strengthening the foundations of community


strengthening the foundations of community
The YMCA of Youngstown, Ohio
The YMCA is more than just a gym and swim. Our Mission is to Strengthen the Foundations of
our Community. Through YMCA programs, we provide the opportunity for kids and adults to be
leaders and for everyone to live healthier, happier lives. In essence we enrich and change lives!
2011 was a year of change for the YMCA of Youngstown.
The Board of Trustees, entrusted with the responsibility
to govern the Y, made several significant changes to
enhance the Y’s ability to deliver programs and services.
meeting in December paves the way for a more effective
transparent YMCA governance.
Our Strategic Planning Committee worked to develop our
new five-year plan, which was adopted by the Board.
Work began in 2012 to implement the recommendations.
In 2011 the Y strengthened our Senior Leadership Team,
increased our use of technology and data to govern and
manage the YMCA and added a Financial Development
and Marketing Director to the YMCA team. We also
changed the organizational structure of our Strong Kids
Campaign and reactivated the Heritage Club to encourage
the development of our endowment funds. We solicited
and received several gifts to improve our facilities and
Please enjoy the stories here that demonstrate the
impact the Y has on the people of the Mahoning Valley.
Thanks for allowing us to deliver quality programs to you
and your neighbors. You have our pledge that the Y will
continue its role as a Valley leader! We look forward to
continuing to serve you and your neighbors.
With input and leadership from many YMCA volunteers,
staff and members, we updated our governance
document for the first time since the ‘70s. The new
Code of Regulations approved at the YMCA membership
Timothy M. Hilk
Chief Executive Officer
John H. Yerian, Jr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees
$62,000 grant funded by Sam’s Club
Giving Program given to kickoff Pioneering Healthier Communities initiative
John 17:21 Endowment established
$60,000 raised at annual Spin-A-Thon for the Strong Kids Campaign
$470,000 raised for the Strong Kids Campaign
3,000 children, families and individuals benefited from over one million
dollars in scholarships
I can do all
things through
Him who gives
me strength.
Philippians 4:13
30,000 sq.-foot Davis expansion received the Boardman
Civic Association’s Building Renovation Award
253 preschoolers grew and thrived in a positive environment at the
Davis YMCA
Over 300 children and families experienced healthy activities at the
Davis YMCA Healthy Kids Day
23 children 8 to13 years old were introduced to Healthy Living through
the FastKidz Program at the Davis YMCA
1,342 pounds shed by Community Cup participants
500 individuals worshipped together at the Central YMCA’s Good Friday Breakfast
10-week Diabetes Intervention Program implemented at the Central
YMCA, funded by the State of Ohio Department of Health/Office of Healthy Ohioans
9 diamond-shaped stained glass windows donated to Camp Fitch Trinity
Chapel representing the nine colored candles in the Candlelight Service
300-foot zip line installed at Camp Fitch 40 feet from the ground
10% increase in summer enrollment at Camp Fitch
Founded in 1883, the YMCA of Youngstown is a powerful association
of men, women and children of all ages and from all walks of life
joined together by a shared passion: to strengthen the foundations
of our community.
Through its Central Y, Davis Y and Camp Fitch, the Y is making a
significant difference in three key areas of focus:
Nurturing the potential of every child and teen.
Improving the nation’s health and well-being.
Giving back and providing support to our neighbors.
Nurturing the potential of every child and teen.
We believe the values and skills learned
early on are vital building blocks for life.
Because of the Y, more young people in
neighborhoods in our community are
taking a greater interest in learning
and making smarter life choices. At the
Y, children and teens learn values and
positive behaviors, and can explore
their unique talents and interests,
helping them realize their potential.
That makes for confident kids today
and contributing and engaged adults
Healthy Kids Day
YMCA Healthy Kids Day improves the health and well-being of families
across the Youngstown area by encouraging parents to make play dates
with their kids every day as a simple way to become a healthier, more active
and connected family.
my oldest son, goes to day camp
“ Jackson,
every summer and the things that they teach
him are just an extension of everything I
want him to learn. The values they instill in
him, the fun that he gets to have and the
things that he’s learned are just nothing that
I could have done alone.
Shari Behun
Improving the nation’s health and well-being.
Being healthy means more than simply
being physically active. It’s about
maintaining a balanced spirit, mind
and body. The Y is a place where
you can work toward that balance by
challenging yourself to learn a new
skill or hobby, fostering connections
with friends through our lifelong
learning programs, or bringing your
loved ones closer together through
our many family-centered activities.
At the Y, it’s not about the activity
you choose as much as it is about
the benefits of living healthier on the
inside as well as the outside.
