VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN AGENDA VILLAGE BOARD MEETING NO. 2925 October 8, 2007 - 7:00 P.M. Fire Headquarters, 1000 N. Midlothian Rd., Mundelein, IL I. II. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. APPROVAL or MINUTES i\. Village Board Meeting - September 24,2007 (Exhibit 1) V. VI. PUBLIC COMMENTARY PRESENTATIONS i\. Oak Creek Village Development Proposal (Exhibit 2) Ronald Boorstein VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS VIII. 1'vIi\ YOR'S REPORT i\. Service Award - Richard Edmunds - Plan Commission B. Mayoral Proclamation - Bradco Gives Back (Exhibit 3) C. Appoinunent of Negotiating Team for Crossroads Restaurant, Sports Bar & OTB Annexation D. Aqua IL Request for Connection to Mundelein Sewage Collection System (Ivanhoe Subdivision) (Exhibit 4) E. Other Reports IX. TRUSTEE REPORTS i\. Public Works (Semple) 1. Motion to approve the Purchase Order in the amount of $162,518.30 to the North American Salt Company to obtain ice control salt for the 2007-2008 season. (Exhibit 5) 1 2. Motion to approve the minutes from the September 24, 2007 Public Works Committee Meeting (Exhibit 6) 3. Public Works Committee Meeting Call October 22, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Re: Solid Waste Contract B. Finance (Sullivan) C. Police (Cancelli) D. Community Development (Voss) E. Permits Committee (Nutschnig) 1. Permits Committee Meeting Call October 22, 2007 - 7:00 p.m. Re: Carmel High School Sign F. Fire COlmnittee (Schedler) G. Other Reports X. SCHEDULED BUSINESS A. Omnibus Vote Items I. Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the amount of $13,000.00 from AT&T, PO Box 8100, Aurora, IL 60507 for Phone Lines. (Exhibit 7) 2. Motion to approve the Local Agency Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Route 45 (ClvIAQ) Sidewall, Project and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. (Exhibit 8) 3. Motion to approve the Engineering Services Agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the Phase 1 Prelitninary Design Engineering of the CMAQ Sidewalk on U.S. Route 45 Project in an amount not to exceed $52,985.60 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Agreement. (Exhibit 9) 4. A. Motion to accept all bids received on September 27, 2007 for the underground pressure reducing stations. (Exhibit 10) B. Motion to award a contract to Elinwood Enterprises, Lakemoor, IL in the amount of $652,320.00 subject to receipt of proper bonding and insurance and authorize the Village Adlninistrator's signature on the contract. (Exhibit 10) 5. Motion to approve Addendum No. 1 to the existing Agreement for Professional Services with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the 2 inspection of certain subdivision improvements with Cardinal Square Phase 1 Subdivision in the not-to-exceed amount of $13,725.00 and authorize the Village Administrator's signature on the Addendum. (Exhibit 11) 6. Motion to adopt A Resolution Rejecting the Bid for the Mundelein Public Works Department Calcium Chloride Delivery System. (Exhibit 12) 7. Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 09/25/07 through 10/08/07 in the amount of $974,856.35. (Exhibit 13) XI. VILLAGE STAFF REPORTS A. Village Administrator B. Village Attorney C. Village Clerk XII. XIII. OTHER BUSINESS EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11), land acquisition pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(5), and personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(1). B. Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting C. Attendance D. Action from Executive Session XIV. ADJOURNMENT 3 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN UPCOMING MEETING SCHEDULE* October 8, 2007 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting October 22, 2007 6:00 p.m. Public Works Committee Re: Solid Waste Contract October 22, 2007 7:00 p.m. Permits Committee Re: Carmel High School Sign October 22, 2007 7:00p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting November 12, 2007 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting November 26, 2007 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting December 10, 2007 7:00 p.m. Regular Village Board Meeting * All meetings will be held at Village of Mundelein Fire Headquarters, 1000 N. Midlothian Road, Mundelein, Illinois, unless otherwise stated. EXHIBIT 1 The 2924'" Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held Monday, September 24, 2007 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, IvIundelein. Mayor Kessler called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. 2924'" Regular Meeting Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Absent: Cancelli. Villagc attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Acting Chief Adams, MFD; Finance Director Hatton, Public Works Director Miller, and Attorney Marino. Attendance Mayor Kessler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge of Allegiance Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of September 10, 2007. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Nutschnig, Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion to Approve the Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of September 10, 2007 Mayor Kessler opened the meeting was opened to the floor. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Jack Forshaw, 167 Prospect Avenue thanked the Village for the concerts in the park in conjunction with the Park District. Mr. Forshaw stated he has enjoyed the concerts and hopes the Village continues to offer the conceits. Mr. Forshaw stated he is concerned with a monopoly for a waste hauler in the Village, it was attempted with cable and learned it did not work. How is the price of service going to be regulated? It is not democratic to have choices. People are getting tasered for speaking out and this is concerning. If it will save money, when will he see it on his tax bill? Mayor Kessler thanked Mr. Forshaw for his comments regarding the concerts, and Assistant Administrator Flynn along with Trustee Voss for their efforts regarding the concerts. Ai; for the waste hauler, it will be bid out for the lowest bid. Trustee Semple stated October 22, 2007 a Public Works meeting will be held to discuss the waste hauler project. Mr. Chris Jenssens, 318 South Hickory Street stated there is a sinkhole in front of his house that has been filled twice and is still a problem. MrJenssens asked for an update. Director Miller stated there is an ongoing investigation regarding this problem and is looking as a sanitaty/sewer problem. It will be televised this week to determine the problem. Mayor Kessler asked Mr. J enssens to provide Director Miller a telephone number for direct contact once the problem and solution are identified. rArs. Amy Jenssens, 318 South Hickory Street stated Public Works was out to fix the sidewalk across the street. They used black top and it does not look good on concrete. Director Miller stated black top was used as a temporaty fix until the permanent fix can be made. 151 Ms. Sarah Powers, 1980 Manor Lane thanked Director of Planning Barrera, Planner Amanda Goski, Trustees Sullivan and Voss for the meeting regarding Clark Street project, it was very informative. Ms. She Powers asked for an update regarding off-track betting. understands Arlington Park has been sending letters to patrons asking them to support the OTB in the Village. Administrator Lobaito stated they are working on their annexation agreen1ent, however a public hearing has not been scheduled. Ms. Powers asked if consultants have been hired to fill cOlmnercial vacancies. Mayor Kessler stated consultants have not been hired, however the Business Development COlmn1ssion has been working on attracting businesses. Ms. Powers asked if cOlmnlssion appointments have any engineering or architectural experience. Mayor Kessler stated they have not had those requirements for COlll1nlssion appointments. Ms. Powers stated the leaf collection program is a great program and hopes they continue the program when selecting a waste hauler. No other comments were made. The public commentary was closed. Floor Closed to Public Mayor Kessler stated there are several comlnlssion appointments. i\Jayor's Report Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to appoint Scott Black as Chairman of the Plan Conllnlssion. COllltnission Appointlnents J'vIotion to Appoint Scott Black as Chairman of the Plan COl111nissiol1 Mayor Kessler stated Chairman of the Plan Conllnission Edmunds announced his resignation and Mr. Scott Black has been a member of the Plan COlmnlssion for a number of years. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Oath of Office Administered Motion to Appoint Wayne W. Brown to the Business Development Commission Oath of Office Administered Motion to Appoint Robin D. Meier to the Plan COlll111ission Oath of Office Administered Clerk Dahlstrom administered the oath of Office. Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to appoint Wayne W. Brown to the Business Development Comlnlssion. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Clerk Dahlstrom administered the oath of Office. Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Sullivan to appoint Robin D. Meier to the Plan COlmn1ssion. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Sullivan, Schedler, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Clerk Dahlstrom administered the oath of Office. Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to appoint John Gallagher to 152 the Police Pension Board. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; ahsent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Mayor's Report (Continued) Motion to Appoint John Gallagher to the Police Pension Board Clerk Dahlstrom administered the oath of Office. Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to authorize the Mayor to execute the Amendment to the Easement Agreement between the Village of Mundelein, Frederick Dempsey and Sandra Dempsey and Pulte Home Corporation. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Nutschnig, Schedler, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion hy Sullivan, seconded by Schedler to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute Lake County Division of Transportation's Municipal Utility/Facility Acceptance on a County Highway pennit application to install and maintain a bitUlninous path located at the Northeast Corner of the intersection of I-lawley Street (County Highway 70) and Chevy Chase Road. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Schedler, Nutschnig, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to accept the Plan C01111nission's rCCOIYllnendations to accept a variance exceeding the outside storage height restrictions in the M-l Industrial District from 8 feet to 16 feet, pursuant to Section 20.40.040(7) referencing Section 20.40.030(7) of the Mundelein Municipal Code. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Oath of Office Administered Dempsey Easement Motion to Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amendment to the Easement Agreement Lake County Pennit Applications - Motion to Authorize the Mayor to Execute Lake County DoT's Municipal Utility/Facility Acceptance on a County Highway Permit Application Northfield mock - 1455 Leighton Tower Road Motion to Accept the Plan COl111nisslon's Recolll111cnclations Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Sullivan to accept the Plan COlnnlission's Findings of Pact. Upon roll call vote) the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Sullivan, Schedler, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion to Accept the Plan Comlnission's Findings of Fact Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Voss to authorize staff to draft an ordinance granting Northfield mock Company the variance to exceed outside storage height restrictions in the M-l Industrial District from 8 feet to 16 feet. Motion to Authorize Staff to Draft an Ordinance Granting Northfield Block Company the Variance to Exceed Outside Storage Height Restrictions in the M-l Industrial District from 8 feet to 16 feet Trustee Voss asked if the variance is for a 16-foot fence. Mr. Robert Monroe, President of Robert Allan Monroe Associates, stated two parcels adjacent to and south of their existing facility. They propose to build a new two-story 15,000 square-foot corporate sales center and showroom. The existing chain link fence will be replaced along the south and east property lines and heavy landscaping will provide additional screening. The request is to have palletized maso111Y material stacked to 16 feet high the fence is six-feet high. Trustee Voss asked what would prevent someone from jumping over the fence and 153 lVIayor's Report (Continued) Northfield l3lock - 1455 Leighton Tower Road (Continued) climbing on top of the 16 feet material. Mr. Monroe stated in the 19 years he has never experienced someone climbing onto the material, not to say it has never happened. Trustee Sullivan asked Mr. Monroe to extend the Board's appreciation to Northfield Block in recognizing the long time and valued corporate citizen. The improvements are exemplary and Northfield Block is leading the way for outstanding improvements. Trustee Nutschnig asked if they already received approval for this variation? Mr. Monroe stated they did receive approval on the variance in the past, however their internal records are incomplete and they wanted to ensure proper compliance. Beldon Place Subdivision Motion to adopt A Resolution Approving a Pirst Amendment to Development Agreement Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Voss, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to adopt A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to Development Agreement. (Resolution No. 07-09-40) Trustee Voss asked if the date needed to be filled in to the Agreement. Attorney Marino stated they couldn't be filled in until the Agreement has been approved. If this motion is approved, today's date will be used. Trustee Voss asked why the Acquisition Notice was not delivered? Attorney Jesse Dodson stated it was an oversight. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Nutschnig, Schedler, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion to pass An Ordinance Amending Zoning Map to Classify Property in R-8 Zoning District Motion by Semple, seconded by Schedler to pass An Ordinance Amending Zoning Map to Classify Property in R-8 Zoning District. (Ordinance No. 07-09-51) Trustee Voss stated this was not rezoned prior because the Acquisition Notice was not received. Attorney Marino stated dIat was correct. She will vote against this motion because she does not feel this development is in the proper area, although she did attend the Sales Opening. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Schedler, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: Voss; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion to pass An Ordinance Approving Special Use Permit for Planned Unit Development, Variations and PUD Development Concept Plan Motion by Semple, seconded by Schedler to pass An Ordinance Approving Special Use Permit for Planned Unit Development, Variations and PUD Development Concept Plan. (Ordinance No. 07-09-52) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Schedler, Nutschnig, and Sullivan; nays: Voss; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. 154 Trustee Semple reported on the Public \'Vorks Committee Meeting. Trustee Semple stated staff would make enhancements and report back to the Board. Trustee Semple stated Omnibus Item 3 is a motion to approve an agreement for professional services with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. regarding the recommendations of the Committee. Public Works Committee Report of Public Works C01mnittee Meeting Trustee Semple called a Public \'Vorks meeting for Monday October 22, 2007 at 6:00 pm regarding a single waste hauler. Public Works Meeting Called 10.22.07 at 6:00 PM Trustee Sullivan highlighted the expense report. l'inance Conuruttee Highlights of Financial Reports Trustee Sullivan stated the big advantage for a single waste hauler is the cost is reduced. The disadvantage is unless the waste is in the container the hauler won't pick it up, however there would be less wear on the streets. Trustee Sullivan would discuss this at the Public \'Vorks Committee meeting. Single Waste Hauler C01TIlncnts Trustee Sullivan requested a meeting with the Finance Director to get an update regarding reimbursable items. Mayor Kessler asked to be ineluded in how the new process is working, whether the changes are effective. Reimbursable Items Request Motion by Semple, seconded by Voss to adopt A Resolution Waiving the Formal Bidding Process for the Purchase and Installation of a Computer Aided Dispatch System from Visionair, Inc. of CastleHayne, North Carolina, Telecommunications Service Console Furniture from Watson Dispatch, Inc. of Appleton, WI and Radio Integration Services from Radicom, Inc. of McHenry, IL for the Mundelein Police Department. (Resolution No. 07-09-41) Police COlmnittee - Motion to Adopt A Resolution Waiving the Formal Bidding Process for the Purchase and Installation of a Computer Aided Dispatch System, TelecolTullunications Service Console Furniture, and Radio Integration Selvices for the Mundelein I'D Trustee Semple asked Chief Rose to sununarize the request. Chief Rose SU1TIlnarized the request. Trustee Sullivan stated he has a concern along with IT is the weakness in the system. They are unable to get parts for the system. This is a budgeted item, and it has been planned for a few years and is needed. Trustee Nutschnig asked if there is an external project manager. IT Director Pedraza stated the project manager is an internal project manager. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Trustee Voss stated Friday September 28 is Mundelein High School's Homecoming. The Homecoming Parade is scheduled for that same afternoon and Mundelein High School has invited the Board to participate in the parade. Trustee Voss stated she would participate and encouraged the rest of the Board. Trustee Semple stated he would be driving the Freshman Float, however it would not be in the trustee role. 155 Community Development COlmnittee lvII-IS Homecoming 09.28.07 Crossroads Trustee Voss stated she received a memo regarding Crossroads and the OTB. She has received much opposition regarding the project. Trustee Voss stated she visited the OTB in Waukegan, but not the restaurant in McHemy. Trustee Voss asked if the negotiating team had been assigned. Mayor Kessler stated the project is not at that stage. Mayor Kessler stated he has received comments in favor as well. The Waukegan location is not the same project that is being proposed. The petitioner needs to do much more before it can come before the Board. Trustee Voss stated she will vote against the motion if it comes before the Board and would like to excuse herself from the negotiating team. Trustee Sullivan stated the project is not an OTB, but an annexation agreement with a new restaurant. The petitioner is proposing a restaurant twice the size as the existing restaurant, and is willing to consider the OTB as a small part of his sports bar. All aspects of the project should be considered before making a decision. Mayor Kessler restated the discussion is premature, it is not on the agenda, nor is the petitioner present to answer and/ or comment. Trustee Voss agreed it was not on the agenda. Trustee Voss stated if the project were to expand his restaurant, she would consider the project. The petitioner approached the County and the County rejected the project. Trustee Sullivan stated the project is not to expand the restaurant; it is to build a new restaurant. At the time it was presented to the County, it was presented in the Shack, and then in the restaurant without improvements; if the same presentation were presented to the Board, d,e Board would deny that as well. Trustee Nutschnig stated the Permits Committee meeting scheduled for Carmel High School sign earlier was cancelled due to the denial of the Appearance Review Committee. Motion to Approve the Minutes of the August 27, 2007 Permits Committee iVleeting Fire Committee Recognition to Acting Chief Adams Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes of the August 27,2007 Permits Committee Meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Trustee Schedler recognized Acting Chief Adams for his exemplaty job he has done for the last year. Trustee Schedler stated Sunday October 7 at 11 :00 am - 2:00 pm is the Fire Station Open House. Open House Mayor Kessler presented the Omnibus Vote Agenda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Omnibus Vote Agenda There were no additions, deletions or corrections. Items Removed from Omnibus Agenda Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Nutschnig to approve the following Omnibus Vote Agenda. 1. Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the 156 amount of $48,747.50 from T.P.I., 7N262 W. Whispering Trail, St. Charles, II. 60175 for Del Wehh Inspections. (Omnihus Vote) Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda (Continued) 2. Motion to approve the proposal from Mundelein Disposal for the 2007 Leaf Collection Program in the amount of $47,070.40. (Omnibus Vote) 3. Motion to approve an Agreement for Professional Services with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $21,890.00 and authorize the Mayor's signature on the Agreement. (Omnibus Vote) 4. Motion to approve change order No. 1 for the Winchester Road Pumping Station Modifications Project increasing the contract value by $14,480.00 and authorization for the Village Administrator's signature on the Change Order. (Omnibus Vote) 5. Motion to approve an Agreement for Professional Services with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $40,000.00 and authorize the Mayor's signature on the Agreement. (Omnibus Vote) 6. Motion to adopt A Resolution Approving an Extension of the Completion Date in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement between the Village of Mundelein and Glen Garden Estates, L.L.c., subject to attorney review. (Omnibus Vote) (Resolution No. 07-09-42) 7. Motion to adopt A Resolution Establishing a Deferred Compensation Plan for the Village of Mundelein. (Omnibus Vote) (Resolution No. 07-09-43) 8. Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 09/11/07 through 09/24/07 in the amount of $1,359,317.46. (Omnibus Vote) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Attorney ?vIarino stated an Executive Session without action would be Attorney's Report - held after the Regular meeting to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11). Executive Session Mayor Kessler stated the Business License Hearing regarding Family Fuel, Inc., DBA Mundelein Clatk would be postponed due to recendy appointed legal counsel. Business License I-Iem'ing 157 regarding Family Fuel, Inc., DBA Mundelein Clark Postponed Motion to Recess into a Liquor Control Commission Meeting Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to recess into a Liquor Control Commission meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Thc 2924'" Regular meeting was recessed The 2924'" Regular mceting was recessed at 8:21 pm. l'dotion to reconvene the 2924'" Village Board Meeting The 2924'" Regular meeting \vas reconvened Attendance Motion by Semple, seconded by Nutschnig to reconvene the 2924'" Village Board Mecting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Nutschnig, Schedler, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. The 2924'" Regular meeting was reconvened at 8:28 pm. Clcrk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees Nutschnig, Schedler, Scmple, Sullivan, and Voss. Absent: Cancelli. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Acting Chief Adams, MFD; Finance Director Hatton, Public Works Director Miller, and Attorney Marino. Motion to Recess into Executive Session Motion by Semple, seconded by Nutschnig to recess into Executive Scssion to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11). Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Nutschnig, Schedler, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: nonc; abscnt and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Thc 2924'" Regular meeting The 2924'" Regular meeting was recessed at 8:29 pm. was recessed I'.'10ti0l1 to reconvene the 2924'" Village Board Meeting The 2923,J Regular meeting was reconvened Attendance No Action Taken After Executive Session Motion to Adjourn Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Sullivan to reconvene the 2924'" Village Board Mecting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Nutschnig, Sullivan, Schedler, Semple, and Voss; nays: nonc; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. The 2924'" Regular meeting was reconvened at 8:57 pm. Clcrk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Absent: Cancelli. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, and Attorney Marino. Mayor Kessler stated therc was an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation and would be no action taken. Assistant Village Administrator Flynn checked thc hallway and no one was waiting. Motion by Nutschnig, seconded by Sullivan to adjourn thc 2924'" Regular Board meeting. Upon unanimous voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm. 158 The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 pm. Adjournment Village Clerk 159 Exhibit 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 440 East Hawley Street Mundelein, Illinois 60060 847-949-3282 fax 847-949-2154 STAFF REPORT To: Mayor Kenneth H Kessler Board of Trustees From: Victor M Barrera, D i r e c t 0 8 / Planning & Development Date: October 2, 2007 For: October 08, 2007 Village Board Meeting Subject: Oak Creek Village (1be Future of Oak Creek Plaza) - 44.9 Acres on the south side of Townline Road, east of State Route 45 intersection Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Southside 0:Jmmercial 0:Jrridor Plan 3. Oak Creek Village 0:Jncept Plan L.- Background and Site Information Enclosed for review by the Mayor and Village Board is a letter and conceptual drawings from Ronald L. Boorstein. Mr. Boorstein is proposing a development on the property commonly known as the Oak Creek Plaza (44.9 acres), located south of Townline Road and east of the Route 45 intersection, and is currently zoned G3 Commercial. Surrounding land uses include commercial uses to the north and west; a utility easement and industrial uses to the east; industrial uses to the north; and a mixed use/ multi-family development proposed to the south, which is currently a commercial use. Mr. Boorstein owns and manages Oak Creek Plaza, the current site of Menards, Leisure World and other retailers. The anchor tenants are leaving the site and the remainder of the tenants will not remain unless the entire retail center is relocated closer to Route 45 and/or Townline Road. The northern portion of the site contains outlots, which are both included and excluded from the redevelopment plan. The outiolS are to remain at the current locations. Running alongside the creek at that point is the Diamond Lake Drain, which connects to Indian Creek about 3/4 miles south of Route 45 and west of Route 83. Oak Q-eek Village Concept Village Board October 08,2007 Page3 of 3 Recommendation It is recommended that the Village Board provide feedback to the petitioner on the following items: 1. Proposed Land Use 2. Concept Plan 3. Building Architecture 4. Density 5. Amenities VMB/AMG/sd n~~i;~COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ ~ 440 East HawleyStreet Mundelein, Illinois 60060 Legend ~ r L. o Road Centerlines ., J Village Limits Parcels Project Location . Location Map: Oak Creek Village a 125250 • • 500 750 1,000 Feel 847-949-3282 fax: 847-949-2154 D N 2001 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN ILLINOIS Prepared By CAMIROS, LTD. Chicago, Illinois ~_.: -- " j :; ,I,; l";'~'l' ___ . ,;I _ , • ' \ i~;:j ' . l;l " 100-"\. .~~. 15"~ . ., ¥ ,-", . c. ~.~ "- ' il ;l~,," -_ ..••• '~llr~: -, " r ~:..., \'J,f J :r,:-: iJ~· .~,..,~"v'-' > t • .•• , " " " ,~':- . "'\'~~'1l'1-' "... . '~,.... , "-y ...... \~ ... :-J .. ~ ...-: lMARyi _,~_/ . ....... - , ,..,.. I·:;. ., J , "- ! 'N,QR'fH/SOqW "::•• -'"~1U1'c~cCf~.P~ ' , . 1 Il.. LJ ". 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FIc,nt'.· lOll ~:·".:'r)::f' J\ddltlon~J l-k::1..l."il('q TI'IHEATS :b'lOC':; V1"~·'''Cto.;:~ nase '-It?.~.tUV~ rtF·p~l'':'. :.""' f~(l~.t..:I~nt:,I] ~I L'("'C{!'j V:-1I..iI?·; --- f.i9/Jf e 9 KEY ISSUES SOUTHSIDE COMMEHClAL COHRIDOR PLAN Mundel~:in, Illinois .Ut} ,,'.c- (AMIROS ... _,. ""'¥ ~ . ., -0. " ...... ~A""" : _. .•- .......... -." • "" • .., .. ' 4~" f_~ 4. IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES The following improvement strategies are intended to provide the basis for a program of key projects designed to fulfill the "Vision" for the Southside Commercial Corridor. It is important to note, however, that the real ization of these strategies will depend on joint participation of both public and private sectors. No one group will be successful if they are left to act alone. Moreover, these strategies are long term in nature. Their implementation will take time given the need to await implementation actions of other entities such as Metra, the need for certain markets to mature and the costs of certain public proposals. Yet, the essence of planning is to have sound ideas and actions in position for timely implementation. Therefore, these strategies are meant as a guide to long term planning, not as a program for immediate action. PREMISES These strategies also rest on certain key premises that build upon the characteristics and potentials of South Mundelein. These are: I. As a regional crossroads, South Mundelein has an oppottunity to capitalize upon the visibility and traffic flow occasioned by its location as a terminus of the Route 60 Corridor. Yet given the level of investment already in place within that corridor, there is great inettia to continue to invest east of Butterfield Road rather than at this crossroads. To that end, there is a need to differentiate South Mundelein from the existing Route 60 development so as to establish its own development presence and make it a specific target of the development industry. 2. To become such a target, the South Mundelein regional crossroads must reflect development and market realities, yet also evolve with a distinctive, and coordinated character that results in a particular image that is attractive, and not yet available, to the real estate market in other areas near the crossroads. 3. A strong plan, containing a distinctive, yet achievable, image, can do much to engender developer interest in South Mundelein. The strategies listed below, and as reflected in the Southside Commercial Corridor Plan, provide the basis for this tmage. 21 SIX KEY STRATEGIES Strategy #1: Develop Mixed-Use Commercial Infill Attractive, high-quality, mixed-use infill is needed to create a regional commercial destination. Developments that include commercial, enteltainment, office and residential uses are desirable destinations for shoppers because of the mix of merchandise and activities that follow. Mixed-use developments are patticulariy attractive investments for developers and business owners al ike because of the high concentrations of patrons they attract. Transit-oriented developments are among the most successful mixed-use models because they incorporate regional transportation facilities and, therefore, appreciably increase patronage. The key to this last form of development is the attraction of a Metra station to serve the proposed EJ&E cross regional commuter line - an idea under study by the regional agency, but not yet committed to an improvement program. Strategy #2: Increase Housing Options for Village Residents Predominately, the Village offers single-family homes or multi-family rental accommodations. Additional options for housing would make Mundelein a more attractive place to live, and invest, to a broader range of people. In today's world, a wide range of family types, work situations, individual needs and specific preferences for housing types exist. Communities that offer a variety of housing types attract diverse populations, which most often benefit those communities. The development of owner-occupied condominiums or townhomes for retirees and "empty-nesters," with little or no yards to maintain, would enhance the range of housing types available within Mundelein and help to create a unique environment in this area. In addition, the area holds the long-term potential to accommodate some housing that might be integrated with commercial development. Young professionals are also attracted to this type of housing as they may not be prepared to commit to the purchase and upkeep of a traditional single-family home. This type of housing is also becoming attractive to seniors. Strategy #3: Develop Additional Industrial Sites The industrial park areas of Mundelein contribute greatly to the stability and success of the Village. Effort should be made to expand the existing industrial park with a focus on Large undeveloped parcels abut the Tower Road corporate office development. Industrial Park. Expansion of the land area of the park would provide acreage for business expansion that would be beneficial to the Village. 22 Strategy #4: Improve the Safety and Function of Infrastructure Successful commercial districts depend upon easy access and movement between development sites. Access into development sites should be provided from as many directions of travel as physically possible. Points of entry should lead from one site directly into another. Pedestrian circulation should be improved. Just like cars, pedestrians need convenient access to goods and services in order to take full advantage of them. Commercial developments should be easily accessible from surrounding neighborhoods and pleasant to walk through. Care should be given to balance both the driving and walking needs of patrons. The realignment of select major intersections would increase both the safety and function of the Village street network and result in the creation of desirable development sites. The extension of key streets would improve circulation and, in some cases, could provide access to additional development sites. Strategy #5: Enhance Visual Character and Identity of Village Today's culture values aesthetics. Improving the appearance of the Commercial Corridor can make believers out of many skeptics. It is impOltant for the area to have a unique visual character if it is to attract new business investors and shopping patrons. Visitors to South Mundelein should sense that they have entered a special place that is unlike others they have visited. A unique visual character should be established with streetscape enhancements. These enhancements would include elements such as boulevard and gateway treatments, traffic lights on decorative poles, street lighting, street trees, fencing, landscaped planting areas and decorative signage. These elements should be designed to create a distinctive setting unique to Mundelein. Strategy #6: Develop High-Quality Public Space High-quality public space amenities foster civic pride. Care should be given to not only develop commercial space but also to integrate it with desirable public space. People can be drawn into the area by creating attractive and unique places where leisure time can be spent meeting with friends and acquaintances, strolling, reading and watching children play. South Mundelein should be a fun place to be, whether or not one has a specific reason to be there. This can be done. in part, through careful physical design improvements. Diamond Lake is an asset to the community. A public amenity such as a boardwalk or deck feature should be integrated into new commercial development along the Lake so 23 , ••••••• ;l. t: '1 .-c.... •.. ~ " , " ¥ oe- l • " " flEAl.lGN ROAD ,." "" '. -~ •• ••"• ••• •• • . I ," ,i • . ~. ~, 5~. " " "J. ~ 'w •• !\t boA'...·/·d.., ....... " " J':N1HANCE J G/\lEW,\Y U\NOSC APE itA n~E .'.'--" KeY IN1ERSECT10N LA:-JDSCAPE r:~."" TI..RE _..i. ..