Hq. CFC Mech, 960 Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Kissel, Robert V., Sgt. 36458752. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Sidney, MI. Add. ’89: 151
S Turk Lake Dr., Greenville, MI.
Kisti, Joseph F., S/Sgt. 42080023. 871st. Radio. Sortie credit, OO-18-1 (497th). AM, GO82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. Mrs. Mary
Kisti (mother), Lamberton Street, Trenton, NJ. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Klerman, Peter D., Sgt. 32748223. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
Klein, Clifford M., 1st Lt. 0828456. 874th. DNB. Passenger. 10-5-45. DFC, AM (ABMC).
A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Gladwin County, MI. NOK: Mrs. Winnie M. Klein
(mother), Route #1, Gladwin, MI. NatlArch 1147410. Not in WWII Memorial. Mary
McGregor, Cousin 1348736.
Klimczak, Walter S., Sgt. 33356642. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Cpl to
Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to
Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery.
Add. ‘46: 149 Center Street, Plymouth, PA. Add. ’89: 2207 Senator Avenue, Dist Hgts,
Klinetob, Carl E., M/Sgt. 33118042. 871st. Flt Eng,1028. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-151, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry.
Kling, Earl W., Add. ‘46: 101 ½ West 2nd Street, South Newton, IA.
KNB Add. ‘46: 7630 Gould Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Knezovich, Anthony A., Sgt. 32935183. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 309 Ontario
Street, Syracuse, NY.
Knight, Edward M., Sgt. 34715064. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Apl & Eng Mech, 747.
Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 159 North Auburndale, Memphis,
TN. Add. ’89: 1511 E Main St., Corinth, MS.
Knight, Herman C. Jr., Sgt. 33710922. 870th. Left Gunr. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th).
Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace on Earth. Westervelt. Add. ‘46: 22 1st
Street, Tidioute, PA. Add. ’89: 4741 Leom Bay Dr., Venice, FL.
Knight, Nela G., Add. ‘46: Box 72, Corinth, MS.
Knoll, Charles, Add. ‘46: 343 Island Avenue, Mckees Rock, PA.
Knudson, Irvin C., S/Sgt. 19113046. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Koeber, Anthony D., Add. ‘46: Feldspar Avenue, Beacon Falls, CT.
Koehler, Henry O., Cpl. 32294359. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Koehler, L., Add. ‘46: 18 Stephen Street, Albany, NY.
Koenig, Bernard, Sgt. 12157690. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Koenig, Harold R. C., 2nd Lt. 0-870743. Hq. Aer Gunnery Instr, 2554. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). (Address unknown).
Koenigsberg, Donald M., Add. ‘46: 3822 Whiteside Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Kohls, Frederick F., Sgt. 19118227. 869th. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Ennis, MT.
Kohnick, Russell, Add. ‘46: Route 1, Meshoppen, PA.
Koker, Milford, Add. ‘46: Detroit, MI.
Kolb, William E., Sgt. 34625009. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO
51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson.
Entered Service from Mississippi. NOK: Mr. William S. Kolb (father), Stewart, MS.
NatlArch 1173781. WWII Memorial 799745. Sam E. Pennartz 2351957.
Kolbo, Neal B, Add. ‘46: 2014 North 9th Street, Boise, ID.
Kolodner, Saul, 2nd Lt. 0-837720. DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A-37,
Cripps. Hometown: Middlesex County, NJ. NOK: Mrs. Rose Kolodner (mother), Box 164,
Metuchen, NJ. Natl Arch 1226980. Not in WWII Mem.
Kondrath, Robert J., Pfc. 36732761. 869th. Apl Armr, 511. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Konnick, Russell, Pfc. 33465088. MOS 409. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Konti, Charles G., Add. ‘46: 1327 West 2nd Street, Dayton, OH.
Koonce, Phillip A. Jr., Add. ‘46: 315 Alaska, Narchitoches, LA.
Koonce, Phillip A., Add. ‘46: 4219 Russell Blvd., St. Louis 10, MO.
Kopenitsi, William, Sgt. 16134382. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna
Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Milwaukee, WI. NOK: 1435 N. 20 th Street, Milwaukee, WI. Natl
Arch 1290274. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2333353.
Korlin, Albert, Cpl. 17132908. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 5658 A Maple Avenue, St. Louis, MO.
Kotterer, Harry L., Cpl. 33801541. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
Kouba, James S. 1st Lt. 0-580350. Hq. Acft Engr O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Kouba, Joseph S., Add. ‘46: Minot, ND.
Kouba, W. T., Add. ’89: Rt. 7 Box 932, Gilmer, TX.
Koukal, Charles D., T/Sgt. 16138334. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-221 (497th). Prom to T/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, Rescued. A-32, Stripped
for Action, Buckheit. Add. ‘46: 209 North Pulaski Road, Chicago 25, IL.
Kovach, William, 1st Lt. 0-697876. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). DFC, AM (4 OLC), PH, (ABMC).
Commented [E18]: May be 85334
Commented [JP19]: SO 236-4 lists ASN as 0697866
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB. 6 June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Hometown:
Huron County, MI. NOK: Elizabeth M. Kovach, (wife), 629 Riverbank, Lincoln Park, MI.
Also listed: Mrs. Isabella Fabian (mother), 616 S. Harbough Street, Detroit, MI. Natl Arch
1190986. WWII Memorial 799838.
Krahies, A., Add. ‘46: 3712 Euclid Avenue, Chicago, IL
Kralovic, John P., Add. ‘46: 119 Birmingham Terrace, Toledo, OH. Add. ’89: 106 Midvale
Avenue, Toledo, OH. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Kranz, Jim. Sgt. 870th. Ring Gunr.
Krantz, James R., Cpl. 37407844. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. (Address unknown).
Kratowicz, Joseph W., Sgt. 33310603. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 2631 Orthodoy
Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Kreke, Norval A., Cpl. 36478634. MOS 667. Pvt to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 915 N, 7th Street, Breese, IL.
Kremen, Erwin L., Add. ‘46: 126 Florence Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
Kress, Robert F., Jr., S/Sgt. 13102609. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen,
Mulloy. Add. ’89: 717 Canovia Avenue, Orlando, FL.
Krieg, Harold F., Add. ‘46: 172 A Shaeffer Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Kriger, Richard A. F/O. 869th. Nav. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Kristoff, James S., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Rea, PA.
Kritof, Elmer T., S/Sgt. 20522579. Hq. MOS 631. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Kromer, Nicholas, Cpl. 32391831. 871st. Passenger, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Barnes. KIA.
Midair collision over assembly point, 2 Feb 1945. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). Entered Service fr Essex County, NJ. NOK: Mrs. Helen Kromoka, 412 17 th St.,
Barnesboro, PA. Natl Arch 1223038. .WWII Memorial 799946.
Kross, Robert F., Cpl. 13102609. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
Krueger, Robert E., Add. ’89: 9090 Neill Lake Road, Hopkins, MN.
Kruidenier, David Jr., 1st Lt. 0-2057807. 871st. A/C. Nav-Bomb, 1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO
141-1 (20 AF). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
(Address unknown)
Krupiczewicz, Henry F., F/O T223263. T/Sgt. 16042445. 870th. GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. Add. ‘46: 500 Emerald
Avenue, Grand Rapids 2, MI.
Kryshak, Joseph S., 2nd Lt. 0864315. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 919 Washington Avenue, Stevens Point, WI
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Krysiak, Chester P., Sgt. 35018807. 869th. Radio, 757. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2
April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service from Ohio. NOK: Mrs. Angela Krysiak
(wife), 119 Dexter Street, Toledo, OH. Natl. Arch. 1150686.WWII Memorial 799978.
Sam E. Pennartz 2347221.
Kuhlman, Frederick, 1st Lt. 0-1169204. 871st. Nav-Bomb. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-45, 4463985, Cardone.
Kulak, Alexander, 1st Sgt. 6973865. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 340
Powell Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Kulhman, Fredrick W., Add. ’89: 187 Tanners Pond Road, Garden City, NY.
Kuranty, Alphonse M., Cpl. 36344146. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 3730 West 56th Place, Chicago, IL.
Kurka, Andrew F., Add. ‘46: 3105 North Kenneth Avenue, Chicago, IL. Add. ’89:666 E
Chelmsford, Elk Grove Village, IL.
Kurka, Andrew F. Jr., Pfc. 16187615. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Kurtz, Carleton W., Pfc. 36453861. 871st. MOS 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1, (497th). Add.
‘46: Camden, MI.
Kustachiz, Thomas C., S/Sgt. 38446718. 870th. Radar. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
Kveck, V.F., Add. ‘46: 1336 Lombard Avenue, Berwyn, IL.
Kyle, Carroll R., S/Sgt. 38479033. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 200 (73rd)
per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown).
La Maglia, Joseph V., Add. ‘46: 5441 Ruth Avenue, Oakland, CA.
La Mone, Kenneth W., Add. ’89: 1801 46th St. East, South St Paul, MN.
Lacey, Daniel W., Sgt. 11082141. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 44 Deerfield Avenue, Westwood, MA.
LaChance, Albert R., Sgt. 11138673. 870th. Apl Armr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr.
Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1 (497th). Prom to Pfc. (Temp),
SO 85-1 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched, 26 Feb 1945,A-29,
Miss Margaret, Buckheit, Survived. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit. Add. ‘46: 43
Wordin Avenue, Bridgeport, CT.
Lachlund, Charles A., S/Sgt. 32623971. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU).Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Lachmund, Charles A., Add. ‘46: New York City, NY.
Lacon, Albert A., Add. ‘46: 709 Flory Street, Jeanerett, LA.
Laffingwell, Clarence H., 1st Lt. 02065380. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Sortie credits OO-15-1 (497th). Trfd
fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3.
(CO,March Field).
Lahey, R. T., Add. ‘46: 2377 South Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Lahey, Robert T., Cpl. 19167471. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 300, Saugus, CA.
Laliker, Henry A., 2nd Lt. 0683725. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3-2, (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec
1944. EUS>RTD. Add. ‘46: 600 West 157th Street, New York, NY.
Lamart, Clayton V., Pfc. 312*3*32. 871st. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina
for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944].
Lamback, Charles H., 1st Lt. 0-349508. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Sortie credits,
OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. Rotate to US, SO 20414 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 329 Telfair Street, Augusta, GA.
Lambert, Richard T., S/Sgt. 35683242. 869th. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1
(497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 86-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 226 Kingsway, St Simons Island, GA.
Lambert, Wilfred J., Sgt. 36429791. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Lamm, John J., Sgt. 35515222. 871st. Clrk, Typist, 405. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
LaMoglia, Joseph V., 1st Lt. 0-861203. 870th. Radar Obs RCM, 7888. 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO
21-5 (Hq AAF POA). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1 (497th). 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). KIA, 3 July, 1945, A22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mrs. Florence C. LaMoglia (mother) 5441 Ruth Avenue,
Oakland 1, California. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Lamone, Kenneth W., S/Sgt. 16156718. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). AM (OLC), GO 30-III
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Lamontagne, Marcel J., Pfc. 20156079. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 3882
Botanical Avenue, St. Louis, O.
Lamoureaux, Cleo E., Sgt. 37706914. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 14
January, 1945, 42-24087, Schramm. Tail number not known. Hometown: Pueblo County,
CO. NOK: Mrs. Josephine Lamoureux, 915 Currie Street, Pueblo, CO. Not in Natl Arch
WWII Memorial 762749.
Lampley, James B., Capt. 0789182. 871st. Pilot,B29,1093. A/C. POC authorized, SO 2391 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236 (497 th). Sortie credits,
OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley.(Address unknown)
Lancaster, Walter A., CWO. W-2123580. Hq. Acft Engr O, 4823. Trfd fr 500th Bomb Gp,
Walker AAB asgd to 869th Bomb Sq, SO 91-3 (497th) [1944]. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
Commented [J20]: Not clear
Commented [J21]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Rural Route, Coming, KS.
Lancon, Albert A., Sgt. 18171821. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Land, Garland V., Sgt. 18140177. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. AM, PH
(ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: Clairborne Parish,
LA. A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs.
Gaynell A. Land (wife), Oil City, LA. Natl Arch 1061867. WWII Memorial. 800260. Sam
E. Pennartz 2347869.
Landaker, Walter R., Capt. 0433016. Hq. Bomb, 1035. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Landin, Lesley H., Sgt. 39289265. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left. Gunr. Prom to
Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1 (497th). DFC, GO 136-III (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 180 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Movement
Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Add. ’89: 14924 Jerries Drive, Saratoga, CA.
Landon, Kurt M., Col. 918220. 73rd. AM, GO 15-III (20 AF).
Landrum, Joseph C., Pfc. 35872892. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Lane, Daryl F., S/Sgt. 19149792. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 716 8th Street, Marysville, CA.
Lang, E., Add. ‘46: 1802 West French Place, San Antonio, TX. Add. ’46: 562 West 113th
Street, New York City, NY.
Lang, Richard F., Sgt. 32408296. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing. Ditched, 19 Dec 1944. Survived.
RMC. Entered Service from TX. PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Lanning, Virgil G., S/Sgt. 17147751. 870th. AM (ABMC). DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29
Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps.Hometown: Conejos County, CO. NOK: Mr. Alfred W. Lanning,
Austin, CO. NatlArch 1004818. WWII Memorial 762913. Memorial from Orville Kline
Lanthacum, Keith O., 1st Lt. 0-864170. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2401
Bowmont Drive, Beverley Hills, CA.
Lapeza, Henry M., Sgt. 31332304. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Asgd to 870th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Otterson Street, Nashua, NH
Laplante, Harold W., Sgt. 12159790. 870th. Radar, 0141. Radar Opr, 866. Cpl to Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to
Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46:
1217 Hardine Park, Bronx, NY.
Laprade, Walter C., M/Sgt. 6928045. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 23,
Harrisville, WV.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Laracy, Stanley R., 2nd Lt. 0-806276. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. Add. ‘46: 524 Del Mar
Blvd., Corpus Christi, TX.
Larson John L., 2nd Lt. 0206691. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 167 11th
Avenue, Add. ‘46: San Francisco, CA.
Larson, Leonard N., Capt. 0867119. 497th. Acft Maint O, 4823. A/C. Prom to Capt.
(Temp), SO 44-1 (20th AF). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Reld fr duty as Group Wight and Balance
Officer, SO 83-2 (497th BG). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld,
Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 800 Archibald, Kansas City,
Larson, Marvin E., Add. ‘46: Luling, TX.
Lasanti, Alfred J., Add. ‘46: 1141 49th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Laski, Eugene W., Pfc. 36764041. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2405 South California, Chicago,
Latiner, Ernest, Sgt. 36417902. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 87th Griffin Court, Battle Creek, MI
Laughbridge, Aughty C. Jr., Sgt. 14149850. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 513 Houston Street, Greenville, SC
Laughlin, Frank R., S/Sgt. 15323602. 870th. Radio Opr, 757. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th AF).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 504 East 10th Street, Grand Island, NE.
Laurien, William J.A., S/Sgt. 37341323. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) Add. ‘46: 96 North Park
Road, La Grange, IL.
Lavigne, Delbert A., Add. ‘46: 505 North Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA.
Lawrence, Robert A., Add. ‘46: 120 South La Salle, Room 1461, Chicago, IL.
Lawson, Frank S., Add. ‘46: McGregor Drive, Columbia, SC.
Lawson, James G., Pfc. 34607400. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
110 Virginia, Lenore, NC.
Lawson, John W., 1st Lt. 0-660274. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3
January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. HT: Roanoke County, VA. NOK: Dr. George
P. Lawson, 1500 Frankline Road, Roanoke, VA. NatlArch 1256517. WWII Memorial
800502. Sam E. Pennartz 2351414.
Leach, Clarence O., Sgt. 35216161. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr , 1685. Armr Gunr, 612.
Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).
Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy,
Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on Saipan runway, 1-27-45. GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 69578 Heils Lane, Bridgeport, OH.
Leahy, Harold J. Jr., Cpl. 19167542. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Add. ‘46: 762 Compton Blvd., Bellflower, CA. Add. ’89: 56643 Carlyle Drive, Yucca
Valley, CA.
Leal, Phillip, Pfc. 38367700. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 441, Taylor, TX.
Learned , Howard M., Sgt. 31262221. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Learned, Howard N., Add. ‘46: 33 Electric Avenue, Fitchbert, MS.
Leavers, George L., Sgt. 35399493. 871st . GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Leavy, Max D., Cpl. 35608637. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 904, Girard, OH. Add. ’89:
1105 Terrace Drive, Provo, UT.
Leavy, T. L., Add. ‘46: 4311 Main Street, Box 124, Lawrence Park, Erie, PA.
Lebens, Donald P., Pvt. 37557778. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Pfc to
Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). Add. ‘46: 610 West third Street, Shakopee, MN.
Lee, Edward T., 2nd Lt. 0864954. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Sq Flight Engineer (Prim duty) and Weight & Balance
Officer (Add duty), SqO 2-17 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. Add. ‘46: 8 Pine Street,
Binghamton, NY.
Lee, Frederick R., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Enterprise, AL.
Lee, Lawrence L., S/Sgt. 37252164. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon,
Young. Entered Service from North Dakota. NOK: Mr. John M. Lee (father), Max, ND.
NatlArch 1215964. WWII Memorial 800624. Sam E. Pennartz 2371059.
Lee, Lester E., Add. ‘46: 121 North 6th Street, Madison, WI.
Lee, Raymond C., S/Sgt. 34539275. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 195
(73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). (Address
Leer, Norman A., Maj. 0-279734. Executive O, 2120. Allowed from duty as Custodian of
Sq Funds, Sq O 2-24 (869th). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th Ground Echelon),
Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-4 (497th Ground
Echelon). Add. ‘46: 1110 7th Street, Clarkstown, WA.
Leffingwell, Clarence H., 2nd Lt. 0-2065380. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-20-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1904 West 50th Street, Cleveland, OH.
LeHoy, Alexander, Sgt. 336124867. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Leibowitz, Albert N., T/Sgt. 32094364. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1,
OO-20-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov
AAV, No.1). (Address unknown)
Leithiser, A. E., 10 South 2nd Street, Wrightsville, PA.
Leithiser, Merl C., Jr. T/Sgt. 13157920. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
AAFBU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Gound Crew, A-23, Shady Lady,
Dauth. Add. ’89: #8 Lincoln Ct., Buena Park, CA.
Lemmon, Benjamin R., 2nd Lt. 0-777722. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. BS, SO 195 (73rd) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 130- III (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). Add. ’89: 650 Gaslight Court, Marshall,
Lemon, Lloyd R., S/Sgt. 39908290. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Caliente, NV.
Lenderman, Carrol D., S/Sgt. 38450887. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-29, Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46:
1418 Garfield Avenue, Lincoln Park 25, MI.
Lenk, Robert D., Sgt. 15133831. 871st. A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Lenker, William E., Pfc. 3617939. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Leonard, Howard, 1st Lt. 0806092. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC).
DFC, GO 130-VI (XXI BC). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46II (497th). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: Blanche, KY.
Leonard, Louis F., S/Sgt. 13156138. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sgt to
S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). R & R, SO 692 (Prov AAV, No.1). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Rotated to
US, SO 195-4 (73rd). Add. ’89: RFD 1 104 Tom Cir., Daytona Beach, FL.
Leonard, Robert J., Cpl. 14030873. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Prom to Cpl. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th).
Lepeev, Alex., Cpl. 33713701. Squadron?? AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF). (Address
Lesey, Waldo D., Add. ‘46: Route 4, Franklin, IN.
Leshe, Carey, Add. ‘46: Ringgold, LA.
Leu, Werner S., 2nd Lt. 0785696. 871st. Bomb, 1035, Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO 162-8 (73rd
BW). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. HT: Lafayette
County, WI. NOK: Mrs. Theresia G. Leu (wife), RFD Four, Mount Horeb, WI. NatlArch
1285916. Not in WWII Mem. Albert G. Pulley 243235.
Levi, George N., Pfc. 35876364. Photo Lab Tech, 945. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Special
duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 210 West Pleasant Street,
Cynthia, KY.
Levin, Bernard S., Sgt. 36318746. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1647 South Springfield,
Chicago, IL
Commented [E22]: GO 12-1 Shows ASN as 35874364
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Levonas, Winfield A., T/Sgt. 6995575. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945
near Tokyo on A-14. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 9 January, 1945, 42-24772. Entered
Service fr Luzerne County, PA. NOK: Mrs. Mary Levonas (mother), 653 Pinehill St., ???,
PA. NatlArch 1336982. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2357051.
Levy, Jules, 2nd Lt. 0-2057961. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). MIA>KIA, 2 April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service from
New York. NOK: Mrs. Rose Levy (mother), 1342 East 18th St. Brooklyn, NY. Not in
NatlArch. WWII Memorial 800796. Sam E. Pennartz 2347259.
Lewallen, Abner D., Sgt. 17055550. 869th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Lewis, Frank, Add. ‘46: 129 Charles Street, West Hartford, CT.
Lewis, Louie J., S/Sgt. 39120076. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown). NOTE:
ASN May be 39120036.
Lewis, Severyn A., Add. ‘46: 2030 Clinton Avenue, Minneapolis, MN. Route 2, Osage,
Lewko, Charles, T/Sgt. 32456080. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Libl, John F., Add. ‘46: 2211 Hilton Avenue, Ashland, KY.
Lichtenfeld, Sherwin R., S/Sgt. 16080070. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Lichtenstein, Robert H., T/Sgt. 39180304. 73 Weather Sq. O. Sortie credit, OO-24-1
Liebowitz, Albert N., T/Sgt. 32094364. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to T/Sgt. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th). BS, SO 211 421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-15-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder.
Liebowitz, Julius, M/Sgt. 12025766. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground Crew, A-21,
Thumper, Haynes. Add. ‘46: Rockaway Beach, Long Island, NY.
Liles, Felix G., S/Sgt. 34445465. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1
(1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO
130-III (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO
195-3 (73rd). A-9, Skyscrapper I, II, III, Garvin. (Address unknown)
Lilly, F. N., Add. ‘46: 637 4th Street, Pulaski, VA.
Lilly, John B. Sr., Sgt. 33648186. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Pfc to
Cpl, SO 102-1, (497th).
Lims, John R., Add. ‘46: 3324 Prairie Avenue, Mattoon, IL.
Linberg, Ernest J., Cpl. 11096289. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Lind, Wilfred N., 1st Lt. 0-795783. 870th. B-29 Pilot,1093. APC. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). DFC (OLC),
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
GO 59-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-30, Star
Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: 4245 Snelling Avenue, Minneapolis, MN. Add. ’89: 3330 Edmund
Blvd., Minneapolis, MN.
Linden, Paul J., S/Sgt. 16145379. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov
AAV, No.1). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Add. ’89:
790 Schomer Road, Aurora, IL.
Lindenstruth, Elmer C., Sgt. 33551226. 869th/870th. Tail Gunr. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. Entered Service: Baltimore Cty, MD. A-26, Lucky Irish,
Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mrs. Johanna H. Lindenstruth (mother), 941
Ashburton St., Baltimore, MD. Natl Arch 1058161. WWII Memorial. 800925. Sam E.
Pennartz 2339053.
Lindsey, Edwin L., Add. ‘46: 401 West Valley, Morrilton, AK.
Lindsey, Warren L., Add. ‘46: 2103 North 25th Street, St. Louis, IL
Lindstedt, John A., Add. ’89: 216 S E 8th St., Hallandale, FL.
Lindville, Herbert R., (Address unknown)
Linke, George A., Capt. O693830. B-29 Pilot, 1093. 109 Rotation Points , SO 160 (497th).
Linke, William F., T/Sgt. 37330587. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27,
Texas Doll, Arnold-Cutler. Ditched, 26 May, 1945. A-38, Swenson. RTD. Add. ‘46:
Grandby, CO
Linko, Goerge R., Add. ‘46: 961 Washington Street, Troop, PA.
Linville, Herbert R., S/Sgt. 35698768. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-151, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV,
No.1). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial
Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-46, Miss Behavin II,
Lisanti, Alfred J., Cpl. 32982101. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Litsch, LeRoy G. 2nd Lt. FE. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Little, George L., S/Sgt. 14141771. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo
Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 1620 North Pelham Road, N.E., Atlanta, GA. Add.
’89: 2268 Wender, Tucker, GA.
Little, Lonnis P., S/Sgt. 34018883. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Littlefield, James H., Pfc. 18127717. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Littlefield, M. J., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Daingerfield, TX.
Littlefield, Walter D., 1st Lt. 0-864676. Hq. Photo Interpreter, 8503. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Littlefield, Walter O., 8 Palmer Avenue, Tupper Lake, NY.
Littler, David E., 1st Lt. 01590850. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Lock, Eugene L., Cpl. 17122149. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 402 Elms Street, Washington, MO
Lock, N, Add. ‘46: 902 W. 7th Street, Washington, MO.
Locke, Nelson A., 1st Lt. 01647582. 330th ASG. HT: Chicago, IL. Survived crash.
Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Signal Corps Entry in WWIIMem.
Note: Also listed with 330th Air Service Group. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Signal Corps OCS Assn 1975859. Note: Entry also in 330th.
Loclass, Herbert R., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Clarkshill, IN.
Lodato, Piere V., Sgt. 32604633. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Cpl to
Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy,
Sq O-9 (871st). PH, GO I -1, (497th). Ditched 3 Jan 1945, Survived. A-50, Jumbo King of the
Show, Clifford. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 425 4th Avenue, Westwood, NJ.
Lodovici, Olinto F., Sgt. 6999883. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 53-XII (20th AF).
MIA>POW-EUS. 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. NOK: Mrs. Viola A.
Lodovici (wife), Brana (?) Hotel, Victoria, KS. EUS.
Lodovici, Shine, Add. ’89: Box 203, Victoria, KS.
Loeb, Arthur J., 1st Lt. 0-650990. Hq. Asst Gp Stat O, 6402. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 6417 Wissa, Hikol Avenue,
Philadelphia, PA.
Lofaso, Andrew A., Add. ‘46: 2137 Dumaine Street, New Orleans, LA.
Logan, Howard L., Cpl. 39576106. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Logan, M. E., Add. ‘46: 321 McHenry Road, Glendale, CA
Lonergan, Melbourne E., S/Sgt. 37439663. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Long, George A., Add. ‘46: 563 Randolph, Meadville, PA.
Long, James H., Sgt. 171558066. 869th. Lab Tech, 941. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Long, Martin J., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Amherst, NE.
Longfellow, Glendon S., Add. ‘46: Franklin, NH.
Longsdorf, Ray, Sgt. 33491712. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). 869th. Special Duty with Hq. 497th
Unit Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th).
Longshore, William G., Add. ‘46: 1290 Morningside Drive, Atlanta, GA. 233 Baywood
Circle, La Grange, GA.
Lonyon, William H., M/Sgt. 37200792. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. T/Sgt to M/Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II
Lopes, Ernest B., (S). 2nd Lt. 0758466. 870th. Pilot. 1024. b. 1921. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). Pistol qual Marksman, SO 102-2
[1944] (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 24 November, 1944. Entered Service: HI. A-
Commented [J23]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
26,Lucky Irish, Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mr. John P. Lopes (father) P.O.
Box 363, Waipahu, Oahu, HI. Natl Arch. 1034316. WWII Memorial 801199. Sam E.
Pennartz 2338554.
Lopez, Raul A., Pvt. 38367113. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Lopeza, Henry M., Add. ‘46: 1-A Otterson Street, Nashua, NH.
Lore, Joseph A., S/Sgt. 11093519. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl
to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Lore, R.M., Add. ‘46: 17 Cruve Street, Dedham, MA.
Losey, Max, Add. ‘46: Route 4, Franklin, IN.
Losey, Walter D., Add. ‘46: Route 4, Franklin, IN.
Louis, Louio J., Cpl. 39120076. 869th. Radio Opr, 757. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th).
Love, Elbert S., Cpl. 33442308. 869th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Loveless, Herbert., Add: ’89: 3918 Dorsey, Charleston Hgts., SC.
Lovell, Robert G., Cpl. 17144721. 870th. Rt Gunr. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
Soldier’s Medal, GO 90-IV (XXI BC). A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing. Ditched, 19 Dec 1944.
Survived. RMC. PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Entered Service from WI. A-35,
Mariana Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Riverfalls, WI
Lovvorn, Lowell E., S/Sgt. 34334018. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU).BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA,
Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown: Talladega County, AL.
NOK: Mrs. Julia A. Lovvorn (mother), Route Number Two, Munford, AL. NatlArch
998183. Not in WWII Mem.
Low, Jimmy, S/Sgt. 39042420. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech , 2756. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Lowder, Vernon E., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Magazine, AR
Lowe, Harry, Jr., 1st Lt. 0683150. 870th. Nav Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM,
PH, (ABMC). KIA, Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown:
Bonneville County, ID. NOK: Mr. Harry Lowe, Sr. (father), Blackstone, VA. NatlArch
1276065. WWII Memorial 801288.
Lowe, Kenneth W., S/Sgt. 35133730. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 50 Euphrasia Hall, Lexington, KY. Add: ’89: 248 Edgemont,
Winchester, KY.
Lowe, William A., S/Sgt. 13107624. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 3 -2, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New
Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944. RTD. Add. ‘46: 223 E. Main Street, Carnegie, PA.
Lowenberg, Robert, Add. ‘46: 121 Smallwood Avenue, Bellville, NJ
Loyd, Linsey A., Add. ‘46: 4416 North 50th Street, Fort Smith, AK
Lucas, Edgar M., Add. ‘46: Henderson, CO.
Lucas, Peter M., 2nd Lt. 0668882. 870th. Flt Engr, 1028. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, Rescued. RTD. A32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Add. ‘46: 625 E. 9th Street, New York 9, NY.
