SFPT - Congrès SFPT 2017


SFPT - Congrès SFPT 2017
| 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
de la Société Française
de Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique
SOCIÉTÉS ET COMITÉS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4
MOT DE BIENVENUE� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5
PROGRAMME EN UN COUP D’ŒIL � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 6-7
PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIQUE� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8-29
- Mercredi 20 avril � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 14-25
- Jeudi 21 avril � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 26-29
INFORMATIONS PRATIQUES� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 36-37
PLAN GÉNÉRAL � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 38
NOTES � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 39-43
REMERCIEMENTS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 44
D15108 - Mars 2015
(1) Ponikowski P, et al. The European Society of Cardiology. www.escardio.org/communities/HFA/Documents/whfa-whitepaper.pdf. Accessed July 7, 2014.
(2) Gheorghiade M, et al. Am J Cardiol. 2005;96(6A):11G-17G. (3) Levy D, et al. N Engl J Med. 2002;347(18):1397-1402. (4) Hunt SA, et al. Circulation. 2009;
119(14):e391-e479. (5) Jencks SF, et al. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(14):1418-1428.
- Mardi 19 avril � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8-13
LISTE DES POSTERS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 30-35
Malgré les progrès réalisés dans la prise en charge thérapeutique et l’amélioration des symptômes,
l’insuffisance cardiaque progresse (2) :
La mortalité reste élevée : plus de 24% des patients décèdent dans l’année suivant le diagnostic
et plus de 50% dans les 5 ans (3).
L’insuffisance cardiaque est la 1ère cause d’hospitalisation chez les patients de plus de 65 ans
avec un fort taux de ré-hospitalisations (4,5).
L’insuffisance cardiaque retentit sur la qualité de vie des patients et de leurs proches en gênant
leurs activités de tous les jours (1).
SFPT || 2016
SFPT | 2015
Société Française de
Pharmacologie et de Thérapeutique
CAEN I Facultés de Médecine et de Pharmacie I 21-23 avril 2015
•Marie-Christine PERAULT-POCHAT,
Présidente du CA
•Alain ESCHALIER, Président du CS
Sociétés & Comités
•François DAUPHIN
•Christophe RIBUOT
•Vincent RICHARD
•Catherine SGRO
•Christian THUILLEZ
Chers collègues, chers amis,
•Nicolas GAMBIER
Nous avons la fierté de vous accueillir à Nancy pour le 20ème Congrès
de la SFPT.
•Pierre GILLET
•Nicolas GIRERD
Le Centre de Congrès Prouvé est l'écrin ultra-moderne qui accueillera
nos travaux. Il est situé à deux pas de la gare et du centre-ville
historique... Et c'est précisément au cœur de la Place Stanislas,
classée au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO, que nous aurons
notre dîner de gala.
•Jean-Yves JOUZEAU
•Patrick NETTER
•François PAILLE
•Frederic LIBERT
Cette combinaison de tradition et modernité constitue un symbole
du nouveau souffle lorrain, labellisé FrenchTech et engagé dans la
révolution numérique et la mutation de la Silver Economy.
Mot de bienvenue
A tous, nous souhaitons bienvenue à Nancy !
Bien cordialement
pour le Comité local d'organisation
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
Auditorium 300 / Niv. 1 Salle 103-104 / Niv. 1
14h00 - 15h30
Salle 201 / Niv. 2
Accueil des participants
12h00 - 13h00
13h15 - 14h00
Salle 105-106 / Niv. 1
9h00 - 10h30
Inauguration du Congrès
et allocutions des
personnalités officielles
Insuffisance cardiaque
Salle 103-104 / Niv. 1
Salle 105-106 / Niv. 1
Addictovigilance, Pharmacovigilance,
Pharmaco-épidémiologie: Addictions
aux médicaments opioïdes
Audition des candidats
au prix de thèse
Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 - RDC
10h30 - 11h00
Expérimentation animale :
apport des animaux
transgéniques en
Pharmacologie clinique,
méthodologie :
Les faux positifs
Happy Hour Posters
Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 - RDC
15h30 - 17h00
Auditorium 300 / Niv. 1
Séminaire d'addictologie
17h00 - 18h30
Insuffisance cardiaque
Pharmacovigilance à fleur
de peau
Communications libres
18h30 - 20h00
Réunion AEPFP
Réunion CNPM
Réunion APNET
Réunion REVISE
Salle 105-106 / Niv. 1
Salle 201 / Niv. 2
11h00 - 12h30
12h30 - 13h15
Remise des prix de la SFPT
Addictovigilance, Pharmacovigilance,
Pharmaco-épidémiologie: Mésusage
du médicament : porte d'entrée dans
l'addiction ? Communications libres
Table ronde sur la valorisation
13h15 - 14h00 : Pause déjeuner et visite des stands
13h15 - 15h30
13h30 - 15h30 : Atelier DPC
Médicaments et dialyses:
notions pratiques utiles à la prise
en charge des patients
Auditorium 300 / Niv. 1 Salle 103-104 / Niv. 1
8h00 - 9h30
9h30 - 10h00
Actualités sur le médicament
et actualités thérapeutiques :
ce qui a changé ma pratique
Communications libres
Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 - RDC
Actualités sur le médicament
10h00 - 11h30 et actualités thérapeutiques :
11h30 - 12h15
Interface chimie
thérapeutique –
pharmacologie : Les
Communications libres
Médecine de précision
en oncologie
Séance plénière
12h30 - 13h30
Symposium Novartis :
Bloquer la néprilysine :
une nouvelle cible
pharmacologique ?
13h30 - 14h30
Pause déjeuner et visite des stands Hall 3 - RDC
14h30 - 16h00
16h00 - 17h30
Suivi thérapeutique
pharmacologique :
pharmacogénétique et
Session hommage à
Jacques Dangoumau.
Pharmacovigilance en
Symposium Takeda :
Thérapies ciblées dans les MICi
en 2016 : un nouvel espoir pour Journée nationale des CIC
les patients
Pharmacologie moléculaire et
pré-clinique. Les modulateurs
des récepteurs nucléaires
Happy Hour Posters Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 - RDC
17h30 - 19h00
Suivi thérapeutique
pharmacologique :
pharmacogénétique et
19h00 - 20h00
Assemblée générale
de la SFPT
Programme en un coup d’œil
Communications libres
Communications libres
Soirée du Congrès
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
13h15 - 14h00 Auditorium 300
Inauguration du Congrès et allocutions des personnalités officielles
14h00 – 15h30 Auditorium 300
Insuffisance cardiaque
§§ Modérateurs : Nicolas GIRERD (Nancy), Silvy LAPORTE (Saint-Etienne)
Conférences invitées
Session co-organisée avec le réseau F-CRIN INI-CRCT
§§ Modérateurs : Vincent RICHARD (Rouen), Patrick ROSSIGNOL (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
14h00 – 15h30 Salle 105-106
Pharmacologie clinique, méthodologie : Les faux positifs
’épopée des antagonistes du récepteur minéralocorticoïde dans le traitement de l’insuffisance
cardiaque - Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
14h30 Une perspective, le ciblage de la fibrose - Natalia LOPEZ (Pampelune, Espagne)
Les faux positifs des études pré-cliniques – Denis ANGOULVANT (Tours)
14h30 Les faux positifs liés au biais et ceux liés au hasard – Michel CUCHERAT (Lyon)
Les faux-positifs en pharmaco-épidémiologie et en pharmacovigilance
Antoine PARIENTE (Bordeaux)
15h30 – 17h00 Hall 3 - RDC
Pause café et visite des stands
Communications libres
15h10 CO-002 - Enlarging red blood cell distribution with during hospitalization identifies a very high-risk
subset of acutely decompensated heart failure patients and adds valuable prognostic information
on top of hemoconcentration – Joao Pedro FERREIRA (Nancy)
15h30 – 17h00 Happy Hour Posters Hall 3 - RDC
15h20 CO-007 - Impairment of the protein C anticoagulant system and increased procoagulant
circulating microparticles cause an increased thrombin generation in acute heart failure - Batric
Modérateurs : Siamak DAVANI (Besançon)
et Isabelle LARTAUD (Nancy)
14h00 – 15h30 Salle 103-104
Expérimentation animale : apport des animaux transgéniques en pharmacologie
§§ Modérateurs : Alain BERDEAUX (Paris), Christine CAPDEVILLE-ATKINSON (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
Apport des animaux transgéniques en pharmacologie – Yann HERAULT (Illkirch-Graffenstaden)
14h30 Toxicité valvulaire des fenfluramines : quand la transgénèse explique et ouvre des perspectives
thérapeutiques – Laurent MONASSIER (Strasbourg)
Communications libres
15h00 CO-004 - Targeted endothelial Trem-1 deletion protects mice during septic shock
Lucie JOLLY (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
15h10 O-005 - Stimulation of 5-HT2B receptors, by nordexfenfluramine, induces blood mobilization of
CD34+ endothelial progenitor cells from bone-marrow : contribution in early aortic and mitral valvular
lesions - Estelle AYME-DIETRICH (Strasbourg)
15h20 CO-006 - Role of Toll like receptor 7 and plasmacytoid dendritic cells in mouse models
of experimental arthritis – Ramzi NEHMAR (Strasbourg)
Zone jaune
§§ PM1-001 - Self-reporting of adverse drug reactions
by patients treated with direct antiviral agents for
chronic hepatitis C compared to adverse drug
reactions reported in medical records - Claire
CARLIER (Marseille)
§§ PM1-002 - Bleedings induced by oral anticoagulants:
a comparative study of Adverse Drug Reactions
(ADRs) with Vitamin K Antagonists (VKA) and
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOA) in the French
PharmacoVigilance database - Agathe CABARROT
§§ PM1-003 - Baclofen plasma levels in patients of the
OBADE study - Camille BARRAULT (Créteil)
§§ PM1-004 - Under-use of antidote in digitalis
poisoning: what medico-economic impact ? - Vincent
BIGRAT (Limoges)
