1942.05.08 Hamilton High School Federalist


1942.05.08 Hamilton High School Federalist
PON'T F 0 R ·a E ~
,.._ ,
______ ____
"China. ..
....~.., been In war for five
Los Angeles, Calif. Friday, May 8, 1942
VOL. 21, No. 13
China Relief
Drive Ends
Phone AR. 8-99lll
Alumnus Honored Oratory Contest Curriculum to Change as Defense
For Work in Action Winners Speak Measure for Hamilton Next Term
With four .student winners in 1
Good news came to the home of
So that Hamilton may play 1ts part m the present national crisis~
Mr. and Mrs. Blon Dugar R<>berts, the city oratoncal conust speaking, many changes and a possible new curriculum are being scheduled to go
with buUets and shells made from Sr.. last week when the Naval De- the Forum Club presented their an- into effect. in the fall of 1942. These new phms w111 affect 1argely the
American scrap Iron, bombed partment in Washington, D. C., sent nual assembly yesterday to Increase graduation requlremen~. the length of the school day, and the estab'th lrpl
I Am I
n.e student interest in speech.
llt.shment of many new classes.
wa a
anes 0
er can ma
word to Inform them that their son, .....,
The entire program Is to be promoted through grade chairmen who
or d esign, driven by A.tnerican Bion, Jr., was one of two Los AnThe speakers were Chru:lle Me· have already been appointed through llhe principal's office. All problems,
gasoline · • • "
geles men to be promoted because earthy, from Los Angeles high, first program questions, and Individual student problems will be presented!
prize winner in the original oratory
~to these grade chairmen.
Since Pearl Harbor it Is a diffa-ent story, as Paul Helms, special
w lk
· · 1
division. .Charlie's
a for
er a rown:
pnnc1pa. w o
assistant to Pa.ul Hoffman, nation" winning speech
poss~ble enrollment of
al president of United China Relief,
was ent1Ued, Mortar of Peace. I
over 2.000 next september. explainpointed out in a recent talk at a.
Glen Sire of Glendale high, second 1
ed many of the new opportunities
luncheon at the Jonathan club.
place winner in the same division, 1 curtis Lee Riney. W'38, son of for students under these changes.
The destiny of our nation depends
Lettie Bell Brooks of Redondo, first J. c. iRlney, Hamilton instructor,
The eleventh. and twelfth gradeS
on China's front. We must restore
,1receiVed word last week that he \Hll have elooth'e vocational fun1
the confidence of tJ:le Chinese peoplace winner m the Elks oratorical had scored more points than any damentals, the present fine arts reple in America.
test. and Bernard Miller from Hol- j other contestant in the Hearst Tro- quirements wlll be met by one seOver f.;hree million Chinese have
Iywood. who won first place In the phy Rifle Match for colleges and mester of either music or art-the
~n killed and over fifty million
dl·amatlc declamation division, were universities.
student ~lng given h!s cho1ce. Life
are homeless and hungry. There iS
1 Northwestern University won the science L'> to be taught as nearly
an awful drama. of suffering. Stuthe other three speakers.
matcll. but Curtis was the high- as possi-ble as a laboratory science,
dents of Hamilton can help by conAfter t'he assembly. they and point man of all the teams.
which means no upper grade scitributing to the United China Retheir sponsors were inVIted to a j Curtis started his career at the ence is required for graduation
lief. Money has been collected
lunch at Hamilton House as guests age of nine, when his father had from high scllool but which will
every day this week.
Cut Courto~~y L.A. Examiner of honor. The lunch was served by him shoot a .30 caliber rifle at a not refer to specific college en·
The Chinese mean everything to
Mrs. Leta Pier and some o! her , gallon can. He hlt the can on the trance requirements.
home economics students.
·first Shot, and has ever since liked
America in 1942. For we know that
Japan is making many tempting of h~ meritorious action during a
The winning speakers were. In- to shoot.
Mathematics Stressedoffers and if China fails to stand bomb10g attack on the Mars.~all v!ted to Harrulton by a commtttee
At Hamilton, curtis was outMilitary mathematics wlll be givup it will be fatal for America.
I Islands last February.
representing the Forum club, after , standing in his work. He was pres- en for those who find college math·
u China holds and remains our A native of Loo Angeles, Blon at- attending_ the oratory event at Los !dent of the Nevians. a mem'ber of ematics too difficult. obut who want
ally through 1942 th wa Depart- tended Alexan<:Wr Hamilton high Angeles c1ty college.
the boys' court and the Krughts, a practical application for m111tary
ment estimates ~ t~ree-~ar war school up until the time he enterOnly those students interested In seal Bearer, and an Ephebian.
service; vocational mathematics
but if China Is- won over by Japan: ed the servl?e on May 29, 1941. On speech were given tickets for the
After graduation from Hamilton, will be furnished for girls \\ho are
& seven to ten-year war.
board an aircraft ca.rner, he was assembly. The Forum club Is spon- curtis . enrolled at u.C.L.A. for a primarily home economics majors.
In 1917 when the United States the youngest of a crev. of seven who I sored by MiSs Minna Mae Lewis course m political science. At the A new secretarial bookkeeping class
was In need of llelp for its v.·ar re- were members of a machme gun and Is headed by Robert Noetzli, same time he enlisted in the Naval in t:he A-12 for advanced stenolief work and a ain In the floodS battery which shot down an enemy president.
R.O.T.C. unit there. He was elected grap~lc students wi.l ~ formed.
of the Mlss'ssl g 1
d Misso 1 bomber attempting to crash on the I
captain of the rifl~ team for thl.s An mcreased offenng m photogValley
g~~e $~50 OOO ·~re flight deck of the ship. Because of
I semester, and is doing a very good ;aphy which may be used as a cred· · ' m. r . his heroic action, Bion. whose partt
1t for Fine Arts, Laboratory Sci' .
an}' olller country exceptmg ents reside at 2016 Bedford avenue'
ecelVeS e er
After gra d ua tl on f1om
U.0 .LA
Arts Upon indiCana.da
. .• ence, or Practical
St d . ts
d t h
d was promoted to the rank of sea- From
he will receive a commission 1n the vidual application and approval. IS
u en an .eac ers are u:ge man first class
being planned and the establishto be generous WJth their contnbu·
t f
rin h
tions as the nee<i is great It takes
Bringing the war close to home is
It was a great surprise to Curtis :rei; i o a. P t s op ?r g1rls with
but one penny to feed a· balanced
a new experience for many stu(Continued on Page 4.)
r~t ng open to g1rl.$ 1n. the elevdents at Hamilton, but In Mrs.
e~ and twelfth grades aurmg the
meal to two Chinese children· $20
will support a child for one year.
'!Luelle Johnson's Business Corrcs- I Set Stephen Foster
ex~d~ ~~y ONLY ~ scheduled.
The drive 1s under the sponsorship
pondence class, letters have been
rs Aid requ.rement will
ot a girl-;' league committee beadexchanged to and from England Aud for Wednesday
be dtaughtt to alldB-12's and A-12's,
ed b B t Sh ick
and the United States for some
pa tern
raftm~. personal
Y et Y
er ·
t.me past.
The choruses, madri~al, girls' groom_lng. and textile crafts will be
I Lillian Troutwine, Bl2, recently glee, and voice classes will present establiShed for girls.
