dp-1x chassis - Star TV and Appliance Repair Services
dp-1x chassis - Star TV and Appliance Repair Services
MARCH 2006 Training Materials Prepared by: ALVIE RODGERS C.E.T. 2001 MODEL RELEASE DIGITAL HD READY PTV CONTENTS... Chassis DP-14G Model # Aspect 43UWX10B 16X9 53UWX10B 61UWX10B DP-15 53UDX10B 61UDX10B 4X3 DP-15E 43FDX10B 43FDX11B 4X3 DP-17 53SWX10B 16X9 61SWX10B 53SWX12B Regional 61SWX12B Regional Anti-Glare Ultra Shield Included 2002 DP-1X Chassis Projection Television Information INSTRUCTOR… Alvie Rodgers C.E.T. (Chamblee, GA.) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MARCH 2006 DP-1X CHASSIS Table of Contents Page 1 of 3 SECTION (1) MICROPROCESSOR INFORMATION: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Microprocessor DATA COMMUNICATION Explanation ------------------------------------Microprocessor with SRS DATA COMMUNICATION Circuit Diagram -------------------Microprocessor with DSP DATA COMMUNICATION Circuit Diagram -------------------DAC 1 and DAC 3 (I006 & I007) Pin Function Explanation ----------------------------------On Screen Display OSD Signal Path Explanation ------------------------------------------------On Screen Display OSD Signal Path Circuit Diagram --------------------------------------------Audio and Video MUTE Explanation --------------------------------------------------------------Audio and Video MUTE SRS Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------------------Audio and Video MUTE DSP Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------------------SRS PWB MUTE Circuit Diagram -----------------------------------------------------------------DP-17 SURROUND PWB MUTE Circuit Diagram --------------------------------------------MEMORY INITIALIZATION Explanation -----------------------------------------------------FACTORY RESET CONDITIONS (Shipping Condition) ------------------------------------EEPROM I2C Average Data Values ---------------------------------------------------------------- 01-01 01-05 01-06 01-07 01-08 01-10 01-11 01-13 01-14 01-15 01-16 01-17 01-18 01-20 SECTION (2) POWER SUPPLY DIAGRAMS: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • POWER ON/OFF Explanation ---------------------------------------------------------------------POWER ON/OFF DP-14G and DP-17 Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------POWER ON/OFF DP-15 Circuit Diagram --------------------------------------------------------Sub Power Supply Distribution and Protection Block Diagram --------------------------------Low Voltage Power Supply SHUT DOWN Explanation ----------------------------------------Low Voltage Power Supply SHUT DOWN Diagram --------------------------------------------Green LED Used in Low Voltage Power Supply for Visual Trouble Shooting Explanation Green LED Used in Low Voltage Power Supply for Visual Trouble Shooting ---------------DP-17 Green LEDs Used in Low Voltage Power Supply Explanation ------------------------DP-17 Green LEDs Used in Low Voltage Power Supply for Visual Trouble Shooting -----Deflection Power Supply Distribution and Protection Block Diagram ------------------------High Voltage Power Supply SHUT DOWN Explanation ---------------------------------------High Voltage Power Supply SHUT DOWN Diagram -------------------------------------------High Voltage Green and Red LED Used for Visual Trouble Shooting Explanation ---------High Voltage Green and Red LED Used for Visual Trouble Shooting ------------------------- 02-01 02-04 02-05 02-06 02-07 02-10 02-11 02-12 02-13 02-14 02-15 02-16 02-21 02-22 02-24 SECTION (3) DEFLECTION CIRCUIT: • • • • • • • • • • • • DEFLECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM Circuit Description -------------------------------------DEFLECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM Circuit ---------------------------------------------------HORIZONTAL DRIVE Circuit Description (Updated 04-2006) ------------------------------HORIZONTAL DRIVE Circuit Diagram --------------------------------------------------------HORIZONTAL DRIVE IC Voltages and Waveform Information --------------------------Horizontal and Vertical SWEEP LOSS Detection Circuit Description -----------------------Horizontal and Vertical SWEEP LOSS Detection Circuit --------------------------------------Vertical SQUEEZE Display Diagrams -------------------------------------------------------------Vertical SQUEEZE Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------------------------------VERTICAL OUTPUT with V. SQUEEZE Circuit ---------------------------------------------DP-17 VERTICAL OUTPUT without V. SQUEEZE Circuit --------------------------------SIDE PIN CUSHION Circuit Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------- 03-01 03-04 03-05 03-07 03-08 03-09 03-10 03-11 03-12 03-13 03-14 03-15 Continued on Next Page MARCH 2006 DP-1X CHASSIS Table of Contents Page 2 of 3 Continued from Previous Page SECTION (4) DIGITAL CONVERGENCE CIRCUIT INFORMATION: • • • • • • • • • • • DIGITAL CONVERGENCE Interface Circuit Description ------------------------------------DIGITAL CONVERGENCE Interface Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5711 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5712 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-4311 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------OVERLAY DIMENSIONS for 43” (4X3 Aspect) Models -------------------------------------OVERLAY DIMENSIONS for 53” (4X3 Aspect) Model --------------------------------------OVERLAY DIMENSIONS for 61” (4X3 Aspect) Model --------------------------------------OVERLAY DIMENSIONS for 43” & 53” (16X9 Aspect) Model -----------------------------OVERLAY DIMENSIONS for 61” (16X9 Aspect) Model -------------------------------------OVERLAY Part Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-01 04-05 04-06 04-07 04-08 04-09 04-10 04-11 04-12 04-13 04-14 SECTION (5) VIDEO CIRCUIT INFORMATION: • • • • • • • VIDEO Signal NTSC Circuit Diagram (1 of 2) -------------------------------------------------VIDEO Signal NTSC, COMPONENT, and OSD Circuit Diagram (2 of 2) ---------------IC-01 Pin 17, 24 and 52 Signal Description -----------------------------------------------------Auto Brightness Limiter ABL Description -----------------------------------------------------Auto Brightness Limiter ABL Circuit ------------------------------------------------------------NTSC SYNC Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------------------------------------COMPONENT SYNC SEPARATION Circuit Diagram -------------------------------------- 05-01 05-02 05-03 05-04 05-05 05-06 05-07 SECTION (6) ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADJUSTMENT ORDER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------PRE HEAT RUN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CUT OFF ADJUSTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------PRE-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------------DCU CROSS HATCH PHASE SETTING ------------------------------------------------------HORIZONTAL POSITION (COARSE) ADJUSTMENT -----------------------------------RASTER TILT ADJUSTMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------BEAM ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------------------------RASTER POSITION [Off-Set for Red and Blue] ADJUSTMENT ------------------------VERTICAL SIZE ADJUSTMENT ---------------------------------------------------------------HORIZONTAL SIZE ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------------------------BEAM FORM ADJUSTMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------LENS FOCUS ADJUSTMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------STATIC FOCUS ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------BLUE DE-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT --------------------------------------------------------------WHITE BALANCE and SUB BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------HORIZONTAL POSITION (FINE) ADJUSTMENT -----------------------------------------HD FOCUS CHARACTER SET UP ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------HD FOCUS PATTERN SET UP ADJUSTMENT ---------------------------------------------- 06-01 06-02 06-03 06-04 06-05 06-06 06-07 06-08 06-09 06-10 06-11 06-12 06-13 06-14 06-15 06-16 06-17 06-18 06-19 Continued on Next Page MARCH 2006 DP-1X CHASSIS Table of Contents Page 3 of 3 Continued from Previous Page SECTION (6) ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION (Continued): • • • • • • • • • • DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE -------------------------------STORING DIGITAL CONVERGENCE DATA ----------------------------------------------INITIALIZING HD FOCUS SENSORS --------------------------------------------------------CONVERGENCE TOUCH UP --------------------------------------------------------------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5711 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5712 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------REMOTE CONTROL CLU-4311 in DIGITAL CONVERGENCE MODE ----------------MAGNET LOCATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------SUB PICTURE (PIP) AMPLITUDE ADJUSTMENT ----------------------------------------ERROR CODES for DCU HD FOCUS Description -------------------------------------------- 06-20 06-28 06-29 06-30 06-31 06-32 06-33 06-34 06-35 06-36 SECTION (7) AUDIO CIRCUIT INFORMATION: • • • • AUDIO SIGNAL (Main & Terminal) Circuit Diagram --------------------------------------AUDIO SRS Circuit Diagram ---------------------------------------------------------------------DP-17 AUDIO SIGNAL (Main & Terminal) Circuit Diagram -----------------------------DP-17 AUDIO SURROUND Circuit Diagram -------------------------------------------------- 07-01 07-02 07-03 07-04 SECTION (8) MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: • • • • • • • • • • • • DP-1X (Not DP-17) REAR PANEL ---------------------------------------------------------------DP-17 REAR PANEL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------DEFLECTION / POWER PWB -------------------------------------------------------------------SUB POWER SUPPLY PWB ----------------------------------------------------------------------SIGNAL PWB -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRT PWB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONVERGENCE PWB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------TERMINAL PWB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SRS (SURROUND) PWB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------CHASSIS TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DC VOLTAGES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OVERLAY PART NUMBERS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-01 08-02 08-03 08-04 08-05 08-06 08-07 08-08 08-09 08-10 08-11 08-20 SECTION (9) SERVICE BULLETINS AND INFORMATION: • • • • • • • • • • PTV 01-01 Clarification of Memory Initialization Procedure -----------------------------------PTV 01-02 Horizontal Noise Present when Cold (Anode Cup Arc) ---------------------------PTV 01-04 Excessive Noise in PinP ----------------------------------------------------------------PTV 01-05 Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode Access via Remote Control ------------PTV 01-06 Intermittent Black Horizontal Bars (Low AC) --------------------------------------PTV 01-08A Glue Residue when Removing Protective Plastic Sheet from Screen ----------PTV 01-10 STOP displayed (CRT Snap) ----------------------------------------------------------PTV 01-14 Symmetry (Geometry) Adjustments --------------------------------------------------Poor Picture Quality when watching NTSC on a 2H (HD Ready) set ---------------------Things You Should Know: Random Shutdown, Relay Stick, Coil Backwards, etc... ------- 09-01 09-03 09-04 09-05 09-06 09-07 09-08 09-10 09-11 09-12 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK MICROPROCESSOR INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DP-1X MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION Microprocessor Data Communications circuit diagram. (See Diagram on page 01-06) The Microprocessor must keep in communication with the Chassis to maintain control over the individual circuits. Some of the circuits must return information as well so the Microprocessor will know how to respond to different request. The Microprocessor uses a combination of I2C Bus communication and the Serial Data, Clock and Load lines for control. The I2C communication scheme only requires 2 lines for control. These lines are called SDA and SCL. Serial Data and Serial Clock respectively. The Microprocessor also requires the use of what are called Fan Out IC or DACs, (Digital to Analog Converters). This allows the Microprocessor to use only two lines to control many different circuits. Also, due to the fact that this Microprocessor operates at the new 3.3Vdc voltage, it requires a Level Shift IC to bring up the DC level of the control lines to make it compatible with the connected ICs. The Microprocessor communicates with the following ICs: ON THE SIGNAL PWB: Main Tuner U501 PinP Tuner U502 EEPROM I002 Flex Converter UC01 DAC1 I006 DAC3 I007 Level Shift I004 3D Y/C I301 Main Video Chroma I501 Rainforest IC01 ON THE TERMINAL PWB: A/V Selector IX01 Sub Video Chroma IX03 Main Y Pr/Pb Selector IX04 Sub Y Pr/Pb Selector IX05 ON THE SURROUND PWB: Front Audio Control IA01 The following explanation will deal with the communication paths used between the Microprocessor and the respected ICs. ON THE SIGNAL PWB: Main Tuner U501 (with MTS outputs). The Microprocessor controls the Main Tuner by SDA (Data) and SCL (Clock) I2C communication lines. SCL1 and SDA1 lines for the Main Tuner are output from the Microprocessor at pins (2 SDA1 and 3 SCL1) respectively. These lines go directly to the Main Tuner, SDA1 at pin (5) and SCL1 at pin (4). These lines control band switching, programmable divider set-up information, pulse swallow tuning selection, etc... PinP Tuner U502 (monaural only, but audio not used). The Microprocessor controls the Main Tuner by SDA (Data) and SCL (Clock) I2C communication lines. SCL1 and SDA1 lines for the Main Tuner are output from the Microprocessor at pins (2 SDA1 and 3 SCL1) respectively. These lines go directly to the Main Tuner, SDA1 at pin (5) and SCL1 at pin (4). These lines control band switching, programmable divider set-up information, pulse swallow tuning selection, etc... EEPROM I003 The EEPROM is ROM for many different functions of the Microprocessor. Channel Scan or Memory List, Customer set ups for Video, Audio, Surround etc… are memorized as well. Also, some of the Microprocessors internal sub routines have variables that are stored in the EEPROM, such as the window for Closed Caption detection. (Continued on page 2) PAGE 01-01 DP-1X MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 1) Data and Clock lines are SDA1 from pin (2) of the Microprocessor to pin (5) of the EEPROM and SCL2 from pin (3) of the Microprocessor to pin (6) of the EEPROM. Data travels in both directions on the Data line. Flex Converter UC01 The projection television is capable of displaying NTSC as well as ATSC (DTV) including HD (High Definition). The Flex Converter is responsible for receiving any video input and converting it to 33.75 Khz output. This output is controlled by sync and by the customer’s menu and how it is set up. The set up can be 4X3 or 16X9 for DTV, or letterbox. This set also has something called “Through Mode”. This bypasses the Flex Converter completely and inputs the 1080i signal directly to the Rainforest IC. The Rainforest IC then output the signal directly as well as shrinking the vertical to match the 16 X 9 window by outputting “Vertical Squeeze”, (V Squeeze not used for the 16 X 9 models). The Flex Converter can take any NTSC, S-In, Component, NTSC or Progressive, Interlaced, 480I, 720P, 1080i signal. (Note: 1080i is routed through the Rainforest IC in 16 X 9 HD mode only). Control for the Flex Converter is Clock, Data and Enable lines. Clock, Data and Enable lines for the Flex Converter are output from the Microprocessor at pins (45 Data and 46 FCENABLE). The FCENABLE line is routed through the PFC1 connector pin 12 and the FCDATA line is routed through the PFC1 connector pin 11. The Clock line must be routed through the Level Shift IC I004 to be brought up to 5V. The Microprocessor output for Clock is pin 58, it arrives at I004 at pins (3 Clock) and is output at pins (17). It arrives at the Flex Converter through the PFC1 connector pin 10. DAC1 I006 (See Diagram on page 01-07) This Digital to Analog converter acts as an extension of the Microprocessor. Sometimes called an Expansion IC. The purpose of this IC is to reduce the number of pins, (fan out) of the Main Microprocessor I001. The Main Microprocessor send Clock and Data via I2 C bus to the DAC1 IC. The output from the Microprocessor is pin (2 SDA1 and 3 SCL1) which arrives at the DAC1 IC I006 at pins (5 and 6) respectively. The following is a list of the input and output pins on DAC1. PIN FUNCTION 1. Busy Receives Busy from DCU stopping Microprocessor from responding to Remote commands. 2. ST Det Receives the Low from the Main Tuner indicating Stereo signal received. 3. MTS Places the Main Tuner into MTS mode if Stereo MTS Detected by Microprocessor 4. F Mono Places the Main Tuner into Forced MONO mode 5. Ant Switches the antenna block into Antenna A or Antenna B when selected. 6. Cut Off In Service Mode, if Set Up is selected, outputs High to collapse Vertical circuit and inhibit Vert. Sweep Loss Detection 7. Magic Sw Places the Unit into Magic Focus Mode, outputs Lo when MF activated by front control switch or Customer’s Menu. 8. Gnd Ground 9. D Size During Magic Focus, the H and V Size has to be increased slightly for Sensor striking purposes. This pin goes Hi. 10. SAP Det Receives the Low from the Main Tuner indicating SAP signal received. 11. Gnd Ground Not Used 12. Gnd Ground Not Used 13. STBY 5V Standby +5 Volt input. 14. SDA1 Serial Data from Microprocessor 15. SCL1 Serial Clock from Microprocessor 16. SBY +5V Vcc SBY +5V NOTE: Pin 1 Busy and Pin 9 D Size works as a tri-data-level-input according to table below. Pin 1 Busy Pin 9 D Size Digital Convergence Module Active Magic Focus Lo Lo Inactive Inactive Hi Lo Active Inactive Hi Hi Active Active Lo Hi Not Possible Not Possible The Digital Convergence Module is active during Service Adjustment (DCAM), Magic Focus and/or Sensor Initialize. (Continued on page 3) PAGE 01-02 DP-1X MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 2) DAC3 I007 (See Diagram on page 01-07) This Digital to Analog converter acts as an extension of the Microprocessor. Sometimes called an Expansion IC. The purpose of this IC is to reduce the number of pins, (fan out) of the Main Microprocessor I001. The Main Microprocessor send Clock and Data via I2C bus to the DAC3 IC. The output from the Microprocessor is pin (2 SDA1 and 3 SCL1) which arrives at the DAC3 IC at pins (5 and 6) respectively. The following is a list of the input and output pins on DAC3. PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FUNCTION Detects the presents of Sync from Component Y signal for 1 or 2 Detects IR from Remote for Auto Link Remote Set Up. Activates Perfect Volume determined by Customer T3 (Factory Use) T3 (Factory Use) T3 (Factory Use) (Factory Use) Ground When Magic Switch pressed on front Control Panel this pin goes Low, IC tells Microprocessor to output a Low from I006 pin 7 to start Magic Focus. 10 IN5DET Detects Cr/Pr plug insertion for Component 5 input. (Component 4 is detected by Selector IC pin 7) • When no Cr/Pr plug inserted, set assumes Composite at the Y input. 11 Gnd Ground Not Used 12 Gnd Ground Not Used 13 Gnd Ground Not Used 14 SDA Data I 2 C communications between DAC2 and Microprocessor 15 SCL Clock I2 C communications between DAC2 and Microprocessor 16 Vcc IC B+. (STBY +5V). NOTE: Pin 2 The IR pulse from the Remote Control is monitored when Auto Link is set. Sig Det IR Det P Vol AC3 Info FH Det Out 1 FH Det Out 2 FC Blue Back Gnd Magic Sw In Level Shift I004 The Microprocessor operates at 3.3Vdc. Most of the Circuits controlled by the Microprocessor operate at 5Vdc. The Level Shift IC steps up the DC voltage to accommodate. • Pin 4 output a Clock, used by the Flex Converter • Pin 11 output Error Mute signal (ERRMUTE), used to mute the Out to Hi-Fi jacks on the SRS PWB. • Pin 13 outputs a Speaker Off signal (FSPOFF), used to turn off the internal speakers. 3D Y/C I301 (IC mounted directly on the Signal PWB). The 3D Y/C IC is a Luminance/Chrominance separator, as well as a 3D adder. Separation takes place digitally. Using advanced separation technology, this circuit separates using multiple lines and doesn’t produce dot pattern interference or dot crawl. The 3D effect is a process of adding additional emphasis signals to the Luminance and Chrominance. These signals relate specifically to transitions. Transitions are the point where the signal goes from dark to light or vice versa. The 3D adds a little more black before the transition goes to white and a little more white just before it gets to white. It also adds a little more white just before it goes dark and a little more dark just before it arrives. This gives the impression that the signal pops out of the screen or a 3D effect. The Microprocessor communicates with the 3D Y/C IC via I2 C bus data and clock. The communications ports from the Microprocessor are pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to the 3D Y/C I301 pins (59 and 60) respectively. The Microprocessor also is able to turn on and off circuits within the 3D Y/C circuit determined by customer menu set-up. Main Video Chroma I501 The Main Video Chroma IC processes the video and chroma from the 3D Y/C circuit for the main picture. It converts video into Y and chroma into Cr/Cb (NTSC Only). Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to I501 pins (34 and 33) respectively. (Continued on page 4) PAGE 01-03 DP-1X MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATION DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 3) Rainforest IC01 (Video/Chroma Processor) The Video Processing IC (Rainforest) is responsible for controlling video/chroma processing before the signal is made available to the CRTs. Some of the emphasis circuits are controlled by the customer’s menu. As well as some of them being controlled by AI, (Artificial Intelligence). Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to the Rainforest IC pins (31 and 30) respectively. ON THE TERMINAL PWB: (Through the connector PST1) A/V Selector IX01 The A/V Selector IC is responsible for selecting the input source for the Main Picture as well as the source for the PinP or Sub picture. Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (2 SDA1 and 3 SCL1) to the PST1 connector pins (5 and 4) respectively then to IX01 pins (34 and 33) respectively. Sub Video Chroma IX03 The Sub Video Chroma IC processes the video and chroma for the Sub or PinP picture. It converts Luminance into Y and Chroma into Cr/Cb (NTSC Only). Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to connector PST1 pins (8 and 7) to IX03 pins (34 and 33) respectively. Main Y Pr/Pb Selector IX04 Any input that is not already in the Y Pr/Pb or Y Cr/Cb state, will have be converted to this state by I501. The Main Y Pr/Pb Selector IC selects the appropriate input between the Tuner, AV Inputs, S-Inputs or Components. Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to connector PST1 pins (8 and 7) to IX04 pins (31 and 30) respectively. Sub Y Pr/Pb Selector IX04 Any Sub input that is not already in the Y Pr/Pb or Y Cr/Cb state, will have be converted to this state by IX03. The Sub Y Pr/Pb Selector IC selects the appropriate input between the Tuner, AV Inputs, S-Inputs or Components. Communication from the Microprocessor via pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) to connector PST1 pins (8 and 7) to IX05 pins (31 and 30) respectively. ON THE SURROUND PWB (Through the PSU1 connector): Front Audio Control IC IA01 Audio control is performed by this IC. Selection for different Audio modes, volume, base, treble, etc... The Main Microprocessor sends Clock and Data via I2C bus to this IC. The output from the Microprocessor is pins (59 SDA2 and 60 SCL2) respectively then through the connector PSU1 pins (2 and 1) which arrives at IA01 at pins (4 and 5) respectively. PAGE 01-04 60 2 3 SCL2 SDA1 SCL1 3 4 Data 57 8 9 DSP SS 15 DSP DIR 14 7 6 DSP SI Bypass 17 DSP Sck Ft Spk 16 Off 5 18 DSPReset SCL1 15 3.3V -> 5V Level Shift I004 DAC1 SDA1 14 I006 Clock 58 FCData 45 SCL1 U502 Tuner PinP SDA1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5 4 5 4 Clock Data ERRMUTE DSPSS FT Spk Off DSP SI BYPASS DSP Reset SRS DATA 10 11 12 Enable PFC1 30 SCL1 31 60 59 IC01 I301 3D/YC Rainforest Sweep Cont. Tuner 1 Main SDA1 U501 34 33 SDA2 FCEnable 46 59 SDA2 IOO1 I501 Main Video/ Chroma 4 I007 SCL1 EEPROM 6 Signal PWB FLEX & PinP ERRMUTE DSPSS DSPSCK DSPSI DSP Reset DATA CLOCK ERRMUTE FT Spk Off SDA1 5 IOO3 15 SCL1 DAC3 14 SDA1 33 SCL1 A/V Select IX01 SDA2 IX03 Sub Video SCL2 Chroma 34 SDA1 33 7 5 34 8 UC01 SCL2 SDA2 PST1 30 31 30 31 SCL2 SDA2 IX05 Sub YPrPb Selector Main YPrPb Selector IX04 Terminal PWB 5 Not Used 4 Not Used 1 Not Used 2 Not Used 12 Not Used 9 Not Used 13 Not Used PSU2 6 Mutes Out to Hi-Fi jacks. 4 Front Speaker Off 1 2 PSU1 SCL2 SDA2 SCL2 SDA2 SCL2 SDA2 SRS PWB 5 4 Front Audio Control IA01 DP1X (Not DP17) CHASSIS MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM SCL2 PAGE 01-05 60 2 3 SCL2 SDA1 SCL1 SCL1 15 4 Data 57 30 31 30 31 IX04 SCL2 SDA2 IX05 Sub YPrPb Selector Main YPrPb Selector CLOCK 7 10 DSP Request 11 DSP CSI 10 5 4 1 DSP CSI DSP Request DSP DIR DSP S0 DSP Busy ERRMUTE DSPSS DSPSCK 12 DATA DSP Reset 9 DSPSI 2 13 PSU2 17 SRS (Not Used) 16 ByPass (Not Used) 5 4 DSP CIRCUIT IS01 Front SCL2 Audio Control SDA2 Terminal PWB Surround PWB 6 ERRMUTE Mutes Out to Hi-Fi jacks. 4 Front Speaker Off 6 FLEX & PinP UC01 1 2 DSP DIR 14 Clock Data Enable SCL2 PSU1 3 ERRMUTE DSPSS FT Spk Off DSP SI BYPASS DSP Reset SRS 10 11 12 PFC1 14 SDA1 I007 15 SCL1 DAC3 6 SDA1 IOO3 SCL1 EEPROM SCL2 SDA2 SDA2 DSP S0 13 11 12 13 14 15 DATA CLOCK 5 33 SCL1 A/V Select 4 IX01 34 SDA1 33 SCL2 7 SDA2 IX03 Sub Video SCL2 Chroma 5 34 8 8 9 DSP Error Mute 19 3.3V -> 5V Level Shift 16 17 5 4 5 4 PST1 SDA2 DSP Busy 12 8 7 6 DSP SI Bypass 17 60 SDA2 DSP Sck Ft Spk 16 Off DSP SS 15 5 18 I004 DAC1 SDA1 14 3 DSPReset SCL1 U502 Tuner PinP SDA1 I006 I301 3D/YC 59 31 IC01 Rainforest Sweep Cont. 30 SCL1 34 33 Tuner 1 Main SDA1 U501 I501 Main Video/ Chroma Clock 58 FCData 45 FCEnable 46 59 SDA2 IOO1 Signal PWB DP-17 CHASSIS MICROPROCESSOR DATA COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM SCL2 PAGE 01-06 DP-1X SERIES CHASSIS DAC 1 and DAC 3 INFORMATION 16 Vcc SBY +5V Busy 1 Receives Busy from DCU stopping Microprocessor from responding to Remote commands. ST Det 2 Receives the Low from the Main Tuner indicating Stereo signal received. MTS 3 Places the Main Tuner into MTS mode if Stereo MTS Detected by Microprocessor F Mono 4 Places the Main Tuner into Forced MONO mode ANT 5 Switches the Antenna Switch Assembly from Antenna 1 to Antenna 2 Cut Off 6 In Service Mode, if Set Up is selected, outputs High to collapse Vertical circuit and inhibit Vert. Sweep Loss Detection Magic Sw. Out 7 D Size 9 When Magic Focus Sw pressed or from Menu Selection, this pin goes Low and Places the DCU into Magic Focus Mode During Magic Focus, when the H and V Size has to be increased slightly for Sensor striking purposes. The DCU output D Size (Hi). (Not in the 16X9 models 8 Gnd 11 12 Not Used Not Used 13 SBY +5V 16 8 11 12 13 PAGE 01-07 SAP Det 10 Receives the Low from the Main Tuner indicating SAP signal received. I006 SDA1 14 Serial Data from Microprocessor DAC1 SCL1 15 Serial Clock from Microprocessor 1 Detects active Sync from Component Y signal for 1 or 2 2 Detects IR from Remote for Auto Link Remote Set Up 3 Activates Perfect Volume determined by Customer 4 T4 (Factory Use) 5 T5 (Factory Use) FH Det Out 2 6 T6 (Factory Use) FC Blue Back 7 T7 (Factory Use) Magic Sw In 9 When Magic Switch pressed on Ft. Control Panel, this pin goes low, Micro tells I006 pin 7 to go high. IN5DET 10 Detect Pr/Cr plug insertion for Component 5 input. If NO, then composite is assumed. I007 SDA1 14 Serial Data from Microprocessor DAC 3 SCL1 15 Serial Clock from Microprocessor Vcc SBY +5V Sig Det Gnd IR Det Not Used P Vol Not Used AC3 Info Not Used FH Det Out 1 Note: Component 4 Pr/Cr is detected by the Selector IC. DP-1X ON SCREEN DISPLAY (OSD) SIGNAL PATH DESCRIPTION The Microprocessor is responsible for generating On Screen Display (OSD) related to the Main Menu, Volume Control, Channel Number, Closed Caption Display, Clock, etc… It also generates the OSD for the Service Menu. However there are actually two different sources for generating OSD, the Microprocessor and the Digital Convergence Unit, (DCU). MICROPROCESSOR AS THE SOURCE FOR OSD: The Microprocessor receives information related to timing for H. Blanking pin (49) and V. Blanking pin (55). The Microprocessor determines the position for each display using these signals as a timing pulse. When it’s necessary, the Microprocessor generates 1uSec pulses from pins (37 Red, 38 Green and 39 Blue) that are routed through (QC21 Red, QC20 Green and QC19 Blue) and then sent to the Rainforest IC IC01 pins (39 Red, 38 Green and 37 Blue) as OSD signals. When the OSD signals are high, they turn on the output of the Red or Green or Blue chroma amps inside the Rainforest IC and output a pulse to the CRTs to generate that particular character in the particular color. HALF TONE PIN (40): This pin is responsible for controlling the background transparency of the Main Menu. When the customer calls up the Main Menu, they can select the CUSTOM section. Within the CUSTOM section is MENU BACKGROUND. There are three selections for this, GRAY, SHADED, and CLEAR. • CLEAR: Selection turns off any background for the Menu and video is clearly seen behind the Menu. • CLEAR: No output during the display of the Menu. • SHADED: Selection add a transparent background which makes the Menu easier to see and also some of the video behind the Menu. • SHADED: 1/2 Vcc pulse equal to the timing of the Menu background. • GRAY: Selection generates a GRAY background for the MENU blocking video behind the Menu. This is accomplished by outputting any one of three different pulses from pin (40) of the Microprocessor. This signal is then routed to (QC16) and then to the Rainforest IC IC01 pin (36) as YS1 signal which does the following: • GRAY: Full Vcc equal to the timing of the Menu background. OSD BLANKING PIN (51): This pin is responsible for muting the video at the same time each character is produced by the Microprocessor. This pulse is in exact time with the character, however it is slightly longer. In other words, just before any character is produced, this pin goes high and just after any character turns off, this pin turns off. This clears up the video behind the OSD character to make it easier to read. OSD Blk is produced from pin (51) of the Microprocessor. This signal is then routed to the Rainforest IC IC01 pins (50 YS2 OSD and 51 YS1 OSD) which mutes the video when these pins are high. They also prevent the output of the peak high Y component for Velocity Modulation. CLOSED CAPTION DISPLAY FROM THE MICROPROCESSOR SOURCE: The Microprocessor is also responsible for stripping the Closed Caption Display (CCD) from within the Vertical Sync on horizontal line 21. It receives the composite video signal at pin (28). This signal is tapped off the main video path before it arrives at sync separator Q010~12. The tapped video is routed through Q014 to the Microprocessor at pin (28). (See Sync Signal Path Circuit Diagram and Explanation for Details). DCU (Digital Convergence Unit HC2153) AS THE OSD SOURCE: The DCU (Digital Convergence Unit) generates it’s own OSD patterns and text. Like the Adjustment Grid, Cursor, certain blinking patterns, Words associated with DCAM, etc… The DCU generates OSD in the same fashion as the Microprocessor. The DCU generates Digital Red from pin (11), Digital Green from pin (12) and Digital Blue from pin (10) output from the PDG connector and then through (QK06 Dig Red, QK07 Dig Green and QK08 Dig Blue). The DCU OSD is then routed through the PDK1 connector pins (11 Red, 12 Green and 13 Blue) and then through the PSD1 connector pins (2 Red, 4 Green and 6 Blue) They then are sent through (QC24 Red, QC23 Green and QC22 Blue) and finally arrive at the Rainforest IC IC01 pins (35 Analog Red In, 34 Analog Green In and 33 Analog Blue In) as Digital Convergence graphic signals. (Continued on page 9) PAGE 01-08 DP-1X ON SCREEN DISPLAY (OSD) SIGNAL PATH DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 8) BUSY SIGNAL: When the DCU is activated by pressing the Service Only switch on the Deflection PWB, the DCU outputs a BUSY signal. This signal does two things. 