February 2014 - Penobscot Valley Ski Club
February 2014 - Penobscot Valley Ski Club
February 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE... -Olympics and Special Olympics (p. 2) -Learn to Ski Photos (p. 3) -2012 Upcoming Nordic Events (p.4) 1LMUâSPPGCQ A Publication of the Penobscot Valley Ski Club, www.pvskiclub.org Seesaw Start to the Season Ski Rack Sports in Bangor also offers a 10% GLVFRXQWWR396&PHPEHUVRQDOOPHUFKDQGLVHVNL and snowboard equipment, clothing, bicycles and acThis has been an unusual year for skier’s weather, with an abundance of snow, followed by frigid con- cessories, and water sports equipment in season. Hermon Mountain offers a 10% discount on ditions, then rain, more cold weather, and now (for full and half-day lift tickets to members. Hermon Mt. the moment) perfect skiing conditions. The ski areas also offers mounting and binding adjustment and tuneDUHEDQNLQJWKHLUQDWXUDODQGDUWL¿FLDOVQRZDQGFRQups at very reasonable rates in the rental shop. ditions everywhere are optimum. So take advantage 396&KDVFRUSRUDWHWLFNHWVIRU6XJDUORDIDQG of the bus trips, the corporate discounts, and other 6XQGD\5LYHU&RQWDFW&LQG\'XQODSPHPEHUVKLS opportunities to enjoy the winter season. Listed EHORZDUHDIHZEHQH¿WVRI\RXU396&PHPEHUVKLS chairperson, to request tickets. 3OHDVHUHPHPEHUWREULQJ\RXUPHPEHUVKLS that you may not be aware of: cards along when visiting the above business. Enjoy Rose Bike and Ski Shop in Orono is offerthe snow, and we look forward to seeing you at our LQJDGLVFRXQWWRDOO396&PHPEHUV-LP5RVH QH[WPHPEHUVKLSPHHWLQJRQ)HEUXDU\'HWDLOVDUH our trips coordinator, is the operator of this business and offers bicycles, Nordic skis, and Nordic skates. on this page below. Hermon Mountain 3 -Upcoming Maine Huts and Trails Trip (p. 5) -January 26 Cochrane Race photos (p. 6) -Cochrane Race Results (p. 7) 96&UXQVWZRRILWVPRVWLPSRUWDQWSURgrams at Hermon Mountain: Learn to Ski/ Board; and Alpine Racing. The Club also offers Friday night slalom and GS runs for all comers -- this program is free (except for lift ticket purchase), and the courses are forgiving. Night skiing on groomed trails is available on weekGD\V/HDUQWR6NL%RDUGDQG5DFLQJ'HYHORSment are up and running, our Nordic and Alpine racing events are proceeding on schedule, and WKHVQRZLVSHUIHFWIRUUHFUHDWLRQDOVNLLQJ-RLQ us! February Membership Meeting The February membership meeting will be a moonlight ski and snowshoe at the Orono Schools Trails from 5-9 pm on Saturday, February 15th. We are co-hosting this event with the Orono Land Trust, and it is part of the statewide Great Maine Outdoor Weekend (www.greatmaineoutdoorweekend.org). :HZLOOKDYHDERQ¿UHDQGKRWFRFRDDVZHOODV luminaries to guide your way along the trails. This event is open to the public, so bring along your friends and neighbors! At this meeting, we will be presenting (in writing) SURSRVHGFKDQJHVWRWKH396&E\ODZV7KH396& board of directors has recommended that these changes be presented to the membership for consideration. The vote on whether or not to change the bylaws will occur at the March membership meeting. All proposed changes can be viewed at the club website: www.pvskiclub.org/bylaw-changes 6QRZÀXUULHV Page 2 January Meeting: The 2013 Special Olympics World Games, South Korea O ur