•, • -- Figur",: 10 FRAMEWORK PLAN ----' ;c - SOUTHSIDE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR PLAN M\.IT1(II~lein. Illinois (" ;\ :\!\ I '. " • -j .,., .~ \..{I/ R, 0 S _.",.~, , ... ' ....... - ' J • • • ,-' •••••' ••. Oak Creek Commercial/Townhome Development A key development site for upscale townhome development is located on eastbound US 45 between Lake Street and the ComEd easement. As illustrated in Figure 13, Oak Creek CommercialiTownhome Development, new streets are proposed to provide connections between Oak Creek Plaza and both US 45/Lake Street to the west and eastbound US 45 to the south. These streets would provide access to key residential development sites. As illustrated, a circular street layout accommodates sixty-four dUiJlex townhome dwellings depicted in yellow. Landscape entrance features mark the entrances to the new streets. Tree planted landscape medians reduce the speed of traffic and provide a unique visual character for the neighborhood. A series of walking trails provide connections to water retention features and wooded areas, and to a mix of shopping and entel1ainment venues. Streetscape and Gateway Enhancements A successful program of streetscape enhancement can strengthen the overall market appeal of the area and make it more competitive with other shopping districts and residential communities. A series of comprehensive enhancements is illustrated in the Illustrative Concept Plan. Key elements include street edge treatments, key intersection treatments, planted medians, and Village gateway entrance features. Street trees and pedestrian-scaled lighting on decorative poles are proposed along the sides of the roads. Special landscape treatment areas that utilize berms and a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees are proposed for water retention areas. Key street intersections and shopping center entrances are treated with ornamental trees and shrubbery to make them highly visible. In key locations such as the proposed transitoriented development site, brick columns with iron fencing and pedestal lighting are proposed to create distinct settings that are unique to the area. In all cases, lighting should satisfy IDOT photometric requirements for vehicular safety. Figure 14, Visual Character, illustrates a concept for the landscape treatment of the intersection of US 45/Lake Street with ILL 60/Townline Road. This treatment could be utilized throughout the area and serve as the model for Village gateway entrance features. Key locations for gateway features are indicated with yellow stars on the Illustrative Plan, and they include the intersections of Townline and Butterfield Roads, Allanson and Butterfield Roads, ILL 60/83 and Diamond Lake Road, and at the Village corporate limits on ILL 83 traveling nOl1h from Long Grove. Overhead utility lines detract from the overall appearance of the commercial center of South Mundelein. Buried utility lines would greatly enhance the appearance and function of the area. This is an important decision that may effect the selection of landscape materials used for beautiltcation. When possible, all utility lines within the commercial center of South Mundelein should be placed underground. 29 • !~Jllr 1=-- I OAK CREEK COIV1MERCIAU TOWNHOME ... __ DEVELOPMEN'T .0------------··_-~_ ~_. SOUTHSIDE COMMERCIAL CORRIDOH PLAN Mundelein, Illinois ii .~, ,. 11':)( \_\.\\ "C., 0', .... ~ .• ~~.~. Plans for the future widening of ILL 60/Townline Road have been integrated into the illustrative drawing. Most notably are the increased turning radii at the intersections of Townline Road with US 45/Lake Street and with ILL 83. Planted landscape medians are illustrated on US 45/Lake Street south of the railroad corridor, and on ILL 60/Townline Road between Butterfield Road and ILL 83. It is anticipated that the installation of the medians would require the widening of ILL 60 and, therefore, would be a project for the Illinois Department of Transportation. Industrial Park Expansion and Enhancement Additional industrial development sites could be accessed with an extension of Tower Road west to US 45/Lake Street, illustrated in Figure 15, Industrial Park Improvements. Not only would this roadway extension provide access to development sites, it would also improve traffic circulation throughout the entire industrial park and relieve traffic congestion lI'om the intersection of Allanson and US 45/Lake Street. This extension would, however, pass through a wetland area. As a "next-step," a feasibility study should be undertaken to assess the cost-benefit ratio of the proposed development. Additional expansion sites could be accessed from Tower Road just south of Allanson Road. A cul-de-sac would provide access to undeveloped propelty behind Biologic. All told, there are approximately 110 acres in the existing Tower Road industrial park area. The potential acreage gained by these two roadway extensions totals approximately 47 acres. The buildings depicted in dark purple represent 300,000 s.f of additional enclosed space. The development of corporate office buildings along the Tower Road extension is recommended to enhance the professional image of the industrial park and to provide a desirable transition between industrial park functions and Lake Street. Streetscape tn:mrrlc:rIl~ :SflUUlU 01,;; [ucau:u along me new roao l ana gareway emrance featUres developed at both the intersections of Lake Street and Allanson Roads. The implementation of these land use and design recommendations would greatly enhance the visual character of the industrial park and reinforce its position as a prominent partner within the Mundelein community. Diamond Lake Intersection Redevelopmel1lt The intersection of US 45/Lake Street, Allanson and Diamond Lake Roads represents a tremendous opportunity for the Village not only to improve the safety and function of its infrastructure, but also to create a successful mixed-use development with a unique green space public amenity at Diamond Lake. Figure 16, Lake & Allanson Detail Plan, illustrates the redevelopment potential of the area. As it exists, the intersection of Lake Street and Allanson Road is awkward and often difficult for motorists to negotiate safe turns. A realignment of the intersection IS proposed to bring it in line with Diamond Lake Road. As an added benelit to the 32 ahpcr Off;,? 2007 /1/faqc 13cdrc::lt////Zl.5iCC5 UI/riC51j KcYld'W OAK CREEK VILLAGE (The Future of Oak Creek Plaza) During the last eighteen months Oak Creek Plaza has lost two of its larger retail tenants and it has been unable to replace them. Also, both of its anchor retail tenants have advised Oak Creek Plaza that they will leave the Center when their cunent leases expire. The remaining retail tenants are willing to continue to be in the Center after their leases expire only if they can have stores which are basically adjacent to Route 60. If the Center is reconfigured so that it has retail stores just along Route 60, it will have approximately 40 acres of land which are presently occupied by the Center that must be utilized in another manner. We have conducted a great deal of research to decide on the best use for that property. Attached hereto is a Memorandum from the Real Estate Planning Group which summarizes significant aspects of that research. From 2000 through 2006 the number of people who commute from Lake County to Chicago for their work has increased by 1,000 per day. In that same period the reverse commuting from the central city has increased by 7,000 per day. That trend is not only continuing, it is growing. That conclusion is supported by a 2006 report published by the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies, excerpts of which are attached hereto. A large number of the people being employed in Lake County are young, upwardly mobile professionals. These young professional people, like most of us when still single or newly married, start out living in apartments. Upscale apartments will have a great appeal to young professionals and, perhaps, also to a number of retired empty nesters. That conclusion is also supported by the Harvard University report. Consequently, from our research we have determined that for the large tract of land which Oak Creek Plaza must redevelop the best use is a group of first class apartments. Based on the conclusions from our research we have designed a group of luxury apartment buildings to be located south of the new retail stores we will build close to Route 60. Those apartment buildings will be surrounded by and interspersed with substantial green areas. Included in our plans is a park along the creek with walking and bicycle paths. We also plan to have a centrally located activity complex with an outdoor and indoor swimming pool, exercise equipment and rooms for meetings and parties. What we have envisioned is a self contained village of upper level apartment buildings which should become and continue to be the place where the growing ranks of young north and northwestern suburban professionals will want to live. Although they may remain only three or four years, while they are here they will make a meaningful, positive economic impact in the Village. Moreover, when they are ready to buy homes with yards, they should consider doing so in Mundelein. To be successful we will need to sustain a strong demand as the place to be for the tenants we want to attract. To do that we must not only construct luxury units, we must constantly maintain all of the buildings and all of the amenities in the best possible condition. Providing that type of upkeep will be expensive. Generating the necessary funds will require developing, renting and operating several large buildings with a total of 700 to 800 separate units. A complex of that size and nature should provide the cash flow we will need to carry out our ambitious program and sustain it for many years. 2 MEMORANDUM February 20, 2007 To: Ronald L. Boorstein Oak Creek Plaza From: Larry Lund Real Estate Plarming Group Re: Oak Creek Plaza Redevelopment It is our understanding that, during the last five (5) years or longer, the Oak Creek Plaza Shopping Center has had great difficulty retaining retail tenants, particularly those that occupy more than 10,000 to 15,000 square feet. Furthennore, Oak Creek Plaza has had no success in obtaining new retail tenants of that size. As a result, you are being forced to make plans for redeveloping Oak Creek Plaza as a mixed use Center with a large number of residential units and smaller retail users. There are four factors which should have a significant impact on the decisions you will be making about the type of residential units Oak Creek Plaza should develop: 1. In the area in Lake County around Mundelein, apartments that are both designed and built well and are properly maintained are qnickly leased at rates that exceed $1.55 per square foot. In order to afford those rates the family incomes of the tenants must be $65,000 or more per year. 2. Primarily because they have less school age children, residents in apartments do not place as great a demand on community services as the owners of homes, townhouses and condominiums. 3. Luxury apartments tend to attract residents with higher income levels than moderately priced townhouses or condominiums. 4. 