1. It tells the Microprocessor to ignore Infrared Remote commands. It does this by outputting the BUSY signal from pin (10) of the PDG connector, then through the PDK1 connector pin (10). Then through the PSD1 connector pin (1). Then to I006 (the Analog to Digital converter). The Analog to Digital converter outputs this information in digital form through the I2C bus to the microprocessor. The I2C data is output from pin (14 SDA1 and timed by the clock 15 SCL1) They arrive at the Microprocessor I001 pins (2 and 3). When the Microprocessor receives this BUSY signal, it ignores all Infrared Remote commands. 2. It blanks video so that the DCU graphics can be see easily. This is accomplished by the same BUSY signal being routed from pin (10) of the PDG connector, then through the PDK1 connector pin (10). Then through the PSD1 connector pin (1). It is then routed to the Rainforest IC IC01 pin (49) as YS3 signal which mutes video. GRAPHICS PRODUCED BY THE DCU: • Cross hatch grid. • Colored Cursor which blinks indicating the adjustment point • Different text such as, Read from ROM?, Write to ROM? • Light pattern for Sensor Initialization • Light pattern for Magic Focus. • The DCU can also turn off individual colors during adjustment. Everything except Green. This is accomplished by not producing the particular color’s characters from the DCU. PAGE 01-09 Q005 V Sync Q006 H Sync OSD B 39 I001 Main uP BUSY 12 13 D Size Dig B 7 Dig G 11 12 2 D Size BUSY V Mute OSD YM OSD YS OSD Red QC17 QC16 QC19 8 PSD2 26 4 25 1 PSD1 OSD Green OSD Blue QC24 QC23 QC22 QC21 QC20 Signal PWB Deflection PWB PDK3 Convergence PWB V Blk H Blk +5V SRAM +5V -5V QK06 Dig R QK07 13 10 10 QK08 Half Tone 40 PDK1 2 3 OSD Blk 51 PDG SDA1 11 Digital Convergence 1 Unit 2 "DCU" 3 "Mounted on 4 Deflection 5 PWB" 6 UKDG HC2152/3 D Size 1 14 15 SCL1 Sync2 for V-Chip Data 30 Sub OSD R 37 I006 DAC1 9 55 49 Sync for Closed Caption 28 Main and V-Chip Data OSD G 38 V Blk H Blk R Out G Out B Out Analog R In Analog G In Analog B In YS2 YS3 RGB YS1 YS1 OSD YS2 OSD Analog R In Analog G In Analog B In Signal PWB 35 34 33 49 50 51 36 37 38 39 IC01 Rainforest 43 42 41 QC30 QC35 QC40 DP-1X CHASSIS "On Screen Display, OSD" SIGNAL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 1 R 3 G 5 B PZC To CRTs PAGE 01-10 DP-1X AUDIO and VIDEO MUTE SIGNAL PATH DESCRIPTION V MUTE 1 EXPLANATION: (See Diagram on page 01-13) There are certain times when the Microprocessor or other circuits must Mute the video or audio. The Microprocessor is responsible for Muting the Audio/Video during Channel Change, Power On/Off, Child Lock, AVX Selected with no input, etc…. This is accomplished via pin (56) of the Microprocessor. When V Mute is activated, a high is routed through D019 to the base of Q023 turning it ON. The collector goes low and pulls the base of Q022 low turning it ON. The emitter of Q022 is connected to STBY +11V, so when it turns ON, it’s collector output goes HIGH. This high is now called V Mute 1. V Mute 1 is routed to two circuits, for Video Mute and for Audio Mute. FOR VIDEO MUTE: There are two different signals that mute video on the Rainforest IC, IC01 pin (52 FBP In): 1. V MUTE 1 • This high is routed through the PSZ2 connector pin (6) to DX08. DX08 sends this high to the base of QX18 turning it OFF. The emitter of QX18 is connected to the SW +9V line and when it turns OFF the emitter pulls up HIGH. This pulls up pin (25) of IX01 the Rainforest IC and Mutes the Video. Oddly enough, this high is sent into the same pin as the Flyback Pulse used for horizontal blanking. So it can be thought of as an extremely long blank pulse. 2. HALF TONE PIN: This pin is responsible for controlling the background transparency of the Main Menu. When the customer calls up the Main Menu, they can select the CUSTOM section. Within the CUSTOM section is MENU BACKGROUND. There are three selections for this, GRAY, SHADED, and CLEAR. • CLEAR: Selection turns off any background for the Menu and video is clearly seen behind the Menu. • CLEAR: No output during the display of the Menu. • SHADED: Selection add a transparent background which makes the Menu easier to see and also some of the video behind the Menu. • SHADED: 1/2 Vcc pulse equal to the timing of the Menu background. • GRAY: Selection generates a GRAY background for the MENU blocking video behind the Menu. This is accomplished by outputting any one of three different pulses from pin (40) of the Microprocessor. This signal is then routed to (QC16) and then to the Rainforest IC IC01 pin (36) as YS1 signal which does the following: • GRAY: Full Vcc equal to the timing of the Menu background. V Mute 1 FOR AUDIO MUTE: The V Mute 1 signal is also routed to the base of Q021 turning it ON. The high produced on it’s emitter is now called V Mute 2 which is routed to two places. 1. To the anode of DJ04, to the base of QJ03 which turn ON and grounds pin (11) of IJ01 placing the Front Audio output IC into Mute. 2. To PSU1 connector pin (5) which mutes the (OUT TO HiFi) audio. See the SRS Mute Circuit diagram details. ERRMUTE pin (19) of the Microprocessor: When the Microprocessor deems it necessary to mute the audio, it outputs a ERRMute signal from pin (19) to I004 pin (9) the Level Shift IC. This IC outputs the high from pin (11) to two places; 1. To the anode of DJ01, then to the base of QJ01 and QJ02 which grounds the audio input to pin (4 Right audio in and 2 Left audio in) of IJ01 Audio Output IC. 2. To the Surround PWB via the PSU1 connector pin (6) called Mute. Then to DA02 to drive the base of QA05 and QA06 high, turning them on. They ground the audio outputs for (OUT TO HiFi) and they are muted. See the Surround Mute Circuit diagram and explanation for details. (Continued on page 12) PAGE 01-11 DP-1X AUDIO and VIDEO MUTE SIGNAL PATH DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 11) F.Spk Off FRONT SPEAKER OFF: When the customer accesses the Main Menu and selects the Front Speaker Off selection, the Microprocessor I001 outputs a high from pin (16). This high is routed to I004 pin (7) the Level Shift IC. This IC outputs the high from pin (13) to the following circuit; 1. To the anode of DJ02, then to the base of QJ01 and QJ02 which grounds the audio input to pin (4 Right audio in and 2 Left audio in) of IJ01 Audio Output IC. • NOTE: This line also goes to PSU1 connector pin 4, but not used in this chassis. AC LOSS DETECTION: AC is monitored by the AC Loss detection circuit. The AC input from PQS1 pin (1) is rectified by D023. This charges up C054 and through DN22 it charges C053. When AC is first applied, C053 charges slightly behind C054 preventing activation of Q024. If AC is lost, C054 discharges rapidly pulling the base of Q024 low, however D022 blocks C053 from discharging and the emitter of Q001 is held high. This action turns on Q024 and produces a high on it’s collector. This high is routed through D021 to the base of Q023 turning it ON. The collector goes low and pulls the base of Q022 low turning it ON. The emitter of Q022 is connected to STBY +11V, so when it turns ON, it’s collector output goes HIGH. This high is now called V Mute 1. V Mute 1 is routed to two circuits, see V Mute 1 explanation on the previous page. SPOT: SPOT is generated from the deflection PWB when either Horizontal or Vertical deflection is lost. This is to prevent a horizontal or vertical line from being burnt into the CRTs. See Horizontal and Vertical Sweep Loss Detection circuit and explanation for details. This high is input from PSD2 pin (3), through D020 to the base of Q023 turning it ON. The collector goes low and pulls the base of Q022 low turning it ON. The emitter of Q022 is connected to STBY +11V, so when it turns ON, it’s collector output goes HIGH. This high is now called V Mute 1. V Mute 1 is routed to two circuits, see V Mute 1 explanation on the previous page. PAGE 01-12 R0A0 C054 R199 56 16 19 ERRMute VMute2 C053 6 4 11 10 5 PSU1 7 9 R007 R022 TruSurround/SRS PWB ERRMute V MUTE Ft Spk Off I001 Micro Processor D022 R196 10V p/p Q024 D020 ERRMute F. Spk Off DJ01 DJ02 CJ02 RC08 RC07 OSD YM RC54 QC16 CC08 QJ03 QC17 RC04 QJ01 QJ02 CC09 RC09 CJ05 CJ04 L In L Out 2 FRONT L&R Audio Output R In R Out IJ01 Mute YM/ 52 P-Mute Blk 19 IC01 7 PZC 4 11 Mute = Lo RC56 RC63 HVcc+9V V. Mute 1 See OSD Signal Path R186 RC03 Q021 Left Ft. Audio DJ04 R187 V Mute 1 R195 Q022 C052 CJ01 DJ03 D017 R189 R191 Right Ft. Audio V Mute 2 13 R193 V Mute 2 F. Spk Off Signal PWB R194 R195 Q023 R192 D018 SBY +11V PSD2 ERR Mute 11 Level Shift I014 D019 D021 3 "SPOT" Horizontal Sweep Loss Det. Vertical Sweep Loss Det. (From Deflection PWB) D023 PQS1 1 R198 From I904 Pin 3 AC Photo Coupler AC Sig R197 DP-1X Series Chassis AUDIO and VIDEO MUTE Circuit Without DSP (See also Surround Mute Circuit) 12 7 CRT PWB PAGE 01-13 R0A0 C054 R199 C053 ERRMute 6 4 11 10 5 PSU1 5 3 D020 Q023 ERRMute F. Spk Off CJ02 DJ04 DJ14 CJ29 CJ28 DJ01 DJ02 DJ22 DJ11 DJ21 D040 Center RJ34 RJ33 RC04 RJ08 RJ07 RJ32 R186 Q021 C052 DJ13 DJ12 V Mute 1 R187 Q022 D017 Left Ft. Audio DJ03 Cent Spk 19 Off From IS01 Pin 6 Cent 20 PSU2 2 of 2 V Mute 2 D029 R188 R193 R189 R191 CJ01 13 F. Spk Off Signal PWB R194 R195 PSD2 R192 D018 SW +35V Right Ft. Audio V Mute 2 ERR Mute 11 Level Shift I004 D019 D021 1 of 2 PSU2 7 9 R007 R022 From IS01 Pin 7 Audio DSP Surround PWB ERRMute Ft Spk Off V MUTE I001 56 16 19 D022 D023 R196 10V p/p Active High "SPOT" Horizontal Sweep Loss Det. Vertical Sweep Loss Det. (From Deflection PWB) Q024 Micro Processor 1 PQS1 R198 From I904 Pin 3 AC Photo Coupler AC Sig R197 QJ05 RC03 QJ02 QJ01 CJ08 RJ31 QJ06 CJ35 OSD YM RC54 QC17 CJ05 CJ04 CJ09 QJ03 RJ09 CJ31 CJ30 CJ37 QJ07 RJ35 QC16 HVcc+9V DP-17 Series Chassis AUDIO and VIDEO MUTE Circuit (See also DP-17 Surround Mute Circuit) 7 FL Out 12 FRONT L & R Audio Output 2 FL In 4 FR In FR Out IJ01 11 Mute = Lo CENTER L & R Audio Output 2 CL In CL Out 12 4 CR In CR Out IJ02 7 IC01 7 YM/ 52 P-Mute Blk 19 11 Mute = Lo RC56 RC63 V. Mute 1 PZC CRT PWB PAGE 01-14 PAGE 01-15 ERRMute 6 5 V Mute 2 Mute 13 2 SDA2 VMute 14 1 SCL2 PSU1 SDA SCL IA01 Audio Control DA02 DA01 DA04 DA03 DP-1X Series Chassis TruSurround / SRS MUTE Circuit (See also Audio Video Mute Circuit) QA06 HiFi L QA05 HiFi R ERRMute 5 PSU2 V Mute 2 5 ERRMute 6 From I004 pin 11 SDA2 2 SCL2 1 PSU1 Surround 1 of 4 PAGE 01-16 QT10 From IS09 pin 1 & 7 13 SDA Rear L Rear R R Spk Off 13 IS01 Audio D/A 14 SCL Surround 2 of 4 Surround 1 of 4 Rear L Rear R QT06 QT05 DT02 ERRMute VMute QT09 CSH9 CSH8 DS07 DS26 DS08 RS97 DS22 QS07 CSJ6 QS08 RS96 RS99 Surround 3 of 4 Center Sub Woofer 1 7 RS98 FL Front Left FR Front Right DS09 DS10 QT07 1 7 Surround 2 of 4 IT12 IT10 QT04 QT03 QT08 DS21 DS19 From IS10 pin 39 CSJ2 CSJ1 CSJ7 HiFi R SL Out 12 REAR L & R Audio Output or Surround L & R 2 SL In 4 SR In SR Out 7 IS15 11 Mute = Lo Surround 3 of 4 Sub Woofer QS18 QS16 HiFi L QS15 From IS08 pin 1 DS23 DS20 DS18 RSA1 QS09 DS17 From IS10 pin 4 Surround # of 4 indicates this circuit on the Surround # of 4 Schematic Page (DP17 Only). DP-17 Chassis SURROUND MUTE Circuit (See also DP-17 Audio Video Mute Circuit) DP-1X MEMORY INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE (EEPROM RESET) WARNING: This should only be done in extreme cases. I 2C Data will be reset as well. Be sure and write down all data values before continuing. NOTE: Sub Brightness and Horizontal Position for HD and Progressive will be reset to an incorrect value. Be sure to enter Service Menu, (with power off, press and hold the INPUT button, then press and hold POWER. I2C Service Menu will appear. The second selection is SUB BRIT. Write this value down. On the Second page is H. POSI, write this value down in Progressive and in HD mode. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Disconnect Power to Television. Remove the Back Cover. Remove the two screws holding the Main chassis to the Cabinet if necessary. Disconnect wiring harness clips to free up the chassis if necessary. Reconnect Power to the Television and turn the set ON. Locate PRST and add a jumper between pins 1 and 2 of the PRST connector as shown below. 7) Hold jumper in place for 5 seconds. (A beep will NOT be heard). 8) Remove the jumper. 9) Confirm EEPROM reset, Input source is now set to Air and not to Cable 1 or 2. No Child Lock, and only channels 2 through 13 are in memory. 10) Power Off 11) Reassemble Chassis and reinstall PTV back. 12) Enter the I2C Service Menu and re-enter the values for SUB BRIT and H.POSI (Progressive and HD modes). • Failure to re-enter these values will result in a dark picture and the horizontal centering will be shifted off to the right. Convergence may be affected as well. • DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CORRECT H. Centering with Convergence Adjustments. • NOTE: All customers' Auto Programming and Set-Ups are returned to factory settings. Jumper SBY +3.3V R176 R166 2 1 SBY +3.3V PRST Connector R017 D008 8 KEY-IN2 58 CLOCK I001 MicroProcessor PAGE 01-17 DP-1X FACTORY RESET CONDITION HITACHI USER CONTROL INITIALIZE (FACTORY RESET) FUNCTION NTSC Channel (Main, Sub) INPUT MODE SLEEP TIMER HELP MODE MULTI WINDOW MODE PIP Mode Freeze Mode SET UP MENU LANGUAGE PLUG & PLAY ANTENNA/CABLE CHANNEL MEMORY EDIT CHANNEL MEMORY CLOCK SET MAGIC FOCUS PICTURE FORMATS ASPECT STYLE V. POSITION COMPOSITE COLOR TYPE VIDEO DISPLAY CUSTOMIZE NAME THE CHANNELS NAME THE INPUTS FAVORITE CHANNELS PARENTAL LOCKS PROGRAM TIMER CAPTION / DISPLAY CLOSED CAPTION CCD DISPLAY CCD MODE CCD CHANNEL MENU BACKGROUND VIDEO CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS COLOR TINT SHARPNESS ADVANCED SETTINGS PERFECT PICTURE AUTO COLOR NOISE REDUCTION VELOCITY MODULATION BLACK LEVEL EXPANSION COLOR TEMPERATURE INITIAL DATA/CONDITION 03 CH Antenna A Not Registered Off Off Single (Bottom Right) Single (Bottom Right) English — Antenna 2 ~ 13 CH -Not Registered -Aspect 1 0 SDTV/HD 1080i Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Not Registered Off C.C. Channel 1 Shaded 100% 50% 50% Center 50% Off On Off On On Cool PAGE 01-18 DP-1X FACTORY RESET CONDITION HITACHI USER CONTROL INITIALIZE (FACTORY RESET) AUDIO BASS TREBLE BALANCE ADVANCED SETTINGS MTS Mode INTERNAL SPEAKERS AUTO NOISE CANCEL LOUDNESS PERFECT VOLUME DYNAMIC BASS (DP17 Only) THEATER THEATER MODE SURROUND SRS BBE SURROUND (DP16 Only) TRUSURROUND/SRS/Off SURROUND (DP17 Only) OFF/STADIUM/ROCK ARENA/JAZZ INPUT SOURCE (DP17 Only) VID 4 VID 5 LISTENING POSITION LISTENING MODE SPEAKER SET UP (DP17 Only) FRONT L/R SURROUND SUB WOOFER INITIAL DATA/CONDITION 63% 50% Center Stereo On Off Off Off On Sports On Off TruSurround Standard Analog Optical Coaxial Mid Standard Internal Yes Yes PAGE 01-19 48 37 80 80 80 12 00 Press EXIT key Select SERVICE and press E key Only adjust in cool mode. Press EXIT key Select SERVICE and press E key CH U/D, INPUT *: Adjustable data others: Fixed data (be careful not to change) MENU G H SERVICE SUB BRT WHITE BAL R DRV (COOL) B DRV (COOL) R CUTOFF (COOL) G CUTOFF (COOL) B CUTOFF (COOL) H POSITION V POSITION FACT RESET ADJUST MODE 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F CH U/D, INPUT Only adjust in cool mode. XXXXXXXX ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL R DRV (COOL)* B DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSITION* V POSITION* FACT RESET A POWER + INPUT MENU SERVICE SUB BRT WHITE BAL R DRV (COOL) B DRV (COOL) R CUTOFF (COOL) G CUTOFF (COOL) B CUTOFF (COOL) H POSITION V POSITION FACT RESET B CUT 3F G CUT 3F R CUT 3F G DRV 3F R DRV 3F (OSD OFF) CUT OFF ADJUST MODE MENU ADJUST MODE 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F Only adjust in cool mode. Press F E to adjust SUB BRIGHT ADJ. MODE BRIGHTNESS 80 VIDEO SETTINGS (1) CONTRAST : MAX (2) COLOR,TINT,SHARP,BRIGHT:CENER (3) COLOR TEMP : COOL ADJUST (1) Press G H to select the G DRV., R DRV., R CUT, G CUT, B CUT. (Initial position G/B DRV). G/B DRV, B/R DRV select by the DR R and DR BG. (2) Press F E to adjust. WHITE BALANCE ADJ. MODE VIDEO SETTINGS (1) CONTRAST : MIN (2) COLOR : MIN Press EXIT key Select SERVICE and press E key CH U/D, INPUT 1. I2C Parameter List (1) Adjust Mode OSD Press POWER + INPUT of control panel. PAGE 01-20 PAGE 01-21 Other Mode ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI H* 47 VD-POS (FC)H* FACT RESET ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI (V/P)* 47 VD-POS (FC)* FACT RESET 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F 48 4F 80 80 80 3F 3F 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F 1080i throuth mode ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI* 47 VD-POS (FC)* FACT RESET MENU GH SELECT ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI (V/P)* 47 VD-POS (FC)* FACT RESET VD Position Adj Mode Press F E to adjust SELECT CH U/D, INPUT SELECT Only adjust in cool mode. CH U/D, INPUT CH U/D, INPUT SELECT CH U/D, INPUT 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F 4E 58 80 80 80 3F 3F Other Mode ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI H* 47 VD-POS (FC)H* FACT RESET ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI (V/P)* 47 VD-POS (FC)* FACT RESET 3F 3F 80 80 80 3F 3F 1080i throuth mode ADJUST MODE SERVICE SUB BRT* WHITE BAL* G DRV (COOL)* R DRV (COOL)* R CUTOFF (COOL)* G CUTOFF (COOL)* B CUTOFF (COOL)* H POSI* 47 VD-POS (FC)* FACT RESET CH U/D, INPUT WARM, NTSC, STD ADJ MODE 1. Press G H to select the G DRV or R DRV. 2. Press select to change the COOLRWARMR NTSCRCOOL mode. Adjust on each mode, but cannot adjust on the COOL mode. 3. WARM and NTSC mode data is offset data based on the COOL mode data. 4. Do not adjust WHITE BALANCE in WARM or NTSC mode. Adjust in COOL mode only. H Position Adj Mode Press F E to adjust SELECT CH U/D, INPUT CH U/D, INPUT PAGE 01-22 GH MENU GH ADJUST MODE TA1270-M TINT (TV) TOFF0 (TV) TOFQ (TV) SUB CNT SUB CLR YUVSEL RESET 3DYC RESET 1HV/C RESET FLEX RESET 2HV/P RESET BBE RESET MEMORY INIT I2COPEN ADJUST MODE MENU 3C 00 00 0F 0F NORMAL mode PIP ON/OFF key SINGLE mode (NTSC only) PIP Mode key ADJUST MODE TA1270-S TINT (TV) TOFF0 (TV) TOFQ (TV) SUB CNT SUB CLR MENU GH Press G H to select. Press E to set to the initial or factory settings. SPLIT/SINGLE MODE + PiP CH CH U/D, INPUT } } Press G H to select. Press E to set to the initial data of each device. CH U/D, INPUT PIP Mode key SPLIT mode 3C 00 00 0F 0F PIP Mode key ADJUST MODE CXA2151 MAT OUT H WIDTH V TC HSEP HS MASK MENU GH SURF mode (ANT A only) Item Device YUVSEL CXA2141Q 3DYC uPD64082 1HV/C TA1270BF FLEX FLEX CONT. 2HV/P TA1316AN BBE NJW1132 0 0 1 0 1 Same data of Main and Sub MENU GH CH U/D, INPUT ADJUST MODE CXA2151 MACRO GAIN SEL CBGAIN CRGAIN YGAIN MENU GH ADJUST MODE UPD64082 DYGA DCGA VAPGA VAPIN YHCOR 1 0 7 7 7 CH U/D, INPUT 09 06 00 0B 00 CH U/D, INPUT PAGE 01-23 GH NTSC 00 00 00 02 00 0B 12 00 07 GH NTSC 0F 00 00 00 0A 00 02 00 MENU GH SELECT CH U/D, INPUT NTSC/SINGLE/SURF/STROBE mode FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LTI MENU SELECT CH U/D, INPUT NTSC/SINGLE/SURF/STROBE mode FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH MENU FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LT1 MENU FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH 480i mode 480i 0F 00 00 00 0A 00 02 00 GH 480i mode 480i 00 00 00 02 00 0B 12 00 07 SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LT1 MENU FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH GH 480P mode 480P 0F 00 00 00 0A 00 02 00 480P mode 480P 00 00 00 02 00 0B 12 00 07 SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LT1 MENU FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH 1080i mode 1080i 0F 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 GH 1080i mode 1080i 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LT1 MENU FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH 720P mode 720P 0F 00 00 00 0A 00 02 00 GH 720P mode 720P 00 00 00 02 00 0B 12 00 07 SELECT SELECT MENU FLEX CONT 94 CH-ENH 68 YV-CLP 84 YH-CLP 97 YV-NLP 98 YH-NLP 83 YH-FRQ 91 CH-FRQ 70 YV-LT1 SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 39 HHPF1 41 V-CRG 42 H-CRG 43 V-ENH 44 H-ENH 96 YVHENH 100 CVHENH 71 YV-ENH 87 YH-ENH SPLIT mode SPLIT 0F 00 00 00 0A 00 02 00 GH SPLIT mode SPLIT 00 00 00 02 00 0B 12 00 07 PAGE 01-24 GH NTSC 01 01 00 04 04 00 02 0F 00 GH NTSC 01 00 00 60 07 07 0F 0F 1F 3F GH FLEX CONT 48 VBLK-T 49 VBLK-B 51 HBLK-R 52 HBLK-L 35 FRMTOP 36 FRMBTM 37 FRMRGT 38 FRMLFT MENU 7F 7F 88 7A 07 07 07 07 MENU G H SELECT CH U/D, INPUT SELECT CH U/D, INPUT NTSC/SINGLE/SURF/STROBE mode FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS MENU SELECT CH U/D, INPUT NTSC/SINGLE/SURF/STROBE mode FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I MENU MENU G H FLEX CONT 48 VBLK-T 49 VBLK-B 51 HBLK-R 52 HBLK-L 35 FRMTOP 36 FRMBTM 37 FRMRGT 38 FRMLFT FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS MENU FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I 1080i pass 1080i PASS 7F 7F 7F 7F 07 07 07 07 480i mode 480i 01 00 00 60 07 07 0F 0F 1F 3F GH 480i mode 480i 01 01 00 04 04 00 02 0F 00 SELECT SELECT MENU FLEX CONT 120 TV/CINE 121 T/C DET 122 T/C UNL 123 T/C LCK 126 T/C ARE 127 T/C CBR 128 T/C YBR 129 IPMODE 130 C-INT FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS MENU FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I 01 07 01 03 05 07 07 00 00 SELECT SELECT CH U/D, INPUT 480P mode 480P 01 00 00 60 05 05 0F 0F 1F 3F GH GH 480P mode 480P 01 01 00 04 04 00 02 0F 00 FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS MENU FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I 1080i mode 1080i 00 00 00 60 04 04 0F 0F 1F 3F GH 1080i mode 1080i 00 01 00 04 04 00 02 0F 00 SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS MENU FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I 720P mode 720P 00 00 00 60 06 06 0F 0F 1F 3F GH 720P mode 720P 01 01 00 04 04 00 02 0F 00 SELECT SELECT MENU FLEX CONT 65 YNRRDC 74 CNRRDC 89 CNR-0 27 FRMBRT 11 MVW-PH 18 SVW-PH 14 MHS-HP 21 SHS-HP 23 V-POS 50 HD-POS SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT 86 YH-LTI 93 CH-CTI 95 Y-CRG 64 YNR-IN 73 CNR-IN 80 YNRPAS 88 CNRPAS 40 READ-F 55 LINE-I SPLIT mode SPLIT 01 00 00 60 ----1F 3F GH SPLIT mode SPLIT 01 01 00 04 04 00 02 -00 PAGE 01-25 GH NTSC 30 01 01 00 03 MENU TA1316 COLOR TINT R-Y PH R/B GA G-Y PH G/B GA MENU GH GH } NTSC mode NTSC 54 3B 02 0C 02 00 FLEX CONT SHARP APACON CLT SRT GA SRT FQ TA1316 COLOR TINT R-Y PH R/B GA G-Y PH G/B GA Center Adjust SELECT CH U/D, INPUT SELECT CH U/D, INPUT NTSC/SINGLE/SURF/STROBE mode FLEX CONT SHARP APACON CLT SRT GA SRT FQ MENU SDTV mode SDTV 54 3D 02 0D 05 00 480i/480P mode 480i/480P 28 01 01 00 03 TA1316 COLOR TINT R-Y PH R/B GA G-Y PH G/B GA SELECT SELECT SELECT FLEX CONT SHARP APACON CLT SRT GA SRT FQ HDTV mode HDTV 4F 41 00 0A 05 00 720P/1080i mode 720P/1080i 1C 00 01 00 03 SELECT FLEX CONT SHARP APACON CLT SRT GA SRT FQ 1080i pass mode 1080i PASS 1C 00 01 00 03 SELECT SELECT MENU FLEX CONT SHARP APACON CLT SRT GA SRT FQ GH SPLIT mode SPLIT 28 01 01 00 03 SELECT PAGE 01-26 00 01 00 1F 0F 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 TA1316 DC PNT DC RAT DC LMT BSP APL/BS BLC BDL BS ARE S TRK GH TA1316 CLP PHS SCP SW HBP PHS VBLK PHS PRES PH1 PRES PH2 MENU } MENU GH CH U/D, INPUT MENU GH CH U/D, INPUT NJW1132 BBE HIGH BBE LOW V CHIP RATING POLLING TIMEOUT STATUS AFC/CLOCK TEST OSD POSITION TA1316 RGB ACL RGB BRT RGB CNT OSD ACL OSD BRT OSD CNT R REF G/B REF SUB CNT 0F 05 02 07 07 01 3F 7F 00 02 03 01 01 15 } Press EXIT key Select OSD POSI and press E key 32ms*POLLING DATA FROM RATING OFF DETECTIVE COUNT MENU GH MENU GH H POSI V POSI TA1316 DCRR SW COLORG YC GA1 YC GA2 VSM PH VSM GA 00 00 00 00 03 07 OE 00 Input4 Input5 TEST CXA2151 (MAIN) H V CXA2151 READ MODE H COUNT DATA V COUNT DATA MENU GH TA1316 YOUTG WPL AP Y DTL WP PNT WP GA HI BRT WPS CDE 00 00 ** ** 00 00 10 07 00 00 01 00 MENU GH MENU GH MENU GH A 00 07 00 07 07 05 00 00 00 GH SELF-DIAGNOSIS RESET START REMOTE POWER MATRIX POWER REMOTE MEM INIT MATRIX MEM INIT ADJUST MEM INIT ADJUST FAC RESET EEP READ ERROR EEP WRITE ERROR LAST EVENT CCD SLICE CCD LPF MENU TA1316 WPL LE WPL F0 DABL PN DABL GA ABL PN ABL GA DYNC PNT DYNC GA STAT GA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 13 03 POWER SUPPLY INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 2 DP-1X POWER SUPPLY ON / OFF (STAND-BY) OPERATION EXPLANATION Power On and Off Diagram explanation: (See DP-1X Power On/Off Diagrams for details) This power supply runs all the time when the AC is applied. The use of the power supply creating Stand By Voltage supplies eliminates the need for a Stand-By transformer. The following explanation will describe the Turning ON and OFF of the projection television. The Microprocessor I001 generates the ON-OFF control signal from pin (53). The logic states of this pin are High = On and Low = Off. When the set is turned On, the high from pin (53) is routed to the Relay Drivers Q003 and Q004. This turns on Q003 and it’s collector goes low which turns off Q004 and it’s collector goes High. This On/Off from the Relay Drivers will perform the following : • Turns on the Shut Down “Power Shorted” detection circuit, Q917 and Q919. • Turns on the Relay S901 through Q914 providing AC to the Deflection Power Supply on the Power/ Deflection PWB. SOME SHUT-DOWN DETECTION CIRCUITS SHUT OFF DURING STAND-BY: (See Figure 1) During Stand-By, some of the secondary voltages produced are turned off, except the STBY voltages after regulation. This could cause a potential problem with the Short Detection circuits for shutdown. To avoid accidental shut down, Q917 also controls the activity of Q919. During Stand-By, the output from the Microprocessor On/ Off pin (53) is Low. This Low is inverted by Q003 and inverted again by Q004 and this Low is routed to the base of Q917 turning it Off. This turns off Q917 because it’s base is pulled Low through D927. This action turns off Q917. When Q917 is off, it doesn’t supply emitter voltage to the Emitter of Q919. The base of Q919 is connected to 3 Low Detection inputs from [PROTECT 1], (See the Sub Power Supply Shut Down Circuit explanation and diagram for further details). PROTECT 1 monitors IC02, 3 & 4 on the Signal PWB. IC02 produces 5.5V, IC03 produces 3.3V, and IC04 produces 2.5V. NOTE: PROTECT 1 will never go below 2.2 V, unless the 2.2V line is shorted. NOTE: If the 5.5V or the 3.3V regulator OPENS, the set will not go into shut down, they must have a short to produce a shut down input on PROTECT 1. The set will shut down after the Screens go excessively bright, but this is from the 115V over current sensor, not PROTECT 1. When the power supply is in Stand By, the Short Detection circuit could activate. By turning off Q919, no accidental shut down operation can occur. Figure 1 D927 I001 Micro Q003 Power 53 On/Off On = Lo Off = Hi R958 PQS1 2 Power/Deflection PWB On = Lo Off = Hi C942 R957 Q917 Q004 Stby +5V R959 3 Shutdown Inputs, Active Low Q919 D942 To Base of Q918 OVP C944 Protect 1 AT POWER ON, THE DEFLECTION CIRCUIT IS ENERGIZED: (See Figure 2) When the Microprocessor outputs a High from pin 53 when power is turned ON, the high is inverted by Q003 to a LOW. This low is inverted by Q004 to a HIGH and routed through the PQS1 connector pin 2. This high is routed through R954, R951, D926 to the base of Q914. This transistor turns ON and it’s collector goes LOW. Continued on Next Page PAGE 02-01 DP-1X POWER SUPPLY ON / OFF (STAND-BY) OPERATION EXPLANATION Continued From Previous Page This low is the Ground return for the Relay S901. The B+ for the primary of the relay is the SBY +5V generated by the switching transformer pin 15, rectified by D920, filtered by C935, L915, and C936. (See DP-1X Power On/Off Diagrams for details). When the relay S901 turns on, the contacts close and AC is routed to the Deflection circuit power supply and the Deflection Power Supply is Energized. PQD1 AC In SBY+5V AC for Def. Power Supply Power / Deflection PWB 1 2 2 3 1 4 D925 S-901 Def. Power Supply Relay R953 I001 Microprocessor Power On/Off ON = Hi OFF = Lo 53 PQS1 Q003 Q004 D926 2 Figure 2 R954 On Off Q914 On R951 C940 R952 Off DEFLECTION HORIZONTAL DRIVE CIRCUIT ACTIVATION: (IC01 Rainforest IC) When the set has AC applied, one of the switch pulses generated on the Sub Power PWB is the +11V pulse from pin 10 of the Switching Transformer I901. This +11V pulse is rectified by D919 and filtered by C929. This +11V DC voltage is then routed to the +9V regulator I906 pin 5. When the set is turned ON, the Horizontal Drive Power supply I906 is activated. This happens when pin 2 of I906 goes high with the Power On/Off control line from PQS1 pin 2. The +9V is output via pin 3 to the PQD2 connector pin 5. From here the +9V (HVCC) is routed through the Deflection PWB to the Signal PWB via PSD3 connector pin 11, through the coil LC03 to pin 19 of IC01 the Rainforest IC. When this voltage is applied to pin 19, the horizontal circuit inside the Rainforest IC is activated and a horizontal drive signal is output from pin 26. This H. Drive signal is routed through the PSD2 connector pin 5 to the base of the horizontal drive transistor Q709 on the Deflection PWB. The collector of Q709 produces a drive signal routed through the drive transformer T702 and output from pin 4 to the base of the Deflection Horizontal Output Transistor Q777 to begin driving the deflection circuit which in turn, activates the High Voltage circuit. Two transistors monitor the SW +9V line, Q707 and Q708. When the set is turned off, the H. Drive signal from IC01 could stop too soon. If this were to happen, the Horizontal output transistor Q777 would be damaged. To prevent this, if the SW +9V line drops, Q707 senses this because it’s base voltage drops. The base of Q708 rises and turns on, grounding the output from the H. Drive Transistor Q709. Q777 PROTECTION: Two transistors monitor the SW +9V line, Q707 and Q708. When the set is turned off, the H. Drive signal from IC01 could stop too soon. If this were to happen, the Horizontal output transistor Q777 would be damaged. To prevent this, if the SW +9V line drops, Q707 senses this because it’s base voltage drops. The base of Q708 rises and turns on, grounding the output from the H. Drive Transistor Q709. PAGE 02-02 PAGE 02-03 3 C008 D026 D025 SBY+5V R0A6 DC11 Signal PWB 3.9V 3.3V Q025 1 ON = Hi OFF = Lo Q003 Q004 53 I002 2 Reset R009 C061 C060 3.3V L003 54 Power Reset On/Off STBY 3.3V 3.3V 61 VDD 3.3V Microprocessor I001 6 2 On L915 +28V 11 10 D710 Q707 R733 R734 +11V T901 Q708 R748 R730 4 1 R737 C707 8 5 1 4 3 C708 R972 5 PQD2 R736 Q709 5 PSD2 11 PSD3 Q915 R951 C940 D926 H Drive CC18 LC03 Signal PWB 26 Hoz. Out IC01 H Drive IC RC46 RC36 19 Def.B+ 11 PSD3 Sub Power PWB 11 Shut Down Inputs from Deflection PROTECT C941 On To Base of Q918 (OVP) AC3 +6V Deflection Power PWB D709 R735 C940 Off R952 R956 D942 SW+9.3V BOTH OFF IN STBY D931 Q919 R961 To Base of Deflection Horz. Output Q777 I906 SW+9V Reg T702 5 2 R973 Protect 1 C944 C942 R955 Q916 Off Q914 On SBY+5V R954 D925 D940 D941 R959 Q917 R958 D927 OV in STBY S-901 Def. Power Supply Relay 3 2 R958 AC In C929 On +5V T901 D919 Off 11 12 1 2 PQD1 Power/ Deflection PWB AC for Def. Power Supply SBY+5V C936 Off PQS1 DP-1X SERIES "POWER ON & OFF" DIAGRAM PAGE 02-04 To Deflection Power Supply Protection Block Line Filter L905 Switching Control I901 Fuse F902 2A Rectifier D901 Noise Filter L901, L902 FUSE F901 1.6A AC Input AC Plug Cold RELAY S901 AC Clock I904 Protect I903 Feedback I902 T901 Switching Transformer Live AC Clock 60Hz Relay S902 Off On DEF. Protect On / Off Protect On/Off Switch: Q915Q916 Voltage Control 5V D924 Rectifier +5V, D920 Rectifier +11V, D919 Rectifier +29V : D910 Off On SBY +5V SW +9.3V SW +9V SW +7V Audio +28V = GREEN L.E.D. ZD D935 : >7V Audio SRS Over Voltage Detector TV Main ON/OFF ON = LO / OFF = Hi TV ON/OFF Switch Q914 Protector Q918 Regulator SW +9.3V : I906 Regulator SW +9V : D947 D912 : +29 DP-1X SUB POWER SUPPLY PROTECTION DIAGRAM (SIGNAL) LOW VOLTAGE DP-1X SUB POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (See Diagram on page 02-08) The sub power supply in the DP-1X chassis works very similar to the previous models, with some very significant exceptions. The use of the power supply creating the SBY+11V supply eliminates the need for a Stand-By transformer. The following explanation will describe the Sub Power Supply Shut Down Circuit. Power Supply Shutdown Explanation This chassis utilizes I901 as the Osc.