04-09-14 - First Presbyterian Church


04-09-14 - First Presbyterian Church
April 9, 2014
A mid-week newsletter of First Presbyterian Church - Jody McDevitt & Dan Krebill, co-pastors
Willson at Babcock, PO Box 1150, Bozeman, MT 59771
(406) 586-9194 - www.fpcbozeman.org - Editor - [email protected]
To unsubscribe, email [email protected] and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
30 pieces of silver
It was the price for which Judas Iscariot betrayed Judas, 30 silver coins.
The Gospel of Matthew tells us that, overcome with remorse, Judas later
returned the coins to the chief priests and elders. “30 pieces of silver” today
stands for all the ways we “sell out,” betraying our values, beliefs, and one
another. Admitting our weakness, we acknowledge our kinship with Judas,
all of us sinners in need of forgiveness.
On Maundy Thursday, April 17, our Taize worship
service will recall the last meal Jesus shared with his
disciples, when he had already been betrayed by Judas. As we depart that
evening, there will be an offering plate at the door for all to give back their
“30 pieces of silver.” Nickels, dimes and quarters will all qualify for this
symbolic act of worship. Save your change between now and then so that
you will be able to participate.
Holy Week Schedule
April 13—Palm/Passion Sunday 8:30 and 10:30 am
At the 10:30 service, we begin with a palm procession led by children and youth of the church,
and conclude with the shadow of Christ’s passion.
April 17—Maundy Thursday
Seder Dinner – At 5:45 pm, a Christian remembrance of the Passover dinner which Jesus
shared with his disciples on the night of his arrest.
Taize Communion – At 7 pm, a contemplative service of the Lord’s Supper, held in the Library
April 18—Good Friday
Ecumenical Worship – At 12:10 pm, Bozeman United Methodist Church
Tenebrae – At 7 pm, a service of diminishing lights and scripture
April 20—Easter Sunday
At 6:30 am, Rockhaven Sunrise Service
At 8:30 am, celebrate the Easter message with communion.
Easter Breakfast, 9:00 – 10:00 am in Fellowship Hall
At 10:30 am, celebrate the Easter message with communion.
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PresbEnews 4/9/2014
Session considers Rockhaven Task Force Report
The session will be holding a special meeting this Thursday,
April 10, at 7 pm to receive the report of the Rockhaven Future
Task Force. The report proposes “Phase Zero” steps—
developments designed to consolidate Rockhaven’s capacity to
deliver on the current vision and to position Rockhaven for an
expanded vision. It also analyzes Rockhaven according to the
Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, the tool used in 2013 to
analyze and motivate the congregation as a whole.
As is true of all session meetings (unless the session votes to go into executive session),
the meeting is open to all.
PechaKucha, “The art of concise presentations”
20 slides x 20 seconds/slides = 6 minutes 40 seconds to tell a story. On April 23 and
April 24, Jody McDevitt and other members of the Interfaith Panel will have that much
time to share the story of what they’ve been doing for a number of years to further
interfaith dialogue and understanding in Bozeman. At the Ellen Theater, these events
are very popular and sell out quickly, so if you are interested in hearing this story and
the stories of about 10 other Bozeman people, go online soon and get your seats!
For more information, talk with Jody.
Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
If you have been joining in the fellowship time following our worship
services, I know you have seen and tasted the fine array of home baked
cookies served by our Board of Deacons. Please bring cookies to the
church kitchen on Sunday morning wrapped for the freezer with the kind of
cookie and date baked on the bag.
Your donation will be much appreciated by all!
Thank you, Maureen Poremba, the cookie lady of the Board of Deacons
Giving to First Presbyterian Church
In addition to traditional methods, First Presbyterian Church offers the option of making financial contributions to the church electronically via the
web or by texting. Contributions via the web can be made from the online
giving link on the church’s website, www.fpcbozeman.org or by scanning
this QR code with your Smartphone. To give by text, simply text the amount of your gift and
any designation to 406-278-6267. Thank you!
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PresbEnews 4/9/2014
Seder Dinner, April 17 at 5:45 p.m.
As part of our Lenten observance for the last quarter of century, we have
been celebrating the Passover meal on Maundy Thursday which falls on
April 17 this year. This special meal and the remembrance of Jesus actions prior to his arrest bring special meaning to all of us as we follow Jesus through Passion Week. After the conclusion of the Passover meal, we
will have dinner followed by celebrating the Last Supper as Jesus did with
his disciples. Plan to join in the observance and if you have family or
friends who would like to attend, please invite them!
The Passover meal will be celebrated at 5:45, followed with a full lamb
dinner. Please make your reservation by returning the bottom of this form
to the collection plate, or by calling the church office at 586-9194 or emailing Let Linda know the number attending and if there are
children for the nursery.
The dinner will cost $8.00 for adults
If child care is not required, the nursery will not be open.
Helpers are needed for the dinner, please sign up to help!
I/we will attend______________________________ Number in party____________
Number of children in nursery_______________
I/ we can help with (circle)
clean up
Or call or email the church at 586-9194 or [email protected]
Please make reservations by Monday, April 14th
Easter Sunrise Service at Rockhaven
“And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen. . . .”
Come celebrate the resurrection at Rockhaven in our Easter sunrise
service at 6:30 am! There will be a fire in the woodstove to warm the
chapel, and refreshments after the service in the dining hall. The service
will include joyful music and scripture, as the Easter story is shared with
all. If you would like to help with aspects of the morning, contact the
following people:
Worship – Kathy Braun, 539-3491
Preparing the chapel (Saturday) – Nancy Rutkowski, 223-2438
Refreshments – Lloyd Mandeville, 580-9566
Any other details – Scott Thrasher, 600-1891
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PresbEnews 4/9/2014
First Presbyterian Church Serving Others
We are creating a wall hanging to illustrate how our members are serving others outside of the
church. If you volunteer somewhere in the community, please share it with Sally, Donna, or call
Linda at the office,586-9194. We want to include everyone. Below is the list we have compiled
to date but we are sure we have missed something.
Thanks, Sally Broughton (585-3544) and Donna Beck (587-4087)
Youth Restorative Justice
Gallatin Valley Food Bank
Compassionate Friends
Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Volunteers
Senior Center
Hospital Visitors
Gallatin County Historic Preservation Board
Interfaith Forum
Downtown Ecumenical Vacation Bible School
Special Olympics
Eagle Mount
Gallatin Valley Land Trust
ROC Wheels
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Bozeman Public Library
Community Clothes Closet
Rotary Club
Optimist Club
Operation Christmas Child
Presby Cats share recipe
Many thanks to everyone who came to church on Sunday when we
led worship and shared our reflections on the meaning of our spring
break mission trip. Many people asked for us to share the recipe for the
yummy Natillas (custard) that we served during the coffee hour.
Here it is, straight from the Ghost Ranch cookbook.
Natillas (custard)
2 cups milk
2 eggs, separated
½ cup sugar
3 Tablespoons flour
1 pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
powdered cinnamon
Warm milk in medium-sized saucepan. Beat egg yolks; add sugar, flour, and salt.
Add to milk. Heat until it boils and thickens. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites until
stiff; fold egg mixture into egg whites. Sprinkle top with powdered cinnamon.
Serve cold. Serves 3 to 4.
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PresbEnews 4/9/2014
Save the Date! Love INC's 19th annual Plant the Seed dinner is coming soon, May 6, and
you are all invited to participate. Table reservations are available now ( deadline to sign up
for a table is April 19!) , and the theme of this year's dinner is "Love Transforms." This dinner
is Love INC's main fundraising effort for the year; they served over 9,300 adults and 3,600
children last year. Check out all the ways Love INC is providing life-changing opportunities
throughout the Gallatin Valley at their website, www.loveincgc.org.
