mayor`s report
mayor`s report
KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH 144 N. BINKLEY' SOLDOTNA, ALASKA 99669-7520 BUSINESS (907) 262-4441 FAX (907) 262-1892 JOHN J. WILLIAMS MAYOR MAYOR'S REPORT TO THE ASSEMBLY TO: Grace Merkes, Assembly President Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Members ~_ FROM: John 1. Williams, Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayo~ DATE: October 14, 2008 Assembly Requests/Responses a. None Agreements and Contracts a. Sole source approval to award contract to Mackey Lake Company for Modifying Solid Waste Roll-Off Containers with Bear Resistant Latch Mechanisms. b. Sole source approval to award contract to Architects Alaska for the Design of the Nikiski Community Recreation Center. c. Authorization to award contract to Pacific Wire Group for Landfill Baler Wire Purchase. d. Authorization to award contract to Isco Industries for Purchase of Central Peninsula Landfill HOPE Gas & Leachate Recirculation Piping. e. Authorization to award contract to H&W Emergency Vehicles of Marysville, WA for purchase of one (1) 1,500 GPM Triple Combination Pumper for CES. f. Authorization to award contract to Tauriainen Engineering & Testing, Inc. for Woods Drive Road Realignment and Subdivision. g. Approval of contract to Peninsula Plumbing & Heating for Borough Administration Building In-Slab Snowmelt System. h. Approval of contract to Blakeley's Auction Company for 2008 Surplus Property Outcry Auction. 1. Approval of contract to Segesser Surveys Inc. for Oilwell 3 Surveying Project. j. Approval of contract to Hugh Smith for the Susan B. English School Landscaping. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor's Report October 14,2008 Page 2 of2 k. Approval to transfer four vehicles from the Maintenance Department to the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. 1. Authorization to award contracts to multiple contractors for SummerlWinter Road Maintenance for multiple Road Service Area Units. m. Approval of contract to David M. Derry, MAl, for Appraisal Services. n. Approval of contract to Busy Beaver Firewood for Blackwater Bend ROW Project. a. 2007 Full Value Determination of Taxable Real and Personal Property from State Assessor. b. Revenue-Expenditure Report ~ September 2008 c. Budget Revisions ~ September 2008 d. Project Reports ~ June 30, 2008 e. Litigation Status Report f. KPB Safety Gazette ~ September 5, 2008 JJW/lh MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH P. WJMajor Projects Division 47140 East Poppy Lane. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441 PHONE: (907) 262-9657. FAX: (907) 262-6090 JOHN J. WILLIAMS BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM Routed From Mayor's Office to. Clerk ~. Assembly _ TO: John J. Williams, Borough Mayor THRU: Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Office ,JI, Kevin Lyon, Capital Projects Director , t1~L-----L~~~:~ce ~ John Hedges, KPBI CIP Project Manag. Roads _ S88 Z /. _ t/' FROM: j Assessing _ Dlanninll _ _ Purchasing IJ __ /. Other _v_~t.. Oate: (0 II ;Jog DATE: September 25, 2008 SUB..IECT: Sole Source I Limit Procurement Authorization Request Authorization for Sole Source I Limited Procurement relating to the Funny River Bear proofing Projects. The Kenai Peninsula Borough's Solid Waste Department has an immediate need for Bear Resistant Roll-off containers at its Funny River transfer site. Mackey Lake Welding of Soldotna, Alaska has developed a "Bear Resistant" latch mechanism and door that is compatible with our current "Roll-off' containers. There were no other options presently found in the marketplace that were applicable to our current infrastructure. Five similar containers were produced by Mackey Lake Welding for KPB Cooper Landing Transfer Site and have proven to be an effective wildlife deterrent, user friendly and a mechanically sound solution to the problem at these locations. Your approval of this request will allow the KPB Capital Projects Division to Sole Source the installation of four, "Bear Resistant" latch mechanisms and doors, on Four (4) Roll-off containers used at these sites at a cost of $4,516.78 per container. Please see the attached quote for information regarding cost associated with this request. ~ =--= .'-. 1'1; /0 - 1- 0 'it' -a Date John J. Williams, Mayor RECElVED SEP 2· 9200S KPB . AT'O~ MAVORIS REP0ItiAMCE MlM\MtSTR FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED Amount ($18,067.12) Acct. # 411.32220.08FUN.43011 KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH PW/MAJOR PROJECTS DIVISION 47140 East Poppy Lane, Soldotna, AK 99669 (907) 262-9657 FAX (907) 262-6090 MEMORANDUM Y TO: John J Williams, Borough Mayor . / THRU: Mark Fowler, Purchasing and Contracting THRU: Kevin Lyon, PW/Major Projects Division Director THRU: Rachel M. Parra, NPRSA Recreation FROM: Bernie Smith, PW/Major Projects Division Project Manager DATE: September 15, 2008 SUBJECT: Nikiski Community Recreation Center - Sole Source Request Office~ /'r Direct~ M- The Kenai Peninsula Borough Major Projects Division is requesting approval for a sole source contract with Architects Alaska for the design of the Nikiski Community Recreation Center. This is a continuance of the previous design phase as funding is now available. The following justifications are provided: Architects Alaska did the original concept design drawings on April 7, 2003. Original Contract $319,534.00 Change Order #1 $ 35,541.00 Additional for review of existing Nikiski Elem. School. Change Order #2 ($165,000.00) Reduced scope of services due to insufficient funds for construction. Continuing to utilize the previously contracted design consultant will result in a cost savings due to: direct knowledge, existing building documentation, code review, code calculations and previously completed drawings as well as a reduction in required site visits that would normally be necessary. The submitted costs were found to be accurate; labor hours and expenses are appropriate for the scope required. Architects Alaska has demonstrated the capability, responsibility, and integrity as demonstrated on past Borough projects and other similar projects for local agencies/municipalities. A formal RFP process on a project of this size and scope is cost prohibitive and would reduce the limited funds necessary for the project. Funds have been allocated for this project under Ordinance 2008-19-10. Funds are available in account number 459.61110.09092.49999. Routlld From Mayor's Office to. , Clerk ~1 Assembly _ Legal finance l\ssessing °lanning _ !-loads :E:: see MAYOR'S REPORT ,""h;';Ji NOlPIW l£. R Ottler MAYQg~ rl'-J RT We formally request approval to contract with Architects Alaska to provide design services through construction. These services shall include construction documents, bid phase services, and construction administration. The total contract shall not exceed $58,837.00. FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFICATION Acct. # 459.61110.09092.49999'58,837.001 By: ~ Date: 9 C;;{a /0 f SEP 2 3 2008 MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH Solid Waste Department 47140 East Poppy Lane. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441, Ext. 2004 PHONE: (907) 262-9667 • FAX: (907) 262-6090 idWaste JOHN J. WILLIAMS BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM TO: ~ JohnJ. Williams, Mayor RoutedFl'llm Mayor's Offi M THRU: Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Officer d. Craig Chapman, Finance Director e~ FROM: Bob Gar:lock, Solid Waste Director DATE: September 26, 2008 SUBJECT: Authorizing Award of Contract for Baler Wire Purchase Clerk ~ Assembly _ legal /' Finance Assessing Planning Roads SBB ----- Purchasing A. _ f) Other -/~ p . $'/ /,\ _. Date: ID It I aX The Purchasing and Contracting Office formally solicited and opened bids for this project on September 18, 2008. The Invitation to bid was advertised in the Peninsula Clarion September 4, 2008. Two bids were received and are recorded on the attached bid tabulation. The project consists of purchasing 33,000 lbs of baling wire for Central Peninsula Landfill and Homer Baling/Landfill. We ask that the Mayor award the contract to the lowest bidder, Pacific Wire Group, for the amount of $31 ,812.00. Funding for this project 290.32310.00000.42310. is in account number 290.32122.00000.42310 and Approved: Date FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED ACT #290.32122.00000.42310 #290.32310.00000.42310 BY: MAYOR'S REPORT -----b~=:"">OO<'--- ($ 7,712.00) ($24,1 00.00) DATE:'7!Z'7 J IX! I MAYOR'S REPORT ~------------~K~E=N~A~I-=P=E=-:-N~IN=S~U~LA-=-=B-=O-=R-=O~U-=G~H------------~; PURCHASING & CONTRACTING ~ ~ m .... o .. r-> o BID TAB FOR: Baler Wire Purchase w o 00 --J --J ~ ~ \,OUA I RI\\# I Vr\ BASE BID .... 013 r-> w o ~ r-> <=> <=> --J w Pacific Wire Grauo $31.812.00 A&J SUpp'y $41,972.50 :><: ttl II1 ttl C :<l n s;: Il.l H Z Q DUE DATE: ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ o ~ September 18, 2008 @ 2:00 PM ~ KPB OFFICIAL: Mr1 J!laJl£ ~ VMark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Officer ,., .... w ...... ..... ttl o <=> I'J --.... <=> o N KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH Solid Waste Department 47140 East Poppy Lane • Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441, Ext. 2004 PHONE: (907) 262-9667 • FAX: (907) 262-6090 JOHN J. WILLIAMS BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: .~JY John J. Williams, Mayor Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contract~r ~~~~~ Craig Chapman, Finance Director Q. :::1~"Bob Garlock, Solid Waste Director '1J Routed From Mayor's Offi~e 0 Clerk . Assembly legal Finance Assessing Planning Rnads SBB ::E:::::: _. purCh~Singqa+1i1~ '_. J Other Oats: lJ I ~ September 26,2008 SUBJECT: Authorizing Award of Contract for CPL HDPE Gas & Leachate Recirculation Piping Purchase The Purchasing and Contracting Office formally solicited and opened bids for this project on September 18, 2008. The Invitation to bid was advertised in the Peninsula Clarion September 4, 2008. Two bids were received and are recorded on the attached bid tabulation. The project consists of purchasing piping for landfill gas and leachate recirculation operations at Central Peninsula Landfill. We ask that the Mayor award the contract to the lowest bidder, Isco Industries, for the amount of $67,298.00. Funding for this project is in account number 290.32122.00000.42310. Approved: Date FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED RECE~VED SEP 2 9 2008 KPB MAVORIS REPORTflNANCE ADMINtSTRATlm~ ACT #290.32122.00000.42310 ($67,298.00) BY: 4btJ DATE: itE~-If'J MAVOR'SPRT l/) I>:l ..., KENAI PEN.NSULA BOROUGH N W PURCHASING & CONTRACTING ~ ~ N o o OJ ,..., o N BID TAB FOR: CPL ~DPE Gas & Leachate Recirculation Piping OJ IV o 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,..., \#UN IIV'''' I VI'( ttA~~ tJlU o ~ ... N W ~ Iseo Industries $67.298.00 Polar Supply $84,311.02 W :><: '"..., II1 c: :>:l o ~ H Z G) DUE DATE: ~ ~ rJ3. ~ o ~ Sep1ember 18, 2008 @ 2:00 PM cJ!d.I KPB OFFICIAL: ~~ ark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Officer "',...,,...,w" ... ..., o o N --.... o o N KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH 144 North Binkley Street. Soldotna, Alaska 99669-7520 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441, Ext. 2260 ., .... ~ JOHN J. WILLIAMS BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM Routed From Mayor's OffjC~: Clerk TO: Assembly _ legal Finance _ Assessing _ Planning _ Roads SBg .-L purchasing I:. Other Date: 9 -v- John J. Williams, Mayor FROM: DATE: vJ!l~ark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Officer September 4, 2008 HaJJ' SUBJECT: Authorization to Award Contract for the Purchase of One (1) 1,500 GPM Triple Combination Pumper for Central Emergency Services The Purchasing and Contracting Office, on behalfofCentral Emergency Services, formally solicited and received bids for the purchase of a 1,500 GPM Triple Combination Pumper. Bid packets were released on August 4, 2008 and the Invitation to Bid was advertised in the Peninsula Clarion on August 4, 2008. While there were 12 plan holders, on the due date ofAugust 27,2008 only one (1) bid was received. The bid was deemed responsive and was carefully reviewed to ensure that minimum specifications were met. The total bid price of $456,773.00 submitted by H&W Emergency Vehicles, of Marysville, Washington is acceptable. Your approval for this bid award is hereby requested. Funding for this proj ect is in account number 443.51611.09466.49999. Approved Date RECEIVED SEP 042008 MAYOR'S ~~R¥tri~'~STRAT'ON • ~~ FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED ~45(P/773 .. 0f) ACT # 443.51611.09466.49999 lMAYOR'W~T BY:e~ DATE:YJ06 Cloutell From Mayor's Office tn: Clerk ~ Assembly _ Legal Finance Assessing Planning Vi VtH/}v.. --v KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH 144 North Binkley Street. Soldotna, Alaska 99669-7520 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441, Ext. 2260 Roads SBS Purchasing -VOther ______ JOHN J. WILLl9(MS..,4,/o&, BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM TO: John J. Williams, Mayor Craig Chapman, Finance Director C~J---Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contractin~ Officer Max Best, Planning Director ~.. ~d ~/YI Marcus Mueller, Land Management Officer THRU: FROM: DATE: fv ~ ! ,\0,\'\12137411 "q;,OJ. L~I) ;S~. ~ ca (:~ SEP ~..