\Driver \Switch for the sub power supply, just as the previous chassis have done. The Shutdown circuit, (cold ground side detection), removes I901 B+ via the following circuit, I903 (the Photo Coupler), which isolates the Hot ground from the Cold ground and couples the Shutdown signal to the Hot Ground side, Q902 on the hot ground side and Q901 which latches Q902 on. When Q902 is on, it removes B+ from pin (4) of I901 (the Vin pin). The Power Supply utilizes a Shutdown circuit that can trigger Q902 from 5 input sources. (1 of these Short Detection circuits are not operational in Stand By mode). I903 is activated by a Low being applied to pin 2, which forward biases the internal LED. The light from this internal LED is then coupled to the receiver transistor. The receiver transistor turns On and output a High from pin 3. This high is routed to the base of Q902 turning it On, which grounds out the Vin at pin (4) of I901, disabling the power supply. All of the Power Supply Shutdown circuitry can be broken down into the following groups; • Voltage Missing Detection • Voltage Too High Detection In the following explanation, the Shutdown circuits will be grouped. This will assist the Service Technician with trouble shooting the Chassis, by understanding these circuits and having the associated circuit routs, the technician can then “Divide and Conquer”. Voltage Loss or Excessive Load Detection (See Figure 1) The second most common circuit used is the Voltage Loss Detection circuit. This is a very simple circuit that detects a loss of a particular power supply and supplies a Pull-Down path for the base of a PNP transistor. This circuit consist of a diode connected by its cathode to a positive B+ power supply. Under normal conditions, the diode is reversed biases, which keeps the base of Q1 pulled up, forcing it OFF. However, if there is a short or excessive load on the B+ line, the diode in effect will have a LOW on its cathode, turning it ON. This will allow a current path for the base bias of Q1, which will turn it ON and generates a Shutdown Signal. Voltage Loss Detector Any Positive B+ Supply B+ Q1 Figure 1 B+ Voltage Too High Detection. (See Figure 2) In this circuit, a Zener diode is connected to a voltage divider or in some cases, directly to a B+ power supply. If the B+ voltage increases, the voltage at the voltage divider or the cathode of the zener diode will rise. If it gets to a predetermined level, the zener will fire. This action creates a Shutdown Signal. Shut-Down Signal Voltage Too High Detector Shut-Down Signal Any Positive B+ Supply Figure 2 (Continued on page 6) PAGE 02-05 DP-1X SUB POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 5) DP-1X SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT: There are a total of 6 individual Shutdown inputs. In addition, there are 3 Hot Ground side Shutdown inputs that are specifically detected by the main power driver IC I901. These sensors circuits protect I901 from excessive current or over voltage. HOT GROUND SIDE SHUT DOWN SENSING CIRCUITS. (INTERNAL TO I901). LATCHED SHUT DOWN MONITORS: (AC must be removed to recover). 1. Pin 4 is monitored for Over Voltage at pin 4 of I901. 2. I901 itself is monitored for Excessive Heat. This block is labeled T.P.O. (Thermal Protection Overload). RECOVERING SHUT DOWN INPUT: (Driver IC will recover on it’s own when trouble is removed.) 3. Pin 5 besides being used as a regulation input, is also monitoring the low ohm resistors, R910, R911, and R912. If these resistors have an excessive current condition caused by monitoring the current through the internal Switch MOS FET, the voltage will rise and pin 5 has an internal Over Voltage detection op-amp. If this voltage rises enough to trigger this op-amp, the IC will stop producing a drive signal. COLD GROUND SIDE SHUT DOWN SENSING CIRCUITS. (AC must be removed to recover). All of the Cold Ground side Shutdown detection circuits can be categorized by the two previously described circuits Voltage Loss Detection • Shorted STBY +3.3V (Q025) on Signal PWB through PROTECT 2 to (D938) on Sub Power Supply PWB • Shorted SW+2.5V (IC04) on Signal PWB through PROTECT 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB • Shorted SW+3.3V (IC03) on Signal PWB through PROTECT 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB • Shorted SW +5V (IC02) on Signal PWB through PROTECT 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB Voltage Too High Detection • STBY +9V monitored by (D933, D934) • STBY +5V monitored by (D935, D936) If any one of these circuits activate the power supply will STOP, and create a Power Supply Shutdown Condition. SOME SHUTDOWN CIRCUITS ARE DEFEATED IN STANDBY MODE. (Set Off). As indicated in the Power On/Off circuit diagram explanation, 3 of the 6 shut down inputs are not active when the set is in standby. • Shorted SW +2.5V (IC04) on Signal PWB through Protect 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB • Shorted SW +3.3V (IC03) on Signal PWB through Protect 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB • Shorted SW +5V (IC02) on Signal PWB through Protect 1 to (D940) on Sub Power Supply PWB These SW voltage loss sensing circuits are defeated because the Shorted SW (Switched) power supply detection circuits are turned off in standby to prevent faults triggering of the shutdown circuit. Q919 supplies the high for shutdown if any of the voltage loss circuits become activated. Q919 requires emitter voltage to operated. Emitter voltage is supplied from the emitter of Q917. Q917s base is connected to the power on/off line. When the set is not on or turned off, the power on/off line goes Low. This Low pulls the cathode of D927 low, removing the base voltage of Q917 turning it OFF. This removes the emitter voltage from Q919 and this circuit can not function. (Continued on page 7) PAGE 02-06 DP-1X SUB POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 6) SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT: Shut down occurs when the shutdown Photo Coupler I903 is activated by pulling pin 2 low. When I903 is activated by pulling pin 2 low it give a ground path for the emitter of the LED inside I903. The light produced by turning on this LED turns on the internal photo receiver and generates a high out of pin (3). This high is routed to the base of Q902 turning it on. This grounds pin (4) of I901 removing Vin and the power supply stops working. The reason for the photo sensor I903 is to isolate hot and cold ground. B+ GENERATION FOR THE SUB POWER SUPPLY DRIVER IC: Vcc for the Driver IC is first generated by the AC input. This voltage is called Start Up Voltage. I901 requires 16V DC to operate normal. However, it will begin operation at 6.8V DC on pin (4) of I901. When AC is applied, AC is routed through the main fuse F901 (a 6 Amp fuse), then through the Line filters L901, and L902 to prevent any internal high frequency radiation for radiating back into the AC power line. After passing the filters it arrives at the main full wave bridge rectifier D901 where it is converted to Raw 150V DC voltage to be supplied to the power supply switching transformer T901 pin (1). However, one leg of the AC is routed to a half wave rectifier D906 where it is rectified, routed through R903 and R904 (both a 22K ohm resistor), filtered by C910, clamped by a 30V Zener D902 and made available to pin (4) of I901 as start up voltage. When this voltage reaches 6.8Vdc, the internal Regulator of I901 is turned On and begins the operation of I901. When the power supply begins to operate by turning on and off the internal Switch MOS FET, the Raw 150V DC routed through T901, in on pin 1 (Drain) and out on pin 2 which is the Source. The Source of the internal Switch MOS FET is routed out of pin (2) through three low ohm resistors to hot ground. When the internal Switch MOS FET turns on, it causes the transformer to saturate building up the magnet field. When the internal Switch MOS FET turns off, the magnet field collapses and the EMF is coupled over to the secondary windings, as well as the drive windings. The drive windings at pin (5) produce a run voltage pulse which is rectified by D903, filtered by C909 then routed through R906, filtered again by C908 clamped by D902 and now becomes run voltage (16V) for I901. PAGE 02-07 DP-1X SIGNAL POWER SUPPLY (Low Voltage) SHUT-DOWN CIRCUIT 60.2V D906 R903 R904 T901 16.97V R906 D903 D902 D920 L915 5 12 AC R907 C908 16.3V 4 Vin C910 6 C909 C935 I901 Power IC D923 R922 4 1 3 2 Stby +9V R923 Circuit for Protect 1 Sw +5V D933 R918 Q902 D909 D934 Sw +3.3V D910 From IC04 R948 I903 On Signal PWB From IC03 C936 Stby +5V Q901 C946 From IC02 11 Sw +2.5V Q918 D939 C945 R925 Sw +5, 3.3 & 2.5V Signal PWB STBY +3.3V PQS1 R0A7 RG49 PQS1 Sw +5, 3.3 & 2.5V Q919 D940 D941 Protect 1 Pin 4 monitors IC02, 3 & 4 R962 R972 D942 D938 Protect 2 Pin 3 monitors Q025 C943 R961 R959 C944 Stby +5V S901 Relay AC Q917 R958 D925 D927 R954 220 Q914 C942 R957 D926 On/Off R952 R951 1K 11 Shut Down Inputs 4 from Deflection 7 from Def. Power Supply PQD2 PROTECT R960 Pin 1 C941 PQS1 Pin 2 C940 Q915 R955 10K On Off D935 D936 Stby +5V Q916 R956 Sub Power PWB or Signal Power PWB PAGE 02-08 DP-1X LED USED FOR VISUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING DESCRIPTION SUB POWER SUPPLY VISUAL LED. (See page 02-10 for Circuit Diagram) DP-15 and DP-14G Chassis has 1 Green LED on Sub Power Supply PWB. (Not the DP-17) This chassis utilizes 1 Green LED in the power supply cold side. The power supply operates it two different modes, Standby and Projection On mode. The LED is lit only in the Power On mode. During Standby with the AC applied and the TV; S-902 is not engaged. This turns off the Audio B+ and the LED does not light. • SRS Audio Front 29V Regulator +29V indicated by D912 Color GREEN LED USAGE: The Visual LED is very useful in Trouble Shooting. Without removing the back cover, some diagnostics can be made. With the set ON and by observing the operation of the Green LED, the technician can determine if the Sub Power Supply is generating Audio B+. The following will examine how the LED is illuminated. SRS Audio +29V Regulator indicated by D912. When the set is turned ON, the relay S-902 engages. This supplies a ground return path for pin (9) of the main switching transformer. This action allows generation of the pulse from pin (8) of T901. The SRS Audio +29V supply is generated from pin (8) of T901. This output is rectified by D910 and filtered by C915. The choke L912 adds further filtration and C917 removes high frequency switching noise. This supply is routed to the SRS Audio Output IC IJ01 via the connector PAQ1 pin 1 and 2. This voltage is what illuminates the Green Visual Trouble Shooting LED, D912 when the set is turned ON. PAGE 02-09 PAGE 02-10 AC T901 9 8 3 2 D906 R923 D902 R904 C913 D910 Shutdown Latch Q901 C908 R903 65V Osc B+ S-902 Audio Power Supply Relay 4 1 SW+7V F903 Q902 Shutdown Switch 83 ~ 84KHz I901 Driver/Output IC 4 R932 D912 GREEN L.E.D. C917 16.3V Q902 R922 Start Up C915 L912 Run R918 3 4 0.0V 16.9V C909 SRS + 29V Audio Front 2 1 5V 6 Shut Down Inputs (Active Low) I903 Shutdown 4.3V Photocoupler I903 STBY +7V 7.5P/P From Pin 8 T901 Audio Ground D903 R907 4 3 2 1 PAQ1 DP-15 and DP-14G CHASSIS L.E.D. (VISUAL TROUBLE DETECTION) DIODES SIGNAL POWER SUPPLY (1 Total L.E.D. for visual trouble sensing observation) DP-17 LED USED FOR VISUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING DESCRIPTION DP-17 SUB POWER SUPPLY VISUAL LED. (See Sub Power Supply Shut Down Circuit Diagram on next page) The DP-17 Chassis has 2 Green LEDs on Sub Power Supply PWB. The Sub Power Supply operates it two different modes, Standby and Projection On mode. The GREEN LEDs are lit ONLY in the Power On mode with the AC applied and the TV ON; • FRONT Audio Front +29V Regulator indicated by D913 Color GREEN • REAR and CENTER Audio +29V Regulator indicated by D912 Color GREEN LED USAGE: The Visual LED is very useful in Trouble Shooting. Without removing the back cover, some diagnostics can be made. By observing the operation of the Green LED, the technician can determine if the Sub Power Supply is running or not. The following will examine how the LED is illuminated. FRONT Audio Front + 29V Regulator indicated by D913 Color GREEN • The Front Audio +29V supply is generated from pin (10) of T901. This output is rectified by D911 and filtered by C916. The choke L913 adds further filtration and C918 removes high frequency switching noise. This supply is routed to the Front Audio Output IC IJ01 via the connector PAQ2 pins (1) and (2). REAR and CENTER Audio Front + 29V Regulator indicated by D912 Color GREEN • The Rear and Center Audio +29V supply is generated from pin (11) of T901. This output is rectified by D910 and filtered by C915. The choke L912 adds further filtration and C917 removes high frequency switching noise. This supply is routed to the; • Rear Audio Output IC IS15 via the connector PAQ1 pins (1) and (2) to the Surround PWB. • Center Audio Output IC IJ02 via the connector PAQ2 pins (5) and (6) to the Signal PWB. PAGE 02-11 PAGE 02-12 10 12 11 AC T901 3 2 Shutdown Latch Q902 D902 R923 10K R922 47ohm Q902 Shutdown Switch C946 Start Up C915 C917 4 C945 R925 83 ~ 84KHz Run 0.0V 3 4 C909 I903 STBY +7V 7.5P/P 4.3V 2 1 5V From Pin 8 T901 Audio Ground Audio Ground AC3 + 29V Front AC3 + 29V Center Audio Ground AC3 + 29V Rear I903 Shutdown Photocoupler D903 R907 1 2 3 Gnd 4 Gnd PAQ2 5 6 1 2 7 Gnd 8 Gnd 3 Gnd 4 Gnd PAQ1 16.9V R918 1.95A 6 Shut Down Inputs (Active Low) R906 I901 Driver/Output IC 16.3V Osc B+ R933 D913 1.30A R932 D912 GREEN L.E.D. GREEN L.E.D. C918 L912 R904 C916 C914 R903 L913 D911 C913 D910 SW+7V C908 Q901 D906 65V F909 4 1 S-902 Audio Power Supply Relay F903 DP-17 CHASSIS L.E.D. (VISUAL TROUBLE DETECTION) DIODES SIGNAL POWER SUPPLY (2 Total L.E.D. for visual trouble sensing observation) PAGE 02-13 IC Power Monitor LED (RED) : DP06 Switching Control IP01 Fuse FP01 : 1.5A Sub Power Supply Block Cold Feedback IP02 TP91 Switching Transformer Live D or Q ZD Over Voltage Detector = Red or Green LED Short Circuit Detector Voltage Control +115V: IP03 Rectifier +115V:DP15 Rectifier -28V:DP13 Protector FP08: 10K Rectifier 220V:DP14 Rectifier +28V:DP12 Rectifier +11V:DP08 Protector FP03: 7K Protector FP04: 10K Rectifier -7V:DP08 Rectifier +7V:DP07 Protector FP02: 3K Protector FP07: 5K Protector FP05: 3K Regulator +9V: IP04 Regulator +5V: IP05 Regulator +6.3V: IP06 D Q D DP26 : <9V Off On ZD QP02: >1.4V DP17: >133V ZD DP21: <24V ZD DP21: > 32V ZD DP29: <12V DEF. Protect On / Off DP23: +115V DP24 / DP25: >9V DP35: +28V DP11: +9V DP37 : +5V DP-1X DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY DISTRIBUTION DIAGRAM VT : SW+35V Deflection +115V Video : +220V Conver: -28V Conv / Vert +28V Signal : SW +9V DCU : SW -7V Heater : +6.3V Signal : SW +5V Sub Power SW +7V DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION DP-1X Def. Power Supply Shut Down Circuit Explanation: (See page 02-19 for Circuit Diagram) POWER SUPPLY SHUTDOWN EXPLANATION This chassis utilizes IP01 as the Osc.\Driver \Switch for the Deflection power supply, just as the previous chassis have done. This IC is very similar to the previous versions. The Shutdown circuit, (cold ground side detection), is used to turn off the Relay S901 via the following circuit, Connector PQD2 pin 1, Q916 the Relay Driver on the Sub Power Supply PWB and the Relay S901 also on the Sub Power Supply PWB. The Power Supply utilizes a Shutdown circuit that produces a High from 12 different sources. When any of these inputs cause a high on the Connector PQD2 pin 1, the relay disengages, disabling the deflection power supply. All of the Power Supply Shutdown circuitry can be broken down into the following groups; • Voltage Missing Detection • Excessive Current Detection • Voltage Too High Detection In the following explanation, the Shutdown circuits will be grouped. This will assist the Service Technician with trouble shooting the Chassis, by understanding these circuits and having the associated circuit routs, the technician can then “Divide and Conquer”. COMMONLY USED SHUTDOWN DETECTION CIRCUITS EXCESSIVE CURRENT DETECTION. (See Figure 1) One very common circuit used in many Hitachi television products is the B+ Excessive Current Sensing circuit. In this circuit is a low ohm resistor in series with the particular power supply, (labeled B+ in the drawing). The value of this resistor is determined by the maximum current allowable within a particular power supply. In the case of Figure 1, the value is shown as a 0.47 ohm, however it could be any low ohm value. When the current demand increases, the voltage drop across the resistor increases. If the voltage drop is sufficient to reduce the voltage on the base of the transistor, the transistor will conduct, producing a Shutdown signal that is directed to the appropriate circuit. Current Detection Resistor B+ Figure 1 0.47 Shut-Down Signal VOLTAGE LOSS OR EXCESSIVE LOAD DETECTION (See Figure 2) The second most common circuit used is the Voltage Loss Detection circuit. This is a very simple circuit that detects a loss of a particular power supply and supplies a Pull-Down path for the base of a PNP transistor. This circuit consist of a diode connected by its cathode to a positive B+ power supply. Under normal conditions, the diode is reversed biases, which keeps the base of Q1 pulled up, forcing it OFF. However, if there is a short or excessive load on the B+ line, the diode in effect will Any Positive have a LOW on its cathode, turning it ON. This will B+ Supply allow a current path for the base bias of Q1, which Voltage will turn it ON and generates a Shutdown Signal. B+ Loss Detector Q1 Figure 2 Shut-Down Signal (Continued on page 15) PAGE 02-14 DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 14) B+ VOLTAGE TOO HIGH DETECTION. (See Figure 3) In this circuit, a Zener diode is connected to a voltage divider or in some cases, directly to a B+ power supply. If the B+ voltage increases, the voltage at the voltage divider or the cathode of the zener diode will rise. If it gets to a predetermined level, the zener will fire. This action creates a Shutdown Signal. NEGATIVE VOLTAGE LOSS DETECTION. (See Figure 4) The purpose of the Negative Voltage Loss detection circuit is to compare the negative voltage with its’ counter part positive voltage. If at any time, the negative voltage drops or disappears, the circuit will produce a Shutdown signal. In Figure 5, there are two resistors of equal value. One to the positive voltage, (shown here as +12V) and one to the negative voltage, (shown here as -12V). At their tie point, (neutral point), the voltage is effectually zero (0) volts. If however, the negative voltage is lost due to an excessive load or defective negative voltage regulator, the neutral point will go positive. This in turn will cause the zener diode to fire, creating a Shutdown Signal. Any Positive B+ Supply Voltage Too High Detector Shut-Down Signal Figure 3 Shut-Down Signal Negative Voltage Loss Detector +12V -12V Figure 4 DP-1X SHUTDOWN CIRCUITS FOR THE DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY There are a total of 12 Cold Ground Side individual Shutdown inputs. In addition, there are also 3 Hot Ground Side Shutdown inputs that are specifically detected by the main power driver IC, IP01 that protect it from excessive current or over voltage. All of the Shutdown detection circuits can be categorized by the four previously described circuits HOT GROUND SIDE SHUT DOWN SENSING CIRCUITS. (INTERNAL TO IP01). LATCHED SHUT DOWN MONITORS: (AC must be removed to recover). 1. Pin 4 is monitored for Over Voltage internal to IP01. 2. IP01 itself is monitored for Excessive Heat. This block is labeled T.P.O. (Thermal Protection Overload). RECOVERING SHUT DOWN INPUT: (Driver IC will recover on it’s own when trouble is removed.) 3. Pin 5 besides being used as a regulation input, is also monitoring the low ohm resistors, RP10, RP11, RP12, and RP16, (All are 0.22 ohm resistors). If these resistors have an excessive current condition caused by monitoring the current through the internal Switch MOS FET, the voltage will rise and pin 5 has an internal Over Voltage detection op-amp. If this voltage rises enough to trigger this op-amp, the IC will stop producing a drive signal. (Continued on page 16) PAGE 02-15 DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 15) COLD GROUND SIDE SHUT DOWN CIRCUITS: These Circuits are broken down into the appropriate categories as described earlier. VOLTAGE LOSS DETECTION 1. Shorted 220V (DP24 and DP25) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 2. Shorted SW+35V (DP26) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 3. Shorted 28V (DP27) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 4. Shorted Deflection Transformer or Miss-operation (D707 and Q705) then through D705 NEGATIVE VOLTAGE LOSS DETECTION 5. -M28V Loss Detection (RP21, RP20, DP35, DP21 and DP22) EXCESSIVE CURRENT DETECTION 6. 115V Deflection Power Supply (RP24, QP02, DP18, DP19 and DP20) 7. 28V Vertical IC I601 Power Supply (R629, Q609, D608, and DP31) VOLTAGE TOO HIGH DETECTION 8. Excessive High Voltage Detection (DH17, DH13 and DH15). Sensed from the 50P Voltage generated from pin (5) of the Flyback Transformer TH01. Also, (DH14) sends a high command to the Horizontal Driver IC IH01 pin 7, to defeat Horizontal Drive Output if this voltage goes too high. 9. Side Pincushion failure generating a High. (D702, and D703). 10. Deflection B+ Too High. (DP17, RP26 and RP27). 11. SW +9V Voltage Too High Detection. (DP29 and DP30) 12. ABL Voltage Too High Detection. (DH15) If any one of these circuits are activated, the power supply will STOP, and create a Power Supply Shutdown Condition. SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT: Shut down occurs when pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT goes High. This High is routed to the Sub Power Supply PWB and is impressed on the base of the Relay Driver Transistor Q916 turning it On. When Q916 turns On, it removes the Power On High and the Relay S901 will disengage and remove the AC source from the Deflection Power Supply. DESCRIPTION OF EACH SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT: Please use the Commonly Used Shutdown Detection Circuits for the description of how the circuit works. VOLTAGE LOSS DETECTION 1. Shorted 220V (DP24 and DP25) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 The cathode of DP24 is connected directly to the 220V line. If it shorts this circuit is activated and pulls the base of QP03 low and it’s collector goes high. This High is routed through DP28 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. 2. Shorted SW+35V (DP27) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 The cathode of DP27 is connected directly to the SW+35V line. If it shorts this circuit is activated and pulls the base of QP03 low and it’s collector goes high. This High is routed through DP28 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. 3. Shorted 28V (DP27) Inverted by QP03 then through DP28 The cathode of DP27 is connected directly to the 28V line. If it shorts this circuit is activated and pulls the base of QP03 low and it’s collector goes high. This High is routed through DP28 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. (Continued on page 17) PAGE 02-16 DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 16) 4. Shorted Deflection Transformer or Miss-operation (D707 and Q705) then through D705 The Deflection circuit generates the actual Drive signal used in the High Voltage section. If a problem occurs in this circuit, the CRTs could be damaged or burnt. D707 is connected to R728 which is normally passing the same pulse as used for generation of the H. Blanking signal. This pulse is generated off the Deflection Transformer T752. The pulse is rectified by D707. This rectified voltage is normally sent to the base of Q705 keeping it On and it’s collector Low. If the Deflection circuit fails to produce the pulses for rectification, the base voltage of Q705 disappears and the transistor turns Off generating a High on its collector. This output High is routed through D705, DP31 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. NEGATIVE VOLTAGE LOSS DETECTION Please use the Commonly Used Shutdown Detection Circuits for the description of how the circuit works. 5. -M28V Loss Detection (RP21, RP20, DP35, DP21 and DP22) RP21 (15K ohm) is connected to the negative –M28V line and RP20 (15K ohm) and DP35 (LED) is connected to the positive +28V line. The Cathode of DP21 monitors the neutral point where these components are connected. If the negative voltage disappears, the zener DP21 fires. This high is routed through DP22 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. EXCESSIVE CURRENT DETECTION Please use the Commonly Used Shutdown Detection Circuits for the description of how the circuit works. 6. 115V Deflection Power Supply (RP24, QP02, DP18, DP19 and DP20) If an excessive current condition of the Deflection B+ is detected by RP24 a 0.47 ohm resistor in the DP15 or a 0.39 ohm in a DP-17 Chassis, the base of QP02 would drop. This would turn on QP02 and the high produced at the collector would fire zener DP18. This High would be routed through DP19 through DP20 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. 7. Vertical 28V for IC I601 Power Supply (R629, Q604, D608, and DP31) If an excessive current condition of the Vertical B+ is detected by R629 a 0.68 ohm resistor, the base of Q609 would drop. This would turn on Q604 and the high produced at the collector would be routed through D608 through DP31 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. VOLTAGE TOO HIGH DETECTION Please use the Commonly Used Shutdown Detection Circuits for the description of how the circuit works. 8. Excessive High Voltage Detection (DH17, RH13, and DH15). Sensed from the Heater Voltage generated from pin (5) of the Flyback Transformer TH01. Also, (DH14) sends a high command to the Horizontal Driver IC IH02, to defeat Horizontal Drive Output if this voltage goes too high. The Flyback Transformer TH01 generates a pulse called Heater. (Note: This does not go to the CRTs as heater voltage, its used for Excessive High Voltage Detection). If this voltage goes too high indicating an excessive High Voltage condition, the high would be impressed on the cathode of DH15. This high is routed DP31 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described above. NOTE: DH17 is not in the DP15 chassis, it is only in the DP17 and DP14G. NOTE: LH06 coil has polarity, please check the “Dot” and confirm with the markings on the PWB. Failure to do so will result in intermittent “Shut Down”. (Continued on page 18) PAGE 02-17 DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 17) 9. Side Pincushion failure generating a High. (D702, and D703) The Side Pin Cushion op-amp circuit is comprised of I701. If a problem occurred in this circuit it would create a High from pin 7 of I701. This high is impressed on the cathode of D702, and the zener would fire. This High will be routed through D703 through DP31 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described previously. 10. Deflection B+ Too High. (DP17, RP26 and RP27 RP26 and RP27 form a voltage divider. The top side of RP27 is monitored by DP17. If the Deflection 115V voltage goes too high, the zener DP17 will fire. This high is routed through DP20 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described previously. 11. SW +9V Power Supply Too High Detection. (DP29 and DP30) The SW +9V voltage is monitored by DP29. If this voltage goes too high, the zener DP29 will fire. This high is routed through DP30 and RP30 to pin (1) of Connector PQD2 called PROTECT and Shut Down occurs as described previously. 