Sponsoring what Is anticipated received. however. a letter from ~ d[amatlzed bedlography of Stephen School Da:v Unatfec~dto be one of the most lllustrlous Hawaii and not England. It was a. os er, on W nesday, May 13. I
exhibitions ever to be displayed at letter from her grandmother and This production, which will be unThese new classes \\II~ not affect
Hamilton. the came1·a Guild an- stated some of the conditions that der the om.<:tlon . of Mrs. Edith I ~~e school day which .will have the
nounces that the first annual Ham- have arisen In Honolulu sine the Leonard. will be m costume and
me num·ber of penocls a.s t:J.ero
For the past two weeks, Hamil- ilton Photographic Salon will be war. A portion of her grand~oth- 1will p~rtray many of Stephen !~e n~w. but there will be extendton senior boys and girls have been displayed in the school library be- 1 er's letter follows·
FQSter s best loved ~ngs.
day classes for students w1sh·
...... about ~yself, I am flne
Glen Kenworthy \\'111 por~ray tlle 1ng extra perto~s. !&sting thro~gh
undergoing strenuous examinations ginning two weeks from next
to determine t.heir physical health. Monda.y, May 25, and running for as far as health goes but ratller part of Stephen Fosver, while Tom the. da~ fr<?m 7.30 1n the mornmg
approximately one week.
dl~""~ted v.tth co11diti
We Nicoloff Will do the reading.
until 4.00 m the afternoon. The
Each senior has been taking hear·
The soloists in the production purpose of the extended day is to
Contalnmg about one hundred of cant get butter, only a little meat, will be Barbara Beesen, Pat Pa- provide for more opportunity for
ing and sight tests as well as test
best pictures made by students only a few cans of things at a quet, Harriet Pepper. Walter Keith practical training !or all high school
to determine color blindness. Girls the
during the past year. the exhibit time, and only ten gallons of gas Wyatt, Ray McCurdy, Jim Know- student.s.
have pro\'ed their physical might wUI J;>e prev1ewed _by two of Holly- a month, so t.he car stands at home les. Lois Reese, Charles McDralh,
There will also be a tightening
by exhibltlr11t their prowess in bas- wood s most promment studio pho- most of the time. We get only ten I Mickle Rogers. and Lillian Eynde. up of requirements to prevent overJtetball. by running certain lengths tographers. James Doolittle, head miles IX> the gallon. The car is one Barbara Baker and Patty Owens loading of a PUpfl's program. Five
of time, and by other strenuous portr.ait photographer at Pararuou~t or thooe .180 horsepower cars put will give a duet. while Marlon Da- periods will be normal. but six will
Studio, and Ray Jot:es, head st1ll out last year. l'OU know, the 1941 vis and Rita Currier will dance. I be permitted If the student can:
This examination of the graduat- photographer at umversal Studio, Packard, and so comfortable. I go ) AccompanlsQs !or the perform· pass Inspection and have his re~
ing class Is being carried out in who are also do~ating to the nu- , to town _?n the btiS now and only ance \\ill be Jean Jurgewitz and quest granted by his grade chair.,
each high school for the first time merous list of pnzes to be awarded. about t\IOICe a month ... I had the ·Dick Emmons
The pictures submitted for hang- lbig doors put In the dining r<><?m I The last time this production
this year, as a trial program.
After these check-ups have been !ng will ·be edited by the Salon and mean to black It out. The kit- 1Vi'QS presented at Hamilton was 1
completed, each student will be in- Comrruttee.. and onl~ the moot out- 1 chen is so small for all of ~ to four years ago. At that time Mrs.
formed as to the condition of his sta~dlng p1cturl'S v.ill be acc~pted. sit ~ . . . radio goes all the t1me. Will Earhart. president of t h e I
physical health and 'lf'!ll be helped While most of the pictures will be I have a small ~>hort-wave one and t;tephen Foster memorium was
to correct his defects. Those sen- entered . bY photography students. we listen constantly. Funny thing, present and took motion pictures
Iors who have .shown satisfactory the entire stu~ent body is invited I on Mar~h 3, on_ the mght we had of the presentation. These pictures
Five hundred girl.:; will partici..
physical performance and sound to. submit entnes. 'Ihe Salon Com- that raid at 2.15 a.m., ~ put ou are now in the Stephen Foster pate in a mass vo!ley ball nine
phys!cal deveJopment wm be grant- m1ttee, chosen b~· Mrs. Lois Vm- the rad!O and there was Bmg eros- l ~·!emorium In Pittsburg Penn.
court rotation during the annual
ed a certificate of health and ette. photography mstructor, Is com- by singmg!" . . .
gtrls' play day next Tuesday, May
physical fitness at the time of their posed of Bill Jones. chairman, I Ullian's uncle, Donald MacinFr.ancls Hegeman. Bill Kelr. Peter tyre. ~~0 also lives in Honolulu, is
opu ar Office
112. The program Is s:ated to last
Physicians, nurses, and teachers Miller, and Charles Sexauer. who HaW'alls dean of landscape ga.rdor er romo e
one to _three In tne afterare stressing the Importance of cor- are In charge of all the arrange- eners '1\hO is note-d for changmg I
a paddy to a park forty years ago.
After seven years on the clerical I noon. In openmg the gala occasion,
;recting th€se defects and a re-ex- ments for the coming event.
The salon \\ill contain many prize Today, Moanalulua Park, which he staff of Alexander Hamilton h1g.h the R.O.T.C. \\IU preseu~ the colors
amination wlll be held sometime
photos. from exciting football ac- created. Is said by many to surpass school. Mrs. Margaret Sterling, one and the band w 1U play. T:'le ~iris '
before graduation in June.
A committee of awards at Ham- tlon, to glamorous portraits of In natural grace and beauty any of the most popular and hardwork- G.A.A. cheer leaders w!ll lea<i in
tlng members of the office force,
ilton wUl decide to whom Healt.h Hamilton's pretty co-eds. The pic- 1other in HawalL
said farewell to teacllers and stu- songs and yells and then the games
and Physical Fitness certificates tures must be at least eight inches
dents alike on Thursday Aoril 30. v:fll begin. In conclusion. ice cream
shall be granted. On this commit- by !len inches and appropriately
Going to Metropolitan high wm be served to all the snrls.
tee will be Walker Brown. princi- mounted in custom u·tth all photo Boys' Food Classes
school, Mrs. Sterling will be assoThe usual tradition of having in..
pal; Dr. Vera Waegel and [)r. R. salons. The number of entries from Serye Speakers' Lunch
ciated with the Los Angeles City terschool competition between girls
McKelvy, school physicians; J. c. each student is unlimited, but each
On Vocational day, April 29. an School's employment association. on this day will not be followed
Riney, boys' corrective teacher; contestant must show that he or
Mrs. Ruth Fitzgerald, girls' corroo- she Is a purchaser of War Sa\.1ngs the vocational speakers were en- The change is a promotion for her. 1thiS year. Due to the present emerstamps. The deadline for submit- tertained by Mrs. Hazeltine WYUpon entering the high school in gency, the Board of Education has
(Contlnued on Page 4)
ting entries is Friday, Ylay 15.
vell's boys' foodS class.
1935. Mrs. St~rling took on the job 1ruled against visitation from other
Neighboring high schools will be
The boys prepared and sen-ed a as assistant to the counsellor, hav-~ schools on buses during school
Invited to attend the exhibition. and complete luncheon ·for the speak- ing under her supervision the cred- hours.
The play day is sponsored by the
local junior high schools wlll also ers. The menu consisted of freSh lts earned by the students. Besides
Sympathy ')f the Federalist
receive invitations. The executives vegetable salad, SwiSS steak, new this she had charge of the book girls' physical education teachers:
staff and the entire Hamilton
ot Culver Oity will receive personal potatoes in cream, fresh peas, hot room as well as the Lost and Found Mrs. Ruth Fitzgerald. ).fiss Helen
.student body Is extended to
invitations to attend t.he show.
rolls with butter, coffee, and ice department.
Mindl!n, Miss Ruth 0 Hara. and
Bill, Christina and. Henry Shine
Further details as to group class!- cream.