-... ~ ' ('.; \';:, _, Pen. D(I~ !::i <~o!'> Mayor'SOft\Cl ~~ Paul Voeller, Land Management Agent ~1i '" :J?8ZLZ9"(,~ "-:;': e September 9,2008 SUBJECT: Authorization to Award Contract for WOODS DRIVE ROAD REALIGNMENT AND SUBDIVISION On the due date ofJune 26,2008 two (2) proposals were received and ranked by a review committee on July 1, 2008 as follows: TOTAL SCORE McLane Consulting, Inc. Tauriainen Engineering & Testing, Inc. 289 281 Arrangements to enter into contract agreement were initiated with McLane Consulting, Inc. However, a significant cost component was discovered to have been omitted from their proposal. Subsequently McLane Consulting, Inc. has declined to enter into this contract. The second ranking proposal, which includes a cost factor, was submitted by Tauriainen Engineering and Testing Inc. with a lump sum cost proposal of $132,434.00. The proposal review committee recommends award of a contract to Tauriainen Engineering and Testing Inc. Your approval for this award is hereby requested. Funding for this project is in account number 250.21210.8WOOD.43011. :1 John J. Williams, Mayor RECE > l \ , l~ ~[j' Eij.. .' , ~..1 SEP 092008 MAYOR'S REPORT KP6 f\MANCE AOMIMlSTRATlON Date FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED ACT # 250.21210.8WOOD.43011 AYOR'S ~PQlU' BY :.....--~:;..,'~'=-=_ DATE: '1fJ- 0 -tJllI ContraetOt's Printed Name: ("~ PENINSULA PlUMBING & HEATING ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ o Contractor's Federal Tax Identification Number: 92·0049448. JolllService Provided: 51~ \.: /14'--. ...........~ PROPOSAL TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THIS PROPOSAL BECOMES A CONTRACT WHEN ACCEPTED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICIAL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna. AK 99669 907-262-4441 BAS IN-5LAB SNOWMelT SYSTEM 2008 CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THE FOlLOWING SERVICE(S) At the Borough Administration Building, 144-148 North Binkley Street, Soldotna. Alaska: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and tools to remove and dispose of the existing concrete steps, slab, and ADA ramp at the front entry; fumish and install new snowmelt system and new concrete steps, slab, and ADA compliant ramp at the front entry as specified in construction documents. ~ Rou d From May r's Office to: Cler ~ Ass bly Lega fine ce ~ Asse sing =:::::? Plan ing Road SBB! Pure aSing~ Othe Qate DEPARTMENT/SERVICE AREA: MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION: 407.19010.7STEP,43011 Contractor's compensation will be: FORTY-NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY-1HREE AND NOf1oo DOLlARS - - - - - - - Insurance, if required: Auto $ 1.000,000.00 CGl $ 1,000,000.00 Not to exceed $49,373.00 E&O$ NfA Time schedule for perfonnance will be COMPLETION BY NOVEMBER 15, 2008 The following attachments are incorporated herein by reference: ITB RELEASED 6/25/08 AND SUBJEC1 TO TITLE 36 WAGES BY SIGNING BELOW, THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY AFFIRMS THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT INCLUDING THE RO S/ONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM ~ o RECOMMENDED BY: ~ 00 ~ ~ ACCEPTANCE BY KENAI PENINSUlA BOROUGH: PURCHASE ORDER NO. 1?O'BLEb2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: DATE /"'~r ~.:...:..?~ MARK FOWLER PURCHASING & CONTRACTING DATE 7 REV: 7/21/06 35581 KENAI SPUR HWY. SOLDOTNA, AK 99869 (907) 262-5879 p-~-c>i ~. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE o ~ DATE~"i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE . CONTRACTOR ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: ~4' ~ f{ Contractor's Printed Name: Blakeley's Auction Company 92-0071632 Job/Service Provided: ~ ~P ~. PROPOSAL TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES ~ Contractor's Federal Tax Identification Number: ..., 2008 Surplus Property Outcry Auction f KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THIS PROPOSAL BECOMES A CONTRACT WHEN ACCEPTED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICIAL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna, AK 99669 907-262-4441 CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THE FOLLOWING SERVICE(S) Auctioneering firm will be responsible for running a public outcry auction and providing sufficient personnel (minimum of one auctioneer, experienced clerks, cashiers, ringmen, helpers and runners) to handle all phases of the auction. Firm will also be responsible for the collection of all monies, including sales tax, outstanding receipts and, if applicable, collection of NSF checks. Receipts from the auction sale should be pre-numbered for easier accountability. Auctioneering firm will issue to the Kenai Peninsula Borough a check for all proceeds of the auction sale, less the auctioneer's commission and sales tax. Auctioneer will also provide the Borough with a copy of the bidder registration list and copies of each numbered sales receipt. Receipts must show the Borough's assigned number for each item or pallet, the amount bid, and the bidder registration number. Fourth year of five (5) year engagement. ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION:---:N..::../A:....:..- _ DEPARTMENT/SERVICE AREA: Purchasing & Contracting Contractor's compensation will be: Ten (10) percent of gross sales Insurance, if required: Not to exceed 10% of gross sales Auto $. N/A _------------- CGL$ N/A ----- E & 0 $--------~A N/A Time schedule for performance will be Saturday September 20, 2008. The following attachments are incorporated herein by reference: KPB Request for Proposal dated August 8, 2005 and Blakeley's Auction Company proposal dated August 24, 2005. BY SIGNING BELOW, THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY AFFIRMS THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT INCLUDING THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE X~ ~ RECOMMENDED BY: DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE REV: 7/21/06 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: P.O. Box 537 Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Phone: (907) 262-6100 ACCEPTANCE BY KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH: PURCHASE ORDER No._N_/A DATE MARK FOWLER PURCHASING & CONTRACTING _ 9/II/O?/ MAYOR OR DESIGNATED OFFICIAL DATE ~ (~ .. . fl '"",",,"._.~.. PROPOSAL TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH .THIS PROPOSAL BECOMES A CONTRACT WHEN ACCEPTED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICIAL '.. PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna, AK 99669 907-262-4441 OjrnACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THE FOLLOWING SERVICE(S r:i3 0riactor is to provide all labor and equipment necessary to complete the Scope of Work for the Request For Quotes, Oilwe113 urv..,ring Project per the terms and conditions of the Request For Quotes, (attached for reference). This surveying project is in the Ninilchik area and includes the following roads: Rd, Wanda's PI, Bev Ave., Reba St., Tovarish Ln., Tovarish Rd., Burlwood Ln., Cottonwood Ave, BluffDr, Garrison Ridge Rd and Bear paw Rd. iltl ~ Department I Service Area: Planning I SBB Account Distribution: 262.21320.09BT1.43011 Routed From Mayor's Office Clerk Assembly Legal Finance Assessing Planning Roads SBB Purchasing Other ontractor's compensation will be: Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars and no cents Auto $ ime schedule for performance will be . ,; . r:i3 1.000,000.00 tri ~ X " /. /' ( ./ ,~ ' . -, --::>,¥.;iz.::::":"--=-..<:::...Ii~.. ~'.'«~:4:-.(~"'::'::L-- ~ E & 0 $ 1,000,000.00 Twenty l20) business days after execution of contract. IGNING BELOW, THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY AFFI~~S THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALL TERMS CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRAC.T.,'JN? L" U~NG TH'(ROV/S/ONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE. OF T,HIS, FORM _TRACTOR SIGNATURE I CGL $ 1,000,000.00 $3,250.00 ~ 7 :/ I DATE ;# .. IfF / ~/(, -' / - CJB , ~ CONTRACTOR ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: egesser Surveys, Inc 30485 Rosland St Soldotna, AK 99669 (907) 262-3909 ~CCEPTANCE BY KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH: PUR.GHA6E ORDERJiQ.'f:(31.\ ._\ \~.~ DATE REV: 7/21/06 Oilwell 3 ROW Project Attachment 1 o VICINITY MAP COO'l<.RlLE'I' V o III :r:' 8 ~roject Area <:\ Ul a:: ~ ~I u n..WEll RO STERUNGHWY 11 1.25 ~" I I • 7.5 2.5 10 MI•• JESKIEANDRICI:LRD 1 ~ -J W u:: GREENTREEA'LE..ffi o ALLENAV KY,lI,SNIKOF~ RD Legend o Project Parcel GLENWOOD AVE Road 16 - - State Road ~ LINGONBERRY AVE Kenai Peninwla Borough (KPB) Spruce Bark Mitigation Program (SBBMPl aHU. Nanc)' Saylor. August 28, 2008. MCHONE AVE 1142hrs tl 9 0:: tl ~ u:: ill I KPB or S8BMP are not ret.pons'lble fot errors. omissions, Of deletions on this map. Discrepancies 11 feature or boundary ••gnment$ .e due to use of data from different sources This map is nol e legal representation, is produced tor ~ MOSSBERRY AVE o 14 COTTONvvOOD JtvE general W'itormalional purposes only, and Is nol tor sale o I 750 I I I 1,500 I I I I 3,000 Feet I Z Z « ::< o ::< w tlo u.. '-. Oilwell 3 ROW Proiect Attachment 2 o ~ C/) c;DO."LE' g; f- VI.CINITY MAP J: C/) iii MOJectArea - _... _.. ~ DURANGO AVE STERUNG HWr' ~ ~ C/) C/) « z C/) c~8~ 1.25 C/) W u !~ ::::-:::....... ~f',O~C~~ 7.5 2.5 10 1M•• , 0/( (~() DRILL AVE Legend D 21 Project Parcel Ii; Ii; 0:: i5 w w ~ ~ Road 25 (/)\ I 20 ¥! \ll l~ ~ ~ ~Kenai Peninsu" Borough (KPB) Spruce Bark Beetle Mitigation Program (SBBMPl 1153hri KPB or SBBMP are n01 respom:lb.. tor errof$, omtssions. or deletions on ths map. Discrepancle$ ... feature or boundary ••gnments are due to use 01 data from different 5CluroeS. This map 1$ not 8 legal represenliltion. is produced for general ilformational pUfposes only, ilInd 15 not for s.ale. o I 875 I I I 1,750 I I I :::l State Road Nancy Saylor, August 28, 2008. liil w z :; I I 3,500 Feet I n ':JD 26 0:: U ~ ~ 0:: ! o ~ rJJ. Conliadofs Prinled Name: HUGH Q. SMIlH . Ccnr8c:b's Fedend Tax ldeItfiicaliln t<lImber. 9I2-8lM8244 ~ .__ JobISeIVice PnMded: SUSANB ENGUSH SCHOOll.AND5CN'1NG . PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 NorI1 BOley S1reet PROPOSAl. TOCONTRACf FORSERW:ES KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH Soldotna. AK 99669 lHISPROPOSAL BECOMES A OONlRACTWHENACCEPTED AND SlGNEDBYlHE M\YOR OR.-s DESlGNA"TED OFFlCMl 901·282..........1 ~ CQlJRAcroRWILL PROWJE ltE KENAI PBIIIStaA IDIOUGH DE Rl.1.OWIIGSEIMCE(S) ""'Cl AT SUSAN B ENGLISH SCHOOL. 365 WlNNFRED ST.. SELDOVIA. ALASKA: ~ PROVIOE ALL LABOR AND EQUIPMENT TO PERFORM MSCEl.lANEUOS LAN>SCAPlNG SERVICES. TtESE SERVICES WLlINCLUDE MOWING. FERTR..IZING. AERATING, WATERN3, lRlMMING AND WEED CONTROL o l4) l' ". tQ (If Routod Ffm Mayor's ffic8 to: . Clerk ~. Assembl legal Finance Assassin Planning Roads SBB Purehasi g _ V Other t I' lS) a> I ::::iZ: ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION: 241.41010.00000.43780 DEPARTMENTJSERVICE AREA: MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT -;;:r:- ConIrador's c:ompensalon will be: NOT TO EXCEED THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NOI100 DOlLARS Inawantle.ifrequired: Tme~e I: I A&laS Itlrperfomlance" be CGl$1.DOO.OOO..oo ~ ~ eaos N/A COUPtETION MTE DEPENDENT ON WEATHER CONDIl1ONS. The tbbMng .aaet....... ere ~heJei'I ~ INFORMAL REQUEST FOR SERVICES. M 1: !II Hat to ela8d $ 3.500.00 BY SfGNI«; BB..ow. THE CONTRACTOR I£REBY AFFIRIIS THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALllERilS AND CONDI11OHS OF THIS CONTRACT INCUlOING THE PRCMSIOIVS OOIV1".ulIB) ON THE R£VERSE OF »tIS FORtA CONTRACTOR~TURE C<»ITRAC~ AImRESS & PHONE NUMBER: P.O. BOX 155 SElDOVIA. AK 99663 (901) 234-7678 X CIV.l ~ ~ MARK FOWlER PURCHASING & CONTRACTNl (If I 0.. 1II !II REV: 7121106 DAlE 1~9101tl< <tJf"o ... l~.l n,~ ....rv KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH ~ 144 North Binkley Street • Soldotna, Alaska 99669-7 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4441, Ext. 22 ~?~ \)'\ ~ ~ a-. SEP Kenai Pen. B ~ ~'OftIioroua r:e ~ ~ & ?-19~ 1.J~ < ; : : ' 1 1 . ~ 92'(:,0.:,..~\ :"',-" \.. . t.. -:tAM-s JOHN J. W BOROUGH MAYOR MEMORANDUM Routlld From TO: 10hn 1. Williams, Mayor THRU: Craig Chapman, Director - Finance Department Bill Kopecky, Director - Maintenance Department FROM: Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting DATE: February 20, 2008 SUBJECT: KPBSD Vehicle Transfer Request Mayor'. Office til:, Li::::> Clerk Assembly _ Legal Finance Officer~ see Purch8Sing~-::::O-, Other Data: "';~f-l0~--- Through the attached memo, KPBSD has requested the transfer of five (5) vehicles from the Maintenance Department. Four (4) of these units are intended to replace vehicles that are reaching the end of their useful life, one will be an addition to the KPBSD fleet. KPBSD has requested that the vehicles be transferred at no cost. These vehicles (listed below) have been purchased through the equipment replacement fund and are due to be surplused this year. I have also provided an average blue book value for each vehicle (total blue book value $35,145). Vehicle # MT 9923 MT 9924 MT 9925 N MT 2084 h".