Luck, Warren G., Sgt. 36865445. MOS 850. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 611 Broadway, Three Rivers, MI.
Lucy, Jessie J., Add. ‘46: Wickliffe, KY.
Lucy, Willard M., S/Sgt. 19070020. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. Add: ’89: P O Box 73, Bodega, CA.
Ludovici, Olinto POW.
Ludwick, Harry, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Akeley, PA.
Ludwick, Myron S., S/Sgt. 33683778. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-16-1
(497th). PH, GO 3 -2, (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944.
RTD. Add. ‘46: Route 2, Akeley, PA. Add: ’89: RD 3 Box 159, Sugargrove, PA.
Luetkemeyer, Lawrence, Pfc. 38566921. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
General Delivery, O’Keene, OK.
Luettschwager, Harold H., T/Sgt. 36933038. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-54,
Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46: 608 N. Dunton Avenue, Arlington
Heights, IL.
Lumpkin, Allen L., Capt. 0595001. 871st. AC, A-53. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Lunney, John A., Sgt. 31285629. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 61 Hathaway St. North Adams, MA.
Lussier, Russell J., Sgt. 31288881. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 14 Taylor Street,
North Adams, MA
Luxenberg, Lawrence, 1st Lt. 0-668988. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-41, Red Hot
Rider, Bowry.
Lynch, Bertram G., Capt. 0869240. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO I -1, (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 142-XX (21st BC). Ditched 3 Jan 1945, Survived. A-50, Jumbo King of the Show,
Clifford; A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge.Add. ‘46: 1943 Spring Drive, Louisville, KY. Add: ’89:
3406 E Northline, Guilford College, NC. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Remembrance in WWII Mem by son. Remembrance in WWII Mem by Daughter,Sara
Lynch Hoffman 2385065. Ross D. Lynch, Son 1890256.
Lyons, George M., Cpl. 36573845. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Placed on Special dy with Hq. 73rd Bomb Wing Lead Crew School
for an indefinite period, and upon completion of this special duty will rtn to proper orgn
for duty, SO 33-5 (73rd). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 155, Route 3, Birmingham,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Mabry, Charles E., S/Sgt. 33390148. 870th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC).
Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 8, Foster Falls, VA. Add: ’89: Box 35,
Pandora, OH.
MacAlpine, Orville D., Capt. 0381377. 871st. Granted 15 days lv, SO-1004 (497th).
MacDonald, Lawrence E., Add. ‘46: 391 Newport Avenue, Long Beach, CA.
MacMullen, Marvin. 869th . Bomb. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford. Mason, TX.
Machnik, Paul T., 2nd Lt. 0-699211. 869th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 20 Hopwell Street, Taunton, MA.
Mackay, Thomas D., Sgt. 38467194. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1,
(497th). A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: 582 Hillside Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IA. Add:
’89: 824 Cambridge Ave., Elmhurst, IL.
MacLeod, Lincoln L., S/Sgt. 12208868. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 210 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 409 Hazel Avenue, Endicott, NY. Add: ’89: 201
Evergreen St $6-1D, Vestal, NY.
Madafferi, John, Sgt. 32136036. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Maddus, Ellsworth W., Add. ‘46: 200 E, Murriel Avenue, Orlando, FL.
Madeau, Leah, Add. ‘46: 15 Acorn Street, Rockland, ME.
Madinger, Allison B., Cpl. 35893937. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Box 259-B, Tucson, AZ.
Magee, Robert D., S/Sgt. 12184979. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Crew #12. (Address unknown)
Magliano, Lawrence. M/Sgt. 6707624. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Maggliato, Anthony. Tail Gunr. A-21, Thumper. [Only appears in 870th Scrapbook]
Maguire, John J., S/Sgt. 12192423. 869th. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech,2756. Prom
to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Magum, Pete, Add: ’89: RFD 4 Box 264, Aberdeen, MS.
Mahoney, James P., Capt. 0-433060. 871st. Gp Gunnery O, 2554. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 219
(War Dept). POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Reld Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington,
KS).from Dy as Gp Gunnery & Arm O asgnd as Gp Gunnery O, SO 40-1 (497th). Addl dy Gp
Gunnery O, SO 102-1 [1944] (497th). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). 4822. Reclass 2554 to
4822, SO 80-3 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Aptd Inquiry Brd, SO 209-1 (497th). Aptd
Commented [J24]: No sure of name
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Non-Effective Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1, (497th). Add. ‘46: 152, Parkview Avenue, Buffalo, NY.
Maine, Willard E., Pfc. 37726995. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Macon,
MO. Add: ’89: 608 S Missouri, Macon, MO.
Major, Charles R., F/O T223259. M/Sgt. 18119872. 871st. Flt Eng,1028. Sortie credits OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. Trfd fr
March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
(Address unknown)
Major, Robert C., M/Sgt. 871st. Flt Eng. A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Add: ’89: 76-5
Leanne N. E., Alburquerque, NM.
Majors, Penn E., 2nd Lt. 0-777347. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 4089 Fairmount Drive, New Orleans, PA. ‘46: 3910 West Capital Street, Jackson,
Maley, Niran, Add. ‘46: 28-25 33rd St. Long Island, NY.
Maloy, Robert A., 2nd Lt. 0777288. 869th. Bomb-Nav. 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130- III (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 200 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Add. ‘46: 51
University Avenue, Hamilton, NY.
Mamber, Harold J., 1st Lt. 0578491. 869th. Supply O, 4113, Designated to inventory the
stocks of Field Exchange 105, SO 83-1 (497th BG).
Mandell, Clifford B., 1st Lt. 0437129. 870th. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Mandell, Clifford F., Add. ‘46: 28-35 34th St. Long Island, NY.
Mandella, Victor F., Add. ‘46: 208 3rd St. Braddock, PA.
Mandes, Antonio A. Jr., Cpl. 11111803. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Mangum, Pete A., F/O. T223267. M/Sgt. 34096139. 870th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945.
Mangum, Pete M., Add. ‘46: Bethune, SC.
Mann, Horace, 2nd Lt. 02057974. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM,
GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). N. Add. ‘46: 990 President’s Street,
Brooklyn, NY.
Mann, Sherman I., 2nd Lt. 0788728. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Manning, Alvin L., S/Sgt. 38225684. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Florien, LA.
Manning, John V., 1st Lt. 0-695943. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett; A-16, Crowe. MIA, 1 June, 1945.
Commented [J25]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Add. ’46?: 1222 Annunciation Station, New Orleans, LA. NOK: Mrs. Mary R. Manning
(mother), 1222 Annunciation Station, New Orleans, LA. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII
Memorial. Note: No confirmation of death.
Mansir, Kenneth M., S/Sgt. 11097819. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon,
Young. Entered Service from Maine. INOK: Mrs. Mabel Mansir (mother), 14 Maple St,
Randolph, ME. NatlArch 1023731. WWII Memorial 802021. Sam E. Pennartz 2371041.
Arthur E. Lapham 326795.
Manson, Robert S., Sgt. 35215032. 869th. Apl Armr, 511. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Manuel, Dan L., T/Sgt. 17012018. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
Marckhoff, William C., 1st Lt. 0739978. 869th. AM, GO 29-XXIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 928
27th St., Sacramento, CA. Add: ’89: Route 1 Box 94A, Newberg, OR.
Marco, Frank J., Add. ‘46: Box 141, McKees, Rocks Road, Moon Run, PA.
Marcy, Lyndon S., Sgt. 32849997. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Star Route,
Boonville, NY. Add: ’89: RD #2, Boonville, NY.
Mardon, H., Add. ‘46: 3250 Foulton Road, Cleveland, OH.
Marefos, Andrew G., Add. ‘46: 200 Congo Street, San Francisco, CA.
Marey, Lynden S., Add. ‘46: Star Route, Boonville, NY.
Mariarity, Richard J. Jr., Add. ‘46: 2534 Ludgate Road, Shaker Heights, OH.
Markey, Joseph I., Pfc. 36593602. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Marko, Frank J., Sgt. 33706522. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr,612. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Reclass Aer Gunr, 611 to Armr Gunr, 612, SO 83-6 (497th BG).
Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial
Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). A-50, Jumbo King of the Show
II, Hornor. Box 141 McKees Rocks Road, Moon Run, Pa.
Marks, Eugene C., T/Sgt. 17045844, Squadron ? AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Maroun, Joseph M., Pfc. 32943693. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Marr, Archie R., M/Sgt. 14046027. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. T/Sgt to M/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF). Prom to T/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Marsh, Edward R., 2nd Lt. 0689623. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). 870th. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1 , OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 7320 Greenleaf, Chicago,
Marshall, Colt R., Sgt. 34333937. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Holt, AL.
Marshall, John E., S/Sgt. 31047619. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Marshall, John L., Cpl. 31050277. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Marshall, Robert A., Add. ‘46: Route 5, C/o. M. A. Price, Dothan, AL. Add: ’89: P O Box
039, Kincheloe A F B, MI.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Marshall, Robert B., S/Sgt. 16039200. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Midland City, AL.
Marshall, Samuel B., Sgt. 34610864. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Apl Instr Spec, 686. Cpl
to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add: ’89: P O Box 84,
West Point, MS.
Marston, Charles F., Sgt. 31351595. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Prom
to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI
(XXI BC). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Martien, Norman H., Jr., Cpl. 18091521. 870th. Tail Gunr. DNB. Crashed POW Mission,
29 Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps. Survived. Add. ‘46: Waterproof, LA. WWII Memorial 303251.
Martin, Delmas D., Sgt. 34623416. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunner. Cpl to Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA, Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50,
Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford. DED Entered Service fr Mississippi. Not in NatlArch.
WWII Memorial 802259
Martin, Elmer C., Cpl. 36597219. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Martin, Millard P. Jr., Capt. 0-860856. 871st. MOS 0200. 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF
POA). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF
BU). Aptd Non-Effective Aircraft Board, SO 229-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Route 2, Stilson, GA.
Martin, Robert E., S/Sgt. 33496159. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC, GO
136-II (XXI BC). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 1 June,
1945. A-11, Ditched. Route 3, Mechanicsburg, PA. NOK: Not on MACR 14595. NatlArch
1332868. Not in WWII Memorial . Ms. Florence M. Williams, Sister 417870. Ms. Helen
M. Moss, Sister 471310. Mr. Raymond B. Martin, Brother 150345.
Martin Robert L., Cpl. 34596978. Hq. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Martinelli, Allesandro. Sgt. 13190733. 869th. Armr Gunner, 612. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Martinez, Fernando J., 871st. Radio. A-42, Simonds. Add. ‘46: 1047 N. Cummings, Los
Angeles, CA. Add: ’89: 1600 Greycastle Ave., Montebello, CA.
Martinas, Mario. 869th. Lft Gunr. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Martinez, Gaspar, T/Sgt. 38351066. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie
Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). BS, SO 205 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. Add. ‘46: Box 1041,
Santa Rita, NM. Add: ’89: 909 Valencia NE, Vet Hospital, NM.
Marvin, Walter C., T/Sgt. 17016669. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. AM, GO 67-I (XXI BC).
Maslanik, Samuel, Add. ‘46: 10604 Foley Street, Detroit, MI
Masonheimer, Arthur D., S/Sgt. 42072048. 871st. Radar, 0141. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 187 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). (Address Unknown)
m 15113422. 870th. Radio Opr, 757. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF
BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). A-29, Special
Delivery, Ewing. Ditched, 19 Dec 1944. Survived. RMC. PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). AM, GO 57-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Entered Service from KY.
Matinez, Cosfar, Add. ‘46: Box 1041, Santa Rita, NM.
Mattheaus, Alfred H., Capt. 0292931. Flt Engr, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Addl dy Gp Weight & Balance O, SO102-1 (1944) (497th). Add. ‘46:
2330 Migilura Road, Seatlle, WA.
Matthews, Edwin C., Jr., 2nd Lt. 0683043. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Directed to ferry B-17F fr Lincoln to Pratt, So 1015 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). FOD, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’
Behavin’, Crowell. Hometown: Harris County, TX. NOK: Mr. Edwin C. Matthews, (father),
4325 Polk Avenue, Houston, TX. Mr. NatlArch 1169084. WWII Memorial 802479.
William E. Matthews 42018. Sam E. Pennartz 2371636.
Matthews, James L Jr., Sgt. 33854953. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611, Left Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO
102-1, (497th). A-57, Dodge.
Mattke, William J. R., S/Sgt. 17143491. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1,
OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). Add. ‘46: Morton,
Maul, K. R. EM, Radio Opr. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Maure, Douglas R., Add. ‘46: 180 Sunset Drive, Hempstead, NY.
Maxwell, Stuart A., Pfc. 39468750. 870th Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Pasco, WA.
Mayba, Alexander, Sgt. 6978191. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Mayer, Lawrence J., 1st Lt. 0-699215. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46:
327 West 89th St. New York, NY. Add: ’89: 3441 First St., Oceanside, NY.
Mayer, Mark C., S/Sgt. 13006954. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Note Marvin Mayer shows on Crew List of A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery.
Mayo, Dwight L., S/Sgt. 38365558. 869th. Radar Mech, 867. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom
to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Poteet, TX.
Mayse, Andrew G., 1st Lt. 0-404473. 869th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Asst. Transportation O (Add duty), SqO 2-16
(497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). DFC,
GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 167 (XXIst
BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. Add. ‘46: Box 185,
Ardmore, OK.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Mazur, Walter P., Add. ‘46: 8035 Washington Street, Center Line, MI.
Mazzagetti, Louis, Cpl. 33153955. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Mazzio, Frank. Sgt. 42082492. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). (A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Address unknown)
McAnnich, Robert L., Add. ‘46: 1800 Battery St., Little Rock, AK.
McArthur, Warren W., Sgt. 33599870. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 5017 Jackson St., Philadelphia, PA.
McAtee, Dean R., Pfc. 35595621. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 7, Cuttler,
McAuliffe, James E., M/Sgt. 36170597. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
McBeth, Allen J., FO. Bomb. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
McBride, Howell J., Add. ‘46: 115 Academy St., Canton, MS. Add: ’89: 2773 W
Benwood, Jackson, MS.
McBurney, Colin A., Sgt. 42082665. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Reclass 611 to
612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-22-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). Sortie
credits, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning.
Add. ‘46: Hopewell, NJ.
McCaffrey, John F., Add. ‘46: 755 E. Willard St., Philadelphia, PA.
McCall, Robert P., Add. ‘46: 318 Delawanna Avenue, Clifton, NJ.
McCarary, Louis L., Add. ‘46: Cameron, MO
McCarthy, William V. Jr., 2nd Lt. -0735899. 870th.Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2
[1944] (497th).Add. ‘46: 179 Beverley Road, Syracuse, NY.
McCarty, William E., 2nd Lt. 02078253. 871st. Radar Obs/Bomb, 0142, A/C. Asgd 871st
Bomb Sq, SO 162-8 (73rd BW). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). HT: Crawford County, IL. KIA,
Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge, 44-24717. NOK: Mrs. Helen D. McCarty (mother),
c/o Telephone Office, Morrisville, KS. NatlArch. 1181248. Not in WWII Memorial.
McCausland, Robert E., 1st Lt. 0-748772. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). PH GO 27-1 (73rd Wing). MIA>DED, 10 April,
1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Walnut Park, CA. NOK: Mrs. Betty Eileene
McCausland (wife), 7914 Seville Street, Walnut Park, CA. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII
Mem. Sam E. Pennartz 2333395.
McChane, Robert J., Sgt. 17068970. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1,
OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). BS, SO 180
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add: ’89:
4962 South Xenia Street, Denver, CO.
McClain, William C., S/Sgt. 35796067. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 34 W. Mulberry St.,
Lebannon, OH. Add: ’89: 1019 Grandview Ave., Greenfield, OH.
McClaughlin, William C., Pvt. 35579444. 871st. MOS 409. Reduced from Pfc. To Pvt, SO
2-6 (497th). Add. ‘46: 407 ½ South Walnut St., Muncie, IN.
McClay, Allen, Jr., Sgt. 31270116. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). MIA-FOD, 27 January, 1945, A-23, Shady
Lady, Dauth. Hometown: Middlesex County, MA: NOK: Mrs. Roberta K. McClay (wife),
106 1/2 South Main Street, Pratt, KS. NatlArch 1257830. Not in WWII Memorial. Shady
Lady Memorial Association 2024981.
McClean, James A., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Seaman, KS.
McClean, John A., Add. ‘46: Calfcreek, TX.
McClelland, Albert G., Sgt. 34784465. 869th. Gen Duty, 055. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel,
SO 80-2 (497th).
McClelland, Charles L., Add. ‘46: 545 N. E. 3rd Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
McClondee, William A., Add. ‘46: Mt. Olive, AL.
McCloskey, Thomas B., Add. ‘46: 2134 W. Galena St., Milwaukee, WI.
McConnell, Charlie J. Jr., Sgt. 14126398. 869th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
McCool, John, T/Sgt. 17058063. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-161, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 180 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). Add: ’89: 1120 Pownee, Leavenworth, KS.
McCord, Thomas W., Add. ‘46: Box 25, New Lexington, OH.
McCormick, Joseph P., Sgt. 34809232. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO 1628 (73rd BW). Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. Rescued. RTD.
McCormick, R. R., Add. ‘46: 8305 4th Avenue, South Birmingham, AL.
McCracken, Deimar I., Maj. 0560096. A/C. Prom to Maj. SO 44-1 (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
Standfield, OR
McCrery, Jackson W., S/Sgt. 37340979. 870th. Radio Opr, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 142-XX (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). A-24, Wheel
n’ Deal, Delker. Add. ‘46: 206 Prospect Street, Fort Morean, CO. Add: ’89: 515 W Bijou
Ave., Fort Morgan, CA.
McCrossin, Lake W., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Rockville, MD.
McCullough, Robert D., S/Sgt. 33920402. 871st. Flt Eng , 737. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
McDonald, Donald R., Cpl. 33733770. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF), AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
Add: ’89: 4531 S Pollinghouse Rd., Harwood, MD.
McDonald, Edward W., 1st Lt. 0-741211. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). DOW BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. KIA, 25 March, 1945.
McDonald, J. A., Add. ‘46: 37 Stainford Road, Burlington, VT.
McDonald, John L., Sgt. 11134831. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 72 Lake Terrace, Burlington, VT
McDonald, Laurence E., 2nd Lt. 0-771752. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
(Address unknown)
McDonald, Walter S., Capt. 0795783. 870th. Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944]
(497th). DED
McDonnell, Walter S., Capt. 0789189. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093, A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 53-XII (20th
AF). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown: Hennepin
County, MN. NOK: Mrs. Edna C. McDonell (mother), 3821 West 5th St., Duluth, MN.
Natl Arch 1071217. Not in WWII Memorial.
McElroy, Rudolph J., Cpl. 39203834. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Borger,
McElwee, Raymond J., Sgt. 35091141. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 21-VI (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII1 (497th). KIA>DOW, 14 December, 1944. NOK: Raymond J. McElwee, Sr., (father), 3703
North Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis, IN. Natl Arch 1062394. Not in WWII Mem
McGee, Harold I., Cpl. 15055806. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1346 Bernnan Drive,
Dayton, OH.
McGovern, Gerald M., S/Sgt. 33468727. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-3
(73rd). (Address unknown)
McGovern, Robert C., Add. ‘46: 94, Medway Street, Providence, RI. Add: ’89: 9 Salem
Drive, Providence, RI.
McGraw, Jerome R., M/Sgt. 813043. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 365,
Blacksburg, VA.
McGregor, Jack K., Capt. 026235. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093, A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). PH, GO 7-1 (497th).
A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. Ditched, 1-23-45. Rescued. Add. ‘46: 6040 Wilson Blvd.,
Arlington, VA. Add: ’89: 3220 Cambridge Ct., Fairfax, VA.
McGrossin, Jake W., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Rockville, MD.
McGuire, John J. Radio O. A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy.
McHugh, James F., T/Sgt. 32185031. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1
(ATC). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Add:
’89: 516 Phoenix Ave., Daytona Beach, FL.
McIndoe, William A., Sgt. 14135889. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Add. ‘46: Mt. Olive, AL.
McIsaac, D.M., Add. ‘46: 70 Light St., Lynn, MA.
McIsaac, Lawrence R., Pfc. 31270933. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
McKee, Paul H., Cpl. 38460291. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
McKee, Robert F., Cpl. 37672402. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1, (497th).
McKee, Robert W., S/Sgt. 36837125. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Prom
to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th).
72 Rotation Points , SO 160 (497 th). Add. ‘46: 1205 Elm Lawn, Wauwatosa, WI.
McKelvey, Arthur C., Cpl. 36455021. 870th. Tail Gunr. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Did not fly (Letter of Delker 7 Dec 1992). Add. ‘46:
Route 4, Hastings, MI. Add: ’89: 4751 McKeown Road, Hastings, MI.
McKelvey, William H. Jr., Box 144, Mer Rouge, LA.
McKenna, John J., Jr., Sgt. 32773877. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
McKenzie, Gordon D., T/Sgt. 11136404. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO
128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-11, Southern Belle,
Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Rescued. Add: ’89: 3100 Farrier Cir., New Bern, NC.
McKerracher, Edwin G., Add. ‘46: 69 Stimpson St., Detroit, MI.
McKnight, Robert E., S/Sgt. 18035764. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Armament Chief, A-27, Texas Doll, Cutler.
McKnight, Robert W., Add. ‘46: Box 68 Littlefield, TX
McLean, James H., S/Sgt. 17128228. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
McLean, John A., 1st Lt. 0-434462. 871st. MOS 0200. 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF
POA). POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
McMann, Preston. Sgt. 37230114. 871st. Gen Duty, 055. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Fall Creek, OR.
McMillan, William J., Capt. 0572613. 330th ASG. DNB. Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle
Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Philadelphia County, PA. NOK: Mrs. Dorothy M. McMillan
(wife), 396 N. Sheldon Street, Philadephia, PA. Note: Also listed with 330th Air Service
Group. NatlArch 1296350. Not in WWII Memorial.
McMullen, James D., Add. ‘46: Alberhill, CA.
McMullen, John D., Cpl. 39274156. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add.
‘46: Box 112 San Juan, Capistrano, CA.
McMullin, Stuart J., F/O. T-123105. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Pistol
qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: Box
47, El Rio Road, Danville, CA.
McMurry, Charles S., Sgt. 34504406. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-201, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). C A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. Crashed 7 June 1945, A-1,
Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Survived. Add. ‘46: 784 E. Waldorf, Memphis, TN.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
McNabb, Ernest H., Sgt. 35878948. 870th. Rt. Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-23-1 (497th). AM,
GO 90-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). 47 Rotation Points , SO 160 (497 th). Add. ‘46:
Blair Avenue, Richmond, KY.
McNamara, Patrict J., Add. ‘46: 11130 Vernon Avenue, Chicago, IL.
McNelly, O. A., Add. ‘46: 930 North Hayes St., Pocatello, ID.
McNew, Harse W., Sgt. 7023777. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 930 North Hayes St., Pocatello, ID.
McPherson, Reno C., 2nd Lt. 0834848. 869th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 163
N. Portage Path, Akron, OH. Add: ’89: 1 Pumpkin Key Lane, Mey Largo, FL. Add: ’89: 663
Pawnee Tr., Temperance, MI.
McRae, Roy, M/Sgt. 361761110. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Crew Chief, A-27, Texas Doll,
Arnold-Cutler. Add. ‘46: 4328 Dickerson Avenue, Detroit, MI.
McSpadden, Joe S., 2nd Lt. 0753232. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1043, A/CAM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945. A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Mary N. L.
McSpadden (wife), General Delivery, Rising Star, TX. Not in NatlArch. Not in
Mead, Herman Weston, Add. ‘46: 912 South University Street, Normal, IL.
Meador, Henry M., Add. ‘46: 101 Maple Street, Little Rock, AR.
Meador, Jesse L. Jr., Sgt. 18156003. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 839 McKinley
Avenue, San Antonio, TX.
Meadors, Roger L., Sgt. 35694262. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Mealiff, Frank H., Cpl. 16031779. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Means, Melvyn R., Add: ’89: 4624 Lockridge, N Little Rock, AR.
Meavers, J. A., Add. ‘46: 122 Klenneth Street, Canton, OH.
Medeiros, Daniel, Add: ’89: 5605 Valhalla Dr., Carmichael, CA.
Medina, Ernest T., S/Sgt. 20841545. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add: ’89: 711
Hansen, Las Cruces, NM.
Meding, Eric N, 2nd Lt. 0-698314. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
PH (ABMC). KIA, 25 March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: St. Louis, MO.
NOK: Mr. Erich H. Meding (father), 1130 Dover Place, St. Louis, MO. In Natl Arch
1217973. WWII Memorial 803260.
Medzveckis Peter W., S/Sgt. 11105670. 870th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685.
Left Gunr. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246
AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-I (20th AF). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas Doll,
Arnold-Cutler. Add. ‘46: 4 Bigelow, Worcester, MA.
Meeker, Roy E., 1st Lt. 0-733258. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar.
NOK: Mrs. Esther V. Meeker (mother), 3350 Piner Road, Santa Rosa, CA. Not in Natl
Arch, Not in WWII Memorial, Sam E. Pennartz 2350808.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Megeaski, John J., S/Sgt. 11084367. 871st. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC).
BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-50,
Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: Box 66, Elna, NH.
Megines, Charles L., Pfc. 33610168. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 20 East Mine
Street, Hazeltown, PA.
Mehaffey, Aaron A., Pfc. 18250049. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Meher, Francis J., Add. ‘46: 15452 Stansbury Street, Detroit, MI.
Mehno, William C. Jr., Cpl. 33705643. Squadron??. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Meier John A., S/Sgt. 39030583. 871st. Left Gunr. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII1 (497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Louise M. Meier (wife), c/o
Flint(?) Gim(?), Littlefield, TX. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Meldrum, Richard G., S/Sgt. 16159747. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Asgd to 871st fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. .
Entered Service from Michigan. NOK: Mrs. Nellie F. Meldrum (mother), 2552 Elmwood
Street, Ann Arbor, MI. Natl Arch. 1260915. WWII Memorial 803317. Sam E. Pennartz
2371841. Marie Meldrum Kulibert, Sister 1429194.
Melenbacker, Robert C., Add. ‘46: 116 Lackawanna Avenue, Wayland, NY.
Melewski, John C., S/Sgt. 11116792. 870th. Radar, 0141. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 110 Vernon Street, Rockland, MA.
Melonbacker, Robert G., 2nd Lt. 0782936. 870th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Sortie credits OO-231, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC).
Mendyk, Thomas A., Cpl. 31324691. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add: ’89: 67 Ida Ave., Derby, CA.
Menger, J., Add. ‘46: 8 Lakeview Avenue, Passaic, NJ.
Menk, James V., Sgt. 38417789. 870th. Apl Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Menlove, Leo T., Cpl. 19116437. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. Add: ’89: 575 E 910 N., Orem, UT.
Meranshian, George, S/Sgt. 13176107. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46: 1507
North 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Meriwether, Joe A., Sgt. 39537515. 869th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Merola, Bartholomew H., Cpl. 31330809. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Merrill, Keith N., Maj. 0-404374. 870th. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1
(497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII -1 (497th). Silver Star, 497th Narr History, Sept
1945. MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mr. Philemon P. Merrill (father),
Safford, AZ. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Mem. Paula Merrill Belak & Family 521078.
Mrs. Beth M. Rizley, Aunt 198278.
Merritt, Rex E., Pfc. 35093539. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Rt Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. A-26, Lucky Irish, Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter.
Entered Service: Wabash Cty, IN. NOK: Mr. Herschel D. Merritt (Brother), 704 South
Maple St., North Manchester, IN. Natl Arch 1072129. WWII Memorial 803405. Sam E.
Pennartz 2339052.
Messick, Kenneth E., S/Sgt. 32475611. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Messick, L., Fillamore, MO.
Meyer, Harry F., S/Sgt. 32714667. (Sq ??). AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Meyer, John G., (Address unknown)
Mayer, Martin, F., Sgt. 869th. Left Gunr.
Meyering, George E., Sgt. 42094525,. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611, Rt Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1,
(497th). A-57, Dodge.
Meyer, Martin F., 37469486. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunner. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-221, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell.
Ditched, 1 June 1945. W. Route 1, Plymouth, NE. Add: ’89: 2122 Empire Ave., Loveland,
Meyer, Marvin E., S/Sgt. 37681460. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Cpl to Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to
Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). AM (OLC), GO 30-III
(20th AF). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Irish
Lassie, Avery. Crashed on Saipan runway, 1-27-45.Add. ’46: Route 3, Boone, IA. Add:
’89: 2324 Krueger St., Blue Island, IL.
Meyer, Walter F., (Address unknown)
Meyer, William H., 2nd Lt. 0870873. 497th. Aer Gunnery Instr, 2554. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 161 Herman Street, Hackensack, NJ.
Meyers, Melvin D., Sgt. 39468626. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Meza, Isaias, 2nd Lt. 0744082. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH, (ABMC). Hometown: Los Angeles,
CA. MIA>FOD, 14 January, 1945, 42-24087, Schramm. Tail number not known. NOK:
Mrs. Otila M. Meza (wife), 3226 Gleason, Los Angeles, CA. Natl Arch 989679. WWII
Memorial 803481.
Miano, Alphonse W., Add. ‘46: 13 Crescent Road, Needham Heights, MA.
Michael, David H., Add. ‘46: Canton, NC.
Michael, Robert L., Add. ‘46: 322 Tremont, Monroe, MI.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Michaels, John J., Cpl. 36686552. 871st. Apl Welder, 573. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add:
’89: 227 E 5th #UP, Lockport, IL.