§§ PM1-005 - Incretin-based drugs and pancreatic
cancer: an analysis of the World Health Organization
adverse drug reaction database - Béatrice CLARIVET
§§ PM1-006 - Antinociceptive effect of paracetamol in
combination with N-Acetylcysteine - Nicolas MACIAN
§§ PM1-007 - Sirolimus severe overdosage following
co-treatment with the new tablet formulation of
posaconazole (Noxafil®): a case report - Antoine
§§ PM1-008 - Bevacizumab residual concentration for
recurrent glioblastoma patients - Emeline TABOURET
§§ PM1-009 - Is idiopathic toxic epidermal necrolysis
secondary to drugs in food? Example of
phenylbutazone - Cynthia HADDAD (Creteil)
§§ PM1-010 - Pharmacokinetics of high-dose nebulized
amikacin in ventilated critically ill patients - Antoine
Programme scientifique
15h00 CO-001 - Impact of eplerenone on cardiovascular outcomes in heart failure patients
with hypokalemia – Patrick ROSSIGNOL (Nancy)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
15h30 – 17h00 Happy Hour Posters Hall 3 - RDC
Zone orange
Zone rose
Zone rouge
Zone bordeaux
Modérateurs : Anne DAUTRICHE (Dijon) et François
DUPUIS (Nancy)
Modérateurs : Marie-Noëlle BEYENS (Saint-Etienne)
et Milou DRICI (Nice)
Modérateurs : François DAUPHIN (Caen) et Caroline
§§ Modérateurs : Céline DEMOUGEOT (Besançon) et
Jean-Luc FAILLIE (Montpellier)
§§ PM1-011 - ACEI-induced cough: patient profiles from
French pharmacovigilance reporting in primary care
- Xavier HUMBERT (Caen)
§§ PM1-020 - Anastrozole-induced arthralgia : when switching
from generic to brand name induces remission - Céline
§§ PM1-012 - Analysis of drug interactions involved in serious
adverse effects in the French National Pharmacovigilance
database - Sylvain PERRIOT (Besancon)
§§ PM1-021 - Multidisciplinary approach of the management
of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) at the
Hôpitaux Universitaires of Strasbourg - Aude LAMBERT
§§ PM1-029 - The inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase
protects mitochondria against myocardial ischemiareperfusion injury by reducing mitochondrial
cholesterol accumulation - Julien MUSMAN (Créteil)
§§ PM1-037 - Short term effectiveness of ceftriaxone
single dose the 1st day followed by cefixime the 2nd to
the 7th day in the treatment of acute non complicated
pyelonephritis in women between 18 and 65 years old
- Fares MOUSTAFA (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PM1-022 - First population pharmacokinetics model of
lidocaine tumescent anaesthesia in women undergoing
breast cancer surgery - Camille RIFF (Marseille)
§§ PM1-014 - Relationship between exposure variability to
calcineurin inhibitors over time and onset of infection in
renal transplant patients - Claire VILLENEUVE (Limoges)
§§ PM1-023 - Pharmacokinetics study of vemurafenib
in a pediatric population: preliminary results - Nicolas
FABRESSE (Garches)
§§ PM1-015 - Neurological adverse effects of PYLERA®: the
risk of bismuth encephalopathy is not yet confirmed and
remains potential and theorical - Pascale LAINÉ-CESSAC
§§ PM1-024 - Trends of use of non-insulin anti-diabetics
drugs in France - Mickael ARNAUD (Bordeaux)
§§ PM1-025 - Analgesic drug dispensation patterns before
and during pregnancy: a retrospective cohort study in
France - Jessica DELORME (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PM1-016 - Drug induced eosinophilia: data from the
French Pharmacovigilance Database - Nathalie VERNIER
§§ PM1-026 - Trends in opioid analgesic use, doctor
shopping and mortality in France from 2004 to 2014
- Chouki CHENAF (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PM1-017 - Real-life practices for preventing venous
thromboembolism in multiple myeloma patients: a cohort
study from the French health insurance database - Aurore
PALMARO (Toulouse)
§§ PM1-027 - Differences in ifosfamide - induced
encephalopathy after use of two different formulations
- Frédérique BEAU-SALINAS (Tours)
§§ PM1-018 - Practitioners in nursing homes can also
report drug adverse effects after occupational exposure !
- Nadine PETITPAIN (Nancy)
§§ PM1-028 - Pristinamycin-induced cutaneous vasculitis: a
case-series - Louise MALET (Lyon)
§§ PM1-019 - Hypofibrinogenemia complicated by
hemorrhagic shock following prolonged administration of
high doses of tigecycline - Delphine BOURNEAU-MARTIN
§§ PM1-031 - Abolition by S-nitrosation of the angiotensin
II-response of middle cerebral arteries during high salt
diet and hypertension - Marie-Lynda BOURESSAM
§§ PM1-032 - Lipid-lowering drugs prevent neurovascular
and cognitive consequences of cardiopulmonary
bypass - Thavarak OUK (Lille)
§§ PM1-033 - Influence of a single cortical microbleed
on behavioral phenotype of APP mice (J20) and
pharmacological modulation by atorvastatin : 6 months
follow-up - Sandrine BERGERON (Lille)
§§ PM1-034 - T-Type calcium channel involvement in
abdominal pain associated to the irritable bowel
syndrome - Elodie PICARD (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PM1-038 - Abuse and misuse of methylphenidate:
users’ profile and practices - Laura DI TRAPANI
§§ PM1-039 - Vancomycin collection in heparin plasma
tube: is there an influence of heparin on vancomycin
concentration ? - Christelle BOGLIONE-KERRIEN
§§ PM1-040 - Clinical efficacy of tocilizumab in
polymylagia rheumatica: an open label study - Eric
TOUSSIROT (Besançon)
§§ PM1-041 - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
prescription in elderly ambulatory patients - Ertugrul
§§ PM1-042 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and
acute pain: opiates into question(s)? - Caroline FAIVRE
PIERRET (Grenoble)
§§ PM1-043 - Aortic stiffness improves the prediction of
both diagnosis and severity of coronary artery disease
- Alexandra YANNOUTSOS (Paris)
§§ PM1-035 - Use of penetrating peptides in
pharmacology. Protein-protein interaction inhibitors
as anticancer agents, the example of targeting API5
§§ PM1-044 - Hemodynamic parameters in hypertensive
diabetic patients - Alexandra YANNOUTSOS (Paris)
§§ PM1-036 - Impact of the inhibition of soluble epoxide
hydrolase on cardiovascular consequences of chronic
kidney disease - Mouad HAMZAOUI (Rouen)
§§ PM1-045 - Severe adverse drug reactions in the
elderly: focus on preventability - Marion LEPELLEY
§§ PM1-046 - BNP, Big endothelin-1 and clinical
outcomes prediction in EPHESUS - Arnaud OLIVIER
Programme scientifique
§§ PM1-013 - Neurovascular adverse effects following
cabergoline administration in puerperal period - Laurent
§§ PM1-030 - I1 imidazoline receptor ligand improves
lipid metabolism and steatosis in HepG2 hepatic cells
through an action on the cellular energy sensor AMPK
- Maud WEISS (Strasbourg)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
15h30 – 17h00 Salle 201
Séminaire d’addictologie clinique
L’addiction aux antalgiques opiacés : quelle prise en charge addictologique ?
Maurice DEMATTEIS (Grenoble)
Le rôle des systèmes GABAergiques dans la dépendance alcoolique – Nicolas SIMON (Marseille)
Le concept de traitement de substitution peut-il être étendu à toutes les addictions ?
Place dans l’alcoolo-dépendance – François PAILLE (Nancy)
Session co-organisée avec le réseau F-CRIN INI-CRCT
§§ Modérateurs : Jérémy BELLIEN (Rouen), Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
Micro RNAs contribution – Yigal PINTO (Amsterdam, Pays-Bas)
17h30 Precision medicine to optimize therapeutic strategies in heart failure
Hans-Peter BRUNNER LA ROCCA (Maastricht, Pays-Bas)
Communications libres
18h00 Conférences invitées
Apport de la génétique dans la compréhension et la prévention des toxidermies graves
- Bénédicte LEBRUN-VIGNES (Paris)
17h30 Toxicité cutanée des anticancéreux : diagnostic et conduite à tenir en pratique
- Vincent SIBAUD (Toulouse)
7h00 – 18h30 Auditorium 300
Insuffisance cardiaque
§§ Modérateurs : Bénédicte LEBRUN-VIGNES (Paris), Jean-Luc SCHMUTZ (Nancy)
O-003 - Prognostic value of pulmonary congestion assessed by lung ultrasound imaging during
heart failure hospitalisation: a two-centre cohort study – Nicolas GIRERD (Nancy)
18h10 CO-008 - Lack of Diuretic Efficiency (but not Low Diuresis) Early in an Acutely Decompensated
Heart Failure Episode is Associated with Increased 180-day Mortality – Joao Pedro FERREIRA
18h20 CO-009 - Direct thrombin inhibitors but not warfarin prevent the atrial dilation during heart failure
in the rat – Céline JUMEAU (Paris)
18h00Apport de l’histologie cutanée dans le diagnostic de toxidermie - Nicolas ORTONNE (Paris)
17h00 – 18h30 Salle 105-106
Communications libres
§§ Modératrices : Véronique LAMARQUE-GARNIER (Paris),
Maryse LAPEYRE-MESTRE (Toulouse)
O-010 Mortality, cardiovascular risk and androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer.
A systematic review with direct and network meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials
and observational studies - Lucie-Marie SCAILTEUX (Rennes)
CO-011 European disparity in drugs prescription in hemodialysis patients
Results from EURODOPPS - Sophie LIABEUF (Amiens)
O-012 Tocilizumab in giant cell arteritis: a multicentre open-label study of 34 patients
- Alexis REGENT (Paris)
CO-013 Unobservable drug exposure due to hospitalization in medico-administrative databases:
which impact in Pharmacoepidemiology? Quentin BOUCHERIE (Marseille)
CO-014 Impact of trial registration on reporting of negative results in the literature
- Clément PALPACUER (Rennes)
CO-015 Investigation of prescriptions delivered to the elderly in community pharmacies.