1 Mlss Chn.rlottee Mann is taking Miss Anna. Mae Mason, chairman,
upon the death of their mother,
ficatlon and prizes will be anFortv guestQ were served at the over Mrs. Sterling's duties in the Twenty picked letterwomen '-'ill a~t
who passed away last Sunday.
nounced later.
J counsellor's office.
as referees.
• ..II
lears with the J apanese. Riddled
Hamilton t0 H0Jd
F•IrSt Ph0t0 saIon
W k
Page 2
Friday, ~I ay 8, 1942
Jebr~ lt~t
- - --
Hamilton l:iludents have re,.,ponded t o
the dl'ive for mone) for the relief of Chinn's millions '' ith a good deal of enthus~
ia m. Rarely do "e ha\e n chance to donate
money to uch n gteat cau e and but rarely can \\C donate monty that "e know \\ill
go so far in the relief of ,.uffering.
In. the past, before we became active in
the "ar. before the Lend·
Lea e Bill came into being,
\\C we1
.-upplying Japa n
with ::;crap iron and oil to
u:;e for the dest1·uction of
China citie=' and people.
No\\ we have the opportunity to hdp China, to r epay the g reat injustic.e
done th£•m. \\ e can, par t!·
ally, repay China fot· the
---------- damage done her by g u ns
Jack Wether by and uomb" .mel planes m ade
from our ::;crap iron and oil. Let's not for·
get her in her t ime of need.
OWned b;r tlle StadenL Bod;r of &leunder BamDW.
111gb School, 2955 Robertson BIYd., Los Anreles,
California. Published Weekly diU'lng the &<:bool Jeaz:
the JounW.lsm Cla.s!el.
Subscription P rlce 25 Cents per Semester
( Entered as secon d-class m atter, March 24, 1932, at
the post.offlce a t Los Angeles, California , under
t he Act of March 3, 1879, or August 24. 1912.
1145 Shenandoah, CR. 57734
Managing Editor
_...........P AULINE OALATZ
8945 Ellla Ave. AR. 8·8513
N ews Servlce ..........__.......--.ADRIENNE G IDO
P ublic Relatlon.'l _ .... _.,___.. ___ ,JOY P ROBST
C o-Editors of Sports ..__ ... ..... BILL .MEGOWAN
Literary Editor
Alumni Editor - - - -.BLANCHE NORDYKE
Librarians -·-··
Proof Reader -·
Staff Artists -·-·- - - · - - -..GEORGE BI.ASTRE
.Ad \·ert!s1ng M anager
Associates-Maxine Dalley, Ellen Wood. Bob Macy,
Olga :Meho:-t.cr, Lots Byrne, Shirlee Garman,
R!cit Ingersoll, Irwin Gingold, Ed Carpenter,
Harry Felbel; B ill Ck~er, and Orlean Geissler.
- - -- ---B;r ELLEN' WOOD :\ X D S U!'\Bt'RS'Many guys nnd gals found thernselvt's enjoying
the briny deep of the blue P acific at the <beach
over ~he week-end. T here \\'ere Be:ty Guenther, J oan
Booga r, Lois Bunker, Ma.xine Carpenter. Peggy
R ueback. Lila :Mae H amar, Tc-ddy S chilz. Lois Dor an, J oan Davit;, LoL:; Collins, Bob Allen, S ue Barr,
J im K nowles. Phil Cheney. P nu•
lmc Kelly, Pat Mahont'y, Lucille
Nelgherbon, Aldine Smith, and
many more.
Just to bP different, "Cute"
little Lipsett sca~d the lofty
height..-; of an oil v.ell. Looking
on and, shall we say, too JntelJigen~ to fo lo\V v.crc Walt Honor and George Woodhouse.
TilE l
S J·O~S ORI;o 111· 1'L a k e Enchanto foun<l the
mighty Hl-Y finally hnvlng that
Ellen Wootl
lcmg-talkcd- about p cnlc. ;\Ughty
bruised and battered afterward.-; Y. •'re: Pat Jordan,
Clc~e Carlson. Bud Hogue, Sue Hov.nrd, Ed Weber,
Violet :O.tcssmg Corio Llcato Mnry Lou Rcbol, Orlean Gcl&~.er, Buck High, Annnbcll De Long, Bob
M..l!er. Sh.rl~y Kay nnd Vern Ro\1·J<:y.
P S.-Thc fellO\\s also took In the Casn ~1 an­
ana, Fr.!day.
All! II.\RR\' J ,.\:\n:s Tite H. J. funs almost outnumbered the G . 'M.
!an~ at the well-kr.oy,•n P alndium over the wcek-
i'nd. Among the milhons were: Lee Quartennan.
Kelly KJL'itrom, Betty Sherick, Gent' Helvie, John
"he'.s made up with Pl'ggy" Adams. P eggy Hooten,
Ralph Mark, and n Hollywood redhead Ed Carpent-er, Manon Lmker, Sherm Worth, Dorale-e
K rause Wa\ne Bell, Nuncy La\\rencP. Clancy Barte ~. E1lren Gnltj', Betty SnoWciPn, Charlie P atton,
Shirley Conklin, an Oakland man, and many others who got Jo.;t In the crov.d
P\RTY P\T'I'f .R tThi" d~« im luuc the Kn ights' \\'einle bake) .
Jacquelten Dlau bhrcv. quite n p3rty Friday
night Hop ng for a black-out were: Martha Clemons. Herbert B rkcr, Nomta 'Baker. Rita Currier,
Bob Ploem. Larry Blau, Wilma Walsh. and Kenny
R al y elite Hamiltonians plaved m nlnture golf
out .o\rlh gton \\a} and .stra~· d ov r to !.orne Carlson's tor grub. There were Leona Klinck. Bill
Skclle;), Mildred ~mpsc-•·. Bob Lc Gas;lck, Carol
Legge Rex Eagan, and B tty Guenther.
A~ '
;\l o~garet
' BOUTDuffy and Gall Dunn celebrated a
whole year of gong steadv . . . The Omegas have
ne"· officers .•• Robbif! Robinson S• Ls a ne·" style
b\' pnrklllg in Lhe mlddlt> Of dov.n-town trarric • . .
Among those \\ ho nre going steady now are J ackie
Becker and Don Slwaff .•• P.tt Snyder and Handsome Bill McEhnurrav nr<'n'l .~~clng eye to e'le now
. . . Bessie Ullie desm.>s to be known ns '·Babs"
. . . Barbara B('t'Son nnd orr-campus m an n ave
J ohnson seen doing the town up nght the other
All! TH E L \ \\i\" \ SD Ll '~(ll !-Now tha~ the Seniors actually have lunch passes
to partake of lunch on our veh "ty green lawn, all
they need !or complete bliss ls a lltUc sun shine,
a fe'll.' la~n chairs. portables and a Go:ld H umor
man A t present they 'II.'Jll have to lbe content with
the gra.';S.
WM. S.
W. PI C O ft l. 'f'O.
I •• A fl irt· I.-•
- - - - - - - B y ADRIENNE GBIO-It was on the night of June 14 1924. In Salt L:tk" City, Utah , that
1\Ir. and Mrs 1\l()t;.'i 'll.ere debating O\er a name for the now popu lar
Leon. Tllls was all 1n valn because some one or .hls friends mispronounced hts namt•, snj1ng Mouse ln.'ltead of Moss, and from then on
he acqu.red the nickname or 1\linnle. (;\flnnie Mouse. get it?)
Now gomg back to hls younger )"enrs, we found that six years
a'l'ter that certain night In June, he came t.o California. H is earlier
schoohng took place m Sixth A\enue grammar. Mount Ver non, and
Louis P asteur junior h1G'hs. and then t() H aml to honor all the students herE.' by hi-; p resence.
