Untitled - Dial-a-Cab
Untitled - Dial-a-Cab
Board of Management and Advisers Chairman’s Statement Statement of responsibilities of the Board of Management Auditor’s Report 3 4-7 8 9 Income and expenditure account 10 Cash flow statement 12 Balance sheet 11 Notes to the financial statement 13-16 Shareholders 18-22 Five year performance review 17 Board of Management and Advisers B Rice (Chairman) K Cain A Togwell A Evans M Son T Whitbread H Pears (Secretary) Bankers National Westminster Bank plc 2-3 Upper Street Islington London N1 0QF Auditor Chantrey Vellacott DFK LLP Russell Square House 10-12 Russell Square London WC1B 5LF Solicitors Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP 35 Vine Street London EC3N 2AA 3 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 4 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Brian Rice Chairman 5 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Chairman’s Statement The past year has been another very difficult trading period, although Dial-a-Cab has fared reasonably well compared to others within our industry. Turnover increased slightly by 4.5%, which represents an increase of £1.4m. Operating costs have been maintained in line with expectation and staff costs have only increased by 2%, although there was a salary cost of living rise for all staff in April. As stated we are in the midst of a very difficult trading period, which I believe will deteriorate further during the forthcoming year. Consequently, it will be imperative that we keep a tight rein on operating costs, so we may confine any downward trend to a minimum. I believe it is very important for us to remember that in a shrinking market, Dial-a-Cab rewarded your staff with a cost of living increase coupled with a small bonus, did not increase members subscriptions, yet still managed to maintain a surplus for the year, quite a remarkable achievement that I am sure all members will appreciate. We operate in a niche market and as in chess we must play all sorts of positions well and Dial-a-Cab has fared extremely well in the recent past, but the market place has changed and will change even further. What separates a winner from a loser in chess is the willingness to do the unthinkable and so it is in business, one does not succeed by sticking to convention, as Dial-a-Cab has demonstrated so successfully to our industry in the past. However, as we only operate one type of service to clients, we must ensure quality is maintained at all times; as in chess, opponents will anticipate our every move as our scope is so limited. Others within our industry have, I believe, started moving this industry even further in a downward spiral, they are competing on price alone and the whole cost of the price cut has to be borne by the driver, something we refuse to do. For instance, it is not unusual that recently our competitors have been offering clients a zero run-in with zero driver gratuity and although I stated earlier that one does not succeed by sticking to convention, the foregoing is just a short term gain. In the long term, service levels will deteriorate and the incentives that were taken from drivers will never return. Dial-a-Cab will have to weather the storm in the short term as in the medium to long term clients will realise that service does come at a cost and our competitors will lose market share together with drivers, as the client will wish to maintain service levels that our competitors will not be able to maintain or even achieve. Although we are in the midst, although not officially, of a recessionary period we are continuing to invest in your business; this is due to the fact that your business has been managed prudently in the recent past which has enabled us to secure funds for further development without seeking any borrowing or placing your Society at any financial risk. 6 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 During the forthcoming year we will commence the fitting of your new terminals and unlike the competition, these terminals have not been purchased from stock but designed and built in the UK to Dial-a-Cab specifications. The alternative, like most things these days was to have the terminals built in China, however, we were very keen to maintain service and build in the UK and this did not come at a cost as our UK supplier compared extremely favourably with the Chinese equivalent. Your vehicles will also be fitted with a Pin Entry Device (PED), which not only has the ‘chip and pin’ but also ‘contactless’. In the back office and unseen by members, we will commence using our new accounting system in April 2012. Once again this system has been designed in-house by our IT department, it will offer together with our new ‘front end’ despatching system, again built ‘in-house’ the ability to hard and soft copy clients their invoices without going through a third party, thereby making a considerable cost saving for your Society. In the past year we have seen the emergence of several telephone applications (Apps) designed for the taxi industry. They all state they will win work back from the mini-cab industry, which can only be applauded. However, it appears they wish to win the work back on cost, which will be borne by the taxi driver, it is a scenario they will not achieve. It is unreasonable to expect a driver to pass work on the street to offer a service to the client without a run-in, then