Intermediate results of the IPOP study - Nicolas JANUS (Paris)
CO-016 Analgesic drug consumption increases after carpal tunnel surgery:
a pharmacoepidemiological study investigating postoperative pain - Aurore PALMARO (Toulouse)
CO-017 Pregnancy outcome in women exposed to pregabalin or gabapentin during pregnancy :
a pharmacoepidemiology study in EFEMERIS database - Audrey MAURAND (Toulouse)
O-018 Characteristics and informativeness level of spontaneous patient reporting of adverse
drug reactions before and after the intervention of a pharmacovigilance center assessor:
a 4 year study - Farid KHELOUFI (Marseille)
18h30 – 20h00
Réunion CNPM - Enseignants médecine Salle 103-104
18h30 – 20h00
Réunion APNET - Enseignants thérapeutique Salle 105-106
18h30 – 20h00 Réunion AEPFP - Enseignants pharmacie Auditorium 300
18h30 – 20h00
Réunion REVISE - Pharmacovigilance essais cliniques Salle 201
Programme scientifique
7h00 – 18h30 Salle 103-104
Pharmacovigilance à fleur de peau
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
8h00 – 9h30 Auditorium 300
Actualités sur le médicament et actualités thérapeutiques :
ce qui a changé ma pratique
§§ Modératrices : Annie-Pierre JONVILLE-BERA (Tours), Nadine PETITPAIN (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
8h00CO-019 Thiocolchicoside during pregnancy: first clinical data in EFEMERIS - Caroline HURAULT-DELARUE (Toulouse)
8h00Prévention cardio-vasculaire et traitements hypoglycémiants chez les diabétiques.
Vers des pratiques enfin fondées sur des preuves - Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
8h15 aut-il encore infiltrer le rachis avec des corticoïdes ?
Françoise LAROCHE (Paris) et Serge PERROT (Paris)
8h30Les nouveaux traitements de l’hypertension pulmonaire post-embolique
Laurent BERTOLETTI (Saint-Etienne)
8h45Avons-nous besoin d’antidote dans les hémorragies majeures associées aux anticoagulants
directs ? Jean-Christophe LEGA (Lyon)
9h00Place de la cigarette électronique dans la stratégie d’aide au sevrage tabagique
Vincent DURLACH (Reims)
9h15 Mise au point sur les biothérapies au cours de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde
Yves-Marie PERS (Montpellier)
8h00 – 9h30 Salle 103-104
Interface chimie thérapeutique – pharmacologie : Les radiopharmaceutiques
§§ Modérateurs : Pierre-Yves MARIE (Nancy), Michel PLOTKINE (Paris)
8h10CO-020 Neonatal adverse drug reactions: analysis of pharmacovigilance reports after direct
drug exposure in France - Florentia KAGUELIDOU (Paris)
8h20CO-021 Following antidote dispensations as signals of adverse drug reactions:
A relevant method to improve detection of adverse drug reactions in pharmacovigilance?
Charlotte QUILLIEN (Marseille)
O-022 Exposure to montelukast during the first trimester of pregnancy: first French data - C
Anna Belle BEAU (Toulouse)
8h40CO-024 Can drugs induce or aggravate Sleep Apneas? A case non case Study in Vigibase®,
the WHO Pharmacovigilance Database - Melanie LINSELLE (Toulouse)
8h50CO-025 Adverse drug reaction-related hospitalizations of adults in the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic: health risks of unknown medicines - Céline CAILLET (Toulouse)
9h00CO-026 Drug-interaction leading to unintended pregnancy: analysis of the French
PharmacoVigilance - Marie-Sara AGIER (Tours)
9h10CO-027 Hypomagnesemia related to prolonged intake of proton inhibitors an analysis of the
French Pharmacovigilance Database - Yanis MAHBOUB (Amiens)
9h20CO-032 From epidemiologic transition throughout the ages to modern cardiovascular
epidemiology: focus on hypertension in the 21st century - Jacques BLACHER (Paris)
Conférences invitées
8h00Imagerie diagnostique en médecine nucléaire : de la molécule à l’image
Gilles KARCHER (Nancy)
8h30Thérapie et theragnostic en cancérologie - Pierre OLIVIER (Nancy)
9h30 – 10h00 Hall 3 – RDC
Pause café et visite des stands
9h00Recherche et développement sur les radiopharmaceutiques – Denis GUILLOTEAU (Tours)
Programme scientifique
§§ Modérateurs : Jean DOUCET (Rouen), Claire LE JEUNNE (Paris)
8h00 – 9h30 Salle 105-106
Communications libres
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
10h00 – 11h30 Auditorium 300
Actualités sur le médicament et actualités thérapeutiques : controverse
10h00 – 11h30 Salle 105-106
Médecine de précision en oncologie
§§ Modérateurs : Pierre BOUTOUYRIE (Paris), Bernard CHAMONTIN (Toulouse)
§§ Modérateurs : Philippe LECHAT (Paris), Jean-Louis MERLIN (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
Conférences invitées
10h00Quelle cible thérapeutique dans l’hypertension artérielle : Moins de 140 mm Hg ?
François GUEYFFIER (Lyon)
10h00Biomarqueurs et thérapies ciblées en oncologie : Outils d’orientation thérapeutique - Samia MOURAH (Paris)
10h30Médecine personnalisée en oncologie : de la tumeur à la personne - Jean-Philippe METGES (Brest)
Moins de 120 mm Hg ? - Jacques BLACHER (Paris)
10h00 – 11h30 Salle 103-104
Communications libres
Communications libres
10h00CO-023 Non hemorrhagic articular manifestations related to antivitamin K treatment,
analysis of pharmacovigilance database - Clémentine ROUSSELIN (Lille)
O-031 TREM-1 Mediates Inflammatory Injury and Cardiac Remodeling Following
Myocardial Infarction - Amir BOUFENZER (Nancy)
O-033 Effects of ivabradine on hemodynamics and inflammation in LPS-induced endotoxemic
shock in rats - Bruno LAVIOLLE (Rennes)
O-034 Effect of a short term antihypertensive treatment on retinal arterioles evaluated
with adaptive optics retinal camera - David ROSENBAUM (Paris)
10h40CO-035 Lebetin 2, a snake venom natriuretic-like peptide and BNP exert cardioprotective
effects against ischemia-reperfusion injury in vivo - Bochra TOURKI (Tunis)
O-036 Effectiveness of the recommended therapeutic classes in secondary prevention
of acute coronary syndrome - Julien BEZIN (Bordeaux)
11h00CO-037 If Channel Inhibition with Ivabradine does not Improve Cardiac and Vascular Function
in Experimental Septic Shock - Chaojie WEI (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
11h10CO-038 S-nitrosation decreases the AT2R-mediated vasodilation of middle cerebral arteries
in rats - Marie-Lynda BOURESSAM (Nancy)
11h20CO-039 The optimized omega-3 EPA:DHA 6:1 product prevents the monocrotaline-induced
pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and
vascular remodeling in rats - Said AMISSI (Strasbourg)
11h00CO-028 - Personalized Daily Doses of Imatinib By Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Increase
the Rates of Molecular Responses in Patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
Final Results of the Randomized OPTIM Imatinib Study - Benjamin MANEGLIER (Le Chesnay)
11h10CO-029 - Plasma exposure is a crucial determinant for the anti-tumor activity of abiraterone
in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer patients - Edith CARTON (Paris)
11h20CO-030 - Gemcitabine and Thrombotic Microangiopathy: a large case series from the French
Pharmacovigilance Database - Frank ROUBY (Marseille)
1h30 – 12h15 Auditorium 300
Séance plénière
§§ Modérateurs : Alain ESCHALIER (Clermont-Ferrand), Patrick NETTER (Nancy)
Navigation dans le paysage mouvant de la recherche clinique - Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
2h30 – 13h30 Salle 103-104
Symposium-déjeuner Novartis - Bloquer la néprilysine : une nouvelle cible
pharmacologique ?
§§ Modérateur : Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
12h30 Mécanismes d’action des inhibiteurs de la néprilysine - Jean-Sébastien HULOT (Paris)
rise en charge du patient insuffisant cardiaque : des essais cliniques à la pratique quotidienne
Nicolas GIRERD (Nancy)
Programme scientifique
§§ Modérateurs : Pascal BILBAULT (Reims), Jean-Luc CRACOWSKI (Grenoble)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
13h10 Table ronde
2h30 – 13h30 Salle 105-106
Symposium-déjeuner Takeda - Thérapies ciblées dans les MICI en 2016 :
un nouvel espoir pour les patients
4h30 – 16h00 Salle 105-106
Pharmacologie moléculaire et pré-clinique.