Diabetes Prevention
and Control Program
More Than Just Exercise
The Central YMCA was selected to
implement the Diabetes Education,
Program, funded by the State of
Ohio Department of Health/Office of
Healthy Ohioans. The program focused
on people at risk for diabetes and was
designed to prevent diabetes through
healthy living. The 10-week sessions
were taught by a certified diabetes
educator, registered dietician,
registered nurse and fitness
specialist. A significant number of
participants lost weight, lowered their
blood pressure and blood sugar, and
learned about the benefits of physical
activity and proper nutrition.
Community Cup
Feel Great Losing Weight
In 2006, the Community Cup leadership
decided to add a new event, an intensive
weight-loss program called Youngstown
Meltdown. The first year, 23 teams of 6
lost a total of 814 pounds. In 2011 the
program evolved to include 48 teams
who lost a total of 1,342 pounds. The
Youngtown Meltdown program steadily
continues to grow year after year. It is
now one of our most popular events,
running a close second to the perennial
favorite – the tug-o-war.
Marisa Litch, team captain for the
Mahoning County Children Services
Board, believes that the Youngstown
Meltdown has had a very positive
effect on the agency. “It has brought
people together to help one another
eat better and exercise; we’ve been able
to motivate one another and there are
numerous people eating better and
exercising more now – even people that
are not involved on the Community
Cup team.”
Since the launch of the Youngstown
Meltdown there have been numerous
success stories. Not only success for
the participants themselves, but also
for the directors who run the Meltdown
program. “It takes a lot of courage and
commitment to accomplish what these
participants are doing,” states Jennifer
Quinlan, Community Cup Director.
“Seeing the smiles on the participants’
faces when they realize what they have
accomplished makes us realize how
much we are helping.”
Jennifer Quinlan,
Community Cup Director
Julie Walker,
Assistant Community Cup Director
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind.”
Matthew 22:37
Ride for The Cause
In 2011, the Central Y hosted another
successful Spin-A-Thon. Thanks to
the generosity of more than 130
corporate sponsors, over $60,000
was raised for the Strong Kids
Campaign. Out of the 200 dedicated
spinners, 40 participants rode for the
entire seven-hour event.
Davis YMCA Expansion
Greater Space, Greater Opportunity
The Davis Family YMCA received the Boardman Civic Association’s Building
Renovation Award for the recent 30,000-sq.-foot expansion on March 21,
2011. Those attending the awards dinner included representatives from the
Davis Family YMCA, Strollo Architects and Davis International. Tom Grantonic,
Executive Director of the branch was pleased to accept the award on the
YMCA’s behalf. “We all expected the YMCA in Boardman to be successful. The
pace at which our membership base grew was the real surprise. This addition
provides the opportunity to impact our community at an even greater level.”
Pioneering Healthier Communities Initiative
Building A Healthier Youngstown
Members of the
Youngstown team include:
Erin Bishop, Youngstown City Health District
Dr. Connie Hathorn, Youngstown
City Schools
Tim Hilk, YMCA of Youngstown
Frank Hierro, Huntington Bank
Sharon Hrina, Akron Children’s Hospital
Dr. Joe Mosca, Youngstown State University
John A. McNally, Mahoning County
Larry Moliterno, Meridian Community
Care, Boardman Township Trustee
Ginny Pasha, United Way of Youngstown
and the Mahoning Valley
Pioneering Healthier Communities
helps communities make policy and Beth Scheller, YMCA of Youngstown
environmental changes that create real, Mike Shaffer, YMCA of Youngstown
sustainable commitments to healthier Rev. Kenneth L. Simon, New Bethel
Baptist Church
living options. The team, which was
brought together by the YMCA of Matthew Stefanak, Mahoning County
Health Commissioner
Youngstown, has a mission of inspiring
families and communities to reduce Tracy Styka, Mahoning County District
Board of Health
childhood obesity through education,
Tammy Thomas, Mahoning Valley
advocacy and systems change.
Organizing Collaborative
Peter Vande Kappelle, MD, Akron
Children’s Heart Center
As an epidemic of obesity and related
chronic disease continues to threaten
our nation, a team of community leaders
from Youngstown traveled to Washington
D.C. in July 2011 to begin a journey that
would make our community a healthier
place to live. Youngstown was one of 10
communities chosen earlier in the year
to convene a team of community leaders
to participate in this community-based
approach by creating sustainable change
through a $1.089 million grant from Sam’s
Club® Giving Program to YMCA of the USA.
I believe without
question, the Y
changes people’s
lives. We’ve talked
to people who say
they don’t know what
they’d do without it.
