Thrive - Summer 2016 - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation


Thrive - Summer 2016 - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation
Peace Arch Hospital & Community Health FOUNDATION
Carry on the tradition for the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society
As usual, the Foundation office has
been buzzing with activity. We wrapped up our 2016 Gala, which raised a staggering $435,000+ for the purchase of a brand
new, modern digital x-ray unit for the hospital’s medical imaging department, and the plans are coming together for the ER
expansion and new residential care and hospice facility. Needless to say, it has been all hands on deck!
Speaking of the Peace Arch Hospital Gala, we decided to shake things up for 2016 and create a whole new experience for our
guests, some of whom come year after year. Our Vintage Vegas themed evening was a huge success complete with Elvis, the
Rat Pack and a special appearance by Marilyn Monroe who sang her rendition of Happy Birthday to our outgoing board chair,
Art Reitmayer, as only Marilyn can. Look for pictures of this fun night of philanthropy on page 6.
I would also like to introduce you to our new board chair, Siobhan Philips, who took the reins just last month. She is a
dedicated volunteer and passionate fundraiser who has a long history of giving back to her community. Check out pages 12
and 13 for a profile on Siobhan.
Lastly, we feature two extraordinary donors in this issue – Westland Insurance who recently made a gift of $500,000 to the
ER expansion project and the late Margaret Rodgers, a wonderful friend of the Foundation who dedicated her final birthday
to fundraise for Peace Arch Hospital. She was deeply committed to inspiring others to give and wanted her legacy to live on
long after she was gone. We think she did just that.
We hope you enjoy our beautiful summer on the Peninsula!
Stephanie Beck
2 thrive
Siobhan Philips
15521 Russell Avenue
White Rock, BC V4B 2R4
T 604.535.4520
4 Donor Profile
Margaret Rodgers’ birthday
tradition leaves a touching legacy
for Peace Arch Hospital.
Siobhan Philips – Chair
5 Our Thriving
Geoff Funke – Vice-Chair
Art Reitmayer – Past Chair
Janice Stasiuk – Treasurer
Stephanie Beck – Secretary
Crescent Park’s community garden
grows partnership and comradery
between generations.
Graham Cameron
Bob Cooper
Monica Dahl
Peter Donaldson
Brent Ellwyn
The women of the Peace Arch
Hospital Auxiliary have been
raising funds for more than
60 years.
Save the Date
Jaye-Lynn Gooch
Harp S. Hoonjan
Kim Karras
Jane Manning
Al Schill
Grant Turnbull
Appointed Representatives
Rhonda Veldhoen – Fraser Health Authority/
Peace Arch Hospital
6 Raising Funds
Lynne Sinclair – City of White Rock
Megan Knight – City of White Rock Alternate
Mary Martin – City of Surrey
Barbara Steele – City of Surrey Alternate
Published by:
Peace Arch Hospital &
Community Health Foundation
Managing Editor + Writer:
Vicki Brydon, Director,
Public Relations
Amy O’Leary +
Andrea McCorkell
Graphic Design:
Kennedy Anderson
Creative Group
The Foundation brings Sin City to
White Rock for Vintage Vegas, the
2016 Peace Arch Hospital Gala.
The 10th Annual Great
Pumpkin Run Walk hits the
beach on October 30.
Hogg Bursary recipient and
medical student, Joanne
Reid, crosses the country for
a White Rock practicum.
Dr. Robert Cheyne – PAH Medical
Dr. Peter Skepasts – PAH Medical
Feature Story
Meet Siobhan Philips, the
Foundation’s new board chair.
Making a
Westland Insurance
makes an extraordinary gift
to the new ER.
This is our community
hospital and we can be
proud of it. But ongoing
community support is
required too so they can
give patients – possibly
YOU – the best treatment
When she was 16 years old, Margaret
Rodgers received news that no teenager
should hear: she had bone cancer in her
shoulder blade and she would not live to
see her twentieth birthday.
Margaret made a very touching speech
in which she discussed her life and the
importance of supporting the hospital.
She implored her guests to realize they
would all need to use it at some point.
After refusing to have her arm amputated
at the shoulder, she tried what was then
a very experimental treatment – chemotherapy. When Margaret celebrated her
60th birthday – realizing she had lived
40 years longer than expected, her sister
held a party in England where the guests
raised £500, which she donated to her
mother’s hospice.
Of utmost importance to Margaret
was spreading the idea that for special
occasions, instead of receiving unneeded
gifts from our families, we could ask them
to donate to the hospital instead. She
believed passionately that if as many
people as possible would ask their families
and friends to donate to the hospital, or
hold fundraising parties like she did, the
amount could add up to very significant
and meaningful donations to the hospital,
and to the wellbeing of our community.
Every five years, Margaret celebrated
with another fundraiser. After 50 years of
“miraculous survival,” she raised $1,000
and donated it to Peace Arch Hospital &
Community Health Foundation. For her
75th birthday this past October, Margaret
contacted staff at the Foundation to
inquire about planning another celebratory fundraiser, fearing this one would
truly be her last birthday.
On October 24, 2015, 60 of Margaret’s
closest friends, acquaintances and
colleagues gathered to celebrate at
Victory Memorial Park, the most suitable
venue she could find, as well as a source
of ironic humour for her – Margaret had a
spry and witty way of speaking about life
and death.
“I hope that my little
contribution could be just
the start of what could
mushroom into a significant
amount, on a continuing
basis, as more and more
people contribute yearly
on their birthdays.”
Margaret continued to move this dream
forward even as she was becoming
increasingly ill. She passed away on
March 23, 2016. Margaret was a phenomenal woman, a passionate leader, and
a close friend to Peace Arch Hospital.
She will be dearly missed. In her own
remarkable words:
“ least I will have survived long
enough to try to help all those who
survive me with this idea to encourage a
better community spirit.”
If you would like to donate to Margaret Rodgers’ tribute fund, or learn more about fundraising
on behalf of the hospital, please visit
4 thrive
Thanks to one of the Foundation’s
Because People Matter grants, a new
inclusive community garden operated
by Alexandra Neighbourhood House
recently opened on a one-acre site
located on 128 Street and 25 Avenue,
just behind Crescent Park Elementary
in South Surrey. In alignment with the
Foundation’s Our Healthy Community
initiative, the project aims to nurture
social connection and encourage
healthier food choices by providing the
opportunity for enthusiastic gardeners
of all ages and abilities to grow their
own fruits and vegetables.
