ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu
ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu
T.C. SULEYMAN DEMiREL UNIVERSITESI REKTORLUGU Olrenci igleri Daire Bagkanhgr Sayr :70335962.3991 LSSI Iz'd+ Konu : ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu 0 7 -11- ?113 DEKANLIGINA ruuoUnruGuNp Ilgi: Yiiksek6lretim Kurulu Bagkanhg'mn 09.10.2013 tarih ve 93601077-724.9911296-54929 sayrh yazrsr. ilgi yazrda D-8 Sekretaryasr ile Islamic World Science Citation Center (lSC) arasrnda 04 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde imzalanan mutabakat zaptr gergevesinde ISC'nin D-8 iiyesi her iilkeden bir adaya burs verileceli belirtilmiqtir. Burs kogullarrmn belinildigi ISC mektubu ekte gcinderilmig olup, konunun biriminizde duyurulmasr hususunda bilgilerinizi ve gerelini rica ederim. YILDIZ EKLER: f- ilgi yazt sureti ve ekleri (4 Sayfa) DAGITIM: Tiim Fakiilte Dekanhklarrna Tiim Enstitfi, Yiiksekokul. Meslek Yiiksekokul Mtidiirliiklerine ELDEN CONDERiLMEYEN EVRAK : 0(246 )2ll 1066 qidblAsdujdllg TelefonNu. e.posta : FaksNu. : 0( 246)21 | 1065 intcmet Adresit 'felefbn Nu. Memur : 0 ( 246 )21 | 80 53 "YK '.: T.C. vtixsnx0GnBTiM KURULU BA$KANLIGI : 93 60107 7 -7 24.99 - | 286 Sayr Konu : "ISC (D-8) Burs Duyurusu" i'dliil.ioig - SULEYMAN DEMiREL llgi: scgze Uxivnnsirnsi nsrTonl,UdUxn T0rkiye Bilimsel ve Teknoloji AraSfirma Kurumu Bagkanh$rmn 12.09.2013,tarih 77913051-730.07 -164423 sayrh yaztst' ve .' ' .:: .r : , .:,: ': Tiirkiye Bilimsel ve Teknoloji Ara$trrna Kurumu Bagkanhlrndan aEran ilgide kayth. yazrda,D-8SeketeryasrilelslamicWorldScienceCitationCenter(ISC)'*'nq'qt:: 2013 tarihinde imzalanan mutabakat zaptr gergevesinde ISC',nin d-8 iiyesi hip t. olkeden bir adaya burs verecepi bildirilmektedir. :) T"--* konunun sozkonusu burs kogullannrn belirtildipi tSC mektubu ekte sunulmakta olup, gerelini rica iiniversitenizin intemet sitesinde ve ilgili blrimlerinde duyurulmasr hususunda ederim. Ek: Mektup (3 sayfa) <o. Prof. Dr DaFtm TumUni versite Rektdrluklerine iikhan QET m r@yorsci*c.;-ff"* Crs hlc Sh.ld R.r 8dc Cltrfr rtzaf' nfre*r*y (Urc) v*vJr4ovJr --t- '' "il"'n& d.dlrL.a Satri A$ ItLLH+h35vl $sory-Grord Trtrt Pi.+Gt'r Idy *' 2013 I sould 6rf tikc ro !r(€tl6 sticlo ? wtrf, Your Edcllcncy c0opcsdi6. lf ir ndlnortly soeoffits ddtatioo was rypund by MC'e Stecrilrg Cotrmll &cd Sq'ombcr 29' Fdbnirl fu d8!.d tyhnmdrs of Uadcr*aarttne diled 2012T&su" Ar D{ grury inrfirdcr 8 orxmics, rnd rl cit agtcd iE Shitu lsC b willi4 o of&r ln *olrc*fp to @ cndde non €rch D-S nrobcr se" Thooc trio qpr*|.go**lipwiBallrodryscrvcrstsCfrcalpcrcottinhbco.ffy. Scfo&urftr Tcdr ud Corddoes. ld thc cqrscg sctolachtp is opco ftr lv{acar degrcc ia Scfu€todl€ wil bc hcld h Shitlu, |ru" Thig is an otrcbl dlgco fpv\nd by SG lvtinfurry ofsclcocc, Rcrcadr ud Tcchnolory, Iglamb Regilb oflrsl l- Ibb Z- epfleor $orH b$,c roOcrgndln@ dry€' fr'oru r ur*['bvn miwrity itl iib!,ry aad lnbnnrrkra Soicncc, IT or Computcr imoetood duttd slt !6 rnrls. Scim. Crndid*cc 3-Toporomapucrou'fltoe,6eirunivenityoe(tific-lsshnswitbtFir tatcrip0s aad rr;tu sholdd bo sed to ISC (acecOiod by et dc\"at oorffiiol' Judlclal or hblq sducition lyrldtr). ,d's ,.ud ' sofrffimgx..#Hhlmr#Hgr?L n$tsrvr d!+r.GlctdJ utr t 'nt'hru'tF 6tt6'r jA'Iii LJ'*gl T:'lt;*'f \"t0r :iilt 'Yl r-irt^rD '-t{t, I' & of t : t I i ' ushitPiuLotrtto Tcctnohg Mini*ry of Sciara Rsarch and . U.sic i",' : Rcf.' WorfO Sdaca Ctfedoa &ntsr 11?64" '' (I59 -X$gust Dalsr + $fdicaD! sbould bc fluetli 13,20llu"n. in Etglbh a'd ro be verificd bv ary of the tbllowiag certificaesl TOEFLPBT5SO- 680 TOEFLIBT 80 - 12O rEL?S 65-9.0 16 (out of 20) or below B (in 5- The shdencs' GPA sboutd not bc below ABCD sysem). 'versity of preferably capital 6- All candidos should bc a univorsity stafof tslamabad' e&' usder agp of 30' t'R rhe member sBtc, like Dhalc, Ankara' oflrq is excluded fiom this article' will be bome by tSC' ?- gducadon coss ssd rccomnodation of $e studcnts gradude *i* nigft perfonmance in 2 ycers 8- Sudents sbould successfuIly to graduato dwing this paiod' to + t*,og* trt *ts 6$rot beins ablo "q*tf*oainiag expenses for other ssrnasren should be firlly paid by the tire studenl Note rr thc lsws and rtguluions approved by the Ministry of and Technologr, l' R of han" the maximum poriod for dcgrcc in lran is only 4 semesters' Accorrilfo *i*t-nor**t o,b{tiriilS t[6&r 9- Atfi Sraihtdiorl tbtse graduates will bc appointed as focal pcrsons in each of,tf-a mernUer slarcs' The salary for thcsc employees will --sapitg-utivcrsity ' and bc Patd by each aryital university like other university staff regularty p*it as [email protected] serve in this position for ISC in the univcrsity' ".ttV ot*diu-'ut"*';;';(;r'r'rD'+','!,[sr'roEhooti-Flylftv&sEt1?letfse4r?r' : ttlsn@riccsrqb rct'r48 to)?11 6.d;;; r;' ;iioiir r elcslla cr c'Dr-+ Jr\ v\l!?lttYt i:+t .($Of:ri $|? rP r.r:r':: 'S\ 'gji'^lLL- 'u':r't:j'r' "ir'",vr falo.-'ft^fol \-/f \-'t?Arol :;L; . - ;: r..i..r1, 'Y\ ..?.i,4!. n\d!r- ^._-r"_ t'R'orl'll lrtaruic ltc@lic of lrn Ministry of Sciltlsc".Srs'earth and Teclmology Idenii WorLt SdcutG 'Cilriion u?64 Rcl Note 2: A@,. t3,2ol31rr."t. oo., graduatcs should servc ISC branch of6ce in each university at 6 years, i.e. three times of their educetion period in lran All for (2 yesrs *3d least frnrcr llSC) years). shoutd assur€ ISC that they will servo lsc branch office either. by sigring an extra Mou with university chancellsrs or by rtteading b Iranian Embassy to present I real security to safeguard thcir succcssftl educstion and retum to their home counfties. l& All candidates Notc3: Interaction with lranian Embassies in D8 ststes will be' nxryornfuility of either ISC or secretariat of D-8 group. It wilt be higbly appreoiated if Your Excetlency review the above terms and If we reach to nxutual conditioas aod it is my honor to have your idea about undentaoding, this article of MOU between ISC and D-8 can be implernented' Vourr ilnc.rtf il 'r", ;*/ t / Prof. Dr' Jrfrr Mcln4 Regional lnforrratlor Ccntcr for Sclcncc rDd Tochnology (RtCcST) Precldent Idrmlc World Sdcrcc CltrtioD Center (lSC) lslsmicworldscirncoCilefonCcatr.r(lSC}.Jttnl-d.Ji|ntsg'Jomboori.rsjarnicBlvd..shira,?194G}417|,1.R'oflran crbsil: dRm@iccaur'ir TeI +98 (0)?l I oodiii'ii- t"t' ' etl {0)71 I 6458J52 ttltrlflVrd!.itdts(11:-tiq7r.'i;;'r;'rrdr*'r-'ir:O$:-t4)'ts:p'+}*')t* 'f r-tf9^E '-t*ArAl $lt '"tr-itltor t-'J,|
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