Les modulateurs des récepteurs nucléaires
§§ Modérateur : Laurent PEYRIN-BIROULET (Nancy)
§§ Modérateurs : Nelly FROSSARD (Strasbourg), Cyril GOUDET (Montpellier)
12h30 Limites des traitements actuels - Yoram BOUHNIK (Clichy)
Conférences invitées
Les nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans les MICI - Stéphane NANCEY (Lyon)
Prise en charge des MICI : où va t-on en 2016 - Laurent PEYRIN-BIROULET (Nancy)
3h30 – 14h30 Hall 3 – RDC
Pause déjeuner et visite des stands
ovel directions and insights on selective Glucocorticoid Receptor modulation in inflammation
- Karolien DE BOSSCHER (Gent, Belgique)
15h00Le récepteur membranaire alpha des estrogènes : du rôle physiologique à la caractérisation
du profil SERM - Jean-Francois ARNAL (Toulouse)
Communications libres
4h30 – 16h00 Auditorium 300
Suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique: pharmacogénétique et modélisation
15h30 CO-065 - Polymer nanocomposites enhance GSNO intestinal absorption and promotes
the formation of releasable nitric oxide stores in rat aorta - Wen WU (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
15h50 CO-067 - The role of the sympathetic hyperactivity in the development and modulation
of glucose metabolism - Gaelle AUBERTIN (Strasbourg)
§§ Modérateurs : Nicolas GAMBIER (Nancy), Frédéric LIBERT (Clermont-Ferrand)
14h30Pharmacogénétique et psychotropes - Chin EAP (Prilly, Suisse)
Suivi thérapeutique des biothérapies utilisées dans le cadre de pathologies inflammatoires - Gilles PAINTAUD (Tours)
15h40CO-066 - Modulation of TREM-1 pathway during experimental myocardial infarction - Jérémie LEMARIÉ (Nancy)
16h00 – 17h30 Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 – RDC
Programme scientifique
15h30Modulateurs pharmacocinétiques : approche, développements et conséquences cliniques
- Antonin SCHMIDT (Dijon) et Frédéric LIBERT (Clermont-Ferrand)
4h30 – 16h00 Salle 103-104
Session hommage à Jacques Dangoumau. Pharmacovigilance en ophtalmologie
§§ Modérateurs : Karine ANGIOI-DUPREZ (Nancy), Bernard BEGAUD (Bordeaux),
Marie-Christine PERAULT-POCHAT (Poitiers)
Conférences invitées
énéfices et risques des anti-angiogéniques en ophtalmologie - Marie-Noëlle DELYFER
15h00Rétinopathies d’origine médicamenteuse - Martine CROCHET (Lille)
15h30Glaucomes et médicaments - Alain BRON (Dijon)
SFPT || 2016
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16h00 – 17h30 Happy Hour Posters
Zone bleu clair
Zone bleu foncé
Zone vert clair
Zone vert foncé
Modérateurs : Martine ALT (Strasbourg) et Kamel
Modérateurs : Dominique CARLHANT (Brest) et
Thierry TRENQUE (Reims)
Modérateurs : Jean-Luc FAILLIE (Montpellier) et
§§ Modérateurs : Jean-Marc CHILLON (Amiens) et
Jean-Michel SENARD (Toulouse)
§§ PM2-001 - A case of chylothorax in a fetus in a
context of in utero exposure to the mTOR inhibitor
tacrolimus - Julie LEBRUN (Montpellier)
§§ PM2-010 - Drugs associated with suicide: case/
non case study in the French Pharmacovigilance
Database - Jean Pierre MIET (Dijon)
§§ PM2-002 - Mortality and antipsychotics use in
dependent elderly persons with Parkinson Disease
- Dao TRANG (Toulouse)
§§ PM2-011 - Drug-induced hyponatremia: a
prospective study - Lisa MONDET (Amiens)
§§ PM2-019 - Induced-liver injury with drugs other than
acetaminophen: a 12-years retrospective study about
patients hospitalized in the hepato-gastroenterology
care service at the university hospital of Lille - Diana
§§ PM2-004 - Trends of reports of cutaneous
adverse reactions to pristinamycin in the French
Pharmacovigilance Database, 2010-2014, before
and after restriction of indications - Marion THIEFINE
§§ PM2-005 - Quinolones and suicidal behavior: analysis
of the World Health Organization’s adverse drug
reactions database - Julie SAMYDE (Montpellier)
§§ PM2-006 - Chemotherapy-induced
hyperpigmentation : an atypical clinical description
probably involving 5-fluorouracil and aflibercept
- Hélène JANTZEM (Brest)
§§ PM2-007 - Impact of inflammation on voriconazole
trough concentrations according to genetic CYP2C19
and CYP3A variants - Elodie GAUTIER-VEYRET
§§ PM2-008 - Tamoxifen for breast cancer treatment:
warning on drug interactions! The example with
antidepressants - Mélanie DUFRESNE HIMDI
§§ PM2-013 - Prospective collection of the falls in
geriatrics at the Hôpitaux Universitaires of Strasbourg
- Aude LAMBERT (Strasbourg)
§§ PM2-014 - Risk factors of Blackwater fever in malaria
treatment in Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) - Augustine
KAKOU (Abidjan)
§§ PM2-015 - Impact of the cytochrome CYP2D6 and
CYP2C19 phenotype on venlafaxine efficacy in major
depression - Adela TARANU (Le Kremlin Bicêtre)
§§ PM2-016 - Benfluorex and valvular heart disease:
a French pharmacovigilance survey - Thierry VIAL
§§ PM2-017 - Exponential correlation between lactates
and metformine concentrations - Sandra BODEAU
§§ PM2-018 - BDNF Val66Met polymorphism and
change in central obesity in depressed patients after
6 months of antidepressant treatment - Séverine
MARTIN (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre)
§§ PM2-020 - Pregabalin abuse in France: results of a
national retrospective and comparative cohort study
- Damien DRIOT (Toulouse)
§§ PM2-021 - Pregnancy outcome among partners of
male patients rceiving imatinib, dasatinib or nilotinib
in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML): reports collected
by the French regional pharmacovigilance (PV)
centers - Maritza MARKARIAN (Paris)
§§ PM2-022 - Risk mapping in the Burgundy regional
pharmacovigilance center - Anne DAUTRICHE (Dijon)
§§ PM2-023 - Gynecomastia drug-induced: analysis
of the French pharmacovigilance database - Estelle
RUFFIER (Strasbourg)
§§ PM2-024 - Impact of cholinesterase inhibitors
dereimbursement in France: a study using data from
the National Healthcare Insurance System - Antoine
PARIENTE (Bordeaux)
§§ PM2-025 - Impact of pioglitazone withdrawal
in France: a study using data from the National
Healthcare Insurance System - Antoine PARIENTE
§§ PM2-026 - Treprostinil iontophoresis improves digital
blood flow during local cooling in systemic sclerosis
- Florence GAILLARD-BIGOT (Grenoble)
§§ PM2-029 - The omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
formulation EPA:DHA 6:1 inhibits platelet-induced
contractions by preventing the serotonin-mediated
contraction in porcine coronary and human internal
mammary artery rings - Faraj ZGHEEL (Strasbourg)
§§ PM2-030 - Characterization of the tumor vasculature
in mouse melanoma models. Roles of siRNA-loaded
lipid nanocapsules - Vincent PAUTU (Angers)
§§ PM2-031 - AGTT235M and ACEI/D polymorphisms
are strong predictors of long-term develo
PMent of hypertension - Arnaud OLIVIER
§§ PM2-032 - LC-MS interest for quantification of
transporters: application to pgp quantification from
cellular models - Sophie HODIN (Saint Etienne)
§§ PM2-033 - Develo
PMent of a pharmacometabolomic approach to
study the polarization of human lung macrophages
- Nicolas FABRESSE (Montigny Le Bretonneux)
§§ PM2-034 - Neither nefopam nor acetaminophen can
be used as post-operative analgesics in a murine
model of ischemic stroke - Maud PÉTRAULT (Lille)
§§ PM2-035 - Induction of cortical microbleeds and
microinfarcts in mice as a new valid animal model for
drug discovery in dementia - Yaohua CHEN (Lille)
§§ PM2-027 - Randomised controlled trials of chronic
pain in children and adolescents: a systematic review
- Rym BOULKEDID (Paris)
§§ PM2-009 - Psychotropics among children and
adolescents in the region of Pays de la Loire:
Overview and Perspectives - Mélanie DUFRESNE
HIMDI (Nantes)
Programme scientifique
§§ PM2-003 - Investigation of medication errors
involving risperidone during a 5 year period - Agathe
MORIN (Marseille)
§§ PM2-012 - Brentuximab and cytomegalovirus
reactivation : about 3 cases - Julie LEBRUN
§§ PM2-028 - S-nitrosoglutathione potentiates protein
S-nitrosation under oxidative stress, a potential
improvement of NO storage into smooth muscle cells
- Eugenia BELCASTRO (Nancy)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
17h30 – 19h00 Auditorium 300
Suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique: pharmacogénétique et modélisation
§§ Modérateurs : Gérard SIEST (Nancy), Céline VERSTUYFT (Paris)
16h00 – 17h30 Happy Hour Posters
Conférence invitée
Zone violette
Modérateurs : Eric DAILLY (Nantes) et Françoise
§§ PM-037 Impact of a systematic implementation of
recommendation and decision aid on improvement of
prescription practice for nefopam - Sophie FREGEVU
§§ PM-038 Ertapenem: a new opportunity for
outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy for
urinary tract infections caused by ESBL producing
enterobacteriacea - Anaïs BRETEAU (Rouen)
§§ PM-039 Conformity and relevance of discharge
prescriptions - Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PM-040 Is antiretroviral treatment adherence related
to the number of drug intake per day in HIV-infected
patients? - Marion LEPELLEY (Grenoble)
§§ PM-041 Dramatic drug-drug interaction between
ibrutinib and carbamazepine in a mantle cell
lymphoma patient - Gaelle AUBERTIN (Strasbourg)
Communications libres
§§ PM-043 Home hospitalisation : do patients take their
treatment ? - Liselotte POCHARD (Marseille)
§§ PM-044 Diminution of clindamycin plasmatic level
during co-treatment with rifampicin: about a casereport - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
O-049 Infliximab quantitation in human plasma by liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry : towards a standardization of the methods ? Jean-François JOURDIL (Grenoble)
18h00CO-050 Impact of CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms on clinical outcome:
a large French schizophrenic patients cohort - Julien DUPOUEY (Marseille)
18h10CO-051 Population pharmacokinetic model of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in cannabis
occasional smokers - Amélie MARSOT (Marseille)
§§ PM-045 Evaluation of French intensive care
department practices regarding antibiotic therapy
and antimicrobial resistance - Omar KHAROUBI
18h20CO-052 Rituximab target-mediated elimination is influenced by both baseline antigenic burden
and FCGR3A polymorphism in chronic lymphocytic leukemia - Mira TOUT (Tours)
§§ PM-046 Management of suspected Acute Heart
Failure Dyspnea in the Emergency Department:
Results from the French Prospective Multicenter
DeFSSICA Registry - Marine AUFFRET (Lille)
18h40CO-054 Comparison of dose proposed by an a priori population pharmacokinetic
tool with clinician empirical dosing for vancomycine in premature neonates - Jacques