Of the 58 garden plots, 46 are 10’ x 5’
raised beds, 10 are 4’ x 8’ wheelchairaccessible beds and two are designated
for Crescent Park Elementary
students to learn alongside the most
experienced gardeners. A percentage of
the plots are also reserved for Kiwanis
Park Place residents.
“This really is a community outreach
and engagement project,” says Neil
Fernyhough, Manager of Community
Programs at Alexandra Neighbourhood
House. “One of our principles is that
community gardens should be a
neighbourhood activity. Gardeners
frequently get together for barbecues
and pot lucks, increasing the bonds
of community and reducing social
Fernyhough says another important
aspect of a community garden is the
access it provides to safe, organic local
sources of food.
From encouraging physical activity
and social connection to improving
mental and emotional health through
the therapeutic practice of gardening,
the benefits of participating in a
community garden are numerous. And
the best part is a refrigerator filled with
fresh produce that you grew yourself,
all summer long.
To learn more information or to
find out how to get involved, visit
or contact Neil Fernyhough at
604.535.0015 extension 236 or email
[email protected].
Community gardens provide an opportunity for
education on food and food production in general.
From composting to growing to cooking and
preserving food, and back to composting again.
Presented by
On Saturday, May 14, a sold-out crowd lined the
red carpet at Centennial Arena to celebrate Peace
Arch Hospital and the Golden Age of Las Vegas.
An astounding $435,000 (net) was raised for the
purchase of a critically-needed digital x-ray unit
for the hospital’s radiology department.
The evening featured performances by the Rat
Pack, Elvis Presley, Liza Minnelli and a special
rendition of Happy Birthday sung by Marilyn
Monroe to Foundation Past Chair, Art Reitmayer.
It was a spectacle of dazzling entertainment that
also included the famous Las Vegas show girls, a
sleight of hand magician, casino games and the
fantastic party music of The HitZone.
Our guests – community and business leaders, philanthropists
and caring citizens - attended Vintage Vegas because they
believe their family, friends and neighbours deserve the best
healthcare possible. I know I speak for our medical staff,
physicians and patients when I say how truly grateful we are
for your contributions.
- Stephanie Beck, Executive Director
A tremendous thank you to our exceptionally generous
donors and sponsors, and our tireless volunteers
who joined us in Las Vegas, White Rock-style!
6 thrive
Purely Local
A group of wonderful women in our community formed
Purely Local, a pop-up shopping event on April 9 in
support of pediatric equipment in Peace Arch Hospital’s
emergency department. Featuring locally made clothing,
art and unique household items, $300 was raised from the
entrance fees. Thank you Corie, Kelsey and Grace!
Thank you Rotary Club
of White Rock!
Members of the Rotary Club of White Rock donated
$32,100 towards the purchase of medical equipment
for the hospital, including three vital signs monitors
for elder acute care and one bladder scanner for the
mental health and substance abuse zone. The dedicated group of volunteers has raised $322,000 for the
hospital since 1987 through their popular book sales.
Moby Dick’s March of Giving
Moby Dick Restaurant continued their tradition of giving with
their annual March fundraiser for Peace Arch Hospital. Fifty
cents from every customer bill was donated, raising $1,974 for
the hospital’s area of greatest need.
The very first gala fundraiser for Peace Arch Hospital took
place on November 18, 1989 and was held on the top floor of
the Pacific Terrace on Russell Avenue. Tickets were $40 per
person and each guest was given a Champagne flute for the
cocktail reception. Smoked salmon and caviar was served,
there were prize draws and Alderman Vin Coyne acted as
Master of Ceremonies. Twenty-eight years later, the gala may
look very different but the sentiment is the same – to raise
funds for our local hospital while enjoying a glitzy night out.
“This is a wonderful way
to give back,” says past
president, Patricia Johnston.
“There are so many
dedicated and amazing
women in our Auxiliary,
starting right from the early
days to where we are today.”
Since 1948, before the hospital was even
built, the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary
Society has been raising funds for the
hospital’s facilities along with patient comforts and care. Starting with the very first
cheque for $1,000 that convinced the B.C.
government to build their newest hospital
in White Rock instead of Cloverdale, the
women (and a few good men) who make
up the Auxiliary have never looked back.
Now, 68 years later, this dedicated group
of volunteers has raised more than $13
million for Peace Arch Hospital.
Though the general demographic of volunteers has evolved over the years – today,
people are working longer before retiring
and often head south for the winter when
they do – the Auxiliary still recruits 15-20
new volunteers each year.
“We all work together so well,” says president, Lynne Quigley. “It really is a social
organization and we take a collaborative
approach. We’ve all become friends, and
for many, joining the Auxiliary comes at a
time in our lives when we need friends.”
The origins of the Auxiliary were made
up of a number of fundraising “groups”
who would put on bake sales, craft sales
or community suppers and then once
a month, each group would announce
their fundraising totals. With the changing
landscape of volunteers, those groups
have dwindled from 19 to just nine in the
last 15 years, but fundraising is still going
full force.
8 thrive
The Superfluity Shop, the Auxiliary’s
iconic thrift store, brings in $40,000$45,000 per month and Patricia counts
that success as one of her proudest
“I’ve passed the torch to Lynne and I
know she’ll do a tremendous job,” Patricia says. “She started with us 10 years ago
as the Director of Finance and knows the
organization in and out.”
“In addition to holding every position in
the Executive, I managed the Superfluity
Shop for five years,” Patricia says. “We
had a fire in the shop in 2012 and we
came back even stronger, the numbers
are better than ever.”
In fact, the Director of Finance is the lone
paid position in the volunteer-driven
Auxiliary. Lynne accepted that position in
2003 and retired in 2013.
Patricia says a good month at the shop
in 2003 was $18,000 so she’s especially
pleased with the current profits.
Those profits, along with the fundraising
by the various groups, have allowed the
Auxiliary to make an extraordinary gift,
their largest ever, to the Foundation for
$1.5 million. This will go towards the new
emergency department slated to open in
a few years.
“I am so thrilled for the
Auxiliary’s approval of the
ER project,” Lynne says.
“Our members vote on
where the funds should
be directed and this was
identified as a priority.”
As part of the recognition the Auxiliary
receives for their generosity, the Acute
Care Zone, one mental health exam
room, two treatment rooms, one alcove
and one triage registration station in the
new ER will be named in its honour.
Looking ahead, Patricia reflects on her
time as president, a two-year term that
wrapped up in June when Lynne took over.
“When I retired, I took six months off
and then started volunteering in the
gift shop,” Lynne says. “I just couldn’t
leave! I have enjoyed my time with these
wonderful women so much and look
forward to leading the organization for the
next two years.”