His activ1t1es include being for the second term, H I·Y prexy, pres•
!dent of the Inter-club counc1l, chairman of the Board of Promotions
on the Student Body Cabmet. 1111d a. lettenna n.
He likes best sleep. lem on p1e, wt>ek-end trip.~. girls, the Hi-Y fel·
lows. nnd just everybody.
His diSlikes arc homC \\'ork, and g«!tllng up j>!lrly.
H is favorite bands are J immy Lunceford, Harry Jam es, and Duke
Ellington. and his favorite song is " Without a Song.'•
I n sport.s he llkt>s football. swimming, hunting, and volleyball.
His most embarrassing moment was open!ng the door bet·..,·een
periods and wolking Into a. teacher.
After graduauon, he plans to join the Nn\'OI Air Corp.;.
Off Campus
In the Sprln~ a l ' oun(
l\Ia n 's ranQ Torn~ to-A romance t.t}at date$ back almost t'II.O ~ears came ~~ light
recently when Mr and Mrs.
Wa,land announced the engagement of their daughter. Bettie, graduate or S'41, to Rich·
ard Roe. w 35 The wedding Is
~;ehedulcd to take plnce 1n the
lat.e summer.
Hazel Mchor·er, S'40. became
engaged to Blll Prange, Texas
man. last "cek Tlle marriage
or P:n·m.~ Dorrance. W'39, t.o a
:\1i.•;Hsslppl Rl\'er steamboat man
taY.es place this month.
Wa r DepnrtmentHome lor a thirty-day furlough before beg.nnlng p1tot
training at Sant.a Ana are Jack
Becker 8'39, and Pete Reed,
S 40. Stat.lonl'd v;ith the ground
crew of the Anny Alr C<>rp.' in
fampa. Fla , IS Francis Keefe,
ApologiesTo Donald Johnson, S'41, \vho
v.•ns no~ married as reported !n
the April 24 issue of the F.edernlls~ . . . Donald Johr.son. 5'40,
v.as married to Lucllle Hcnely
on Sundn\·, April 19.
- - - -- -
- - - - - - - Bv P .\ T )IAHm~·EY­
KALAJ\IAZOO. )IIC II., AI'RII. 30, IO.K. l After an unu.~unl stlencc of forty-e~ght hours. the weather bureau
repcrted today that the "ell known April showers had arrived Onlookers gasp d etwlou.c;ly ns :0.1r . Arthur M Doolittle, of West Kalamazoo. circum\ en ted all the resultmg puddles clad in a patr or genuine rubber galoshes.
\'>'hen que;;t1oncd by local authorities, Mrs. Doolittle was heard
to remark:
"Oh, it', re~ll l) not ' o b ard t o under..t :tnd, I' ve just been sav•
ing them for a r.lln ) da)."
D .C.. Jl'~E l9, (F.I- D.}1\lembers of the Supreme Court today debated the Const!tut:onallty
of a proposed ~lli conferring on the F.BJ. the power of imest gating
all homes for hoarded tln·fol: and rubber b:md.;. This move was primarily instigated at the r quest of the citizens of Palms, cal1fom!a,
who cla1med that promment mc-mbers or the.r community had been
us1ng these \ita! commodities for re-plating and re-treadmg their
::,\IOBILF.. ALA., . EPT 12. (l.O.U. J- .
It has bc<n at nounced that the City C<>uncll has just pa.->Sed an
ordinance making 1t Illegal for r<'sidents or their to'll.'n to v.ear garments containing wool "hen the temperat.urc exceeds 70 degre:os.
Jonat.hnn Qumccberry, chairman of t.lte investtgatlng committee,
was quoted ns saying:
")lany Indignities \H're brought to my attention in our recent
s urvey. Loral rt'o;lclt'nt~ h:nc bl.'t'll seen "earlng 'O <'arrs or 10 per
cent wool ~hf'n the t'llm.tic did not justify this. We hope by legal
intervention to ..ave t'itizcns from committinr this g-rave error
H OLL"i:·wooo. CALI F .. ~ov. 10. (,\ .W.O.I,.l- Nellie de Ia Amour, mm·le glamour queen today angrily den.ed
charges bro:~ght by Sophie Duckrnslobb<lr. her former m:ud, to the
effect that s~e uSl'd two lumps of sugar ln her ~ffee.
M:.ss de Ia Amour oonflded t.o reporters:
":"ophle is quite ml~taken In her t'ha rrts. What she saw and
a o;econd lum p of .. upr \Ia., at'toall~ my thiamin
chloride pill, "hich I take dally for :ld df'd "oomph."
Hal Baird
f . l DR H'.~TJ0\1
"t andn rtl C n r d• (, .,..d
E'- t',I:;R'f
Robertson a nd Cadillac
CHANGE~ FOR 1912-13
Recen th· a bulletin concerning possible
chan ges in· the H amilton curriculu m for
coming terms was rcl£>a~ed by the pt~nci·
pal's of fice . It listed, among oth er thmgs,
the proposed changes for g raduation requiremen ts and stepped up this term 's program t o h elp prepa re the gradua te m ore
full\' for wor k for further study afte~
One of the item!' deals with the Amer icanization of tl1e students by the full pro·
m otion of Student J:ody government, service acth·ities, etc., this to be accomplish ed
by a g reater emphagi=' being placed on ex~
tra-CUI'I'icu la t' activities by students an~
f a culty.
The need for greater empha,i:; on these
acti\·itie:; !)as long been acute in the ::mall
number of !'tudcnts up for election for the
lcs~cr offices of th£> go,·ernment. Hamilton i:s already more cons ious of student
bodv government than other "chools becau ··e of the 'ery repr£> ...en tive form of
go\er nment we haH• n ' . The added empha:-i.;; ''ill, howe\'er, d
mu h toward
bringing up inte1·est in the ,.,mailer office~.
Cl:\<"0 DE i\J \YO
Hamilton has ah\ a' 1 , d an active
Spnnbh dep.1rtment. T ·
ar is no e.xcepi.wn. It. and the P. -American Club,
h ave ,..pom;urecl t\\ o fm , emblie;:;. The
first, featuring Senior A m n, \\a,; highly
appreciated by the stu
t ody and caus·
ed a great deal of fa\
e comment by
them. The ser'ond. Ia t Tu day, honoring
the l\Iexican Fourth of Jtl , Cinco de l\Iayo,
was equally well rece'ved v the students.
Our Spanbh departm n
to be congratu·
lated on its fine work.
Students last \\C k
greatly honored by many membet
ommunity in
their whole-hearte 1
rt ipation in the
xouth \\·eek ob~cnance-... Leadllr5 of ij)e
Culver-Palm::; and P co-R
1 t on dbtrict s
ga\'e up n great deal o
r ime to ::.how
theit· job:; to Hamilton
, and to explain
them on n>eational da)
,tudents of
the lOth and 12th gra
. Hamilton high
school students realh· ap r iat& the time
and energy :;o willingly g·\en.
X pectcd to
,\ I tlstlc
Jl ilppv
.\ Ils=h e\ous
I ntclllgent
T nlkat ve
. Herman. Alan
..... \ bbo't, Mlr.le
~lahoney. P at
.. t vor), Jorce
....Locke Nancy
r yler Ken
')'Brien Brian
- '\oack Kenny
At The
J r Wl-:t. •:n -
(O"'Il'l to
t :Jf"Ttt
Sunburst Malt Shop
Meet You r F ellow Yankeea
For Ou r
J K \\ .~ l. RY
.,...rt \\ "t r h
J " " "l r 7
t; •
Hf'pn l rht~
" · rtc:o
Il L \
a,... .~na ..t••
C'RHt'rle w
"Gob-Gob" Special
Howard Hilborn
81MIO \\'\'IRJ~ G TO ~
R T. \ ' 0.