wait five minutes free of charge and then take 10% of the fare from the taxi driver. It is clear people from outside our industry, that may have funds available, have constructed this strategy but it is clear they do not understand the workings of a London Taxi Driver. In addition, the largest Private Hire Company in London has purchased probably the second largest in London, thereby allowing them to have at their disposal as many vehicles as two of our taxi radio circuits combined. I also believe their Chairman’s ambition will not rest there as he will in my opinion, seek to go Nationwide. Consequently, the forthcoming year will be extremely challenging as outside organisations seek to obtain our business, members, staff and the BoM will have to remain vigilant and focussed in an attempt to maintain our business. Although challenging, the forthcoming year will also be extremely busy and exciting with all the new features and innovations we have planned. Finally, I would like to thank all members, staff and the BoM for their support during a difficult year. That support will be tested even further during the forthcoming financial year. Brian Rice 7 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Statement of responsibilities of the Board of Management The Board of Management’s responsibilities for preparing the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) are as follows: Legislation requires the Board of Management to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the society and of the surplus or deficit of the society for that year. In preparing those financial statements, the Board of Management is required to: • • • • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; follow applicable accounting standards, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the society will continue in business. The Board of Management is responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the society and to enable it to ensure that the financial statements comply with applicable legislation. It is also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the society and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 8 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Independent auditor’s report to the members of Owner-Drivers Radio Taxi Service Limited We have audited the financial statements of Owner Drivers Radio Taxi Service Limited for the year ended 31 August 2011 which comprise the income and expenditure account, balance sheet, cash flow statement and related notes. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (UK GAAP). This report is made solely to the society’s members, as a body, in accordance with the provisions of the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 2002. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the society’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the society and the society’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT AND AUDITOR As explained more fully in the statement of responsibilities of the Board of Management, The Board of Management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements which give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit and express an opinion on the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s Ethical Standards for Auditors. SCOPE OF THE AUDIT OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS An audit involves obtaining evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements sufficient to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or error. This includes an assessment of: whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the society’s circumstances and have been consistently applied and adequately disclosed; the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the Board of Management; and the overall presentation of the financial statements. In addition, we read all the financial and non-financial information in the Annual Report and Accounts to identify material inconsistencies with the audited financial statements. If we become aware of any apparent material misstatements or inconsistencies we consider the implications for our report. OPINION ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS In our opinion the financial statements: > > give a true and fair view of the state of the society’s affairs as at 31 August 2011 and of its surplus for the year then ended, and have been prepared in accordance with the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts1965 to 2002. MATTERS ON WHICH WE ARE REQUIRED TO REPORT BY EXCEPTION We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 2002 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion: > a satisfactory system of internal control has not been established and maintained; or > the society has not kept proper accounting records; or > the financial statements are not in agreement with the books of account; or > we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. CHANTREY VELLACOTT DFK LLP Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor London 15 December 2011 9 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Income and expenditure account for the year ended 31 August 2011 Notes Income 2011 2010 £000 £000 32,578 28,526 31,174 27,248 Service charges 4,052 3,926 Total operating income 6,510 6,481 4,010 409 476 189 9 49 33 1,130 3,927 454 535 174 8 31 32 1,074 6,305 