12. ABL Trigger Point Control. (RH32) The ABL voltage is generated by the voltage drop across the ABL pull up resistors, (RH27 and RH28), according to the Flyback current demands. (See ABL circuit diagram for details). The ABL voltage is clamped at a maximum of 11V by (DH16). If the High Voltage fluctuates, this fluctuation manipulates the ABL voltage slightly to avoid an accidental trigger and to avoid ABL from over controlling the video through the Rainforest IC. PAGE 02-18 DP1X DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY SHUTDOWN DIAGRAM 0.39 ohm DP-17 TP91 Deflection B+ (115V) Excessive Current Det. RP24 QP02 0.47 DP15 11 CP32 Deflection B+ (115V) Excessive Voltage Det. RP26 RP25 RP28 CP34 Deflection B+ 115V Flyback RP27 DP18 RP29 TH01 DP17 CP36 Hi Volt H. Drive Not in DP-15 DH17 IH01 5 DP19 DP20 7 OVP 5OP LH06 PQD2 DH13 DH14 29.01V 1 RP30 Active PROTECT To Sub Power Supply Off Vertical Output Excessive Hi Voltage Det. RH25 CH17 I601 CH19 ABL Trigger Point Control 10 RH32 R629 0.68 28V Q604 DH15 220V Short Det. QP03 DP24 DP25 DP28 220V DP31 DP26 SW+35V Excessive Vertical Current Det. D608 SW+35V Short Det. X-RAY PROTECT DP27 28V DP21 DP22 28V Short Det. Side Pin Failure High Det. DP30 DP35 D703 RP20 D702 DP29 RP21 +28V M-28V SW+9V D705 SW+9V Too High Det. -28V Loss Det. SW+11V R728 Deflection B+ 115V V1 Q777 6 7 1 8 T752 C703 D707 R720 9.46V R718 Q705 Q706 H.Blk R719 Deflection Transformer Inoperative Det. PAGE 02-19 DP-1X LEDs USED FOR VISUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING DESCRIPTION DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY VISUAL LEDs. (See page 02-24 for Circuit Diagram) DP-1X Chassis has 4 Green and 1 Red LEDs on Deflection Power Supply PWB. This chassis utilizes 4 Green LEDs in the power supply cold side and a Red LED in the HOT side. POWER ON MODE: When the Power is turned ON, the LEDs lights; 1) DP06 Indicating Vcc applied to the Power Supply Driver IC IP01 pin 4 (Colored RED) 2) DP23 Indicating 115V Deflection B+ is available (Colored GREEN) 3) DP37 Indicating SW +5V B+ is available (Colored GREEN) 4) DP11 Indicating SW +9V B+ is available (Colored GREEN) 5) DP35 Indicating 28V B+ is available (Colored GREEN) LED USAGE: The Visual LEDs are very useful in Trouble Shooting. Without removing the back cover, some diagnostics can be made. By observing the operation of the Red and Green LEDs, the technician can determine if the Deflection Power Supply is running or not. Also, by monitoring these LEDs at turn on, one can determine if a line is loaded. If an LED tries to light this goes off, or only lights dimly, this a loaded condition should be considered. Remember, this power supply doesn’t operate when the set is in Standby. The following will examine each LED and how they are lit. DP06 INDICATING VCC APPLIED TO THE POWER SUPPLY DRIVER IC IP01 PIN 4 (COLORED RED) This LED can be used to determine any of two different scenarios, 1. Is there B+ (Vcc) available to the Deflection Power Supply Driver IC? LED will be ON 2. Is the B+ (Vcc) available to the Deflection Power Supply Driver IC missing? LED will be OFF As can be see, there is 1 scenario that can cause DP06 to be off, (1) Missing Start up voltage for the Driver IC. DP23 INDICATING 115V DEFLECTION B+ IS AVAILABLE (COLORED GREEN) This LED is connected directly to the 115 V deflection B+ line. If it’s lit, 115V is available. DP37 INDICATING SW +5V B+ IS AVAILABLE (COLORED GREEN) This LED is connected directly to the SW +5V B+ line. If it’s lit, +5V is available. DP11 Indicating SW +9V B+ is available (Colored GREEN) This LED is connected directly to the SW +9V B+ line. If it’s lit, +9V is available. DP35 Indicating 28V B+ is available (Colored GREEN) This LED is connected directly to the +28V B+ line. If it’s lit, +28V is available. B+ GENERATION FOR THE DEFLECTION POWER SUPPLY DRIVER IC. See Figure 1 START UP VOLTAGE GENERATION: Vcc for the Driver IC is first generated by the AC input. This voltage is called Start Up Voltage. IP01 requires 21V DC to operate normal. However, it will begin operation at 14V DC on pin (4) of IP01. When AC is applied by the relay on the Sub Power Supply R901, AC is routed through the connector PQD1. Then it arrives at the main full wave bridge rectifier DP01 where it is converted to DC voltage. One leg of the AC is routed through RP02 and RP03 (both a 3.9K ohm resistor), filtered by CP05, and made available to pin (4) of IP01 as start up voltage. The Red LED DP03 is illuminated by this power supply. When this voltage reaches 6.8Vdc, the internal Regulator of IP01 is turned On and begins the operation of IP01. RUN VOLTAGE GENERATION: After the transformer TP91 is started, a pulse is output from pin 8. This pulse is rectified by DP02, filtered by CP05 and takes over as Run Voltage (16.3V) at pin 4 of IP01. (Continued on page 21) PAGE 02-20 DP-1X LEDs USED FOR VISUAL TROUBLE SHOOTING DESCRIPTION Hot Sub Power Supply Relay R901 AC Input Connector PQD1 Rectifier DP01 Cold Switching Transformer TP91 RP02/03 4 Switching Control IP01 DP03 RED LED 3 Power/Deflection PWB Figure 1 (Continued from page 20) REGULATION: Figure 2 is a simplified diagram of the main Power Supply used in the DP-1X series Projection Television chassis. The primary control element of the power supply is IP01 (the Switching Regulator IC), in conjunction with transformer TP91. These two components, along with the supporting circuitry, comprise a closed loop regulation system. Unlike previous Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Switch Mode Hitachi power supplies, the regulation system in the this chassis utilizes Frequency Control Modulation with an operational frequency of 60KHZ to 85KHZ, corresponding to full load and no load conditions, respectively. Primary regulation is provided by IP03, IP02 and into IP01, regulating the switching frequency at pin (3) of I901 via pin 1. Two primary secondary voltages are developed that are needed to sustain run and maintain regulation; 1. Run Voltage generated from pin (8 and 9) of TP91 rectified by DP02 and supplies run voltage to IP01 pin (4) and 2. 115V Deflection Voltage generated from pin (11) of TP91, rectified by DP15 and used for regulation and powering the Deflection and regulation circuitry. AC Raw 150V X2 4 Drain IP01 Switch Source Mode Regulate IC DP06 1&2 8 3 TP91 Switch Mode Transformer Run V 5&6 115V Deflection B+ 11 DP23 2 1 1 3 IP02 Opti-Coupler HOT COLD 2 IP03 Regulator IC Figure 2 PAGE 02-21 PAGE 02-22 IP01 4 16.3 DP23 RP32 RP31 DP06 is a RED L.E.D. OFF = IP01 B+ Missing May be caused by Shut Down or Faulty Start up Circuit. ON = IP01 B+ OK 2.1V 1 CP05 RP09 Run GREEN L.E.D.s DP37 RP44 SW+5V Driver/Output IC Start Up 50KHz Blk Screen 30KHz White Screen DP03 RP03 65V RP02 AC RP32 115V Deflection B+ DP06 RP13 3.53V 3 4 16.97V DP02 DP11 RP19 SW+9V IP02 Regulator IP03 2 11.1V 2 1 11.9V From Pin 8 TP91 5.4V P/P DP35 RP20 IP04 Regulator Photocoupler RP05 28V DP-1X CHASSIS L.E.D. (VISUAL TROUBLE DETECTION) DIODES DEFLECTION PWB 4 GREEN L.E.D.s and 1 RED L.E.D. (5 Total L.E.Ds. for visual trouble sensing observation) Vcc DEFLECTION INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DP-1X DEFLECTION BLOCK CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION DEFLECTION BLOCK CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: (See page 03-04 for Circuit Diagram) (Use the Horizontal Drive Circuit Diagram for more details) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION When B+ arrives at the Rainforest IC IC01 pin (19), horizontal drive is output from pin (26). The drive signal is routed through the connector PSD2 pin 5 to the Horizontal Driver Transistor Q751. This transistor switches the ground return for pin (8) of the Driver transformer (T751). 28 volts is supplied to pin (5) and this switching allows EMF to develop. As this signal collapses, it creates a pulse on the output pin of (T751) at pin (4) to the base of the Deflection Horizontal output transistor Q777. Two transistors monitor the SW +9V line, Q707 and Q708. When the set is turned off, the H. Drive signal from IC01 could stop too soon. If this were to happen, the Horizontal output transistor Q777 would be damaged. To prevent this, if the SW +9V line drops, Q707 senses this because it’s base voltage drops. The base of Q708 rises and turns on, grounding the output from the H. Drive Transistor Q709. Q709 transistor switches the primary windings of the Deflection Transformer T752. T702 TRANSFORMER PRODUCES THE FOLLOWING OUTPUT PULSES; • Deflection Pulse from pin (7): This pulse is used by; 1. To X-Ray Protect through D707: This signal is monitored by the X-Ray Protect circuit to place the power supply into shut down if the Deflection circuit doesn’t operate. 2. The Dynamic Focus OUT Circuit PWB through PDK4 connector pin 5: A Dynamic Focus waveform, (Horz. Parabola) is created. This is a parabolic waveform that is superimposed upon the static focus voltage to compensate for beam shape abnormalities which occur on the outside edges of the screen because the beam has to travel further to those locations. 3. 1100V Generation circuit through D711, D712 and the connector PDF1 pin 1. This is the Dynamic Focus output voltage. • +28V, M26V and RETRACE PULSE +28P and M28P: The positive 28V and the negative 28V is routed to the Deflection transformer T752. They enter the transformer as a pure DC voltage then a 7.5V P/P horizontal pulse is added to the DC voltage and leaves as +28P and M28P. From here these voltages are routed to the Convergence output section and they are rectified. They become +33V and -33V respectively. This process prevents the need for another power supply. (Note: the M stands for Minus voltage.) HORIZONTAL BLANKING (H. BLK) GENERATED FROM PIN (7): The Horizontal Pulse is also routed to the Horizontal Blanking generation transistor Q706. This transistor generates the 13V P/P called H Blk. This signal goes to the following circuits; • To pin the PSD2 connector pin 7 to pin (24) of IC01 as FBP In. Here this signal is used as a comparison signal. It is compared to the reference signal coming in at pin (15) Horizontal Sync. If there are any differences between these two signals, the output Drive signal from pin (26) is corrected. NOTE: When a 1080i signal is input through component inputs, the Rainforest IC detects this as well and outputs the Vertical Squeeze (V. Squ) signal from pin (36). The Reference signal for Horizontal Sync now becomes the Y input from component, pin (8). • To the Convergence circuit for correction waveform generation. • Sweep Loss Circuit (QN01) to shut off the CRTs if Horizontal deflection is lost. • Through the connector PSD2 pin (7): The H Blk signal is routed from here to the Signal PWB to be used by different circuits. The Microprocessor uses this signal for OSD positioning and for Station Detection during Auto programming within the coincidence detector. The PinP unit uses this signal for switching purposes. Like the read/write clock, positioning, etc… • The Horizontal Blanking signal H Blk from Q706 is also sent to the High Voltage Driver IC IH01 pin (3). This IC uses this signal as its reference signal to produce the High Voltage Drive waveform output from pin (1). This output is routed to the driver transistors, QH02. Then to the High Voltage Horizontal Output Tran(Continued on page 2) PAGE 03-01 DP-1X DEFLECTION BLOCK CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 1) sistor QH01. This transistor switches the primary of the Flyback transformer TH01. Deflection B+ 115V2 is sent through pin (9) and output pin (10) to the collector of the Horizontal Output Transistor QH01. A sample of the High Voltage is output from the Flyback transformer TH01 pin (12). This voltage is sent to pin (9) of the High Voltage Driver IC IH01. This voltage is compared to the reference voltage available at pin (12). If there is a difference between the two voltages, an error voltage is generated and output from pin (10) and input again at pin (11) where it manipulates the PWM (Pulse With Modulation) signal producing the Horizontal Drive signal output from pin (1). The error signal from pin (10) is also sent to the Side Pen Cushion circuit through (R752). This signal manipulates the amount of pin cushion correction dependant upon the amount of High Voltage error voltage detected by the Side Pen Cushion op-amp (I701) at pin (3). It’s important to notice that the High Voltage circuit can not function without the Horizontal Deflection circuit providing a drive signal. GENERAL INFORMATION: The DP-1X deflection circuit differs from conventional projection product. It utilizes in a sense, two horizontal output circuits. One for Deflection and one for High Voltage. There are many terms around the Horizontal circuit that are not shown on the Diagram. Some of these terms are explained first: CUT OFF: Cut of collapses the Vertical circuit during I2C Bus alignments, during CRT Set Up. ABL: ABL voltage is generated by monitoring the current through the Flyback transformer. This voltage will fluctuate down when the scene is bright and up when the scene is dark. The ABL voltage will manipulate the screen brightness and contrast to prevent blooming under these conditions. H BLK: • H Blk: Horizontal and Vertical Blanking is developed within the Deflection circuit. The Horizontal Blanking pulse operates around 13V P/P and is produced by taking a sample pulse from the Deflection transformer T752. V BLK: • V Blk: The Vertical Blanking pulse is generated from the Vertical output IC, I601 pin (11). This pulse normally operates at 21V P/P. IR: The Infrared Pulses coming from the remote control are routed through the Deflection PWB to the Digital Convergence Unit. During DCAM (Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode), the Remote Control provides instruction codes for the DCU. DIG RGB/ BUSY: This indicates Digital RGB and BUSY. • Digital RGB represents the On Screen Display produced by the DCU for generating the Digital Convergence adjustment grid and text produced during certain conditions such as Magic Focus, Sensor Initialization, Data Storage, etc… • Busy notifies the DAC1 (I006 pin 1) which in turn notifies the Microprocessor I001 that the DCU has entered the DCAM. During this time, the Microprocessor ignores the remote control commands. (Continued on page 3) PAGE 03-02 DP-1X DEFLECTION BLOCK CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 2) MAGIC SW: (MAGIC FOCUS) When the customer activates MAGIC FOCUS from the Front Control panel or via the Menu, Magic Focus is Energized by producing a low at pin 14 of the DCU. D SIZE: Digital Size is a control signal for raster enlargement when MAGIC FOCUS is operated. Raster enlargement is required for the MAGIC FOCUS PATTERN to hit the photo sensors. This signal is output from DCU and routed to the base of Q710 for enlarging horizontal size through the Pin Cushion circuit and through Q603 to the Vertical Output IC I601 pin (4) to enlarge the vertical size. In some cases, this control signal is called "A.SIZE". It's the same function between DIG.SIZE and A.SIZE. TO CONVERGENCE YOKES: The DCU provides compensation signal for deflection abnormalities to the convergence output IC. The Convergence output IC in turn, amplify the signals and rout them to the convergence yokes. +B 115V1: The Deflection transformer receives the 115V V1 DC source. +B 115V2: The High Voltage Transformer TH01 (Flyback) receives the 115V V2 DC source. HV PARABOLA: See DF Out. SCREEN 700V: 700V Supplied to the screen grids on the CRT’s. FOCUS 12KV: Focus voltage supplied to the CRT’s. 30Kv HV: 30,000 volts DC supplied to the CRT’s anodes. TO DEFLECTION YOKES: Horizontal and Vertical deflection wave forms driving the deflection yokes. V SQUEEZE: (This signal is not used in the 16 X 9 screen aspect models). V. SQU is a signal that goes high when a 1080i signal is input through component in and Display 5 (1080i Mode) is selected through the customer’s menu. This signal is generated by the Rainforest IC. When this signal goes high, it switches the DCU into a different set of memories for Convergence data and Magic Focus data. It also shrinks the Vertical Size to match the 16 X 9 image to squeeze all the visible horizontal lines into a 16 X 9 image. NOTE: 16 X 9 Aspect models have the ability to select 1080i mode as well. However, they do not produce the V. Squeeze signal because there’s no need for it. 1080i Through Mode means that the signal bypasses the Flex Converter and is processed directly by the Rainforest IC. SERVICE ONLY SWITCH: Drops pin 9 of the PDG connector low and the DCU enters the Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode, (DCAM), producing the DCAM grid. PAGE 03-03 8 / PHOTO SENSOR SENSOR DISTRIBUTION H Drive D Size See Note: Magic SW V Squeeze Not in 16X9 / 8 (DP17) Not in / 43FDX10B 4 (DP1X) H Blk IR Dig RGB Busy TDA817A HV DRIVE QH02 To Deflection Yokes DIGITAL CONV. UNIT HC2152/3 6 / +5V -5V SERVICE SWITCH ABL Vcp Focus 12Kv DF Out FOCUS PACK / 3 3 / 34v, -34v To Convergence Yokes 6 / Screen (700V) Focus (9KV) +B (115V) Retrace Pulse CONV. OUT STK392-110 +26P, -26P + HOT T752 Deflection Transformer DYNAMIC FOCUS OUT 2SC4686X3 FBT THO1 32Kv HV High Voltage Transformer Note: Magic SW Switch called Convergence Adjust in 43FDX10B +26V, -26V H Blk H Blk 1100V + HV Parabola HIGH VOLTAGE REGULATION DETECTOR GT8Q101 Deflection runs at 33.75 Khz at all times for all inputs. 2SC5690 Q777 2SC3116 Q751 V Blk HORZ. OUT B+ Modulator H-SIZE SIDE-PIN CONTROL I701 Size Regulation Control HV OUT (QH01) To Deflection Yokes HORZ. DRIVE D Size V Parabola Saw V Squeeze 115V B+ DC couple / 3 I601 VERTICAL OUTPUT 11V +28V HV Control (M6250B) Dig RGB Busy D Size V Squeeze Not in 16X9 Aspect Sets V Blk Cut Off V Drive H Blk 11V IH01 IR DP1X DEFLECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM H Blk ABL From Sig PWB PAGE 03-04 DP-1X HORIZONTAL DRIVE CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION HORIZONTAL DRIVE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION: (See Circuit Diagram) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION When B+ arrives at the Rainforest IC IC01 pin (19), horizontal drive is output from pin (26). The drive signal is routed through the connector PSD2 pin 5 to the Horizontal Driver Transistor Q709. This transistor switches the ground return for pin (8) of the Driver transformer (T702). 28 volts is supplied to pin (5) and this switching allows EMF to develop. As this signal collapses, it creates a pulse on the output pin of (T702) at pin (4) to the base of the Deflection Horizontal output transistor Q777. Two transistors monitor the SW +9V line, Q707 and Q708. When the set is turned off, the H. Drive signal from IC01 could stop too soon. If this were to happen, the Horizontal output transistor Q777 would be damaged. To prevent this, if the SW +9V line drops, Q707 senses this because it’s base voltage drops. The base of Q708 rises and turns on, grounding the output from the H. Drive Transistor Q709. (Note: New Information: Q707 and Q708 SHOULD BE REMOVED from the Circuit if Q777 is ever found shorted or defective.) Q777 transistor switches the primary windings of the Deflection Transformer T701. T701 transformer produces the following output pulses; Deflection Pulse from pin (7): This pulse is used by; 1) To X-Ray Protect through D707: This signal is generated by monitoring the Deflection Transformer. If a rectified DC voltage that is created by the Deflection transformer is not detected, the power supply is placed into shut down. 2) The Dynamic Focus OUT Circuit PWB through PDK4 connector pin 5: A Dynamic Focus waveform, (Horz. Parabola) is created. This is a parabolic waveform that is superimposed upon the static focus voltage to compensate for beam shape abnormalities which occur on the outside edges of the screen because the beam has to travel further to those locations. 3) 1100V Generation circuit through D711, D712 and the connector PDF1 pin 1. • This is the Dynamic Focus output voltage. +28V, M26V and RETRACE PULSE +28P and M28P: The positive 28V and the negative 28V is routed to the Deflection transformer T701. They enter the transformer as a pure DC voltage then a 7.5V P/P horizontal pulse is added to the DC voltage and leaves as +28P and M28P. From here these voltages are routed to the Convergence output section and they are rectified. They become +33V and -33V respectively. This process prevents the need for another power supply. (Note: the M stands for Minus voltage.) HORIZONTAL BLANKING (H. Blk) GENERATED from pin (7) of T701: The Horizontal Pulse is also routed to the Horizontal Blanking generation transistor Q706. This transistor generates the 13V P/P called H Blk. This signal goes to the following circuits; • To pin the PSD2 connector pin 7 to pin (24) of IC01 as FBP In. Here this signal is used as a comparison signal. It is compared to the reference signal coming in at pin (15) Horizontal Sync. If there are any differences between these two signals, the output Drive signal from pin (26) is corrected. • NOTE: When a 1080i signal is input through component inputs, the Rainforest IC detects this as well and outputs the Vertical Squeeze (V. Squ) signal from pin (36). (NOT in the 16 X 9 Aspect Models). The Reference signal for Horizontal Sync now becomes the Y input from component, pin (8). • To the Convergence circuit for correction waveform generation. • Sweep Loss Circuit (QN01) to shut off the CRTs if Horizontal deflection is lost. • Through the connector PSD2 pin (7): The H Blk signal is routed from here to the Signal PWB to be used by different circuits. • The Microprocessor uses this signal for OSD positioning and for Station Detection during Auto programming within the coincidence detector. • The PinP unit uses this signal for switching purposes. Like the read/write clock, positioning, etc… (Continued on page 6) PAGE 03-05 DP-1X HORIZONTAL DRIVE CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 5) • The Horizontal Blanking signal H Blk from Q706 is also sent to the High Voltage Driver IC IH01 pin (3). This IC uses this signal as its reference signal to produce the High Voltage Drive waveform output from pin (1). This output is routed to the driver transistors, QH02. Then to the High Voltage Horizontal Output Transistor QH01. This transistor switches the primary of the Flyback transformer TH01. Deflection B+ 115V2 is sent through pin (9) and output pin (10) to the collector of the Horizontal Output Transistor QH01. A sample of the High Voltage is output from the Flyback transformer TH01 pin (12). This voltage is sent to pin (9) of the High Voltage Driver IC IH01. This voltage is compared to the reference voltage available at pin (12). If there is a difference between the two voltages, an error voltage is generated and output from pin (10) and input again at pin (11) where it manipulates the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal producing the Horizontal Drive signal output from pin (1). The error signal from pin (10) is also sent to the Side Pen Cushion circuit through (R752). This signal manipulates the amount of pin cushion correction dependant upon the amount of High Voltage error voltage detected by the Side Pen Cushion op-amp (I701) at pin (3). It’s important to notice that the High Voltage circuit can not function without the Horizontal Deflection circuit providing a drive signal. GENERAL INFORMATION: The DP-1X deflection circuit differs from conventional Hitachi product. It utilizes in a sense, two horizontal output circuits. One for Deflection and one for High Voltage. This allows for better deflection stabilization and is not influenced by fluctuations of the High Voltage circuit which may cause unacceptable breathing and side pulling of the deflection. PAGE 03-06 PAGE 03-07 H.Blk. H Out H.Blk. To Sweep Loss Det. Circuit QN01 HD1 In Y2 In 19 SW+9V 28V 16 8 1 5 I701 3 To Pin Cushion Correction Circuit 10 11 3 Com1 E r r o r Drive 9 12 1 Q701 Q777 Def Power Def PWB IH01 Gen B+ 115V V1 4 8 T702 11 PSD3 1080i Through Mode H. Sync In From Flex Converter Osc. XC01 HVCC See Voltage and Waveform Chart on next page. Q707 Q708 Rainforest IC 26 H Out To Convergence Circuit Q706 VCC 24 FBP In HVCO 21 Q709 Signal PWB Q777 Protection Circuit 5 7 PSD2 IC01 To Micro. for OSD, Auto Prog, SD, AFC, FB In Ref. V. QH02 7 8 9 10 12 10 9 TH01 1100V Generation D711, D712 PDF1 (1) To X-Ray Protect? Through R728, D707 To Dynamic Focus Through PDK4 (5) QH01 HV Sample M28P M28V +28P +28V Def. H Pulse 11 12 115V V2 6 5 1 T701 H. Def. Yoke B H. Def. Yoke G H. Def. Yoke R DP1X SERIES CHASSIS HORIZONTAL DRIVE CIRCUIT High Voltage DP-1X SERIES CHASSIS HORIZONTAL DRIVE IC VOLTAGES & WAVE FORMS Pin 1 = 4.79V (6.2V with Blank Raster) Varies with Brightness levels. Pin 2 = 11.58V Pin 3 = 0.68V Pin 4 = 2.34V IH01 Pin 5 = 1.52V Gen Pin 6 = 0.0V 3 Drive Pin 7 = 1.65V 1 Pin 8 = 0.0V Com1 Pin 9 = 7.11V Pin 10 = 7.11V E 12 Pin 11 = 7.11V r 11 Pin 12 = 7.11V r Pin 13 = 2.34V o 10 9 r Pin 14 = 1.85V Pin 15 = 4.89V Pin 16 = 0.0V Pin 1 1.4V P/P 33.75Khz Pin 3 600mV P/P 33.75Khz Pin 4 296mV P/P 33.75Khz PAGE 03-08 DP-1X Sweep Loss Circuit Diagram Explanation (See Circuit Diagram on Page 03-10) The key component in the Sweep Loss Detection circuit is QN02. This transistor is normally biased off. When the base becomes more negative, it will be turned on, causing the SW +11V to be applied to two different circuits, the Spot circuit and the High Voltage Drive circuit. SPOT CIRCUIT When QN02 is turned on, the SW +11V will be applied to the anode of DN11, forward biasing it. This voltage will then pass through DN11. It will then be clamped by DN12, and arrive at pin 3 of PSD2. It will then be directed to the Signal PWB where it will activate the Video Mute circuitry Q023 - Q021. This is done to prevent CRT burns. Another input to this circuit is pin 4 of PSD2 called “CUT OFF”. This will activate when accessing certain adjustments parameters in the service mode; i.e. turning off vertical drive for making CRT drive or cut-off adjustments. When Vertical Drive is defeated, the Vertical Sweep loss circuit would activate. Cut Off is routed to QN06 to “inhibit” the Spot line from activating and shutting off the CRTs. HIGH VOLTAGE DRIVE CIRCUIT When QN02 is turned on, the SW +11V will also be routed through RN15 and DN09 and applied to the High Voltage Drive IC IH01 at pin 14. When this occurs, the IC will stop generating the drive signal that is used to produce High Voltage via QH02, the High Voltage Driver. Again, this is done to prevent CRT burn, especially during sweep loss. CONCERNING QN02 There are several factors that can affect the operation of QN02; loss of vertical or horizontal blanking. Loss of Vertical Blanking (V Blk) The Vertical pulse at the base of QN05 switches ON05 on and off at the vertical rate. This discharges CN03 sufficiently enough to prevent the base of QN04 from going high to turn it on and activate QN02. When the 24 Vp/p positive vertical blanking pulse is missing from the base of QN05, it will be turned off, which will cause the collector to go high because CN03 charges up through RN11. This in turn will cause QN04 to turn on because it’s base pulls up high, creating an increase of current flow from emitter to collector and up through RN08, (which is located across the emitter base junction of QN02), to the SW +11V supply. This increase of current flow through RN08 will bias on QN02 and the events described in “Spot Circuit Activation” above will occur. Loss of Horizontal Blanking (H Blk) The Horizontal pulse at the base of QN01 switches ON01 on and off at the horizontal rate. This discharges CN02 sufficiently enough to prevent the base of QN03 from going high to turn it on and activate QN02. When the 11.6 Vp/p positive horizontal blanking pulse is missing from the base of QN01, it will be turned off, which will cause the collector to go high through DN03, RN02 and SW +11V as CN02 charges. This in turn will cause QN03 to turn on because it’s base is pulled up high when DN02 fires. When QN03 turns on, an increase of current flow from emitter to collector, through RN07, and up through RN08. This increase of current flow through RN08 will bias on QN02 and the events described in “Spot Circuit Activation” above will occur. Page 03-09 DP1X SWEEP LOSS DETECTION CIRCUIT SW+11V Vertical Blanking From Pin 11 I601 RN12 QN05 RN11 RN09 To Deflection Power Supply Circuit Diagram DN08 RN13 V. Blk. QN04 CN03 CN04 DN06 SPOTPROTECT DN07 RN14 DN04 24V P/P DN05 RN07 RN08 RN02 SW+11V DN13 SW+11V QN02 Horizontal Blanking From Q706 Emitter CN02 CN01 H. Blk. DN03 RN03 DN02 QN01 RN04 RN05 11.6V P/P SPOT From I006 DAC1 Pin 6 QN03 3 High Voltage Driver IC RN06 IH01 DN09 DN01 RN01 PSD2 Prevents CRT Burn RN15 DN11 DN10 14 Stops Drive RH08 1 Drive RN16 DN12 To Q023 Signal 1of 3 See A/V MUTE Circuit CUT OFF RN10 QH02 High Voltage H Drive RN17 Spot Inhibit 4 Stops High Voltage Drive Signals From being produced when Sweep Loss is detected. QN06 When Vertical Drive is turned Off during adjustment, I 2C. PAGE 03-10 DP-1X CHASSIS DISPLAYING A (16x9) IMAGE ON (4X3) DISPLAY TOP AND BOTTOM PANNELS ARE OSD GENERATED Top Pannel Slightly above black to avoid 16X9 burning an image Customer Menu Vertical Center Adjustable Bottom Pannel THROUGH MODE, VERTICAL IS COLLAPSED No Deflection Visible Area No Deflection in the Black Area. All 540 lines compressed into the visable area. Possibility of 16X9 window burn in!!!! No Deflection PAGE 03-11 PAGE 03-12 8 36 RG58 C702 R744 R743 R742 Component Y 1080i Only 16x9 HD RC84 D602 RH29 47K ABL To PSD2 pin 2 RH30 Q601 DEFLECTION PWB R603 R634 Vertical Squeeze (V. SQU) Vertical Parabolic 1 PSD2 To Side Pin Cushion Circuit I701, Q703, Q701 Q704 SIGNAL PWB Y2 In RAINFOREST IC DAC 2 IC01 SW+9V QH03 C612 C601 VERTICAL SQUEEZE FOR 1080i THROUGH MODE NOT FOR THE 16 X 9 ASPECT MODELS C603 RH28 33K RH27 39K 115V v2 7 From Flyback Pin 3 VERTICAL RAMP I601 R602 9 11 D601 D Size D602 R603 R634 V Squeeze Q601 Q603 R635 Q602 C601 R611 R612 7 R610 4 5 8 9 11 2 1 - + D603 7 PSD3 R618 C602 C604 R608 D607 D604 R631 R605 R616 R607 V.Size R606 R625 R628 R627 R626 R621 R620 1.2 ohm C607 C609 D605 R622 L601 R629 0.68 28V C610 Q604 R630 X Ray Protect D608 R614 R604 C605 V. Sync In From Flex Converter Osc. Y/CVcc 10 R609 Hight Adj NC Buffer Out Flyback Pulse Inverting Input V OUT Output Stage Vs Vs 15 21 55 V OUT Ramp Gen Input 3 Trigger 6 Gnd I601 VD1 In HVCO VCC IC01 27 VP Out C603 Signal PWB V Drive V.Blk. PSD2 To Micro. for OSD Positioning Def Power Def PWB R619 1.2 ohm C608 To Side Pin Cushion Circuit To Dynamic Focus Circuit C606 V. Def. YokeR V. Def. Yoke G V. Def. Yoke B D606 R615 1 2 PMR 1 2 PMG 1 2 PMB DP-1X (4 X 3 Aspect Models) SERIES CHASSIS VERTICAL OUTPUT CIRCUIT To Vertical Sweep Loss Detection Circuit C612 To Conv. Circuit V.Blk. R613 PAGE 03-13 PAGE 03-14 D601 Q503 D Size R613 R614 7 R611 C602 5 R610 Vs 4 8 9 11 2 1 - + D603 7 PSD3 V.Blk. R618 R604 C605 V. Sync In From Flex Converter Osc. Y/CVcc 10 R609 Hight Adj Buffer Out Flyback Pulse Inverting Input V OUT Output Stage Vs I601 15 21 55 V OUT Ramp Gen NC Trigger Input Gnd 3 6 VD1 In HVCO VCC IC01 27 VP Out C603 Signal PWB V Drive V.Blk. To Vertical Sweep Loss Detection Circuit To Conv. Circuit R602 9 11 PSD2 To Micro. for OSD Positioning C604 R608 D607 R605 R616 R607 V.Size R606 R625 R628 R627 R626 R621 R620 1.2 ohm C607 C609 D605 R622 L601 R629 0.68 28V C610 Q604 R630 D604 R631 D608 X Ray Protect Def Power Def PWB R619 1.2 ohm C608 To Side Pin Cushion Circuit To Dynamic Focus Circuit C606 V. Def. YokeR V. Def. Yoke G V. Def. Yoke B D606 R615 1 2 PMR 1 2 PMG 1 2 PMB DP-14G (16 X 9 Aspect Models) SERIES CHASSIS VERTICAL OUTPUT CIRCUIT PAGE 03-15 R714 R703 R702 R701 Q701 115V V2 R715 Q710 C715 L703 R708 11.61V C701 R729 1 C731 7.11V 7 2 - + 4.39V I701 8 To H. Linearity off H. Yoke Returns L704, L705 D SIZE Magic Focus = Hi R747 D713 R704 Q703 R707 To H. Drive Transformer T701 D701 R706 SW+11V 7.3V 5.17V R721 C722 3 6 C701 R717 4 5 H Drive R752 + - 5.14V D702 10 11 3 R710 E r r o r Drive Com1 Gen IH01 C730 9 12 1 R713 FB In Ref. V. R742 V Parabolic 10 9 12 TH01 High Voltage Q704 R734 V Squeeze Through Mode = Hi HV Sample QH02 QH01 115V V2 D714 R710 C702 R711 SW+11V R709 X-RAY Protect H Size R751 R712 D703 DP-1X SIDE PINCUSHION CIRCUIT DIAGRAM THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INTERCONNECT DESCRIPTION Use this explanation in conjunction with the Digital Convergence Interconnect circuit diagram Page 04-05. The Digital Convergence circuit is responsible for maintaining proper convergence of all three colors being produced by the CRTs. Many different abnormalities can be quickly corrected by running Magic Focus. The Digital convergence Interconnect Diagram depicts how the Digital Convergence Circuit is interfaced with the rest of the Projection’s circuits. The main components and/or circuits are; • THE DIGITAL CONVERGENCE UNIT (DCU) • INFRARED REMOTE RECEIVER • ON SCREEN DISPLAY PATH • CONVERGENCE OUTPUT STKs • CONVERGENCE YOKES • MAGIC FOCUS SENSORS AND INTERFACE • MICROPROCESSOR • RAINFOREST IC (Video Processor). • SERVICE ONLY SWITCH • MAGIC FOCUS activation control utilizing the Magic Focus Switch on Front Control Panel. THE DIGITAL CONVERGENCE UNIT (DCU) (Generic for 8 sensor array models). The DCU is the heart of the Digital convergence circuit. Held within are all the necessary components for generating the necessary waveforms for correction, and associated memories for the adjustment data and Magic Focus Data. Sensors (X8) Technician's Eye SCREEN M Adjust through observation IR EEPROM 2K Bit Timing Controller Data Comparator Serial-Parallel between stored data and light sensor data Addressable by Technician Converter CRT D/A 2nd S/H LPF CLAMP Serial/Parallel Converter B G R V CY CLAMP Timing Controler One Chip CPU SLOW H Error Data Digital Cross Hatch Gen. 8 bit 128 Kbit Sensor PWB A/D 1st S/H Infra-Red Decoder To Video Circuits Via O.S.D. Displays CrossHatch 117 Points Per/Color R Remote Control 256 Adjusted Points Per/Color RO Light Stored during Initialize Stored Light Sensor Data X1 X6 X6 X6 X6 Gate Array 4000 gates EEPROM (2Kbit) Calculation of other 139 points per/color S-RAM (256Kbit) FAST Also available; 35 Adjustment Points 9 Adjustment Points 117 Points Per/Color INTERPOLATION Back Up DIGITAL CONVERGENCE CIRCUIT D/A Conv. Static Centering AC Applied, Copy from EEPROM, then caculations will be made. Time, approx. 