As for Patricia, she’ll remain on the
Executive team as Past President, a role
that brings a wealth of knowledge to the
“Past President is a very valued position,”
Lynne says. “Patricia will still vote with
the rest of the Executive and I know her
insight will be helpful to us.”
The two challenges Lynne anticipates
in the coming years is recruiting new
volunteers from an aging demographic
and adapting the organization’s by-laws
to comply with the new B.C. Societies Act
which comes into law in 2018.
“We’re bringing the Auxiliary into the 21st
Century,” Lynne says. “We need to revise
our by-laws to reflect how the Auxiliary
is evolving but our priorities remain true
to what they were 68 years ago - to raise
funds for medical equipment, capital
projects and patient comforts and care.”
And just like 68 years ago, a group
of phenomenal women is making a
significant impact on health care in this
community, one fundraiser at a time.
The new Emergency Department
renovation and expansion is
progressing along behind the scenes.
The architects are busy finalizing
plans and we are looking forward to
breaking ground. Of the $15 million
needed for the project, we are thrilled
to report that we’ve reached $10.3
million in donations! That means
we are two-thirds of the way there
and we hope to have this critically
important redevelopment plan fully
funded soon. Special thanks to the
leadership donors who recently
made extremely generous gifts: Gary
and Anne McPhail for $100,000, the
Cameron family for $150,000, the
Schill family for $150,000, $500,000
(see page 14) from Westland
Insurance and the incredible donation
of $1.5 million from the Peace Arch
Hospital Auxiliary. Every dollar truly
makes a difference! There are still
ER naming opportunities available
so make sure to connect with us at
604.535.4520 if you would like more
Dragana Sanderson and Jane Manning,
ER Campaign Co-Chairs
Your gift
goes here.
ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵੱਲੋਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਦਾਨ ਇੱਥੇ
ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।
DONATE TODAY 604.535.4520
Sunday, October 30
10th Annual
Don your best costume yet and
head back down to the beach for the
10th Anniversary of the Great Pumpkin
Run Walk! The event gets underway
at 8:00 a.m. at Bayview Park on Marine
Drive and features both five and one
kilometre routes. It’s always a great way
to be active and support your hospital.
Check our website in late August for all
the details.
10 thrive
White Rock Welcomes East Coast Student Doctor
Joanne Reid with Dr. Steve Larigakis,
preceptor for Joanne’s rotation.
The Hogg Bursary celebratory tea
“I am so in love with this community,” Joanne says.
“I have already begun to set up my return to locum
here in the fall, or sooner, and have made some
great friends! I’ll definitely spread the word about
White Rock.”
Joanne Reid, a Prince Edward Island
native and medical student at Nova
Scotia’s Dalhousie University was
awarded the Dr. Al Hogg Family Practice
Legacy Fund Bursary earlier this year.
The bursary assists family practice
medical students with expenses
incurred during a second year residency
rotation in White Rock. As part of the
bursary program, Joanne completed
a preceptor rotation from January 11
to February 5 at Morgan Creek Family
Practice and Peace Arch Hospital.
Community-minded by nature, Joanne’s
volunteer work is extensive. Having
completed several half marathons,
she also participates in charity events
including relays and cycling. To assist
others in their wellness goals, she
gives nutrition presentations for a
healthy living initiative in PEI and has
volunteered with CNIB. Currently, she
is working on a dementia care model
for a local nursing home to decrease
medication reliance, as well as organizing a fundraiser relay with staff from the
Island’s two primary hospitals.
Though Joanne was a little worried
about coming to White Rock because
of Surrey’s reputation for crime and the
small earthquake that happened just
prior to her arrival, she’s now a big fan.
She and the Hogg Family, who fund the
bursary, met for a celebratory tea and
made an immediate connection. They
even invited her over for their standing
Sunday family dinner.
As an avid runner,
I fell in love with
White Rock’s climate,
beautiful views and
friendly people during
my stay. I hope to
return to White Rock
for further work as a
Siobhan PhilipsTAKES
My mantra has always been that one should endeavor
to give back with one or more of the three Ts: time,
treasure or talent. With this board, it truly is all three.
As the new Board Chair for Peace Arch
“I had loads of fun in Ottawa but then my
Hospital & Community Health Foundation,
parents decided to move to Ottawa too,”
Siobhan Philips knows a thing or two
Siobhan laughs. “So I skipped over to
about giving back to her community. Born
Montreal and continued graduate studies in
in Glasgow, Scotland, Siobhan moved
communications at Concordia University.”
to Canada as a baby and after stints in
Toronto, North Bay, Thunder Bay and
Winnipeg, she spent her formative years
in the small town of Sioux Lookout in
Northwestern Ontario.
“My mom was always very active in
volunteering,” Siobhan says. “I think I
followed her lead and began my own
volunteering in elementary school, first as
a junior figure skating coach at the town’s
hub of activity, the local figure skating
club. Later, I became involved in student
government and was active on every school
team and club I could find. From organizing
pancake breakfasts during our school’s
From Concordia, Siobhan made her way to
the University of Montreal, earning a Civil
Law degree in French. Shortly after being
called to the Quebec Bar, Siobhan married
her husband Alex, a wealth management
advisor. With the 1995 Quebec referendum
fresh on their minds, they moved to
Kingston, Ontario where the first two of
their three daughters, Hannah and Katie,
were born.
“Kingston was where I first became involved
with a hospital foundation,” Siobhan says. “I
helped out on Kingston General Hospital’s
gala organizing committee while teaching
winter carnivals to attending leadership
part-time Alternative Dispute Resolution/
conferences thousands of miles away, I
Mediation at Queen’s University.”
was fortunate to do it all and learn so much
She served as a member of the Kingston
along with way.”
General Hospital Board of Directors for
With her secondary school diploma in
three years, and was ready to take the helm
hand, Siobhan left the north for the
as Chair when her husband was offered
nation’s capital and enrolled at Carleton
an exciting career opportunity in Geneva,
University in Ottawa, where she completed
Switzerland. The family was keen to embark
a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in political
on a new adventure in Europe, however,
science and English.
when 9/11 happened, everything changed.
12 thrive
“Although we were disappointed the
Geneva transfer fell through, Alex was
ultimately transferred to St. Helier, Jersey
in the Channel Islands,” Siobhan says. “We
spent two wonderful and idyllic years there
and returned to Canada with two happy
girls sporting adorable English accents and
a third child on the way.”
Baby Niamh was born shortly after their
return and the Philips family settled in
Mississauga where Siobhan decided to give
real estate a shot. She obtained her realtor’s
license and dove head first into the busy
Southern Ontario real estate market.