6,235 205 246 305 336 305 336 Turnover Cost of sales 2,454 4 Subscriptions General meeting fines Expenditure Staff costs Depreciation Maintenance of assets Occupancy costs Bad and doubtful debts Legal and professional Audit fee Other operating expenses 2 Total operating expenditure Operating surplus Profit on disposal of fixed assets Net interest receivable Surplus for the year before taxation Taxation Surplus for the year after taxation 3 4 2 98 - 2,550 5 8 82 - General reserve at 31 August 2010 12,815 12,479 General reserve at 31 August 2011 13,120 12,815 The income and expenditure account relates to continuing activities and includes all recognised gains and losses. Therefore, no separate statement of total recognised gains and losses has been presented. The attached notes form part of these financial statements. 10 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Balance sheet as at 31 August 2011 Notes Fixed assets 6 Current assets Debtors for credit work Other debtors Prepayments and accrued income Short term cash deposits Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Due to members for credit work Taxation and social security costs Other creditors Accruals and deferred income Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Loans and other amounts due to members classified as liabilities Share capital paid up Loans from members Represented by: General reserve 7 8 2011 £000 2010 £000 5,082 5,432 3,421 21 298 7,000 180 2,890 19 287 4,500 1,914 10,920 9,610 507 445 645 213 441 398 116 157 1,810 1,112 9,110 8,498 14,192 13,930 85 88 987 1,027 13,120 12,815 13,120 12,815 The financial statements were approved by the Board of Management and authorised for issue on 2 December 2011, and signed on its behalf by : B RICE Chairman The attached notes form part of these financial statements. 11 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Cash flow statement For the year ended 31 August 2011 2011 £000 2010 £000 809 374 205 409 (531) (13) 585 66 47 246 454 (269) (99) (43) 75 - 768 364 Increase in cash and short term deposits in the period Movement in share capital and members’ loans 766 43 353 21 Change in net funds 809 374 Net cash inflow from operating activities Net interest received Corporation tax paid Capital expenditure (Note 9a) Change in net funds Reconciliation of surplus for period to net cash inflow from operating activities Operating surplus Depreciation charges (Increase) in debtors for credit work (Increase) in other debtors and prepayments Increase/(Decrease) in other creditors and accruals Increase in amounts due to members for credit work Increase in taxation and social security costs Net cash inflow from operating activities Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds (Note 9b) 364 82 (72) Net funds at 31 August 2010 5,299 4,925 Net funds at 31 August 2011 6,108 5,299 The attached notes form part of these financial statements. 12 768 98 (57) Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 August 2011 1. Accounting policies The society is registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965. The principal accounting policies of the society are: a) b) c) d) e) f) 2. Accounting convention The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. Turnover Turnover represents credit work charges consisting of all amounts receivable for services rendered, excluding VAT. Cost of sales Cost of sales includes payments to members for services rendered to customers. The total payments to members for the year were £28,086,992 (2010: £26,872,196 ). Subscriptions Subscription income is credited to the income and expenditure account as it falls due. Depreciation Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost of the following fixed assets, in equal instalments over their estimated useful lives: Freehold land Freehold buildings Leasehold property Fixtures and equipment no depreciation is provided over 50 years over the term of the lease from 3 to 10 years Leasing commitments Assets obtained under finance leases are capitalised and depreciated over their estimated useful lives. The finance charge element of the leasing instalments is charged to the income and expenditure account by reference to the reducing principal outstanding. Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to income and expenditure account as incurred. Staff costs Staff costs comprise: Wages and salaries Social security costs Other pension costs 2011 £’000 2010 £’000 3,616 349 45 3,554 331 42 4,010 3,927 Staff costs include emoluments of members of the Board of Management totalling £379,472 (2010: £369,312). 13 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 August 2011 3. Net interest receivable Bank interest 4. 98 2010 £000 82 Taxation Trading losses of approximately £4 million, are available to be carried forward against any future trading profits for corporation tax purposes. No tax credit in respect of these losses has been recognised in the financial statements. a) The charge for the year is made up as follows: In respect of the current year b) Factors affecting the current tax charge: Surplus for the year before taxation Surplus multiplied by the effective rate of Corporation tax of 27% (2010: 28%) Income not subject to corporation tax Expenditure not deductible for tax purposes Difference between depreciation and capital allowances claimed Total current tax (note 4a) 5. 