~ M'f ~~8j License # XXY 587 XXY 588 XXY 589 XXW 619 XX\V 441 Year 1999 1999 1999 2000 16e6 Make Dodge B350 Van Dodge B350 Van Dodge B350 Van Chevy 4x4 Pickup Oit,,) @M@~ VillI Mileage 55610 57347 33287 47591 41283 Asset Tag # T08035 T08036 T08037 T08252 T08249 Value $5,755 $5,755 $5,805 $10,425 $9,405 ~ By initialing this memo the Maintenance Department agrees to the transfer and all related maintenance and the Finance Department agrees to the transfer of these assets from the equipment replacement fund to KPBSD. 10hn 1. Williams, Mayor Ttmothy Navarre MAYOR'S Alttf0Mlnistrative Officer z:::: Assessing _ Planning _ Roads _ Date MAYOR'S REPORT \ KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH ~ Road Service Area 47140 E. Poppy Lane. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Toll-free within the Borough: 1-800-478-4427 PHONE: (907) 262-4427. FAX: (907) 262-6090 JOHN J. WILLIAMS BOROUGH MAYOR ~ TO: JohnJ. Williams, Mayor THRU: Mark Fowler, Purchasing & Contracting Office~ Craig Chapman, Finance Director FROM: Gary Davis, Roads Directo Road Service Area _-r--Ir Signature: DATE: Routed From Mayor's Office to: . Clerk ~. Assembly _ Legal Finance -L.. Assessing _ _ Planning ........,.... Roads ~ e.ctt- SBB Date: September 24, 2008 SUBJECT: Authorization to Award Contract for the Road Service Area Summer & Winter Road Maintenance South Region, Unit 5, Central Region, Units 5 & 6 and North Region, Unit 1. The Kenai Peninsula Borough opened proposals for the above referenced projects August 26, 2008. The request for proposals was advertised in the Peninsula Clarion on August 7, 13, and 17,2008 and Homer News on August 7 & 14,2008. Contracts consist of providing all labor, materials and equipment to perform summer and winter road maintenance. They are three-year contracts with two optional years at the~ption of the Kenai Peninsula Borough. .,t The RSA evaluation committee reviewed and evaluated proposals received consistent with the criteria established in the RFP, and below are the total estimated annual expenses submitted by each proposal that received the highest ranking. Hammond Trucking & Excavation, Inc. was the sole proposer for Central Region, Unit 5. These contracts are for work performed on an hourly basis and is controlled primarily by weather. The estimated amounts are contingent upon the various maintenance demands of the respective units. RegionlUnit South, 5 Central, 5 Central,6 North, 1 MAYOR'S REPORT :::z:::.: Purchasing Other __ Proposal Amount Contractor $143,900 Paul's Services Homer, AK Hammond Trucking & Excavation, Soldotna, AK $155,465 $127,000 D&L Construction Co., Inc. Soldotna, AK $139,000 Commercial Automotive Repair & Equipment Kenai, AK MAYOR'S REPORT q -Zq -0)( Page Two The RSA Board at their September 23, 2008 approved RSA Resolution 2008-11 Recommending Approval of Contract for Summer & Winter Road Maintenance with the contractors referenced above. Funding is available in the FY2009 Road Service Area operating budget. Expenditures for the contracts will be charged to account number 236.33950.46910. FINANCE DEPARTMENT FUNDS VERIFIED Amount: $565,365.00 Acct. #236.33950.00000.46910 ~-7---- % Date: 9125/()f I ' Approved . rams, Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Date RECE~\'Fr SEP 252008 KP6 ',1 f'MANCE AoMlN'lSTRI"\' I MAYOR'S REPORT u· " \' MAYOR'S REPORT ontractor's Printed Name: David M. Derrv. MAl Contractor's Federal Tax Identification Number: 92-0167272 Job/Service Provided: Appraisal Services ~ [E PROPOSAL TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH ("....... . . THIS PROPOSAL BECOMES A CONTRACT WHEN ACCEPTED AND ...~_ .•~.,~ .', SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICIAL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna, AK 99669 907-262-4441 ONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THE FOLLOWING SERVICE(S): ontractor will provide two appraisals of a parcel of land at approximately Milepost 17.3 on Kalifornsky Beach Road outside of Kenai, Alaska. The ppraisal will be reported in Summary Appraisal format. raisal1 he fair market value of 30.3 +/- acres being that portion of SW1/4 NW1/4 Section 23, T5N, R11W, S.M, lying north of Kalifornsky Beach Road, KPB parcel No. 055-031-53 as shown on the attached "Vicinity Map" (Parent parcel). raisal2 RoutBd Fro he fair market value of approximately 4 +/- acres within the parent parcel as shown on the attached map: Appraisal: K-Beach/Ciechanski. Mayor'. offle.s to:. Clerk Assembly CCOUNT DISTRIBUTION: 443.51611.09468.48610 DEPARTMENT/SERVICE AREA: Resource Planning/Land Management Legal Finance Assessing Planning Roads see Not to exceed $3,600.cRJher ontractor's compensation will be: Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars and no cents Insurance, if required: Auto $ 100.000/300.000 CGL$ Date: Cl~ NA E&O $ NA ime schedule for performance will be approximatelv October 31.2008. he following attachments are incorporated herein by reference: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: CTOR HEREBY AFFIRMS THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALL TERMS CT INCLUDING THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE OF THIS FORM f REV: 4/10/03 )~ tZ ~c= DATE qjt70joB Derry and Associates P.O. Box 2882 Kenai, AK 99611 (907) 260-8434 Contractor's Printed Name: Busy Beaver Firewood Contractor's Federal Tax Identification Number PROPOSAL TO CONTRACT FOR SERVICES KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THIS PROPOSAL BECOMES A CONTRACT WHEN ACCEPTED AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNATED OFFICIAL 37-1558598 Job/Service Provided: Blackwater Bend ROW Proiect PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna, AK 99669 907-262-4441 ONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE THE KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH THE FOLLOWING SERVICE(S): ontractor is to provide all labor and equipment necessary to complete the Scope of Work for the Blackwater Bend Rights-of-Way project. The Scope of Work onsists of clearing dead and dying spruce bark beetle trees from rights-of-way, as shown on the attached project map; including parcels where abutting ndowners have given permission to enter private property to remove those trees that upon falling could impact the road. This project is in the Anchor oint/Homer area and includes the following road: Norman Lowell Road. DEPARTMENT/SERVICE AREA: Planning / SBB ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION: 262.21320.09BT1.43011 o Check box if State Right of Way (ROW) Articles of the attached General Conditions apply (Articles 2.5.b, 5.3.b, 5.4.b and 5.5.b). ~ Check box if Kenai Peninsula Borough Articles of the attached General Conditions apply (Articles 2.5.a, 5.3.a, 5.4.a and 5.5.a). Routlld From Mayor's Office Clerk Assembly Legal Finance Assasslng Planning Roads SBB Purchasing Other Date: ontractor's compensation will be: Not To Exceed Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars and no cents Not to exceed $2,250.00 Auto $1,000,000.00 CGL $1,000,000.00 E & 0 $....!o!O~.O~O _ .. , , 'I( ime schedule for performance will be Proiect end date is thirty (30) business days after execution of contract. he following attachments are incorporated herein by reference: Request For Quotes, Blackwater Bend Rights-Of-WaY Project: (6 pages); Signed Quote Form (3 pages); ttachments 1 and 1-A (Project Map, Parcel Information List - 2 paqes); and Attachment B (General Conditions of Contract - 7 pages), Y SIGNING BELOW, THE CONTRACTOR HEREBY AFFIRMS THAT HE OR SHE HAS READ AND ACCEPTS ALL TERMS NO CONDITIONS OF THIS CON"tRACT INCLUQJ('JG THE..EROV~NS CONTAINED IN THE A TTACHED GENERAL ONDITIONS. ONTRACTOR SIGNATURE X '.;v-'(f1V'\ -¥U \!\AMI \J RI(FO PURCHASING & CONTRACTING Revised 11/4/2003 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: Busy Beaver Firewood PO Box 1300 terling, AK 99672 1(907) 252-0180 ACCEPTANCE BY KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH: NO.~ '7---. "J -,;2' DATE Blackwater Bend ROW Project Attachment 1 VICINITY MAP ~ o ~ rJl ~o NINILCHIK [ 1 CO O\<. ItU..El HOMER [ "0 1.252.5 5 7.5 10 Miles Legend o Project Parcel 'I • Milepost Road - - State Road 3: ~ o ~ rJl Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) Spruce Bar1c; Beelle Miligalion Program (SBBMP) ~ "tl Nancy Saylor. August 6. 2006. o 0627hrs KPB or SBBMP are not responsible for errors, omissions, or deletions on Ihts map. Discrepancies in feature or boundary alignments ~ are due 10 use of data from different sources. This map is not a legal representalion, is produced for general informational purposes only, and is not for sale. a I 250 I I 500 I I 1,000 Feet I I I I Blackwater Bend ROW Project VICINITY MAP \ !) STERLING HWY NINILCHIK [ co O'f{\t1LE'T o 1.2525 5 7.5 10 Miles o Legend Treatment Wanted Not Applicable • Milepost - - Road - - State Road Kel\ll Penr.sula Borough (KPB) Spruce Bark Beede Mitigation Program (SBBMP) Nancy Saylor, September 18, 2OOfJ. 0838hrs th. KPB or SBBMP are nol responsible for "-cn, omilliitons. or deldons on map. Oilicr.panel... in '••tur. or boundary .Ii",menu .re due to uu: of dIe. tom ditll:rent sources. This map ilii not a ~gal repruentation, is produced tor genera' information.t purpous only. and is nol for ule. a I 250 I I 500 I I 1,000 Feet I I I I STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY AND Sarah Palin, Governor Emil Notti, Commissioner Tara [ollie, Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division of Community & Regional Affairs September 30, 2008 CERTIFIEDIRETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70032260000073083450 Routed From Mayor's Office to: Glerk Assembly _ Legal _ finance ~ssessing ~ "Ianning . :'1oads sse Honorable Mayor John Williams Kenai Peninsula Borough 144 North Binkley Street Soldotna, AK 99669 __ __ Purchasing _ _ Other Date: 1:J/ilJ RE: 2007 FULL VALUE DETERMINAnON Dear Mayor Williams: As required by AS 14.17.510 (Public Schools Foundation Program) and AS 29.60.010 (State equalization of tax resources for municipal services), the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development has determined that, as of January 1,2008, the full and true value of taxable real and personal property within your municipality is as follows: Real Property: Personal Property State Assessed Pr?perty (AS 43.56): $ 6,193,997,000 $716,043,500 $635,271,790 TOTAL: $7,545,312,290 This full value determination may be appealed administratively by you within fifteen (15) days of receipt of this notice under the provisions of 19 AAC 30.092. In addition, AS 14.17.510 also allows for judicial review of the determination. If you have any questions concerning this full value determination for 2008, please contact our office at 269-4605. Sincerely, Steve VanSant State Assessor 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1770, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone: (907) 269-4501 Fax: (907) 269-4539 Text Telephone: (907) 465-5437 Email: [email protected] Website: KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH - FINANCE DEPARTMENT To: Grace Merkes, Assembly President Members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Thru: John J. Williams, Borough Mayor Thru: Craig C. Chapman, Finance Director From: Brandi Harbaugh, Controller ~ Date: October 2, 2008 Subject: Revenue-Expenditure Report - September 2008 t eiv Attached is the Revenue-Expenditure Report of the General Fund for the Month of September 2008. Please note that 25% of the year has elapsed, 31.39% of budgeted expenditures have been made, and 41.72% of budgeted revenues have been collected. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH REVENUE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 31100 TOTAL REAL TAX 23,087,655 11,351,627 8,099,591 (11,736,028) 49.17% 31203 TOTAL PERS TAX 1,290,239 567,735 385,093 (722,504) 44.00% 31300 OIL TAX 2000 2,858,724 2,986,196 30,268 127,472 104.46% 31400 MOTOR VEHICLE TAX 850,000 62,678.00 62,678.00 (787,322) 7.37% 31510 PROPERTY TAX PENALTY & INTEREST 470,615 32,939 15,681 (437,676) 7.00% 31610 SALES TAX 29,214,000 8,718,132 1,172,962 (20,495,868) 29.84% 33110 IN LIEU PROPERTY TAX 1,900,000 1,899,376 (624) 99.97% 33117 OTHER FEDERAL REVENUE (75,000) 0.00% 34100 COMM. PASSENGER VESSEL EXCISE TAX 34110 SCHOOL DEBT REIMBURSEMENT 34138 DOA DIV OF RETIREMENT & BENEFITS 34221 ELECTRICITY AND TELEPHONE REVENUE 170,000 (170,000) 0.00% 34222 FISH TAX REVENUE SHARING 650,000 (650,000) 0.00% 34210 MUNICIPAL ENERGY ASSISTANCE (921,429) 0.00% 34310 MISC. STATE REVENUE 36541 E911 SERVICE FEES 914,349 296,290 65,322 (618,059) 32.40% 37350 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 354,319 163,273 2,485 (191,046) 46.08% 38000 TRANSFER FROM OTHER FUNDS 136,234 136,234.00 39000 OTHER LOCAL REVENUE 231,651 42,677 23,107 (188,974) 18.42% 65,969,603 27,524,692 11,085,758 (38,444,911 ) 41.72% TOTAL REVENUES MAYOR'S REPORT 75,000 0.00% 1,616,817 38,964 (1,577,853) 2.41% 0.00% 2,150,000 1,228,571 1,228,571 100.00% 100.00% MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR THE PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2008 ASSEMBLY ADMINISTRATION 445,184 $ ASSEMBLY CLERK 450,065 ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS 159,175 ASSEMBLY RECORDS MANAGEMENT 211,895 MAYOR ADMINISTRATION 732,286 PURCHASING AND CONTRACTING 211,813 GENERAL SERVICES 482,439 GENERAL SERVICES - MIS 1,686,852 GENERAL SERVICES - GIS 498,944 252,998 GENERAL SERVICES - PRINT/MAIL GENERAL SERVICES - CUSTODIAL MAINT 105,511 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 463,299 911 COMMUNICATIONS 1,251,904 LEGAL ADMINISTRATION 799,242 FINANCE - ADMINISTRATION 459,295 FINANCIAL SERVICES 768,843 754,116 FINANCE - PROPERTY TAX AND COLLECTION 394,147 FINANCE - SALES TAX 912,813 ASSESSING ADMINISTRATION 1,473,590 ASSESSING APPRAISAL 1,115,262 RESOURCE PLANNING ADMINISTRATION 96,442 MAJOR PROJECTS - ADMINISTRATION 481,969 SENIOR CITIZENS GRANT PROGRAM 54,697,793 NON-DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL EXPENDITURES MAYOR'S REPORT $ 68,905,877 $ 63,460 71,707 25,953 34,278 130,435 19,464 98,166 293,258 107,649 73,096 21,722 110,402 305,331 149,340 100,382 149,921 143,690 60,836 167,406 302,690 226,513 66,270 64,779 18,840,642 $ 21,627,389 $ 20,229 22,428 23,948 12,713 40,423 10,300 29,277 98,956 56,741 17,398 7,329 42,480 60,639 54,761 48,026 50,815 55,167 22,610 60,967 97,304 76,346 71,242 34,982 3,772,523 $ $ 4,787,604 $ 77,705 41,620 31,905 9,616 5,207 7,592 23,602 41,272 6,942 15,928 8,062 71,067 21,271 30,852 5,094 4,617 11,454 11,822 12,426 14,814 70,923 5,136 417,190 625,138 1,571,255 $ 35,232,014 14.25% 15.93% 16.30% 16.18% 17.81% 9.19% 20.35% 17.38% 21.58% 28.89% 20.59% 23.83% 24.39% 18.69% 21.86% 19.50% 19.05% 15.43% 18.34% 20.54% 20.31% 68.71% 13.44% 34.44% $45,707,233 31.39% 304,019 336,738 101,317 168,001 596,644 184,757 360,671 1,352,322 384,353 163,974 75,727 281,830 925,302 619,050 353,819 614,305 598,972 321,489 732,981 1,156,086 817,826 25,036 MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH Finance Department 144 North Binkley Street • Soldotna, Alaska 99669-8250 PHONE: (907)714-2170 • FAX: (907)714-2376 JOHN J. WILLIAMS MAYOR To: Grace Merkes, Assembly President Members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Thru: John J. Williams, Borough Mayor Thru: Craig C. Chapman, Finance Director From: Brandi Harbaugh, Controller~ Date: October 2, 2008 Subject: Budget Revisions - September 2008 t~ Attached are budget revisions for September 2008. The attached list only contains budget revisions between major expenditure categories (i.e., maintenance & operations and capital outlay). Other minor transfers were processed between sub-objects within major expenditure categories. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT INCREASE DECREASE ROAD SERVICE AREA: Office chair needed for South Inspector. 236.33950.00000.42110 (Office Supplies) 236.33950.00000.48720 (Minor Office Furniture) 200.00 200.00 KENAI RIVER CENTER: Purchase a conference phone. 251.21135.00000.48730 251.21135.00000.42412 251.21135.00000.43019 251.21135.00000.42120 (Minor Communications Equip.) (Minor Office Equip.) (Software Licensing) (Computer Software) 1,019.90 1,019.90 93.00 93.00 CAPITAL PROJECTS: To set line item from Minor Communica tions-to purchase cell phones and misc phone equipment. 100.11310.00000.43110 (Communications) 100.11310.00000.42413 (Minor Communications Equipment) 500.00 500.00 RISK: To set line item for Minor Communictions-to purchase cell phones and misc phone equipment. 700.11234.00000.43110 (Communications) 700.11234.00000.42413 (Minor Communications Equipment) 200.00 200.00 CENTRAL EMERGENCY SERVICES: To set line item for Minor Communications-to purchase cell phones and misc phone equipment. 211.51610.00000.43110 (Communications) 211.51610.00000.42413 (Minor Communications Equipment) 800.00 800.00 NORTH PENINSULA RECREATION: To set line item for Minor Communications-to purchase cell phones and misc phone equipment. 225.61110.00000.43110 (Communications) 225.61110.00000.42413 (Minor Communications Equipment) 200.00 200.00 LEGAL: To set line item for Minor Communictions-to purchase cell phones and misc phone equipment. 100.11310.00000.43110 (Communications) 100.11310.00000.42413 (Minor Communications Equipment) MAYOR'S REPORT 200.00 200.00 MAYOR'S REPORT ASSESSING-APPRAISAL: Cell phones needed for two new full time temporary appraisers, PO charged to wrong account. 100.11520.00000.42413 (Minor Communication Supplies) 100.11520.00000.43110 (Communications) 180.00 180.00 SOLID WASTE: Old Software is outdated on the Solid Waste Web Page. Budget Revision to purchase new Software. 290.32570.00000.48710 (Minor Office Equipment) 290.32010.00000.42120 (Computer Software) MAYOR'S REPORT 600.00 600.00 MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH - FINANCE DEPARTMENT To: Grace Merkes, Assembly President Members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly Thru: John Williams, Borough Mayor From: Craig Chapman, Finance Director Date: September 4, 2008 Subject: Project Reports -June 30, 2008 Attached are the quarterly project reports for the Borough's capital project funds. Fund 400-Borough and Grant Funded School Capital Projects Fund Fund 40l-Bond Funded School Capital Projects Fund Fund 407-General Government Capital Projects Fund Fund 409-Resource Management Capital Projects Fund Fund 4ll-Solid Waste Capital Projects Fund Fund 434-Road Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 44l-Nikiski Fire Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 442-Bear Creek Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 443-CES Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 444-Anchor Point Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 446-Kachemak Emergency Service Area Capital Projects Fund Fund 455-911 Communication Capital Projects Fund Fund 459-North Peninsula Recreation Service Area Capital Projects Fund Funds 490-Central Hospital Capital Projects Fund Funds 491-South Peninsula Hospital Capital Projects Fund MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT School Revenue Project· Fund 400 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Pro ect Authorized Site 4 apman ementary 06342 2006 Nikiski Elementary 06191 2006 Nikiski High 06344 Nikiski High 2006 08307 Nikiski High 2008 05711 2005 Nikolaevsk 07711 2007 Nikolaevsk 08711 2008 Nikolaevsk 06192 2006 Ninilchik Elem. 06193 2006 Ninilchik Elem. 06194 2006 Ninilchik Elem. 06195 Ninilchik Elem. 2006 06358 2006 Ninilchik Elem. 2008 8DCTH Nanwalek 06723 2006 Homer High 08231 2008 Homer High 08232 2008 Homer High 08233 2008 Homer High 06189 2006 Homer Middle School 08320 2008 West Homer Elem. 06190 2006 Kenai High 06735 2006 Kenai High 2006 06851 Kenai High 07312 2007 Kenai High 07713 2007 Kenai High 07314 2007 Sears Elem 08742 2008 Susan B. English 06198 2006 Seward Elementary Seward High 07716 2007 08743 2008 Seward Middle 06199 2006 Soldotna Elementary 07316 2007 Soldotna Elementary 08309 2008 Soldotna Elementary 06200 2006 Soldotna High School 06748 2006 Soldotna High School 08311 2008 Soldotna Middle 08491 2008 Soldotna Middle 08511 2008 Portable Classrooms 02804 2002 Areawide Facilities 03805 2003 Areawide Facilities 04856 2004 Areawide Facilities 04860 2004 Areawide Facilities 05756 2005 Areawide Facilities 05759 2005 Areawide Facilities 2005 05802 Areawide Facilities 06755 2006 Areawide Facilities 06759 2006 Areawide Facilities 06780 2006 Areawide Facilities 06801 2006 Areawide Facilities 06803 2006 Areawide Facilities Areawide Facilities 07009 2007 07755 2007 AreaWide Facilities 2007 07756 Areawide Facilities 2007 07758 Areawide Facilities 07759 2007 Areawide Facilities 07780 2007 Areawide Facilities 07851 2007 Areawide Facilities 2008 08755 Areawide Facilities 08756 2008 Areawide Facilities Areawide Facilities 08758 2008 08782 2008 Areawide Facilities 08801 2008 Areawide Facilities 08802 2008 Areawide Facilities 08803 2008 Areawide Facilities 08855 2008 Areawide Facilities 08PLY 2008 Areawide Facilities INTOO 2002 Areawide Facilities Site Number Pro ect Oescrl I Ing Win ow 71080 Crosswalk/Bike Path 71082 Track Repair 71082 Auditorium Upgrades 71082 Security Project 71090 Replace Soffit 71090 Reroof/Soffit 71091 Reroof/Soffit 71100 Handicap Access 71100 Window 71100 School bus 71100 Re-roof Section D & 71100 Carpet Replacement 71140 Teacher Housing 72010 Pool parking FY08 HoHi -HVAC 72010 72010 FY08 HoHi - ADA Corr Paving and Curbs 72010 72030 Roofing Upgrades 72051 Mortar Jts. -Seal 73020 Asphalt Replacement 73020 Auditorium 73020 Bleacher replacement 73020 Bleacher replacment 73020 Kitchen flooring 73040 Roof Repair 74010 HVAC Upgade 75010 Carpet Replacement 75020 Parking lot light 75030 Playfield Complex 76010 Re-roof Section 400 76010 School Drainage 76010 Roof repair 76020 Sports Field 76020 Auditorium 76030 Gym Siding 76030 Gym Siding 78010 Areawide Portable 78050 Auto shop - EPA 78050 Sprinkler system 78050 Fire Marshall code 78050 Arsenic Feasibility 78050 Asbestos abatement 78050 Water Quality 78050 Asphalt/sidewalk/curb 78050 Flooring replacement Water Quality 78050 78050 Playground safety 78050 HVAC/DDC upgrades Elevator Upgrades 76050 78050 HVAC/DDC upgrades 78050 Flooring replacement 78050 Asbestos-abatement 78050 Electrical/ballast 78050 Water quality Playground 78050 Portable classrooms 78050 78050 FY08 Flooring 78050 Asbestos abatement 78050 Elec. Upgrade/Ballast 78050 ADA Compliance 78050 HVAC Upgrades 78050 Paving Upgrades 78050 Elevator Upgrades 78050 Locker Replacements 78050 DCCED GRT 78050 Intercom system Total 210,000 305,000 25,000 40,000 275,000 425,000 70,000 65,000 120,000 100,000 150,000 50,000 723,650 52,500 50,000 12,000 10,000 200,000 50,000 450,000 51,056 50,000 25,000 100,000 30,000 36,000 170,000 30,000 413,000 230,000 45,000 75,000 165,000 50,000 37,500 75,000 217,000 70,000 40,000 38,232 94,514 55,459 450,000 61,730 100,000 780,957 150,000 74,440 30,000 386,064 168,002 50,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 77,500 90,770 206,804 287,620 25,000 40,000 203,341 205,448 70,000 49,268 120,000 91,440 145,054 33,481 723,650 51,711 50,000 12,000 10,000 35,246 50,000 3,071 51,000 50,000 25,000 79,622 30,000 36,000 71,535 30,000 413,000 229,571 41,685 75,000 143.274 41,725 37,500 75,000 217,000 42,313 25,456 33,169 1,591 968 53,735 60,002 394 172,677 23,744 25,089 23,424 372,750 80,786 43,644 5,556 26,703 49,707 50,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 77,500 77,002 $ 8,9401374 $ 6,158,257 1,302 8,533 18,183 4,498 25,913 18,183 184,297 205,448 57,603 40,981 163 2,116 6,076 33,481 12,287 25,734 37,564 255,956 425,000 57,603 56,713 163 10,677 11,022 50,000 12,287 26,523 37,564 164,754 447,679 51,056 750 51,000 Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to eXisting projects Projects completed, cancelled or other funding source identified. MA~R'.Sa~J;\~;lprlatlonand to satisfy future capital expansion plans, 12,397 8,287 119,837 89,323 138,978 711,363 25,977 12,436 12,000 10,000 35,246 50,000 2,321 50,000 25,000 7,087 22.510 3,564 70,666 30,000 411,657 225,569 72,535 7,490 32,436 869 92,913 7,490 32,436 99,334 1.343 4,003 41,685 1,343 4,431 45,000 16,489 19,496 919 38,215 27,770 919 192,278 17,634 7,726 30,203 19,594 80,786 35,834 5,556 2,013 47,070 192,278 45,320 22,270 35,266 92,923 55,459 445,275 61,727 100,000 738,200 150,000 53,838 6,576 32,908 168,002 42,190 50,000 15,311 47,363 7,353 7,353 59,242 19,874 59,242 19,874 100,000 100,000 19,379 75,602 43,713 19,379 75,602 57,481 50,000 130,621 1,898 33,289 4,699,278 $ 4,241,098 968 49,010 60,000 394 129,921 23,744 4,486 $ 1,915,159 $ 75,000 126,785 22,230 36,561 75,000 24,722 24,680 17,730 2,966 1,591 4,725 2 42,757 20,603 23,424 353,156 7,810 24,689 2,637 50,000 92,647 100,000 60,758 80,126 80,000 $ 1,819,625 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from General Fund FY2008 Transfer from School Bond Fund Grants Awarded Total Funds Provided 205,502 279,087 6,817 40,000 19,044 $ 1,450,000 543,000 2,511,949 4,504,949 _li (1,915,159) (4,241,098) MAVORIS RE~OB8Ji19 Bond Project - Fund 401 Balances through Year Pro ect ro rlated 03SWB 2004 03SEW 2004 03NVK 2008 04SHB 2004 04CHB 2004 06CES 2006 7ROOF 2007 7WDOW 2007 08SHB 2008 2007 00H20 June 30, 2008 Site Soldotna Landfill Seward Jr. High Nikolaevsk South Peninsula Hospital Central Peninsula Hospital CES Fire Station bonds McNeil River Elementary Soldotna Elementary South Peninsula Hospital Areawide South Hospital Expansion Central Hospital Expansion Station 1 and FR Station Reroof Project Window Replacement FY08 SPH Cap Improv.Bondf Water Quality Arsenic Remo\ $ Total Expend. FY08 28,034 746,251 4,898 1,804,431 9,550,846 455,477 5,188 174,241 399,336 4,367 Authorized Amount 7,200.000 14,660,452 288,525 16,922,849 53,000,719 2,606,000 750,100 490,000 14,700,000 117,500 110,736,144 $ 30,984,145 $ 13,173,069 $ $ 7,181,413 14,660,451 4,898 15,559,463 52,342,122 2,546,591 7,468 218,960 399,336 4,367 92,925,069 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30107 Funds Provided: Transfer from Fund 400 FY2008 South Peninsula Hospital Bond Proceeds FY2008 00 Bond Interest FY2008 03 Solid Waste Bond Interest FY2008 03 Seward Jr. High Bond Interest FY2008 CPH Expansion Bond Interest FY2008 SPH Expansion Bond Interest FY2008 07 School Bond Interest FY2008 CES Bond interest $ Unexpended Balance 18,587 283,627 1,363.386 658,597 59,409 742,632 271,040 14,300,664 113,133 $ 17,811,074 $ 16,698,161 190,000 14,700,000 5,591 55,727 334,429 471,722 37,925 12,438 15,807,832 Total Funds Provided Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures (13,173,069) transfer to fund 400 Ordinance 2007-19-48 (543,000) Funds obligated to existing projects (17,811,074) Projects completed or cancelled Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. $ Components of Fund Balance 00 Bond Interest 03 Solid Waste Bond Interest 03 Seward Jr. High Bond Interest 04 CPH Expansion Bond Interest 04 SPH Expansion Bond Interest 