20 sec. Figure 1 The Block above shows the relationship of the DCU to the rest of the set. Note that the light being produced by the CRTs is what is used by the sensors for Magic Focus. This allows the DCU to make adjustments regardless of circuit changes, magnet influence or mechanical, by actually using the light on the screen to make judgments. EEPROM AND SRAM SHOWN IN FIGURE 1: (8 Sensor Array only) (4 Sensor for Centering only). Each color can be adjusted in any one of 117 different locations. The internal workings of the DCU can actually make 256 adjustment points per color. These adjustment points are actual digital data stored in memory. This data (Continued on page 2) PAGE 04-01 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INTERCONNECT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 1) represents a specific correction signal for that specific location. When the Service Technician makes any adjustment, the new information must be stored in memory, EEPROM. The EEPROM only stores the 117 different adjustment points data, the SRAM interpolates to come up the additional 139 adjustment points for a total of 256 per color. The EEPROM data is slow in relationship to the actual deflection raster change. The SRAM is a very fast memory. So, during the first application of AC power, the EEPROM data is read and the SRAM makes the interpolation and as long as power remains, interpolation no longer has to be made. This can be seen during an adjustment. If the Interpolation key is pressed on the remote control, what is happening is that the SRAM must make those additional calculations beyond the 117 made by the Servicer and this is all placed into memory. INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL INPUT SHOWN IN FIGURE 1: As can be seen in Figure 1, the Infrared Remote control signals actually manipulate the internal data when the Service Only Switch is pressed on the Deflection PWB. This process actually prevents the Microprocessor from responding to Remote commands, via a Busy line output from the DCU. (See Microprocessor Port Description page for further details.) INTERNAL CONTROLLER, D/A CONVERTERS SHOWN IN FIGURE 1: The internal controller, takes the stored data and converts it to a complicated Convergence correction waveform for each color. The Data is converted through the D/A converter, 1st and 2nd sample and hold, the Low Pass Filter that smoothes out the parasitic harmonic pulses from the digital circuit and the output Clamp that fixes the DC offset level. The DC offset voltage is adjusted by several things. (16X9 aspect SWX models with 8 Sensors only.) • Raster Centering. The Raster Centering adjustment actually moves the DC offset voltage for Horizontal and Vertical direction. This Offset voltage will move the entire raster Up or Down, Left or Right. • Static Centering. This is accessed by holding down the Magic Focus button on the front control panel for more that 10 Seconds. The word Static will come up on the screen, generated by the DCU, and using the remote controls up/down/left or right cursor buttons, the Red or Blue raster can again be moved up/down/left or right. This allows adjustment of the entire raster for Red or Blue to match the Green Raster. By holding down the Magic button for more that 5 seconds, but not more than 10, the word Center comes up on screen. Again generated from the DCU. This adjustment only moves the center 60% of the raster for Red or Blue. The assumption for this adjustment was related to the location of the Magic Focus sensors located on the outside perimeter of the inside cabinet. It was assumed possible that the outside could have been corrected, but the inside middle might not. This adjustment is rarely necessary if at all. MAGIC FOCUS MEMORY SHOWN IN FIGURE 1: NOTE: These sets have two Digital Convergence Memories. One for Normal display mode and one for 1080i Through Mode display. (4X3 Aspect Models only). Normal requires a complete Digital Convergence adjustment procedure along with Magic Focus Sensor Initialization and 1080i Through Mode does too! (4X3 Aspect Models only). When a complete Digital Convergence procedure has been performed and the adjustment information stored in memory by pressing the PROG button twice (2), it is mandatory to run Sensor Initialization. This is done by pressing the PROG button on the remote once (1), then pressing the PIP CH button. This begins a preprogrammed generation of different light patterns. Magic Focus memory memorizes the characteristics of the light pattern produced by the digital convergence module. If a convergence touchup is required in the future, the customer simply presses the Magic Focus button on the front panel and the set begins another preprogrammed production of different light patterns. This automated process duplicates the same light pattern it memorized from the initialization process, re-aligns the set to the memorized convergence condition. (Continued on page 3) PAGE 04-02 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INTERCONNECT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 2) “MAGIC FOCUS” SENSORS SHOWN ON FIGURE 1: This process is a joint effort between the digital convergence module and 4 Photo-sensors, physically located on the middle edges of the cabinet, just behind the screen. The physical placement of the sensors assures that they will not produce a shadow on the screen that can be seen by the customer. Magic is activated when the set is on and by pressing the Magic button inside the front control panel door. An onscreen graphic will be displayed to confirm that the automatic convergence mode (Magic Focus) has begun. The digital convergence module produces different patterns for each CRT, and the sensors pick up the transmitted light, generate a DC voltage. This voltage is sent to the DCU and converted to digital data and compared with the memorized sensor initialization data. Distinct patterns will be generated in each primary color. As the process continues, the digital module manipulates the convergence correction waveforms that it is producing to force the convergence back into the original memorized configuration. When all cycles have been completed, the set will return to the original signal and the convergence will be corrected. In most cases, activating the Magic Focus will allow the set to correct itself, without further adjustments. EXPLANATION OF THE DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM: INFRARED RECEIVER: During normal operations, the IR receiver directs it signal to the Main Microprocessor where it interprets the incoming signal and performs a predefined set of operations. However, when the Service Only Switch is pressed, the Main Microprocessor must ignore remote control commands. Now the DCU receives theses commands and interprets them accordingly. The Microprocessor is notified when the DCU begins its operation by the BUSY line. As long as the BUSY line is active, the Main Microprocessor ignores the IR signal. ON SCREEN DISPLAY PATH: MICROPROCESSOR SOURCE FOR OSD: The On Screen Display signal path is shown with the normal OSD information such as Channel Numbers, Volume Graphic Bar, Main Menu, etc… sent from the Main Microprocessor to the Rainforest IC IC01 pins 37, 38 and 39. These are positive going pulses, about 5 V p/p and about 3uS in length dependant upon there actual horizontal time for display. (See the On Screen Display Path Circuit Diagram Explanation for further details). DCU SOURCE FOR OSD: The DCU has to produce graphics as well. When the Service Only switch is pressed, the Main Microprocessor knows the DCU is Busy as described before. Now the On Screen Display path is from the DCU to the Rainforest IC IC01 pins 33, 34 and 35. The output for the DCU OSD characters is out the PDG connector pins (11 Dig Red, 12 Dig Green and 13 Dig Blue). These are routed through their buffers (QK06 Dig Red, QK07 Dig Green and QK08 Dig Blue) to the PDK1 connector pins (2 Dig Red, 4 Dig Green and 5 Dig Blue). Then through their buffers, (QC24 Dig Red, QC23 Dig Green and QC22 Dig Blue). Then it arrives at the Rainforest IC IC01 at pins (35 Dig Red, 34 Dig Green and 33 Dig Blue). When a character pulse arrives at any of these pins, the internal color amp is saturated and the output is generated to the CRTs. Any combination for these inputs generates either the primary color Red, Green or Blue or the complementary color Red and Green which creates Yellow, Red and Blue which creates Magenta or Green and Blue which creates Cyan. (See the On Screen Display Path Circuit Diagram Explanation for further details). OUTPUT STKs: These are output amplifiers that take the correction waveforms generated by the DCU and amplify them to be used by the Convergence Yoke assemblies for each color. RV is Red Vertical Convergence correction. Adjust the location either up or down for Red. RH is Red Horizontal Convergence correction. Adjust the location either left or right for Red. GV is Green Vertical Convergence correction. Adjust the location either up or down for Red. GH is Green Horizontal Convergence correction. Adjust the location either left or right for Red. BV is Blue Vertical Convergence correction. Adjust the location either up or down for Red. BH is Blue Horizontal Convergence correction. Adjust the location either left or right for Red. (Continued on page 4) PAGE 04-03 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE INTERCONNECT DESCRIPTION (Continued from page 3) CONVERGENCE YOKES: Each CRT has a Deflection Yoke and a Convergence Yoke assembly. The Deflection manipulates the beam in accordance to the waveforms produced within the Horizontal Deflection circuit or the Vertical Deflection circuit. The Convergence Yoke assembly manipulates the Beam in accordance with the correction waveforms produced by the DCU. MAGIC FOCUS SENSORS AND INTERFACE: (4 Sensor Array) Same for 8 Sensor Array. Each of the four photo cells, called solar batteries in the service manual, have their own amps which develop the DC potential produced by the cells. Each amp is routed through the PDS1 connector and arrives at the PDS connector on the DCU where the DCU converts this DC voltage to Digital signals. These digital signals are used only when the Magic Focus Button is pressed and Magic Focus runs. MICROPROCESSOR: The Microprocessor is only involved in the Digital Convergence circuit related to IR (Infrared Remote Control Signals). When the DCU is put into the Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode, DCAM, the Microprocessor ignores IR pulses. This is accomplished by the BUSY signal from the DCU. The BUSY signal is routed from the DUC out the PDG connector pin 10, to the PDK1 connector pin 1, then the PSD1 connector pin 1 to the DAC1 I006 pin 1. Through I2 C data communications SCL1 and SDA1, the DAC1 IC tell the microprocessor that the DCU is busy. RAINFOREST IC (Video Processor). The Rainforest IC, IC01 is only involved with the Digital Convergence circuit related to OSD. SERVICE ONLY SWITCH: The Service Only Switch is located just in front of the DCU on the Convergence Output PWB. If the front speaker grills are removed and the front access panel is opened, the switch will be on the far left hand side. When this button is pressed with the TV ON, the DCU enters the Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode. If the button is pressed and held down with the TV OFF and the power button is pressed, the Digital Convergence RAM is cleared. This turns off any influence from the DCU related to beam deflection. Magnetic centering is performed in the mode as well as the ability to enter the 3X3, (9 adjustment points) mode. Note: For the 4X3 Aspect models only, this will clear RAM for the 1080i through mode as well. MAGIC FOCUS SWITCH: • Located on the Front Control panel is the Magic Focus switch. When Magic Focus is activated by the customer pressing this switch, the DCU enters the “MAGIC FOCUS” adjustment mode described earlier. • However, this year there is a change as to how the Magic Focus Switch works. • When the Customer presses the Magic Focus Switch, the low is sent to I007 pin 9 (DAC3). This IC communicates with the Microprocessor. The Microprocessor then communicates with I006 (DAC2) and it outputs a low on pin 7 (Magic Sw). This in turn starts the Magic Focus function. • Also this year, the Magic Focus can be started from the Customer’s Menu. When selected by the customer, the same communication is performed to I006 (DAC2) and a low is sent out pin 7 to the DCU to start Magic Focus. MAGIC FOCUS MEMORY: NOTE: These sets have two Digital Convergence Memories. One for Normal display mode and one for 1080i Through Mode display. (4X3 Aspect Models only). Normal requires a complete Digital Convergence adjustment procedure along with Magic Focus Sensor Initialization and 1080i Through Mode does too! (4X3 Aspect Models only). PAGE 04-04 3 LED S1, S3 S5 & S7 4 Total Sensors IR +5V S0 S1 GND S2 GND S3 GND S4 GND S5 S6 S7 GND 7 6 5 4 Dig B Dig G IR-In Dig R 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PDS1 DP17 Chassis use 8 Sensor Array 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 +5V SRAM S0 S1 GND S2 GND S3 GND S4 GND S5 S6 S7 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PDS Gnd Convergence PWB From IK01 +5V Digital 7 V Blk PDK3 pin 5 15 6 5 14 13 12 8 11 10 9 4 3 2 1 D SIZE PDK3 pin 2 H Blk PDK3 pin 7 MAG SW QK07 QK08 QK06 SK01 -5V +5V Dig OSD B Dig OSD G Dig OSD R Service Only Signal PWB BUSY Deflection PWB PSD1 PDK1 BUSY MAG SW Signal PWB Stby +5V Sensor PWB PFS 3 1 OSD R OSD G OSD B "Mounted on Deflection PWB" Digital Convergence Unit "DCU" "DCAM" Digital Convergence Mode UKDG HC2153 PDG 9 8 7 6 4 5 2 1 Mute RH RV GV GH BH BV PDC BUSY QC23 QC22 QC24 QC20 QC21 QC19 +33V +28P Rainforest Dig OSD B 3 IK02 2 Normal "Lo" 1 43 42 41 V Squeez PDK3 pin 1 Not in 16 X 9 Models 49 33 Dig OSD G Dig OSD R 34 OSD R 35 OSD G OSD B 39 38 37 IC01 +28P 15 14 6 BV + - + - + - + - + - 5 4 2 1 3 3 4 1 2 PCR CYH- CYH+ CYV- CYV+ CYV+ CYV- +33V 16 18 13 11 7 9 CYH- 4 PCG 3 4 1 2 PCB 5 3 1 PZC CYH+ CYH- CYH+ CYV- CYV+ -33V 16 18 13 11 7 9 Convergence PWB +28V 10 RH RV IK04 GV 17 8 12 4 GH BH IK05 + - QC40 QC35 QC30 17 8 12 -28P 15 14 6 5 10 B G R 2H Video PWB B G R To Green Convergence Yokes Not in the 43FDX10B DP-15E Chassis SM09 is Convergence Adjust in 43FDX10B Ft. Control PWB IR Receiver HMO1 2 2 IR In 3 15 OSD R 37 OSD G 38 OSD B 39 Main Up SDA1 2 14 SCL1 I001 6 5 To Blue Convergence Yokes 1 QM01 IR Out QM05 5 9 BUSY SM09 1 DAC2 MAG SW Magic Focus D Size from DCU pin 6 PDG 9 7 I006 9 DAC3 I007 DP-1X CHASSIS "DIGITAL CONVERGENCE" INTERCONNECTION CIRCUIT DIAGRAM To CRTs To Red Convergence Yokes PAGE 04-05 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5711 TSI (P/N HL01641) USED IN MODELS: 61SWX10B, 61SWX12B 53SWX10B, 53SWX12B 43UWX10B, 53UWX10B 61UDX10B, 53UDX10B 43FDX11B, 43FDX10B POWER VCR TV CBL SAT SOURCE WIZARD AV1 DVD AV2 AV3 CURSOR DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 RED (7 X 5) CURSOR UP CURSOR LEFT 0 SLEEP LAST CH RASTER PHASE BLUE (13X9) HELP C.C. ANT MUT E SV CS VC R VID + WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) STA INFO TUS GU IDE /TV VID PROG CENTERING FREEZE PIP ACCESS SWAP TV/VCR 5 4 VID3 PIP CH GREEN (3 X 3) HD SC VID 2 PIP-MODE CORRECTION BUTTONS CH VID PIP INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH PL US 1 CALCULATE CROSSHATCH VIDEO SELECT VOL PIX EXIT U MEN REMOVE COLOR ASPECT READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) SLOW REC HITACHI CLU-5711TSI PAGE 04-06 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5712 TSI (P/N HL01642) USED IN MODELS: 53SBX10B POWER VCR TV CBL SAT SOURCE WIZARD CURSOR UP AV1 DVD AV2 CURSOR DOWN CURSOR LEFT 1 2 3 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 RED (7 X 5) SLEEP BLUE (13X9) AV3 0 LAST CH HELP INPUT MEN REMOVE COLOR VOL SV CS PIX CROSSHATCH VIDEO EXIT U SELECT MUT E VC RP LU S+ CH TUS STA INFO HD SC GREEN (3 X 3) CENTERING PIP WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) CORRECTION BUTTONS /TV IDE GU CALCULATE INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH RASTER PHASE PIP-MODE PROG PIP CH FREEZE PIP ACCESS SWAP TV/VCR READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) SLOW REC HITACHI CLU-5712TSI PAGE 04-07 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-4311UG (P/N HL01651) Used with 60DX10B, 50DX10B 43GX10B, 50GX30B HP-1X Chassis READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) POWER TV CBL/SAT SWAP DVD/VCR MOVE PIP WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) FREEZE HELP CENTERING PIP CH MENU RASTER PHASE REMOVE COLOR INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH SELECT CORRECTION BUTTONS MUTE LAST CH EXIT CROSSHATCH VIDEO VOL CH CURSOR UP CURSOR LEFT BLUE (13X9) 1 2 3 CURSOR DOWN 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 0 STATUS INPUT REC TV/VCR RED (7 X 5) GREEN (3 X 3) PIX HITACHI CLU-4311UG PAGE 04-08 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE OVERLAY DIMENSIONS NOTE: Aspect may not be correct but dimensions are correct. 43FDX10B & 43UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) NORMAL MODE 874 11 34 42 71 77 71 71 71 H. SIZE 71 71 71 71 71 11 84 84 R 84 B 656 84 Centering Offset 84 PART NUMBER H312251 84 42 34 V. SIZE RED OFFSET = 20mm BLUE OFFSET = 25mm (43UDX) BLUE OFFSET = 35mm (43FDX) VERTICAL SIZE = 560mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 825mm 43FDX10B & 43UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) V. SQUEEZE MODE 874 20 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 20 82 20 32 65 65 65 492 656 65 65 PART NUMBER H312252 65 32 20 82 V SQUEEZE 16 X 9 HD MODE PAGE 04-09 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE OVERLAY DIMENSIONS NOTE: Aspect may not be correct but dimensions are correct. 53UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) NORMAL MODE 1078 13 44 52 88 88 88 88 88 H. SIZE 88 88 88 88 88 13 103 103 R 103 B 808 103 Centering Offset 103 PART NUMBER H312253 103 52 44 V. SIZE RED OFFSET = 15mm BLUE OFFSET = 25mm VERTICAL SIZE = 690mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 1020mm 53UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) V. SQUEEZE 1078 20 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 69.5 20 82 19.9 32.3 64.6 64.6 64.6 606 808 64.6 64.6 PART NUMBER H312254 64.6 32.3 19.9 82 V SQUEEZE 16 X 9 HD MODE PAGE 04-10 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE OVERLAY DIMENSIONS NOTE: Aspect may not be correct but dimensions are correct. 61UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) NORMAL MODE 1240 15.2 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 48.5 59.5 H. SIZE 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 100.8 15.2 119 119 R 119 B 930 119 Centering Offset 119 PART NUMBER H312255 119 59.5 48.5 V. SIZE VERTICAL SIZE = 795mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 1175mm RED OFFSET = 15mm BLUE OFFSET = 15mm 61UDX10B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (4 X 3) V SQUEEZE MODE 1240 27.8 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.7 27.8 116 28.4 45.8 91.6 91.6 91.6 698 930 91.6 91.6 PART NUMBER H312256 91.6 45.8 28.4 116 V SQUEEZE 16 X 9 HD MODE PAGE 04-11 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE OVERLAY DIMENSIONS NOTE: Aspect may not be correct but dimensions are correct. 43UWX10B" OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (16 X 9 Aspect) 952 20 25.7 34.5 76 76 76 76 76 H. SIZE 76 76 76 76 76 20 69.1 69.1 R 69.1 B 535 69.1 Centering Offset 69.1 PART NUMBER H312259 69.1 34.5 25.7 RED OFFSET = 25mm BLUE OFFSET = 30mm V. SIZE VERTICAL SIZE = 470mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 880mm 53UWX10B & 53SWX10B/12B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (16 X 9 Aspect) 1173.2 25 93.6 31.8 42.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 H. SIZE 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 93.6 25 85.2 85.2 R 85.2 B 660 85.2 Centering Offset 85.2 PART NUMBER H312257 85.2 42.6 31.8 V. SIZE RED OFFSET = 20mm VERTICAL SIZE = 580mm BLUE OFFSET = 25mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 1060mm (53UDX) HORIZONTAL SIZE = 1105mm (53SWX) PAGE 04-12 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE OVERLAY DIMENSIONS NOTE: Aspect may not be correct but dimensions are correct. 61UWX10B & 61SWX10B/12B OVERLAY DIMENSIONS (16 X 9 Aspect) 1350 28.8 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 36.6 49.2 H. SIZE 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 28.8 98.4 98.4 R 98.4 B 762 98.4 Centering Offset 98.4 PART NUMBER H312258 98.4 49.2 36.6 V. SIZE RED OFFSET = 15mm BLUE OFFSET = 25mm VERTICAL SIZE = 665mm HORIZONTAL SIZE = 1250mm PAGE 04-13 DP-1X OVERLAY PART NUMBERS Below is the jig screen part number for the 2H models. 2001 Models HITACHI MODELS: H312251 43” 4x3 Full Mode H312252 43” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312253 53” 4x3 Full Mode H312254 53” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312255 61” 4x3 Full Mode H312256 61” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312259 43” 16x9 H312257 53” 16x9 H312258 61” 16x9 PHILIPS MODELS: H312261 60” Phillips 4x3 Full Mode H312262 60” Phillips 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312263 55” Phillips 4x3 Full Mode H312264 55” Philips 4x3 V Squeeze Mode ZENITH MODELS: H312265 56” Zenith 16x9 H312266 65” Zenith 16x9 PAGE 04-14 VIDEO INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE 05-01 Aux 3 S-C Aux 3 S-Y Aux 3 Video Aux 2 S-C Aux 2 S-Y Aux 2 Video Aux 1 S-C Aux 1 S-Y Q506 Q505 Monitor Out S-Y Monitor Out S-C Monitor Out Video Aux 5 Video Aux 4 Video TERMINAL PWB MON OUT V5 V4 Front Control PWB S3 V3 S2 V2 S1 V1 Aux 1 Video Sub Tuner U502 Main Tuner U501 SIGNAL PWB 5 3 10 PFT 18 13 PST1 37 C Out 3 39 Y Out 3 MON OUT C Out 2 47 MAIN OUT V/Y Out 2 44 Y Out 1 56 SUB OUT C Out 1 58 QX06 QX05 Q551 -6db Q552 6 C In 40 Y In Q553 Sub Y Out 20 Sub Cb Out 21 Sub Cr Out 22 SUB Video/Chroma Processor IX03 To IX04/ IX05 TERMINAL PWB Q564 Q554 C AMP C LPF Q312 Q311 Q310 X302 Q309 Y AMP Y LPF Q316 Q315 Q314 X303 Q313 I502 83 84 88 C Out Y Out V In I301 3D Y/C Separator I501 MAIN Video/Chroma 9 Processor 6 40 Y In 8 Main Cr Out 22 Q558 Q557 14 5 6 C In Main Cb Out 21 11 Chroma Tilt Correction Main Y Out 20 VIDEO LPF Q307 Q306 Q304 QX12 SIGNAL PWB PST2 18 13 7 9 11 QX08 QX11 3 C Out C In 1 51 QX09 1 Y Out Y In 1 49 41 V Out 3 60 1 26 24 22 12 10 8 19 17 15 30 63 IX02 4 For PinP Only 2Line Y/C Separator QX07 V In V Out 1 53 IX01 A/V Select DP-1X Chassis Video Signal Path - NTSC PAGE 05-02 QX13 QX14 QX15 Q553 Q552 11 9 7 PST2 Q551 TERMINAL PWB V5 V4 Sub Y Out 20 Sub Cb Out 21 Sub Cr Out 22 SUB Video/Chroma Processor IX03 Main Y Out 20 Main Cb Out 21 I501 MAIN Video/Chroma Processor Main Cr Out 22 SIGNAL PWB Digital Conv. Unit Dig B Out 13 Dig G Out 12 Dig R Out 11 PDG CONVERGENCE PWB QK08 QK07 QK06 MAIN Cr (NTSC) MAIN Cb (NTSC) MAIN Y (NTSC) MAIN Cr (NTSC) MAIN Cb (NTSC) MAIN Y (NTSC) COMP 2 (Y) COMP 2 (Cb/Pb) COMP 2 (Cr/Pr) 1 2 3 COMP 2 (Y) COMP 2 (Cb/Pb) COMP 2 (Cr/Pr) 43 COMP 1 (Y) 41 COMP 1 (Cr/Pr) 42 COMP 1 (Cb/Pb) 33 SUB Cr (NTSC) 34 SUB Cb (NTSC) 35 SUB Y (NTSC) 7 8 9 1 2 3 41 COMP 1 (Cr/Pr) 42 COMP 1 (Cb/Pb) 43 COMP 1 (Y) 33 SUB Cr (NTSC) 34 SUB Cb (NTSC) 35 SUB Y (NTSC) 7 8 9 I001 Microprocessor 4 4 (Y) SUB OUT (Cb/Pb) SUB OUT (Cr/Pr) SUB OUT IX05 Y/Pb/Pr Selector (SUB) (Y) MAIN OUT (Cb/Pb) MAIN OUT (Cr/Pr) MAIN OUT IX04 Y/Pb/Pr Selector (MAIN) OSD G 38 OSD B 39 OSD R 37 5 2 2 5 PSD1 27 26 25 27 26 QX19 QX20 QX21 QX22 QX18 25 QX23 16 18 20 4 6 8 PST3 QC19 QC20 QC21 SIGNAL PWB PDK1 DEFLECTION PWB QC22 QC01 QC02 17 18 19 3 4 5 QC03 PFC1 UC01 FC3 UNIT QC09 QC08 QC07 QC23 QC24 16 18 20 5 3 Y 1 In B Out 41 G Out 42 R Out 43 To CPT PWBs SIGNAL PWB QC06 QC05 QC04 4 Y 2 In Pr 1 In Pb 1 In PFC2 8 Pb 2 In Pr 2 In 10 9 OSD B In OSD G In OSD R In 37 38 39 33 Analog B In IC01 35 Analog R In RGB Processor 34 Analog G In DP-1X Chassis Video Signal Path - NTSC,Component, OSD DP-1X RAINFOREST IC INFORMATION (IC01) SCP IN FBP IN Max 9V YM/P-MUTE/ BLK 6.2 ~ 9V Blanking 3.7 ~ 9V CLAMP 2.4 ~ 5.8V P Mute H-AFC 3.0V BLK 1.5V 1.7 ~ 3.3V Black Peak Pin 17 Pin 24 0.9 ~ 2.1V Half Tone 0 ~ 0.5V Internal Pin 52 Pin 17 = SCP. Black Peak: This input is utilized for establishing the Black Peak level used in Black Peak expansion circuit. Here the Black Peak is expanded towards Black to increase the contrast ratio. CLAMP: The clamp pulse is utilized for DC restoration and blanking timing. Pin 24 = FBP. Combination of the following. Fly back pulse: 1.5V ~ 3.0V H-AFC: This input is received from the Horizontal Blanking (H. Blk) signal generated in the Deflection circuit by Q706. This signal is used as a sample pulse in the Horizontal AFC circuit, which synchronizes the Horizontal Drive signal with the incoming Video sync signal input at pin 16. In Through Mode, pin 8. Fly back pulse: 3.0V ~ 9.0V Max: This input is received from the Flex Converter and is a combination of Horizontal and Vertical blanking signals. H Blk from the Flex Converter Pin 12 through QC15 V Blk from the Flex Converter Pin 4 through QC14 Used within the Rainforest is for DC restoration, Pedestal level detection and Clamping signals, such as Burst Gate Pulse. Pin 52 = YM/P-MUTE/BLK. Combination of the following. INTERNAL: 0.0V ~ 0.5V Used internal within the Rainforest IC. HALFTONE: 0.9V ~ 2.1V: This input is received from the Microprocessor and is used to establish the Transparency effect of OSD. This also mutes the video in exact timing with On Screen Display pulses (OSD). Half Tone from the Microprocessor Pin 40 through QC16. P MUTE: 2.4V ~ 5.8V: This input is received from the Video Mute Circuit and blanks the picture when there a loss of Vertical or Horizontal Sweep, AC is lost or the Microprocessor output a V Mute High signal during Channel Change, Child Lock, etc. Audio is also Muted during this time. See below for routing. V MUTE from the Microprocessor Pin 56 through D019, Q023, Q022, QC17 to pin 52 of IC01. AC LOSS through Q024, D021, to Q023, Q022, QC17 to pin 52 of IC01. VERTICAL SWEEP LOSS through QN05, QN04, QN02, PSD2 connector pin 3, D020 to Q023, Q022, QC17 to pin 52 of IC01. HORIZONTAL SWEEP LOSS through QN01, QN03, QN02, PSD2 connector pin 3, D020 to Q023, Q022, QC17 to pin 52 of IC01. PAGE 05-03 DP-1X Automatic Brightness Limiter (ABL) Circuit Diagram Explanation (See Circuit Diagram on page 05-05) The ABL voltage is generated from the ABL pin (3) of the Flyback transformer, TH01. The ABL pull-up resistors are RH27 and RH28. They receive their pull up voltage from the B+ 115V2 ) line for Deflection generated from the Power Supply via TP91 pin 11, rectified by DP15, filtered by CP32 and then routed through the excessive current sensing resistor RP24. ABL VOLTAGE OPERATION The ABL voltage is determined by the current draw through the Flyback transformer. As the picture brightness becomes brighter or increases, the demand for replacement of the High Voltage being consumed is greater. In this case, the Flyback will work harder and the current through the Flyback increases. This in turn will decrease the ABL voltage. The ABL voltage is inversely proportionate to screen brightness. Also connected to the ABL voltage line is DH16. This zener diode acts as a clamp for the ABL voltage. If the ABL voltage tries to increase above 11V due to a dark scene which decreases the current demand on the flyback, the ABL voltage will rise to the point that DH16 dumps the excess voltage into the 11 line. ACCL TRANSISTOR OPERATION The ABL voltage is routed through the PSD2 connector pin 2, through the acceleration circuit RC62 and DC02 to the base of QX18. Under normal conditions, this transistor is nearly saturated. QX18 determines the voltage being supplied to the cathode of DC01, which is connected to pin 53 of the Rainforest IC, IC01. During an ABL voltage decrease due to an excessive bright circumstance, the base of QX18 will go down, this will drop the emitter voltage which in turn drops the cathode voltage of DC01. This in turn will pull voltage away from pin 53 of the Rainforest IC, IC01. Internally, this reduces the contrast and brightness voltage which is being controlled by the I2C bus data communication from the Microprocessor arriving at pins 30 and 31 of the Rainforest IC and reduces the overall brightness, preventing blooming as well as reducing the Color saturation level to prevent color smear. SUB BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT - I2C Alignment The purpose for the Sub Brightness Adjustment alignment is to set up the Lowest DC level to which the Brightness control voltage can be set. Again, this voltage is controlled internally within IC01 via I2C bus data from the Microprocessor arriving at pins 30 and 31. The adjustment is performed within the Service Menu. To enter this adjustment menu, with the set turned off, press and hold the Input button, then press the Power button. This will bring up a Service Menu. In the first Page of the menu, the 2nd selection is Sub Bright Adj [SUB BRT]. Selection is made using the cursor Up/Down buttons and adjusting the data values are made using the Cursor Left/Right buttons. In the field it is very difficult to make this adjustment according to factory specifications. However, there is a relatively easy way to do this adjustment and get if relatively close to factory specs. 