January meeting featured a fascinating look at the world of Special Olympics Maine as described by Andrea Lee, who took us on a tour of the 2013 meet in PyeongChang, South Korea. Andrea is a six-year veteran volunteer coach for Special Olympics Maine and trains Alpine skiers and is by profession an adaptive sports teacher. She was one of three Special Olympics Maine coaches to travel with the team to the World Games, a gathering of around 3,300 athletes from over 100 nations. To the accompaniment of many interesting trip photos, she detailed the stresses and satisfactions of travel, the cultural exchanges with South Korean youngsters, the fabulous dinner HYHQWVZLWK6RXWK.RUHDQRI¿FLDOVDQGWKHFRPSHWLWLRQVWKDW marked the highlight of this memorable trip. (Attendance was low at the January meeting due to inclement weather.) At the January meeting.... Barbara Boone Dan Cassidy Tom Belanger Gretchen Dyer Gagnon Barbe and Ken Miller Dan Gagnon Richard Judd Bob and Cindy Dunlap Sandra and Don Rogerson Robert Bakker Gail Malone Amy VanKirk Robe and Sally Burke Brian Roth Daniel Perkins Geoff and Lisa Bergman Cynthia Buzzini and Family Kevin Cushman The Olympics Are Coming! The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia begin February 8th on NBC. Biathlete and Stocklolm, ME-native Russell Currier will be representing the USA in these Olympics. Russell is a member of the Maine Winter Sports Center Elite Team and is the only Mainer heading to Russia. There are also a number of athletes with Maine connections, including Kris Freeman (MWSC Elite Team, crosscountry skiing), Annelies Cook (MWSC Elite Team, biathlon), Annalisa Drew (Carrabassett Valley Academy alum, half-pipe skiing), and Emily Cook (CVA alum, aerials). There were many other athletes from Maine who were close to making the cut in their respective sports, but didn’t quite make it. We’ll be rooting for them in 2018 in South Korea! $OVRRIQRWH%DQJRU¶V1%&DI¿OLDWH:/%=&KDQQHOLVKRVWLQJ³1LJKWVRI2O\PSLFV´EHJLQQLQJ February 6th on their 5:00 and 6:00pm news broadcasts. They will feature local folks talking about how to participate in Olympic events in their own backyard. PVSC members are scheduled on various nights about skiing. Keep an eye out for familiar faces! 6QRZÀXUULHV Page 3 /HDUQWR6NL6QRZERDUGRQWKH6ORSHVDW+HUPRQ The 2014 season brought out a hardy bunch of new skiers and riders for the PVSC Alpine Learn to Ski & Snowboard program at New Hermon Mountain. The temperature climbed out of the single digits after a recent ice storm at Christmas. Our new skiers and ERDUGHUVEXQGOHGXSDQGWRRNWRWKHVORSHVZLWKHYHU\RQHJDWKHULQJDWWKHVNLVFKRROPHHWLQJSODFHLQIURQW7KH6QRZÀDNHVEHJDQ learning control, starting with a wedge, while the older Blizzards practiced making parallel turns. Approximately 65 youth and adults took advantage of the PVSC subsidized group lessons for Session 1 and 50 for Session 2, which was delayed by a heavy rain storm in early January. Session 2 began with sunshine and blue skies, a beautiful day on the slopes. Members continuing on made good progress and advanced by 1or 2 levels. Photos by Barbe Miller, February 8, 2014 Chip Cochran Invitational (see pp. 6-7). 