Howard Friend
70-year Y member
Giving back and providing support to our neighbors.
The generosity of others is at the core
of the Y’s existence as a nonprofit.
It is only through the support of our
thousands of volunteers and public
and private donors that we are able
to support and give back to the
communities we engage.
Capital Gifts
& Endowments
Always Find Ways To Give Back
The John 17:21 Endowment Fund
has been established by several
benevolent donations as a designated
Fund of the YMCA Endowment.
This donor-designated Fund will be
utilized for Christian programming
and outreach. The YMCA Board of
Trustees will utilize the interest and
annual appreciation of the Fund for
specific Christian projects submitted
by Y staff. Contributions to the Fund
can then be utilized into perpetuity.
This Endowment will be overseen by
the Endowment Committee of the Y
Board of Trustees. Those interested
in donating to this fund may contact
Timothy Hilk, CEO or Carol Potter,
Financial Development Director.
United Way Impact
Two Organizations, One Community
Heritage Club
Your Local Legacy
The YMCA Heritage Club exists so
that members can perpetuate the
mission of the YMCA and give a
timeless gift. The YMCA continues to
invite and welcome members to join
the Heritage Club.
In their hearts humans plan
their course, but the Lord
establishes their steps.
Proverbs 16:9
YMCA Retiring
Board Members
Volunteer of the Year
Richard Hahn
Leaving A Rich Legacy
After many decades of service, Bob
Buchanan and Bill Bigelow have
retired as members of the YMCA’s
Board of Trustees, leaving behind
a lasting legacy of dedication and
accomplishment. Bob, who joined the
board in 1975, and Bill, who came
on in the early 1980s, both played
important roles in the association’s
What will the two miss the most?
Both men agree it will be the
fantastic people on the board
with whom they made some very
important decisions that will affect
the entire Y organization for
many years to come. Among those
decisions was the establishment of
the D.D. & Velma Davis Family YMCA
in Boardman. The amazing success
of that branch created a need for
more space and Bob was the obvious
choice as the design architect for
the new addition.
Bill, who made the success of the
Central Y his personal mission, cited
that his reason for retiring was to
provide opportunities for younger
individuals to get on the board and
make their mark.
Bob’s passion for the Y is summed up
in a statement he recently made during
an interview: “I attend the Presbyterian
Church, but my religion is the YMCA. I
felt that when I first got on the board
and I still feel it today.”
The YMCA of Youngstown named
Richard Hahn the Joe Check Memorial
Volunteer of the Year for his
outstanding contributions in support
of the organization. As president of
the marketing firm Keynote Media
Group, LLC in downtown Youngstown,
he has donated his company’s time
and resources on many video and
marketing projects promoting the Y’s
mission and programs.
A member of the Y’s Board of Trustees,
he was a founding member of the first
YMCA Community Cup and continues
to serve as master of ceremonies at
the annual event’s opening program
each fall. He is founder and director
of the annual Joe Donchess Memorial
Win the Last One Win ‘Em All Volleyball
Tournament that has been held at the
Central YMCA on New Year’s Eve day
for the last 28 years.
Born in Mt. Kisco, NY, Richard became
a Y member shortly after moving to
Youngstown at the age of seven. He
says he values the strong personal
relationships that the YMCA fosters
citing those early experiences as the
reason he remains closely involved.
“Growing up in a single-parent home,
the mentoring and support I received
from the Y staff at an early age made
a significant impact on my life,” Hahn
remarks. “I felt I really belonged here,
and I still do.” Believing that every
child in the community deserves
that experience, he is active in the
Y’s annual Strong Kids Campaign
that provides financial assistance to
children and families who could not
otherwise afford a membership. He
also serves on the Y’s marketing and
membership committees.
Previous Joe Check
Memorial Honorees:
Jean M. Ross
J. Richard Bennett
William Schrack
James E. Mitchell
Gordon Harrison
James E. Greene
Daniel J. Mirto
Howard B. Friend
Emma Blackstone
John Storey
Kenneth J. Wilson
James Lottier
John H. Yerian, Jr.
William Richardson
William Bigelow
Al Leonhart
James B. Greene
Howard Hartzell
C. Robert Buchanan
Attorney Thomas J. Lodge
Leah Sabo
Janice JanJanin
I would just like to thank the
community and the Strong Kids
Campaign for changing our lives
and allowing us to be able to
come to the Y.
Ciara Ciccolli & Jules Julius
2011 Scholarship Recipents
We always wanted to become members,
but then we really needed to become
members. With my husband being laid off
and me being sick, it became imperative
that we needed the Y more than ever.