1) Start adjustment 20 minutes or more after the power is turned on. 2) Receive a tuner signal. 3) Set the contrast and color controls to minimum. 4) Set the brightness to minimum position on the display. 5) The room light should be very low. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE Adjust Sub Brightness (Number 2) SUBBRT, so that only the brightest points of the picture can be seen on screen. USING A GENERATOR: 1. Use the input signal below, (GRAY SCALE) 2. Adjust Sub Brightness (Number 2), so that the first bar sinks to black and the second bar is slightly visible, using I2C Bus alignment procedure. PAGE 05-04 PAGE 05-05 Signal PWB 2 PSD2 60 59 SDA2 SCL2 CC3110 RC61 RH32 DH15 Deflection B+ 115V V2 33K RH29 56K RH28 XRayProtect CH18 ABL Pull-Up Resistors 3 Sw +11V LH01 Deflection PWB Clamp Signal PWB To Anodes DH16 RH31 CH14 ABL RH21 30 SCL2 To Focus IC01 Rainforest IC IC01 31 SDA2 53 TH01 [ Current Path ] 27K RH27 10 9 CC27 ABL To QH01 Collector of High Voltage Output Transistor CC28 DC01 RC57 As Brightness goes Up, ABL Voltage goes Down. (Inverse Proportional) NOT IN 16X9 MODELS Q701 RC83 RC82 RC59 RC58 SW +9V Side Pin Cushion Modulator CC30 RC60 QC18 To Side Pin Cushion Circuit V SQU RH30 QH03 R750 High Voltage B+ 115V V2 C727 Microprocessor I001 DC02 RC62 DP1X CHASSIS A.B.L. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM V2 V1 S Det. Aux Inputs Q506 Q505 S-Y3 S-C3 V3V Q434 Q437 Input 5 Q433 18 13 Main Video NTSC Component Y 8 S-Y2 10 S-C2 12 QX04 1 44 Terminal PWB Main Y /Video QX05 3 1 PST2 Sub Video 53 Input 5 Comp2 In 60 Comp1 In Input 4 For 480i Comp Only CCD & V Chip VOut2 VOut1 IX01 30 PinP Video 63 24 26 22 15 S-Y1 17 S-C1 19 TV2V TV1V PST1 5 3 10 PFT Q431 S Det. S Det. Input 4 S-2 In Composite 2 Aux Input 2 S-1 In Composite 1 Aux Input 1 PinP TUNER (Mono) 18 Always PinP U502 18 Signal PWB 2 of 2 Front Control PWB U501 Main Tuner S-3 In Avx 3 In 3V Aux Input 3 Composite 3 Lum/Audio Selector IC Q012 Q561 VBlk HBlk Q009 Q563 Hi 13 1 55 49 Data SDSel 9 Q014 SIGNAL PWB 1 of 2 Main for CCD & 28 V Chip 15 14 Q016 Q015 9 10 11 Lo = MAIN Hi = SUB Q017 Main Sub SD Det Micro 24 Processor Q013 Sub for 30 V. Chip Q005 Q006 I001 Y0 X0 Y1 X1 I005 Main/Sub 6 AFC Main AFC 2 Sub AFC 12 Q011 Q010 Lo Sync Sep Q008 Q007 Sync Sep DP-1X SERIES CHASSIS NTSC SYNC SIGNAL PATH See Main/Component Sync Separation Circuit Diagram PAGE 05-06 Flex Converter SIGNAL PWB NTSC Main Video Prepration IC I501 See Video Signal Path See Video 18 Signal Path PROut 20 YOut 13 14 14 15 7 V Sync H Sync SViN SHiN 14 13 PTS2 13 14 10 10 H.Sync 5 4 6 3 13 11 10 12 4 3 IX08 14 Select 2 11 1 2 2 1 2 12 13 15 TERMINAL PWB Main H. Sync Not through IX08 Sub V. Sync Sub H. Sync Main V. Sync Not through IX08 H.Sync Out 22 14 4 4 10 Select 3 12 13 10 Select 3 15 IX06 IX07 1 2 Select 2 11 V.Sync Out 23 Sub V.Sync 37 11 V.Sync Shown Twice MViN IX04 36 Sub H Sync Main 43 Y Pr/Pb Input 5 Y Selector 3 Input 4 Y PFC1 PTS3 MHiN UC01 8 11 FC3 16 Unit PBOut PFC2 Select 4 Hi : 3 to 4 Lo : 5 to 4 Select 3 Hi : 2 to 15 Lo : 1 to 15 Select 2 Hi : 13 to 14 Lo : 12 to 14 See Component Signal Path 2 1 IX07 2 1 IX06 3 5 9 Select 2 From IX03 9 Select 4 5 3 Sub YPr/Pb Selector Sub H Sync Shown Twice Input 5 Y Input 4 Y 23 V Sync 37 Sub V Sync V.Out 22 H.Out 36 10 H Sync IX05 11 V Sync Sub H 14 Sync Out 9 Sub C Main Y From 3 D Y/C 6 40 Sub Y 43 3 35 Sub Y From Selector IC IX01 NTSC Sub Video Chroma Preparation IC Sub V 13 Sync Out IX03 DP-1X SERIES CHASSIS MAIN/COMPONENT SYNC SEPARATION SIGNAL PATH Sub V Sync PAGE 05-07 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DP-1X CHASSIS ADJUSTMENT ORDER It is necessary to follow an order when doing adjustments in the DP-1X chassis. DP-1X SERVICE ADJUSTMENT ORDER “PREHEAT BEFORE BEGINNING” Screen Format Signal DCU Data Pre HEAT (30 Minutes) Normal Mode NTSC N/A 1 Cut Off Normal Mode NTSC N/A 2 Pre Focus Lens and Static Normal Mode NTSC N/A 3 DCU Phase Data Setting Normal Mode NTSC N/A 4 DCU Phase Data Setting 16X9 HD 2.14H HD Not for 16X9 Models 5 Horz. Position Adj. (Coarse) Normal Mode NTSC N/A 6 Horz. Position Adj. (Coarse) 16X9 HD 2.14H N/A 7 Raster Tilt Normal Mode NTSC CLEAR 8 Beam Alignment Normal Mode NTSC CLEAR 9 Raster Position Normal Mode NTSC CLEAR 10 Vertical Size Adjust Normal Mode NTSC CLEAR 11 Horz. Size Adjust Normal Mode NTSC CLEAR 12 Beam Form Normal Mode NTSC 13 Lens Focus Adjust Normal Mode NTSC 14 Static Focus Adjust Normal Mode NTSC 15 Blue Defocus Normal Mode NTSC Color Bar 16 White Balance Adjustment Normal Mode NTSC 17 Sub Brightness Adjustment Normal Mode NTSC 18 Sub Picture Adjustment Normal Mode NTSC 19 Horz. Position Adjust (Fine) Normal Mode NTSC 20 Horz. Position Adjust (Fine) 16X9 HD 2.14H 21 DCU Character Set Up Normal & HD NTSC/1080i 22 DCU Pattern Set Up Normal & HD NTSC/1080i 23 Convergence Alignment Normal & HD NTSC/1080i 24 Sensor Initialize Normal & HD NTSC/1080i 25 PIP Amplitude Adjustment Normal Mode NTSC Order Adjustment Item Clear to start HD Not for 16X9 Models HD Not for 16X9 Models HD Not for 16X9 Models HD Not for 16X9 Models PAGE 06-01 DP-1X CHASSIS PRE-HEAT RUN ADJUSTMENTS PRESET EACH 3. Focus VR on focus pack. Pre Set fully clockwise. ADJUSTMENT VR TO CONDITION AS SHOWN: 1. Before Pre Heat Run. Enter I2C Service Menu. Allow set to operate at Pre-set the Green DRV and Red DRV to 3F. This least 30 Minutes before is considered “Center” beginning adjustments. position. (With power Off, press the SOURCE button on front panel and then press the POWER ON button then release. The Service Menu is displayed.) 2. SCREEN VR ON FOCUS PACK. Pre Set fully counter clockwise. FOCUS VR SCREEN VR Screen VR R G Focus VR B R G B FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-02 DP-1X CHASSIS CUT-OFF (SCREENS) ADJUSTMENT 2) Set R DRV (COOL) to 8) Repeat for the other two colors. center data value (3F). 3) Set G DRV (COOL) to 9) Exit SERVICE by pressing the cursor on remote to center data value (3F). 4) Set R, G, and B CUTOFF the left [◄ ]. (COOL) data settings to 10)Exit SERVICE MENU by pressing the MENU key [80]. 5) Adjust Screen VRs on Foon remote. cus Pack fully counter clock wise. 6) Choose SERVICE item [1] of I2C ADJ. Mode. Select ADJUSTMENT CURSOR RIGHT [!] and PROCEDURE: 1) Go to I2C ADJ. Mode. the Vertical will collapses. (With power Off, press the 7) Adjust any Screen VR. Screen VR should be SOURCE button on front turned clockwise gradually panel and then press the POWER ON button then until that particular color release. The Service Menu is barely visible. is displayed.) ADJUSTMENT PREPARATION: • Pre Heat Run should be finished. • Be sure Screen Color Temperature setting is in the COOL mode on Customer’s Menu. • Room Light should be minimal. Screen VR R G Focus VR R G B B FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-03 DP-1X CHASSIS PRE-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT PREPARATION: A) Pre Heat Run should be finished. FOCUS ADJUSTMENT: 1) Short the 2pin subminiature connector on the CRT PWB (PTS), to remove any color not being adjusted and adjust one color at a time. (The adjustment order of R, G and B is just an example.) 2) Adjust the Focus VR for Red until Focus is achieved. (A Fine Adjustment will be made later.) 3) Repeat for Blue and Green. NOTE: • PTSR connector on RED CRT PWB. • PTSG connector on GREEN CRT PWB. • PTSB connector on BLUE CRT PWB. Screen VR R G Focus VR B R G B FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-04 DP-1X CHASSIS DCU CROSSHATCH PHASE ADJUSTMENT should now appear in the Adjustment Preparation: TWICE to store the • Cut Off adjustment should information. 16X9 HD mode. be finished. 9) When Green dots are • Video Control: Brightness displayed, press the *DCA stands for (Digital 90%, Contrast Max. MUTE key twice to reConvergence Adjustment) turn to DCAM grid. Adjustment Procedure: 16X9 HD Mode Adjustment NORMAL MODE 1) Receive any NTSC signal. Mode: (Not for 16X9 Models) 2) Screen Format is Normal 10) Change the Display Format to 16X9 HD 3) Press the SERVICE Mode. ONLY switch on the Con11) Repeat steps 3 through 9 vergence PWB to enter DCAM. for the 16X9 HD mode. 4) Press the HELP key on the Remote, Green Cross Shortcut to change to hatch appears. 16X9 HD MODE 5) Then press the EXIT key. NOTE: Remote still in DCA mode. (This is the Phase a) Press the EXIT key on adjustment mode). Remote Control 5 times 6) Adjust data value using to exit to video mode. the keys indicated in the b) Change input to receive chart, until the data 1080i signal. matches the values indic) Change format to 16X9 cated in the chart. HD. Top and bottom panels should now be black. Exiting Adjustment Mode: 7) Press Help key on remote d) Exit Menu. control. e) Press the Service Only Switch. DCAM grid 8) Press PIP MODE key PHASE MODE Display Format NORMAL Display Format 16X9 HD Address Data Value Address Data Value 4 and 6 keys on Remote PH-H BF PH-H BF 2 and 5 keys on Remote PH-V 07 PH-V 07 Cursor Left ! and Right " on Remote CR-H 4C CR-H 4C Cursor Up # and Down $ on Remote CR-V 0C CR-V 0C ADJUST USING PAGE 06-05 DP-1X CHASSIS HORIZONTAL PHASE (COARSE) ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Preparation: • Video Control: Brightness 90%, • Contrast Max. Adjustment Procedure NORMAL MODE: 1) Receive any NTSC crosshair signal. 2) Screen Format is NORMAL. 3) Press the SERVICE ONLY switch on the convergence PWB and display the Digital Convergence Crosshatch pattern. 4) Mark the center of the Digital Convergence Crosshatch Pattern with finger. 5) Press the SERVICE ONLY switch to return to normal mode. 6) Enter the I2C Service Menu and select Item H POSI and adjust the data so that the center of Video matches the location of the Digital Crosshatch pattern noted in step {4}. 7) Exit from the I2C Menu. 16X9 HD mode can now be changed. 16) Adjust the data up or down slightly. 17) Exit from the I2C Menu. 18) Change Screen Format to 8) Receive any 1080i 16X9 HD mode. 19) Confirm that the Center (2.14H) signal. 9) Change Screen Format of Video matches the Center of the DCU Cross16X9 HD mode. hatch determined in step 10) Press the SERVICE (11). ONLY switch on the deflection PWB and display 20) If the Horizontal Position isn’t correct, repeat steps the Digital Convergence (8) through (18) until cenCrosshatch pattern. ter is matched. 11) Mark the center of the Digital Convergence Crosshatch Pattern with NOTE: To enter the I2C Bus alignment menu, with Power finger. Off, press the INPUT button 12) Press the SERVICE ONLY switch to return to and hold it down, then press the POWER button and renormal mode. 13) Power Set OFF and back lease. I2C adjustment menu ON or change FORMAT will appear. to NORMAL. 14) Enter the I2C Bus alignment menu and select Item [9] H POSI 15) Press SELECT key on Remote Control. (H POSI) option is changed to HD mode. H POSI H appears). H POSI data of 16X9 HD Mode Adjustment: NOTE: I2C Service Menu Can Not be entered in the 16X9 HD Mode. PAGE 06-06 DP-1X CHASSIS TILT (RASTER INCLINATION) ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Preparation: • The set can face any direction. • Receive the Cross-Hatch Signal • VIDEO CONTROLS: Factory Preset. • SCREEN FORMAT: should be NORMAL mode. • The lens focus should have been coarse adjusted. • The electrical focus should have been coarse adjusted. • The Digital Convergence RAM should be cleared. (Turn power off, press and hold the SERVICE ONLY switch on the Convergence PWB, then press the POWER button). Adjustment Procedure : GREEN: 1) Apply covers to the RED and BLUE lenses or short the 2P Sub Mini connector [PTS] on R&B CRT PWB to produce only GREEN. 2) Turn the Green deflection yoke and adjust the TILT until the green is level. 3) [+/- 2mm tolerance]. See diagram. BLUE: 6) Remove cover or PTS short from BLUE and cover the RED CRT. Align BLUE with GREEN. 7) [+/- 1mm tolerance when compared to Green] After Completion: 8) Tighten DY Yoke Screws to 12+/-2 kg-cm. 9) REMOVE ALL COVERS or SHORTS on the PTS RED: 4) Remove cover or PTS connectors. short from RED CRT and 10)Turn the power off. align RED with GREEN. 5) [+/- 1mm tolerance when compared to Green] l =< 2mm l Vertical Center axis of Cross-Hair signal PAGE 06-07 DP-1X CHASSIS BEAM ALIGNMENT ADJUSTMENT Preparation for adjustment: • Pre Heat, Pre-optical focus, DCU Phase Data, H. POSI Course and Raster Tilt adjustment should be completed. • Brightness: 90% • Contrast Max. • Receive cross hatch signals, or dot pattern • RASTER TILT adjustment should be finished. • SCREEN FORMAT should • be NORMAL mode. Adjustment procedure: 1) Green (G) tube beam alignment adjustment: Short-circuit 2P subminiature connector plug pins of Red (R) and Blue (B) on the CRT boards and project only Green (G). 2) Put Green (G) tube beam alignRed and Blue in the same way. ment magnet to the cancel state 9) Red (R) focus on focus pack. as shown in Figure 1. 10) Blue (B) focus on focus pack. 3) Turn the Green (G) static focus 11) Upon completion of adjustVR counterclockwise all the ment, place a small amount of way and make sure of position white paint on the beam alignof cross hatch center on screen. ment magnets, to assure they 4) Turn Green (G) static focus VR don’t move. (If available). clockwise all the way. 5) Turn two Beam alignment magnet in any desired direction and move cross hatch center to position found in step (3). (See Figure 2 below). 6) If image position does not shift when Green static focus VR is turned, adjustment complete. 7) If image position does move, repeat steps [2] through [6]. 8) Conduct beam alignment for Figure 1 PICTURE TUBE SIDE ADJUSTMENT BEAM SHAPE & TABS ALIGNMENT MAGNET 4-POLE BEAM SHAPE CORRECTION MAGNET ZERO FIELD SPACER (NO ADJUSTMENT) The figure shows that the long and short knobs of the 2P magnet are aligned, this is the cancel state. NOTE: This is the Centering Magnet not the Beam Alignment Magnets. This is just shown for reference, but the principle remains the same. 2-POLE BEAM ALIGNMENT MAGNET Figure 2 PAGE 06-08 DP-1X CHASSIS RED AND BLUE RASTER OFF SET ADJUSTMENT INFORMATION: Raster Off set is necessary to conserve Memory allocation. It is very important to remember that the Red is off-set Left of Center and Blue is off-set Right of center. Please use the following information to accurately offset Red and Blue from center. Also see Overlay Dimensions for further details. Preparation for adjustment: • With Power Off, press the Service Only switch on the Convergence PWB. While holding the Service Only Switch down, press the Power On button and Release. DCU Grid will appear without convergence correction. NOTE: After entering DCAM, with each press of the Service Only Switch, the picture will toggle between Video mode and DCU Grid. • Video Control should be set at Factory Preset condition. • Static Focus adjustment should be finished. Adjustment Procedure 1. Turn the centering magnets of Red, Green and Blue and adjust so that the center point of the cross-hatch pattern satisfies the diagram below. (DCU data is cleared). Remember Green is Centered. Red is to the left of Green and Blue is to the right of Green as indicated below. • All Vertical positions are geometric center of screen. • Parameters are +/- 2mm. DP15/DP15E/ DP15F L1 L2 DP14G 61 inch 15mm 15mm 61 inch 15mm 25mm 61 inch 15mm 25mm 53 inch 15mm 25mm 53 inch 20mm 25mm 53 inch 20mm 25mm 43 inch 20mm 25mm (43UDX) 35mm (43FDX) 43 inch 25mm 30mm Red L1 L2 DP17 L1 L2 Blue Geometric Vertical Center L1 L2 Green Geometric Horizontal Center PAGE 06-09 DP-1X VERTICAL SIZE ADJUSTMENT NOTE: Centering magnet 3) Select GREEN (A/CH) VERTICAL SIZE: 1) Receive an NTSC signal. and press the MENU but- may be moved to facilitate. ton to remove Red and 2) With Power Off, press the Distance is important, not Blue. Service Only switch on the centering. Convergence PWB. While 4) Adjust using R607 (Vertical Size Adj. VR) to NOTE: The Vertical Freholding the Service Only match marks on the Over- quency is shared between Switch down, press the lay. (See Figure Below) Power On button and ReNormal and 16X9 HD lease. DCU Grid will apmodes. pear without convergence correction. NOTE: After entering DCAM, with Alternate Method: each press of the Service Adjust Vertical Size until the Only Switch, the picture size matches the chart below. will toggle between Video mode and DCU Grid. VERTICAL SIZE Vertical Hash Mark Between the horizontal line at the top and the bottom. l 5th LINE FROM CENTER Vertical Hash Mark DP15/DP15E/DP15F L= DP14G/DP17 L= 61 inch 795mm 61 inch 665mm 53 inch 690mm 53 inch 580mm 43 inch 560mm 43 inch 470mm PAGE 06-10 DP-1X HORIZONTAL SIZE ADJUSTMENT HORIZONTAL SIZE: (Display Mode NORMAL) • Install the correct Overlay. • Input an NTSC Signal. • Digital Convergence RAM should be cleared. With Power Off, press the Service Only switch on the Convergence PWB. While holding the Service Only Switch down, press the Power On button and Release. DCU Grid will appear without convergence correction. NOTE: After entering DCAM, with each press of the Service Only Switch, the picture will toggle between Video mode and DCU Grid. • Project only the Green raster by selecting Green Adjustment mode and pressing the MENU button on remote. gence Adjustment Mode.) Alternate Method: Adjust Horizontal Size until the size matches the chart below. ADJUSTMENT 1) Adjust using R711 (Horz. Size Adj. VR) to match marks on the Overlay. (See Figure Below) 2) Press “Power Off” to exit DCAM. (Digital ConverHORIZONTAL SIZE Overlay Hash Mark Overlay Hash Mark 6th Line From Center 6th Line From Center l Between Outside Lines DP15 DP15F DP15E L= DP14G L= DP17 L= 61 inch 1175mm 61 inch 1250mm 61 inch 1250mm 53 inch 1020mm 53 inch 1060mm 53 inch 1105mm 43 inch 825mm 43 inch 880mm PAGE 06-11 DP-1X BEAM FORM ADJUSTMENT BEAM SHAPE (FORM) Preparation for adjustment • IMPORTANT: Screen format should be “NORMAL“. • Pre Heat, Cut-Off, Pre-optical focus, DCU Phase Data, H. Pos Course, Raster Tilt, Beam Alignment, Raster Position, Vertical and Horizontal Size adjustment should be completed. • Brightness: 90%, Contrast: Max. • Input a NTSC DOT signal. 5) Also adjust the Red and Blue CRT beam shapes according to Adjustments procedure: 1) Green CRT beam shape adjustthe steps (1) to (4). ment. 6) After the adjustment is com2) Short-circuit 2P sub-mini conpleted, return R, G and B static nectors on Red and Blue CRT VRs to the Best Focus point. PWB to project only the Green beam. 3) Turn the green static focus VR fully clockwise. 4) Make the dot at the screen center a true circle, using the 4-Pole magnet shown in Figure 2 below. PICTURE TUBE SIDE ADJUSTMENT TABS b 4-POLE BEAM SHAPE CORRECTION MAGNET ZERO FIELD SPACER (NO ADJUSTMENT) a Figure 1 2-POLE BEAM ALIGNMENT MAGNET Figure 2 PAGE 06-12 DP-1X LENS FOCUS ADJUSTMENT Preparation for adjustment 2) (See Figure 1) Loosen the 4) After completing optical fixing screw on the lens focus, tighten the fixing • Receive the Cross-hatch assembly so that the lens screws for each lens. pattern signal. cylinder can be turned. (Be 5) When adjusting the Green • The electrical focus adjustcareful not to loosen the Optical focus, be very ment should have been screw too much, as this careful. Green is the most completed. may cause movement of dominant of the color guns • Deflection Yoke tilt should the lens cylinder when and any error will be eashave been adjusted. tightening.) ily seen. • Brightness = 50% 3) Rotate the cylinder back 6) Repeat Electrical Focus if • Contrast = 60% to 70% and forth to obtain the best necessary. focus point, while observing the Cross-Hatch. Adjustment procedure (Observe the center of the 1) Short the 2 pin subscreen). miniature connector on the CRT P.W.B. TS, to pro• Hint: Located just below duce only the color being the screen are the two adjusted and adjust one at wooden panels. Remove a time. (The adjustment the panels to allow access order of R, G and B is just to the focus rings on the an example.) Lenses. Le ns C yl in d er FIXING SCREW LENS ASSEMBLY R, G, B. Figure 1 PAGE 06-13 DP-1X STATIC FOCUS ADJUSTMENT 2) Adjust the Focus VR for Red until maximum Focus is achieved. 3) Repeat for Blue and Green. ADJUSTMENT PREPARATION: • Pre Heat Run should be finished. FOCUS ADJUSTMENT: 1) Short the 2pin subminiature connector on the CRT PWB (PTS), to remove any color not being adjusted and adjust one color at a time. (The adjustment order of R, G and B is just an example.) Screen VR Screen VRs R G Focus VR B R G B Focus VRs FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-14 DP-1X BLUE DE-FOCUS ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Preparation: Adjustment Procedure • Video Control: Brightness 1) Receive any NTSC cross90%, Contrast Max. hatch signal. • SCREEN FORMAT should 2) Turn the B FOCUS VR be PROGRESSIVE mode. fully clockwise. 3) Adjust BLUE defocus according to the following specifications. 1mm on each side equaling 2mm total. See figure Below. Blue Defocus “Sticking Out” Center of Blue crosshatch line Screen VR Screen VRs R G Focus VR B Focus VRs R G B FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-15 DP-1X WHITE BALANCE and SUB BRIGHTNESS ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Conditions: • Cut Off and Blue Defocus must be complete. • High brightness white balance • Low brightness white balance Screen adjustment VRs on Focus Block Drive adjustment performed using I2C Bus Alignment within Service Menu. 3) 4) 5) 6) Preparation for adjustment adjustment 20 minutes 7) or more after the power is turned on. • Turn the brightness and black level OSD to minimum by remote control. • Receive a tuner signal, (any 8) channel, B/W would be best). • Set the drive adjustment within I2C Service Menu to their Data Centers (3F). • Set Color Temperature to COOL on Customer’s Menu. • Start est white portions of the raster can be seen. Exit Service Menu by pressing MENU button. Input a gray scale signal into any Video input and select that input using the SOURCE button on the remote or front control panel. Turn the Brightness and Contrast OSD all the way up. Enter the Service Menu again. Make the whites as white as possible using the Red DRV (Cool) and Green DRV (Cool) Drive adjustment within I2C Service Menu . (10800K) Set the Brightness and Contrast to minimum. 9) Adjust the low brightness areas to black and white, using screen adjustment VRs (red, green, blue) on the Focus Block assembly. (10800 K) 10) Check the high brightness whites again. If not OK, repeat steps 6 through 9. 11) Press the MENU key on remote to Exit Service Menu. Remember: When adjusting the Screen controls. After the Cut Off adjustment has been completed, never adjust the controls clockwise. Always adjust counter clockwise. This lengthens tube life. Screen VR Screen VRs R G Focus VR Focus VRs R Adjustment procedure Sub Brightness: 1) Go to I2C ADJ. Mode. With power Off, press INPUT and POWER buttons at the same time, then release. Service Menu is displayed. 2) Adjust the Sub Brightness Number [2] SUBBRT using I2C Bus alignment procedure so only the slight- B G B FOCUS PACK Projection Front View RED CRT GREEN CRT BLUE CRT PAGE 06-16 DP-1X HORIZONTAL POSITIONS (FINE) ADJUSTMENT Adjustment Preparation: • Video Control: Brightness 90%, • Contrast Max. Adjustment Procedure NORMAL MODE: 1) Receive any NTSC crosshair signal. 2) Screen Format is NORMAL. 3) Press the SERVICE ONLY switch on the convergence PWB and display the Digital Convergence Crosshatch pattern. 4) Mark the center of the Digital Convergence Crosshatch Pattern with finger and press the SERVICE ONLY switch to return to normal mode. 5) Enter the I2C Bus alignment menu and select Item H POSI and adjust the data so that the center of Video matches the location of the Digital Crosshatch pattern noted in step {4}. 6) Exit from the I2C Menu. data for H POSI 16X9 HD mode can now be changed. 14) Adjust the data up or down slightly. 15) Exit from the I2C Menu. 16) Change Screen Format to 16X9 HD mode. 7) Receive any 1080i (2.14H) 17) Confirm that the Center signal. of Video matches the Center of the DCU Cross8) Change Screen Format hatch determined in step 16X9 HD mode. (10). 9) Press the SERVICE ONLY switch on the de- 18) If the Horizontal Position flection PWB and display isn’t correct, repeat steps (7) through (18) until centhe Digital Convergence Crosshatch pattern. ter is matched. 10) Mark the center of the NOTE: To enter the I2C Bus Digital Convergence Crosshatch Pattern with alignment menu, with Power finger and press the SER- Off, press the INPUT button and hold it down, then press VICE ONLY switch to the POWER button and rereturn to normal mode. lease. I2C adjustment menu 11) Power set Off and then back On. will appear. 12) Enter the I2C Bus alignment menu and select Item [9] H POSI 13) Press MENU key on R/C. (H POSI) option is changed to HD mode. H POSI H appears). The 16X9 HD Mode Adjustment: NOT for the 16X9 aspect models. NOTE: I2C Service Menu Can Not be entered in the 16X9 HD Mode. NORMAL MODE: Balance left and right side display position. PAGE 06-17 DP-1X CHASSIS MAGIC FOCUS “CHARACTER SET UP” NOTE: This instruction should be DATA VALUES CONFIRMAapplied when a new DCU is being TION: replaced. 4. Use the Cursor ▼ and ▲ keys This DCU can be set up for three to scroll through the ADJ. PAdifferent types of wording during RAMETER table. Confirm Intellisense. Data values in accordance with 1. INTELLISENSE 99 TABLE 1 to the right. To • Phillips make data value changes, Press the ◄ or ► Cursor keys. 2. MAGIC FOCUS 77 5. Press the PIP MODE key 2 • Hitachi time to write the changed data 3. HD FOCUS AA into EEPROM. (First press, • Zenith ADJ PARAMETER ROM WRITE ? Is displayed for Adjustment Preparation: alarm. 2nd press writes data 1. Receive NTSC RF or Video into EEPROM. Green dots apSignal. pear after completion of opera2. With Power Off, Press and tion). HOLD the SERVICE ONLY 6. Press the MUTE button 3 button on the Convergence/ times exit. Focus PWB, then press the Power On/Off and release. 16 X 9 HD MODE ADJ: When picture appears, release 6. Input a 1080i signal. Service Only switch. (DCU 7. Press the EXIT key on remote grid is displayed without con5 time to exit to the video vergence correction data. mode. 8. Change input to receive 1080i Adjustment Procedure: input. 1. Press the FREEZE key on R/ C. (One additional line appears 9. Enter Customer’s Menu and select FORMAT. Change to near the top and bottom. Through Mode. 2. Press the PIP CH key, the 10. Exit Menu. ADJ. PARAMETER mode is 11. Press the Service Only Switch displayed as following. to return to DCAM. 12. Repeat Steps 2 ~ 8. ADJ.PARAMETER 13. Power set off. —–> ADJ. DISP. : 77 SEL. STAT. : 00 DEMO.WAIT : 2f 3. Press the ◄ or ► Cursor to change the ADJ. DISP. Data as follows; • 77 for HITACHI TABLE 1 Parameter Not for 16X9 aspect models. Normal Squeeze ADJ.DISP 77 • SEL. STAT 00 • DEMO WAIT 2f • INT STEP 1 02 • INT A DLY 0a • INT C DLY 0a INT BAR 1c • MGF STEP 1 00 • MGF A DLY 0a • MGF C DLY 0a MGF BAR 0e • SENSOR CK 00 • SENSOR 0 ff • SENSOR 1 00 • SENSOR 2 ff • SENSOR 3 01 • SENSOR 4 ff • SENSOR 5 06 • SENSOR 6 ff • SENSOR 7 07 • AD LEVEL 03 • E. DISPLAY 00 • ADJ. TIMS 60 • AD LEVEL 05 • AD NOISE 80 • PHASE MOT 60 • H. BLK-RV 06 H. BLK-GV 01 H. BLK-BV 06 H. BLK-H 00 • PON DELAY 0c • IR-CODE 00 • INITIAL 50 9e • MGF 50 96 • 9 POINT 50 fe • STAT 50 fe • DYNA 50 9f • 5a 5a 03 • 03 PAGE 06-18 DP-1X CHASSIS MAGIC FOCUS “PATTERN SET UP” NOTE: This instruction should be applied when a new DCU is being replaced. NOTE: This instruction shows how to set up the pattern position 6. for Intellisense. Each model has a specific set up pattern position. 7. change the Pattern Position Data in horizontal Direction. Press the ▲ or ▼ Cursor keys to change the Pattern Position Data in Vertical Direction. Set the Data Values as shown below. Press the PIP MODE key 2 times to write the changed data into EEPROM. (First press, ADJ PARAMETER ? ROM WRITE ? Is displayed for alarm. 2nd press writes data into EEPROM. Green dots appear after completion of operation). Press the MUTE button 3 times exit Pattern Mode. Adjustment Preparation: • Receive NTSC RF or Video Signal. • With Power Off, Press and HOLD the SERVICE ONLY button on the Convergence/ Focus PWB, then press the Power On/Off at the same 8. time, until picture appears, then release both. (Picture is displayed without conv. CorrecNORMAL MODE: tion data. Press the Service 0 1 Only button to bring up Internal Crosshatch.) RH X 02 Adjustment Procedure: 1. Press the FREEZE key on R/ C. (One additional line appears near the top and bottom. 2. Press the HELP key, the PATTERN mode is displayed as following. 0 7 6 3. 4. 5. 1 RH : 02 RV : FF 5 2 3 4 Use the 6 Key to rotate Arrow. Arrow rotates clockwise with each press on the 6 Key. Use the following Keys to switch color of patterns. • STATUS : GREEN • 0 : RED • ANT : BLUE Press the ◄ or ► Cursor to 16X9 HD MODE 9. CHANGE DISPLAY TO 16X9 HD MODE. 10. Press the EXIT key on R/C 5 times to exit to video mode. 11. Change input to receive 1080i signal. 12. Change format to 16X9 HD. Top and bottom panels should now be black. 13. Exit Menu. 14. Repeat Steps 2 through 8 15. Power set off. 2 3 4 5 6 7 X fa X 02 X 04 RV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 GH X 00 X fa X 00 X 04 GV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 BH X 00 X fa X 00 X 04 BV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 16X9 HD MODE: V. SQUEEZE ACTIVATED Not in 16X9 aspect models. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RH X 02 X fa X 02 X 06 RV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 GH X 00 X fa X 00 X 06 GV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 BH X 00 X fa X 00 X 06 BV X 00 X 00 X 02 X 00 PAGE 06-19 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES Complete Digital Convergence Alignment Center the Overlay Jig geometrically on the screen Receive any NTSC signal (Crosshair if possible) Set SCREEN FORMAT TO NORMAL mode Clear RAM data (DCU RAM) Service only switch is on the Convergence PWB. Internal Digital "Cross Hatch Signal" is projected Press and hold the SERVICE ONLY SWITCH, then press the POWER Button and release, picture appears. Release the SERVICE ONLY SWITCH again. DCU Grid appars. No DCU Correction added results in severe pincushion distortion Center Magnet Adjustments Select the External Center Cross Signal by pressing the EXIT button 5 times, then the Remote SOURCE button . Use the Centering Magnets closest to the Yoke Front View R B G Align the G,R,B individual center crosses to their respective marks on the Overlay using the Yoke Center Magnets Red = Left External Selected Center Cross with no DCU center data R G B Blue = Right Green = Center A See Offset Chart for exact distances Page 06-09 PAGE 06-20 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES A Static Centering Alignments (Moves Entire Raster) Press EXIT 5 times to return to DCU Grid. Internal Cross Hatch Signal selected Press the Remote FREEZE button (extra lines will appear at top and bottom) Extra Lines appear indicating Raster Mode Remote Adjust Color Up Press the Remote Cursor buttons to match the selected Crosshatch (red and blue) to the green. Adjust Color Left OK Adjust Color Right Adjust Color Down Align Red and Blue static centers TO SELECT COLORS Status : Selects GREEN 0 : Selects RED ANT : Selects BLUE Green should already be centered Press the Remote FREEZE button to exit Raster Position. (extra lines will disappear) B PAGE 06-21 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES B Convergence 3x3 Point Adjustment Mode (Green Coarse Alignment) Press the Remote STATUS button to enter the Green Adjustment Mode Press the Remote STATUS button 5 times to enter the 3X3 Adjustment Mode STATUS Button is used for selecting the 3X3 Adjustment Mode (when pressed 5 times). (The 3X3 Mode can only be entered when the DCU RAM data is cleared) Green Only Press the Remote MENU button to project the green tube only St at us Remote Cursor blinks at intervals of 3 to indicate the 3X3 Adjustment Mode Use the Remote 2, 4, 5, 6 number buttons to move the Adjustment Point location (intersection of blinking cursor) and the Cursor Buttons to adjust the lines so that the green cross hatch align with the Overlay (Jig) Selects GREEN 3X3 Mode = 9 Adjustment Points Remote OK Before Adjustment Adjusted by cursor keys After Adjustment Remote 2 4 5 6 Moves location of Adjustment Point (Intersection of blinking cursor) Lines symmetrically aligned at Adjustment Points C Continue on next page PAGE 06-22 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES C Before Calculation Press the Remote INFO button to Calculate points in between the adjustment points. Calculation averages the error between the points to prevent "S" Distortion Convergence 3x3 Mode (9 Point) Adjustment (Red / Blue Coarse Alignment) Green always projected After interpolation, press the Remote0 button to select the Red Convergence Adjustment Mode Remote Cursor blinks RED 4 7 5 8 0 6 9 0 Selects RED Crosshatch is yellow when the red and green crosshatches align Press the Remote 2,4,5,6 buttons to move the adjustment point, and the Cursor buttons to converge the selected color onto green Cursor Blinks Blue Store the data to interpolate as often as necessary Remote Has the Blue 3x3 Convergence Mode been aligned? Crosshatch is cyan when the blue and green crosshatches align White internal crosshatch should be projected Selects Blue No Press the Remote ANT button to Select the Blue Convergence Adjustment Mode Yes Press Menu Button ANT D PAGE 06-23 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES D Convergence 7x5 Point Adjustment (Green Only Alignment) Remote 4 7 5 8 Press the Remote 0 button five times to enter the 7X5 mode 6 9 0 Selects the 7X5 mode If selected Color isn't already Red, it will take 6 presses of 0 button St at us Remote Press the Remote STATUS button to project the green only Selects GREEN Use the Remote Cursor and 2,4,5,6 buttons to perform convergence point adjustment at every other intersection of the crosshatch 35 convergence adjustment points in 7X5 mode Remote Adjust Color Up Adjust Color Left OK Adjust Color Right Adjust Color Down Press the Remote INFO button to Calculate points in between the adjustment points. E PAGE 06-24 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES E Remote Convergence 7x5 Point Adjustment (Red/Blue Alignment) 4 7 5 8 0 6 9 Press the Remote 0 button to project the Red/Green Crosshatch Perform adjustment at every other intersection Press the Remote Cursor and 2,4,5,6 buttons to perform convergence point adjustment at every other intersection of the crosshatch Cursor blinks red at intervals of 2 to indicate the 7x5 mode Cursor Blinks Blue Press the Remote INFO button to Calculate points in between the adjustment points. Press the Remote ANT button to select the Blue Convergence Adjustment Mode Has the Blue 7X5 Convergence Mode been aligned? White Internal Crosshatch should be projected OK No Remote Selects Blue ANT Yes Press Menu Button Selects Blue for adjustment F PAGE 06-25 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES F Convergence 13X9 Point Adjustment (Green Only Alignment) Press the Remote ANT button five times to enter the 13X9 mode Remote If selected Color isn't already Blue, it will take 6 presses of Source button Pressed 5 times, Selects the 13X9 mode ANT Remote St at us Remote Press the Remote A/CH button to project the green only OK Selects GREEN 2 4 5 6 Use the Remote Cursor and 2,4,5,6 buttons to perform convergence point adjustment at every other intersection of the crosshatch 117 convergence adjustment points in 13X9 mode Remote Adjust Color Up Adjust Color Left OK Adjust Color Right Adjust Color Down Press the Remote INFO button to Calculate points in between the adjustment points. G PAGE 06-26 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES G Convergence 13X9 (117 Point) Adjustment (Red/Blue Alignment) Remote 4 7 5 8 0 6 9 Press the Remote " 0 " button to enter RED Adjustment Mode and to project the Red/Green Crosshatch Perform adjustment at every intersection Press the Remote Cursor and 2,4,5,6 buttons to perform convergence point adjustment at every intersection of the crosshatch Press the Remote INFO button to Calculate points in between the adjustment points. Cursor blinks red indicating the 13X9 mode Press the Remote ANT button to select the Blue Convergence Adjustment Mode Remote Adjust Color Up Adjust Color Left OK Adjust Color Down White Internal Crosshatch should be projected Cursor Blinks Blue Adjust Color Right Remote Has the Blue 13X9 Convergence Mode been aligned? ANT No Selects Blue for adjustment Yes Press the Menu Button to Display all colors H PAGE 06-27 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES H Store New Convergence Data in ROM Press the Remote PIP MODE button twice to save the data to ROM mode = STORE ROM WRITE? 1 2 This screen is projected at the first press of PIP MODE button 3 Screen goes blank for several seconds at the second push of the PIP MODE button !!!! WARNING !!!! Sensor Initialization must be done after a Write to ROM, (STORE) in order for MAGIC FOCUS to operate. If this is not done, when HD FOCUS is run, a single Cross Hire will be displayed. Return to the Digital Conv. Adjustment Mode and Initialize the Sensors. This screen appears with a series of green dots indicating a successful Write to ROM or Store. Note: If Red dots appear, retry the process. If Red dots appear the second time, replace the Digital Convergence module. Press the Remote MUTE button to return to the Digital Convergence Adjustment mode I PAGE 06-28 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES I Magic Focus Sensor Initialization Press the Remote PIP MODE button once SHORTCUT TO CHANGE TO 16 X 9 HD MODE: 1) While in DCAM, press the EXIT key on R/C 5 times to exit to video mode. 2) Change input to receive 1080i signal. 3) Change format to 16 X 9 Through Mode using Customer’s Menu. Top and Bottom panels should now be black. 4) Exit Customer’s Menu. 5) Press the SERVICE ONLY SWITCH on the Convergence PWB to re-enter DCAM. DCAM grid should now appear. 6) Return to step D and continue in 16 X 9 Through Mode. 1 ROM WRITE? SWAP PIP CH - SOURCE FREEZE + Again the screen projects ROM WRITE at the first press of PIP MODE button Press the Remote PIP CH button to begin the Initialization Mode This screen appears with a series of green dots indicating successful sensor Data Initialization 2 INTELLISENSE 3 Screen projects different light patterns during the Initialization Mode Press the MUTE Button to return to Crosshatch. Finished with Digital Convergence Setup for NORMAL mode. Press the Service Only Switch to Exit to Normal Mode NOT FOR 16 X 9 ASPECT MODELS SELECT 1080I (16 X 9 HD) Mode, Change screen format to 16X9 HD Mode. Install the 16 X 9 HD Overlay. Press the Service Only Switch to enter the DCAM. Return to step (D) and aligh to the Overlay. CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENT OPERATION COMPLETE PAGE 06-29 DP-1X DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES Convergence Touchup Overlays NOT required! Convergence Point Adjustment Be sure to input the correct signal for the paticular display that need convergence touch up. NTSC (Normal) or 1080i (16 X 9 HD). Enter the Service Mode by pressing the Service Only Switch on Convergence PWB. Press "0" five times to select the 7X5 Mode Press "ANT" five times to select the 13X9 Mode Note: 3X3 mode can not be entered without clearing RAM data. Cleared RAM data mode can be entered if necessary. Clear RAM data by pressing and holding the Service Only button, then press the Power button. Press the Service Only switch again to display the DCU Grid, then Read the Old ROM data. (SWAP press twice) Press the MENU button to Remove colors not being adjusted. Press 2, 4, 5, 6 buttons to move Adjustment Point Press Cursor Up / Down / Left / Right to Adjust Convergence When adjustment is complete, STORE the New DATA by pressing the PIP MODE button twice. Press the MUTE button to return to DCAM grid. After Storing, initialize the INTELLISENS sensors by pressing the PIP MODE button ONCE and then press the PIP CH button. Press the MUTE button to return to DCAM grid. See "Complete Digital Convergence Alignment procedure" for more details. Press the Service Only Switch to Exit DCAM mode. PAGE 06-30 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5711 TSI (P/N HL01641) USED IN MODELS: 61SWX10B, 61SWX12B 53SWX10B, 53SWX12B 43UWX10B, 53UWX10B 61UDX10B, 53UDX10B 43FDX11B, 43FDX10B POWER VCR TV CBL SAT SOURCE WIZARD AV1 DVD AV2 AV3 CURSOR DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 RED (7 X 5) CURSOR UP CURSOR LEFT 0 SLEEP LAST CH RASTER PHASE BLUE (13X9) HELP C.C. ANT MUT E SV CS VC R VID + WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) STA INFO TUS GU IDE /TV VID PROG CENTERING FREEZE PIP ACCESS SWAP TV/VCR 5 4 VID3 PIP CH GREEN (3 X 3) HD SC VID 2 PIP-MODE CORRECTION BUTTONS CH VID PIP INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH PL US 1 CALCULATE CROSSHATCH VIDEO SELECT VOL PIX EXIT U MEN REMOVE COLOR ASPECT READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) SLOW REC HITACHI CLU-5711TSI PAGE 06-31 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-5712 TSI (P/N HL01642) USED IN MODELS: 53SBX10B POWER VCR TV CBL SAT SOURCE WIZARD CURSOR UP AV1 DVD AV2 AV3 CURSOR DOWN CURSOR LEFT 1 2 3 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 RED (7 X 5) 0 SLEEP LAST CH RASTER PHASE BLUE (13X9) HELP INPUT CROSSHATCH VIDEO EXIT U MEN REMOVE COLOR PIX SELECT VOL MUT E SV CS VC R PL US + CH STA INFO TUS GU IDE HD SC CENTERING PIP WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) GREEN (3 X 3) /TV CALCULATE INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH CORRECTION BUTTONS PIP-MODE PROG PIP CH FREEZE PIP ACCESS SWAP TV/VCR READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) SLOW REC HITACHI CLU-5712TSI PAGE 06-32 REMOTE CONTROL CLU-4311UG (P/N HL01651) Used with 60DX10B, 50DX10B 43GX10B, 50GX30B HP-1X Chassis READ OLD ROM DATA PRESS (2X) POWER TV CBL/SAT SWAP DVD/VCR MOVE PIP WRITE TO ROM PRESS (2X) FREEZE HELP CENTERING PIP CH MENU RASTER PHASE REMOVE COLOR INITIALIZE PIP MODE + PIP CH SELECT CORRECTION BUTTONS MUTE LAST CH EXIT CROSSHATCH VIDEO VOL CH CURSOR UP CURSOR LEFT BLUE (13X9) 1 2 3 CURSOR DOWN 4 5 6 CURSOR RIGHT 7 8 9 0 STATUS INPUT REC TV/VCR RED (7 X 5) GREEN (3 X 3) PIX HITACHI CLU-4311UG PAGE 06-33 DP-1X MAGNET AND YOKE LOCATION DP-1X MAGNETS Adjustment Points 1 FRONT RED CRT 2 GREEN CRT 3 BLUE CRT 4 4 6 4 5 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) Centering magnet RED Centering magnet GREEN Centering magnet BLUE Beam Form Magnets 5 (5) Beam Alignment magnets (6) Focus Block Assembly RED, GREEN & BLUE FOCUS CONTRO Also: SCREEN CONTROLS for RED, GREEN & BLUE PAGE 06-34 DP-1X SUB PICTURE AMPLITUDE ADJUSTMENT Preparation for Adjustment Adjustment Procedure • Sub Brightness adjustment should be finished. • Start adjustment 20 minutes after the power is turned on. • Condition should be set as follows: • Contrast = MAX • Brightness = Center • Press “PIP” button on Remote Control. PIP appears on screen • Select Single mode. Receive NTSC white signal, for the Main Picture and the SubPicture. (Do not use Component Signals). • Connect Probe on the P852 (CRT PWB — Green) to check sub-picture amplitude. 1) Go to I2C adjustment Mode. 2) Press “MENU” on remote to scroll through adjustment pages, until TA1270M appears at the top of the page. 3) Press “PIP CH” on remote control, TA1270-M changes to TA1270-S. 4) Observe P852 on the CRT PWB and change the TA1270-S “SUB CNT” I2C data so that the amplitude of the Sub Picture is the same level as that of the main picture. Shown below. 5) Exit Service Menu. Enter I2C adjustment Menu. Press Menu and scroll through pages until TA1270-M appears. ADJUST MODE TA1270-M TINT (TV) TOFFO (TV) TOFQ SUB CNT SUB CLR 3C 00 00 0F Sub Picture Press PIP CH ADJUST MODE TA1270-S TINT (TV) TOFFO (TV) TOFQ SUB CNT SUB CLR 3C 00 00 0F Sub Picture 1H Main Picture White Sub Picture White Should Match Main Adjust SUB CNT until peak white of PinP matches peak white of the main picture. PAGE 06-35 MAGIC FOCUS ERROR CODES FOR THE DP-1X CHASSIS CONVERGENCE ERRORS: If an error message or code appears while performing MAGIC FOCUS or initialize (PIP MODE and PIP CH in Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode, follow this confirmation and repair method. 1) Turn on Power and receive any signal. 2) Press the Service Only Switch on the Convergence Output PWB. 3) Press SWAP and then the PIP CH buttons on the remote control. 4) Error code will be displayed in bottom right corner of screen. 5) If there is no error, and INITIAL OK will appear on screen. ERROR!! Error Code X Error Message CONNECT 1! No. 1 3 Sensor Position 6) Follow repair table for errors. ERROR!!. Error Code Application Error Display Code Countermeasure Initialize Magic Focus 1 VF Error Replace DCU X X 2 *2 Connect 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. X — Darken Outside Light Placing of Sensor Is pattern hitting sensor? Check connection and solder bridge of sensor Replace Sensor. Replace Sensor PWB. Sensor Connector check. Replace DCU. Adjustment check (H/V size, centering). 3*2 A/D Level Same as Error Code 2 X X 4 Over Flow 1. 2. 3. X X Check the placement Adjustment check (H/V size, centering). Conv. Amp. Gain check*1 (check resistor values only) 5 Convergence Same as Error Code 4 X X 7 Operation Same as Error Code 4 — X 9 Connect 2 Same as Error Code 2 X X 10 Noise Input strong field. Strong signal. Check the wiring of connector between sensor and DCU X X 11 Sync Input strong field. Strong signal. Check the wiring of connector between sensor and DCU X X *1 = RK 42, 46, 50, 54, 58, 62 check these resistors. *2 = Sensor Position PAGE 06-36 AUDIO INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE 07-01 V5 V4 V3 V2 V1 27 MON Aux 5 Right Aux 5 Left Aux 4 Right Aux 4 Left 7 8 PFT 16 15 PST1 TERMINAL PWB Monitor Out Right Monitor Out Left TV Main R Front Control PWB Aux 3 Right Aux 3 Left Aux 2 Right Aux 2 Left Aux 1 Right Aux 1 Left Main Tuner 26 U501 TV Main L SIGNAL PWB 43 45 Right Out SEL OUT Left Out MON 40 OUT 38 61 59 4 2 17 25 23 11 9 18 16 64 62 IX01 A/V Select See AV Mute Circuit Diagram See AV Mute Circuit Diagram 11 10 PST1 SIGNAL PWB SEL R SEL L QJ02 QJ01 + IJ01 12 7 SIGNAL PWB Front Audio Out TA8200AH 2 4 + 10 FR 11 FL 7 8 PSU1 FL (TW) Out FL (WO) Out FR (TW) Out FR (WO) Out HiFi Out HiFi Out SRS PWB (See SRS Audio Circuit Diagram) DP-1X Chassis Audio (Main-Terminal) Signal Path 4 2 PL 4 2 PR L R JA01 PAGE 07-02 30 R In 1 L In 7 8 11 10 5 Select R Select L FL FR V Mute 2 ERRMute 6 Mute VMute Front Right Front Left 14 SCL 13 SDA SCL2 1 SDA2 2 PSU1 L Out R Out 8 23 27 BBEout L 4 Tone R In 26 Tone L In 5 BBEout R IA01 18 Audio Control 17 MODE 2 MODE 1 2 3 5 6 - + IA07 - + 1 7 DA02 DA01 QA05 DA04 QA06 QA03 QA04 DA03 JA01 H SRS MONAURAL QA01 QA02 H SRS STEREO Out to HiFi L Out to HiFi R H L L/H MODE 1 MODE 2 SRS LOGIC L MODE LOut ROut LIn RIn IA02 SRS BYPASS (SRS OFF) 12 13 23 24 15 16 DP-14G, 15, 15F, PP15, ZP14 Series Chassis TruSurround / SRS AUDIO Circuit (This Circuit is not for the DP-17) (Also, see Audio Main and Terminal PWB Circuit) PAGE 07-03 U501 Aux 3 Right Aux 3 Left Aux 2 Right Aux 2 Left Aux 1 Right V5 V4 Monitor Out Right Monitor Out Left 7 8 PFT 16 15 PST1 TERMINAL PWB MON Aux 5 Right Aux 5 Left Aux 4 Right Aux 4 Left Front Control PWB V3 V2 V1 TV Main R Aux 1 Left Main Tuner 26 27 TV Main L SIGNAL PWB 7 PerVol On/Off QJ02 QJ01 QJ06 QJ05 Center IJ03 Perfect 10 Vol 1 See AV Mute Circuit Diagram 11 45 Right Out SEL OUT 10 43 PST1 Left Out MON 40 OUT 38 61 59 4 2 17 25 23 11 9 18 16 64 62 IX01 A/V Select 8 3 SIGNAL PWB 1 of 4 SEL R SEL L + - + IJ02 12 7 + IJ01 12 7 Front Audio Out TA8200AH 2 4 + Center Audio Out TA8200AH 2 4 20 PSU2 10 FR 11 FL 7 8 HiFi Out HiFi Out FL (TW) Out FR (TW) Out FL (WO) Out FR (WO) Out Center L Out Center R Out Coaxial Input Optical Input 1 Rear L 4 2 PL 4 2 PR 2 PCL 2 PCR 4 3 JS01 4 JS02 JS03 Rear R Sub Woofer Out SURROUND PWB (See DP17 Surround Audio Circuit Diagram) PSU1 DP-17 Chassis Audio (Main-Terminal) Signal Path Sel R Sel L FL JS01 3 FL See Audio Signal Path (Main & Terminal) 86 Invert 2 IT02 Optical Input Good, no Invert Invert 1 Digital Output to DSP 5 IS16 SPFRX 12 2X Invert 3 8 IS17 11 Surround QW01 Sub PWB 4 PW09 3 4 Coaxial Input Optical Input 8 7 11 10 FR Out to Hi-Fi 32 30 28 27 Rear Spk Jack 1 4 JS02 26 25 SL SR 23 C SW 24 IT07 FR FL QS11 2 3 QS03,2 SW Sel 2 QS01 IS04 7 IS15 Mute 11 Rear Audio 7 4 Output IC 12 2 Rear L Rear R Center Sub Woofer 1 6 5 + - PSU1 DS10 DS26 DS09 QS08 26 25 11 6 16 FL 17 7 V Mute 2 33 3 2 6 5 SR 35 SL 34 C IS09 SR SL C Rear Spk Off DS08 SL 31 32 SW SW 36 Front Audio Control IS06 Out to Hi-Fi 1 FR SR FR QS04 DS07 D Error Mute QS07 QS09 5 7 3 2 QS05,6 SW Sel 1 S 1 3 + 2 - G 7 IS03 6 5 + QS13 IS05 6 1 + - 4 7 1 1 7 20 Center 3 + 2 - + IS12 5 + - 7 + IS11 PSU2 C 1 2 1 6 5 C 7 6 3 QS19 Sub Woofer QS17 Out FR FL QS20, 21 C.D. Bass See Audio (Main & Terminal) 6 5 + IS08 3 + 2 - IS07 6 5 + 3 + 2 - IS10 Front 20 FL 39 Graphic 23 EQ FR DP-17 CHASSIS SURROUND AUDIO SIGNAL PATH + + + + - PAGE 07-04 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 8 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK PAGE 08-01 R L AUDIO TO HI-FI ANT B To Converter ANT A R AUDIO INPUT 2 R AUDIO INPUT 1 L (MONO) (MONO) L VIDEO S-VIDEO VIDEO S-VIDEO R AUDIO INPUT 4 PRCR L R AUDIO (MONO) INPUT 5 PRCR PBCB L PBCB (MONO) Y Y L R AUDIO MONITOR OUT (MONO) VIDEO S-VIDEO REAR PANEL for the (DP-1X except DP-17) MODELS PAGE 08-02 R AUDIO TO HI-FI L - + - + SUB WOOFER L L REAR SPEAKER 8 ONLY OPTICAL COAXIAL INPUT INPUT ANT B To Converter ANT A INPUT 2 L INPUT 1 (MONO) R AUDIO L VIDEO S-VIDEO R AUDIO (MONO) VIDEO S-VIDEO L R AUDIO (MONO) INPUT 4 PRCR PBCB Y CONNECT ONLY 8 Ohm SPEAKERS DO NOT SHORT CIRCUIT SPEAKER TERMINALS (such damage is NOT COVERED by your television warranty) STOP L R AUDIO (MONO) INPUT 5 PRCR PBCB Y REAR PANEL for the (DP-17) MODELS L R AUDIO MONITOR OUT (MONO) VIDEO S-VIDEO PAGE 08-03 PDK1 7 6 2 1 PSD1 T701 6 7 2 1 I601 D708 HORIZONTAL SIZE R711 R607 VERTICAL SIZE PMB PMG PMR 1 2 PSD2 PDK3 11 1 10 2 PDK4 10 11 T702 Q777 3 1 1 PDC2 6 1 PDC1 DP23 SW-28V (Green) DP35 SW+28V (Green) PDF1 DP37 SW+5V (Green) IP04 DP11 SW+9V PSD3 (Green) 2 10 1 11 Q701 7 6 FH01 PROTECTOR DP-1X DEFLECTION PWB 1 2 IP05 5 FP08 PROTECTOR FP02 PROTECTOR FP07 PROTECTOR FP03 PROTECTOR FP04 PROTECTOR FP05 PROTECTOR FP09 PROTECTOR QH01 = GREEN or RED LED IP01 DP01 SWITCHING TRANSFORMER TP91 TH01 FBT 1 2 FP01 FUSE IP01 IC POWER MONITOR (RED) DO NOT ADJUST HIGH VOLTAGE ADJUST PDKP 11 10 F902 FUSE C905 I902 Q901 Q902 I903 D901 R902 Q917 Q919 Q918 1 PQS2 L902 Q914 3 L901 4 1 2 PQD1 9 1 1 = GREEN or RED LED PA 2 1 6 Amp F901 125V FUSE L905 6 1 AUDIO SRS +29V (SRS) R931 I904 Q916 Q915 S901 2 Amp 125V I901 Q920 R971 I906 PQD2 Switching Transformer T901 S902 D912 PAQ1 D910 C915 DP-1X SUB POWER PWB PQS1 PAGE 08-04 1 PSU1 20 1 PSU2 U501 MAIN TUNER EAN 1 20 1 20 1 1 X301 PST3 40 I501 X552 IC04 UC01 20 FLEX CONVERTER / PinP TERMINAL PWB 100 1 Q025 I301 PST2 3D Y/C SHIELD COVER IC03 PST1 9 IC02 PQS1 1 I001 MAIN MICRO Q016 I001 4 4P 1 PQS2 1 PCL 6P XC01 QC30 QC35QC40 11 4 6 PFSH I002 QC26 8 PZC 1 1 PR 1 7P 2P PZV X001 4 PSD2 20 IJ01 1 1 PJIG 7 PRST PFS 1 7 1 PL 5 1 1 IC01 9 DP-1X SIGNAL PWB DOUBLE SIDED PSD1 PSD3 11 I303 U502 PinP TUNER SURROUND PWB PAGE 08-05 DP-0X CHASSIS CRT PWB PGV P851 GND PTSG SHORT TO KILL THE COLOR P852 Cathode E831 GREEN P801 W801 PRV GND PTSR SHORT TO KILL THE COLOR PTSB SHORT TO KILL THE COLOR P802 Cathode E861 RED P841 W801 PVB GND E801 P8A2 CATHODE BLUE PAGE 08-06 PAGE 08-07 2 1 QK01 IK01 PDK1 SERVICE ONLY SWITCH 6 7 QK08 QK07 QK06 QK02 QK03 1 2 1 PSD1 PDK3 11 10 2 11 1 PDK4 IK02 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE UNIT UKDG 6 7 4 PCR QF06 QF05 QF04 18 1 QF06 IK04 DP1X CONVERGENCE PWB 4 1 QF07 PCG 3 1 PDF1 1 18 QF08 2 1 1 10 11 PDF2 PDKP 1 4 4 PCB IK05 1 1 LX03 20 PFT 11 PST1 1 1 JX01 LX01 LX02 PST2 QX01 QX02 QX03 20 XX02 1 XX01 1 IX03 48 JX02 PST3 LX04 LX09 LX10 20 LX08 IX08 16 IX07 1 IX09 16 IX06 1 16 IX02 48 IX05 1 1 LX07 XX05 LX06 XX03 IX04 48 DP-1X TERMINAL PWB DOUBLE SIDED PAGE 08-08 PSU2 JA01 1 IA07 1 1 8 PSU1 IA01 30 20 1 IA02 1 24 20 DP-1X SRS (Surround) PWB DOUBLE SIDED PAGE 08-09 DIGITAL CONVERGENCE UNIT UKDG 1 11 18 18 PCR PCB 4 4 4 1 4 3 QK08 QK07 QK06 QF06 QF06 QF04 PDK4 PDK3 PDK1 7 1 1 111 7 1 1 111 7 PDK4 1 7 PDK1 PDK3 PMR DP-1X PMG DEFLECTION QF07 PDF2 QF08 1 PDF1 1 PDKP QF05 = GREEN or RED LED 1 11 1 11 PDKP PDF1 PMB 3 PWB FBT QH01 VERTICALT701 SIZE R607 TH01 FH01 PROTECTOR R711 HORIZONTAL SIZE Q701 HIGH VOLTAGE ADJUST DO NOT ADJUST DP23 SW-28V (Green) DP35 SW+28V (Green) Q777 T702 FP09 PROTECTOR FP05 PROTECTOR FP08 PROTECTOR DP01 PDC1 PDC2 7 1 1 DP37 SW+5V (Green) DP11 SW+9V (Green) PSD3 11 1 7 1 11 I601 1 IP05 IP04 11 FP04 PROTECTOR FP03 TP91 PROTECTOR FP02 PROTECTOR SWITCHING FP07 TRANSFORMER FP01 FUSE PROTECTOR PSD3 1 1 X301 20 1 PST2 1 9 IC02 PQS1 1 PST1 IC03 20 1 3D Y/C SHIELD COVER I001 MAIN MICRO Q016 4P 1 PCL 4 6P 6 1 PFSH 7P PJIG 1 7 2P PRST 100 I301 Q025 I002 X001 1 PFS PST3 40 QC3 0 I501 I303 QC2 6 1 4 EAN PQS2 IJ01 PSU1 SURROUND PWB 1 20 PSU2 U501 MAIN TUNER 1 4 PR 1 1 PL 5 U502 PinP TUNER 20 PZV 1 I001 9 20 FLEX CONVERTER / PinP X552 IC04 UC01 XC01 8 PZC 6 11 PSD2 QC3 QC4 5 0 PSD 1 PSD2 IC01 PSD 1 IP01 5 1 IP01 IC POWER MONITOR (RED) TERMINAL PWB D708 1 1 1 QK02 QK01 1 1 IK05 PCG IK02 QK03 DP1X CHASSIS COMPLETE 1 IK04 PSD1 IK01 PAGE 08-10 DC VOLTAGES Signal (1/5) Circuit No. Circuit No. Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I001 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Voltage DC 0.0 4.8 4.8 3.8 3.5 1.6 3.5 3.3 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 1.8 2.9 3.4 2.2 2.5 0.6 0.0 0.6 2.5 1.5 3.5 2.0 1.7 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.5 1.9 1.9 3.0 3.5 0.0 3.5 3.2 3.5 Pin No. 55 56 I001 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 I002 2 3 1 2 3 I003 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 I004 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 I005 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Circuit No. Voltage DC 3.5 0.0 3.4 3.4 4.6 4.6 3.5 1.8 1.8 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.7 0.0 5.1 5.1 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 4.9 0.0 0.0 5.1 2.6 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 2.9 I005 I006 I007 Q001 Q002 Q003 Q004 Q005 Q006 Q007 Pin No. 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C Voltage DC 2.9 2.3 8.9 0.0 4.9 4.1 4.1 4.7 0.4 4.7 0.0 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.8 4.7 5.0 0.0 0.3 0.4 1.9 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0 5.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.7 5.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 3.5 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 -1.5 3.0 0.0 0.2 2.9 Circuit No. Pin No. E Q008 B C E Q009 B C E Q010 B C E Q011 B C E Q012 B C E Q013 B C E Q014 B C E Q015 B C E Q016 B C E Q017 B C E Q018 B C E Q019 B C E Q020 B C E Q021 B C E Q022 B C E Q023 B C E Q024 B C E Q025 B C E Q026 B C Voltage DC 5.7 5.8 0.5 5.2 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.9 5.8 5.8 0.6 5.8 5.2 0.0 4.6 5.2 8.9 4.6 5.2 8.9 3.0 2.4 0.0 2.4 3.0 8.9 0.0 0.8 0 3.5 2.8 3.4 0.0 0.4 1.9 0.0 0.4 1.6 0.0 0.0 35.1 35.1 34.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.9 3.1 3.1 0.0 3.6 4.1 5.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 08-11 DC VOLTAGES Signal (2/5) Circuit No. Circuit No. I301 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Voltage DC 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.1 2.9 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.0 2.6 2.6 1.9 2.1 0.7 1.6 0.0 1.6 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.3 1.9 0.0 I301 Pin No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Voltage DC 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 4.6 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.9 1.1 1.6 3.3 0.0 0.0 3.3 0.0 Circuit No. Pin No. 97 98 99 100 1 I302 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 I303 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 I301 Voltage DC 0.0 0.6 1.6 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3 3.3 5.0 2.1 2.1 1.9 2.1 5.0 1.8 1.6 1.6 0.7 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.6 0.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 5.0 0.0 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.5 1.1 1.1 0.0 1.3 3.0 1.9 2.1 0.0 2.5 1.9 2.1 2.1 0.0 Circuit No. I501 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Voltage DC 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.2 0.0 1.8 6.0 3.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 5.7 4.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.6 8.9 8.9 4.5 4.3 4.3 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.0 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.8 0.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 3.1 0.0 3.8 2.3 2.5 08-12 DC VOLTAGES Signal (3/5) Circuit No. Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E Q305 B C E Q306 B C E Q307 B C E Q308 B C E Q309 B C E Q310 B C E Q311 B C E Q312 B C E Q313 B C E Q314 B C E Q315 B C E Q316 B C E Q317 B C E Q501 B C E Q504 B C E Q505 B C E Q551 B C E Q552 B C E Q553 B C E Q554 B C E Q555 B C E Q556 B C E Q557 B C E Q558 B C E Q559 B C E Q560 B C E Q561 B C E Q562 B C E Q563 B C E Q564 B C I502 I503 Q301 Q302 Q303 Q304 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 E B C E B C E B C E B C Voltage DC 2.5 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.8 1.8 0.0 2.4 2.8 0.0 2.5 0.0 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.2 5.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.9 4.9 5.0 0.3 0.0 4.7 5.0 2.0 2.3 3.1 3.3 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.6 8.9 2.5 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 1.6 1.7 1.6 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 1.8 8.3 8.9 8.3 5.2 4.6 0.0 8.9 2.7 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0 4.9 1.6 2.2 0.0 4.9 4.3 0.0 4.9 4.3 0.0 5.1 4.5 0 4.8 0 8.9 3.3 0.0 8.9 0 0 8.9 3.2 3.8 0.0 1.2 1.8 8.9 0.0 0.7 0.0 5.2 5.0 8.9 4.1 3.5 0.0 5.2 5.0 8.9 4.2 3.6 0.0 2.3 1.7 0.0 08-13 DC VOLTAGES Signal (4/5) Circuit No. Circuit No. Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 IC01 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Voltage DC 1.6 5.5 5.3 5.2 5.1 0.0 0.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 7.1 3.3 4.8 2.1 3.3 3.3 1.6 1.6 9.2 6.7 5.5 2.9 2.6 1.2 0.0 1.4 5.1 0.2 2.2 4.6 4.6 0.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 0.6 4.1 4.1 4.1 9.2 2.7 2.7 2.7 0.0 9.2 4.9 4.9 4.7 0.0 0.0 IC01 IC02 IC03 IC04 QC01 QC02 QC03 QC04 QC05 QC06 QC07 QC08 QC09 Pin No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C E B C Voltage DC 0.0 0.0 5.8 4.2 9.2 5.6 7.2 0.0 5.0 4.2 0.0 3.4 5.0 0.0 2.5 0.0 0.6 1.7 0.5 0.6 1.7 0.5 0.6 0.0 3.5 4.1 9.2 3.4 4.0 9.2 3.5 4.1 0.0 1.1 1.2 1.8 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.1 1.1 1.8 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QC10 B C E QC11 B C E QC12 B C E QC13 B C E QC14 B C E QC15 B C E QC16 B C E QC17 B C E QC18 B C E QC19 B C E QC20 B C E QC21 B C E QC22 B C E QC23 B C E QC24 B C E QC26 B C E QC30 B C E QC31 B C E QC35 B C E QC36 B C E QC40 B C E QC41 B C E QC42 B C 0.4 0.0 9.2 9.2 9.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 9.2 1.2 0.6 9.2 0.0 0.0 9.2 0.0 0.0 9.2 6.9 7.5 9.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 3.5 4.2 9.3 3.3 2.6 0.0 8.0 0.0 3.3 3.3 2.6 0.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 3.4 2.7 0.0 0.0 7.3 3.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 08-14 DC VOLTAGES Signal (5/5) Deflection Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit No. IJ01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 10.8 14.8 5.1 31.7 0.0 4.3 14.4 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QJ01 B C E QJ02 B C E QJ03 B C E QJ04 B C Circuit No. Pin No. E QH01 B C E QH02 B C E QH03 B C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 0.0 10.8 Voltage DC 0.4 3.8 90.0 0.0 0.5 3.8 0.0 0.5 59.1 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 I601 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IH01 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Circuit No. Pin No. E QN01 B C E QN02 B C E QN03 B C E QN04 B C E QN05 B C E QN06 B C Power Deflection Voltage DC 14.3 26.6 4.9 6.7 4.5 0.0 5.3 6.1 4.5 27.0 1.0 5.2 11.6 0.8 2.5 1.7 0.0 0.9 0.0 7.1 7.1 7.1 7.1 2.5 1.9 5.0 0.0 Voltage DC 0.0 0.0 0.5 11.4 11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.4 0.5 0.9 11.4 0.0 0.0 11.