2011 £000 2011 £000 2010 £000 - - 2011 £000 2010 £000 - 305 82 (635) 523 30 - - 336 94 (690) 558 38 - Investments in subsidiaries The society has subscribed for the whole of the issued share capital at a total cost of £4 in two subsidiary companies, Dial-a-Cab Limited and Dial-a-Cab (London) Limited. Both companies are registered in England. Neither company has traded since incorporation and each has a share capital of £2 with no reserves. Consolidated financial statements have not been prepared as the society has no activities other than those reflected in its own financial statements. 14 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 August 2011 6. Fixed assets Freehold property £000 Leasehold property £000 Fixtures and equipment £000 10,394 59 (2) 15,326 59 (2) 4,912 20 10,451 15,383 Depreciation At 1 September 2010 Charge for the period Depreciation on disposals 230 70 - 20 - 9,644 339 (2) At 31 August 2011 300 20 9,981 10,301 Net book value At 31 August 2011 4,612 - 470 5,082 At 31 August 2010 4,682 - 750 5,432 Cost At 1 September 2010 Additions Disposals At 31August 2011 7. 8. 4,912 - 20 - Total £000 9,894 409 (2) Share capital Each member contributes £50 of share capital, which is returnable on cessation of membership. The movements during the year were as follows: No of Members £000 At 1 September 2010 New members admitted Ceased during the year 1,763 96 (163) 88 5 (8) At 31 August 2011 1,696 85 Loans from members The rules of the society provide for loans from each member to be contributed on a regular basis. Once a level of £1,000 has been reached, the loan may be repaid on demand and new contributions commenced. In view of the above and as final payment is only made on cessation of membership, the loans are considered to be of a longterm nature. 15 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 31 August 2011 9. Notes to the cash flow statement (a) 2011 £’000 Gross cash flows Capital expenditure: Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets b) Analysis of changes in net funds Short term cash deposits Cash Share capital Loans from members Total 10. 16 Capital commitments Net funds at 1 September 2010 £000 4,500 1,914 (88) (1,027) 5,299 2010 £’000 2 (59) 8 (80) (57) (72) Cash flows £000 Net funds at 31 August 2011 £000 809 6,108 2,500 (1,734) 3 40 7,000 180 (85) (987) As at 31 August 2011, the Board of Management had approved capital expenditure on replacement cab terminals totalling £2,572,000 of which approximately £2,100,000 had been contracted for. Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Five year performance review Income and expenditure account summary 2007 £000 Turnover Payments to drivers 2008 £000 2009 £000 2010 £000 2011 £000 49,992 (43,931) 49,491 (44,160) 33,609 (29,391) 31,174 27,248 32,578 (28,526) 6,061 2,913 (767) (7,231) 5,331 2,810 (489) (7,472) 4,218 2,758 (520) (6,692) 3,926 2,550 (454) (5,776) 4,052 2,454 (409) (5,892) Operating surplus/(deficit) Interest Taxation Disposal of fixed assets 976 25 (76) - 180 131 (29) 1,287 (236) 97 27 - 246 82 8 205 98 2 Net surplus/(deficit) for the year 934 1,821 (112) 336 305 2007 £000 2008 £000 2010 £000 2011 £000 Service charges Subscriptions Depreciation Operating costs Surplus/(deficit) for the year after taxation Transfer from revaluation reserve 925 9 1,569 252 (112) - 336 - 305 - Balance sheet summary Fixed assets Net current assets Share capital Members’ loans Represented by: General reserve Revaluation reserve 2009 £000 6,346 6,057 6,125 7,816 5,806 7,809 5,432 8,498 5,082 9,110 12,403 13,941 13,615 13,930 14,192 11,022 12,591 12,479 12,815 13,120 10,770 252 12,591 - 12,479 - 12,815 - 13,120 - (103) (1,278) 11,022 (101) (1,249) 12,591 (92) (1,044) 12,479 (88) (1,027) 12,815 (85) (987) 13,120 17 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Shareholders FULL NAME DAVID ABEL JOHN ABLE BRIAN ABRAHAMS DAVID ABRAHAMS MORRIS ABRAHAMS GRANT ADAMS JUSTIN ADAMS MARK ADAMS PAUL ADAMS DANIEL ADDIS JOHN ADDIS JOHN ADDIS DEAN ADDISON CLIVE ADKINS MARTIN ADKINS NORMAN ADLER PAUL ADLINGTON LEONARD AHEARN OGUN AHMET KENNETH AISTHORPE STEPHEN ALBASINI NEIL ALFORD PAUL ALFORD JOHN ALLCOCK ALFRED ALLEN CHRIS ALLEN GARY ALLEN GERRY ALLEN ALAN ALTY M. AMIN.ZAEIM MALCOLM AMOS LEE ANDERSON JAMES ANDREW DANIEL ANDREWS DAN ANKER MICHAEL APOSTOLOU MICHAEL APPLEBY OSWALD.A. ARCHER ANTHONY ARNOLD MAX ARNOLD PETER ARNOLD PAUL ARROWSMITH BARRY ARTHUR KENNETH ATKINS MICHAEL ATKINSON GEORGE ATTRILL JOHN AUSTIN DAVID AVIS PHILIP AYRES JOSEPH BACCARINI PETER BAILEY DONALD BAIN BRIAN BAKER DAVID BAKER MICHAEL BAKER NEIL BAKER PAUL BALDOCK WILLIAM BALDOCK LLOYD BALDWIN DAVID BALLARD BERNARD BAMBER RUSSELL BAMBER DARREN BANKS LEE BANKS WARREN BARBIERI TONY BARDIN RICHARD BARFORD CRAIG BARKER JOHN BARKER MARTIN BARKER DONALD BARLING DAVID BARR CHRISTIAN BARRETT EAMMON BARRETT EDWARD BARRETT JOHN BARRY STEPHEN BARRY GARY BARTHRAM 18 LAURENCE BARTLETT JAMES BARWICK ABE BASRI GEOFF BASSAM SIMON BASSEY KENNETH BATEMAN JOSEPH BATTY KEITH BAXTER KENNETH BEAN GEORGE BEARMAN DAVID BEATTIE ANTHONY BEAUMONT GARY BEDFORD TERRY BEEDELL MICHAEL BEEKMAN BILL BEER PETER BEGLEY RICHARD BELASCO IVOR BELKIN PHILIP BENJAMIN RICHARD BENJAMIN STUART BENJAMIN GORDON BENNETT STANLEY BENNETT PETER BENSON ELLIOT BERGMAN STEPHEN BERNDES DAVID BERROW PAOLO BERTA TERENCE BEZANT DEAN BEZZINA JOHN BIDDLE ANTHONY BILD MICHAEL BILLS ROBERT BINDING ALAN BIOLETTI BARRY BIOLETTI ANTHONY BISHOP CHRISTIAN