08 SPH Bond Interest 06 CES Bond Interest 07 SchoOl Bond Interest Total Fund Balance MAYOR'S REPORT 978,649 $1,014 40,089 7,523 366,093 1,427 471,722 5,875 85,106 $ MAYOR'S REPORT 978,849 General Government Project - Fund 407 Balances through June 30, 2008 Authorized Year Amount Project Description Project Appropriated 00407 Renovation to address shortage of office space $ 147,623 2000 CAMASITAX billing system purchase and 444,960 2003 implementation CAMAS Accounts Receivable reporting system design 2003 and implementation 03ARS 100,000 Web based tax filing and payment system 2003 design and implementation 03WEB 232,500 142,404 2004 Supplemental CAMAS Funding 04CAM 05STX 150,000 2005 Sales Tax System Upgrade Project 06407 2006 Generator & transfer switch upgrade 83,866 2007 General Govt Capital Projects 75,620 07SEC 54,310 2007 Adm.Bldg.Snow Melt Steps 7STEP 2008 08STX 100,000 Sales Tax System Modification - Seward Cap 2008 AWG Fountain 84071 7,500 2008 Vehicle Parking 84073 125,000 2008 Code Compliance Review 84075 75,000 Total $ 1,738,783 FY08 FY08 Total LTD Unexpended Balance Budget Expenditures Expenditures $ 5,861 $ $ 141,761 $ 5,861 85,513 64,348 37,657 423,795 21,165 62,343 37,657 500 8,945 115,464 21,639 12,776 121,458 21,139 3,831 5,994 75,620 54,310 100,000 7,500 125,000 75,000 22,792 209 8,674 232,000 133,459 34,536 83,866 22,792 209 8,674 1,264 1,264 128,251 $ 1,144,698 $ 722,335 $ Beginning Fund Balance 6/30107 Funds Provided: FY08 Transfer from General Fund Grants Awarded Total Funds Provided $ 52,828 54,101 91,326 7,500 125,000 73,736 $ 594,084 $ 629,116 300,000 300,000 Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures (128,251) Funds obligated to existing projects (594,084) Projects completed or cancelled Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT $ MAYOR'S REPORT 275,048 Resource Management Projects - Fund 409 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Project Appropriated Project Description Authorized Amount FY08 Budget Total LTD Expenditures Expend FY08 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from General Fund Grants Awarded Total Funds Provided Unexpended Balance $ 27,353 $ 27,353 $ Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Solid Waste Project - Fund 411 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 06PTG 2006 06TYK 2006 6TSM2 2006 6TSM3 2006 07CLO 2007 07HBF 2007 7DCSW 2007 080MP 2008 08CPR 2008 08FUN 2008 08NIL 2008 June 30, 2008 Project Description Port Graham landfill expansion & Tyonek Landfill hazardous waste collection Road/Pad Imprvmts Sterling Transfer Site FY06 TECycie Bins and Dumpsters Central Peninsula Landfill Closure Harris Press and Shear Baler Repair Denali Commission Grant Construction Cooper Landing Trf Site Upgrade Funny Rvr Trf Site Upgrade FY08 Ninilchik Tfr Site Upgrade Authorized Amount 93,176 $ 15,000 6,000 5,570 2,450,000 130,000 40,000 400,000 37,500 37,500 75,000 FY08 Budget 93,176 $ 15,000 6,000 5,570 2,190,051 130,000 39,911 400,000 37,500 37,500 75,000 Expend Total LTD Unexpended FY08 Expenditures Balance 91,976 $ 1,200 $ 91,976 $ 15,000 6,000 5,570 2,403,920 46,080 2,143,971 70,379 70,379 59,621 39,911 40,000 23,471 23,471 376,529 12,742 12,742 24,758 11,900 11,900 25,600 2,686 2,686 72,314 $ 3,289,746 $ 3,029,708 $2,397,035 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Other Funds Grants Awarded Total Funds Provided $ 2,657,074 $ $ 2,441,998 $ 550,000 39,911 589,911 (2,397,035) Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT 632,673 - (632,673) $ MAYOR'S REPORT 28,771 RSA Capital Projects - Fund 434 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Project Description Project Appropriated Combined State and Federal Grant SPURX Spur Road Extension 2002 Spur Road Extension SPURX 2006 Authorized Amount FY08 Budget $ 1,250,000 $ 1,830,000 690,995 1,830,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,503,643 325,080 1,400,000 272,871 1,195,955 418,892 116,819 30,886 472,568 2,000,000 3,503,643 325,080 1,400,000 252,111 120,534 418,892 116,819 30,886 360,202 281,765 65,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 275,000 359,502 281,765 65,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 275,000 FY03 Identified Projects SPBRG 2003 Spruce Creek Bridge Project 57,750 45,097 FY06 Identified Projects 2006 Pre-engineering & Cost Estimation 00000 61,517 14,842 405 141,194 Other State & Federal Grants KEYST Keystone Drive Improvement 2005 KEYST Keystone Drive Improvement 2006 KEYS8 Keystone Drive Improvement 2008 7KEYS 2007 Keystone Drive Improvement - DCED grant 9KEYS Keystone Drive Improvement - DCCED grant 2008 Kasilof River Road Relocation KASRV 2006 E3SPR 2007 FY07 Spruce Creek Bridge C4FOS 2007 FY07 Foster Ave, Walker St, Lopez Ave FY07 Raven Lane, Eagle Lane E3RAV 2007 FY07 Forest Road Bridge Repair E3FOR 2007 E30LD 2007 FY07 Old Exit Glacier Rd. Repair E3TIM FY07 Timber Lane/Forest Lane Repair 2007 FY07 Rounds, Koehler, Charlie's, Karen N4ROU 2007 FY07 Palmer St., Crossman Ridge Rd. S5PAL 2007 Diamond Ridge Safety Trail 07306 2007 08301 Bastein Drive Improvement 2008 Borough-wide Road Improvements 08302 2008 08304 Community College Drive Paving 2008 Midway Drive Improvement 08305 2008 FY07 Identified Projects 07434 2007 FY07 Capital Improvement Projects FY07 Pre-Engineering & cost estimation 07ENG 2007 FY08 Identified Projects 08434 2008 C10TT 2008 N1RON 2008 S3HON 2008 E2RES 2008 E3LOW 2008 08ENG 2008 C4MAY 2008 W3FAI 2008 FY08 Capital Improvement Projects Otter Trail Road Ron's Ave,Eddies Way,Jasper Lane & Lynn Court Honorable Dowling & Dusty Street Resurrection Creek Road Fund 260 Overage FY08 Pre Engineering & Cost Estimation FY08 Mayoni Street Repair Fairway Avenue CIP Totals Expend FY08 $ 4,740 Total LTD Expenditures Unexpended Balance $ $ 563,744 253,101 780,532 245,115 51,823 352,315 107,209 51,118 21,392 56,614 300,933 231,204 23,826 265,875 1,127,244 352,315 107,209 51,118 21,392 56,614 301,633 231,204 23,826 7,744 7,744 686,256 1,830,000 219,468 2,000,000 3,503,643 325,080 1,400,000 6,996 68,711 66,577 9,610 (20,232) (21,392) (56,614) 58,569 50,561 41,174 300,000 250,000 242,256 275,000 12,653 45,097 12,205 58,880 2,637 405 136,586 405 33,858 405 38,466 102,728 11,780 217,255 217,775 184,487 298,030 11,780 217,255 217,775 184,487 298,030 119,543 14,801 317,513 119,543 14,801 317,513 669 6,942 397 5,551 4,171 1,954 27,330 14,801 261,314 669 6,942 397 5,551 4,171 1,954 27,330 14,801 261,314 11,111 210,313 217,378 178,936 293,859 (1,954) 92,213 $16,768,163 $14,520,910 4,323,984 $ 12,444,180 $ 2,076,731 $ $ 2,119,481 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided 56,199 $ 1,200,000 12,123,460 107,749 13,431,209 (2,076,731 ) Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT .1 (12,444,180) $ MAYOR'S REPORT , r 1,344,075 Nikiski Fire Project - Fund 441 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Project Appropriated Project Description 07411 08306 08411 2007 2008 2008 Replace pumper #415 FY08 DCCED Grant -Emerg Response Replace Ambulance 432 FY08 Budget Authorized $ Equi~ $ Total 367,000 50,000 200,000 $ 617,000 $ FY08 Expend 366,902 50,000 200,000 $ 616,902 $ Total Expenditures 347,816 50,000 9,178 $ 406,994 $ 347,914 50,000 9,178 $ 407,092 $ 209,908 $ 1,156,403 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Current Year Expenditures Transfer to Operating Fund Total Funds Applied $ Unexpended Balance 19,086 190,822 175,000 50,000 67,096 292,096 $ (406,994) (406,994) (209,908) Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT $ MAYOR'S REPORT 831,598 Bear Creek Fire Service Area Project - Fund 442 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 03421 2003 03BTB 2003 05213 2005 06206 2006 07307 2007 07422 2007 07423 2007 08421 2008 08422 2008 June 30, 2008 FY08 Budget 3,494 $ 25,000 2,856 71,500 75,000 191,066 196,407 65,000 125,000 Expend FY08 $ 2,822 $ 1,272,500 $ 755,323 $ 606,317 Project Description Authorized 333,000 Purchase new engine. $ 25,000 Fire Mitigation Equipment 125,000 New Station Design Mobile Hydrant System 71,500 75,000 Replacement 2000 Gallon tanker Firefighting Rescue Equipment 220,000 233,000 Public Safety Building FY08 Purchase Land for Station 65,000 FY08 Planning & Design for New St 125,000 Total 25,000 2,588 71,500 188,993 196,407 119,007 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30107 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided Total Unexpended Expenditures Balance 332,328 $ $ 672 25,000 124,732 268 71,500 75,000 217,927 2,073 233,000 65,000 5,993 119,007 $ $ 1,123,494 $ 149,006 $ 458,903 125,000 210,987 14,406 350,392 (606,317) Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT - (149,006) $ MAYOR'S REPORT 54,644 Central Emergency Services Project· Fund 443 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 06464 2006 07461 2007 07462 2007 2007 07463 07464 2007 2008 08303 08461 2008 2008 08462 2008 08463 08464 2008 2008 08465 2008 08466 2008 08467 08468 2008 08469 2008 June 30, 2008 Project Description Authorized Replace tanker 922 $ 279,909 Replace Engine #911 308,683 Replace Ambulance 160,000 CAFS System 45,000 High Capacity Well 250,000 WUI Fire Engine (DCCED) 160,000 FY08 Replace Pickup 994 46,760 FY08 Kasilof Tanker/Pumper 360,640 FY08 Replace Brush Unit 1 233,776 FY08 Rescue 3 Equipment 12,365 109,223 FY08 20 SCBA Packs & Bottles Minor Firefighting Equipment 61,824 Fire Fighting/Rescue Equipment 164,864 Minor Machinery (Firefighting) 20,608 46,760 FY08 Replace Utility Vehicle 99E FY08 Budget $ 184,313 308,683 160,000 28,431 249,908 160,000 46,760 360,640 233,776 12,365 109,223 61,824 164,864 20,608 46,760 Expend FY08 184,313 $ 298,814 156,095 28,336 238,844 160,000 45,859 101,093 33,770 12,365 109,146 60,925 151,464 18,316 46,760 Total Expenditures $ 279,909 298,814 156,095 44,905 238,936 160,000 45,859 101,093 33,770 12,365 109,146 60,925 151,464 18,316 46,760 $ 2,260,412 $2,148,155 $ 1,646,100 $ Total 1,758,358 $ 9,869 3,905 95 11,064 901 259,547 200,006 77 899 13,400 2,292 $ $ 475,000 250,000 160,000 95,824 980,824 (1,646,100) Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT 502,054 $ 1,808,816 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund FY2008 Transfer from General Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided Unexpended Balance $ MAYOR'S REPORT (502,054) . 855,964 . Anchor Point Fire Service Area Project - Fund 444 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Project Description Project Appropriatec Authorized 05062 2005 2000 Gallon tanker $ 70,000 05441 2005 Code Blue Ambulance 10,000 2006 Supplemental new station fur 06441 188,000 07441 17,000 2007 Firefighterl Rescue Equipmer 2007 Nikolaevsk Fire Station 07442 785,522 Total $ 1,113,018 FY08 Budget $ 70,000 10,000 37,847 1,300 750,148 $ 869,296 Expend FY08 Total Expenditures $ 951,061 $ 161,957 $ 448,625 $ 27,401 118 679,819 $ 177,554 15,818 715,193 Unexpended Balance $ 70,000 10,000 10,446 1,182 70,329 707,338 $ Beginning Fund Balance 6/30107 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided $ 115,000 492,300 21,696 628,996 Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures (707,338) Funds obligated to existing projects (161,957) Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT $ MAYOR'S REPORT 209,508 Kachemak Service Area Capital Projects· Fund 446 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 34054 2008 6KES1 2006 07481 2007 7HLS1 2007 7HLS2 2007 08300 2008 08481 2008 08482 2008 08483 2008 June 30, 2008 Project Description FY08 Ak Div Emer Svc-HMLS-Alarm Pro $ Water Tender Diamond Ridge Station Fire Fighting/Rescue Equipment Supplemental funds for Generator purch, FY08 DCCED-ATV Rescue FireSup.Eq. FY08 Diamond Ridge Sta. Dvlpmt FY08 Utility Pickup FY08 McNeil Station Upgrades Authorized Amount 25,750 125,000 134,000 49,446 16,975 15,000 75,000 50,000 15,000 FY08 Budget $ 25,750 2,896 119,580 6,454 2,460 15,000 75,000 50,000 15,000 $ 480,421 $ 286,390 Totals Expend FY08 $ 1,541 31,130 6,389 8,059 45,941 4,200 $ 97,260 Total Unexpended Balance Expenditures 25,750 $ $ 123,645 1,355 45,551 88,450 49,381 65 14,515 2,460 15,000 66,941 8,059 4,059 45,941 10,800 4,200 $ 291,291 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided $ $ 189,130 $ 258,650 150,000 43,854 16,235 210,089 (97,260) Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures (189,130) Funds obligated to existing projects 65 Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYORIS REPORT $ MAYORIS REPORT 182,414 Communication Center 911 Project· Fund 455 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 02911 2002 02EMR 2002 03911 2003 05EOC 2005 06EOC 2006 2008 08911 2008 08SIR June 30, 2008 Project Description Authorized Phase I siren system upgrade. 