March 2015
March 2015 ISSUE 37 2015 • $5.95 (GST INC) this hi iissue “How I beat RA” Clint Paddison’s story of how he beat rheumatoid arthritis naturally Smoothies Healthy lunchbox ideas Supercharged Tips and recipes for healthy lunches your kids will love! recipes page 6 Detox made easy R A E th Y 10 Start 2015 full of energy with this 2-week plan Find us on Celebrating a decade of quality health news! My New Year’s resolution Nutra-Life Detox & Cleanse 10 Day Programme contains 2 products to support digestive health, liver detoxification, energy production and general wellbeing. Nutra-Life Detox is formulated with nutrients and herbs including Glutamine, Milk thistle and B vitamins. Glutamine helps maintain healthy digestive function and Milk thistle supports liver detoxification and normal liver function. Available in March Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. 6540_NZ NL Detox & Cleanse FP ad.indd 1 CHC70310-12/14 6540_OZ Nutra-Life Cleanse is a great tasting vanilla and blackcurrant flavoured powder formulated with soluble and insoluble fibres including Pectin, Inulin, Flaxseed and Psyllium. It assists in maintaining bowel regularity. 6/01/15 3:36 pm welcome R A th YE WOW! This year we celebrate 10 years of publishing Go magazine! And this, our 37th issue, is testament to the fact that Go magazine has taken its place as a valuable resource for natural health h and wellness devotees. In the past decade ecade we have published over 1,100 pages of content, won three industry awards of excellence and increased our print run by an incredible 185 per cent to reach a current readership of around 750,000. To celebrate our decade of achievement, you will notice that we have changed the paper we use to print Go magazine. The paper is certified under the Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC), an international non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. Remember paper is from renewable resources, it’s recyclable and it’s produced by an environmentally-conscious industry whose future depends on planting more trees than it consumes. Thank you for your continued support and all your feedback! Don’t miss Clint Paddison’s ‘How I Tackled Rheumatoid Arthritis Head On’ article; his story encapsulates what Go magazine has always been about – inspiring others to take responsibility for their own health and wellness. I have no doubt Clint’s story will help others in their journey to treat this debilitating disease. 10 Enjoy reading this special issue! Yours in good health, Ann Cattelan BSc Editor Check out th e address shee mail your Smart t for coupons an Saver d save up to 30 per ce nt recommende off the price of lead d retail in of health su g brands pplements at Go Vita. Issue 37 ISSN 1832-5556 Editor: Ann Cattelan BSc • [email protected] Art Direction: Tanya Lee Design • [email protected] Advertising Inquiries: [email protected] this issue How I beat rheumatoid arthritis Clint Paddison’s story of how he beat RA naturally Detox made easy! Start 2015 full of energy with this 2-week plan! Supercharged smoothies! Recipes for delicious, nutrient packed smoothies the whole family will love Privacy Policy: You have received this publication as a result of information you have supplied to us. If you do not wish to receive it please let us know by phoning 1800 21 21 00. Natural ways to stop and even reverse sun damaged skin Do you need more magnesium? How to tell if you need more of this vital mineral Living with diabetes Regular exercise and good nutrition are essential for managing diabetes Acne solutions Healthy lunchbox ideas The views expressed in Go are those of the original authors and not those of the Editor or the Publisher. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the Publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any published errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefrom. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment or product in editorial or advertising does not imply that the Publisher advocates or rejects its use. Information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from qualified healthcare professionals. © 2015 Go Vita. Published by Healthworks Consulting Pty Ltd ABN 13075151629, on behalf of Go Vita. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process in any language without the written consent of the Publisher. Repairing sun damaged skin Nature’s secrets to a clear complexion Tips and recipes for healthy lunches your kids will love A healthy earth means a healthier you. We use recycled and recyclable material wherever practical without compromising the quality or effectiveness of our products or service. and more... H E A LT H R E P O R T how I tackled arthritis omedian Clint Paddison was diagnosed at the young age of 31 with debilitating rheumatoid arthritis. This is his story of how he spent years researching ways to come off the toxic medications prescribed to him and how today, he is pain free, drug free and back to maximum energy. C “I woke up one morning in 2007 with sore feet. At the time I was 31 years old and felt quite fit and healthy so I thought nothing of it. However, the pain quickly spread into my ankles, left knee, fingers, wrists and within a few months it was even in my chest and jaw. With every deep breath I would feel pain, and with every bite of food I would be in pain. My GP ran some blood tests and declared that I had rheumatoid arthritis (RA). He explained that it is an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the lining of the joints causing severe pain and eventual disability. He said, ‘Of all the diseases that I would not want to get, this would be at the top of my list!’ I then went to a rheumatologist who suggested strong drug treatments to minimise long-term joint damage. I was keen to avoid the toxic drugs, but my condition deteriorated over the coming 12 months so I eventually gave in and started taking the medications. After starting medication I gained partial pain relief. However, the combination of the drug and the disease left me extremely fatigued. I was also still worsening, in spite of the drug, and my required dosage was increased accordingly to maintain the same relief. There were mornings where my wife, Melissa, had to help support me to the bathroom. Worse still, my medications restricted me from being able to start a family - something Melissa and I wanted dearly. Finally, during another visit to my rheumatologist for more drugs, I decided enough was enough. As I sat there in pain, with my body and future outlook deteriorating I thought, ‘I will do anything it takes to stop this living nightmare.’ 2 ISSUE 37 • 2015 H E A LT H R E P O R T rheumatoid head on I placed my faith in my educational background, as a scientist and researcher, and committed all of my energy towards finding a natural alternative to treat the RA. I committed myself to getting rid of the pain, getting off the drugs, getting my energy levels back and, hopefully, even becoming a father. I scrawled the headline, ‘Pain Free, Drug Free and Back to Maximum Energy’ on a piece of paper and stuck it on the fridge. I continually tested supplements, natural herbal remedies, alternative treatments, exercises and potential food allergies in the search for triggers and pain relief. With my scientific mindset I firmly believed that this disease had been triggered by something and the underlying cause could be identified and halted. Like many good scientific discoveries, one of my greatest epiphanies came about by accident. I experienced a severe bout of food poisoning. This led to 24 hours of vomiting and diarrhoea. Consequently I had to rest in bed, where I lay there fearing the increase in joint pain that comes with lack of physical movement. To my amazement the opposite occurred and when the purging was complete I felt incredible! This unplanned cleanse resulted in a rapid and significant decrease in pain and joint swelling. This made me convinced that there was a link between my joint pain and my digestive system. ‘All I have to do’, I thought, ‘is work out how to get these same results without having to vomit and have diarrhoea for the rest of my life!’ So, I began to undertake major dietary experiments – I increased my consumption of leafy greens and began drinking wheatgrass shots, green juices and green smoothies. I started going to Clint’s Go Vita shopping list assists t from pineapple that Bromelain – An extrac ns tei pro of breakdown digestion through the inflammation. e uc red and it may also reduce Potassium – Shown to since nts tie pa symptoms in RA body’s the to ed potassium is link anisms. ch me ing natural pain-reliev – An aid for Betain hydrochloride id in the stomach, ac ive increasing digest sufferers. which can be low in RA microbes to improve the Probiotics – Friendly digestive tract. bacterial balance in the p in reliever that is tiv pa Curcumin – An effective s been naturally derived. It ha relieve to shown in one study a RA pain more than common NSAID drug. Bikram yoga most days so I could keep up my ability to walk. I gained a lot of my energy from sprouted nuts and seeds for several months, before shifting onto some easy-to-digest foods like brown rice and sweet potatoes. Slowly my strength returned and my pain subsided. After two years I was off all of my medications and the heat and swelling in my joints disappeared. Although I have been left with some joints that were permanently damaged from the RA, blood tests have confirmed that my inflammation has gone. My rheumatologist has told me he has never seen a recovery like it. I have been off the drugs for over three years and I now want to help others battling this disease. I have launched an initiative called the Paddison Program for Rheumatoid Arthritis and nearly 3,000 people in 51 countries have embraced many of the strategies I’ve used. My wife and I have received heartwarming and extraordinary stories from people following this program who have experienced life-changing results also. I believe we have found a way of mitigating many of the worst symptoms of RA by harnessing current scientific findings on the links between diet and the disease. It’s a two-step approach: 1) Reduce food sensitivities in the short term via an elimination diet over 12 days. 2) Gradually reintroduce foods to see which specific item people are sensitive to. The second phase is also part of a longterm approach to improving gut health with specific