Structure and intensity changes in Hurricane Ophelia
Structure and intensity changes in Hurricane Ophelia
Structure and intensity changes in Hurricane Ophelia (2005): Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling and RAINEX observations Andrew W. Smith March 2, 2016 1. Introduction Intensity and intensity change remain one of the most challenging issues in tropical cyclone (TC) prediction. Complex interactions between the storm itself and the atmosphere-ocean environment facilitate changes in intensity vis-à-vis storm structure, which are difficult to both observe and model. Hurricane Ophelia (2005) demonstrates well the impact of this storm-environment coupling and its consequences for TC strength and organization. Ophelia was well observed during the Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment (RAINEX, see Houze et al. 2006) in 2005. Although previous studies have explored linkages between convective structure evolution and intensity in TCs observed during RAINEX (Houze et al. 2006, 2009; Judt and Chen, 2010), the role of coupling between the TC and large-scale atmosphere-ocean environment to structure-intensity dynamics has not been examined. Understanding this is important to explaining how Hurricane Ophelia survived extreme storm-induced ocean cooling, changed structurally during and following the collapse of its inner eyewall, and to improving model prediction of TC intensity. To address the coupling impact, I investigate structure and intensity changes in Hurricane Ophelia using a high-resolution coupled atmosphere-ocean model and unprecedented NOAA and U.S. Navy Electra Doppler (ELDORA) radar, and satellite observations gathered during the RAINEX field campaign. Aiming to improve model hurricane intensity prediction, RAINEX comprised a series of flight missions through Hurricanes Katrina, Ophelia, and Rita to study hurricane eyewallrainband dynamics and interactions (e.g. eyewall replacement cycles, see Judt and Chen, 2010). Hurricane Ophelia originated from a weak tropical storm north of the Bahamas mired in weak environmental steering flow. With limited forward movement, Ophelia induced strong upper-ocean cooling beneath its circulation that persisted near the storm’s inner core and was likely responsible for extremely shallow vertical and asymmetric convection. 2. Coupled Model and Experiments The University of Miami Unified Wave Interface-Coupled atmosphere- ocean Model (UWIN-CM) consists of component models Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) v3.6.1 for the atmosphere, and HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) v2.2.98 for the ocean. UWIN-CM is configured with 12-,4-, and 1.3 km nested grids and 44 vertical levels for WRF and 4 km grids for HYCOM. Six-hourly 0.5° NCEP FNL fields and the daily 1/12° global HYCOM analysis are used for initial and boundary conditions. Two model couplings were used for these experiments: uncoupled atmosphere (UA), which holds SST constant, and atmosphere-ocean (AO), which allows SST to evolve. 3. Effects of Air-Sea Interaction on Storm Structure and Track in Hurricane Ophelia a. Track and intensity Six-hourly storm tracks from UWIN-CM UA and AO simulations reflect very different TC evolutions (Fig 1). Coupling to the ocean in AO permits TC awareness and response to storm-induced cooling, and alters the large-scale environment the TC feels. From Ophelia’s anticyclonic loop phase onward, AO diverges noticeably – pressure and wind intensity are overestimated in UA whereas AO responds to storm-induced cooling with gradual weakening (Fig 1). b. Storm-induced Upper Ocean Cooling Prolonged wind stress forcing by TC winds at the ocean surface induces upwelling of colder sub-surface waters; consequential impact on storm intensity depends upon forward speed of the TC. Average forward speed for Atlantic TCs over the period 1948-2003 is approximately 5 m/s (Chen et al. 2006). Comparatively, due to weak tropospheric steering in the large-scale environment, Ophelia’s average speed was much slower – about 2 m/s (Fig 2). As a result of this slow movement, Ophelia induced upwelling of colder ocean waters beneath its circulation, particularly while executing its anticyclonic loop September 11-12. National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoy and TRMM Microwave Imager Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (TMI AMSR-E) satellite SST observations confirm Ophelia cooled SST by 3-5°C beginning late on September 10, with the cooling pattern following the storm’s motion through September 13 (Fig 3-4). c. Inner eyewall collapse Storm-induced cooling of sea-surface temperatures beneath TCs disrupts boundary layer and air-sea interface surface heat flux inputs needed to maintain deep, moist convection. Late on September 11, GOES-E visible and infrared satellites captured a localized collapse of convection in Ophelia’s inner eyewall also realized in UWIN-CM AO simulation (Fig 5). During this time, Ophelia’s circulation was moving south becoming southsouthwest and was situated above sea-surface temperatures 2-3°C cooler than the commonly accepted 26.5°C threshold for TC sustenance. Satellite imagery shows the convection decays on the W/SW portion of the eyewall likely as a result of this strong cooling and was accompanied by a sharp drop in wind intensity and steady to rising minimum pressure (Fig 1). d. Symmetry & Vertical Structure Symmetry of the eyewall and distribution of convection at and beyond the radius of maximum wind (RMW) reflect not only a storm’s inertial stability but also the environment the TC is interacting with. NOAA P-3 lower fuselage (LF) radar composites from late on September 11-12 highlight weakened convective returns in the W/SW quadrant of Ophelia’s eyewall. Asymmetric