310,150 $ Siren Project 852,000 147,840 Final Phase of E911 system upgrade. Emergency Operations Center 3,713,528 US Dept of Justice 986,643 452,775 Routing Equip for 911 Call Center Portable Emergecy Sirens, Homeland S 5,140 $ Total 6,462,936 FY08 Budget $ 130,922 477,804 50,000 16,995 442,357 452,775 5,140 Expend FY08 71,377 $ 477,804 50,000 15,800 442,357 438,163 4,270 $ 1,575,993 $ 1,499,771 Total Unexpended Balance Expenditures 250,605 $ 59,545 $ 852,000 147,840 1,195 3,712,333 986,643 14,612 438,163 4,270 870 $ 6,391,853 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from General Fund Grants Awarded FY08 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Current Year Expenditures Transfer to General Fund Total Funds Applied $ $ 76,222 $ 794,544 325,000 447,497 12,405 784,902 $ (1,499,771 ) (1,499,771 ) (76,222) Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT $ MAYOR'S REPORT 4,647 North Pen Rec Capital Projects-Fund 459 Balances through Year Project Appropriated 03213 2003 06DIS 2006 06353 2006 07SND 2007 08459 2008 June 30,2008 Authorized Project Description Community Center UV Disinfection system Dcced Grant-Youth Facility Splmtl for Surge Tk/Sand Filter FY08 Repair/Replace Surge Tank Total 160,000 175,000 28,000 FY08 Budget 52,440 $ 42,094 110,692 13,712 Expend FY08 52,440 $ 10,724 225,000 225,000 217,606 217,606 $ 988,000 $ 443,937 $ 288,722 $ 832,785 $ 400,000 7,953 Total LTD Unexpended Expenditures Balance $ 400,000 $ 128,630 31,370 64,308 110,692 22,241 5,759 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30107 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided $ 7,394 $ 155,215 $ 447,169 75,000 163,132 20,552 258,684 Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Current Year Expenditures Total Funds Applied $ (288,722) (288,722) (155,215) Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYORIS REPORT $ MAYORIS REPORT 269,310 Central Peninsula Hospital Capital Projects - Fund 490 Balances through June 30, 2008 Year Project Authorized Project Description Authorized Amount FY08 Budget Expend FY08 Total LTD ExpendItures Unexpended Balance $ $ ACTIVE PROJECTS FUNDS PROVIDED BY SERVICE AREA 07CH1 2007 HCIC System Replacement 07CH2 2007 MRI Upgrade 07CH4 2007 Health Infor mgnt Build out 07CH5 2007 Data Center Expansion 07CH6 2006 FY07 CPGH· UPS $132,530 8CH01 2008 FY08 Diagnostic Ultrasound System 8CH02 FY08 Endoscopy Upgrade 2008 8CH03 2008 FY08 Meditech Provider Order/Entry 8CH04 FY08 Boiler 2008 TOTAL FUNDS PROVIDED BY SERVICE AREA $ $ FUNDS PROVIDED BY HOSPITAL PLANT EXPANSION FUND 8CH05 2008 FY08 Urology Table & Equipment FY08 Furnishings & Equip. Phase III 8CH06 2008 8CH09 FY08 Patient Corridor 2008 8CH11 2008 FY08 Boiler 2008 8CH12 FY08 EHR System 8CH13 FY08 Roof Upgrade-No Wing/Old Nrsg 2008 8CH14 2008 FY08 MRI Upgrade 4 to 8 Channel Digital Radiographic Unit 03CH3 2003 07ARM 2007 Digital Surgical C Arm 8CH16 2008 Digitial Mammography System 07PAT 2007 Patient MonitorlTelemetry 8DCCH SERENITY HOUSE 2008 $ 474,119 175,000 324,510 128,280 132,529 579,899 202,515 300,000 320,000 2,636,852 73,454 175,000 305,453 128,280 132,530 579,899 202,515 300,000 320,000 $ 2,217,131 70,665 595,998 990,000 300,000 200,000 621,000 350,000 1,381,382 93,150 597,000 707,000 426,750 70,665 595,998 990,000 300,000 200,000 621,000 350,000 64,979 93,150 597,000 51,796 426,750 $ 4,361,338 $ 73,454 175,000 297,369 15,868 6,759 545,400 202,515 41,088 $ 1,357,454 $ 474,119 175,000 316,426 15,868 6,759 545,400 202,515 41,088 1,777,176 70,665 481,173 120,367 13,279 105,132 276,599 70,665 481,173 120,367 13,279 105,132 276,599 64,979 93,150 1,381,382 93,150 $ 1,225,345 $ 8,084 112,412 125,770 34,499 $ 655,204 597,000 51,796 426,750 3,196,952 $ 3,135,993 $ 6,332,945 PROJECTS JOINTLY FUNDED 8DCCH 2008 SERENITY HOUSE $ 546,750 TOTAL ACTIVE PROJECTS $ 9,516,547 $ 7,125,219 $ 2,582,799 $ COMPLETED PROJECTS $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL COMPLETED PRO..IECTS $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL CPGH CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 9,516,547 $ 7,125,219 $ 2,582,799 546,750 546,750 $ $ 4,974,128 4,974,128 Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Current Year Expenditures Transfer to Operating Fund Total Funds Applied $ 4,542,419 $ 4,542,419 $ 1,508,090 Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded Serenity house grant funds Hospital Plant Expansion Funds Obligated FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided 300,000 278,912 859,676 114,825 869,633 286,721 94,868 344,401 350,000 TOTAL FUNDS PROVIDED BY HOSPITAL PLANT EXPANSION FUND $ (0) $ 1,379,899 282,200 546,750 4,079,138 107,714 6,395,701 $ (2,582,799) (2,582,799) (4,542,419) Funds obligated to existing projects 8,084 Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. $ 786,657 Funds Reserved For Kenai Health Center Maintenance 6130107 $ 262,502 Funds Provided: State Contributions Local Contributions Interest on Accumulated Balance Total Funds Provided Fund5 re5eNed for KenaI Health Center maintenance MAYOR'S REPORT $ 25,575 15,675 13,244 54,494 $ 316,996 MAYOR'S REPORT South Peninsula Hospital Capital Projects - Fund 491 Balances throllgh Year Project Authorized 1999 99UST 03SH6 2003 03SPH 2003 04SH1 2004 04SH4 2004 04SH5 2004 04SH6 2004 2005 05SH5 05061 2005 06SH2 2006 06SH3 2006 06SH6 2006 06SH7 2006 07SH1 2007 07SH2 2007 07SH3 2007 07SH4 2007 07SH5 2007 07SH6 2007 07SH7 2007 08SH2 2008 08SH3 2008 8SH01 2008 8SH02 2008 8SH03 2008 8SH04 2008 8SH05 2008 8SH06 2008 2008 8SH07 8SH08 2008 8SH09 2008 8SH10 2008 8SH11 2008 June 30, 2008 Project Descri ption Underground tank removal Hospital Reroof Remodel Roof Repair Fire Alarm System Dry Fire Suppression System Acute Bathrooms and Showers Remodel Remodel Long Term Care Bathrooms Communication Equipment Fetal monitoring system Generator Defibrillator with crash cart Anesthesia software & computer upgrade Copiers PACU Patient Monitoring System Replace alarm Monitor panel Vehicle InvCare Wheelchairs Network Workstations Ultrasound Remodel pharmacy/IV rooms Equipment FY08 Emergency Equipment FY08 Ultrasound System FY08 Mobile C Arm FY08 Medical Gas Wall Units FY08 Bedside Computer FY08 Nurse Call Sysem Upgrade FY08 ACL Coagulation Analyzer FY08 Bugbox Anaerobic Work Station FY08 UPS FY08 Maintenance Van FY08 Other Hospital Equipment Total Authorized Amount $ 450,000 185,000 9,448 55,000 71,000 7,568 52,000 50,000 10,000 50,500 82,000 22,000 51,370 11,000 62,000 34,000 29,700 23,000 20,500 20,150 7,718 36,534 300,000 236,915 140,000 56,000 32,000 25,000 23,000 21,000 20,800 45,000 255,435 FY08 Budget $ 11,831 180,334 390 55,000 65,402 7,568 35,106 8,165 4,963 50,500 5,212 22,000 19,077 360 62,000 24,005 29,700 23,000 20,500 2,500 7,718 36,534 300,000 236,915 140,000 56,000 32,000 25,000 23,000 21,000 20,800 45,000 255,435 $ 2,495,638 $ 1,827,015 199,695 Total LTD Unexpended Balance Expenditures 11,831 $ 438,169 $ 180,334 4,666 9,058 390 55,000 5,598 65,402 7,568 16,894 35,106 41,835 8,165 5,037 4,963 50,500 76,788 5,212 22,000 32,293 19,077 10,640 360 51,777 10,223 9,995 24,005 29,700 23,000 20,500 17,650 2,500 7,718 29,640 6,894 28,529 271,471 236,368 547 101,867 38,133 39,627 16,373 32,000 25,000 23,000 19,300 1,700 5,096 15,704 45,000 199,695 55,740 732,145 $ 1,400,769 $ 1,094,869 $ 2,230,071 Expend FY08 $ 51,777 20,500 29,640 28,529 236,368 101,867 16,373 23,000 19,300 5,096 $ Beginning Fund Balance 6/30/07 Funds Provided: FY2008 Transfer from Operating Fund Grants Awarded Lease proceeds FY2008 Interest Earnings Total Funds Provided Funds Applied - Current Year Expenditures Current Year Expenditures Transfer to Operating Fund Total Funds Applied $ 354,065 127,215 481,280 $ (732,145) (732,145) Funds obligated to existing projects Projects completed or cancelled by Service Area Board Action Funds available for appropriation and to satisfy future capital expansion plans. MAYOR'S REPORT (1,094,869) .. $ • 1,054,600 MAYOR'S REPORT KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH 144 N. BINKLEY· SOLDOTNA, ALASKA 99669-7520 FAX (907) 262-1892 BUSINESS (907) 262-4441 MEMORANDUM TO: Grace Merkes, Assembly President Members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly THRU: John J. Williams, Borough Mayor JOHN J. WILLIAMS MAYOR 7...:-/:r LJ FROM: /~Colette Thompson, Borough Attorney DATE: October 2,2008 SUBJECT: Litigation Status Report Following is a summary of the major lawsuits in which the borough and school district are involved. This list does not include the real property tax foreclosures and numerous standard tax collection cases pursued by the borough. 1. Alliance of Concerned Taxpayers, Inc. v. KPB. Case No. 3KN-06-1129 CI. The Alliance of Concerned Taxpayers, Inc. sued the borough seeking a declaration and injunction that the borough may not increase the sales tax rate above 2 percent without approval of 60 percent of the people, to enjoin the borough from violating the initiative requiring 60 percent voter approval to spend more than $1 million on a capital improvement project, and asking the court to extend the prohibition against enacting contrary legislation for two years after the judge's decision. On December 31, 2007, the court granted the borough's motion for summary judgment, approving the 3 percent sales tax. The parties are in the process of preparing summary judgment motions on the capital improvement issue. 2. Alliance of Concerned Taxpayers, Inc. v. KPB and KPBSD. Case No. 3KN-07-896 CI. The Alliance of Concerned Taxpayers sued the borough and school district asking the court for injunctive and declaratory relief requiring the assembly and school board to vacate the seats occupied by members elected in October 2007 who had already served two consecutive terms. During the October 2007 election, the voters approved two initiatives that limit terms served by assembly and school board members to two terms and applied to candidates who were elected in 2007 who had served two terms. The court held that the school board term limit initiative was not valid and that applying the assembly term limits to candidates elected in 2007 was not legal. 3. Faulk v. KPB Board of Equalization. Case No. 3KN-06-57l CI. David and Bonnie Faulk filed an appeal of the 2006 Board of Equalization decision. The Superior Court upheld the October 2, 2008 decision of the board of equalization. The Faulks appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court on May 30, 2007. Oral argument before the Supreme Court was held on April 22, 2008 and we are awaiting a decision. 4. Grimm v. KPBSD. Case No. 3KN-08-411 CI. Charles and Kathleen Grimm filed this lawsuit against the school district for injuries they allegedly sustained in February 2006. The Grimms were driving on the Sterling Highway, lost control of their car and slid off the road. While they were waiting for the tow truck a school district activity bus driver lost control of the bus and made contact with the rear comer of the Grimms' car. Venue was changed from Anchorage to Kenai and discovery is in process. 5. Horan v. KPB Board of Equalization, Pacific Park Limited Partnership. Case No. 3KN-07-686 CI. Appeal of the July 11,2007, board of equalization decision regarding the valuation of Pacific Park Limited Partnership apartments. Briefing by KPB is completed. Oral argument was held on April 8, 2008. 6. Huffman v. KPBSD. The parents of two students in the district brought suit to allow the children to attend school without the PPD tuberculosis testing or submitting the waiver form signed by either an M.D. or D.O. that is required by state law. Plaintiffs claim that a waiver by a doctor of naturopathy is legally sufficient. Plaintiffs and the State filed cross motions for summary judgment, and the Borough opposed Plaintiffs motion. Judgment was entered against the plaintiffs, who have appealed their case to the Alaska Supreme Court. The parties recently stipulated to dismiss the school district from the case, and the court approved the stipulation. 7. KPB v. State Department of Natural Resources, Case No. 3KN-00-30 CI. (Quartz Creek Appeal). The State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) issued an administrative decision that an RS 2477 trail exists in the Sunrise area. The borough challenges the existence of the trail and its location, which DNR has not surveyed. The trail may impact municipal entitlement lands, including lands that may have already been conveyed. The parties have negotiated a settlement, and the State has approved a vacation of the purported RS2477 and rededication of the trail. A vacation was approved by the planning commission and not vetoed by the assembly. The preliminary plat necessary to finalize the vacation and easements reserved have been approved. After final plat is recorded, the parties will move to dismiss the case. 8. McDermot-Johnston v. KPB, et aI. Case No. 3KN-04-864 CI. Ms. Johnston, a minor, through her parents sued the borough and other parties for injuries sustained when she fell from the balcony of the fire safety house during the home show in April 1999. This case was settled pursuant to mediation held July 11, 2008. 9. Schade v. KPB. Case No. 3HO-04-271 CI. Lloyd Schade filed suit against the Kenai Peninsula Borough for injuries sustained when he was driving on Brody Road and came upon the location where the bridge over the Ninilchik River had washed out. Mr. Schade claimed that he drove off of the bank and into the river. The case was settled during mediation conducted July 14,2008. October 2, 2008 MAYOR'S ~.tdltT 10. State v. Offshore Systems-Kenai. Case No. 3KN-08453 CI. The State sued aSK to enjoin it from blocking public access to the beach across property now owned by asK. The borough has filed a motion to intervene in this case. The borough's motion was not opposed by the State, and was partially opposed by aSK. Discovery is just beginning in the case with a May 2009 trial date set. The borough is awaiting an order from the court allowing it to intervene. 11. U.S. v. McGahan, KPB, et al. Case No.3 :08-CV-0087(USDC Alaska). This is an income tax foreclosure case. The borough is a named defendant due to its interest in taxes on the property subject to foreclosure and filed an Answer to the Complaint. The case is in the early stages of discovery. 