plant-based foods such as quinoa, brown rice, miso and seaweed. I’m not suggesting that drugs for rheumatoid arthritis should be avoided. I am saying that extraordinary nutrition along with re-establishing optimal gut health can be just as life changing. For me, one of the best aspects to this was that Melissa and I had our first child, Angelina Mae Paddison, on the 5th April 2014.” To find out more, go to: ISSUE 37 • 2015 3 H E A LT H R E P O R T detox easy! made Detox benefits ✓ Boost your energy ✓ Loose a few kilos ✓ Your skin will glow ✓ Improve your digestion o longer do you need to cringe at the thought of detoxing! Here is a simple, easy to follow two-week detox and cleanse program that will have you starting the year fit, healthy and full of energy! N Why detox? Toxins accumulate in our body from external sources, such as chemicals, pesticides, food additives, heavy metals, drugs and pollutants which may be present in our food, water, or the air we breathe. They also build up from the ‘unfriendly’ bacteria, yeasts and parasites in our guts which create havoc with our digestive processes. All these toxins travel in our bloodstream and need to be managed by our cleansing organs – the liver, kidneys, bowel and skin. If toxins accumulate faster than our body can eliminate them, our detoxification pathways become overwhelmed. The 4 ISSUE 37 • 2015 result is we feel less vital, less energetic and gain unhealthy weight. What’s the answer? A simple and effective cleanse and detox can reduce the toxic load, support and enhance the functioning of your organs and begin to restore your health and vitality. Follow Go Vita’s simple three phase program – you’ll be thrilled with your results! For the most effective results, start with phase 1 to kick off your cleansing regime. If completely avoiding meat or other protein is not suitable for you, then simply start at phase 2. You will still see marked improvements and feel rejuvenated! Phase 1 Decrease toxic build up (days 1-7) 1. Eat foods that are high in antioxidants, organic if possible and fresh, raw or lightly cooked – see table. 2. Gentle exercise – walking, yoga, stretching, tai chi, swimming, gardening. Try not to tax your body too much with strenuous activity as your body will be working hard on cleansing and detoxification. 3. Skin brushing – gently brush your arms, legs, stomach and chest with a mitt or bristle brush prior to bathing to stimulate the lymphatic system, improve circulation and help skin to excrete toxins. 4. Massage, sauna and Epsom salt baths all promote relaxation, blood circulation, and help reduce fluid retention where wastes can accumulate. Indulge in spa and sauna weekly and massage fortnightly if you are able. Have no more than two Epsom salt baths per week. Phase 2 Cleanse and support (days 7-14) If you have followed phase 1 – well done! You’ll start to feel lighter, more energetic and vital. Continue to eat all of the foods listed in phase 1 and introduce those listed in phase 2. If you’re starting the detox program at phase 2 then follow the advice in phase 1, and include the foods for phase 2 also. Phase 3 Prolong and maintain (day 14 and on) Following your two week cleansing detox H E A LT H R E P O R T Foods to eat and foods to avoid in phase 1 EAT PLENTY AVOID Vegetables, garlic, onions and fresh herbs. Animal proteins including eggs, fish, canned tuna. Fruit and freshly squeezed juices, especially berries, green apples, pawpaw, kiwifruit, wifruit, pineapple. Tea, coffee and other sources of caffeine. Legumes and raw nuts. Almond or rice milk. Olive and vegetable oils. Wheat and yeast. Homemade vegetable soups. Sugar, including cakes, biscuits, lollies, soft drinks, ice cream. Brown rice, rice cakes, tofu, buckwheat, rice and soba noodles. Plain natural yoghurt (add flavour with puree fruit, crushed nuts or vanilla bean). Dairy products (except natural yoghurt), margarine. Apple cider vinegar, tamari, black pepper. 8-10 glasses water daily including lemon, grapefruit or lime juice to enhance liver function, add alkalising chlorophyll to cleanse blood and liver. Herbal teas, dandelion root coffee substitute, soda or mineral water. Tinned, highly processed foods, fried foods. Additional foods for phase se 2 ADD THESE FOODS Fish and seafood (all varieties except large fish tuna, swordfish and shark which may contain heavy metals). Chicken, turkey and eggs (preferably organic or free range). Seeds (all varieties eg. sunflower, sesame, pumpkin) in small amounts of no more than 20g per day. Add natural medicines to enhance waste removal Fibre supplements containing psyllium, flax, pectin and inulinn nd inuli assist the renewal process by encouraging gut friendly ly bacteria, they also help eliminate toxins. Supplements containing liver friendly ingredients such ch as milk thistle and glutamine help support the liver to cleanse and regenerate. boost, you may be feeling so great you wish to continue for another week. If so, slowly include lean red meats such as lamb, veal or kangaroo. You can also slowly reintroduce other foods, you may find some foods lead to bloating, diarrhoea or other symptoms, if so we recommend you consider excluding these foods or finding alternatives on a permanent basis. Safety first A detoxification program should not be attempted without medical consultation if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking prescribed medicines, or have been diagnosed with kidney disorder, diabetes, or any other health condition. Mary-Kay Harrison is a qualified nutritionist in Melbourne, with an interest in health research and writing. [email protected] ISSUE 37 • 2015 5 LIVE WELL Smoothies! Supercharged You’ll be firing on all cylinders in no time with one of these nutrientdense supercharged smoothies! GF NF GLUTEN FREE NUT FREE DF DAIRY FREE Summer slimming smoothie GF DF NF ½ cup raspberries 30g Raw slim & tone vanilla cinnamon protein 1 tsp Raw pre-probiotics 1 tbsp chia seeds 200ml coconut water 100ml coconut cream Blend ingredients on high speed until thick and smooth. Serves 1. melrose organic flaxseed Melrose Organic Flaxseed Oil & Organic Rolled Flaxseed are a good source of Omega-3. Organically grown, they have a delicious nutty taste and can be sprinkled over breakfast cereals or yoghurt, used in baking or added to smoothies. For more information visit 6 ISSUE 34 • 2014 Raw slim & tone provides a nourishing yet filling sprouted protein base with nutrient-dense herbs and specific alkalising greens to help combat the real issues of weight gain. Leaves you feeling full for longer! Pine mango magic smoothie GF DF NF 2 cups spinach, fresh 2 cups of coconut water 1 cup chopped pineapple 1 cup chopped mango 2 chopped bananas 2 tsp of Just Greens Blend spinach and water until smooth. Next, add the remaining ingredients and blend again. Serves 2. ed Just Greens is a certifi , ina rul spi of nd ble c organi barley chlorella, wheat grass, li grass, kale and brocco alise and formulated to help alk at way gre A y. bod r you e ans cle ! day to start the Don’t miss out on your FREE Cocobella coconut water with any purchase of Just Greens or Just Reds at Go Vita in March, while stocks last. Red spiced smoothie GF DF NF 1 ripe banana 1 small beetroot, peeled and cubed 1 granny smith apple, peeled, cored and diced 1 cup orange juice 1 lime (juiced) 1 piece fresh ginger (peeled) 1 date (large) 1/4 tsp cinnamon 4 tsp of Just Reds Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serves 4. Just Reds is a certified organic blend of antioxidantrich beet, goji, carrot, tomato, acai and pomegrana te, formulated to energise yo ur body and he lp support a heal thy immune sy stem. Golden Melrose Organic some, Flaxmeal is a whole in h ric , od rfo pe natural su , fibre and omega-3 fatty acids strogens toe hy (p ns na lig plant ove heart pr im lp reported to he mp sy toms of health and relieve e). menopaus Health & Nutrition GLUTEN FREE Beat that bloated feeling Chia & berry brekkie shake* GF 1 cup skim milk 1/2 cup low-fat vanilla yoghurt 2 tsp Melrose Almond & Chia Spread 2 tsp Melrose Organic Golden Flaxmeal 2 small bananas, peeled, roughly chopped 1 cup frozen mixed berries Put milk, yoghurt, spread, flax meal, banana and berries in a blender. Blend mixture until smooth. Divide shake between 2 large serving glasses and serve immediately. *recipe courtesy of diabetic living Bananas are an ideal snack – they’re easy to transport, peel and eat and they’re are also a favourite for athletes looking for a quick source of carbohydrate. The riper a banana, the quicker it is digested and converted to muscle fuel. ( Fewer than 30 calories per slice 6 nutritious grain varieties All ORGRAN products are; Gluten Free, Wheat Free, Egg Free, Dairy Free, Yeast Free, Nut Free, Vegan. Try them today with your favourite topping. On special in all Go Vita Stores during March ISSUE 37 • 2015 7 H E A LT H R E P O R T solutions n a society that often judges a book by its cover, acne can cripple your confidence. Naturopath Caroline Robertson shares nature’s secrets to a clear complexion, so you can shine with assurance and self-esteem. I Skin sins For a clear complexion avoid the following: Smoking can cause impaired blood flow, making it more difficult for acne lesions to heal. Harsh cleansers, oily skincare and some makeup can clog your pores. Some foods can breed breakouts such as vegetable oil, dairy, alcohol and acidic foods such as chilli and tomatoes. Excess sugar consumption is a much debated issue when dealing with acne conditions. The resulting rise in insulin from excess sugar may trigger an increase in androgens in women, which may in turn increase acne prevalence. Salicylate allergy can cause pimples around the mouth, cheeks and eyes, so 8 ISSUE 37 • 2015 if you suffer this reduce high salicylate foods such as berries, peppermint and aspirin. Squeezing pimples forces sebum into the surrounding skin, causing redness and swelling. Pollution clogs pores so remember to cleanse thoroughly every evening. Air conditioning can dry skin causing reflex oiliness. Combat this with a regular moisturiser, spritzing spray and hydrating mask. Stress increases cortisol which promotes pimples. A recent study found that acne severity correlated with increasing emotional stress. Skin supporters For radiant skin consume these things: Aloe vera juice, an ideal liver and hormonal tonic that helps prevent breakouts. Avocado protects and plumps skin with antioxidant carotenoids, vitamins C and E and fatty acids. Carrots, bursting with betacarotene which accelerates skin healing. Liquid chlorophyll added to a glass of water, cleanses blood for a clearer complexion. Evening primrose oil supplements balance hormonal acne and lubricate skin from within. Fresh garlic or in supplement form, contains antibacterial allicin. Kale is cleansing, alkalising and mineral rich – ideal for skin health. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which thins sebum and hastens healing. Fresh salmon, a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids soothes and moisturises skin. Turmeric’s active component curcumin reduces inflammation and purifies blood. Fresh chemical-free, alkalised water hydrates your skin cells and removes wastes, aim for two litres daily. Vitamin A helps to maintain structural and functional integrity of your skin cells and may also help reduce sebum production. Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is beneficial as it reduces oil production by the sebaceous glands. Vitamin B6 may help reduce premenstrual or mid cycle acne problems in women, 50-100mg is recommended daily. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus castus) is also beneficial premenstrually to eliminate acne. Supplements of the cell salt Calc Sulph calm red inflamed spots. The jojoba oil and acne story When skin is in balance, sebaceous glands continuously pump sebum out of the skin, carrying with it dead skin cells and waste. It also delivers wax esters to the skin’s surface which are responsible for killing germs, smothering viruses and dissolving any dried sebum that may build up in hair follicles and skin pores. These wax esters also create a natural protective barrier on the surface that holds moisture in the deeper skin cells keeping skin young, smooth and elastic. However when skin is out of balance and sebaceous glands over produce sebum with not enough wax esters, the sebum can build up and clog skin pores. Surrounding skin tissue becomes irritated and inflamed, and the resulting sebum plug becomes infected and erupts as acne. Zinc is an important nutrient to help control acne particularly in teenage boys where zinc levels have been found to be low. Liver tonics such as burdock, yellow dock and St Mary’s thistle have been shown to detoxify the system and stimulate the liver function, as well as helping to purify the blood. Anti-acne routine Exfoliate: weekly exfoliation to remove dead skin cells,, will kin, smooth and soften skin, brighten the complexion n and reduce blackheads by ensuring the follicles are free of blockages. Look for gentle and non-irritating ingredients, exfoliants containing micro-beads are best for acne prone skin. Cleanse: Try a cleanser with tea tree or neem oil for or antibacterial action. NATURAL BERRY FLAVOUR Jojoba is the only plant in the world known to produce pure liquid wax esters like those in your skin. Jojoba wax esters are naturally antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, analgesic, sic, highly anti-inflammatory and nd hypoallergenic. Jojoba oil applied to active acne can soothe the pain, reduce redness and inflammation and also help kill the acne bacteria, dissolving the sebum plug to get sebum flowing again. Applying jojoba oil to acne affected skin is the natural way to put back what is missing from skin, to bring it back into balance. Masks: Green clay dries spots and draws out impurities. Toner: Cooling rose water or colloidal silver soothes skin. Spot cure: Jojoba oil makes an ideal spot treatment. Moisturiser: Minimal aloe vera gel, rosehip oil or jojoba oil with a little sandalwood oil are ideal for reducing sebum. Mineral makeup: Ensure this Mi is free from comedogenic oil and a bismuth oxychloride (gives makeup a shimmery appearance) which exacerbates acne. Sunscreen and hat: Acne can flare up with heat so sun protection is a must. Naturopath Caroline Robertson has practised and taught natural therapies for the past 25 years. For cconsultations, health retreats and guided meditations visit Masks es Green clay dri ws spots and dra out impurities. Collagen GOLD Collagen Gold is a superior marine collagen blend rich in amino acids that assists with healthy collagen formation, helping to protect against premature Available signs of ageing such as wrinkles & fine lines. exclusively in Herbs of Gold – Producing herbal and nutritional supplements since 1989. H Always read the label. Use only as directed. A Health Food Stores Australia wide. ISSUE 37 • 2015 9 H E A LT H R E P O R T liver health checkup f you’ve battled for years with fatigue, poor health and an inability to lose weight, then Dr Sandra Cabot, internationally renowned author of The Liver Cleansing Diet, believes you may simply need to improve the health of your liver. I Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But the liver is the supreme organ of metabolism and detoxification, and in Dr Cabot’s experience, perfect health will continue to evade you unless it’s functioning effectively. Dr Cabot believes that many of the most common symptoms of poor health are in fact due to liver dysfunction, and that modern day medicine has become side tracked with treating the symptoms of poor health, rather than their cause. The liver’s role in detoxification The liver is the cleanser and filter of your bloodstream, and all the chemicals you’re exposed to are transported to it for detoxification. This liver ‘filter’ is designed to remove toxic matter such as dead 10 ISSUE 37 • 2015 cells, unhealthy cells, microorganisms, chemicals, toxins, drugs and debris from the bloodstream. Dr Cabot believes that just like the filters in your vacuum cleaner or swimming pool, your liver benefits from a regular clean out to prevent it from becoming clogged, and that a congested, dysfunctional liver often leads to chronic health problems, such as those listed. As part of its detoxification processes, the liver converts toxic compounds that are soluble in fat into compounds that are soluble in water, allowing them to be excreted from the body via the urine, faeces and sweat. If this conversion pathway is not functioning properly, these fat-soluble toxins tend to accumulate in the body’s fat stores where they have the potential to compromise your health. Liver health check eck Do you suffer with: Allergies Itchy skin Sugar cravings Chronic fatigue High cholesterol An inability to lose weight Digestive problems or abdominal bloating A roll of fat around the upper abdomen ‘liver roll’ Foggy brain and/or mood swings Bad breath and/or coated tongue Excess body odour Nausea or indigestion Dark circles under the eyes Diagnosed fatty liver Or do you simply party too hard? If you answered YES to three or more of these questions, your liver needs help and might well benefit from taking livercleansing herbs such as milk thistle and turmeric. H E A LT H R E P O R T Furthermore, release of these fat-soluble chemicals during times of stress or weight loss can cause symptoms such as headaches and foggy thinking, aches and pains, fatigue and nausea. The liver and your metabolism The liver also plays an important role in metabolism. It’s the major fat burning organ of the body and regulates fat metabolism, so, according to Dr Cabot, if your liver is not functioning well, you may suffer from the following: Constipation: Dr Cabot says that fibre intake is an important consideration here, because the liver has the ability to transport excess fat into your intestine via the bile. Once there, the fat is absorbed into the faeces so that it can be excreted from the body. But if you are constipated or don’t have enough fibre in your diet, faeces remain in your bowel for a longer period prior to excretion, and the excess fat is less likely to be excreted and more likely to be reabsorbed and stored as body fat. Fatty liver: Many overweight people have a fatty liver that doesn’t burn fat efficiently. A fatty liver is doing the opposite of what it’s programmed to do; rather than burning fat it is storing fat. According to Dr Cabot, for this reason people who have a fatty liver find it extremely difficult to lose weight. Unstable blood sugar levels: An unhealthy liver can also contribute to unstable blood sugar levels, or hypoglycaemia. Low L blood glucose levels cause fatigue, sugar and carbohydrate cravings, light headedness, mood swings and poor quality sleep. A healthy liver on the other hand, supports the regulation of blood sugar levels by storing excess glucose and then releasing it into the bloodstream when blood levels become low. However, with a fatty liver, the ability to regulate blood sugar is compromised, making it extremely hard to stick to a healthy eating plan if you’re battling with fatigue, strong cravings and hunger. Dr Cabot believes that by cleansing your liver you can, boost your energy and your mood, improve your metabolism and digestive health, and more easily control your weight in the future. Dr Sandra Cabot is a medical doctor with extensive clinical experience in holistic medicine. She is the author of over 30 books, including the best-selling The Liver Cleansing Diet. Dr Cabot pilots herself to many Australian cities and country towns where she is invited as a guest speaker to help raise much needed money for local charities. Dr Cabot also volunteers her time and her Beechcraft Baron aircraft to the charity Angel flight and has completed over 196 Angel flights in the last seven years. Angel flight provides an invaluable service to families in their times of greatest need, helping to minimise the stress of long travel times for those in remote areas who need to access medical treatment and healthcare services in capital cities. d Milk thistle an turmeric are liver cleansing herbs. No quick fixes, just Raw results FREE Slim & Tone Plan ebook available for download on our website. With its delicious creamy taste and sprouted and bio-fermented protein, Raw slim & tone helps keep you full and nourished for longer. When used in combination with Raw sugar crave release, with its specific traditional anti-parasitic herbs, you’ll target excessive bad digestive bacteria. The Raw result will speak for itself. Flavours available: vanilla & cinnamon, cacao & macadamia and espresso pre-probiotics multi energy protein isolate greens Recipes @amazoniaco 11 ISSUE 37 • 2015 H E A LT H R E P O R T important ith the growing body of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of vitamin K2 for bone and cardiovascular health, more research is underway to explore brain, skin, and prostate health. Go Vita speaks with dietitian and nutritional scientist Christopher Speed about this super nutrient. W Go: Isn’t vitamin K the blood-clotting vitamin? CS: K vitamins are actually a group of fat-soluble vitamins, and the two most important and prevalent forms are vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Vitamin K1 is the form needed for proper blood coagulation, whereas vitamin K2 is essential to build and maintain strong bones, as well as to avoid calcium deposits in the arteries. CALLED There’s hundreds of liver tonics. . . but there’s only one LivaTone Plus Detox your life • Love your liver plus Taurine, Turmeric, Selenium, B vitamins and antioxidants. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner. 1800 151 052 12 ISSUE 37 • 2015 100% Australian owned and operated CHC70288-12/14 Contains the equivalent of 36,000mg of St. Mary’s Thistle in a daily dose of 4 capsules, FREE E BOOK BO OO OK Giveaway Free copy of The Vital Principles for Liver Cleansing with the purchase of Livatone Plus Ask in store – Only whilst stocks last H E A LT H R E P O R T vitamin K2 facts Go: What are vitamin K2’s health benefits? CS: Vitamin K2 activates inert proteins in the body, thus allowing your system to function more optimally. By activating proteins such as matrix Gla protein (MGP) and osteocalcin, vitamin K2 preserves the healthy structure and function of cardiovascular arteries and bone density and strength, respectively. Impressive research supports vitamin K2’s abilities, specifically as menaquinone-7 (MK-7): For example, an unprecedented three-year study showed clearly that a daily 180mcg dose of vitamin K2 (as MenaQ7®) was enough to improve bone mineral density and bone strength in postmenopausal women. Go: Are there different types of vitamin K2? CS: The standout supplier of vitamin K2 is a Norwegian company, NattoPharma ASA, with its MenaQ7® vitamin K2 as MK-7. As the world leader in vitamin K2 research and development, NattoPharma is affiliated with research institutes, notably Maastricht University and VitaK in the Netherlands. MenaQ7® has been used in most of the studies showing vitamin K2’s benefits. Go: Who needs vitamin K2? CS: Quite frankly, everyone, and the earlier they begin, the better. In general, the typical Western diet contains insufficient amounts of vitamin K2 to adequately activate MGP, which means about 30 per cent of vitamin K2-activated proteins remain inactive. Go: What foods are high in vitamin K2? CS: The traditional Japanese dish natto (fermented soybeans) is the richest-known source of natural vitamin K2 as MK-7. In the Western diet, fermented foods such as mature cheeses and curd are good sources, except that these foods contain relatively small levels. With the high amounts required to meet the body’s needs, vitamin K2 supplementation is the optimal solution. Go: How much vitamin K2 should you take? CS: To achieve long-term preservation of cardiovascular and bone health, I would recommend the therapeutic dose used in clinical trials, which is 180mcg a day. Go: Are there any contraindications when taking vitamin K2? CS: It is recommended that patients on warfarin or other blood thinners consult with their doctor before taking a vitamin K2 supplement. For more information on vitamin K2 visit MICROgenics Curcumin Plus Willowbark Formula ® MICROgenics® Curcumin plus Willowbark Formula has been formulated with Curcumin (Meriva™) and Willowbark, and is designed to provide temporary relief from pain, and improve joint function and mobility associated with mild osteoarthritis. Curcumin is not well absorbed on its own, but the unique ingredient Meriva™ is formulated with soy phospholipids for improved bioavailability, and has been combined with Willowbark, that may help temporarily relieve lower back pain within two weeks. ONLY AVAILABLE IN YOUR HEALTHFOOD STORE. CHCANZ-MIC-14-11-1081 Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your health care professional. CHC70317-01/1513 ISSUE 37 • 2015 repairing sun damaged skin Brightening DIY facial enzyme masque Mash together 3 tab lespoons of ong summer days spent outdoors in your youth can lead to sun damaged skin later in life, as evidenced by brown spots, discolourations, pigmentation, wrinkles, flakiness, sensitivity and dehydrated skin. Helene Larson investigates e. natural ways to stop and even reverse the damage. L Unfortunately, sun damage isn’t only skin deep. UV radiation can change and permanently damage the DNA of your skin cells. Years of sun damage can lead to the outer layer of the skin becoming thinner, meaning it can easily tear and become inflamed. At the same time, long-term sun exposure can result in the thicker, inner layers of our skin losing their elasticity. “Every minute you’re out in the sun, your body registers it,” says Dr Neal Schultz, a New York based cosmetic dermatologist. The good news is - you can reverse the damage. “Whenever you start protecting yourself from the sun, you will stop the process of additional damage and start to reverse, to some extent, what you’ve already accumulated,” Dr Schultz emphasises. 14 ISSUE 37 • 2015 papaya, 3 tablespoon s of pineapple and 1 teaspoon of honey. Maassa ge gently into your fac e and neck, avoiding your de licate eye area. Relax for 10 minutes, allowin g those enzymes to be completely absorbe d. Rinse your skin well afterwards with wa rm w water, and slather on a hydrating facia ial cream. Reverse sun damage e in four easy steps Step 1 Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate!! For smooth, even-toned skin that shi shines hine ness with health, make time to o exfoliate k iis all ll you regularly. Once or twice a week need to remove dead skin cells and rough patches, stimulate cell renewal, and get your glow back! Always exfoliate gently, using natural and organic formulations where possible. To lighten existing pigmented, discoloured or blotchy areas, look for skin care products containing soy, kojic acid, vitamin C, liquorice or grape seed extract. Regularly exfoliating with a cream or gel containing alpha-hydroxy acids can also help to fade dark spots and discolourations over tim time. Professional i d b i ttreatments t microdermabrasion are another fabulous way to smooth and even your skin tone. Step 2 Protect your skin with a high SPF Protecting your skin from the sun is vital to achieve a radiant, youthful-looking complexion. By reducing your daily sun exposure through wearing sunscreen, your skin has time to heal and your immune system is able to repair existing damage. H E A LT H R E P O R T If you do get sunbur ned Add 5 drops of lav ender and 2 drops of Roma n chamomile essentials oils to 15ml of pure jojoba oil and ge ntly apply to affected areas to soothe and calm your skin. Use sunscreen every day – even on overcast days and yes, even in winter! For every day use, look for a mineral based (zinc oxide or titanium dioxide), chemicalfree, broad spectrum sun protection with an SPF of at least 15. Apply your sunscreen 30 minutes before exposure to maximise protection, and reapply at least every two hours. Protect your skin with sunglasses and an oversized hat too. Step 3 Grape se seed extractt lth for skin health Step 4 Researchers reporting in the Journal of Medicinal Food have discovered that the oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) in grape seed extract can protect against sun damage and improve the skin’s appearance by bonding with collagen thereby helping to maintain healthy skin cells and skin elasticity. Strengthen skin with antioxidants Strengthening your skin is essential in order to repair and heal years of accumulated sun damage. Research has demonstrated that regular use of antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E both topically and internally can help to repair sun damaged skin and prevent premature ageing. To heal and strengthen sun-weary, lack-lustre skin try to put back what the outdoor elements take out. Choose hydrating, antioxidant-rich creams with carrier oils such as argan, jojoba and macadamia, which are abundant in essential fatty acids to nourish and keep skin super soft. Antioxidants help to shield your skin’s DNA from om damage, while protectingg collagen and elastic tissue from those damaging free radicals that cause wrinkles, sagging skin and brown spots. Vitamin C serums are also excellent for penetrating the skin’s outer layer quicklyy and revitalising the skin. Eat right to fight sun damage Stock up on cherries this summer! Cherries are a great source of the antioxidant melatonin, which protects the skin against ultraviolet radiation. They are also packed with vitamin C – essential for building collagen and preventing wrinkles. Tossing some pomegranate seeds onto your summer salads is a fantastic way to boost your antioxidant intake, too. Pomegranates offer antiinflammatory benefits to the skin and can protect it from UV-induced damage. Lastly, adding fatty fish like salmon to your diet will help protect skin from the damaging inflammation caused by sun exposure. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are a great source of omega 3s for radiant, dewy skin and also contain selenium and protein, which are needed for skin repair. Helene Larson is a freelance beauty writer and certified nutrition and lifestyle coach with a passion for health and wellness. Helene has written extensively in the areas of health and beauty for over 12 years and worked for many years as a make-up artist. PREPARE & PROTECT EXFOLIATE with Jojoba Bead & Bamboo Facial Exfoliant Natural jojoba bead infused exfoliant. Leaves skin rejuvenated, smooth and glowing. MOISTURISE with 100% Natural Australian Jojoba Jojoba balances, protects, moisturises, nourishes and soothes skin. PROTECT with Moisturising Protective Day Cream SPF15 Provides broad spectrum SPF15 barrier while moisturising and protecting skin. 15 ISSUE 37 • 2015 H E A LT H R E P O R T do you need more magnesium? aturopath Paul Keogh shares some of the clues that indicate you might benefit from topping up your magnesium levels. N Magnesium is vital to a vast number of the body’s processes and metabolic reactions, but many Australians don’t consume enough of it in their diets. Unfortunately, there isn’t a reliable and inexpensive test to determine the body’s total magnesium levels. Instead, clinicians often rely on their knowledge about who’s most likely to be affected by magnesium deficiency, and the types of symptoms that it causes. Here are some of the red flags we watch out for. You’re physically active Athletes and active people may need magnesium in greater quantities than other people, so if you exercise regularly, it’s important to be aware that being magnesium deficient may impair your exercise performance and reduce your stamina and endurance. Magnesium supports exercise performance, endurance and recovery in several ways, including helping to maintain electrolyte 16 ISSUE 37 • 2015 balance, assisting muscle recovery after exercise and reducing fatigue. Taking a magnesium supplement may assist with all these issues, and also help prevent and/or relieve exercise-induced muscle cramps, spasms, pain and weakness. You experience muscle tension, cramps or twitches Magnesium deficiency can lead to a wide variety of muscular symptoms, ranging from tiny twitches in your eyelid right through to those agonising cramps in the soles of your feet that only ever seem to creep up on you in the middle of the night. Taking a magnesium supplement may help to prevent or relieve these symptoms, and may also provide relief from the symptoms of restless legs and fibromyalgia. You’re experiencing stress, mood problems or sleeping difficulties High levels of stress can lead to magnesium depletion, especially if the pressure you’re under is particularly intense or persists for an extended period of time. In a vicious cycle, magnesium deficiency can interfere with your normal biorhythms and the excitability of your nervous system, which in turn can disrupt your sleeping patterns and play havoc with your moods. Magnesium supports healthy moods, and taking a magnesium supplement during times of stress may help to relieve nervous tension, mild anxiety and irritability. Magnesium also enhances restful sleep. For instance, in a study involving older people with insomnia, taking magnesium supplements for four weeks helped them fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and be less prone to waking in the early morning. You’re overweight People who are overweight or obese tend to consume lower quantities of magnesium than those whose weight is in a healthier range. Since magnesium plays an important role many metabolic functions, taking a magnesium supplement to correct this deficiency may help people who are overweight but otherwise healthy to maintain healthy blood sugar balance, and may also have beneficial effects on their maintenance of healthy blood cholesterol and blood pressure. H E A LT H R E P O R T Choosing a magnesium suppleme nt You get migraines Studies have shown that people who get migraines often have low levels of magnesium, and women whose migraines tend to correlate with their menstrual cycle are particularly likely to be affected. Taking a magnesium supplement may help reduce the frequency and duration of migraines. You get PMS or period pain The blood cells of women who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) contain lower levels of magnesium than those of other women, and studies have shown that taking a magnesium supplement (especially when combined with vitamin B6) may help relieve symptoms such as cravings, fluid retention and mood changes, as well as being effective against period pain. You’re over 65 years old Research from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicates that the diets of many older Australians don’t supply the recommended quantities of magnesium. Half of all Australian men over 65 Not all magnesium su pplements are create d equal. Some are difficult to absorb or are prone to causing tummy upset. When selecting a supp lement, choose a pro duct that contains a highly bioavailable, easily absorbed source of ma gnesium, such as magnesium glycin ate. If swallowing large tab lets is difficult for you, consider taking a powdered supplem ent that can be dissolved in water, smoothies or juice – these have the added benefit of being suita ble to use in your drink bottle wh en you’re training. Th ey also often include additional nu trients to support mu scle health and exercise perform ance, such as the am ino acids carnitine, glutamine an d taurine, sometimes boosted with coconut water to support natural hydra tion. years old consume threequarters or less of their recommended dietary intake (RDI) of 420mg per day, and half of all women of the same age consume less than 80 per cent of their RDI (320mg per day). The diets of people living in nursing homes, hostels and other forms of residential care are considered particularly likely to be magnesium deficient, but those living in their own homes are also affected. Since magnesium is involved in such a wide variety of body processes, correcting any imbalance mbalance that’s present may have far-reaching effects on your health and wellbeing. For example, in recently published research, older women participating in a gentle exercise program who took a magnesium supplement for several months experienced improvements in a range of aspects of physical performance that have an impact on day-to-day quality of life, including walking speed and their ability to stand up after sitting in a chair. Paul Keogh is the executive and technical director for Global Therapeutics P/L trading as Fusion Health. Paul is a qualified naturopath and medical herbalist with 25 years combined experience in clinical practice and the development of integrated Chinese and western herbal medicines. ISSUE 37 • 2015 17 Health News latest health research news from around the world New hope for varicose vein sufferers Grape seed extract contains anthocyanins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) which are potent antioxidants. In the circulatory system, they promote the structural integrity of the capillaries, making them less permeable, and less prone to swelling and injury. Clinical studies show that OPC-rich grape seed extracts can help relieve symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (a cluster of symptoms that includes varicose veins, heaviness and itching of the legs). Olive leaf extract good for your heart Olive leaf extract probably best known for its immune boosting properties, has now been shown to help support cardiovascular function. In clinical studies, high doses of olive leaf extract have been shown to help reduce elevated ‘bad’-cholesterol levels and assist in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. In another study, patients with stage 1 hypertension found that olive leaf extract performed as well as a prescription blood pressure lowering drug. Curcumin reduces rheumatoid arthritis pain In a recent trial, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients were given either 1200mg daily of curcumin or a non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID), for 14 days. Patients receiving curcumin showed improvements in morning stiffness and joint swelling, as did patients receiving the NSAIDS, however, the curcumin group suffered no unpleasant side effects. A further study in patients with active RA showed that taking 500mg curcumin alone was more effective than taking conventional medication. Patients taking the curcumin showed the highest percentage of improvement and reported a reduction in tenderness and joint swelling. BONE HEALTH IS NOT JUST ABOUT CALCIUM? VITAMIN K IS IMPORTANT FOR BONE HEALTH Essential Nutrition’s Vitamin K2 has been formulated with MenaQ7, a patented form of Vitamin K2 as Mk-7. Vitamin K2 or Menaquinone 7 is new to the Australian Market. ESSENTIAL NUTRITION VITAMIN K2 Helps maintain normal bone mineral density.* Supports the development and maintenance of strong healthy bones. Always read the label. Use only as directed. *in healthy individuals ™ CHC70217-09/14 18 ISSUE 37 • 2015 Available exclusively in Go Vita stores Australia wide. LIVE WELL ƽƽ ® With a refreshing natural watermelon flavour, Magnesium Advanced Powder is formulated with highly bioavailable magnesium glycinate plus vitamins, minerals and amino acids to support muscle relief and recovery. It also contains coconut water and supports hydration when taken as directed. Ǧƽ Ǧƽ Ǧƽ Ǧ ǀ Australian owned. Manufactured in Australia from imported ingredients. Laboratory tested for purity and potency. Use only as directed. Always read the label. If symptoms persist, consult a healthcare professional. ISSUE 37 • 2015 CHC70275-01/15 19 LIVE WELL living with A n amazing 60 per cent of diabetes cases could be prevented, or delayed at least, if Australians maintained a healthy weight. While family history and genetics do play a role, good nutrition and regular exercise are essential factors for diabetes management, reports naturopath Caroline Robertson. 20 ISSUE 37 • 2015 LIVE WELL A diabetes diagnosis is bitter sweet. It’s bitter, balancing diet, exercise and medication so meticulously. But being health conscious has sweet long term benefits. As one of my clients said, “discovering I had diabetes made me look after myself more than if I didn’t have it. I started exercising, sorted my diet, lost weight and improved my cholesterol. It’s been a blessing in disguise.” Though diabetes can affect the eyes, heart, bladder, kidneys, feet, skin, blood pressure and moods, millions of Australian diabetics manage it well. With medicine, supplements, herbs, nutrition and exercise, diabetics can control their condition, living long, happy lives. Dealing with diabetes Whether you have type 1 insulin dependant diabetes or the more common type 2 non-insulin dependant diabetes, the management is very similar. The key is to maintain your ideal weight, cholesterol and blood pressure while enjoying exercise, healthy eating and relaxation. In fact, type 2 diabetes is preventable with these straightforward steps. Sugary signs Diabetes occurs when you have insufficient or ineffective insulin. Some signs of diabetes are constant thirst, excessive urination, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss (type 1), unexplained weight gain (type 2), fatigue and irritability, frequent infections, blurry vision, poor wound healing, tingling and numbness in extremities, recurring infections, swollen or bleeding gums, sweet cravings and impotency. The diabetes risk increases when you’re obese, over 45 and have a family history, low HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, pancreatic damage, polycystic ovarian syndrome, excess waist weight or are exposed to chemicals. Diabetes diet You can still enjoy scrumptious meals with diabetes, simply work with a dietitian or a naturopath to devise a delicious meal plan. Reduce processed foods, sugar, continued over ISSUE 37 • 2015 21 LIVE WELL saturated fats and salt. Incorporate blood sugar balancing foods including: Cinnamon is a sweet spice that lowers blood sugar. It also augments insulin, eases inflammation and lowers cholesterol. Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities and is reportedly responsible for improving insulin resistance. Bitter melon has extensive evidence to support its use to reduce blood sugar levels by blocking sugar absorption and boosting sugar metabolism. It’s hypoglycaemic and lipid-lowering properties are due to charantin and the insulin-like peptides and alkaloids it contains. Other beneficial foods for diabetics are buckwheat, broccoli, cloves, coffee, sage, garlic, onions, pomegranate, jackfruit, figs, Chinese yams, Reishi mushrooms, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans and curry leaves. Some eating guidelines for diabetes Choose fibre rich foods with a low 22 ISSUE 37 • 2015 glycemic index. Visit the website At least 35g of fibre daily is recommended. Try oat bran, barley, flaxseed, slippery elm, psyllium, fruits, vegetables, legumes, rice bran, nuts or seeds. Focus on fresh vegetables, wholegrains, beans, nuts and low fructose fruit. Eat regular meals, timed evenly throughout the day. Reduce saturated fat by avoiding deep fried and fatty foods. Match the amount of food you eat with the amount you burn up each day. It’s especially important to eat before and after exercise. Strictly limit foods with sugar. Instead use stevia which has anti-diabetic properties, revitalizing damaged beta cells according to a 2011 study. Drink plentiful pure water. High blood sugar can suppress thirst and trick you into thinking you’re hungry instead of thirsty. Vital nutrients Supplements support a diabetic to have high energy, strong organs and optimal blood sugar. Here are my top recommendations Magnesium: Most diabetics are deficient in magnesium. Studies show that blood sugar control is compromised by low magnesium. It interrupts insulin secretion and increases insulin resistance. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 deficiency is common in diabetics because the diabetes drug metformin destroys B12. Studies have shown that vitamin B12 reduced the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy in 39 per cent of people studied. Chromium: A constituent of glucose tolerance factor, chromium increases insulin receptors, boosts receptor binding and activates insulin. Vitamin E: Around 40 per cent of diabetics have a gene variation that means they are at significantly increased Diabetes herbal dispensary A plethora of plants help keep diabetes iin check. Consider these in consultation with your healthcare provider: w Gymnema sylvestre is an Indian herb G known as the ‘sugar destroyer.’ Its k hypoglycaemic action is due to gymnemic h acids, which lower blood sugar by a rraising insulin, restoring pancreatic cells and preventing adrenal hormones from a stimulating the liver to produce glucose. s Barberry and Golden Seal are B considered important to manage diabetes c iin Chinese medicine. These herbs contain berberine which induces insulin-producing b beta cell regeneration. b Billberry protects a diabetic’s eyes B and nerves through its antioxidant a anthocyanidins. Bilberry also lowered a blood sugar in animal studies. b Not All Probiotic Strains Are The Same DID YOU KNOW? Maintaining healthy digestion and a balance of good bacteria is central to good health but many factors can throw out this balance. Inner Health Plus is an exclusive probiotic supplement, developed by the probiotic experts using specially selected probiotic strains to deliver specific health results. Not all probiotics do the same thing. To help maintain a healthy digestive and immune system and improve your general wellbeing, choose Inner Health Plus. Ginkgo biloba boosts retinal capillary G blood flow in type 2 diabetics. b risk of heart disease. One study found that 400IU of vitamin E daily could help reduce diabetics’ risk of stroke, heart attack and cardiovascular death by a massive 50 per cent. Vitamin D: This helps maintain healthy insulin levels in type 2 diabetes. Zinc: Zinc is involved in all stages of insulin metabolism, it also protects against the destruction of insulin-producing beta cells. L-taurine is depleted in many diabetics. This deficiency can contribute to kidney failure and liver problems. Have you had your Inner Health Plus today? For diabetics it is important that you do not add or change any supplements in your daily routine without first consulting your natural health practitioner. Naturopath Caroline Robertson has practised and taught natural therapies for over 25 years. For skype or clinic consultations, health retreats and guided meditations visit Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. CHC60034 - 09/13 Sweet serenity Stress raises blood sugar by increasing insulin. It’s vital to manage stress with meditation, relaxation, exercise, counselling and a sane schedule. IHP3127- 12/14 Exercise Both aerobic and resistance training exercise improves insulin’s action. Exercise is essential to regulate weight, blood sugar and cholesterol. Daily movement prevents type 2 diabetes and reduces the rate of complications with diabetics. 23 ISSUE 37 • 2015 Find out the full benefits, visit: LIVE WELL Banish BO naturally erspiration is a natural and healthy bodily process but for some it can lead to an unpleasant body odour problem. Discover natural ways to combat BO. P GLUTEN, DAIRY, SUGAR & SOY FREE No artificial flavours and sweeteners Danielle Minnebo My focus is to create tasty whole food products using as little ingredients as possible, but using the most nutrient dense organic ingredients available. 24 100% Organic - locally made with love ve Visit to see our growing nutrient rich product range Perspiration plays a vital role in controlling body temperature and a minor but important role in excreting unwanted minerals and waste products. There are two different types of sweat glands in the skin: The eccrine glands (also known as merocrine glands), which are found in numerous quantity almost all over the body, but especially in the armpits, on the forehead and on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. These glands are active throughout our lives (including during childhood), and predominantly act to keep us cool during hot weather or when we’re nervous or excited. They excrete water, electrolytes (eg. salt), and toxic metabolites (byproducts of alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs, for example). In contrast, the apocrine glands are located only in the hair follicles of the armpits, groin and nipples. They begin functioning during puberty, and in comparison to the watery sweat excreted by the eccrine glands, the sweat they excrete is relatively thick, sticky, viscous and cloudy. This type of sweat contains pheromones, and is one of the physiological mechanisms involved in attracting potential partners. The action of bacteria on the skin of sweat from the apocrine glands causes the unpleasant smell we refer to as body odour. Antiperspirants are often used to counteract body odour. They contain an aluminium-based active ingredient that is absorbed into the hair follicle along with water, causing the cells to swell and close, and thus temporarily preventing them from excreting sweat. When the effect wears off, sweat production reverts to its original levels and the antiperspirant needs to be applied again. This is an effective means of controlling odour, but also interferes with one of the body’s natural processes of waste removal. In most forms of natural therapy, the inhibition of any of the body’s methods of excretion is considered detrimental to health, as without efficient mechanisms for removing wastes, toxins may accumulate in the tissues. Additionally, only aluminium-containing compounds (such as aluminium chloride, SAVE 25%* aluminium chlorohydrate and aluminium hydroxybromide) are known to have these effects on the sweat glands. While debate exists over the use of aluminium based products, many people prefer to avoid its use until possible links between Alzheimer’s disease and aluminium exposure are clarified. An alternative to using aluminiumcontaining antiperspirants is to use natural deodorants based on essential oils that prevent bacterial build-up while supporting the body’s temperature controlling and detoxification mechanisms ie. they do not disrupt the body’s natural functions. Weleda has a number of NATRUE certified organic deodorants that purify and refresh, rather than mask or block and they are packed in recyclable glass bottles with a non-aerosol pump spray. The range includes Weleda Citrus Deodorant for a fresh, invigorating fragrance with uplifting properties, Weleda Sage Deodorant for an earthy scent backed up by the antibacterial power of tea tree oil, or Weleda Wild Rose Deodorant for a luxurious feminine aroma. Natural crystal deodorants, containing crystallised salts, are also a popular choice. There is a significant difference between naturally occurring alum found in these products and synthetic aluminium compounds in antiperspirants. Naturally occurring alum is a large molecule which kills bacteria that is on the surface of the skin. Due to its size it is generally not absorbed through the skin. It also works by killing the bacteria which is the cause of body odour. Organic Deodorants free of aluminium safe, eıectiYe refresKing Weleda‘s deodorants neutralise odourcausing bacteria and won‘t clog your skin‘s pores, allowing your skin to breathe - naturally. Ingredients include biodynamic and organic herbal extracts and essential oils to enliven your body and senses, and provide lasting protection throughout the day. Free from antiperspirants including aluminium salts, synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colourants and raw materials derived from mineral oils. Weleda‘s non-aerosol pump action sprays, Wild Rose, Citrus and Sage are suitable for both men and women. 1$758( certiĬed organic. oı supplier 553 during March 2015 ISSUE 37 • 2015 25 In harmony with nature and the human being. healthy lunchbox etting kids organised and off to school is hectic enough without dealing with lunchbox panic! Mona Hecke, author of The Lunchbox Revolution, has some tips and recipes to help you pack a lunch that is not only healthy but one your kids will love to eat. G Top tips for the school lunchbox! Make sure there’s always room to keep the lunchbox chilled with an ice brick. This will keep food fresh and crisp, ready to eat at lunchtime! 1 2 A healthy, tasty lunchbox will not magically appear in the fridge come Monday morning. Get organised with the kids (Sunday afternoon) and write a list of what they would like to make for their lunchboxes for the coming week. Then take them shopping encouraging healthy fresh choices. It’s a great idea to give your 26 ISSUE 37 • 2015 kids their own small hand basket for them to fill with fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy snacks. 3 Encourage your children to spend time in the kitchen (Sunday afternoon) preparing and packing their lunchbox. Have some fun making homemade muesli bars and healthy snacks. This will reduce the Monday morning madness and it also helps the kids with their time management life skills. 4 Avoid the ‘packet lunchbox’. Filling a child’s lunchbox with processed and packaged food is devoid of nutrients. Growing bodies and busy minds need real whole food that is fresh from nature and nutrient dense. Children who are fed a wholesome diet from a young age are more inclined to make healthy choices as they grow into adulthood. And you will also be saving the environment, and kids love that! 5 Make lunch interesting! We all love variety, even the kids. By giving them a selection of smaller options they are more likely to eat a healthy range of food options and a wider variety of essential food groups! 6 Make a little extra at dinner time! By making a little extra at dinner time, you can immediately pack the leftovers into small containers for the lunchbox. Ideal leftovers include things like brown fried rice, wholemeal pasta salad, mini quiches and mini meat/chicken balls! 7 Don’t forget to include cold water in the lunchbox. Children do not need sugary juices and sports drinks. Ice cold water is the best option to hydrate busy bodies and best of all, water will quench the thirst without increasing calories. Freezing fruit like orange segments and grapes is also a great way to keep hydrated! 8 Children need guidance to make good choices. Introduce a star system to inspire healthy options, get them to participate in the shopping and preparation, but most of all be consistent and confident that the healthy choices you make today will help your children grow into happy, healthy adults. For more lunchbox ideas and recipes visit or purchase a copy at Go Vita. LIVE WELL Beef Balls Ingredients: • 1 kg beef mince • 1 medium brown onion • 2 eggs d • 4 spring onions finely dice s pea ked • 1 cup coo • soy sauce/tamari (gluten free) • curry powder to taste • salt and pepper • dash of BBQ sauce Method: fan-forced). 1. Preheat oven 180°C (160°C n hands bowl. For best results, use clea e larg in ts ien red ing 2. Place all for the kids!) to mix thoroughly. (Great job version little rice crumbs (gluten free a in s ball l 3. Form into balls. Rol golden. and py cris re mo e littl a m just of bread crumbs!) to make the s. ute min 30 bake for approximately 4. Place on oiled oven tray and s. day ve fi for ge some balls, keep in frid Makes around 30 aweso Revolution Reprinted from The Lunchbox Perfect Sweet™ Chocolate Brownies NATUROPATHS CHOICE Gluten free | Sugar free | flour free Method: 1. Preheat oven 180°C (160°C fanforced). Line a 20cm square cake pan with baking powder 2. Use an electric beater to beat egg yolks, ricotta & vanilla until pale. 3. Add baking powder and Chocolate Bake Mix and combine on low speed. Beat for 2 minutes on medium speed. 4. Using clean electric beater and a clean bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. 5. Gently fold half the beaten egg whites into the chocolate Ingredients: • 3 x 50g eggs, separated • 180g ricotta • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract • ½ tsp gluten free baking powder • 1 packet Perfect Sweet™ Chocolate Bake Mix mixture. Then gently fold in remaining whites. 6. Bake at 180°C (160°C fan-forced) for 10 minutes and then reduce heat to 150°C/130°C fan-forced and bake a further 15 minutes. 7. Cool in pan 10 minutes before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely Makes 12 brownies, keep in the fridge for five days. Thanks to our friends at Perfect Sweet™ for this e. recipe. Tomato Pesto/ Rocket Pesto Ingredients: • 150g semi dried tomatoes • 150g roasted capsicum • 200g fetta cheese (creamy variety) • dash of sweet chilli sauce • 1 clove garlic • cracked black pepper • olive oil Method: Blend all ingredients in food processor. Alternatively, replace tom ato and capsicum with rocket leaves. Fabulous as a dip with cracke rs and vegie sticks. Keep in fridge for five days. Reprinted from The Lunchbox Revolution ISSUE 37 • 2015 27 LIVE WELL guide to popular homeopathic remedies ith advocates from the British royal family to Mother Teresa, homeopathy has stood the test of time. And today, this 200 year old form of medicine is rapidly regaining popularity. Here’s a guide to the most common homeopathic remedies. W What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is a unique system of medicine that aims to promote good health by stimulating the body’s own natural healing ability. It is a natural therapy based on the principle of ‘like cures like’. That is, substances that can cause symptoms of a disease in healthy subjects can be used in minute doses as a treatment for that same disease. For example we know that drinking coffee can over-stimulate the nervous system and cause insomnia, but in homeopathic preparations a micro dose of coffee can be used to relieve insomnia. Common homeopathic remedies and their uses Arnica • Assists body’s natural resistance to shock, injury, fatigue and bruising. • Before and after dental surgery and in times of trauma. • Aids normal muscle recovery after strenuous exercise or exertion. Belladonna • Assists the body’s normal reaction to temperature imbalance. Calc Fluor • Supports healthy healing of muscle injuries, varicose veins Calc Phos • Relieves pains in joints and bones, stiffness and pain in limbs, that’s worse with change in weather. Calc Sulph • Aids healing of cuts and wounds that discharge pus and are slow to heal, also helpful for dry and itchy skin rashes and teenage acne conditions. Ferr Phos • Helps during early stages of fever and inflammation, nosebleeds and teething fever. Kali Mur • Ideal remedy for allergies, sinus infections, and excess mucus, relieves colds when there is white nasal discharge, tongue is coated white and sinus problems exist. • Helps with emotional symptoms including nervousness, anxiety, mental confusion, lack of interest. Kali Phos • Helps during nervous exhaustion, tension, irritability. • Especially usefully in situations of overwork and worry – especially studying. Mag Phos • Helps relieve cramping of muscles, muscular twitching, rheumatic pains, menstrual pains, fatigue and exhaustion. Melantonin • Relieves the symptoms of sleeplessness at night particularly when caused by jet-lag. Nat Mur • Helps relieve fluid retention. • Helpful to overcome situations of sadness, grief and anger. Nat Phos • Useful where there is excess acid, relieves gout, stiffness. Nat Sulph • Helps body’s response to indigestion, heartburn and flatulence. Silica • Assist brittle /ribbed nails with white spots, relieves acne. • Beneficial for relieving sweaty feet. Together we are Stronger ... and Healthier Who are we? CMA is the only organisation that exists to represent the views across the whole of the complementary medicines industry. We promote the role of complementary medicines and natural healthcare products to create healthy communities and to see people taking better care of their bodies. Member benefits We welcome you to join the CMA if you have an interest in complementary healthcare products. Some of the benefits you will receive are: heavily discounted accredited education courses, invitations to our events, access to the Natural Standard Database, and up to the minute industry information. For more information contact Chelsea VanZyl Email: [email protected] Phone: 02 6260 4022 I NEW from Go Vita The Jojoba Company Moisturising Protective Day Cream SPF 15 This day cream is a musthave for those after invisible protection to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and prevent the signs of premature ageing. Containing natural broad spectrum SPF 15 sunscreens, it is suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin. What’s more, it contains no nasties and is not tested on animals! Healthy breakfast cereal alternative! At last a healthy alternative breakfast cereal – Cacao Pops from Freshness Fine Foods – made with organic brown puffed rice, rice crisps, cacao nibs, nuts, seeds and coconut. These are truly delicious and packed full of goodness and gluten free, dairy free and sugar free too! NutriVital Organic Coconut Water Concentrate Probiotic Formula with Lemon Myrtle If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to sugar-laden fruit juice or cordial concentrates, then you will love this idea – all the goodness of organic coconut water with the added benefit of six billion good bacteria per serve! Mix 20ml with 300ml of chilled sparkling water and you have a healthful, 99 per cent sugar free, lactose free, cholesterol free, gluten free, healthy and refreshing drink! One bottle of 750ml concentrate makes up to 10 litres of single strength coconut water and is free of artificial additives and sweeteners! NutriVital Probiotic Coconut Powder All the goodness of coconut and probiotics in one product, with a delicious sherbet-like taste! This instant powder combines freeze dried organic coconut water with 10 billion good bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum) per serve. You simply add one heaped teaspoon of powder to a glass of cold sparkling water for a refreshing, rehydrating drink. Or you can use it as a smoothie base or simply eat from the spoon! What’s more it’s gluten and dairy free and only 44 kilojoules per serve. NutriVital Homeopathic range A new range of homeopathic remedies is now available exclusively at Go Vita. NutriVital Homeopathics includes much-loved favourites such as arnica, mag phos and melatonin. Manufactured to the highest quality standards and packaged in high grade medicinal glass, these