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E Q601 B C E Q602 B C E Q603 B C E Q604 B C E Q701 B C E Q703 B C E Q704 B C E Q705 B C E Q706 B C E Q707 B C E Q708 B C E Q709 B C E Q710 B C E Q777 B C 0.0 0.3 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 5.2 27.2 27.0 0.0 92.1 93.1 115.5 2.3 3.0 93.1 0.0 0.5 14.1 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.3 0.8 11.6 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 0.4 11.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC IP01 IP02 IP03 IP04 IP05 IP06 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 2.0 0.0 161.3 15.4 0.0 12.0 11.1 3.0 15.4 115.6 11.0 0.0 11.7 9.1 0.0 1.9 7.4 5.1 0.0 1.9 7.4 6.3 0.0 2.1 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QP02 B C E QP03 B C 116.0 115.5 1.3 9.1 9.1 0.0 08-15 DC VOLTAGES SRS/BBE Circuit No. IA01 IA02 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Voltage DC 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.8 4.5 1.2 1.2 4.5 4.5 0.0 8.9 0.0 4.8 1.4 1.4 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 8.9 0.0 4.5 0.0 0.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 0.0 Circuit No. IA02 IA07 Pin No. 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Voltage DC 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.0 4.8 4.8 4.8 8.9 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QA01 B C E QA02 B C E QA03 B C E QA04 B C E QA05 B C 1.4 2.1 8.2 8.9 8.2 5.0 1.4 2.1 8.2 8.9 8.2 4.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 VM FOCUS Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QE01 B C E QE02 B C E QE03 B C E QE04 B C E QE05 B C E E07 B C E QE08 B C E QE10 B C E QE11 B C E QE22 B C E QE23 B C E QE24 B C E QE25 B C E QE26 B C E QE35 B C E QE36 B C E QF03 B C E QF04 B C E QF05 B C E QF06 B C E QF07 B C E QF08 B C 2.6 3.3 12.5 12.5 11.8 27.4 12.5 13.1 22.1 21.4 22.1 27.4 1.6 2.2 15.3 16.0 15.4 0.0 15.4 16.0 27.4 14.8 14.4 27.4 14.6 14.0 0.0 214.5 214.0 10.6 213.4 213.0 121.6 121.6 134.1 116.4 16.6 17.1 116.0 0.9 1.5 16.6 11.8 12.3 155.0 11.8 12.5 27.4 0.6 1.2 5.7 5.6 5.7 0.7 0.3 0.7 11.2 11.4 11.6 302.0 401.0 301.0 788.0 10.2 10.7 354.0 08-16 DC VOLTAGES Power supply Convergence Circuit No. Circuit No. I901 I902 I903 I904 I906 Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Voltage DC 163.9 0.0 0.0 16.9 2.4 5.2 4.3 3.5 17.5 5.0 4.3 0.0 16.8 4.8 5.5 5.2 2.4 0.0 1.9 9.5 9.1 11.0 IK01 IK02 IK04 IK05 Pin No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Sensor Voltage DC 11.6 0.0 5.1 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -29.3 -30.4 31.0 0.0 0.0 -26.9 0.0 27.2 0.0 -26.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -26.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 -29.3 -30.4 31.0 0.0 0.0 -26.9 0.0 27.2 0.0 -26.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -26.9 0.0 Circuit No. Pin No. E QK01 B C E QK02 B C E QK03 B C E QK06 B C E QK07 B C E QK08 B C Voltage DC -7.1 -6.5 -5.3 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 0 -5.8 0 0 5.1 0 0 5.1 0.0 0.0 5.1 Circuit No. Pin No. E QL10 B C E QL11 B C E QL16 B C E QL17 B C Voltage DC 5.1 4.7 0 5.2 4.7 1.6 5.1 4.7 0.0 0.5 4.7 0.0 08-17 DC VOLTAGES Circuit No. Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IX01 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Voltage DC 3.9 4.4 4.0 4.4 4.4 8.3 0.0 3.9 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.4 0.0 4.8 3.9 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.4 0.0 4.8 4.4 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.4 0.0 4.8 4.4 4.4 4.4 0.0 4.7 4.7 0.0 0.0 4.4 4.4 3.5 4.4 4.2 8.8 4.4 4.2 4.4 3.5 4.4 0.0 Terminal (1 of 2) Circuit No. Pin No. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 IX01 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 1 2 IX02 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IX03 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Voltage DC 4.7 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.4 3.6 4.0 0.0 4.3 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.4 6.3 0.0 3.8 4.9 8.7 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.2 0.0 1.8 5.9 2.9 0.0 7.2 0.0 5.6 4.7 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.6 8.7 8.7 4.4 4.4 4.2 8.7 0.0 5.7 5.7 5.5 Circuit No. Pin No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 IX03 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IX04 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Voltage DC 0.0 5.5 5.5 5.5 0.6 4.4 4.5 0.0 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 2.7 4.9 4.9 0.0 3.1 0.0 3.7 2.3 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.1 4.9 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.5 2.3 Circuit No. IX04 IX05 Pin No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Voltage DC 4.9 0.0 4.6 4.6 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.4 4.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.1 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.0 1.0 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.1 4.9 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5 2.5 2.3 08-18 DC VOLTAGES Circuit No. IX05 IX06 IX07 Pin No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Voltage DC 4.9 0.0 4.6 4.6 4.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.4 4.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 1.1 1.1 0.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Terminal (2 of 2) Circuit No. IX07 IX08 IX09 Pin No. 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Voltage DC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 4.7 0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.6 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 Circuit No. Pin No. E QX01 B C E QX02 B C E QX03 B C E QX04 B C E QX05 B C E QX06 B C E QX07 B C E QX08 B C E QX09 B C E QX10 B C E QX11 B C E QX12 B C Voltage DC 3.5 4.2 8.8 2.9 3.5 8.8 3.7 4.3 8.8 3.6 4.2 8.8 3.5 4.2 8.8 3.7 4.4 8.8 3.6 4.2 8.8 4.9 4.3 0.0 4.6 4.0 0.0 5.0 5.6 8.8 6.0 6.6 8.8 6.2 6.8 8.8 Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E QX13 B C E QX14 B C E QX15 B C E QX16 B C E QX17 B C E QX18 B C E QX19 B C E QX20 B C E QX21 B C E QX22 B C E QX23 B C E QX24 B C E QX36 B C E QX37 B C E QX40 B C E QX41 B C 5.0 4.4 0.0 4.8 4.3 0.0 4.8 4.2 0.0 2.6 3.2 4.9 2.5 3.2 4.9 2.9 2.3 0.0 3.2 2.6 0.0 3.2 2.5 0.0 2.9 2.3 0.0 3.2 2.6 0.0 3.2 2.5 0.0 5.2 4.6 0.0 0.5 1.1 9.2 0.0 0.6 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 08-19 DC VOLTAGES CPT CPT Power Supply Control Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC Circuit Pin Voltage No. Name DC E Q801 B C E Q802 B C E Q803 B C E Q804 B C E Q805 B C E Q812 B C E Q851 B C E Q852 B C E Q853 B C E Q854 B C E Q855 B C E Q858 B C E Q859 B C E Q862 B C E Q8A1 B C E Q8A2 B C E Q8A3 B C E Q8A4 B C E Q8A5 B C E Q8A6 B C E Q8A7 B C E Q8C1 B C E Q8C2 B C E Q901 B C E Q902 B C E Q914 B C E Q915 B C E Q916 B C E Q917 B C E Q918 B C E Q919 B C E Q920 B C E QM01 B C E QM03 B C E QM04 B C E QM05 B C 3.0 3.5 8.3 8.3 8.6 0.0 8.6 9.1 168.0 169.0 168.4 1.1 169.0 170.0 225.0 1.0 1.7 1.1 3.1 3.5 8.3 8.3 8.6 9.1 8.6 9.1 156.4 157.0 156.0 1.1 157.0 157.0 224.9 2.5 1.8 0.0 1.8 2.5 9.1 1.1 1.8 1.1 3.2 3.8 8.3 8.2 8.6 9.1 8.6 9.1 150.0 151.6 150.8 1.1 152.0 152.0 224.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 3.7 9.1 0.0 0.0 9.0 1.1 0.0 1.1 16.9 16.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.9 0.0 0.9 0.5 1.9 1.9 0.1 0.0 0.1 1.9 2.2 2.5 5.2 0.0 0.0 4.3 2.2 2.2 0.1 2.9 3.5 17.5 0.0 0.8 0.0 1.8 2.5 9.0 1.9 2.5 8.9 0.0 0.0 5.2 08-20 DP-1X OVERLAY PART NUMBERS Below is the jig screen part number for the 2H models. 2001 Models HITACHI MODELS: H312251 43” 4x3 Full Mode H312252 43” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312253 53” 4x3 Full Mode H312254 53” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312255 61” 4x3 Full Mode H312256 61” 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312259 43” 16x9 H312257 53” 16x9 H312258 61” 16x9 PHILIPS MODELS: H312261 60” Phillips 4x3 Full Mode H312262 60” Phillips 4x3 V Squeeze Mode H312263 55” Phillips 4x3 Full Mode H312264 55” Philips 4x3 V Squeeze Mode ZENITH MODELS: H312265 56” Zenith 16x9 H312266 65” Zenith 16x9 PAGE 08-21 SERVICE BULLETINS AND OTHER INFORMATION DP-1X CHASSIS SECTION 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK March, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service PTV Page 1 of 2 MODEL: 43FDX01B, 53FDX01B 53SDX01B, 61SDX01B 53SWX01W, 61SWX01W SUBJECT: CLARIFICATION OF MEMORY INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE When servicing any of the above mentioned models, the service technician should be cautioned that the standard technique of blindly re-initializing the memory whenever a problem is presented could possibly cause additional labor in order to bring the set back to it’s original settings. Be sure to note the values for sub brightness (SUB BRT) and horizontal centering (H-POSI) before proceeding with a complete memory initialization, as the values that will show up after performing memory initialization may not be correct. Uncorrected or misadjusted SUB BRT will result in either a darker or lighter picture than before. (And the customer will notice!) Uncorrected or misadjusted H POSI will result in a shadow or fold-over on either side of the screen. Do not attempt to make corrections via Digital Convergence correction; instead, input the correct values for these settings. When an initialization of memory is needed, there are two methods: electronic (preferred) and mechanical. Electronic Memory Initialization (Service Adjust Mode) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The set should be off, but plugged in to AC. Press and hold the INPUT button on the front panel. Press the POWER button on the front panel. Release both buttons. The Service Adjust Mode menu should appear on screen. (See Figure 1). Before proceeding to MEMORY INITIAL, it is highly recommended to note the existing setting for Sub Brightness as well as the existing settings for Horizontal Centering in both progressive and high definition modes. Select SUB BRT using the ! or " buttons on the remote, then press the #cursor key on the remote. The screen will darken considerably and SUB BRT with its associated value will appear on screen. Note the existing value. To adjust, press cursor $ or #. To exit from SUB BRT adjustment, press cursor ! or ". In case the memory was initialized prior to acquisition of the existing data value, refer to the service manual in order to correctly adjust the SUB BRT. ADJUST MODE SUB BRT !" Brings up sub brightness adjust (cursor #) SERVICE ! Collapses vertical for setting color temp DEF RESET ! Select when replace DEF PWB V/P RESET ! Select when replace SIG PWB 3DYC RESET ! Select when replace 3DYC comb filter FLEX RESET ! Select when replace FLEX CONVERTER DSP RESET ! Select when replace DSP module CCD RESET ! Select whenever closed caption fails to track FACTORY RESET ! Resets all customer settings MEMORY INITIAL ! Resets all of the above (ONLY DO IF NECESSARY*) Figure 1 - Service Menu Page 1 (continued) Page 09-01 PTVPage 01-01 (page 2 2) 7. To access the horizontal centering adjustment for progressive, display NTSC (or 480i), then go to service menu page 2 (Figure 2) by either pressing the MENU button once, or using the "cursor key on the remote to scroll down through service menu page 1. The first menu selection on service menu page 2 is H POSI. Note the existing value. Also note that the setting for TA1300 is 315 (31.5 KHz). In case the memory was initialized prior to acquisition of the existing data value, refer to the service manual in order to correctly set up the H POSI for progressive. 8. To access the horizontal centering adjustment for high definition, display 1080i, then go to service menu page 2 (Figure 3) by either pressing the MENU button once, or using the "cursor key on the remote to scroll down through service menu page 1. The first menu selection on service menu page 2 is H POSI. Note the existing value. Also note that the setting for TA1300 is 3375 (33.75 KHz). In case the memory was initialized prior to acquisition of the existing data value, refer to the service manual in order to correctly set up the H POSI for high definition. 9. After the existing values for SUB BRT and H POSI have been noted, proceed to MEMORY INITIAL by using the ! or " buttons on the remote to navigate to service menu page 1, then press the #cursor key on the remote to initialize the memory. 10. Re-enter recorded data values, if known, for (1) SUB BRT and (2) H POSI in both progressive and high definition modes. 11. To exit from Service Adjust Mode, press the INPUT button on the front panel. ADJUST MODE ADJUST MODE 31.5 KHz TA1300 H POSI 315 TA1300 32 FLEX CONT 47 VD-POS 33.75 KHz 3375 H POSI 2B FLEX CONT 3F UPD64081 47 VD-POS 3F UPD64081 DYGA 09 DYGA 09 DCGA 06 DCGA 06 VAPGA 05 VAPGA 05 VAPIN 0B VAPIN 0B YHCOR 00 YHCOR 00 Figure 2 - Service Menu Page 2 (NTSC) Figure 3 - Service Menu Page 2 (1080i) Mechanical Memory Initialization (PERFORM ONLY WHEN NECESSARY*) 1. Disconnect power to the set. 2. Remove the back cover. 3. Remove the two screws holding the chassis to the cabinet, if necessary. 4. Disconnect wiring harness clips to free up the chassis, if necessary. 5. Reconnect power to the television and turn the set on. 6. If possible, go into service adjust mode (as previously described) and note settings for SUB BRT and H POSI. 7. Locate PP1 and place a jumper across pins 1 and 2. See Figure 4. 8. Hold jumper in place for approximately five seconds. (There will not be an audible tone). 9. Remove the jumper. 10. Confirm EEPROM reset. Input source is now set to AIR, and not CABLE 1 or 2, no CHILD LOCK, and only channels 2-13 are in memory. 11. If step 6 was performed, re-enter settings for SUB BRT and H POSI. 12. If step 6 was not performed, adjust both SUB BRT and H POSI in accordance with the applicable service manual. 13. Re-assemble chassis and re-install PTV back cover. Set is now ready for operation. JUMPER 3 .3 V 1 2 PP1 D 0 24 R 1 E4 R 1 00 7 20 K E Y -IN 1 CLOCK I001 Microprocessor Figure 4 - Schematic Location of Connector PP1 * Definition of Necessary Perform Mechanical Memory Initialization only if I001 (main micro) or I002 (EEPROM) have been replaced and there is no visible display. Page 09-02 July, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service PTV Page 1 of 1 MODEL: 43FDX01B, 53FDX01B 53SDX01B, 61SDX01B 53SWX01W, 61SWX01W SUBJECT: HORIZONTAL NOISE PRESENT WHEN COLD Phenomenon: There have been reports from the field of isolated cases involving the above mentioned models that may experience a kind of horizontal noise symptom when operated from a cold start. (See Figures 1 and 2). This symptom will gradually decay as it warms up, until it is no longer noticeable. This problem can be attributed to the anode cap connector. The anode cap connector may not be firmly secured to the PRT, thus causing interference noise due to high voltage arcing and leakage. A new and improved anode cap connector utilizes a tension mechanism, in the form of a silicone rubber insert. (See Figures 3 and 4). Countermeasure: To identify which PRT has a problem, wait until the arcing has stopped, then carefully wiggle the anode connector wire with a wooden stick. BE CAREFUL NOT TO WIGGLE THE ANODE CONNECTOR WIRE TOO HARD. When the defective PRT has been located, replace the entire anode cap connector and wire using Hitachi part number EZ01322. Procedure: 1. Turn off the PTV. 2. Remove back of PTV and disconnect all cables going to the suspect PRT. 3. Remove screen frame assembly. 4. Remove the PRT assembly. 5. Remove the HV anode lead and cup from the PRT. 6. Ensure that HV anode cup location is completely cleaned of all old silicon sealant residue. 7. Install new and improved HV anode lead. Place a 3/8” bead of silicon sealant (Hitachi part number 9413926) on the CRT around the lip of the HV anode. NOTE: Do not allow sealant to contact any metal connector parts. 8. Re-assemble PTV and adjust if necessary. Figure 1 NTSC Color Bars ANODE CAP Figure 3 Old Cap - No silicone rubber insert Figure 2 NTSC Color Bars with horizontal noise ANODE CAP Figure 4 New Cap - silicone rubber insert added Page 09-03 August, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service PTV Page 1 of 1 MODEL: 50DX10B, 60DX10B 43GX10B, 50GX30B 53SBX10B, 61SBX10B HP11 CHASSIS HP12 CHASSIS HP13 CHASSIS SUBJECT: CUSTOMER COMPLAINT OF EXCESSIVE NOISE IN PINP Details: Reportedly, some customers may complain about noise in the sub-picture. This symptom can only manifest under two coexisting conditions, (i.e. both conditions must be met). (1) Only when using a source of composite video. (2) Only with certain brand name DVD or VCR as a source for Picture-In-Picture. If this complaint is received, perform the following circuit improvement. Procedure: 1. Replace RG46 (0.0 ohm chip resistor jumper) with 1.0K ohm chip resistor (p/n 0700041). 2. Replace RG47 (0.0 ohm chip resistor jumper) with 270 ohm chip resistor (p/n 0700033M). 3. Add C1 100pf capacitor (p/n 0890074) as per Figure 1. 4. Add C2 100pf capacitor (p/n 0890074) as per Figure 1. 5. Add L1 100uh coil (p/n 2122956M) as per Figure 1. The above mentioned parts can be obtained by ordering parts kit X480231. Figure 1 101 RG47 L1 101 RG46 C1 C2 Page 09-04 August, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service MODEL 43FDX01B 53FDX01B 53SDX01B 61SDX01B 53SWX01W 61SWX01W CHASSIS DP05F DP05 DP06 DP06 DP07 DP07 PTV Page 1 of 1 MODEL 43UWX10B 53UWX10B 61UWX10B CHASSIS DP14G DP14G DP14G MODEL 50DX10B 60DX10B 43GX10B 50GX30B 53SBX10B 61SBX10B CHASSIS HP11 HP11 HP12 HP12 HP13 HP13 53UDX10B 61UDX10B 53SWX10B 53SWX12B 61SWX10B 61SWX12B DP15 DP15 DP17 DP17 DP17 DP17 SUBJECT: DIGITAL CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENT MODE ACCESS Details: In the past, when the technician needed to enter the Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode (DCAM), it was necessary to open the front of the unit to access the service switch. Now, to access the DCAM without removing the front panel, please follow the below instructions. Procedure for Chassis DP14G, DP15, DP17: 1. Press the MAGIC FOCUS button on front panel. 2. While Magic Focus is running, press MAGIC FOCUS button again to “stop”. 3. When “STOP” is displayed in OSD, press RECALL or STATUS button on remote control. 4. The unit will now be in the DCAM. Procedure for Chassis DP06, DP07, HP13: 1. Press and hold the MAGIC FOCUS button on front panel. 2. While the button is held down, the OSD will change from “MAGIC FOCUS” to “CENTER MODE”, then to “STATIC MODE”. 3. When “STATIC MODE” is displayed in OSD, press INPUT or ANT button on remote control. 4. The unit will now be in the DCAM. Procedure for Chassis DP05F, DP05, HP11, HP12: 1. Press and hold the DIGITAL ARRAY or CONVERGENCE ADJUST button on front panel. 2. While the button is held down, then press the INPUT or ANT button on remote control. 3. The unit will now be in the DCAM. NOTE: 1. Proceed with digital convergence adjustment. Remember to save/initialize the correction data. 2. To exit, press POWER button on the front panel. NOTE: DP-15E (43FDX10B and 43FDX11B) can not enter DCAM via remote. Page 09-05 August, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service MODEL 43FDX01B 53FDX01B, 53FDX01BA 53SDX01B, 61SDX01B 53SWX01W, 61SWX01W SUBJECT: PTV Page 1 of 1 CHASSIS DP05F DP05 DP06 DP07 INTERMITTENT BLACK HORIZONTAL BARS Details: We have received isolated field reports with a symptom of highly intermittent black horizontal bars appearing in the picture. If the unit is removed from the customers location, the symptom more than likely will not show up. The cause of this phenomenon results from low AC. These models are designed to operate normally when using 120VAC ±10% (108VAC - 132VAC). The symptom will occur when AC drops below 90VAC. Countermeasure: (NOTE - Only perform this countermeasure for specific customer complaint) Procedure: 1. Change value of capacitor C009 from 10uF/16V to 22uf/16V. Use locally procured part for new capacitor (22uf/16V). C009 is located on the SIGNAL PWB near the IC01 heat sink and the PR connector. 2. Verify the effectiveness of this countermeasure by dropping AC to less than 90VAC using a variable AC isolation transformer. Symptom may still manifest at lower than 80VAC. Page 09-06 September, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service PTV Page 1 of 1 MODEL: ALL PTV WITH ULTRA-SHIELD PROTECTOR SUBJECT: REMOVAL OF PROTECTIVE PLASTIC SHEET DETAILS: It has been discovered that on some TV sets with screen protectors, the plastic sheet leaves a film or a glue residue after it’s removal. To remove the glue residue from the screen protector, please follow the approved method listed below. CORRECTION: 1. Remove the screen protector sheet. 2. Use the cleaner *Endust for Electronics (see Figure 1) and spray over area with glue residue on the screen. 3. Clean with a soft towel after application. 4. Observe that the glue residue has been removed. TM If the glue residue persists: 1. Use **Lava® Heavy-Duty Hand Cleaner Towels (see Figure 2) to remove glue residue. 2. Observe that the glue residue has been removed. 3. Clean off the soap film left by the **Lava® Heavy-Duty Hand Cleaner Towels using any generic type window cleaning solution. PARTS: * Endust for Electronics TM ©1996 KIWI BRANDS DOUGLASSVILLE, PA 19518-1239 **Lava® Heavy-Duty Hand Cleaner Towels WD-40 Company San Diego, CA 92110 Figure 1 Figure 2 Page 09-07 October, 2001 Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service MODEL: 43UWX10B 53UWX10B, 53UWX10BA 61UWX10B, 61UWX10BA 53UDX10B, 53UDX10BA 61UDX10B 53SBX10B PTV Page 1 of 2 DP-14G CHASSIS DP-14G CHASSIS DP-14G CHASSIS DP-15 CHASSIS DP-15 CHASSIS HP-13 CHASSIS SUBJECT: MAGIC FOCUS METHOD DETAILS: Some of the new 2001 Projection TV models are using ‘Magic-S’ convergence technology instead of the prior single cross-hatch technology. This new ‘Magic-S’ technology uses four sensors instead of eight. When the MAGIC FOCUS button on the front panel is pressed, the television will automatically adjust itself to the factory adjusted data. NOTE: BEFORE INITIATING MAGIC FOCUS, THE TELEVISION MUST BE TURNED “ON” AND HEAT RUN FOR A MINIMUM OF 20 MINUTES. IF THE MAGIC FOCUS BUTTON IS PRESSED BEFORE THE WARM-UP PERIOD IS COMPLET, THE CONVERGENCE RESULTS MAY BE ABNORMAL. To correct abnormal convergence, turn off the television and allow for cool down, approximately 30 seconds. Turn on the television again, and allow for minimum of 20 minutes for warm up. If after pressing MAGIC FOCUS button still returns abnormal convergence, follow the below procedure to access the Digital Convergence Adjustment Mode (DCAM), then first attempt to correct by reading old ROM data into memory. If this fails, proceed with digital convergence adjustments. PROCEDURE FOR DP14G AND DP15 CHASSIS: 1. Press the MAGIC FOCUS button on front panel. 2. While Magic Focus is running, press the MAGIC FOCUS button again to “STOP”. 3. When “STOP” is displayed on the OSD, press the RECALL or the STATUS button on the remote control. 4. The unit will now be in the DCAM. 5. Press the SWAP button twice to read old ROM data into memory. “READ FROM ROM?” will display on the OSD after the first press of the SWAP button. 6. Proceed with digital convergence adjustments ONLY if READ FROM ROM did not clear up the convergence error. 7. Remember to save the correction data and initialize the MAGIC FOCUS sensors. To save the correction data, press the PIP MODE button twice. “WRITE TO (continued) Page 09-08 Page 2 of 2 PTV 01-10 ROM?” will display on the OSD after the first press of the PIP MODE button. After the second press of the PIP MODE button, the screen will go dark for approximately 20 seconds. When the data has been saved, or ROM WRITE has been completed, green dots will appear on the OSD corresponding to the 13 x 9 crosshatch intersection adjustment points. After the green dots appear, press the MUTE button to return to the DCAM. To initialize the Magic Focus sensors, first press the PIP MODE button once. Again, “WRITE TO ROM?” will display on the OSD. Then press the PIP CH button to start the sensor data position initialization procedure. When this process has completed, you will again see the green dots on the OSD, unless an error has occurred in the initialization procedure, in which case the technician would be presented with an error code in the lower left corner in the OSD corresponding to what the actual error is. Failure to initialize MAGIC FOCUS sensors after saving convergence correction data will result in a STATIC (+) display when MAGIC FOCUS attempts to run. The technician will then be required to access the service only switch behind the front cover to get back into the DCAM to initialize the sensors, since the procedure to access DCAM without removing the front panel, requires MAGIC FOCUS to be running. 8. To exit, press the POWER button on the front panel. PROCEDURE FOR HP13 CHASSIS: 1. Press and hold the MAGIC FOCUS button on the front panel. 2. While the button is held down, the OSD will change from “MAGIC FOCUS” to “CENTER MODE”, then to “STATIC MODE”. 3. When “STATIC MODE” is displayed on the OSD, press the INPUT or the ANT button on the remote control. 4. The unit will now be in the DCAM. 5. Press the SWAP button twice to read old ROM data into memory. “READ FROM ROM?” will display on the OSD after the first press of the SWAP button. 6. Proceed with digital convergence adjustments ONLY if READ FROM ROM did not clear up convergence error. 7. Remember to save the correction data and initialize the MAGIC FOCUS sensors. To save the correction data, press the PIP MODE button twice. “WRITE TO ROM?” will display on the OSD after the first press of the PIP MODE button. After the second press of the PIP MODE button, the screen will go dark for approximately 20 seconds. When the data has been saved, or ROM WRITE has been completed, green dots will appear on the OSD corresponding to the 13 x 9 crosshatch intersection adjustment points. After the green dots appear, press the MUTE button to return to the DCAM. To initialize the Magic Focus sensors, first press the PIP MODE button once. Again, “WRITE TO ROM?” will display on the OSD. Then press the PIP CH button to start the sensor data position initialization procedure. When this process has completed, you will again see the green dots on the OSD, unless an error has occurred in the initialization procedure, in which case the technician would be presented with an error code in the lower left corner in the OSD corresponding to what the actual error is. Failure to initialize MAGIC FOCUS sensors after saving convergence correction data will result in a STATIC (+) display when MAGIC FOCUS attempts to run. 8. To exit, press the POWER button on the front panel. Page 09-09 December, 2001 PTV Hitachi America, Ltd., Home Electronics Division National Service Page 1 of 1 MODEL: All Digital Models (2H) SUBJECT: Convergence & Symmetry Adjustments. Complete Convergence Adjustments. The only time a Screen Jig would be needed is when a new DCU is installed, or if the DCU RAM has been cleared and saved “by accident”. If so, follow S/M instructions very closely, paying special attention to the R and B OFFSET and Horizontal size and position on the I2C bus. Touch Up: All other conditions will be considered “touch up”. In other words, the original reference was never lost. Most times, customers notice one or two areas where the colors are separated, or are not symmetrical, as in the following examples: *NOTE: The values given on these examples are used for reference ONLY. 3 in 4x3 Screen Only top line seems tilted Affected Areas 3 in 16x9 Screen 4 in Top is bowing and left 4 in side is not straight. The Main Problem: When customers complain that they notice a line that is not straight (see both examples given ) generally the convergence is adjusted to make the line white….but it will still be bowed or tilted. This will become more obvious when viewing Widescreen formatted DVD on a 4x3, a menu from a Set Top Box or when displaying a 4x3 format on the 16x 9 screen. To touch it up: Make sure Horizontal Position is correct– check Center before attempting touch up. Turn OFF red and blue, work on GREEN only. Use a straight reference to place on top of the affected line. In this case tape a string from side to side using the frame as a measuring reference and adjust the affected line to match the reference. Once the green is straight, turn red on and match to green; then do the same with the blue. A straight reference line may need to be placed on the left, top, bottom, right, etc,...if those areas are affected. Goal: Assure the Green reference is straight and then make sure to place the red and blue on top of the green. Make sure to adjust symmetry as well as convergence. Note 1: If unit has Magic Focus, make sure to save to RAM and then re-initialize Magic Focus sensors – Test Magic Focus before leaving customer’s home. If unit does not have Magic Focus, just save to RAM...DO NOT try to re-initialize Magic Focus sensors. If this is done, unit will display errors….this is normal, because there are no sensors to re-initialize. Note 2: There are TWO Convergence Modes on ALL Digital PTVs – Normal or Progressive and HD or High Definition. Treat each independently of each other, each has a separate memory. Adjust or touch up normal and save, adjust or touch up HD and save to RAM and to MF if applicable. DP-1X has two modes only on 4x3 screens; Normal and V Squeeze or Through Mode (Aspect 5). All DP-1X 16x9 screens have only one mode, regardless of signal being used. Note 3: The HD mode is accessible ONLY when feeding 720p or 1080i from a Set Top Box or a Generator, even if there is no signal present. Just make sure the output of the Set Top Box is set to 1080i. There is no need for an HD source or generator to do a touch up or complete convergence on Normal mode. Page 09-10 February, 2002 Hitachi America Ltd. Home Electronics Division National Service MODEL: 53SDX89B, 60SDX88B DP-86 CHASSIS 43FDX01B, 53FDX01B DP-05 CHASSIS 53SDX01B, 61SDX01B DP-06 CHASSIS 53SWX01B, 61SWX01B DP-07 CHASSIS SUBJECT: POOR QUALITY PICTURE WHEN DISPLAYING 1H SIGNAL ON 2H PTV PHENOMENOM: There have been a number of reports regarding the picture quality of 2H sets while receiving a 1H signal. Reports have included, but are not limited to, fuzzy picture, frame lag, picture blurring with motion, etc. REPLY: HITACHI Engineering has received, reviewed, and confirmed these reports and found the symptom to be normal. The reason is the signal sent by the broadcaster is 1H while the set is scanning at 2H. When the TV is receiving a 1H signal, the Flex Converter circuitry has to artificially generate an extra line for each line received. These extra lines are not the actual signal, but are re-created line samples from the internal RAM of the Flex Converter. When the signal changes rapidly, as in fast zooming, or panning at a high rate, these extra lines are re-created at a fixed rate and occasionally are not created as rapidly as the signal is changing. Page 09-11 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW Please see the Web site; http://www.hitachiserviceusa.com for a current Things You Should Know section, as this section is updated frequently. Page 09-12 NOTES: NOTES: