Bucks County Courier Times - Notarized August 19, 2015
Bucks County Courier Times - Notarized August 19, 2015
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA STD-S21 RE' '". 06-2010 INVOICE NO. 4 PUBLICATIONS AUTHORIZATION AND INVOICE PUBLICATIONS AUTHORIZATION (To be completed by agency): : FEDERAL I.D. NO.lSOC. SEC. NO. I FROM : (NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGENCY) AGENCY TO: INAME AND ADDRESS OF NEWSPAPER) Bucks County Courier Times 333 North Broad Street Doylestown, PA 18901 . 23-0433913 ' Alex Haas PA DEP - Bureau of Air Quality 400 Market Street, 12th FI H;,rri<hllrn PA HEREWITH IS ENCLOSED COPY FOR PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS TO o EMPLOY 0 PURCHASE 0 CONTRACT I MAXIMUM NO. OF LINES PUBLISH ADVERTISEMENT (NO. OF TIMES) D SELL I 171()1-)~01 TYPE OF AD , o DATE 1x Only TELEPHONE NO. : . 717,787.9495 IX! CLASSIFIED I ORDER NO. LEGAL NOTICE August 13,2015 DATES OF INSERTION SIGNATURE FOR AGENCY n-cc1 ~ . l.YLI Any Day Between Tues, Aug 18,2015, and Sat, Aug 22, 2015 -== ~ You, as vendor, are authorized to publish this advertisement in your newspaper, subject to the terms of this order, as follows: Advertisement to be published in regular advertising columns, no position specified; caption of two lines and signature to be in capitals and subject matter and title of officer to be set solid in type regularly used by your newspaper for public (legal) notice advertising; charge to be made at the rate charged to and paid by commercial advertisers for matter similarly set and occupying similar space; advertisement to be run in the editions specified above. Vendor agrees that, in the performance of any contract awarded to it hereunder, said vendor will not discriminate against any employee or other persons on account of race, color, sex, religious creed, ancestry, age or national origin and that the Commonwealth, upon receipt of satisfactory evidence of such discrimination , shall have the right to cancel said contract. Return this copy at once if you will not accept this advertisement under the terms set forth. Return original and two copies (signed by the editor or publisher) to the agency listed above. Proof of advertising in the form of a tear sheet must be stapled to original and copies. Original must be notarized. Commonwealth to be billed only for actual number of printed lines published. SAP FUND COST CENTER 7027300000 3522710000 I/O VI6414000000 BP 2015 GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNT CODE % 6343200 INVOICE (To be completed by publisher): DATE OF INSERTION COST PER LINE ACTUAL NO. OF PRINTED LINES TOTAL AMOUNT 1st Ad 7 C,O~ _. ~ - K\ 2nd Ad 3rd Ad GRAND TOTAL-+ /f&D/~ " ~ LAC\. . ~ day of ' SIGNATUREOFAFFifi NOTARl J I lL'iC My commission expires 1\ 91J.\ :)"D L C \1 'This affidavit must be made by the Owner, Publisher, or the designated agent of the owner or publisher. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTARIAL SEAL Ann Clark. Notary Public Tullytown Boro, Bucks County My Commission Expir,. April 30, 201! ~teM S EFi, ?ENNSYWANIA ASSOCIATION OF f\jOTA~lh 8 Mcl-w Cou-n'^y Courier r: Pt.L)'5^a<'/ Au^us)" i Z-C'O NOTICE Proposed State Implementation Plan Revision: 2011 Base Year Emissions Inventory lor the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Lancaster, PhiladelphiaWilmington-Atlantic City (Pennsylvania Portion), Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley, and Reading Nonattainment Areas for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards Availability for Public Comment and Notice of Public Hearings On March 27, 2008, the U. 8. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule estab lishing revised primary and secon dary 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) (73 FR 16436) of 75 parts per billion. I Subsequently, EPA designated ozone nonattainment areas for the 2008 ozone NAAQS and classified 36 areas In the country including the Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, Lancaster, Phlladelphla-WilmingtonAtlantlc City (Pennsylvania portion), Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley, and as "marginal" Reading nonattainment areas (77 FR 30088; May 21, 2012). The Department of Environmen tal Protection (Department or DEP) is seeking public comment on the proposed State implementation Plan (SIP) mandated under Sec tions 172(C)(3) and 182(a)(1) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7502(c)(3) and 