AR. 8-9137
Friday, )lay 8, 1942
Page 3
---------------------------------------------------- ~
Sun Flowers toThe Ham!Jton Varsity track squad
for t.beir fine sllowmg against a.
weak, but scrappy Venice team
that went down to defl.'at in all
three divisions last Fnday, May 1,
on Hamilton field. The boys !rom
,.....,tt arrnugus. "' 11 Y re~ 11 Y did
d own_"'~
fed Netmen In
Yank Cindermen
Sl.nk Gondoli.ers
Track Teams Set
For Dorsey Dons
Romans Nose Out \
Banker Linksmen
Taking eight f!r.;t places and
It appears that L. A. high school
an abundance of seconds and
will once again rule the city go!!
[thirds, the Yankee Va~slty smash- I What ~romls:ct to be one o! roost de.splte the valiant e!fort.s of
After "'hitew!lshlng an "Oh, S()
ed tho Venice Gondoliers 60 Y.: to Ham!!ton s most successful ~nnls Hnmilton's \-arsity goJf teem to pr?ud" Gondolier s?uad the con1
43~ last Friday on the Hamilton st'asons In many a year, Is now In unseat them from their lofty and !!cent and. high-~plrlted Hnm!lton
the midst of a "floperoo" and looks
Yankees Will try to repeat la.st
I From the opening f'Vt'nt the as if its going to be a disaster. T'ne seemingly pl.'rmnnent perch.
'\\e<'k' th '11'
t u "lh b taking
1Yanks had the llH'e& under conThe Yankees and Romans treked
n mg n m
1trol, desplte so:ne good t.lccs run netmen have en!:;.lgcd In four league to R anc h o go If course 1ns t •Monday on
m~'n In green and v;hlte, the
~~n~,~~~~~ ~J 0~~d ~ h~ ~l;;)toa~:~: I by the ve~ctlans. Bob Winship :~~~~e.s. of which tlley lost the for thelr championship deciding ~~e~e 0~~~sent time Hamilton
ice's 29 1-2.
wa.s the on,y double w,nner of the
'The reason for the Federalists match and the Romans returned and Dorsey are deadlocked for Ule
Bob Winship In t11e 100-yd. dash meet. when he took the 100 and
the \1ctor.s by a thin seventeen third spot in the wes:ern League
and the 180-yd. low hur<lles was the low hurdles.
poor showmg is the tough compe- stroke margin. Aggregating a total campaign, each hr.vmg a v;m and
the only doublt' "'Inner of the arIn the opl.'n:ng event Bill Skel- tltion which they ha\'e had to en- of 420 to the local linksme-n' 437.
a. defeat to their record.~. Both
~rnoon. Howe-\·er. some very erect- ley won comfortably O\'CT the Ve- counter. They w&re doill{l' excellent
Eddie Caseble-z·. who has yet to 1squads trounced the hapless YenJtable performances were turned bY netlan half-mller. The time was work In their practice matches, meet a better golft'r, continued his lee tracksters in theu respect!\'&
Wlllard "Joseph"
Skelly who a slow 2:13.
but. when the league campaign got Winning ways with a consistent 38-lcontests.
breezed ~om~ an easy \\inner over
Winshlp ran a fast race to nab under wa:--. It \\as just out of their 37, 76. Herb Hall carded an 81, "'bile
Led by popular Bill Skelley, '1\'h<>
s slow field m the 880; Pat Sulll- the century from Darby colored class. Hamllton netters could have F.d R~evay, Roman No. 2 man, led took the spotlight aga r:~>t vemc&
van who garnered the first place sprinter from Venice The t·me
no hope for defeatl..ng such schools the \'lctors with a 79.
by ~inning IJle 880 With vards t<>
1 I as
points In the pole vault, George
Hollywood and Fairfax who
Bob Samse!J. handical?ped with a spare and placmg 8 second In the
Burch bringing in another first in 1°~
· was fast, cons!denng the boast several national and state bad a~kle. suffered.• v.lule winning 220. coach Donahue's men w!l1 be
the 440 in 549. and Cleve Carlson wmd blowing down the track.
the m.Je m Fnda~ s track meet, the slight favorites this afternoon
and Sherm Worth who also brought
George Burch ran a fast quar- ~ Although the tennis team as a slipped to a 94. Jack Hawkins ram-~ at 3 : 15 p.m.
home ~lrst.s in the high jump and ter to take hls first victory of the whole i.s not doing so well, there med down a ten?foot putt on the
broad JUmp, rt'Spectlvely.
year. Skelley wa.s entered ln the are a few member.:; ..,. h<> are doing final green to tally an 89 and end
Sparking the Don aggregation
220 where the Yanks have been all they can to keep the local school in a draw with We~Ung of L. A.
\\ill be Tom Palmer. school record
- l\licigets Also Do Itweak all season. He .surprised in the running. Bill Earn, Capt.
The Yankees return to the Ranch holder of the high JUmp. hl~h hur~
d J k p
., fairways Monday when th
dies, and the quarter mt:e. Hal
The pcwerful Bee and Cee track- everybody by running a good race
ars a 11 l\1 el', ,?n
ac,. " otz
h So t.h G
ey ace Broadway IS the1r hope in the half
sters staged a three-ring circus and takin"' a second place behind Roseman ar.e the big guns on this l e
ate Ramblers.
mile and Don Allen mil ha\'C to
Friday, much to the delight o! Mitchell of Venice.
year's tenms squad. They ha:e aomatch his speed with Hamilton's
Hamilton's rabid fans. as they
of theoutwmnmg
in the t.h,,
n t 11e 1lurdles t h e y an ks made counted
matches for
and are
on ;he
... ·Winship
1. ted t t
, · "Win
h dchalked up scores that Wl.'nt some- a gOOd showing when Cleve Carlt t •I
I } IS s a
0 ear e tape a ea
thing hke this: Bee score-Ham- son took a second In the high co~ T)
t , d t U ._
ilton, 65 1-2 to Venice':; 29 1-2; Oee
e rae e eers ra'e1e. 0
third against University. running
score-Hamilton, 41 1-2. Venice, and Wnl.~hlp mpped Sherriff at versltY la.~t week and ~tllr!a~ Yt'S'the 100 yard dash In 10.4.
35 l-2. This week the Yank lighties the tape to win the 18 lows.
t:~day both of their tnps bemg in
Conch Howw Robert;, Bees ~'ho
face a potent Dorsey h'gh cinder
The relay was won by Venice in vam. Capt. Marshall. ':\.filler led the
are showing terrific power this seateam In what should pro~e to be a. I the siow time or 3:15.
~nlve~ity a.;;sa~l! ~·~~h a win over
Functioning smooth tv
even son, having de!eaud Fairfax and
halr-raLSer for those that like their 1 In the field events the Yanks ave anster, - · - •
wlthou th
· ··
Venice both in thel~ previous
meets packed with the unexpected falred much ~tter than they did
The Yankee . nt'lte~s have one
e services of Bob Her- met'ts, will have their \\'Ork cut out
that Is bound to happen ..,hen two I against Fairfax. Sullivan and match. rt'malnmg, ""hlch .. If they man, In the
• the Hamilton !3ee for them toda~· against last year's
clo.o;ely contested teams meet in the I Starr took the flr~t two places In
"Ill place the~ m a ftfth spot team last Fr:day swept all be tore league cham mons.
same place and at the same time. the pole vault. Worth w0 th
the final Westeln League stand-~ them a.s they mowed the the VenRobbie -Robinson and Bill Me•
broad jwrp and MilJett ~0k e ngs.