Melissa Cherne & Family
2011 Scholarship Recipents
YMCA Board of Trustees
First row, left to right: Dr. Constantine Economus; William Richardson; Melinda Davies; Timothy Bresnahan; John H. Yerian, Jr.,
President; Timothy Hilk, Chief Executive Officer; Janice JanJanin; Andrea Wood, Secretary/Assistant Treasurer; William Brennan.
Second row: Richard Hahn; Julius Livas; J.D. Mirto; William Russell; Judge George Limbert; Sam Boak; Attorney Thomas Lodge, Past President.
Third row: Donald Harrison; Gregg Strollo; James B. Greene, Vice President; David Bennett; Attorney Thomas Gacse; James E.
Greene; Walter Pishkur.
Missing from photo: William Bigelow, C. Robert Buchanan, Vice President; Msgr. Michael Cariglio; Thomas Cleary; Thomas Fleming,
Vice President; Howard B. Friend, Vice President; Warren Harrell; Attorney Timothy Jacob, Philip Kocon, Treasurer; Garry Mrozek;
Joseph Pipino.
Camp Fitch Board
First Row, left to right: Tony DeAscentis,
James Altiere, Virginia Williams, Barbara
Roman, J.D. Mirto, Brian Rupe.
Second Row, left to right: Dann Olin,
Brian Berlin, Timothy Hilk, Sam Boak, Mike
Seiser, Rick Dearing, Greg Donahue.
Missing from photo: Bruce Broker, Sam
Miller, Susi White, John H. Yerian, Jr., William
Gerson, Amy Mirkin, Larry Teaberry, Eldon
S. Wright, Howard T. Friend, Robert Fulton,
Philip Kilpatrick. Ex Officio: Thomas Cleary,
Ken Wilson, Howard B. Friend.
Operating Revenue
Financial Data
Total Current Assets $2,245,554
YMCA Endowment
Assets $5,332,774
Total Assets $31,492,379
Total Liabilities $341,789
Total Net Assets $31,150,590
Expenses by Functional Area
Operating Expenses
Members Served in 2011
Capital Gifts
Program Participants Served in 2011
D. D. & Velma Davis
Foundation $255,000
Youngstown Foundation $25,000
Home Savings Charitable
Foundation $20,000
Marjorie Hartman Family
Foundation $15,000
Walter E. & Caroline H.
Watson Foundation $15,000
Florence Simon Beecher
Foundation $10,000
Family Camp Auction $6,525
Ruth H. Beecher
Foundation $5,000
Howard & Gert Friend $2,000
Dick & Gwen Bennett $1,500
Ed & Geri Freeze
Nancy Mirto $1,500
William & Louise
Richardson $1,500
Gene & Patricia Taylor $1,500
Greg & Barb Donhaue $825
Tony & Sara DeAscentis $500
Phil & Kelly Kilpatrick $500
Robert & Kathryne Hettler$300
Rob & Nicola Hettler $250
Rosemary Moore $250
Matt & Kelly Poese $250
Christopher Sause $200
Norman & Karen Oliver $150
Tom & Maureen Klucher
Dan & Maureen Vellucci $100
Walter & Judith Zyvith $100
Kevin & Megan Blonder $25
Total $364,575
Endowment Gifts
Anonymous gift establishing
the John 17:21 Fund $20,000
Marjorie J. Kidston Bequest
John H. Yerian, Jr. to the
John 17:21 Fund $250
Total: 13
Thank you for supporting the Y’s Mission.
Hine Memorial Fund
Activate Ohio Diabetes
Education Program
PNC Foundation
Epilepsy Foundation
Western/Central PA
$5,000- 9,999
Bruce Brocker
Michael Bruno
Camp Barclay Diabetes
Chamberlain Household
Edward M. Barr
Charitable Trust
Edward Powers
Charitable Fund
Roth, Blair, Roberts,
Strasfeld & Lodge
Wal-Mart Foundation
John H. Yerian, Jr.
Brian & Christine Berlin
Boardman Printing Tom & Kim Graham
The Business Journal
Norm & Bonnie Crocker
Richard & Anita Dearing
Dearing Compressor &
Pump Co.
Tony & Sara DeAscentis
Edward J. DeBartolo
Frank & Pearl Gelbman
Healthways, Inc.
Hill, Barth & King
Humility of Mary Health
Keynote Media Group, LLC
Charles W. Masters &
Teresa Kondas
In Honor of Becky
Dearing Wall & Rick
Warren P. Williamson,
Jr. Fund
AIM NationaLease
Akron Children’s Hospital
Allstate Foundation
Altronic Inc.
Bruce R. & Nancy W.
Beeghly Family
Mr. & Mrs. George
Richard & Joni Blasé
Boardman Rotary
Burke Charitable
C&V Wholesalers, Inc.
Cafaro Foundation
Anne K. Christman
JP Daliman
Denise DeBartolo-York
Dr. Constantine
Thomas Fleming
Thomas Gacse
Greg & Jamie Gentry
The Georgetown
Greater Youngstown
Italian Fest
Hometown Pharmacy
Janice Janjanin
Kiwanis Club of
Mennonite Foundation
Ian & Petunia Midgley
Millwood & Affiliated
OH WOW! The Roger
& Gloria Jones
Children Center for
Science & Technology
Ohio State Eagles
Dann & Barb Olin
Susan Parker
Peace Race Foundation
Rachel’s Restaurant
Raymond James
Charitable Endowment
Ron & Peggy Ringness
Randy & Laura Shaffer
The Sheetz Family
In Loving Memory of
Grandpa Sheldon
Arnold D. Stambaugh
Steel Valley Tri-Club
James & Joan Stevenson
Taco Management
Walter Terlecky
V & M Star
Norma Jean Vadjunec
Jeffrey Valley Valley Foods, Inc.
Robin & Becky Wall
Watson Family
West View Village
David & Rosemary
Youngstown Foundation
Advanced Dermatology
Aladdin’s Eatery
Alex Downie & Sons Co.
All Points Physical
Toney Altomare
Michael Bachinger
Barry Balliet
Suzanne Barbati
Ken & Sue Barton
Becker Funeral Home
David C. Bennett
W. E. Bliss Foundation
Donna & Sam Boak
Boak & Sons, Inc.
Monsignor Michael J.
David Castilla, DDS
Robert Cene, Jr.
Chamoun, Inc.
Complete Family
Medicine, Inc.
Daprile Insurance
Data Recovery
Services, LLC
Albin P. “Bud” Dearing
Donald and Hanna
DeMarco Family Trust
Phillip & Christine
James & Stephanie Dewar
In Memory of Helen
Stephan Drake
Robert Durick, DDS
FEIC Financial, Inc.
First Place Bank
Community Foundation
Fraternal Order of
Police Lodge #28
Theresa Fusco
Tom Grantonic & Family
Green, Haines,
Sgamboti Co., LPA
Greenwood Foundation
HBKS Wealth Advisors
Harbor Pet Center
Donald Harrison
Rob & Nicola Hettler
Timothy M. Hilk
Rick & Helga Hunneke
Hynes Industries
Intellitech, Corp.
Iron City Wood
Products, Inc.
Timothy Jacob
Johnson & Johnson
Joseph F. Burker
Ken Greco Company
Stanley Kline
Philip & Katie Kocon
Alan Kretzer
Lelia M. Sharp Fund
Robert Lewis
Mr. Thomas & Karen
Craig Long
Robert Lorsch
Foundation Trust
John Luklan
The Lunne Family
Manchester, Bennett,
Powers & Ullman
McCauley Funeral Home
Paul Milligan
Nancy Mirto
Kathleen Mumaw
Muransky Companies
Murray Insurance
Ohio Heart Institute
Richard Organ
Orthopaedic Surgery
Our Lady of Mount
Tom & Marina Parker
Pinnacle Health
Joseph Pipino
Kelly & Matt Poese
Jonathan Politi
Prodigal Media
Prout Boiler &
Welding, Inc.
Pygmy Chieftan
Real Living Ministries
Attorney Bryan Ridder
Joseph Rihvalski
In Honor of Al Rilvalski
Kenneth Rudge
Brian & Lynn Rupe
Herbert Schuler
David Schultz
Josh & Megan Shaffer
Dr. Patrick Shannon
Soss Family Charitable
Spinning Junkies
Spiritual Life Committee
Gregg Strollo
Tri R. Dies, Inc.
United Way of
Youngstown and the
Mahoning Valley
Vinylume Products, Inc.
Morgan & Joyce Winget
Andrea Wood
Worldwide Hideout,
Inc.- Stephen Webster
John & Marie York
Youngstown Lions Club
Youngstown Orthopaedic
Assoc., LTD
Dr. Joseph Zeno
ADE, Inc.
Absolute Kitchen &
Bath Design Center
Advanced Recycling
Systems, Inc.
Jeffrey & Julie Altman
Joe & Lisa Amerson
Robert & Heather
Carl & Melanie Angiuli
Armando’s, Inc.
Arter Insurance
Asphalt Solutions
Anthony & Mary Atchley
Austintown Community
Austintown Fraternal
Order of Police
Austintown Podiatry
Associates Inc.
George Axiotis
Axis Enterprises, Inc.
Balloon Doctor
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
John & Georgia Barkett
Diane Barone & Joseph
Barry Dyngles
Linda Bauwin
Alan Baxter
David A. Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Loren E. Beck
Daniel Becker
Bedford Trails Golf Course
Donald Begezda
Bel Brands USA, Inc.
Bellino’s Lube Plus
Joseph & Gwendolyn
In Honor of Dick
Bennett Sr.
Lee Benson
Susan Berg
Bespokenman, LLC
Bethel Lutheran Church
Attorney David Betras
William Bigelow
Philip Bird, DDS
L.E. Black, Phillips &
Holden Funeral Home, Inc.
Boardman Medical
Supply, Co.
Boardman Poland Jr.
Women’s League
Bodine Perry, LLC
Jeffrey Bond
Dr. Tom Boniface
Boniface Orthopedics,
Melissa & Bill Booth
Bost Workplace Benefits
Sarena Bowen & David
G. Shaffer
Bowladrome Lanes
Mary E. Bowyer
Boyd, Rummell, Carach,
Curry Kaufmann &
Bins-Castronovo Co.
Boys and Girls Club of
Bracketology Experts
Katherine Brammer
Jill Bream & Eric
William Brennan
Mrs. Robert Bristow
Dr. Donald Brunetti
Bruno Brothers Pizza
Courtney Bryan
Buckeye Beverage
Eric & Jane Buckingham
Linda Burke
Burns, O’Hare & Bella
CTW Development
Cafe Cimmento
Robert Calcagni
Camelot Lanes
Martha & Raymond Camp
Jill & Jay Campbell
Campbell Hardware &
Campus Book & Supply
Candywood Golf Club
Canfield Lions Club, Inc.
Canfield Pools, Inc.
Pete Cannell
Canteen Service of
Steel Valley
Carney-McNicholas, Inc.
Thomas Case
Casey Malone Show
Catholic Charities
Catholic Diocese of
Catholic Healthcare
Center for Women
Charles Masters & Co.
Chris & Company
Landscaping & Lawn
Christopher Household
Thomas Cimmento
City Title of Youngstown
Larry Clark
Clayton Heating and
Cleaning Specialists
Thomas Cleary
Cole Valley Cadillac
Community Bus Service
Compco Industries
David Comstock
Carole Conaster
Concrete Restoration
Specialists, LLC
Harry Connors
Corcon, Inc.
Dr. Lynn & Dolores Corder
Cossler Household
Joseph Courtney
Covelli Centre
Covelli Enterprises, Inc.
Theresa Cozad
Douglas Craig
Dr. David A. Crans
Creekside Mortage
DiAnne Crist-Lindberg
Crumps Towing &
Battery Service
Culinary Arts Center
Curbstone Coaches
Cycle Sales
Geraldine Aaron Damore
Dean’s Dairy
Donald DeChellis
Karolina DeCoulon
Michelle DeGenova
John Delillo & Lynlee
Mary DeMaiolo
Diamond Steel
The DiBacco Family
Michael & Lucinda
Monica Doddato
Dominion East Ohio Gas
Greg & Barb Donahue
William Donahue
Jim Donlin
J.W. Dorrance
Brian & Kricket Downie
Majorie Downie
Ted & Julie Downie
Tom & Jen Downie
William Downie
Eva Doyle
John F. Doyle
Edward Drennen
James Driscoll
Larry Duck
Attorney James C. Dunn
Dennis Dunn
Mary Durick
Eagles Wings Construction
& Remodeling
Eclipse Aftermarket
Group, Inc.
Economus Family Practice
Eddie’s Pizzeria
Robert & Rosemary Eddy
In Memory of Kathy
Robert & Suzanne Eich
Carrie Eicher
James Ellashek
Essenture Workplace
Thomas Evans
Everything Buckeyes
Express Print Plus
Eye Care Associates, Inc.
F & G Belleria Advertising
Family Services Agency
Farmers National Bank
Sam Fasline, Jr.
Sam Fasline, Sr.
Carl & Elizabeth Fayard
Yvonne Fayard
Robert Ferraro
First Place Insurance
Jack & Jane Fithian
Five Star Graphics
Steven Floyd
Forman Family
Benjamin Forstag
Four Square Foundation
Frankford Bicycle
Fred Martin Ford
Jim & Grace Freeze
Judy French
Barry Friedman
Don & Amy Friedrich
Howard & Cathy Friend
Howdy & Gert Friend
Jennifer Friend
Scott & Susan Friend
Tina Fusco-Woitek
GBS Computer Solutions
William R. Galla
Michael Garvey
Gary Ford - Task Wizard
Bill & Ilona Gerson
James Gibbs
John & Sandy Gibson
Timothy Gilboy
Gillette Masonry, Inc.
Girard Liberty Rotary Club
Gordy’s Specialty Market
Grange Insurance
Suzanne Gray
Great Garage Doors
James B. Greene
James E. Greene
Greg Rossi Co., LPA
Groover Roofing and
Siding, Inc.
Gulu Electrical
Habitat for Humanity
Hairstyling Concepts
James & Carol Halloran
Kathleen Hamrock &
Patricia Neil
Mark Hanni
Harland Carter
Bill Harr
Warren Harrell
H. Hugh Harroff, Jr.
Elizabeth Haustovich
Nancy Hawkins
Eletherios Hazimihalis
Health Food Center of
Healthridge Medical
Center, Inc.
Peter Heinze
Richard & Barbara Heinze
Marlene Helsel
Shaun & Regina Hennon
James Herr
William Hill, Jr.
Holy Family Church
Holy Name Church
Home Savings & Loan
Kathleen & Otto
Howard Hanna Realty
Sandy Hung
Huntington Bank
Tim Huston
Thomas Hutch
Jason Hyde & Family
Image One Uniforms, Inc.
Donald Inglis
Inner Circle Pizza
Innersource, Inc.
Invisible Fence of
Eastern Ohio
Irish Bob’s Pub
JPI Painting
Tim & Jenny Jamison
Jensen Household
Jet Stream International
Jim & Sue’s Pizza
Jim Pace Motor Cars
Don P. Johnson
Philip & Margaret
Johnson Controls
Ritchie Jones
Terry Jones
Julia’s Bed & Breakfast
Just Your Type Graphics
Mary Ann Kachmer
Kal Sales Company
John Kasich
Laura Kelty
Ke’Mas Auto
Douglas Kimble
Kirkner Electric
Attorney Peter C. Klimis
Pastor Bob & Julie Klingler
Tom Klucher
Knoll Run Golf Course
Keith Koehler
Daniel P. Kollay
Bob Krieger
Jim & Sue Krumpak
William Kunkel
Charles Scott Kunz
Stephen Kusmus
L. & N. Company
L. Calvin Jones & Co.
Lane Funeral Home
LanzScape Photography
Don Larcinese
Michael Larocca
L’Atellier Custom
Lawn Ranger
Chester Leone
Michael Leone
Al Leonhart
In Honor of Al Leonhart
Lucille Leonhart
James Lessick
Ellen Licitra
Lim Family
Nancy M. Linebaugh
Roger L. Linebaugh
Julius Livas
Gary Lockhard
Thom Lodge
Los Gallos Mexican
Mary Beth Lowry
Peter Luchansky
Lori Lucko
Jeff Lyda
Lyden Oil Company
ms consultants, inc.
Merrill Lynch
Father Richard Madden
Richard Magill
Attorney Michael Maillis
Richard & J. Ellen Malson
Nancy Mang
Raymond Manley
Sandra Manley
Janet Marstellar
Fernando & Leticia
Joseph Martin
David Martinson
Masters Touch Massage
Mayflower Wollam
Insurance Group
Cindy Maynard
John L. Mayo
Karen & John McCann
Jeanne McConnell
James Messenger
Micro Doctor, Inc.
Mid America Events, LTD
Beverly Mike-Nard
Lisa Miller
Sam H. Miller
J.D. & Sue Mirto
George Mitchell
Molly Maid
Emma Blackstone Moore
Eric Moore
Brad Munn
Myriad Media Group
Judy Neyman
Northwest Gravel
John Norton
Linda Oddo
Offerdahl Household
Ohio Sports and Spine
Institute, LTD
Abigale Olin
Omega Laboratories
Pat O’Neil
Father Tim O’Neill
John F. Orsini
Bob & Louise Osborne
Joy Osborne
Patrick Pacalo
Thomas Packer
Tony & Kathy Palmieri
Panera Bread
Michael Parish, DDS
Walter Pekkanen
Perantinides & Nolan Co.
Perfecta Products, Inc.
Sandra Perren
Robert D. Perrott, DMD
Michele Perry
Dr. Felix Pesa
Michael & Lori Pesa
Pet Lodge USA of
Thomas Petrarca
The Pettigrew’s
John Pfau
Scott Pflug
Physicians Private
Consulting Groups, LLC
Picino Ciccone
Financial Consultants
Pilgrim Baptist Church
Marilee Pilkington
Ed & Phyllis Pilla
Delores Pipino
Donald P. Pipino Co., LTD
Donald Paul Pipino
Sam Pipino
Walter Pishkur
Poland Medical Center
Brad & Jeanette Powers
David Powers &
Beverly Schor
Preston Auto Company
Provenzale Concessions
Fred Pruitt
R.T. Vernal Paving, Inc.