12. Warren v. KPB. Case No. 3KN-07-1084 CI. Ms. Warren, a former borough employee, has sued the borough for disclosing information regarding her departure from the borough to a subsequent employer. The subsequent employer requested the information and provided the borough with a signed release authorizing disclosure. Trial has been scheduled for the week of April 20, 2009, and discovery is in process. 13. Washington's Army v. KPB. Case No. 3SW-07-20 CI. Individuals who refer to themselves as Washington's Army filed an appeal from the Mary Lowell replat which would finalize a partial vacation of Washington Street in Seward. The City of Seward is considering relocating the proposed Mary Lowell Center which would in effect moot the case for the "Army." Therefore the "Army" has requested a stay to which the borough does not object as its only interest in this matter is approving a plat, regardless of when that approval occurs. October 2, 2008 ~~3 of3 MAYOR'S tlliPORT iCniool Rislk M- Se Risk Manag _- ,ent • Safety Manager 144 oft Binkley Street • So'idotna, AI a 9,9669-7' 20 Ton~free within the Borough: 1·8004784441, Ext. 23 4 PHO.N:E: (907) 714-2354 • FAX: (907) 714-2384 dtidwell@bo oug .kenal. eep the , nd th ' yo_ are tty I,ong MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT So ·cl, d d in this i. - e are so . e 'p ,on 'urviving earthquake, some sl 0 fire safety, an . some. ' 9s ,on Emegency Ac ':0 nni g. A alw·ys we UI ave the tlName That Cart' fe ttl • com r,ete wi: .rw· P5,arthq ,. k, rvival, wi dfiresaf .ty precaution and an· e on . eat e" emerg _nlcres T ere wi! e plenty of Ti we,"s ildb tst". d the ta _ fo e ',onth of Augus "and YTD. I A .ual we wil ta w·, a couple 0 q~otes from no e-wo :y eop ~ rna e'" at note worthy pe .on.. have_ ecided to spotfght COO' Laron, on of my favorites: "Accomplishing the impossible means only that your boss will add it to your regular duties." "Some of the worlds greatest accomplishments were performed by people not smart enough to know they were impossible." "There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware." "A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience." ,and my fa orite; If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles." 198 . T 'ere. re man'y my·teri ed.1 at the 1924 Olympics bt no 'eysay. e d ed in s di continued in MAYORIS REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT c nit g,et yo~r~ dy for '~hat but, len help 'y,o . at ready for a disaster of ,essef magnitude. A~ k you . e if a 'cou d ~ pen?" E,arthq ake? "ood? Fo est fire? Vo .cano? Tunam? Co.. et? Af en inv , ion? Terron ts? War? Avala che? evere weathe? That may be too m ch 'to ,prep, re for. So yo n,eed to narrow t down. P'ck three thongs tha co Id happen, havep, ened i ~ the as'll o,r are likely to " appen Ii he futu . I y'QU get ready for thas . r~e 'things,. you w"n be'ire. y for om of the otheJ~ -5 e I. he FE 'A folks say th t . e most rkely di tars, for the Kena P,sn' sui 11'8 a qua e~ w"ld fire ad· ,ea her e erge cy. I elieve weather em,ergency means d ep co;ld tiha could ·5 rt· froze p. e~, combine with ow that co Id pa·r 'transpo meaning a couple '0 we . of 3, be ow and eavy now I. haound- ikea dis· 18r to me. So.... how do v,ou. get ,ready or the e. ee, th g9 an how ready is, <I Ready?" !F rs ,of all, it ,my c:ontentio that you ne d to P Qvide for abou a week, 7-10 day ,i . etter. Yo· mu ha e a ·out ,5 't ing to survive· ood wer, . eat or w rm igh - med",cin,e, if you ne d ·t,. and sanitation. Thos ehe as·c terns,. You may, -II ~O need orne ,co· mun'catio devllc - t radio" cell hone, omethi -g. I I I I L ood: Think abo - dry 00 - ec use c ns d oars can , . ze if it lis w ter. If it . s,ummer, yo will eedfoo· in portion-at will no . poll h,at mean h ving a I,a.rge am b t no wavtoeap it cold could cause you 0 cons,. e tal Ie food. You need a ay 0 e,oo wh . levs,r foo. yo have· tored. ,A Colem n -ve cine umertable top ·ove (or' hat ever t· ey are cal d). or Jus ammo . COve. You II need fue orgas eaniste ,- to la t 110 10 day. o [No you v· your . 9 e burner 0 .co stov . Yo' v w.te. You h v two c . es ofarme' noodl an o · r dry good tog t you 0 b 10 d ~ ys ou tuck MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT - om,e Emer- y b rs in -ere too -,augh wer-e essen Ja • nd om P~I, g'les some c dy'a d 0 erg'oodOe you Fi- -Aid Kit: Dad h_ c _ bloodre sure and yo s ck, 0 I e of hi pi, in the first..,aid kit Oh! Ito got to tell you yo 'I need a fir aid kit. S ';c some, an t..acids pa - killers and anything e:re you deem a essenti 11 lements, of your 'first, it into the it Thi bout what types 0 - inj, r - a', likely to hap,pen and p,repare for the wo w~th your kit Hea. Now find ,a kerosen_ he er 0 9 -eater to keep t I,ea _ ,0 ,e r'oom. 0 you ,au _e You n ed no gh f 'for 10 day. Ano~her co Ideratlo i- that of yoU' h,ave5 id- or both in..ifaws live w h you. 0 e w --m room ' -y not be enough, You· I need two heate and twice he f "r. W-, I l'gh,: You wm need CO del _c or bee -us _ a yt . e you have combu .bon, you have carbon monox"d. You'll sedl b-tteri,Q·s . or the CO de eta· and co Ie of as' IIgh . Perhap. yo III ne d couple ,of battery lam . I don' _rcommend Co eman c- use of the - -zarda- 0 ~ iated wOth the stora e of fuel an: the fire fuel amps -,Izard i '10, ved'n fu Un,g an· i,gition of the a p Ga. oper Ie _ . m s are 'not as b_d- nd cou d wo'r fine. Wi all e pr,oblem- ycu "I 'Ie, til ' a-, th ng you nee is a re in th houe. The Rest~, T nk 10 th obvio· lte S, . ou a lap p, ce I pho e, warm cloth . tal et and to let P' per? ow e ,e g:eRlng me caution you to ke ,p it :pl~e.. I I I 'H An _0 MAYOR'S REPORT in s to do dOgs to h v . MAYOR'S REPORT Wha 0 0 Befor:: a Earth u ke Earthquakes strike suddenly, violently and without warning. Identifying potential hazards ahead of time and advance planning can reduce the dangers of serious injury or loss of life from an earthquake. Repairing deep plaster cracks in ceilings and foundations, anchoring overhead lighting fixtures to the ceiling, and following local seismic building standards, will all help reduce the impact of earthquakes. 1.. J .t.o eea Wha. eves secI'! :ly to w-I . o Plac,e lar e or eavy objec o Store b akable items sue,· bo edoods glas clo -ed cabinets with a he . o Ha.'.· eavy "tern couches" a d o 0 - a d china On I,ow, away from be. ere pea Ie sit Ires. I 'ri g and lea y ga co o o uch a- pictures and m. nyw rae,e over, ,ead. i . o on lower she'ves. ecure a wate h a:er by s the floor ~ pi 9 0, t ,e ec ion .he e a I s ds and bol ng it to Reair any deep crac,ks in ce'i ngs or' o,und,atio,ns, Gte pert advice if '.. re i ' of truetural defec -. 't 2. I' entity Safe o ~Iacesl U drs urdy f ch as a. heavy d or table. la- - could sha er a OU d w+nl OWS, mi ro heavy ookcase, 0 0 'er . vy f ,rn ture could fall MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT o the ,open" away 'From, building trees telephone and e ,ectrical hnes. overpasses,or elev Ie expressways ], - "'-:~r1nll·Jy o Mem be C,on c: yo r local emerge,cy ma, geme offic' or Amer can R,e Cro capter for more inform -lion on earth akes. Also read the ow- 0 Series·' (on the A W b Si, ) for Info ,- -tlon on how 'to p,rotec yo propeftyom earthq ake . cal 9-1- police or fire depanme t ne to or emergency in ormat on. en o "Ie _ch' I, family members ow and w'hen to turnoffg,a. ,elec icity, an _w ,er on Hand 4. H_ va Disaster o o F:la,sh' tad ext -- tteries. ort bl battery-operatsd radio and e o First _Idl _i and m o 0 a, atteries. -uaE. Eme'rgenc:y food a d water. o'one,lectric can o!pene • o Essential o Ie' ci e '. Ca h ,a d e,red cards. ( o Stull'dy_ 0 -. o In case' ami y e a - epar- ted from 0 _ ana her ringa,n ,earthquake (a real po ibllty d' 'og the day when ad '1, re at work and children are a sc 001), develop a p,1 n for renT ,g a'fter the disa~)ter tiv .or frlen to ,- ell'Vea the ·'ami y cant c ,II n 'easier to call long :ista c'e. ake sure now t ,e name" ades t and ho -e mer of o o pubrsh a special ection iyo, rio f malion ,0' e 'rtihquae'_. Local MAVOR'S REPORT ~th e . ergency - infoat"on by printing • -ws'pape'f MAVOR'S REPORT phD en era. bers of local e..erge cy servtce offices 'th,e America d I 0 pita's. e~long ocating hazard. i, the ho c Conduct a c Wo kwh oeal emerge cy S9 ice a' d America Red Cross offi ial '10 prepare _pecicl r,e orts fo eople with mobi ty impair en .. ' 0 'What to.o ri 9 an earth ua e, o Prov d Q o seri .. 0 Red ps on conducting ea, ·1 quake d I I in the hom,e Inte Ie ,representa. v·a the gas~ ,elect C, and water companies about slhu ing off tm'es. 0 k together I your comm. Ity to apply y,o knoW,led ~ e to bu"ld ng codes, r lroti - o. 9 p'roglra .. ,hazard h nts, and ."g bor ood ,a d farn]y ,emrgency pan. I ., e spm of coops,ration with FE A - .d a.ssuming t, the ch,ecklithey have 've u are ,conee I s e eryoneto, puog' the yo r hom k t nd let. me know how . went. Tell me how you did earfh,q.uak,e prOQ, 'ng yo .. hou 'e and s .are yo r t p-. 'nd pecial me :.0 - 0 being pre;pa d nd I will rna _ ure everyone k ow wha you know. K ep mmd that 0, Jy you k ow abo. . yo r house nd your family a .d w· at· 'he' exac . &ed will be. Me" personal• .ow what does EMA 'W at to Do Ir.nL.,. y yo. . hould do d r ng theearthqua ·1 a Ea,rth e I.... here i i ': a _afe s os' ble during ,an ea quake. EI ,aware that om earthquak,e are actu U:yfo shocks and alar er . art qu . k.e migh ,Gec r. .inimiz8 you mov m· n ,to a, few· teps to a nea,rby sa; pi c -dtay in 001' nt thesha ~ng stopp· d and you are· ur1t exiti 9 I . Stay a· C DUCKt CO • DUCK COVER, OLD~ Due bl or other piece of furn MAYOR'S REPORT R1 HOLD OLD ON until MAYOR'S REPORT a ta _Ie or de-k --ear you, coy r your -ace and he d w th your anns nd crouch in an in d corner ofthe bull d n , .. Stayaw y 'from gl 9S, window ou ide doo fall" s ch as Ugh 'n fi t res or 'furni u,r . and w n, and anyth'ng that could • S Y n • U- e, iii doorway fo sitar 0 Iy'f 't I n clo e proximity to yound f you know Ii, 'trang'Y uported, 10 d-bea "9 doorway. S y inside until shakin stop and it 's _ate' 0 0 ouide. Research shown that rna t I jur"e occur when :people i- - ide bUilding attempt to m,ove to a differe it [oe tlo Inside the buldl 9 or try to leave. th- eectli<::"ty may giO out 0 thep on e Be aware ton. '. CO NO use the ele y, tem.- or fire a arm may tor. F YOU ARE OUT - OORS: • • • Stay there. ov away from b °ldl 9 " sir -e lights. a d utility 0 e· in th,e re. open. Sto,p a q c Iya fety 'ermi d yin th - vehicle. Avo:id top Ing near or under bui dings tree _, over'l:!~aS~!i!es- ,and unity w,lre • • Proc-,d cautiouslIJ one ttle arlhrqua a _stuppe • Avo d to - ds, bridges or ramps that gilt h ve b -en damaged by th. arthquake. YOU ARE "tRAPPED UND R DEBRJS: ., 100 not.lightateh Coot move about or kic up d • COy r your moul with a • MAYOR'S REPORT t. clil~erehief or cloth ing. can locate you, Use a j, U-If on - iSi available. y,o to Inh -Ie dangerou amou MAYORIS REPORT 0 ow what! ot to wo ry FEMA h- - - list of thi 9 t.o W "t to Do Af _er '-arthqua • Expect ,afiershoCi s- Th :secondary shoekw ve- are usu 01 nt, than _.e main quake b ,C n be strong enG ghto, ,d:o ddt ~on I ma, 0 weakened tlructu ,and can 'Dec In the first hour-s, days wk, or eve _months' er the quake. • List.en to a battery-operated rad it> or te !evision, Lien for he f l.e·t e .. erge ncy info,~m tion. • Use the te~ephone only for emergency ca Is. • Open cabinets ca tiously. Beware 0 objets that can f, loff hives. •' Stay ,away 'from damaged areas, Sitayaw y 1 s your a _si ta ce h een s:pec:i;callyested by poliee~ flre,or relie ofgani~ation • Return home only wen, thori Ie' say r i ,fe. • Be aware of possib e sunamis if you rva in coastal areas, hes are also kno'wn a se sm'c sea wave (m Iy called' tid I ves )., When oeal a thorities, isue a tsunam wa ,ning,Bssu a er ' 0 dan e 'OU v on th way. Stay away from' hee c • • Help injured or rapped persons, Remember to help you n- ghbors who may re - ire sp c'al a sistace : uchs infants, the elderly. and ,pople wi dlab I'ties. Give rst ~d where app oprite. 00 not move seriou. j. red IPs' _. ons unles "I re in imme i eager of Ulrther in) ry. Cal for ,rp. • Clean up sj:il ed medicines, bleaches, gasorne or other ammabl ~iquids 'mmediately. Leave t· e i yo 'mell a or f 0 other che ica • Ins,pect he enUr,e length of chimneys for damage. U noticed dam . e cou dead 'to a fl • MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT • Inspect utiliU,es. o Check for Qcas asks. If you mel! gas or hea blow n9 or hissing noise, oen window a d quickly. ave the bu I g. Tum off e ,ga at he ,outs'd am aWe if you c n a de-l the ga 'co nY'from _ I1i ighbor"s ho e. f yo t rn ,off th - a ,for any re son,'t u· t be turned back on by' pro as on I. c cook fcrelectrical system damage. If yo sEla sp ,r 0 b,rokenofrayed w.lres, or f you amen o,t ins la 'on, tu - ,off the ectr city, t' e main fu' box or circu' b - aker. f you hav,s to' tep in water to ,tlo the f ' box or eire it maker:, c U electrician fir· for adv co. o Check for sewage and water lines damag . f you 'U' ct sew _g. 1ne - , re dam g' d., avoid u ' n, the toile and ca 1a plumber. 