6QRZÀXUULHV Upcoming Cross-Country Ski Events :HZHUHSODQQLQJWRKDYHD¿YHUDFHVHULHVWKLV\HDUIRUFURVVFRXQWU\VNLHUV FDOOHG³)RXU)URVW\)ULGD\VDQGD)LQDOH´8QIRUWXQDWHO\WKH¿UVWWZR)ULGD\V were wet and icy, so the races were cancelled. Our third scheduled crosscountry race and tourDQGKRSHIXOO\¿UVWWRRFFXUZLOOWDNHSODFHDWSP on Friday, February 7th. The location and discipline will be announced via our website and Facebook page on Tuesday, February 4th. More details can EHIRXQGXQGHU³UDFHV´RQRXUZHEVLWH The second annual Penobscot Ski Bash, which will take place on Sunday, )HEUXDU\WKIURPSPDWWKH%DQJRU0XQLFLSDO*ROI&RXUVH7KH3HQREVFRW6NL%DVKLVDQDOODJHVHYHQWGHVLJQHGWRLQWURGXFHFURVVFRXQWU\VNLLQJ WRNLGVIDPLOLHVDQGDGXOWVLQWKH%DQJRUUHJLRQ3DUWLFLSDQWVFDQERUURZVNLV IRUIUHHDQGWU\WKHLUKDQGDWDZLGHYDULHW\RIDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGLQJDQREVWDFOH course, races, and laser biathlon. This event is open to the public! We are going to christen the new cross-country ski trails in Hampden with an open trail night and moonlight ski tourRQ:HGQHVGD\)HEUXDU\WKIURP SP7KHQHZWUDLOVKDYHRIIHUHGDKRPHWR+DPSGHQ+LJK6FKRROVNLHUV DVZHOODVRQHRIWKH396&\RXWKSURJUDPV:HDUHKRSLQJWRJHWDVPDQ\ +DPSGHQDQGDUHDUHVLGHQWVDVSRVVLEOHWRDWWHQGVRZHFDQVKRZRIIDOOWKH KDUGZRUNWKDWZDVFRPSOHWHGWKLVIDOO7KLVWUDLOSURMHFWUHSUHVHQWVWKHEHJLQQLQJRIZKDWZHKRSHZLOOEHDELJJHUWUDLOQHWZRUN&URVVFRXQWU\VNLVERRWV DQGSROHVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHWRXVHDWQRFKDUJHGXULQJWKHHYHQW The February membership meeting will be a moonlight ski and snowshoe DWWKH2URQR6FKRROV7UDLOVIURPSPRQ6DWXUGD\)HEUXDU\WK6HHWKH ¿UVWSDJHRIWKLVQHZVOHWWHUIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ 7KHBiathlon World Junior Championships will be taking place at the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque IsleIURP)HEUXDU\WKWKURXJK0DUFK WK$SSUR[LPDWHO\DWKOHWHVIURPRYHUFRXQWULHVZLOOEHDWWHQGLQJWKH UDFHVZKLFKVHUYHDVWKHZRUOGFKDPSLRQVKLSVIRUDWKOHWHVXQGHUWKHDJHRI 1HZ+DPSVKLUHQDWLYH6HDQ'RKHUW\ZKRZRQWKUHHPHGDOVDWODVW\HDU¶V FKDPSLRQVKLSVLQ2EHUWLOOLDFK$XVWULDZLOOOHDGWKH86WHDP'RKHUW\ZLOO EHMRLQHGE\DWKOHWHVIURPDFURVVWKH86LQFOXGLQJIRXUDWKOHWHVIURP0DLQH 7KHUDFHVDUHLQFUHGLEO\IXQWRZDWFKDQGZHOOZRUWKWKHGULYHXSWR³7KH &RXQW\´2UJDQL]HUVDUHVWLOOORRNLQJIRUYROXQWHHUVLI\RXZRXOGOLNHWROHQG a hand. Page 4 6QRZÀXUULHV Maine Huts and Trails trip, March 8-9 On March 8-9, PVSC will sponsor a weekend of snowshoeing or cross-country skiing at the Flagstaf Hut, which is part of the Maine Huts and Trails System. The cost is $74.50 per person. We will leave Saturday morning from the park and ride at the Hermon exit at 7:00 am. and carpool to the trailhead for the Flagstaff Hut. We will then ski or snowshoe from the parking lot to the Flagstaff hut, about two miles distance. We will ski or snowshoe on the groomed trails on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast are included, and a bag lunch is available for purchase on Sunday. Participants should bring a pillow case and sleeping bag or sheets for a bed and toiletries. See the Maine Huts and Trails website for recommended items to bring, trail maps, and trail conditions. We have a group reservation, which means that we will share bunk houses with other guests. ReservaWLRQVDUHRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHEDVLV Contact Amy VanKirk at maineamyd@gmail. com with questions and to reserve a spot. Page 