Michalowski, Frank A., Cpl. 32776239. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Migli, Marvin L, Cpl. 38460069. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ground Crew, A-32, Stripped For Action,
Buckheit, Fox. Box 76, Placedo, TX. Add: ’89: Rt 5 Box 213 M, Victoria, TX.
Migliaccio, Anthony F., T/Sgt. 31045634. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit. Add. ‘46: 8206 Piney Branch Road, Silver
Springs, MD. Add: ’89: RR2, Toccao, GA.
Mikes, Paoul J., Cpl. 34794232. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Milbrath, William F., Sgt. 37433614. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 219 East 12th St.,
Hot Springs, NE
Milici, Charles F., 1st Lt. 0-698213. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO
142-XX (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXI BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 182-34
Avon Road, Jamaica, NY
Milinaro, R., Add. ‘46: 865 North Church Street, Hazelton, PA.
Millenbach, Clifford J., T/Sgt. 39187140. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (497th). Add: ’89: 4520 John Luhr Rd NE.,
Olympia, WA 98506.
Miller, Delbert W., Add. ‘46: Dupree, SD.
Miller, Edward, Add. ‘46: 1629 Orange Street, Coshocton, OH.
Miller, Frank J., Sgt. 35631173. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Miller, Henry L., 2nd Lt. 0743627. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. POC authorized, SO 239-1
(246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1,
OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), PH 17-1 (497), PH (OLC) (ABMC). A-9, Skyscrapper I, II, Garvin. A-8, Shillalah.
Bussell. MIA, 18 April, 1945, 42-63819. Entered Service fr Maryland. Add. ‘46: 4900
Queensbury Road, Riverdale, MD. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 803632.
Miller, Joseph W., Add: ’89: 1121 Parkway Avenue, Covington, KY.
Miller, Leo, S/Sgt. 32818278. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-3563. (CO,March Field).
A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. (Address unknown)
Miller, Raymond J., Add. ‘46: 97 Florence Street, Springfield, MA.
Miller, Richard F., S/Sgt. 20218155. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). A-31,
New Glory, Sargent. MIA, 14 January, 1945, 42-24807. Entered Service fr New York. Natl
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Arch. NOK: Mrs. Mary Miller (mother), 64-37 Catalpa Avenue, New York, NY. Natl Arch
1322398. WWII Memorial 803678.
Miller, Robert D., Cpl. 38097472. 871st. Radio. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). AM, PH
(ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). KIA. Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A45, Barnes. Entered Service fr TX. NOK: Mrs. Sallie H. Miller, Box 101, Wortham, TX.
NatlArch 1151748. WWII Memorial. 803684.
Miller, Robert H., 2nd Lt. 0829060. 871st. Pilot. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC).
Entered Service fr Wayne County, IN. NOK: Mrs. Mary G. Miller (mother), 240 S.W. 3rd
St., Richmond, IN. NatlArch 1074317. WWII Memorial. 803689.
Miller, Robert W., Sgt. 37477491. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 9, Long Pine, NE.
Add: ’89: Box 389, Lusk, WY.
Miller, Robert, N., Add. ‘46: 107 Elm Street, Scottville, MI.
Miller, Walter L., Sgt. 35590142. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo
Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW).
Miller, Wendell C., S/Sgt. 37494354. 869th. Radio Opr, 757; Radio Op/Mech, 2756. Sgt
to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM,
GO 69-I (XXI BC). Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). (Address unknown)
Miller, William O., 2nd Lt. 0835690. 871st. Pilot, A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Mills, Bob D., Add. ‘46: Route 5, Greenville, OH.
Mills, Morris H., Maj. 0-275231. 869th. Radar O, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 4721 North Chelsac Lane, Bethesda, MD.
Mills, Robert E., Add. ‘46: 2309 Union Street, St. Petersburg, FL.
Milner, Jan P., Add. ‘46: 379 G Street, Salt Lake City, UT.
Minaudo, Andrew V., S/Sgt. 16150321. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Minott, Vincent P., S/Sgt. 32424956. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sortie credits, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-47, Sweat’er Out,
Mourning. (Address unknown)
Mirkow, Frank T., Capt. 0-861746. 870th. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1
(246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Mirman, Robert S., Sgt. 32876952. 869th. Teletype Mech, 239. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Mislich, William E., Cpl. 36339281. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Mitchell, Crockett M., Pfc. 33647265. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Bandy, VA.
Mitchell, Joseph R., 1st Lt. 0-690484. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). Add. ‘46: 161100 32nd Avenue, Seattle, WA.
Mitchell, Leo L., S/Sgt. 39287083. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Mitchell, Mary, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Otway, OH.
Mitchell, Robert N., Sgt. 35548506. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. Entered
Service fr Ohio. NOK: Mrs. Jennie V. Mitchell (mother), 3426 Navarre Avenue, Toledo,
OH. Natl Arch 1163479. WWII Memorial 803974 . Sam E. Pennartz 2371746.
Moffatt, James A., S/Sgt. 33286707. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Moher, Francis J., Cpl. 16148491. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 15452 Stansbury Street, Detroit, MI. Add: ’89: 6008
Matanzas Drive, Sebring, FL.
Mohl, Marvin H., 1st Lt. 0695953. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 175
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. Add: ’89: 1411
Bridle Rd., Webster Groves, MO.
Moinester, Isaac, T/Sgt. 32320673. MOS 502. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Ship to APO, SO 77
(ATC). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld,
Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 10 Monroe Street, New
York, NY..
Moke, Raymond H., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Spring Grove, PA.
Molina, Mariz, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 351-A, New Braunfels, TX.
Molinaro, Generose M., Pfc. 13128359. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Radar Mech, 867. Prom
to Cpl. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU).
GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Mon, Fram F., Add. ‘46: 178 6th Street, Oakland, CA.
Monaperto, Frank V., Add. ‘46: 3809 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY.
Monger, Bernard, Cpl. 32767394. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Moniak, Theodore J., Pfc. 36755480. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Monk, James V., Add. ‘46: 2932 33rd Street, Box 1323, Port Arthur, TX.
Monroe, Robert A., Pfc. 31307594. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Monroe, Robert F., S/Sgt. 13154863. 870th. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 135-VII (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Marian D
Monroe (mother), 45 N. Nice St., Schuylkill PA. Natl Arch 1343334. Not in WWII
Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2350886.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Monroe, William B., S/Sgt. 31405507. 871st. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF).
DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,”
Francis. (Address unknown)
Monson, Frederick H., 2st Lt. 0-865779. Hq. Aer Gunnery Instr, 2554. Armmt O, 4822.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
4822. Reclass 2554 to 4822, SO 80-3 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Reld from Dy as Asst.
Gp Gunnery & Arm O asgnd as Asst. Gp Armmt O, SO 40-1 (497th).
Monsorno, M., Add. ‘46: 150 Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Monsorno, Silvio V., S/Sgt. 32610955. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Monteperto, Frank J., Pfc. 32976596. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Montgomery, Robert W., 1st Lt. 0569449. DFC, GO 58-XV (20 AF). Trfd fr March Fld Calif
to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Montone, William R., Sgt. 33601863. Medical Aidman, 657. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 64 Bennett Street, Wilkes Barre, PA. Add: ’89: 24 Eagleview
Dr., Newtown Square, PA.
Moody, Jack C., T/Sgt. 15013412. 330th. Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (XXI BC).
Moore, Don E., Cpl. 37682916. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add: ’89: 500 Seminole Dr., Independence, MO.
Moore, George C., M/Sgt. 6660126. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Moore, George H., Cpl. 34607223. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr , 748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1608 West Trade Street,
Charlotte, NC. Add: ’89: 5614 Beatties Ford Road, Charlotte, NC.
Moore, George W., F/O T223258. S/Sgt. 34210505. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to M/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July
1945. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). (Address unknown)
Moore, George, Add. ‘46: 317 Main Street, Ahoski, NC.
Moore, Hobert J., 2nd Lt., 0775484. 870th. Pilot. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie credits,
OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: North Amity, ME.
Moore, James A., Capt. 0428518. 870th. Airplane Commander. DFC, GO 42-XXII (20th
AF). Add: ’89: 1989 S Jamaica Ct., Aurora, CO.
Moore, James A., Capt. 0-572711. 870th. A/C. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (497th
Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO
7-6 (497th Ground Echelon). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Moore, James H., Jr., Sgt. 33092528. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Moore, James M., Add. ‘46: Box 145, Granite Falls, NC.
Moore, Joseph H. Jr., Add. ‘46: Glade Springs, VA.
Moore, Kenneth A., Add. ‘46: 2663 Rugby Road, Dayton, OH.
Moore, Murray J., 2nd Lt. 0-1297231. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
BC). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add: ’89: 3 Park Dr East, Old
Westbury, NY.
Moore, Robert J., (Address unknown)
Moore, William K., Cpl. 34653516. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Moore, Willies T., Sgt. 17132571. 871st. Radio Opr , 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
1944. A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Moran, Charles W., Cpl. 32930817. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 37 Hotchkiss Street, Jamestown, MA.
Morarty, Richard J., Add. ‘46: 2241 Maplewood Road, Cleveland Heights, OH.
Morean, Nolad J., Add. ‘46: 2112 North Side Drive, Montebello, CA.
Morey, Philip, 2nd Lt. 0-774724. 870th. Pilot. Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Morgan, Charles A., S/Sgt. 13075937. 871st. Radar, 0141. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO28-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Morgan, Charles A., S/Sgt. 14109017. 871st. Radar,0141. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO
175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Morgan, Joseph P., Add. ‘46: Route 4, Vernon, TX. Add: ’89: 1621 N Hudson St., Altus,
Morgan, M. D., Add. ‘46: 95 East First Street, Tooele, UT
Morgan, Noland J., 2nd Lt. 01545949. 870th. Pers Equip O, 1042. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2112 Northside Drive,
Montebello, CA. Add: ’89: 9856 Canyon Country Lane, Escondido, CA.
Morgan, Robert N., Add. ‘46: 34 South Race Street, Greenville, PA.
Morgan, Ted H., Capt. 0423951. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Reld fr special duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237,
and will return to proper orgn for dy, SO 31-2 (73rd Wing). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 135VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79IV (XXI BC). BS, SO 198 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV,
No.1). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.(Address unknown)
Morgan, Robert K., Lt. Col. 0430609. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. POC authorized, SO
239-1 (246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Aptd Custodian of Sq Fund, Sq O 2-25 (869th). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-24-1 (497th).
Maj. to Lt. Col SO 259-15 (War Dept). BS, SO 114 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI BC). A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan.
Moriarity, Richard J., Jr., Cpl. 15131543. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to
new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Add. ‘46: 2534 Dudgate Road, Shaker Heights, OH. Add: ’89: P O Box 722, Asheville, NC.
Morowski, Walter J., Add. ‘46: 729 Eastridge Street, Lansford, PA.
Commented [JP26]: Parham has the same ASN. Pls check.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Morris, Francis D., Sgt. 32737945. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Morris, George H., S/Sgt. 35632158. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. TG. Prom to Cpl, SO
101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO15-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). (Address
Morris, Will E., Add. ‘46: 1901 East 40th St., Des Moines, IA.
Morrison, Charlie, Add. ‘46: Potatoe Creek, SD.
Morrison, Donald G., Cpl. 32515745. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 6 Pier
Street, Yonkers, NY.
Morrison, Zed R, 1st Lt. 0-667332. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt
to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC)
per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway.
(Address unknown)
Moschoau, Robert H., 1st Lt. 0813042. Squadron ? AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Moses, Stanley C., Sgt. 310777404513. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Moser, Walter F., Sgt. 37492108. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Moskowitz, Irving S., 0777811. 2nd Lt. 870th. AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). A-30, Star Duster,
Lind. Add. ‘46: 2206 Mermaid Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Motta, Andrew, Pfc. 35392074. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Trump
Road, Canton, OH. Add: ’89: 5599 Mowry N. E., Louisville, OH.
Mulder, Gerald J., Cpl. 36859723. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 1853 Wood Street, Muskegon, MI. Add. ’89: 18480 W Spg Lake Road, Spring
Lake, MI.
Moulton, James W., T/Sgt. 39324725. 870th. Radio O, 757. Radio Mech, 754. Trfd fr
500th Bomb Gp, Walker AAB asgd to 870th Bomb Sq, SO 91-3 (497th) [1944]. Sgt to S/Sgt,
SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 5711 N.E. Cornell
Road, Portland, OR.
Mount, Eugene C., Cpl. 35813638. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25
Feb 1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered Service fr IN. NOK: Mr. Clarence Mount (father), 1014
Chicago St., Michigan City, IN. Natl Arch 1071837. WWII Memorial 804929.
Mourning, Frank M. Jr., Capt. 0-667746. 871st. A/C. Pilot B-29, 1093. Sortie credits, OO22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO356-3. (CO,March Field). A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Address unknown)
Moye, James R., S/Sgt. 34665182. RCM. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944.
Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: NC. NOK: Mrs. Pearl A. Moye (mother), Rural
Free Delivery #1, Box 302, Greenville, NC. WWII Memorial 804941. Natl Arch 1233111.
Sam E. Pennartz 2343132.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Mueller, LeRoy J., Sgt. 36808504. 869th. Radar Op, 866. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). (Address
Muhl, Edward R., Pfc. 32930713. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Mulcairns, Frederick, Sgt. 31293940. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 71
Mechanics Lane, New Bedford, MA.
Mullen, Francis, Add. ‘46: 16 Parker Hill Avenue, Boston, MA.
Mullen, Frank J., Pfc. 31025832. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Mullens, Glenn B., Capt. 0-864752. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO
102-2 [1944] (497th). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). A-21, Thumper, Haynes. Add. ’89: 262 No
9th, Laramie, WY.
Mulligan, Charles B., Sgt. 35725926. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO
46-1 (ATC). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on
Saipan runway, 1-27-45. Add. ’89: 1301 Judson Plc, Henderson, KY.
Mulloy, Bernard J., Maj. 0-431476. 869th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Prom to Maj. (Temp),
SO 44-1 (20th AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. Add.
‘46: 806 East Forest Avenue, Detroit, MI. Add. ’89: 11281 Rosemary, Detroit, MI.
Muncie, Garold H., S/Sgt. 35579910. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Brazil, IN. Add. ’89: 2620 Lemontree Ln, Plano, TX.
Murdick, Clyde E., Pfc. 35898961. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Murdoch, Miles K., 1st Lt. 0-741676. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address Unknown)
Murphy, Paul E., Pfc. 10181499. 871st. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC).
MIA>DED, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. Entered Service fr
Massachusetts. NOK: Mr. Arthur J. Murphy (father), 1 Granite Street, Quincy, MA.
NatlArch 1255945. WWII Memorial 805094. Sam E. Pennartz 2371883.
Murphy, Warren J., Sgt. 31134209. 869th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI
BC). (Address Unknown)
Muske, Marvin M., Add. ‘46: 1775 Irving Avenue, Minneapolis, MN. 2631 Major Ave N.,
North Douglas, MN.
Muskopf, Lerot A., 413 South N. Street, Bellville, IL.
Musser, John H., 1st Lt. 0-1554944. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 494 Madison
Avenue, York, PA.
Mustachia, Thomas C., S/Sgt. 38446718. 870th. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO
37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram, Wheatley. Add: E. 8th St., Pine Bluff,
Myers, Freddie S., Cpl. 38332560. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Myers, James L., S/Sgt. 14029388. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Myhra, Clifford A., Sgt. 37547534. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). DOI. KIA>FOD, Shot
down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf, Hahn. Hometown: Cass County, ND. NOK:
Mrs. Christine Myhra (mother), 1340 Second Avenue, Fargo, ND. NatlArch 1169220.
Not in WWII Mem.
Myrevaugh, James E., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 227, Toledo, OH.
Nacarato, Frank J., Cpl. 36595883. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1404 South
Fayett St., Saginaw, MI
Nadeau, Francis L., Sgt. 31220012. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Nance, Clarence E., Sgt. 38343118. 870th. S Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 1109 W. 20th St., Amarillo, TX. Add. ’89: 10424 Baroness Dr., Dallas, TX.
Nardone, Joe P., Sgt. 35323690. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th).
Natrass, William S., M/Sgt. 6996017. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Crew Chief, A-26,
Lucky Irish, Wagner. Add. ‘46: Box 217, Barrackville, WV. Rte 1 Box 193, Florence, TX.
Nauman, Clair H., 2nd Lt. 0718121. 871st. Bomb. Sortie credits, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-47, Sweat’er Out,
Mourning. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Elizabethtown, PA. Add. ’89: 650 S Market St.,
Elizabethtown, PA.
Neddersen, Gordon F., 2nd Lt. 870th. 02065384, Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credit, OO-16-1
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, 4 March, 1945, Ditched. A-25,
Peace on Earth, Westervelt. Entered Service from Wisconsin. NOK not shown on MACR.
Natl Arch 1289512. WWII Memorial 803982.
Neff, John B., Add. ‘46: Box 14, Marathon, FL.
Negeaski, John J., (Address unknown)
Negoshian, Hogop J., Add. ‘46: 187 Harrison St., Pontiac, MI
Nehmi, George R., F/O T223265. T/Sgt. 33097005. 870th. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to T/Sgt, SO
85-1 (497th). T/Sgt to M/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. Add. ‘46: 20 N.
Belmont Avenue, Richmond, VA. Add. ’89: 1208 Blue Jay Ln, Ridge, VA.
Neil, Everett D., Add. ‘46: Pawnee City, NE.
Nellums, Lewis E. Jr., Sgt. 14084808. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on Saipan runway, 1-2745.Add. ‘46: Pensacola, FL.
Nelson, Albert R. Jr., Pfc. 36376087. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Nelson, John E., Cpl. 11801268. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. 870th. Special Duty with Hq.
497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1925 E. River Road,
Minneapolis, MN.
Nelson, Louis D., Add. ‘46: Chanute, KS.
Nelson, M., Add. ‘46: 10541 South Lawndale, Chicago, IL.
Nelson, Norman W., Sgt. 37627069. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944,
KIA. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). Entered Service
from MO. NOK: Mrs. Mary T. Nelson (mother), Cote Brilliante, Saint Louis, MO. Natl
Arch 1232187. WWII Memorial 804066. Sam E. Pennartz 2349850.
Nelson, Thomas R., Cpl. 36649544. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Hq. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Nerone, Albert J., M/Sgt. 6999396. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – something wrong with
Netterfield, Herman J., Cpl. 37497657. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Netterfield, M., Add. ‘46: 410 North Main, Kirksville, MO.
Neulreich, Robert J., S/Sgt. 36832508. 870th. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-33,
The Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. Add. ‘46: 2121 South 79th
St., Milwaukee, WI. Add. ’89: 4041 E Becker Ln, Phoenix, AZ.
Neville, John F., 2nd Lt. 0-805962. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). Pistol qual,
Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. Crashed, 7 June 1945, A1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Survived. Add. ‘46: 116 3rd Avenue, Joliet, IL.
Newberry, Jace J., Capt. 0569572. 7th Weather Sq. Weather Opr, 8219. Sortie credits,
OO-9, OO-24-1 (497th).
Newhouse, Morris H., 1st Lt. 0-811721. 870th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO
102-2 [1944] (497th). A-21, Thumper, CampbellJ. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). Add.
‘46: 1517 Franklin Avenue, Columbus, OH. Add. ’89: 19410 Enchanted Spring Drive,
Spring, TX.
Newton, Willie S., S/Sgt. 33632010. 870th. All Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Lft. Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). DFC (OLC) GO 13-VIII (XXI BC). AM,
GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Clarksville, VA.
Nicheau, Robert L., Add. ‘46: 322 Tremont Avenue, Monroe, MI.
Nichols, Clyde O., Add. ‘46: 1117 South Lansing St., Mt Pleasant, MI.
Nichols, Richard D., 1st Lt. 0-829282. 871st. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-45, 44-63985, Cardone. Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box
86, North Liberty, IN.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Nichols, William L., Capt. 0-516790. 869th. A/C. Armmt O, 4822. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 141-1
(20 AF). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Add. Aptd Sq Censor, SqO 2-23 (497th). Duty asgmt, Gp
Armmt O, SO 40 (497th). Add. ‘46: Pratt, KS.
Nicks, Howard J., Sgt. 38406874. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud,
Voigt. Rescued. Add. ‘46: Box 267, Wetumka, OK.
Niduch, Thadeus J., Add. ‘46: 1331 North Greenview Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Niece, Oscar L., Sgt. 38563053. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Rt Gunner. Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50,
Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford. FOD. Entered Service fr Oklahoma. NatlArch 1051358.
WWII Memorial 804271. Sam E. Pennartz 2353113.
Niedzwiecki, Anthony S., Sgt. 36597629. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Nielsen, David L., Add. ‘46: 976 12th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL.
Niese, Harold E., Cpl. 35557396. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Nighbert, Sydney L., Sgt. 35696242. 870th Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 6, Madison, ID.
Nistal, Ernest A., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Limona, FL.
Nobak, John T., M/Sgt. KNB
Noble, Vernon L., M/Sgt. 36367046. Crew Chief.Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. Add. ‘46: 705 Broadway, Aurora, IL.
Nobles, Cecil, D. T/Sgt. 34057999. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Noone, George, 2nd Lt. 0-890704. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO
51-IX-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 142-XVIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). Rotated to
US, SO 195-4 (73rd). Add. ‘46: 1178 Presimmon Avenue, Bostonia, CA. Note: Question
on spelling of surname.
Nordyke, Eddie, S/Sgt. 19120711. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 4028 South A Street,
Tacoma, WA.
Norelli, Vincent E., 2nd Lt. 0680372. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3
January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered Service fr New Jersey. NOK: Mr.
Nicholas A. Norelli (father), 578 White Street, Orange, NJ. NatlArch 1225151.
WWIIMemorial 804378. Sam E. Pennartz 2351421.
Norman, Ernest C., Sgt. 31215578. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 59 Washington St., Westfield, MA. Add. ’89: 1 Charles St., Swanton, VT.
Norman, Roy S., T/Sgt. 14046580. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Norsek, Frank J., Add. ‘46: 352 South East Avenue, Berwyn, IL.
Northen, Frederick, 1s Lt. 0-875167. 7th Weather Sq. O. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Northup, Theodore D., Sgt. 18194334. 870th. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA-FOD, 27 January, 1945,
A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth.. Entered Service fr Oklahoma. Hometown: Custer County, OK.
NOK: Mrs. Annabell A. Northup (mother), 717 South 7th Street, Clinton, OK. Natl Arch
1017450. WWII Memorial 804422. Shady Lady Memorial Association 2025070.
Norton, Milton R., Add. ‘46: 17 E. Kiowa, Colorado Springs, CO.
Norton, William H., 1st Lt. 0-672964. 869th. (869th on MACR). Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). KNB.
Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Fairfield County, CT. NOK:
Mrs. Frances I. Norton (mother), Dogwood Place, Devon, CT. NatlArch 1013741. Not in
WWII Memorial.
Nosek, Frank J., Sgt. 36769379. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Novak, John T., M/Sgt. 13024984. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to M/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). DNB. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Luzerne County, PA. NOK:
Mrs. Helen Hovak (mother), 6 Arch St, Glen Lyon, PA. NatlArch 1338079. Not in WWII
Mem. Anonymous Memorial 2509209.
Nowell, Roy J. Jr., Add. ‘46: Wilma, TX.
Noyes, Colonel L., Cpl. 17055998. Hq. Special Vehicle Opr, 932. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 516 7th Ave N., Greybull, WY.
Nugent, George V., Sgt. 38520963. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612,
SO 80-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie credits, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). A-47, Sweat’er Out, Mourning. Add. ‘46: Haynesville, LA.
O’Black, Frank J., (Address unknown)
O’Brien, Daniel E., Cpl. 36405702. Hq. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add.
‘46: 409 Cherry St., Grand Rapids, MI
O’Brien, Edward D., Cpl. 18119178. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
O’Day, James J., Sgt. 19100816. 870th. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: 119 E. 94th St., Los Angeles, CA.
O’Donnell, Emmett, Jr., Gen. 017299. 869th. 0002.
O’Farrell, John David, Cpl. 32809509. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN ? Add. ‘46: 8816
43rd Avenue, New York City, NY.
O’Neil, George A., S/Sgt. 32829138. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-21, Thumper, Campbell.
Add. ‘46: 148 Van Nerse Street, Newburgh, NY.
Oberst, James W., Sgt. 42065109. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 51-21 Reader Street, Elmherst, Long Island,
Commented [E27]: Shows on Scrapbook as O’Neill
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Oblock, Frank J., T/Sgt. 36129162. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO20-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130- III (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). A-9, Skyscrapper I,
II, III, Garvin.
Oden, Odell K., Sgt. 17026963. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January,
1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered Service fr Arkansas. NOK: Mrs. Irene A. Oden
(wife), 5641 Kl??? Street, Dallas, TX. NatlArch 1002798. WWII Memorial 805341. Sam E.
Pennartz 2351952.
Odette, R. L., Add. ‘46: 8351 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA.
Odette, Russell L., Cpl. 36876865. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1075 Lakepoint,
Grosse Pointe, MI
Oetzel, John J., 2nd Lt. 0696137. 870th. Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th).
Ogden, M., Add. ‘46: Point O’Woods Road, Darien, CT.
Ogden, Richard A., 1st Lt. 0-651001. 871st. Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (Defence
Counsel) (497th Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). Apptment
of Ogden to court-martial, SO 8-1 (497th Ground Echelon). 2nd Lt. to 1st Lt. SO 21-5 (Hq
AAF POA). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Aptd Investigating O to investigate injuries recd by Pvt.
Fredrick J. Kessler 32075622 871st, SO 21-10 (497th-1944). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Ogle, Robert W., Cpl., 3133. 869th. Prom to Cpl, SO 100-6 (497th).
Ohrt, Robert R., 2nd Lt. 02073404. 871st. A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
O’Keefe, Martin M., Capt. 0566346. Hq Sq, 330th ASG. DNB. Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16,
Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Entered service from Jackson County, MO. NOK: Mrs. Regina
Louise O’Keefe, 1330 Brookhurst Road, Kansas City, MO. NatlArch 1097712. Not in
WWII Memorial. Note: Also listed in 330th ASG.
Okey, Joseph P., 2nd Lt. 0-697904. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). Pistol qual Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-24, Abar. Add. ‘46: 510 South Selig Avenue,
Montrose, CO.
Oklin, Morris A., Add. ‘46: 2846 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburg, PA. Add. ’89: 1461 NE 169
St #323, Miami, FL.
Oliver, George C., Add. ‘46: 314 8th St., Ogden, UT.
Oliver, George W., Sgt. 39044058. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2538 Taylor Avenue,
Oakland, CA.
Olson, Godfrey J., Cpl. 32990825. 871st. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 733 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Olson, Thomas A. T/Sgt. 18120202. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). BS, SO 203 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
(Address Unknown)
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Olson, Vaughn R., S/Sgt. 31219924. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech2756. Sgt to
S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy,
Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945,
A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered Service fr Maine. NOK: Mrs. Amanda I. Olson
(mother), 130 Warren Street, Bangor, MW. NatlArch 1021389. WWII Memorial 805480.
Sam E. Pennartz 2351953.
Olson, Willard J., Sgt. 37554060. Hq. Med Adm Spec, 673. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 211 Dudley
Avenue, St. Paul, MN
Opfer, Arthur, Sgt. 13101872. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Opfer, H., Add. ‘46: 4602 Simms Avenue, Baltimore, MD.
Opfer, William C., Add. ‘46: 209 Washington Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ.
Orbits, Hallan H., Cpl. 16149295. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944.
Organ, Ted H., Capt. 0-863303. 871. A/C. Sortie credits OO-18-1 (497th).
Orlowski, Howard J., 2nd Lt. 0723466. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Flt/Engr. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from OH. NOK: Lucylee Orlowski
(wife), 84 Howe St., New Haven, CT; Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Orlowski (Parents), R. F. D. #1,
Federal Reformatory, Chillicothe, OH. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial. 805522.
Orr, Billy F., Pfc. 37406043. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Osieczansk, Arthur A., Cpl. 36817308. 869th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ott, Norman W., Sgt. 36581163. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Ottum, Robert W., S/Sgt. 36835268. 869th. Radar, 0141. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. Add. 9595 Elmwood St, San Ramon, CA 94583. Date ?
NOTE: May be Ottun.
Overmire, William Jr., S/Sgt. 16119171. 870th. Radio Opr/mech, 2756. Radio Opr
Gunner. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA, Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf,
Hahn. Hometown: Kent County MI: NOK: Mr. William A. Overmire (father), 1154 Joosten
Street, Grand Rapids, MI. NatlAch 1278412. Not in WWII Mem.
Owen, Sam P., S/Sgt. 18128097. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Apl Elect Spec, 685.
Left Gunr. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246
AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37XIII (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 6496 11th Ave, Hialeah, FL.
Owen, James W., 1st Lt. 0760661. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Owens, Ruey S., Sgt. 14157602. 870th. Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Gunr. A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec
1944, KIA. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Entered Service from Dickenson
Cty, VA. NOK: Mr. Joe C. Owens (father), Brooks, VA. Natl Arch 1220587. WWII
Memorial 805661. Sam E. Pennartz 2349849.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Ozias, Wayne K., Sgt. 37517043. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Pace, Conrad, 1st Lt. 0-691671. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). Ditched, 26 Feb 1945, A-29, Miss
Margaret, Buckheit, Survived. KIA, 10 May, 1945. Natl Arch 1270029. Not in WWII
Pace, Harold W., 2nd Lt. 0775519. 870th. Pilot. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-Weather, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945,
Rescued. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
Add. ‘46: 821 West Main Street, Dennison, TX.