Fast forward five years with Siobhan
involved in a thriving real estate business,
several volunteer roles and wrangling three
small children, and Alex was once again
offered a transfer – this time to White Rock,
and who could refuse such a beautiful
“The girls were still quite young and I was
starting to realize how much I was missing
out on their growing up,” Siobhan says. “I
thought about going back to law part-time
and how snow would be on our terms on
the west coast, as in us going to it instead of
the other way around, so we packed up our
Ontario life and headed west.”
Siobhan and Alex landed in White Rock in
October 2008 and haven’t looked back.
Looking for volunteer opportunities in her
new home, Siobhan found herself once
again helping with a hospital foundation’s
gala after a chance meeting with Jackie
Smith, who was the Foundation’s Executive
Director at the time.
“Jackie convinced me to join the gala
committee in 2009 and I went on to chair
several galas in a row. In 2012, I had the
pleasure of joining the Board of Directors.
This board truly blows me away. I’ve sat on
various boards where people are serving for
the wrong reasons but this is not the case here.
We have a team of passionate and incredibly
altruistic volunteers. My mantra has always been
that one should endeavor to give back with one
or more of the three Ts: time, treasure or talent.
With this board, it truly is all three.”
Moving forward, Siobhan
plans to carry on the
momentum of what Past
Chair, Art Reitmayer, and
Graham Cameron before him,
has created in terms of vision
and goals for the community.
During her two-year term she can’t wait to see
the shovels in the ground on the new emergency
expansion and the new residential care and
hospice facility. She also says the Auxiliary is top
of mind for her.
“I would love for the Foundation and the
Auxiliary to continue to work together on our
common goals,” she says. “I think there’s a
misperception by some that the Auxiliary is an
organization of bake sales and knitting bees, but
we know that these incredible volunteers do so
much more than that. They are a dynamic group
of fundraising powerhouses expertly managing
staggering amounts of money that are invested
right back into the hospital.”
For now, Siobhan is settling into her new role
and preparing for the next two years, an exciting
time for Peace Arch and the entire community.
I am so inspired by the work that we do here
and look forward to continuing that tradition of
caring. I may have lived all over the world but
White Rock is home and I want to give back.
$500,000 TO NEW
We are committed to supporting
our communities and really
wanted to support our hospital.
Our head office is based in the
community and it’s extremely
important to us to give back to
causes we believe in.
Jason Wubs,
President & Co-Chief
Executive Officer
In February this year, Peace Arch Hospital & Community
Health Foundation received a tremendous backing of
support from local insurance company, Westland Insurance.
Their extraordinary donation of $500,000 will go towards
expanded pediatric treatment services in the new emergency
department which is scheduled to open in the next few years.
The demand for dedicated space for treating children
in emergency is reaching critical proportions. Many of
Peace Arch Hospital’s pediatric patients require in-depth
monitoring and minor procedures in ER treatment rooms,
which are often where a child’s most difficult and painful
experiences – such as lumbar punctures, IV insertions and
blood draws – occur. The hospital’s current ER is treating
nearly 7,000 pediatric patients on an annual basis with just
one pediatric treatment room, which is inappropriately
situated beside the one mental health treatment room.
This generous gift of half a million dollars from Westland
Insurance will ensure that young families moving into the
area will have access to the very best treatment available
for their children. The new Westland Insurance Pediatric
Treatment Services will include a pediatric bay in the
resuscitation room, two acute care rooms, six pediatric
treatment rooms and a pediatric storage alcove. All of this
will provide significantly expanded service for children,
faster assessment and release, specialty pediatric
equipment, as well as soothing child-friendly décor to
increase a child’s comfort while in hospital.
A big, heartfelt thank you to Westland Insurance!
Westland Insurance is a long-time sponsor of both our fundraising gala and Great Pumpkin
Run Walk and we are thrilled they have come aboard as a major contributor to our ER
campaign. Peace Arch Hospital was built by the community and that tradition continues
to this day.
Stephanie Beck, the Foundation’s Executive Director
14 thrive
2015-16 Disbursement
of Funds: $962,000
2015-16 Fundraising Revenue: $4.5 M
Outstanding ER Pledges: $2.9 M
Funds not disbursed in the year are held to
fund upcoming projects, equipment and
campaigns, as per the donor designated
purpose. To view our audited financial
statements, or for more information,
please visit
financials or call us at 604.535.4520
Sources of Fundraising Revenue:
Funds Designated For:
Estate gifts
Individuals &
Funds Designated For:
Area of
greatest need
Other restricted
Grants & community
service groups
Peace Arch Hospital
Medical Equipment
Because People
Matter Grants
Peace Arch Hospital
Other Programs
Because People Matter!
THE BECAUSE PEOPLE MATTER GRANTS program supports initiatives that
enhance health and wellness through activity, education, research and
service delivery to the South Surrey/White Rock area. Since inception,
we have invested more than $1.6 million in some 123 projects that have
made a positive impact in our community. In 2015 we approved $219,220
for a variety of community and hospital initiatives including an Inpatient
Psychiatric Unit sensory room, a drive service program for people
diagnosed with cancer, a hospice community outreach program, a safe,
social centre for youth, a mobile coffee and snack service for hospital
patients, an eating disorder relapse prevention program for women,
and supportive social cafes for caregivers of seniors. Applications open
September 1 for the 2016/17 Because People Matter Grants – for more
information or to apply, visit
The Weatherby Circle is our way of
extending heartfelt appreciation to those
thoughtful donors who have made us
aware of deferred gifts through their will,
life insurance policy or retirement fund.
Donors in our Caring Circle make healthcare a priority with an annual donation
or pledge payment between $1,000 and
$9,999 — either through a monthly gift or
single annual contribution.