eyewall structure observed by RAINEX was clearly seen in UWIN-CM AO flight-level radar reflectivity during this time, with weaker and less spatially consistent returns even 24h later when the storm was no longer above the most intense cooling. Conversely, the UA vortex has a smaller, more symmetric, and more intense eyewall ring (Fig 6). Unusually shallow and asymmetric vertical structure was also observed by NOAA and NRL P-3 ELDORA radar during this time. In the late afternoon of Sept. 11, flight-level LF composite and vertical transects show maximum echo-top heights of only 10 kilometers, with strong convective returns reaching maximum heights of only 4-6 km (Fig 7). East-west vertical transects of model radar reflectivity for AO and UA simulations taken at the time of RAINEX observations late on Sept. 11 reveal there are two different storms at this point – a deep (nearly 13 km), symmetric, outward sloping vortex in UA and a shallower (about 10 km), asymmetric, and more ragged vortex in AO (Fig 8). Evaluating vertical structures in the UWIN-CM simulations from a statistical framework, contoured frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) of radar reflectivity (dBZ) were constructed by binning radar returns by altitude and normalized by values at each particular level. Given for three times late on Sept. 9, 11, and 13, 2005, while maximum convective returns are similar in UA and AO, presence of 20+ dBZ returns at high altitudes and a pronounced low-level bright brand maximum indicate the presence of ice and hence, more vigorous vertical motion. Return frequency at low-mid levels is also skewed further toward convective returns (35+ dBZ) in UA, even late on Sept. 13 where both storms are distanced from the location of intense cooling felt earlier by AO (Fig 9). 5. Summary, Conclusions, and Future Work Improving prediction of hurricane intensity requires better understanding of how storm-environment interactions incite changes in TC convective structure. Hurricane Ophelia was a well-observed storm from RAINEX that demonstrates the importance of these interactions. Weak large-scale environmental flow facilitated prohibitive SST cooling beneath Ophelia and the collapse of inner eyewall convection captured only by AO simulations. This cooling likely contributed to the inner-eyewall collapse and extremely shallow and asymmetric vertical structures observed in RAINEX. Future work will focus on determining the mechanisms responsible for the cooling in detail, added coupling to the UWIN-CM wave model, understanding how Ophelia survived the storm-induced cooling and inner-eyewall collapse via TC internal dynamics and structure changes, and retrospective assessment of landfall impacts and storm surge prediction of Hurricane Katrina from the perspective of changing eyewall and rainband structures in the near-shore and landfall phase. 6. References Houze, R. A., Jr., et al., 2006: The Hurricane Rainband and Intensity Change Experiment: Observations and modeling of Hurricanes Katrina, Ophelia, and Rita. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 87, 1503-1521. Houze, R.A., Jr., et al., 2009: Convective contribution to the genesis of Hurricane Ophelia (2005): Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 2778-2800. Judt, F. and S. S. Chen, 2010: Convectively generated potential vorticity in rainbands and formation of the secondary eyewall in Hurricane Rita of 2005: J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3581-3599. Dudhia, J., 1993: A nonhydrostatic version of the Penn State-NCAR Mesoscale Model. Validation tests and simulation of an Atlantic cyclone and cold front. Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1493-1513. Grell, G. et al., 1994: A description of the fifth-generation Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5). NCAR Tech. Note NCAR/TN-398+STR,138 7. Figures Fig 1. Storm tracks for Hurricane Ophelia from National Hurricane Center (NHC) best track and UWIN-CM simulations for Sept. 9-14, 2005. Fig 4. Sea surface temperature (°C) evolution with tracks from UWIN-CM AO simulation (top) and TRMM TMI-AMSR-E satellite observations with tracks from NHC (bottom) for Sept. 10-13 1200Z (left to right). Fig 5. GOES-E 4km visible satellite observed (left), UWIN-CM UA (center), and UWIN-CM AO (right) clouds from before and during the main portion of the anticyclonic loop phase (far left) in Hurricane Ophelia from Sept. 11, 2005 (here). Fig 6. Radar reflectivity and clouds from NOAA P-3 LF composite with GOES-E 4km visible satellite (left), UWIN-CM UA (center) and UWIN-CM AO (right) simulations for periods during and after the anticyclonic loop phase, Sept. 11-12, 2005. Fig 7. Shallow and asymmetrical horizontal and vertical structures observed by RAINEX NOAA P-3 LF composite (left) and ELDORA 0.4 km radar (center, right) with vertical transect showing shallow maximum echo-top heights in Ophelia late Sept. 11, 2005 (right). Fig 2. Forward speed (m/s) from 6-hourly NHC best track for Sept. 9-14, 2005 with average Atlantic TC speed indicated. Fig 8. UWIN-CM UA (left) and AO (right) flight-level radar reflectivity and east-west vertical transect with maximum echo top heights and maximum altitude of strong convective returns (40 dBZ, denoted by dashed contours) indicated for Sept. 11, 2005 at 1900Z, as in Fig 13. Fig 3. Storm tracks, sea surface temperature (top right) and surface pressure (bottom right) observations from NHC and UWIN-CM simulations with NDBC 41002 buoy location. Fig 9. Contoured-frequency by altitude diagrams (CFADs) for UWIN-CM UA (top) and UWIN-CM AO (bottom) simulations for Sept. 9 (left), 11 (center), and 13 (right), 2005 1900Z. Black dashed contours denote frequency of 20%.
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