Paciga, Martin J., Cpl. 33347568. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 742 North
Washington Street, Wilkes Barre, PA
Pacina, Godfrey, Add. ‘46: 839 Jersey Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ.
Paetee, James J., Add. ‘46: 224 South Virginia, Mason City, IA.
Pagliaro, Leonard, T/Sgt. 20384717. Lab Tec, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: 1146 Neal Street, Washington, DC.
Pahnke, A., Add. ‘46: Glidden, IA.
Palek, Paul A., S/Sgt. 12203758. 870th. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 26 Buena Vista Road,
Cedar Grove, NJ.
Palmer, Hamilton C., Cpl. 36556396. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1953 Vinewood
Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Palmer, K., Add. ‘46: 1935 Vinewood Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Palmer, Rou, Add. ‘46: 609 Rose Street, La Port, IN.
Palmer, Roy M., S/Sgt. 1510824. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF).
Palumbo, Bartholomew D., S/Sgt. 12011864. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 413 13th Avenue, Belmar,
Pannaccione, C., Add. ‘46: 2 Wardell Avenue, Highland, NJ.
Pannaccione, John., Sgt. 32391654. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Pannone, Raymond F., Pfc. 31379451. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 353 South
Main Street, Waterbury, CT.
Papson, Andrew C., Add. ‘46: 112 North Maple Avenue, Greensburg, PA.
Paq*etye, Maurice (XNI), Pfc. 31289904. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944.
Paradis, Harvey F., 1st Lt. 0-685277. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan. Add.
‘46: 14 Clifton Avenue, Lynn, MA.
Pardo, Morris M., M/Sgt. 35164451. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-231 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 943 Church Street, Indianapolis, IN.
Parham, Render T., S/Sgt. 14109017. 871st. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credit, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. Add. ‘46: 250 2nd
Avenue, Lanett, AL. Add. ’89: 202 Oak St., Hogansville, GA.
Parisi, Joseph A., Sgt. 32409648. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Park, Ernest H., 1st Lt. 7008576. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 411 Whitington
Avenue, Hot Springs, AR
Parker, Edgar H., 1st Lt. 02185990. 869th. AM, GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).Add. ‘46: 5146
Vandelin Avenue, Dallas 9, TX
Parker, Edroy J., Pfc. 31306980. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Parker, Louis H., Add. ‘46: 6 View Street, Whitefield, NH
Parsell, Harold V., S/Sgt. 36075904. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Parsinger, Ralph P., S/Sgt. 6996486. 870th. MOS 826. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th).
Parsons, Joe E., (Address unknown)
Pasquine, Don., Add. ’89: 69 Forest Ave, Clifton, NJ.
Patazzek, Edward G., 21414 Hillgrove Avenue, Maple Heights, OH.
Patrick, John L., Add. ‘46: Elkview, WV.
Patrick, Otus P., (Address unknown)
Patrick, Richard L., Add. ‘46: Fitz, Northland, MO.
Pattee, James J., 2nd Lt. 0-775524. 870th. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-201, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF), A-32,
Stripped For Action, Fox. Add. ‘46: 224th South Virginia Avenue, Mason City, IA.
Patterson, David A., Add. ‘46: 137 Armstrong Drive, Hampton, VA.
Patterson, Marvin, Sgt. 34579113. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Reld from flying status, SO 2-1 (497th); Reclass MOS 748 to
747. SO 2-2 (497th); GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Bunker Hill,
KS, Add. ‘46: Colquitt, GA.
Paul, Edward W., Sgt. KIA
Paul, Eugene M., Add. ‘46: 2803 Siera Grand, Pasadena, CA.
Paul, Robert J., S/Sgt. 12074526. 869th DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII
(20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Green Island, NY.
Paul, Sherman, 2nd Lt. 0-753022. Hq. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Paule, Oliver A., Cpl. 39142830. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Paulson, Mark C., Cpl. 17080060. 871st. CFC Mech, 960. Trnsfd from Lincoln to 871st, SO
101-3 (497th).
Pawlaczyk, Alex C., Add. ‘46: 1257 4th Avenue, Schenectady, NY.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Pawlik, Alex, Pfc. 16081223. 869th. Cryptographic Tech, 805. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Pawling, Henry H., Cpl. 12173931. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Lake Pleasant,
Payne, Herschel, E., Cpl. 38344513. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Payne, Jesse F., Add. ‘46: Anson, TX.
Payne, William J., Add. ‘46: Shewsbury, WV.
Peacock, Clarence W., Pfc. 14085901. Hq. Truck Drvr, 345. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 517 Central Avenue, Crescent City, FL.
Peani, M. L., Add. ‘46: Route 5, Springfield, IL.
Pearce, Marvin J., Cpl. 16061257. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 113 South 4th
Street, Dupo, IL.
Pearsall, Daren H., Sgt. 33377874. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 6111 Pimlico
Road, Baltimore, MD.
Pecci, Louis, Sgt. 32795072. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 6 (497th).
Pechalk, Carl J., Sgt. 35609036. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Sortie
credits, OO-16-1 (497th)., OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. Add. ’89:
376 W Harvey St., Struthers, OH.
Pecina, Henry J., S/Sgt. 32278640. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Peck, James M., Add. ‘46: 109 South East 5 th Street, Washington, IN.
Pederson, Francis M., T/Sgt. 18007314. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Pedroni, Donald R., 2nd Lt. 0-774754. 871st. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC, GO
27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-54, Panchito
“The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ’89: 3805 Valley View, Santa Rosa, CA.
Pell, Tristano A., Add. ‘46: 22620 Nine Mile Road, St. Clair Shores, MI
Pence, Otto B., S/Sgt. 38443934. 870th. Radio Opr, 757. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI
BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). DFC, AM (4 OLC), PH, (ABMC). A28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. KNB. 6 June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Hometown:
Faulkner County, AR. NOK: Mrs. Edith Pence (mother), 2129 Robinson Avenue, Conway,
Arkansas. Natl Arch 103344. WWII Memorial 805877.
Penhallurick, Joseph H., S/Sgt, 12238479. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to S/Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 25 Knox Avenue,
Buffalo, NY. Add. ’89: 26 Grosvenor Rd., Kenmore, NY.
Penkaua, Glenard D., Add. ‘46: Blue Springs, NE. Add. ’89: 3124 Victor St., Aurora, CO.
Penman, John S., S/Sgt. 16083651. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp),
SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). KNB. 10-5-45. A-
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Wayne County, MI. NOK: Mrs. Eleanor L. Penman
(wife), 14603 Fordham Avenue, Detroit, MI. NatlArch 1266689. Not in WWII Memorial.
Mary Penman, Niece 1640876.
Pennswill, Roland W., Sgt. 32952347. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
808 Taylor Street, Wilmington, DE.
Pennington, Calvin C., Cpl. 36597986. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Penniston, Harold E., Cpl. 37725196. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6
(497th). Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Hardin, MO.
Penrod, Godfrey E., S/Sgt. 39620339. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 332,
Polson, MT. Add. ’89: 704 Fourth Ave, Lewiston, ID.
Pentecost, Ned C., 1st Lt. 0659175. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. A/C. MIA>DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Down, 42-24586, Nagoya area, Pentecost. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from TN.
NOK: Mrs. Will G. Pentecost, (wife), 319 North Main St., Lexington, TN. Not in Natl Arch.
WWII Memorial 805904.
Peny, John J., Add. ‘46: Derby, CO.
Peoples, Clare, Cpl. 16161007. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Perchak, Eugene, Sgt. 12123814. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Perchak, Harry, Add. ‘46: 1266 Reynolds Avenue, Scranton, PA.
Perea, David L., Pvt. 18016051. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Medical Aidman, 657. Prom to Pfc.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt
Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add. ‘46: Bernalillo, NM.
Perez, Frank G., Pfc. 39120264. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Perkins, Howard C., Sgt. 37470364. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Coffeyville, KS.
Persinger, Ralph P., Add. ‘46: Box 9, Lewisburg, WV.
Peschke, William F., S/Sgt. 37332823. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). 869th. Special Duty with
Hq. 497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th).
Petchalk, Carl J., S/Sgt. 35609036. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Peterson, Dale W., Capt. 0413489. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI
BC). DED 28 Jan 1945. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 27 January, 1945, A-46, Ghastly
Goose, Petersen. Entered Service from OR. NOK: Mrs. Martha Petersen (wife), 163
Archer Place, Shreveport, LA. Natl Arch. 1208735 WWII Memorial. 806050.
Petersen, Oluf A., Cpl. 36814593. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Peterson, A, Add. ‘46: 2466 North Teutonia Avenue, Milwaukee, WI.
Commented [JP28]: SO 1-1 lists name as “Pennewill”
Commented [JP29]: GO 128-I & SO 236-4 lists ASN as
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Peterson, Elwood E., 871st. Nav, 1036. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt.
Rescued. Add. ‘46: 407 8th Avenue, N.E., Aberdeen, SD.
Peterson, George M., 1st Lt. 0-689639. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). DFC,
GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Silver
Star, 497th Narr History, Sept 1945. Add. ‘46: 5330 Seneca Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Peterson, Lemuel B., Sgt. 34587134. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple
Heart (ABMC). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 28 Jan
1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from AL. NOK: Mrs. Nina N.
Peterson (wife), 323 Breeder St., Eufala, AL. Natl Arch 992997. WWII Memorial 806069.
Peterson, Robert J., 1st Lt. 0564020. 869th. Apptd. Soldier Voting O, SO 5-1 (497th
Ground Echelon). Add. ’89: 603 Neff Road, Grosse Pointe, MI.
Peterson, Richard L., 1st Lt. 0827823. 869th. Hq. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC),
GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). (Address
Peterson, Wayne, 1012 Superior Street, Racine, WI.
Petoff, George L., 2nd Lt. 0782953. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF).
DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-54,
Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ’89: 21035 – 7th Place S, Seattle, WA.
Petrocelli, John R., Cpl. 36903960. Squadron ?? Hq. AM GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).
Petrovic, Victor A., S/Sgt. 17108718. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Reclass Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684 to Apl Mech/Crew
Chief, 750, SO 83-6 (497th BG). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 722 Douglas Avenue,
Eveleth, MN.
Petry, R. A. Ring Gunr. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Pett, Dan C., Add. ‘46: 230 ½ North Chicago St., Los Angeles, CA.
Pettibone, Alfred B., S/Sgt. 32142500. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). 14 January,
1945, A-26, Schramm. FOD, Entered Service fr New York. NOK: Mrs. Mary A. Pettibone,
84 East Main Street, Hornell, NY. Natl Arch 1324597. WWII Memorial 806105.
Petzel, Harold W., (Address unknown)
Phares, Vance, Cpl. 37199385. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Phelps, Raleigh E., 1st Lt. 0-735919. 870th. Nav Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 26–II (XXI BC). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). Sortie
credits OO-22-1 (497th). Pistol qual, Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-27, Texas
Doll, Arnold. Add. ‘46: Windson, NC.
Phillips, Byron J., Sgt. 39174334. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 7042 Holly Park Drive, Seattle 8, WA. Add. ’89: 6510
44th Ave S, Seattle, WA.
Phillips, Donald H., M/Sgt. 19032515. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to M/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Keller, WA.
Commented [JP30]: GO 12-1 list middle initial as ‘A’.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Phillips, George W., S/Sgt. 33614935. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). 38
Rotation Points , SO 160 (497th). Add. ‘46: 22 Norton Avenue, Dallas, PA.
Phillips, Lyman L., Col. 0149660. 330th. Bronze Star Medal, GO 13-IX (20 AF).
Phillips, Robert E., Cpl. 34671998. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Phillips, Robert M., 2nd Lt. 0806901. 869th. B29, Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD , 9 January, 1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon,
Young. Entered Service fr Tennessee. NOK: Mrs. Betty Phillips (wife), 1636 Laurel
Avenue, Knoxville, TN. Natl Arch 1158716. WWII Memorial 806197. Sam E. Pennartz
2370944. Mr. Henry T. Phillips 128298.
Phillips, William H., Sgt. 39299311. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: El Centre, CA.
Phrase, Vance, Add. ‘46: 3715 Forrest, Kansas City, MO. Add. ‘46: Route 3, Nettleton,
Pickerel, John S., Capt. 0-427657. 869th. A/C. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. 1st Lt to Cpt, SO 1411 (20 AF). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 193 (73rd) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. Add. ‘46: C/o. Dr. E. A. Simmons,
Timmonsville, SC.
Pictrowski, Stanylsawna, Add. ‘46: 3181 Winter Street, Saginaw, MI.
Pierce, David M., S/Sgt. 17131045. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Pierson, Stanley R., Sgt. 20249409. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Pignanelli, Leonard T., Cpl. 39915481. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Pillsbury, Harry C., Cpl. 33295915. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 83, Pittsfield, PA.
Pinnco, Alvin J., Add. ‘46: 708 May Street, Marshaltown, IA.
Pinneo, Alvie J., Cpl. 37194075. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Piotter, Vernon V., 2nd Lt. 05060577. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1035. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
Sortie credits OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-17, Coral Queen,
Fly. Add. ’89: 1744 E. Woodman Rd, Colorado Springs, CO.
Pitman, R. B., Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Altapass, NC.
Pitzen, Wallace, Add. ’89: 2446 108th Street, Toledo, OH.
Pixley, James D., Sgt. 39381344. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Viola, IA.
Pizza, Richard M., S/Sgt. 39914830. 870th. Hq. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 140 North 2nd, East
Price, UT.
Pleus, William, 1st Lt. 0668763. 870th. Bomb, 1035. POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246 AAF
BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 53-XII (20th AF). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
McDonell. HT: Taylor County, WI. NOK: Mrs. Mary E. Pleus (mother), 328 South Second
Street, Medford, WI. NatlArch 1290527. Not in WWII Memorial.
Ploen, Harley, Add. ’89: RR2, Avca, IA.
Plotka, Robert J., Cpl. 36811522. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Tail Gunr. Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO
162-8 (73rd BW). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. 4414787. HT: Washington County, WI. NOK: Mr. Robert Plotka (father), 1002 East Clarke
Street, Milwaukee, WI. NatlArch 1287228. Not in WWII Memorial.
Plotkin, George M., Add. ‘46: 1654 East 19th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Plotkin, Jerome L., S/Sgt. 12159608. 870th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO20-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-33, The Shrimper,
Lamback. Rotate to US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 1654 East 19th Street,
Brooklyn, NY.
Plummer, Claude J., Add. ‘46: Bement, IL.
Poani, Ernest J., Sgt. 36442977. 869th. MOS 861. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) Add. ‘46: Route 5, Box
121, Springfield, IL. Add. ’89: 2000 N 14th St., Springfield, IL. – Check last name spelling
Poeny, John J., Add. ‘46: Derby, CO.
Pogue, Gerald A., S/Sgt. 38244844. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Pogue, Marha, Add. ‘46: Route 10, Box 803, Houston, TX.
Points, Clyde U., 2nd Lt. 0774760. 871st. Pilot, Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A-45,
Barnes. Entered Service fr CA. NOK: Mr. William C. Points (father), 400 N. Inez Av.,
Monterey Park, CA. NatlArch 980785. WWII Memorial 806423.
Polanco, Zaragoza G., Pfc. 38674020. Hq. Clerk, 590. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Route 4, Box 318-B, San Antonio, TX.
Polock, Robert D., Add. ‘46: 183 Griswold St., Delaware, OH.
Pomeranz, Harold B., 2nd Lt. 0695963. 870th.Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944]
Pond, Floyd E. Jr., S/Sgt. 33525686. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Tail Gunr. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO
210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. (Address
Ponschock, Gordon S., Cpl. 16154466. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 3418 North 56th St., Milwaukee, WI.
Poole, Gid S., Add. ’89: 109 N Highland Ave, Princeton, KY.
Poole, George C., Add. ‘46: 1515 Metropolitan Avenue, Bronx 62, NY.
Poole, Willie J., Sgt. 34170233. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Poolt, George C., Cpl. 12087420. 871st. MOS 791. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Pope, Ralph E., Pfc. 37015991. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 531 East Mill, Clay,
Pope, Walter D., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Jackson, GA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Porter, Ralph N., Add. ‘46: Congton St., Middleton, CT.
Porterfield, A.J., Cpl. 38508514. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Camden, AR.
Posig, John E., F/O. 36185167. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to S/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th). S/Sgt
to T/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF).
Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: Homansville, MI.
Post, William N., Sgt. 36832801. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie credit, OO-23-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 424 West State St., Mauston, WI.
Postelwait, Jack T., Pfc. 18163563. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Postle, Thomas P., Cpl. 322265539. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Millford, DE.
Postles, Be’en G., Add. ‘46: Mt. Vernon Street, Smyrna, DE.
Pott, Dan C., S/Sgt. 39166735. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 230 ½ North Chicago
Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Potter, Donald Y., 2nd Lt. 0-864176. Hq. Radar O, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Potter, Gordon C., Pfc. 36190851. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Potter, Vernon V., (Address unknown).
Potts, Thomas E., 544th South Street, Sydney, OH.
Powell, John L., S/Sgt. 14016111. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-22-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). KIA, 3 July
1945. A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mrs. Lilia F. Powell (mother), Route Number 5,
Andalusia, AL. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Memorial.
Powell, Ralph W., T/Sgt. 13039327. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-1, Dauntless Dotty,
Morgan. (Address unknown)
Power, John E., Jr., Capt. 0-578908. 871st. Asst. Group S-2. Apptd. Soldier Voting , SO 52 (497th Ground Echelon). Apptd. to Court Detail, SO 7-3 (Trial Judge Advocate) (497th
Ground Echelon), Revoked, SO 10-1 (497th Ground Echelon). 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq
AAF POA). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 6422 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
Power, Wilbur G., Add. ‘46: 1928 South 5th Street, Springfield, IL.
Powley, Paul M., 871st. CFC Gunr. A-57, Dodge.
Preble, Quintin N., S/Sgt. 18131538. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH, (ACMC). MIA>FOD, 27 January, 1945,
A-23, Shady Lady, Dauth. Entered Service from Oklahoma. Hometown: Cleveland
County, OK. NOK: Mrs. Helen G. Preble (mother), Route One, Norman, OK. NatlArch
1016292. WWII Memorial 806648. Shady Lady Memorial Association 2024950.
Preisser, Albert W., Sgt. 13038616. 870th. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246
AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). KIA, 27 January, 1945, A-22,
Commented [JP31]: AM, GO 128 –I lists ASN as 13038327.
Please check.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown: Westmoreland County, PA. NOK: Mrs. Isabel
Armstrong (mother), Box 454 Parnasus Station, New Kensington, PA. Natl Arch
1345535. Not in WWII Mem.
Prellop, Herbert J., S/Sgt. 38231922. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF).
Presses, Angelo B., Sgt. 39682265. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Box 564, Price, UT.
Prestley, Hugh D., 2nd Lt. 0 788835. 870th. AM (ABMC). DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29
Aug 1945. A-37, Cripps. Hometown: Middlesex County, MA. Mr. Hugh J. Prestley
(father), 196 Summer Street, Somerville, MA. NatlArch 1259526. WWII Memorial
Price, Belah O.B., Maj. 0-424293. 871st. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 42- XI (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO
55-V (XXI BC). Sortie credits OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 4, Clarksville, TN.
Price, J. W., Jr., S/Sgt. 18083151. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246
AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits OO-20-1 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Price, O’Brien. Capt. O424293. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. A-52, Irish Lassie, Price.
Price, Virgil L., S/Sgt. 35316002. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Prickett, Will S., F/0 T223260. M/Sgt. 34109905. 871st. Flt Eng. Sortie credits, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-45, 4463985, Cardone. Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. Add. ‘46: Router 1, Jacksonville, AL.
Prince, William Jr., S/Sgt. 35598268. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC),
GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, SO 210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy,
Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-50, Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor.
Pritchett, Ned (nmi), 1st Lt. 0575955. 869th. Supply O, 4113. TD to Flight feeding School,
Salina for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944].
Prlicoliff, Joseph J., Add. ‘46: 31 Sloane Avenue, Lakewood, OH.
Procovicz, C., Add. ‘46: 83 Orchard Street, Garfield, NJ.
Procovicz, Stephen M., Sgt. 32561501. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Proctor, Charles S., S/Sgt. 38529814. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to S/Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1129 North Beckley
Avenue, Dallas, TX.
Prokopovitch, Joseph E., Sgt. 13044874. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 35
Sheridan Street, McAdee, PA
Prooly, Omer W., Add. ‘46: 340 Harrison Street, Manchester, NH.
Proulx, Omar W. T/Sgt. 20156394. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Provan, David L., Pfc. 19112094. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Provost, James E., Sgt. 16136474. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt Gunr.GCM, GO 37-II-1
(497th). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). A-42, Simonds. Add. ‘46: 9107 39th Street
Brookfield, IL.
Prusser, Albert W., Sgt. DED
Pshcouff, Joseph J., Cpl. 20522621. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1321 Sloane
Avenue, Lakewood, OH
– Check sp. last name
Pucci, Nicholas J., S/Sgt. 32468226. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2509
Washington Avenue, Bronx, NY
Pugh, Richard F., S/Sgt. 35452577. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill
Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 2911 Cling Avenue,
Cincinnati, OH.
Pulley, John H., Add. ‘46: 201 West Baltimore Street, Jackson, TN.
Pumala, Jack R., Sgt. 16153066. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Purchase, Wayne L., S/Sgt. 16060136. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
192 East 7th Street, Holland, MI.
Purdy, William T., S/Sgt. 33565716. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Purvos, Charles G., 2nd Lt. 0874425. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Putman, Donald C., Add. ‘46: 141 High Street, Denver, CO.
Pyllin, Gilbert E., Add. ‘46: Pomeroy, OH.
Quattlander, George T., S/Sgt. 32532759. 870th. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO20-1 (497th). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). ). AM (OLC), GO 135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA, 14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Mrs. Alice Quattlander
(mother), 1159 E. 165th St., New York, NY. Natl Arch 1282420. Not in WWII Memorial.
Sam E. Pennartz 2350887.
Queitsch, E. A., Add. ‘46: C/o. R Tallon, 35-15 94th Street, Jackson Heights, NY.
Quigg, Howard L. Jr., Add. ‘46: 1837 S. W. 23rd Street, Miami, FL.
Quillen, Joseph A., S/Sgt. 39182041. 870th. Armr Gunr, 612. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). (address unknown)
Quinn, Andrew E., Add. ‘46: 2436 West Toranto Street, Philadelphia, TX.
Quinn, Patrick B., 1st Lt. 0-868591. 870th. Nav-Bomb. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA, 3 July, 1945, A-22,
Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mr. Dolph Quinn (father), Box 42, Beeville, TX. Not in NatlArch.
Not in WWII Memorial.
Rae, Benjamin G. Jr., S/Sgt. 31354202. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Prom to S/Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt. Rescued.
Commented [JP32]: SO 356 – asn listed as 32216557. Please
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Raffauf, Clement G., Sgt. 35699304. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rafferty, John D., M/Sgt. 6974421. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: South Glens Falls,
Ragland, Richard M., Maj. 470th. Placed on SD Hq 497th Hq, SO 125-3 (497th). Assumes
command 470th Bomb Sq, Sq O 15-1 (870th Bomb Sq). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker. Add.
‘46: Handley, TX.
Rain, Milton F., Cpl. 36630098. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ramage, William L., Cpl. 36595829. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
(Address unknown)
Ramer, Leonard, 1st Lt. 0-808461. 869th. Pilot. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Sortie credits OO15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC).
Ramey, George W., Add. ’89: 881 SW 56th Ave, Plantation, FL.
Ramey, Henry. 869th. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Ramirez, Fortunato E. Jr., Pvt. 39255233. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th)..
Ramirez, J., Add. ‘46: 704 West Atlantic, Albuquerque, NM.
Ramos, Louie, Pfc. 39696548. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Randolph, Wilson V., Add. ‘46: Packton, TX
Rapp, Frank E., Sgt. 32927769. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Rassias, Arthur, M/Sgt. 11037310. 869th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
86-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 36
Richardson Road, Lynn, MA.
Rastorfer, Walter D., Sgt. 39412034. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 334 4th Avenue, Sacramento, CA. P O Box 355, Potlatch,
Ratherford, Jack L., Cpl. 35229130. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Rathermel, John R., Add. ‘46: Lakewood, OH.
Rau, Gerald J., 2nd Lt. 0-2057819. 870th. Nav,1034. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO24-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: New Street, Belleville, NJ.
Rawls, Harry C. Jr., T/Sgt. 18034858. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
A-21, Thumper, Campbell. Add. ‘46: Box 58, Lyons, KS.
Ray, F., Add. ‘46: 1032 Pierce Street, San Francisco, CA.
Ray, John M., Jr., S/Sgt. 14139554. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radion Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC).
Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq
O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25 March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath.
Commented [E33]: May be Gerard
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Hometown: Clinch County, GA. NOK: Mrs. Wilma A. Ray (wife), 1010 Mary Street,
Waycross, GA. Natl Arch 1018369. Not in WWII Memorial.
Ray, William O., M/Sgt. 6922243. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Mebane, NC. Add. ’89: 458 Walther Rd, Newark, DE.
Rayn, Frank J., Add. ‘46: Bire Island, MN.
Razin, Joseph W., 1st Lt. 02044862. 871st. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC).
Rcuprich, Stanley J., Add. ‘46: 938 Jefferson Street, Granta, LA
Rea, James C., Sgt. 36699004. 871st. Aer. Gunr, 611. Right Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3 January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered
Service fr Illinois. NOK: Mr. James A. Rea (father), 6335 South Bishop Avenue, Chicago,
IL. NatlArch 1145473. WWII Memorial 807108. Sam E. Pennartz 2351958.
Ready, Ernie. Sgt. 870th. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Reando, Ernest L., M/Sgt. 12005996. Hq. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida
(3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: Tupperlake, NY. (Address unknown)
Rebber, Robert W., T/Sgt. 19079559. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. CFC Gunr, 580. S/Sgt to
T/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 166 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Rechtsteiner, Robert N., 871st. Co-pilot. A-47. Add. ‘46: 6147 Piedmont Avenue, Los
Angeles, CA.
Reddington, Martin L., Pvt. 7021403. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: C/o., Liberty National
Bank, Pittston, PA.
Reddock, Roland, T/Sgt. 18047519. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). A-3, Lucky Lynn, Cox. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Redinger, Eugene J., 1st Lt. 0683059. 870th. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2
(246 AAF BU). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). AM, PH, (AMC). Shot down, 27 January, 1945, A-28, Werewolf,
Hahn. POW. KIA. Executed by Japanese, 26 May 1945. Hometown: Passaic County, NJ.
NOK: Mrs. Irene J. Redinger, (wife), 861 Ringwood Avenue, Wanaque, NJ. NatlArch
1233606. WWII Memorial. 807166.
Reed, Carolyn B., Add. ‘46: 3029 Chesterfield Avenue, Baltimore, MD.
Reed, Edward J., Sgt. 12137950. 871st. Gen Duty, 055. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Hudson Falls, NY. Add. ’89: 17 Clark, Hudson Falls, NY.
Reed, Emerson W., S/Sgt. 33721625. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 435 Edasham Avenue, Bolt, MD.
Reed, George W., Add. ‘46: 3501 Brown Street, Dallas, TX,
Reede, Carl V., Add. ‘46: Selina, KS,
Reese, William L., Sgt. 33486914. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Regan, James H., Sgt. 32951566. 869th. Apl Armr, 511. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO
12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 12 Sherbrooke Rd, Trenton, NJ. – chk last
name sp.
Reichart, Stuart R., 2nd Lt. 0-782958. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1097 Gates Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY. Add. ’89: 8000 Grand Teton Dr., Potomac, MD.
Reid, Clifford E., 2nd Lt. 0684048. 871st. Pilot. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4
(246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 18 Dec 1944. Entered
Service: Tarrant Cty, TX. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews,
Walling. NOK: Mr. Marvin E. Nobles (Father-in-Law), Deport, TX. NatlArch 1244833
WWII Memorial 807275 Sam E. Pennartz 2347847
Reid, Edgar H., Sgt. 34205694. 871st. MOS 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Reid, Edward G., Cpl. 33831329. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 316 Jefferson
Avenue, Cheltenham, PA. Add. ’89: 324 Beecher Ave, Cheltenham, PA.
Reigstad, Thomas T., Cpl. 32739495. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Reilly, Richard T., Add. ‘46: 666 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY,
Reim, L., Add. ‘46: 1012 5th Street, Aurora, IL. Add. ’89: 1012 Fifth St., Aurora, IL.
Reiman, Donald J., S/Sgt. 17175168. 870th. Radar Opr, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker. Add. ‘46: 1908 East 57th
Street, Kansas City, MO.
Reineke, Lawrence, 1st Lt. 0569894. Hq. Intelligence O, 9301. POC authorized, SO 239-1
(246 AAF BU) 1944. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46:
56 Mountain Avenue, Middletown, NY. Add. ’89: 112 North St., Middletown, NY.
Reinhardt, Marvin N., 2nd Lt. 0837538. 871st. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024, A/C. Asgd 871st
Bomb Sq, SO 162-8 (73rd BW). AM, PH (ABMC). Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. KIA.
42-2407 Entered Service fr Wisconsin. NOK: Mrs. Geraldine L. Reinhardt (wife), 359
Grand Avenue, Oshkosh, WI. Natl Arch 1289414. WWII Memorial 807318.
Reitz, Paul A., Add. ‘46: Rowan, LA.
Relsham, Wilbur M., (Address Unknown)
Remez, Ziv., 1st Lt. 0698775. 871st.Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). Reld fr
special duty with Lead Crew School, APO 237, and will return to proper orgn for dy, SO
31-2 (73rd Wing). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker.
Renfro, Everett C., Sgt. 38166935. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add.