Caring Circle members are indicated with
a single asterisk *
REPORT $250+
$1,000,000 +
Peace Arch Hospital
Auxiliary Society**
$500,000 ‑$999,999
$25,000 ‑$99,999
George & Nellie Bureyko *
John & Lilian Mitchell **
Ruth Barnes *
Diane Carter*
CIBC Wood Gundy,
White Rock Branch
Mountainview Wellness
Bay Realty
Jean Chacko *
Joe Connolly **
Alex & Siobhan Philips **
Stephanie Beck *
Maurice & Anne
Charpentier *
Anonymous (2) **
Elgin Park Secondary **
Estate of Edna Clarissa
Estate of Jean Ethel Holler
Werner & Helga Höing
Estate of Vina Marie
Westland Insurance
Group Ltd **
Dr. Jerrod Hendry **
Estate of Elsie May Kenst
$100,000 ‑$249,999
Bob & Carolyn Cooper **
Jim Dales & Catherine
Estate of Muriel Leblond
Graham & Darlene
Cameron Foundation **
Alice Kozier **
Steve & Karen McDonald **
Gary & Anne McPhail**
Estate of Grace Emily
Laurie & Gerry Carlson
Paul & Jane Manning **
Peace Arch News
Estate of James Douglas
MacKinlay Robertson
Rotary Club Semiahmoo **
Kent & Dragana
Sanderson **
Bernie & Cindi Scholz
Ivan & Eleanor
Worthington-White **
Estate of William
Douglas Cook
Dales Family **
Drive For The Cure
Estate of Glenn
Estate of Gwendoline
Mary TroensegaardHansen
Estate of Joan Joyce
Estate of Maud Ellen
Famoso Neapolitan
Pizzeria – Morgan
Kirk & Daniela Fisher **
Geoffrey Funke **
Frank & Yvonne
McCracken Foundation **
Stan & Nancy Gieschen **
Lawrence W. Goulet **
Art & Marjorie Reitmayer **
$10,000 ‑$24,999
Schill Family **
Anonymous (2)
Frank Hui & Diane Bian **
Spence Family
Anonymous (2) **
James B. Wallace
Foundation **
Estate of Barbara Marie
Aqueduct Foundation
16 thrive
Ambassadors Circle members are
indicated with a double asterisk **
Anonymous (1)
Estate of Margaret Mary
$250,000 ‑$499,999
Comprised of like-minded individuals
and corporations whose contributions
have an immediate positive impact in
the community, the Ambassadors Circle
includes individuals who give a $10,000
cash gift or pledge payment in the current
year. Corporations that contribute
$25,000 or more in a cash gift or pledge
payment in the current year are recognized as our Corporate Ambassadors.
Access MRI
Maureen S. Hilton **
David & Joan Poole **
Schill Insurance Brokers
Semiahmoo Shopping
Sport Clips Haircuts
Jefferey & Janice Stasiuk *
Strategic Charitable
Giving Foundation
Swirl Wine Store
Richard von Hehn **
Yong Jun Ba & Dicun
Zhao **
White Rock Optometry
Willie Zittlau **
Dr. Amir Behboudi
Peter & Margaret
Bendiksen *
Dr. Dorothea Bergen
Jayne Bergerman *
Salvatore Russo &
Theresa Berlinghof *
John & Gillian Bertamini *
Hermann & Carol
Bessert *
Wes & Kirsten Bews
Sheron L. Blewett **
Brawn Karras &
Sanderson Barristers &
Doug Brealey *
Georgia Briggs *
Bruce Buchanan *
$1,000 ‑ $9,999
Randy & Janice
Butchard *
Anonymous (3)
Dr. Mohammad I. Butt *
Anonymous (4) *
Alaska Airlines
Colin & Carmen
Cameron *
Bill Andreopulos
Canadian Western Bank
Harry L. Baedak **
Drs. Gary Jackson &
Jennifer Cant *
Gordon & Cheryl
Barefoot *
Bruce & Nicole Carrie
Travis Chen *
Antoni & Marianna
Chmielewski *
Choices Markets
City of White Rock
Denis & Carmelle
Cleveland & Doan
Barristers & Solicitors
Coast Wholesale
Appliances Ltd
Consulate General of the
United States of America
Randy Cooper
Dr. Stephen & Elizabeth
Coret *
Costco Wholesale
Canada Ltd.
Vincent E. Coyne *
Derek Crawford *
Creative Kids Learning
Ted & Carolyn Crosby *
The Curtain Call Custom
Helmut & Roberta Dahl *
This donor list recognizes individuals and organizations who supported the Foundation between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you notice an error, kindly contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520.
Monica Dahl *
Faye Gougeon *
Shawn & Nicole Dahl
Marlys Graham *
Dale Matheson CarrHilton Labonte LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Great Canadian Gaming
Lady Bug'z Lifestyle
Assistants Ltd.
John & Elizabeth
Morrish *
Richmond Auto Body
Ltd. *
Max & Linda Latchford *
David G. Munro *
Bill K. & Diane M. Ridge *
Dr. Jean Lauzon &
Jennifer Bland *
Murphy Wall Beds
Rieding Projects Ltd *
Jim Lawson *
Brian & Margaret
Murtsell *
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
Watson Davis
Dr. Kim GreeneDesLauriers *
Delta Controls Inc.
William R. Greig *
Dr. Martin Lebl *
Bill & Doreen Nelson *
Bill & Eva Derpak *
Robert & Linda Grimm *
Dave Lee
Ocean Pacific Lighting
Peter Donaldson
Helen Hadley *
Carol Leheup *
R. Alan & Irene Dow *
Hamilton Duncan
Armstrong & Stewart
Law Corporation
Leith Wheeler
Investment Counsel
Ocean Park Ford Sales
Dr. Mae Tam Inc.
Dreyer Group Mortgages
Gordon Hartshorne
Rowena Leivo *
John & Donna Ogilvie *
Don & Patricia Olsen *
Duncanby Lodge &
Ellie Harvie *
Leonis Management &
Consultants Ltd. *
John & Mary Haugan
Paul Lewthwaite *
Peter Dunik *
Howard & Olive Havies *
Lindsay Kenney LLP
William & Rose Dyke *
Henk & Fran Havinga *
Sharilyn Lindsay *
Lorne & Karen Ebenal
Appolonia Heit
Douglas & Jo-Anne
Ellenor *
Peter & Sylvia Hemmes *
Live Well Excercise Clinic
Matthew & Michelle
Elliott *
EllisDon Corporation
Ellwyn & Co. Law
Corporation *
Envision Denture and
Implant Centre *
Envision Financial South Point
Sherry Hoff *
Harp and Harinder
Hoonjan *
Matt & Kirsten Houghton
Howe's Market *
HSBC Bank Canada
Tammy Hucaluk
John & Carol Hunt *
ESC Holdings Ltd *
Innovative Fitness ‑
White Rock
Estate of Cora May
Brad & Christine
Jackman *
Estate of Florence May
Jacob Bros Construction
Estate of Kathleen Grace
Jigsaw Performance
Estate of Marjorie
Estate of Muriel Grace
Allan Johanson & Tara
William & Frances
Joiner *
Arno Ewert *
Joppa Lodge No. 112 AF
& AM *
Femme Skin Care &
Kane, Shannon and
Field & Marten
Associates *
Howard & Kim Karras *
Jack & Marsha
Finnbogason *
Kasian Architecture
Interior Design and
Planning Ltd.