5 396&'LUHFWRUVDQG2I¿FHUV EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Dave Gauvin Dan Perkins Cynthia Buzzini Sally Burke [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ski Sale Trails Bog Race Refreshments Membership Archives Quebec Trip Learn to Ski Publicity Newsletter AlpineRacing Trips Investments Dave Gauvin Tom Hanson [email protected] [email protected] Gretchen Gagnon [email protected] Cindy Dunlap [email protected] Bob Dunlap [email protected] Doug Bears [email protected] Barbe Miller [email protected] Richard Judd [email protected] Lindsay Hodgman [email protected] Jim Rose [email protected] Rick Swan richard.swan@ wellsfargoadvisors.com Nordic Emily Cartwright [email protected] Dan Perkins [email protected] Heathy Hometowns Lauren Jacobs [email protected] Webmaster Daniel Perkins [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS Robin Clukey Peter Buzzini Doug Bears (2016) (2016) (2014) Susan Lancaster Tamara Levitsky Dan Gagnon (2014) (2015) (2015) The Flagstaff Hut, pictured below, is located on the east shore of Flagstaff Lake. Flagstaff is the middle hut for hut-to-hut travel. It is a favorite for families and outdoor enthusiasts of all ages looking to spend relaxing time together. In winter, it is an overnight stay for snowshoers and cross-country skiers using the Maine Huts and Trails system. In summer, guests can enjoy swimming, canoeing and kayaking on the lake (boats provided), scenic walks around the lake, or hiking in the Bigelow Range, which is just a short paddle or drive away. 6QRZÀXUULHV Page 6 Tenth Annual Chip Cochrane Invitational Race, January 26, 2014 O n Sunday, January 26, PVSC Racing Development hosted the annual Chip Cochrane Invitational at Hermon Mountain, racing against Greenville’s Red Eagles and skiers from Carrabasett Valley. The event included two slalom runs in the morning and two giant slalom run in the afternoon, both on excellent snow conditions that gave us fast times. PVSC provided ribbons, metals, and donated prizes to all participants. The weather was chilly, but PVSC’s new timing system speeded the events along, and the race ran smoothly. 6QRZÀXUULHV Page 7 Race Results, 2014 Chip Cochran Invitational, Hermon Mountain, January 26 Below: Morning slalom run; right: afternoon GS run. NAME Pepin, Silas Pangburn, Jack Dwyer,Ruby McMahon, Alayna Schuck, Jack Lindelof, Jett Pangburn, Jonathon Noack, Anika Wittman, Annalena Larabee, Skylar Nadeau, Allyson Gillis, Mackenzie Kronholm, Lila Urquhart, Charlotte Noack, Naomi Noack, Leah Cobb, Jessica Watt, Tom Lindelof, Lake Tyler, Jake Oelschlegel, Alec Tyler, Abbie Thompson, Lauren Haldane, Nellie Brown, Breanna Tyler, Ben Watt, John TEAM PVSC PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC PVSC PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC PVSC RE RE PVSC SSC RE SSC PVSC PVSC PVSC SSC RE RUN 1 52.621 43.513 46.198 54.576 38.179 38.887 37.037 41.035 38.467 46.531 52.926 34.744 50.588 38.447 37.101 43.591 36.593 42.407 36.165 28.676 38.397 28.676 34.129 29.18 29.202 26.213 29.061 RUN 1 44.373 44.687 44.849 52.65 38.859 37.86 35.79 38.781 38.539 43.485 50.007 33.416 50.531 36.895 36.312 43.058 38.925 41.032 34.54 28.732 36.211 28.805 33.299 29.974 29.026 26.159 29.696 COMPOSITE 