BISHOP KEITH BISHOP JOHN BLACKBURN DEAN BLACKLEDGE NICHOLAS JOHN BLAKE ROBERT BLYTHE CHARLES BOLITHO GLENN BOLLINGTON STEPHEN BOLTON NEIL BOLTWOOD RICHARD BOLTWOOD EDWARD BOND PETER BOND RICHARD BOND ANTHONY BOOSEY ROY BOSTOCK MARK BOSWELL DAVID BOWEN STEPHEN BOWEN DAVID BOWER BARRY BOXALL PETER BOXALL PETER BOXALL DAVID BRADY JOHN BRADY STEPHEN BRADY JOHN BRANAGAN ROBERT BRANWHITE JOE BRAZIL TIMOTHY BREAKEY MICHAEL BRENCHLEY NEIL BREWER ROLAND BREWER ROBERT BRICKMAN DAVID BRIERLEY MARTIN BRIGDEN GARRY BRITTON GLENN BROADBENT ANTHONY BROMLEY TIM BROSNAN COLIN BROWN COLIN BROWN DANIEL BROWN DAVID BROWN GEORGE BROWN PAUL BROWN STEPHEN BROWN DAVID BRUTON MICHAEL BRYAN STEVEN BRYANT WILLIAM BRYANT ALAN BUCKINGHAM RAY BUCKLAND TERENCE BUFFIN DAVID BULL MICHAEL BURES MICHAEL BURKE DAVID BURLAND TERRY BURLING PETER BURNESS DAVID BURNETTS THOMAS BURNS PAUL BURRETT STEVEN BURROWS JASON BURT JEREMY BURT STEPHEN BURTON PHILIP BUTCHER PAUL BUTLER ANTONY BYRNE PETER BYRNE RAYMOND CAHALAN STEPHEN CAHILL KEITH CAIN JOHN CALDWELL ALAN CALLAGHAN KENNETH CALLAGHAN LENNY CALLAGHAN PETER CALLOW STUART CAMERON PAUL CAMPBELL KEVIN CAMPBELL-BRIGGS DENNIS CAMPS DERRICK CANNING STEVE CANNON DARREN CANTERBURY JOHN PAUL MICHAEL CAPOCCI PAUL CARPEL BARRY CARPENTER DARREN CARTER GEORGE CARTER ROY CARTER PETER CASE ANTONY CASEY JOHN CASKEY PAUL CASON BRENDA CASTELL DAVID CASTELL RICHARD CASTELYNN TERRY CATHERALL GEORGE CATO PETER CAULFIELD YASAR CEMAL PETER CERVI RAYMOND CHADD PETER CHADWICK PAUL CHALKEY RAY CHALLIS RICHARD CHAMBERLAIN IAIN CHAMPNESS STEWART CHAPMAN SCOTT CHARLTON DAVID CHARMAN ANTONY CHART P CHARTERS STEPHEN CHATTERLEY WILLIAM CHATTERWAY ARSHAD CHAUDHRY MALCOLM CHISWICK ABDUL CHOUDHURY LOUIE CHRISTIAN CASELTON CHRISTOPHER GEORGE CHRISTOU MICHAEL CHURCHILL CHARLTON CLARK GARY CLARK JEFF CLARK PETER CLARK STEPHEN CLARK EUSTACE CLARKE GLEN CLARKE MURVEL CLARKE STEPHEN CLARKE ALAN CLAYTON EDWARD CLEMENTS PATRICK CLOHESSY ANDREW CLOSIER JOHN CLOUGH STEPHEN CLOWES GRAHAM CLUER SEAMUS CLYNE DAVID COAN JOHN COATSWORTH WILLIAM COBB BERNARD COCHRANE ALAN COE DAVID COHEN ELLIS COHEN ROBERT COHEN GARRY COLE DAVID COLEMAN JAMES COLEMAN TERRENCE COLES JAMES COLLEDGE ANDREW COLLI ANDREW COLLINS BRIAN COLLINS BRIAN COLLINS DEAN COLLINS KENNETH COMERFORD MARK COMPTON ANTHONY CONNELL DANIEL CONNELLY IAN CONNELLY BRYAN CONNOLLY MICHAEL CONNOLLY DANIEL CONNOR DAVID CONNOR JOHN CONNOR JOHN CONNOR JOSEPH CONNOR ROBERT CONNOR CONSTANTIN CONSTANTINOS ALEX CONSTANTINOU IRVINE CONWELL ALFRED COOK JASON COOK TERENCE COOK TERENCE COOMBER DAWN COOPER FREDERICK COOPER JOHN COOPER THOMAS COOPER MATTHEW COOTE RONALD COPPING TERRY CORAY RAYMOND CORK WILLIAM CORNISH JAMES CORPE PAUL CORR JIMMY CORRUTHERS MARTIN COTTAM KEVIN COUGHLAN THOMAS COULL JOHN COULSON PAUL COUTTS JOHN COUZENS GARY COWDEROY CHRIS COX Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Shareholders GARY COX PAUL CRAFT JAMES CRAWFORD DAVID CREBER THOMAS CREEDEN ROBERT CREEK STEVEN CRISP JOHN CRISPIN DAVID CROSS PETER CROSSLEY KEVAN CROWTHER STEPHEN CRUICKSHANK PAUL CUDMORE CHRIS CULLEN MICHAEL CULLETON MICHAEL CULVERWELL JAMES CUNNINGHAM MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM JOHN CURRAN MICHAEL CURRAN MARK CUTLER DONALD DACAS JOHN DACEY ANDREW DALE CHARLIE DALY ANDREW DANIELS FRANK DANNA MARK D’ARCY LORRAINE DAVEY TERRENCE DAVEY COLIN DAVIDSON GEORGE DAVIDSON ROGER DAVIDSON RICHARD DAVIES LANCE DAVIS MARK DAVIS MELVYN DAVIS MICHAEL DAVIS NEIL DAVIS PHILLIP DAVIS ROY DAVIS JOHN DAY ROGER DAY STEPHEN DEACON ROBERT DEANS JOHN DEAR KEVIN DEDMAN ANTHONY DEE LYALL DELIN STAVROS DEMETRIOU STEPHEN DENISON SCOTT DENT TREVOR DENTON PAUL DERRY BRIAN DESBOROUGH RENE DEVERE LESLIE DEVEREAUX JEFF DEVONPORT BARRY DEVOR MARC DICKS ROBERT DILLON GRAHAM DIXON JOHN DIXON MONTY DOBRIN TERENCE DODD MARK DODGE MAURICE DOLAN TIMOTHY DOLAN ANTHONY DOLTIS ROBERT DONALD ANDREW DONNELLY JOHN DONNELLY MICHAEL DONOGHUE WILLIAM DORRELL PETER DOUGLAS JOHN DOWD COLIN DOWNES PAUL DOWSE BERNARD DOYLE MARK DOYLE MICHAEL DOYLE PETER DOYLE ALAN DREW PAUL DUDNEY ANTHONY DUFFY WILLIAM DUHIG NICHOLAS DUKE JAMIE DUMBRILL GERALD DUNN M.B.E. PATRICK DUNNE PETER DUNNE JOHN DURANT STEPHEN DURHAM CHARLES DURRELL MICHAEL DURRELL KEITH D’URSO BRIAN DUST MICHAEL DYER GORDON EAST TONY EASTER MICHAEL EASTLAND GEORGE EAVES ROBERT EDMONDSON DAVID EDWARDS JAMES EDWARDS MARK EDWARDS WILLIAM EDWARDS BARRY EGGINGTON ELEFTHERIOS ELEFTHERIOU DEAN ELLINGHAM STEVE ELLIOT BEN ELLIS DAVID ELLIS GRAHAM ELLIS RICHARD ELLIS CLYDE ELLIS-HALL DAVID EMBERTON JOHN ENEVER STEPHEN ENEVER STEVEN ENGLISH NIGEL EUSTACE GARY EVANGELISTA ALAN EVANS ALLAN EVANS EDWARD EVANS PETER EVENS ADRIAN EVERETT MARK EVERETT DAVID EVERITT CHRIS EWENS RALPH EYLES ANTHONY FAIREY KEITH FAIRWEATHER STEPHEN FARLEY BRADLEY FARMER DAVID FARMER JONATHON FARMER BRIAN FARR GARRY FARR PATRICK FARRELL CHRIS FARRUGIA TONY FARRUGIA PAUL FAULKNER BENJAMIN FEARN ARTHUR FEDERMAN ROBERT FELTON TERRY FELVUS TONY FENECH SEAN FERRY CHRIS FIELD STEPHEN FIELD NICHOLAS FIELDING MELVYN FINLEY ALAN FISHER DAVID FISHER DOUGLAS FISHER GEOFFREY FISHER JOHN FISHER SCOTT FISHER STEFAN FITT BARRY FITZGERALD JOHN FITZGERALD MICHAEL FITZGERALD EUGENE FITZSIMMONS DAVID FLAHERTY STEPHEN FLAHERTY PAUL FLAHIVE BRIAN FLANAGAN MARTIN FLECHER ALFRED FLETCHER DAVID FLETCHER STUART FLETCHER GRAHAM FLITTON MATHEW FLYNN PATRICK FOLAN DAVID FOLEY DAVID FORD JOHN FORD STANLEY FORD WAYNE FORD JAMES FORMAN VICTOR FORMOSA