Ann Raymer
Dr. Bonnie Reeveley
Margaret J. Reinman
Berdina Reis
John Rencewicz
Rhiel Supply Co.
Vincent Ricchiuti
Ralph & Lynn Richardson
William Richardson
James Ries
Cathy Risden
Amy Rizer
Attorney Ted Roberts
Brett Roberts
Roll Forming Corporation
Barbara & Michael Roman
Amy E. Romano
Ralph & Kati Rosato
Jeffrey Rossi
Rossi & Santucci
Funeral Home
Royal Oaks Bar & Grill
Rudzik’s Excavating, Inc.
Randall W. Rummell
Dorinda Rupe
Bill & Linda Russell
Harry Russell
William Russell
Congressman Tim Ryan
S&K Painting, Inc.
Champ Saadey
Sam Pitzulo & Assoc.
C.P. Sammarone
Santon Electric
Lowell Satre
Fred Scarsella
Scarsella Furniture Co.
John & Jennifer Scerbo
David Schaab
Scheller Household
Schiavone Funeral
Home, Inc.
Senator Joe Schiavoni
Andy Schill
Jon Schmied
Schwebel Family
Richard N. Selby
Sangeetha Sethi, DMD
Laura & Randy Shaffer
Shaffer Brothers Irish
Sam Shapiro
Tom & Peggy Sheehan
Nancy & Richard Shertzer
Chuck Siemon
Frank & Lauren Simna
Donald Sniderman
Snovak Floor Covering
Fred Soller
Hilary Soller
James & Janet Soller
Stephen Soyka
Nicholas R. Spagnola
St. Charles Church
St. Elizabeth Boardman
Health Center
Mrs. Evelyn B. St. Julien
St. Matthias Church
St. Nicholas - Holy
Trinity Church
St. Patrick’s Church
Stadium Volkswagen, Inc.
Dr. Shannon Starr
Patricia Starr
Steel Valley Spay &
Neuter Clinic
Troy J. Steele
Patty Stevens
Stifel Nicolaus
Terry Stocker
Anne Stocking
Mary L. Storey
Storks’s Landing
Sure Shot
Nancy Sutton
Sweeney Buick GMC Truck
Sweeney Chevrolet
Team Welham
The University of Toledo
Chi Omega Sorority
Kathleen Thomas
Susan Thomas
Douglas Thorpe
Title Works Agency
Suzanne Tulk
Gary & Peg Tuttle White Turkey Drive-In
Upstairs Lounge
Raymond C. Van Kirk
Victory Christian Center
John Vitullo
W.A.G.S. Canine Rescue
H.S. Wang
Wash On Wheels
Waste Tech
Alicia Watland
Todd Westfall
Presbyterian Church
Whan, Inc.
Rudy Wiesner
Dave Wilkeson
William Price Heating
Co., Inc.
Alice & Ryan Williams
Debbie Williams
Paul Williams
Virginia Williams
Jason & Leah Wilson
Kenneth Wilson
In Honor of Kenneth J.
Wilson, Sr.
Charles Wissuchek
Robert Wollet
Eldon Wright, Jr.
Kevin Wright
Wrist Connection Corp.
YMCA Women’s Getaway
Y Neptunes
Carmen J. Yakubov
Yerkey Chiropractic
Duke Young
Youngstown City School
Youngstown Floor
Youngstown Grinding
Youngstown Thermal, LLC
Yurchyk & Davis CPA’s
Robert & Carol Zajack
Rosanna Zarzycki-Miller
Jason Zillo
The Young Men’s Christian Association
17 N. Champion St.
P.O. Box 1287
Youngstown, OH 44501-1287
PERMIT No. 301
John H. Yerian, Jr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Timothy M. Hilk
Chief Executive Officer
Michael F. Shaffer
Central YMCA
Thomas Grantonic
Davis Family YMCA
Brian Rupe
Camp Fitch YMCA
Patty Tchoryk
Administrative Assistant
The Mission of the Y is to put Christian principles into practice through
programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Our core values unite us as a movement with a
common cause. They are the shared beliefs and
essential principles that guide our behavior,
interactions with each other and decision making.
CARING – Show a sincere concern for others
HONESTY – Be truthful in what you say and do
RESPECT – Follow the golden rule
RESPONSIBILITY – Be accountable for your
promises and actions