96.994 88.2 91.047 107.226 77.038 76.747 72.827 79.816 77.006 90.016 102.933 68.16 101.119 75.342 73.413 86.649 75.518 83.439 70.705 57.408 74.608 57.481 67.428 59.154 58.228 52.372 58.757 NAME TEAM RUN 1 RUN 2 COMPOSITE Pepin, Silas Pangburn, Jack Dwyer,Ruby Gillis, Delainy McMahon, Alayna Romero, Chance Schuck, Jack Lindelof, Jett Conner Self, Owen Pangburn, Jonathon Freely, Dustin Conner Self, Darby Noack, Anika Wittman, Annalena Larabee, Skylar Nadeau, Allyson Gillis, Mackenzie Kronholm, Lila Urquhart, Charlotte Noack, Naomi Noack, Leah Cobb, Jessica Watt, Tom Lindelof, Lake Tyler, Jake Oelschlegel, Alec Pettengil, Parker Tyler, Abbie Thompson, Lauren Haldane, Nellie Brown, Breanna Tyler, Ben PVSC PVSC PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC PVSC PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC RE PVSC PVSC PVSC RE RE PVSC SSC RE PVSC SSC PVSC PVSC PVSC SSC 60.173 53.599 63.462 81.494 69.751 55.952 53.193 50.512 56.259 47.992 70.534 56.823 54.264 51.898 59.352 64.898 48.547 84.749 53.272 53.17 57.11 52.631 58.438 50.675 38.628 52.847 53.817 38.251 44.939 40.346 42.016 36.118 Watt, John RE 43.157 41.925 85.082 59.541 52.422 59.23 68.761 119.714 106.021 122.692 DNS 138.512 55.838 50.556 57.757 48.632 65.86 58.928 55.639 53.464 61.095 64.02 48.785 70.447 52.985 54.113 59.276 52.194 60.727 51.938 39.648 55.378 56.256 37.968 44.336 39.005 41.27 34.98 109.031 101.068 114.016 96.624 136.394 115.751 109.903 105.362 120.447 128.918 97.332 155.196 106.257 107.283 116.386 104.825 119.165 102.613 78.276 108.225 110.073 76.219 89.275 79.351 83.286 71.098 Hermon Mountain Ski Patrol You see them skiing around at just about any mountain wearing their red jackets with white crosses, but do you ever stop to think about what goes into having them out there? At Hermon Mountain the Ski Patrol is an all volunteer effort. But, before they can be out there, they have to complete many hours of training. The Outdoor Emergency Care® course from the National Ski Patrol is the standard of training at Hermon Mountain. That course alone takes about 150 hours to complete. Then, each year, before the season begins all patrollers refresh these skills by spending another two days reviewing and practicing various scenarios just so that they can be ready for whatever comes their way, when they are out there on the slopes. Once WKHVQRZÀLHVDQGWKHWUDLOVDUHFRYHUHGSDWUROOHUVDUHEDFNDWLW7KLVWLPHWKH\ZRUNRQVNLDQGWRERJJDQKDQGOLQJVNLOOV$OOWKLVJHWV done just so that they can be ready for you when you need them. 9ROXQWHHU+RXUV Year Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan to Date Patrolling 0 0 0 0 1075 1103 2178 Training 108 234 391 476 122 154 1485 Total 108 234 391 476 1197 1257 3663 Why do they do it you may ask? The answer is simple, they have fun doing what they do. Being able to help somebody in need is rewarding in and by itself. The many skills you learn along the way can be useful sometime down the road. And last but not least, there are the new friendships that are being made. If all this has gotten you curious about ski patrolling, come look us up. We will be more than happy to talk to you and show you around. You can also contact us through email Ski Patrol Bar-b-que, Cloud Nine at: [email protected]