remedies are suitable for everyone including babies, pregnant women and where nutrient/drug interactions are a potential problem. NutriVital Homeopathics are affordable and effective with a wide range of applications from easing sprains and bruises to relieving the first signs of a cold. You can trust NutriVital to take care of your family. ISSUE 37 • 2015 29 Go Guide Back to school essentials Water bottles are a ‘Back to School’ essential. And Cheeki’s latest designs will be running off the shelves! Check out the gorgeous 500ml indigo sparkle and for the boys the stylish 500ml matt black, the 750ml curves design has a fresh summer feeling and is fastt becoming a girlie favourite. Cheeki is Australia’s leading brand of stainless steel and ecofriendly lifestyle products providing a healthy, fashionable and environmentally friendly alternative to single-use plastic products. Cheeki’s wide range includes water bottles, insulated bottles, shakers, flasks, coffee cups, food jars and eco bags. eco frie ndly Call into at any Go Vita store to see the wide range of Cheeki styles, sizes and designs. The Goatsmilk Company’s Hand & Body Wash Ideal for all skin types, the Goatsmilk Company’s ’s ben Pa ra d Hand & Body Wash combines pure goat’s milk n a a te with plant derived ingredients to leave your skin S u lp he e r f cleansed and refreshed. r Suga f re e Perfect Sweet™ Goat’s milk is a rich source of essential amino acids, ds, minerals, medium chain fatty acids and vitamins A and E. The restorative proteins, minerals and natural emollients give goat’s milk its anti-inflammatory properties to relieve dryness and moisturise dry, sensitive and itchy skin. The Hand & Body Wash is free of sulphates, parabens and petrochemicals. So mild it can be used even as a baby wash! Bake Mixes For lovers of chocolate Perfect Sweet™ Chocolate Bake Mix is irresistible! It’s made with premium natural ingredients and is sweetened with 100 per cent natural xylitol. For those with diabetes and gluten intolerances, trying to find healthy, tasty desserts has proved challenging in the past. But look no further, Perfect Sweet™ Bake Mixes are free from sugar, gluten, flour, starch, artificial preservatives, flavours and colours. These versatile bake mixes make a variety of healthy low GI, low carb recipes including cupcakes, cookies, brownies and even lamingtons! Great for those on weight loss programs or just the health conscious. Sweet Life a trusted Australian company. Curcumin Plus Willowbark Formula ® MICROgenics MICROgenics® Curcumin plus Willowbark Formula has been formulated with curcumin (Meriva™) and willowbark, and is designed to provide temporary relief from pain, and improve joint function and mobility associated with mild osteoarthritis. Curcumin is not well absorbed on its own, but the unique ingredient Meriva™ is formulated with soy phospholipids for improved bioavailability, and has been combined with willowbark, that may help temporarily relieve lower back pain within two weeks. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional. CHC70317-01/15 30 ISSUE 37 • 2015 Beautiful hair... instantly! Perfect for the gym or travelling, Ambiance ance 100% Natural Tinted Dry Powder Shampoo is as simple as 1, 2, 3: Cover – this vegan product covers 1 thinning hair, regrowth and grey 2 Cleanse – it’s a dry shampoo! – this go-to natural hair make up 3 Conceal tool adds volume and conceals bald spots. Niulife DME® Extra Virgin Coconut Oil now in glass Responding to feedback from customers, Niulife now packs their DME® extra virgin coconut oil (fairly traded from the South Pacific) in handy 500ml and 1L glass jars that reflect the premium quality product inside. DME refers to the direct micro expelling process that takes less than an hour to turn selected mature fresh coconuts into delicious hand pressed extra virgin coconut oil. This award-winning process uses Australian technology, developed by Niulife, that locks in the flavour and the beneficial properties of the coconut oil, all without the use of chemicals. Niulife DME® extra virgin coconut oil is renowned for its exceptional taste. It is 100 per cent certified organic, cold pressed and unrefined – so there is no copra, no refining, bleaching or deodorising, no hydrogenation, no trans-fats, no hexane and no GMO. It’s an alcohol, paraben, sulphate and preservative-free formula, a non-aerosol pack and not tested on animals. Check out the new environmentally friendly 28g refill packs so you can mix colours for a perfect match. Available in five beautiful shades. Your chance to WIN! For your chance to win one of 10 copies of Dr Sandra Cabot’s book – ‘The Liver Cleansing Diet’, simply tell us in 25 words or less why you would love to read this book! Write your answer along with your name, address and phone number on the back of an envelope and SEND TO: Go magazine March book give-away, 3-8/14 Childs Road, Chipping Norton 2170. Or email us at [email protected] The 10 winners will be notified on the 7th April 2015, the be selected based on the most creative responses. winners will b Bounce into 2015! Bounce Natural Energy Balls are now available at Go Vita. The latest flavour Apple Cinnamon Protein Punch is packed with protein and all natural ingredients including cashews, seeds and whey protein. You’ll ffeel fuller for longer with clean and healthy nutrition. Great before or after exercise or a handy snack in your bag when you’re on-the-go. a Onno Behrend ... Everyone’s cup of tea Peppermint tea in the morning wakes up your digestive system Natural green tea mid morning hydrates your system Rosehip acts as an afternoon pick-me-up Camomile relaxes and calms your mind in the evening ISSUE 37 • 2015 also available in LEMONGRASS and FENNEL • ALL NATURAL • NOTHING ADDED • TASTES GREAT • GOOD FOR YOU TOO! 31 Find your nearest Go Vita Health Shop below • call 1800 212 100 or visit AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Jamison 02 6251 2670 Tuggeranong 02 6293 9881 Woden 02 6281 5274 NEW SOUTH WALES Ashfield 02 Ballina Central 02 Ballina Fair 02 Bateau Bay 02 Batemans Bay 02 Bathurst 02 Bondi Junction 02 Byron Bay 02 Caringbah 02 Castle Hill 02 Cessnock 02 Chatswood 02 Chatswood 02 Cherrybrook 02 Coffs Central 02 Coffs Plaza 02 Cronulla 02 Dapto 02 Darlinghurst 02 Edgecliff 02 Engadine 02 Erina Fair 02 Fairfield 02 Figtree 02 Forster 02 Grafton 02 Haymarket 02 Hornsby 02 Hurstville Westfield 02 Katoomba 02 Lake Haven 02 Lane Cove 02 Leichhardt 02 32 ISSUE 37 • 2015 9799 6681 6686 4332 4472 6331 9389 6680 9524 9634 4990 9415 9411 9484 6652 6651 9544 4261 9360 9363 9520 4367 9794 4229 6554 6642 9281 9477 9585 4782 4393 9427 9569 4338 5811 8252 9932 9737 3820 2160 7464 0608 2845 6055 2866 4222 7616 2993 2976 0323 1138 9600 5598 2889 4711 7500 8665 8152 6443 8118 3337 2455 4667 2888 4420 6103 Lismore Manly Marrickville Morisset Mudgee Narellan Neutral Bay Newcastle Newport Beach North Sydney Nowra Orange Penrith Port Macquarie Revesby Salamander Bay Sans Souci Shellharbour Springwood Stanhope Village Strathfield Tamworth Taree Tenterfield The Junction Toormina Top Ryde Toronto Tuggerah Ulladulla Windsor Woy Woy Wynyard 02 6622 2199 02 9977 2222 02 9569 9920 02 4973 3045 02 6372 1661 02 4647 4823 02 9908 2600 02 4929 2809 02 9997 1238 02 8073 3333 02 4421 6319 02 6362 7442 02 4731 1017 02 6583 2224 02 9772 3420 02 4982 0899 02 9529 2444 02 4297 4916 02 4751 6772 Opening soon 02 9746 8686 Opening soon 02 6551 2614 02 6736 5242 02 4969 1102 02 6658 8838 02 9807 4051 02 4950 4022 02 4351 1111 02 4455 3565 02 4577 4702 02 4344 4822 02 9299 5266 NORTHERN TERRITORY Darwin 08 8941 6166 QUEENSLAND Anzac Square Opening soon Benowa Bundaberg Cairns City Capalaba Capri Chermside Chinchilla Corinda Currimundi Earlville Forest Lake Gympie Hawthorne Hervey Bay Indooroopilly Loganholme Mackay Maroochydore Maryborough Mermaid Waters Mount Gravatt Mount Ommaney Paddington Redbank Robina Smithfield Southport Springwood Stanthorpe Toombul Toowoomba Victoria Point West End 07 5597 0703 07 4152 4888 07 4031 0018 07 3245 3877 07 5538 0722 07 3359 0910 07 4662 7066 07 3379 4654 07 5493 2866 07 4054 2481 07 3714 9355 07 5482 6277 07 3399 1002 07 4124 9922 Opening soon 07 3801 2561 07 4957 5800 07 5443 2258 07 4122 3805 07 5578 6505 07 3343 7487 07 3715 8482 07 3368 1855 07 3818 0148 07 5562 2533 07 4038 1662 07 5531 1402 07 3209 3864 07 4681 1575 07 3266 3077 07 4638 5677 07 3820 8233 07 3844 9639 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Colonnades Fairview Green Marion Mitcham 08 08 08 08 8186 8251 8296 8373 5466 4242 8401 6502 Mount Barker Mount Gambier Munno Para Newton Village Semaphore Tanunda Tea Tree Plaza Toombul Victoria Square 08 8391 1576 08 8723 2722 08 8284 1511 08 8337 9818 Opening Soon 08 8563 0244 08 8264 5133 08 3256 6397 08 8231 9454 VICTORIA Ballarat Bayside Berwick Chelsea Doncaster Eastland Forest Hill Greensborough Knox Maribyrnong Mornington Ocean Grove Rye Southern Cross The Glen Torquay Warrnambool 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 5331 9781 9707 9772 9840 9870 9877 9432 9801 9318 5976 5255 5985 9642 9887 5261 5562 5316 4430 1148 5614 2534 2010 5705 8401 5696 6642 1180 4650 4887 2164 8979 3220 3798 WESTERN AUSTRALIA Bunbury 08 Cottesloe 08 Currambine 08 Greenwood 08 Innaloo 08 Kalgoorlie 08 Ocean Keys 08 Southlands 08 Woodvale 08 9707 9286 9304 9203 9244 9021 9407 9332 9309 3248 4993 2413 9322 4324 8509 8481 3920 2931 new Since 2001, NutriVital has been looking after the health of Australians with premium quality natural health supplements. Today, NutriVital naturopaths have applied that same care and dedication to quality, and created a premium homeopathic range of popular remedies. Homeopathy is a 200 year old form of medicine that assists the body to heal itself. The NutriVital Homeopathics range is produced using very traditional methods (ie. hand succussion) to ensure potency and purity. Packed in high grade medicinal glass, NutriVital Homeopathics may help provide affordable health solutions for you and your family’s health needs. NutriVital Homeopathic Remedies ~ energetic medicine at its best. ENDURING TRADITION | GENTLE HEALING | EXCEPTIONAL PURITY | H O L I ST I C H E A LT H E G R A H C SUPER yosumroothie Free COCOBELLA 250ML COCONUT WATER* Just Greens $2495 Just Reds $2995 *Receive a free Cocobella Coconut Water when you purchase a Just Greens or Just Reds. Plus you’ll also receive some certified yummy, supercharged smoothie recipes. Only while stocks last.