Donald & Stella
Longstaff *
Bob & Joan Lowe *
Jasbir S. Luddu *
Parker & Barbara
MacCarthy *
Mary T. MacLeod **
Alec & Marlene
MacKenzie *
Royal Canadian Legion - #8
Zoe Pawlak
Royal Canadian Legion
Crescent Branch - #240
Peace Arch Shrine Club
Leo & Eleanor Pedersen *
Pedersen's Party Rentals
The Peninsula Resort
Retirement Community
Peninsula Runners
Dr. Lourens Perold *
Maureen R. Popham *
Donald George
McClellan *
David & Sandra
McConnach *
Patricia McCulloch *
David & AnnaLisa
McJac's Roadhouse
Willie & Sharon Fisher
KDS Construction Ltd
Keystone of Life
Richard & Ruth Frankish *
G. & L. Kincade *
Jim & Berna McMaster *
Al & Donna Freeze *
Betty Ann King *
Dea Freschi *
Dr. Charles King &
Wendy Wulff *
James & Madeleine
McNamee *
Gerry and Lynn McKay *
Ethel McLean *
John & Beatrice Melvin *
Gateway Casinos &
Entertainment Inc
Tom & Marylou Kirstein *
Jamie Middleton *
Gemini Visuals
Kitchen Therapy
Amy Gill *
Knights of Columbus Surrey Council 4767
Moby Dick Famous Fish
& Chips Since 1975
Hermann & Irene
Rohrmoser *
George & Joelle
Paleologou *
Mardon Insurance
Bruno Mazzucchi *
Margaret E. Rodgers
Royal Canadian Legion #6 Poppy Fund
Pharmasave Health
Centre #009
Larry Hope & Hope
Mavis *
Rock Creek Management
Pacific Arbour Five
Residences Ltd.
Daniel & Dorothy
Manulak *
Master's Touch Inc.
Rochells Jewellers
Rosemary Heights
Chiropractic & Massage
Gladys Peterson *
Pauline Martin *
Christopher Robinson
Simon Osborne *
Ian & Terri Mankey *
Four Seasons Hotel
Beverly Goodall *
Ocean Park Panago
Theodore Rivney *
Premium Brands
Holding Corp
PrimeTime Living
Retirement Residences *
Albert & Greta
Quartermaine *
Raymond Rae & Susan
Wingate *
Jim & Bonnie Ramsay &
Family *
Rasoi Restaurant Inc.
Raymond James
Canada Foundation *
RBC Dominion
Securities - White Rock
RBC Foundation
Jeremy Reedman
Denny & Debbie Regier
Wendy Reid *
REMAX Colonial Pacific
Realty Ltd.
Retirement Concepts
Revera Retirement LP
Dr. Connie J. Ruffo
Kulwinder Sanghera *
Tony & Michelle Santo *
Wendy Scantland *
Mike & Michelle
Scardina *
Ken & Brenda Sewell *
Jollean Shallard *
William & Lillian Shaw *
Bruce & Linda Shore *
Ralph & Florence
Simpson *
The Tong and
Geraldine Louie Family
Foundation *
Stephanie Tortorelli *
Don Tough *
Monica Tracy *
Arie & Alice Trommel *
Grant & Michelle
Scott Ullrich *
Anibal & Tracey Valente *
Marten & Ruth Van
Huizen *
Robert Van Rassel *
Ronald & Lena
Vanderhelm *
Dr. Elizabeth Varughese *
Margaret Wainman *
Robert & Jean Walker *
Florence Wall **
Robert Warick *
Janette Watson
William G. Weiler *
Joseph P. West *
Elke & Klaus Westen *
White Beach Restaurant
White Rock Mental
Health and Substance
Use Services
White Spot - Morgan
Whitecliff by Revera
Dr. Peter & Charmaine
Skepasts *
Gwen Wick *
Dennis L. & Marlene
Skulsky *
Brian C. & Sharon
Williams *
Solaris Management
Wilson M. Beck
Dr. Werner & Vivian
Spangehl *
Andrew Benzel & Andrea
Wink *
Lynne Spurr *
Monica Woldring
Steve Nash Fitness
World and Sports Club
Chin-Hung Yang *
James & Judy Stewart *
Angus Mackenzie
Surrey Eagles Hockey
Albert & Norma Svab *
Drs. Peter Tsang & Mae
Tam *
Kenneth & Judy Tetz *
Neil & Lisa Yarmoshuk *
Gary C. Yee *
Wei Hem Yeh & Li Chun
Chen *
E.R. (Sandy) & MaryLou
Wightman **
Dr. Kerry & Kate
Yoshitomi *
Irma Zvirgzdins *
Wolrige Foundation *
Thrifty Foods - South
Avis Richardson
This donor list recognizes individuals and organizations who supported the Foundation between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you notice an error, kindly contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520.
$250 ‑ $999
Jay Bouchey
Anonymous (6)
Bradford & Green - Law
Ed & Beverley Ackerman
Peter & Diane Adkins
Advanced Physiotherapy
Alexander Amos
Margaret Andrews
Pamela Andrews
Cliff & Maureen Annable
Liberato Antenucci
Ann‑Marie Arnold‑Smith
Arthur Murray Dance
Studio - White Rock
Russ & Irene Cuming
Mary Fletcher
Jagrup Hothi
Silvia Floreano
Zhang Liang Hu
Wendy Breaks
Charles & Wendy Curteis
Raymond Huang
Brenda Brice
CYSP Sushi Enterprises
Warwick Fowler &
Kendra Engstrom
Colin & Eileen Brown
Edward & Kathleen
Dr. Vic & Dr. Carolyn
Richilde Burgert
Gerald Atchison
Cactus Club Café
Tom Ayley
Daniel & Stephanie
Sukhi & Harp Badesha
Barbara J. Baker
Dr. Gary G. Baker
Wayne & Jane Baldwin
Grace Ballantyne
Myles Ballendine
Wendy Campbell
Marvin Hunt
Adolph & Alice Dalke
Douglas K. Garland
David & Betty Icharia
Cecil & Erna Darby
Shaun & Brenda Gaynor
Impact Magazine
Sharon L. Darlington
Willie & Irma Geisler
IPAC Chemicals Ltd.
Joaquim & Rosa
Howard & Loree Gillard
J. Gregory Men's Apparel
James D. Gillespie
Jill Goldsby
Mike Mannella & Irene
Glyn Davies
John & Geraldine
Carol De Boeck
Conrad De Jong
Gollman Family Trust
Gerry Gollman
GoodlLife Fitness
Scott & Jackie Jacob
Otto & Ilse Lore Jager
Dianna James
Capital Genealogy
James & Diane Johnson
Frank Carberry
Marilyn Desmarais
Ruth Greenough
Archie & Susan Johnston
F. Patrick & Margaret
Bill & Lorraine Grant
Ray Caron
Kathleen Dewar
Patricia Grossutti
Sven Caspersen
Bill & Joan Dewinetz
Peter Cass & Jocelyn
Jasmail Dhaliwal
GroupHEALTH Global
Benefit Systems Inc.
Don & Gisele Barker
Laureen B. Barker
Alexander & Gloria
Elizabeth Barley
Elaine Cheung
Bob Barquest
Carol Chiang
Spencer Bass
Chloe Angus Design
Brian Bateman
Anne Chong
John & Mary Bateman
Dr. Joseph Chong
Scott Bearss
Curtis Christopherson
Alex Beleski
City of Surrey
Andrea Besgrove
Dr. Ronald & Heather
CMS Enterprises Inc.
Dan Collins
Birdies & Buckets Family
Golf Centre
Constellation Brands
Alva Blabey
Mike & Joelle Cooke
Blatchford Law
Ryan Cooper
Tidmen & Elsie Cowley
Jack & Joan Creasy
John Bliss
Crescent Park Dental
Boardwalk Optometry
and Hearing
Ken & Muriel Croft
Jeff Borkowski
W.J. & E.L. Galpin
Dr. Howard & Andrea
Mark Catroppa
Marilyn Bobier
Heike Czisch
Delta Victoria Ocean
Pointe Resort and Spa
Janice Cervantes
James & Heather
Peace Arch Rebekah
Lodge - #66
Delta Hospital
Canadian Women's
National Soccer Team
Laraine Barclay
Jeannette Birchall
Mark & Heather Friesen
John Gordy
Clarence & Stella Barber
Jim Bindon
Horizon Wealth
Management Inc.
Robert J. Arwick
Backyard Vineyards
First Advantage
Financial Inc.
Jack Bray
Cactus Club Café - South
Point Exchange
Murray Aylward
Jeff & Jacqueline
Alan Crooks & Claire
Harp & Harinder Dhillon
Malik & Gerryann Dillon
Doctors of BC
R. Paul & Sue Douglas
Jared & Meryll Dreyer
June Dubay
Tania Dusevic
Dr. Gilbert & Marion Dyck
Percy & Margaret Eastham
Edward & Joan Eaton
Micheal Grunewaldt
Vincent & Ivy Hadley
Jan Halliburton
Bob & Carol Halsey
Keith & Sharon Hanson
Philip & Ann Harvey
K. Masood Hasan
Mounir Hassan &
Fatemah Cyr
Hazelmere Golf & Tennis
Joanne Janzen
Manjit Johal
Sean Kelly
Howard & Ellen Kennett
Joan Kerr
Lothar & Maureen Kiner
Ira & Elizabeth Kitzel
John & Lily Hofstad
Harold Koss
Gordon & LaVerne Hogg
Excellent Ice
John Hogg & Tracy
Marilyn Lacate
Peter Fassbender
Linda Hogg
Feng Li Registered
Tak Honkawa
David Firby & Joan
Robert & Jacquie
Brian Lowe
Ken & Peggy Lowe
Randy & Monica Lowe
Walter & Judith Lowry
Hui Chu Mary Lu
Mervyn & Barbara Lutes
Zarko & Anna Lutman
Dale Lutz
Eric MacDonald
Madden Solutions Ltd.
Deanie Kolybabi
Fred A. & Margaret
G. Roy Long
John & Diedre
L. Doreen Hoath
Alexander & Milly
Roger S. & Therese
Edward Kabanuk
Jutta Koloska
Michael & Marjorie
Living Wellness Centre
June MacKenzie
Edward & Catherine Hird
Brian A. Evans
Lloyd & Georgette Litke
Eugene & Marolyn Jow
Marianne Koch
M. Gale Lindenthaler
Joseph Richard Group
Allen W. Hippsley
Gerald & Elizabeth Ellis
Danny Lidder
Ian W. & Gail MacKenzie
Gladys Knox
Don Elkington
Eric G. Lewtas
José & Co. Custom
Leslie C. Hill
Jean-Paul Eleizegui
Wayne Lenihan
Yin & Donna Lew
M&M Pacific Coast Farm
Shirley Hazzard
Electronic Arts Canada
Robert Legault
Sheila Jory
Dr. George & Dragica
Richard S. Ego Signature
Hair & Spa
Anne Lausten
John Lawrence
Jolene Laing
Harvir Lalli
Faye Lamont
Dianne Lane
Tom & Karen Lane
Alfred & Erma Lange
Malary's Fashion
Sue Mankarios
Juanita Manning
Michael J. Marchbank
Linda Marlow
Christian Martin
Guy & Katherine Martin
Nancy Mathias
Kenichi & Reiko Matsuo
Ron & Joan Matthews
Mike Maurice
Peter & Olive Maychruk
Ian A. C. McCallum
Glen & Lori McCrady
Peter McCrank
Joan McCredie
Jason McDougall
Gary & Dena McGratten
Betty McJannett
This donor list recognizes individuals and organizations who supported the Foundation between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you notice an error, kindly contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520.
18 thrive
Tim Copeland & Louise
Gordon McLachlan
Bruce McLean
Robert & Delda
Ray & Jo McLeod
Brian McMurdo
Archie & Pat McNair
Regan McPherson
Isobel May McRobbie
MD Wellness Solutions
Cornelia Mellquist
Deidre Michael
Bruce & Linda Middleton
Mary Mills
Dr. S.N. Mohamed Inc.
Kit & Paige Moller
Helen Monkman
Mike Montesano
Ron Morin
Margaret Muche
Reidunn Mudie
Philip & Judy Mullin
Lisa Murphy
William Naaykens
Rajinder Nagra
Alan & Shirley Nauss
Pacific Coastal Airlines
Brett Palmer
Dale Parsons
Ronald W. Paterson
Peace Arch Motors Ltd.
Maurice & Marie
Richard & Emma Ruf
Gordon Ruffo
Paul Sahota
Slavica & Marijan Sakic
South Surrey Smiles
Marjorie Vernon
Ruth Frankish
Splashes Wash Lodge
John Rutckyj & Kelli
Joan Furness
Kim Spratt
Sry Select Painting Ltd.
Elizabeth Stephen
Fredrick Voight
Arthur & Betty Wahl
Nick & Chrisine Walker
Deborah Salh
George & Patricia
Bob & Kay Pedersen
Salon Cordeiro
Elvina A. Stewart
John & Marni Warren
Peekaboo Beans
Harjit Sandhu
Jim & Kathy Stewart
Robin Waters
Peninsula Cycles
Grant & Marni Sargeant
Randy & Janice Stinson
West Coast Duty Free
Florence Penny
Save On Scooters &
Medical Eqiupment
Dr. Robert & Ann Stinson
White Spot ‑ White Rock
Edward & Marjorie Stock
Eric L. & Myra L. White
Robert & Gloria Storey
Joyce M. Whiteside
Elizabeth M. Stout
Patricia Wickson
Jill Wilchek
Mark & Kathy Schiefner
Dr. Robert & Alison
Arnold & Florence
Jane Struthers
Peace Arch Rebekah
Lodge - #66
Philip R. Perceval
Peter John M.
John & Barbara
Nick & Stella Pirc
Lynne Pitts-Dawes
John Plummer
Michael Podolsky
Peter & Molly
Don & Connie Porter
Pravin & Jaiesmeeta
Dr. Bryan & Anne
Deryl & Pat Priest
Eunice V. Pruden
Wilma Pryma
Scenic Rush Driving
Experiences Inc.
Scheves Mink & Feeds
Jeff Scoten
James Scott
Seaside Memories B&B
Guest Suites
Strides Pedorthics Inc.
Stuart Olson
Construction Ltd.
Keith & Denise Stuart
Dennis Seifriet
Surrey Panorama
Constituency Office
Semiahmoo Athletic
Tap Urban Cafe
Semiahmoo House
Mona Swanson
R. Lee Taylor
Rob Telfer
Darlene Wallace
Suzette Willetts
Edward & Laureen
Paula Williams
Manraj Johal
Tsin Ying Kim Sing
Ira Kitzel
Fritz Koloska
Samuel Peter Koltai
Spenser Koltai
Nelly Konkin
Dr. Albertus Lamprecht
Darryn & Stacey Wilson
Greg Long
Edmund Wong
Lillian Long
Elizabeth J. Woodland
Sadhu Singh Luddu
Mary Louise Wright
Zarko Lutman
The Pacifica Resort
Retirement Living
Bruce Yantz
Oria MacDonald
Douglas Shaver
David Yee
A. Bruce McLean
John Sherstone
The Wooden Spoon
Ruth Yelle
Mary McMurdo
Allan & Patricia
Ke Feng Zhang
Ankur Sharma
Dr. Val Raffle
Karin Siebert
David Thomson
Karn Sihota
Kenneth & Carol Thorpe
Heidi Neufeld‑Lee
William & Eileen Rapson
Eleanor Simmons
Marion Thurston
Erika Achterholt
Newmark Projects Ltd
RBC Global Asset
Management Inc.
Stewart & Karen Tiessen
Dr. David Anderson
Thang Nguyen
RBC Royal Bank
Lynne Sinclair
Bob & Diane Nicholas
Candace Nordhus
J. Arthur Reid
Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside
Spa Resort & Conference
Dorothy Joan Atchison
Red FM
Dr. Sonia Singh
North Surrey Lions Club
Marion Reid
Marilyn Nunuk
Marianne Robb
Nurse Next Door
Homecare Services
Drs. Gerry Roberts &
Debra Harper
Alison Smith
Bob Oben & Carla
William J. Robertson
Beverly Robinson
Kenneth & Harriet Smith
Dr. Barbara M. Olson
Larry Hope
John Hunt
Graham Leask
Douglas & Noreen
Rick & Pamela O'Connor
Len Hazzard
Ken & Patti Wilson
Nelmida Rafael
Ocean Promenade Hotel
Peter Hayfield
Georgie A. Wilson
Steve Nemetz
Ocean Park Village Pub
Barrie Hardie
Michael Lane
Shoppers Home Health
Ocean Park News
Daryl Harapiak
Shannon Lawson
Dr. Jeff & Carol Purkis
Richard H. Robinson
Vincent Hadley
Kent & Fay Williamson
Richard & Jacquie
Ocean Park Chiropractic
& Sports Injuries
Gina Gaspard
Barbara Slater
Karl Slotman
Donald & Anna
Arn & Valerie Smith
Sydney Smith
Huub & Margaret Romer
Michael & Doris
Brendon Rose
Queenie Soo
Gordon W. Ross
Ike & Louise Sorensen
Scott & Carrie Ross
Sources BC
Olaf & Ivy Rostad
South Surrey and White
Rock Art Society
TJ's The Kiddies Store
Aarne & Anne Tork
J. B. Trahan
Dr. E. Wayne Tunis
Jean Van Dam
Colleen L. Van De Voort
Jannetje Van Gelderen
Thelma Van Humbeck
Vancouver Foundation
Melis & Elsbeth
Harry Michael
Juanita Neale
Joel Barrett
David Beck
Dr. Antonio BenitezGomez
John Black
Clinton Bobier
Elliott Hunter Brumell
Karl Burgert
Ken Campbell
Irene Cuming
Kathleen Dale
Robert Dawes
Marsha Finnbogason
Paul Newell
Maud Nicolay
Lois Norling
Dr. Cynthia M. Orlaw
Eleanor Purvis
Margaret Rodgers
Salvatore Russo
Henry Seifriet
Lucy Smithaniuk
Lena Trethewey
Gerrit Van Gelderen
Melis Vandenakker
Olive Watkins
Allan Whyte
Wei Hem Yeh
Hulda Zittlau
Reinhold Zittlau
Stephen Vermette
This donor list recognizes individuals and organizations who supported the Foundation between April 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you notice an error, kindly contact the Foundation at 604.535.4520.
“It will benefit us all to help
Peace Arch Hospital.”
A Gift to Last.
Everyone has their own reason for leaving a legacy
to Peace Arch Hospital. Whether it’s to ensure future
generations have access to quality health care
close to home or wanting to express gratitude for
exceptional care, let your legacy be a gift of health for
your family, and for every family in our community.
rs ha ve becom e
“Ou r fr
a nt to en su re th ey
ou r fa m ily a n d wvee wg reat hea lt h ca re”.
co nt in u e to ha
What’s your reason for giving?
Hear our donor stories and learn more about planned
giving at Simply click on ‘Ways
to Give’ and 'Gift in Your Will’, or call Jim Bindon at
“W h e n we fi
we did n ’t h a verst aca m e to W hit e R ock,
tu rn to lea ve a le h o sp it a l. N ow it ’s ou r
g a cy fo r th e futu