§§ PM-047 Major bleeding risk associated with
anticoagulant: the SACHA (Surveillance
des ACcidents Hémorragiques graves sous
Antithrombotiques) study (PHRC 2012) - Valéry ELIE (Paris)
18h30CO-053 Cardiovascular drugs and metformin drug dosage according to renal function
in non-institutionalized elderly patients - Laurent BECQUEMONT (Le Kremlin Bicêtre)
18h50CO-055 Therapeutic drug monitoring of eculizumab: rationale for an individualized dosing
schedule - Philippe GATAULT (Tours)
17h30 – 19h00 Salle 103-104
Communications libres
§§ Modérateurs : Chantal BELORGEY (Paris), Stéphane MOULY (Paris)
17h30CO-056 Clinical reassessment versus procalcitonin to reduce antibiotic use in
community-acquired pneumonia The CLINPCT Randomized Controlled Trial - Emmanuel MONTASSIER (Nantes)
§§ PM-042 Chemotherapy in home hospitalization :
a regional harmonization of chemotherapy protocols
to improve the adherence of health professionals
and the safety of home care - Liselotte POCHARD
17h40CO-057 Evaluation of antibiotics self-medication among outpatients of the State University
Hospital of Port-au-Prince, Haiti - Kenny MOISE (Port-Au-Prince)
17h50CO-058 Vaccine case-population: a new method for vaccine safety surveillance - Hélène THÉOPHILE (Bordeaux)
18h00CO-059 Nonparametric Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Amikacin in respiratory
critical ill patients - Camille RIFF (Limoges)
18h10CO-060 New Quality Indicators for Paediatric Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care:
a Population Based Cohort Study in the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands
from 1995-2010 - Florentia KAGUELIDOU (Paris)
18h20CO-061 Hepatonephritis during the treatment of malaria by the therapeutic combinations
from a pharmacovigilance database: what reality? Mamadou KAMAGATÉ (Bouaké)
18h30CO-062 Rifampicin population pharmacokinetic modelling in osteoarticular infections:
interaction with fusidic acid - Amélie MARSOT (Marseille)
18h40CO-063 The clinical utility and safety of a model-based patient-tailored dose of vancomycin
in neonates - Stéphanie LEROUX (Paris)
18h50CO-064 Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling Approach to compare different amikacin dose
rates in children with cystic fibrosis: are we efficient enough? Amazigh LAKDHARI (Limoges)
Programme scientifique
§§ PM-036 Therapeutic drug monitoring of ganciclovir in
CMV infections: Should we reassess the therapeutic
range? Antoine PARIENTE (Bordeaux)
Introduction / Actualité pharmacogénétique – Gérard SIEST (Nancy)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
§§ Modérateurs : Régis BORDET (Lille), Sylvia GONI (Paris)
17h30 CO-040 Bleeding risk under serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) antidepressant:
an updated meta-analysis of observational studies - Laurent BERTOLETTI (Saint-Étienne)
O-041 Specific and non-specific effects of psychotherapeutic interventions for depression:
a meta-regression - Clément PALPACUER (Rennes)
17h50CO-042 Antipsychotic drugs and the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism:
a prospective cohort study - Lise-Marie MOLLARD (Brest)
18h00CO-043 Aripiprazole use and association with other antipsychotic drugs:
a pharmacoepidemiology study using a prescription database covering 4.1 million people - David BRAUNSTEIN (Marseille)
18h10CO-044 Cardiac arrhythmias and methylphenidate: a pharmacoepidemiological approach
in VigiBase® - Sophie FREGEVU (Toulouse)
18h20CO-045 Utilization patterns of antidepressants in France from 2007 to 2012:
a population-based study - Anne BÉNARD-LARIBIÈRE (Bordeaux)
O-046 Extrapyramidal effects of antipsychotics: a PharmacodynamicC
Pharmacoepidemiological study in VigiBase® - Ha NGUYEN THI THU (Toulouse)
18h40 O-047 Drug-drug interactions at increased risk of adverse effects for antipsychotic
users in France from 2007 to 2012: a population-based study - Anne BÉNARD-LARIBIÈRE
18h50CO-048 Atropinic burden of prescriptions forms in patients with neurodegenerative diseases:
a cross-sectional study comparing patients with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer diseases in a French
PharmacoVigilance Database - François MONTASTRUC (Toulouse)
9h00 – 20h00 Auditorium 300
Assemblée Générale de la SFPT
10h00 – 16h00 Salle 201
Journée des CIC
10h00 – 10h40
§§ Président de séance : Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
pproche translationnelle dans la maladie de Parkinson à travers le réseau NS-Park
Jean-Christophe CORVOL (CIC de la Pitié Salpêtrière)
10h40 – 11h30 - Les valeurs ajoutées des CIC
§§ Président de séance : Claire LEVY-MARCHAL (Paris)
Les CICs sources de valorisation et de création d’entreprises innovantes - Faiez ZANNAD (CIC de Nancy)
Comment produire plus de connaissances à partir des bases de données et des collections biologiques
des essais cliniques - Nicolas GIRERD (CIC de Nancy)
CICs et essais cliniques industriels : opportunités et défis - Gilles CHATELLIER (CIC HEGP)
11h30 – 12h15 – Séance plénière SFPT
Navigation dans le paysage mouvant de la recherche clinique - Faiez ZANNAD (Nancy)
12h15 – 13h30 Pause déjeuner (lunch boxes)
13h30 – 14h30 - Essais précoces (phase 0 et 1) : structures, enjeux, conditions
§§ Président de séance : Dominique DEPLANQUE (Lille)
Structuration et enjeux pour un CIC de participer à un CLIP - Dominique DEPLANQUE
(CIC de Lille, Coordonnateur du réseau national des CIC)
Etude de la fludrocortisone chez le volontaire sain, réévaluation d’une vieille molécule dans un CIC
- Bruno LAVIOLLE (CIC de Rennes)
Essais précoces de phase II dans la Leucémie Myéloïde Chronique (LMC) avec screening de thérapies
candidates selon un plan séquentiel multi-bras, multi étapes (« drop looser » design) : Etude « ACTIW »
Joëlle GUILHOT (CIC de Poitiers)
20h30 Soirée du Congrès (sur inscription)
14h30 – 16h00 – Présentation de projets
§§ Président de séance : Patrick ROSSIGNOL (Nancy)
etour d’expérience sur l’évaluation d’une Innovation Technologique en Santé
Alexandre MOREAU-GAUDRY (CIC de Grenoble)
UPACOMT : effet à long terme et tolérance de l’acétate d’ulipristal dans la maladie de Charcot-Marie-Tooth
de type 1A - Nicolas COLLONGUES (CIC de Strasbourg)
e l’insulinothérapie en boucle fermée au CIC au pancréas artificiel à la maison
Eric RENARD (CIC de Montpellier)
Programme scientifique
17h30 – 19h00 Salle 105-106
Communications libres
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
10h30 – 11h00 Pause café et visite des stands Hall 3 – RDC
§§ Modérateurs : Jehan-Michel BEHIER (Paris), Pierre GILLET (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
9h00 9h30
ases moléculaires de la réaction inflammatoire - Françoise RUSSO-MARIE (Paris)
Système immunitaire et maladies inflammatoires - Jean SIBILIA (Strasbourg)
Communications libres
CO-068 - PPAR Gamma deficient mice develop spontaneous polyarthritis.
Meriem KOUFANY (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
10h10CO-069 - Pharmacological blockade of CCR3 improves collagen-induced arthritis.
Julie HABLOT (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
CO-070 - Influence of treated disease on infliximab pharmacokinetics - Christophe PASSOT (Tours)
9h00 – 10h30 Salle 103-104
Addictovigilance, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaco-épidémiologie:
Addictions aux médicaments opioïdes
§§ Modérateurs : Joëlle MICALLEF (Marseille), Nathalie RICHARD (Saint-Denis)
Conférences invitées
9h00 Approche Pharmaco-épidémiologique - Maryse LAPEYRE-MESTRE (Toulouse)
9h30 Détection et repérage des conduites de mésusage des médicaments opioïdes en pratique clinique
Philippe LONCHAMP (Nancy)
10h00Pharmacogénétique, médicaments opioïdes et risque d’abus - Frédéric LIBERT (Clermont-Ferrand)
9h00 – 10h30 Salle 105-106
Audition des candidats au prix de thèse
§§ Modérateurs : Marie-Christine PERAULT-POCHAT (Poitiers), Christophe RIBUOT (Grenoble)
Complex influence of gonadotropins and sex steroid hormones on QT interval duration - Joe-Elie SALEM (Paris)
9h10CO-078EPO pretreatment of ECFCs enhances functional recovery after transplantation in a rat
model of cerebral ischemia through an increase of their homing abilities: a SPECT/CT
study - Philippe GARRIGUE (Marseille)
9h20CO-079Critical role of PTP1B in endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced endothelial dysfunction - Pierre-Alain THIEBAUT (Rouen)
Survival analysis according to time in and off buprenorphine maintenance treatment in
primary care: retrospective cohort study in the EGB database - Julie DUPOUY (Toulouse)
9h40CO-081Identifying cancer treatment regimens using SNIIRAM and PMSI databases: an
application in multiple myeloma - Aurore PALMARO (Toulouse)
9h50CO-082Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition reduces the cardiovascular consequences of renal
ischemia-reperfusion - Clothilde ROCHE (Rouen)
10h00CO-083Blockade of Thromboxane A2 or Cysteinyl leukotriene pathways: new strategies to treat
obstructive sleep apnea associated atherosclerosis? Elodie GAUTIER-VEYRET (Grenoble)
11h00 – 12h30 Auditorium 300
§§ Modérateurs : Jean-Yves JOUZEAU (Nancy), Muriel MALBEZIN (Lyon)
Conférences invitées
11h00 11h30
Maladies inflammatoires systémiques – Luc MOUTHON (Paris)
Maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICIs) – Laurent PEYRIN-BIROULET (Nancy)
La balance bénéfice/risque des traitements anti-inflammatoires – Pierre GILLET (Nancy)
11h00 – 12h30 Salle 103-104
Addictovigilance, Pharmacovigilance, Pharmaco-épidémiologie:
Mésusage du médicament : porte d'entrée dans l'addiction ?
§§ Modérateurs : Pascale JOLLIET (Nantes), Valérie GIBAJA (Nancy)
Conférence invitée
11h00Psychotropes – populations psychiatriques : entre usage et mésusage ?
Jean-Pierre KAHN (Nancy)
Communications libres
CO-071Preadmission use of benzodiazepines is associated
with increased post-stroke mortality - Olivier COLIN (Poitiers)
CO-072Nalmefene in the Treatment of Adult Alcohol Dependence:
A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Aggregated Data - Clément PALPACUER (Rennes)
CO-073Pharmacoepidemiology of pregabalin, gabapentin and duloxetine in patients
treated by opioid maintenance treatment in areas covering 9 million inhabitants
- David BRAUNSTEIN (Marseille)
12h00CO-074Physicians and opioid risk reducing guidelines: Which gaps in clinical practices?
Juliana TOURNEBIZE (Nancy)
12h10CO-075Buprenorphine and clorazepate change dramatically µ opioid binding
with opposite behavioral effect in mice - Sonia HADDAD (Caen)
12h20CO-076Which psychoactives substances are consumed by injecting drug users?
Elisabeth FRAUGER (Marseille)
11h00 – 12h30 Salle 105-106
Table ronde sur la valorisation
§§ Modérateurs : Pascal BOUSQUET (Strasbourg), Patrick ROSSIGNOL (Nancy)
Conférences invitées
11h00Keocyt – Christophe PASIK (Montrouge)
11h30Inotrem – Marc DERIVE (Nancy)
12h00Stratégie de valorisation académique : apport des SATT –
Nathalie LENNE (Illkirch-Graffenstaden)
Programme scientifique
h00 – 10h30 Auditorium 300
SFPT || 2016
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12h30 – 13h15 Auditorium 300
Remise des prix de la SFPT
13h15 – 14h00 Hall 3 - RDC
Pause déjeuner et visite des stands
13h30 – 15h30 Salle 105-106
Atelier DPC (sur inscription)
Médicaments et dialyses : notions pratiques utiles à la prise en charge des patients
La SFPT est un organisme de DPC habilité à dispenser des programmes de DPC
Programme scientifique
N° d’organisme : 6595
N° de programme : 65951500002
Concepteur du programme : Frédéric LIBERT
Intervenants : Joëlle CRIDLIG, Blandine ALOY, David TERNANT
Points abordés :
Point sur les différentes techniques et matériels utilisés en dialyse
Maniement des médicaments chez le patient dialysé
Focus sur les antibiotiques. Conseils d’adaptation et nouvelles approches – exemple de la vancomycine
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
§§ PS-014 - Monitoring of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate
Dehydrogenase activity in Red Blood Celles using
§§ PS-029 - Characterization of cannabis use among
chronic pain patients in a Multidisciplinary Pain Center
- François ETCHEVERRIGARAY (Nantes)
§§ PS-002 - Asthmatic patients in pharmacies: asthma
control and treatment adherence. The SPOC study
- Alexandre ZUKOWSKI (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-015 - Are cancer patients overexposed to
psychotropic drugs during the early phase of their
treatment? Comparison of incident use in cancer
patients and in the general population - Cécile CONTE
§§ PS-030 - Hospital admission due to bleeding in
patients with atrial fibrillation : antiplatelet agents or oral
anticoagulants? - Layla SALIBA (Toulouse)
§§ PS-003 - Validation of an automated whole blood
extraction coupled with liquid chromatography/tandem
mass spectrometry assay applied to high throughput
routine therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporine
A, tacrolimus, everolimus and sirolimus - Guillaume
§§ PS-016 - Etonogestrel and efavirenz drug interaction:
risk of contraception Inefficacy - Anne-Lise RUELLAN
§§ PS-017 - A survey on drug safety for physician resident
- Malak ABOU TAAM (Reims)
§§ PS-004 - Current state of specific pediatric reports:
misuse, abuse, overdose and medication error - Julien
MAHE (Nantes)
§§ PS-018 - Psychotropic drug initiation in patients having
a CML diagnosed: a population-based study - Martin
GAUTHIER (Toulouse)
§§ PS-005 - Effect of weight-loss induced by bariatric
surgery on morphine glucuronidation - Celia LLORETLINARES (Paris)
§§ PS-019 - Are our local recommendations for tacrolimus
dose adjustment in kidney transplant patients based on
CYP3A5 genotype adequate? - Yohan NOBLE (Tours)
§§ PS-006 - Initial dose optimization of busulfan in
pediatric onco-hematology: a new method increasing
the achievement of the therapeutic target - Michael
§§ PS-020 - Stability of a pholcodine 1 mg/mL aqueous
solution for allergy skin tests - Nadine PETITPAIN
§§ PS-007 - Misuse of benzodiazepines in the French
population: a cohort study in the Echantillon
Genéraliste de Bénéficiaires between 2007 and 2012
- Arnaud PANES (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-021 - Risk of hospital admission for liver injury
in users of NSAIDs and non-overdose paracetamol
(EPIHAM) - Ezgi GULMEZ (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-022 - Intravenous iron extravasation
and dyschromia : analysis from the French
Pharmacovigilance database - Alexia HERMITTE (Metz)
§§ PS-008 - Association of the OPRM1 and COMT
genes’ polymorphisms with the efficacy of morphine
in Tunisian cancer patients: impact of the high genetic
heterogeneity in Tunisia? - Imen CHATTI (Sousse)
§§ PS-023 - Development of a UPLC/MS/MS method
for the quantitative analysis of squalamine analogues
- Adèle SAKR (Marseille)
§§ PS-009 - Good use and knowledge of paracetamol
among self-medicated patients: prospectivs study in
community pharmacies - Nadine PETITPAIN (Nancy)
§§ PS-024 - Incident use of benzodiazepines in France
from 2006 to 2012: a population-based study - Anne
§§ PS-010 - Hydroxychloroquine induce hearing loss:
first case of positive rechallenge and review of the
French pharmacovigilance databasis - Jean-Nicolas
§§ PS-025 - Use of benzodiazepines in the French
population: overall prevalence and use in
circumstances at increased risk of adverse effects
- Anne BÉNARD-LARIBIÈRE (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-011 - Detection of Drug-Induced hydro-electrolytic
Adverse Reactions by retrospective analysis of renal
and metabolic physiological investigations data - Haleh
BAGHERI (Toulouse)
§§ PS-026 - Acute pancreatitis and phosphodiesterase 5
inhibitors: a first case report - Anaïs GAIFFE (Besancon)
§§ PS-012 - Hypoglycemic coma with fatal outcome in a
patient treated with cotrimoxazole and sulphonylurea
- Caroline JOYAU (Nantes)
§§ PS-027 - Information Quality of Adverse Drug
Reactions Reported by General Practitioners
- Geneviève DURRIEU (Toulouse)
§§ PS-013 - Linezolid induced tongue discoloration: a rare
adverse effect to know - Gwenaelle VEYRAC (Nantes)
§§ PS-028 - Hospital admission due to bleeding or
thrombotic events in patients with atrial fibrillation :
Direct Anticoagulant versus Vitamin K Antagonists
- Layla SALIBA (Toulouse)
§§ PS-031 - Analysis of Romanian adverse drug reactions
of analgesics - preliminary results - Irina CAZACU (ClujNapoca)
§§ PS-032 - Assessment of the prevalence of problematic
use of Equimolar Mixture of Oxygen and Nitrous
Oxide (EMONO) and analgesics in the French sicklecell disease population: the PHEDRE study - Marie
§§ PS-033 - Chronic pain patients followed in a
Multidisciplinary Pain Centre (MPC): which notifications
in Addictovigilance? - Marie GÉRARDIN (Nantes)
§§ PS-034 - Generic antiretroviral use in HIV-infected
patients: a cohort study from the French National
Healthcare Insurance Database in Midi-Pyrénées
region - Joseph RWAGITINYWA (Toulouse)
§§ PS-035 - Another New Psychoactive Substance
with clinical consequences reported to the French
Addictovigilance centers network: MXP case report
and literature review - Céline EIDEN (Montpellier)
§§ PS-036 - Is estimated costs for safety budgetary
lines in clinical trails fit with actual costs ? - Baptiste
HENRION (Limoges)
§§ PS-037 - Tunisian psychiatrists’ perception concerning
the therapeutic drug monitoring - Mouna BEN SASSI
§§ PS-038 - Erysipelas without fever or systemic
inflammation: think about tocilizumab - Mélissa
§§ PS-039 - Addiction to kaolin : a case report - François
CHAVANT (Poitiers)
§§ PS-040 - Hair growth following a treatment by
etoposide: first case report ? - François CHAVANT
§§ PS-041 - Adverse drug reactions in adolescents: a
comparative study in the French Pharmacovigilance
database - Ghyslaine PORTOLAN (Toulouse)
§§ PS-042 - Consumption of hallucinogenic plants
and mushrooms by students in Poitou-Charentes
- Stéphanie PAIN (Poitiers)
§§ PS-043 - Alopecia following a treatment by ibrutinib : a
case report - François CHAVANT (Poitiers)
§§ PS-044 - Cardiac adverse reactions of Protein Kinase
Inhibitors: from pharmacovigilance data to basic
pharmacology - Emilie PATRAS DE CAMPAIGNO
§§ PS-045 - Meningioma possibly induced by cyproterone
acetate : about a new case report - François CHAVANT
§§ PS-046 - Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy
Syndrome (PRES) due to single chemotherapeutic
agent: two case reports - Bruno REVOL (Grenoble)
§§ PS-047 - A first case report of Hand-Foot Syndrome
(HFS) caused by imatinib and erythromycin interaction
- Guillaume GSCHWIND (Limoges)
§§ PS-048 - Global Research in Paediatrics (GRIP): A
training program in Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology
and Trial Conduct - Valéry ELIE (Paris)
§§ PS-049 - Nalmefene and opioids: a contra-indication to
remember - Mélissa YÉLÉHÉ-OKOUMA (Nancy)
§§ PS-050 - Drug-drug interaction between ritonavir and
inhaled corticoid leading to hypercorticism in a child
- Sophie LOGEROT (Grenoble)
§§ PS-051 - Drug medication error: everyone is concerned
(if they know!) - Caroline VIGIER (Nice)
§§ PS-052 - Tamsulosin-induced acute liver injury: a case
report - Karine BERQUET (Rennes)
§§ PS-053 - Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin recall skin
reaction at the site of previous extravasation - Camille
FLECK (Dijon)
§§ PS-054 - Are patients with a high plasma level of
dabigatran more at risk of bleeding ? - Sarah-Line
§§ PS-055 - Cefixime-induced facial dystonia in adult: first
case report - Lisa MONDET (Amiens)
§§ PS-056 - Psychotropic drug use in subjects presenting
with a cancer diagnosis - Marine PÉNICHON
§§ PS-057 - Neuropsychiatric serious adverse effects
associated with mequitazine in pediatric patients
- Caroline PECRIAUX (Paris)
§§ PS-058 - Severe cutaneous adverse drugs reactions
associated with the use of oxicams: a case/non case
study from the World Health Organization adverse drug
reaction database - Béatrice CLARIVET (Montpellier)
§§ PS-059 - Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis
(AGEP) drug - induced : series of 24 cases - Ghizlane
LYAMANI (Casablanca)
Liste des posters
§§ PS-001 - Adverse drug reactions reported with BCR/
ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors - Guilhem TOURNAIRE
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
§§ PS-075 - Thienopyridine-induced thrombotic
microangiopathy : a review of the French
Pharmacovigilance Database - Emilie FARGIER (SaintEtienne)
§§ PS-061 - Collaboration between toxicology laboratory
and pharmacovigilance centre: detection of nonspontaneously reported adverse effects - Kévin BILLET
§§ PS-076 - Cognitive impairment induced by
chemotherapy in young patients with lymphoma and
leukemia: about three cases - Diana BRASSELET (Lille)
§§ PS-062 - Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6 and
CYP2C19 in a large French psychiatric population and
clinical implication in extreme metabolizer patients
- Julien DUPOUEY (Marseille)
§§ PS-077 - Fentanyl-related disorders, implementation
of the score of pharmacodependance - Olivier AGBO
§§ PS-078 - Cabazitaxel induces recurrence of interstitial
lung disease associated with docetaxel - Corinne
SIMON (Tours)
§§ PS-063 - Cardiovascular adverse events (CVAEs) of anagrelide (Xagrid®): study in the French
pharmacovigilance database (FPVD) - Siguine
§§ PS-079 - Therapeutic drug monitoring of lamotrigine in
bipolar disorders - Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PS-064 - Could a combined genetic score determined
before allograft predict voriconazole trough
concentrations after allogeneic hematopoietic stem
cell transplantation? a pilot study - Elodie GAUTIERVEYRET (Grenoble)
§§ PS-080 - Encephalopathy with visual and auditory
hallucinations due to voriconazole and vincristine
interaction - Benjamin VALENTIN (Amiens)
§§ PS-081 - Domperidone induced extrapyramidal
disorders: an observational study from the French
pharmacovigilance database - Fanny RADOUBÉ
§§ PS-065 - Teicoplanin therapeutic drug monitoring
- Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PS-066 - Follicular lymphoid hyperplasia : a rare
adverse effect of dasatinib - Emilie BOUQUET (Tours)
§§ PS-082 - Misuse and dependence with transmucosal
fentanyl: results of a 3 years French nationwide
monitoring - Valérie GIBAJA (Nancy)
§§ PS-067 - Angiotensin II receptor blockers-induced
enteropathy: not just olmesartan! A case report with
candesartan - Lisa MONDET (Amiens)
§§ PS-083 - Cutaneous drug eruption during the measlesrubella vaccine: about four cases - Ghizlane LYAMANI
§§ PS-068 - Local reactions to subcutaneous
immunoglobulins - Laurence LAGARCE (Angers)
§§ PS-084 - Psychoactive drugs consumption in new
prisoners in France: analysis in national OPPIDUM
program - Quentin BOUCHERIE (Marseille)
§§ PS-069 - A Focus on labeled drugs reported in
DRAMES survey in Languedoc-Roussillon region
- William CHAMPEAU (Montpellier)
§§ PS-085 - Tocilizumab and mesenteric arterial
thrombosis: effect per se and/or interaction with
anticoagulants - Béatrice CLARIVET (Montpellier)
§§ PS-070 - Improving Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting
by General Practitioners in South-West of France
- Julien JACQUOT (Toulouse)
§§ PS-086 - Simultaneous determination of seventeen
Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors by Ultra Performance Liquid
Chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/
MS-MS) - Stéphane BOUCHET (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-071 - Adverse effects in an acute care for elderly
unit: a prospective study - Camille VERLHAC (Lille)
§§ PS-072 - Acute renal failure associated with
vemurafenib: analysis of the French PharmacoVigilance
Database - Marie-Sara AGIER (Tours)
§§ PS-087 - Pirfenidone induced leukocytosis: First case
report - Melanie MOLTENIS (Besancon)
§§ PS-073 - Metabolic and inflammatory features
associated with long-term risk for developing diastolic
dysfunction in initially healthy population - Kénora
CHAU (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
§§ PS-088 - Tooth discoloration under amoxicillin in
children: a review of the French pharmacovigilance
database - Florelle BELLET (Saint-Etienne)
§§ PS-089 - Psychoactive substances used among young
people in French addiction care centre: data from
OPPIDUM survey - Liselotte POCHARD (Marseille)
§§ PS-074 - Pharmacoepidemiology study of overlapping
prescriptions between antidepressants and other
psychotropic drugs in older people - Quentin
BOUCHERIE (Marseille)
§§ PS-090 - Consumption of « old » and « new » synthetic
drugs in France: data from OPPIDUM survey since
2000 - Liselotte POCHARD (Marseille)
§§ PS-091 - Using therapeutic drug monitoring to
detect adverse drug reactions: a joint action of the
Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory and the Regional
Pharmacovigilance Center in Marseille - Farid
KHELOUFI (Marseille)
§§ PS-092 - Pruritus: a significant side effect with
fampridine - Louise GABORIAU (Lille)
§§ PS-093 - Dimethylfumarate induced eosinophilia: report
of 2 cases - Louise GABORIAU (Lille)
§§ PS-094 - Antipsychotic medications with low α1
adrenoceptor affinity and acute priapism: about two
cases with optimal management considerations
- Aurélie MARTINEZ (Montpellier)
§§ PS-095 - Hospitalizations related to opioid abuse
or diverted use: more frequent with weak opioid
analgesics (codeine and tramadol) than with opioid
maintenance treatments (buprenorphine and
methadone)? - Adeline JULLIEN (Toulouse)
§§ PS-103 - MAG Study – Drugs Administered in
Pregnancy - Valéry ELIE (Paris)
§§ PS-104 - Interest of the determination of ifosfamide
in blood: application to a case of neurotoxicity with
dialysis and exploration of the globular fraction
- Juliette DESCOEUR (Montpellier)
§§ PS-105 - Safety reporting in clinical trials : new
regulatory requirements arising by the regulation (EU)
No 536/2014 of the European parliament and of the
council of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal
products for human use - Sophie DURANTON (Poitiers)
§§ PS-106 - Third generation of synthetic cannabinoids
- Danièle DEBRUYNE (Caen)
§§ PS-107 - Is the posaconazole conjugated fraction of
analytical relevance? Is the posaconazole conjugated
fraction of clinical relevance? - Marc VINCENT
§§ PS-108 - Multidiscplinary meeting for initiating direct
acting antivirals in chronic hepatitis C: the role of clinical
pharmacologist - Marine AUFFRET (Lille)
§§ PS-096 - Drug-induced cutaneous vasculitis: a French
pharmacovigilance database study - Louise MALET
§§ PS-109 - Early signal of diverted use of tropicamide
eye drops in France : an example of investigation from
the addictovigilance point of view - Maryse LAPEYREMESTRE (Toulouse)
§§ PS-097 - Magnesium deficiency an underdiagnosed
effect of long term use of proton pump inhibitors ?
- Yanis MAHBOUB (Amiens)
§§ PS-110 - Renal function and adverse drug reaction:
which posology adaptation in real life in elderly patients
? - Marie-Blanche VALNET RABIER (Besançon)
§§ PS-098 - In vitro antibacterial activity of squalamine
and squalamine derivatives against mupirocin-resistant
bacteria - Adèle SAKR (Marseille)
§§ PS-111 - General practitioners and patients opinion
face to direct oral anticoagulants - Johana BÉNÉ (Lille)
§§ PS-099 - Self-reported polypharmacy in patients
treated with direct antiviral agents for chronic hepatitis
C - Claire CARLIER (Marseille)
§§ PS-100 - DHUNE: NeuroDegenerative Diseases
and Aging Euro - Méditerranée Solutions for
NeuroDegenerative Diseases (Parkinson’s Disease,
Alzheimer’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis and others) and successful Aging
- Olivier BLIN (Marseille)
§§ PS-101 - Predictive value of an early thiopurine
monitoring in children with inflammatory bowel disease
- Tiphaine ADAM DE BEAUMAIS (Paris)
§§ PS-102 - Development of a specific LC-MS/MS
method for the determination of ifosfamide and
targeted metabolites: specific limits with alkylating
metabolites - Juliette DESCOEUR (Montpellier)
§§ PS-112 - Sensorineural hearing loss : etanercept, an
aetiology to consider ? - Thibault COUSIN (Rouen)
§§ PS-113 - Quality of spontaneous reports - Thi Hong
Nhung TRINH (Bordeaux)
§§ P
S-114 - Thrombocytosis during apixaban therapy:
first case report - Johana BÉNÉ (Lille)
§§ PS-115 - Are all heparins safe for on-pump heart
surgery? - Kasra AZARNOUSH (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PS-116 - Direct Oral Anticoagulants prescription
patterns: a study among Nord-Pas de Calais general
practitioners - Johana BÉNÉ (Lille)
§§ PS-117 - Traumatic brain injury in mice increases
PTSD-like behaviors and reduces processing speed.
Role of white matter alterations - Raymond MONGEAU
Liste des posters
§§ PS-060 - Future perspectives of Study of Acute Liver
Transplant (SALT): What is going on since 2007? - Ezgi
GULMEZ (Bordeaux)
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
§§ PS-133 - Cardiac complications induced by antimalarial drugs: a review of the literature - Yves-Marie
PERS (Montpellier)
§§ PS-119 - Study of acute diuretic effect of ethanolic
fraction of Phyllanthus amarus (Euphorbiaceae) in rats
- Alain N'Guessan YAO (Strasbourg)
§§ PS-134 - Long-term corticosteroid and lifestyle/dietary
rules: a qualitative analysis of the difficulties faced by
patients - Muriel NOGUÉ (Montpellier)
§§ PS-120 - Evaluation of anti-staphylococcal activity of
the essential oil of Artemisia herba-alba - Hakim EL
ALAMA (Rabat)
§§ PS-135 - Eye drops' equivalence table : evaluation
of professional practices - Margaux DELFORGE
§§ PS-121 - Impact of Metformin and Fluoxetine on
Paradigms Assessing Anxiolytic/Antidepressant-Like
Activities in Mice Fed a Standard or a High Fat Diet
- Hiranya PINTANA (Toulouse)
§§ PS-136 - Recurrent prescribing errors in the
gastroenterology department: how to deal with it ?