‘46: 621 South Edith Street, Albuquerque, NM. Add. ’89: 1709 Richmond Dr N E,
Albuquerque, NM. – Check last name
Renicker, Carl H., Cpl. 35606865. 870th. Reclass Apl Welder, 573 to Gen Duty, 055, SO
83-6 (497th BG).
Renicker, Carl L., Cpl. 35606865. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 3, Dover, OH.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Renswich, Julien C., Add. ‘46: Tredouia, NY.
Reuling, Frank W., Add. ‘46: 827 2nd Avenue, Wausau, WI.
Reynolds, Curtis, Add. ‘46: 600 Broadway, Piqua, OH. Add. ’89: 7575 N Troy Sidney Rd,
Piqua, OH.
Reynolds, Donald P., Pfc. 31336843. 873rd. DNB, Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle
Finger of Fate, Fate. NatlArch 1031695. Not in WWII Memorial. Note: He is listed
because he was on a 497th aircraft. Not to be included in the 497 th Honor Roll.
Reynolds, Edward F., Pfc. 32831827. Hq. Truck Drvr, 345. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Reynolds, Jack H., Cpl. 38589101. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Reynolds, Leon H., M/Sgt. 11016469. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Reynolds, Malon G., Pfc. 15372919. 870th BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2,
Waynesburg, KY
Rhodes, Perry M., Cpl. 33743549. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1409
Crittenden Street, N.W., Washington, DC.
Riblett, Jess W., F/O. T223257. M/Sgt. 15069763. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII
(20th AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI
BC). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. A-54, Panchito “The Fighting
Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46: Meadowbrook, WV. Add. ’89: 1309 S 9th, Noblesville, IN.
Ricciartelli, J., Add. ‘46: 76 Avenue A, Highland, NJ.
Richard, Robert M., Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Lake Butler, FL.
Richards, John E., 1st Lt. 0789506. 869th. Nav,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA. Crashed, 9
Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. DFC, AM (OLC), PH, (ABMC). Entered Service fr PA. NOK:
Mrs. John E. Richards (wife), 2308 Harvard Ave., Camphill, PA. Natl Arch 1332142. WWII
Memorial 807473. Sam E. Pennartz 2368685.
Richardson, Arthur D., Sgt. 19124611. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Richman, Nathan, 2nd Lt. 0-777937. 870th; 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 132-XV (XX1 BC). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-24, Wheel n’ Deal, Delker, A-50, Jumbo
King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: 85 Ballow Avenue, Dorchester, MA.
Richsteiner, Robert M., Add. ‘46: 6147 Piedmont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
Richters, George G., Sgt. 12163183. 870th. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246
AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD. 14 January, 1945, A-26,
Schramm. Enter Service fr New Jersey. NOK: Mrs. Ruth Richters (mother), 83 2nd Street,
Red Bank, NJ. Natl Arch 1235979. WWII Memorial 807510.
Ridenour, Wilfred N., 1st Lt. 0885217. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Rider, Ellis H., S/Sgt. 18194541. 870th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
501 South Semonole, Wewoka, OK
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Rieceardelli, George R., Cpl. 32462476. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 76 Avenue A, Atlantic Heights, NJ.
Riedel, Harold E., Sgt. 35010484. 870th. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 1132 East 1414 Street, Cleveland, OH.
Riegert, Charles F., Add. ‘46: 34 Linkis Farne Avenue, Westmont, NJ.
Riesel, Joe M. Jr., 1st Lt. 0-866802. 871st. A/C. O. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1 (20 AF). Sortie
credits OO-28-1 (497th). 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-3 (AAF).
Riggs, Robert R., M/Sgt. 15010618. 871st. 737 Flt Eng, 750. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to M/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Cario, WV.
Riherd, Robert M., S/Sgt. 14084361. 870th. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27,
Texas Doll, Arnold-Cutler. Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace on Earth.
Westervelt. Add. ‘46: Lake Butler, FL.
Riley, Herschel I., Cpl. 35790687. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Note: Did not go overseas because of asthma.
Rindal, J., Add. ‘46: 3900 Garland, Detroit, MI.
Ring, Fay A., S/Sgt. 12208438. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Risanz, Jack B., (Address unknown)
Riser, David H., (Address Unknown)
Riser, David M, S/Sgt. 34645171. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1,
OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI
BC). BS, SO 180 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
1944. Add. ’89: 254 Newberg, Chapin, SC.
Rivera, Alphonse J., S/Sgt. 37332977. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC (OLC), GO 42-VIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). (Address Unknown)
Rivherd, Robert M., Add. ‘46: Lake Bueler, FL.
Rix, Elmer R., Pfc. 36563102. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Roach, Joseph R. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-695969. 869th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). BS, SO 179 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-11, Southern Belle,
Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Rescued. Add. ‘46: 846 Judson Avenue, Evanston,
Roach, K., Add. ‘46: Route 5, Poplar Bluff, MO.
Roach, Perry L., Add. ‘46: 746 Main Street, Paris, TX.
Roach, Roy H., Cpl. 37374079. Hq. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Roadmeral, William E., S/Sgt. 19070477. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Three Forks,
Commented [JP34]: SO 141 lists name as Riedel
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Robb, Forrest A., S/Sgt. 9287. 870th. Apl Armr, 511. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO
12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, 161 Towndale Avenue, Kalamazoo,
Roberts, David S., 2nd Lt. 0-700769. 870th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 , OO-23-1
(497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana
Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: 1101 Childs Avenue, Drezel Hill, PA.
Roberts, J. C., M/Sgt. 34161695. Hq. MOS 502. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 2361 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Ship to APO, SO 77
(ATC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 630 North Street, New Albany, MS.
Roberts, Lester D., Jr., Cpl. 17168530. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom
to Cpl. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Roberts, Willard W., S/Sgt. 37245181. 869th. Radar, 0141. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA, 14 Jan 1945. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. NOK: Nancy Roberts (mother),
315 East Normal St., Kirksville, MO. WWII Memorial 807763. Natl Arch 1196818.
Robertson, Cecil C., Add. ‘46: 104 West 38th Street, Austin, TX.
Robertson, James T., Add. ‘46: 1011 Chestnut Street, Evansville, IN.
Robinson, David E., Cpl. 31305425. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Armr Gunr, 612. Pvt to Pfc, SO
6 (497th). Pfc to Cpl, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 24 Cedar Street,
Lexington 73, MA.
Robinson, William G., Add. ‘46: 562 Santa Barbara Road, Berkeley, CA.
Robinson, William S., Add. ’89: No3 Swope Ave, Colorado Springs, CO.
Robison, Charles R., S/Sgt. 33730946. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO
85-1 (497th).
Roby, Willis R., Pfc. 35621420. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rock, Euclid N., 1st Lt. 0-867585. 870th. Flt. Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Asgd to 870th fr Lowry Fld, SO100-3 (497th). Sortie credits OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM, GO 21-IV (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas
Doll, Arnold-Cutler. A-35, Mariana Ram, Wheatley. Add. ‘46: South Barre, VT. Add. ’89:
South Barre, VT.
Rodecker, Lymna V. Sgt. 37575378. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rodge, Clyde A., 1st Lt. 0671078. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ditched, 19 July 1945, A11, Rodge. Rescued. RTD.
Rodiy, Eugene M., Sgt. 13145984. Hq. Clrk, Typist , 405. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Clearfield, PA. ) – Check middle initial
Rodriguez, Simon O., S/Sgt. 38167790. 869th. Apl Armr, 911. Sgt. to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Roe, Elmo L., Pfc. 18036673. 869th. Truck Drvr, 345. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). Add. ‘46:
2236 Philrich Branch, Borger, TX.
Rogers, John. Bomb. 871st. A-42, Simonds.
Commented [JP35]: SO 236-2 lists name as ROCH
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Rogers, Ernest T., 1st Lt. 0-735928. 869th. Bomb, 1035. DFC (OLC), AM (2 OLC) (ABMC).
KNB. Passenger. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. Entered Service fr North
Carolina. NatlArch 1112820. WWII Memorial 808785.
Rogerts, John W., Add. ’89: Rt 3 Box 700 A, Whitehouse, TX.
Roggy, Gerald A., Pfc. 36477754. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Roghwell, William J., Add. ‘46: 1917 Shasta Street, El Cerrito, CA.
Rohrer, Clarence. 2nd Lt. 0-696148. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Bucoda, WA.
Roller, Ray E., Add. ‘46: Hume, IL.
Romero, Frank W., Cpl. 39715755. 870th. Tail Gunr. KIA to DED. 19 Dec 1944. A-29,
Special Delivery, Ewing. Ditched. AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). Entered
Service from CA. NOK: Mrs. Margaret R. Romero (Sister), 522 Lavetta Terrace, Los
Angeles, CA. Natl Arch 981105. WWII Memorial 808982.
Romines, Harold T., Cpl. 34735691. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ronallo, James M., Cpl. 36320377. 870th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2106 West Dekalb Street, Chicago, IL. Add. ‘46: Routel, St.
George, KS.
Rose, James H., 1st Lt. 0-863363. 869th. Radar Obs RCM, 7888. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). DFC, GO 38- XII (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Asgd to Hq 497th PM-36-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 52 South
Battery Street, Charleston, SC.
Rose, Milton E., Sgt. 6909660. Sgt. 871st. A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Rosecrans, Robert E., Sgt. 39125198. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA>KIA,
14 January, 1945, A-26, Schramm. Hometown: Contra Costa, CA. NOK: Mrs. Pauline V.
Rosecrans, 145 Park Boulevard, Clarksburg, WV. Natl Arch 975506. WWII Memoria
809019. Daisy Rosecrans Verrette, Sister 1508497.
Rosenwald, Emanuel M., Sgt. 36666866. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2036 Hayden, Amarillo,
Ross, David J. 869th. Radio Opr. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Ross, Howard G., S/Sgt. 37552168. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Rt
Gunr. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service:
MN. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs.
Marguerite M. Ross (mother), 317 Walnut St., Marshall, MN. Natl Arch 1075162. WWII
Memorial 809052. Sam E. Pennartz 2347926. David Lloyd Ross, BrotherHolts 1467572.
Ross, Oliver, Add. ‘46: Gunthersville, AL.
Rossi, Gino B., Add. ’89: 799 Piezz Road, Santa Rosa, CA.
Rossias, Arthur, (address unknown)
Roth, Leonard, Pfc. 16172183. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rothermel, John R., Sgt. 35276699. 869th. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Rothfus, Robert M., Add. ‘46: Route 7, Des Moines, IA.
Rothgeb, Roy K., Cpl. 37494742. 871st. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Rotolo, Edward W., S/Sgt. 32326918. Hq. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1075 Street Marks
Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Rouse, Joseph R., Jr., S/Sgt. 38494394. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944. Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: LA. NOK: Mrs.
Mary P. Rouse (wife), 1323 North Main Ave., Sioux Falls, SD. Natl Arch 1065581. WWII
Memorial 809113. Sam Pennartz 2343133.
Rousseau, Edwin E. Jr., Add. ‘46: Largo, FL.
Rousselle, Leo P., S/Sgt. 6143485. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 4590 Highland Ave, San Diego, CA.
Routh, Donald L., Cpl. 37668957. 871st. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Routh, Raymond C., S/Sgt. 39832185. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 540 North Street Francis, Wichita, KA.
Roy, Arthur F., S/Sgt. 11008487. 869th. Chief Clerk, 502. Ship to Herington KS for
staging, SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Special Duty
with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Hicksville, NY.
Roy, George A., Add. ‘46: 1527 Acushnat Avenue, New Bedford, MA.
Roy, George E. A., Sgt. 31394745. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl
to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
Assumption College, Worcester, MA.
Rubin, Louis A., Pfc. 34351390. 869th. Supply Clerk, 835. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ruby, Carl C., Sgt. 19192302. 869th. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Rudnick, Sidney S., Sgt. 12155033. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-, OO28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Rudnicki, Edward L., Cpl. 32781038. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 135 Wythe,
Brooklyn, NY.
Rumishek, Martin J., M/Sgt. 36369637. 869th. Radar Mech, 867. T/Sgt to M/Sgt, SO 1021 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment,
284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rummel, Darwin A., Sgt. 33232948. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 1412 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA.
Runner, Milton L., Sgt. 35338865. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. MOS 658. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
1834 Loxley Road, Toledo, OH.
Rupe, Frank H., Cpl. 39351857. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 75,
Orlando, WA.
Russ, Donald W., Pfc. 32927784. 871st. Apl Armr, 511. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Russell, Charles E., Cpl. 35766232. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Russell, Charles M., S/Sgt. 14102369. 870th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Waverly, GA.
Russell, Cyril F., Jr., 2nd Lt. 02061056. 871st. Nav-Bomb-Radar. Sortie credit, OO-9,
(497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). Entered Service fr Tom Green County, TX. NOK: Major Cyril F. Russell,
Sr. (father), 436 Preusser St., San Angelo, TX. NatlArch 1245726. WWII Memorial
Russell, Jack C., Add. ‘46: 132 Ohio Street, Vallejo, CA.
Russell, Wayne D., S/Sgt. 33698618. Squadron ?.Hq. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Russell, William G., Pfc. 35752959. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Pomoroy, OH.
Rust, Paul C., Pfc. 37488011. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Herrick, SD.
Rusteberg, Homer C., Pfc. 36481104. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Valmeyer, IL.
Rustibert, L., Add. ‘46: Waterloo, IL.
Ruszkiewicz, Joseph E., Cpl. 13172000. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ruth, Audrey F., Pfc. 39407298. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) .
Ryan, Francis W., S/Sgt. 17107321. 870th. MOS 502. 870th. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). dd. ‘46: Bird Island, MN.
Ryan, Joseph J., Sgt. 32753267. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Rybeck, Michael, T/Sgt. 16036746. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU).
& Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas
shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sacchet, Rudolph, Sgt. 35608749. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sack, Irain S., Add. ‘46: 6801 Bay Park Way, Brooklyn, NY.
Sacks, Seymour, 2nd Lt. 0-2079114. 871st. PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1740 Grand
Avenue, New York, NY
Sageser, Henry W., 1st Lt. 0-357655. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sagester, Henry W., Add. ‘46: Richmond, IN.
SahIi, James W., Sgt. 35276549. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).Add. ‘46: Frazeysburg, OH.
Salamone, Virgil J., Sgt. 31308840. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Salazar, Joe S., S/Sgt. 18069631. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 94, Arboles,
Salazar, John A. Jr., Pfc. 39717008. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Salazar, Joseph A. Jr., Cpl. 39717008. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1912
Menrago Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Commented [JP36]: Disconnected – pls find!
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Samela, Connie N., T.Sgt. 12082811. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 135-VII
(XXI BC). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 14
Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Mrs. Fil Samela (mother), 30 Windsor
Terrace, White Plains, NY. Natl Arch 1307909. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz
Sanderhaus, William L., Add. ‘46: Lima, OH.
Sanders, I., Add. ‘46: Prentiss, NC.
Sanders, Lloyd R., Cpl. 34772174. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Sanders, Norman W., Cpl. 38446773. 870th. Add. ‘46: Morrilton, AK.
Sanders, Paul J., Cpl. 18190316. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th).
Sangster, Douglas A., Sgt. 39400386. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sanor, Willard B., Sgt. 35589741. 869th. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685, Left Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO18-1 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Morgan. (Address unknown)
Santino, Patrick B., Add. ‘46: 74 Oliver Street, New York, NY.
Sarabia, Johny V., Pfc. 39265677. 871st. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina for
one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944].
Sargent, Charles M., T/Sgt. 15083897. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Sargent, Harold E., 1st Lt. 0-665123. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Pistol qual Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). DFC, GO
59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX
(XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘46: 459 Belmone Street,
Waymort, PA. Add. ’89: 9 Inwood Rd, Essex Fells, NJ.
Sas, Robert G., Pfc. 36280657. 870th. MOS 809. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Sas, C., Add. ‘46: 3614 West Roges Street, Milwaukee, WI.
Saslaw, E., Add. ‘46: 5644 Beacon Street, Pittsburgh, PA.
Saslaw, William C., Pfc. 35055931. 870th. Radio Medch, 754. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Satterlee, Paul A., Cpl. 17127882. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73 rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: Atlanta, KS.
Saucier, Conrad J., Sgt. 31399230. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). KIA>FOD, 14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. Sortie credits
OO-28-1 (497th). Hometown: Washington, DC. NOK: Madeline N Saucier (wife), Box 165,
Union, ME. Natl Arch 1114759. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2350901.
Sauder, Paul E., Add. ‘46: 1825 Holly Street, Harrisburg, PA.
Saugster, Douglas A., Add. ‘46: Westwood, CA.
Commented [J37]: Not clear
Commented [JP38]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Saunders, Henry V., Add. ‘46: Davidsonville, MD.
Saunders, Paul J., Add. ‘46: 5349 Kiam Street, Houston, TX.
Sauter, Raymond N, S/Sgt. 36504627. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
ASN? BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Savage, George J., Add. ‘46: 123 West Clay, Collinsville, IL.
Saymon, William H., Add. ‘46: Joplin, MO.
Sblendoriz, Leonardo, Add. ‘46: 695 Bergen Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Scahaneckey, Clayton A., Add. ‘46: Route 11, Box 308, Gaines Road, Cincinnati, OH.
Scarrazzo, Louis A., Sgt. 33706464. 870th. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1,
OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-II (497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Add. ‘46: 42
Oakland Street, Etna, PA
Schaefer, Frank J., S/Sgt. 20728676. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Schamberg, Charles L., Pfc. 32647164. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Schatz, George G., Add. ‘46: 774 East 24th Street, Paterson, NJ
Scheffler, Paul H. Jr., Sgt. 33323799. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 3204 Wellington Street, Philadelphia, PA
Schemitzer, Carl A., Sgt. 33283882. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Schepis, Fred, Add. ‘46: 1741 Pilgrim Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Schertzer, Edgar D., Pfc. 33507077. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Conestoga, PA.
Schewbel, Harold W., Add. ‘46: Crown Point Road, Bridgeport, NJ.
Schick, William C., 1st Lt. 0-927912. Hq. Avn Ord O, 4532. Aptd Sq Censor, SqO 2-23
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 904 Bluewater Dr, Sun City Ctr, FL.
Schild, Ted A., Sgt. 36681036. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Schivennecker, George M., Add. ‘46: Dean, MT.
Schlesinger, Edward, Sgt. 36659457. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Schmalstig, Charles J., F/O,T-127806. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits OO-22-1
(497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-17, Coral Queen, Fly. Add.
’89: 6700 – 150th N #956, Clearwater, FL.
Schmidt, Gotthilf, S/Sgt. 19070420. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Mildred, MT. Add. ’89: 2310 San Juan Dr, Lake Havasu City,
Schmmitzer, R., Add. ‘46: 1259 Louis Street, Pittsburg, PA.
Schnaars, David J., (S). 2nd Lt. 0697921. 870th. b. 1919. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). Pistol qual
Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. Entered
Service: NY. A-26, Lucky Irish, Wagner, rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mrs. Mary L.
Schnaars (mother) 24 East Second Street, Brooklyn, New York. DED 24 Jan 1944. Natl
Arch 1317525. WWII Memorial 812650. Sam E. Pennartz 2338555.
Commented [E39]: Possibly Schwinnecker?
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Schnabel, Wiley A., Cpl. 38181150. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Schnecker, Clayton A., S/Sgt. 35791315. 869th. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 80-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), PH (ABMC).
A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. KIA, 1 June 1945, Ditched. Entered Service fr Ohio.
NOK not shown on MACR 14595. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 812655. Judith
Spaulding, Daughter 560321.
Schneller, S., Add. ‘46: 917 South 60th Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Schnepel, Ernie F., S/Sgt. 15106046. Hq. CFC Mech,960. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Route 4, Fort Wayne, IN.
Schock, Rudy H., Add. ‘46: 315 Locust Street, Elgin, IL.
Scholle, Gordon O., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Buehler Estate, McHenry, IL.
Schooley, Lowell M., Add. ‘46: 12734 Bayon Drive, Houston, TX.
Schoultz, Kenneth H., 2nd Lt. 0805050. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Schramm, Harold F., Capt. 0406036. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Soldier’s Medal, GO 24-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 53-XII (20th AF). Soldier’s Medal, AM, PH, (ABMC). MIA>DED. 14
January, 1945, A-26, Schramm. Hometown: St. Louis County, MO. NOK: Mrs. Mary E.
Schramm (wife), c/o J. E. Cotter, Aransas Pass, TX. Natl Arch 1156963. WWII Memorial
Schreiner, Charles J., S/Sgt. 12241422. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Schreiner, Chas J., Add. ‘46: South Buffalo Street, Hamburg, NY.
Schroeder, John B., 1st Lt. 0-868135. 871st. Flt Eng,1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). FOD, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’,
Crowell. Entered Service fr Nebraska. NOK: Mrs. Emma H. Schroeder (mother), Rural
Free Delivery #3, Fairmont, NB. NatlArch 1193321. WWII Memorial 812742. Sam E.
Pennartz 2371897.
Schuchter, Jerome P., S/Sgt. 39294702. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Schuessler, Robert. Pilot. 869th. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
Schultz, George R., Add. ‘46: Bradley Beach, NJ.
Schultz, Glenn D., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Box 17, Minden, NE.
Schumacher, Mark H., 1st Lt. 0807062. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Schumacher, Richard C., Sgt. 17143082. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Reclass 611 to 748.
Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Schurz, Frank H., Cpl. 13033554. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Prom to Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Schuth, Irving R., Sgt. 32585517. 871st. Radar Mech, 867. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 102-1
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Henrietta,
Schwab, E., Add. ‘46: 71 Cedar Street, Somerville, MA.
Schwab, Walter R., Cpl. 11115466. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th).
Schwallie, Bernard E., Sgt. 15072297. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Rt Gunr. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from OH. NOK: Mrs. Cecilia M.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Schwallie (mother), 402 West Broad St, Louisville, OH. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial
Schwartz, Frederick W., 1st Lt. 0832252. 869th. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC),
GO 37-XIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Stamford, CT. Add. ’89: 44 Sutton Dr, Stamford, CT.
Schwartz, Louis, Sgt. 32423114. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 97 Rutgers Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.
Schwebel, Harold W., Pfc. 32757645. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 851 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Schwed, Francis E., S/Sgt. 17020955. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Schwenneker, George, Sgt. 39386198. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Dean,
Schwery, Ralph G., Cpl. 16079082. 869th. Cryptographic Tech, 805. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Placed on SD with Group Post Exchange SO 229-4 (497th).
Schwieger, Raymond, Pvt. 37680230. 871st. Radar, 0141. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb
1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered Service fr Wright County, IA. NOK: Mrs. Frances D.
Schwieger, Hampton, IA. NatlArch 1073289. WWII Memorial 812958.
Scope, Charles J., S/Sgt. 6915628. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Scott, Charles L., Pfc. 35871772. 871st. Teletype Opr, 237. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Add. ‘46: 13 Silver Avenue, Fort Mitchell, KY.
Scott, Everette E., Jr., Cpl. 34725936. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Scott, Walter B., Add. ‘46: 322 South 7th Street, Las Vegas, NV.
Scott, Walter J., 1st Lt. 0-1288631. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 822 Topeka
Blvd., Topeka, KS
Scroggins, Admiral D., Sgt. 37329200. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Cook, 060. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1233 Welton Street, Denver, CO.
Scruggs, Lawrence E. Jr., Add. ‘46: Parkersburg, WV.
Scully, Edward G., S/Sgt. 32722136. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 113-26 203
Street, St. Albans, NY.
Seally, Frederick P., Sgt. 33453992. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Assistant Crew Chief, A-9, Skyscrapper I,III, Garvin.
Seaman, Howard, J., M/Sgt. 12023917. Hq. & 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU).BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Crew Chief, A-6, Bad Brew.
Seel, Richard W., 2nd Lt. 02079501. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Seel, William M., Sgt. 33541700. 871st. CPC. Sortie credit, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th). BS, GO
51-VIII-1 (497th). (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51IX-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, February 25
1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Service fr Ohio. NOK: Not shown on MACR.
Natl Arch 1106753. WWII Memorial 813162.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Seitz, Edwin A., 1st Lt. 0529649. 869th. B29, Pilot,1093. POC authorized, SO 239-1 (246
AAF BU) 1944. Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits OO-15-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). A-9, SkyscrapperI, II, , Garvin. Add.
‘46: 1106 A Ohio Street, Walkerton, IN.
Selby, Stephen S., Add. ‘46: 548 Mathews Street, Wenatchee, WA.
Semels, Daniel, Add. ‘46: 720 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY.
Senders, Lloyd R., Cpl. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th).
Senerchia, August J., Sgt. 12094261. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add.
‘46: 963 Broadway, Bayonne, NJ.
Sentelle, William R., Add. ‘46: Pisgol Forest, NC.
Sepe, Martin J., S/Sgt. 36603017. 869th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th
AAFBU). Sortie credits OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Septowski, Edward, 2nd Lt. 0-864620. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497
GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan. Add.
‘46: 1559 Loomas Avenue, Harvey, IL.
Serb, Robert J., 1st Lt. 0804414. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Lawrenceville,
Serokman, John., Pfc. 33758033. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Severchia, August J., Add. ‘46: 963 Broadway, Bryonne, NJ.
Severson, Earnest R., Add. ‘46: Hopkins, MN
Shaffalo, David P., Add. ‘46: 521 3rd Street West, Aliquiqua, PA.
Shaffer, George L., Pfc. 12200311. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW).
Shaffer, Harvey, Add. ‘46: Route 2, Duois, PA
Shaffrath, Paul W., Capt. 0-427003. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093, A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). A-52, Teaser,
Shaffrath. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). KIA. 25 March, 1945. Hometown: King
County, WA. NOK: Mrs. Gloria E. Shaffrath (wife), 624 Laveta Terrace, Los Angeles, CA.
Natl Arch. 1274591. Ms. Louise E. Shaffrath, Sister 357344.
Shaftel, Sidney, Capt. 01690145. Hq. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station
MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add. ‘46: 414 Avenue L,
Brooklyn, NY. Add. ’89: 100-11 Sparrow Dr, West Palm Beach, FL.
Shahinian, Edward, Sgt. 31426895. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Left Gunr. Reclass 611 to
612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46:
711 South Main Street, Randolph, MA. Add. ’89: 251 Tarocco, Irvine, CA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Shahinian, John, Sgt. 31423824. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr. Reclass 611 to 612,
SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC, GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). GCM,
GO 37-II-1 (497th). A-54, Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ’89: 79 945 Trindad
Dr, Bermuda Dunes, CA.
Shanahan, Maurice H., Pfc. 39557497. 870th. Truck Drvr, 345. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 311 Acacia, Torrance, CA
Shanaway, Jesse J., S/Sgt. 15353821. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA, 14 January,
1945, A-26, Schramm. Entered Service fr Ohio. NOK: Mrs. Maud Green (mother), Route
Nine, Box 616, West Toledo, OH. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 813387.
Shank, William E., Cpl. 13141433. 870th. Gunner. PH (ABMC). KIA. Ditched, 26 Feb 1945,
A-29, Miss Margaret, Buckheit. Entered Service fr West Virginia. NOK not shown in
MACR. Natl Arch 1160782. WWII Memorial 813405
Shanklin, Roy E. Jr., 1st Lt. 0-696672. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-161, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I
(XXI BC). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). DFC,
AM (4 OLC), PH, (ABMC). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB. 6 June, 1945. A-1, Dauntless
Dotty, Kelley. Hometown: Montogmery County, VA. NOK: Roy E. Shanklin, Sr., RFD
Number One, Radford, VA. NatlArch 1253066. WWIIMemorial 813407.
Shannon, Frank J., Add. ’89: 74 Meadow Glen Dr, Dover, DE.
Shappee, Andrew M., M/Sgt. 39304327. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU).
Sharp, Frank W., Jr., Sgt. 11017938. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Asst Crew Chief, A-26, Lucky
Irish, Wagner. Add. ‘46: Chicapee, MA
Sharp, Rush L., S/Sgt. 34281584. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Maynardville, TN.
Sharpe, Burke K., Cpl. 34457203. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sharrett, Lowell D., 2nd Lt. 0869379. 870th. Flt. Eng, 1028. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Sortie
credits, OO-16-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued.
Hosp. A-25, Peace pn Earth. Westervelt. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit.. Add. ‘46:
Box 73-A, Bridgeport, IL. Add. ’89: Rt 2 Box 87 A, Dudley, NC.
Shaw, Albert H., Jr., 2nd Lt. 0723446. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Nav-Photo. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM, PH, ABMC. Entered Service from PA. NOK: Mr. Albert H.
Shaw, Sr., 1784 Brill St., Philadelphia, PA. Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 813505.
Shaw, Clair G., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Vevay, IN.
Shaw, George W., S/Sgt. 33258694. 870th. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246
AAF BU). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (OLC), PH (ABMC). A-27, Texas Doll, Arnold-Cutler. KIA, Ditched.
26 May, 1945. Buried at Sea. 42-94050, no known tail code, Swenson. Entered Service fr
Pennsylvania. NOK: Mrs. Blanche I. Shaw (mother), General Delivery, McConnelsburg,
PA NatlArch 1334836. WWII Memorial 813515. Silas S. Morgan 120920.
Shaw, Ted H., S/Sgt. 38436211. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Shea, Daniel J. Jr., S/Sgt. 16169674. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), PH
(ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-8, Shillalah. Bussell. MIA. Entered Service fr Illinois.
Not in Natl Arch. WWII Memorial 813534.
Sheehan, John F., S/Sgt. 12025232. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 416 East Maple
Street, Pratt, KS
Shell, Garold P., Add. ‘46: 1309 17th Street, Columbus, GA.