Hope to see you at dinner!
Birthdays This Week
Betty McClure
Vern Bandy
Maggie Kleinhans
Carol Julien
Fresh Flowers for the Sanctuary
Now that it is almost spring don’t forget to
sign up on the calendar in the north narthex. Simply sign your name and call the
church office, 586-9194 by the Wednesday
previous to your donation to allow time to
have the notice put in the Sunday bulletin. Bring your flowers on Sunday (before
the 8:30 service would be wonderful), and
we will all enjoy them during worship
time. If you prefer not to have to purchase
and arrange the flowers, Joy Ames has
graciously volunteered to do that for you if
you bring $25 to the church office by
Wednesday and leave your dedication
details at the office.
Eagle Scout Plaque at Babcock Door
I just wanted to reach out and thank you for
your support of Boy Scout Troop 679 – you are
an integral part of the success of this troop.
And, thanks for your support of the new Eagle
Scout plaque, which was installed this week to
the left of the church’s north entry doors along
Babcock. 76 Eagles Scouts from the last 55
years of the troop are proudly displayed on the
plaque, and there is room for another 50 years
of Eagles!
Thanks again. I hope that you feel that it is a
nice addition to the church.
Ryan Hamilton
Father of Life Scout Duncan Hamilton
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PresbEnews 4/9/2014
By Dan Holland
Capernaum (Part VI)
As time went by Kirby began to exert greater influence over me and several other of
our co-workers. It wasn’t really anything that Kirby did on purpose; it was more of a subtle impact. The guys liked to say that Kirby was just rubbing off on us. At first you could
see this through quiet little changes around the man camp. There weren’t as many empty
beer cases in the dumpster. Guys started picking up after themselves, and there wasn’t
hardly any trash blowing around the camp.
It wasn’t too long before the changes became more noticeable. It turns out one of
the guys was a frustrated artist and he started to paint these oil-patch landscapes that
we hung in the common areas. Another guy started a community garden and a bunch of
us had plots in it. The boys worked out their extra energy in the dirt. Our kitchen was a
grateful beneficiary of the bounty, and Kirby even talked us into taking a lot of the extra
produce to the food bank in town, Oh, and this may seem entirely out of character, but
we even started a book club. Four or five of us met on Thursday nights and of course we
convinced Kirby to be the moderator.
This change began to extend itself beyond the man camp. Fewer and fewer now
were the times that I would drop guys off at the strip club when I went to town. A couple
of us even started to help Kirby out on occasion at the Boys and Girls Club.
This one weekend Kirby asked if he could get a ride to town with me and if I could
haul some work equipment. He had cleared it with the chief and it was mostly older
power tools that we weren’t currently using. I asked him what was up and he said the
renovations at the Club had hit a snag. The outfit that had been doing most of the work
flaked out. I said I didn’t have anything planned so could I help out? In typical Kirby
fashion he just smiled and said many hands make light work.
Kirby worked me pretty hard that weekend. We hung drywall, then taped and
painted a couple of offices so the staff could finally have a decent workspace. It was during this work party that I met Randal for the first time. He was a boy of about ten and
was about the most precocious kid I’d ever seen. He looked like he might have been part
Sioux and acted like he was part owner and ambassador of the Club. He also had a special kind of bond with Kirby.
Randal served as our gofer during that weekend, and as I witnessed the interaction between he and Kirby — the teasing, the affection, the concern for Randal’s messed
up household — I was able to come to a deeper understanding of how Kirby was such a
positive influence in so many lives. He never judged; he only loved. He loved Randal’s alcoholic mother just as much as he loved Randal.
It was a few weeks later when the train came off the tracks. It was a fairly warm
Monday afternoon and we were hard at it, framing at a new man camp site. Kirby had
worked at the Club that weekend but none of the rest of us had been able to help him.
That’s when the two Sheriff’s rigs came blazing into the camp, the chief hot on their tails.
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