JAMES FORREST DAVID FORSTER DAVID FORSYTH JAMES FOWLER BRIAN FOX KEVIN FOX PATRICK.J. FOX ROBERT FOX PATRICK FOY DAVID FRAME RONALD FRAMPTON WILLIAM FRAMPTON WILLIAM FRANCE DANIEL FRANCESCOTTI JON FRANCIS LEE FRANCIS RAYMOND FRANCIS RICHARD FRANCIS ROBERT FRANCIS CHRIS FRANKLIN PAUL FRANKLIN PETER FRANKLIN SIMON FRANKS COLIN FRAZER KENNETH FREEBORN MARTIN FREEBORN MARC FREED BRADLEY FREEMAN MELVIN FREEMAN MITCHELL FREEMAN ANDREW FRENCH DARREN FRENCH GEOFF FRENCH MATTHEW FRENCH WILLIAM FRENCH BRYAN FREWIN CRAIG FROUD BRYAN FULLER REGINALD FULLER SALVATORE FUSCHILLO RAYMOND FUSSELL IAN GAFFNEY STEPHEN GAINE HOWARD GALE MICHAEL GALTON PAUL GANE PAUL GANNON JOHN GANT PETER GARDNER WAYNE GARRETT GUY GAUNT LUKE GAVIN JOHN GAY ANDY GAYLE ROBERT GEACH GARY GENTLEMAN MICHAEL GENTRY SCOTT GENTRY JOHN GEORGE PETER GEORGE GEORGE GEORGIOU JOHN GERBER ROGER GERSHFIELD RODNEY GHENT JOHN GIBBINGS TERRY GIBBINS JAMES GIBBS EDWARD GIBSON MICHAEL GIBSON CLIFFORD GIFFIN JOHN GILBERT KEITH GILLIAM KEITH GILLIGAN JEFF GLADDEN MICHAEL GLICKSMAN PETER GLOVER ANTHONY GLYNN JAMES GLYNN JOHN GOATE ANTONY GODDARD CHARLES GODDARD GEOFFREY GODDARD ALAN GOLD GERALD GOLD LIONEL GOLD STEVE GOLDBERG KURT GOLDSCHMIDT TERRY GOLDSMITH SIMON GOLDSTEIN EDWARD GOODHALL ANTHONY GORGA BRYAN GORIN ANDY GORMAN CHRIS GORYNSKI PAUL GOSBEE ADAM GOULD PAUL GOULD SIMON GOULD IAN GOULDEN DARREN GRAHAM MARK GRAMSON LUKE GRANADOS PATRICK GRANGER PETER GRAOVAC PATRICIA GRAVES IAN GRAY COLIN GREAVES ALAN GREEN MARK GREEN MELVIN GREEN RODNEY GREEN SCOTT GREEN STEPHEN GREEN ALAN GREGORY JAMES GRIFFIN JOHN GRIGGS BARRY GRONER PAUL GROOME CHRIS GROTE KEITH GROVES ANTHONY GUERRIER TONY GUERRIER D GUNGARAM DEREK GUNN JOHN GUNNING MARTIN GARY GUNTER MICHAEL GURRY KENNETH HAIRE JAMES HALE DAVID HALEY ERGAN HALIL ALAN HALL ANDREW HALL JASON HALL 19 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Shareholders JOHN HALL PETER HALLETT RALPH HALPERIN PAUL HAMMETT KEITH HANCOCK BILL HAND JAMES HANLEY TREVOR HANNAFORD PHILIP HANNAH PAUL HANNAM CHRIS HANRAHAN CLINTON HANSON TERRY HARDIE KENNETH HARDY NIZAR HARIF TREVOR HARLEY ALFIE HARP STEPHEN HARPER JONATHAN HARRINGTON KEN HARRINGTON MICHAEL HARRINGTON ANTHONY HARRIS BEN HARRIS BRIAN HARRIS GERALD HARRIS GRAHAM HARRIS MICHAEL HARRIS ROBERT HARRIS TONY HARRIS ADAM HARRISON RYAN HARRISON ANTHONY HART COLIN HART ALAN HARTMAN MELVYN HARVEY MARK HASLAM STEPHEN HASSAN TERRY HATT FRANK HATTLEY GLENN HATTON CHRIS HAVIS RONALD HAWES STANLEY HAWES DAVID HAWKINS KEVIN HAWKINS DARREN HAWLEY BRIAN HAYDEN ROY HAYDEN STEPHEN HAYDEN DANIEL HAYES JOHN HAYES MICHAEL HAYES ANTON HAYNES LARRY HAYS WAYNE HEALY GARY HEARD TIM HEARD GARY HEATH JAMES HEATHER MARTIN HEATHERSON MICHAEL HEATLEY PAUL HEATLEY DANIEL HEAVEN DENNIS HEAVIN DEREK HEDGES MICHAEL HEGARTY DAVID HENDERSON ANDRE HENDRICKS RICHARD HENNESSEY PATRICK HENNESSY TOM HENSON HENRY HEPWORTH DAREN HERBERT JOHN HERBERT BARRY HESSION ROBERT HEWETT PAUL HIBELL KEITH HICKEY JOHN HIGBEE 20 JACKIE HILL RICHARD HILL TERENCE HILL DEREK HILLIER JOHN HILLIER LEIGH HILLMAN CHRISTOPHE HILLS PATRICK HINCHION MARK HINDS ANTONY HIZER MARTIN HIZER STEVEN HOARE PAUL HOBBS STEPHEN HOBBS PETER HOCKEY EILEEN HOCKLEY PAUL HODGE STEPHEN HODGSON DAVID HOGG KEITH HOLBROOK IAN HOLLAND BRENDAN HOLLERAN MICHAEL HOLLEYOAKE MARK HOLMES CHRIS HONES TONY HONES DAVID HOOK DEBORAH HOPE DUNCAN HOPE DAVID HOPKINS RAYMOND HORAN JOSEPH HORNSTEIN PHILIP HORSTED BRIAN HORVATH JOHN HOWARD LEONARD HOWDEN PAUL HOWE PAUL HOWELL MARTIN HOWELLS KEITH HOWES PAUL HUDSON DAVID HUGHES GEORGE HUGHES WAYNE HUMPHREYS DAVID HUMPHRYES JASON HUNTER WILLIAM ALEXANDER HURLEY MICHAEL HUSK HUSSEIN HUSSEIN STEPHEN HUTCHINSON MICHAEL HYNES AYDIN IBRAHIM TOLGA IBRAHIM MICHAEL INNS JAWEID IQBAL COLIN ISAAC CLARENCE ISHMAEL TARUN ISWARLAL JOHN J CROWLEY PAUL J SMITH ANTHONY JACKSON ROY JACKSON TERENCE JACKSON KEVIN JACOB ALEXIS JACOBS JANE JACOBS LEONARD JACOBS MARK JACOBS PHILIP JACOBS RICHARD JACOBS DAVID JACQUES ROBERT JAMES ALASTAIR JARVIE WILLIAM JARVIS ADRIAN JAY PHILIP JEFF COLIN JENKINS RUSSELL JENKINS PAUL JENNER DAVID JENNINGS SIMON JOHN TROTTER COLIN JOHNSON GARY JOHNSON GARY JOHNSON NEIL JOHNSON SIMON DAVID JOHNSON GERALD JOHNSTON TERENCE JOLLEY CATHERINE JOLY ALAN JONES DAVID JONES DAVID JONES DAVID JONES FREDRICK JONES GARETH JONES PETER JONES ROBERT JONES SIMON JONES TREVOR JONES WILLIAM JONES STWEART JOPLING RICHARD JORDAN DAVID JOSEPH THOMAS JOYCE LAWRENCE JULIUS CHRIS KALLI JON KAMENKA JONATHAN KANOLIK PETER KARANTONI ATA KASAP MARY KASAP PAUL KASSA PAUL KAVANAGH ALASTAIR KAY MICHAEL KAYE MICHAEL KAYE BRYAN KEARNS PATRICK KEEFE PETER KEEFE DALI KEGI DON KELLY KEVIN KELLY PETER KELLY LAURENCE KELVIN TERRY KEMPNER MICHAEL KENNEDY MICHAEL KENNEDY PAUL KENNEDY JOHN KENNY ROGER KENSIT PETER KENT KEITH KEW WILLIAM KIBBLE JOHN KIELY MICHAEL KILBURN DAVID KILLEN DAVID KILLINGTON MICHAEL KING STUART KING STEPHEN KINGHAM ROBERT KIRK TREVOR KNAPMAN PETER KNIGHT ROBERT KNIGHT STEVEN KNIGHT HOWARD KOTT JACKIE KOTT ANDREAS KOULLAS DAVID KUPLER KYRIACOS KYRIACOU LAURENCE LACOME CHRIS LAKE EDWARD LAMBERT KEITH LAMMIN ADRIAN LANDAU MARK LANDER CHRIS LANE KEN LANE MARK LANE RON LANE MICHAEL LAPPIN SAMUEL LARTEY ROBERT LASHMAR CYRIL LASSMAN PAUL LAVIN COLIN LAWLESSS MARK LAWRENCE STEVEN LAWRENCE JAMES LAYTON DARREN LAZARUS COLIN LEA MICHAEL LEAHY IAN LEARMOUTH PETER LEARMOUTH MARTIN LEAT PETER LEATHEM GARY LEAVER GALAL LEBLEB STEPHEN LEDERMAN ANTHONY LEE MICHAEL LEE