7511a(a)(1), which require the submission of "a com prehensive, accurate, current Inven tory of actual emissions from all sources of the relevant pollutant or . pollutants In such area." This SIP |,revision contains the comprehenr sive 2011 Base Year Emissions in- j, ventory for the previously menf tioned nonattainment areas for the i 2{»8 ozone NAAQS. SIP necessary mvision ;, „meets theproposed requirements I for an approvable SIP revision. In- j Ceding a detailed explanation of the , 2011 base year emissions inventory for sfafionary, area, nonroad and mobile anthropogenic sources as well as biogenic sources In the • areas. In Pennsylvania that EPA designated as nonattainment for the 2008 ozone NAAQS. The proposed anthropogenic emissions were esti mated for volatile organic com pounds, oxides ofnitrogen,.and car bon monoxide for bofh annual and a typical ozone season day emis sions. The final SIP revision will be submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for approval The proposed SIP revisioh is av^lable in the Department's eLibrary at www.dep.state.pa us (select "Tools," then "eLibrary" then Publications,"then "Air Quali ty , then "State Implementation Plans - SIP Revisions") or through thecontact person listed below. ' The Department will provide the opportunity for public hearings to receive comments on the proposal on Monday, September 21, 2015, at 1 p.m. at thefollowing locations: Department of Environmental Protection Southeast Regional Office Delaware River Room •2 East MainStreet Norrlstown, PA 19401 Department of . Environmental Protection Southwest Regional Office Waterfront A 400 Waterfront Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4745 Department of Environmental Protectioh South-Central Regional Office Codorus Creek Room 909 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17110 Persons wishing topresent testi mony at the hearing should contact Alex Haas atP.O. Box 8468, Harris=1"' ,?' 787-9495 [email protected] to reserve a timeor Witnesses should limit testimony to 10 minutes and should provide two written copies of their statement at the hearing. If by Thursday, September 17, 2015, no person has expressed an j interest In testifying at the hearing, I the hearing will be cancelled. DEP will provide public notice on the Bu reau of Air Quality webpage at the following iink if the hearing is can celled: http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/ deputate/airwaste/aq/default.htm. Persons may also contact the DEP to find out ifthe hearing is cancelled by contacting Alex Haas at (717) 787-9495 or [email protected]. Persons with a disability who wish to attend the hearing and re quire an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the proceeding should contact Alex Haas. TDD users maycontact me Pennsylvania AT&T Relay Serv ice at (800) 654-5984 to discuss how tli&-Department-ean bestcommodate their needs. The Department must receive comments no later than Monday, September 21, 2015. Commenta tors are encouraged to submit com ments using the Department's eComment at www.ahs.dep.pa.gov/eComment. Written comments can be submitted to The Policy Qffice, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Qffice Building, P.Q. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 171052063, or by [email protected]. email Use to "2011 Base Year Inventory" as thesubject line in written communication. JQHN QUIGLEY, Secretary 1tA19 Bucks County, SS. DEP - BUREAU OF AIR QUALITY 400 MARKET STREET 12TH FLOOR HARRISBURG, PA 171058468 1-090166005 0006846356-01 Ann Clark being duly affirmed according to law, deposes and says that he/she is the Legal Billing Co-ordinator of the COURIER TIMES INCORPORATED, Publisher of The Bucks County Courier Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and having its place of business at Levittown, County, Pa; Bucks that said newspaper was established in 1910; that securely attached hereto facsimile is a of the printed notice which is exactly as printed and published in said newspaper on August 19, 2015 and is a true copy thereof; that this affiant is not and interested in said subject matter of advertising; and all of the allegations in this statement as to the time, place and character of publication are true. LEGATT KILLING CO- COMMONWEALTH OF NOTARIAL SEAL Karen McGovern, Notary Public Tullytown Boro, Bucks County Affirmed and subscribed to me before me this 19th day of August 2015 A.D.