Shelton, William K., Add. ‘46: Oxnard, CA.
Shepard, Gus, Add. ‘46: Hamilton, MO.
Shepard, Russell E., Sgt. 17060709. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Shephard, George W., Cpl. 35754949. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Sheppe, Thomas C., Pfc. 33692128. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sheriff, Roland, 2nd Lt. 0928781. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25 Feb
1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered Service fr NY. NOK: Mr. Barney Sheriff, 86 Concord Ave.,
White Plains, Natl Arch 1145325. WWII Memorial 813711.
Sherman, Edd B., Sgt. 38213511. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Sherwood, Leslie N., T/Sgt. 6902289. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 178 (XXIst BC) per
PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley.
Address unknown)
Sheshansky, Harold, S/Sgt. 32658419. 871st. Radio. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO
46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA, 25 March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. MIA, 25 March, 1945. Hometown:
Kings County, NY. NOK: Mrs. Lillian. Sheshansky (mother), 322 Rodney Street, Brooklyn,
NY. NatlArch 1300298. Not in WWII Memorial.
Shield, Robert W., 1st Lt. 0-585244. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2901 Avenue
M. Snyder, TX
Shields, Harold L., Add. ‘46: 427 South Pierport Avenue, Rockford, IL.
Shinkowski, Charles S., F/O. T-5478. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th
AF). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. Add. ‘46: 112 Willow Grove
Street, Hackettstown, NJ.
Shoemaker, Richard E., Sr., Cpl. 33751679. 871st. Rt Gunr. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25
Feb 1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered Service fr Washington, DC. NOK: Mr. Elmo M.
Shoemaker (father), 24 Bennett Ave., Rochelle Park, NJ. NatlArch 1115170. WWII
Memorial 813912.
Shoup, Mary, Add. ‘46: 144 ½ West 5th Street, Erie, PA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Shoup, Maurice R., Cpl. 33408218. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Showman, Bert T., 2nd Lt. 0-867906. Hq. Armmt O, 4822. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Liberty Center, OH
Siefken, Walter D., Add. ‘46: Rookwell, IA
Siegel, Phillip, Cpl. 32822753. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 116 East 1st Street,
New York, NY
Silva, Alfred D., Add. ‘46: Box 7, Alma. CA.
Silva, John M., Sgt. 31127964. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: South Franklin
Street, Springfield, MA.
Silvo, John M., S/Sgt. 31127964. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI
BC). Sortie credits OO-15-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Simmons, Doyle P., S/Sgt. 39125840. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF).
Simmons, Harold. Lt. 870th. Radar. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet,
Simmons, Sanford G, 2nd Lt. 0-829323. 871st. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1
(497th). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS,
SO 210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add. ’89:
44 Parchuck Rd, Greenwich, CT.
Simmons, William A., Pfc. 35703491. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Simms, Henry H., Jr., Capt. 0791510. 869th. B29, Pilot, 1093. APC. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Relieved from duty as Sq Gunnery O (Add duty),
SqO 2-18 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO15-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 1709 Golfview Dr,
Rockledge, FL.
Simms, John, Add. ‘46: 3324 Prairie, Mattoon, IL.
Simon, Oakley A., S/Sgt. 39200594. 870th. TG. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 25-1 (73rd
BW). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), PH (OLC), ABMC). Ditched 4 March 45, Rescued. RTD. A-25, Peace on Earth.
Westervelt. KIA, 26 May, 1945. A-38, Swenson. Buried at Sea. A-27, Texas Doll, ArnoldCutler. NOK: Mrs. Darlene L. Simon (wife), 3646 46th Avenue, South West, Seattle, WA.
NatlArch 1292111. WWII Memorial 814099.
Simonds, Joseph A., 871st. A/C. A-42. Add. ‘46: 520 Anderson Street, Orlando, FL. Add.
’89: 659 Balmoral Rd, Winter Park, FL.
Simpson, Louis E. Sgt. 37708173. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Simpson, Robert E., S/Sgt.15374614. 869th. Apl Instr Spec, 686. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Sims, John R., 2nd Lt. 0-760680. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine,1024. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1
(497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana
Ram, Wheatley.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Sims, Theodore W., T/Sgt. 34109586. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
Spring Hill, AL
Sisk, Alex L., Sgt. 14050294. 871st. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 107 McDaniel Street, Knoxville,
Sivori, William E., Pfc. 35701067. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1923 Deerwood,
Louisville, KY
Siwek, Walter R., 2nd Lt. 0-927912. F/O. T-192603. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-181, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon.
Add. ‘46: Willimantic, CT.
Skaggs, John B., S/Sgt. 15338735. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Tail Gunr. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-201, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-3 (73rd). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-50, Jumbo
King of the Show II, Hornor. Add. ‘46: Victor, WV.
Skillens, Bernard, Pfc. 33603887. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Skogsberg, Wesley B., Sgt. 39197536. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 6016
31st Avenue, N. E., Seattle, WA.
Slade, Kenneth H. Jr., S/Sgt. 31308494. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 23 Cleveland Street, Arlington, MA.
Slagle, Jesse R., S/Sgt. 14135478. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-31, New Glory, Sargent. Add. ‘46: 8
Boone Avenue, Harriman TN.
Sloan, Randle C., S/Sgt. 15170689. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Sortie credits, OO-221, OO-23-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-45, 44-63985, Cardone. (Address Unknown)
Slocam, Leon G., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Federalsburg, MD.
Smala, Connien, Add. ‘46: 30 Windsor Terrace, White Plains, NY.
Small, Herbert, S/Sgt. 32781505. 871st. Radar, 0141. Sortie credits OO-13-1, OO-16-1,
OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-XVIII (20th AF). DFC,
GO 27-XX (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46:
2157 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. Add. ’89: 157 Waterford “G”, Delray Beach, FL.
Small, Ralph C., Cpl. 36749522. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-54,
Panchito “The Fighting Cock,” Francis. Add. ‘46: Mundélein, IL. Add. ’89: 272 Calle
McCleary, Green Valley, AZ.
Smigun, Alexander, Cpl. 36814115. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1208 Forest
Street, Racine, WI
Smith, Bill, Add. ’89: 28312 Osborn Rd, Ray Village, OH.
Smith E. B., 2582 Add. ‘46: Fairfox, Denver, CO.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Smith, Abraham, Cpl. 32887892. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Smith, Charles C., S/Sgt. 35309743. Intelligence NonCom, 631. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 16004 Euclid Avenue,
East Cleveland 12, OH.
Smith, Clyde A., Add. ‘46: 6007 Harcourt Avenue, Los Angeles, CA.
Smith, Clyde H., Capt. 0741761. 871st. Observer (Nav). Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). DFC
(OLC), GO 135-IV (XXI BC). PH, GO 14-1(497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly
station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-42, Joker’s Wild
II, Austin. Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. Survived. RTD. Add. ‘46: Newton, WV.
Smith, Emanuel B., T/Sgt. 39127293. 870th. CFC Gurn, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-13-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1
(497th). Asgd to 870th fr Lincoln AAF, SO 100-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VII (XXI BC). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 12-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). PH, GO 13-1 (497th). A-21, Thumper, CampbellJ; A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Rotate to US, SO 20204-4-14 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 414 North
Street, Washington, D.C.
Smith, Franklin G., Cpl. 37531656. 869th. Munitions Wrkr,901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Smith, H. J., Jr. Sgt. 18123938. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunner. Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO I -1,
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Ditched 3 Jan 1945, Survived. A-50, Jumbo King of the
Show, Clifford. Add. ‘46: Baylor Nurse Home, Dallas, TX.
Smith, H., Add. ‘46: 1806 East 90th Street, Cleveland, OH. Add. ‘46: Box 812, Roseville,
Smith, Henry L., Cpl. 39416637. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Thaxton Star Route, Pontotoc, MO. Add. ’89: Rt. 5 Box 5729, Nampa, ID.
Smith, Ira, Add. ‘46: 66 Westmore Road, Dorchester, MA. Add. ’89: 49 Edward Road,
West Newton, MA.
Smith, Irvin L., Capt. 0-726022. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Nav, 1034. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Pistol qual,
Sharpshooter, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). DFC, GO 26-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 135-VII (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). A-21, Thumper, Haynes. KIA,
14 Apr 1945. A-24, Wheel N’ Deal, Abar. NOK: Mrs. Emma T. Smith (mother), Linwood,
North Carolina. Not in Natl Arch,. WWII Memorial 814678. Sam E. Pennartz 2350872.
Smith, Jasper E., Add. ‘46: 524 Adelai Street, Samasota, FL.
Smith, J. W. Tail Gunr. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
Smith, Louis, 291 Add. ‘46: Rene Street, Rochester, PA. Add. ’89: P O Box 384,
Tabernash, CO.
Smith, Max H., Pfc. 38450114. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Smith, Melvin R., Cpl. 34876467. 870th. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Thaxton, MS.
Smith, Milton E. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-2060403. 871st. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1 (497th). BS,
GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH, ABMC. KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, February
25 1945, A-44, Ponderous Peg, Keith. Entered Service from Illinois. NOK: Not shown on
MACR. NatlArch 1098142. WWII Memorial 814820.
Smith, Paul H., Sgt. 18101878. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Smith, Raymond B., 1st Lt. O831001. B-29 Pilot, 1093. 870th.Hq. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). 62 Rotation Points , SO 160 (497th). Add. ‘46: 23 Beach
Grove Avenue, Pittsfield, MA. Add. ’89: 33 Woodcrest Dr, Wilbraham, MA.
Smith, Raymond L., Sgt. 37675923. 871st. Rt. Gunr. Aer Gunr, 611. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO16-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). MIA>FOD, 18 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna
Mak’er, Anderson. HT: Black Hawk County, IA. NOK: Mrs. Louise E. Smith (wife), 1332
Knoll Avenue, Waterloo, IA. NatlArch 1018055. Not in WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz
Smith, Richard H., Cpl. 33758269. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Salona, PA.
Smith, Richard W., Pfc. 17070963. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Prom to Pfc, SO 85-1
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add.
’89: 28 River Ridge Lane, Cedar Falls, IA.
Smith, Rita P., Add. ‘46: 1326 Randolph Street, N. W., Washington, D.C.
Smith, Robert G., Sgt. 15382676. 871st. Radar, 0141. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-161, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25 March,
1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. NOK: Mrs. Vera Ruth Smith (mother), 1005 Lakehurst
Drive, Lakeland, FL. Not in Natl Arch. Not in WWII Memorial. American Legion Post 93
Smith, Samuel J., Sgt. 32047029. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO 162-8
(73rd BW). Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. Rescued. RTD.
Smith, Stanley J., T/Sgt. 14072250. 3rd Photo Recon. AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC).
Smith, Thomas F. Jr., Add. ‘46: Newton, WV.
Smith, William E. Jr., T/Sgt. 18052244. 871st. 2960. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov
AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
1944. Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Smith, William E., S/Sgt. 18052244. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). (Address Unknown)
Smith, William J., 1st Lt. 0-866592. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. A/C. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Placed
on Special dy with Hq. 73rd Bomb Wing Lead Crew School for an indefinite period, and
upon completion of this special duty will rtn to proper orgn for duty, SO 33-5 (73rd). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 20735 Beachcliff Blvd., Cleveland, OH.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Smith, Z Erol Jr., Sgt. 16188272. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 7958
Champlain Avenue, Chicago 19, IL.
Snedecker. First name not given. No other info. Mentioned in Abbott Account of
ditching of A-11 in 869th Scrapbook.
Snedaker, John F., Capt. 0-424691. 869th. B-29 Pilot,1093. APC. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Deputy “A” flight CO (Prim Duty). (Vice Capt. Young
missing in action), SqO 2-5 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC (OLC), GO 135-VI (XXI BC). DFC (OLC), GO 135-VIII (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 167 (XXI BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 309 South Crescent, Beverly Hills, CA.
Snell, A. L., Add. ‘46: 3921 Longview Lane, Wichita, KS.
Snell, Walter W., S/Sgt. 37498149. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ’89: 626 E Mary St, Garden City, KS.
Snowden, Lonnie L. Jr., 1st Lt. 0-807533. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Pilot, four Engine, 1024.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-24-1 (497th).
KNB. 10-5-45. A-16, Fickle Finger of Fate, Fate. HT: Jefferson County, KY. NOK: Mrs.
Margaret N. Snowden (mother), Fairlawn Road, Louisville, KY. NatlArch 1088353. Not in
Snyder, J., Add. ‘46: Burnsville, WV.
Snyder, Walter H., Add. ‘46: Conimicut, RI.
Sobioski, Leonard, S/Sgt. 33348941. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Soldier’s Medal, GO 24-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Sodomora, Alexander, S/Sgt. 32555706. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr.
Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie
Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII1 (497th). MIA>DED, 10 April, 1945, A-51, Gonna Mak’er, Anderson, R. HT: Union County,
NJ. NOK: Mrs. Barbara Sodomora (mother), 1122 Frank Street, Roselle, NJ. NatlArch
1236278. Not in WWII Memorial Sam E. Pennartz . 2333343.
Solomon, Dexter M., Pfc. ****9341. 870th. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2,
Strawberry Plains, TN
Soloway, Jack, Add. ‘46: 720 Grance, Chicago, IL.
Sommer, Max R., Sgt. 17160031. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246). AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO
153(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Somsen, Gene R., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Idaho Falls, ID.
Songy, Edward A., T/Sgt. 18150919. 870th. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to T/Sgt, SO 85-1 (497th).
T/Sgt to M/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Plaquemine,
PA. Add. ’89: Box 148, Plaquemine, LA.
Sonorchia, Augusta J., Add. ‘46: 963 Broadway, NJ.
Soo Hoo, Henry, Add. ’89: 3808 Gladstone, Detroit, MI.
Sorensen, Walter F., Cpl. 36658479. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 10537 Church Street, Chicago, IL
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Sougey, George E., S/Sgt. 19190282. Hq. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1 (497th). Intelligence
NonCom, 631. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1
(246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 2615 East 3rd Street, Tucson, AZ.
South, Lloyd W., Add. ‘46: 1416 L Street, Brainerd, MN.
Southern, Virgil R., Sgt. 20827249. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Sovirn, ****** F., Sgt. 35697960. Squadron?? Hq. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Spagnolo, Vincent, T/Sgt. 39271689. 871st. Radar Mech, 867. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 251 North Woodruff Avenue, Ballflown, CA.
Spamer, George C., S/Sgt. 12153574. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 677
Grandview Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. POW. Executed or shot to death, 20 July, 1945.
Sparks, Logan M., S/Sgt. 34675171. 871st. AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA, 5 May, 1945, A-56, McSpadden. NOK: Mrs. Mamie McGuinan Sparks
(wife), 23 Irwin Road, Durham, NC. Not in WWIIMemorial. Not in NatlArch.
Spaulding, Kent E., Cpl. 17143605. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 509 1st Street, Port Townsend, WA. Add. ’89: 3407 No.22,
Tacoma, WA. Add. ’89: 3407 No 22, Tacoma, WA.
Spence, William D., Sgt. 36320248. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Little York, IL.
Spies, Fred R., 2nd Lt. 0806000. 870th. A/C. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). PH, GO 3 -1, (497th). DFC, GO 132- XVII (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa
Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing./ Ditched, 19
Dec 1944. Survived. RMC. Add. ‘46: 3913 Dwight, Riverside, CA. Add. ’89: 7301
Berkman Dr, Austin, TX.
Spinosi, Elijah, S/Sgt. 32952943. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). BS, SO 163 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). A-52, Irish Lassie, Price; A-53, Irish Lassie,Conway. (Address Unknown)
Spitz, Donald E., Sgt. 12208124. Hq. Radar Mech, 867. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Spivey, Lowell B., Pfc. 34670911. 572 Air Materiel Sq., 91 st Air Service Group. DNB. 6
June, 1945. Passenger on A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial
813363. Robert Spivey, Brother 902655. Mr. James L. Spivey, Nephew 896742.
Sprague, Harold A., Sgt. 37225647. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Spring, Robert J., Sgt. 35919326. 870th. Tail Gunr. Rt Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). Add. ‘46:
12012 Oakland Avenue, Cleveland, OH.
Spruill, Cecil E., 2nd Lt. 0867463. 871st. Flt Eng. 1028. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
Commented [J40]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
A-45, Dixie Darlin’, Lampley. (Address unknown)
Staats, Charles E. Jr., Add. ‘46: 449 Bramball Avenue, Jersey City, NJ.
Stachniewicz, Henry F., Add. ‘46: Road 1, Auburn, NY
Stafford, Edward B., Sgt. 42114299. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
Stafford, Edwin B., Add. ‘46: 916 North 8th Street, Camden, NJ
Stamback, Willard C., Sgt. 18130516. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1105 North
48th Street, Oklahoma City, OK
Stambaugh, Harold E., 2nd Lt. 0927891. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Sortie credits, OO-9,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH,
ABMC. MIA>KIA, 2 April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service from Pennsylvania.
NOK: Mrs. Lucille T. Stambaugh (wife), 1246 West Princess Street, York, PA. NatlArch
1345257. WWII Memorial 813615. Sam E. Pennartz 2347795. George Reel, Friend.
Stammerjohn, Carl W., 1st Lt. 0-866595. 870th. Flt Eng, 1028. Nav-Bomb/Radar, 1038.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Pistol qual Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944]
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). DFC,
AM (4 OLC), PH, (ABMC). A-28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB, 6 June, 1945, A-1, Dauntless
Dotty, Kelley. Hometown: Cook County, IL. NOK: Mrs. Dorothy A. Stammerjohn (wife),
7408 South Prairie Avenue, Chicago, IL.4886. Natl Arch 1171577. WWII Memorial
813622. Howard N. Stammerjohn 110962.
Stathas, Achilles (NMI), Sgt. 16192372. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Tail Gunr.
Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). A-30, Star Duster, Lind.
Stangland, Robert J., S/Sgt. 36784712. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gnr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). A-30, Star
Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Neware, IL. Add. ’89: Rt #4, Morris, IL.
Staniszewski, Alex J., S/Sgt. 32539676. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Stanley, Charles P., Sgt. 18045450. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Munitions Wrkr. Cpl to
Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 1114 Lowery Dr, Fort Walton Beach, FL.
Staph, Anthony S., Sgt. 33701027. Hq. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Staples, Kyle T., Sgt. 39911812. 869th. Gen Duty, 055. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Stasulli, James J., Pvt. 14157965. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 1036 West Coal Street, Shenandoah, PA.
Stasyszen, Bill, Cpl. 38405011. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Stathakis Alex, Add. ’89: 15184 Arlington St, Allen Park, MI.
Stathakis, M., Add. ‘46: 385 Genesse Street, River Rouge, MI.
Stathas, Achilles, Sgt. 870th. Tail Gunner. A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: 2113 North
7th Street, Milwaukee, WI.
Statler, Earl G., Add. ‘46: Millersville, MO.
Steege, Howard W., 1st Lt. 02063493. 869th. AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
37-XIII (20th AF). Add. ‘46: Villa Park, IL.
Steele, William G., 1st Lt. 0-775625. 870th. A/C. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1 (20 AF). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 50-II (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele. A-33, The Shrimper,
Lamback. Add. ‘46: Route 1, Box 443, Fullerton, CA. Add. ’89: 2170 Lombardy Rd, San
Marino, CA.
Stefansen, Walter, Cpl. 36674452. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 862 North
Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Steffen, Ernest A., Sgt. 32548470. 869th. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Add. ‘46: Route 5, Canalaigna, NY.
Steiger, Charles A., S/Sgt. 19015227. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. Ditched, 1 June 1945, Hospitalized.
Add. ‘46: Route 6, Spokane, WA. Add. ’89: 6410 Lakegrove S W, Tacoma, WA.
Steigerwald, Anthony, Add. ‘46: 33 East School Lane, Philadelphia, PA.
Steigerwald, John B., S/Sgt. 32739869. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Steinke, B., Add. ‘46: New Germany, MS.
Steinke, Richard H., Cpl. 17154471. 870th. Lab Tech, 941. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th).
Stellbeaur, Robert H., Sgt. 13062332. 869th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Bremond, TX.
Stoller, William, 2nd Lt. 0-782981. 870th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM,
GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th
AF). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Add. ‘46: 106-32 95th Street, Ozone Park, NY.
Stenson, Joseph H., Sgt. 39121769. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2451 27th
Avenue, San Francisco, CA.
Stephen, James, Cpl. 31090424. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Trfd fr
March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
Stephens, Everett T., Add. ‘46: 208 Bell Bldg., Montgomery, Al
Stephens, Hubert L., Sgt. 7082584. 869th. Aer Gunr, 611. Left Gunr. BS, GO 46-I-1
(497th). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Atlantic Coastline RR Depot, Portmouth, VA
Stephens, Sherman L., Add. ‘46: Porum, OK
Commented [JP41]: SO 6 Lists name as Janus?
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Stern, Andrew C., Sgt. 37134503. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU)..
Stevens, Mark J., Add. ‘46: 1512 North Burdick, Kalamazoo, MI.
Stevens, Robert L., Pvt. 7080584. 869th. AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
Stevens, Roy, Add. ‘46: 243 Summit, Augusta, KS.
Stevens, William (NMI), 1st Lt. 0-774801. 870th. A/C. Pilot. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO 141-1 (20
AF). Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). MIA>KIA, 26 May, 1945. A-38, Swenson. Not in NatlArch.
WWII Memorial 814692.
Stevenson, S. T., Add. ‘46: 1419 Norwood Street, Pueblo, CO.
Stevenson, Thomas A., Add. ‘46: 319 Middle Avenue, Elyria, OH.
Stevenson, Thomas H., Capt. 0-573485. 871st. 1st Lt. to Capt. SO 21-5 (Hq AAF POA). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Steward, Washington M., Add. ‘46: Box 166 Bryan, TX.
Stewart, Harry A., Capt. 0-562139. Hq. Intelligence O, 9301. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Designated Intelligence Control Officer for
Hq, 497th Bomb Group, SO 21-9 (497th). Add. ‘46: 538 South Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park,
Stigen, Manley A., Sgt. 17154662. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Still, James W., (Address unknown)
Stilwell, Charles I, S/Sgt. 13169515. 871st. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-VIII (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to
US, SO 195-4 (73rd). A-41, Red Hot Rider, Bowry. Add. ’89: 4421 Granada Blvd # 208,
Warrensville Heights, OH.
Stirewalt, Glen F., Sgt. 36750303. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF), A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Texico, IL.
Stitt, William C., Add. ‘46: 16 Beresford Court, San Mateo, CA.
Stodd, Chester, Add. ‘46: 6528 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA.
Stoddard, John H., Add. ‘46: Bakersfield, CA.
Stoller, William, 2nd Lt. 0782981. Bomb. DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). A-32, Stripped For
Action, Fox.
Stone, Andrew F., Pvt. 12130103. 869th. Power Turret & Gunsight Mech, 678. Rlsd from
hosp Rapid City & asgd to 869 th, SO 101-6 (497th).
Stopper, Seymour, Pfc. 32247821. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Storen, Roald J.,* Cpl. 3685***9. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN ?
Stout, Charles R., Add. ‘46: 1135 North Main, Tulsa, OK.
Stout, Charles J. 870th. Pilot. Only shown in 870th Scrapbook.
Stout, Earl J., 2nd Lt. 0-547543. 870th. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142XX (21st BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 717 Hillcrest Road, Elmira, NY.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Stovall, William P., S/Sgt. 6563342. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 4-1, (497th).
Soldier’s Medal, GO 23-IV (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). 869th.
TG. RTD 14 Jan 1945. A-2, Cox, Pacific Union Ditched. RTD. Add. ‘46: 2205 Sacramento,
San Francisco, CA.
Stowart, Harry A., Add. ‘46: 538 South Park Avenue, Oak Park, IL.
Stowbridge, George W., Add. ‘46: Middlesex, NJ
Strada, Raymond A., 1st Lt. 0-739527. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 79-IV (XXI BC). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Stradling, Alden R., Add. ‘46: 811 Sunset Road, Albuquerque, NM
Strangland, Robert J., (Address unknown)
Street, John G. Jr., 1st Lt. 02061284. 869th. DFC, GO 56-XVIII (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37XIII (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ’89: 5608 Sandy
Lane, Oaks, TX.
Streff, Bernard M., S/Sgt. 36894182. 870th. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). PH (OLC), GO 35-I-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Ditched, 14 May 1945, Survived. Add. ‘46:
Roscomon, MI
Strett, John G., (Address unknown)
Strobel, John F., Sgt. 12023863. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 213 East Schuiler
Street, Boonville, NY
Stramland, Wallace C., Add. ‘46: 2015 South Royce Avenue, Sioux City, IA. Add. ’89:
7470 Pollack Dr, Las Vegas, NV.
Strong, Robert E., Add. ‘46: Swaneeton, IL.
Strong, Russell W., S/Sgt., 31198234. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett; A-16, Crowe. MIA, 1 June, 1945. Not
in NatlArch. Not in WWIIMemorial. Note: No confirmation of death.
Strother, L. J., Add. ‘46: Route 2, Madison, FL.
Stuart, Richard V., Capt. 0793194. 870th. A/C. AM GO 57-XXVII (20th AF). A-21, Stuart.
Add. ‘46: 3001 N. W. 3rd Street, Miami, FL.
Studd, Chester P., Cpl. 19177666. 15th Photo Lab. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing
Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 6528 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA.
Add. ’89: 2130 16 Sunset Dr, Vista, CA.
Studdard, David C. Jr., Sgt. 14123041. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Asgd 871st Bomb
Sq, SO 162-8 (73rd BW). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge.
44-28707. HT: Walker County, AL. NOK: Mr. David C. Studdard, Sr., (father), Cordova,
AL. NatlArch 998059. Not in WWII Memorial. C. J. Johnson, Sister 220940.
Stule, William G., Add. ‘46: Fullerton, CA.
Stull, James T., Cpl. 33530037. 871st. Radar, 0141. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1, (497th).Sortie
credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Stuller, Joe G. F/O. Radar Op. A-15, Agony Wagon, Steele.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Sturdivant, Gerald W., Sgt. 38370979. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Radio. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 18 Dec 1944. Entered Service: Tarrant Cty, TX. A-45, Dixie
Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK: Mrs. Avis V. Sturdivant
(wife), c/o T. E. Forrest, De Leon, TX. NatlArch 1253835. In WWIIMemorial 815079. Sam
E. Pennartz 2347865.
Sturdivant, William E., Sgt. 38493464. (squadron ??). Hq. AM, GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).
Suffron, Wendell G., Sgt. 870th. Rgt Gunr. A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit.
Add. ‘46: Route 3, West Union, OH
Sullivan, Joseph D., S/Sgt. 17029314. 3rd Photo Recon Sq. Tail Gunr. DED, 21 Nov 1944.
Downed Nagoya area. AM (9 [?] OLC), PH, ABMC. Entered Service from IA. NOK: Mr.
Frank R. Sullivan, 1351 Las Palmas St., Hollywood, CA. Not in Not in Natl Arch. WWII
Memorial 815129
Sullivan, Joseph W., Add. ‘46: Hastings, PA
Sullivan, Joseph. Nav. A-42, Simonds.
Sullivan, Thomas B., S/Sgt. 38449432. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
(Address unknown)
Sulton, Willis L., Add. ‘46: 1735 Rogers Avenue, Atlanta, GA
Summerville, Herbert L., S/Sgt. 15015334. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Crew Chief, A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit..
Sumner, Robert C., Sgt. 39831807. 871st. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Radar, 0141. Tail Gunr.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1
(ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(871st) 1944. KIA, 25 March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: Custer County,
ID. NOK: Mrs. Josephine Sumner (wife), General Delivery, Mountain Home, ID. Natl Arch
1035343. Not in WWII Memorial.
Sumoski, Alex W., Sgt. 16187692. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1840 South
Springfield, Chicago, IL
Sunderhaus, William L., T/Sgt. 35470184. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 135 East
Kildare Avenue, Lima, OH
Suffron, Wondell G., Sgt. 35791600. 870th. Left Gunr. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th).
Sutton, Bernard F., Sgt. 17123954. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O9 (871st) 1944. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 28 Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose,
Petersen. Entered Service from NE. NOK: Mrs. June V. Sutton (wife), 723 N. 12th St.,
Beatrice, NE. Natl Arch 1201743. WWII Memorial 815205.
Sutton, E. M., Add. ‘46: 168 North Main Street, Washington, PA.
Sutton, Frederick O., Sgt. 35755126. 871st. MOS 809. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Sutton, Robert A., Sgt. 33704142. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 501 Crawford Avenue, Brownsville, PA.
Sutton, Willis L., Capt. 0-665136. 869th. A/C. B-29 Pilot,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Aptd Sq
Gunnery O (Add duty) and Asst. Sq Adjutant (Add duty), SqO 2-19 (497th). Sortie credits,
OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-II (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). Placed on SD Hq 497th Hq, SO 125-3 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Route 3, Arlington, TX.
Swafford, William F., Sgt. 37540658. (Sq ??). Hq. AM, GO 30-III (20th AF).
Swain, Gurden B., M/Sgt. 6273802. 870th. Soldier’s Medal, GO 24-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46:
576 East 137th Street, Bronx, NY.
Swann, Joe C., Sgt. 34904344. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Right Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: Cross Plains, TN.
Swanson, M. H., Add. ‘46: 305 South 58th Street, West Duluth, MN
Swanson, Russell M., Sgt. 37567107. 870th. CFC Mech, 960. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Swayne, Curden B., (Address unknown)
Swaylsland, Ronald, Cpl. 35055931. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1266 Cahoon Road, West Lake,
Swenson, Harvey L., 1st Lt. 0-795856. 870th. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, AM (2 OLC), PH, (ABMC). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC).
BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 26 May, 1945. KIA, Ditched, 26 May, 1945. A-38, Swenson.
NOK: Mrs. Joyce M. Swanson (wife), 216 6th Avenue, Aberdeen, SD. NatlArch 1107530.
WWII Memorial 815410.
Swiler, Lloyd K., 2nd Lt. 0695466. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944.
Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: MN. NOK: Mr. Harry I. Swiler (father), 3327
Emerson Ave, South, Minneapolis, MN. Natl Arch 1073465. WWII Memorial 815430.
Sam Pennartz 2343129.
Swisshelm, John J., 1st Lt. 0-25967. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25
March, 1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: Tuscarawas County, OH. NOK: Mrs.
Jane T. Swisshelm (wife), 22 Hewlett Drive, East Williston, NY. Natl Arch 1247108. Not in
WWIIMemorial. Dover High School 2339116.
Sykes, James E., S/Sgt. 32391471. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747.
Syks, Philip D., Sgt. 32925940. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 171
Johnson Avenue, Hackensack, NJ.
Symonds, Raymond M., S/Sgt. 17091962. 871st. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO
1-1, (497th). Add. ‘46: 174 West 16th Street, Pueblo, CO.
Commented [JP42]: GP 128-I lists last name as “Wyks”. Pls
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Taber, Vernon C., Cpl. 37231720. Hq. Gen Duty, 055. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 9145 11th Street, Kansas City, KS
Taggard, Charles E., S/Sgt. 39083656. Hq. Apl Armr, 911. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Box 701, Porterville, CA.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS).
Taing, Carl S., Add. ‘46: 2238 North Hamlin Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Talbert, J., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Elizabeth, PA.
Talbott, Nicholas B., S/Sgt. 33548647. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). PH, GO 36-I-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM, GO 94I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. (Address unknown)
Tanner, Douglas R., Cpl. 6967624. Hq. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: Route 2,
Hattiesburg, MS.
Tarbell, Theodore H., 1st Lt. 0-866600. 871st. Flt Eng, 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 56-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX
(21st BC). BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 99 Deerhurst
Blvd., Kenmore, NY. Add. ’89: 295 Reist St., Buffalo, NY.
Tate, Jacob C., Cpl. 34629705. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add.
‘46: 114 Penn Street, Corinth, MA.
Tate, Raymond P., Cpl. 38464021. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Taylor, Charles A., Add. ‘46: 24 East Orangegrove, Pasadena, CA.
Taylor, Charles G., Add. ‘46: 374 Nichols Street, Fall River, MA.
Taylor, Clyde A., Cpl. 36659946. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 3942 West 62nd
Place, Chicago 29, IL
Taylor, David S., 7527 Murillo St., North Springfield, VA.
Taylor, Ernest, S/Sgt. 11083850. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Taylor, Forrest. Sgt. Radio. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley.
Taylor, George R., Sgt. 34723920. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Taylor, William E., Pfc. 37619759. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 510 South Forest, Carbondale, IL. Add. ’89: 1910 Drury Lane,
Cape Girardeau, MO.
Tear, R.T., Add. ‘46: 1812 Kensington Avenue, Youngstown, OH.
Tebbe, Ernest H., S/Sgt. 37151579. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Tebbe, George, Add. ‘46: Route 3, Parksville, MO.
Teigen, Oscar C., Maj. 0-364626. Hq. Sq Adj, 2110. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 304 Prospect, Iowa Falls, IA.
Tempia, James A., 871st. Radio Opr. A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: 864 Main Street,
Farmingdale, Long Island, NY. Add. ’89: 11 4th Ave, Farmingdale, NY.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Tenski, Stanley M., Sgt. 37145403. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 3906 East 24th Street, Omaha, NE.
Terry, Houghie H., Cpl. 18217768. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1,
New Castle, TX.
Terwilliger, George A., M/Sgt. 6954125. 869th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett.
Thanasoulias, Christ T., 869th Pfc. 36813735. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN ?
Themas, B., Add. ‘46: 1251 Clarkson Street, Denver, CO.
Thibeault, James F., Sgt. 31259849. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 79 Fairlaun
Street, Lowell, MA
Thoma, Marian L., Add. ‘46: 38 Adams Street, Berea, IN.
Thomas, Emmett H. Jr., S/Sgt. 38484751. 870th. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-23-1, OO-24-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 42-XXI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO
41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Lottie, LA.
Thomas, Fletcher E., Sgt. 18209421. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89: 501 Skyline Dr, Sherwood,
Thomas, Frank K., Add. ‘46: 186 West 3rd North, Salt Lake City, UT
Thomas, Frank L., Maj. 0-0393364. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-20-1 (497th). Reld from Dy as Asst. Gp Air
Inspector asgnd as Asst. Gp Air Inspector for Supply & Maint, SO 40 (497 th). AM, GO 55VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). Aptd Deputy “B” Flight CO (Prim Duty). (Vice
Capt. Brewster relieved), SqO 2-6 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1675 Bellinger Drive, Palasadis, CA
Thomas, James S. 870th. Ground Crew, A-32, Stripped for Action, Buckheit., Fox.
Thomas, Ray L., Add. ‘46: Keltner, MO
Thompson, Alfred,* Cpl. 35276819. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’89 21 Curtis, Pratt,
KS. – ASN ?
Thompson, Curlis V., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Deateville, AL
Thompson, Hugh C., S/Sgt. 35789308. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Thompson, James P., Pvt. 31233346. 871st. Cook, 060. TD to Flight feeding School, Salina
for one week, return to Pratt, SO- 103-2 (497th) [1944].
Thompson, Oliver W., Pfc. 38366577. 869th. Clerk, 590. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Prom to
Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Thompson, Robert H., Pfc. 31332344. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Add.
‘46: Boston Post Road, Clinton, CT.
Thomson, Myrion J., Add. ’89: Route 3 Box 119, Wilburton, OK.
Thorburn, Donald G. Lt. 497th? Mentioned in Scrapbook 487 th leaf 131.
Thorniley, A. S., Add. ‘46: Smithfield, VA.
Thorniley, Robert I., Sgt. 42020216. 869th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Thornton, John H., 870th. Pfc. 35764352. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: 875 41st Street, Bellaire, OH.
Thorrat, William, M/Sgt. 20522634. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler. Add. P O Box 16444, Cleveland,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Tiffany, Donald P., S/Sgt. 6939798. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 713 13th Street North, Fargo, ND
Timen, Sanford A., Add. ‘46: 1421 Whittier Street, Columbus, OH.
Timms, F. H., Add. ‘46: Route, Alpharetta, GA.
Tipler, Robert J., Capt. 0279964. 871st. AM, GO 15-III (20th AF).
Tipton, Andrew K., T/Sgt. 35452448. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Bronze Star Medal, GO
59-III (497th). (Address unknown)
Tisdale, Robert F., Cpl. 32789615. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Tisdale, M., Add. ‘46: 2722 East 26th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Tixler, Robert J., Add. ‘46: North Bend, WA.
Todd, William L., Cpl. 37729017. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Toelle, Kenneth R., Sgt. 36738814. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH, (ABMC). MIAFOD, 9 January, 1945, A-46, Mis’ Behavin’, Crowell. Entered Service from Illinois. NOK:
Mrs. Nancy Toelle (wife), 111 Ellis, Peoria, IL. NatlArch 1173457. WWII Memorial
811257. Sam E. Pennartz 2371835.
Toepper, Gerald O., F/O T223261. M/Sgt. 17036523. 870th. Flt Eng, 737. Sortie credits,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). DFC, GO
21-XI (20th AF). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Add. ‘46: 859
East 5th Street, St. Paul, MN.
Tompkins, William A., S/Sgt. 12083071. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>FOD, 3
January, 1945, A-42, Joker’s Wild, Lawson. Entered Service from New York. NOK: Mr.
John Kelly (uncle), 253 West 60 th Street, New York, NY. Natl Arch 1317773. WWII
Memorial 811308 . Sam Pennartz 2351954.
Tomson, Myron, J., Sgt. 6240146. 870th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Syracuse, KS.
T’orola, George Jr., Pfc. 6997514. 870th. Cook, 060. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th).
Toro’a, George J., Add. ‘46: 1722 South Iseminger Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Torrey, Robert C., Sgt. 39033060. 870th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). GCM,
GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: General Delivery, Orland, CA.
Torte, Charles G., Add. ‘46: 42-22 Ketcham Street, Elmhurst, NY.
Torula, George, Add. ‘46: 27 North 4th Street, St. Clair, PA.
Toussaint, Royaul E., Add. ‘46: Box 175, Salmon Falls, NH.
Townsend, George W., Sgt. 15329115. 871st. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2,
Vina, AL. Add. ’89: 3013 Sandpoint Rd, Fort Wayne, IN.
Townsend, James E., Pfc. 14114866. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Tramp, Robert L., Sgt. 19134807. 871st. Aer. Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO
46-1 (ATC). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). Aerial Flt
Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25 March,
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
1945, A-52, Teaser, Shaffrath. Hometown: Lane County, OR. NOK: Mrs. Marie Tramp
(mother), 1877 Willamette Street, Eugene, OR. Natl Arch 1243698. Not in WWII
Trantine, Arthur J., Add. ‘46: 601 Cavington, Piqua, OH.
Trapp, Daniel W., 1st Lt. 0-760926. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 5352 Berridge
Road, Los Angeles, CA. Add. ‘89: 45 Mainsail Dr, Corona Del Mar, CA.
Trentine, Arthur J., 1st Lt. 0-1554105. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 3456 West
31st Avenue, Denver, CO.
Tribbett, Wesley D., 1st Lt. 0738297. 871st. DFC, GO 135-XI (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 107
Darlington, IN. Add. ‘89: 303 Madison St, Darlington, IN.
Trickey, Fred L. Jr., Maj. 0-406064. 870th. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC,
GO 21 –II (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Assumed command 870th Sq, SqO, 3-1 (870th).
Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO356-3. (CO,March Field). A-44, Ponderous Peg, Trickey. Add. ‘46: Berlin, WI.
Trihsett, Wesley D. 1st Lt. 0738297. 871st. AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Trimble, Robert H., Cpl. 32937459. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 964. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46:
43 East Church, Fairport, NY. Add. ‘89: 43 E Church St, Fairport, NY.
Trombetti, Mario J., S/Sgt. 32706363. 869th. Radar Mech, 867. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236 (497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1
Trougillo, Joe D., Add. ‘46: Delta, CO.
Troup, George E., Add. ‘46: 217 Orange Street, Selinsgrove, PA.
Truax, Edward A., S/Sgt. 32471016. 870th. Radar Mech, 867. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 27
Riverside Street, Binghamton, NY.
Tryon, Clyde D., Pfc. 17064126. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Tryon, R. E., Add. ‘46: Perry, KS.
Tsatsopoulos, John, Sgt. 31160076. 869th. Tail Gunr. A-14, h v l,Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA. Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo. Entered Service fr Kings County, NY. NOK:
Mr. Mr. Nicholas Zigouras, 300 Pleasant St., Brockton, MA. Natl Arch 1258406. Not in
WWII Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2356805.
Tubridy, John P., Sgt. 17144579. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 687
Ashland Avenue, St. Paul, MN. Add. ‘89: 3824 N McKnight Rd, White Bear Lake, MN.
Tucci, Albert, Cpl. 32863075. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Tucker, Harold J., S/Sgt. 36424885. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1 (497th). Sortie credits,
OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). R & R, SO 69-2
(Prov AAV, No.1). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 190 (73rd) per PR 497
Commented [J43]: Not clear
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan. Add.
‘89: 2924 Pheasant Run #G, Jackson, MI.
Tuenge, Edwin B., Sgt. 37464314. 870th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). Add. ‘89:
604 S Hawthorne, Sioux Falls, SD.
Tuenge, Edwin E., Add. ‘46: 401 South Lewis Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD.
Turner, Charley M., Add. ‘46: Vivian, LA.
Turner, James C., 2nd Lt. 02056305. A/C. Bomb, 1035. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Placed on Special dy with Hq. 73rd Bomb Wing Lead Crew School for
an indefinite period, and upon completion of this special duty will rtn to proper orgn for
duty, SO 33-5 (73rd).
Turner, Ray F., Sgt. 38371224. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). A-31, New Glory,Hamilton. Ditched, 22 Dec 1944, KIA.
AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53-XIII (XXI BC). Entered Service from
TX. NOK: Mrs. Ava Turner (mother), Box Number 1907, Tuscola, TX. Natl Arch 1245299.
WWII Memorial 811981. Sam E. Pennartz 2349847.
Turner, Wallace J., Pvt. 39020029. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
Turner, Wyatt G., Add. ‘46: `9808 Howard Avenue, Cleveland, OH.
Tuttle, Robert M., T/Sgt. 19122922. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Prom to Cpl, SO 101-8 (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU).
Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, SO
178 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). PH, GO 11-1 (497th).
Tuttle, Robert R., 2nd Lt. 0927915. 870th. Bomb, 1035. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA to
DED, 19 December, 1944. KIA to DED. 19 Dec 1944. A-29, Special Delivery, Ewing.
Ditched. AM, PH (ABMC). Entered Service from NJ. NOK: Mrs. Corabelle C. Tuttle
(mother), 22 Central Ave., Cranford, NJ. Natl Arch. 1236481. WWII Memorial 812021.
Uber, Charles B., 1st Lt. 0-815598. 871st. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
Rotated to US, SO 195-4 (73rd). Add. ‘46: 609 Court, Howell, MI.
Ubl, Fred J., Add. ‘46: Box 823, Ashland, KY.
Ubl, John F., S/Sgt. 34402184. 870th. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Underwood, David W., S/Sgt. 18194519. 869th. Radar, 0141. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). PH, GO 2 -1, (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). (Address unknown)
Underwood, Orrie F., 2nd Lt. 0835298. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46:
2225 East Mulberry Street, Evansville 4, IN.
Underwood, William S., Add. ‘46: 106 Alameda Street, Nagales, AZ.
Uren, Edgar W., Sgt. 39209020. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 909 West 92nd Street, Seattle 7, WA
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Vahey, Robert E., S/Sgt. 35025865. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits OO-15-1 (497th). Sortie credits, OO18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 176
(XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-45, Dixie
Darlin’, Lampley. Add. ‘89: 2404 E Stringwood Drive, Glenshaw, PA.
Vail, Benjamin A., Add. ‘46: 26 7th Street, Wheeling, WV.
Vallis, Alphonson, Add. ‘46: Loredo, TX
Van Etten, Robert I., T/Sgt. 32727491. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-13-1,
OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC).
PH, GO 35-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. Add. ‘46:
Highland Mills, NY. Add. ‘89: Box 176, Central Valley, NY.
Van Sickle, Neil D., Lt Col. 021209. Ops O, 2161. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4
(246 AAF BU). Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS).
Duty asgmt to Group S-1, SO 2-5 (497th). Reld from 497th BG and asgd to 73rd BW, SO 7-2
(73rd Wing). Add. ‘46: 808 5th Street N.W., Minot, ND. Add. ‘89: 204 Lake Shore Dr,
Kalispell, MT.17
Van Tassel, Ira S., Pfc. 32984101. 870th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Box 22, Harriman, NY. Add. ‘89:
8302 Crenshaw #C, Inglewood, CA.
Van Vranken, Richard R., Cpl. 36468378. Squadron??. Hq. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Vandenberg, Richard, 2384 South Woodward Street, Milwaukee 7, WI.
Varone, Jim, Sgt. 17056558. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Arma, KS.
Veeneman, Jacques M., 2nd Lt. 0-832292. 869th. Pilot. Sortie credits OO-16-1, OO-18-1,
OO-20-1, OO-22-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Verlinden, Charles B., Sgt. 37261990. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Veselovsky, Frank V., S/Sgt. 33078514. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 4000 South
Fiegueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Vesley, Henry P., 2nd Lt. 0-2058048. 870th. Nav, 1034. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 57-I (XXI
BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-29,
Special Delivery, CampbellE. Add. ‘46: 14-18 145th Place, Whitestone, NY.
Vetters, Jack H., 2nd Lt. 0-665143. 869th. Pilot, B29, 1093, A/C. Capt. Prom to Capt.
(Temp), SO 44-1 (20th AF).Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie credits, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1
(497th). DFC, GO 23-VI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1904 Stillman Street, Corpus
Christi, TX. Add. ‘89:Star Rte Box 51-B, Sandia, TX.
Victor, Irwin L. Jr., 2nd Lt. 0-699280. 869th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 94-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 1401 Ocean Front, Santa Monica, CA.
Commented [E44]: SO 4-1 (497th) shows ASN as 031309
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Vike, Elroy N., Cpl. 36816774. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th).
GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Vinciguerra, Louis J., Sgt. 35764269. 871st. Special Duty with Hq. 497th Unit Personnel,
SO 80-2 (497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Vinciguerra, N., Add. ‘46: `3275 134th Street, Cleveland, OH.
Vinsant, Geral D., S/Sgt. 14026090. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Vodvicka, Robert D., Add. ‘46: 2683 East Street, Cleveland, OH.
Voigt, James D., A/C. Pilot. 871st. Ditched, 3 July 45, A-49, Jumping Stud, Voigt.
Vollkommer, Bernard A., Cpl. 12189482. 871st. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756. Pvt to Pfc, SO
102-1, (497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘89: 1532
Third St, West Babylon, NY.
Vonada, Bruce A., Pfc. 19071023. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. 507 5th Avenue,
Helena, MT.
Vosley, Henry P., (Address unknown)
Wacht, Thomas A., Add. ‘46: Redfield, IA.
Wachtman, Leon, S/Sgt. 32314151. 869th. Intelligence NonCom, 631. b. 1915. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF,
Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Wadach, Stanley J., 2nd Lt. 0-812016. 870th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-IV (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). A-29, Special Delivery,
CampbellE. Add. ‘46: 106 Sumstruck Drive, Syracuse, NY. Add. ‘89: 407 S Orchard Rd,
Syracuse, NY.
Wadman, Harold W., Add. ‘46: 14 ½ East Main Street, Knightstown, IN.
Wadsworth, Robert M., 2nd Lt. 0825340. 870th. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, PH, ABMC.
MIA>KIA, 14 January, 1945, A-26, Schramm. Entered Service from Illinois. NOK: Mrs.
Alice E. Wadsworth (wife), Franklin Grove, IL. Natl Arch 1201127. WWII Memorial
810331. Charlotte Bontz, Sister-in-law 581435.
Waering, William A., Add. ‘46: 1605 South 3rd Street, Louisville, KY.
Wagner, Harold W., S/Sgt. 32528091. 869th. Radar, 0141. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). A-2, Pacific Union Baird. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA.
Crashed, 9 Jan 1945 near Tokyo on A-14. Entered Service fr Nassau County, NY. NOK:
Mrs. Edith Wagner (mother), 13 Morris Lane. Natl Arch. 1315247. Not in WWII
Memorial. Sam E. Pennartz 2357053.
Wagner, Henry A., Cpl. 37549229. 871st. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1,
(497th).Add. ‘46: Searles, MN.
Wagner, Herbert J., Add. ‘46: Irvington, NJ.
Wagner, Sam P., (M). 1st Lt. 024801. 870th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C, 1024. b. 1918. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
(497th). KIA, 24 Nov 1944. Entered Service: AL. A-26, Lucky Irish, Wagner, Rammed by
enemy fighter. NOK: Mrs. Eva G. Wagner (wife), 214 South McGadden Place, Los
Angeles, CA. NatlArch 998836. WWII Memorial 810376. Sam E Pennartz 2338462.
Joseph L. Hamilton 103799.
Wakeland, Frank M., S/Sgt. 39119096. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th af). Add. ‘46:
1509 North 36th Street, Seattle, WA
Walczak, Manuel H., 2nd Lt. 0-2061291. 871st. Bomb-Nav,1036. Sortie credits, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XVI (XXI BC). A-45, 4463985, Cardone. Add. ‘46: 144 Polaski Street, West Warick, RI
Walker, Harry, (Address unknown)
Walker, Homer E., Capt. 0-427200. 871st. A/C. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-15-1, OO-16-1, OO-20-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). A-47, Fickle Finger, Walker. Add. ‘46: 2419 East
1st Street, Tulsa, OK. Add. ‘89: Rt. 1 Box 212, Wagoner, OK.
Wallace, Albert C., Capt. 0735845. Hq. Pilot B-29, 1093. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Wallace, Clayton J., T/Sgt. 32850463. 870st. CFC Gunr, 580. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 16IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-33, The Shrimper, Lamback. A-38, 42-43946,
Whitaker. Rotate to US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: North East Harbor, ME.
Waller, Rufus M., Add. ‘46: Ingram Street, London, TN.
Waller, Russell G., Sgt. 35223435. 870th. First Sergeant, 585. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pfc to
Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: Box 390, McArthur, OH.
Walling, Granville H., 1st Lt. 0664093. 871st. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4
(246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 18 Dec 1944. Entered
Service: IL. A-45, Dixie Darliin’, Walling.Ditched. Photo, 871st, Air Crews, Walling. NOK:
Mrs. Marguerite Walling (mother), 431 North Bond? St., Altamont, IL. Natl Arch
1184956. WWII Memorial 811106. Sam E. Pennartz 2347725.
Walling, Thurman B., S/Sgt. 17266822. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt. Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I
(XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). DFC, AM (3 OLC), ABMC. A28, Lucky Irish, Kelley. DNB, 6 June, 1945. A-1, Dauntless Dotty, Kelley. Entered Service
from Kansas. NOK: Mrs. Merl E. Walling (mother), 901 Buffam, Wichita, KS.
Natl Arch 1052753. WWII Memorial 811108. Mr. Herbert Hobler 125551.
Wallworth, Eugene R., 2nd Lt. 0-695994. 871st. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1,
OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 135-XII (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov AAV, No.1). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR
497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US, SO 195-2 (73rd). A-43, Thunderhead, Morgan.
Add. ‘46: 2724 North Dehmann Court, Chicago, IL. Add. ‘89: 9428 Swinton Ave, San
Fernando, CA.
Wallingford, John F. 869th. A-12, Hot Pants, Wallingford.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Walsh, Howard D., Sgt. 35032675. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Mountain City,
Walsh, John H., Sgt. 31335394. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). Cpl to Sgt,
SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 21 Housman, Danbury, CT
Walsh, William V., Add. ‘46: 612 6th Avenue S. E., Minneapolis, MN.
Walston, Derias E., Cpl. 39584557. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF).
Walters, Eugene C., Sgt. 36161808. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC (OLC), GO 135-VIII (XXI BC). AM (OLC),
GO 128-I (XXI BC). (Address unknown)
Walters, Harold S., Add. ‘46: Davis, WV.
Walters, James D., Cpl. 34919786. Squadron?? Hq. AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Walton, A. S., Add. ‘46: 1529 Walton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
Walton, Howard C., Cpl. 13152370. 870th. MOS 365. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46II (497th). Add. ‘46: 432 South 61st Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Waltz, James G., Sgt. 36699142. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: `Route 2, Eldorado, IL.
Wandelt, William B., S/Sgt. 14064751. 869th. CFC Mec, 960. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1
(AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Wankum, Lawrence F., T/Sg. 19077419. 871st. Radio Opr, 757. Radio Opr/Mech, 2756.
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 27-II (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-42, Joker’s Wild, Fowler.
Add. ‘89: 633 Ramona Ave, Sp 104, Los Osos, CA.
Ward, J.L., Sgt. 38401409. 869th. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46I-1 (497th).
Ward, Kenneth P., Sgt. 18200355. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Ward, Kenneth W., Add. ‘46: 468 Gibson Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA. Add. ‘89: 901 Beck
Bldg, Shreveport, LA.
Ward, William C., Capt. 0-908932. Hq. Weather O, 8219. Ship to APO, SO 77 (ATC). Ship
to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field). Add.
‘46: 509 East B Street, Hutchinson, KS. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Ward, William S., 1st Lt. 0427664. 871st. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236
(497th). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF).
Add. ‘46: 3338 Hogart Avenue, Detroit, MI.
Ware, Charles E. Sgt. 31189145. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).– ASN incorrect
Warfield, Robert J., 118 Moore Street, Jackson, MI.
Waring, John W., 1st Lt. 0-770863. 871st. Pilot. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). (Address unknown)
Warmbred, James G., Add. ‘46: Belvidere, TN.
Warren, John A., Add. ‘46: Warrington, FL.
Warren, William S., Pfc. 19166964. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Waselus, Michael, Cpl. 32320374. 869th. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Add. ‘46: 14 Arch Street, Glen Lyon, PA.
Washington, Henry C., Pvt. 39921932. 870th. Munitions Wrkr, 901. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6
(497th). Add. ‘46: Box 121, Marsing, ID.
Wasicek, Jerry J., Add. ‘46: 213 Norton Street, Wharton, TX.
Wasicki, Roman J., Pfc. 31197430. 870th. Cook, 060. Pvt to Pfc, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th).
Wasicki, Zigmund, Add. ‘46: 108 Ludlow Street, Stanford, CT.
Wasileski, Stanley J., S/Sgt. 13025102. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 102 Endicott
Avenue, Johnson City, NY. Add. ‘89: 41 Concord, Johnson City, NY.
Wasiliski, Stanley, Add. ‘46: 102 Endicott Avenue, Johnson City, NY.
Waters, Henry C., 1st Lt. 871st. Co-pilot. A-50, Jumbo King of the Show II, Hornor.
Watkins, John E., Sgt. 39207561. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 322 2nd Street,
Aberdeen, WA.
Watson, James C., Capt. 0343338. 871st. Nav-Bomb-Radar, 1038. Sortie credit, OO-9,
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). PH (ABMC). Entered Service fr SD. KIA, Midair collision
over assembly point, 25 Feb 1945, A-45, Barnes; A-52, Irish Lassie, Avery. NOK: Mrs.
Ruth F. Watson (wife), 923 Sixth, Brookings, SD. NatlArch 1100950. WWII Memorial
Watson, Lloyd E., Cpl. 34766555. 870th. Cook, 060. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1, (497th). BS, GO 46II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 1, Homer, GA.
Watson, Robert E., 1st Lt. 0866352. 871st. Flt Eng. 1028. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). A-52,
Irish Lassie, Avery. Crashed on Saipan runway, 1-27-45.dd. ‘46: Pomeroy, WA. Add. ‘89:
70 E Sunset Way #129, Issaquah, WA.
Watson, William J., Cpl. 35877882. 871st. AM, GO 44-IV (20th AF). Add. ‘46: 1136 Everett
Drive, Dayton, OH.
Watt, Richard L., M/Sgt. 17004012. 871st. Flt Eng, 737. Prom to M/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). A-42, Simonds. Add. ‘46: 4404 North 30th Street, Omaha, NE. Add. ‘89: 10032
Nixon Rd, Tampa, FL.
Watters, Henry C., 1st Lt. 0685221. 871st. Pilot, B29,1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 130-X (21st BC). Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new Assembly station MacDill
Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field) (Address unknown)
Watts, Joseph., Cpl. 33332563. 869th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 9th Street, Sellersville, PA.
Way, Earl B., Jr., S/Sgt. 34056646. 869th. Clrk, Typist, 405. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Eagle Lake, FL.
Weatherby, Harry E., Cpl. 33695187. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Weatherly, Gordon L., Add. ‘46: 6533 Will Rogers Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Weatherwax, Dwaine L., 1st Lt. 02058595. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th). 75 Rotation Points , SO
160 (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 3, Wayzata, MN.
Commented [JP45]: SO 6 lists ASN as 32326957. Pls check.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Weaver, David H., S/Sgt. 18064593. 871st. Radio. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1
(497th). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). Add. ‘89: 3722 SW Mil
#18, San Antonio, TX.
Weaver, Jack, Add. ‘46: Route 1, Lebanon, IN.
Web, Ben L., Pfc. 37514750. Hq. MOS 658. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1
(246 AAF BU).
Webb, Paul W., A-42. Simonds, Radar?Add. ‘46: 4827 Berkshire Road, Detroit, MI.
Webb, William, Sgt. 33318841. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Webb, William E., Sgt. 17136445. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). Add. ‘46: 565 East Rosalie Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Weber, James F., Sgt. 35057608. 871st. Armr Gunr, 612. Reclass 611 to 612, SO 80-1
(497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). Sortie credits OO-23-1
(497th). (Address unknown)
Weber, Marion A., Add. ‘46: 4119 Lexington Avenue, St. Louis, MO.
Weber, Robert L., Add. ‘46: Hoffman Route, Livingston, MT. Add. ‘89: Rt 38 Box 2241,
Livingston, MT.
Weber, William H, Sgt. 42036143. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr. Ship
fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-221, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I
(20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). BS, SO 1210 (421 AAF) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
(497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. Add. ‘89: 9 Fieldstone Lane, New Milford, CT.
Weed, Dick. Lt. 870th. Listed in Scrapbook as being on A-22, Haley’s Comet, Haley
Weeks, Donald F., Cpl. 11083700. 870th. Apl Armr, 911. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 151 Cypress Street, Manchester, NH.
Wehus, Ainsworth P., Sgt. 39558019. 869th. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Weiczynaki, Sylvester E., Add. ‘46: 300 Pint Basse Avenue, Nekoosa, WI
Weidenhamer, Jay E., Capt. 0489451. 869th. Medical O, 3100. Overseas shipment, 2841 (AAF, Herington, KS). 869th. MOS Reclass 3150 to 3100 SO 112-4 (497th). Sortie credits
OO-22-1 (497th). AM, GO 137-III (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 4220 Grisco Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Weidman, Charles A., Add. ‘46: 504 Walxet Street, Dowagioc, MI.
Weilandics, Joseph J., S/Sgt. 20249419. Photo Lab Tech, 945. Special duty, 73 rd Wing
Photo Lab, SO 121-11 (73rd BW).