1. In the general vicinity of Mundelein in Lake County, there is a substantial over supply of unsold single-family homes, condominiums and townhouses. Shortage of Satisfactory Rental Apartments In October 2006, Real Estate Planning Group conducted a survey of professionally managed rental properties in the Vemon Hills area. That survey showed that developments like Museum Gardens were virtually full, with occupancies of at least 97%. A survey by Appraisal Research Counselors of 14 multi-family buildings with 3,708 rental units in Lake County (which excluded the submarket in the WaukeganGumee area) reported an overall vacancy rate of 3.8% at the end of December 2006. (Suburban Chicago Apartment & Condo Conversion Benchmark RepOli, Appraisal Research Counselors 4th Quruier 2006, page 22) Since 1996, only eight multi-family developments with a total of 1,781 rental units were built in Lake County. Based on a survey of 3,798 dwelling units in Lake County (which excluded the submarket in the Waukegan-GUl1lee area), Appraisal Research Counselors has determined that 1990 was the median year of construction of all the rental units which are presently available. (Suburban Chicago Apartment & Condo Conversion Benchmark RepOli, Appraisal Research Counselors, 4th Quarter 2006, page 129) Over the past seventeen (17) years, the Village of Mundelein has issued permits for 3,588 housing units, only a very small percentage of which were for multi-frunily structures with five (5) or more units. Since 2000, Mundelein has issued only six (6) housing permits for multi-family rental buildings with five (5) or more units. (SOCDS 2 Building Permits Database, February 13, 2007) II. Apartments That Are Designed and Built Well and Are Properly Maintained Will Attract Tenants Who Will Be Desirable for Oak Creek Plaza and the Village The AMLI apartment complex at Museum Gardens in Vemon Hills has net effective rents of $1.55 per square foot, with no concessions. At AMLI Windbrook and Chevy Chase, with smaller unit sizes than at the Museum Gardens complex, rents are $1.40 and $1.45 per square foot. The newest large rental project in Lake County is the Riverwalk Place in Buffalo Grove, which began leasing in November 2006. Rents there average $1.60 per square foot. (Suburban Chicago Apartment & Condo Conversion Benchmark Report, Appraisal Research Counselors 4 'h Quarter 2006, page 129) With rents at $1.55 per square foot, a one-bedroom apartment of 875 square feet would rent for about $1,356 per month and a two-bedroom apartment of 1,345 square feet would rent for approximately $2,085 per month. To afford rent of $1,356 per month a family must have an annual income of $55,000 or more. To afford $2,085 per month a family must have a yearly income of at least $75,000. III. Rental Apartments Are Occupied By Very Few School Children In Lake County approximately 44% of renters are under the age of 35 years and only 16% of those families have school age children 6 to 17 years old living in their apartments. The percentage of school age children living in single family homes, townllOuses and condominiums in Lake County occupied by owners is almost twice as 3 high. Also in Lake County 16% of the rental apartments are occupied by people who are 60 years of age or older and those units have almost no school age children living in them. (American Community Survey 2005 Lake County, US Census Bureau) IV. There is an Over Supply of Unsold Single-Family Homes, Condominiums and Townhouses. As of December 2006, Lake County had an inventory of 8,382 unsold housing units, which included 3,700 unsold townhouses and condominiums. Based on current sales rates, which rate was 1,236 units in 2006, it will take 35.9 months to work off just the inventory of existing, unsold townhouses and condominiums. There were only 1,474 sales of single-family homes in Lake County during 2006. With an unsold inventory of 4,682 as of December 2006, it will take even more than three (3) years to liquidate the inventory of existing, unsold single-family homes. (New Home Executive Summary: Chicago, Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, Fourth Quarter, 2006 pages 8 and 13-14) 4 Selected Quotations from AMERICA'S RENTAL HOUSING Homes for a Diverse Nation Published in 2006 by the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University Renter Demographics Page 4 Most notably, over 80 percent of all households aged 25 or under are renters, along with two-thirds of those aged 25 to 29. While the share of renter households declines steadily with age, large numbers of older Americans - including 4.1 million households with heads aged 65 and older - also rent their homes. Rental Housing Production Page II Fueling some of the increase in asking rents is the fact that newly constructed units are larger and provide more amenities than older apartments. In 2004, some 57 percent of all new multifamily apartments had two or more bathrooms, compared with just 35 percent of units built in 1984. Over this same period, the median size of newly built apartments increased by a third to 1,160 square feet (Table A-I). Spatial Patterns Page 12 Households have been steadily migrating fi'om densely settled urban cores to lower-density areas for decades, encouraged in large part by the expansion of the highway system and the ideal of single-family suburban living. During the 1970s, 84 high-density center cities (with 1970 populations of over 100,000) experienced significant population losses - a collective total of 4.2 million residents or 11.3 percent of their 1970 populations. Spatial Patterns Page 13 Nevertheless, center city growth continues to lag well behind suburban growth. As decentralization proceeds, households are living farther and farther from the historical center of metropolitan areas. In 1970, half of all households in the nation's 91 largest metro regions lived more than 8.9 miles from the central business district (CBD). By 2000, that boundary had pushed to 12.2 miles. Over this same period, the number of large metros where at least one-fifth of households lived 20 or more miles from the CBD increased sharply from 17 to 44. Spatial Patterns Page 14 In 1980, the nation's center cities were home to more than 60 percent of all metropolitan area employment. Just 20 years later, though, the majority of jobs had shifted to the suburbs. Over this period, the fastest employment growth was occurring in the lowest-density counties at the metro fringe. Even the inner-ring suburbs saw larger job gains than center cities. Spatial Patterns Page 14 With this decentralization of employment have come new commuting patterns. In the past, people tended to live and work in the center city or commute from so-called "bedroom suburbs." Today, some 44.6 million individuals both live and work in the suburbs, an increase of more than 8 million in the last decade alone. The number of workers that "reverse commute" - that is, live in the center city and commute to a job in the suburbs or beyond - has also climbed sharply, up 21 percent or 2 million since 1990. Spatial Pattems Page 16 Nationally, one in four employed center city residents now works in the suburbs. The extent of reverse commuting, however, differs widely across metro areas depending on the size of the center city relative to its suburbs, as well as the degree to which city job growth has lagged behind suburban growth. For example, the share of reverse commuters ranges from over half in Detroit, to approximately a third in Dallas and Los Angeles, to just a tenth in New York. Regardless of these differences, though, the share of residents in the nation's 10 largest center cities that commute to distant jobs has grown markedly over the past two decades (Figure 17). Summary Page I Many higher-income renters could buy homes but prefer to rent because they want to maintain a flexible lifestyle, with easy access to work and the amenities of the city. Others rent because they want to take advantage of the low transactions costs, at least relative to those involved in homeownership. Still others rent to avoid the risk of a potentially volatile home purchase market. NOTE: OVERSIZED EXHIBIT AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING IN THE CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE Exhibit 3 MAYORAL PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Mundelein Village Board believes that instances of assistance to others that occur within the Village should be recognized and honored; and WHEREAS, on September 8, 2007, Bradco Supply Corporation came to the aid of Mundelein Resident, Shirley Werba, residing at 538 MOlTis Avenue; and WHEREAS, Bradco Supply Corporation, along with Waukegan Roofing and Simonton Window Company, provided labor and materials free of charge to repair Ms. Werba's roof and installed new windows in her home as a part of their "Bradco Gives Back" program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Board ofTrustees of the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois, that Bradco Supply Corporation be recognized and commended for their generosity and concem for others and that they be presented with this proclamation in honor of their actions. PROCLAIMED, signed and sealed this 8th day of October, 2007, in the Village of Mundelein, Lake County, Illinois. Mayor Attest: _ Village Clerk Exhibit 4 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN OFFICE OF THE VILLAGE ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDUM To: Kenneth~' Mayor . Kessler. Board of Tmste s J From: John A. ~ito, Administrator J007 Date: October 41 Re: Aqua Illinois Request for Connection to Mundelein Sanitary Sewer System (Ivanhoe Subdivision) Background This past August, Administration received a letter from Aqua Illinois Inc. requesting that Mundelein consider a sewer connection between the Ivanhoe Wastewater Treatment Facility and Mundelein's sewage collection system. The Ivanhoe Wastewater Treatment Facility services the Ivanhoe Country Club and the residential areas of the Ivanhoe subdivision. The Division Manager for Aqua Illinois, Tod McCleary, stated in his letter that they need an alternative for discharging effluent during the winter months. The estimated amount of flow is 60,000 gallons per day. Analysis On the surface, the request looks as if it is a simple request. However, when you examine more closely the questions and issues that arise if the request is approved, the answer to a simple question becomes complex. This is due in part to the overlapping agencies that would have some jurisdictional control over the answer. The agencies that would have some level of say in this matter would include the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA), Illinois Department of TranspOliation (!DOT), Lake County, and Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Currently Mundelein's Facility Planning Area (FPA) boundary extends to the west property line of Del Webb. The enclosed location map depicts the boundary line in red. In order to allow connection, it would be necessary to prepare a Water Quality Amendment Application (FPA boundary expansion) and seek IEPA approval for modification. Currently the Ivanhoe wastewater treatment facility is located in the Northwest Lake FPA. Lake County would have to agree to the change. There are currently more than twenty development projects that have either been approved or are in the development review process. Some of these developments are significant in terms of the capacity impact on Mundelein's wastewater treatment facility. Although by agreement the Village does not guarantee sewer capacity for new development, we keep a watchful eye on the daily flows at the plant. There is no question that Mundelein has the capacity available to receive the effluent. The question that must be asked is does Mundelein want to reduce the available capacity for current proposed developments that are under consideration or potentially risk not having capacity available in the future by allowing a connection from Ivanhoe and future requests from outside the corporate limits of Mundelein? The Village Board may want to establish a policy with respect to sewer connection from unincorporated areas of Lake County. Upon evaluation by Public Works Director and Village Engineer, a concern was expressed regarding the sewage collection system in Ivanhoe being outside of our authority to enforce regulations and standards adopted by the Village and lor by the IEP A. There are strict standards that must be adhered to and in those instances where there is suspect of violations, the Village would have little authority to investigate problems in the Ivanhoe Subdivision. Mundelein would potentially have little control over what is being accepted into its system. If the Village Board elects to proceed with the request, it is not recommended that they be permitted to purchase bulk treatment. The prefelTed billing method would be through the installation of a flow meter. Additionally, a complete review of the IEPA record on the treatment facility would be necessary to ensure there are no outstanding violations. Considering the potential problems and risks associated with the request, it is recommended that the Village Board deny the request. Thank you. JALlmgc Attachments A UA IllinoisSM T: 847.487.7341 F: 847.487.7843 316 S. Main Street Wauconda, IL 60084 August 2, 2007 Village of Muodelein Alto: Mr. John Lobaito, Village Administrator 440 E. Hawley Street Muodelein, Illinois 60060 Re: Ivanhoe Waste Water Interconnect Dear Mr. Lobiato: Aqua illinois is interested in making a sewer couoection between our Ivanhoe Wastewater Treatment Plant and your Sewage Collection System. The reason for this connection is that during the winter months Aqua is not able to apply the eflluent to the golf course. Aqua needs an alternative for discharging effluent. The maximum flow would be up to 60,000 gallons per day. We would like to mow if we can purchase bulk treatment from you, and what we would need to do to set this up. Feel free to contact Mike Nargang, Aqua illinois Engineer or myself with any questions or concerns. Sincerely ~;wJG~~_ _ Tod McCleary, Division Manager Aqua illinois, Inc. Northern Division Cell 815-980-5501 Office 847-487-7341 Fax 847-487-7843 Cc: Mike Nargang, PE Aqua Illinois, Inc. Cell 815-791-6533 Office 815-935-8800 ext 260 Fax 815-935-6529 Bill Emmerich, Village Engineer Village of Muodelein ---··· rI R~,l,.'J'~' X;;:- f' AUG i i) f; 20m i ADlvIlNfSTRATOfl'S OFFICE "Village of l'1lJJldelctll COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ , ~ 440 East Hawley Street .. . Mundeletn, lllinOls 60060 I1. w\V\v.tnunc e eU1.or .. " . l. . ~ .