- Margaux LAFAURIE (Toulouse)
§§ PS-137 - Prediction of left ventricular remodeling after a
myocardial infarction: role of myocardial deformation a
systematic review and meta-analysis - Olivier HUTTIN
§§ PS-122 - Comparative hypoglycaemic effect of
aqueous extract, ethanolic and methanolic fractions
of Persea americana (Lauraceae) in rats - N'Goran
Mathieu KOUAMÉ (Abidjan)
§§ PS-138 - Psychological insuline resistance. Descriptive
observational study in 123 patients with Type 2
diabetes mellitus not taking insulin in Paris area, France
- Raphael BENSUSSAN (Paris)
§§ PS-123 - Reciprocal influence of experimental
arthritis on colitis: a model to study extraintestinal
manifestations of IBD? - Julie HABLOT (Vandœuvrelès-Nancy)
§§ PS-139 - Medication reconciliation of patient with
hypertension: analysis of hospital output prescription
- Flavie BOYE (Toulouse)
§§ PS-124 - Activation / inhibition network protein of
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3B) in platelets
lipid rafts - Vahideh RABANI (Besançon)
§§ PS-140 - Psoriasis and sartans : information is needed
- Brahim AZZOUZ (Reims)
§§ PS-125 - VASP interactive network analysis in lipid raft
of platelets - Vahideh RABANI (Besançon)
§§ PS-141 - Baclofen in alcohol dependence : a clinical
observational study - Céline CHASPORT (Paris)
§§ PS-126 - Differential mecanisms of TREM-1 activation
on human neutrophils and monocytes - Kévin
CARRASCO (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy)
§§ PS-142 - Effect of arthritis on brain BDNF levels
- Martin PEDARD (Dijon)
§§ PS-127 - Antidiabetic activity of the ethanolic extracts
of Cassia siamea Lam in an experimental model of type
2 diabetes - Camille KOFFI (Angers)
§§ PS-143 - Cotrimoxazole induced DRESS with
pancytopenia - Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PS-144 - Cross-reactivity between lamotrigine and
carbamazepine - Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PS-128 - Survey of interindividual variability in statin
response: therapeutic effiency and myopathy - Asma
ROUIS (Sousse)
§§ PS-145 - Acute hepatitis induced by high dose of
methylprednisolone - Mouna BEN SASSI (Tunis)
§§ PS-129 - Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate for
Mortality Prediction in Complicated Myocardial
Infarction – Head to Head Comparison of Creatinine
Based Formulas in 28771 Patients - Joao Pedro
§§ PS-146 - DRESS Syndrome associated with
methyldopa - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-147 - Iatrogenic adrenal suppression during
concomitant therapy with inhaled corticoids and
imidazole antifungals - Tiffany NISHIKAWA (Montpellier)
§§ PS-130 - Hepato-toxicity of aluminum - Omar
§§ PS-131 - How well elderly with chronic respiratory
diseases use their inhaler devices? - Milon
§§ PS-148 - Olanzapine long-acting injection:
post-injection delirium/sedation syndrome and
cardiovascular disorders - Elodie BERGDOLL
§§ PS-132 - Limited English skills, a major barrier to
publication in international journals: Results of the
online DIAzePAM survey - Martin DURACINSKY (Paris)
§§ PS-149 - Marketing of the first biosimilar infliximab in
France: what budgetary impact in the public hospitals
of Paris? - François BOCQUET (Paris)
§§ PS-150 - Prevalence of pulmonary embolism in
patients presenting with an acute exacerbation
of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases: a
meta-analysis of observational studies - Laurent
BERTOLETTI (Saint-Etienne)
§§ PS-151 - Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of Tumour
Necrosis Factor inhibitors (Adalimumab, Infliximab,
Etanercept) in a paediatric population: a study in the
French PharmacoVigilance Database - Céline PLESSIS
§§ PS-152 - Medication Reconciliation: impact in geriatric
ward - Clémence TABÉLÉ (Marseille)
§§ PS-153 - Safety of Dimethylfumarate in clinical
practice: a regional study - Matthieu BÉREAU
§§ PS-154 - Quantification of treatment effect modification
on both an additive and multiplicative scale - Nicolas
GIRERD (Nancy)
§§ PS-155 - Limited sampling strategy using Bayesian
estimation for estimating individual exposure of
Ibrutinib in B cell malignancies treated patients
- Lauriane GOLDWIRT (Paris)
§§ PS-156 - Candesartan promotes AT2 stimulation by
Angiotensin II, which prevents sensory small-fiber
neuropathy induced by resiniferatoxin in mice - Flavien
§§ PS-157 - Racecadotril (Tiorfan®) also, inhibits
neprilysin: a case report - Rachel SERFATY (Nice)
§§ PS-158 - Prevalence of antipsychotic treatment in
a cohort of addicted patients - Hélène PEYRIERE
§§ PS-159 - Descriptive study of drugs induced
cholestasis inside a surgical intensive care unit for
cholestasis diagnosis: Dechorea study - Michael
HELARY (Aix En Provence)
§§ PS-160 - Temporal deformation pattern in st-elevation
myocardial infarction: incremental value of longitudinal
post systolic strain to assess myocardial viability
- Olivier HUTTIN (Nancy)
§§ PS-161 - Bayesian estimation for estimating individual
exposure of Dabrafenib alone or in combination
with Trametinib in mutated-BRAF V600E metastatic
melanoma patients - Claire PRESSIAT (Paris)
§§ PS-162 - Rhinorrhea and genital edema associated
with delapril - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-163 - Acute psychosis following infliximab in Crohn
disease patient - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-164 - Calcium channel blockers side effects - Ons
CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-165 - Imatinib induced acute cholestatic dosedependent liver injury - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-166 - Regional analysis by organ of off-label uses of
six anticancer drugs and comparison to national results
- Anaïs BRETEAU (Rouen)
§§ PS-167 - Incidence of side effects caused by first line
antituberculosis drugs using for the treatment of active
tuberculosis in Morocco - Mariam EL HAMDOUNI
§§ PS-168 - Specific conditions for antimalarial drugsinduced hepatitis in Côte d’Ivoire - Jean Claude YAVO
§§ PS-169 - Interstitial lung disease induced by docetaxel,
an expected effect, with non-favorable outcome:
description of cases reported to pharmacovigilance
centers in Ile de France - Faustine VIDIL (Paris)
§§ PS-170 - Angiotensin receptor blockers adverse
reactions - Ons CHARFI (Tunis)
§§ PS-171 - Ifosfamide-induced encephalopathy:
implication of CYP polymorphisms and metabolism
enantioselectivity - Thomas DUFLOT (Rouen)
§§ PS-172 - Managing drug-drug interaction between
Ombitasvir, Paritaprevir/Ritonavir, Dasabuvir and
Mycophenolate mofetil - Camille TRON (Rennes)
§§ PS-173 - Risk of cardiovascular events associated
with paracetamol: A self-controlled cohort study - Mai
DUONG (Bordeaux)
§§ PS-174 - Influence of thyroid hormone replacement
therapy on the risk of bleeding in patients under VKA
- Rémi MALHOMME (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PS-175 - Interest of the use of protein S100β for the
management of moderate cranial traumatism in an
emergency unit - Jean ROUBIN (Clermont-Ferrand)
§§ PS-176 - Knowledge and practice of pharmacists
about the regulation of methylphenidate - Caroline
DIOT (Montpellier)
§§ PS-177 - Severe Gemcitabine–induced systemic
capillary-leak syndrome: description of cases reported
to the pharmacovigilance Federation of Ile de France
- Roya NILI (Paris)
§§ PS-178 - Sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir treatment in
a HCV infected patient with severe chronic kidney
disease: exposure – tolerance follow-up - Lauriane
§§ PS-179 - Hospital-acquired infections due to multidrug
resistant Acinetobacter baumannii : how challenging is
the management? - Hanene MARSIT (Sfax)
Liste des posters
§§ PS-118 - Implication of ABCB1 polymorphisms
in antiepileptic drug pharmaogenomics - Sana
SFPT || 2016
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
Lieu du Congrès
Centre de congrès Prouvé
1 Place de la République
54063 Nancy
Les pauses et déjeuners sont inclus dans le tarif d’inscription, et auront lieu dans l’espace exposition/stands
(Hall 3). La nourriture et les boissons sont strictement interdites dans l’auditorium.
Soirée du congrès
La soirée du congrès se tiendra le mercredi 20 avril à partir de 20h30 aux Salons de l’Hôtel de Ville, Place
Stanislas à Nancy (située à 10 min. à pied du Centre Prouvé).
Tarif congressiste : 55 € TTC / étudiant : 25 € TTC
Participation sur inscription – les réservations ne pourront pas se faire sur place.
Documents du congrès
Votre badge, attestation de présence et sacoche contenant les documents du congrès vous seront remis à
votre arrivée à l’accueil.
Pour des raisons de sécurité, le port du badge est obligatoire pendant toute la durée du congrès.
La pré-projection se trouve en salle 102, au niveau 1 du Centre Prouvé. Les orateurs sont invités à se rendre
en salle de pré-projection au moins une heure avant le début de la session dans laquelle ils interviennent pour
déposer et/ou vérifier leur présentation.
Grand Nancy Congrès & Evènements
1 Place de la République - 54000 Nancy
Tél : +33 (0)3 83 36 80 00
Dates du congrès
Un réseau WI-FI gratuit est disponible dans l’enceinte du Centre Prouvé.
§§ Mardi 19 au Jeudi 21 avril 2016
Informations pratiques
Mot de passe : PROUVE2016
Horaires du congrès
§§ Mardi 19 avril 2016 : 13h30 – 20h00 (accueil à partir de 12h00)
§§ Mercredi 20 avril 2016 : 8h00 – 20h00 (accueil à partir de 7h30)
§§ Mercredi 21 avril 2016 : 9h00 – 15h30 (accueil à partir de 8h30)
Situé en plein centre-ville, le Centre Prouvé est facilement accessible par tous les modes de transport. Doté
d’un parking public de 455 places, il jouxte la gare TGV et la plateforme d’interconnexion des réseaux de
transports publics.
• Si vous arrivez à la Gare TGV de Nancy, prendre la sortie « Hall République »
i vous arrivez à la Gare TGV Lorraine, prendre la navette qui vous déposera à la Gare de Nancy (35 min. de
transfert, les navettes fonctionnent 7 jours/7. Consultez les horaires : http://lorraine-tgv.navettes-keolis.com)
19-21 avril 2016 NANCY I Centre Prouvé
Rendez-vous pour l’édition 2017 !
Du 19 au 21 avril 2017, Faculté de Médecine de Rouen
Salles de conférence (niveaux 1 et 2) �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Posters Accueil �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
1 – Novar>s 2 – Takeda 3 – Astra Zeneca 4 – EveDrug 5 – SFPT �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Posters �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
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La SFPT remercie ses partenaires pour l’intérêt
et le soutien qu’ils ont apportés à ce congrès.
Opération réalisée avec le concours financier du Conseil Régional
de Lorraine et le soutien de la Mairie de Nancy, de la Communauté
Urbaine du Grand Nancy, du réseau INI-CRCT et de l’INSERM.