Add. ‘46: 605 East Elizabeth Avenue, Linden, NJ.
Weiman, Vernon H., Add. ‘46: Route 9, Box 900, Houston, TX.
Weinstein, Hyman, Pfc. 32981392. Lab Tech, 941. Special duty, 73rd Wing Photo Lab, SO
121-11 (73rd BW). Add. ‘46: 1060 Sherman Avenue, Bronx, NY.
Weisbrod, Harold R., Add. ‘46: Fenton, IA. Add. ‘89: Cylinder, IA.
Weiss, Emanuel, Add. ‘46: 2016 Avenue North, Brooklyn, NY.
Weissman, Irving H., Pfc. 32821727. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 625 East 5th Street, New
York, NY.
Welch, B. R., Add. ‘46: Manning, IA.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Welch, Benjamin F., Add. ‘46: Route 13, Box 2010, Tacoma, WA.
Welch, Marlin D., Sgt. 37665503. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Ground Crew, A-21, Thumper. Add. ‘89: 3406 Newbury Dr, New Port Richey, FL. Note:
First name is possibly Merlin.
Wells, Elmer C., Cpl. 20743734. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Wells, Ira J., Add. ‘46: Hanover, IN.
Welsh Howard D., Add. ‘46: Route 3, Mountain City, TN.
Wendler, William., S/Sgt. 38113889. 870th. Radar, 0141. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). FOD, 24 Nov 1944. Entered Service: Fayette Cty, TX. A-26, Lucky Irish, Wagner,
rammed by enemy fighter. NOK: Mr. Carl Wendler (father), Star Route, Ledbetter, TX.
Natl Arch 1150518. WWII Memorial 813285. Sam E. Pennartz 2339081.
Wentzell, William, Sgt. 12011278. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 1109 Gilpin
Avenue, Wilmington, DE
Wesa, Clifford B., Sgt. 36655289. 871st. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
West, J. N., Add. ‘46: Farmington, UT.
Westervelt, Norman V., 1st Lt. 0-735519. 870th. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-24-1
(497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). PH (ABMC), KIA, 4 March, 1945, Ditched. A-25, Peace on
Earth, Westervelt. Hometown: Adams County, ID. NOK not shown on MACR. Natl Arch
1025107. WWII Memorial 813836.
Westler, Sidney J., Pfc. 32794595. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1
Wetzel, William O. Sgt. 38469611. 870th. Tail Gunr. Sortie credits, OO-13-1, OO-16-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I
(XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: Route 2, Box 956,
Porterville, CA.
Weyer, Richard J., Add. ‘46: 6828 South Carpenter Street, Chicago, IL. Add. ‘89: Box
71150 Diamon Head, Hot Spgs, AR.
Whaley, Joseph A., Add. ‘46: 33 Starbird Street, Lowell, MA.
Wharff, Glenn W., Add. ‘46: Box 131, Emmerson, IA.
Wheatley, Winton W., 1st Lt. 0-662522. 870th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1
(497th). Pistol qual, Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC
(OLC), GO 42-IX (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-35, Mariana Ram,
Wheatley. Add. ‘46: 3821 East Russell Street, Whittier, CA.
Wheeler, Hubert D., Sgt. 38536964. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Left Gunr. Ship to Herington,
KS for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 24
Nov 1944. Entered Service: Dallas Cty, TX. A-26, Lucky Irish, Wagner, rammed by enemy
fighter. NOK: Mrs. Bobbie J. Wheeler (wife), 1614 Garden Drive, Dallas, TX. Natl Arch
1133919. WWII Memorial 813919. Mr. Bob D. Odom, Son 1359211.
Whitaker, Bernard E., Sgt. 35720532. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). KIA, Ditched, 23 January, 1945, A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. HT: Vigo County, IN.
NOK: Mrs. Betty Louise Whitaker (wife), R R Two Box 132, Terra Haute, IN. NatlArch
1071905. WWIIMemorial 814434.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Whitaker, Keith A., 1st Lt. 0-26195. 870th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM
(OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 140-III (XXI BC). BS, GO
46-II (497th). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker. Add. ‘46: 433 South 26th Street, Lincoln, NE.
Add. ‘89: 8054 E Delcadena, Scottsdale, AZ.
White, D., Add. ‘46: 607 1st Street, Hastings, MN.
White, Robert P., Cpl. 36683585. 871st. Left Gunr. Rt. Gunr. Sortie credit, OO-9, (497th).
AM, PH (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, Midair collision over assembly point, 25
Feb 1945, A-45, Barnes. Entered Service fr IL. NOK: Mrs. Helen M. White, 7135 South
Clyde Ave., Chicago, IL. NatlArch 1175643. WWII Memorial 815236.
White, Roy E., Sgt. 13915994. 871st. MOS 683. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Whiteley, Montford S., 1st Lt. 0747062. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Prom to 1st Lt, SO 44-1
(20th AF). PH, GO I -1, (497th). Ditched 3 Jan 1945, A-50, Jumbo King of the Show, Clifford.
Survived. RTD. ‘46: 1441 Gilpin Street, Denver, CO. Ms. Mona J. Boyle, Granddaughter
and Grandson 445818.
Whitfield, George E., Sgt. 15130387. 870th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 21-XI (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV,
(20th AF). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-32, Stripped For Action, Fox. Add.
‘46: 1938 Haverhill Road, Cleveland, OH. Add. ‘89: 9902 Winterset Court, East Amherst,
Whitney, George W., Capt. 0412954. Hq. Bomb, 1035. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Whitt, Orlie E., Cpl. 35118154. Hq. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Route 1, Middletown, OH. Add. ‘89: 225 Webster Ave, Hamilton, OH.
Whyte, Frank H. Jr., Capt. 0-725391. 871st. A/C. Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th).
AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). (Address unknown)
Widuch, Thaddeus J., Cpl. 36757981. Hq. Cryptographic Tech, 805. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6
(497th). Trfd fr 19th Bomb Maint Sq. atchd 871st, asgd to Hq., 497th, SO 91-4 (497th)
[1944]. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Apptd Pfc, SO 101-9 (497th). Add. ‘46: 1331 Greenview
Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Wienslaw, Arthur E., 1st Lt. 0-928805. 871st. A/C. Bomb-Nav, 1036. 2nd Lt to 1st Lt, SO
141-1 (20 AF). Sortie credits, OO-22-1, OO-23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF).
(Address unknown).
Wier, Chester J., 2nd Lt. 02065455. 871st. Nav-Bomb,1036. Sortie Credit, OO-9, (497th). A42, Joker’s Wild II, Austin. KIA, Ditched, 19 Feb 1945. AM, PH, (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1
(497th). Entered Service fr Manitowoc County, WI. NOK: Mrs. Mathilda Anna Weir
(mother), 2316 Marshall St., Manitowoc, WI. NatlArch 1286165. WWII Memorial
Wierzba, Edward, S/Sgt. 36214671. 870th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. TG. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-20-1 (497th). AM (OLC),
GO 16-IV (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 55-V (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO
36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-33, The
Shrimper, Lamback. Rotate to US, SO 204-14 (73rd BW). A-38, 42-43946, Whitaker.
Add. ‘46: 1310 Madison Avenue South, Milwaukee, WI.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Wilczynski, Sylvester E., 1st Lt. 0-683517. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. A/C. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1,
OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 27-II (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). A7, Wilczynski. Add. ‘89: 8642 Balcom Ave, Northridge, CA.
Wild, William E., 2nd Lt. 0736743. 870th. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS,
GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 340 West 57th Street, New York City, NY.
Wildner, Carl A., S/Sgt. 16154480. 870th. DNB. Crashed, POW Mission, 29 Aug 1945. A37, Cripps. Hometown: Shawano County, Wi. NOK: Mrs. Therese B. Wildner (mother),
6020 West Fairview, Milwaukee, WI. Natl Arch 1289018. Not in WWII Memorial.
Wiliarski, Robert D., (Address unknown)
Wilken, Dick E., Sgt. 36746448. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to S/Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Wilkerson, Woodrow, S/Sgt. 33528902. Hq. Radar Mech, 867. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
William L., Todd, Add. ‘46: 300 South 10th Street, Independence, KS.
William, C. Will, Add. ‘46: 744 Sibley Street, Grand Rapids, MI
William, Douglas, 1st Lt. 0801796. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46: 95
Welles Street, Forty Fort, PA.
Williams, Alfred H., 1st Lt. 0-661908. 1st Lt. DFC, GO 21 –II (XXI BC).
Williams Allen A., Sgt. 34678907. Squadron?? Hq. AM, GO 29-XXIII (20th AF).
Williams, Charles A., Pfc. 35634432,. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
Williams, David C., Jr., 2nd Lt. 0683933. 870th. Pilot, Four Engine, 1024. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO 53XIII (XXI BC). KIA. 27 January, 1945, A-22, Haley’s Comet, McDonell. Hometown: Oakland
County, MI. NOK: Mrs. Bernice A. Williams (wife), 537 Division Street, Sault Ste. Marie,
MI. Natl Arch 1157692. Not in WWII Mem.
Williams, Earl D., Pfc. 38406875. 871st. Apl Armr, 911. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Williams, Edward D., Add. ‘46: Baycity, TX.
Williams, George F., Sgt. 14062009. 869th. Radio Op/Mech, 2756. Trfd fr March Fld Calif
to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
A-53, Lumpkin. Add. ‘46: Easley, SC.
Williams, John H., M/Sgt. 20522635. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th). Add. ‘46:
Cleveland, OH.
Williams, John, Add. ‘89: 438 Raymond Ave, Longwood, FL.
Williams, Lee D., S/Sgt. 18037875. Hq. Apl & Eng Mech, 747. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Williams, Leo F., S/Sgt. 34671460. 869th. CFC Gunr, 580. Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-15-1,
OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1(497th). AM, PH (ABMC). MIA>KIA, 2
April,1945, 42-91887, Dietzel. Entered Service from North Carolina. NOK: Mrs. Pauline
Williams (wife), Ponchatoula, LA. Not in NatlArch. WWII Memorial 815979.
Williams, Marcus D., Cpl. 35651511. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: 184 Parkwood Avenue, Columbus, OH.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Williams, Newt H., Sgt. 34393972. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Add. ‘46: 409 South 2nd Street, Gadston, AL.
Williams, Robert J., 2nd Lt. 0-863810. Hq. Acft Engr O, 4823. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Williamson, Arley V., Cpl. 35090164. 870th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Add. ‘46: Route 1, Cicero, IN.
Willis, Earl R., Cpl. 38320374. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Willrett, Frederick W., Sgt. 37670563. 870th. AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). Add. ‘46:
Route 1, Britt, IA
Wills, George L. Sgt. 14060195. 870th. Left Gunr. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Ship fr
Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th).
FOD, 3 Dec 1944. Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: GA. NOK: Mrs. Edna Wills
(mother), Route Two, Jefferson, GA. WWII Mem 816066. Natl Arch 1033778. Sam E.
Pennartz 2343134.
Wilson, Donald L., Cpl. 35579205. 869th. Apl Mech/Gnr, 748. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). PH, GO 2 -1, (497th). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC). Movement
Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. Add. ‘46: 6151 South
Main Street, Clarkston, MI.
Wilson, Douglas A., Pfc. 39453111. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 2064 Lane
Street, Topeka, KS
Wilson, Earl H., Cpl. 42089632. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Left Gunr. Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO
162-8 (73rd BW). Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. Rescued. RTD.
Wilson, Francis W., Sgt. 37731092. Squadron?? AM, GO 23-XXVII (20th AF).
Wilson, Michael, Cpl. 33689718. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Wilson, William D., 1st Lt. 0706327. 870th. Bomb-Nav,1036. Sortie credits OO-23-1
(497th). AM, GO 90-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). MIA,
3 July, 1945, A-22, Miss Hap, Merrill. NOK: Mr. William G. Wilson (father), 1622
Netherwood Avenue, Memphis, TN. Not in NatlArch. Not in WWII Mem.
Wilson, William E., Pfc. 36360947. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Wiltman, Robert W., Add. ‘46: 621 3rd Street, Fair Lawn, NJ.
Winduel, Thaddeus J., Add. ‘46: 1331 North Greenview Avenue, Chicago, IL.
Winiarski, Robert D., S/Sgt. 36814885. 871st. Aer Gunr, 611. Armr Gunr, 612. Rt. Gunr.
Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-13-1, OO15-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-24-1, OO-28-1 (497th). GCM, GO 37-II-1
(497th). DFC, GO 130-IX (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 16-IV, (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 30-III (20th
AF). AM (OLC), GO 94-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). R & R, SO 69-2 (Prov
AAV, No.1). Reclass Aer Gunr, 611 to Armr Gunr, 612, SO 83-6 (497th BG). Prom to S/Sgt.
(Temp), SO 85-1 (497th). BS, SO 195 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). Rotated to US,
SO 195-4 (73rd). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944. A-46, Miss Behavin II, Crowder. Add.
‘89: 3264 S 8th St., Milwaukee, WI.
Winslow, Donald F., Cpl. 12228471. Aer Gunr, 611. Right Gunr. Asgd 871st Bomb Sq, SO
162-8 (73rd BW). Ditched, 19 July 1945, A-11, Rodge. Rescued. RTD. Add. ‘46: 279 Beach,
116th Street, E., Rockaway Beach, Long Island, NY.
Commented [EL46]: There is also a Lt R Williams on the
Lumpkin crew. Need more info.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Winter, Clarence R., Maj. 0-408834. 871st. O. Nav Bomb, 1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). AM, GO 55-VI (XXI BC). Sortie credits
OO-18-1, OO-28-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 774 19th Street, Boulder, CO.
Winter, Mervin J., Add. ‘46: Route 1, Scotia, NE
Wirth, Raleigh, 2nd Lt. 0-760690. 869th. APC. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-20-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1,
OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC).
BS, SO 162 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). A-14, Pickerel. Add. ‘46: Box 670,
Salem, OR.
Wise, Herbert S., Sgt. 39022820. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 2145 Bermuda
Street, Long Beach, CA
Wise, Samuel R., Sgt. 38467194. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 102-1, (497th).
Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Wisniewski, Stanley J., 1st Lt. 0435112. 869th. 0200. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). Trfd fr March Fld
Calif to new Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March
Field). Add. ‘46: Hillside, ND.
Witham, Fred L., Add. ‘46: Perry, IL.
Witsman, Ival L., 2nd Lt. 0702136. 870th.Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). 870th. Sortie credits OO-18-1 (497th). Pistol qual,
Marksman, SO 102-2 [1944] (497th). Add. ‘46: C/o., Fontan Trust Co., Kingman, IN.
Wittee, Harrison K., 1st Lt. 0-696002. 869th. Bomb-Nav, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). Sortie
credits, OO-13-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO-24-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM, GO
69-I (XXI BC). AM (2 OLC), PH, (ABMC). A-7, American Maid, Bartlett. KIA, 1 June 1945, A16, Crowe.A-15, Crowe. POW. Executed by the Japanese. Entered Service from Illinois.
NOK: Mrs. Helen H. Wittee (wife), Maple Street, Minonk, IL. Not in Natl Arch. WWII
Memorial 816295. Ms. Sherrill S. Munn, Daughter 823870.
Wittkopf, Warren A., Add. ‘46: Haden Lake, ID
Wittman, Robert W., Sgt. 32573122. 869th. Apl Elect Spec,685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Witty, Charles J., Pfc. 36630129. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Witucki, John J., 2nd Lt. 0696003. 870th. Nav-Bomb,1036. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb,
SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). DED, 3 Dec 1944.
Ditched. A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: IL. NOK: Mrs. Mary Witucki (mother), 2158
North Rockwell St., Chicago, IL. WWII Memorial. 816306. Natl Arch 1176298. Sam E.
Pennartz 2343127.
Woildies, John J., Add. ‘46: 605 Elizabeth Avenue, Linden, NJ.
Woleslagle, Carl A., Cpl. 3431431. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Wolf, Jack S., Add. ‘46: 112 23rd Street S.E., Cedar Rapids, IA.
Wolf, Lawrence E., Sgt. 385292634. Hq. Apl Instr Spec, 686. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Wolfe, Arthur G., Jr., Cpl. 35725895. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Wolff, George, 1st Lt. 0-379235. 869th. B-29 Pilot, 1093. APC. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Aptd Sq Athletic O (Add duty). (Vice Capt. Young missing in
action), SqO 2-15 (497th). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). DFC (OLC), GO 42-VIII (20th AF). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 41-IV (20th
AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ’46: 417 Rivercrest Drive, Fort Worth, TX. Add. ‘89: 4317
Hyatt Ct., Forth Worth, TX.
Wolkenfeld, Irving I.,* Cpl. 32787139. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – Last name ? ASN?
Wolverton, Russell *., Cpl. 35622665. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq
O-9 (871st) 1944.
Wonkum, Lawrence F., Box 111, McFarland, CA.
Wood, J. H., Add. ‘46: 1304 Devonshire Drive, San Diego, CA.
Wood, Joseph T., Capt. 0666394. Hq. Pilot B-29, 1093. Trfd fr March Fld Calif to new
Assembly station MacDill Fld, Tampa Florida (3AF), SO-356-3. (CO,March Field).
Wood, Raymond J., M/Sgt. 37174055. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 850 Juno
Avenue, St. Paul, MN. Add. ‘89: 302 Jackson Ave, Cloquet, MN.
Wood, Roy M., Add. ‘46: 1304 Devonshire Drive, San Diego 7, CA.
Woodall, Joseph T.,* Sgt. 35*66677. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) - ASN
Woodard, John O., Cpl. 36344698. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Woodham, Irving T. Jr., Pfc. 36457501. 870th. GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II
(497th). Add. ‘46: Route 6, Kalamazoo, MI.
Wool, Robert B., Add. ‘46: Add. ‘46: 66 Plumstead Avenue, Lansdowne, PA.
Worcester, Donald E., S/Sgt. 31135304. 870th. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS
for staging, SO 236-2 (246 AAF BU). BS, GO 46-II (497th). Asst Crew Chief, A-27, Texas
Doll, Cutler. Add. ‘46: 20 Thurber Street, Framington, MA.
Worhington, Robert E., Add. ‘46: 423 North 25th Street, St. Petersburg, FL. Add. ‘89:
5859 Box Canyon, La Jolla, CA.
Wortlington, Richard E., Add. ‘46: 1746 Montecito Way, San Diego, CA.
Wright, Dale D., Sgt. 14135441. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Left Gunr. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1,
497th). Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1
(ATC). Sortie Credit, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1 (497th). Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st)
1944. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). KIA, 25 March, 1945, A-52, Teaser,
Shaffrath. Hometown: Turner County, GA. NOK: Mrs. Roxie W. Wright (mother), 388 Rockford
Street, Mt. Airy, NC. Natl Arch 1048962. Not in WWII Memorial. Note: ASN in Natl Arch listed
as 14035441.
Wright, George E., S/Sgt. 380443673. 869th. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-2
(246 AAF BU). Tail Gunr, 748. PH, GO 4-1, (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). DFC, GO 23-VI
(20th AF). AM, GO-82-1 (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). LG. 14 Jan 1945. A-2, Cox,
Pacific Union Ditched. SIA>RTD. Add. ‘46: 2012 Wiley Street, Tyler, TX.
Wright, Jack. 871st. Left Gunr, A-42, Simonds. May be same man as John H. Wright
Wright, John H., T/Sgt. 33452231. Hq. Mach Gun Mech, 903. S/Sgt to T/Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 4620 South 30th Street N.W., Washington, D.C.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Wright, Murel, Sgt. 33350196. 870th. Tail Gunr,748. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). AM, PH, ABMC. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD, 3 Dec 1944. Ditched.
A-30, Campbell. Entered Service: PA. NOK: Mr. Herbert Wright (father), Rural Delivery
One, Hawley, PA. Natl Arch 1346122. WWII Memorial 816517. Sam Pennartz 2343135.
Wright, Stuart P., Col. 017920. Hq. B-29 Pilot, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO
236-1 (246 AAF BU). AM, GO 13-I (497th). Add. ‘46: National War College, Washington,
Wright, Wesley J., Add. ‘46: Box 1325, Orlando, FL.
Wright, William J., M/Sgt. 6262153. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – something wrong with
Wunderlich, Lee E., M/Sgt. 0563547. 330th. HQ&BS. Bronze Star Medal, GO 59-III (XXI BC).
Wyatt, Howard F., S/Sgt. 32605434. Hq. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Cpl to Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th).
Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 102-1 (497th). Ship to Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU).
Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Wyks, Phillips, Add. ‘89: 730 Cherry St., New Milford, NJ.
Wyman, F. F., Add. ‘46: 826 Lemon Avenue, El Cajon, CA.
Wyman, Robert W., S/Sgt. 35263269. 870th. Aer Gunr, 611. Rt Gunr. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). Sortie
Credit, OO-9, OO-20-1, OO-28-1 (497th). DFC, GO 21 –II (XXI BC). AM, GO 69-I (XXI BC).
AM (OLC), GO 98-I (XXI BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th). A-27, Texas
Doll, Cutler.
Wyckoff, David F., Pfc. 36596964. 869th. GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Wyrebaugh, James E., Cpl. 35544382. 869th. MOS 62. Pfc to Cpl, SO 6 (497th). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Wyskida, Stanley J., Cpl. 32806212. Hq. Apl Pwr Plnt Spec, 684. Pfc to Cpl, SO 1-1,
(497th). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Yachna, Leonard A., T/Sgt. 13024970. 870th. BS, GO 46-II (497th). Add. ‘46: 14
Lamoreaux Street, West Naticoke, PA.
Yarbrough, Riobert C., M/Sgt. 6275552. 871st. Apl Mech/Crew Chief, 750. Ship to
Herington, KS for staging, SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU).
Yei, Arnold D., Add. ‘46: Brinsmaid, ND.
Yohn, George A., Pfc. 37726861. 871st. Apl Metl Wrkr, 555. Pvt to Pfc, SO 6 (497th).
Yon, Pershing L., Capt. 0432739. 869th. Pilot, B29,1093. APC. Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-9, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). BS, SO 202 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th). DFC, GO 59-II (XXI BC). DFC
(OLC), GO 142-XVII (XXI BC). A-8, Coral Queen, Yon. Add. ‘46: 502 Inglide Avenue,
Tallahassee, FL. Add. ‘89: 635 Florenz Circle N E, St Petersburg, FL.
York, Troy A., Pfc. 34438122. 870th. Radio Opr/Mech, 756. Prom to Pfc. (Temp), SO 85-1
(497th). Sortie credits OO-23-1 (497th).
York, W. M., Add. ‘46: 529 East Center Street, Lexington, NC
Yost, Vern, Sgt. 38401487. 871st. Apl Elect Spec, 685. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Prom to Sgt. (Temp), SO 85-1 (497th).
Commented [EL47]: Can’t locate
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Young, Albert L., Jr., 1st Lt. 0-863604. 869th. Flt Eng, 1028. . Ship fr Pratt to Kearney,
Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Shipment to Marianas, OO 46-1 (ATC). PH, GO 7-1 (497th).
DFC, GO 27-II (20th AF). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Aptd Asst Sq Flight Engineer O (Prim duty),
SqO 2-21 (497th). A-6, Bad Brew, McGregor. Ditched, 1-23-45. Rescued. Add. ‘46:
Cleveland, MS.
Young, George A., Add. ‘46: Gordon, WV.
Young, John F.,* Cpl. 17087*38. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th) – ASN ?
Young, Millard E., 2nd Lt. 0823756. 869th. Flt Eng. BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). A-16, Crowe.
MIA, 1 June, 1945. NOK: Mrs. Feryl N. Young (wife), Weirsdale, FL. Not in WWII Mem;
Not in Natl Arch. Note: No confirmation of death.
Young, Robert L., Sgt. 37134445. 871st. Special Vehicle Opr, 932. Cpl to Sgt, SO 6 (497th).
Add. ‘46: Minimum, MO.
Young, Walter R., Capt. 0382584. 869th. A/C, Pilot B-29, 1093. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Movement Overseas, OO 6-1 (1505th AAFBU). FOD. BS,
GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). AM (3 OLC), PH, ABMC Entered Service from Oklahoma. MIA>FOD9
January, 1945, A-5, Waddy’s Wagon, Young. NOK: Mrs. Maxine Young (wife), Cushing,
OK. NatlArch 1020919. WWII Memorial 810793. Sam E. Pennartz 2370830. S. Earl
Sullins 296014.
Young, Wilbur B. Jr., S/Sgt. 15130993. 869th. Radio Opr/Mech,2756. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-15-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 8-I (20th AF). AM (OLC), GO 37-XIII (20th AF). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: 264 Broadway, Youngstown, OH.
Yri, Arnold P., S/Sgt. 37282850. 870th. Apl Prop Spec, 687. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO 46-II (497th).
Yudin, Joseph, Add. ‘46: 810 Dithmas Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
Zachar, John, F/O. 871st. A-53, Lumpkin.
Zaloom, Charles B., Sgt. 32887922. 871st. CFC Gunr, 580. A-53, Lumpkin. AM, GO 44-IV
(20th AF).
Zapolski, Arthur F., S/Sgt. 6976189. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘89: 57 – 26 61st St.,
Maspeth, NY. – Need ASN correction
Zeisier, Harold W., Add. ‘46: Kankakee, IL.
Zelickman, William, S/Sgt. 32254506. 871st. Radar Opr, 866. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). DFC, GO 42-XII (20th AF). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th). A-42, Joker’s Wild,
Fowler; A-52, Dodge; A-57, Dodge. Add. ‘46: 566 Westmoreland Avenue, Syracuse, NY. Add.
‘89: 17 Jaruis Dr, Manlius, NY.
Zelinski, Edward F., Pfc. 32889380. Hq. BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th)
Zeock, Joseph R., 0777397. 2nd Lt. 871st. Bomb, 1035. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). FOD,
28 Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Peterson. Entered Service from PA. NOK: Mr. Andrew
J. Zeock (father), 214 Cumberland Ave., Reading, PA. NatlArch 1329340. WWII Memorial
Commented [E48]: Not really sure he was killed. Just leave as
is, MIA
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group
Zerfing, William N., S/Sgt. 33786677. 869th. Radio Mech, 754. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Overseas shipment, 284-1 (AAF, Herington, KS). BS, GO
46-I-1 (497th).
Ziegler, August H., Cpl. 36624626. 871st. GCM, GO 37-II-1 (497th).
Ziegler, Henry C., Pfc. 32808284. 869th. CFC Mech, 960. Pvt to Pfc, SO 102-1 (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add. ‘46: Hollis, NY.
Zimmer, Nathan, S/Sgt. 12026786. Hq. Ammo NCO, 505. Sgt to S/Sgt, SO 1-1, (497th). BS,
GO 46-I-1 (497th).
Zimmerman, Richard E., S/Sgt. 13095305. 869th. Radar Opr, 866. Ship fr Pratt to
Kearney, Neb, SO 236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO23-1 (497th). AM (OLC), GO 128-I (XXI BC). A-11, Southern Belle, Campbell, W. (Address
Zoppo, Frank A., S/Sgt. 12154603. 869th. Radar, 0141. Ship fr Pratt to Kearney, Neb, SO
236-4 (246 AAF BU). Sortie credits, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-20-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1
(497th). A-8, Coral Queen, Mulloy. AM (OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). BS, GO 46-I-1 (497th). Add.
‘89: 1726 Quimby Road, San Jose, CA.
Zorns, James F., F/O. T223262. M/Sgt. 18036222. 870th. Flg Eng, 737. Sortie credits, OO13-1, OO-16-1, OO-18-1, OO-22-1, OO-23-1, OO-28-1 (497th). AM, GO 57-I (XXI BC). AM
(OLC), GO 66-I (XXI BC). AM (OLC), GO 142-XX (21st BC). GCM, GO 36-II-1 (497th). BS, GO
46-II (497th). Prom to F/O 28 July 1945. A-30, Star Duster, Lind. Add. ‘46: Route 1,
Meadow, TX.
Zuege, Victor R., Add. ‘46: Haigler, NE.
Zych, E., Add. ‘46: 2334 Zinow Street, Hamtramck, MI.
Zych, Walter P., Sgt. 36565610. Hq. Clrk, Typist, 405. 871st. Ship to Herington, KS for
staging, SO 236-1 (246 AAF BU). Special Duty with Hq., 497th Unit Personnel, SO 80-2
(497th). GCM, GO 12-1 (497th).
Zylla, Frank L., 1st Lt. 0741395. 871st. Nav-Bomb, 1036. Ship to Herington, KS for staging,
SO 236-3 (246 AAF BU). Air Medal, Purple Heart (ABMC). BS, GO 51-VIII-1 (497th). DED
28 Jan 1945. A-46, Ghastly Goose, Petersen. Entered Service from MN. NOK: Mrs.
Joseph J. Zylla (father), 731 12 Avenue South, Saint Cloud, MN. Natl Arch 1144950.
WWII Memorial 811468.
Names that are not clear:
*****, George (nmi), Capt. 0-503156. Aircraft Engineering O, 4823. Having been asgd to
this Hq. from 73rd Bomb Wg, Salina, aptd Gp S-4 O, SO 114-1 (497th) [1944].
*****, Henry H., Maj. 0792510. 869th. BS, SO 234 (73rd) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1 (497th).
***sons, *****, 1st Lt. 07*2*06. 869th. BS, SO 175 (XXIst BC) per PR 497 GO 51-IX-1
He*el, Richard R., Cpl. 36437816. 871st. Apl Elect Mech/Gunr, 1685. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9
(p164871st) 1944.
******, Nicholas, Cpl. 39121933. 871st. 2685. Aerial Flt Dy, Sq O-9 (871st) 1944.
February 7, 2016 Records Master File – 497th Bomb Group