< ( " ~,' Legend = c::] Road Cenlerlines Village LIfTll1S Parcels 847-949-3282 _ tax: 847-949-2154 g 1 I~.I€ .. • • • -:1 ,.~ "..\-II: Y\ do ' ,//"1 ?:.. . Location Map: Ivanhoe Wastewater Treatment Facility j N , , , ", I " I , , , JOO ~ •• t Exhibit 5 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRUSTEE REPORT To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: Kenneth A. Miller - Director of Public Works For: Village Board Meeting Subject: 2007-2008 Ice Control Salt Summary The Public Works Department is seeking the approval for the Purchase Order to obtain ice control salt for the 2007-2008 season, through the State of Illinois Purchasing Program. Recommendation To approve the Purchase Order in the amount of$162,518.30, to the North American Salt Company. • • For Village- Administrator Recommendation: " ... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 440 E. Crystal Street, Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone (847) 949-3270 Fax (847) 949-9208 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: Mayor Kenneth A. Kessler and the Village Board of Trustees Kenneth A. Miller - Director of Public Works' October I, 2007 Purchase Order Approval Request - 2007 - 2008 Ice Control Salt As each winter season approaches, the Public Works Department initiates the activities necessary to prepare for winter conditions in relation to ice control and snow removal operations. In regards to ice control, historically the Public Works Department contracts the purchase of ice control salt through the State of Illinois Purchasing Program. Again this year, the vendor through the State Purchasing Program is the North American Salt Company. In the recent past, the department's allocation has ranged from a low of2,500 tons, to a high of 4,000 tons of salt a season. The allocation being requested this season has increased 500 tons, which is 3,500 tons. The State Purchasing Program requires that at least 70% ofthe requested allocation be purchased (2,450 tons). In a severe winter season, the contract provides the ability to purchase 130% of the allocation (4,550 tons) at the same per ton cost. The cost per ton for the upcoming season is $41.65 delivered to the Public Works Department Complex. This is a decrease of $.03 from last season's price of $41.68 per ton. As such, the budgeted amount for the upcoming season can provide up to 3,902 tons of salt to the department if required. Thc department had allocated allowances available at the end of last years winter season. The department order'ed enough salt to load the storage facility, which can accommodate 2,500 tons. The department is request~g approval ofthe'Purchase Order in the\lmount 01$.162;'518.30, for the purchase of this seasons ice control salt allocation. Page Two Purchase Order Approval Request - 2007 - 2008 Ice Control Salt Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. Thank you, Cc: John Lobaito - Village Administrator Joe De Vito - Deputy Director Craig Schaul - Street Division Superintendent Attachments ICECONTROLSALTPlJRCHASE.SNOWICE200J-2008 Village of Mundelein Public Works Department Purchase Request Encumbrance Purchase ,------------------. Order Number L J DATE :_-,0,,-,,9!.-'/2,,-,8~/2,,-,0~0.!...7_ Vendor No: Deliver To: Purchase From: North American Salt Company Village of Mundelein 6192 9900 West 109th Street Street Maintenance Division 440 E. Crystal Street Overland Park, Kansas, 66210 Mnndelein, IL 60060 DISTRIBUTION QTY UNIT PRICE DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL $41.650 $74,970.00 4440 7541 om Ice Control Salt - Street Maintenance Funded $41.650 $87,548.30 4402 7541 To Be Order By Craig Schaul or Joe DeVito $0.000 $0.00 On an as needed basis for the 2007/2008 $0.000 $0.00 Winter Season $0.000 $0.00 Contract No. PSD4014341 $0.000 $0.00 Contact Name: Patrick Heenan $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 Grand Total REQUESTED BY: (DIVISION) $162.518.30 APPROVED By Department Head: 401 DATE: 09/28/2007 #900 #901 Budget Veri ication Check Ite-m In lIem Not I Accl. Under AceL Over Applicable Budget Budget Budget Budget Alithorizations Required Signatures Required YIN Signature Finance Director Administrator 14226 ACCT om Icc Control Salt - MFT Funded o o o o o o o o o Board ORG Date of Board Approval Date Village of Mundelein Public Works Division Purchase Request Vendor No: Deliver To: Purchase From: North American Salt Company 6192 9900 West 109th Street . Village of Mundelein - Public Works Street Maintenance Division 440 E. Crystal Street Mundelein, IL 60060 Overland Park, Kansas, 66210 DISTRIBUTION QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT TOTAL ORG ACCT i 800 Tons Ice Controi Salt - MFT Funded $41.650 $74,970.00 4440 7541 2102 Tons Ice Control Salt - Street Maintenance Funded $41.650 $87,548.30 4402 7541 o o o o o To Be Order By Craig Schaul or Joe DeVito $0.000 $0.00 On an as needed basis for the 2007/2008 $0.000 $0.00 Winter Season $0.000 $0.00 Contract No. PSD 4014341 $0.000 $0.00 Contact Name: Patrick Heenan $0.000 $0.00 o $0.000 $0.00 o o o o $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 $0.000 $0.00 Grand Total $162,518.30 For Office Use REQUESTED BY: DATE: APPROVED By Divisi • 401 09/28/2007 .. , For Public Works Use Authorizations Re uired ulhorized By Department Head: DPO / DPR Issue ype DPO DPR 14226 Date Issued Number Issue III '_ - North AITl6ricBn Salt COnJpany Customer Order Letter A Compass Minerals Company September 24, 2007 Mary Village of Mundelein 440 East Hawley Street MUNDELEIN,IL 60060 Customer 10: 704470 NASC appreciates the opportunity to service your deicing salt requirements for the upcoming season. Your orders, whether delivered or pickup, should be placed directly with the following depot: Depot Order Contact Milwaukee, WI North American Sait Co. 2001 S Lincoln Memorial Dr Kathy / Gracie Tel: (414)482-3434 Fax: (414)482-4451 Hours:7:00 A.M .• 3:30 PM Toll Free Depot # 1-800-592-6612 Milwaukee, WI 53207 Ship To: Village of Mundelein 440 E. Crystal SI. MUNDELEIN, IL 60060 Destination 10: 758010 Maintaining a sufficient suppiy of deieing sait is an important step towards a successfui winter maintenance program. Frequent and early ordering ensures you have inventory on hand to meet the next snowfali and assists your servicing facility in arranging deliveries at a time convenient to your operation. NASC recognizes the importance of safe and clean roads. The goal of our organization is to consistently exceed your service and product quality expectations. Please help us to serve you better by contacting the Highway Sales Department at (800) 323-1641 (24 hr. message service) or by Fax at (913338-7945) with any questions or comments. Also, if any of the above customer information is incorrect or has changed, please notify us. Thank you again for your business! Sincerely, NASC Highway Sales Department Monday, September 24,2007 - 14:47:45 Page 497 of 587 Exhibit 6 Public Works Committee Meeting Storm Water Drainage Issues September 24, 2007 A Public Works Committee meeting was held Monday September 24, 2007 at 1000 North Midlothian Road, Mundelein. Chairman Semple called the meeting to order at ~:04 pm. Meeting Called to Order Clerk DaWstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Commissioners Nutschnig, and Voss. Village attendance: Mayor Kessler, Trustee Sullivan, Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Village Engineer Emmerich, and Public Works Director Miller. Attendance Chairman Semple stated the pillpOSe of the meeting was to discuss general storm water issues describing recent storm occurrences and staff recommendations. Chairman Semple stated Village Administrator Lobaito would comment first and Village Engineer Emmerich would provide a PowerPoint presentation and discuss with Public Works Director l'v1iller and Deputy Director DeVito staff recommendations. Pmpose of Meeting Trustee Schedler arrived at 6:06 pm. Village Administrator Lobaito commended Mr. And Mrs. Jacobsen for their skill at providing information, which has been used for this presentation. Village Administrator Lobaito stated much work has already been done regarding this issue, but there is more to do. Administrator Lobaito stated it is one thing to have the streets and yards flooded, it is another thing to have water coming into any home, and the Village takes this very, very serious. Short term as well as long-term plans will be discussed. Administrator Lobaito introduced Village Engineer Emmerich to make the presentation. Comments by Administrator Lobaito Village Engineer Emmerich stated the Village is the owner of the storm water collection and conveyance system. Ownership requires attention to detail, a commitment to continuous improvement and perpetual care and maintenance. Engineer Emmerich stated the Storm Water Development Plan has complied with the Watershed Development Ordinance since 1992. The localized poor drainage areas (LPDA) exist and must be addressed systematically. PowerPoint Presentation by Engineer Emmerich Engineer Emmerich state the long-term goals and solutions are: Long-term Goals & Solutions • • • • • Protect people and property by adequately managing storm water runoff with adequate attenuation and conveyance. Address localized poor drainage areas Provide operation and maintenance Integrate storm water runoff quality improvements through NPDES MS4 permit Educate the public on self-help strategies Public Works Committee Meeting (continued) Short-term strategies Short-term strategies are: • • • • • • Monitoring storm events by Public Works Provide assistance to the lnaxll11ul11 extent practical Educate public Focus on hot spots (\'7ellington, North Lake Shore and Holcomb) Seavey Ditch Phase II improvements Update Storm Water Master Plan (System description, Prioritize Capital Project spending and provide funding) Engineer Etlli11erich stated most LPDA have been identified, however we need to solicit the public to ensure all LPDA are known and whether they are still issues. The Village needs to inventory and map LPDA and other areas of concern. The Village needs to identify probable causes and remedies and update the Storm Water Master Plan including prioritizing capital projects. ReC01TI111Cndatiol1s Discussion Engineer Emmerich rec01llinended the Village Board maintains their commitment. Communicate and involve the public, possibly "Adopt and Inlet" program. Develop and sustain