PAUL LEE STEPHEN LEE WAYNE LEEDHAM STEVEN LEEK ROGER LEITHBORO GRAHAM LEONARD PAUL LEONARD ROBERT LEONARD DANIEL LEPELLEY DONALD LEPPARD MICHAEL LESSER DAVID LESSMAN MALCOLM LEVAN PAUL LEVENE DAVID LEVY ISAAC LEVY ALAN LEWIS COLIN LEWIS MICHAEL LEWIS STEWART LEWIS TERRY LEWIS TONY LEWIS ROBERT LINALE JOHN LINDSELL VICTOR LINDSELL SIMON LIPMAN ALAN LIPSCOMBE KEITH LIPSCOMBE ANTHONY LISTON TONY LLOYD JOHN LOCK PETER LOCK STUART LOCKHART LOUIS LOIZOU JOHN LONERGAN MICHAEL LONG RICHARD LONG ERROL LOTRIET JOHN LOVEGROVE BERNARD LOWRY PAUL LUCAS ROGER LUPTON ROBERT LYLE MICHAEL LYONS TERRY LYONS SALVATORE MACALUSO IAN MACDONALD TONY MACDONALD BRIAN MACKENZIE JOHN MACNABOE MARTYN MADDEN PAUL MADDEN THOMAS MADDEN PAUL MAGRI MANOUN MAKRI KWONG MAN Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Shareholders RICKY MANETTA BRUNO MANFREDI GARY MANKELOW DAVID MANN ANDREW MAN-NU ALAN MANSBRIDGE RAYMOND MANTELL BRIAN MARCANTONIO PAUL MARINER WILLIAM MARINER DAVID MARKS PETER MARKS RAYMOND MARKS RONALD MARLOW GRAEME MARLOWE CHRISTOPHER MARQUIS ANDREW MARSH ANTHONY MARSHALL CARL MARSHALL KEVIN MARSHALL ANTHONY MARTIN BARRY MARTIN DAVID MARTIN GARY MARTIN KEITH MARTIN PHILLIP MARTIN ROY MARTIN JOE MARTINEZ CONSTANTINO MARTINS JOHN MASON MICHAEL MASON STEPHEN MASON LEE MASSARELLA FRANCIS MASSINGHAM FRANCIS MASSINGHAM JOSEPH MASSINGHAM ANICETUS MATHURIN RONALD MATTHEWS ROBERT MAXWELL ANDREW MAY KEVIN MAY ROBERT MAYS PETER MCALLISTER THOMAS MCCAFFREY JOHN MCCALL PAUL MCCANN DAVID MCCARTHY DENNIS MCCARTHY IAN MCCARTHY JOHN MCCARTHY PATRICK MCCARTHY PETER MCCARTHY JAMES MCCLEAN FRANK MCCORMACK JOHN MCCORMACK JOHN MCCULLAGH GREGORY MCDONAGH KEVIN MCDONALD TOMMY MCDONNELL ADAM MCGANN PHIL MCGIFF MICHAEL MCGLYNN RORY MCGOWAN KEVIN MCGREEVY SEAN MCGUILE CLEMENT MCHALE KEVIN MCKENNA BRIAN MCKENZIE CASSIUS MCKEOWN JOHN MCLAREN-SMITH OWEN MCLAUGHLIN ROBERT MCMULLAN STEVEN MCMULLEN JOHN MCNAMARA GERALD MCNEILL JONATHAN MCNIFF BRIAN MCPHERSON PAUL MCTAGGART GERARD MCTERNAN TERRY MEARES JAMES MEEHAN ROBERT MEEHAN BARRY MEHRTENS JASON MELTON KAREN MENPES LEE MENZELLA LEE MENZIES STEPHEN MEPHAM GARY MICKLEWHITE MELVIN MIDDLETON DALKEITH MILLER LARRY MILLER STUART MILLER IAN MILLINS PAUL MILSON KURT MIRJAM ZEKAI MISIRI ANTHONY MITCHELL TONY MITCHELL JOHN MOFFAT PETER MOLL JEFFREY MONIN MICHAEL MONK JOHN MOODY NICHOLAS MOODY LAWRENCE MOORCROFT JAMES MOORE IAN MORGAN JOHN MORGAN SEAN MORGAN WALTER MORIARTY DAVID MORRIS TREVOR MORRIS ANDREW MORRISON STEVEN MORTLOCK DANNY MOSES DAVID MOSLEY ROBERT MOSS IAN MOSSEY FRANK MOTHERSOLE ROBERT MOULD GORDON MOWATT JOHN MOYNIHAN MICHAEL MUCHMORE GARY MUCKLE GERALD MULCAHY ALAN MULDOON CHRIS MULOCK JOHN MULROONEY PETER MUNNS ROBERT MUNRO PAUL MUNTING JOHN MURPHY JOHN MURPHY OWEN MURPHY PATRICK MURPHY PAUL MURPHY PETER MURPHY RICKY MURPHY SEAN MURPHY TERRY MURPHY ANTHONY MURRAY PETER MURRAY DEAN MUSSETT JOHN MYERS GARRY NAPIER ALAN NASH CLIFFORD NASH GRAHAM NASH JOHN NATHAN LESLIE NATHAN SIDNEY NATHAN GRAHAM NEGUS SHANE NELSON DAVID NEWBOLT MARTIN NEWBOLT ERIC NEWBURY ROBERT NEWBURY DANIEL NEWMAN DAVID NEWMAN KEITH NEWTON KEVIN NEWTON MICHAEL NEWTON STEPHEN NICHOLAS ANDY NICHOLLS JOHN NICHOLSON JOHN NICHOLSON NICHOLAS NICOLA PETER NOAH ROBERT NOBLE ALAN NOONAN CHRIS NOONAN PATRICK NOONAN GEOFFREY NORDEN MARK NORRIS ROBERT NORRIS MICHAEL NORTON MICHAEL NORVALL DAVID NORWOOD JOHN NUTLEY MARK NUTT STEVEN NYE MICHAEL O BRIEN KEITH OATES DAVID OCONNELL GERARD OCONNOR JOHN O’CONNOR KEVIN O’CONNOR PETER O’CONNOR MICHAEL O’HANLAN MARTIN O’HEHIR DAVID O’KEEFE PAUL O’KEEFE DEREK OLDFIELD PATRICK OLEARY ROBERTO OLIVEIRA REGINALD OLIVER BRIAN O’MAHONEY DAVID O’MAHONEY SHAUN O’MEARA BRIAN ANTHONY O’NEILL ANDREW O’REGAN PETER O’REGAN DANIEL O’ROURKE DAVID ORSON ANTHONY OSBORN MICHAEL OSBORNE ANTHONY OSWALD LAWRENCE O’TOOLE EDWARD OWEN LEE OWEN LAWRENCE PAGE MARTIN PAGE ALAN PALMER CHRIS PALMER CHRIS PALMER JOSEPH PALMER STEPHEN PALMER TERENCE PAMENTER KERRY PANAYIOTOU DAVID PANTER NICOS PAPADOPOULOS DAVID PAPPER DAVID PARKER MICHAEL PARKINS ANTHONY PARKINSON PAUL PARKINSON JAMES PARLOUR BILLY PARR MARK PARTRIDGE CHRIS PASSFIELD JONATHAN PATCH SHAUN PATRICK PAUL PAVLOU RICHARD PAYNE STEPHEN PAYNE CLIVE PEARCE FRANCIS PEARCE LEE PEARCE TIM PEARCE ROBERT PEARMAN GRAHAM PEET TERRY PEET MICHAEL PEGG FRANK PEGLER GRAHAM PELL LARRY PELTON GARRY PEPPERMAN MARC PEPPERMAN KEITH PERRY MARK PETERS IAN PETHERBRIDGE BRIAN PETRIE STEVEN PETTICAN ANTHONY PETTIT JEFFREY PETTIT LEE PHEBY BARRY PHILLIPS HOWARD PHILLIPS MICHAEL PHILLIPS MICHAEL PHILLIPS JOHN PIDGE JAMES PIERCE JOHN PIERONI RON PIPER KEITH PITMAN KENNETH PITT-JONES STEPHEN PLUCK MARTIN POKE STEPHEN POLITZ MICHAEL.J. POLLINGTON RUSSELL POLUCK MARTYN POOLE DARREN POOLEY BARRY POORE EUGENE PORTANIER ANTHONY POTRAC RICHARD POTTER KEN POULTON ANTHONY POWELL JAMES POWELL JOHN POWELL MARTIN POWELL LEE PRESCOTT ANTHONY PRICE BRADLEY PRICE GEORGE PRICE MELVYN PRUDEN PAUL PRYOR KENNETH QUAMIE THOMAS QUIGLEY ADRIANO RABBINI JONATHAN RADCLIFFE DEAN RAFFERTY YAQUB RAFIQ WAYNE RAGBIR JAMES RAINBIRD SAEED RAJA JETMIR RAMA BARRY RAMSDEN DAVID RANCE RICKI RANDS PAUL RANSON LIAM RATCLIFFE MICHAEL RATTIGAN JOHN RAY DAVE RAYMOND JONATHAN RAYMOND RAPHAEL RAYMOND DENNIS RAYNER MARK RAYNER KEITH READING JAMES REASON PETER REDGWELL DAVID REED STEVEN REED JOSEPH REGAN PAUL REGAN STEPHEN REGAN SEAMUS REILLY MARK RELF RICHARD RELF JAMES REYNOLDS JOHN REYNOLDS DANNY RHODES B RICE ROBERT RICH ALAN RICHARDS GEOFFREY