'fw. ter pipe ar'e d aged. co ct t . eo water companyn vo'd usi,ng aterfrom t tap. You can obtain safe ate 'by m.el 9 ce cube alway enjoy readig E 'A's Ii' . eca.e they a e at you was he only h,ouse the are _ -aged a In -eed of repa,ir. "Avo d U ing the to let??" W at is thalli about nd how do you o' hat? I hink that means us the lide ope p·ce or if you were smart e: ough to' bu,y ,port·a-pottle, us that (f no fi d a bucket and use that). What·~ y forge· to :ef you is that e lumer t ey to d you to ca Ii' b _sy fix·n i own pip nd win 9 :1 to you j a -, -oon a he does hi ow· house, h ,-nd olhe . h,e feels are . portan Fa sure. yo. eighbor , . s rala v,e·, . s 'frie aire ay dow his Lt. By 'e w Y. callmg anyo e is . ep ent upon he phone service and he J nd-base' cell phon,e sy '. m .-i I .eing in - e ie. The pi one compa y may take d,a.ys or eve. week tore.or8'· rv ce to, . veryone. Tha ,0 I VoulU lIsy melting Ice cube OJ drin mg water if you rem . mb red to p t ' e ice tray _8ck n after yo, ',Ix,ed your last Rum and Co ,e. I" you - hut ·off yo - an.d a wafting for _ gas com _nyto visit' v,au to, turn '. au gas bac on think 0 I how many 0 e',c stome- ~ al\ in th -area d then pend 0 e time wonderin how oon fh y wi I visit yo r . nus. A on y mentions lin l pas Ing but- re m er 'tha teA' is 0 ' 0 . erv·c· n'·1 theelectric'ty s back on. 'If you need ome ng•. ,'ke 'Q,a- or yo r c-r or food. you wilrl 11- Iy ve to pay fo it on to you MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Response Center from 9 am to 4.30. You must register r lbi nd tey w"n provide f _nch andnac s Ca I G, e d at 262: 2098 fo mor det Us. There are -Iso ,a co pile of thre ho '-r Fi eCorps e ion _,c,oming _p; one "n Homs,rt City _-', on Octo sr 14, from 6 to 9 P 8, dthen anot _ r here oldotna at rei Imergecy Res on-e Center onO tobe, 16, from 6 0 9 P yo e inte ,,ted mhe -e Filre Cops tral- IDgs can vi_ kpvol_ te,ers"org or c,all G enda f'o rno _, nfonn' tio . Th re maya. 0 be s,ome CE T c ,as _e ' is f I IUt 61 a doeot have dates and time- - yet Watch your Saf.ty Gazette or the we '.' SIte for -I ore Information We ave coered abo t as m ch cal iqui- or is i' ue. fo_ ,ation a we have me ,a d ,- p,ace for so let l no Fitzgerald' as, rhe fir est wit the rno test 0 identifying e 1955 Chevy Bel Aire Two-D,aor Cou e. Sh' was indeed the o--Iy pe &0- W, th ' he COI'ir8C answe. ''/ me_ Iy 89,900 at the way you ca b yconvertibl , just 1ke It,fo,r57.c,om/1955Ch vyConve hi·B e.htm.Good luck -th th . Lots 'of . yrear, she aid 1956" o he _we - cloe.... BeUe ar:n ot ev,ryth Iglgh excep In fact, every one ex.c t oann - f 56 or -7 -Cevy. The vehicle ·s 955 C-evy B _Ialre C,ou .. (an- pre' y one ,at -.- ).1 way to go oanne JOB OK! Here is 'th ca - - r 'Uli_ m:onth, ano· er beaurly: MAVOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT And now 0 , de'en ive dl'iivin tips of e .ee: Defensive Driving requires a combination of driving skills and the ability to make the right decision at the right time. You would think that after years of driving, you would be on your game all the time. Well life is not like that. We get distracted by what is going on in our lives, we get complacent, and we get overconfident in our abilities. Take the time to read these tips and remember to take them with you the next time you get in your car or truck. 1. - xpancJ your "Iook--ahead capacity. Rather than focusing directly in front ,of the veh'icle a driv:erh'ould be lookin,g 10 to 12' S co,nds do .n the road - wh re many potenti I trouble spots begin. 2. Size up the 'whol ,cen. A de n Ive driver will continually can for bicyclists, ped . trians, construct,on~ traffic .:on9 stion~ emU driv _r. and ch tJging road c,ondiUons. Th t includes checkmg m rrors very lew -econd . 3. Signal your intention early. U,e tum signals, hom or lights, when appropn - te he}'p ,aVOId ,~urprises. This h Ip - oth r drivers understand your plans, so they can make th ir own' de~ nsiv,Q driving decision • J '0 Plan an escape rout, Carefully tim pass';ng moves ,avoid tal gatmg and plan acUo,ns to help avoid a crash. Think ahe d ,and lIow enough time, space· -nd vi ibDlty to. top or maneuver . moothly. 5. Take ec;siv:e' cDon. young or old- who p·ctice the first four principles will b ab' Any driver MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT 10 l1eact to mas tra"ic Ituatian ~, with time emd space to mtmeuver s fely. While you may lJa've ma' _tered defensive driving. it takes ,concentration and effort to keep the - e prlncipl_ ;n tlJ _front' of y-our mind. That is why dl-tracted driving is, 0 dangerous,. We realw.-ys' fighting distraction, while driving; Iking passengers, that ong you lov changin'g the' CD, talking on the cell phone. Stay fOGU ed and b on the top of your game. Defensive Driving work _I There you have I Get, d ·"I-g strat g"e .' 5'0 -at' th t. Good Juck wi h gues_ ng the car) always w.e r you ea,tb I and Jease drive _ ely. ** **** ** *- * *** "** * * * * About 5,700 people die in the US each year from hit and run incidents. A nonsmoking bartender in a busy smoking-permitted bar typically inhales the equivalent of 36 cigarettes during an eight·hour shift. The motor vehicle with the best safety record in Europe is the IMoped Scooter. In ancient Egypt, warm donkey droppings were prescribed to alleviate sore eyes. (No h _ve no comm _'nt on i ip-ctice. OKI ust one; YUUUUCKI) Nearly 2,000 people die each year from allergic reactions to jellyfish stings and most are children. h - attac of he c azy -aw_ ' is: In 2004 Ms. Marcy Meckler left Chicago's Old Orchard Mall. As she walked to her car a squirrel jumped out of a' bush and attacked her leg. As she tried to shake the squirrel loose, she fell onto the pavement, suffering cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Ms. Meckler sued the mall for $50,000, saying the mall should have warned her that squirrels lived outside. That same year, 2004, Shawn Perkins got struck by lighting in the parking lot of Kings Island amusement park near Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Perkins sued the amusement park stating even though lightening was an "Act of God," the park should have warned him not to go outside during a thunderstorm. I,es '. .esse m's MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT MAVOR'S REPORT MAVOR'S REPORT ********* ********-** *** -* ********************** Bon_e Ha sen, ove,r a _Em,erg cy Servoce did an ilnteme _earch for' i· pic ..r~ an iden "ified as _ aceiden· tha occurred nea C rigna Que c. Thee were 49, vehicle i vol'ved nd1 dea h. - I.n d. Tho'_ c d9,nt was caus d by heavy fog. -y home. * ***************** * w******** * *** e ala d tal en MAYOR'S REPORT m-,I MAYOR'S REPORT **** ** ***.****'iI~*'liIP*'''**'' ** * tatistics ThSc '00 District h d a very good month compare. 'trend In sn .Tr"p~ -Fall, nd a minor 0 In r g Workers' Compensation Statistics Kenai Peninsula School District Reporting Period: 8/01/08 to 8/31/08 Medical Onlv Time loss Total Claims I 1 0 I Departments/Schools Injury/llJness Type Injury Tota~s a majo 2 4 6 MedicalOnlv Time Loss Total Claims 1 Homer Middle School Mountainview Elementary School Year to Date~200' haY Workers' Compensation Statistics Kenai Peninsula School District Reporting Period= 810 I 7 to 8/31/07 Departments/Schools Contusion (Bruise) Fracture Laceration/Cut Other/Misc. Sprain/Strain Infection ola. t year but sfll Soldotna Elementary Food Se'Nice Homer Middle School Aurora Borealis Charter School Redoubt Elementary School 1 1 1 1 1 Kenai Middle School 1 InjurylIllness Type I I I, 1 1 24 Contusion (Bruise) Fracture Laceration/Cut Other/Misc. Burn Foreign Object Sprain/Strain Illness Year to Date--2007 1 5 31 Injury Totals MAYORtS REPORT MAYORtS REPORT Workers' Compensation Statistics Kenai Peninsula Borough Reporting Period: 6/01/08 to6/30/08 Medical Only Time Loss Total Claims 1 Workers' Compensation Statistics Kenai Peninsula Boroug,h Reporting Period: B/D1JQ7 06'30/01 Medical Only Time Los~ Total Claims Departments/Schools Departments/Schools BorouQh Maint. (08/08/07) Borough Maint. (08/08/07 BoroUQh Maint (08/22/07) Seward! Maint. (08/1'.5/07) Borough Maint. (08/27/07) Nikiski Fire Department (5-8-08) InjurylIlIness Type Contusion (Bruise) Fracture Laceration/Cut Other/Misc. Sprain/Strain Infection ell,. foD'at(!>--2,OO8 Iniurv Totals 0 0 0 0 1 0 17' Injury/Illness Type Contusion (Bruise) Fracture LaceliCltion/Cut Other/Misc. Burn Foreion Obiect Sprain/Strain Illness -to D~~'" ,~ 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 a "'1"\7 --~ Injury Totars T 'at tak.!s - IiUL ey ou w,ing MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT · artner m thi . They a e not n you and I C· n ta e. .t acciden. " They h v C - S8 nd there ar peventi e mea - ·-es ** ** ***'ilo'!IP* ** * go'ng to have 'fares fires. at is na ure' .y of clean' gause. The -res bum off e old dead trees. a d eve,rything at h, fallen to ,he ground and 8'fterwards t I e be In anew. 'I worked ju t' -e 20,000 yea - ago and th' twa e way wa sup,po ed to ark. However: now we IV. hee a.d ,e h ve our houses and homes lere. So there are sam - peet - r thing we need to do to preven nature fromtaki its co rse - ere a -orne 0 osa thing: LANDSCAPING: Your house should be at least 30 feet away from any trees or forest. Beyond 30 feet, clear out all dead trees and branches. They allow ground fires to jump into tree crowns. Keep all trees and large bushes well trimmed and 15-20 feet away from the house. Space trees 30 feet apart and trim until only about 8-10 feet tall. If you have large plants, like Rhododendrons and Hydrangeas, plant them at least 20 feet from your house or any other kind of building. Plant smaller flowers in your flower beds next to the house. If you do your landscaping this way, it will be a lot harder for forest fires to get to your house. ROOF AND GUTTERS: In the fall, dead leaves and pine needles will fall off the trees and some of them will land on your roof. Make sure that you never have leaves or pine needles on your roof. Clear them all off. Fire burns dead things very easily, so having dead leaves and pine needles on your roof is a fire hazard. You need to keep your rain gutters cllean, too. CAMP FIRES: Before you build a camp fire in YOUri yard, you need to make sure that it is legal to have a fire, and you need to make sure that there are no dried up sticks laying around the place where you are going to build your fire. You should always build a fire in a fire pit so that it is harder for the fire to get out of your control. You should also have a shovel and a bucket of water nearby. Before you leave your camp fire, you need to be sure it is completely out. Never leave a fire burning when you are not watching it. EMERGENCY ACCESSIBILITY: You need to make sure your home is easily accessible to fire trucks. If your driveway has branches hanging down, you need to trim them so that fire trucks can get through easily in an emergency. Also, keep your driveway well marked with your name and address. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: fire extinguishers are very important. They can put a smaller tire out before it has time to get big. You should always have a fire extinguisher with you whether you are in a boat, house, car, or anywhere else. Every house should have a least one and it would be even safer to have more MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT than one. If there is ever a fire, the extinguisher will come in handy.... however; us it only if it is safe to do so. Never use water to try to put out an electrical fire. The electricity can shoot through the water and electrocute you. The fire will not go out either. Putting water on an electrical fire is like feeding the fire. It will get bigger instead of smaller. Only fire extinguishers (the type intended for electrical fires) should be used to fight electrical fires. If you ever see someone getting ready to use water on an electrical fire, stop him or her before they get hurt. To prevent electrical fires, never place electric cords underneath rugs or close to long drapes. Damaged electric cords can cause electrical fires. If you find a damaged electric cord in your house, remove it, fix it, or have someone fix it before it starts a fire. Than -s'to e ,ashiln- ,on State Toun Now let's' a-k a ittl abo, **** '* * :B reau for th _rcontrbu ons to _ea her he in i':Gazetie. aka" **.. . . . . . .***...* How about a couple of really cool safety photos? MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT r sa Here'i . sseso e-e guys fate'ly? Hey Bobl Ju (In case you canll So tha doe~ it for 'thiS month e nexte rthq a ,e, d r , Se yoa· a:On ext man . -tv g II of aUi ato-.) ope I gave you. omettnng yo c 'n use'n pre .aring for - ev, n 'VOl' - - mite o two. H va a geat Septe ber•. PS Here .a i t of web _" .. th t migh 'come, I h ndy: MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT Ala ka, Voe -oOberv,atory: http://www.,avo.ala Ken _i Penon _U I Borou h Office 0 - rergency, an,agemen: WWW-bOlfO'U h.kenai. ' itiga 'on PI KPB AU Hazar · ..keata.ufemergenc.y/Haztlplan.htm I : Kenai Pe--ula Borou he zen Corp· Prog maCo, Team Tra - nand ir.' Co s (Fir WI -): www,kpvo Sta of Ala _ a e,partmen of ttp:1I 11.ala' State 0 Wash'nglon E- erg,ency' nspo -unity Emerg_ncy eapo -e 'on - Road 'Co'ndi ons: na ,e--ent Departme IIHow To" v"daos a d othe great prepare -nes ,I for;matio I: http://www.emd.w .,gov/prep edne/p,rep_ho- -e.sht I 8ta of Alia a O'vi iOrn of Homeland ecnty, ~:/ d 'erge;-c cy Managemen -. I FEMA Online Reso_ ree-: .FEMA.go,v www. - eady ov MAYOR'S REPORT MAYOR'S REPORT