a funding source such as an Enterprise Fund via utilities and continue proactive maintenance. Commissioner Voss asked how many chronic issues listed in the 1992 plan are still chronic issues. Administrator Lobaito stated in 1987 there were 30 issues listed, there are less today, however he did not have an exact number. Commissioner Voss asked if any devclopment since 1992 has created anew drainage issues. Engineer Elllinerich stated these drainage issues have not been caused by new development. Trustee Schedler asked how Fairhaven School was identified. Engineer Emmerich stated they were identified based on observation and a modeling exercise. Trustee Schedler asked if the issues on North Lake Shore are caused by the Seavey overflow. Engineer Etllinerich stated the issues are not caused by Seavey overflow because North Lake Shore is at a higher elevation. Engineer Emmerich stated he believes it is a capacity and inlet issue, Trustee Sullivan commented on the Seavey Ditch and the Cairo Pond. Residents have indicated water is coming back from the sewer and sanitary waste is coming into the streets. Engineer Emmerich stated if blockage occurs then the system will back up. Administrator Lobaito stated trus was a hot spot that was investigated. It was cleaned all the way to the Cairo Pond, as well as televised. The investigation is still being conducted, bnt Director Miller and his staff did find the oudet to the pond has settled approximately a foot and a half, which restricts the flow. Mayor Kessler asked if the storm water and sanitary systems are separate, why are they connected in issues. Director Miller stated in the 1980's two sanitary systems reports and studies were conducted. The decision and 2 the EPA approved plan were not to address private portion of the inftltration of the sanitary system, however many other repairs were made to the sanitary system. Public Works Committee Meeting (continued) Chairman Semple asked if there are any quick fIxes? Administrator Lobaito stated a study is being done on the "hot spots~', however it is not cOlnpletcd. Discussion (continued) Director Miller stated in 1986, there were over 15 inches of rain. This past August was the highest rainfall in our history. In 1986, streets were flooded and you couldn't drive anywhere. Much has been done to minimize any flooding issues. Chairman Semple stated he realizes maybe 150 homes were affected in 1986, and only ten houses are currently affected, however if you own one of the ten houses, it isn't reassuring. The Village needs to do everything that can be done as soon as possible without waiting for the next budget year. Chairman Semple stated the Public \'(Iorks committee would report back to the Board once the shldy is complete. Chairman Semple acknowledged the residents in the audience and stated the Village is trying to do all they can to minimize all flooding issues. Chairman Semple adjourned the meeting at 6:56 pm. Village Clerk 3 Adjournment Exhibit 7 , VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT Omnibus Agenda Item For Board Meeting of 10/08/07 Date: September 24, 2007 To: Mayor and Board of Trustees From: Mary K. Hatton, Finance Director on the behalf of the Police Dept. ..... , . ~. Subject: Purchase Order Approval Summary The Village's purchase order policy requires the Village Board prior to issuing a purchase order or acquiring the product or service approve all purchases over $10,000. Attached is Departmental Purchase Request exceeding the $10,000 limitation. Board approval is respectfully requested. Recommendation \ Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the amount of $13,000.00 From: AT & T PO Box 8100, Aurora, IL 60507 For: Phone Lines Attachments: YES (Departmental Purchase Request Form) For Village Administrator Recommendation: (/ . Village Of Mundelein Departmental Purchase Request Encumbrance Purchase Order Number _ DATE: 5/18/07 Purchase From' AT&T Vendor No: Deliver To' Village of Mundelein 162 Police Dept ----------------._------------~------'--------------- Po Box 8100 Aurora IL 60507-8100 221 North Lake St. Mundelein, IL 60060 QTY ______-,UNIT UNIT DESCRIPTION PRICE ~D~ISTRIBUTION TOTAL ORG ACCT. 911 Lines 837-8592 $2,000 3160 7310 Phone lines/ pay phone except comm. svc. $8,000 3101 7310 Downtown Resource Center 837-9413 $3,000 3103 7310 PO 17363 CLOSED First PO for 07/08 fiscal year closed due to Line 2 going over. Negotiations completed and we will receive a credit for months charged at higher rate w/o a contract. $13,000 {,F~or~D~e~agrt.!!'m~en".'t~U~se"---------~==~~--~..c::;z.I__f._-----.REQUESTED BY: APPROVED By Departme == -, __ For Finance Use ut orIzations ReQUire Signatures Required Finance Director Administrator Board YIN "\ 'i '-\ Signature 'I ;il tJ.-., ~q(7'v t;...9-3 P-? 'vv-- \i'--"._.. <) ,I / \/\ j ~ ) d ' 1 0,000.00) Approv et.: by the Board (Required Over$l T:\finance\wordlPrlDept. Purch. Request \j Date cy !z.-'J.I 0'7 ! -- Exhibit 8 OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting October 8, 2007 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: William M. Emmerich, Village Engineer Date: October 1, 2007 Subject: CMAQ Sidewalk - US 45 Hawthorne Boulevard - Hickory Street Local Agency Agreement for Federal Palticipation Phase I Engineering Services EXPLANATION Mundelein must approve the Local Agency Agreement with the Illinois Depaltment of Transportation prior to the expenditure of CMAQ grant funds. MOTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve the Local Agency Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the Route 45 (CMAQ) Sidewalk Project and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement. YES BUDGETED ITEM: ATTACHMENTS: YES X _--'X"-'- NO NO For Village Administrator Recommendation: "1": C:lpilal Projcl:lsTI\I.-\Q Sidewalk {US ~j)'Phase J - I'relimillary Design Olllnibus IQrjoilIl rumling.Joc _ N/A _ ~ ~Hinois Department of Transportation Village of Mundelein Local Agency Agreement Section Fund Type for Federal Participation 08-00083-00-SW STA Job Number Construction Project Number Day Labor Slate Contract Local Agency Job Number Local Contract RR Force Account X ITEP Number Rieht-oF-Wav Enaineerina Project Number P-91-061-08 Job Number Project Number CMM-8003(892) This Agreement is made and entered into between the above local agency hereinafter referred to as the "LA" and the state of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as "STATE". The STATE and LA jointly propose to improve the designated location as described below. The improvement shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the STATE and the STATE's policies and procedures approved and/or required by the Federal Highway Administration hereinafter referred to as "FHWA". Location US Route 45 (Lake Street) Local Name Termini FAP 0344 Route Length 0.795 Miles Hawthorn Boulevard to Hickory Street Current Jurisdiction Existing Str. No State N/A Project Description All Preliminary Engineering Phase I required For a sidewalk installation project. Division of Cost Type of Work FHWA Participating Construction Non-Participating Construction Preliminary Engineering 42,400 Construction Engineering Right of Way Railroads Utilities TOTAL $ 42,400 % STATE % LA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) $ % Total ) ) 10,600 SAL ) 53,000 ) ) ) ) $ 10,600 $ 53,000 'Maximum FHWA (STA) Participation 80% Not to Exceed $42,400.00. NOTE: The costs shown in the Division of Cost table are approximate and subject to change. The final LA share is dependent on the final Federal and State participation. The actual costs will be used in the final division of cost for billing and reimbursment If funding is not a percentage of the total, place an asterisk in the space provided for the percentage and explain above, The Federal share of construction engineering may not exceed 15% of the Federal share of the final construction cost. Local Agency Appropriation By execution of this Agreement, the LA is indicating sufficient funds have been set aside to cover the local share of the project cost and additional funds will be appropriated, if required, to cover the LA's total cost. Method of Financing (State Contract Work) METHOD A---Lump Sum (80% of LA Obligation) METHOD B--Monthly Payments of METHOD C---LA's Share divided by estimated total cost multiplied by actual proqress payment. (See page two for details of the above methods and the financing of Day Labor and Local Contracts) Printed 9/6/2007 Page 1 of4 BLR 05310 (Rev. 6/07) Engineer's Payment Estimates in accordance with the Division of Cost on page one. (15) And certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief its officials: (a) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) have not wHh',n a three-year period preceding this Agreement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a pUblic (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements receiving stolen property; (c) are not presently indicted for or othelWise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in item (b) of this certification; and (d) have not within a three-year period preceding the Agreement had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, local) terminated for cause or d'efault. (16) To include the certifications, listed In item 15 above and all other certifications required by State statutes, in every contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. (17) (State Contracts) That execution of this agreement constitutes the LA's concurrence in the award of the construction contract to the responsible low bidder as determined by the STATE. (18) That for agreements exceeding $100,000 in federal funds, execution of this Agreement constitutes the LA's certification that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress or any employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a Member of Congress, in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions (c) The LA shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all ties (including subcontracts, sUbgrants and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. (19) To regulate parking and traffic in accordance with the approved project report. (20) To regulate encroachments on public right-of-way in accordance with current Illinois Compiled Statutes. (21) To regUlate the discharge of sanitary sewage into any storm water drainage system constructed with this improvement in accordance with current Illinois Compiled Statutes. (22) That the LA may invoice the STATE monthly for the FHWA and/or STATE share of the costs incurred for this phase of the improvement, The LA will submit supporting documentation with each request for reimbursement from the STATE. Supporting documentalion is defined as verification of payment, certified time sheets, vendor invoices, vendor receipts, and other documentation supporting the requested reimbursement amount (23) To complete this phase of the project within three years from the date this agreement is approved by the STATE if this portion of the project described in the Project Description does not exceed $1,000,000 (five years if the project costs exceed $1,000,000). (24) Upon completion of this phase of the improvement, the LA will submit to the STATE a complete and detailed final invoice with all applicable supporting supporting documentation of all incurred costs, less previous payments, no later than one year from the date of completion of this phase of the improvement. If a final invoice is not received within one year of completion of this phase of the improvement, the most recent invoice may be considered the final invoice and the obligation of the funds closed. THE STATE AGREES: (1) To provide such guidance, assistance and supervision and to monitor and perform audits to the extent necessary to assure validity of the LA's certification of compliance with Titles II and III requirements. (2) (State Contracts) To receive bids for the construction of the proposed improvement when the plans have been approved by the STATE (and FHWA, if required) and to award a contract for construction of the proposed improvement, after receipt