RICHARDS MICHAEL RICHARDS LESLIE RICHLAND PHILIP RING COLIN ROBB LEE ROBB MICHAEL ROBERTS FRANCIS ROBINSON JON ROBINSON KEITH ROBINSON ADAM ROGERS BRIAN ROGERS GRAHAM ROGERS LEE ROGERS SIMON ROGERS PAUL ROMA PHILLIP ROME ROBERT RONEY MARTIN ROSE SCOTT ROSS ADRIAN ROSSEN JOHN ROTHERY DAVID ROULAND GEOFFREY ROWE PETER ROWE JEFFREY ROWELL BRIAN ROWLAND STEPHEN ROWLAND EDWARD RUBBINS GIOVANNI RUBINI ANTHONY RUDDY CHARLES RUDKIN ALAN RUGG LEE RULE STEVEN RUMBOL DIVYESH RUPARELLA DAVID RUSSELL MARTIN RUSSELL WILLIAM RUSSELL SHAUN RYAN VAUGHAN RYAN MATTHEW RYE COLIN SALMON DARREN SALMON PAUL SALTER JOHN SAMMONS MAURIZIO SAMONINI TERRY SAMPSON IAN SAMUELS STANLEY SAMUELS ANTHONY SAM-YORKE JOSE SANCHEZ LEE SANGSTER PELLEGRINO SANTANGELO ALLAN SAUNDERS CHRIS SAUNDERS PANTELI SAVVA DAVID SAWARD JOHN SAWYER STEVEN SAXON ALEXIS SCALIOTIS JOHN SCANNELL LORRAINE SCHLESINGER GRANT SCHNEIDER ANDREW SCHWARZ RAYMOND SCOTT MICHAEL SCULLY 21 Dial-a-Cab Annual Report 2011 Shareholders PAUL SEARS MICHAEL SEDAR ROBERT SEES STANLEY SEGAR TERRY SENFT IAN SEWELL STEWART SEYMOUR JOHN SHAKESHAFT PAUL SHAKESHAFT ANTHONY SHALLOO NATALIA SHALOM SIMON SHALOM PAUL SHANAHAN ROBERT SHANNON BRIAN SHAPIRO LAWRENCE SHAPIRO GRAHAM SHARP GERARD SHARPE STEPHEN SHARPE ANTHONY SHAW DARREN SHAW DAVID SHAW IAN SHAW RAYMOND SHAW TOM SHEA DONELL SHEEHAN JAMES SHEEHAN PATRICK SHEEHAN TIMOTHY SHEEHAN WILLIAM SHEEN STEPHEN SHENKER DOUGLAS SHEPHERD ALEX SHEPPARD JOHN SHERIDAN MARK SHERLOCK T SHILLABEER MARK SHIRLAW JONATHON SHORT LAURENCE SHORT PAUL SHORTER TIM SIBLEY BERNARD SILVER STUART SIMCOX PETER SIMMONDS RAYMOND SIMMONS STANLEY SIMMONS STEVEN SIMMONS PHILIP SIMMS ALLAN SIMONS COLIN SIMS LEON SINGER SHAWINDER SINGH IAN SKEELS JOSEPH SKEGGS FRANKLYN SKINNER DAVID SKONE JEREMY SLATTERY STEPHEN SLOANE GARY SMILE ALAN SMITH ALEXANDER SMITH--ANTHONY SMITH BARRY SMITH BRANDON SMITH DENNIS SMITH EDDIE SMITH ERNEST SMITH GEORGE SMITH JAMES SMITH MARK SMITH MICHAEL SMITH PHILIP SMITH PHILIP SMITH RAY SMITH RONALD SMITH STEPHEN SMITH TREVOR SMITH WILLIAM SMITH WILLIAM SMITH 22 JOHN SMITHEN PAUL SMYTH PETER SMYTH IVAN SOBELL JEREMY SOLOMON CARMINE SOMMELLA MICHAEL SON RAYMOND SORENE COLIN SOSTMAN PAUL SOTERIOU GARY SOUTHWARD COLIN SPARKS ALAN SPEAIGHT BARRY SPEAR GEOFFREY SPOONER BOB STAFFORD GARY STAUNTON MICHAEL STEELE NEIL STEELE DANIEL STEPHENS MARTIN STEPHENS DAVID STEVENS PAUL STEVENS DAVID STEWART DANIEL STONE JOHN STOWERS PETER STRAITON ROBERT STRANGE DAREN STRATFORD RONALD STREET GARY STRONG ROBERT STROULGER JOHN STUBBINGTON ROBERT STUTMAN STELIOS STYLIANIDES DEAN SUETT JACK SUETT ALAN SULLIVAN MITCHELL SUMMERS WILLIAM SUMNER BERNARD SWAIN STANLEY SWARRY ROBERT SWEENEY BARRY SWEET AFZAL SYED JOHN SYKES WAI MING (PAT) TANG MICHAEL TARBUCK MICHAEL TARBUCK KENNETH TARR MICHAEL TARR GLENN TARRANT GARRY TATAM FOREST TAXIS DAVID TAYLOR GARY TAYLOR KENNETH TAYLOR PAUL TAYLOR PETER TAYLOR RONNIE TAYLOR STEPHEN TAYLOR STEPHEN TAYLOR STEVEN TAYLOR ALEX TEAL MATTHEW TEALE PAUL TEALE JOHN TEECE JOHN TENNANT GLEN TEW GARY THATCHER DANIEL THOMAS GEOFFREY THOMAS JOHN THOMAS PAUL THOMAS ROBERT THOMAS STEVEN THOMAS GORDON THOMPSON STEPHEN THOMPSON IAN THOMSON THOMAS THOMSON MARK THURBIN MARK TILLER MARK TILLS WILLIAM TIPPING DAVID TOBIAS GERRY TOBIN A TOGWELL CHRIS TOMLINSON LANCE TORRIE DEAN TOWNSEND GARRY TOWNSEND BRIAN TREDLER JON TREMLETT JON TREVOR DAVID TROTTER NEILL T TRUEMAN CALOGERO TRUPIA LEONARD TUERENA PAUL TULLY KEITH TUMBRIDGE MARC TURNER PETER TURNHAM GARY TYLER JOHN TYLER JOHN TYLER STEVEN TYSON WILLIAM TYZACK B.E.M. UMIT UZGUNER TERENCE VALE PETER VALLER STEVEN VAN GELDER DAVID VAN HAEFTEN PHILLIP VANCE TERENCE VANDOME JOSEPH VAUGHAN STEPHEN VAUGHAN PAUL VELLA ANTHONY VERRIER COLIN VINCENT FELIX VINCENT GEORGE VINCENT JOHN VODDEN DOUGLAS VOGEL RONALD VOSPER JAMES W BAPTIST PAUL WAKEFIELD GEOFF WAKELING MITCHELL WAKEMAN PETER WALDREN ANTHONY WALKER DAVID WALKER GRANT WALKER JOHN WALKER JOHN WALKER COLIN WALLACE MELBOURNE WALLACE MELVYN WALLIS SIMON WALLIS ANTONY WALPOLE MAURICE WALSH PATRICK WALSH RUSSELL WALSH JOHN WARD JOHN WARD PHILIP WARD RICHARD WARD TERENCE WARD ROY WARMAN TIMOTHY WARREN PAUL WARWICK DAVID WASHINGTON ERIC WATERMAN STUART WATERMAN ANN WATKINS ANTHONY WEBB ROBERT WEBB STEPHEN WEBB RAYMOND WEBBER GERALD WEILAND DANIEL WEIR ANTHONY WELCH RONNIE WELCH KEVIN WENT GRAHAM WEST TERENCE WEST JOHN WHEELER THOMAS WHITBREAD DAVID WHITE GARRY WHITE GEORGE WHITE JASON WHITE KEITH WHITE NEIL WHITE RONALD WHITE RAY WHITEHEAD JAMES WHITING KENNETH WHYTOCK DAVID WIDDOP JOHN WIGGLESWORTH MICHAEL WIGMORE JOHN WILD JOHN WILES ALEC WILKEY PATRICIA WILKEY SETH WILKINS EDWARD WILKINSON DAVID WILLETT PAUL WILLETT COLIN WILLIAMS GARY WILLIAMS GLYN WILLIAMS JOHN WILLIAMS LEE WILLIAMS LESFORD WILLIAMS MICHAEL WILLIAMS JONATHAN WILLMOTH GARY WILLOUGHBY JAMIE WILLSON DAVID WILSON STEVEN WILSON DELL WINDSOR ROY WINTER ALEX WINTERS CARL WINWICK SHAYNE WISE ROGER WITCHLOW BRIAN WITH DARYL WOOD GARY WOOD JASON WOOD JOHN WOOD LEE WOOD RICHARD WOOD JOHN WOODGATES CRAIG WOODHAM DANIEL WOODHOUSE STEVE WOODRUFF JOHN WOODWARD TREVOR WOOLMORE JEFFREY WORBOYS TERENCE WORKMAN ANTHONY WRIGHT STEPHEN WRIGHT TERENCE WRIGHT TREVOR WRIGHT ANTHONY YAM HARVEY YANOVER TERENCE YEMS TERRY YEOMANS DANIEL YOUNG JOHN YOUNG PAUL YOUNG STEPHEN YOUNG ALAN YUCHETEL TURGAY ZEKAI OWNER-DRIVERS RADIO TAXI SERVICE LIMITED Dial-a-Cab, Dial-a-Cab House, 39-47 East Road, London N1 6AH Tel: 020 7251 0581 Fax: 020 7553 7293