Ice Bees down to the tune of 65Jh ~owan, ~ ho took firsts m l.tle Bee
. a
Wh t
th·r i · ·
to 29•2·
660 and 220. respectlve:y, shottlcl
a a i\lan Samsell!, d n the shot. In the high
I Herman. who was being saved comr through again turnmg in vic•
It has often been stated that to jump, Carl~on. Han~en, and Moss
for the Dorsey meet won th toms for their Alma Mater.
be ~ letter w1nner m a ~port a fel - 1all contnbuted po:nts to the
1broad jump and finl;hed
.e The ''big noi1>es" on the Donsr
IO\\ mu:sL be outstanpmg m his cause. by first and second place
h the hi h j
second lightweight .<:quad are B<>yd, Elllot,
cho:;en fu~ld. n would seem accord- \\'111S and a thtrd place ~le, respec'r
ump as •n•.l as run- Willcut and Roberts.
ing to these eyes that Bob Samsell Lively.
Well, ;\le Heartiesn ng ~nchor on a !a.~t relay. WmFoll~wing Is the pr~'sent Western
must be qu!te a gu~·· ha.,.·mg already
How go tho.se tests? zoe Willis tler o •. the hundred was Anderson, L~agtll.' standing:;; "A''
won a monogram m ~wo sports. A
seems to be in the lead in moot prom.smg .roung Ere pro.spL'Ct. Fairfax ..- .................. 2 o .1000
member of the Hamilton golf team.
100-Winl'hip !H), Darby lV), e\'erything so far. She's done did Anderson nipped sprcdy Bill ~fe- Unlver.sitv
............. 2 o .1000
Bob pr~vcd himself quite a links- Amato IH>. 10.7.
the b.1se-nmning m 10.5 and gowan in the 100 In the slow time H:\:1.-IILTON ........._, 1 1
man tiL.>. semester when he took
220-~fitchell <V), Skelley <H), knocked up 100 pomts. in the bas- of 11.0 ~ec. ::1.-Iegowan won the 220 Dorsey ................... __ 1 1
the maJOrity o~ his seeded matches. Noack IHJ. 24.4.
ketball accuracy throw. Colleen 1in 24.4 sec.
Hollywood ................. o 2
'!:~1n ~htotph Lhls tolff hHe eatlnltoed him4-10-Burch I H>, Simonson IV), Walsh got twenty-five points In
Venice was limited to three first Venice ......... .. .......... 0 2
..,- n ud
on 1e am
n ten- Derke IV>. 54 9.
the speedball goal kick. and Bar- 1
nis team. N; if this weren't enough,
bara Baker did the tz-.tck walking Paces, a 11 ~~.them In fle.d e\ents.
Bob ha!> 110\\ gone out for track and
880-Skelley CH>, Giovannangzi in 5.1: Eveline Pearson did 1t in The Gondo.lcr Bee won the shot,
t p
mace QUite a showin~ for himself (VI, DeGarmo IH). 2:13.7.
5.6· JO\'CC Tene\'Ck in 59 and pole vault. and the h.gh jump.
I ge s
ower u
already In the dual meets. That's
M1le-Samsell \H), Fletcher (H), "T~nsie" clarK 1n 5.30.
· '
. As usual, Jim Ardy won both In Venice Win
some record for anybody!
Smlth IHJ. 5:06.
other swell •he 70-vd. ht~hs and the 120 lows.,
Relay-Venicl.', 3:15.1.
reports have Ardy was followed to the tape In
The powerful c~ team v.:or. their
- S\\lm FinalsHigh Jump-Carlson <H>. Han!been turned in, both i.nstances by Ven1ce men. second league meet last Fr:day.
This week the variou.o; swim sen I HI, tie for third between :\·loss
too. but what is Ardy's t.m('S were 9.3 and 14.2, \\hen they downed lh · m.ubborn
teams representing the western • CH>. Porter (V). 5.8.
really p:1zzling respectl\'Cly.
Venetl'ans 41% 1.6 351-!,, V~'rnon Blnc
is how some of
Hamilton came close to s\\·eep- of Hamilton, and Bob Bahargul.s
Lea!!ue meet in the Lo.s Angeles I Shot Put-'Williams CV). Bruner
high pool for the league finals. (VJ, M1llet tHJ. 42 ft. 10 in.
these dreamlin- ing both d.stanccs with three from Venice wc>re both dl)•tblc> wmSome of the boys to watch from
Broad Jump.-Worth IH), Black ,
ed figures whls- places !n the 1320 and the first ners through the day's. festivities.
Hamtlton In the Varsity and Bee <VJ Derx <V). 19 ft. 7 ln.
tied around the j two 111 the 660. Wmner or the 660
Jim 0!-eck of linmtl~on shov.ed
d~v!slons will be: Stan Smith, Jack
u·ack ~l some- was Robbv Robinson ·It' L' cis- class as h.e ran a fast 660 t':> beat
Brodaway. Dick Weevil, Stnn JackPole Vault-Sullivan lH), Starr
thin' like 6.18 l 1 •
., n
a Vemce- man. When Lockwood
and up when ~I folio.'' 1ng h.m to the f;msh. of Venice took the 100. th~> Yankee
son, Ray Evarts, Schuyler, Hixon, <H>, Nickell <V>. 12 ft.
and R<mold Sle~>. The lightweights
120 H. H.-Sh!.'rriff (V), carlson
the v can do
me was 1.32·
rause looked dark. HOW!":er Vernon
''ill enter Pat carruthers. Jack (HI, N1ckell <V>. 16.
Wolf, Herebia, and Wdnstock Blix \\on the l'hot at. 44 ft. and
Steven.<;, B11l Murray, Delbert. Lew180-L. H.-Winshlp !H), Sherof Hamilton. swept the 1320, C.n- came back to take tl'.e 120 :ows.
is. antt Kent Broadbeck as their riff 1HJ, Darby 1 v 1 . 21.3.
Joy Probst ~ld Enybad:v
lshing ln that order. Time v;as
One of the better mark.~ of the
part of the afternoon's proceedings.
s~ the mas- 3:36:0.
!day was m11de whl.'n Bohar~uls ran
ter m!nds O'Hara and Ma.son out 1 Hamilton's relay squad, one of th~ 50 In 6 seconds flat. The Venmeasurlng
field? Seems the fastest m the city, easily beat j1ce relay team al.•o scor•'d an upBreathtaking Battle 1they neededthetoathletic
know the measure- tht' Gondolier team in the excellent set when they defeated the YanBasketball T earns
ln Hamilton Gym
ments for the coming play day time of 1:11. The t.eam \\as com- ket' rela\' team in 49.4.
u1ext Tuesday, the twelfth) and posed or Anderson, Herman FredResult.c;:
Entertain Visitors
Murray ''Swede'' Jet1Sen amaz- 1were out "ith tape and paper erici, and Ardy.
.660-Qreck <H), Rcunde~ald (H) •
computing to he:Jrts' content when
IL1s.~ IH).
A thrilling basketball game beBroad Jumr>-&harguls <V>. penh\·een members of la.)t ·;ear's bas- ed the bewildered _cro~d last. :\ton- Bette Snowden and cohort raced
Cla.s~ Bee
land <H>, Cra\\ford IHl, 17 tt.
ketball tenms. t'nlhralled· visitors at dtty by na1llng h1:s overrated op- out and savect them Coach Roberts
ponent. Bob Herman, after a thrill- gave all the measurements later
100- Anderson <Hl. Mcgowan· 4 .. 111.
Open House last week.
1 Shot Put-BIIx IH1, Bordeau (H),
The two teams were the Mouses lng and breathtaking battle in the 1 and saved the gym-masters from tHl, Duff 1VJ. Time: 11.0 :>ec.
senous sun-stroke and an even
660-Robinson IHl. Lindsley <H) Lunden tV). 44 ft.
and !!he Engles, \\ ith the Eagles fi- Hamllto .,..,.
. . n °"m.
worse fate, a mathematical col- Marcus (V). Time: 1:32:0.
100-Loci<wood IVJ, Marquez I.V>.
nally wlnlllng, 20 to 17. RepresentO Bnen certainly made U1e going lapse.
Kurtzman <H> 118
ing the Mouses were: Abt. Shielz,
70 H H A d
Renni~r i'ii>.r ,f;~:>9 Duff <V>. High. Jump_.:.Lu~tlln IV) Fromm
Munson, De Garmo. and Paul rough for Ruben Heredia, push· sec. (H), on,
t1e Cooper
(Hl nn:t Couden
Rowe. The Eagle quintet col1Sisted 1ng hi m away with his lt!gs when- Ode to ;\layhcm220-Megowan iHl.· Frederic!
IV>. 5 ft ..
3 in.
of Purchl!Se, Goldsmith. Jone-s. Cap- ever Ruben tried to score a fall.
Pauline Kl.'lley getting too much Marcus tVJ. Time: 24.4 sec.
50-Boharguis 1v 1
tain "Rex Ea.,<>en, and Roseman.
the latter finally coming out on ultra-violet from Ole ,~n ~unh~~~
Shot Put-Anderson tV), Rivera Penland 1H1, 6.0 sec.' Ma:-k !H),
it of
Lesy man IHJ. Merkhng <HJ. 42 ft. 2 in.
120-L. H.-Blix IHJ, Kurtzman
Ra l ph Wrtght, la.st ~ears champ on the receiving end of a baseball
Broad Jump-Herman I H). Eas. Marquez I Vl. 14 8 sec.
v.ent to a decision over Bill Jec- during one of the noon games. with I on (V J. Burch. <V!. 20 !t. 17 ln.
Relay-Venice first; Hamilton,
· h.
"' dl' t th
-''h a K o49 4 sec.
k E1 lll
1 1 120 L. H.-Ardy !H\, Travella 1serond
MO'J'OR 111 'I."E"TCE
pl1111 tnx
IS c ass; wh1,e Long de- ·••Ill m o
e rescue \\I•
Pole ..vault-Tingler
IV) tie M rk
AR. 8·9738 feated O'Connell In the hea\'Y- dee Fudge Ice crl.'am bar. (plug!l
IVJ. Willtams tHl. 14.2 sec.
CHI, and Abt tH>. 10 ft. '
. a
1320-Wolf IHl, Heredia. (H), 1 Final !'core-Hamilton 411 •• Venl '"ri., ':lf .
'In,- '• 0 I weights. Ashford was another vic-,1 Wa t ch the Birdie' tor. beating Licata.
Weh1Stock I H). 3·36:0.
ice. 3512.
•·T ttf.; '\ H.HT O t•' J \ '\, 16"
--and watoh 1t well! Comp; ng to
" .\\11)'\ t: 'I'HE 1.1\t,fr
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 these orders .the sixth periocl gym
High Jump-Duff <V>. Herman
1 class formed a huge H and went (H). Henderson <Vl. 5 ft. 7 ln.
Sun .• \Jun .• . -l'ttt'...,.
\In-, 10, 11, 1!.!
Q, 1lhroug'h contortions and calisthen-1' Relay-Hamilton first; Venice,
"IIIR'l' ll OF ' rilE Ul.l g..,·•
) 81 d
ics for one lo:1e photogr11pher. Ray second. T1me: 1: 11 sec.
.. 'I ' ll g .....; lit'\ 1'\ t: TfH ( ll''
10321 Naltona
1'irf"'fi; nnrl nuCf• In s:rtod
V •
McCurdy. The pictures should turn
Pole Vault.-Qulnters <V>. Mad('nnflftfn n
" ...... Thnu··~.
"" Y t:~. 11
"IF IT'S LUMBER • out keen because a ~hole period sen tHl. Tie Traverella (C) and
" "· _''-·-"~::~ ..,' '_J_._ E..,I!.''
Davidson <H). 10 ft 9 ln.
$125 CASH
1 of baseball fun was lost. If they
"OULH.&,t: \ot'\to 1_, 01 ..
AR. 8·3475 __ AS. 4-2590
don't, IL Will only lead t{) blood-J Final score-Hamilton, 65h; Ven----~~~~~~==:=~~~~~~~====~======:;:;~====~:sh:c:d:!~---------ice, 29•2.
12 1
Hamilton Bees
sweep venice
co FED
·----- - -
Palm5 Lumuer C
f 1
Page 4
F riday, May 8, 1942
Navy Commends
Boys for Models
Orchid to You?
- - - B J BOB MA.CY---
IHamilton F acuity
' Helps Ration Sugar
SPEJO • .. ·:
"In recognition of this school's
Gordon Hogg, sentor Aye, has
Although sugar registration for
Arriving This Weekcontribution to the medel air· been selected as the winner o! this private household use did not start
t~ take over the command re· eran project and the first mass week's orchid. Gordon was vice· untn this week, three of Hamilton's
E1 Cinco de r.ra.yo, el cual se ccledelivery of scale model planes to president of the Senior Bee c'--~ faculty under the chairmanship of bro en Hamilton con una fiesta
cently vacated by Lt. J. P. Green- t he U 5 Navy ' '
1 us
found on and worked towArds presenting the
· E. Roseman were
e nuc e
grande, sera el dia. mas importante
This ·is ·the lose....tptlon
wood, was Colonel Charles Ide, the
re- d e1 ano en Me j!co. Es en conmemcertificate awarded to Hamil- Color !Day to the student body with
formerly or the Fairfax high R.O. ton high school by the Navy at the theme of Islanders. B1s part 1corded nearly 2;,0 c~mmercia.l users oraclon del 5 de mayo, 1862, cuan•
T .C. Battalion. Colonel Ide graduas the district of sugar in this dlstrict on Tues- do Wl ejerc!to de 2000 pobres meKNX Columbia Square, last Saturattorney In the day and. Wednesday of last week.
jicanos gana..
ated from West Point with the day
w ki f
1 ht u1 the om
class of 1""" and has served for 37
The cert!Cicate of honor was
senior play of
or ng rom e g
- I
ron una vic<JVU
last term was lng to eight· at night. Mr. Rosetoria brillante
years in the armed forces or the signed by Lieutenant Commander
great 1 y e.c- mont, R. E. Hiller, and Miss cecil
centra el ejerUni ted States. E. R. De Long, U.S.N., and Donald
claimed by the Jones, aided by t~lve other partclto frances de
As was Lieut. Th~1•burg of C.B.S. V.P. Weste:n
time registrars, turned out 250 comNapoleon Ill.
Greenwood, Col. DiviSion and presented to Ha~Uaudience. He ' pleted forms in approximately 150
La forma de
Ide is a mem- I ton student body representatives,
IWas vice pres- man-hours of work. By comparison,
gob!erno r eber of the Field 'Bob Strong and B!ll Skoog.
!dent of the other local schools registering compubl!cana em•
A r t 1 1 1 e r Y I VIerling Kersey, superintendent
Nevlans I as t mercia! users took nearly ten times
<pejo en Me·
term and has as long to turn out twice the work,
jlco con est&
Reserve. Colonel of scbools, represented the various
Ide will remain L. A. high schools participating In
taken an ac- a tribute to the committee and the
In command or , the event and presented the planes
tLve part in corps of student typlst.s helping
the Fairfax unit to Commander De Long.
each activity of t~t group. His them.
En la ciudad
He will there:
During the playing of the "Star willingness to do anything he is 1 Cafe proprietors, "1\"holesalers, and 1_--=-.~ de Puelba de
fore of neces- Spangled Banner" at the close of asked and do it well. has been the retailers, bakery and confectlonary
Zaragonza, 0
slty.' spend only the program, model planes ~ere main reason for this honor thiS I managers and others from board-, Shirley Sha.peero
sea Puebla-,
half o! his time released from the top of the build- week.
lng houses and institutions in the que rue llamado para honrarle al
L----~_...- a t H a m Uton. i.ng.
If G<lrdon wlll call at the Fed- Culver City, West Adams, and the general que gano la batalla, hay
Bob Ma~y
When Col. Ide I
eralist office before the end of Fico-Robertson district, v 1 s 1 ted 1 una ~el~bracion ~nde cada ano.
1s at Fairfax, the unit w!ll be un·
scllool he will receive an order for 1Hamilton at some time during the r_.o., md1os de 1a cmdad se visten
der the coll'Ulland of Sergeant In·
an orchid from Sada's Flower 1 week to show figures stating the en trajes que son simbollcos de los
structor R. E. MacDowell, D.E:M.
quantity of sugar needed and the soladados franceses, espanoles, e
L. Let's give Col. Ide everythmg
use to w.hlch It is to be put. Aver- indios. Tiene!l .una batalla s!muwe've got and it'll be be no job
"Have you got your date?"
ages were based on certain month's !ada Y las nctlmas francesas se
to take honor school under his
''!Date for what?" ask t he stusaies In 1941 or 1942 or bolih.
llevan por las calles e~ una ~ro~
guidance. This is a 8(>al toward dent.s ot Hamilton.
Allotments ranged !rom a. few cesion funeral con musl~a Y fu g
which we have been \\Orklng ror
Why, a. date !or the J unior Copounds a month to thousands of arti!iciales. Hay semeJante6 celea long time. Let's r(!'Qlly get in ordinating CouncU Spring Formal
pounds !or the local Helms bakery. brac!ones en otras cludades de Me•
there and p!t.ch, and Lt11 be no dance coming May 15!
Out of f!Ity Short hand II stuIn bakeries and confectl.oneries Jico a este tlempo.
time a t all before we'll all be wearThis is the first formal dance put dents who took the official sixty- 70 per cent of the previous sugar
t p.
i~ red stars.
I on by the students of Hamilton for words-a-minute test in Gregg consumption will be doled out,
a long time, and • all the jivers shorths.nd last week twenty-one while cafe owners will be held to
should come out and support it, so
a mere 50 per cent ot their usual
D rafteesI as to make it an annual affair.
students passed the test with a very amount.
Are you anemic? If you are &
A little unusual at any time and
The theme of the dance will be Ihigh degree of accuracy.
1 I ndustrial users of sugar were member of Mrs. Leta Pier's perli>d
It is very unusual for student.s to allotted thei r share until the end In dietetics class. you know. Each
especially at this time in the se- centered around a nite-clu'b idea
mester. we receive news of a ne\\· that was so successful for the Isl- receive such a high percentage so of June. At that time they will student is reporting on a. common
again register. this time at their ailment and advises the correct diet
Bddition to the Hamllton R.O.T.C. anders' Prom last semester. The
Battalion. No longer are we pinch- girls should wear their cotton for- early in their shorthand careers. local ration board, to care for fu- for these various aUments. Each
ed wlt.h only one feminine member mals and the boys can wear sum- Mrs. Eleanor Boerstler, instructor, ture needs. The board wm also report is followed by test for the
in our ranks (Honorary Major mer sports clothes.
is delighted that so many students care for adjustments in the needs class. A few of the reports to be
Shirlee Garman>. but, thanks to The dance wlll be held at the Cui· have passed the test so early in' of wholesalers and retailers.
given include gaining and losing
K enny Reed. \\'e now have also an ver City city hall and the mus1c will their course.
weight, the value of exercise, care
Honorary Captaltl In the form of sllart promptly at 8 o'clock. ReStudents who proved themselves CHOOSE NEW OFFICERS
or the skin and hair, and the linpetite, charming, and oh, so nice, member, support this dance and outstanding in the test are: Esther
Mrs. Rubetta Brown's sixth per- portance of sleep.
Miss Barbara Bedwell. Due to the others will follow!
Poster, Barbara ~arnes, Sarah iod Social Living class recently 1 T he class recently had a. comlate date at which she was apBen.sussen, Pat J ordon, Doris Pick- elected class officers Those cmos- bined 3 period with Miss Alma.
pointed, it Is doubtful if Barbara
man. Betty J une Whalen, Joyce en were: Billy Pat Ahem, pres!- ~ Hokan.s~n·s home nursing . class,
•• • •
I vory, Helen ~.farkarian, Lorraine dent·
will buy one of those super-duper
Delores Eley vice-president· and enJOYed hearing Dr. Riddell,
feminine styled Army uniforms, but
·•sane Living and Balanced McCarty, Betty Ann t:'erklns, Gloria Doro'thy Laberge, 'recording secre: !chiropodist from t he w estwood foot
I doubt It that'll make much dif- Spending'. was the wpic recently Sirkin, Fred rica Fisher, Zelma tary; and Shirley Baglorre, roll sec- clink.
ference once you see her. Just re- discussed by three Senior Ayes vis- jTaylor. Lee Anderson. Shirley Ar======================-•
member fellas, eyes right is eyes it!ng the La Ballona grammar reta, Betty Leseman, Jeanne Beggs. retary.
right, not a contortionist's version school. ~bble Samsel!, Gordon Mary Lynn Brown, Norma Jean
of a neck stretching exercise, and Hogg; and car~lyn Lause were the ~Myers, Shirley Warte11, and Nancy RINEY WINS HONORS
anyhow, if you don't get a good students \\ho presented thls topic Wolte.
(Oon!Mlued from Page 1)
~ook on Monday. Barbara is on dis- in t.he form of an informal panel
when he learned o! his achieve- ,
The Fineat in the Weat
play In the Federalist office any discussion to the Parents-Teachers SENIORQ HAVE CHECKUP ment. He will receive a. gold wa.tch 1
8572 W. PJCO
fifth period.
Association of that school. They
with llis name and other data enCR. 56200
represented several of the Senior
(Continued from Page 1)
graved on lt. The score was 190 out
Nlarllt or Da7 Se M'i~
Ball D atesProblems classes of Hamilwn, at tlve teacher, and the physical edu- oof~a~
this meeting.
cation teachers.
For the past three weeks. this
Members of the P.-T.A. entered
This check-up is being carried
column has expected the privilege into the general discussion and ask- out as o. contribution t.o National
of printi.ng the name of the lucky ed questions concerning the topics. Defense, to give those student.s who
The visiting students also enjoy- are not in perfect physical condigirl who would have the honor of
enjoylng the coming MJiitary Ball ed a. program prior to their panel I tion an opportunity to correct their
Wlth our private pal, Bill Brenon. discussion.
defect.s before graduation.
It seems, however, that there are
so many female pests annoying our
Furnished by
good friend that he can't seem to
decide which one to oblige. Anyhow, If any news !breaks we'll rela:; it as soon as we can.
Future Stenos Show
Unusual Averages
Dietetics Class
Studies Ailments
yank v· .
p TA
Dr. J.E. Hapenney
Maude Riley Rindlaub School
Thuraday and Saturda y Service to Mothera
Care of Children from 4 to 10 Yean
H alf or All Day
Leslie V. Gray, Jeweler
Phone AR. 8-5588
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t 105 Glendon Avenue
Weatwood Villa~te
3835 MAIN ST.
Culver City
Del Mar Theatre
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