of a satisfactory bid. (3) (Day Labor) To authorize the LA to proceed with the construction of the improvement when Agreed Unit Prices are approved and to reimburse the LA for that portion of the cost payable from Federal and/or State funds based on the Agreed Unit Prices and Engineer's Payment Estimates in accordance with the Division of Cost on page one. Printed 9/6/2007 Page 3 of 4 BLR 05310 (Rev 6/07) 09/05/2007 08:54 8153851781 SMI TH UII3n1EERnll3 ADDENDUM,C;,\ll Exhibit 1 Location Map N US Route 45 Sidewalk Project Village of Mundelein Lake County Location of Projcct US Route 45 Hawthorne Boulevard to Hickory Street Exhibit 9 OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting October 8, 2007 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: William M. Emmerich, Village Engineer Date: October 1,2007 Subject: CMAQ Sidewalk - US 4'5 Phase 1 Engineering Services Agreement fvt--- EXPLANATION Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. will perfonn Phase I Engineering Services for the design of sidewalk along Lake Street between Hawthorne Blvd. and Hickory Street under a not-to-exceed contract amount of $52,985.60. Under the tenns of the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant agreement, eighty percent of these costs, or approximately $42,388.00 will be eligible for reimbursement. MOTIONS REQUESTED: Motion to approve the Engineering Services Agreement with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc., for the Phase 1 Preliminary Design Engineering of the CMAQ Sidewalk on U.S. Route 45 Project in an amount not to exceed $52,985.60 and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Agreement. YES ~--OX"--_ BUDGETED ITEM: ATTACHMENTS: N/A~~~_ X YES For Village Administrator Recommendation: DATE: -I-+------''--''--+--=--t----'L-f---~~_ T:'Clpilal Projecls U"'I!\Q Sidewalk IUS ~jr Phase I - Prclimil1ar~' Design omnibus cnginct"rillg agrccl1lClll.dOl' Exhibit 10 OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting October 8, 2007 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: William M. Emmerich, Village Engineer Date: September 28, 2007 Subject: Grand Dominion Subdivision Water System Improvements Contract Award for Underground Pressure Reducing Stations ~ EXPLANATION The elevation of the new Winchester Road storage tank would cause excessive water pressure in areas of the Village without the installation of pressure reducing controls. These underground pressure-reducing stations are a part of the water system improvements required for the Del Webb community. On Thursday, September 27,2007, five (5) bids for the installation of underground pressure reducing stations were opened. The lowest responsive bidder is Elmwood Enterprises of Lakemoor, IL, with a bid of $652,320.00. Pursuant to the annexation agreement, Pulte Home Corporation is obligated to fund this work by depositing Water Facility Payments in the amount described in the Agreement. MOTIONS REQUESTED: 1. Motion to accept all bids received on September 27, 2007 for the underground pressure reducing stations. 2. Motion to award a contract to Elmwood Enterprises, Lakemoor, IL, in the amount of $652,320.00 subject to receipt of proper bonding and insurance and authorize the Village Administrator's signature on the contract. YES BUDGETED ITEM: ATTACHMENTS: YES _ Bid Summary NO_~X~_ N/A _ NO For Village Administrator Recommendation: BY: 01 DATE: T:·$ubdidsiom AC'TIVE'GrJlld Dominion - Del Webb\\\'~ler sySh~11I illlpfI)l'cm.:nls'Pressurc Reducing SI~lions·O,\INIl)US·bid:lw~rJ Elmwuod Ellterprlscs.Jo~· COMPARISON OF BIDS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE BY ITEM UNDERGROUND PRESSURE REDUCING STATIONS VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN PROJECT 20632000 ITEM DESCRIPTION BIDDER Di Meo Brothers, Elmwood Bolder Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Contractors, Inc. Mosele& Associates, Inc. 1 Furnish and install the Pressure Reducing Station at the Route 83 Elevated Water Tank Site. $210,000.00 $201,800.00 $216,000.00 $228,000.00 George Kennedy Construction Company, Inc. $217,595.00 2 Furnish and install the Pressure Reducing Station at the Creekwood Drive Site. Furnish and install the Pressure Reducing Station at the Fieldcrest Drive Site. Furnish and install the Pressure Reducing Station at the Dunbar & Midlothian Road Site. $160,000.00 $122,260.00 $140,000.00 $152,000.00 $133,100.00 $149,160.24 $185,000.00 $142,890.00 $150,000.00 $164,000.00 $140,650.00 $163,878.24 $220,000.00 $185,370.00 $210,000.00 $208,000.00 $186,920.00 $170,568.24 $775,000.00 $652,320.00 $716,000.00 $752,000.00 $678,265.00 $680,934.96 3 4 TOTALS Engineer's Estimate $197,328.24 Note: Engineer's estimate has costs for controls subcontractor, mobilization, contingency, bonds, insurance, general conditions, overhead and profit distributed between bid items. DJ 9/27107 Exhibit II OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM For Board Meeting October 8, 2007 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees From: William M. Emmerich, Village Engineer Date: October 2, 2007 Subject: Agreement for Professional Services - Addendum No. I Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. Construction Observation Cardinal Square Phase I EXPLANATION: Cardinal Square has required an unexpected amount of inspection effort to complete the public improvements. The fees collected by the Village from the developer for the engineering inspection of these activities have been nearly exhausted, with a considerable amount of the work remaining. Based on the present pace of work the remaining activities (through and including subdivision acceptance) an estimated additional $13,725.00 of effort is required. MOTIONS REQUESTED: Motion to approve Addendum No. I to the existing Agreement for Professional Services with Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the inspection of certain subdivision improvements within Cardinal Square Phase I Subdivision in the not-to-exceed amount of $13,725.00 and authorize the Village Administrator's signature on the Addendum. BUDGETED ITEM: ATTACHMENTS: YES _--=-X.:..-_ X YES For Village Administrator Recommendation: DAT C:\DOCUME~I~loballo\LOCALS-\\Temp\SEClnspedionomnitlu52.rjo<: N/A _ Exhibit 12 OMNIBUS VOTE AGENDA ITEM 10108/2007 For Board Meeting: Return by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday before Board Meeting TO: Mayor Kessler and Village Board FROM: Kenneth A. Miller - Director of Public Works DATE: Wednesday, October 03,2007 RE: Calcium Chloride Delivery System EXPLANATION: The approval of this Resolution rejects the bid that was received, and authorizes the Public Works Department to seek proposals from vendors for the materials and installation of the improvements desired. MOTION REQUESTED: To approve the Resolution rejecting the bid for the Village of Mundelein Public Works Department Calcium Chloride Delivery System. BUDGETED ITEM: YES _--'X-=----_ NO _ ATTACHMENTS YES _....:.X-'---_ NO _ For Village Administrator Recommendation: APPROVE DATE: -J.¥.H,,fJL---'--=-ftc-l--/,,, BY: (/ N/A _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 440 E. Crystal Street, Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone (847) 949-3270 Fax (847) 949-9208 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Re: John Lobaito - Village Administrator Kenneth A. Miller - Director of Public Works Wednesday, October 3,2007 Request to Reject Bid - Calcium Chloride Delivery System On September 10, 2007, the Village Board authorized the department to seek bids for improvements to the existing Calcium Chloride Delivery System. The improvements sought included the additional of another 5,000 gallon tank, a new dispensing pump, along with the miscellaneous components necessary to connect and to activate the system. Only one bid was received. A copy of the bid opening summary is attached. The bid received does not meet the bid specifications set-forth. The system bid by Monroe Tmck Equipment is a manually operated system, rather than being activated by a remote. In addition, the bid received was $1,669.00 over the $15,000 budgeted amount. The department is therefore requesting consideration of the approval of the Resolution that is attached. Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. Cc: Joe De Vito, Deputy Director of Public Works Craig Schaul, Street Division Superintendent BID OPENING DATE: Wednesday, September 26,2007 TIME: Close: 1:00 p.m. Open: 1:15 p.m. At 1:00 p.m. Cathy Pickens, of the Village of Mundelein Customer Service Office publicly called to a close the acceptance of Bids for the Calcium Chloride Delivery System. Joe De Vito of the Village of Mundelein Public Works Department witnessed the close of bids. One (1) sealed bid was presented to Deputy Director Joe De Vito for the bid opening. In attendance at the Bid Opening were: Joe De Vito, Deputy Director of the Public Works Department, Nick Schutz, Assistant Superintendent of the Street Division, and Bill Earll, Street Division Crew Leader. Deputy Director Joe De Vito read the bids aloud. BIDS RECEIVED :::.B=-id"-=-Sl:::.lbC"-j=-ec=-t Opening ~--=-=="'------Attendance =-=-===-=-----Bids Received 1. Monroe Truck Equipment - Monroe, WI Lump Sum Bid Amount $16,690.00 Deputy Director De Vito publicly thanked the bidders and announced that the Public Works Department will review the bids and will provide a Bid Award Recommendation to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration at the October 8, 2007 Village Board Meeting. The Bid Opening adjourned at 1:18 p.m. Minutes taken by Nick Schutz, Assistant Street Superintendent Bid Opening Summary prepared by Connie M. Watkins _ Review and Recommendation Adjournment RESOLUTION NO. _ RESOLUTION REJECTING THE BID FOR THE MUNDELEIN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CALCIUM CHLORIDE DELIVERY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Mundelein Village Board authorized the Public Works Department to advertise for bids for a Calcium Chloride Delivery System; and WHEREAS, the Village reserved the right to reject all bids as provided in the bid documents; and WHEREAS, on September 26, 2007, bids for the Mundelein Public Works Calcium Chloride Delivery System were opened. The following bid was received: Bidder Amount of Bid Momoe Truck Equipment Momoe, WI $16,690.00 and WHEREAS, the bid did not meet the bid specifications set forth in the bid documents; and WHEREAS, the bid exceeded the estimated cost by $1,669.00; and WHEREAS, after due consideration, the Village Board of Trustees has detennined that it would be in the best interests of the Village to reject the bid and re-bid the Public Works Department Calcium Chloride Delivery System as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, COUNTY OF LAKE, STATE OF ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION I: The bid received for the Public Works Department Calcium Chloride Delivery System from Monroe Truck Equipment is hereby rejected. SECTION II: The Public Works Department is hereby authorized to solicit proposals from vendors for the component parts and instaIlation necessary to construct a Calcium Chloride Delivery System in accordance with new bid specifications. PASSED this 8th day of October, 2007 by a roIl cal1 vote. AYES NAYS ABSENT AND/OR NOT VOTING President PASSED: _ APPROVED: _ ATTEST:, ~ Vil1age Clerk Exhibit 13 VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN FINANCE DEPARTMENT Omnibus Agenda Item For Board Meeting of 10/08/07 Date: October 2, 2007 To: Mayor Kessler and Board of Trustees ~ From: Mary Hatton. Finance Director fiveS Subject: Bill Approval Summary The Village's Bill Approval policy requires bill approval at each Board Meeting. Board approval is respectfully requested. The full Governing Body Report has been made available in the Trustee's room for review. This is net of any invoices Trustees have requested be pulled for separate vote. Recommendation MOTION to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 09/25/07 through 10/08/07 in the amount of $974.856.35. Attachments: None For Village Administrator Recommendation: